the management review

Page 1

with Qoping Gatastrophe Whatcompanies in Ghina canlearnfromJ


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Cruel tobelfind? A !LhorJoseph B al adihdsarrfa.l rdborhcri rtLl srn a| d hi -(sel fderr b.d bmra !natl s s ofA sl ai br! di rs: 0pI' mi sIc abourthc futur.fahi nese brands



Good Medicine




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A $'nrnrar.!oi ahifa buslnessn$rs ti,t i ' n e n a ri o o acl o m fa ii .s




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ago,rsnowrnvotved n a ega andpubtic-realons batlte wtha Chinese compelitor SinoLegend (Zha ngjagang) Chemicat Co.that hiredawayStcroup,s Shanghai panlmanager StGroup a eges thalS noLegend hasmadea virtua y denlcatproducland is ercding itscusiomer base

Mining lirmtoshipironore lromAustralia

tfeghlshpments tfcrease. The probem couldworsen asRussia boosts shpments ofcopper aonoreandcoatio ch na,ts largesl lradlfgpartnerDespile current obstac es,thepotential ror/ncfeased ra tlatftcprcjects belween resource-rich Russia andrawmaterials-poor Chinas nuge.

Waler businesses eye

CI c Pacfc Mining issettoship opp0rlunities bey0nd China rtsfitn consgfmentof rorore Mainland watercompanies are tromilsS nokonminetnWestem 0egrnnrng roexpand overseas Australia laterths yearafter panrybecause lhehomemarket spefdngUSD636m oi a fteetof is nolprofitable efough. IndLrslry 12drybuk cargo shipsTheships prayers say l1e go ng oul of Gamosa sigtrsmemora0da withthrsoChlmscDovrer arcpanotanestinaled uSD4bn lhecompaf espresents rsks c0m0anle$ invesImeft byCilicpacific lo an0opp0rtuntties, asChinese Ga,nes€. a readngwtnotu4inorna{orlromSpain. opand€xptoitmagne|te signed meino,"nda deve iron compan esslarttooking al water o'undeEtarding for900MWl]vndturb,nes orereserves witt hrEeChrnese atcapePreslon. projecrs etsewhere especay companies. TheMoUsrilh Longyuan, powEr 100kmsoulhwestof Kanatha Chtna Resourcos in and n theMddleEasiandAuslrata. Datang maycutminale p bafaregion Oneofthecompanies infin conlrads Western Aust€tia's lo supply 900t\4W inulbrne that cqpa.i9indlecorning montis. Theshipmenl AddiUonalty, wiltbe camesahasagre€d lhefrstby lo seeChinese ouiboufd water joinllydevelop 200MWwindbms oilhLongyuan, a rnanrand mining company lhewDdd.s frcm inveslment fiifd asa fuluretendis laEest wlndfamdevotopsr, bv2015. $ ownronoreminelocaledn SlezEnvronnemeft a French warerandwastemanagemetrt company wilhinveslmenls in w r g rvesu bs idies t o c ounles TPG oroerscompiseof fve 1.5MW buysintoChinese solar Chinalroping lo lake ils Chinese thatmakesignificafteffortsto player dirccldrvepermanent c0mtec magfelc partners abroad in futule. 0evelop greenenergysources wlfd turbines. Thelurbifeswiii LJS privale equily tim Tpc Capilal be installed ti twowtndfams s sellomakeitsfirslnvestnrent Yanzhou Coalbidslol Erports to China oflsel respeclively localedtf Ohioand in China's power Whilehaven solar induslry Japan slowdown, BioTinto afleragreeing a deato payup says China s Yanzhou Coat t\,4ining lo HKDl17bn (USD150m)tora Co,thecounlrys folrdh-argesl l/o Tintotheworlds third-targestHimln otlefsnewsotulion max/mum 216%staken Comlec coarpfoducer, hasoffered ariefexpects nore forhigh-lemperature gtobatmarkels Io steam SolarSystems croup.Thedea thanUSD3 74bn toacqu.e 'enran votale n theshortIem the syslem g vesTPGanintercst inoneoi Auslraiian coa miner Wh tehaven :jr saysslfongdemand ffom C h i fas N i mi nS o taC r oL td China's moslprcnsinggrowth CoalLld. lflhebidis successfut, :r ra hasoffsetanytenporary laufchedlhe woddt frsi rcof_ t willbe Yanzhou s argest :ssorsates toJapan ailerthe nslalledsolarhighlempelalure Overseas acquisrtion s ncet :;rhquakeandlsunamdtsasler. stea.nsystemfor industral Uphillfoad lorRussia metal pad USD32bnforAust|atia,s ': coflpany sayst hasseen ul salon.TheShandong-based exports to china FelixResources Ltdin 2009 : rea mpactfrom lhecrtss Niminis lhe wortdt targestsotar Russian metals fimsseeking Theprocess is now comngto :3anilssecond-la0esl waterhealermanuf aclurer. r0rncrease exporis to china a concusion, withYanzhou and andolherAsan buyers iacean hd a sAditya Bi a crcup on InChina, lhe tire-espionage suit uphllstruggle astheygrappe a.ldrindwinstwoorders lreads iinalshorlsl of bidders. loudly wrthinffaslruclure constrainls rus USchencalmaker Stcroup 0n Soviele€ rait _ tines tnSibeda FINANCIAL I :_; codw|rd SERVIC ES Scence and nc whichopened a facloryn andlheFarEastRussiatiwo -+-.: rgycompany a teading China Iosuppy anexpanding man farllinesin lheEgion Ban|( ol China tolaunch :_ -::i ndludnemaker tire-making industry w th the ^ the Trafs-Siberian Cambodian branch and the iii r:" :io newordersn company s sgnalure rubberBaikalAmur ila I ne(BAt\,t) _ :: TheBankof Chlf€phnompenh States.Thesetwo b0nd/ng resinaboulseven years arebecoming ))t overbudef Branchlauncheo in Cambodia in


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a0p &p6ataqlFU|P6€ qlear uorora^os s.futunoc lrnsrpl at{ e patcunq- saurpvpal!npuE 6urpnpur srotso^urasaurqC 6uoy6uoHurlcotslo 6um4o saururytetuauluoc,seututv ueuruqz seasrer $lutquteosutlueulsolur zosnseqrnur ue.uauv- 9sulecroqulaur aalql otsuetds,eul]eqd r€qOupqs]o uqSt0sn sotpnls ?u!qc sllpueu0rteDossv !odsuerlltv lEd sl tuourtso^ut dnoreEutqC 'uollesllel0Pc papouratdul sn 3ql ere|etrur moneposeq JoilreSprednoJe ^ lo)lrPLrj aqlouuPc lq )iueq ro/fuluno3 uPrstetEli 3uo t6}PL! lse €l 6LroH -6Lto) .pntcurostE tlctq,q -qlua0s aqt utsraploqorels 'slo)s.^!talll0lsaleqs etEs lo qI^1$itetur6eqol te^ordd€ €ul PUrL]C utSuotnstnbce punl rol€ut rol Fonbalsllol ogrodsar otrulrozudpuPau s6uploH a Nhaclta e^llrwnv.p9rL a p uqMna s,e.upu Pqteut.lut arn 14 s,esteten l rotutsruI,,! a a )i0seL!al 6utpnlcut srotsa^ur urorl I twoc wlqapuerMoa-11t8 a 6urtlE,ue s|]apuotZ oN s,EUtqC ur0990sn bursrer sroc 6uppH run,usawttww"nwi I l Mto@d p LI a)ets teldeC 6udnq eqt)a ru@t eulttc a NOI slpcnn0ceuleud a lptl6uEqs eennlnrer\qgouryv

puestq6ufuodord ienp€tplut uouMop totuouraoulrrur tcPr.ol raqopourubredurm oprruorleu e pa!3unet eurqcstq6ul!€dord lentc0[€]ut re^o 10uottc0lord sirojlos Purqc u0uolenle^€ a^tsuaqsrduloa eloure loj salPgp.trunaqlp€6rn Eutrt3 s.utun0c raqtoll ql^ tsrtwtE,r llroudoqtuosureual eutrt3 puetueur€cJolua pueuotts€tord I eq]]o ar^or a ldllo stetseqot6 ^ I u€ trodattoc etsads tEnuue I lt0z aq|pasestar 0^tPllsssrdou spEJlSnoqtJoocuJo 3ut I

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udlrl9lr0lsn qs? sutqS L J uluo)lel ssrnseaul pue,lenba l00l

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China conlinues anlidumping 0nchloroprene ru0Det TheChinese Mnstryof Cornmerce ([,tOC) w]l continue to impose anl-dumping nreasures

agreements to boosljfvestmeft In variousprcjecrs involvns energyrnlrastr!ctureand c o m m ucna to n sth a la d dto 8 e l n gs n fu e n c ien s o u l h e a s tA s aC . h i n aa p p rc v eaf d application by Maaysia,sceft|al bankto s€tup a represenlalive officein Beijingto faci latetrade

rasrerthanantrcipaied .alescou/d expod ro J.pan teapedfrom blut someot rhe9ains. USD816m in Februaryto

presses China uSonhighlechexporls cap [4anyArnercan t rmshave tosl busnessopporlunilies and market sharen chtfaasa resut ot USgovernnent mpostng

0nchl0roprene r!bberinported rrom Japan theunl€dslates andtheEurcpeaf unionlor anotherttve yearsTheextended Chi[aposts lradedelicit lor quaner anr-dump ngmeasures took ThisyearsShanghaiAulo Sh@ eriectbeglfnng10t\,tay wilha Chnafeglstered itsfirslquarterty mvered ai a@ ot I70000sq m 20%morethan tradedeficitn seven lhe aslshow years. Saurce: ChhaAssociat:bn relectngthedsingprices ol of China, EUneed to open AutmobileManuhctrMs rmported commod ttes and ChinaCauncil wider I'x thePmtkn l0 eacholher higlrlighling concerns at thtem aMt ftadeShanohal thatChina,s Laurent wauquiez Frances SubCaundlandChinaCa;ncil foundatiois ofgrcwlh maybe lat lhe Ptmatbn .t thtematianal mnrslerfor European affals weakening ChJras t€derevercal f tadeAt tma ti e Su|-'a uncil slressed furlher devetoprnenl of comes astrnance m nslers baanced bilateratecononr c les andcentra bankercgalher n belween ChifaandlheEUdurng W€shington lora confereice conlrol of hlghlechexports to hrsofficialvist lo Chna n May ottheGfoup ot 20targen Ch na. The LJS has mposed Wauqu ezsuggesled lhalChina economies anda meeung of the rcsrctions onmorelhan2 000 andEurcpe iurlherop€nupther lMF.Economists forecast China.s l€mslo beexpo.ted to Chna, ILrnner growlr.aithough s ghly wrrnrequremenls lo ctarfyend esslnanrastyear s 103% But userand end-use China,Malaysia inChina before boostlies lheChnese lfadedetict suggesistheAmerlcan manufacturers can China andl\4alays a sgned thatc0mmodlty picessurglfgat expofllre lemslo Chna The UShasahoexcudedClrna froma sl of 164counlrtes whom it gnntedilsnewtcense exception called Stmlegic Trade


USD1.58bn intvarch, up542% yearon-year Somefood pr00ucers rnnorlhe€slChinaare aisooverwhelfied byswarming oroers romJapan €smoe Japanese consumers swlchlo rmponed ioodoulofmdialion c0ncerns atef 11t\,larch

C0FC0lo buymore 0verseas vineyards ChlfaNalional Cereals, Oih andFoodsluffs corporatioir (C0FCO) lhecountry,s ,rgesl 0ilsandfoodlrader, panslo aggressrvely expand itsvineyard ownersnrp overceas onthehe€s orfl{orec€nt purchases The nextpurchase mighlhappen in Australia ortheUnited Slales.

Congress bansscienlilic collaboration wilhChina

A lwo-senl€nce clalse ncluded rnlhe USspendng b approved by cofgrcssthfeatens to rcverce rnorethanlhreedecades of conslruclve USefgagement w th C hna.Thecl ause prohi b ls t h€ Whie HouseOfiiceofScience andTechno ogyPolcy(oSTp) afd theNalionat Aeronaulics and SpaceAdministration (NASA) frcmcoordinating ary lo ft China signs deals with scientific activitywiihChtna.The Indonesia bandoesnotapDl.y ro anyUS China hasaqreed toiundbi ions scientif ic inieractions wilhChina ofdoilars'wonh of Indonesian conducred as pafloffol eg n rnlraslrrclure projects. Arcund po cy Thisifterpretalion w/l USD4bn n oansannounced l i key a ow l heU nl edS l ales premier rocontnuecurrenl duinga vistbyChinese acl vtes WenJiabao w hep ease uni l l l hespefdngbi expir esn lndonesia's iniraslrrcture funding Ocl ober 2011.

H{h-cldChircse teanakesnewEur0pean inroads

-}e 'lleguaryin province, Associalion ofAnri,Fujian "China slea =,ilal" andlhehomelown ofleguanyi'rootong tea,signed a sEEtshlpagFeriedwllha Eu@p€an representalive b seeAnxi -€granyinenterlheEurcpean premium teamar(et. During the fiveoflhemoslprcsligious =tE ceremony teaiannsfDmAnxi ..'sriced lheywouldiointogether asa single goup!nd$ the aH b|and name ?nr Tieguanyn,'foraI Eurcp€an operalions

Chinese companies bu$y as demand surges inJapan Exports of frozen vegetab€s, lexlileslarmproducls and mechan calequipnrents lo Japan are0ntherse n northeasl Chna.Shandong province s

Guinea seeks Chlna's'winwin'inveslmenl Guinea'welcomes' Chinese inveslmenl io sl mulale economc growlh inwhatAlphaConde president oflheWestAfrican slalesaidwasa win-wn' slualon. Guinea hasabundanl

€cc-c AVaqt uol€r^eol u6F4upoolpLrrrEset%0tsrpup1q684ie potetor stsssP u63rol6urua6rPt pue ueqt ssot slsoe %06 lpr Iq sIEp9zol 6t.ol easIq slepzt ol 9€ punJ iusurlsa^u1 tur0rErottElr0Ec eoero^e up uro{ auLt s}n.€rruasall assnuplEs€upn6 to trsup4 €sPr0ltasareeu0Deuralut )tue8 $tLrl!€6pr4puPtPUrt3,orlpaqqnp sl3uo^€sqlrMEutqSursats €dorn!otstqbrtl obr€cr.uo ol uoDcnrlsroc E!(13puEEurqc t0 pu€-ol-pu6 (st3)soletstuspu€dapul a6u aql 'ocrNos IBr rcPqpLrE uol€r0dr03 l4snpuuoDe^v€ql uePoureur!e lsrllaqtsrooreS qlpo^luoururoS pue pue6urt|68 aql essnu ol Eq6uPqs uro4 ,o PuqSrv unllu€r!0tue e0 sllJruu0!lelre qtt^{ 6upsdap sar^Jos er ltep rtclnet oLU eurt3 tLroc ]o I tEuau rrorlstq6ru r3lq634s,o6re3 u0r€rol srour ol eurqS labrel utbuuallo strtopouoduloc troip no po orsprttHo tepour-qnL! PuqcrvJo0uusdoe.!to puerol.os .qt patEurlqoruaql )rodrv 0tEutqS stultor!'llas trurouo.6 ursLnol sF Elssnu 1H0 ller ^l!ep pueleaz Puo 6!opnd s,req0ueqs s r0t un!0000 tPUr€lu ^13N ^t q e^ ol trnl)tuert tuec!uoEEsEpoNot!6 ^ueu|eeeuoLteuratul peoq p 6! 0uoqs leqtoc^roslcor lodrv Prnqsnoqz )i53M-e1q0r ue e0 urortt10)tooi I oorqte 6urq.une ' rdv6uopuE)pnv p3^ure u llercrEretq6e400t-1t18 qt uO puepra,qaqtu o6reC EuqCr V uPtDdV s,ersv !se66rq pr surrr e tsa6re qt€!t souruv 0!0rnl 0l ue!leour04 uraqtnos €uqc Iq puPPaz olnorlq0!orllsr!l soqrunsl naNottq6rlPrf6npu 3q.t Ille!JllloooreOeurqCirV

puellcnv 0la3llres ll^au suels lcorlp seu!lrlv ureqln0s eurqc


'srP3tr luscal €a seuEdEf u spstord puE puE ur€[a6!o!,\ Eaz/ aN puP spe4uos dnl3sol s3uPduoc Ert€4snv ourpn 3u saurnocol puEsuolnlFu st aoerno.u€ or6oq 3dtrtt)Zslr|ri paq|Uasse qtn assuPaef tEr3r.urLr0. qa^0000 uEqlarour ptosseq s€t3 sortsrolE 3r rasop alEerc In puo.os uPrlts€6re slto 'ralEur puesrau!€det0e3 noqzDuEne tulunor aqlurtse^u ot to^seqlueq tp4ua3s,puEturEur ersvLxorxv p€uao(s!u0) s uoDeu aqt,{q ol qlr/{leqls0ue0uoc srsutrPd oqtl nq aIU .c 6urE 6rpLre ts€Arn0qreH !000ns .Le I pn 03 )tcots0u ou le^1lre! pueueoel0l slocxeesearsu tueLJraI€s 'Pld4 tnEd 0utssuoo uEs€l.€ 0t l lo €t,{! req0r0 0c uoosuerleures/o) p paturtl0ste.rpu^s sr€ulrEd ocu 6uopbuPne s Puqc M0 € ol E urqcJo )tuE 8 s 0aoad lln re^qers uertqr/ (ur9lz00sn) ^ord qtnosu noqzbuene patcaq € sv u salunu000o 3rI p.rqqosPqorodP6u 1oIN aql s urolzqur!qroM!m erEl0 trPd ^q 'd l lropossmol lu30ts0^u uedefolsuodxo spuedxo artuae 0urpe4 Sutu E s€6oqroJt.€rtuo, € p€ubs 'tpunlesvts0n0aNJo noqz[uen5 s,eurqc L]]n0s seelorsla€sot0de[uts drocuN3Puqc]o u0leurot aqtpocunou!P ^r€rprsqnsv 'pltm 'll0z to ultuuarrnc uerlql!i! lrerlu0r q3 o.uars 6sou srouledetde3lsonoaaN s0les su0lsdroS pu€itSvNJptl s^ptpt'! aqtu pateu urou€p s eopsperl uNceurqc urqElE^0oouq3€1pup at'l oStueurtsa^u 0^rsuaqar0uroc rapr0q-ss0r3 ur(uqz99csn) e!sV sull0l lson0,naN Punl stE!crllo 6uopnd tuaLxura^o6 ernuncrbv€ x6uN Iq Ilu of lqt 090qulto etote papuPq sraulred rt 6urproslP pro/ aqtu s34u€c lel!0s3lsan0rn0N potso^ur p| 03 I4snpul strPqs auq3 et0reu0Deuratu sP/!\ r4tI uoaqtuopuot paq.LrnP ur 'suoDero6eu e eHEuotEurslu u qEl ur3resroqlo 0urdorO I pders,fuuoxno 3q M.u0rEtru sv ssrnlnl at€r aqt l.lEur ursntl osourqc aqt0utE{sntr r3 rE3 a q^\p€Fa^ulp€3rtpe^eq€uros -erxou N 6upe4ss^lE^rop -a€rlseqons sqlrolstcnpord 0udota^gp roteas buu Lxoqt6urol€ueDaq u r€0IP%90 uo4dn quL|ual 0urddrqs slElrtriptrd ortuec q€r€url,1l oursrtE 3adsAf ueB^P P!1t ous € u p€tEu uouap suopesuE4 - pll03tuaLlF€^ut! aqt qnq0uddqse otutasl pueoceuq3 0uqsrtqEls€ Iq PuolPurslu u auops€rul0 .r{ urapErl tcnpord d3 urntol u€d s eq6ueqs r€Foq ^lsnpu urtsf!\lstlo €cuesero jo %l tnoqv seqcnsquE6 p€rMo-atets seesre^o ubarojs,Eurq3 ot earvaoN6uopnd u arluas pn oqlotr 0u 3ur-saueduroc asaurq3Jo suorrLqL!E PuPdxe lo Illornbsflor0aperl tq6ro4 p3t€o^or -:NIs 6upeIsa^|le^r€p rsqunu 0ur/\10r0 P srEs^ sequo63rsnourouotnE eurqc luscal ural0rs.rqururu0u :J ddrqs sI paq3unpt e6upqox: nH qtroN puPsa[ pouu]ocJo ut sssrnosar erxourN s eurqS F3^l :u ddqSpuPa tlmra'l]crteE ' esv peeuteor0u uoteu0udote^op urllsnu|l lalreu alluaSnou n0aatP^ra 3l€ts0 I p der€ s euq3 puPs€^roser ol uelslele!!-ou!Sur0rloltroa ^l ,.rcunel a6ueqcxl 0ulddrqSlobrel Af s,wuI'l xo!\ ecrouv atrxneq s ptroM €quosprLll lE€r-uou pue0lrluerreu{ crlleS punl€ql Iue al€ul oat6upnrur's€ornosar 6ururur.i,t tu€uraarDE Jo)tue€ Jo E psrnoce


Aviationnduslrylnveslmeni Fundwassetup if 201Cto invesi n aviation-relaled industres beyondlhe fia nlandChfa AviationnduslfyGene€ A rcraft. a su b sda ryofA VC,s gneda deallo acquirclVlfnesola-based CiffusIndusileslt fiarksthef rct acqusilionby a Chinese aval on conpanyin theuniledstatesand E !ro p e .

