Hospice News Autumn 2016

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hospice news AUTUMN 2016

Registered Charity Number 1008796

www.edenvalleyhospice.org | www.jigsawhospice.org

Inside this issue... Night times can be long - p4 Earliest memories of the hospice - p6 New event coming this October - p16

Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw - CQC overall rating ‘Good’ Eden Valley Hospice

Jigsaw Hospice



Hello and welcome to the autumn newsletter I am delighted to welcome you in my new role as Medical Director at the hospice and to be able to share our truly great recent news. The Quality Care Commission (CQC) has recognised the great care provided by our nurses, doctors, family support team, catering, housekeeping – in fact all hospice staff and volunteers - by awarding us with an overall GOOD rating in all areas of the hospice following an unannounced inspection. It proves we provide great care and gives reassurance that government inspectors think so too! In this newsletter are details about our 25th Anniversary Ball at the Halston and a new Light Up a Lake event at Talkin Tarn (both in October), along with details of the familiar Light Up a Life services in Carlisle and Penrith over the Christmas period. These services are an integral part of the festive season for us and so many in our community, allowing as they do, a time to come together to remember loved ones and reflect on the work of the hospice.


The newsletter also contains information about our fundraising, including: The raffle with a top prize of £2,500 and 24 other great prizes. Our Guinness World Record attempt at Pompom making will be celebrated in The Lanes shopping centre on Wednesday 21 September. As soon as we have secured the world record, all pompoms will be sold to raise funds. These plans will be shared on social media including how you can help. The hospice lottery is now £2 and helps fund our vital work. And, finally(!) we have launched a quarterly email newsletter to give updates to those not using social media (Facebook, Twitter etc).

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Regrettably (and understandably) the impact of the pre Christmas floods, has had a negative impact on our income in the first six months of 2016. Whilst we remain confident the community will rally to support us in the run up to Christmas.

It has been an exciting and busy 25th anniversary year so far and there are some brilliant events to look forward to in the months ahead. It goes without saying, the generosity of our supporters is vital and is never taken for granted. I am in no doubt this generosity will continue going forward. If the community holds the hospice close to its heart and supports it in whatever way it can, I am confident we will secure the funds necessary to provide our services to the community for the next 25 years. I would like to use this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all of you, for all you have done and continue to do, to support the work of Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw. Please keep it up, it is so very important. Your kindness, support and generosity ensures our patients, their families, friends and carers receive the highest standards of care. Teresa Storr - Medical Director

Our Mission Statement Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw, Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice will provide palliative care for people with incurable or life limiting illnesses, enabling them and their carers to live life as fully and as independently as possible. We will deliver services with a common focus, working collaboratively across Cumbria and South West Scotland.

Eden Valley Hospice provides care for adults with life limiting illnesses from North Cumbria and South West Scotland. The hospice has a 12 bed in-patient unit with eight single en-suite rooms and a four bed ward. The home from home environment creates a relaxing atmosphere for patients and families with each room overlooking the beautiful walled garden.

Day Hospice provides care for up to 15 people a day, four days a week. Most days the sweet smell of freshly baked cakes fills the Day Hospice as patients, nurses and volunteers exchange stories about what has happened since they last met.

Jigsaw provides day to day care, support and activities to children and young people with a life limiting illnesses. We aim to maintain the children and young adult’s normal routine and make each stay as special and as enjoyable as possible.

Thank you to all our volunteers Every single one of our volunteers, whether they are assisting customers in our charity shops, serving meals at the hospice, maintaining our gardens or helping at a fundraising event, are supporting the care and activities provided to local adults and children with life limiting illnesses.

The hospice offers a wide and varied volunteer programme which gives people from all walks of life an opportunity to be a part of the hospice. Here are a few examples of the types of things we do:

Megan Beattie Young Volunteer Programme

Sheila Fyfe Administration

How long have you been a volunteer: 5 months

How long have you been a volunteer: Just over one year

When do you volunteer: It depends on what the placement is, at the moment I am helping in Day Hospice on a Tuesday.

When do you volunteer: I help out in the volunteering team on a Thursday and with retail on a Tuesday afternoon.

What do you do? I am taking part in the Young Volunteer Programme. I’ve done placements in the kitchen, patient transport and have just started in Day Hospice. In Day Hospice I have been helping people, doing activities with the patients, making cups of tea and even just chatting.

What do you do? When I am in the voluntary services office I send out application packs, reference requests and maintain the volunteers system. Along with making up packs for new starters and send out training invites for upcoming events. When I am with retail I input the sales figures for the shops and occasionally help with the rotas.

Why do you do it? I like to get to know people and I am really broadening my knowledge. Everyone is so lovely and I am making friends as well as learning so much. Before coming I didn’t realise there was so much to the hospice with Day Care, the Adult Unit, Jigsaw and everything else. So already I have a better understanding of it all. What would you say to people who are thinking about volunteering? It’s really worthwhile, the hands on experience I am getting is really going to support me with university and is also giving me new skills. The programme is so good because it’s not just focused on one area, you get the full range of experiences throughout the hospice.

