MedTimes V4 I2

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‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬

C O M M E N T ,

R A T E ,




■ Hey reader! How was the semester break? Short huh? It must be tough making the transition to classes again. Well, we made

and present this awesome issue to you for comfort and ease. Our committee, the Press, is bigger and better than ever! The Arabic section and writing contest are back, so kick back, relax, and let us amplify your voice once again. Sincerely, the Press ■

Inside This Issue:

Cancer Awareness @Aramco Festival (page 2) Calling All Reps! MSA 2012 Elections and New President! (page 3) SDC’s Clubs: Awesome Accomplishments and Future Potential (page 4) Constructive Criticism: Postponing Exams—A Privilege Or a Right? (page 5) Research Experience: Mohammed Diya @ Harvard Medical School (page 5) Writing Contest Winner Ammar Farook Chapra Won SR300 Gift Card! (page 6) Student Interview: Akram Nurhussen A.K.A “AK” (page 6) College of Medicine On: Are Students Getting Enough Support? (page 7) Making Better Doctors or Different Doctors? (page 7) Healthcare for Alfaisal Students (page 7) Confessions of a Perfectionist (page 8) Alfaisal Leadership: Dr. Muhammad Atif Mazhar and Dr. Sadia Qazi (page 10) M e d T i m e s s t r i v e s t o T h e r e f o r e , t h e v i e w s

b e t h e u n c e n s o r e d y e t s e n s i b l e v o i c e o f m e d i c a l s t u d e n t s . e x p r e s s e d w i t h i n d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h e v i e w s a n d p o l i c i e s o f A l f a i s a l U n i v e r s i t y .

College News Collage: Give Blood, In-house Faculty, and Palliative Care Trip “Girls, Y U NO be quiet when we have exams?” —Abdulaziz Binaqail. “At Alfaisal, exam dates are final, unless someone decides to change them...” — Abdulaziz Kattan

■ The global shortage of blood donation is one of the leading

obstacles in healthcare. In Saudi Arabia, the importance of donating blood is not given enough attention. This on-going crisis prompted the MSA and the SDC to work in association with KFSH&RC to organize the “Alfaisal Blood Drive” campaign. A mobile blood bank was set up on campus grounds between the 20th and 23rd of November 2011. Volunteer students and staff from KFSH were present on-site to supervise and conduct the process. Donors went through a brief examination. Male and female students expressed their commitment and altruism in helping the needy, living up to the camMohammad AlSaadoon donating blood at the mobile blood bank paign’s motto “Give blood…Give life!” ■ Having

in-house faculty members as course directors comes with a sigh of relief for phase 2 students at Alfaisal. The medical students would like to express their sincere gratitude towards the college administration for assigning in-house faculty members as course directors for the majority of their subjects. Since these directors are based in Alfaisal rather than KFSH&RC, it allows for a more coherent and harmonious medical curriculum, focused on providing a higher level of education mainly due to the accessibility and more organized nature of the in-house doctors. Audience for the Alfaisal Convocation

and 6th of December 2011, a field trip was organized by the Community Medicine faculty members and the KFSH&RC Palliative Care staff to give Semester 5 students an insight on an essential field of medicine that is relatively unheard of by students in this region. Palliative care is an interdisciplinary approach that concentrates on improving the quality of life of those with terminal illnesses. Emphasis is placed on comfort measures, pain management, and symptom management rather than aggressive, curative measures. Many thanks to Dr. Mahmud El-Foudeh, who gave them a brief introduction on the importance of this field. th

■ On the 4

Semester 5 students on their Palliative care trip

Cancer Awareness @Aramco Festival by Mohamad AlSaadoon and Mohamed Ray-Zack ■ In May 2011, I was offered a chance to represent Al-

faisal University at the Aramco Summer Festival. With a few colleagues of mine, I planned a team who would help in raising awareness on one of the most prevalent health threats present in the Saudi community: colorectal cancer. We designed a study with the support of Dr. Hasan Rajab, the senior author and principal investigator of the study. Medical students at the Aramco Summer Festival

An important aspect of our study was finding out the proportion of the Saudi population that knew about the prevalence of this disease. Throughout the study period, the team members acquired skills on how to cooperate and work professionally in a team and how to have successful communication with the public as health care providers. Next, my colleague Mohammed Ray-Zack and I are going to present our study findings at the 8th International Scientific Conference for Medical Students in the GCC, taking place in Muscat, Oman.

Medical students spreading awareness and handing out surveys PA G E






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M S A - N E W S L E T T E R @ A L F A I S A L . E D U

Students listening to the candidates debating

Student audience at the MSA 2012 elections


■ On November 30 2011, the Alfaisal Medical Student Association (MSA) announced the official start of its annual elections. Students from all medical batches were seen to participate with full energy and enthusiasm, competing for the various positions that MSA had to offer, but the battle for MSA presidency was what captured most of the students’ attention. Campaigning by the candidates was at its peak, from posters, to brochures, to even Facebook fan pages!

The results were announced on 2nd Jan 2012. Abdullah Alshammari surpassed the other presidential contenders and was selected as the next MSA president. His new team is comprised of Abdulaziz Kattan, Anas Al-Khani, Osama AbouSaleh, Motaz Chamseddien, Lucman Anwer, and Karam Hamweyah as respective committee heads. Students have expressed high hopes from the newly selected MSA body, and wish them all the best for their upcoming projects. “When you join MSA, you become part of a vital force of future physicians who believe that health Abdullah Alshammari professionals and patients are partners in the management and maintenance of health, and that access to high-quality health care is a right and not a privilege. At MSA, activism is a way of life. Student idealism is transformed into meaningful public service, innovation and institutional change. MSA want to make the Alfaisal CoM where you build

your professional network. It is your home, community and support through medical school. Alfaisal students are the most talented, intelligent and passionate future physicians, the highest achieving residents and the most respected doctors. MSA is where you have a voice. With MSA you can take action now on important issues ranging from student debt relief, patient safety and healthcare reform, to awareness, global health initiatives, medical professionalism and much more! MSA is where you can lead now. With MSA you don't have to wait for your degree, you can lead now. From local or grassroots po-

sitions to national roles. MSA is where you focus on your interests. We all have diverse and broad interests. Just like you. MSA is where you learn. Through MSA, you can attend thoughtprovoking seminars, institutes and national conferences covering topics you won't find in a traditional medical school curriculum. MSA is where you build your resume. You will have the opportunity to present your original research, author an article, write a blog post, be interviewed for a podcast or lead a peer seminar. This is where you are a leader and can learn leadership skills.” — Abdullah AlShammari

“You know you’re @Alfaisal when…” We asked students to complete the sentence “you know you’re at Alfaisal when…” on Facebook, Twitter, and email and got interesting and hilarious replies. These are not to be taken so seriously as most of them jest, but hey, they're creative ! “Your children will graduate before the elevator reaches the ground floor” “You find people sleeping in empty classrooms on the first floor” “You don't get to choose any of your courses (even the electives)” “You have trouble with the "Italian" coffee machine that takes over 5 minutes accepting Saudi currency” “When you're made to believe Frisbee is actually a sport” “The security ladies check on you every 15 minutes to make sure you're not doing anything fishy” “Your schedule gets changed 16 times a week” “Delaying an exam is about as hard as learning calculus in Chinese” “More people bring their iPads than their pen” “Random posts (on online study groups) get more ‘likes’ than the helpful ones” “You go to the bathroom six or seven times whenever you have a runny nose because that's the only place in the university where you can get tissues” PA G E









M S A ?


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“Alfaisal has given us the chance to come across many medical professionals. It was a dream to meet some of them such as Dr. AlKuraie and Dr. Mila Kolar.” — Nouran Melibary

Calling All Reps! MSA 2012 Elections and New President!

SDC’s Clubs: Awesome Accomplishments and Future Potential ■ The first semester has been a very busy one for most of us at the Social

“The College of Medicine makes sure that we have everything we need, both academically and in extracurriculars.” — Fatima Iqbal

Development Committee (SDC) and unfortunately a few of the major events we worked on didn’t exactly go according to plan, but as always we hope to chip in and make it all up in the upcoming semester! The Social Division would like to start off the semester with a strong approach towards activities. Our future project in current preparation will possibly be the Alfaisal International Cultural Day, where we will have different students representing their own countries for the crowd – this will definitely bring the diverse Alfaisal together. Along with this, we hope to bring in many more mini-activities to keep you entertained throughout the semester.

SDC members meeting to plan semester events

Meanwhile we’ve got exciting updates from our Athletics Division! SDC is planning on having tryouts for the official Alfaisal basketball and soccer teams, both hopefully within the first month of the coming semester. Plans are also being made to try and cash in on a dodge ball and soccer tournament sometime in the following semester.

Students getting ready to donate blood

News from our Clubs Division is that we are thrilled to bring to you 5 more clubs which will begin their activities starting next semester. These clubs include: Alfaisal Kung Fu Club, Alfaisal Islamic Club, Alfaisal Gaming Club, Alfaisal Movie as a Visual Literature Club, and Alfaisal Book Club. You’d be delighted to know that our Student Services Division has formulated a study room plan as well as a new approach to meals at Alfaisal. Details will be revealed in due time! Well, that’s it for now from us in the SDC but keep your eyes and ears open for more updates soon!