IVANUFACTUR]NG & AUTOIVOT]VE Aircratl manulaclufers eye Chinese opporlunilies Encouraged by China's pfo rn seo f a gr adualopen i n g of ls ow-altilude jet aircpac€, naf ulaci!rershaveslarted : c shtt i h eir f oc us t o Chnas a va lonm a el whlc hs , : €n e ra :xPecledto gfowlenioldn lhe

counlryChnaw iunheropen ilsa rspace in thenextfewyears, a mrng y openalloi l0 compele rtslow-a ltudea rspace by2015.

Baltleground lorUScar warsshifls l0 China Forlhet rctlimeinAmeican balllegfound 'B g forDelroit's Three'- General MotorcFord andChrysler'has shfted ofshore frcmtheLJn ledStates toChinaGMpanslo doubte Itssaesonlhemainland by 2015 Iofvemll/iof carsafd micrcvafs, uplrom2 35m on sod n chlnaln2010. Rivat Fod isrnlhepocess ofbuldfg two newmainland plants forvehices anooneengtne pl6nttodetiver a muchneeded production c€paciiy planfngtodoubets boost, workrorce anddeaersh p nelwork n China andlaunch 15new rnode s by2015.

Crare forluxury car$inChina TheShanghaiAulo Show 2011 finished wilha,good hary€si for iuxury mands, suchasRots-Royce, BenUey, Feffai, Lamborghlni andlvaybach. Oneofihefiosteye.calching catswasAstonManin,s One'r/fromlheUnited Kingdom. Fivecarsofthistuxury modet, which reponodly numbe|s only77worldwide, wer€provided €specialty for theChinese maftot.AI otlheUveweesotdbefo€theoffioar ooenno ol heAutoShor.rhecarlvasoicedarRnb4h(usD7.2mr.lhe m0$expensiv€ among lie toptentuxury carsal lheeightdayever{.

Airshowlandsin Shanghai Eeiqi Foton signs :'rund100cornpanies inciud ng investmenl M0ll wilhlndia :: Tanufaclurers, ground,serv ce Ch na's eading lruck : :, oers.mantenance operators manulaclurer Beiqi FotonMotor loo good to be tue? :_::€ n ngprcviders Iookpari srcned a l\,lemorandum of well ' '.: Shanghai it i5 rrue bur isn,r good. lnlernalonat !nderclanding (irOU)wth Ind a s : -i _.ssAviation ShowThe lf you ore o US citizen lvaharashlra stategovernment ' : ':cturers lo showcased aboul or greencord holder, manufactlrre trucks in ndiaBeiqi : :-:1 i the44,000 you drc subie.t to FoiofMolorintefdstoinveslal : :' scaceAttheendof 38% tox on your leastNR16.76bn (USD378.78m) worldwide ,' -a rlad€ totatof997 in@fte even lhrough fxedassets, equpment : _ -! genera avaton uponlheapproval : ::-slgu€ sexpectedandollrers frcmlheChnesegovernnrenl and .. . :ll by2012. theconpel onofliabtttties wilh Maharashtra slategovernment. - ;::JiresTeledyne The Beijing-based 8eq Fotof . ' : :- a H otdtng alsolecenty announced -i::1lyann0utrced M0lor il willbuilda salescompany n Mumba .


USrqx bill.

: :.! a us a rcratt :: ,.:. Asthe '-:-:



Eoeing's plant newChina lo beoperational in2013

TheChinaoffceoi USaircraft rnanulaclurer Eoeing sad thataf erpanson of is chinaventure in north porl chinat cly ofTanjin ::,.seonnq willbe opealonalin 2013The

s€cLd spr^ rc 6usupupltddnsr€^o 'tFnpu uesecEtrrtsnpu buddtqs eqt'le^aMoH €qt]o%tg to eutpqot8 0tozuroreqs poddot $aprc ausEutqCten s,ploMoLIlo o/o0i ro]6utuno$e ^ uort '0t0zutsdtqs ur9 99 InqeLlrLlc uoltenF Josuo]u6|a ^pE6p Iddns-ra o uEpuptroloslsoc 6u6rsacet itsnpur6uddqsqt Fq :bipurdrqsFa66rq s,pfo,$ €qloLxs.oq eutuC aepo 6utsI Iq p3lon€

asaurq3 6ur06nrqs tuer6a^DourolnP are€uqOursreteurP: ^ieqC

qsrunl speor srerasourqS lrqol6urLlce

sqrns elelspueseles Iu!l[ols olldsop sraleureo leeqdn

qlnorosaesra^os ol FnfpP IoLutItoPde.ssscx€ qlri q.rpt'{u rureunst pue LUop aq)]srrtatrPLl rPcFa6re potoal atenDqtrPa s ueoEt urorl lei6u slotemrtddoqc u! slrltis !u!dd!q$ s,ploM aqtursralEur otneteql r0t3.s.qt s€urqsPc 0tFaoq p3UrPM tercllo tuauura^o0roru€s arsq^tr0v8z-6tur04/'r0rts € rlloqsolnv 3!l te6urreods ^aqtotnvPq6uEqs pspPaq aqlroJ Moqs olnerEq0ueqs eqttE sralEur rEcoots pr0/ aq] st€pour^ 3utr3^un ot poredsrd 0lcsnulPq016 srstPLx rec6rqs€u€^. ll0z u s.eur{3sosgclnoqs /rel 193 ra^1oF latrsurs euqc u !l^1016 'rate6ur€llo pat.rp3rd s €rcuo€^ ourotnv strJo sletap munouue uf 0pir\ols u3q2u.qs pue r/{ e^ordde uetln burre/{e l9lleu-recl0 sureaeu!qJ s 0l€ Palsrr 6uo)6uoNsoreqs 'spPcap pouue uolroqtrs^otutsnpur vto onssr 0 €qtpa^oroce .qt arntrnu a 0q0t{uq6z9l0sn)uorss ruuroJ fioteln6€!seDrn3ss uq00tqur! ueqler0ur aprqa^ tsa^ur | ,\ euqc eq1la)trEu Fa66q PUqO srEc s proM€qtu uorsuPoxe st punl lo lletes ^6roua'M€u oqllnoqe Axo]l\ leqts€sre. ot a0uEq3xl )i3otsu€rtzuaqs Moutda3.P olln.rll p ll aqtuoaPsarPqs ProJ€^ordde ^tueua noqznqz puebuno^ s oureo€ 6ursn or€sauedLxoc eresrouoFnc tuoteln6uo,,seqlalnE us3 aq.Lsre!tr€r 6urpul ou re €sauq3 tso!\'ltajesr 3ql rotsuratstrs 6ulErqacnpord pua4-oco ol u eMIq F)pEqra)i€urr€3 flrssrtu]snpuirE. ^ pornsse ptnos qs qPlsa E (9102-ll02) oq srsouassEd Al 0t uolProoroc €ql uEd rea e^r: .s3uqc sll pn 03 cl8 t0 puetateur€saurqS p3seq-sn qtrdtuo!uoer6e qtzl€r{ol0urpro.cP 3ql!o satqEM socrqe^ ales9leqs uepau0rs 0tqer€^earaM ssrnld a0Et.snJ rol€!u oc qe^tter I6raue-Mau €r{ la tuaurdoto^op usqzueqs r0ly0 slo6018 prE00n-l€l p nor!11 0rauora ster009-101 seuqC (rSC)p3tur'l itsnd tsaorP tEqlreolc I apeur '00e-1e10ur€o8 uo sl lo no] sErtlusurur0^06 esauqc €ql l€r00r03 us3 Jo v 9i0zIq ^rprprsqns ^ie^ 'sreceu0npe4r0letnttsqns 00009ol oldood rorntselnupul teqtp Esouroo8 tuor]nc 000 9z lollJnp0rd pup e sn l0 0cut0euqc €q1 ateJqrec a^Dc0ll0Jsoc q3 ales aqt |UorJ au ! sl uErsr tpcltcud touuosroo pl!nq 0l ller r0l Af € se !u3qt Ma^ ot sr.urotsn3 6qnop 0tspualu Aue0uoc tsorut€ pue ?u!ltcu!0lqelle^e colqefi usc 'trs!plsqns 0ucu s soorq€^ I6raua-Mau aq.Lll02 ui to)]reu oseurqS oql slaP0ullel 0^llcolap ^uoc lollnl urrendod 'tlal 6^epurrar€qtsafiEtaql tol touare 6urdo u sosseursnq erourornloeo 0l ur€rntnlaql 6ulleadde (ru0zgosn) uqr ol 9loa Ioqttnq sre3uaar6 €qu! lsa^u sreJ16reua-,l^ou qtMfl02 u seessprqlqor!11pue u a3^ras oturArtLre srm3]l33a 0leu0l arrrls pue suetd se!r^r€s sor6otouqsal plnoqs eurqS ac€d 3)tetIe!utq6tU rn0tseq tsrt esoq/,^ a^uouroln€ ]0 s apoLx lo ralddnst€qo6 qcqM'^uEourm aqt^uuarrnc ar| €tosaql s!00u1 swnuo LUrs 0upeate dnorgqoso8 aq.t 6t63otr€lddns pPsuBurss)tods tsarpJosresi00rql0|s)tueLll 0tporaaaur€s aq trMu aq3r!1t 3qlr.^o ur0zg0sn ,uedru0c qratqnop ^lceoec 0uspPor lls)lJn1u0 ptn0^1 speur sotctrto^ uot3np0r0 v la esraururo. Llcso8 0l suel0 lsarur ^ I Ertsaurop 'pu€tur€ur s€uqC 6i6Orol fiaqC0009 u€rllorolu erPar€ql aqluo^uE€! u€0er\$itoA :3rI ddnspuEdot.^ap tra)lln.L ot€uq3 0n0rc lsoaqtrouu rezPdepv puPlilt3sr.llre0qcrq^1 0t0zlq %09 ^ urluetd e totusuqsrtqetsa tutsnrul €^loluoUV eqbu€qs to droCUer3r V Pcrsruuro3 Acede.uorFnpord tEr.tEul ^q '0102u sl unuo rL!9€z uro4 .lrso0Lrm ^q ua.qsPqI pr€su oqcr}! oqtr0luor ara P s,arntua^ €ql3sE3r.u -3s0q3 ^r€uu pore0aro seq8002 u dn sr€cuo ura^Uot9t02,(q oq1uercr€ lIr' uosuedxo rotlddns€t0 6163 ^renrqaj )t3eq l€)trn1ol tuaq3 ursqes st aqnop otsuEtd raurturearc lq6norq Eur.t3 1810r.|pu€lll l9l q3q,\AuPdLx0c AuPdLrO. ruauaqtural€ts qs)trnt3ql pacunouue sroloti,! uau39 sreal Itl lelouraogoL|rotslred ptoq q.€3 puron e sat.(13^ '^ Pr rarsurra!,\'pata duror qcqn 0^! |xeueqtra^ouoDcnpord puestuouoouro3 ._: s€cnp0r0 ^1 r0ls0terq .:-:0 pu€s.^loru0.o srtuetd buuPLxrEs a^rsseu e 0r0clrlsnpuluoDer^v euq3 aql lEsor€top pues€tesu asearcur : raleLx pue ourpE€ e colqeM peatsur puEs6seqrrnd pue0u€o8uaant€q -uorrqJPqircu€!l lLa0ueqc 6urlobret Ai e'ptl oc pll pasod ot €resounlrol st tnq asrqe^ u0su0tcrts€.rsarsoduo3 u fuer.t 6uaoglo oTrs !r:z-us3) 0c€rr]su ^rau 0^toruo.otc {3all l.)Un.L olrauocMou pue e €qtqbrur tuoururs^oo sq€s6uMoslto €ql€tqnop Lxtzcsn.(,1( Irutsar0rd -rrE€sau


nee gene.a //bnsail. panes. 737-800

a// anl

//frndai ltlolor la creale commercial vehicle JVin soulhwestChina HK,Shenzhen losingexporl TheHyunda Molor Comp€ny t0leaslaclories move sgned a lorfna agreementlo inland

ThercleofGuangdong andHong Kongastheworld's ma'rufactu ng anoexpoftpowernouses mayDe onthewaneasthenr€n€nds inlafd ctes!rowintonew manufaclur n! lrubs. Weak shppngdalaforHongKong andShenzhen n lheQ1of 2011 akeady shows a d€cline aslhewofds eadngports. Anupcom ngra servcefrom centralCh nalo Germaiy coud acceeratethatfallConta fer throughpul alth€teneadng mainland ports grew123%on avengeinlhefrsl twomonths of 2011.

create a conrmercialveh ce JV insouth westCh nasSchuan ProvnceHyunda andiis ClrneseparlnerlheSichuan NrnlunAulomotive Group, will eachhavea 50%slakein the JV,whichw beca edSchuaf Hyundail otofCompany. Wilhan


TBWt00penexpandod lochnical ce reinShanghai ln 2013 TRWAutonroUve planslo opena new Holdings Corp.announced technicalcenlre inChiiain2013.The32.000s0. m facililv willbe builtinPmling andwillbeableto sccommodale mo€than1,000 engineeE, When compl€t€d, be newbchnjcai cenl€willbeone ofTRWS laqesliochnical tacliliesworldwide. Over26milion vehicles ae oredided tobebuilt in2016ln China. ll isolanned lhal conslructron ofiie sitewillcommence inaulumn 2011andwillbe rcadvforoD€raiiofs in2013.



A ll o c io e ic r a Uil, la g e

xs w I Finance & Investme.t



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lfEws craflwascertified bySingaporeanToyola's low-emlssion ofitsprcss cars value afdpubtcalion PROPERTY & mailmeauthodlies in2010afier to bemanulactured inthenextfve yea$. inChina nduslry wellpublicised f ghltiats CO NS T RUC T ION raleofthe Toyola plansto slarlproduclon Theanfuagrowlh press enr re and pubtication or ow-em ssioncarcin China Tata Steelplans more Aeda$ growth hilches plan indlslrys expected to bearcund to China's €s I lookslo tap ntogrcwng investmenl inChina high-speed rail 19%and,by2015, theannua demand n thecounlry. The TalaSleelL miled- thewords Aedas Lld,a leadngafchteclura company sector s Keen 0nintroducing oulpulvalueofthewhole tenthlargesi steetcomp€ny by deslgn company, is ta4ellng is expecled lo feachRmb2.94lr rtslalestlechnoog eslo the producrron anda subsidiary of the Chinese parlofan marketas (USD450bn), upfrcmRmbl22tr ma*et lnleresl tf TalaSteelGroup,wil ncrease Chlfese expansion slralegy thal wiitiake (USD187bf) in2010. greeiervehctesin ch na s Erpons investmenl in Chnaby5%in advantage ol the opponunilies ofChina s domeslic pubca|on growfgaslnecounlry works 2012. Thecompary wi nolmake pr0vrded bythecounlry's producls willbepromoted lowards rcducing poltution its anymalor/trvestmenls I tts investnenl n hgh,speed ra . and lhere area soefforls levels. in Honda MoloBandFord rciirng m s, located inlhecilies China is expected lo buitd 16,000 rfcreasing public awareness Motors planlo slartproductton of oi wuxiinJiangsu province and knrofhigh-speed rall by 2020, copyrghl prolection andtmprove 0ielectric carcinChnaby2012 Xramen in Fujian prcvince, in d ng oppodunities China s copyrghl protecton The push tegat Prov hugejob is coming notonty from 2011 buttherc willbechanges tf Torarcf tecls. Aedas has f ternati0nal camakers buleven 2012.Curfently, theconpanyt eslablished af office in Shanghal c manufacturers suchas problem in Chna s overcapacty domesl WPP's0gilvylo launch to laya foundatiof forlhe Geely Automobiles andDongfeng asp.od{rc|on farexceeds real China-locussed erPafson. Aedas woridwide division in demafd. Capac ly wittgraduaIy lheUniled achieved States rcveiueof LJSD220m declne aslhegovernmenl in 201025%ofwhich cariefrcm Oglvy& Maiher, advenising IVEDIA, encourages fn0reenergy the Ch nese markel. unfofWPP PLC, ]s aunching efUc encyin theindrshy ENTERTAINIVENT & a newChina pEctice if an Chlnese looking tohomes in attenpltog.abmorcadvertising TCLto addSamsung A D V E R TIS IN G inlo Singapore dollars fromChnesecompanies lhepiclure ChiIaSecorities Journal, expandrng overseas Theagency Chineseh€veove(aken Sarnsung Electrcnics Cois Maaysians asthesecond-taqest NASDA0 shales inlormationrsinvesling an nilatUSDlm setrooblaina 15%stak€tf overceas buyefs n Slngapore s l0 open lheNewYorkbased I esJournatLimited photoeteclric ChnaSecur Shenzhen Huaring lesidential markel, despile Company (CSi)andNASDAO Technology CoLtd a JVbelweef lheS ngaporean govemnrenl OMX Group Corporate Seftices TCLCorpandCentury Corp. Inlroducifg measures aimed al (NASDAQ) lncsigned a Shefzhen Huaxing istheLCD cooling down the rnarket.In Q1 Memorandunr of L.Jndelsianding, -V panelproduction ptanlior 2011Chinese andlvaaysian rocuss ngonshanng market -aL,whchowns 55%Cenlury buyers boughl morclhan50%of nfornalon anddalabase They :-.renllyholdsthercmantfg lhe flats sod n Singapore s p rne newsafd r:X TCLsaidlhalthetransfer willsharencorpof€te rcsrdenlala.eas. In 31% Q1 maftetdalaontine NASDAQ !:an 0rastrategy todeepen ils oflhe54homes worlhSGD5m O[,{X wi/i be the firsl non' : -: nessn theupslrcam oJlhe (USD3 975,138) ormorc were Chnesespofsor evergmnied -. lduslrythrough cooperatiof so/d to Ch nese buyers. They thepivilege ol assuming a r - Samsung oneoflhewortd\ wercmotivaled especiatiy by Chlfa-focLrssed leading divsion.Many sponsolship role for the ir:-Esimanufacturers oJflat the iacllhal many had childfen globaladvensing companies Goiden BullAwads progmmme, r-.'-" TVsandmobite phones. sludying in Singapore. suchasWPPPublicis heldbyCSJCSJis thetaruest croupe SAandhteDublic Chneselanguage croupofCos Philippine tvrla laclorycuts financ a properly gianl overrhepastseverayearshave Ayala fewsfiediaenlerprise Ellrded in China project slarlshousin0 nvested in opemtions aswelas lhemostinftuenlial in chinalo in north China city servcemullinationat _ .::l officially companies des0nated discloser cL r ls at it ! c hines a en d Ayaa LandInc.(ALl),the wafllfclo feachChinese _ of informalion on Ch nese tisted -.encanpanlsbecause Philipplnes laqest€at eslale -;re of pads r-:: -;3e n.rtr afler Aficr c0rnpany, hasstarted construction : ::.thquakeandlsunam on ts lilsleverproject press, inchina China's publication r'1;r- -ryotaeslimaies it tost industry inlhenorlherf clyofTanjin. target overseas r..-:' :'260,000 !n ls in Thehousing covers anarea markels ' - { March toSAprit. of 97 600 sq. rn. in the Sinop /a n sl o d o u b el h eo u lpul China S ngapo€ Tianjin Eco-cily inlhe ttt




