Alliance Française: March - April

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Arts & CULTURe



Mon. 2 March

Special CinemAlliance | 6pm Screening & discussion with Jorge Clarke ‘AI & Voting Systems’ - How not to repeat Cambridge Analytica Thu. 5 March Concert | Céline Banza | Congolese singer Winner of the 2019 RFI Music Discoveries Award 7pm | Free Entry 6 - 8 March

‘The Debate’ | created by Mbeki Mwalimu Back to Basics production | 1200/Sat. 7 March

West African dance with Kahithe 3pm | 1500/Mon. 9 March

CinemAlliance | 6pm ‘Tout ce qu’il me reste de la révolution’ by Judith Davis Mon. 16 March

CinemAlliance | 6pm ‘Talking about Trees’ by Suhaib Gasmelbari 16 - 28 March

Exhibition / installation ‘Urinotron’ - a micro power plant using organic waste to produce energy and recycling it to pure water for irrigation

17 - 19 March

Semaine de la Francophonie School visits on prior booking for activities targeting French, Arts and Science students Tue. 17 March

Science Café | 6.30pm Integrating the Arts/Science and Technology to meet the 21st century challenges Fri. 20 March

World Francophonie Day Concert | Baloji | Belgian rapper 7pm | Free Entry Sat. 21 March

West African dance with Kahithe 3pm | 1500/Jazz | Beat Kaestli | 7pm | Free Entry Mon. 23 March CinemAlliance | 6pm ‘Libre’ by Michel Toesca Tue. 24 March

Lab Citoyen | 6pm | Prize Giving Poems on Children’s Rights Wed. 25 March

Café Littéraire | 7pm | Free Entry ‘Au-dessous du Volcan’ Sat. 28 March

‘The Dragonfly Sea’ by Yvonne Owuor The Performance Collective | 3pm | Free Entry

CINEMALLIANCE Every Monday @ 6pm, Free Entry All films in English or with English subtitles

SPECIAL CINEMALLIANCE Screening/Discussion AI & VOTING SYSTEMS ‘How not to repeat Cambridge Analytica’ with Jorge Clarke 2 March | 2h00 Screening of a short film ‘Democratic Rupture’ by Jorge Clarke. Jorge is a lecturer at the Neoma Business School in Reims, France, and holds a Phd in Applied Sciences. He will lead a discussion on the use of alternative voting systems to prevent a threat to democracy.

TOUT CE QU’IL ME RESTE DE LA RÉVOLUTION by Judith Davis 9 March | 2018 | Comedy | 1h28 Angèle’s parents first fell in love on the front lines of Maoist protests; now they are separated, and Angèle, an idealistic urban planner, struggles with the compromises her family has made in exchange for comfortable lives.

TALKING ABOUT TREES by Suhaib Gasmelbari 16 March | 2019 | Docu | 1h33 4 Sudanese filmmakers and friends for more than 45 years, are united again after long years of distance and exile, to bring life back to their old dream: make cinema a reality in the Sudan. They are determined to leave a trace of their passage and to inspire the love of films. LIBRE (To the four winds) by Michel Toesca 23 March | 2018 | Docu | 1h40 What the state deems a political issue, individual citizens regard as a humanitarian call to arms This thoughtful, grass roots documentary brings a fresh eye to the plight of migrants seeking asylum in Europe.

LE MYSTÈRE HENRI PICK by Rémi Bezançon 30 March | 2019 | Comedy| 1h41 A young publisher discovers an extraordinary manuscript that she immediately decides to publish. The novel becomes a bestseller. But its author, Henri Pick, a pizza maker who died two years earlier, never wrote anything but his shopping lists according to his wife.

RFI music PRIZE winner

CELINE BANZA , the Congolese singer, Céline Banza, will be in Nairobi as part of her African tour prize with her 5-man band. The jury, presided over by international artists including Angélique Kidjo and Tiken Jah Fakoly, selected Banza ahead of ten finalists from across the African continent. Céline Banza sings folk-inspired ballads in Ngbandi, a language spoken in the north of the Democratic Republic of Congo. She studied musicology at the National Institute of Arts in Kinshasa and is working on her debut album to be released later this year.

