Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy For Multiple Sclerosis

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Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy For Multiple Sclerosis

Stem cell treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has shown healing, repairing, restoring, and regenerating properties. The advantage of umbilical cord stem cells has made it achievable to treat MS more efficiently. MS is a disease that influences the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves in your eyes. It can crash and disbalance your mental health state and cause severe health problems connected with vision, balance, muscle control, and other main body functions.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis Multiple signs and indications appear when people are affected by MS such as: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Pain Depression Fatigue Trouble walking Blurred eyesight Numbness or tingling Drop foot Muscle weakness or spasms

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis ●

Usually, MS is diagnosed between the age of 20-40 years.

The most usual forms of MS influence women more than men.

Genetics is one of the factors which is responsible for Multiple Sclerosis.

People who usually smoke are higher at risk for catching MS as more hopeful smoking damages the brain cells.

Exposure to infections, such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), or mononucleosis

Researchers have stated that people who do not take sunlight necessary for the body to form vitamin D are also at greater risk for acquiring MS due to lack of Vitamin D.

Stem Cell Therapy For Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system and also destroys the nerve fibers. There are multiple benefits of stem cell therapy for MS patients, the main role of stem cells is to replace, repair, and regenerate the dead and damaged cells in the body. Stem cells can transform into different kinds of cells in the body. Various clinical studies have determined that mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy is found to be fruitful in treating neural damage in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Stem cell treatment for MS has shown repairing and regenerating characteristics. The use of umbilical cord cells has made it achievable to likely treat MS more efficiently. Umbilical cord stem cells can oppose inflammation in the body as stem cells are anti-inflammatory cells. This makes Umbilical Cord Stem Cells an attractive therapy for MS and other states characterized by inflammation or tissue injury.

Stem Cell Therapy Clinic in Pakistan Shifa Regenerative and Rejuvenation Clinic is one of the first and leading stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine centers in Pakistan utilizing stem cell treatment and regenerative medication for treating more than 82 diseases. This certified healthcare center in Pakistan provides and deals with Amniotic and UMBILICAL CORD STEM CELL, and PRP injections with their procedures verified by Drug Regulatory Authority Pakistan (DRAP) to provide quality treatment to patients. Besides, we are Pakistan’s only Stem Cell Therapy hospital using the treatment methods regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States. Visit our website or for the consultation email us at info@shifarejuvenation.com.

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