Why do you do it? I was keen to keep active and use the skills that I had built up through my career. I wanted to come somewhere you feel that you are really helping and be part of a local organisation. What would you say to people who are thinking about volunteering? They will really enjoy it, it’s such a positive place, the atmosphere and the people are great. You really are part of the team.

Did you know? In 2015 the hospice was supported by more than 440 volunteers, who help in every department. 3

Did you know? In 2015 the average length of stay for a patient in the Adult In Patient Unit was 12 days.

“Night times can be long” As many people are beginning to tuck themselves and their family up in bed on an evening a group of nurses and health care assistants are beginning their shift at Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw. Our care never stops, as we provide support to adults, children and their families 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The hospice’s Nurse Team Leader, Collette Thwaites, explains what it is like to work in the hospice during the night. “The night shift on the Adult In Patient Unit is 11 and a half hours long, starting at 8.30pm and finishing at 8am. The night staff receive a hand over from the nurse in charge of the late shift which usually finishes at 9pm. This hand over is really important as it provides a background and vital information about the patients we have on the unit. “Quite often our patients are discharged home in the day and there are also new patients 4

admitted onto the unit with also try and make patients as complex needs so it is imperative comfortable as possible so they we have as much knowledge can try and get some sleep. about them as possible. “By the time the patients are “Usually there are three night settled in bed, this can be nearly staff on shift, compromising midnight. We have equipment of two staff nurses and one checks that are undertaken at healthcare assistant. One person night, some of which are our will undertake the security emergency equipment so it is check of the building, ensuring important they are undertaken all external doors are locked and daily. everything is safe; whilst the others introduce themselves to “Patient’s electronic notes are the patients and offer any hot updated throughout the night, drinks or snacks. If relatives are this is vital for continuity of staying over in the hospice, we care and a handover sheet is also try and make sure they are also updated which provides a comfortable too as our ethos is better handover amongst staff ‘looking after our relatives as in the team. Regular checks well as patients.’ are undertaken on each of our patients throughout the night, additional medication may be It is a privilege to required to ensure our patients listen to patients are as comfortable as they can be.

and be involved in their care during their most vulnerable period of their life.

“At 10pm, there is a medication round for our patients and we

“Night times can be long if patients are unsettled or just unable to sleep. It is often during this time that patients feel more comfortable talking to staff about their concerns and fears. It is a privilege to listen to

patients and be involved in their care during the most vulnerable period of their life. I really enjoy this aspect of my role as something as simple as listening can provide a lot of comfort to a patient or relative. “There are differences working nights and days – there are less staff around at night so if there are emergencies there are less staff available to respond. Although, we have people who are contactable 24/7, the nurses are making the initial assessment." For the last 25 years the care, support and compassion provided at Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw has never stopped as we continue to care for local adults and children with life limiting illnesses. Every evening is different at Jigsaw as all of the children and young adults have their own routine which the nurses follow. Some of the young adults stay up until well after midnight whilst others sleep through

the night, here are some of the Jigsaw nurses to describe what it is like to work nights at Jigsaw. “Night duty is very different as we are there to try and encourage the children or young person to sleep. It doesn’t always happen that way but it doesn’t matter because that’s why we are there.

For the past 25 years the care, support and compassion provided at Eden Valley Hospice has never stopped...

“We will keep the child’s routine. We bath them and change them, we need to give them there medicines and feeds and keep an eye on the time to turn off their TV, music or iPad at their usual bed time.

“When we look after young adults then we could be up chatting with them, supplying them with food and drinks until well after midnight. We’ve even been known to bath someone who requested a bath at midnight. “If everyone is sleeping we then get a chance to finish jobs from the day time, to do routine cleaning and of course fill in the paperwork. “We have had the occasional door which has closed in the middle of the night for no reason or the ducks and birds which occasionally tap on the patio doors at 5am. Other than this, nights tend to pass by without incident! “No two nights are the same as each child is different and each child and young person’s condition can change very quickly."

Did you know? In 2015 Jigsaw provided 580 episodes of care to the 59 families we supported during the year.

Current Volunteering Opportunities Volunteering is an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable experience, allowing you to meet friends, gain new skills and give something back to the community and your local hospice. As well as the current vacancies below, we are always interested in hearing from people with a particular skill or talent they want to share with the hospice. If you have some free time and want to help please get in touch with Steve Golding, Voluntary Services Manager, on 01228 817658, email steve.golding@ edenvalleyhospice.org or visit www.edenvalleyhospice.org

3 Finance and Administration 3 Fundraising – Administration & Events 3 Charity Shop Assistants 5

Sister Bernadette’s earliest memories

Some of the first people to work at Eden Valley Hospice were Sister Carol Graham, Sister Bernadette Ghent, Sister Agnes Ken and Sister Pat Morgan. Here are some of Sister Bernadette’s earliest memories of Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw. 1991 “We officially started work for the hospice on 2 September, 1991. As the builders were still working at the hospice, we were given the use of an office by Unwin Jones Partnership, Architects, in The Maltings, from which to operate. We spent some days on team building and getting to know each other, also making tentative plans for the time when we would actually move in to the new building on Durdar Road.’ “At last the big day arrived – 13 September 1991 when the builders, Lambert Gill, officially handed over the keys to the hospice to Mr Peter Whitley, Chairman of the Hospice Management Committee. Mr Whitley and the Committee had very kindly offered to let Sr. Carol and I have the use of the two visitors bedrooms, bathroom and kitchenette as we had still not been able to secure suitable accommodation for ourselves. “It was a great help to us and also a help to the hospice as we acted as caretakers and night watchmen for about two months until it was felt that it was sufficiently safe to leave the building overnight.


