All saints' june 2015

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Magazine for

All Saints’ Church and St Mary & St Peter’s Church, Salcombe Regis

June 2015

50 p Suggested contribution



Team Letter from the Curate Dear Sid Valley Mission Community We are in that time of year again where we celebrate the birthday of the church or Pentecost. In the busyness of church life we can easily forget how remarkable that first birthday was. Actually it all began with a remarkable vision. Back in Acts 1:6, the disciples ask of Jesus, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” that is from their Roman oppressors. Jesus' answer is frustratingly vague, (Acts 1:7) “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” But then he continues "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” As Jesus mentions Jerusalem the disciples would think, “Well that's doable, we know a few people. It shouldn't be too hard to start a church in Jerusalem.” But then Jesus adds Judea to the vision. The disciples would think, “Ok, well we might need a few donkeys but we know the countryside, we can make this work.” But the vision is extended further still as Jesus adds Samaria. “Samaria!?” they would think, “Samaritans are dirty. They don't worship the same way as we do. They speak differently, why go there?” And then the final bombshell is dropped as Jesus concludes, “...and to the ends of the earth!” In 33 A.D. these simple fisherman could not have possibly imagined where the earth ended, or what lay ahead of them. Or even that they would have to carry the Gospel to their Roman oppressors! Recently in our Family@4 service we looked at Ephesians 3:20, “...God is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine.” We are the proof of this verse. Carried by a few fisherman with no cars, very little money and imaginations significantly curtailed by persecution - the Gospel made it to Britain! And it went much further than that. I honestly believe that in our churches today what so often holds us back is not time, or money, or staff, or resources, but simply our own imagination. Our imaginations take us captive because we can only foresee what we believe is rationally possible. We know the answers to our prayers before we pray them.

Kirsty’s Zone EPIC Every Person In Church Some may have heard EPIC mentioned as regards our church and wondering what it’s all about. So, I thought I would use this opportunity to let you know a bit more. EPIC was created after our home group over 3 years ago. We were chatting (we do lot of that!) and we thought let’s have a family church camp. Within about 5 minutes this camp was name EPIC (after my son’s game they used to play at school, EPIC) and we had the first weekend planned out. We decided that EPIC for this occasion stands for Every Person in Church. We ummed and rrrd whether it should be Christ or Church and settled for church. This year will be our fourth EPIC. You are welcome to come! It’s on the Sat 11th and 12th July up at the Salcombe Regis Recreation Field (Salcombe Hill). It’s a fun weekend, of crafts, sports, coffee, chatting, chilling, BBQ, (more coffee!) campfire, prayer walk, bouncy castle (yes we have one in church now!) and then on the Sunday the All Saints 9.45 service will be relocated up onto the field (weather permitting and please bring a chair!). There is no charge. We just want this chance for EVERY Person in Church, not one church, all our churches (the church as a body) to get together and use as a time for fellowship, time out and make new relationships and friendships. Paul wrote to the Ephesians about how to be the church and to be “in Christ”. After giving advice on how to stay out of the dark eg. no unclean speech, sexual sin, no idolising, Paul then continues to say in Ephesians 5:19 (NIRV) “Speak to each other with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord. Always give thanks to God the Father for everything. Give thanks to him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Follow the lead of one another because of your respect for Christ.” Let’s hold onto that, as we come together, as we try to be the church that Paul and Jesus would have wanted. Kirsty Hammond


Diary Dates for June All Saints’ & St Mary & St Peter’s Churches See regular activities for further information and below for Rose Lawn Tuesday 2nd Prayer and Praise 7.30 pm Saturday 6th Me and My Dad 8.30 am All Saints’ Church Hall Sunday 7th Knitted goods collection for CR2EE Tuesday 9th Friendship group 10 am All Saints’ Wednesday 10th CMS meeting at 2.30 pm Wychwood, Sidcliffe see p 8 Thursday 11th Messy Church 3.30 pm p4 St Francis’ Church Hall Saturday 13th Sidbury Village Fete p8 Wednesday 17th by 9am Magazine copy date - please see note on page 19 under magazine editors regarding articles for publishing.

