Marcus and gaius legal

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ARGUMENT: Marcus and Gaius are twins who were separated at birth, one went to a family rich and the other to a poor family, then the women poor who lived with Marcus, because she adopt him, became a slave, so Marcus decided to be a slave but of the family of Gaius. There treated him well a few days until they suddenly changed their attitude and began to beat him. Rome at that time was at war with Hispania and then, Gaius marched accompanied by Marcus, together, but they ended up on opposite sides, Marcus was part of the Hispanic and Gaius of the Romans, at that time knew that they were brothers. Marcus began to be unhappy and at that time he met a girl, at the end Roma ended up winning the war and Marcus ended up dead at the side of his brother.


Marcus and Gaius 216 before Christ born in Rome Gaius and Marcus, children of a slave named Lux, who had children with her owner. He did not want her pregnant because his reputation was in risk as patrician because he was very popular organising the festivities most important of Rome. After the twins born the owner of the slave said to Lux to kill them but she left them abandoned in two separate baskets, on the river Tiber. One of the babies reached to a patrician domus, one of the richest and important of Rome, where he was accepted and welcomed as a child of the house because his wife couldn’t have children’s. But the other did not have the same luck and diverted river down an insulae, in there they live a very poor family, probably poorer of Rome, because they don't have to eat, there a woman who was picking a little bit of water, found the baby in the small. She knew that she couldn't feat him and maybe just become a slave for being so poor, but also she took it, because she thought that it would be better than be ate for the sharks on the Sea Nostrum or die drowned on the sea too. Years passed, and Marcus and Gaius were 14 years old, Gaius lived very happy, he had a good education, worthy of a patrician. One day he found an old woman that everybody was saying that she was the person who has to pay more on the town, because everything she had was of another person, and she didn't buy anything. She


had a house, but also the house wasn't of her, it was of her owner, that everybody was thinking that she killed him and she kept the house. Gaius continued the judgment in which condemned the women to slavery, which he was worried about what would happen with the adopted son of the woman he would be slave like her or live on the ground feeding of the things that the Romans would give to him or looking for the rest of the food of the richest patricians to be able to eat. The woman ended up being a slave of a Roman family who lived on the side of the central square of the town where the two main roads were crossing called Cardus and Decumanus. Then Marcus who was the adopted son of the woman, was left without a mother and he had to go to the street with no money, food and water. After a few days Gaius saw Marcus on the street, he felt very sorry to see him and he looked him very surprised because they are very similar. Gaius said that if he wanted to become a slave of his family he could eat well, live and rest in a comfortable place but for an exchange for his service as a servant. Gaius don’t was totally sure that his father wanted another slave, but he thought that Marcus was different. Finally his father told him that the kid first must accept if he want to be a slave, and if he do, then Marcus must pass some tests, these was very easy but they serve for know if the slave is loyal with the pater of the family. Three days later Gaius return to the same place where he see Marcus and he saw him thoughtful, like with this time, he don’t know if he wants to live in a house or in the street. When Marcus see Gaius he run to him and question him if is true that the master of the house take care him.


Both arrived to the domus in which the pater of the family made some tests. The first was some questions of his live and one questions was if Marcus save first his mother or Gaius. He answers Gaius because he never meets his mother, because his adoptive mother tells him that his real mum left him in the Tiber river. The second test was of physical exercise like move thinks and get it up. The final test was the easiest because he was habituated to do every day with his old mum. Finally, Gaius father tells him that Marcus can be a very nice slave because he has the required abilities and strength for do the job with any problem. The first days were hard, Marcus wasn’t habituated to this work, but he do the possible to survive. He likes too to be there, he felt accepted to be a slave, he likes to hear the histories of Gaius father, he like to be with them. He know that Gaius was true saying him that the family gonna be generous with him. He was having the better moment of his live, but there’s a think that he doesn’t know. Why the mum of Gaius has an offensive expression every time he was in the side of her? Maybe his mother has the reason when she say that the slaves was treated like toys that it broke all the time. But he was lucky because this only happened with the wife of the house. Marcus was right, the mum of Gaius didn’t like the good treat of his son and his husband so she went to tell to Gaius father that he can start scold him because Marcus wasn’t another son, he was a slave like others. He


didn’t know if do it, but final approved the thing that she told, because all his friends treat very bad his slaves and when they come into the domus, didn’t want that they saw that treat very good and they help he, like a son, so the next day Marcus had a bad day, he started with some hits in the back to wake up, one minute later after the thing he has to do. Apart the things he did every day, he had to wash all his house with a very small broom, so it was very difficult, he did it all the day.

Marcus started doing the work the better that he can, but he didn’t do it so good for the mum of Gaius, so, one day she said to Gaius, that, he help it to restart his life, but Gaius didn’t help he, because he didn’t want that he goes out, he loves he more than a normal slave. The years passed and Gaius had to go out to Hispania to fight versus the Iberian people, because Rome was in the center of a bloody fighting. After he got, he met Marcus, his slave, and he said that he can go with Gaius in the fight, he want to go out of the bad domus, he accepted. When they were prepared to go out, with other persons, started a tempest, but the fight was in game, but they didn’t wanted wait, because the roman legions need reinforcements, and the Iberians had got more troops. They go out of Rome with a ship, that it was the faster ship of the romans, with a good crew, with food, water and wine. They had one month of travel to arrive at his destiny.