spoo6 funxnupodornl eqtro|sr qt e 6udoo^€psoll02 u lra0] nrcar l0 punol ^ €q.t .'lrnxnl 6002u Euqc urpar\l '0t02urralunsuos r0t au€00EAqleaq Fa6re ^1au 100?llxauaql:gutqc s,ErtErtsnv s p euoc.t.!s€a^0t0ur3 00001 qoq^1Burt3 P seq Ape€rte aqlsei !P0et sa3u€r3s tErcos eqtuEqtarour 'ued€furorl sauI a^Js 3ar0s esa!q3aql^q l0 e u!qc u! 0u! q €ql 6! Morb s sur€rtc p€!odrLr ^r1ropecv seMqtrois,ur009csfl anI ssaursig Paqsrtqnd,raded S0lel trreu!rt{ s!lsllsnV l00l poo].tsel buotrle uo]lsduoc 0tyaLr ro %80 Fnt 0t0zu proMeqt 0t02.aqtot 0uprosce sraqi aqlr uosuedxa u uqzlcsn ect\r I llvllu aqtses€)ets 3.fporoure]l0 qtro/L\ Fo6rep!o33s ^itunoc 3l dn sdots Iu€duro. oqts€ patrodureurq3 sraproq sPuqc p3lun€qtburssPdrns u 0r0z eurqJ u se€^oau€ r10u 'srE3^ ssorce stsnpord 0000q r aqta^ou 9l ot uatstet Mp0|00 spoo6 funxn qtro^uqt 6CSn 0rLtol suBtd dr03s.pleuo0c!,\l pounsuoctoqc peao 0l e aq uet Isqt €rolaq aqtpu€ototdutoc s luourooa^3p eu areqs te{pul pue '0u u 6rroJoloord )trEd aqllo 6! uued tuer€nb ero^o €ql ,(6elertsuital-Ouol Pqot6 oquo%02ueqtarouroj uotetu0ulncop ap^ord ur)tbs6t 0ur3^ocpoqsIqetsa 0n slo0Jseqcl?u0pl0g uoldunsuor spoo6 s€Ltcns parnb€r ol are sPere as.uEd€l 6ur€q s/E V apErloerl NVISV finlnts,EurqC !l0Zu proM pesl rsqto L|o4 spnpora asaqt aql| !olProdoocto eare -eurqc to oqtu spooD tunxnlto raurnsuoc sr€oIo^lltsrJ3qlu s!urpt aql 'uP0el sr€lr00ur u sear€ eL{ ssaccns zl t€porlrvt.aord lo tsabreoqtaq r^leurqc u eqlpuadsMlueduro. uro4peetpue33npord lurel 3qlarnsloot !o/l€u€6uteLx ^ouou sp006 a qrpa'poolto ll0z ur/0unsu0J eql ux6u3dreqouEqs pouuPq srEurqc0s 30tqNvlsv aqtul lo I un strodul oqol eurqC €uq3€r 6uoHe pUburptoH Arnxnllso0rel PesEq-6uo)l rauUed 0upe4tsatupt s,eurqC El pLre e3zM3N!trliltru04tueuratpls rauP pool uedet L!o4 strodu sres^e 'sarots eLt (NV:sv) suoDEN 3s€ueoPl3ul0 petrpur-. uEol6uproose surel qrunptaqt ^ p€l!u a^eqs.rrtunoc luEn uersvtsP€q|nos ouhos rotu€urtsa^ul l0 u0De30ssv rElprS 3qlpo ecstoss€.lnb3e pue q3 aql eu uaar 0r qlle0qcrlqndr0l suodutl laqsuolP iaqlouDnpar orespuErq ot a3Jloluoruts€^ut s€3sr3^0 sql.louord ol finxntlo%06tnoqvla)treur p00l0saue[sr slrr!tleu!qc t0 luourdote^ap pupt€3z situaurra^06 i aNoLtl pesn arE s3c oa elu€re10r0 3s3uq3 aqtuotu lE4ua.Lro3 ol porrdde seqlu€duroc oq1 a qMueay{ noqzu s or e0u03 ot ppall1Eoq c r q l l l o ur|red surret gl ul tureppueeaz ctsauropl0 pue sFarsl! stq0r uersleel1l-ours 'Lredef tErlsnpur ur6urpuads rournsuoo ^{eN urlgtcsnts€^uol sluPM esv0l puerq u6 ol tsr!aqt6uplnqsreurq3 u0s0cusnb€suoc 0urqceor-reJ aqt6urou6rrot st3npord turpp E !odx3otouDaas Eoe ssrnseeut ua)et seq lsu seqa)tPnb aqtIq lq0nor^1 Ire0telrlsnpu! r0dot€^ap Itradord esauq3 !0 lercossv srarnsuoc burlra€ u0pnrtsap aq.|ssssaursnq I€r{ alls aq 0l uos0qc noqzu!0 l0 e'dnorC u|x0!3d reqoupqS u0et€n0qtre3 €s0ue0et aqll0 aqlleqtaurrlsrt oqts s q.Ls,1P 'saur00rtrtd q3qt^^Iduroc 3s€u olt a0rn 0qtrota/0urex€ surelIJr?ppueleoz AeN lleouraqt3sr]]|ullr0l taas 0tueosu sr€lenDpeaq s erez ue slss apour ^aql r|aor6 sPuq3t€ql Ur 9L lsoiur0l sloasUl|J seeuLt3l30re)^eur saueduoc ol.l|M Mpue rdv0zuo o0u tuoC sa4unoc o^{laql PrEs sraurnsroc c ts0urop uaa^loq uoteraoooc ss€usnq ]o sFar€tul 'n3 eqlqIMsuotruj puestq6rr aqt6urou6rol puE.luouo3a r0^0sratsru ur p p cr€uuroC apsllo punorMeueul pa lo^uL pD ol LlpdMoue uoppaq€ (6urlro€) Dutoq luEduroO asourqc pueueqsro eLJros puetrboterts 6ur6roj 6uuopuEq€s papqE Pr€z€qtp€sc trc I lu&3rseq 6uEMrerurard sl}rBt eqt,(q tsoo-Motsl qtr^ €oAas.u/q3 s3ueouroc 0s0ulq3 6urpsots,eqq3Jo alo 6uf aE 00zl J0puesr€leur€otls el00u rloc 6u f3€ ur atrqM Pa)t 'p]t 03 dnore6uqov to eulnl pu€-q6q oqtte6rEot,{6ate4s reqouPqS ! pEso6u tsoc uocI slq0rr raunsuoc 0uuou6l ur04peulqs a eq€olt^ord -MOle buEtlaqzs,eu|q3lse€ utslqeuoous puE fioborC l4snpu eperlto r0lerezslselq uouetcossv paspra (n3)uounupado]nl 'satnpoudlunp'[ue olt oours st rol.ssorn|.nrFerlul autltag lretoroas ,sreunsu0c s pua-q[!q 4unmeqtu Fa^ut0l lgUEUI osaulq3 n] aiosrqeueoqs ssrlrl s€ru€0urm u0rl.njFu03 as0urqS u0 r e6t0t%91pu€ssrtl sauocoMs€udd qdaq.L uo m l9z 0t %t 0l strodxa eu!qc 'sn €qtpu€ )n 3qtq€lEul 0l sureu0d0 0l sauldd!l!qd oMts e e4snvrola qM ts366rq 'se4 uo Lr99ot o/o0e 'eurq3 pasEsr.u u ss€ursnq s. tv euritc0tstrooxe suli s P e4snv 3qt s!eur aql t3et0r0 t0 trPF '[02 qsret\] 0tsqtu0rLr (cllss) plt 0qt u o3 a^.c zt tueur0o euLq puEtuaurls0^utIt ta)|reL! trodxe lsabrepJql c-0.: urluEr.L sP P4snvse PpeuES aqtpuenV Iq lootra^o arodEours-ours pauiquroc 6uoy6uoHpuePurqS ru0zzcsn qtri l0 tu€urlsa^uruE 6uraor0 pa sl nq to)ireur 0q ot npaLt.s srx€duoc tsstseJ I bururocaq au s,!oleu3Jloed eluopser aql u rlrptto !0d ,t.t,t ^\ ^lc

NEWS 0rnglnecompany,s lotanumber 0rempoyees rnthecouftryto 120,000 Many ofthenewstaJt members w I wo* in 700new srores lhecompafy plans lo sel upby2013.

Gome siqns strategic agreement withsanyo Colour Tv Chinese etecircnics andhome appliaices relaercomehas sgneda flve-year strategtc cooperalron agleenrenl wilhlhe Japanese honre apptiances brand Sanyo andlhelwoparties w implenenl lf-deplhcooperal on n vario!sareas, incuding nfomaltof sharng,prodlcl development, ma*etingsates .fanagefi enl,afd after-sales services. By2015Sanyo hopes :osettmore lhan700000coour _Vs va thechanneh ofcomein ::11

Jeweller to IJKroyalty lakes a shine toChina : : . a Assc her Diam ond, whic h

culslones setin Britaintcrown Jewehw opensloresn China competing wilhtheTffanyand Canier brafdsasjeweery denand andproduclion grcwtf ChinaAmslerdam-based Royal Asscn€r piansto haveanoullel rnEeiing bylheendof2011 and evenrua y expand lo at ieasl Jourlocalions in ChtrawilhHong K0ng-based partner Sparkle Rotl Goup.

Marls& Spencer ulveils planl0rnewShanghai stores TheBrilsh,based apparetand luxury foodrelaertvarks & Spencer croupplc([t&S)intends to openmoreslores tf Shafglrai lo ncfease ilsmarkelpresence. llslalenou etwiltcover an areaof3 Cenlfe shopping malinlhecitys Changning dtstrictM&Splans toburlda strong presence n the Shanghai rcgion asoneof ils pnorrynt€rnatiofa narkels. [4&Sop€ned ilsfrst storein

t ! onbanhwilhriralshya0gressively Deoting Ir c clothing ir'= ..Eiting he big-name endorsoments gamewithNike if "E- r-6! bcatbEnds intheChinese spodsgoodsma*et, nr : -6 lmed totashion asrlsfufip cardlo wooyoLrng, r

' - =sJE s. Tle companyprans toopel 2 500nel, ou eF -E- bcaled,nlh,rd-or foudhffr c.ties. Bytheefd ol

' '-E E aerDd6,2.2soresinChrna compared wir 5,650

Slarbuck$ brews Vlasucces$ Staducks CoryDtans lo addmole.eady-made boveraQe rrenson s Tenuaftersaes ofV,.re.oy_brewed Instanl cofee;{ce6ded expoclaltons, Viafreshly browed instant coffee hasachieveo a conbined sat€s of USD200f Inlfe lrst 12nonlhssince debul,ng n rdte2009Starbucks isoi tracklo acce,erate,ts opentng ol 1,500 ou|elsin China by2015, withmanyofih€mb;abo rn s€condiiei cilies, fDmlh€cuftent 4S0slores,

s outsbuploHaurrdy{Saq tr,\1 rsa66q sPuqCql^rurnpuProuraur qsnH!1t3t,! 'soddnd spuorl qcq^ €uqc ur Eurquust p nq urorl s0!u0c €uq3olpalooxe q3r€3sar e pau6s tuocntlotprtv 'erPZ) spuPrq eran ol sued rS IS IruaHlPLrtsaq.rr teuo teurelur spnporo Ar ep oLuu posn)t u r.lPurtuaLrd nb3Lxo.3 slaql poresep x s prepuetsqns er3/'^ qtrMpolu€l p€31 qd p3uMorotErado aq1 u[pur]o1 ,saurdd 0 q0tjlleutqc qltllr spuprq uMou)t1taM era^as'6u ^q saurddrtrqd taE ua^6 si oouro4l urpornpord eu lsa0rEt €ql dn sureellueonl-lolerlV urptosquaLlrP6 uostsato4uo3 a^eqot punolse/'1luecuos PU!{C enotsoteaqtut en^\tlurqt0l trreptsa6rP'prqt s earo) urllPur ol ^t SNOI.LVO lNnnl',lOClll-L €^eq tsg0ulstrplrnq lqbu|ap Mpronsraunsu03 qtnoss3r€c tr0e!1r€ue 3ue3 rowrgdo lleu .saurddrlrqd uorterP noN lt Pnbraq6q f A e0t 0NHc t l puPsr€ddoqs capaqt sa.rnos {rur p.^ 3cr30pueea00E leuortEuratul9t0ZIq scruortcata p ol anpeuq3 otureoro) rournsuoc ro] lueralJ r sqllo€snecaq spuErq u6r.rol s6r€uEq 0t0z| %zlz ololPts u0r-unrqlt r01 ce0e! puP6002u 0€aqs rno^El st pasE.rsur sr€urnsuo. €souqC aqtu asr%09e^t sdnoJ0 stcodxo ^ue!,{ .trr't u o)€ls%02e lqbnoq ,{uedurm aqlse sreo^ d\ole u Fel urnl 6uI p ensE.asauqCrol ^lrlenb doI tndFos c uoseued ssedot ll?l spuBrq to uoDrod tauEur6u016{pdPraqtul ,41 reros rooreqcnur e dn0u)tetlets [rM -srrd,, req6leqs ^ st qsrtqets. 6cuas€rd ur\o ol ol! o0ol eurqCnoqznS 0Zu !opnpord urtuot3el Mauaqi puoloq0u)tool p3padxa r oqr€tmt otuorss uFn soNt! u€lcW p!€ €zzrd srtuEtd uortErau.6 ptrnq tauEd [m $ru04ca0 raurnsuoc pollaoPqoueqs td I'r]ZtOul pue -gl riqp6u^o s €uq3ursl0n0tnHe22rd eqt Ounsur€S u p3sns0rraIPq uor-Lxnrql ^rou pu M 6ur^eLt urnl €q to)reu 3t) 0080 %09 ccl rolraddnslsa66q s proMaql ^ueouo3'Al lso6resurn rollbelertsqtMorb c uorlro I6unsuesnoqzns c u0s€uEd o3 s3ruo43€t: /,^au douaq1s oueduoterouao PpaIeu6rs seqeuq3 9 t 6unsurPS qrMsataduroc luEduroc u u eq3tootoq re1n0o0 Elo eq]rotnoqzns lo uo[3npord asau€OPt aqtsezt0zurtueto roter€do aqt p]l dn0rodaaqs urAtM€ue ptrnq 0l ur009csn as.uqOou0srxa sl lEssroleq qlnosur04p3!00urr€p/rl00 )itrur €utt Joo4uocnl aletotrelJo Iq tnoqetsa^ur [|M €nu€^ar wnsr0l Atrc€d€c ls00qpue oqlul p!notu33qsequrtEr ur ol0N Ar€u ur 3rds sutspuer8 urn^ r€rnt3plnueur auedcAt tso6re Puq3 u p€ d Arelteq uorun qll ousEqeero)l u!leur0l s,ptror all s3 uoryalbunsLlPs e ptrnq 0l sue00103 3 uoseuEd qlnos eu!qc u! uro4polodu!I


W n o q znus!if eu!q3 u!uoltcnpor0 'oq6urN i\rau susld 6unsurss leued puedxo ol c!uoseued .rapro ta)trEur puErEq6ueqs u aarqtureuo '^tror0 ^roleq p€qrnts p puPsolrq€ordlo sr au qtnos0pstn0soceto E€ro)l rnolsateraa0 €uq3ursleuno qwor0rollrfunqstooun

palPu p l Ebcr.luEduoJ Lxass dotP ortuoc acrd6uteLxsl reql0pu€adornl'pueteaz luu€rne I pue€002ueqbueqs ^\aN q3tnc-o DUV aqt0upu!raUE au! tuauura^oO aqllEqlteu0rs reat.E .r{ p3s00r1r (3ucN)uorss ruuoc tuasro^atrun uopasodur 6uj €rt1 '0Z0Z,bptolo^U pqi osPer.u puel!oLudota^o0'saDcas€ur]3 arnbu uroJoU orl]os u llsor€lop pue quo/'^ pue 0t spuolut^upduror aqt eutqC uruq0ZOSn sssursiq eL0t9LU r^er 3Feaqt00t sasEqcrno eql s 0eos t€uot€N lo p€l pue qsnr seq s0e0s e^00 s,uotor'l raleur eql s€rlunoa ueFV uo npord Oureos oql otonp e ouroobll tsoa E lo lo pu€ta)lleur q 0cr0lnoqe asautqo allrcJeFedqtoot strnpord reurnsuoc rotorolsur slrotpouueto se)t Feaqtrouotuodxaroj pueprnblburqspM sEqonssuratr 6ucnpord 'suol000'00[0 se^r3)irq €3r0e teqtstro0ar qsre!'\t €te urapEutrslu€rurlroc p€rv ,{l oedm uopnpord uluer.| rEqu LUr{, Ppaurqorpw atPu stlaor€tap rol(000 3ld tenuup to I oql 8000Sn)urzqurr ^,\6NasoutqC pueoodurPqs urpotpcotoq paurl IltFeJ oLtt utlue[ 6u€d ra^otruf !a!ued c urouoca ]o,{It€dnrunur to ^ patr€os uorDnpo.rd ouopLinq a. r0 pauu€ 0 aots,€uq3 (3rcNluossrurLxoS o!] ursoseq lso8rels]lJo ll ,1cldJo^qrun tPqlsa)irq pue erpau asaurq3 ol6! )tel urolaU gulqC Inoqe luaurdot.^aC tEUoIEN pupdxo u!uollrnpord 0l r0rr0l!!n rol(0000t€0Sn) urZqur aq.LuorlE[ur buuEos Jo to4uo.o] r3^aun lrErO spnpord r€unsuoo paao^sEqtu€urur€^o0 asaurqo uo€!l € pa^asEqeurqS oqlqOnoql uo^o socrdtcnpord aqllnoolnr r0llno 6us erlo ltflqrssod Ireur0/ €tqurec tou|||/]1oc * rapord paqse,\ qlnousla610r0un ollq oclrd0td 'stsat PnD ,uolldolsel, ^t 'e!02ul a^sssr.ns€ qtpetr€t seq teql pu€rqAtuo aql0se s I potsel uodoolpolradxa s !,\tSu fuel luerqIuetoNouoq soroootPc toa3 e4snpuaqlultrnq 0q 00rq1 u pa et ! Pdsuro4 M' u bs0000€9loe€re rool erezlq ptossaqloO esauqC ssor6Po^€rtr/ q.rq,, teur ^,\au eraM (^raee €useccre$loqt al€pol [€u.r6uddoqs ]s€66q


l{Ews leecomcarrierChnaMobite Economlc DeveopmenlZone Applo become more Cornmunicatons Corpinareas r'rIhecityof Kunshan Thelwo aclive sucnasthenextgeneration warehouses willbepulintousen Blackberysapp calionslores mobile nehrorks andc oud JuyandSeplember 2011Upon nowavailable in Chinawhch computing Tlreparlnersh p pfovdeslhe wofld\ biggesl w llhep theF.ench-American mobe phonemarketw l a h telecom gearvefdortobein a lh rd chocebesidesTunes beilerposilion toproftfromlhe SloleandAndrod Ma*el wodds moslpoputous mobe hs prâ‚ŹdcledthalChina Research witl in Motionsad. rerecom marketTlrepartne|sh p ac@unorarcund 20%ofgoba Both enterprse andpersonal wrllhavea fundamenta inrpacl useNareabteto access onmecompany aslhefocus the BlackBery AppWoddlo otllreworlds tetecom markel download user app calons rschanging lromnetworks lo designed fof lheirBlackBerry applical onsandservces. devces includlfgocatised completion. thelogisiics base Amazon builds appl i cati ons eighth l keS hanghai Dya wil bethe/argest anrong lhose logislics baseinChina andmahj ong. TheC hnese arfeady inoperalonn China. l anguace onl nesl ol enctudes Anrazon com,Inc.,a USbased Anazon hassotareslabtished careg0nes suchas business e-c0rnmerce 0pemtor will seven logslcsbasesn several eoucatongameheal th carc eslablish itseighth togslcsbase Chinese ciles, nctuding Beijing e-book photography. and rneaslChina s Jiangsu Provnce Shanghal, cuangzhou afd The100000sq.m.bases Suzhou ocaled inlheKunshan Nuaqiao




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s,ptroM eqlol ssa.ce tsa6rPt '$o]nduotlqqPlpue$looqopu 0uDnlcur 'slEulwlel leus uoll||jl puelu04eqlrotseraure, )i3Pq )iooqa.Pl a^r6p noi eurqc slsls Lto|lcnpord ue oqleor o] sresl al 00]o leflle uauaqtul 6uratu: eurq3 ! por|oot oalql retq6rtpu€ € u eb topour ^ uLsr€pr^ord ^1lrnq 6urb6uoqC ur urogtCSn 6utb6uoqo tso^ut ll,t\snsv ot oqlnoqPsrautre0 e z ppdM€us,atddvlo t€rlua)oo reuulqt ^ rltr,lsl Ptploqseq oct^ros sl unpa66nursrol slPdpue'sytlo'srspl^ord p€puprq sallroatur lEql looqalou tr 6 ta)ireLx anpn4s plPssPq butplnq 3qt a]Er€l635e leuFrpurueto 0uUorutaujE cosr€1ndod aqturpueurap oqe tsour s,^ituno. tsDq ^r t|c aql e lo uottrn.FLos ts\lsueua^our srql teLomunr-.Inu s,p|lo,$ aql]0reu^{0 urslstrteuv lq looqece! sei^ereql ,fienuPt qr pueeseqouunpejnueul pu@as ur0Hleuo|lersdo osaulqc lsererolqrunuorrLxI i.qt q.Eol i(e/oleurqO otqrssod puofi qlatecolot ralnduroc qt|]|^tuaulool6p spri 6urb6uoq3 ue jetq€t ||02u sates u0s el ull00q0.el I seeptnoru pouols seq srep[o]d r€Fdu@ 6upeq s,pl.toM ouo eql 'silsv lo lrlssLxop tEtotquor6toaced '0t02urslue^o 0! punlpue teqtlv spuerq rMoro-ouroq oulbouoqC urosrqrslndu0c urorl 9plripuoltr olscololsnsv u0rtrsrn0ce uruq68 s apoL, raoeaq.l0 e.uPpunqe t0sn tEl0l s,{4snpuraqt 0uoute uopesue4 u€puEpPdrre ndod s,etddv qorq,{q pernds oqtp€luoserdar s q-L rolpuEurap 1s366q 'raPr^oJd soure6 6u1pPa (qworo upu louratul %€€)t0 oqlurpue s,Erssnd urtu€urts3^ur ur00€csn oqlu posar€^sretnduros sl rtltrrl 6ururP6 '0102url4snpur loiqeluo urauoueqtaroll] oep^Pqot6 oqturapeur tu pury slll0u0q puesuonrsrfbce 3r0ate4s Jo aql l0lsourslo6olddvpu? l€^rnsP paddot s6urptoH slalqelul s'nollenseulqC