Saturday 20th Man to Man 8am p4 All Saints’ Church Hall Saturday 27th Coffee & Co. meeting on 10am to noon p4

Sidholme Organ Friends Association Nigel Ogden concert at 7.30pm on 24th July in Sidmouth Methodist Church is open to all and tickets £10 (under 18 free) will be on sale, during July, at Paragon Bookshop, High St. Sidmouth, as well as on the door. John McGregor (Sidholme Organ Friends Association)

Rose Lawn Holy Communion 9 June 11am led by Revd David Lewis, Eileen Bevington pianist. Sunday afternoons 4.30 followed by tea 14th Chris Wilson with Felicity Wilson pianist 28 June Revd Jean Wadsworth, Eileen Bevington pianist


WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS’, SIDMOUTH Our Mission: We exist to see lives transformed by Christ. Our Vision is that All Saints’ should be increasingly:  God honouring, Christ following, Spirit-led and Bible-based  Welcoming, open hearted, outward looking and relevant  A people who are humble, gracious, generous and servant hearted. Our service times are scheduled on page 16 of the magazine. The 8am Holy Communion follows the Book of Common Prayer. The 9.45 Service offers informal contemporary worship during which there’s seekers@saints, separate age related activities in five different groups for those aged 3 to teens. There are crèche facilities for the under 3s. The 11.15 am Service follows Common Worship. We hope you will always find a warm welcome here, and worship which is both reverent and meaningful. For disabled people we have level access into the Church by all doors, and a ramp to the Hall and toilets (including adapted toilet); we also provide baby changing facilities. There is an efficient loudspeaker system for those who find listening difficult. A hearing loop, covering most of the church and hall, serves those with hearing aids switched to the ‘T’ position. The car park is available free for those attending services and meetings. Permits for parking at other times are available for church members. All Saints’ Church is part of the Sid Valley Mission Community in the Devon Anglican Diocese.

Contents P 2 & 5 Curate’s Letter P4 Regular activities P5 Editors Note P6 - Around Salcombe Regis Parish P7 Profile— Sally Wilshaw P8 - P9 Events P10 Living below the poverty line P11 Prayer Focus

P12 All Saints’ Services for June P13 Salcombe Regis Services for June P14 & 15 Who’s Who & Contacts P16 - 25 Adverts P25 Flower Festival - St Francis’ P26 Diary Dates & Events P27 - 28 Kirsty’s Zone



REGULAR ACTIVITIES @ ALL SAINTS’ Prayer Groups  Weekly prayer, Friday 9.00 - 9.30 am in Church.  Monthly prayer and praise, 7.30 pm the first Tuesday of each month in Church  Men’s Prayer group, 7am each Friday morning in church. Contact Phil Cranch. House Groups There are many groups which meet at various places in the valley on different days and times. Please contact Brenda Richards for information. Pastoral Team (vacancy) Anyone who would like to discuss potential visits should initially contact the Vicar. Friendship Group for retired people, meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 10am - 12noon for coffee, board games, and other varied activities. Chris Lowden manages this event. Happy Feet babies and toddler group for pre-schoolers and their families Tuesday mornings 10-11.30am (term-time) for play, craft, story time and songs for children and chat, support and home-made refreshments for adults. Contact Helen Barrett. Me and My Dad, A monthly group for fathers and their children First Saturday of the month 8.30 am. Coffee & Co is a group for people who would like to meet others just for friendship. Biddy Miller manages this event which meets on the 4th Saturday of each month 10 am - 12 noon. Snack ‘n chat meets for a simple lunch, from 12.15 pm on the first Tuesday of the month from October to April. Anne Kay manages this event. Man to Man Breakfast for the men normally on a third Saturday of a month at 8am – some for Christian men only and some outreach events. Contact Robin Johnson Messy Church is a fun packed session for children of all ages, accompanied by a parent, with games, craft, storytelling, songs, short bible talk and supper. 3.30pm - on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Contact Kirsty Hammond Missionary partners and Interests A blue leaflet in the foyer gives an overview of information. More detailed information is available on the notice board in the Church Hall. See page 15 for contact tel. numbers.


‘WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD’ Thanks are due to the people who organised and attended the three Coffee Mornings. Sufficient funds have been raised for the purchase of flowers for the Flower Festival to be held in St Francis Church from 3rd to 5th July. Stewards are required in the Church from 10.00am to 5.00pm on Friday, 3rd and Saturday, 4th July, and on Sunday, 5th from 11.00am to 4.00pm. Morning coffee and afternoon tea will be served in the church hall. Please invite your friends and neighbours to come to the church to view the displays on the theme ‘What a Wonderful World’. There will be a Service of Dedication on Thursday, 2nd July at 6.00pm and an Organ Recital by Keith Gibbs on Friday, 3rd July at 7.30pm.

