What is Regenerative Medicine and it's Types

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What is Regenerative Medicine and it's Types Regenerative Medicine Regenerative medicine is the process of replacing or "regenerating" human cells, tissues, or organs in order to restore or establish normal function. This subject has the ability to restore damaged tissues and organs in the body by replacing damaged tissue or triggering the body's own healing mechanisms to repair tissues or organs.

Types of Regenerative Medicine There are four types of regenerative medicines:

Stem Cell Treatment Stem cell therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that involves the use of a specific type of cell to treat damage. Back pain is treated with stem cell treatment, which helps rebuild tissues in the spinal discs. Stem cells are unique cells that have no specific role in the body but can develop into a different type of cell that does.

Regeneration of Cartilage Cartilage regeneration is one type of regenerative therapy that can benefit persons with musculoskeletal disorders. The goal of this treatment is to repair cartilage that has been injured. Because cartilage lacks blood vessels and does not always have a consistent blood supply, it does not repair properly on its own.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) The theory behind platelet-rich plasma therapy is that platelets and plasma found in the blood can heal and repair injuries. PRP treatments are commonly commonly used to treat tendon injuries in sports medicine. Platelet-rich plasma is created by drawing blood from a patient and processing it to create a concentrated solution with more platelets and plasma than conventional blood.

Prolotherapy Prolotherapy is a regenerative treatment for injured joints and connective tissues. Arthritis, whiplash, and degenerative disc disease are all treated by this method. The back, neck, shoulders, hips, hands, and knees can all benefit from it. A doctor

administers prolotherapy by injecting a watery solution including saline and dextrose into the damaged area. A numbing substance, such as lidocaine, is generally included in these injections.

Looking for certified regenerative medicine center? Shifa Rejuvenation Clinic is the first medical clinic in Pakistan to use stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine to treat a many conditions, including neurological problems and autoimmune diseases. Their treatments are verified by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) to ensure that patients receive high-quality care. It is also Pakistan's only stem cell therapy center that uses therapeutic procedures licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Send us an email at info@shifarejuvenation.com for more information and to schedule a free consultation.

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