prsoqaug6 'sr0t3er p dol luecuof ,srolnqlo pre0q se€sra^0 s,r€/ enH l0 tsrJ slndessqrrnd lqs lElr610 patrooar s srtl erlerlsnv u ^ snqstrtoluau.oEuPur qtuour rad(zt.90sn) ssau aql olpsrsMotuaaq p s€Ltltrq r0l aqrsuo0sar.q rrusrotc0J Otquru 3u0q0 s,rasn oql t e!oqd Jopr€oq aqt ^t!llroLx ^1eu s)iaoru ^ueouroc € 6! uPau(86€csn) ot 0upros.V lqoo ol ^\.uslPqar gzqurl I qluo0e srollo xrs6urr\4o ol aqtu p3cunouuP Jo pup10t0lcsn)ggquru 6qol p3l3€dx0 arepreoq €ql ]e saal srotss^uPqot6 6uourP 6urPos ltqtuour puP urnururur eqtt€slueduo! sraquoo eql lo ll0z u atrq0ur qaM 0s0urqc spaau aql s sa ueduro. ssaurqc u Jo oql aoe)tced 3qtrojsV P Prlsrlv ursrol.arplo prPoqau tsadPaw 0l orols str uro4 s.rLrPo 0Lltu l33ru l ts0r0lusetsnr^rlun0c ^ '3rolsluocrun euqc Ele st3E4u0. Eqs qelso trtPqt pa3unouu€ a q0uresurotsncrrrl11r0.3t3.1l!sruuor fuotetn6or 6ur^to^o ^ lnqoqer!1ou seqoc s€r6010!q3ot raienH lnoq|ra ^ua t ouoqdrup €qlourocsropun oql )s rnurtpueuequ s sPloN touratut€urnsum qc uocaal €sau |n8 st ouoqdl ratEur lueurornD€ 'alqoy!sMopu s uosor.rl,\ 3s^r3dns aoutnlroMod ot,{cuo0e M potceluoe rols€6€t3ed a6rPq3 e!lErlsnv ulpreoq 0ulProdo 'p0rpuvsur€tsIs e perunouue euqc 3uoq0 st paMauar rarr€33 qou qs!tqelso ^telu0100 0l !or\enH s,Eu!qJ taspueq s!oddns lPqlluoluoc r0asrai0 s,tulunoc oq.Lt tsa6re-puo3€s rtlrru euo0 suo 0trq0ur tPcrtdd€ 0u soleara eu!qc 'tuaLxautas louroul €uoqdrlol u0rEdurPc uolotllold p sroter€do ueoro) p.qsunet raqt0ue €qtJouedsersrenHol €31 u0cr!neurqc qI/$poddrnba aql ur04surocptnoas3L!e6 'sPeds cutaddv "arols.L, p3}€dsun rolsue4 tr6otouqcal 0u0rldl puP aq.L u eq cta sorrtunos raqto t lreiluoc e|uoqtot urotsls |||^1te]sv uelpd ot6uraarbE etorototr\ -0usrallo l!01run eutqS psmp€4s porpuvs burterodo ur04 sMoqs uorqsPl a 6ooeuo qt! rsqloqcPslsuPoest ns suolpam er.aos u€3 soue0 etrqour,(lddns P.sPq 'saar^res peppe 0orp rrrlsu0rtnt0s pue e0r0l0ht ^Pasrp qcaoxe qt^ 0t urocaq qon u0 su3 lsqcnot a trq.rqa )s -€nP^puEt0ur0tule)epqlL!\ r0rpnHs)|o^q0N su0uetseDoN PUq3 puetureu uLsarols Plsrt9 3qtroJtuatu0. €uqc pu€tulPur pup srarm urocalat euoteurslu ot l!n sl l0 €tesaqt€t€t0ur03 qs prPrq qour sr urnl olsuEtd 6urure6 € uo.tEroqe o. tuarn. s€sr0ratu0 ap ol etorotot,! rolIeMaqt6u teuoueuutnur po€r6p q3)trPL| yn !or!sel 0q1 6p0L! ol e^Pq ]|aql ^0rc ^ed I6otouqcat r3^ostndsrp trrllLrmqoleuq3lofuetprsqfs 'stsrcos ^rnxnt p qcunet r€l3r et 6 ot ursroleraoo aqt to)ireul }o la! sso0r nauaqtpuer0retuo'urpq€I,1t u a^eqiu ^{ le6ate o|l.s ot p€arbP all3q firueurqSsrou]otsnc a$ urmala.L)S sgoro) tsrJ lsobre pars!enbpeoq'PpeuPS uro..ta.L suorrn p| 03 0s eorotol,ltpue qtnospueatrqot{ raounolr€^o u pu€ooeurl]|ts €uqc ?urqJto 61rpunolaqtpasunouuP sar6otouitoat aMefH s,eurq3 ^ st o)leqs ol u6redurec eqot6 e lr?0 sEqsP3laurv uroca 3t PUq3 slarcos[6o,ouqrel 0qt r0l spedl t0lrels te ltPts Iurue6srelua alrqo!{ eutqo epeueS urluerprsqns r0^0oudsrp puesr€u0Fn3 roJsuaarssq3nol ls6alallos .((.( 0nslosr!ocalal Bur{c El0r0l0lill r0aenH s,eurqS sbural Jocrqndl o 0u!F qt^1 6urpntcu I60ouqo€l t€tr6rp


Gr-eal Walladopts lBMs t|lslnetwork I Huaweisecures cr0u0 c0mputing lech00losy ] dealinUK in China

rnrneseconp.l e..omoany c ecr

Wa/land thewofds eading recnno|ogy company tBt\,1 have

]bgqe,' poneao-prrenr nd\ c.

*d:15.",| 1,339,72+952 :""""3"""11"" cleaiwal radoorIBV, ,,,_,r*.'",."".

Jl . oqpuLno ctaLd celre soLron It

ta,tnrc.otooetp ^tavd ) | rc ttc.n Ca.naGrcatt'tarrm /a

_. ,,tuag@L^pak, ce^.,

X. " \-.@ B-r.r.C tt",s-

firslusel8M'scloudcompuiing centre s0lutton to inlegrale ils inlerfacomputing rcsoufces andasl dol i qh s o,^no ndb -aow o- 9' i srrao.$rF,es s cloudenvirofnreni. Aierthal,lhe I fetwofi ordern theUKfronl

ll0tiaSlomels rinoi[guptte rioht0umbcrs Nokia Siemens Netlvo*s - e JVbetween Nokia OyiandSiemers AG-completed llsacqltsition ol tvotorota Inc,snelworx equipm€nl assels. Thecoinplelion cameafterthecompany gol thegrceflightfromaltiife aniilrust re$riaiots worldwide. The lJSD975m g vesNokiaSiemens acqulsition access to Molorota's lechnology in 2Gmobilo telecommlficalions andlhetatesl4c TD-LTE TemEvolulion) {TimeDivision-Long equipmenl. Aboul 7,000 enploy€es of Motorota Sotutions Incw6lose o ransleflo Nokia Siemons,2,800 oJlhem beingbased inChina. l e rnel ma rkel, wt h m of e :r a n457n l i o nW ebus er s . r,ran anderslfy ng to irsethe rr.: nelworkretyon private-.:wofk servlcesio c rcumvenl '- : aaltsth a tb a f€c c estso . ': . m a to n Be j i ngdeem s r ; : r ropfi a teW . ht et hea m is t o r: : - 3 onTawa f andHongK ang, t-: rcal0n bringsFacebook : c : : 'r0 a d ve rser l sonlhe r; _ :nd - ts ontineads ma et rE . : : wo rthUS D13bn by2014's Viadeo eyesrapid Frlh in china : _i:rorkngptatform, s iniis I 3 iapdncfease :i !- I n Chna n thenexl ': : i:3rded as an inrportant

2005 andhasneary sixmittior Coogle's Android soltt/are doingwell Google ncsad tsAndroid solhrare s doingverywett'n Chna,whe€lhecompany s working lo boostilsseruices lorwireless devcesaflerfa/iing behind inlhesearch-engine markel lorusercoflr€dttofa compulers. Thecompany is difie.entiating ilsseryices for compurer usercandpeople who access rtssilesusngmobite ph0nes. Tlrepopularily ofplrones based onAndrod n Chnanay bea grcaler boonforBaidu/nc tlremain rvalforcoogte n the words bggesllnlernel nrarkel.

company w conslrucl a ctoud computrng ceftrelhatlaruels

Everything Everywnerc ne venlure belween Deulsche

tF usernal el c. !\Fttasoro-p l -eetorA Gr-or.drcel ecor n


sA.Huawetsgned a fo!r_ yearcontmct l0 upgade Ih€ LJK company's rnoblte netuork equipment Thedeaiwittaho

ur6u ratocrtqnd ul 6002 teD €qlpu€ l0 qleoiuoururoc p€ralr epueqs ue roue 0^ ecrouvqtroNu r{r!1or0 pder, urolljo undsq.rqi i^uPduros sEp3qu.s3p uo 6002 I leq^1 paseq-req6upqssql erseuopul u (uqt8zcsn)uqlz8tqlut pueeE^etp,,! olrstepup ur04(uq99 00sn)uqgl tzqus pue€0ro)qtnos uruPoPt 'l02 ol0l-02urluord leuu asEorcur patrun setels puedxa olt|u rarnpPJnueur %0ep pa.!n0Lrue pup!z IIl. ol suetd ,loooM, nbo suo unuurocatol luaurd tPc se seu€6 oap^ Lpns lo t€)iPur s puetutpur aq.|Ee eur Fa66rq osaurqc .ql plt sauree epueqs pueL!ap uorJ teu0teuretur ouorts uo[02 ursure6 slelreut ]snqor oulsod]ate satetspalun sla0rel spueqs sn'uelsv aq]u tuau4sa^u lsooqpue 10p0ur 8e9teqlrot(899csn) sl unsseursnq sl asue6loar qsocz pedu-rM0q1 a PnH 889eqLll |||,usor6olouqca] 'sr0etarscruorl€a qJ dols,eLr sluaullsalu! pueauroe6utpnpu '6urunS 0l srlo0l sro|nqLFrp sn ls00q puereq6ueqs s,etddv

sarn6[ s,luPduroc aqt]0,{cerncaE aql pauortsanb sra^rasqo ouros raUE 'uaFls0u[er6do prorpuV s,'cul snl33dsod burtsr st uu€qurnu etbooe 6uuunr puepedl sa.r^ap resnlal e pas uoruou raljp s .ui otddvblrpnpusocr^ep ^ar aueca^oLx 6q1€^ttn3oxo raurfsuo. utpasn areteqtctd rc Lros Ese$uo^€q aqM s6uptoNI,,!UV lq pesua} Iueduro. raqtoue pnerl tsurebp peteururop,l suosspdtqc,{q ou e 6u^o oj pau0rsal to suote6a q.te3 oqt urdn ol to{eurtatqel oa}rL!r!o. oqr lpneqtspEaq 6ul66n4s srtatutsrottodurm lq prEoq sI J0raqursur e reue poteururop ao! srqcqfi luauloas salPFpatrun oqtu 6uDstciqnd aqt)iiEI€ Ftqel6uhorotseJ sI JopeaLte luaussexequla otsa^{s lotLrtsp satuEduoc parsjlns cutuarmulueduros tauralu€sourtCFa66qoqtlo 6u)1lor aurtuo asaurqC alo qp$]uerb leulenos dtq3Snoqtsjed pnolc e .^[er]uroq.LlauPur oseutqc repun sltn0 roltaltp ueruau oururooq ro/ttsnH aqlursachop ottqour lu?t6suocitlo] raqlopuesrotnduroc qel olltsla st€Ir€ur 6upledxopuealt^ras reqouPrts u ||02r].rp!,\tp!€ rolssc $lsroo butFooq,scuatradxo ^ras plt sbuptoH uo€Miaq apelu 0r0zraqurscao doo^opot EUrrclo rasn oclequ. ol se4u3c s^l cct pspuaq-Iuos llEc 8€0I rtueasar lueruol1ll a4u0c ptnqotpesnaq M eldecoqt 0teurqSt0 pue ^ s dro3 outuerenD llecer 6u]]re)s tuole totul 'ssrntmtse puEpolr!ui.] uoll3adsut u0s^radnsleno eurqS ur erNat orouloudnoJC eql tuouraqcru ururpv aauacaql lo uorlPrts urol0llusouel'laNl repunsH v3s punjlourou lalqel ol uodare palurqns l|]uacar oqt teldeCouotsatryt opnt.ul s€qElrqJutAfs ptl tr0Zuluralsls ^!0s eotsa^u letos q.npord trueduroO teuo n FU/ ensr^ 6upr€dopmrpuv s,!ut€t6ooo srotP]3oo etsqa 0s0rulq 6uPn6onSrEq6ueqS,uo|r3unJ uo 6uruuru sauoqdtrpuls lo p!e6uliaEursorots parmas s ddV spunlJo trelor unstsa6rpl sratpur prPpu€ls-qns uortEtnsu e ol anc e^!ldotaquoaLro tEqol6 rnolloireurau !0seurqS aql 0ucueu!lopuforprqlsll auocaq 0tsulP:.Lz u€tsouopul !Bq6u?qsu! pgrnlc?lnuBlli etddvurrelnduroo ur €lrcPc t€qets,€tddv €rnue^urI t/.csn sAI 031 000't s ecor areuoq^lo %01uPrloroLrl parncas osewrnd lo loEro^tsat€t€ql sErtt ptPs urocnoqsel 'tu0s P30u0pu u saalooura 008 puetureLrl atlsqaM uecsrsurnsu03 6urIrq-dnorb oFaLxo0 sPqi ou sstPspe)run aqlurculuaruau sleal orultxou €ql llz qC asou aqluo ec]loptos €tsq3//r pueuro.n)no teDos 6u!punl ur%09 ueqt aroLx ols lpUdec euruJol ^ 0ureqs atddV Z p€drs,rut alsqer0ep|^ 3r]rtu010 ssascns arnluoA lo0tuoc.noqsg.l uro!enus^ar st l0 uorlodord p€ure 3qt pEdt 01 surlu o!t selEs uelsz l0 aql0Lr Prs€uopLrt u sat€s tsooq qcretl00u0 aq.LuotaN^d0. ur4Alnoesa qoul str otq nop ot s€doq teurulral 0upe4quo%9€tpadurnt tuauuoltlua |nqop oLrpnpu lellu setpspotrun droC llz]qeu ueL!drnba pue 0$ 00qr0uril €qlu €ur0lsrl aqlrol sorEqs fiote noaraqlu ,(turetralun urocetal s pulto tsa6r€fpuooes ^pncastaurotul uo a3]0I qtMor0 'oldurPXe 'atpr l[€duoc ro: osuodsal paleo]sLxr/l LllJeM ltesaurqSero^€s s ,^ u e o L !o a q. lu u ri o p/os€ suel0 pa^rocor pueF)ireur sn oqlul Iq Iq aq ptnocsuorlppadro 6rq erseuopul pslsrrde suruossutqc IIZ lo U?d lero^es r0lsodl.suruI| 0s0utq3 ro )s a ^ u$ p e tE U o q d nol eIul 0tsqa^1)1l0,10eu posPq l€t30s 0t0zu s Ptp q lp a !o ^ 1 a re ets 'le)ireur 6u[o€e 'l00uxro1]ol leap (uq6rBZCSn) uqgBtqLxU r!04 ^ as,eurqC qt 0uuro^qau .ql Josral!/irapun tercos tsa6rEt areuetuo!,\l s0up0aurtuo aquosocF6lq (uqlecSn) u uq66tquru |,l02 ol)isl 0q ssodelo sLrleluoj 6u!)iEt ple ptl dt pu€dnor6[O09eooqropup urocase:laN olonua^€l |noqe lsooqol stutE p€sru a1q3 ursladxorlrFnpul uro!nlno s0urptoH osaurqc seqonsqe^r )uocual raaPnH €vuoss.rrlrapeel ^up0ur03I puEsF^ eue €bueqcxltcols 6ur,1o potunaqtul ot'satets .qif $rausurocaq sEqPuqcul qtrude0oqtasotcrott!nl 1o)reur p€4 p0ru purqcLro!saulos burauoclqnd ueqounEl tro oNaqt!o liqop 6u rouladLloc 0l s.tPlspolun0q pue000rnl ^ strtPcut ueruau u06re^ snuaartenuuP q ]0%q6ueql toatuns 3s0urtc %982 ltr/' )poq0cejJo urMor6 ol6uDoo,$oust afienH !6rerol arqM p sPu€oslap|n1urorl00uxrql srohlsuodeoipuesaurnFoc oqlpaeqsroFa^u 'socr^ras qourpoads EtPp-ol 3Ue6spq.nssercssa.cP ,(lpflsls,(lsu9 s0telsp0Iufl ared -tt6rqrot d ol sreqrtua^: :- ro stsspuEsoue6sdola^op :lnq0p uetugg oqlotsooot00uxt?)l ourqt,fia sn u0soutqs j Fspq-uopuot atqpua <,t,t

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Tencenl, Intel, Razer lorm partnership slrategic lor handheld devices inChina Chnese nlernelcompany Tencefthasfornred a slrategc all ra fce wit h nlelandRaz eto r deveop a newRazefswtchb ade han d hded ev r cwlh e T enc e n l s gamesTheconceplproduclof Razedwtchbadeadoptslhe W'ndows / operaling system anoInle AtomprocessorI has a 7-i n ch mulliouc hs c €enan d lactiledyfamickeyboard.

WhileiPhone4 draws ct0w0s People queued upoulside lhe AppeStore onMdde Huaha Roadin Shangha robuythe whileversion ofiPlrone 4. Applebegan se nglhewhite version oi ls popular Phone 4 smarlplrone yesterday n more than20counlries andregons, rncluding theChines€ mantand

profits ZTE upasil eyes worldwide erpansi0n Z TEl h emainands s ec ond 3fgestlelecomrnun calons ::u prnenlmakefplansto step ,,^ nlernatr0na expansonalter : : n n gsrr0ng ear nngsinlhe a dea wit h -' ZTEsi gned : ;l | sh b a nkng! ianlB anc o : rn d e rl hatpr ov ides an ::1 rn eo f c r edilofupt o l :3 0 fi , g uar €nleed bylhe _: _ :n dg ov er nm ent t ex po --: _ :3a g encsylf os ur e, als o ' :. ' rs C hina E x porand t _.: ^surance corp The . ::frmw dr awonlhe ': : lo I nancesaes of ts :.: i r E ur ope andS our h

hardware maker ZTECorp I eda awsut in Chnaagainst a unt ofSwedshrva T€eton ABL.M.Ericsson overateged palenlnirngemeflsaidWang Halbo, ZTE'snle€clual-property d rectorThemoveescalates a legalbattle thalbegan when Ercsson sad eariierth s month il I edpatenl-infrngement tawsutts aganslZTEin IheUK la y and Gernrany andhighlighls ZTEs growlh overseas n competition wilhWeslern rivas. Suchawsuts arecornmon g obal beh{een rvas in high-lech industries

TRAVEL & HOSPITAL]TY Chinese airlines brace lor EIJlimilsonemission F l yrg g fe e n €bre c a me a

Cathay, AirChina to yrorkcloscronpassenoer llights Calhay PacificAlrways isseeknqtoforgectoser tinkswrn mainland llagcarrlerA I China overpasseng€r services afterlhe nalgurals€rvice oftheircarcoJVinAp t.White lhen€xtfocus wouldbeondeveloping lhetwoairtnespassenger business, Calhay would alsoca.ryoi withoppodunstica y adding lo ilsAtr Chinashaeholdino.

prorty - andpotential headache - forChneseair n€safterthe satons counlrys suchas c vilaviation Bejng,thatcanhandle regutator meda organ llre newspaperc w€bsites vorred and€dio t0cutemssonsand th€ PaneEnrratesoperales slalons based lnGuangzhou. Jetbetween theEuropean Unondecided lo DubaandPudong nclude inlefialonalf ghlsn Lullhansa is adding a carbon capsystenr thatw Shanghai service Slarwood's Alollbrand requrre themlo payforemssio|s conlinues China The expansion Germaf flagsh p a rtine beyofd a certaif leve.TheCv Deulsche LufthansaAG ai.ns Avation Follow nglh€opening Adrnnslration of Ctrna ol lo furthefincrease its prcsence wantst0 feduce Starwood lhe2005teves Hot€s & ResodsAtoft n C hl ra.l akngadvantage of carbon NanhaFoshan, dioxide thesecondA ernssions oil of lhefast-!rowing demand by22%bytheeidof2020.I hoteil0 openinClrnaafter lhe 10raval on w th thestartof s €ncounging debulofAoft Beijing air neslo use Had anin seruices lo Shangha allernalve 2008,lhecompany iuelsandnewer announced more addilionai n summer 2011Lui l hansa w i tl plans eflcenljet forthebrand's engnesArChna, expanson hrrc 70 Clr nese flighlallendants lhefalons ilagship Inlheregon S x mor€ nleffaUona Aoil c€rder, panslo operate rroles w debutby2013 a Shanghai welcomes lirsl lrans-Pac fc demonstalion ncuding HayangSlrangjie flight A380 landing andZhengdong byb oluetf the NewDstrctn Par|ay powered Shangha Pudong InternauonaZhengzhou H2aI 2011 n 2011cuangzhou A rponcaf nowhande the n 2012, Daiiar andYancheng Egypt invites Chinese world'sbiggestpassenger rf 2013Slarwood lropes that deleqali0n to promote alrcrafl, ils asa young, tedl-diven sociely lourism lwo terfi nas afterrenovatons Chnawillbecome a keymarket werecompleled al Terminal A C hn e s ed e l e g a tooi f 1 8 lorAloils developfienl outsde 1. Thecilywelcorned journasls arrved n Cairc lhe frct ofllreuf tedstates. lxi

n Mayfor a fivedaytour a t Ih e n v i l a l i oonf Eg y p l ;n :-: r -esEricsson in China, aulhorileswhoa m lo attract r' : . : . rgc l a s h Chneselourslslo thecounlry. . :::. . f m unt c at i0r s T h ed e€ g a l o nc a m efrc n r1 2