THU. 5 MARCH|7PM | Free Entry

La chanteuse congolaise Céline Banza, lauréate du Prix Découverte Radio France Internationale 2019, sera à Nairobi avec son groupe de cinq musiciens. Le jury qui était présidé par une foule d’artistes internationaux dont Angélique Kidjo et Tiken Jah Fakoly, a sélectionné Banza devant dix finalistes venus de tout le continent africain. Céline Banza chante des ballades d’inspiration folklorique en ngbandi, une langue parlée dans le nord de la République démocratique du Congo. Elle a étudié la musicologie à l’Institut national des arts de Kinshasa et travaille sur son premier album qui sortira dans le courant de l’année.

west african dance


Kahithe, choreographer at the Bomas of Kenya, and her percussion team of Afriye Dammone, Nelson Gaitho & Gideon Metah, invite you on a dance journey across West Africa. This all-level dance class is created in the spirit of Mandé tradition, with rhythms and movements originating from Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast.

These high energy, lively and rhythmic workouts based on tradition-inspired dances are an effective stress reliever, improving flexibility of body and of movement. Running twice a month from March to May (7, 21 March, 4, 25 April and 9, 23 May), these sessions are aimed at progressive development of African dance movements and technique, while introducing the musicality of Mandé cultures.

Kahithe, chorégraphe au Bomas du Kenya, et son équipe de percussionnistes composée d’Afriye Dammone, Nelson Gaitho & Gideon Metah, vous invitent à un voyage de danse à travers l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Ce cours de danse est créé dans l’esprit des cultures du mandé, avec des rythmes et des mouvements originaires de Guinée, du Mali, du Sénégal, du Burkina Faso et de la Côte d’Ivoire. Organisées deux fois par mois de mars à mai (7, 21 mars, 4, 25 avril et 9, 23 mai), ces séances visent à développer progressivement les mouvements et la technique des danses africaines, tout en introduisant la musicalité des cultures mandéennes.

MARCH | APRIL | MAY 6000/- FOR 6 SESSIONS OR 1500/- each



Kenyan born, Naomi Wachira is a Seattle-based AfroFolk singer and songwriter. Named Best Folk Singer by Seattle Weekly in 2013, Naomi’s music is imbued with hope. She credits her influence to two groundbreaking female songwriters, Miriam Makeba and Tracy Chapman.

Née au Kenya, Naomi Wachira est une chanteuse et compositrice afro-folk basée à Seattle. Nommée meilleure chanteuse folk par le Seattle Weekly en 2013, Naomi livre une musique pleine d’espoir. Elle attribue son influence à deux auteures-compositrices révolutionnaires, Miriam Makeba et Tracy Chapman.

On a visit to her homeland, this is a unique chance to catch Naomi on stage in Nairobi. To date, she has released –“African Girl” (2012), “Naomi Wachira” (2014), “I am Because You Are” (2015) and her latest offering, “Song of Lament” was released in 2017.

En visite dans son pays natal, c’est une rare chance de voir Naomi sur scène à Nairobi. À ce jour, elle a sorti les titres «African Girl» (2012), «Naomi Wachira» (2014), «I am Because You Are» (2015) et sa dernière chanson, «Song of Lament», est sorti en 2017.




At the instigation of the founding fathers of La Francophonie, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Habib Bourguiba and Hamani Diori, the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT) was founded on 20 March 1970, with the aim of placing the French language at the service of solidarity, development and rapprochement between peoples. It has since evolved into the International Organization of the Francophonie.

Sous l’impulsion des pères fondateurs de la francophonie, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Habib Bourguiba et Hamani Diori, le 20 mars 1970 a été crée l’Agence de coopération culturelle et technique (ACCT) mettant le français au service de la solidarité, du développement et du rapprochement entre les peuples. Elle a au fils du temps évolué en Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.

Today the Francophonie brings together 88 states and governments, 300 million Francophones around the world and 132 million learners of and in French.

Aujourd’hui la Francophonie rassemble 88 états et gouvernements, 300 millions de francophones dans le monde et 132 millions d’apprenants du et en français.

The Alliance Française de Nairobi will celebrate the 50th anniversary of La Francophonie by highlighting the value of the French language in the arts, science and literature.

L’Alliance Française de Nairobi célébrera les 50 ans de la Francophonie en mettant en valeur la langue française en faveur des arts, de la science et de la littérature.




