Guide To Buying A Home

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Guide To Buying A Home

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The Process

Buyers typically search for 10 weeks and look at a median of 10 homes.”

National Association of Realtors

Guiding Your Purchase

Buying a home isnt always a walk in the park, I just want it to feel like one.

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Discount Vs Full Service Vs

Offer Strategy

I’ll walk you through every step of the purchase and sale agreement to help you make a winning offer! I’ll guide the process and you make the decisions.

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Offer Elements

This is an example of what a multiple offer situation can look like.

Winning Offer Strategy

If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know it when you find it.

The Path To Closing


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I love the great outdoors!

Perk of my job sharing amazing interiors I see day to day.

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