Arrbus4380junrboj€l operated by Emi|ales Air neswlrch andedal P udong ai ports Ternnal 2 nA prl hei pi fg lhe ciiybecomethesecondn lhe Chn€semaif and,after

iz ,{u?duor .qr uqrra ruaulu8drp et8uls e pqol3q ?rp3lu I?tros roJ Irllqtsnodsrr rqr p"ads or pu! :sp .t 1u!ua6e3u. rorruou pu".ms?3u or lSur"qs rurFo Jlq?ua or ,{PA P luu ot luon?dDrrr?d.rr^u 01 :s,(ealu.rrJrrp ur e8!ss.u 3@es.ql6ur3^II.p .Irta ru.rsrsuor rq or :vasn or uelslt ol sel^ls .roJpaau.qr ol uorr!.rr" a:rp {"l .qJ d"a aql iurplet srqlpnrs pue sr3troM relor .rrqd qrrM '6€ 0t pr8e ere %tz punor, pq! 6z-02p.3€ ar? dnofr?qlJo %0€lnoq":rl?u4 e& % nt punore .tn{.\| 3te!u alP su3zrlauJo %9t punoru }eql pauoder IeqJ ur sdtrrspult lrpau l€rros .qr p.ulrno qsuroz?u Jo SutI"utqJ utapg pu! d8otorpuergJo lu?ltnsuoJ\l IEIToSlluol3eu 'auoqJ 1rr{ rorDl srel€adslsanc {rrunuuor sseuFnq?urqJ pu! pulpaz aeN 'eu€l]snv sql uqrra sror?€do puE sDuao ssrusnq ar{s ao .J raau !ue acua8ll.rul r.Ireu arsqs or Irlunuoddo ue papt^ord rua^. aql'rpueDurx ur.rru.l ssrusnq Ielrual pultEez a3N ur preH !u'qJ uI sglr'{s roJ sr€rr"l]s Sul]al4u ?Ipau l"lros a rpaJj. uo rpurues € parsoq rcq8ueqs pue eq8ueqs u?qJrsnv tudl/ 8Z d?pslnql uO r "ry

turrsil sasndlaruauAraroJspreaol ss.rSord pu! '8uo) tuoH ur ratr€u gt{l{ .roqsJo e'{r 'sauaqrs ru.Lu.lFs rpsrr gt l)l raproq-ssorrS ul pntrur srueudotaa.ppar.^or s.rrru nuuor ssrutsnq esrurqJ pup u€edorng 3q1 pue ru.uure^o3 ar t l uo{ sla,fttd ruEruruSls rqutuuar 3q1 Jo uorr?qPuoD?urerur Surs?orJurrqr uo SuBsnroJ 'unrod I"Iru€utg Fuousularut Isqaul qs puorrs aqr patsoLt.ruJo sarr^r.s Ier r u! ur c rueuure oS lEdnrunn rpqSu€qs:qt qrh/rsrlqJ uI arDEEoJ Jo i rq@ ?qJ ool on opedorn? rq. tpdv zl { E psrnJ oo r

'1a1r?!uqrul pu? uoDerru.r3JJrp Ieuo€ar 'aruruuoJ'r drqsuorl?tarralllorsnr f rr^snt)ta pu" uollrnpoJd '1uaLu.3€uetu ss?u 'trlllEear. 8u€?u?ur !u3!u.3"u"u puerq-tlnu ,{tel€lrs Aupu?rq-or 'uorsu.rra luerq Supnlrur s.nssr IaI uo prra^or suorssnrsr!Iaued lusluaEeu?w3p .tors JltDsr?w pruorns 1e suru?.lao.rd vgl^{3 pu? vgt{ .qr Jo Jolr.rrp 'zr"srns Irqrlt\l 'Jord pu€ tooqrs ss:ulsng aurnoqtatr{1?SuD.Ireu Joro$aJord 4plrossP iuosrru t&Ir'\l lord'uPur!?qr pue oal rolqnH D Ig epn"IJ-usr{ pepnpur sre{prds suorrntos rr.q1 prrrJJo pu€ Ilsnpur &nxnt eqr SuDpJ satua eqr I?rllrD aqr uo sar8qap pauroJur Pu! Iu"rJ pat €ruapEr? pu€ .qr uo.IJ Sur]l?.dsr8lniu€ItlstFuglupuorr?rolru.rur uortrsormoq"l ^rnxnl ^osnpu puair pue sren:s dnor? suorssnrsp qllr arou aol s| eulqJ LuorJ .q1 olur ru.ursJ^ur 'suorssas v4,o IauEd "rpru stDsardrcJ ss.u.^rru.duoJ ^rrunor !&"raDas 'seqreedsaroudat uqtra,spusrg DerD€ or ua31 sl s.urddrtrqd 3qI ouot raE"Iqd 1q?lsrssvr4u3J orqsr.u!?d a1e^rrd-rrtqndp!e osoub{ urqnu .roJ8ur4sD lc :uorrEllu.leJlc pq! uoq€roq? oJ, seaauaqr trr'resrrpun suorr!rrunuurol pu? uorr?uodsu?rI luosSuJS .qJ rpuErrorxueqSu?.I eqr r? I I0z urrod spuer{ taps3rd ot .I ollrtou ,{iEtarras sde^{q8rHpue qro/d rlqnd loaululoo'I rqr plaq 'IretJos,&nxn'I pue wtc Iooqrs "{erl,uolzepuoJ u€.8ql qrra Dqr.Sor 'rEq6usqs ,{rcAar0 .{rprairaSIrsnput pqp.p"rJ aqt Surpntrur sI?r.UJo ssauFn{ gs Jo rrl4sld ruauuD oSsaurddltuldrorms .{q epru ara^ suoqeruas.rd )]ed Jo lseEura^oc s,aldoad ailr pu? (ssrsJ) roorrrs ss.ulsns SuaJBu?ql t4oH rrour€I t r?qiu?qs .qr r€ s.urddllrqd .rtr IeuoFeur.rq adorng eulqJ aqr IFdv 9I dsprnrss uo a ur satrunuoddo rueursr^ur uo tu'Jeuq riuouor. ue p.lsoq sJu rd d rtqd J qr t o r r J r I J ro D r,1 r' l i d y rt fs p $ n q l uO r tq8!g ?,{uesaqr'uo4lsru€&o.Iq?1rr?qr Ip.oI or 000'lZquU p4luop Ialoq ;qr 'tuJ^3.qr Sutrnd uoddns" r?.r3 naqr ioJ pue slslnnuoddo Suraor6 d..:t IIra sr.rdep",tlr?. Jo Iood eqr teql J.ltaq srq '.6ueq.xg )rors reqgu"qs ssen8 eqr pary?qt '?dS pu€ uoseu tdues uoltrH Jo r.8"ueu iIpt"uIEL{ rrald-usrl lds puP 1rosatreIu?s uorlrH or Jo rueuled.d Surlsrl pu? turr3f,Io Jo rorr.rc 'sslrry oEq:) Ilraur8 srqsF pooS rreqr passerdxr'dnor5 o?n url .qr Jo ru.psrd rq torqor lsoJ l!.!u.hJord pu? -{rrFqrsr^.{llpmbq Ioluor pas!a rJur s . I r ns ?. r l . qr !s .t" s p rs e e rru r S u rp n tru s anssr iInH twqz pu? 'ploSuow puP rutqJ r{e.rc sl.roH uor]rH ioJ suo|lDdo Jo rueprs:rd J]r^ 'r.dos ,{qloutJ 'suou"rq.t3l r]?rodror 1€p.itoot ' prepuelsn 3mlu?a uorpesu?{ aqr Sufnc rua . sHr pepurxE apErap€ Jleq roJ I.1oq aqr rE Jo rorr.Ic 'nqz 82.a1 .{lrrrqPrs..ud pu? .a?rrrqn r.treu r?urrrld 4sol] tpearord Jo 3sn l1lp.aoll" Lunllu.rd.q1 '.ru"nssr palroa peq oqa sDquau u"er IEIot pue q?DIJJolu.uurr oB pqs tetnr rlpns pu! sprepu€rsSutluno]]? s? qrns sJNtr\I roJ tDoued 00[ ueqr ]roN uoo{Ilg puou?ro rl:qt re rna^. ftq prrepsuo|s tunls JtJtJ Jo u?rurreqS e qtra d4vr^mu" q{g s}rpar"rqat:, i uosad .pr^\ptlol[ uorlrH ieds pue osQl eduesuorlH ltrdY I r(sptlJ uo r IeuorlEuiarul 'HrDtoI prl etupqrxg trors r?q8u€qs.qr uo rsru si"urqJ


'saqsunEl olnv'qluor! stql LltrM oced orl]lPals 0l paualPoltll ldo)ireLloueLls ]nq'Morls !Pq6u?qs

u€qs wog.wq NMO.Lq nOfV


I The 14lh ShmChaihtmtionalA(omobilel dutryExhibitio, (Auto Shaghai 2011), one of rhe wodd\ largestauto fai! in 2011, ended or Satuday 28 Aprit after a successftl one-wce( run ar me ShanghaiNew Intmatiolal Erpo Ccnire.With tbe rheme,,InnoEtion lor Tomorow", rhe lhow revealednany new nodelq includitrg t3 globa.ldebuts.There were ptenty of oiTerirys to. r1r ruruy mr(€r, and a snong cmpbasison fuel€frcjdt and new-encrgyvehictes.The eventhostedtholsands of erhibits ftom over 20 coudes, includlng represmtativcsftom thc world's lesr tnoM auto brands.Of the 9l 8 ca^ dsptayed by the exhibitors, 316 wefc lmporrcd and 602 Nere Chircse-developed,accordingto the orlanises, the Chha Associarion ol Automobilc Manufacturen, the Chtna Council for the prcmorion of lnteraooMt Trade ShanghaiSuHoucit and fte Chim Councit for the Prcmorlo, of hrernadonat TEde Automotive Sub--Council SharyhaiBui&s ReiN follawcdsomeof tbe China auto Mket\ key playe$ to lnd out whar rheybrought tu ihe show

BMW stagedthc wottd dcbur of rhe BMW ConceptM5 and rhe BI{W 6 ScriesCoulq and the BMW Vislon ConnededDrjve, thc BMW ActirE., lhe ns BMW 1 SeriesCoupean l SeriesConverribtc wefepresentedto lhc Aslan publjc for rhc fint time. The companysaid nDt tbe developmentof modetstike the BMW ActiveE itlustratedthe; onSorngiocus on elccric mohllfy and innovarion. With rhe theme of ,,Safeand Save.,,China\ large$ auronomous pa$enger vehicle dcveloperdd manufacturerChery appearedwirh 26vehicles,five powcrrrainsad a fou wheeldrive system.Thetr latesr nodels includedthe New Easrar,devetopedfor the nenopoliran elire, and the Chery E5, for nailstream Chineseconsumes. Chery atso drcw attention to their fouf new encrgy-coffervi.g vehicle!, hybrtd \chicles, clectic vehiclesed altermtive tucl vehicles.Th€ companl ,i now looking ro grow beyond Chira, with a snategicemphasison gobakation basedon loca.tisation',. > FAW-GM, a JV betweencenerat Motols ad FAW, displayed :o.e rhan 25 producrior and concept vchiclesunder rhe gowing r:-rblio ol brands.Under the thme of ..CrearrveLea.le6hip and a J::en Future". ihe companysh@ed Buick, Chevrolet and CaariUac - :L:ls including the al-ney Chsroler Matibu midslzesedanand fie : - :i E.visjor SIJV corcept, which mde their globalpfcmiere at the - , fte Cadillac CTS Coupe.Cheuolet CaprivaSUV dd Bao.jun I ; .:e alsoCbinadebrts.

GAC Fiat brought rtreir nN Fia! 500 to rhc show.Again, rher€was a focus on greene p.oducts, with .N featues such as rhe l.4tirrc MultiAir@ engirc develoled ro upgradepowd ousut white reducing tuel consumptionand lowslng emissions.Loohng ahcad,cAC Fiar plans to continue io pNE brealrhJoughsin manufacluing, produci lntroducdon ud chamcl expansionro appeatto chnese consm6 with a distinctive Italian identiry Amencd grantsFord rook rheir fi^r srepsjnto China,setecnicvehiclc ma.ket wift the inooduction of the Focus Elecnic, C MAI Energi plug-in hybdd md Fusio. Hybid. Thesemo.lels are part of Ford,s wder strategyfor electrc vehlcles,whjch concentrateson developitrg th1€evehicleryp6 theBatreryElerricVehicle,ptug-nHl,bridEtectric Vehiclc dd Hybrid Elcctrjc Velxcle. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd preniefed an all-new hatchba..kmodel. The new gencrationTiida in China, rargeringyoug falrrjtics,wa! the key exhibit at tbe companyt booth. The introducrio, of the nN Tiida! turbo seies abo madeNissan the fist Japaneseautomakd ro bring a rudo-chd€ed rngrnei nro,f e ( hrese mdkF,. fte conpd . ) is Dow looking alead lo turue green jnidatiles. The 100 !d co. crecmc, 2ero-emtssLon NissanLEAF has alreadybeenjaurched in Japan, ihe Urited Statesand Exrope, and Nissa js in discusion! with locat partncs regedmg a posible Chim taunch. Toyota Motoi Corporation (TMC) drsplayed 50 pfo{tuction and concelt vehiclesat the exlibirion ar tbeir Toyota and Lexus !pec. A numter of hybdd,plug in hybdd ad etectricrehiclessuh asthe Lcas brand "CT 200h" werc alsoon dnphy. TMC now iftcrds !o conmue developingnN cars-ranging liom environmenrallyftlendly vehicles ad assistednobiliry vehides to spofis cars to meerthe nee.tsof a broad lange of vehicle use$ in ChirF. Volkwagen fespondcdro the show.siheme with an mnovanonfocussedcanpaign, Think Blue.', spot-lighdry 30 cm an.t rhe tatest technologies fton Sharyhai Vorkswagen, FAw-yolkswagen and YICo. wift rhe Beetle,ShanghaiVolkswagen\New Passatand FAw'VolkMgen s CC I .8TSI, rhecompanyaimedto bring togcther a selection of techlologles demonsrratingrheir corporate responsibiliryAlmosr 90 pef cdr of VotksageD s exlibiting carswere equtppedMth cleu TSI en€inesand DSG transmissiontecbojogx ard rhe.oTpdl\ nlsorrrodrced rteir ns e-5cuorer. o /erc m$ron5 rchide. $8

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trlday1l ilalch

beneathus," lays Myencough. In the end, the V;gin ream cancelled Thc earthquakethathit Jalanon Friday 1l Ma rch mc as ur ed8. 9 on th e R i c h rc i scale. even large. rhar the 1995 Kote quake.It struck at l4.46local time, at the peak of an ordinary working day. Mucl hasbeenmadeof the impacrof the quakeon Japan\ businesses and economyl but there has also been a grear deal of p r aise fo . the c or por ar ew o l td ,s w c l t!la.ned cfisismanagenâ‚Źntjcompanicsin Asia's thi.d largestcconomywere abtero draw on ca.ljer experiâ‚Źncesi. Kobe ard eisewhefcro supporrtheir teams even in the wakc of an utrprecedented disaster. one flight during I n th e h o u r s ar d day s f o l l o w i n g tb e Just despire one of their q uake ! Ja p an\ bus ines sle a d e rs w e re desffoyedby floodins i ace d w i th t he c hallengeo f p ro rc c d n g and managing rhcii teams through the cisis itsell and rhe tutmoilthat fo owed. Staff and manageNwerenaixnlly shocked and concernedfor thei own safcry ,'On the day jtself, rhere was fear and terrorj,' saysRichardMye6cough. Vngin Arlantic Arways' managingdirector in Japan. They were also despefate to find our how theii colleagues,friends and fanily had bee. affected.Th; was nor easy on the afternoon of l1 March; immediarety iollowing the first quake, there was a br eakd o wnin c om m u. ic at i o n s .,,V o i c e communrcatlon was .earty impossible J! st a tte l the dis as t c i. , , s a y sA k i h i k o K ubo , p re si dent and CE O o f W e b c r Shandwick i. Japan. Rerufning home to seaich for relativcs was equally haid, ano co mmur lng was als o p ro b l e ma ti c . -Public t.anspo.tation networks were on hold. w i th m any s er v ic ess u s p e n d e d ,,.

Wecome toworlr. wedoagood io[ - whethet otnot theeailhismoving beneath us

the lack or transporr on the gtound, and the company'sinsistencerhat staff shoutd take time off if necessary. Virgin was not rhe exceltion: ,,Fron an operatronalsrandpol nt,the quakc had little impact on Webe.ShandwickJapan,,, saysKubo, adding rhat for thei stafl the disasterwas merely an 'inconvcnience'. " N ow , most compani esi n thc Tot iyo Metropol l tan A rea, i ncl udi ng Webel Shandwick Japan, are aiready bacL ro normal tranpower and operatinglevels.., To some exren!, it scem! thar Japan's ordi nary but del ermi ned employees should take the c.edit for shoutderingthe turden of the.ounny's worsr earrhquake in livlng mcmory, as well as a Bunami, a potenti al nucl ear carastrophe,and

As commu.icatio.s and connections rere re-establlshed, therewerenew srrains r n d s rre sse s".ov er t he next te n d a y s , of strongafrenhocksand concerns i.our lhe Fx kushimanuclearpower plant .:!e very ieal risks to thc safety of ou. .:proyees, saysKxbo. l. s p i te th e s c ale of r hc d i s a s te ra n d :: : : e d ra mat ic dev et opm e n tsJ, a p a n ,s !::rJbrce was dererminedto keepgolng. ':: aas mind-blowing; there was such a s- :gdes;e to continueihe statusquo,ro 1..:: :hingsnormal. The feeling was very Atlhiko Kubo,presidentandCEOof Webe,Shandwickin Japan,sayslhatmanycompanies -: . sc co m e r o wor k j we d o a g o o d in Tokyohavesuwivedthequakeand retu.nedio business a3 usuat. 'rhether of .ot the eartt is mortng

uo..u rFu e ar o I s et ! eq.6 u t$0l '.ruo aqt qce.r ot 6ur^4uo4 saa^otd@a dols rou prp anpn4se4ur p.tddtrc pue lueunsl e ,sl.oqsrauEis€lenbque! 'uolers e re 6u!uro@eql ro] ]teA srarnu@oe.tolss oltol


lo .srnoJ .ql r:)^o turuaFDu?u srslJ ur s.r!€^pD JIeu or !utql roJ s)rtrunrroddo p. pr^o rdos P . ^€q s es uJr u .r.r s ,€ u rq J OH se.sri^o u3 uo{ r]oddns roj s}u.rD.3urre ilr )e u ,{q J ) u?ls ur r or uaop dol iqr pu8 ls)p s,i:,totdu. q)?r Purqaq srtred IJUrBr.lur, Jo uorr^ord .rJr qtra .ru€tsur roJ dn uo]roq .qr Luo! uoddns jnr\ord or loqesrupSro rqr sao € srqt 'u!.r ruruaSPUeu s.,(uEduo, r4 d ! s e ?) . s o uos r trri t u !? J rw \u.rl Bulroddns ioJ Jtqrsuodsarse{ q trl q a tr unp a{ ?nb )q o ) s 6 6 I rq r qrns s.rusuadxr rs"d uorj asrrr.dr. \!rp o qn) . t r t u. p?J I PU Dts (tu J : : : rl n x.!n u! r ol lp! : r r iq o t p J J u .rtl :.::!Qoi.] ilot a^eq$:,irld leuorr?ur.rtrr i rsn Pu ' aur lr r ? . r L r l Su ru u " l d i ::rrx: iq P ar r oddns e ra ,r s rro J J i :r srLitrqt tno sruro.l q8norsr.dn '^r.^of,Jr siuortpsn?tro ::,r'rnquruore:))l?u or pur r.^oIr : _ ,0 . qr e. qu. u uPa r J q r p .a o 8 i r:fu e u! s r s u. J o 8u l p u !rs rrp u n

rusOl 0su0dsot r.d..p .srJp!al ss.ursnqt!npr^r pur I q p.ur!r8urrs uouel ed.rd snor oBr I q rroddns i qJ si rS eul u r r . qr Inou 0lsuuld 0s0ql pirqpt^ord uDar reqr roj p.rotrpr Bumu?tdroo.l uaquJu uear petP rrprp,tq lr oa poeu orn'suPld !u! trqq Jo uoaeurquoJ u ot tuJuri?ueu 0su0dsor r0qt0 stsuJ InJssaD ns.tnqtr E s.r!rJJxg sqlr0louruueld lsr0llll puesusld uollce 'atqPurPrsnsun ptnoa suoor.r: ssJlru.tri s,u.rr sq srllc0ll0 slstu r.^ord u. u:i3u!u InJ.rPt rnoqrra r€qr p.rrroa i q8norsr.Itt s,{ !s eurq snt nd ,, 0I'lu0tu00eusuoqs UO{ UOIIPtrTU?]UOJ IJ]PA JO J!iJ I?'J s?a aJ.rp !.q^\ :JuDtsur roj slulod /lcu00r0ut0l0 riurddD JrrurJ.p.liN rraqt pue^ip uJqrlnq p.tLorruor eseqd osu0dser srsuods.rI?uoqourrsn€)rq p:rd.ddrq prq S urqrotrqi noqt s! rt{ rr it ouad oqtouunp 0cr0l aSuerrs? s!a araqJi st.^.1 snor.Su€p

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pI{re.r?nn?q puDssJJ] sruruou Jaa .r.qr ' IturptreJ Jrnss.rd rsuJr ur aqr j.pun rtrlrJ ptnoa .uos reql srlaj qtra ''lqrrq- aa isaJlotdur roJ ui.ruoJ ato or.l p'p Ir la o ptroa :)q1p rupp uarq s?q lusDrorsro puljq silr€dplrtrqa rn{ sarpJBurleuosDd ssrtrunor (.(.(

lunlvtt ut^ot


with China operadonsaie thinkjng about ol worklng ro ser up effectivc.nutually sLppoitive conringercyplans. Reflcctingon his cotteagxes, expeiences in Japan,and hjs own expcrjenccsinChina, A l i sta i r N ic holas , W ebe r Sh a n d w i c k ,s ex e cxti vev lc e pr e! idc nt, As i a p a c i ti c , wh o p ro vjded adv ic c t o th e C h l n e s c So vcfn mcnr on c f ls is c o m m u n i c a ri o n s and lrelafedness duritrg the SARS crisis and j! lhe lead up to the 2008 Olympjcs, says,"I worked with a nunbcr of MNCS durng thc SARS crisis in 2003i ar thar time it wasapparenthowunpleparedmost companieswefe fo. suchamajor djsastcr They wcre all cngagcdin a mad scramble to pur everything itrro place. But by the time the Sichuatrquakestruck,rhingswcie Paul Sives,gcDeralmanager of proton Prcducts,which hasaj:tcroryin Chengdu, at s o c ha;m a ! o f rh e British Chambersof Commerccin sourh w est ch i n a ar t he t im c o f th e 2 0 0 8 earrh q u a k e;t oday j he is c h a i rma n o f the European Chambe.s of Comnerce rn south wesr China. In rhese rotes, he has b e e n a ble t o obs ef v ea n d to h e a r abou r ma n y M NCS , f c ac ti o rs to rh e crsrs, and rhe ways in which rheir clilis m a n a g e m c nt! ubs equer tl y d e v e l o p e d ''A l a rSe p r opof r ion of c o m p a n i e s cspeciallythose with smalter opefarions r! the Chengduarea did not havecrisis managementplansin place.Butthe quake d1dpfolokc djscu$ionabour how to help rhe ream to cope with future crises.,'he

ailanEic ::"-."