Spiritual Reflections: “And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.” (51:55) Respected readers, this section entails a humble attempt at reviving and strengthening love for Allah SWT within the very core of our hearts, thereby adorning every aspect of our lives with His Mercy and Guidance, insha’Allah. Your submissions and feedback are, as always, more than welcome. “Say, ‘Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.’” (6:162)

one central premise: the pleasure of the Almighty. When we learn, we must learn with the goal of benefitting others with our knowledge; when we ■ What is our purpose in life? Why are work, we must work with the intention we here and why must we reflect upon to seek sustenance through lawful the ripples setting our waves of action means and be an asset to society; into motion? Allah SWT says in the when we enjoy the many blessings Quran, “And I did not create the jinn within life, we must always remember and mankind except to worship to thank He who gave us everything. Me.” (51: 56) These words speak volNo act of ours – even simple actions We seek comfort and joy in the tranumes – we were created for one solisuch as eating, drinking and sleeping sient as we chase the jewels of the tary purpose: the worship of the Alworld, forgetting that true comfort and should lack the perspective that mighty, Lord of all the Worlds. through it, we ought to please the true joy can only arise through the remembrance of the Ever-Living – “Verily, Most Loving, the Most High. Yet when we awaken, we hasten toin the remembrance of Allah do hearts wards the worldly agenda we carved We must stop, ponder and reflect, askfind rest.” (13:28) for the day, forgetting that as we strive ing ourselves where we shall stand beto educate our minds or earn a living or In order to survive and thrive, we must fore Allah on the Day there is no shade enjoy the many blessings bestowed acquire knowledge, we must work, we but His, if our primary goal in life is upon us, the eternal soul remains nemust partake in inter-human relation- worldly gain; if our one true purpose, glected unless all these activities reships – in fact, we are encouraged to at the end of the day, is not the one volve around the purpose of our very do so – yet we must remember to en- true reason for our existence. sure all our dealings revolve around PA G E




existence – the worship of the One who gave us life and will take it away when He wills. We bask in the vibrant colours splattered across the canvas of life, forgetting all the while that as we enjoy our meal, the comfort of our homes and the blissful company of loved ones, we must endeavour to remember and thank Him.








Constructive Criticism: Postponing Exams—A Privilege Or a Right?

Many believe that it is only a part of Alfaisal’s fundamental ambition of being student-centered that it takes the students’ suggestions and concerns into consideration when formulating decisions that ultimately affect them. This, theoretically speaking, should include adjusting the date and time of various exams, of course this only applies in situations where students have logical reasoning behind their requests. A student stated, “Yes, but when justified. The reason exams get postponed is because schedules aren't well planned out in the first place, this causes us unnecessary hardship. It can be addressed by the college by working with the MSA” to set guidelines for

However, some of you may out-rightly reject this notion claiming that Alfaisal is a newborn university striving to achieve very high international standards, and questioning whether students have the right to postpone their exams in other world-class universities. The answer to that is YES.

question: Considering all exam dates are announced at the start of each block, do you think medical students at Alfaisal should possess the right to postpone their exams?

Check out the website of University of Toronto or the website of University of Arizona; although their process may be much more complicated, the students still reserve the right for recommending an exam delay!

Finally, we should bear in mind that postponing exams is not an easy process. It involves very time-consuming procedures of getting approvals from various decision makers at our college, bothersome for both our MSA local batch representatives as well as our college administration, hence should be done only when truly necessary.

In relation to the dilemma students are currently facing at Alfaisal, the Med Times Committee did a short poll on the Alfaisal College of Medicine Facebook group asking students the following

A first year female student was quoted as saying, “Yes, I think the students should possess the right to do that for example when there are two exams in one day (like our first midterm) or if there are no gap between two subjects that require time to study.”

Research Experience: Mohammed Diya @ Harvard Medical School ■I

have always loved medicine but at the same time, I didn’t like the cliché of this field, someone who just memorizes and learns as much as possible then applies what he has learned on a patient. I wanted not only to learn but also to add to the existent knowledge. I have been working in KFSH&RC for three years. I was fortunate to work aside Dr. Fowzan AlKuraya, a pioneer in the field of developmental genetics. Under his supervision, I have learned most of Mohammed Diya at Harvard Medical School the common lab techniques, including PCR, western blotting, tissue and cell culturing and immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. We worked on three projects; two of them have been published! I have also contributed, along with Dr. Ganguly in a chapter in a book. In the summer of 2011, I joined Dr. Martin Pollak’s Lab in Harvard Medical School as a research intern where I learned how to do molecular cloning and produced an H.I.V with a Varicella envelope that is able to infect cells in vitro. The goal was to study the effects of this infection on different cell lines; it was my first customized virus! ReMohammed Diya at the lab as a research intern search is just awesome! I don’t mind doing it for the rest of my life.

A Sigh of Relief by Mohammed AlHamed ■ A sigh of relief is breathed after the end of Phase I for most Semes-

ter 3 students. Our first step towards graduation was taken and most succeeded in it. Although a very short break was given to us, most of us were pleased with it. It was a well-earned break after all. After all the hardships and obstacles that came our way during this phase, we were all glad to be done with it.

“You know you are at Alfaisal when Your Abaya gets stuck with the chair's wheel every time you move the chair” — Reem Hamadah

Students at Alfaisal’s College of Medicine have raised their voice on whether they possess the right to convince the college administration in postponing the end of block exams and if so, on what basis does the administration actually consider these requests.

However, our journey does not end here; it’s still long before we graduate from medical school. So, fuel up and re-energize, try your best and strive hard. Good luck in the upcoming semesters! PA G E









M S A - N E W S L E T T E R @ A L F A I S A L . E D U

“You know you are at Alfaisal when you can take a mini power nap in the elevator and eat from McDonald's more than you eat fr om the college cafeteria” — Fasahat Khan

Writing Contest Winner Ammar Farook Chapra Won SR300 Gift Card! The writing contest is back—An opportunity where medical students demonstrate their skills as exceptionally talented writers AND win a prize! Students were asked submit a 400-word creative writing piece, beginning with the writing prompt “As I tiptoed out of the operation room, I knew my life would never be the same again…” and were judged on the basis of creativity, flow, structure, and correctness. Professor Ghaleb Rababah, one of Alfaisal’s highly-esteemed English professors, helped the Press in choosing the winner. Ammar Farook Chapra, scoring the highest in all three categories, was awarded with a SR300 gift card to Jarir Bookstore as the prize for first place! We encourage students to participate in future competitions! ■ As

I tiptoed out of the operation room, I knew my life would never be the same again. But how could this be possible. The exploratory surgery had revealed that the trauma had caused a brain haemorrhage; in an artery so small that it had been undetectable in all the Ammar Chapra imaging tests we were busy with that day. The thought kept recurring…a bleed in my son’s brain. This was surreal. Yesterday, my son Ahmad, an ecstatic 4 year old was jumping around the house waiting for his cousins to arrive. I’d never seen him this exuberant. As soon as they arrived they started pillow fighting. Yes, little foam filled fabrics had caused all this. One of the pillows hit him on the head and he stumbled backward and lightly fell on the corner of our TV cabinet. I rushed towards him as soon as I saw him fall on his ear. I quickly checked the site of injury, and besides a small red dot in his ear, he was perfectly normal. He even stood up after a few minutes and regained his joyful game. But the problem began after he went to bed. We

found him in his bed wildly shaking, his teeth chattering, and his entire body uncontrollably vibrating. A repugnant odour told us he had urinated in his pants. I could hear my wife shrieking in the room asking me to do something. I immediately called an ambulance as she tried to stop him from jittering fiercely. After a few minutes it was over. He had stopped moving. His breathing was shallow. Sweat was pouring down across his face. The ambulance sped up towards the hospital with its repetitive siren echoing through my ears. The entire way he didn’t utter a single sound. It was as though something had frightened him to the extent that he couldn’t speak. He lay in my wife’s lap who spent the time tightly clenching his right hand while wiping the drool that kept oozing out of his mouth. Little did I know about the severity of his condition. I simply stood there outside the operation room, thinking about how his eyes would light up whenever I would come home. My gut was tied in a knot as I acknowledged the fact that I would never see those eyes light up again…for the doctors had declared him to be brain dead for life…

Student Interview: Akram Nurhussen A.K.A “AK” Who is ‘Ak’? My name is Akram Mustafa Nurhussen and I am an Eritrean national, born and raised in Riyadh. I am the middle child in my family and have an older brother and younger sister. So obviously, I was the one who was totally igAbdullah Alshammari (left) nored in the family but at the same time always blamed for Akram Nurhussen (right) every little mischief! How would you describe your experience as the first batch of students in the clerkship year? Alfaisal medical students are doing really well in their medical clerkship program this far. As leaders, Abdullah Alshammari and I get positive reviews from our continuous meetings with the program directors about the general performance of our colleagues in their rotations. Furthermore, both the consultants and residents are very helpful to the students. They are very keen to teach us and engage us in their discussions, even during their on-call sessions when they are in the midst of a grueling day of work. PA G E



“ L I K E ”





“Voice yourself!” All I want to say is that Alfaisal is still a startup university but mashaAllah it has come a long way in such a short time! Since it’s a startup, students are expected to face some obstacles and difficulties during their academic life. However, we should be thankful to the administration that allows our student representatives to express all of our concerns and works with us in alleviating these problems. I would also like to say that when there is a problem, the students should go through the proper channels and use their representatives instead of going to the administration directly. This allows a more coherent way of discussing issues rather than an entire batch going individually with his/her concern. Lastly, I would like to urge all the students to take part in every little thing that could help make Alfaisal a better place, whether it may be surveys, questionnaires, or instructor evaluations. It will all lead to the betterment of our university and academic life, if not for us, then at least for the new generation of Alfaisal students after us! F O L L O W






College of Medicine On: Are Students Getting Enough Support?

