A Christmas Carol Companion Guide Alley Theatre

Page 26


Photo by Dana Guthrie. www.commons.wikimedia.org.

1. The director of this produc on has talked about trying to create the “dream‐world” of Scrooge’s mind. What techniques are used in the produc on to suggest a dream world? Do you think the director has succeeded? Why or why not? 2. What role did Marley’s spirit play in Scrooge’s transforma on? Would the three spirits of past, present and future have had the same impact on Scrooge without the presence of Marley? 3. Make a list of Scrooge’s past experiences as a child and a young man. Analyze the life events and determine how they affected his behavior and a tude in the present? 4. Dickens’s work was influenced largely by his lack of faith in the government. Discuss the socio‐economic factors which influenced such works as Oliver Twist and Bleak House. 5. How did Scrooge’s pursuit of wealth impact his rela onship with Belle? What quali es do you look for in a poten al girlfriend or boyfriend? 6. Certain actors play mul ple characters in the show, or two characters are made to resemble each other. Examples include the actor who played Bert, the food vendor, and the Spirit of Christmas Present, as well as the costume of the Spirit of Christmas Past which resembles that of the doll from the doll vendor, Mary Pidgeon. Why might the writer or director have made that choice? What extra meaning does it bring to the characters? 7. What is an “epiphany?” Describe other characters in literature who have had epiphanies.

“I have endeavored in this ghostly li le book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, and with the season, or with me.” — Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol


TEKS Applica ons‐ Social Studies TEKS Applica ons‐ English Language & Reading TEKS Applica ons‐ Fine Arts

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