2 minute read

Use of ICT

Anti Bullying /Mobile Phones/Transport

All Hallows has a zero tolerance of bullying/peer on peer abuse. If your son/daughter ever feels bullied they must speak to their Form Tutor, Year Learning Leader or other member of staff. The 2 Pastoral offices are staffed throughout the day. All information will be dealt with sensitively. The College also has a confidential bully report email address, if a student finds it difficult to speak out or if a friend wants to report something: bullying@allhallowslearning.org.uk. Year Learning Leaders and Pastoral Support Managers also run daily ‘Drop In’ sessions in their offices at break times for a student to talk about any issue. IN ORDER TO REDUCE OPPORTUNITIES FOR CYBER BULLYING OUTSIDE COLLEGE PARENTS SHOULD ENSURE THAT ACCESS TO SOCIAL NETWORK SITES IS STRICTLY MONITORED AND THAT CHILDREN RESTRICT THEIR TELEPHONE NUMBER TO PROVEN AND TRUSTED FRIENDS. For further details see policy on website.

Mobile Phones

Students are allowed to carry mobile phones to and from College, but they should be switched off and out of sight (in their inside pocket) from 8:50am to 3:15pm. Mobile phones, if seen or used, will be confiscated and kept in the College safe until a parent/carer collects them. There are NO exemptions to this rule. Mobile phones must always be handed over on request and the College reserves the right to ban a student from bringing the item to College, if (s)he fails to comply with the rule. Parents who wish to get urgent messages to their children during the College day should telephone the College reception.


The College will continue to ensure that there is an efficient transport system to All Hallows through its special partnership with Bostocks coaches. All students, who travel on Bostock’s buses are subsidised. The Local Authority will continue to subsidise transport for students in receipt of free school meals and parents should apply directly to the Local Authority. The College can assist in arranging staged payments with Bostocks and can also offer grants to some families in receipt of tax credits. Contact All Hallows Finance Office for the "Special Circumstances Transport Assistance Form". Information on the bus routes can be downloaded from our website. Enquiries regarding transport provision should be directed to the Finance Office: finance@allhallows.org.uk. Tickets can be purchased from Bostock’s Coaches direct. Behaviour on the buses is the responsibility of parents but the College does all it can, by way of investigation and sanctions to assist the process of maintaining good order. Sanctions imposed can include withdrawing the right to travel on College transport, meaning the student has to make their own way to College using public transport. Sixth form students act as bus monitors, and are asked to report any incidents of poor/unsafe behaviour.