Urinotron is a large-scale installation that takes our organic waste (urine!) and transforms it into power to charge batteries, before recycling it back to pure water. It combines an artistic vision with scientific knowledge and electronic materials which in the end resembles an alchemist’s workshop. Art and science converge in this through-provoking exhibit that will make one think twice about flushing away a valuable resource. Urinotron is co-produced by the French artists, Sandra Bébié-Valérian & Gaspard Bébié-Valérian together with the French designer Dorian Reunkrilerk, in collaboration with Professor Peter Scales of the University of Melbourne.


L’Urinotron est une installation à grande échelle qui prend nos déchets organiques (l’urine !) et les transforme en énergie pour recharger des batteries, avant que l’urine ne soit recyclée en eau pure. Ce projet combine une vision artistique, des compétences scientifiques et des équipements techniques pour donner lieu à un atelier d’alchimiste. L’art et la science convergent dans cette exposition qui vous fera réfléchir à deux fois avant de vous soulager d’une ressource précieuse... Urinotron est coproduit par les artistes français Sandra Bébié-Valérian et Gaspard Bébié-Valérian avec le designer français Dorian Reunkrilerk, en collaboration avec le professeur Peter Scales de l’Université de Melbourne.

science café


This Science Café is presented in partnership with the Next Einstein Forum, the largest science and innovation gathering on African soil, taking place at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre from 10th to 13th March. It will discuss the importance of integrating the arts, science and technology to better meet the 21st century challenges. Participants will include Gaspard Bébé Valérian, who appropriates technology to create interactive artworks that invite critical reflection on societal and ecological questions; Yvan Tina, artist and researcher investigating the convergence of artificial life and biotechnologies with performing arts; Prof. Peter Scales from the University of Melbourne’s School of Engineering and a representative of the Kenya Climate Innovation Centre.

Ce café scientifique est présenté en partenariat avec le Next Einstein Forum, le plus grand rassemblement de science et d’innovation sur le sol africain, qui se tient à Nairobi du 10 au 13 mars. Les discussions porteront sur l’importance d’intégrer les arts, la science et la technologie pour mieux relever les défis du XXIe siècle. Parmi les participants figureront Gaspard Bébé Valérian, qui s’approprie la technologie pour créer des œuvres d’art interactives qui invitent à une réflexion critique sur les questions sociétales et écologiques ; Yvan Tina, artiste et chercheur qui étudie la convergence de la vie artificielle et des biotechnologies avec les arts du spectacle, le professeur Peter Scales de l’école d’ingénieurs de l’université de Melbourne et un représentant du Kenya Climate Innovate Centre.




Congolese born Belgian rapper, Baloji, will grace the Alliance Française stage on the World Francophonie Day as we mark 50 yrs of La Francophonie. Baloji, whose name means sorcerer in Kiswahili, is devishly creative. An artist in motion, a man of images and ideas, Baloji finds strength in his roots but freedom in between genres.

Baloji started off as MC Balo with one of Belgian’s most successful hip-hop crews, Starflam, before going solo in 2007. The flamboyant Baloji has received many music honours but his life has been a journey of struggle and perseverance. His music tackles issues from his family history, to the experience of refugees in Europe, to our dependence on smartphones. His goal, he says, is to create art that lasts.


Le rappeur belge Baloji, né en Congo, sera parmi nous pour fêter les 50 ans de la Francophonie. Baloji, dont le nom signifie ‘sorcier’ en swahili, est diablement créatif, produisant un rap atypique teinté de hip-hop, de funk, de house et chargé d’influences africaines. Baloji a débuté sous le nom de MC Balo avec l’un des groupes hip-hop les plus populaires de Belgique, Starflam, avant de se lancer en solo en 2007. Le flamboyant Baloji a reçu de nombreux honneurs musicaux, mais sa vie a été un parcours de lutte et de persévérance. Sa musique aborde des questions allant de l’histoire de sa famille à l’expérience des réfugiés en Europe, en passant par notre dépendance aux smartphones. Son but, dit-il, est de créer un art qui dure.



Beat Kaestli is a Swiss Singer, songwriter, arranger, and producer. Her relocated to New York to study at one of the world’s most prestigious music schools and performed with and honed his craft alongside legendary Jazz performers.

Beat will be in Kenya with his new project “Collage” which combines French classics and Swiss folk songs and explores the French-American connection in Jazz, and with his unique arrangements, he also brings songs from Mexico and Brazil seamlessly into his musical landscape of French culture. His music plays all over the world and his CDs “Far From Home” and “Invitation” were included in the official 2010 Grammy Awards selection for ‘Best Jazz Vocal Album’.