"School is awesome and I'm enjoying every single minute, we're learning stuff that I wasn't expecting to learn as a first year student. But I feel they're pressuring us, they just wanna finish and examine us whether we have time or not." —Khadija AlSheikh "The professors are spectacular. Howsocially they don't really do anything freshmen party and that was only for fulfill any of the criteria."

ever, there is no guidance counselor. Also either. They only did one social event the freshmen. Therefore, they do not really —Abdulelah Al-Gosaibi

"I believe the university has a number of effective student-run clubs and activities and affords one growth at a personal and social level by all means. However, I would love to see more Medicine -related student activities organized by the MSA. It would also be great to have a set of tutoring programs from which students can greatly benefit." —Yosra AlMakadma “Yes - I believe that Alfaisal University will adequately help us reach our goals by providing us with amazing professors and courses and improving our academic performance in different ways (SDLs -Additional Labs-Review sessions-MOCK exams). Thank you Alfaisal University!” —Rasha Al-Shawaf

Making Better Doctors or Different Doctors? By Saira Munir ■ Each

of us walks into medical school anticipating the start tients were actually paid actors by the university. William of clinical years. For most of us, the wait is painfully long Eley, executive associate dean for medical education and stuand dry. But what if we didn’t have to wait to start apply- dent affairs at Emory, said, “Medical students learn more ing what we learnt? Emory Unifrom what they see and experience versity, ranked # 21 by US News than from what they hear. There’s in Medicine, thinks it's better if an old saying that the values of we don’t. Last year, the univermedicine are caught, not taught.” sity started a new and more Emory is taking a completely differchallenging curriculum where ent approach to teaching since they students were exposed to the prepare students to take Step I of clinics right from the beginning. the USMLE in just a year and a half. The class of 2011 spent a week Whatever the consequences, stuassigned to a clinic, inpatient dents are insisting that this system Fourth year medical students at KFSH&RC service, or emergency departis helping them apply what they ment where they learned from real cases upfront. By their learn and inspiring them to become the best doctors they sixth month, students were required to diagnose a patient can be. They claim that even though their schedules are just and break bad news to them, later learning that the pa- as packed that their effort seems infused with purpose.

Healthcare for Alfaisal Students by Adeeb AlSibae ■ What we lack in terms of services, we are told will be pro-

vided in due time. However, some services are simply essential and one of them is healthcare. Alfaisal is widely known for its affiliation with the neighboring KFSH&RC. The neighboring hospital serves as Alfaisal’s University Hospital. The first batch of students is currently enrolled in full-time clerkships and some even partake in nightshifts. Nevertheless, many of the Alfaisal students (even the medical students) are simply not expected to have access to healthcare at this supPA G E






posed university hospital. Any academic institution should focus on providing healthcare services in the easiest way possible, in this case access to healthcare at KFSH, and Alfaisal should not take any shortcuts in this aspect. It is pertinent to know that some Alfaisal students experienced quite frustrating situations when they did not know where to go in an emergency and possibly might have been victims of a medical insurance scam. It is a part of student life at Alfaisal that desperately needs improvement. O R




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“You know you’re at Alfaisal when you can find an Aston Martin, a Porsche 911 and a couple of dead bodies within a 50ft radiu s of each other” — Naieff Abudaff

With our motto “voice yourself” in mind, the Med Times has started an initiative to allow students to discuss, express and explain their views and opinions on various topics relating to student life and the College of Medicine. Our theme for this issue was "Do you believe that The College of Medicine adequately assists students during their academic and social journey at Alfaisal?" (Relating to exams, tutorials, tutoring, academic counseling and guidance counseling). This initiative hopes to bring positive change to our university through the power of written word. Plus it’s awesome seeing your name published in bold.

Y O U R S E L F !

Confessions of a Perfectionist by Leen Raddaoui “The benevolence of Medical Students at Alfaisal is certainly very unique and beyond the description of words - a special thanks to each one of you!” —Osama Abosaleh

■ Deep

inside the cavern of the house, namely, my room, I was busy at work on a so-called masterpiece. The room was dimly lit, boxed in, increasing my sense of claustrophobia. The walls were tinted; their tanned, menacing straightness was taunting me, as though they were whispering, “Can you handle it? Will your painting take the crown? It lacks perfection.” The air was pulsing with the sound of classical music, a tune commonly known to my senses, a tune which normally soothed and calmed them, but not now. My hair was in a knotted mop, loosely tousled, with a hint of Einstein, and I gesticulated madly with the paintbrush in my hands, as though I were the Maestro of the orchestra myself. The portrait was near complete; the sight of it sent a warm rush of blood to my face and cheeks. I blushed at the fact that I had created such a delicate, splendid work of art. It was exploding with color, magnificent in every way.

Since then, instances have come where I was prompted to wipe the spots away. Earlier, a child presented to me a note of appreciation which she wrote for her mother, so that I could give her my opinion on it. The words, full of adoration and meaning seemed unrefined and immature when written with such terrible handwriting. S’s were written backwards, the child alternated between capital and lowercase letters, and the entire note appeared to be a scribbled mess, with no proper form. The child’s spelling was atrocious, hence I took charge. I typed out the letter, proofread and edited it, then printed it out. What was left was a regular A4 sized paper with print on it. The warmth and love it previously had were relinquished; any spots of silly cuteness expressing the child’s youth were wiped out, and it was no longer unique to its writer. The errors themselves are what had given the letter its value, and given it a reason to hold as dear remembrance.

Every curve, angle, dimension, and texture echoed beauty. The painting was perfectly symmetrical, from the old cabin stretched out on a prairie of dewy grass, to the crystal lake that shimmered in turquoise. The clouds were realistic enough, tufts of feathery white. One might think they would cry and shower the scene in a shroud. The cabin appeared as though one had pasted oak wood onto the portrait and crafted it onto the canvas.

Another instance occurred when our family was invited to meet my uncle’s new wife. Her first reaction upon seeing us was to shriek like a banshee at the top of her lungs and prance like a weary ballerina with a stubbed toe towards us. She was very strange; she was incredibly tall (a foot taller than he was) with messy, fiery red hair, and glowing orange freckles that covered her face. She snorted when she giggled, and laughed at almost everything we said. Her ultimate demonstration of awkwardness was when she back-flipped and cart-wheeled to the kitchen, which made our hair stand on end. All my uncle ever did was smile; he was satisfied with her exactly the way she was. Her spots, or imperfections, were exactly what made him propose! He never tried to wipe them away, for they made her unique, and in his eyes, perfect.

The landscape scene was breathtaking, but what caught my eye and returned my breath were two rusty brown spots right in the middle of the portrait! I immediately turned away in horror, realizing that the painting had now lost its sheen and glamour. I sprang to fetch a towel much like a snake springs onto its prey, and began wiping at the spots, almost thrashing at them. I was sure that the towel would gnaw through the canvas by the time I was finished, but the painting was already ruined and so was my inspiration. I had smeared the rusty brown over everything, and the scene was dreadful, a gruesome hue overtook it; it now seemed dead and miserable, like the artist who created it.






P I C T U R E S ,

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Through remembrance of these events, I became certain of this: in imperfection lies uniqueness, and in uniqueness lies beauty. Spots may be considered defects by some, but wiping the spots away forces out the warmth and originality that they provide. So you self-doubting artists, hear this: in your flaws you may find true perfection, a perfection that is ironically imperfect. A N D









don’t need to be a high ranking professor or a prestigious researcher to change the world. Angela Zhang, a 17year-old high school student in California, proves that this statement is true as she might have just found the cure to cancer. “I created a nanoparticle that’s kind of like the Swiss Army knife of cancer treatment in that it can detect cancer cells, eradicate the cancer cells and then monitor the treatment response. So the major aim of the project was to personalize cancer medicine,” Zhang told ABC News.

Glow-in-the-Dark Surgery ■Surgeons

have always had this special relationship with light, since you can’t make an incision inside the body in darkness. Most of the time surgeons do a great job but sometimes there’s that little bit of cancer surgeons weren’t able to excise, simply because they couldn’t see it. These surgeons learn anatomy from textbooks that show veins, arteries and nerves in different colors but in reality everything is pretty much red. To eliminate that, Doctors Quyen Nguyen and Roger Tsien have created color-coded surgery. These “glow-in-the-dark” fluorescent molecule markers can help surgeons identify whether the tumor has been completely removed and transform tumor surgery so cancer treatment can be more effective and prevent further damage.

