Lamplighter Spring 2022

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10 questions for Mr.Trower Asked by the 2022 Yearbook Staff

How has your own education influenced your leadership at Allen-Stevenson?


My father was in the Navy, so we moved to lots of different places. This meant my education took place in lots of different contexts. I was also a scholarship student in college and attended public high school. I think my liberal arts college education led me to have the capacity to take in lots of different subjects and to pursue lots of different passions. I think my experience led me to appreciate diversity, how important it is for people to feel they belong in a community and for a school to feel like a family.

Is there any person, past or present, you would like to meet?


Mr. Trower with the Yearbook Staff

Well, there would probably be a lot of people on that list, but if you look in the corner, do you know who that is? (a bust of Abraham Lincoln). When I was a high school head at The Collegiate School, there was a bust like that of Lincoln. When I left that job to come to AllenStevenson, I gave that bust to the man who became head. I said, “This is Abraham Lincoln; take good care of him.

I care about him a lot.” And a few weeks later, that bust arrived in the mail. I’ve always admired Lincoln because he had to deal with many conflicts in society and people. I admire his writing; The Gettysburg Address and his inaugural address. There are lots of people on the list, but he would be one.

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? I have lots of favorites. I like to be outdoors. I like to hike. I used to run 6 miles a day and would swim pretty regularly. I don’t do that anymore, but I love to walk and listen to music. I love to read. I putter at being a golfer – although I’m not a very good golfer! And I really enjoy talking to people.

What type of music do you like to listen to? I like all kinds; classical music, rock and roll, contemporary music, and crossover music. It might surprise you to learn that when I exercise I listen to House and Techno. I like discovering new music. I’m still discovering new music all the time.

Do you have a favorite TV show? There was a program about a teacher many years ago on Channel 13 called To Serve Them All My Days about a young teacher named David. I really liked that program until he protested something the head of school did and almost got fired. So I thought I can’t identify too much with that. But I don’t watch that much TV. I mostly watch the news. I like news that presents a variety of perspectives.

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