In the road, they found a Iberian ship, so they fight, but the romans rammed quickly with the spur that they had in front of the ship, when it get trapped, all the crew passed at the other ship with a rope and the two sides started fighting that they painted all the ship with blood. They finished winning the romans but they lose some men’s, and the numbers of persons that they go in the travel to Hispania, was reduced in 30 persons. All the crew left the enemy ship and they cached all the things that the ship had, next the enemy ship undid of the spur, and it goes down slowly becoming full of water, until there wasn’t anything of the enemy ship, the romans sent it as a tribute to the roman’s gods of the war ant the sea, Mart and Neptune and to the goddess Bellona to help they to win the war with the Iberians and to get more lands to found new cities.

When they were ready to arrive they a found a whirlwind of which they don't have many possibilities to survive, so the Romans took all the supplies that they could and jumped by the gunwale, but Gaius went to the downstairs to found Marcus, as he is a slave and he was on the oars trying to escape from the whirlwind. When he saw his owner going back to the gunwale and ready to jump he realize that if they jumped they would die more fast, sinker into the water of the whirlwind. So they were stay there saying goodbye to the life when suddenly the whirlwind was doing more little and finally


disappearing with a trace of foam, but the trouble was when all to people who jumped by the gunwale died sink into the sea, so they had lost a lot of warriors and a lot of slaves who moved the boat, and they only have left a few supplies to survive during one or two days more, as all the warriors who jumped into the sea took with them a lot of provisions. Upon reaching the Hispania Marcus and Gaius were very frightened many colleagues had died and no longer wanted to go to war, but decided that would be on the side of the river to prepare the weapons, were lost and take the huts, because they knew that war as such did not last one day, so they was cutting wood and other materials needed to build his hut, each on their own, unless they wanted to share the same cabin as was the case of Marcus and Gaius working to build a shelter for both. Marcus began to training with a scarecrow and so could improve his technique. While Marcus practiced Gaius threw arrows at birds, because he liked to throw arrows. From early childhood he had practiced with his father and they ate what they hunted: rabbits, wild boars and fish and some other bird. The day of the fight came, and the soldiers who remained alive were ready for war. Romans had thought the tactic to fight consisted of slaves to the front to do battle as a suicide and exhausting the enemy, then entered the other row was made up of the most equipped and had just killed all the enemy soldiers.

When the roman and the Iberian sides started to fight, Marcus realized that they utilized slaves for die they first, so he left and went to the other


side, because if he stays there he will die, without it was discovered by the Romans and the Iberians and meet Iltirda.

There the citizens welcomed and gave him food, he explained the reason for the war was: The Iberians lived in peace all of his side, had good land and good crops. Just why the Romans was interested and if they reached land, the destruction and build temples for the gods, circuses and all kinds of monuments which would destroy the nature of Hispania and thousands of families.

Also there were the Iberians who explained: The Iberians are a group of people that classical sources and identify the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula with that name at least since the sixth century BC.

It took a while in that city watching from the hills above the war and blood poured Romans when one day while watching a girl approached the hill. He approached the girl, but was a little girl, it was a very pretty


girl with blue eyes clear as water and by blond like gold, was tall and thin, but she was Iberian and Marcus could not be in love with her because it would be cheating his best friend and owner. But he could not resist and went to talk to her, the girl told her that was called Aunis and was the daughter of the warlord, his father controlled

all enemies of Gaius and what they planned all techniques Iberian war. Marcus told him the sad story of his life and said that he was the slave of Gaius, the soldiers of the Roman Tribune. They quickly fell in love, they knew their love was impossible but wanted too to leave it, so I decided that every day at 7 pm would be on the hill, and their love would last forever. They spent a year and six months together and Aunis was pregnant 8 months and 20 days at the time the Marcus went to war with Gaius. Marcus didn’t want to hurt any Roman because he knew were like her


family, but could not return the kill cruelly and without feelings, I was very hesitant, but eventually went with the Iberians.

While Gaius was killing all the Iberians who was and saw that none of them tried to kill the named and the name of his former slave, Marcus. It tries to find out why and then it was when he saw the armour and Marcus

Then Gaius asked why he had gone with the enemies because together they could finish with Iberians and he answered that the politic of Romans wasn’t fair because all the slaves had to die in the battle and however Iberians hadn’t any law of it because all were humans and they help together and shared all the things that they had. Gaius understood the reason but he was from a rich family and he never had been worried of these things because with the money he could buy his freedom. Below the two brothers went to the battlefield, they looked for last time and they say that the last moment that they will see they were enemies and no brothers. They knew that the wars will be matches because the best romans will be in


different sides, but all the people knew that romans had better forming. Gaius don’t want to kill his brother, he want that another roman kill Marcus but he knew that he was the only that could kill Marcus. Aunia entered to the battlefield to tell Marcus that his father died in the battle and to leave the battle and went with her and his future baby, but when she went to say this Gaius killed her. Marcus went to search her and said that she love him, the boy looked Gaius with sad and aggressive eyes, then he stand up and went running to kill him but when he was two meters of Gaius he think that his sword was near the girl. He was scared and he looked around him and he saw a sword that was stabbed on a roman, he took it and he throw it with all his force but he fail then Gaius stabbed the best sword that he and Marcus died looking the sad and anger eyes of his brother then Marcus took the sword that had the roman of his side and stabbed on the lung of Gaius, he died at his side. After ten days the romans conquered the iberians and when they were building camps one roman found a baby at the side of a died girl, Aunia. Her baby had one collar where said the name of the mother Aunia and her name Minerva and like this is how the soldier said. Minerva lived happy and she married with a patrician.



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