Recharge Your Heart Ventricles ■We’ve

all heard about rechargeable batteries and even more recently rechargeable cars, but rechargeable hearts is definitely something new. Imagine going to bed at night plugging in your Blackberry, your Macbook, and right next to it your heart! The all new Ventrasisst, also known as the Left Ventricle Assist Device can replace your ventricles and help pump blood up to 9.5 liters per minute. 50-year old Angelo Tigano received Australia’s first Total Artificial Heart implant giving hope to many on the transplant waiting list.

MRI Smartphones for Tumor Screening ■Spot

a suspicious lump? Gone are the days when you had to book an appointment with your oncologist to check out that lump on your axilla. All thanks to doctors at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, you can now use an app with its mini nuclear magnetic resonance machine operated by your very own smartphone or tablet and get the results within 60 minutes! This small system only requires a small amount of tissue for testing and can detect up to 12 tumor markers. The app still is under testing but experts say it will be available soon at a doctor’s office near you.

Cockroaches Vs. Bacteria ■Next

time you see that eight-legged cockroach running across your kitchen floor, don’t kill it! According to researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK, these ugly creatures can save your life by substituting as antibiotics. Studies show that powerful antibiotics present in the brains of cockroaches and locusts are able to destroy more than 90 percent of bacteria including the deadly methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, all without harming your normal human cells. This may greatly help in treatment of many patients; however, it won’t be available for a few more years as tests are still ongoing. Compiled by our Health Reporter, Hassan Rahmatullah

The information here was compiled from various resources and then rere-written for our audience. For complete references, please refer to our Facebook fan page notes for details on all references. PA G E



“ L I K E ”











“You look around the classroom and find 50% of your classmates sleeping and the rest trying to take pics of them drooling” — Sarah Rauf

A Cure for Cancer from a 17 Year Old?

Alfaisal Leadership: Dr. Muhammad Atif Mazhar and Dr. Sadia Qazi “You check your university e-mail 1000 times a day” —Alrabab Al Shanqity. “You wear jackets in summer because the classes are cold” —Mohammed Firwana

Please introduce yourselves. Dr.Sadia: I am from Karachi, Pakistan where I worked as a lecturer at Dow University of Health Sciences aside from other medical schools over 6-7 years. Dr.Muhammed: I am a uro-anatomist from Pakistan and my hobby is anatomy. Teaching anatomy through dissection is my passion, which I can truly see here as there are plenty of materials and the students are excellent. I am really enjoying a lot and feel at home. Why teaching? Dr.Sadia and Dr.Muhammed Atif during the interview Dr.Sadia: Although in the past teaching was for those who did not get the chance to be in the clinical side, nowadays, it is necessary and more relaxing. Teaching also provides me with time to spend with my family. Dr.Muhammed: As Dr. Sadia said, teaching should be a continuous process – if you subtract teaching from your clinical skills and your knowledge, then you probably can’t convey what you learn over a period of time. Teaching keeps you on track and makes you feel like a student yourself. Do your kids know that you dissect cadavers? Dr.Sadia: Yes, and they want to come to the dissection room. My eldest daughter is seven years old and it may be that she knows more anatomy than you do! Dr.Muhammed: They’re interested because they’ve seen dissection rooms back home. My daughter’s first book was probably an anatomy atlas! What was your most memorable moment in your teaching career? Dr.Sadia: In 2010 when I was awarded one of the best teachers in the department. Is being husband-wife an advantage or disadvantage during work? Dr.Muhammed: I think it is a big advantage. When preparing a lecture, it helps to brainstorm our ideas together. Normally, there isn’t anyone to share your ideas with but when both of us have the option to be on the same page, we can sit down and make a plan. Dr.Sadia: Whenever I prepare something for labs or a lecture, we sit and review the material together. What were your first impressions of Alfaisal? Dr.Sadia: It was superb - the building, the atmosphere and the students.

If there is anything you could change about Alfaisal, what would it be? Dr.Muhammed: As an addition to the facilities, I would like to have a very strong library and a very good gym. What do you think about Alfaisal students in general? Dr.Sadia: The students are very nice, cooperative, and eager to learn. What are your thoughts on female vs. male students? Dr.Muhammed: Five fingers are not equal; not all boys are excellent and not all girls are excellent. But what I have seen is that the girls are more inclined towards studying. In dissections skills, the boys I have seen are more eager than the girls. A memorable moment… Dr.Muhammed: When Dr. Sadia visited a university and went to say hello to the chairman, our four-year-old daughter was able to name all the bones and muscles of the upper limb – the chairman then jokingly asked the secretary to appoint her as a lecturer in the anatomy department! “Voice yourself!” Dr.Muhammed: Students, you should really work hard, but life is not as difficult as you think. Dr.Sadia: It is better to review the topic before the lecture, but if you’re left behind, don’t feel upset; just cover it up on weekends.






P I C T U R E S ,

Q U O T E S ,









“I liked how I got used to the hardships I complained about during the beginning of the semester. I learned that it will never get easier; you just get stronger. I liked how the professors are always there to help us. We're getting used to this challenge day by day, and hopefully we'll ace this. It's quite an interesting journey. It just needs patience � —Asma Najjar

Updates and Exclusiveness: The Press’ Voice!

Got Feedback? Want to submit an article, voice yourself,

■ Within upcoming issues, we plan to expand our reach and involve the Interna-

and participate in Med Times? tional Federation of the Medical Student Association (IFMSA) to get your voice to affiliated institutes and medical centers in all the kingdom of Saudi Arabia Contact us on and within time a global reach! ■ Want

to amplify your voice more than one way? Well now you can! Use our social networks on Facebook and Twitter to post and tweet our quotes and we’ll place them in upcoming issues! Also stay tuned for our next writing contest! The winner will also receive a prize as in this issue! ■ We have three awesome segments you should know about and contribute to!

“College of Medicine On…”, “You Know You’re at Alfaisal When…”, and “Constructive Criticism”. Keep an eye out for our emails, Facebook, and Twitter, for updates on what the next issue’s theme is for all! Send in your voice!

Expect a YouTube account that will be launched and will have exclusive footage and montages of the students, their opinions, character, feedback, and most importantly their voice! Look for our new segment called “Got Voice?”

■ Special

thanks to ALL who contributed and helped us make the College of Medicine student newsletter what it is today. Thank you to all the Press members who put a lot of time and effort to amplify your voice to its full potential. These people sacrificed their mid-semester break! They deserve credit! Very special thanks to Dr.Khaled AlKattan, Dean of Medicine, who always had his door open and helped us every step of the way to truly voice ourselves.

Newsletter Committee—“The Press”

Founder & Director Mohammed Khusheim Photographers Mohammad Chaballout (Chief) Bara AlMakadma Azhar Farooqui Saud Alrasheed Social Media Representative Fatima Warraich Arabic Section Team Hani Alturkmani Malik Nassan Asim Ibrahim Mahmod Nawaf AlBali Rawabi Abdullah Zainab Abudan AlRabab AlShanqity

Editor-in-Chief Ali Rahmatullah Editor and Female Rep. Leen Raddaoui Designers Ranim Chamseddin Rasha Alshawaf Mohammed Khusheim Reporters Aman Inayah (Chief) Azhar Farooqui Mohammed Alhamed Adeeb Sibae Abdullah Sarkar Anas Adudan Tehreem Khan Saira Munir Hassan Rahmatullah

Picture of the month...

Fourth year medical students minutes away from their practical exam for the Pediatrics block at King Faisal Specialist Hospital

Sudoku! Riddle Me This!

How to play? ■ Every row of 9 numbers must

witter/@MedTimes A L F A I S A L U N I V E R S I T Y A F F I L I A T E D W I T H

include all digits 1 through 9. ■ Every column of 9 numbers must

include all digits 1 through 9. ■ Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9

by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9. A L L

M E D T I M E S R I G H T S R E S E R V E D 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2


‫■ إٌمانا منا بأهمٌة كلمة طالب وطالبات الجامعة كونهم أحد شرائح المجتمع البناءة ‪..‬فقد تم بعد توفٌق المولى طرح استفتاء ٌدور حول النساء العربٌات‬ ‫ودورهن فً المجتمع ‪..‬حٌث تلقٌنا مشاركات متعددة من مختلؾ كلٌات الجامعة (بلػ عدد المصوتٌن ‪ 87‬طالب وطالبة أؼلبهم من كلٌة الطب) كما شكلت‬ ‫مشاركات الذكور نسبة أعلى بواقع ‪ %68.8‬فٌما جاءت مشاركة اإلناث بنسبة ‪ ، %32.2‬وإلٌكم األسئلة مرفقة برسوم بٌانٌة توضح تفاوت اإلجابات‬ ‫ونسبها ‪:‬‬ ‫السؤال ‪ ":) 1‬لو كان لك االختٌار فً التصوٌت الختٌار مرشح البرلمان أو‬ ‫مجلس الشورى أو أي مرشح منصب قٌادي ‪ ،‬هل ستصوت – تصوتٌن‬ ‫لصالح امرأة تتحقق فٌها الشروط و تتقدم أو تتساوى مع الرجال المتقدمٌن‬ ‫فً قدراتها ؟‬ ‫اىسؤاه ‪ )2‬إذا مان جىاتل تـ(ال) فما اىسثة ؟‬