SIDMOUTH IN BLOOM Sidmouth in Bloom are arranging for eighteen varied Secluded Gardens to be open between Thursday, 2nd and Monday, 6th July. Tickets for this will be on sale at Paragon Books, High Street, Sidmouth, and the Sidmouth Tourist Information Centre.



Editor’s Note -

“Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend your money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good , and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.” (Isaiah 55 v 1-2.) This is one of my favourite Bible passages exhorting us to taste of the goodness of the Lord. The photo on the front cover is a snapshot of Marwoodhill Gardens taken on a recent holiday in N Devon. It reminded us of the wonderful world which God has created for us to enjoy but, in this case, also needed a gardener’s vision to bring together the amazing variety of plants, trees and shrubs. The stream flowing through causes the garden to flourish. Being made in God’s image we also have the creativity of our God in us and his Holy Spirit to sustain; so you may enjoy the EPIC camp p9, and explained by Kirsty, p27; or the flower festival planned for July; or the creativity of music concerts on p26. Whatever you plan for this summer I hope you will enjoy and rejoice in the wonder of our Creator. This month’s magazine is shorter than usual as I did not have sufficient material for more pages. Next month is a double issue for July/August so don’t miss the opportunity to spread your message. contd. from p2 Yet, what Jesus actually says (Matthew 6:8) is “...your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” If you can imagine what 'your' (actually its God's) church will look like in 5-10 years time, whether negative or positive, then your mind is centre stage and God is still waiting in the wings. I can only suggest that you stop dreaming, open your eyes to your community and ask of God “Lord, what do you want to do in this place?” I challenge everyone in the Sid Valley Mission Community to pray that prayer over the summer. Its a very scary prayer because we may be in for some shocking answers. The glaringly obvious point is that these first disciples, and countless others at every stage in 2000 years of Christian history, never saw the Holy Spirit coming! Happy Birthday, Church! Mark Barrett


Thoughts from Salcombe Regis We are nearly half way through 2015 with the longest day being on Sunday 21st June. Oh dear, the evenings will soon be drawing in! However we must not let that thought depress us as there are many things to look forward to in the month of June, named after the Roman God Juno, the goddess of marriage. The flower for June is the lovely English rose and the birthstone is the pearl. Trooping the Colour on Horse-guards Parade celebrates our Queen’s official birthday on 13th June. An event full of pageantry and spectacle that Britain does so well. We have Wimbledon Fortnight, this year starting a week later on the 29th June and Royal Ascot also in June. An opportunity to eat strawberries and cream, drink champagne or Pimms, wear posh frocks, (that’s the ladies!) and generally enjoy everything that is on offer. Back in Sidmouth we hope for long hot summer days when barbeques, picnics on the beach or in the countryside will provide entertainment and catering for families and friends. We at Salcombe Regis will be looking forward to our shared picnic in the Churchyard on the 5th July. June is also holiday time for many. People holiday in a variety of different ways. Going abroad, cruising, caravan and camping holiday or just having family and friends staying and going out for days. Holidays can mean so many things to different people. Catching up with that book we haven’t yet read, just being lazy, lying on a beach, walking, cultural visits to museums, and exploring new places of interest but however we spend these times it is a change from the general routine of life, a time to relax, something in this modern age we all need to do and then come back refreshed, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to start again. Wherever, whatever or however you are holidaying, safe travelling and enjoy yourselves. We work together well at Salcombe Regis and welcome Daphne Sleight, Elizabeth Wright and Rita West as Sides-men at our 9.15 service; but still face the challenge of finding a new Churchwarden to support me and the PCC. Thank you to everyone who helped to make Salcombe Regis Country Fair yet another successful and enjoyable day. More about it next month. Burial of Ashes: Nancy Fison. May God grant her a share in His Kingdom. Annette Newman




Peoples’ Stories - Sally Wilshaw Last month Sally Wilshaw landed the job of a lifetime! One she thinks had her name on it. She would be the first to admit that her route to Mustard Seed manager was somewhat erratic. However, her stint at the Spar shop in Sidford has proved a useful training ground for welcoming all comers, and provided background in aspects of retail which will be valuable. Sally has a vision for the Mustard Seed which includes  being a beacon for Christians in the area  providing resources in the form of written material  friendship and support over coffee and cake. Also she believes that the shop is a safe and friendly environment for anyone needing a listening ear, and a means of community outreach .

