Importance of Stem Cell Therapy For Neck and Back Pain

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Importance of Stem Cell Therapy For Neck and Back Pain Introduction to Neck and Back Pain The most familiar cause of sharp back or neck pain is a muscle injury, due to which muscle fibers are stretched and torn down due to this severe neck and back pain. Muscle injury may occur due to several reasons like overusage, heavy lifting, as well as by constant motions that put continuous pressure on the back or neck muscles.

Chronic Neck and Back Pain Causes Several risk factors are responsible for chronic neck and back pain, like:

★ Over or inappropriate use, overwork such as heavy lifting ★ Any type of trauma, injury, or fracture ★ Fracture or a breakdown of vertebrae that is usually caused by muscle strain that supports your spine ★ Age factor ★ Infection ★ A tumor or bone spur that involves unusual growth may responsible for neck and back pain ★ Weakens of the back muscles ★ Joint disease, like Arthritis ★ Smoking ★ Herniated and Degeneration of the disc ★ Abdominal problems, such as an aortic aneurysm

Natural Ways To Heal a Herniated Disc Quickly ★ ★ ★ ★

Exercise Maintaining Good Posture Maintain Healthy Weight Quit Smoking

Best and Permanent Treatment for Neck and Back Pain Stem cell therapy is the best alternative to spinal surgery for those who are undergoing chronic neck and back pain that is caused by degenerative disc disease. People might want to talk about regenerative therapy with their doctors as a possible treatment alternative. These cells are then injected into the degenerated disc, which stimulates the regeneration of the disc’s collagen. As the collagen, which is rubbery cushion material, is regenerated within the damaged disc, its function should slowly be restored.

Stem cells are special cells that are molded into many other different types of cells. These cells help to repair the other dead cell in the body. Regenerative medicine offers an alternative to surgery, and also the innovation provided by stem cell therapies is an exciting new technique to help those who are affected by chronic back and neck pain that's caused by degenerative disc diseases within the neck and back.

Best Stem Cell Treatment Provider Center in Pakistan R3 Stem Cell Pakistan is proud to give advanced regenerative medicine procedures to help patients say goodbye to surgical treatments. Modern biological researchers have already earned completely safe and non-surgical treatments to the world through stem cell rejuvenation procedures. In Pakistan, Stem cell therapy is the latest method that is introduced for treating different diseases. It is utilizing stem cell treatment and regenerative medication for treating excess diseases. “Stem Cells Therapy” is the latest improvement in the field of medical science that has made conceivable danger-free treatments and their treatments are verified by the Drug Regulatory Authority Pakistan (DRAP).

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