‫السؤال ‪ )3‬من أبرز الحلول التً تؤهل المرأة والمجتمع لتؽٌ​ٌر الفكر‬ ‫السلبً عن قدرة المراة على القٌادة و كونها عضو فعال فً المجتمع ‪:‬‬

‫■ أسرة مجلة ”حتى ٌؽٌروا ما بأنفسهم“ تفخر بانضمام األعضاء الجدد لكادر المجلة ‪ ،‬وتترك لهم التعرٌؾ بأنفسهم فً السطور التالٌة ‪:‬‬

‫اىستاب اىشىقُطٍ‬ ‫وائثح زئُس اىرحسَس ‪:‬‬ ‫اٌٍغخُ اٌعشثُخ ِّب أ ِحت‪ .‬أؤِٓ أْ‬ ‫ٌٍعشثُخ لذسُخ‪,‬رىبد رذِشّهب‬ ‫اٌـ"عشثُضَخ"! ‪ .‬وأؤِٓ ثأْ‬ ‫اٌعشثُخ وٕ ٌض الَفًٕ‪,‬الَٕضت‪.‬‬ ‫أحٍ ُ​ُ ثأْ رىىْ اٌّدٍخ اٌعشثُخ‬ ‫ِدٍخ ِسزمٍّخ‪,‬رشلً ثبٌفىش واٌثمبفخ‬ ‫ورعضص وخىد اٌٍغخ‬ ‫اٌعشثُخ‪,‬ورزعذي خذساْ خبِعخ‬ ‫اٌفُصً ٌزصً اٌعبٌُّخ‪.‬‬

‫شَىة أتى دان‬ ‫اىمسؤوىح اإلػالمُح ‪:‬‬ ‫طبٌجخ طت فٍ سٕزهب األوًٌ‬ ‫أحضٔهب ِب حً ثٍغزٕب األوًٌ‬ ‫عٕذِب رُ اسزجذاٌهب ثٍغبد‬ ‫أخشي غشثُخ فٍُ رعذ خضءا‬ ‫أسبسُب ِٓ حُبرٕب‪.‬‬

‫ذجدون فٍ صفحرىا ػيً فُسثىك‬ ‫األخبار المصورة‪ ...‬إعداد ‪ :‬عاصم محمود‬ ‫قصٌدة بعنوان ‪ :‬أرجحنً حبك ‪ ،‬بقلم ‪ :‬سلمان شققً‬ ‫مقالة بعنوان ‪ :‬هو ذسي تأن جىجو قد أثس ػيً ذامسذل؟ تقيم ‪:‬‬ ‫فُاض اىحاج‬ ‫مقالة بعنوان ‪ :‬أول حٌاة ‪ ،‬بقلم ‪ :‬أسماء بنت عبدهللا الهوالن‬ ‫تعلٌقات المصوتٌن حول االستفتاء لهذا العدد‬ ‫والكثٌر الكثٌر من المتعة والفائدة‬


‫‪C O L L E G E‬‬ ‫‪O F‬‬ ‫‪M E D I C I N E‬‬ ‫‪A L F A I S A L‬‬ ‫‪U N I V E R S I T Y‬‬

‫زواتٍ ته حمُد‬ ‫مىظمح اسرفراء اىؼدد ‪:‬‬ ‫أسي ران األفك ‪ِ ..‬خٍّ​ٍ‬ ‫ُِّض‪َ ..‬حذوٖ أًِ وهّخ‬ ‫‪ ..‬وً ِٓ َسىٓ ران‬ ‫االفك َزجعىْ ششَعخ ِٓ‬ ‫ٔهح خبص‪..‬إثذاعهُ‬ ‫ٔدبحهُ ورُّضهُ لبئُ‬ ‫عًٍ أسوبْ ثالثخ عمُذح‬ ‫عٍُ وعًّ … فٕعُ إٌهح‬ ‫اٌذُٔىٌ ؤعُ اٌمىَ أوٌئه‬

‫وىاف اىثالىٍ‬ ‫مسؤوه اىمساتقاخ ‪:‬‬ ‫شبة فٍ سٕزٍ اٌدبِعُخ‬ ‫األوًٌ ‪ ,‬طّىذ ‪ ,‬ثمزٍ اٌذائّخ‬ ‫ثبهلل رعبًٌ هٍ ولىدٌ اٌزٌ‬ ‫َدعٍٍٕ ِحجب ٌٍحُبح وٌٍزدذَذ‬ ‫فُهب ‪ ,‬أخًّ ٌحظبد عّشٌ‬ ‫عٕذِب أٌجسذ واٌذاٌ ربج‬ ‫اٌىلبس ثإرّبٍِ ٌحفع وزبة هللا‬ ‫عض وخً ‪ ,‬دائّب ِب َشاودٍٔ‬ ‫حٍُ ثغذ أفضً وأوثش‬ ‫اسزمشاسا‪.‬‬

‫‪:‬ػاصم إتساهُم محمىد‬ ‫مسؤوه األخثاز‬ ‫اىمص ّىزج‪:‬‬ ‫طبٌت ثىٍُخ اٌطت فٍ‬ ‫اٌسٕخ اٌثبُٔخ‪ .‬وَسعذٍٔ‬ ‫خذا أْ أرٍمً آساءوُ‬ ‫والزشاحبرىُ وٍ ٔصً‬ ‫إًٌ اٌّسزىي اٌّأِىي‬ ‫واٌطشذ اٌّزُّض‪.‬‬

‫■ إذا ماود ىدَل مشازمح أو ذؼيُق أو اسرفساز َرؼيق تأٌ مىضىع ذم طسحه فٍ‬ ‫هرا اىؼدد‪,‬أو ماود ىدَل فنسج مه أجو ذطىَس األػداد اىقادمح ‪َ ،‬منىل أن ذرىاصو‬ ‫مغ إدازج اىرحسَس ػيً اىثسَد االىنرسووٍ ىيمجيح ‪ :‬‬ ‫مما َسؼدوا اوضمامل إىً صفحرىا ػيً فُسثىك‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫وػيً حساتىا فٍ ذىَرس‬ ‫‪@7attaAU‬‬ ‫إدازج اىرحسَس ‪ :‬ماىل وؼسان ‪ ،‬هاوٍ اىرسمماوٍ‬ ‫خُّع اٌحمىق ِحفىظخ ٌّدٍخ ”حزً َغُشوا ِب ثأٔفسهُ ”‬ ‫اٌٍّحك اٌعشثٍ فٍ ِدٍخ ‪MED TIMES‬‬ ‫خبِعخ اٌفُصً ‪َ 2102‬‬

