A-Z Files 2021

Page 56


bars of my cell rousing me from my sleep and disturbing my dream. I spent that entire day thinking about why Ja and Jo were in this dream that felt so real. At lunch I finally hit on it. I never knew why I had been arrested. There was a small part of me that believed that the dream was real. Each night it felt like a piece of the puzzle was coming together. Every night the dreams built on each other. One dream particularly stuck out to me. Ja and Jo told me to go give an elderly man what they called “medical marijuana” so I did. Soon after I came back, they broke the news to me that the elderly man I just visited passed away. I was oblivious to the scheme that they had just pulled. In the hallway to lunch I ran into another inmate named Sal. “Yo, Sal, what’s up?” I said. “Did you just call me Sal?” he asked? “Yeah,” I said. SLAM - it felt like a ten ton dump truck just hit me. Then a different one hit the back of my head; I was out cold. That was the easiest way to describe getting punished by whose name I later found out was Brock, not Sal. After that experience I finally pieced it together, Ja and Jo were against me. I could no longer trust them. The next few days I tried to keep my distance 56

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