Robert De Visée Suites en partition – Dessus et Basse
[Total time: 12:30 ]
[“Livre de piéces pour la guittarre”, Paris, 1686]
I. Suite IX – B minor
1. Prélude [00:57] 2. Allemande [02:09] 3. Courante [00:59] 4. Sarabande [02:08] 5. Gigue [01:05] 6. Menuet 1 et 2 [01:58] 7. Passacaille [01:57] 8. Gavotte [00:41] 9. Bourrée [00:36]
[Total time: 12:56]
[“Livre de piéces pour la guittarre”, Paris, 1686]
I . Suite X – G minor
10. Prélude [01:18] 11. Allemande [02:00] 12. Courante [01:20] 13. Sarabande [01:59] 14. Gigue [01:05] 15. Chaccone [02:05] 16. Menuet 1 et 2 [01:55] 17. Gavotte [00:37] 18. Bourrée [00:37]
[Total time: 08:43]
[ “Livre de piéces pour la guittarre”, Paris, 1686]
I I. Suite XI – G minor
19. Prélude [01:11] 20. Allemande [02:24] 21. Sarabande [01:28] 22. Gigue [01:15] 23. Passacaille [02:25]
Sergio Candia recorder
Gina Allende viola da gamba
Eduardo Figueroa guitar and theorbo
[Suite X ]
(2) Soprano recorder in D (diapason A=415 Hz), after model by Th. Stanesby Jr. / Jorge Montero, 2014 (3) Alto recorder in F (diapason A=406 Hz), after model by J.H. Rottenburgh / Francesco Li Virghi, 2012
[Suite XI ]
[Suite IX / 8-9] [Suite IX / 1-7]
(1) Tenor recorder in D (diapason A=415 Hz), after model by P. Bressan / Lorenzo Lio, 2020
(4) Soprano recorder in B (diapason A=406 Hz), after model by J. Hotteterre / Jorge Montero, 2017 (5) Viola da gamba with 7 strings, after model by M. Colichon / Humberto Orellana, 2003. (6) Chitarrone after model by M. Sellas / Klaus Jacobsen, 2005.
(7) 5-string guitar after model by M. Sellas / Klaus Jacobsen, 2007
his recording proposes a performance of original works for guitar by the French musician Robert De Visée (ca. 1655-1732) adapted for instrumental ensemble according to the style and musical practices in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This project involves a “recycling” or adaptation of the original compositional material, employing historically informed instrumentation and performance practices.
The three suites of French
Vicerrectoría de Investigación
Baroque dances that make up
of the Pontificia Universidad
this recording are the world
Católica de Chile.
premiere of a transcription and adaptation of the famous guitar
R. De Visée himself published
pieces by the composer Robert
in 1716 an adaptation of his
De Visée, who was the musician
works for lute and theorbo in
of the French kings Louis XIV
soprano and bass parts, to make
and Louis XV.
possible their performance on treble instruments (violin, flutes,
This research work applied to
oboe) accompanied by basso
performance has been developed
continuo (violas, lutes, guitar,
by the Estudio MusicAntigua
harp, harpsichord).
(EMA), under the direction of Sergio Candia, through the
Following this path, the principal
project CCA 2020-65183021,
researcher and director of the
financed by the Dirección
EMA, Sergio Candia, together
de Artes y Cultura, of the
with scholars Gina Allende and
Eduardo Figueroa, transcribed,
use De Visée’s transcriptions, but
adapted and edited a book of
made their own adaptation from
scores with pieces originally
the original tablature, adapting as
published by De Visée for guitar,
much as possible the melodies
in his “Livre ... pour la Guitarre”
and idiomatic turns of phrase of
(1686). In this edition De Visée
the guitar to other instruments,
adds, at the end of the book,
adding also a proposal of
some transcriptions for treble
ornamentation in the stylistic
instrument and basso continuo,
direction of contemporaries of
being a partial selection of some
R. De Visée, such as Hotteterre,
of his original suites for guitar.
Marais and Blavet.
In this project the musicians of the EMA have completed some of the suites by transcribing and adapting the dances of which there was no transcription by the author. Likewise, they did not
The recording for this publication was made at the San Juan auditorium, Instituto de Música, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, January 2021. The sound recording and digital audio editing was done by Félix Rodríguez Betancourt.
The editions of the Alio Modo Project offer high quality recordings of the works performed by Estudio MusicAntigua and La Compañía de Céfiro and their guest musicians.
Project CCA 2020-65183021, financed by the Dirección de Artes y Cultura,Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Félix Rodríguez Graphic design Mary Paz Albornoz Carlos Arriagada Transcriptions, adaptations and score editions
Artistic direction
Félix Rodríguez
Eduardo Figueroa
Sergio Candia
Alio Modo
Sound recording, mastering and digital phonographic editing
Ancient Music Project – Chile 2021 YouTube channel: Alio Modo Project Santiago de Chile – 2021 All rights reserved