Air journal

Page 11

The International Style, introduced by the Modernists, established a revolutionary way of living. Although conceived in Europe, this approach quickly spread to many different and often converse conditions to where it originated due to globalization. The typology did not perform well when applied to regions with high temperatures such as Australia due to the uniform approach to climate and conditions that the open plan championed. Heat and light streamed in and spread throughout and the stimulus of change and self regulation was removed entirely by the need for active systems. Conditions were treated as black/white, yes/no, light and hvac system on/off. Grey did not exist. A suggested alternative model is the camp fire. With a gradient of heat and light, the inhabitant is able to adjust their comfort by their proximity to the fire. Additionally external influences such as airflow, drafts experienced by the inhabitant, type/condition of wood use etc will change the experience to create a more threshold/dynamic experience and offer a more flexible solution. In order to convert this transient model into the conclusive mode of built form, a highly complex object must be created. Consideration must occur of both the unit scale and the whole, how each affects the other and is also affected by environmental factors. Computation allows Self organization within the built non organic world. Elements respond and adapt to external stimuli which in turn affects the configuration of the adjacent component and the whole until equilibrium is achieved. An entirely unique space is created by an entirely unique manifestation of the form. In the case of Daniel Coll I Capdevila’s, ‘Strip Morphologies; Design Study for Environmentally Differentiated Healing Environments’ a unique wall configuration creates a specialised variety of conditioned spaces in the aim of tailorisation to each hospital, ward (wall itself altered) and ultimately patient (choice of appropriate rooms). As stated by LAB; Industrialization in this case no longer equates to standardization but rather mass customisation. Like a renaissance sculpture, the piece for Wyndaham site will be viewed from a multitude of different angles, in both directions on the freeway, the service station, the freeway overpass and the side road. It will also be viewed at a variety of different speeds and heights due to this. With parametric design it will be possible to account for each of these instances and create a work that will be successful from all vantage points while still maintain character as a whole.

Mass Customisation

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