The Waste Revolution Handbook Volume 2

Page 88


Imvemvane Logistics A new way of Waste Management Turning Waste to Diesel (Synfuel) through Depolymerisation (Waste for Oil), incorporating ALPHAKAT Technology from Germany We are drowing in and the country is being suffocated by waste. Waste management is very expensive without offering a proper revenue. Landfills can’t take anymore waste, they are full and will be closed soon – so where to go with the waste? Landfills are also a source of hazardous emissions and fumes and the people trying to make a living from going through these landfills are of poor health, in need of medical attention (additional costs), jobs and accommodation. One must also not forget the contamination of ground water resources, air pollution and the contribution to global warming by these landfills. Which solutions do the CPD plants offer: 1) Instead of incinerating the waste – a method with low effectivity from an energy point of view and still considerable toxic emissions – the CPD converts all organic waste (anything that burns) to highest quality synthetic Diesel without causing any hazardous emissions or pollution to the surroundings. As the Diesel comes out of the CPD (Catalytic Pressureless Depolymerisation) plant it is ready to be used in cars, trucks, engines, generators, locomotives, ships, helicopters and planes.

2) Gain of oil-equivalent from various technologies

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