“On the first night we discovered that one of the external fire doors did not lock, so we sealed it off with mattresses and tables until it could be attended to the following morning. “We were touched and amazed by the goodness and generosity of the people. Everyone was anxious to help in any way they could and we started to make a list of names and addresses of those who wished to become volunteers at the hospice. Donations in cash and kind started to pour in from local firms, individuals and we also had a flag selling day in aid of the hospice which Sr. Carol and I took part in. Sr. Carol had her pitch outside British Home Stores and I stood outside Binns Department store. “It was full steam ahead then on the part of Margaret Dunne, Julie Fisher and Sr. Carol to ensure that everything was ready for the opening of the Day Care Centre which took place on 24 October. “We started off with four patients once a week on a Monday, and there were three volunteers to help with driving and generally looking after the patients. The patients seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves which was a joy to see.” Sister Bernadette remained with Eden Valley Hospice as a receptionist and administrator until June 1996 when she

returned to Motherhouse in Godalming. Sister Bernadette added, “The five years I spent working there in contact with patients and their families and getting to know so many people was one of the most wonderful and privileged experiences of my life. It was also a significant learning time for me. “In addition I made many friends from among the volunteers and others and we still keep in touch regularly. When I was going through our community diary to write these early memories, I was struck by how very full life was during those years and how much I had come to love the people of Carlisle, the Eden Valley and the beautiful Cumbrian countryside surrounding it – there were opportunities for exploring at the weekends which the other Sisters and I availed of to the full.” To read more of Sister Bernadette’s memories of Eden Valley Hospice during her five years with the charity visit www. edenvalleyhospice.org

How would you spend £1,000? Every Friday the hospice lottery makes a lucky person’s dreams come true as they are the recipient of an exciting phone call from the hospice, letting them know they have won the £1,000 top prize. Recently one of our top prize winners visited our Wigton Shop for a cheque presentation and we were lost for words when they donated the £1,000 cheque back to the hospice. Mrs Johnstone who has been playing the lottery for a number of years, said it was a lovely surprise to win. Mrs Johnstone’s mother was cared for at Eden

Valley Hospice for a few weeks in 2011 where she received “lovely care from all of the nursing staff involved” and felt the £1,000 was of better use to the hospice. Since the lottery began in 1994 thousands of local people have supported the hospice every week by taking part. Over the last 22 years the lottery has become a valuable regular source of income helping the hospice continue to provide the highest standards of care, support and activities to local adults and children with life limiting illnesses.

On Friday 15 July the hospice lottery changed from £1 a week to £2. The money received from the lottery provides the hospice with a steady and predictable income which helps plan for the year ahead.

Here are some key facts about the hospice lottery: • Currently represents 10% of the hospice’s income • We hope to grow this to 25% of the hospice’s income over the coming months and years • Currently more than 5,000 people take part in the hospice lottery each week

If you would like to find out more information about the Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw Lottery or to sign up please visit www.edenvalleyhospice.org or call the Lottery Team on 01228 817614.

25 chances to win in our special Anniversary raffle From £2,500 cash top prize to a family trip to Legoland Windsor or even a cuddly toy; our special 25th Anniversary raffle has a fantastic array of prizes many of which have been donated by local people and businesses.

you would like to be in with the chance of winning one of the 25 fantastic prices you can purchase your tickets at any of the hospice shops, online at www.edenvalleyhospice.org or call the Lottery Team on 01228 516564 or 516560.

Tickets for the fantastic raffle are just £1 each and many of you should have already received a book of 25 tickets for our 25th Anniversary. If

If you haven’t already returned the raffle tickets you have received please make sure they are with us by Monday 10 October, to ensure they are

£2,500 cash top prize

entered into the draw on Friday 14 October. The hospice would like to say a huge thank you to all of the local businesses and supporters for donating the fantastic array of prizes. A full list of prizes can be found online at www.edenvalleyhospice.org 7

Planning for the future It is often difficult to start thinking about and making time to plan for the future. As part of the hospices continued support of our patients, their families and carers we have developed a way of helping people think about their future and get their affairs in order. The kind of future we want is something we can all think about and by putting your affairs in order and making plans it can bring a peace of mind and can be done at any stage of life. The Getting Your Affairs in Order and My Funeral Wishes booklets are a starting point which will help start conversations with those closest to you. Both booklets will help you to think about what is important to you, such as advance care plans, making a Will and funeral planning. They will also help you to make sure your wishes are known to family, friends, carers and health care professionals. It can be difficult to plan care for the future but one way to stay in control is to make sure that the social care and medical attention you receive is informed and where

Make a Will Month During April Make a Will Month was supported by eight Cumbrian solicitors, more than ever before, and has raised £6,560 to date. 8

possible, directed by you. The Getting Your Affairs in Order booklet will talk you through the various options available to you, including Lasting Powers of Attorney, Advanced Statement, Advanced Decisions to Refuse Treatment and an Emergency Health Care Plan, which can all be discussed with a healthcare professional.