sidmouth stationery & travel goods 58-60 temple street tel: 01395 519444 greeting cards gifts & souvenirs candles travel accessories paper & envelopes filing products craft supplies scissors games & puzzles travel guides & maps disposable tableware

HPC Registered

Home appointments

Sally, one of four children brought up in Croydon, moved down here in 1978, with sister Hilary (married to John Dunster) and eventually landed in All Saints in the mid nineties. Life has been far from easy sometimes, but Sally has experienced an overwhelming sense of God’s provision for her and her two daughters ( and five grandchildren ). October 2013 saw her moving into a new flat, March 2014 there was the assistant manager’s post at the Mustard Seed, and April this year she was appointed manager. Working with her will be Hilary, and Ken Nelhams- all attend the same home group, and feel the working relationship will be strengthened by the trust they have built up in that group. Within church, Sally is involved in Encounter- an opportunity to explore faith informally, to share joys and problems, and to eat cake…… ! At this point it seems obvious to mention the electric bike which has revolutionised her life, but not necessarily improved her fitness levels. She also organises a prayer meeting on the first Thursday of each month (7. 30 pm All Saints’) in connection with Hope for Justice and Restore organisations, which work to reduce suffering caused by human trafficking; Lydia, her daughter, works for Hope for Justice. Sally is keen to hear the views of those using the bookshop, to receive suggestions for stock, and to recruit reviewers to write for the shop and maybe the magazine too. If you have always walked past the shop, next time, go in and



contd. from page 7 say hello and browse. Sally and all her helpers will be pleased to welcome you. Rosemarie Luff


CMS Meeting There will be a meeting with our Link Mission Partners,

Alf and Hilary Cooper on Wednesday 10th June at 2.30 pm at my home., Wychwood, Sidcliffe. All are welcome. The meeting will be followed by refreshments.

Deans Taxis Sidmouth 01395 513022

David Bedford



2015 11th – 12th July EPIC is an In-Tents fun weekend with lots of activities and fun at the Salcombe Regis activity centre (by the Norman Lockyer Observatory) Come along for the day, the evening or the whole weekend!!!! And to come along and camp for the weekend it is completely FREE What’s on? Saturday: activities starting at 10:00 including bouncy castle, archery, ball games, slack line, music and drama workshops, treasure hunt and arts & crafts (donations for some activities on the day) Bring and share lunch: 12:00 Saturday Evening: BBQ (17:00) with campfire praise (bring some money for hotdogs at the amazing price of £1) Sunday morning: 09:45 worship service Come and experience Fine Dining at affordable prices Lunch Menu 2 Courses £15.95 Mid week evening special 2 courses £18.95 Weekend Evening Menu 3 Courses £28.95 Please call to reserve your table

01395 568100 Moores’ Restaurant, High Street, Newton Poppleford

For more information contact:John Hammond on 07854 506041 Or email

Christian response to eastern europe

I will be collecting any knitted goodies which may be heading our way, so please note that I shall be at church on Sunday June 7th. Of course, if needed I can come and collect from your home. Jackie Stephens 01395 516679



Sidmouth - Living below the line 1.2 billion people live on less than £1 a day. Could you? Four Sidmouth friends chose to rise to this challenge and “Live below the line”, choosing to each live on £1 a day for all of their food, for 5 days. The national initiative aims to raise funds and awareness to end extreme poverty. It serves as an opportunity for contemplation and self-challenge. It holds up a mirror to our own privilege, helping participants to explore ‘if I found the challenge difficult, how do others cope with the reality of extreme poverty?’ Julie Wheeler, one of the participants said “whilst we, of course, still enjoyed the luxuries of electricity, fridges and clean running water, living on a £1 a day was an eye-opening, thought-provoking challenge and an extremely humbling experience. I had worked out my budget for the week, allowing just 90p for cheese, when I was offered a piece worth £1 I was faced with having to ask them to take off 10ps worth! It brought home to me just how humbling it must be to go shopping with just a few coins in your pocket.” Other partakers, Andrea & Chris Thomas said, “It was a truly valuable, humbling experience. It made us value the food we have, even more. We didn’t realise how hard it would be to live on mostly rice & pasta, missing out on meat and fresh fruit. We now have a better understanding of those who live like this on a daily basis. We appreciate now how blessed we are to have three varied meals a day compared to those who may not even have one basic meal!” Many charities benefit from this national initiative, including Exeter based charity URAFIKI. Julie, together with Angie Carney, were part of a team raising funds for Salvation Army International Development (UK), who work to defeat poverty and injustice worldwide. To read more and/or make a donation, visit

