the management review

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realisdc." Offeing pcoplecashincetrtivcs has a l i mi t ed ef f ec t . "A n d i t l !n \ j u s t wester.ers. !!White collar Chinese are ev e n l e ss willing t o lc a v e Sh a n g h a i , becauseof the social status associarcd with it, butalso sinccan officlal Shanghai rer.lence opensup more possibiliricsfor woik, leisure andtheirklds' education." An increasedhesitancy to nove can be expectedftom candidateswirb fanilics.

nGtent0n s0lutl0ns Ma n y c o m p ani es have tri ed ro use highef salarlesas incentivcs to cling on to ro! talent. But even then, retention difficulties can persist.Theseconpanies c a n a l s o th i nk about more creari ve Mo i e l o c a l tal ent i s one opti oD . A c c o rd i n g to many, i .tegrati ng l ocal talenl is a sensible approach. "There\ lcss risk if the workers are local. Thcy a l re a d y b a v e a nctw ork i n the area; then fahily is thcre," saysBo Le's Hugo Zhang. "China is big enough to host ma n y d i ffe re D t cul t!ral di vi des rhar must be accounredfol. Ir is best ro hire local." Michael Maeder, ptacrice leader automotive and industrlal at Difecr HR, agrees."Due to big regional differences and a generalreluctanc€ofcandidates to relocate,it n diffi.ulr to artracr chinese employeestiom a wider area. One could evencompareiiwirh convitrcingsoneone to move liom one European countly ro

Ihetearemany reasons whya middle managenent emIloyee would abandon thelilst-tiel world HAYS

.Ofiorlng p€ople cash incentives has a limiredottect,"saysChrisrianGroog6r, cllent relarionship managerat Fiducia.

These condl ti ons make i t necessar y to achvel y pursue qual i ty candldat es. C harnock says that " empl oy er s ar e .ow offering a faster career path" fo. those wllling to move. "Our advlce is ro provide a persuasiverelocarlon pacLage

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