Myerscoughwasin aweat his teams reaclionto lhe dtsasrerIn Japan,burwor.iedth.tth.v wereunderimmensestres,s.stheywo.kedtowardsbusiness as usuar. have some way to go to ensule rhat thejr e me rg e rc y p lans are strong enough "From ny cxpericnce and observatjon o f m y M N C cti ents l i n C hi nal , w hen they need active cmergcncy operaiions cenrrefunctiors with thc HR capabiliries ro manageabnormal siruations,tbey do nor always have a detailed ptan ro help mer team ro pe.fbrtr during a disasrer.,, s a y s Vi c to r B ai , A si a vi ce presi dent o l th e In te rn ari onal A ssoci ati on of Emcigency Managers,and an adviso. ro rhe Unjted Nations,IntcrnationatSftategy fo. DisasterReducrion

However,thercis srill moreto learnfrom .arr expefiences.As yer it is unusualro :lnd cxrensiveplanningon the s.ateseenitr Itrpan,bascd enrcrpriscs.Nichotassrlesses .ar the responseto rhe Sichuan quake C.isis natragenent specialisrssuggest : iowe d rh at t he les s onsl e a .n c d ffo m th a t e ffe c ti v e pl anni ng shoul d covef :-RS madethings ,,tetre.,blt ody a tiftte predictablc ftrndahentals whatevcr rhc ':::cr" Sives,in turn, admirs thar not all locatlon or nature of rhe disaster...Thc .::rpriscs in Si.huan nade rhe most of first issue for any company in the midsr -: quakc a! a learning oppo.tuniry. ,iL of a crisiswiil be ro ensurethc health and cascs,while the disaste.provokcd saiatyof all of its employees and eventheif : -. : : rrsi o n of f t is is nana g e m e n !, th e families. The blggcstcha ergeto achievins -.:Dv did nor actualy go so fa. as to that will bc tbe facr that comnrnications : - r lns 1n place for future crises,of ro may be knockedolr by rhe cvent,but rhc - -: re o n ex s t lngpt ans . j j o.ganlsation musr bc seen to be doing : i::rs in crisis managetretrt suggest evcfything ir car to confirm the siruation .:s a r c s ut t , and de s p i te re c c n t of ils rreopleand to help thcm and theii :-::rce s , China bas c d M N C ! s ti familles.The secondisslewilt betogerits

Tlanslalltrg Jalancse

own 'crisisleadâ‚Ź.ship,and ,crisnfesponsc, teamsin place." saysNicholas. The plans can rhen be adjusted to fit l ocal .ondi tl otrs and ro suppolr local reams,justas executlvestook rnto account the di sti ncti ve w ork crhi c i tr Tokyo w hen i npl ementi ng thei r p1an s.Bai stressesrhe need to pay artention to this pornt 1n China "An MNC can\ avoid this," he says. ,Busircs conrinuity and cmcrge'1cy ft anagementprogrannes need to be localisedro facethe chaltengesrhat come with a disasier.We must considef locallsario!, and the impact of cuftural

The chaltengcfor China\ MNCS ls to understand rheir spccific team and irs culture wherherit is Chinese,expatriate, or a blend of the rwo and to predict how a daastci could affect rhem. Tbar insjghr will thetrneed ro be apptiedro the deslgn and implernenraiion of a derailed plan thar allows the organisatio! ro suppo.t the lndividual, and vice versa. Most of the hme, we leveragea locat team as the major fbrce during the responsephaseof emergency management. To makeeffecrive aclionplans and other responseptans,wc nee.ltheseplansto fir ourresponseread,!, say! Bai. $[


0€ spuDrqursY s,{!s .q ,,'3srtP3l Ienuu" luoras rql, rI?s aq,,!r,!u?rr uEqrFqrEr Jo arnlnJ a{r ur arusprJuo, rrs?nnqrus et do a d l so u uE qr iaqt t q s I E u l q J u l Irq?3r ,qr pnolJ plnoa snInJI"r Il"ra^o ssardxasrop ts.trqtl.^3u roqlne .qI .{rqrqrsuodser I"rJos ioJ uraJuor rlqndi, .qr orur uoFnt)u 4aqr pu8 a^rnJ EuluDaI Tuorr"sFPSroIEIndodpu! 3 oraI3 .qr uo ?uv Jo rsar aqr Jo p"aqP IIaa arz ruorssllu lnJrsodrndsrou 3r€rIJ()1Surdtaq .. spl.rj rr.qr ur sep?et pqol? 3l€lodro, rl3qr euoqor s3rulduor .saurqS .Luo..q or s.ueduoJ .saqr roJ Pr?q ,{r.n roJ Iea a^uraJJru? a ord t,!r ti s{urqr 3q IIra 1r'spu?rqqrns lnoqrrrla uonDrlp eq aDqa 'EuIqJ q Surdot$ep uorDairp pu" & Jo asu.s tuorrs 3relsuousp " Snlpoerqaru srqrJo sprasaqrsaasrpElpg leqt spueiq Jo .r.^\od aq1 3r?unsaDpun aroJrraqrpu€ puefrapunsrur or .nuruor ssru?duoJ s!rsv Jr aol s dl .l rr I I t a 'puods.r pue .drnrua. u?rsv, aqr Jo uorss.dord aqJ,, uetslt or sau?duor u?rsv {q 'o3! ap"r.p ? luEllnsuor pu?rq orul " ^ISurslarrur s$utuuta Surpuodsa.uoc e Auhoqs osl? Jlssuq turrua^uFr aroJ..l?ruauv qrnos r€tsvul pue aie sI:^ms au?s asrqJ ,{1{rqrsuodsar pue adorna Sursor. p? n !.rtroa drltrq;runorr" autnurS alErsuourp rEql oqa'rpepg sd?s,,'ssssrsnqe dn aulploq spuerqroJ arou Ipd or p pdard :r€ pu? uo|epunoJ IEJIrlr rqt $ 8qrpullg,, lotol sanssrl?rros Jo a8u?r E qrra PauDruor IISfl u" ro spE SurtPaddrun € 1no dFurs"arJur e& s"rs\/ arou puE arou r?qr Sulunr wqr snolas arou qrnu^{.J sI sqJ 8u@guo, Ip?a{" ar s,{r^ms Iruaiin3 '8urpu?rqor s.uror auos s"q rtp"arle ur rsrJ Jo aIEr uaqa req aopq r .\ saqrund ersY rl€raa { plno, lurudoP^ep "rsv sHt rPqr aql sepnpuor aq uersv .tu?!u l"qr nq 'sarupduor "apt Irl]lapr ]Eqr Jo uotdarDd u spug aq rt{ds Punaueda4us aql pu? ,rrqnd 3q1pu" idrDuaprewrodro ? Jo u?d pDu.pd ew roJ uorr"aup? r"rr3 sas$dla oqy VfllJ torug I"Du.ssa Il.r.Iduor 3 auoraq or {SJ 'Eu1patugut$y roJ Surlrea pup turqrlea sr rp"Fg st"o8 spu?rq Surp"al srt Jo rsolrit u?rs p"eq ,rlI looq p.Iru dp uero ordsFluI pu? s.rrr^I]te .tdltuld s,Iu"duoJ ,IIl peq ued?L, auorSereqr Jo srPd Dqro 'II0Z ur uoDuare ruos palJel]rE "uo{ Sut8raua spu€rq aqr or uo rloq se sallurrJ? ,lq"ru"qr €qlo Jo eul€d aq SVH IOYTfII HdIISOI TTOHIN " pu" Idoiqru"trqd 4"rodroJ Sursropua amFrd ,qr molo, suofdarxa esaqrop aoH uorlPsru?8rou" puoI.q q sros srqJ sr.lert Pqots,tp"e{" ae spuErqasruedEf '6ulpuetg ussv fioqv {u"!u .rurs 'spuerq,uersv.Jo runoJr" sq r/tn4 t4n,,8 aql lo rcqne 'rpeteeqdosor 'lpeleg s.{Ps!.{ pu? .8!?qr (Idurs $ u"d"f lsusrrlrrr pqoF paru3p.Js.rdunJo .rug e l? 8uryu?rq ul papntrurlou r"rsv dluo lPrsuaSsrq 01 suondarx. .rP .raq1 r?q1 Jo puo^\ rqt lnoqtnorql tnq ?uU.S .nbrun aq1 Jo aufful8.q Ir.^ .qr uo{ r".Ir osl? sr .H lou '(dsn) turod senP Pue uos?3$ aql arursuonelu3r3urp Jo .Inos rssSuorrs3qr s€ a8ialu. ptnor .rnrlnr 3pnlrur ltra reqr sal]ll" ueuv .r?rodrorp.r?ru.rro-Nstv,, ({sJ) Ietot LI1IAs.tIrs ru.uE3?ueu e^rss.rSord s3rltlqrsuodssxt?l3os alerodroJ n.q1 Jo .rour surquor nt.)Ilt IIra I.qr .snereq .suas3uo4s € ql $qDuaplalercdro3 Jo dol] lua nr rqr Luo{ 1ua€JJrp,(r3 .q 01 sraq htnrDr?d ilord L{ soal Jouorler.uaalr.u 3qt leqr ru.udota ap eql 8urqrtP.,t\ ur '?urpu€rqputr spuuq Jo spuq aeu Jo sDadxaaq '.{,r?rluoc aq1uo Suruor rqr puP i,puq{qj uenv aqt Jo u$lse^\ lo {r€t ?.ro \ u?rsv ru.udola^ap eql rnoqP parrrxa }o!u st str Jo ssnecaq.{tasD.rd qr?ordd? uersv roqln! rql rnq 'dteq It au4 'ryepg ol ue uuapuor or uosear 33s 1ou saop Sqrpnrrv auo|m.g or spu?rquErsv rrcu aq toal u?rsv s,lepol^u? Jo sSurruoruoqs Suuq IIra rlqt Ile-arnr aqr eulr sr oS e q t tn o q ? r?al r sr aq qS noqrtv


spuBrq l0 rorhod

e$ olsrullsoropun

lslll eulqc

puP 0r0l0r0{l

puslsr0puns!u 0lenuluoc s0!uBduroc uelsu iluh il ilotsrttortlt uelsu,oql ,finluoc OqI l0 u0!ss0r00rd


spuErq os3u[]c oqllnoqP clsru dosr0rl]nq:0urpuErq uersv l0 srs^lPuP l0 arn]n] qd0s0f paqucsaplles puPrxs!clu3 qioqpalcPrllP su.lol0slPid sEqlpPlES r0qlnv ,l€lnjq,

0q0lpilc epu!)l

;EAIURE B ra n d Fu r ur esRc por t r e l e a s c dtn 2 0 0 8 ideniitiedenv;ronmentalpollution asa key issuc tbr Chinesccorslme.s wirh at,nosr halfsayingthai ihcy were verl,concerned. I n a scp alat eLandor s r u d y ,a b o u t o f a third of ChineseiespondeDrsprloritised thc cnvjronmcnt over the ccoromy a farc slgnlficantlyblgler than rhe US and rhe UK Th; is translaiinglnro consumer

rs still slnoDvnous wlth poof quality and low safety statrdalds,and that plejudice lceds ro be addrcsed. A strongc..genuine cmphasi s on C S R i n brandi rg coul. l bccomea part of the solutioD."

Ina se[alale landol study, aboulola Cnina Century thirdofCninese Ihe Still, Baladi


is clearin the bookthat China aD d other A si an busi nesscommunit ies haven't reachcdthis stageso tar, desplte his oldhnh. Whar $'lll Cfiincscbuslness lcadeB need to tigger a srepup to more successful braD di ng?" C ni na l ce ds r eal visjoraries who can see rhc lorendal of the' C hj ncsccentury' .Ir' snore rh anjust as!1ing to move up thc value cbainj it's about belicvng thar Chinesebrands can make a gcnulne culrural impacr on rhe {orld, to the ertent thar US brands did in Lhe US ccntury'. Ltdocs itel a bit likc a fantasiicaldrean roday, bur rhafs how

priolitised lhe enuironment ouel theeconomy -a ratesignilicantly higherlhantheUS andtfieUK

"There a.e aDal_\,sts who are aheadv usrDgCh i na r o illus ir are rh i s k i n d o f dcvelopment.l/.- lo* lr4 columnist T h o n a s Ff iedm an, f or i n s ta n c e ,u s c s China as a compa.isonwhen he discusses t he e n vrro r m enr and s u s ta i n a b i l i tyl n the US. Hc seesin China roday a dceper uDdentaDdngoia pragmaricself-intcresr beh i n d cor por at es oc ial r e s p o n s i b i ti ty . I n C h i n a , ii ls m or c ab o u t c fe a ti n g an d co .solidar inga m or e i h a rmo D i o u s i soctety,i saysBaladj.

China also has much io galn in rcfms of c h a ra c te r." C h i na sri l l has i hree ' di fty " N o orc ' ow ns.thc C S R .oncept ycr jii the woddb imlression of tle counffy\ words Lo ovcrcomei Madc jn China .,, he concludes.Tlis pfcs.nrs Chnia wiih a own b fa n dlng and s pe.i fi c b u s i n e s s eaplainsBaladi "For so many people,this laluablcopportunity lm


Innovation ChinaSummit2OII r.' . i t e r r ir ! , ! r r i( n r r a t i r;rrrrl j ri -l v t)i i i

cha mai, KNE1.hrr k ert 5i chh' iie

hlpefuldsePoiqddRgu,ioDDep -rfunrufud.Fbfubh+p6|6 g as/!*ke@dhdtrhrteddro9,ed4@udbhc I db!d.Ebb mi@r, k r!â‚Ź

ch.imaiand.Eo'Andrrihmdom !w! ch! manof MaaMdqseti8 rquind (chuiq[)

tutuFhtu :,n'fu!26at1


o'chh:cskdE@iontn!dE'fu&iUifurity iMio.o"Ltd. cEssA[moi


8l]dehqdhsicrbl Mnnryofhduty:ndhfdmdidnrehnobg

EtI r:'rl::










;'StF.I"fl* Xl*F!


@ IE


s\3Nrsna rlslNnrs


'uooq ot8 aqlror/6^!rp rueculuqstsou 6qrltllEss.3.u lou sl r6)tsu eql lnq :s ld lo rot e .unsuoc ptnor srualrgdtetualod uolt q €.! s,eu!{c


tsr^B ot s@td p..unouu? Ipuerer qrrqa '!v suP oN Jo oat zruaqf eol s^es uo alaoqllor ,{t&In8ar sueal ,,tlJalord so pue $rs qrrmsar sno@ no uaaalaq prrqs aD saurpuu qrrprsad troaleu l@udop .p pu€ qrr€asarpqo6 no Jo uEd q ?urqJ or .!uar cITu Ino slq&u raqro u $uaued 01.Iq?rrrdd? rq oq" Il8 s8ulpug no 'sruaD?dasaurqJ Jo sp.3u rrJD.ds alo Euqrl"rsar IFuaunJ .r..a .trqtA,, 'l3)tj?lu l?cot aqr ur aEqs 3uus.r.? puo,{.q oB?uql ur !.Buar C?d "@ Surr"rol Jo srgeFe pe aqt 'r. eaoH sprau rrJr.ds s,l-!mor .q1 ss.ep€ or dlaq or sr.!u., (ItN

ll0z u!lolNl?lu

slec!u0csuteqd pu0cOs lss0rsl 0qloluecoq eulqc

r.'-.i CT{ .ln Suqlasae uall Jo.rour pu€ arcu Iqa s.r€qJ,, UE IInS pu? tsord 1€€8pu!u dnor8 q lesar Irrsnpn ue 'atr nF.I s.{"s ,,'s.JmosrrrtduEpue srso.raaotJo esn"Jaq I €'radsr pue luose3r ralFo ioJ Surpadd? sI ?uqJ la{cu mrqJ .qr Jo rsns€q.I3q rou Jl? saneduor .$qJ,, pqoF ro lerol lqI9u I@ 8u!r.8r€r dTX rct sl@@or.^u. tlrrej qtrsEaDo I".I. Iood ruatlr 8rula

€ pu! urlsIs le?et Suhlo^a up !r qu.rur rqruuF oSs",*q. rl.€.rueerou e ruorrq sPq np:rrerrl{eaq s.atdGd@IJJIq€ I ^-Dunor ot .ru?qr aQ up$ arou qrnlu ol atnqrruor sr@€ l"run.r?Lupqd sraJo aou ?uq:) '..quer o?8d lDJrrn r?llll?qd rsa8nl s,.trunoc aqt rr SupiEu '(USINJ) qrreasad IeJp.ntora Jo ernrltsq sul" oN €urqJ s.r"q?ueqs u' uqtcsn rDurpuq !

dn uers or sr..{qd FqotS pagErnoJuaseq srruluroddo Surs?arrurJo rrrdsord aql 'aq8@qs ln paseqdno€ SuDInsuoJ pu? lueuirsa^ur@ !J-r-I iors?u]qJ Jo oaJ pue lurpBard 'IorS g 8.rC sles ..'0202 II]un uadd?qr,L?tnoa srqr t?qr peprprrd ,lsnor€rd ' F:t.rp!u prDeu ur $aplarpqo6'Lote.HSI,^trqSnoqrua .'tr0Z ul latr?u sprlrn.r?uPqd $.6I?t puosas eql rusraq paDa.lxaueql lrspJ "urqJ,, ua^r ruoJ seq .6ueqc 'tu.$Is rrprqttEeq aqr rcJ ruoJrr.rrsmlxa s.6002puEqrteaa S uraorS ' ruol udote^apprd" r dq pe .nt lrlsnpur leJqnrr"ureqd sl eurqJ roJ InJrua^eusrq e^"q SHJNOhI A.\1A,|\J JSVd lIH


qcnulIq ua^upstCBUpospq-EutqC 0rpqsla)lleuiueLllarouJ

p000 Ou!c!poll|| tunlvtl


basesin Chtu.l or c\tn inovingrhctrerlne R&D op.rarion!hcrc."

