Aransy Yearbook 2015

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aransy’s yearbook twothousandfifteen alexanderranisuryandono

contents This is the second yearbook that I made. Thanks for those who take their time to read it and give feedback. I divide this kaleidoscopethingy into three parts: campus, career, and cheer. I hope this booklet will work not only for documenting my experience but also for those who wants to know about my public life. Enjoy it ;)

contents (1) campus (3) career (15) cheer (39) closing (54)

ca m p u s transfer of knowledge architectural research science exploration

courses Courses Semester Genap 2013/2014 Perancangan Terintegrasi melalui BIM English Studio Desain Arsitektur 4 Struktur dan Konstruksi 4 Courses Semester Gasal 2014/2015 Arsitektur Dijital Teknologi Bahan Struktur dan Konstruksi 5 Studio Desain Arsitektur 5

My primary job is a lecturer. It means that I have three core tasks: teaching, researching, and doing community services. This is the documentation of my campus activity during 2015.

Undergraduate ďŹ nal projects

Community service -Facilitating Community-based Water Drinking System in Perlang, Bangka Belitung •-Application of Eco-friendly Design on Multifunction Building in Sleman

Yuli Wirawan Jati Pusat Kuliner di Magelang dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologis

internship advisor Andi Setiawan. Pemanfaatan Lahan Reklamasi sebagai Solusi Penyediaan Lahan Baru di Kawasan Ancol, Jakarta Aisyah Nur. Penentuan Material Penutup Lantai pada Pekerjaan Hotel dalam Kasus Swiss-Bel Hotel Jogjakarta Aryo Akbar. Solusi Sederhana Perbaikan Plafon pada Hotel Swiss Bell-Inn Kemayoran Jakarta Claudia Yovita. Penggunaan Conwood sebagai Material Pengganti Kayu pada Desain Dijuma Hotel Fikrian Rafika. Perancangan Layout Villa dan Hotel dengan Pendekatan Efektifitas Pemanfaatan Lahan Berkontur untuk Menunjang Fungsi dan View

Haidar Rizki. Proses Desain Terintegrasi pada Perancangan Gedung Pemadam Kebakaran Kawasan Pusat Kesenian Jakarta - Taman Ismail Marzuki Lu’luul Auliyail. Perancangan Railing pada Void Taman yang aman dan nyaman untuk anak-anak dengan pendekatan antropometri dan ergonomi Muhammad Helmi. Pembuatan Struktur Penopang pada Bangunan Berlantai Banyak dalam kasus Swiss Bell Hotel Jogjakarta Muhammad Syaiful. Penanggulangan Kebocoran Dek Beton Double Decker dalam Desain Perumahan Jaya Ancol Seafront Nidya Putri. Pemanfaatan View sebagai Daya Tarik pada Perancangan Villa Mayong Rifka Anisa. Penataan Void pada Landscape Double Decker Yosi Wahyu. Pengaruh Aspek Struktural terhadap Ruang dalam Kasus Swiss Bel Hotel Jogja Zahron Syauqi. Pengaruh Desain terhadap Kebocoran dan Rembesan pada Apartemen The Royal Springhill Residences

Community service Facilitating Community-based Water Drinking System in Perlang, Bangka Belitung This year Professor Bambang Yulis from Department of Civil Engineering UGM has a responsibility to be an advisor for community service in Perlang Village Bangka Belitung. I already visited the area in 2014 and help him to arrange community service program along with the students. The main topic for this community service is facilitating communitybased water drinking system in Perlang, Bangka Belitung. There are other community based program such as: creating websites, education to children, information sharing on sustainable environment, mining, agriculture, etc.

Under Dr. Ahmad Sarwadi as team leader, I join the group and designing two buildings. The ďŹ rst one is a primary school and multifunction hall. I more involve in designing the multifunction building in Sleman, Yogyakarta. We work with several students, discuss with stakeholders, and help them design it. Final product is a design proposal to get fund from the government.

Community service Application of Eco-friendly Design on Multifunction Building in Sleman

IAI DIY Anniversary Indonesian Institute of Architects chapter Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta celebrates 56th anniversary in 2015. The event takes place in Architecture Program UGM. Professional Architects, along with lecturers and students join this anniversary. A seminar is held here with topic about connections between academics and professional in Architecture.

Visitation from KALAM - UTM Malaysia

Guest lectures from PT Gigasteel in Building Material Technology Course

Laboratorium Management Workshop at Sahid Rich Hotel

Architecture Study Progam workshop at Grand Zuri

Dies Natalis Universitas Gadjah Mada

Dies Natalis DTAP

Academic Writing Workshop at Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

Dinner with Digital Architecture Teaching Assistants and Urak-Urek Animation Studio Crew

c a r e e r theory application consultant-construction community activities

Diklat Prajabatan CPNS Diklat is an abbreviation from Pendidikan dan Latihan. Diklat Prajabatan CPNS is kind of workshop, done in two weeks and the topic mainly about Indonesia. Diklat prajabatan is a requirement before someone fully recognized as government employee. I did this diklat so I can become a full time lecturer at UGM. The Diklat was held on Sawangan Depok for two weeks. We made a plan according to the instructions. Then, we came back to our institutions to execute the plan. Within one month, we would be tested to know if the plan was work. There are ďŹ ve points that need to be covered on the planned activities: Accountability, Nationalism, Ethics, Commitment, Anticorruptions.

alexander suryandono

New Facade House in Karangsari The need of space is inevitable in a house. The initial idea is adding rooms abouve the garage. The house is extended to the front. The challenge comes since the design will replace the old with new facade. Since the location is at three junctions, the house facade must stand up and create a focal point for surrounding area. The concept for facade is a tree canopy. The canopy shape is symbolized by terracota. White wall gives more contrast to terracota and also reects direct sunlight since the house has west orientation. This ongoing project will be ďŹ nished on March next year.

Retaining wall in Ngampilan, Sorosutan, and Giwangan

Boarding house in Gamping, Sleman

Room addition above garage

Site visit Pak Sakrip’s GRC workshop

Indonesia’s Independence day is celebrated on August 17. To prepare the event, there are several community activities to strengthen the relationship among them. These are the activities: kerja bakti or gotong royong where community member work together to upgrade the environment by cleaning it, painting houses, etc. Then there are group sports that have goal to strengthen community as a family, such as panjat pinang (climbing a kind of palm tree), etc. on August 17 evening, an event will be held to commemorate independence day.

Independence Day

Community gathering

c h e e r f r e e d o m refreshing life balancing


alexander suryandono



running and morning

Semarang ... visiting Semarang for the famous Bandeng Pandanaran and Banaran Coffee :p

Beach in southern Yogya


Comics, Collections, Collectors, Creators

closing I hope next year will be better than this year. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve this diary at Thank you

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