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College Café


Blazer - Black with pre-embroidered College badge. Worn at all times in, around and to and from College. Shirt - Plain white shirt (long or short sleeve may be worn). Must have a collar and top button suitable for wearing a tie . A plain white tee shirt may be worn under the shirt. Tie - Plain red clip on tie with College badge (Y7&8). Striped College tie (Y9-11). Trousers - Black, plain and tailored with a waist band. Black belt if required. Shoes – Black and sturdy. Please note that fabric shoes, trainers or boots are not acceptable. Socks – Plain black socks. No other colours or not patterns permitted. Jumper - Plain mid-grey ‘V’ necked jumper with College badge (Y7&8). Plain black ‘V’ necked jumper with College badge (Y9-11). The jumper is compulsory for all year groups. Outdoor Coat – Plain, dark coat to be worn when necessary in cold weather over College blazer. This garment should be regarded as the overcoat. Coats should be removed on entry to the building. College Bag - Bag bearing the College badge. Scarf - Plain dark scarf. No fashion scarves. No football scarves, any caps or other headgear.


Rugby Shirt - Red, embroidered with College badge. Football Shorts - Black with embroidered College badge. Polo Shirt - Red with embroidered College badge. Tracksuit Bottoms - Black fitted tracksuit bottoms with College badge. Worn in cold weather. New Tracksuit top – Black full zip tracksuit top with embroidered College badge. Worn for outdoor lessons in cold weather. PE Kit Bag – Black with College logo. Football Socks – Black, with red trim and College initials. Trainers - Must be sports trainers – running shoes or Astroturf trainers. No canvas/ fashion/’high-top’ shoes to be worn. Football Boots – for use on the grass football pitches (usually rugby). Can also be used on the 3G Astroturf pitch.


Shin Guards & Gum Shield - For use in competitive contact sports e.g. Hockey, Rugby, Football, strongly advised for safety. Rain Jacket – Black waterproof Jacket with embroidered College badge. Undergarments - or “skins” if worn must be plain red, black or white. In extreme weather conditions plain black hats and gloves may be worn with the permission of the teacher. Shin Guards & Gum Shield - For use in competitive contact sports e.g. Hockey, Rugby, Football.