Beat Kaestli est un chanteur, compositeur, arrangeur et producteur suisse qui a déménagé à New York grâce à une bourse de la Manhattan School of Music. Il a affiné ses talents musicaux aux côtés de grands noms du jazz. Beat sera au Kenya avec son nouveau projet ‘Collage’ qui combine des classiques français et des chansons folkloriques suisses et explore la connexion francoaméricaine dans le jazz. Avec ses arrangements uniques, il s’est perfectionné en faisant entrer des pays comme le Mexique et le Brésil dans son paysage musical. Ses CD ‘Far From Home’ et ‘Invitation’ ont été inclus dans la sélection officielle des Grammy Awards 2010 dans la catégorie de ‘Meilleur album de jazz vocal’.




In Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at the foot of the Nyiragongo volcano, writers from Eastern Congo, Rwanda and Burundi met to exchange and write on the themes of conflict, love and fraternity. This book brings together all the words and texts that emerged from the first literary encounter in Goma. Book presentation and discussion in French, in the presence of three of the authors in the book: Dominique Celis, Charly Mathekis, Natacha Songore - and one of the editors of the publication: Maëline Le Lay.


A Goma, en République Démocratique du Congo, aux pieds du volcan Nyiragongo, des écrivains de l’Est du Congo, du Rwanda et du Burundi se sont réunis pour échanger et écrire sur les thèmes du conflit, de l’amour, de la fraternité. Ce livre recueille l’ensemble des paroles et des textes qui jaillirent lors des premières rencontres littéraires de Goma. Présentation de l’ouvrage et discussion en présence de trois des auteur.e.s - Dominique Celis, Charly Mathekis, Natacha Songore - et de l’une des directrices de la publication : Maëline Le Lay.

MbogI Ya Mawriters


Celebrating the launch of the paperback edition of Yvonne Owuor’s second novel, The Dragonfly Sea’, the Performance Collective takes us on a journey exploring the nuances of the book, staging selected readings from the novel as well as the world it explores. Illuminating some of the critical themes in this book characteristic of Owuor’s œuvre – love, grief, memory, loss, silence, contested histories, identities, and one’s place in the world – this moves the conversation from the page to the stage. In the presence of Yvonne Owuor who will be signing books at the end of the performance.

Célébrant le lancement de l’édition de poche du deuxième roman d’Yvonne Owuor, The Dragonfly Sea, la Performance Collective nous emmène dans un voyage explorant les nuances du livre, mettant en scène des lectures choisies du roman ainsi que le monde qu’il explore. En éclairant certains des thèmes critiques de ce livre caractéristique de l’œuvre d’Yvonne Owuor - l’amour, le deuil, la mémoire, la perte, le silence, les histoires contestées, les identités et la place de chacun dans le monde, on déplace la conversation de la page vers la scène. En présence d’Yvonne Owuor qui dédicacera des livres à la fin de la représentation.

SAT. 28 MARCH|3PM |Free Entry


avril| APRIL Wed. 1 April

Wed. 15 April

Showcase Wednesday | 7pm | Free Entry Papillon

Showcase Wednesday | 7pm | Free Entry BLVCK Moon

2 - 5 April Monkey Business | comedy play Heartstrings Entertainment | 699/-

Mon. 20 April CinemAlliance | 6pm ‘La Vie Scolaire’ | 2019 | 1h51

Wed. April Sat. 415 April

West African dance with Kahithe 3pm | 1500/Mon. 6 April

CinemAlliance | 6pm ‘Zombie Child’ by Bertrand Bonello | 2016 | 1h41 A multi-generational tale that’s focused on Haitian voodoo and the way that its seen with a mix of fascination and skepticism by prvileged young French students of Haitian origin. a new generation

7 - 30 April Exhibition | Wheels of Life by Evans Ngure

The new vice principal of a middle school in a Parisian suburb is warned by her fellow teachers that the students are unmotivated and hard to discipline. She, however, sees things differently. Slam poet Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir’s second collaboration is a vivid institutional critique that shows the importance of encouraging untapped potential.