Both booklets will help you to think about what is important to you.

My Funeral Wishes is an ideal place for you to record your thoughts and wishes and to state exactly what you want. What will be a difficult time for your loved ones will be made easier if they know what arrangements you would have liked. By completing the booklet you will give yourself and the ones you care about the most satisfaction of knowing that they will be fulfilling your wishes wherever possible. If you would like to receive a copy of the Getting Your Affairs in Order or My Funeral Wishes booklet please contact Karen Durden, Legacy Manager, on 01228 817607, email care@edenvalleyhospice.org or speak to the care team.

Did you know? In 2015 the care for 1 in 5 patients at the hospice is made possible thanks to gifts in wills. The annual scheme offers you the chance to get your Will drawn up by a participating solicitor in return for an affordable donation to the hospice, with all solicitors donating their time. Next year’s Make a Will Month is already being planned and will be held in April 2017.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for next year’s campaign please contact Karen Durden, Legacy Manager, on 01228 817607 or email karen.durden@ edenvalleyhospice.org

news AUTUMN 2016

www.jigsawhospice.org Registered Charity Number 1008796

Welcome... to the first Jigsaw newsletter supplement. We hope you enjoy finding out about what is happening at Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice.

Jigsaw and Eden Valley Hospice - CQC overall rating ‘Good’ Jigsaw Hospice


Support, listening and making things happen Between 2014 and 2015 the overwhelming support of the BBC Radio Cumbria listeners raised over £160,000 during our fantastic charity of the year partnership. The amazing amount of money raised during the 12 months has enabled the children’s hospice to introduce a brand new service for all of the Jigsaw families. In November 2015 Briony Nugent began her role as Jigsaw Outreach Worker, which was funded by the BBC Radio Cumbria Jigsaw appeal, and in less than one year she has helped and supported many of the families who attend Jigsaw. Briony explained, “I support the families in the community with anything which they might need. It could be the child with additional needs or their wider family. For some families it may just be a question over the phone, for others it can be long term support or they just tap in and out now and again.” From helping with transitional periods into nurseries, schools or day care centres to supporting families during funding applications, no two days are ever the same for Briony as she travels the length and breadth of Cumbria to support families. Briony continued, “Part of my role involves working in the background and listing to families to help take their stress away and make things happen. This could involve making phone calls, writing letters, completing paperwork or providing support at meetings to help get things in place. This can enable families to get their child back into school, make adaptations to their home or purchase a specialist piece of equipment.

“I also work with other agencies to provide help and support for families. This can involve referring people to help with care, creating care packages for families and carers or supporting children and families whilst they are in hospital by working with other health care professionals. “Another part of the Family Support Worker role involves helping to create memories for the children and families and planning for the future. This could be by taking pictures of siblings together, creating pieces of artwork which can be displayed and treasured or creating items for special occasions, including Christmas. “I have also been working with one young man to plan what he would like at his funeral and how he will be able to inject his sense of humour into it through his music choices.” Over the last 12 months Briony’s role has changed and adapted as she meets the needs of all of the families who she works with, whether this is over a long period of time or a simple phone call. Briony concluded, “I have received lots of positive feedback from the families who have accessed the services and they have been telling other families about what I can do. It is brilliant the families have faith in you and they are letting other people know that.” The amazing kindness, support and generosity of the BBC Radio Cumbria listeners has ensured Briony’s role will support families for two years and the children’s hospice are looking at ways of funding this role in the future as it has became a valuable resource for both the families and Jigsaw.

Family, friends and lots of fun! Caring for people we love can be one of the most satisfying and special things we ever do, but without support, caring can have an overwhelming effect on people’s lives. This is why Jigsaw extends all of our care, support and activities to the parents, guardians, brothers, sisters, carers and friends of those who attend the children’s hospice.

Earlier this summer the children’s hospice brought together many families from the wider Jigsaw community for two action packed days of fun, activities and lots of laughter. The annual Family Fun Day and Siblings Day Out provides the children with a fantastic opportunity to have lots of fun and create memories which will stay with all of the families and staff for many years to come.