J.l.r.! ldld llrc rclon rlso sugg.nstlrar ibr R&l) in 21 d.l .ities on ircone rnvcsrosa'e beconingrnore lntdrsredi. this ollshoreoutsorucing services. aDd.xernpLnnrs sccto. despirernc i:cfthaL ertensilrclinical on h.omc irornr.cbnologica.l dcvcloprnenrs 0na lligh rrjalscan sLillnanslat. to r slo$,cr!a!{fi and .elaredconsulrlngsefviccs,as eell as The 2009felbrhsmaftcd rlrebegilning01' lntsments of ovo USD]bn iiom vertu. rl.onre liom tlansferof tcchrolog! navc a long lcfm to rcncw Chinas mcdical capitalirtsir 2010reFesenrcdan !r.rea\c of alrerdyprorrd tery polula. sysrcm and nidustrics. Now govcrnmenr 319 per cent comparedwirh 2009,ard rhar fvcn though !onc of rhe ni .enr ivcs policicsa.d devclolng nfuncialaDdhundr rend i\ likclv to be suppoftcdb! rhe rcc.rr such,s rhosejust mcDtiomcd havea sell rsourccs are pruvrdingrbe nrdusift,$,irh a s!..ess oI China\ IPOS by datc. X 1enore\ rhar l r i s qui te likclv .ontrnuoussLrnlulus iaf growth. h addit r . rhcgo\e nhcrt haspuri. placc rhat a Folic)'sill be extcndcd1f lr firs wlrh "tNovtutsl seesnajor growthopportunines !].nry of laxirccnrlres|o encourage.elevaDrLhegovcrnme.fs long tcfm anns ln rhis in China ard we arc com iLledto buitdhg R &D A t th c truropeaf U nj on C hJmbcf c,r!e.ync. rhe govefnncnt Bill srill warr olulrcscrce tlrercsinccthegolcrnm.nt ha\ 01 Comncfcc !r Chira s (TUCCC) rcccrr rc ulgfarle ser!'ces!r a coltLe of ycaN jt madchealthcarca lnorit! ard cornnue! rn R&l) Confclen.e20l1in Sharghal.KPI,IG couldwellbethar ilic poll.t,lasNbclond iis int.od!.e .efofmsto theirtealthcares\srem Tax Pdtnc. Crnce Xie cxplalnedthc range schcdrledending.31 Decenber2013.' n ol'rer to cxland a..ess ro all .llizens,' ol irccnrnrs Lhri arc curenllt availablekr Pfctirertlalpolicicsarealsolnrpacringrhc R&D ni China. thrrna.cutic.h Locating indjvrdualsfrfdcilatlrg ln R&l), hclling ro Thc l2lh t'ivc YcafPlanrelrcrarcdChlnas ' ' i h c rc a l e n o w vcfr mar! kl !.l s of .lraw moretaleDtffo the sector "Thcrc s a a mb i rl o rs for r hc ir blor echc a !a b i l i L i e s ncenfi.cs and sublidics so.rrt. iI iircr. varjcry oi inccnrivcstbr indivldual talcrls and ihere lre !or' "over 160 p.ogra.inrcs rhat thc queslio. ls lot so rnu.h whct]reror in thls indlsffy d.lending on drc locarior. Fum p i rg .i o r c t han US I ) l5 b n n rto â‚Ź a n ! .ot to locareR&l) i! Chnra.but farli.r ho$ In addi ti onro di rccraw ards,rhcrccould sragedrug fcscarchrnd comnierci.rlilatjon 10stfuclLreoleratronsrn orderro marimisc be incefrivcs cornected s,ith rher ft,foa cltbrrs in China \!irh more exlecrcd , thctjcn.llLs,'saysXlc. (rhe .esidcnfs petnrt coDtrolllng!ld.e of accordhg to ChinaBio'srcpatt. Chrn Lilt Irccnl\ts suchaslrusilessraxcrcmllnrns cnP i oyn,cnrm C l i .a). thci r !rol .r sional t r >

INS rlors sprp.rd ,,tl.J aqor 1.,t .^!q suioJ.r s,rue@oFoB.qrJosrr.u. ru rqt anurruorltaa plnor .red s'qJ .;urou aou are snuql q]lqa rD p..ds rraqs Jql sr Iolr.s srqru altd Jo ruJudole^epaluq .qr roj pua! rue.gruis rsou .qr sdeqFdi,

snoDsuor € Surttu sr rueuurr^oi stlJ

rD .I $?t002' t i000 Jrus ar.iJ Jo l?1ore iurqrsei a w^\ojD IcnwvptrnoduoJ ru.. l.d stdq p.s€lur pEqslu.t?drqnugplfu)alorl p oN s.eurqJ )EWp)]an 0t0z nwDS 41.1D"t1tJ,r.eJ sI .. Jntru rlp pJl"rllstqdosarou iiuruoJaq i8lrlodur !r ssarJns n.qr or .{at aql sr oT{ etqerqor.t ii sr uersis ,tori^\ .qt p@ \.ss.Jord !u3 r rD.J. reqr aoot I.qr pue aou .r.!t SulruilEd eqt Jo Surpuetsrlun iul{orB Itaa tuJ^ sorop.rD s:)Nht rnq .,{tue rr ? s,.rrqJ,j rloJs s,(?sii'steJrrnrJ?urlqdroJ sl.lduor qrrd p!eq? s.q leqa rslreroJrter Jnsr!PJo qJnu osrous s!qr,,,"!1rl u anssr aa asino, Jojj r siuE^rrtnspu! tsor,j rrnr$lp e p.DprsuoJuirq edeq(ud D srqtry sl?s .i'!uaqr tdriernoJuJ sr 1u3@urr^ot ,fu.dord t€ntr.I.rq Ned rqr u \6noqr|V J q r p u e r eql aout s J ru ? d u o Ji rJ { r? u ' r.ul^!re ct?n{ JoJuortlrot arrr.?rn! arou Sururdou" srpurqJ sterun.reurpqdrod,, ? errqJ aIEu or Budteq oslesr suolrllnBrl ple sa?t ru" :rtJl Jo rurudols^ap JqJ


iiluauuor^ua oTu parjrsr.^rpJluorreurrlnu iratduor ? ur ltolouqr.r Jo sDaeulPrre)ur IIJA os 1g lou op suogelnSrrruros tpql ars osle .a '.{ruq€.r. pu! uorrDaouu larsoj or pl?q SqrtioN sr reqr dilunor ? ur Grorur ur roj uou?^rlour s€ s.^rt!.a!r urstra) lno tes suoE€F3.raql aiaqa ,ald@!xaroJ).siqr Jo rulodrqr puvrsrrpun?urqJ u senedoroJsD .a q8noqrlY.,luauuor^ur l!8et ru.rsrsuotr .lou e roJi![^t!s .a3D]IalJ Jo pu.J sqr.ur?l oi iaqr.Aor)roa or Sulrr .ie SJNW ilqr s.rou rzrnt rc ii uon?Fr8rl Ipuoum .q] uo4 raIIP qa'u surqJ urq}^,! uol8rr r?lnrDied € m suotrptnarrl"rot JqL, ries rzln.I J(l 'uoE€Fl'.I SurFrllror ,iulrsm or or tulrepr sr8lrltqqJ qBnorqrSur]roa oqe ar!,{aqJ .suoo€rado


{rr s3 pJqu.s.p aq ptnor sn.ol J'@aplJ€ .soqa sat!np?6 000'0st punol?,,sapntJur i. r€qEu?qsur rluJr oTurno !".q o1 eurqJ Smrntar arorJqprp^rDHre srql leql s^?s rrors Trusrr"rs Jo n.ang ieurqJursJrlnpu8 p)Iro^\ lqD sn Jqr!r p:upir ser\rnq ipurqJ l€uol]rN.qr or EurproJtr! u uoD?rnpaIIIe. t.^leJai pueuroq sea rH esrurqJuorlltu 00t @qr.rou {lqrrnr rir '.1$rcq303qsmoJo psaqJqr sroqr ir.Iug .Dq.l 000zur snsuarlset.rPJoaurt rqr lr rO s' rtduex..u,ud V EUqI ot 8lumrar qrh peDduor 'uorlernpr &rsrra(n It9i€ srsqueDsJr?uedxa Jo lood rlrt?l qrrr .qr € pJptduor p€q 000 001 {re^a ur Jldo.d i0r0z u :erDlrsn snsu.J orurSurddpr,tl.^Dr! ar,q j, sorDoN uo{ 016i8 0I0z rrp Jo z.u.ulf sips ii s.]?ulpdxr SurDrnters ru:r srtnsJJrr.rer .qr s€ patsJnpr lurtu Iood I..t tZ poe turter lerot srdAINJ r! rrjonlroa IHBrq .rou ! arnpord or .^u! rJUd e .s e u tq J rn o Jo ruar r.d q/ punoJvj j Jo uld rrp sa^uurJur lenphrpur Js.qI ',rx s^?s ..:)l.l] suorreiJdoo*d Jo qno,{ iqr o. 13lqatBl ,, uo!?rnpa s,ptqr lrqr ua J pm itururll]

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ra pue iOtU p.seq-eutq36uruoddnssr ruelEttraoj6-€uoH




Grand Designs

Italian lvlinister Renato Brunetta ouflines howltalyisfostering innovati0n withchina

SBR: The Centre for Technolosical Transfer is otre of many Sino-Itatian collabortiom in the ffetd of inrovation. What other projects have foud succ€ssin RB: Two recenr iritiarives were rhe November 2010'China-Italy Innovation Forum' jn Rome and the o.going .Italy of Innovators, pfogramme. The forum brought together companies from four fcto6 designj life sciencesibioiecbnologyi and e,govennent white rhe Italy of I.novators schemeintroduced China ro ionovative ltalian companies with sp€cfic ttrengthsin hi8!-technology.Tbey openedup .?portunltiesforcooperation inveshents, -'\'s and more The first Itaty of tmovatoB for example,includedaround 250 ijlian enterprises wirh a variety of B2B -olect, :.:\ es;in the end, 20 or 30 cortracts wse aJed acrosssevqa.l sectors.It was such a L:.s rharwe expecta.oud 300 conpanies E _i<€parr m the next roud, scheduledfor =u 201I jn Nanjingand Sharyhai tBR: Why ar€ China an.l Italy wellas partners in imomtiotr? Il: Iraly and China,ssimild e.onomic :f5 ud rheircharacrsisricaltyinveniive = =. whar make thesecoitaborationsso _-:-iile. Like China, Italy\ economy rn SMESwith specificexpdrise dd

products and rhe capabitiry for conbnuou! opennon promored uder the new cenres hnovation. The compdies nay be sma[, will facilitate the solution. but lheir creariveporential is huge. Italy and SBR: What wil th€ cotlaboratiors meM China also both havetechnology-focussed for tuture bminess rclations betweenChina clustersthat can wofk rogethcrto develop ed Itary? mrovarlve products. RB: The turue of this buslnessrlarionship SB R : F ro n your poi nt of vi ew , tsthe developmenrof whar we are begindng what have been the most significant now, wlrh lhis co-operation.China is in a achievemetrtsto alateresulting ftom Sinostate of rransformationj China wanrs more Italid collabontions in tecbnology ard innovation, more technotogy,which wiil hclp Chinese p.oduts to gain p.ominence R3: Now' thesesmalte.companieswith and a strcng repuration in globat n1ekets. special linow how arc finding their niche in On the oficr hand, Itatian enrerprises look the Chlna mdket. For instalce, a pfo.tucer ior oppo unities in the Chila ftarket for of 'a.ti-smog' paint has fourd pertinenr then products and invesrmeDrs.The Centre oppoltunines in Shanghai as lnftastructufe ior Technological Transfef and the Cerbe and industiy make pollurion in traffi. for Desrgn and Imovarion provide a wat ro tu n n e l s a n l s s u e; and a company that ba.lanceout this equation to find a win-win developedmechanismsto de,sronefruirs hd att acrcd attention food prccessors The bencfitsof rhis collaborarionand the and llq'ror maters - rheseae simpleid€as, ovcrall developmcnrof our relatio.sblp but, when well-execured,they are invaluabte should come rhroughin other ways,too. Last discoveries ror companies seekins specific yeai ouf two Prcmie$ a8reedon a target io solutios. Likewise, China hastrought som€ doubleSinolralian radc ro USD100bnby mnovanonsto Italyi a norableexmpte is the 2015.Thatgivesyou an ideaof wharwe are telecommunrcariorssector, in which China has developedingenious sysiems. of cose we're not the or y onespursujng SBR: Are Int€llectuat prop€rty Rights theseambitions i! China. Many nations arr (IPR) still a concern for th€se rtatian intdested in this kind of qcbange. But rhe imovators in Chim? key point is nharwe must be awae of what R3: We all haveto protect the best natural each has to offef, what djffefe.t parties resouce we have: humar lnrelligence. The can bring to rhe mix. With China and Italian dd Chineseauthoities know thar Italy\ similariries, and our complementary this has to be a priority, ard we ee wofking strengths,I rhi.k Italy has some slecial together to try ro eliminate IpR-related opportuniiles. But it\ stitl going to be very problems. We believe thar the foms of co- tough; it\ a lace. $i

rlN 2011 www.sbinetcn



Panic Donot

theloss01a keyleader t0survive canhelporganisations management Transition Duriez Bv NicolasAiacquesand OLrentin managcrwlrh a st|ongbackgrcun.lrn process and pfoduction came to take over both positions in the cridcal period that followed Tlat allowed fo! thc ne.essary lour monrn ffansition period, duting which time a nNlv hircd generalmanageruiived from Europe' and th€ delegatcdmanagelsroLecould be lna re.cnrcas€,a latgeMNC sawhis CFO focus on production relatcd the cnd of his redeflnedto Transition management,widery used D for Asia departing befofe mission,Lcavingo\€raLlbusinessuit financial advancedW€sterneconom piocesses almostnon_eistent.At the same off taking for $js hnd of Problem,is now new CEo wastakingoler ope.ations time, a dralting involves very fast in Chlna. Tlls Beforcoptlng for transrnonmanagemcnr of a iransition managemenr Thc chojcc take to manage$ in higlly expei€nced ha! ro coisider several ke) wasimmedlatcudqutrc cach company over maflageneni posirions for a short solutioninlhiscase to identifv the right soluhon' h oder factors peliod of time,with the objcctiveof taklng cleari it was c.ilical to reduceoperaaonal Thcir .elativeimportanccdepmdson tl€ q?e nsk and to secxrefsancial aiignmcntwtrh urgent actlon and lmplementng opcnional ol assignment,but theyrcvolw malrnvaroud the corporatefunclions. whilsr preparing thc flexrbi1iryrhat can be offcred (tine-load, rhc ground for a new CFO. The m'seon uscd often is most Trdsition managcment position,tuncdonl, mobilitv)i the senlorttv lastcd slx monrhs and included adeqxarc ldk prcject_drLven a of in the implementadon and experienceof the ildividuah involvedi imllemenrationof procescsand coachrng companvi a new perhaps up setting forcc thc HR issues,includng fot instance visas of thc new CEq Poviding clervrhingthev tunctional a key site, upgrading or division and td; and rhe cosl advantagecomparedto neededfor thc new CFO to makea liesh start area, of iniegratingdifferent enutlcsi the the rccruitmcntof a newmanagct cnd of the mission of a tunaround proiecr at tbe cxlert management lf transitlon managementscemsto bc o. a global resffuctuting; and thc lrg€nl the right choice,they would also haveto icllacemert ol a kc'yleadd when an esseniial of an F ot al l l he l casonsmcntl oncd abovc make a decisjoi abour the advantages nanagc r ( CE o o r C F O , fo t i n s ta n c c ) compaled managcr ffansldon nanagenenr is often tuiven bv indcpendenrfansition leavcsor 6 ncapacltated unexpectcdly and sitlations,in which thercis llttlc with the bfoadei fange of scrlrces emergency That lasl scenafio can be paiticularlv rimeto act.althoughilndingtle iShr person slppo|! that could be otTeredlry a$xo! dr am at ic in a ta s t-!a c € dm u l ti n a tl o n a l inevilably lakes rtmc managemeni firm - and in either case' et r v ir onm ent , a n d e v e n c a !a b 1 e H R they would need ro cleck wbether or not When thc managd leavingdie olgan$at1on d.lariments are rhrown by the need to could be avallable immediatery monlhsareoften a manager with littlc is d eryatriate,tbrceto six discovera compercntreplaccment lle seoritv of the operanons ensdngborh required to bring a succesof, or to l_ndand of tle rc.m' and limiting the stabiliry and h;c a replacementthiolgh a head huntlng fim. In cascof a local emplovee,$milar bringingin anexrer! In nany sltuadons, Nith at leasttwo months could paftcfns ap!l), lf poorlyhandled,rhe consequences providethe riSh: could nanager mnsition lor onc month requircdto find candidates, be di.e. A sudden departure is likelv to $A perlod solution rhat probation the rcsignation,and a disrupt or slowdoNn operationsin thc rclated the levelof rist. very high in both increases busiies uit or acfossrhe whole companv casesan!rva). Fltdnal assistanceliom verv Futlemore, timc consftajntslimit not only Nrolds 44.4l.t About the Authon: e4eriencedmanagefcanhel! o4an6anons thc selection Foccss, but also trainjng and Fle"ch Chaflber the al Pl.sidert d€spitethisdemandingtimelable' Joflet to succeed the chdiffi't oJ induction for the rcplacemcnt, heiShienlng is ik Chind, cmtue/e of bu-liflg tlem enoughtime to searchtor a new ior the company. the risl involved NeiBtidge Painas Asa Quentin Dt/ie tu^ NNBndge Patrnis Chind ifl Sha,ghdi solutionsmitjgate Tfansirionmanagemenr i s qui te a tvl i cal case The tol l ow i ng NNBndge Pdttn,s, headquanetul in ?atu thar risk by using a strict gualiiicat'on a prodlctlo! ln one company. examplc: v'th alfces i, Lodan, Bldek' Shdkshdi lr oc es s t o s e l e c i l h e i r m a n a g e rs ,e v e n managd was fired lol lacl of rcsuhs,and Munbai and Movav, is a leadins Jiffi lor pefonnel dd. appointingover-qualified al the samc Plant had genelal manager the plorilisE aistaa& ta aryafltsnons Jaclng rhc bestones,following up with the tdsrtion becauscof health afte$ards leavc shortly studhons to of can!]d ufgdt m anagem c n tfi rm\ P a rrn c fs L e a d ' n g translhon.general An expcrienced issues. llrmswill alsobc able ransitionmanagemcnt

NE SIDE ETFECT OF CHINAS fast growth and transillon to a mdket cconoml is the demand tbr qualified and lalented managcrs What balpcns whcn dlere is no-onc availabl€ to muage a ctitical p.ojed or activitv for an

to adjustthea$ignedtale s alongthecouse to fit the specific of the projed managcment that needs of rhe ofganisation's situtron could mcan piovidlng anorhei icplacementi or developing thcir fist replacement\ skills


Tlming Perlect



Motorcycle Diaries InConversation withGabliele DelI0rchio

SBR: At present, how is th€ motorcycle maiket in China?

SBR: What is Ducatih long-t€rm strategy GDTr In gc ner al. our i n te rn a ti o n a l na.kets are extrenely important fo. us. Ducati\ home market,Italt in factrepresentsonly 20 per cent of ou sales.Wlthin rherenainitrg80per centthe Asia. market is b€comingitrcreasinglysignificanr. we've had Asian cusromers for many ';ean, and wc'vebeenpreseDrh the region :or some time. But in the last few years ;omethmg changed,and Asia becane a i.v strategicmarket.A! aresult,we seean :(eplional opportunityro pushour brand ::d ro make ii evenltrongef. re deation of Ducati Asia Pacific has :€en a crucial step in rhis process.The : -ce l n S hanghaic an co o rd i M re o u r :::ivities from India dght acrosstoJapan. , rhe last few yean, we've made an :-ort to enter the a.eas where we werc : -.r'o L rsly r ot pr es €nt ,a trd to d o ' rb 1 e :,: presencevhere necessary;row we,re +::,s to increaseour rotal numberof Asiar::::lc shoMoons fron 29 ro 50 in the -rr: :ew ycan and that tigrre excludes .--:. and Austfalia. Wele also building :: ir closerro key markers.

GD T: There are curendy 18million motorcyclessold in China evefy year,so th$ is al readythe largestmarket in the world. It's never easyto stepinto a new marker, and there is a perceptionthatth; is an especiallytough market 1brmororcycles, bur that huge figu.e indicates that it's not as difficulr as some peopte We do believe that ar a ce.rain poinr in the developmentof the market and ihe countrt the motofcycle will occupy the positior it dese.ves.Wele doing what we can to speedthat processup.

The value of theserelatlonshils could be somethiry we understand especiallywell as a. Italian company,becausealthoughwe are not newcomersin ltaly, ii is still very rmPortant to have constructiverelationshils and networksin that market. We're also conscious of safety and the urban envlronment.Even though we believethatthebikes are alreadysafe,we are pushingto mak€ them saferstill. Another point isrhatthe citiesare alreadycrowded with traffic, and at the end of the day yor.r can only fit so matry cars on the roads. Motorcycles could play a part in decongesringChina. This codd also help us ro

SBR: What othel challengesdo you face in this mdket, mil how are you tac*lirg

GDT: Sone of the challengesfor motor cyclistsin China are psychological.ln the mDd of many Chinesewould-be riders, SBR: But there havebeen significant re- the motorbikeisjust as it was in Italy back strictions on flotorcycle use, especially in the '40s or '50si a bike is a mode of in the citie6, How have you dealt with transpo.t..o more,.o less.Mobllity is of this? couse a function of the bikes,but it goes beyondthat.The associationwithfreedom, GDT: As I said,I dont thinl it's as a dif and the companyof other rideis, rhe idea ficult a situation asis comor y rhought. At of travellingfor pleasurejtheseare things the Diavel media lauDch in Shanghai, I was that are lesswell establilh€dhere. askedhow we deal with the ongoing ,bartle' betwem motorcyclesand the authorities,bur The concept of expressi onthr ough a ihe truth is. there is no batrle becauseve are productand an experiencewill grow just responsible,and we encouage Ducati own- look at the way the sportscar has become ers to be iesponsible. Rules are ru1es. popular h€re.The ShanghaiDucatl Cafd, the spectac'rlarlaurch of the Diavel and This aftitude has helped us to work with the the iaunches that will follow it we have regulationsand to cultivate positiverela- .ew productsevery yea. will drive this rionswirh the local aurhorities.we,llbuild processfurther.We'll alsobe participating otr thisi our Shanghaicentreis a basefrom once again in the Beljing Internaiional which lo developour good relationships, Automotive Exhibition. which we joined and then when we establishmore centres for the fiIst time lasr year as the only mo elsewhere,our distributorswill be respon- torcycle matrufacruier at the show lXfi sible for estatlishing further relations.