‫اسمها حُاج‪ ،‬وفؼيها حُاج !‬ ‫بقلم الفائز ‪ :‬المعتصم كزكز‪ ,‬كلٌة الطب‬

‫س‪ - 7‬كٌؾ تقضً الدكتورة خولة أوقاتها خارج ساعات العمل ؟‬ ‫ج‪ - 7‬بجانب هواٌتً المستدٌمة وهً القراءة بكل أنواعها قد تستؽرب أننً‬ ‫من عشاق الهندسة الداخلٌة وفن الدٌكور ‪ ،‬وأحب أن أتابع الجدٌد فً هذا‬ ‫المجال سوا ًء عن طرٌق االطالع والقراءة أو حضور بعض المعارض الدولٌة‬ ‫إذا سنحت لً الفرصة ‪.‬‬ ‫أهوى فنون الرسم والنحت أٌضا ً ‪ ..‬أحب زٌارة المتاحؾ الفنٌة واالستمتاع‬ ‫بالنظر إلى المنحوتات األثرٌة ولوحات الرسامٌن العالمٌ​ٌن كمونٌه وكلٌمنت ‪.‬‬ ‫ومن األشٌاء التً ٌشاركنً حبها بعض أبنائً هً التارٌخ وزٌارة األماكن‬ ‫التارٌخٌة والقصور األثرٌة القدٌمة فً جمٌع أنحاء العالم ‪.‬‬ ‫س‪ - 8‬كعالمة سعودٌة حائزة على وسام الملك عبد العزٌز من الدرجة األولى‬ ‫‪ ،‬ما هً الوصٌة التً توجهٌنها لطالبات الطب فً جامعة الفٌصل والطالبات‬ ‫بشكل عام لٌصلن إلى ما وصلتً إلٌه من النجاح ؟‬ ‫ج‪ – 8‬نصٌحتً ألبنائً وبناتً طالب وطالبات جامعة الفٌصل ‪:‬‬ ‫أوال ) ٌجب أن نضع الخوؾ من هللا وخشٌته ‪ ،‬ونخلص النٌة فً العمل و‬ ‫اإلبداع لوجهه عز و جل ‪ ،‬فهو ٌكافئكم على إتقان العمل ‪ ،‬وهو من ٌبارك لكم‬ ‫خطاكم ‪.‬‬ ‫ثانٌا ) إختاروا الطرٌق العلمً والعملً الذي تحبونه وتستطٌعون اإلبداع فٌه‬ ‫‪ ،‬ولٌس الطرٌق الذي ٌختاره أحد ؼٌركم دون رؼبتكم ‪ ،‬فلٌس هناك من قتل‬ ‫لإلبداع ‪ ،‬ووأد للموهبة ‪ ،‬من أن ٌتخصص اإلنسان فً مجال ال ٌستمتع فً‬ ‫العمل به ‪ .‬سر الشعوب المتقدمة ٌكمن فً أنهم ٌستمتعون بما ٌعملون ‪،‬‬ ‫لذلك ٌبدعون فٌه ‪ .‬ونحن الكثٌر منا ٌؤدي العمل ألجل إنهائه ‪ ،‬ولٌس ألنه‬ ‫ٌستمتع به ‪ ..‬وهناك فرق كبٌر ‪.‬‬ ‫ثالثا ) التمٌز العلمً و اإلبداع ٌجب أن ٌسٌر جنبا إلى جنب مع التمٌز‬ ‫األخالقً ‪ ..‬أهم خصلة أخالقٌة أنصحكم بها ‪ ،‬وستنفعكم كثٌرا فً حٌاتكم‬ ‫العملٌة بإذن هللا ‪ ..‬هً الصدق ‪ ..‬الصدق بكل أنواعه ‪ ،‬أن ٌكون اإلنسان‬ ‫صادقا مع نفسه ‪ ..‬صادقا مع من حوله ‪ .‬الصدق ٌؤدي إلى الشفافٌة‬ ‫والوضوح و السهولة فً التعامل بٌن الناس ‪ .‬والننسى صفة الحب ‪ ..‬أنا‬ ‫أرى أن الحب ٌروي اإلبداع ‪ ،‬وٌجعله ٌكبر وٌثمر ‪ ..‬حب وطنك حب والدٌك‬ ‫وأسرتك ‪ ..‬حب الناس الذٌن نتعامل معهم ‪ ..‬حب عملً الذي أقوم به ‪ ..‬فال‬ ‫ٌوجد مجتمع ناجح ٌقوم على الكره ‪ .‬فمتى اجتمع الصدق و اإلبداع و‬ ‫المحبة فً شخص ما ‪ ،‬تأكد أنه سٌكون إنسان فعال و ناجع لنفسه‬ ‫ومجتمعه ‪.‬‬ ‫رابعا ) وأخٌرا ٌجب أن ندرك قبل أن ٌسأل اإلنسان عن حقوقه ‪ٌ ،‬جب أن‬ ‫ٌؤدي الواجبات المناطة إلٌه فً أكمل وجه ‪ .‬فكما أننا نطالب الدول برعاٌة‬ ‫الموهوبٌن ‪ ،‬وتوفٌر المناخ المالئم لهم ‪ ،‬وتكرٌمهم ‪ ،‬وتهٌئة الفرص‬ ‫المناسبة لهم لإلبداع ‪ ..‬فإنه ٌتوجب علٌنا كمبدعٌن أن نقدم المزٌد و المزٌد‬ ‫من األصرار والعمل والنجاح ‪ ،‬حتى نستطٌع جمٌعا أن نرفع إسم الوطن عالٌا‬ ‫فً جمٌع مجاالت اإلبداع ‪.‬‬ ‫بناتً الطالبات ‪ ..‬كلنا نمضً على جسر من نور العلم ‪ ..‬تحملون شعاع‬ ‫األمل للمستقبل ‪ ..‬فهذه األمة تحتاج لكم ‪ ،‬فكونوا شموعا تنٌر ظالم الجهل‬ ‫‪ .‬وهمسة فً أذن كل طالبة تطمح للتفوق ‪ ..‬القمة قد تكون صعبة المنال ‪..‬‬ ‫لكن األصعب الثبات علٌها ‪.‬‬

‫■ قد تكون األنثى األولى ُخلِ َقت من ضلع رجل‬ ‫و لكنها حَ مم ْ‬ ‫َملمت رجما َل المدنمٌما كملمهما م مر اممتمداد‬ ‫ال شرٌة‪..‬‬ ‫األنثى‪ ..‬كائن الغ التمٌز‪ ..‬ضلٌ ٌع فً دق ِة تكوٌنِه معق ٌد تفصٌله‪..‬‬ ‫الناظر إلٌها ٌعتقد خلقها من مادة أخرى‪ ..‬لما تضمفمٌمه لملمكمون ممن حمٌماة و‬ ‫معنى عاطفتها الجٌاشة و روحِها المالئكٌة‪..‬‬ ‫هً أمً‪ ..‬و أختً ‪ ..‬و ا نتً‪ ..‬و زوجتً ح ٌ تً‪ ..‬هً من تكونمت فمٌمهما و‬ ‫ت قملم ِمهما‪ ..‬همً‬ ‫تر ٌت ٌن ٌدٌها‪ ..‬تدرجت تحت ٌنٌها و مرجت ٌن ُج َنٌْم َما ِ‬ ‫من أح ت و من وددت و أكرمت‪ ..‬ال ٌنكر دورها إال جاهل‪ ..‬و ال ٌ خسمهما‬ ‫حقها إال ظالا ‪..‬‬ ‫المجمهمل‬ ‫ممن‬ ‫و‬ ‫‪..‬‬ ‫مشمر‬ ‫ك‬ ‫حٌاتنا‬ ‫فً‬ ‫األنثى‬ ‫دور‬ ‫تجاهل‬ ‫ة‬ ‫الحماق‬ ‫إن من ضرب‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫الرجل و تقدٌمه لٌها‪ ..‬و هو من كمان مٌمن عرا مٌمهما فمً‬ ‫وضعها فً ظل‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫صغر ِه ٌ كً غٌة حنانها و ناٌتها‪ ..‬و حري المرء أن ٌعكر كما كمان لمهمن‬ ‫أثر و صم ٍة واضح ٍة فً واجه ِة التارٌخ‪ ..‬فمممن ٌمنمسمى مظمٌمممة مصمر‬ ‫من ٍ‬ ‫ت أورو ا إٌلٌزا ٌث‪ ..‬ل كٌم لمنما أن نمنمسمى أممثملمة‬ ‫نفرتٌتً‪ ..‬و ملك َة ملكا ِ‬ ‫أ ظ َا و أروع‪ ..‬سطرت فً تارٌخنا العر ً اإلسالمً منارات لنا‪ ..‬فها همً‬ ‫ُح َم ٌْرَ ا ُء الن ً لٌه الصالة و السالا‪ ..‬فقٌه ُة المفمقمهما ِء و حمافمظم ُة السمنم ِة‪ ..‬أا‬ ‫المؤمنٌن رضً هللا نها‪ ..‬قد نقلت حٌا َة ن ٌمنما لمنما فمً رَ ْوحِم ِه و راحملمتمه‪..‬‬ ‫لتكون لنا منهاجا ً نقتدي محمعافمٌمره‪ ..‬و هما همً شمجمرة المدر‪ ..‬تملما المممرأةُ‬ ‫الشجا ُة التً دافعت ن حكا الممممالمٌما حمتمى فخمر أنمفماسمهما‪ ..‬و هما همً‬ ‫ت َ‬ ‫المثم ْقم َل و الم َغما –‬ ‫حمُها فمقماومم ِ‬ ‫أسما ُء‪ ..‬تلا ال ُح ْ لَى التً ضاقت جنٌِنها رَ ِ‬ ‫رضً هللا نها‪ -‬و صعدت ج ال ال ٌقوى لى صعود ِه أ تمى رجمال المٌموا‬ ‫ج روتها المز وا و ضالتها ال الونٌة! فنقلت لن ٌنا أخ ار ْقومِه و قُمو َتمه و‬ ‫حمته نفسها‪ ..‬ما كان مسا داً لهجر ِة ن ٌنا إلى مدٌن ِة نور ِه و تمهٌمداً لمنمصمرة‬ ‫نسماء المممسملمممٌمن مما‬ ‫دٌانته‪ ..‬و األمثلة ال تحصِ ر ل تعكر‪ ..‬و فً قصم‬ ‫تنحنً له رؤوس أ ظا الرجال احتراما ً و تقدٌرا‪..‬‬ ‫و لألس ‪ ..‬فقد ُغ ٌِّبَ دور المرأة المسلمة فً صرنا الحدٌث تغٌ​ٌ ا انمتمقم‬ ‫من صورتها المشرقة‪ ..‬فاستغلت –كأداة‪ -‬ند الكثٌرٌن‪ ..‬و أص حت هً فً‬ ‫عٌل الصفحة ٌنما س ِّ‬ ‫ُطر اسا الرجل فمً رأسمهما‪ ..‬و همل علما إال ْ‬ ‫َمخمسٌ و‬ ‫جَ هْل؟‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫َ‬ ‫و ها قد غدت مالئكة ال شر جارٌة تمخم ِد ُا أو مارٌمة ٌُسْ متمممتمع مهما‪ ..‬و همل‬ ‫ٌوص علا أقل من اإلجحا ؟‬ ‫هعا ال ٌعنً دا وجود أمثل ٍة شمرفمت وجمه المعمرو مة و اإلسمالا موجمودهما‬ ‫ٌنها‪ ..‬و عِكرُها َوجَ بَ و إن كان العك ُر ال ٌُ ْنصِ فُها‪..‬‬ ‫و من هنا أ دأ حدٌثً و ما أرجو إٌصاله‪ ..‬ممن قصم ِة فمتما ٍة كمانمت صمغمٌمر ًة‬ ‫ت امرأة‪..‬‬ ‫أحالمُها تالمِسُ األ ْن ُج َا فاصْ َطفت لها حٌنَ صار ِ‬ ‫مدح و تصفٌق‪..‬‬ ‫هً أنثى‪ ..‬ق ل كل ٍ‬ ‫أ د ت و كسمرت حماجمز المممحمدود فمعاع‬ ‫صٌ ُتها فً ال ال ِد كعالممم ٍة ّمالممة‪ ..‬و شم ّع‬ ‫ت حملمقمت مهما فمً‬ ‫أَلَقُها فأن ت لها جمنماحما ٍ‬ ‫سماء العلا إلى مصا ِّ الم د ٌن‪..‬‬ ‫ب مك َة نمت زهرة‪ ..‬تفتحت تمالتمهما‬ ‫من قل ِ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫زاهٌة و اجتع ت "حٌا ًة" إلٌها رحمٌمقمهما و‬ ‫انتشر رٌحُها طرا‪..‬‬ ‫ك رت فً ظل وال ٍد را ى شغفها فوجمهمهما‬ ‫و مملمممممهمما خممٌممرَ تممعمملممٌم ٍما‪ ..‬إلممى أن شم ممت‬ ‫وانطلقمت م مر المقمارات لمتمنمممو أكمثمر و‬ ‫أكثر‪..‬‬ ‫ا تكرت و أ د ت و قدمت‪ ..‬و تخماطمفمتمهما‬ ‫أك ر الهٌئات العلمٌة المختصة مجالها‪..‬‬ ‫اسمها حٌاةُ‪ ..‬و فعلها حٌاةٌ‪.................‬‬