The Siblings Day Out saw 16 brothers and sisters visiting Rock UK for an action packed day of outdoor activities. The amazing day included a huge range of activities, including hiking through a muddy forest, fire lighting, canoeing and rock climbing, with the fun filled day ending with all of the children completing a huge zip wire. Along with providing lots of fun and laughter for the children, who aged from 6 to 17, the day gave them lots of freedom and the opportunity to spend time with other children in a situation similar to them. Although every family and situation at Jigsaw is unique the peer support and friendships between all of the brothers and sisters can be vital. The second fun-filled day brought together eight families at Morton Manor Community Centre for the inaugural Jigsaw Sports Day. But unlike a school sports day you didn’t have to be the fastest to win as the aim of game was to work as a team and have lots of fun. On a wonderfully sunny day the families, decked out in their team colours and with some brilliant team names, prepared themselves for a variety of activities. During the day the family teams, which included Team Raptor, George’s Dragons and Frasers Foxes, completed a range of events including the welly game, onesie race and obstacle courses.

The family fun day ended with all of the children taking home prizes which were kindly donated to the hospice by the Penny Appeal following their recent visit to the children’s hospice. Whilst the winning team were presented a fabulous trophy which was donated by Center Parcs in Penrith, but which family will pick up the trophy at next year’s Family Fun Day?

The ethos at Jigsaw is to work in partnership with all of the children, young adults and families. Whether this is to shape the care and support provided to each child and young adult or to provide practical and fun support for the whole family, each family is at the centre of everything we do at Jigsaw. Jigsaw would like to make a special thank you to all of the families, volunteers and staff who helped to make the Siblings Day Out and Family Fun Day Possible, including: Rock UK Reays Coaches Direct Rail Services Starlight The Penny Appeal Morton Manor Community Centre Center Parcs

Our first shop has opened!

The colourful and distinctive Jigsaw brand can now be found in the heart of Penrith Town Centre as the children’s hospice embarks on a new and exciting retail adventure. On Thursday 1 September the first Jigsaw shop was officially launched by members of the local community, during a wonderful grand opening. The shop, which is spread across two floors, stocks a wide range of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing along with toys, home ware and much more. Anne Hall, Retail Manager, said “Everybody at Jigsaw is excited about embarking on this new adventure by bringing a new shop to the Penrith high street. The shop will provide the children’s hospice with a fantastic presence and link in the local community, along with a brilliant way for people to support Jigsaw. “The shop has created a range of new volunteering roles which will all help to make the shop a huge success. We are currently looking for people to welcome and assist customers, sort donations and represent the children’s hospice within the Penrith area.”

From just a few hours to a couple of days a week, you can make a huge difference by donating your time and skills at the shop. Volunteering in the shop will provide you with the opportunity to learn new skills and share your experiences whist helping to support the care and activities provided at Jigsaw. The money raised from the sale of the donated items in the shop will help Jigsaw’s nurses and activity co-ordinators to provide the highest standards of care, support and activities to children and young adults with life limiting illnesses. If you have any items which you would like to donate to the Jigsaw shop please contact the Retail Team on 01228 817615 or drop off the items into the shop. If you would like to volunteer in the shop please contact Steve Golding, Voluntary Services Manager, on 01228 817658 or visit www.jigsawhospice.org to find out more. Our shop is located on Devonshire Street, Penrith and will be open Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm.

We hope you have enjoyed reading the first Jigsaw newsletter supplement. It would be brilliant if you could let us know what you would like to find out about Jigsaw in the next edition. Please contact Andrew Maddison, Marketing Officer, by emailing andrew.maddison@jigsawhospice.org Contact us: Jigsaw, Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice, Durdar Road, Carlisle, CA2 4SD Tel: 01228 817613 www.jigsawhospice.org



Hospice receives praise for its wonderful care The care, support and activities provided by Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw has been praised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following an unannounced inspection. The CQC, which regulates the standards of health and social care services in England, published its report in early July following an inspection in May. The inspection found the hospice was compliant across all areas and awarded the hospice an overall Good rating.

Gill Ward, Head of Care, said, “We are all working towards one goal which is to provide the very best palliative and end-of-life care to our patients and their families. Our clinical team and the staff that support them are dedicated and work incredibly hard to provide this high level of care. “Service improvement is always a priority at Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw and we will continue to review and develop practice, knowledge and skills to ensure patients and families receive the best care possible.

All the staff we spoke with talked with passion about the work of the hospice and the people in their care. They told us they enjoyed their work and what a “privilege” it was to be able to provide the care people needed and “deserved”.

“We have a real passion for our work and we are all very pleased to have received a strong CQC report, which reinforces the quality of care we give and recognises the efforts of the staff and volunteers to provide that care to all our patients and their families.” During the review the CQC spoke to children, adults and families who use Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw to seek feedback on the services provided. Here are some extracts from the report:

One person using the hospice told us “Until you’ve actually been in there you don’t realise that it’s all about living life not dying.”

People who had used the service and carers we spoke with in the day hospice happily told us what a difference it had made in their lives. That the hospice had “Turned me around” and that carers had found it a place to meet others and get the help and practical support they needed. Another comment was that there was “Always someone to talk to and help with problems, you know when you need help in any way.”

