1 minute read

Commonly Used Prayers


To enable all students to develop an awareness of and sensitivity to their own and others’ sexuality. Give opportunities for all students to consider their own knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in the light of Gospel values so that they can make positive and informed choices. Develop awareness of the sanctity of their human bodies as a unique creation in God’s image. Enable the students to enjoy relationships based on mutual respect, dignity and responsibility free from any abuse. Ensure that All Hallows Catholic College meets all statutory requirements. Help and support our students through their physical, emotional and moral development. Show how human relationship education is taught through dedicated PHRSE days, Religious Education, ICT and Science and all aspects of the curriculum as part of moral education. Emphasise the importance of working in partnership with the Church, Governors, parents and the wider community. Address all sensitive matters in a professional and confidential manner.

Parental Partnership

The sex education policy is available on our website. Although a parent has the right to withdraw their child from the Sex Education (apart from those aspects taught within Science as part of the National Curriculum) they cannot withdraw them from the Relationship aspects of Education. Parents wishing to exercise the right to withdraw their child from Sex education are asked to make an appointment with the Deputy Principal to discuss the issues but are under no obligation to do so. Once a student has been withdrawn from this aspect of the programme, they may not take part in any further sessions without written parental approval. From the age of 15, specifically 3 Terms prior to their 16th birthday, students may exercise their right to opt back into if their parents had made an earlier decision to withdraw them from SE. There will be an awareness raising event for parents regarding Relationships and Sex Education evening in the Autumn term, in the College Hall, presented by members of the RECC and Science faculties.