‫تجدون المقالة كاملة على صفحتنا فً فٌسبوك‬

‫د‪.‬الكرٌع ‪” :‬هواٌتً المستدٌمة هً القراءة بكل أنواعها“‬ ‫مقابلة صحفٌة مع الدكتورة ‪ ،‬الباحثة والعالمة الكبٌرة خولة الكرٌع‬ ‫■ المة سعودٌة‪ ،‬فً اا ‪ 7002‬فازت الدكتورة خولة جائزة هارفارد للتمٌز العلمً‪ .‬حٌث أن دد المتنافسٌن لمهمعه المجمائمزة فماق‬ ‫ال‪ 000‬احث ‪ .‬الدكتورة خولة الكرٌع تشغل حالٌا ً منصب رئٌس مركز أ حاث الملا فهد ألوراا األطفال التما مع لمممسمتمشمفمى الممملما‬ ‫ملمى الم مصمممة‬ ‫فٌصل التخصصً ومركز األ حاث الرٌاض‪ .‬وهً تقود فرٌقا ً لمٌا ً ٌت نى رنامجما ً محمثمٌما ً فمرٌمداً وعلما لملمتمعمر‬ ‫الوراثٌة لدى مرضى السرطان السعودٌ​ٌن‪ .‬و أثمر ال رنامج ن نتائج لمٌة متمٌزة تا نشرها فً مجالت لمٌة المممٌمة‪ .‬وقمد نمالمت‬ ‫وساا الملا د العزٌز من الدرجة األولى‬ ‫■ س‪ -1‬وصلنا أنك كنت أما منذ أول سنة لك فً كلٌة الطب ‪ ,‬فكٌؾ‬ ‫استطعت التوفٌق والموازنة بٌن حٌاتك االجتماعٌة والعلمٌة والعملٌة؟‬ ‫ج‪ - 1‬الموازنة بٌن الحٌاة الشخصٌة األسرٌة والحٌاة العلمٌة لم ٌكن‬ ‫باألمر الٌسٌر ‪ ..‬وربما كانت الصعوبة أكبر فً بداٌة حٌاتً العلمٌة‬ ‫حٌث كانوا أبنائً فً عمر مبكر وكانوا بحاجة إلى تواجدي كأم‬ ‫بجانبهم أكثر من أي شًء آخر ‪ ...‬ال أدّعً أنً وصلت إلى مرحلة‬ ‫الكمال فً تلك الموازنة ولكنً عملت جاهدة أن أعطً كل ّ حقه بقدر‬ ‫المستطاع ‪ ..‬هناك أوقات معٌنة قد ٌطؽى جانب خوله األم على جانب‬ ‫خوله الطبٌبة العالمة ‪ ،‬وهناك أوقات ٌحصل العكس لكن فً النهاٌة‬ ‫الوسطٌة هو ما كنت أسعى وأطمح فً الوصول إلٌه ‪.‬‬ ‫الشك بعد أن كبروا أبنائً أصبح لدي متسع أكثر من الوقت ألتفرغ‬ ‫لعلمً وأبحاثً والحمد هلل ‪.‬‬ ‫هم فخورٌن بما أقوم به ‪ ،‬واآلن هم من أكثر المشجعٌن والداعمٌن‬ ‫لعملً وأبحاثً ‪.‬‬ ‫س‪ -2‬أخوك الدكتور فوزان الكرٌع عالم وباحث كبٌر فً مجال‬ ‫الجٌنات أٌضا‪ ،‬ما السر وراء اختٌاركما وتمٌزكما معا فً مجال‬ ‫الجٌنات ؟‬ ‫ج‪ – 2‬الحقٌقة أننا لم نختار مجال الجٌنات فً البداٌة ‪ ،‬ألن كل واحد‬ ‫منا وصل إلى هذا المجال من طرٌق مختلؾ ‪ .‬فأنا مثالً حاصلة على‬ ‫البورد األمرٌكً فً علم األمراض ‪ ،‬ولكن عندما تع ّمقت فً الزمالة‬ ‫فً األورام سحرنً عالم جٌنات السرطان ‪ ،‬وهكذا دخلت إلى مجال‬ ‫الجٌنات لألورام ‪.‬‬ ‫أما أخً د‪ .‬فوزان الكر ٌّع بدأ بحصوله على البورد األمرٌكً فً‬ ‫األطفال ‪ ،‬ولكن األسباب الوراثٌة للعدٌد من أمراض األطفال من‬ ‫المجاالت التً أثارت اهتمامه ‪ ،‬فتخصص فً علم الجٌنات ‪ .‬فكما‬ ‫ترون نعمل فً مجال واحد ولكن فرعٌن مختلفٌن ‪.‬‬ ‫والحقٌقة أن العمل فً مجال الجٌنات ش ٌّق جداً ألنه ٌسمح لك بالؽوص‬ ‫فً أعماق هذا العلم الكبٌر ‪ ،‬ومع التقدم العلمً الذي تشهده الساحة‬ ‫العلمٌة والتقنٌات الحدٌثة أصبح التعرؾ على الجٌنات المسببة‬ ‫لألمراض أسهل من أي وقت مضى ‪.‬‬ ‫س‪ -3‬لو قدر للدكتورة خولة أن تكون فً مراكز القرار ‪ ،‬فما هً أهم‬ ‫القرارت التً ستصدرها الدكتورة خولة للنهوض بالمرأة السعودٌة فً‬ ‫المجال العلمً وفً قٌادة المجتمع ؟‬ ‫ج‪ – 3‬المرأة السعودٌة استطاعت الوصول إلى مكانة متقدمة فً‬ ‫مجاالت الحٌاة المتطورة ‪ ،‬ولكن مازال أمامها الكثٌر من العمل‬ ‫والمثابرة قبل أن تحصل على ماتصبو وتتطلع إلٌه ‪ .‬ال أرى ما ٌنقص‬ ‫المرأة السعودٌة أو ٌمنعها من الحصول على مراكز قٌادٌة فً‬ ‫المجتمع ‪ ،‬فالمرأة السعودٌة حصلت على أعلى الدرجات العلمٌة من‬ ‫أعرق الجامعات الدولٌة ‪ ،‬وال ٌنقصها إال الثقة واإلٌمان بقدرتها‬ ‫للوصول ‪.‬‬ ‫أعتقد أن الخطوة األساسٌة للنهوض بالمرأة السعودٌة فً المجال‬ ‫العلمً هو فً بناء الثقة بداخلها وتدرٌس المواد العلمٌة بطرٌقة‬ ‫عملٌة تحبب األجٌال القادمة فً البحث ودخول المختبرات والتساؤل‬ ‫واالختراع ‪.‬‬