People who used the hospice in patient and day services had commented, “I look forward to coming here, it feels like a family” and “here I feel respected”. One person who used the service said, “They discuss things openly here and then work with you to make sure you get the most out of the place.”

People and their relatives were complimentary about the food provided which was cooked daily from fresh ingredients. We were told “The food is lovely” and survey comments said that “The meals are wonderful, I don’t know how they do it.” A relative commented “I had Sunday lunch in the canteen, it was absolutely first class.”

We were told “I trust them all, the nurses, carers, doctors, cleaners, cooks, they are all great.” And “From the first day I came here I had confidence in them [staff], they are so calm and professional”.


New venture for hospice retail team DVDs, it’s a real pleasure to visit. Whatever your reason for calling into our bookshop you will be offered a warm welcome.”

From donating items to purchasing stock, the seven Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw shops provide the local community with a vital way of supporting the hospice. The Retail Team recently welcomed two new members of staff, Kate Apperley who will be working in our Carlisle Bookshop and Pauline Wigham at our Fisher Street Boutique Shop, along with opening a new shop. Kate explains, “I’m very excited to be working in such an amazing bookshop. Beautifully laid out with such a large selection of books and a well stocked selection of CDs and

Gift Aid

Many supporters are able to top up their donations by 25% by Gift Aiding their donations. This means if you make a donation of £100 to the hospice, you’ll actually be giving us £125 at no extra cost to you. But did you know you can also Gift Aid items donated to our hospice shops? 14

Over the coming months Kate hopes to introduce lots of exciting ideas into the bookshop, including hosting events with local authors, a book club and a craft section containing beautifully made items. One craft item we are looking at introducing are ‘Folded Books’ where words are folded into the pages of old books destined for recycling making lovely features for mantelpieces or book cases.

Our unique boutique shop, located on Fisher Street opposite Cranstons Butchers, stocks an eclectic mix of ladies clothing, shoes and accessories. From an evening out to a wedding there are outfits perfect for every occasion. Along with welcoming Kate and Pauline the hospice have also recently opened their first Jigsaw branded shop in Penrith Town Centre. The shop, located on Middlegate, stocks a wide selection of women's, men’s and children’s clothing along with household items, soft furnishings and bric-a-brac.

Pauline added, “I am excited by the challenge of expanding the range in the Boutique shop and hope to include items for all age groups, from students to mature ladies. Along with donated items the shop stocks items made by ‘Touch of Craft’, a group of hospice volunteers who make many lovely items including hand knits, patchwork quilts and decorative household items.”

We are grateful for all items donated to the Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw shops. If you have any good quality books or ladies fashion you would like to donate to the Carlisle Bookshop or Fisher Street Boutique they will be gratefully received. Simply pop into the shop with your donation or call the Retail Team on 01228 817615 for more information.

If you are a UK Tax Payer and donate items to any of our shops in Carlisle or our newly opened Penrith Shop you will be able Gift Aid your donations. This means when we sell any of your items we will receive an extra 25p in every £1, which could help the hospice raise an additional £35,000 every year.

If you have any further questions about Gift Aid please call into any of the Eden Valley Hospice or Jigsaw shops in Carlisle or Penrith or contact the Retail Team on 01228 817615.

Companionship, comfort and love Pets mean lots of different things to different people, but what happens to a person’s pet when they are admitted to the hospice? For many they are cared for by loved ones, friends or carers. They can often be found lying next to their owner's bed or the centre of attention when they come to visit at Eden Valley Hospice. Seeing, stroking and playing with a much loved pet can often be a huge lift for many patients whilst they are being cared for at the hospice. They can provide a sense of comfort and familiarity to many people whilst also providing entertainment and a conversation starter

with other patients, families, volunteers and nurses. But what happens if people are unable to find a place for their pets before they come to the hospice? Hospice Social Worker Wendy Ashton explains, “We are often asked to support our patients by finding a temporary home for their animal whilst they are unwell, in hospital or in the hospice. More often than not the patient cannot afford kennel fees and occasionally will refuse to go anywhere unless their pet is looked after.” As a way of extending the care and support provided at Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw the hospice social workers are looking to recruit

volunteers who may be able to look after animals on a respite basis. This will help to provide peace of mind to many patients that their beloved pets are being looked after whilst they are being cared for in the hospice.

If you believe you will be able to help please contact Wendy Ashton, Hospice Social Worker on 01228 817655 or email wendy.ashton@ edenvalleyhospice.org to find out more information.

You have gone pompom crazy! Big, small, colourful, patterned, plain, fluffy and soft; over the last 12 months hundreds of people have made tens of thousands of pompoms to help our 25th anniversary Guinness World Record attempt.

On Wednesday 21 September our official Guinness World Record attempt will take place in The Lanes Shopping Centre from 5pm. It will then take a short period of time before the record attempt is verified and we find out if we have set a new Guinness World Record.

In October 2015 we required 7,500 to set a new world record, but the hospice have been overwhelmed as over 14,000 pompoms have already been created with many more left to be counted.