Sat. 25 April

West African dance with Kahithe 3pm | 1500/Mon. 27 April

CinemAlliance | 6pm ‘Les Invisibles’ by Louis-Julien Petit | 2011 | 1h51 The dramedy - an ode to the modern women of the resistance tells the story of women sleeping rough in northern France as a homeless centre is threatened with closure. generation of young Frenchwomenof young Frenchwomen


PAPILLON Multi-talented Kenyan musician, Papillon, is one of a few musicians designing and creating his own instruments adapted from African traditional instruments. Mentored by the legendary Ayub Ogada, Papillon (who took his stage name from the French word for butterly - recalling the metamorphosis in his life from a street child to a celebrated musician) writes all of his own music – in several Kenyan languages. Papillon will be sharing music from his new album ‘Moyo’ which means ‘heart’ in Swahili, and ‘life’ or ‘spirit’ in Mbeere – Papillon’s mother tongue. The album is inspired by the singing of birds in the morning, the roaring of lions and the cries of monkeys – it is Mother Nature speaking.

WED. 1 APRIL | 7pm | Free Entry




Six simultaneous training courses for French language teachers Six simultaneous training courses for French language teachers International seminar offering continuous professional development International meeting offering continuous professional development

From 14 - 18 April 2020 From 14 - 18 April 2020

Registration 23rdrdMarch March Registrationopen open until until 23



Kenyan artist, Evans Ngure breathes life into an assortment of discarded material and found objects to create sculptures, collages and other functional art.

A resourceful artist, Evans lets his imagination take flight in this exhibition and presents artworks that are both provocative and playful, at times measured yet full of life and freedom. Evans holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Fine Art from Kenyatta University. He is also known for his quirky jewellery. His works can be found in private collections both locally and abroad.

L’artiste kenyan Evans Ngure donne vie à un assortiment de matériaux mis au rebut et d’objets trouvés pour créer des sculptures, des collages et d’autres formes d’art fonctionnel. En artiste ingénieux, Evans laisse son imagination s’envoler dans cette exposition et présente des œuvres d’art à la fois provocantes et ludiques, parfois plus mesurées, mais toujours pleines de vie et de liberté. Evans est titulaire d’une licence en beaux-arts de l’université de Kenyatta. Il est également connu pour ses bijoux excentriques. Ses œuvres font partie de collections privées, tant au niveau local qu’à l’étranger.



BLVCK MOON Charlene Mwamjeni is a singer, songwriter and guitarist, who goes by the stage name of BlvckMoon. She identifies as an eclectic, new age artist who vibes with astrology. The themes prevalent in her music are love and the emotions that result from it; tenderness, warmth, and pain. She released her debut EP “Hertz� in October 2018.

WED. 15 APRIL| 7PM |Free Entry

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Benin International Music (BIM) pays tribute to the ancestral music of Dahomey (an ancient African kingdom located in the south-west of present-day Benin).

Combining voodoo rhythms and traditional songs, electric melodies with pop, hip hop and rock grooves, the group gives back to rock and rap its voodoo origins. At the invitation of Angélique Kidjo, BIM performed to a sold out concert at Carnegie Hall, New York last October. They are on a 9-country African tour. Each performance is a contemporary ritural, a rare experience not to be missed!

Le Benin International Music (BIM) rend hommage à la musique des ancêtres du Dahomey (ancien royaume africain situé dans le sud-ouest de l’actuel Bénin). Associant les rythmes vaudous et les chants traditionnels, des mélodies électriques avec des grooves trip pop, hip hop et rock, ce collectif de sept artistes béninois redonne au rock et au rap leurs origines vaudous. À l’invitation d’Angélique Kidjo, le BIM s’est produit face à une salle comble au Carnegie Hall de New York en octobre dernier. Le groupe est en tournée dans neuf pays africains. Chaque prestation est une cérémonie contemporaine, une expérience rare à ne surtout pas manquer!










Partner Events THEATRE

06 - 08 MAR. |1200/-


02 - 05 APR.|699/-


27 - 29 MAR. |800/-


06 - 09 Feb.|699/-

CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY CLASSES The perfect way to spend the school holidays !

Kids will discover, learn and practice French in a relaxed and fun environment, through varied and stimulating playful activities. Monday to Friday 1 to 4pm

20th - 30th April Ksh. 20,000/- (inclusive of teaching material)

Loita / Monrovia Streets P.O Box 45 475 - 00100 Nairobi TĂŠl.: +254 20 4917 000 / 0727 600 622 / 0735 338 888 Email:

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