‫س‪ - 4‬ما هو حلم او هدؾ الدكتورة خولة فً حٌاتها‪ ،‬وهل حققته ام ال ؟‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ج‪ – 4‬كما ٌعلم الجمٌع أن حٌاتنا العملٌة كما هً ملٌئة بالنجاح فهً أٌضا ملٌئة‬ ‫بالجهد والمعاناة والعمل الدؤوب المتواصل والمثابرة تؽلفها روح التحدي ‪ ،‬لكن‬ ‫وبإخالص النٌة واإلٌمان بالهدؾ واإلصرار والجدٌة فً العمل ‪ ..‬كل ذلك ٌعطً أي‬ ‫إنسان قوة وصبر لتحقٌق أحالمنا وأهدافنا ‪.‬‬ ‫أما عن األحالم واألهداؾ المستقبلٌة فً هذا الشأن ‪ ..‬جمٌع دول العالم المتقدم فً‬ ‫حرب ضد السرطان ‪ ..‬وأتمنى أنه من خالل أبحاثنا الطبٌة ومشاركاتنا العلمٌة فً هذه‬ ‫الحرب أن نصل إلى ٌوم نجد القضاء على مرض السرطان أمر ٌسٌر وفً متناول‬ ‫الجمٌع ‪.‬‬ ‫س‪ - 5‬هناك عٌنة من المجتمع السعودي‬ ‫ال تحبذ دخول المرأة مجال الطب و ترى‬ ‫أن المرأة مكانها بٌتها ‪ ،‬فما هو رأي‬ ‫الدكتورة خولة بهذا الطرح وكٌؾ ٌمكن‬ ‫تقوٌمه ؟‬ ‫ج‪ - 5‬هناك معاٌ​ٌر وعوائق اجتماعٌة قد‬ ‫ٌحاول البعض تؽلٌفها بؽالؾ دٌنً‬ ‫لٌمنحها نوع من القداسة وبالتالً منع‬ ‫تؽٌ​ٌرها ‪ ،‬ولكن كل إنسان واع ٌعلم أن‬ ‫الدٌن اإلسالمً هو دٌن العدالة والمساواة‬ ‫وهو الدٌن الذي ضمن للمرأة حقوقها‬ ‫وكرامتها منذ أكثر من ألؾ وخمسمائة‬ ‫عام ‪ ..‬فالمرأة المسلمة شاركت بدور ف ّعال‬ ‫مع الرجل فً جمٌع نواحً الحٌاة وجمٌع الحاالت من سلم وحرب ‪ ،‬وهً قادرة اآلن‬ ‫على القٌام بدورها إذا تحلّت باإلرادة والمثابرة والثبات ‪.‬‬ ‫س‪ -6‬كرائدة فً مجال البحث العلمً فً العالم العربً ‪ ،‬كٌؾ ترٌن حاضر البحث‬ ‫العلمً فً العالم العربً واإلسالمً و كٌؾ ٌمكن تطوٌر هذا المجال فً أمتنا‬ ‫مستقبال؟‬ ‫ج‪ – 6‬بالرؼم من الؽٌاب أو النقص الكبٌر فً المعلومات الدقٌقة عن األبحاث العلمٌة‬ ‫فً العالم اإلسالمً والعربً المتوفرة من خالل المؤسسات المعروفة مثل البنك‬ ‫الدولً أو منظمات األمم المتحدة ‪ ،‬فإن العدٌد من المجالت العلمٌة العرٌقة كمجلة‬ ‫ناتشر (‪ )Nature‬وساٌنس (‪ )Science‬قد اجتهدوا فً تقدٌم معلومات كافٌة‬ ‫عن البحث العلمً فً العالم العربً واإلسالمً ‪ ،‬ومناقشة أسباب الفجوة بٌننا وبٌن‬ ‫العالم المتقدم فً مجال األبحاث العلمٌة والتقنٌة ‪.‬‬ ‫ولعل األسباب لهذا التأخر كثٌرة ‪ ..‬من ضمنها ؼٌاب ثقافة البحث والتقصً وتشجٌع‬ ‫العقل الناقد فً المناهج الدراسٌة بدءاً من المراحل االبتدائٌة وانتها ًء ببرامج‬ ‫الدراسات العلٌا ‪.‬‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى البٌروقراطٌة اإلدارٌة فً العدٌد من المؤسسات األكادٌمٌة والبحثٌة فً‬ ‫العالم العربً ‪ ،‬وكذلك انخفاض اإلنفاق العام على البحوث العلمٌة والتقنٌة ‪ .‬وعلى‬ ‫الرؼم من سوداوٌة هذه التقارٌر إال أننا فً المملكة العربٌة السعودٌة متفائلٌن من‬ ‫الخطط اإلستراتٌجٌة وزٌادة اإلنفاق الذي تنهجه الدولة للنهوض بالبحوث العلمٌة فً‬ ‫العدٌد من المراكز األكادٌمٌة والبحثٌة فً المملكة ‪.‬‬ ‫وأعتقد أن حصول العدٌد من أبنائنا وبناتنا على فرص للعمل والتدرٌب فً مراكز‬ ‫بحثٌة عالمٌة سٌسهم فً رفع المستوى البحثً لدٌنا ألنه ال ٌأتً حامالً الشهادة‬ ‫العلمٌة فقط ‪ ،‬وإنما ٌتعلم هناك ثقافة روح الفرٌق والعمل الجماعً فً المجال العلمً‬ ‫والتً تنقص الباحث العربً نتٌجة لعوامل اجتماعٌة وتربوٌة ٌجب أن نتداركها فً‬ ‫مراحل التعلٌم الدنٌا حتى نستطٌع أن ننشأ أجٌاالً واعٌة تنهض بالعلوم فً عالمنا‬ ‫العربً وتعٌد له مجده ‪.‬‬

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬ ‫ِدٍخ دوسَخ ٍِحمخ ثـ ‪ MED TIMES‬رصذس عٓ طالة وٍُخ اٌطت فٍ خبِعخ اٌفُصً‬

‫‪ )1‬طل الملوحً‪:‬‬

‫‪ )5‬د‪.‬هوٌدا القثامً‪:‬‬

‫مدونة سورٌة شا ّة جرٌئة طوّ ت حرفها لملمممجماهمرة مالمحمق ط ٌ ة سعودٌة ‪ ،‬رئٌسة قسا جراحة القلب النٌا ة‬ ‫واستشاري أول جراحة قلب و أول من ا تكر اجراء ملٌة‬ ‫ومطال ة الحقوق‪..‬فا تقلت ومازالت فً السجن حتى اآلن !‬ ‫ر ط الشرٌان الرئوي لالطفال المصا ٌن عٌوب خلقٌة‬ ‫‪،‬حازت لى وساا الملا فٌصل من الدرجة الرا عة‬ ‫‪ )2‬د‪.‬خولة الكرٌع ‪:‬‬ ‫المة سعودٌة‪ .‬ك ٌرة لماء أ محماث السمرطمان فمً مسمتمشمفمى‬ ‫‪ )6‬توكل كرمان‪:‬‬ ‫الملا فٌصل التخصصً ومركز األ حاث الرٌاض‬ ‫نالت وساا الملا د العزٌز من الدرجة األولى (للمزٌد انظر ناشطة وحقوقٌة ٌمنٌة ‪ ،‬رئٌسة منظمة صحفٌات ال قمٌمود‬ ‫‪ ،‬و هً أٌضا أدٌ ة وشما مرة ‪.‬ممن أ مرز المممدافمعمات من‬ ‫المقا لة صفحة‪)7‬‬ ‫حرٌة الصحافة وحقوق المرأة وحقوق اإلنسان فً المٌمممن‬ ‫‪ ،‬أول امممرأة ممر ممٌممة حمماصمملممة مملممى جممائممزة نممو ممل‬ ‫‪ )3‬خدٌجة بن قنة ‪:‬‬ ‫إ المٌة جزائرٌة ‪ ،‬معروفة ر ٌة تمٌزها كممعٌمعمة فمً قمنماة للسالا فً ‪2011‬‬ ‫الجزٌرة الفضائٌة‬

‫‪ )4‬هٌا الشطً‪:‬‬ ‫امرأة كوٌتٌة ‪ ,‬ناشطة ومدافعة ن حقوق االنسان رحلت إلى‬ ‫غزة ن طرٌق شرٌان الحٌاة‪ , 0‬وأسطول الحرٌة ‪ ،‬إلغاثة‬ ‫غزة المحاصرة تقول ‪ " :‬عه ُ‬ ‫ت إلى غزة مرتٌن ‪ ..‬مرة‬ ‫مأسورة ‪ ..‬ومرة منصورة!"‬

‫‪ )7‬د‪.‬حٌاة السندي‪:‬‬ ‫المة سعودٌة ‪ ،‬اختٌرت من ضمممن ‪ 51‬مالممًما ٌمنمتمظمر‬ ‫وٌتوقمع ممنمهما أن ٌمغمٌّمروا األرض من طمرٌمق محمثمهما‬ ‫وا تكاراتها ‪ ,‬لتعر أي امرأة ظٌمة هً‪( ..‬للمزٌد انظر‬ ‫المقالة صفحة ‪)4‬‬

‫تقرؤون في هذا العدد‬ ‫الصفحة األولى‪:‬‬ ‫ٌننا م د ات !‬ ‫الصفحة الثانٌة‪:‬‬ ‫مقا لة مع الدكتورة خولة‬ ‫الكرٌّع‬ ‫الصفحة الثالثة‪:‬‬ ‫المقالة الفائزة‬ ‫الصفحة الرابعة‪:‬‬ ‫استفتاء العدد‬ ‫كلمات األ ضاء الجدد‬ ‫جدٌد صفحتنا فً فٌس وا‬

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