Following the record attempt we will be transforming the pompoms into items which will be sold in the hospice shops, sold to craft groups, individuals or anybody who would like to re-use the thousands of wonderful

pompoms, along with a permanent pompom related memento placed in the hospice.

We need your help

to string together all of the pompoms. Please call 01228 810801 for more information.


New event will light up a local lake Hundreds of floating lights will illuminate the memory of loved ones this October during the hospice’s first Light Up a Lake event. The magical evening will see the tranquil setting of Talkin Tarn transformed by hundreds of lights floating across the beautiful lake. Every light floating on the lake will represent a cherished memory of a relative or friend who is no longer with us. Katrina Sander, Community and Events Fundraising Manager, said “Every light shining brightly across Talkin Tarn will

reflect the loving memories people have shared with their family, friends and Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw. “People are welcome to dedicate a light in memory of a loved one or simply to support the work of the hospice. You can remember anybody during Light Up a Lake not just people who have been cared for at the hospice.” The special event will provide people with the opportunity to reflect and remember in a peaceful setting as the lights are floated on the lake. You will be able to write a special message on the floating light

boxes before they are placed on the lake. If you are unable to attend the service but would like a message to be written on a floating light a hospice representative will do this for you. To remember a loved one and support the hospice’s first Light Up a Lake event please contact the Fundraising Team on 01228 817613, pick up a leaflet from any of the hospice shops or visit www.edenvalleyhospice.org The hospice would like to thank Carlisle City Council and Talkin Tarn for making this special event possible.

Photo: Carlisle City Council

Silver and sparkles at Anniversary Ball This October the hospice will be transforming the Halston in Carlisle with silver and sparkles as we host a very special Silver Charity Ball to celebrate 25 years of care at Eden Valley Hospice. On Saturday 15 October we will be bringing the community together for a glamorous evening of fundraising in a beautiful venue. The 25th anniversary ball will include entertainment from Highly Strung, a silent auction and raffle with some fantastic prizes on the night.

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Tickets for the special evening of fundraising are £60 per person and more information can be found at www.edenvalleyhospice.org or by calling the Fundraising Team on 01228 817613. 16

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Corporate Fundraising During May thousands of people showered themselves in a rainbow of powdered paint at the hospice’s second Colour Run event at Carlisle Racecourse. We were delighted that this year’s event was sponsored by a host of businesses including our main sponsor Logic. Ian Boyd from Logic explains, “The directors and employees wanted to be involved and support a local project, but were undecided what to do. We had not heard of the Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw colour run,

Over the last 12 months staff and customers at TSB in Wigton have been supporting Eden Valley Hospice during the branch’s Charity of the Year partnership with the hospice. Branch Manager Dawn Gray said, “TSB customers were asked to nominate a local charity for us to support and Eden Valley Hospice was chosen from the nominations we received. “We had a ‘guess the name of the bear’ competition, I was sponsored to do the Cumbrian Run and held a Christmas raffle with prizes kindly donated by local businesses. We have also sold Christmas cards and second hand books, held a bake sale in branch and TSB gave us a £200 donation.”

but following a meeting with Natalie Bingham [Hospice Corporate Fundraiser], it was suggested we support the charity. After that it was a very simple decision and eventually decided to support the event as the main sponsors. “There are many benefits in supporting a local charity, Logic Directors and employees wanted to raise money, but there is more to it than that. Team building, being engaged in a worthwhile project and getting involved with other like-minded people, which is great.

During the year the kindness and generosity of the staff and customers at TSB in Wigton helped to raise a fantastic £1,838 in aid of the hospice. The money raised, along with donations from Myra Beck and Carlisle Cancer Care Group, has helped our Day Hospice to purchase a range of new chairs for the patients to enjoy. Dawn continued, “We wanted our money to be used to buy something the hospice needed.

“Employees, family and friends get involved and integrate with each other. There is a great sense of worth, a community spirit and the best feeling of all giving our own time as well as monies raised through a raffle which was supported so well by Logic clients and friends. “We enjoyed the day and found it really worthwhile and rewarding. Meeting new friends and making the day special for all.” Carlisle based Logic Business Systems have traded since 1986 and operate with two divisions, Logic Business Systems and Logic Document Solutions. Logic have built a reputation as an honest, open and professional approach to dealing with an expanding customer base throughout the UK, predominantly in the North. The chairs were suggested to us and we felt these would be a great benefit to patients using the day hospice. We initially aimed to raise £800, which would buy 4 chairs, but were extremely proud to raise £1,838 over the year. It was lovely to see the chairs in the day hospice when we visited. “We really appreciate the support we have received from our customers this year in all our fundraising efforts.” The hospice would like to thank TSB in Wigton, Myra Beck and Carlisle Cancer Care Group for helping the hospice to purchase the wonderful chairs. They are already making a huge difference to the patients.

Thank you to all of our corporate and Charity of the Year supporters! If your place of work would like Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw to be your charity of the year please contact Natalie Bingham, Corporate Fundraiser, on 01228 810801 or email natalie.bingham@edenvalleyhospice.org


Community Heroes A huge thank you and well done to all of our supporters who have helped Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw make a difference. This is just a small selection of photos taken over the past few months of the amazing support the hospice has received.