Sidmouth Prayer Room Date for your diary...the next prayer room weekend will be July 3/4/5. More details to follow in notice sheet. If you would like to sign up to receive full details directly, please email asking to be added to the mailing list. Julie Wheeler

Working locally to support anyone affected by cancer face to face Around 17,000 visits were recorded at the FORCE Cancer Support Centre in 2013

What we do:

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Run a range of cancer support & information services (free) at FORCE Help fund state of the art equipment to improve cancer treatment Support pioneering local cancer research within the Exeter University Medical School

FORCE Cancer Support Centre, Corner House, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW (in the grounds of the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital Wonford) Open Mon – Fri 09.30am – 4.30pm (Wed 09.30am – 6.30pm). Drop in, no referral necessary or Telephone 01392 402875 visit



PRAYER FOCUS for JUNE Pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be poured out on God's people here: * For wisdom and discernment for all those involved in leading our churches * For those drawn to Christianity but unsure how to go forward * For those considering and being prepared for Baptism or Confirmation. * For young parents and children * For those being drawn to the Church through its activities and services, especially those taking place outside the usual Sunday services * For all church prayer groups and those for whom they pray * For all instrumentalists and singers who lead our music and singing * For Rev Susie Williams and her healing; and Rev Roger Trumper and his sabbatical * For members of the Women's Institute celebrating their centenary on June 4th

All Saints’ Church Fellowship Prayer list for June 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Gerald and Jennie Hudson Kathleen Hughes Margaret Jenkins Robin and Gill Johnson Mark and Annemarie Jones Ann Kay Wendy Kendrick Mary Kennaway Jean Kennett Esther King Clare Lawrence King Fran and Brendan Lee David and Wendy Lewis Sheila Lockwood Barry and Chris Lowden

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Rosemarie Luff Ian and Wendy Mackie Ann McCabe Rosemary Martin Chris and Sally Marvin Lorna Meers Andy and Maureen Millar Tony and Biddy Miller Paula Mills Roy and Olivia Milner Peter and Sue Mison Joyce Missing Gwyneth Moore Sebastien and Sarah Mounoury Derek and Jean Mountford




Trinity 1

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Mark Barrett 9:45 am &11:15 am Morning Services Title: Marriage Preacher: Carol Hawkins 9:45 am Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 1 – 16, 32 – 40 11:15 am Readings: Matthew 19: 1- 6; 1 Corinthians 7: 1 – 16, 32 – 40 4:00 pm


14 June

Trinity 2

9:45 am &11:15 am Morning Services Title: A servant to all Preacher: Alastair Bates 9:45 am Reading: 1 Corinthians 9: 11 – 27 11:15 am Readings: Matthew 20: 20 – 28; 1 Corinthians 9: 11 – 27 6:00 pm

Holy Communion

21 June

Trinity 3

8:00 am

Holy Communion (BCP)

Rev Handel Bennett

Rev Mark Barrett

9:45 am &11:15 am Morning Services Title: Fashion Preacher: Julie Wheeler 9:45 am Reading: 1 Corinthians 11: 1 - 16 11:15 am Readings: Matthew 26: 6 – 13; 1 Corinthians 11: 1 – 16

28 June

Trinity 4

9:45 am & 11:15 am Morning Services and Holy Communion Title: The Lord’s Supper Preacher: John Dunster 9:45 am Reading: 1 Corinthians 3: 1 – 23 11:15 am Readings: Matthew 26: 17 – 30; 1 Corinthians 11: 17 – 34 7:00 pm





SALCOMBE REGIS SERVICES 2015 7 June 9:15 am 11:00 am

Golden Gate Hair Solutions

14 June 8:00 am 9:15 am

Proprietor: Nicky Smith Telephone: 01395 512204 109 Temple Street, Sidmouth EX10 9BH

