What is the purpose of regenerative medicine?

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What is the purpose of regenerative medicine? Regenerative Medicines The process of replacing or "regenerating" human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or establish normal function is known as regenerative medicine. By replacing damaged tissue or activating the body's natural healing mechanisms to repair tissues or organs, this subject holds the potential of restoring damaged tissues and organs in the body. Scientists may be able to produce tissues and organs in the lab and safely implant them when the body is unable to heal itself, courtesy to regenerative medicine.

Types of Regenerative Medicines ● Stem cell therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that involves the use of a specific type of cell to treat conditions. ● Regeneration of Cartilage ● Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) ● Prolotherapy

Cord Blood and Regenerative Medicines Cord blood stem cells are being researched for a variety of applications, including Type 1 diabetes, to see if they can slow the loss of insulin production in children; cardiovascular repair, to see if cells migrate to injured cardiac tissue, improve function and blood flow at the site of injury, and improve overall heart function; and central nervous system applications, to see if cells migrate to the area of brain injury, alleviating mobility (such as that experienced with cerebral palsy).

Benefits and Purposes of Regenerative Medicines Stem cells help the body develop by providing new cells and replacing damaged or lost special cells. They are able to do so because of two exceptional qualities. They can divide indefinitely to produce new cells. They can convert into different types of cells that make up the body as they divide. If stem cells can be coaxed into dividing into multiple cell types, they could provide a long-term source of replacement cells and tissues for diseases like Parkinson's, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.

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