Will you make a difference by joining one of our events? September Wednesday 21 Pompom World Record Event The Lanes Shopping Centre, Carlisle

November Sunday 27 at 3pm Light Up a Life Penrith Methodist Church, Penrith

October Sunday 2 Great Cumbrian Run, Carlisle

December Sunday 4 December at 3.30pm Light Up a Life Hospice Grounds Gathering, Carlisle

Monday 3 to Sunday 9 Hospice Care Week Friday 14 Anniversary Raffle Drawn Saturday 15 Silver Anniversary Charity Ball The Halston, Carlisle Sunday 23 at 6pm Light Up a Lake – Talkin Tarn, Brampton

Friday 9 December at 7.30pm Light Up a Life Carlisle Cathedral Upcoming events for 2017 Carlisle Colour Run Great North Run April – Make a Will Month May - Bad Hair Day August – Great Cumbrian Tea Party

For more information about any of the hospice’s events or if you would like any help or support in organising your own event, please contact the Fundraising Team on 01228 817913, email fundraising@edenvalleyhospice.org or visit www.edenvalleyhospice.org

Contact Us Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw, Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice, Durdar Road, Carlisle, CA2 4SD General Hospice Enquiry – 01228 810801 | www.edenvalleyhospice.org | www.jigsawhospice.org Social Media






Remember someone special this festive time A personalised bauble on a Christmas Tree, a glowing tea light in the hospice gardens and the opportunity to reflect in music, words and silence. During the festive period Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw will be providing you with the opportunity to remember a loved one. Our annual Light Up a Life services have provided support, comfort and compassion to thousands of people over the last 14 years and will continue to do this for many years to come. During December, the hospice would like to invite the community to three special events at Carlisle Cathedral, Penrith Methodist Church and in the hospice grounds. Each Light Up a Life service is unique, but they all provide you with time to reflect in music and words whilst remembering and celebrating the lives of loved ones.

At Carlisle Cathedral and Penrith Methodist Church people are invited to bring a bauble or tree decoration to place on the hospice Christmas trees to represent a loved one and watch the trees light up in their memory. Each tree decoration will be brought back to the hospice chapel and placed on the Compassion Tree for the festive period.

Light Up a Life services have provided support, comfort and compassion to thousands of people over the last 14 years

During the service in the hospice grounds trees in the gardens will be illuminated as people remember a loved one. You will also be offered a tea light to place in the gardens during the services.

Although many people will remember someone who has been cared for at Eden Valley

Hospice and Jigsaw, you can choose to remember anyone. They don’t need to have been cared for at the hospice, they could be someone who just can’t be with you at this time of year. Every year thousands of people help to raise tens of thousands of pounds in aid of the hospice as they remember a loved one during Light Up a Light. To remember a loved one and make a donation during Light Up a Life, please contact the Fundraising Team on 01228 817613, visit www. edenvalleyhospice.org or complete the form overleaf.

Light Up a Life Services Penrith Methodist Church Sunday 27 November at 3.00pm Hospice Grounds Gathering Sunday 4 December at 3.30pm Carlisle Cathedral Carol Service Friday 9 December at 7.30pm

Did you know? In 2015 more than 1,400 people raised over £42,000 to help the care, support and activities provided to local adults and children with life limiting illnesses during Light Up a Life. 19

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Remember a loved one Light Up a Life q

Light Up a Lake q

I wish to remember and leave a message for: 1. ....................................................................................... 3. ...................................................................................... 5. ...................................................................................... My donation is

2. .......................................................................................... 4. .........................................................................................


There is no minimum donation all we ask is that you be as generous as you can. Please feel free to remember anyone close to your heart, not just people who have been cared for at Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw. You can remember a loved one by completing the form and returning to the address below or by making a donation online at www.edenvalleyhospice.org Title ............. Forename ........................................................... Surname .......................................................................................... Date of Birth* ........................... Address ........................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................... Post Code .......................................................... Please provide your telephone number and email address if you are happy to be contacted in this way.

Telephone .......................................................... Email ............................................................................................... Please return completed forms to: FREEPOST RTLY-KCCK-SZKX, Hospice Newsletter, Eden Valley Hospice, Durdar Road, CARLISLE, CA2 4SD Please make cheques payable to: Eden Valley Hospice. If you wish to donate by credit or debit card, please telephone on 01228 817613 or complete the form below. You can also make your donation online at www.edenvalleyhospice.org If you are a UK Taxpayer we are able to recover the tax paid on your donations at no extra cost to you boosting your donation by 25p in every ÂŁ1 you donate. In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick one of the boxes below.

q I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the last 4 years. OR

q I want to Gift Aid my donations. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that is I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains

in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations it is my responsibility to pay the difference.

Credit/Debit Card Card No. Start Date

Expiry Date Security Number

Issue Number

Signed ........................................................................................ Date .............................................................. 20

*We are collecting Date of Births to ensure we send you appropriate mailings.

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