21 June 9:15 am 11:00 am

Trinity 1 Parish Communion Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Matins Title: Marriage Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Matthew 19: 1- 6; 1 Corinthians 7: 1 – 16, 32 – 40

Trinity 2 Holy Communion Preacher: Rev David Lewis Parish Communion Title: A servant to all Preacher: Rev David Lewis Readings: Matthew 20: 20 – 28; 1 Corinthians 9: 11 – 27

Trinity 3 Parish Communion Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Matins Title: Fashion Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Matthew 26: 6 – 13; 1 Corinthians 11: 1 – 16

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28 June

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8:00 am 9:15 am

Trinity 4 Holy Communion Preacher: Rev Robin Laird Parish Communion Title: The Lord’s Supper Preacher: Rev Robin Laird Readings: Matthew 26: 17 – 30; 1 Corinthians 11: 17 – 34



WHO’S WHO VICAR - Rev. Roger Trumper,

The Vicarage, All Saints Road, Sidmouth, EX10 8ES Tel.: 515963 Email: CURATE - Mark Barrett, 25 Lymebourne Park, Sidmouth EX10 9HZ Tel: 512645 Email: CHILDREN’S YOUTH WORKER - Kirsty Hammond Tel 07966 060350 Email: HON. ASSISTANT CLERGY Rev. Handel Bennett Rev. Kenneth Crooks


Canon Dennis Gurney





CHURCH ADMIN. ASSISTANT Phil Cranch Office email : CHURCH WARDENS Phil Cranch 515677 Rupert Crofts DEANERY SYNOD June Glennie Jennie Crabtree Hannah Vicarage

578722 568750 07944222276

Friendship Group Chris Lowden Children’s Ministry Tracey Tipton Prayer Chain Margaret Jenkins Man to Man Robin Johnson Men’s Prayer Phil Cranch Snack ‘n’ Chat Anne Kay Coffee & Co Biddy Miller Hall Bookings & Flower Rota Biddy Miller Messy Church Sally Marvin

489246 576804 577981 578433 515677

579040 513697 513697

READERS Mr John Dunster 578332 Reader Emeritus Mrs Joyce Blackwell 515436




GIVING Freewill Offering Geraldine Gee Gift Aid Gill Johnson


513697 579604 513697 579152 579345 01395 577130


ALL SAINTS WEB SITE : All Saints’ Church charity number 1128968


TEAM RECTOR - Sidmouth Parish Church Rev. Philip Bourne 512595

Rev. Roger Trumper - Vicar & Chairman Phil Cranch - Warden re-elected 2015 Rupert Crofts - Warden elected 2015 Gill Johnson - Treasurer elected 2014 Tony Miller - Secretary re-elected 2014 Barbara Allen - elected 2013 Alastair Bates elected 2014 Peter Fung - re-elected 2015 Fran Lee - elected 2013 Hannah Vicarage - Deanery Rep June Glennie - Deanery Rep Jennie Crabtree - Deanery Rep Mark Barrett - Curate John Dunster - Reader

All Saints & Salcombe Regis Rev. Roger Trumper 515963 Mark Barrett 512645 Kirsty Hammond 07966 060350 St. Francis, Woolbrook and Sidbury & Sidford Rev. Susie Williams 516036 Clergy & Staff Rest Days Rev. Roger Trumper - Thursday Mark Barrett - Wednesday Rev. Susie Williams - Wednesday

If you have an issue you wish to raise for the PCC's consideration, please write to Tony Miller - PCC Sec.


ELECTORAL ROLL SECRETARY Brenda Richards 01395 577130 Car Park Permits Tony Miller Notice Board Geraldine Gee Heating Tony Miller Sound System Martin Allen Bible Reading Notes Rosemarie Luff House Groups Brenda Richards WEBSITE Editor Paula Mills (



Magazine Editors Sidmouth Parish Church Margaret Jewes


St Francis, Woolbrook (Grapevine news letter) Jackie Herbert Sidbury & Sidford Janice Salway 514862 E-mail: Contacts for Salcombe Regis Church Annette Newman 513313 Erica Hodgson 577216

All Saints’ & Salcombe Regis Parish Churches Joyce Missing 516806 E-mail: If you have an article for All Saints’/ Salcombe Regis magazine, please send by email if possible; or put it in the “M” pigeon for my attention, and confirm by phone call, many thanks. I welcome your views.

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