Academy of Saint Elizabeth | 2022-2028 Strategic Plan

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The Academ y of Saint Elizabeth is a Catholic , inde pendent, colleg e pre parator y school for young women, founded and sponsored b y the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth.


To p r o m o t e t h e d i s c i p l i n e s o f a c a d e m i c

e x c e l l e n c e a n d m o r a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y

w i t h i n o u r y o u n g w o m e n b y s u s t a i n i n g

a s c h o l a r l y e n v i r o n m e n t a n d

a n u r t u r i n g c o m m u n i t y o f f a i t h .

Seeking to participate in the transformation ofour world, our mission is based on five core values.



Fostering a Values-Based Experience

We will instill the core values of charity, community, justice, ser vice, and educational e xcellence in Academy of Saint Elizabeth students, faculty, and staff, to ensure our g r aduates become confident, empowered future leader s possessing unique, God-given talents that will positively impact the world.

Achieving Excellence

We will pre pare students to e xcel in post-secondar y settings and provide a global per spective enriched by e xperiential lear ning to encour age the interconnectedness of cultures and develop an appreciation and respect for diver sity in its many dimensions.

Sustaining the Legacy

We will use resources efficiently and refine effor ts to fur ther a philanthropic culture in suppor t of the values of a Catholic education, based in the founding principles of the Sister s of Charity of Saint Elizabeth with rich and fulfilling e xperiences available to capable young women with unique differences and from diver se backg rounds for future gener ations.


VA L U E S - B A S E D experience

“Encourage one another, and may your good example speak louder than any words can.”
–St. Louise de Marillac


the spiritual for mation of students through theological e xplor ation requiring students to think critically about historical conte xts as well as the role of women of the Bible encour aging under standing of the female per spective; active engagement in classwork, liturgical e xperiences, and contemplative pr ayer nur turing the spiritual development of each student to bring about g reater justice, love, and g r ace.


the Academy’s educational oppor tunities to include a global per spective which seeks to empower our students to successfully engage in an ever-changing world as knowledgeable, ethical female leader s of the future.


the Academy administr ation, faculty, staff, stakeholder s, and students to create an inclusive environment and to build an appreciation for diver sity both within and beyond the cur riculum.


inter per sonal relationships and strengthen connections to the community for all constituents through shared e xperiences and the celebr ation of Academy tr aditions; fur ther develop confidence and leader ship skills with a focus on ser vice to other s through our school counseling prog r am and a relevant, robust e xtr acur ricular prog r am.

VA L U E S - B A S E D experience

C U LT U R E O F excellence

“An education in the fullness of humanity should be the defining feature of Catholic schools.”
–Pope Francis

Foster the development of inde pendent, reflective lear ner s who are consistently challenged to think critically, reason with authentic data, and apply problem-solving skills in real world scenarios.

Create oppor tunities for students to live the mission and appreciate the values inherent in a Catholic education that encour ages commitment to social justice, nur tures dee p appreciation of our multicultur al society, and cultivates responsible global citizens who actively par ticipate in the tr ansfor mation of their world.

Explore avenues to e xpand and enrich counseling ser vices to best meet the dynamic academic, social and emotional needs of our young women thus ensuring they reach their full potential and emerge lifelong lear ner s who are confident, empowered and dedicated to faith, knowledge, and ser vice.

Enhance educational oppor tunities in technolog y and promote standards for innovative teaching and lear ning that develop capable, responsible, technologically-savvy digital citizens who may thrive in a digital world.

Encour age young citizens to build a more diver se, equitable and inclusive world nourished by their education and e xperiences.

S U S TA I N I N G the legac y
C U LT U R E O F excellence

S U S TA I N I N G thelegacy

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
–Mother Teresa

Focus on str ate gic, sustainable, targeted enrollment goals by highlighting our mission in all communications and showcasing the advantages and lifetime impact of an Academy education and e xperience to secure our future as a highly acclaimed Catholic high school for young women in the state of New Jer sey.

Enhance the enrollment management process to include lever aging community suppor t in student recr uitment and emphasizing a per sonalized admissions e xperience for families to attr act and retain students.

Promote the Academy’s le gacy of academic e xcellence and unique SEAsterhood (through various web-based interfaces), with an emphasis on engaging past and cur rent students as well as bolstering enrollment and long-ter m viability in a competitive environment.

Engage in systematic, str ate gic planning and collabor ation among the Board of Tr ustees and CFO to ensure that the financial health of the Academy is sustained and advanced by focusing on a shared vision which includes a commitment to established goals.

Strive to advance a major gift prog r am and create an endowment to build a sustainable, long ter m investment which will safe guard the financial health of the Academy and steward good will among all stakeholder s.

S U S TA I N I N G T H E legac y

A Future of Promise

The Academy of Saint Elizabeth community of constituents: Board of Tr ustees, administr ation, faculty, staff, students, families, and alumnae will work collabor atively over the ne xt six year s to ensure this focused vision for the future of our beloved school is acted upon with inte g rity and commitment, always dedicated to core values and founding principles. Our goal is to build upon our fine le gacy while pre paring young women to meet the challenges of the twenty-fir st centur y with knowledge, under standing, faith, g r ace and confidence. With focused attention to the tenets of this plan, the Academy will flourish for future gener ations and remain an e xemplar y, prestigious Catholic, colle ge pre par ator y school for young women in the state of New Jer sey.


Monique Degnan, P '20 Chairwoman

Nicole Chase '87 Vice Chairwoman

Josephine Serrano, P '07 Secretary

James Garret, P '20 & '21 Treasurer

Deborah Baseil, P '08

Stephanie M. Brown

Meghan Barret Burke

Sister Patricia Butler, SOC

DanaLynn T. Colao

Deirdre Gaffney, P '20

Sister Merris Larkin, SOC

Michael Martinez

Antoinette Plewa '72, P '02

Andrea Pribula '07

Dr. Elizabeth Azar


“We have all been called by God to work on a masterpiece.”
–St. Vincent De Paul
“Real g enerosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.
– Pearl S. Buck

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