Pains Gruwing

tocopewiththe helporganisations Ascompanies expand across China, cantheHRindustry withrapidgrowth? challenges associated By HunterBraithwaite

contribute to this upward tre.d. URI NG T HE R E C E SS IO N , when m any fi rm s s tu m b l e d , The problen could also worsetr.Many Ch ine s e f ii m s c o n ti n u e d salarleshavenot yet rise. wiih inflation, aggressivelyhiing new talert, creating additional pressure. Michael with the expectarionthat the downturn Page notes that in ChiM, only 44 per w o u l d c or . ec t it s eu s o o n . T h e y w e re cent of wag€ growth is in line with the right, and now MNCS are struggling to in{lation rate. 29 per ceni is below it, keepup. Accordlng io a ieport issuedby secondin the region only to Singapore, recruitment consulrancyMichael Page, with 31 per cent. 5 3 p er c ent of f ir ns b a s e d i n C h i n a But it might not be a financially viable predicted that they would expandin the option to continuelaising saladesagainst secondquarter,compar€dto 47 per cent the cost of living benchma.k,inc.easing in Hong Kong, 36 per c€nt in Singapore, th e o v e r al l cost of busi ness. In the and 34 per cent in Australia. However, growth brings a series of problems. Already, there is even fiercer competition i. the frst-tier cities, which in turn has led to rapidly lising salaies and retention difficulties. In response, ma n y f ir ns ar e m o v i n g to c h e a p e r l o ca ti ons - China' s fa s t' d e v e l o p i n e inrerior cities. These thiee issues,rising sa l a r ies ,ques t io. s o f re te n ti o n , a n d w e stwa. d ex pans io n , a re th e c h i e f concernsof HR firms today.

HR department, the challenge lies in "justifying the high salaiy expectations, getting a sufnci€nt budgetto attract new talent while at th€ sametimemaintaining parity for the existing employees,"says S hen. Christian Gro€eer, client ielationship manager at Fi duci a, a managem ent consul tancy fi rm, expl ai n s why new can command such hish salaries. "The ability is there becausethe market is th€re. In many industries there is a substanrial pay inequality, so you can

Predictedstaff numbersfor Q2

Bising cosls Cost is the mair reason that industries ale leavins Shatrshai for second- and third'tier cities. The most visible aspect of ihis increaseis salary level. ln China, 68 per cent of employerssurveyedfor the Hays 2011 Salary Guide recently raised then salariesby 3-10percent, atrd 22 per cent by more than 10 per cent. Laura Shen, Director of Hudson RPO and talent management in China, says that some of theii clients are seeinga 25 per cent jnc.easein salary benchmarks. The.e are many reasoff foi this. "The higher expectation of candidates,their fa n i l ies ( due t o t h e ri s i n g c o s t o f ljvins), as w€u as fierce competition" all






Dec|€aae 6dund.ncl6


or ddmi:i.g)

Remain stablo (repl.6mrn

hlB only)

China'semploye.swanltogrow'and lhey needpoopletodrlvegfowth, stsaNGFArBrsr\sss rur!1rJ\{


. lLen sct a 20 t er c c t r ts al a l r-j u n rp j l l s r Y o u l rn d th e besri Ll cnt !ool . bur i l so b! *!rl c]rj ugc or nt anic s .S h a .g h d o i f.6 Ih e mo s t c .rm!eLr| ]o. sars C r{' egrf. I he b csta n d r he $or s t ior r h o s err! l rg ro $ h o rc l l j s c s th ar R hl l c mor fi rnrs pav th e h i g h c r.o s t s.sohe crnnot.l fofd to ' ' T h a r' sa p .rd i .ai nert l or ran! fi rms. Ar a l tc fn a rl v ei s to Iook ro orhef ratcnl p o o l s .fo r i n s t i ncc,i r m18hrbe casl .r Lo g c r a l b i .l 8 n e r B l ro l i as co e to C hi ntr tof \rofk Io do rjob inf rh. sa,rc n,on.!. ' l l e rp a rs . n s th e! a(.somcti nes cal tcd a re u s u a l l ,vn r runi o, posrri ors{i rhour i n !( h c x p c r,e ..r ' l l csc peopl ebfi trgar rftc rD a rl 0 u l s kl l l sctthar l s h,fd to tn $ i rh C h n re s ec mpl o,l ccs

Shanghai offersthe [eslandtheworst follhosctryinut0 letainemployees. "Yflutin$ihs *e$? iaiantp0*1, iftll *l$$ ih* illsst

sIRlSstiii0n." $ays

firs*ilsr lhrrlslr ri'o

p 'e s s c o n i c f e . . e s lt s in ilregrared w o r d , a n d r h e i i r i n s r l r a t u t i l i s e r hi s \vi l l be thc most s!c.essf!].

westwald Expansi0n A i l r n d u s l r j . s a , e q u l c k l y c x p . nd i .r . b u t o p c r a M s . o s t s i n i i s r r l c r . i r l e s h n vc b t c o n r f l r r o h i b i t i r e l ! h j g h T h â‚Ź a n sw r r s e e n r c d t o o s i n p l e : n r o v c r v c s t . i i l tf!n ! big busi.csscs a,e no{ rapflng lrro ( h e s e s n a l l c f c , t i e s . I 2 0 o l $ h i c h h i !e P o f u l r t i o n s o ! . r o . c i n i l l l o ! . P r o d u .L i o n r s . h c ! F c f . r c a l e s l a r eh r s D r o r c p o t e n r i r fo r r F p f . c r a l l o r . . o n s u m c r s h e l e r n . ' e r sr n g d l s p o s i b l . ! r . o m e s a n d o v c n i l l e . . f,) m l ( g 'o w t h . a t e s i r e c l i m b i n g r . p i l L ! . ' :r !s Emma Charno.k fcgioral di.ecLor of H a _ r sj n H o n g K o n g a n d C b m a T h e ,e u c h r n l c x a m t l e s o f t h ; M i c r o s o f t \!cn r r o l m a r . i n S h a f d o D S p . o ! i . . e Mo r g a D S r r n l . v h a s s e t u p a D o i i c c i n Z h u ha i . l T d n d h l g l r t e . h . o r n p a n i . s h . \ e m o \cd to Cho.gqing,Lnd Chcngdu

J -a u raS h e n ,L\o rcconl nendscfcari ve s o l u tl o .s fo r l i rms i haL.annot at1b..1 to srnlt,a prr thc hrghcsrUicc. \Vhcr s o u rc rn a g n d .l t | a.trngrnl enLs i n rddi ri on ro c rs u .l n g a rcasonabl ! .ompcri hl e Fackage. companres s h o !l d .l s . rcvi c\r and denorsn.ate Ih c i r !n i q u e c mpl o!.r b,and and sel Li ng p o l n Is L h ro u gh al l possi bl c Fl arforrns s !c n a s .a mp us rccrurtmcnt. socra Llowe!e,, endlcss expansi.n i sn r n c n v o rk mg .c rh rbi rl ons.drd mcdi a i i .1 p o s s r b l . , e s p e c l , r l l ! g r v c . r h e p e r va sl r c




i':m**:'":'''*:::ii ilil]'*+t' E"#-**:e*ifu ru t*nffi**u***r[*u in organisations




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200120 shanshar *" t**n Avenue il"o',?"tJili, "0 0870 5836 Tel:+8621

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!: wherels everybody?tnduslryisexpandinginto moreremoreregions-butcan cofipaniesfhdrhe manpowerandrhe managerstopeopte thel new oDeralions?


ralent shorrage. "There\ a shortage of thoscwiih relevantexperiencc.The !kills are out tnere, but they jusr donl ftatch Ihe pace of growrh," saysAndy Bentorc. rnanagingdifcctor at Michael Page. T he re 's a ls o a k noc k o n e ffe c r. Expaffion requires appropfiate sulport :t the legional HQ but as ye! rherc :re few Inanasen with decp experience :r some ol the aleas into Nhich MNCS : : c no w e x panding in Cb i n a . ..T h e i : gge s! ca n didat e s hor t ag e o c c u rs j n :. mp a n i e s wit h t heir f c gio n a l ,o f A s i a : : . if ic. h e a dquar t er sin C h i n a ," s a y s : : t rro te . "Th ey wanr loc at c a n d i d a re s , :i regional exposure.These a.e often

Moreover,the reouitmcnt HR firms are facing problemsslrilafro thoseaffccting th e i r c l i c n ts . " The support netw orts aten r in place," lays Benrote "Thcre are very few rccrultment companleswho have an esiablishedoffice ir chengdu, or other secondticr citjes.We haveto find pcople ro staff thâ‚Źserwele itr the samelosjtion as thesecompanies.However,irwill catch u p w i th i n 1 8 months."

Hugo Zhang and Pierte-Yves cerard, managingdnectors of Bo Le Associales, L td ., h a v e s e e n a shatp i ncrcase i n ]nanagcB and executiveslocatedourslde o f fi rs r tl e r c i ti es B etw een the ti .st q u a rtc n o f 2 0 1 0and 201I, rhe fi rm saw a n i n c re a s eo f 1 75percenti D sccond+ i er I aa j o r tac t or is educ a rj o n . W h i l e citics. This ir comparedto an increaseof - : : : : a re rnnuher ablc deg re e -g fa n ti n g 59 pel cent in fiisr tier cities. At 49 pef ::anmes in China, the vast majoriry ccnt ofnew hifcs, middle manageftenris ':.e n r g raduat es do no r h a v c rh e thc most lighll, sorlght employee grou! r:encerequired for even enrfy level in developlng cities. "Today, {e see a s tro n g d e m a n d tbr a start up mi nded ! !r srNrssrrilrn\r

salesmanage. or direcror as stilL mary Lnrcrnanonal com!anies are coming ro China ot want ro iransler new lfoducrs to the Chinesemarket ro follow cvolutlon ol demand. H R dnecton w i th higher matragementvision are also in strong dcmand," say Zhang and cerafd. There are mary reasonswhy a middle managementcm!loyeewould abandonthe tirsr'tier wofld. "Peopleafc disap!olnted by the qual i t] of l i fe i n S han ghai. They want something mofc retaxing. In smal l erci ti cs, the commurcsare les! , " says Gerafd The benefi tsare fu r t ber feachl ng thatr l es! t.affi c. Taking a posrtion in a iemote locatiotr rranslates i nto responsi bl l i ty and commi tment , and can nean qui ck advarceher i f of the emplo_\'ee. A succcsstulfirm would bjghlight the career porenrial for taking such a posiilon. Cbristian croege., howevel, rehains rrr {l


Money Money, Moneg is acriticalissueforMNCS thattheriseofsalaries for2011agree majorsalarysurveys Three Addilional researchby Susie Gordon Mi c h a e l P age Q2 2011 E mpl oynent Itrdex, 9,1pei c€nt predict that buslness conditions will femaln stableof improve th fo u g h the second quarter of 2011, a n d 5 3 per cetrr pl an to i ncreasc the h e a d c ount of thci r w ol kforce. Thi s ngurc puts China firmly at the fofctfont gfowth by headcount in the rcgion; The trend was set against a backdto! of figufes lrom Hong Kong of increasing competition for the tight corrcspondlng wcre 45 per cenr and 16 a.d Singapore ra l ent . es pec ially d u ri n g a p c .i o d o f Despitethis healthy cent fespectively. !er growth, reslondetrts acknowledged the Of t he em ploy ef s s u rv e y e d fo r rh e cballengesthey faced, and 57 per cent of

As bus ines s es gro w a n d d e v e l o P ac.oss China, figures releasedby najor recruitment and Human Resourcesfirms hishlight risins sala.iesas a key concern i n Hl 2011 and b e y o n d i s u fv e y e d emllolren suggestedthat the iisc could co n tinuelnt o H2 20 1 l , a n d 2 0 1 2 .

rhosesurveyedsaw wagc increasesas the majo. cbauerse in HR. The H ays 2011 S al ary G ulde dr aws attcnrion to the sameploblcm. The Hays reporr al so i ourd tl at skill shor r ages are an ongol ng probl em, cspeciallyin the financlal services, IT and finatrce rechnology.China sufferstioma shortage of candi datesw i th hi gh"levclEnglish skills. With th; supply and demand in the backgrorrnd,China saw the lighes! increasc in salades in the Asis_Pacil_tc

do you when you n€rt r€vew bywlrat oefcentage ntendto ndeasesaiares2

d d vo! ncrease by what percentage On average, saariesin youriastreview?

aNb* a r{ b 6 % a * b rc 1

o a a

a a a

a a a


Th e . epor t f ound th a t 6 8 Pe r c e n t of employers were puttitrg salartesup betwee, 3 and l0 per cent, while 22 Pel cent of employerswere increasingpavby more than 10 per cenr Further in creases are expecteditr2012. with 51 per cent of rcspotrdentsplanning to increasesaiafles 3 3 p e r c e trtb v mo re b y 6 '10per c ent and , Benefits are an important benchmark of a compa.y\ Performance The HaYs r€lori found that 59 per cent of Chinese firn1ssurveyed offer health benefits Fortv nine percent offer housing while 47 provide life assuranceAround 33 per cent run Penslonschemes Th e Huds on ReP o rt fo r Q2 2 0 1 1 revealedslmilar trends Hiring is on the increase,with 77 per cent ofrespondents expectingto recruit more stafi in Q2 up

Keybusinessconcernsfor Q2 Waqe. grcwlh

r6 %

Ac@6s ro tunding ExchanF ral. Oflico cod3

-15% -114. Talent r€iontion gl

lmpsct ol JaPanoarthquak€ *:



Key retentionstrategiesfor 02 27%

Increas6h lt86 PaY WorkPlac. flonbitty

al 2rr'o 31vo

Training and dev€loPmnt!€d EwaKla




6l netcentsald thatcandldates' lorhignel denands werc salafies it haflelto making lectuittoptalent from 64 per cent this time last year.The denand is strong in all areas,but saLes p ro fes s ionalsar e p a rti c u l a rl y s o rg h t after, Nith 60 per cent of employers inrending to itrcreaseheadcount in this field. In deed, 73 P er c e n i o f re s P o trd e n !s acros! all sector said that recruiilng top talent has proven mo.e difficult during the past 12 months. The main challenge as reported by 37 per cent of companies surreyed is finding the right stafl Wjth rh i s pt es s uf e, lhe i r D th e r c o n c e rn s includedskitlshortages andincreasins salary demands. While 20 pef cent of respondentscited rismg wages as lherr key concernfor the secondhalf of 2011' 61 percentsaidthatcandidatet demands iorhigber salaies were naking itharder ro recruit top talent.

Reasonstord fiicultes r recrutngiop lalenl

i Chna- m 20rl sou.e Tha!"d5oi RePo


in thenextsixmonths HR chalenge Critlcal Sou.e The Hu.isonRepodCh na' 02 20i1

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realisdc." Offeing pcoplecashincetrtivcs has a l i mi t ed ef f ec t . "A n d i t l !n \ j u s t wester.ers. !!White collar Chinese are ev e n l e ss willing t o lc a v e Sh a n g h a i , becauseof the social status associarcd with it, butalso sinccan officlal Shanghai rer.lence opensup more possibiliricsfor woik, leisure andtheirklds' education." An increasedhesitancy to nove can be expectedftom candidateswirb fanilics.

nGtent0n s0lutl0ns Ma n y c o m p ani es have tri ed ro use highef salarlesas incentivcs to cling on to ro! talent. But even then, retention difficulties can persist.Theseconpanies c a n a l s o th i nk about more creari ve Mo i e l o c a l tal ent i s one opti oD . A c c o rd i n g to many, i .tegrati ng l ocal talenl is a sensible approach. "There\ lcss risk if the workers are local. Thcy a l re a d y b a v e a nctw ork i n the area; then fahily is thcre," saysBo Le's Hugo Zhang. "China is big enough to host ma n y d i ffe re D t cul t!ral di vi des rhar must be accounredfol. Ir is best ro hire local." Michael Maeder, ptacrice leader automotive and industrlal at Difecr HR, agrees."Due to big regional differences and a generalreluctanc€ofcandidates to relocate,it n diffi.ulr to artracr chinese employeestiom a wider area. One could evencompareiiwirh convitrcingsoneone to move liom one European countly ro

Ihetearemany reasons whya middle managenent emIloyee would abandon thelilst-tiel world HAYS

.Ofiorlng p€ople cash incentives has a limiredottect,"saysChrisrianGroog6r, cllent relarionship managerat Fiducia.

These condl ti ons make i t necessar y to achvel y pursue qual i ty candldat es. C harnock says that " empl oy er s ar e .ow offering a faster career path" fo. those wllling to move. "Our advlce is ro provide a persuasiverelocarlon pacLage

Recruiths exnerts

THERIGHTPERSON CAN TRANSFORM A BUSINESS THERIGHTJOB CAN TRANSFORM YOURLIFE *:_ s. we arethe wor d's eadnll rectutitin!,1 expertsin qua fjed profess ofa

anr ad peope. OLrfdecpexpeftise acrossa widespectfumof speca led fdl str e! nItl ::s onsmakes!s unparal e ed recruiters if lhc word of \\'ork

. :h ths professionaknow howwe can he p you achev€tastingimpact,e ther by fnd ng you the r ght ::'ron who can tfansformyour busnessorthe rightlob to transformyour fe. :'e passonateaboLrtcofnectnq ourcandldateswiththe r qht job for them.That,swhy,for over 34yeafs, : ,. poweredthe world of work. '-l out more pleasecontactyoLr oca Haysoff ce. :rt

ct HaysIn Shanghaibyen.lllng shanghai@hays,€n orphoning +A6212!22 9600,

::'ta<t Hay! in Beijiq or phonins+ 86 tO 6598 9122. ::nrt<t Haysin su2houby emaitingsuzhou@hay5..n or phontng+aOt2 6289 0288. .-i


"A study rccentlycameout.lf you only use training, productivity will increase 20 percent. But if youuse acombinanon of training andcoachlng,itwill increase 8 8 p e r c ent," says P eter K arl sson, a loroer Olymlic athlete and coach who now works for conchl!s. " Ma n agers need moi e trai ni ng and more coaching. Cbina has a tradltion of holdlns back on trainins. They're scaredrhat people will leave.You can't just train; you have to coach, to cfeate syncrgy.Th€n they'11stay.It's eve. more important ir .emotc areas.You havc to be self-sustained.You can't fly it in all the time. You have to cr€ate your own !uccess,"saysKarlsson. "Candidat€swant to get a good salary, says Bentote, "but there's now also a lor of thouglt about where the position * ' i l l g e t them." For thi s.easor, the importance of coaching and training Employersn€ed to convince emPloyees cannot be ovelstate.l. th a r em er glngbus in e s s h u b s , s u c h a 3 chengdu, plciured, otl€r genuine care€r T h e p lace w here these charges are Source:o HupengI Dr€


most vlsible is the quiet factory floor after ChineseNew Year.The holiday has traditionallybeena time of high turnover. as workels travel to theii hometown and retufn, often to a dl fferent posit ion Usua1ly,ltrookfactorlesi. Shanghaiand Guangzhouabout two weeksto.eturtrto full capacity.Now it takesas long as two months. "Now, many mlgrant workers are stayingin thei home provinces Thev prefer to be closer to theii lamilles, and although they are earning less they mav be ablc to save more of their income," saysFiducia\ Christian Groegef This shift js creating a vast leveling it China, and h is speedinguP, rather than slowiDgdowr. "Ovef the next ten years, a sigrificant numbcr of new citi€s in China will becomc the top cities in the world," says Andy Bentote of Michael P ag€. " Thi s i s based on PoPulat lon, GD P , and other factors. I f we f ast forward a decade,ir's won't be just the Chengdus and Chongqings." with HR delartments tasked with managing lhe hulnan element,the immediat€ future of doiDg businessin China is latgely ther responsibility. |l[

for quality outoflown candidates." Maeder recomnends a multi pronged approach. There needs ro be a financial incentiv€, but the relationship between th e em lloy ee and th e m a n a g e m e n t, a n d t he ov er all c om p a n y c u l tu re , a .e becoming increasingly important. The employerneedsro createan environment that welcomesnewcomers,!o rmplement "reachable but challengins goals," and to foster mentorship between new and established employees. Aspects of fte j o b s uc h as f lex ib l e w o rk l n s h o u rs a n d wor k plac € des i g n s h o u l d n o t b e ceneiation Y has often been accused o r h opping bet we c n j o b s . T h i s c a n b e d is c our aged t h ro u g h d e fe rre d compensation plans and co'rnseling to "nodeiate unrealistic expectations fof last development,"saysMaeder. It is also impoltant to offer coachinS. According to Michael Page, companies developmen!Goul(tb' includlngamixol tewardsandProfessional Ilrorecreativeinconrives, ln China atiempt to retain their staff with risihg salaries ol the flnancialburden n€€d !o.void loi comPanieslhal arftactive coa.hing and training, and 3l per cent cd! SoutcejO AdamgregorI Dreamstime offer extensivetraining and development



/ -r - \ r l N l l Dv L a )a, la


LikeGlockwotk Running

ona strong arebuilding andChina Switzerland relations, of diplomatic Withsixdecades oartnersnip By Susie Gordon securitiesbf okerage,sccurirjcsinacs!mcn1 i n 20l 0 ' . ASI'I'EAR. CH]NA CE] ,EBR-AIED C H I L .:l b! (U S D I 6bn) consuftancy secoritiespf oprlcrarvtradrng 60 \:ca$ of dlllomatic rclallonswilh Swissacrivily i! China ls tbcussedinthe I ' assetmanagcn1enrBut ai d thc P ea' l and sccuri ri cs I SN(zerland ft wns a Farticula'lY Ya n g tz eDcl tal cgi on,B ei haL accoroln8 ro .larc. succcss despltc theii inponant ann i v e s a r). !n c c th e RLrcr Dcha Accordlng to Rcne Fofster, I to D ari d Ll , cl atmxn a!d c ounr r vHead n p rc s i d e nt of S w i ssC hIn Guangzhou, SwissgovernDcntlvas one ol th. ilNr of U B S C hi na, the coml a ny r valr s I o Eufope to recogiisethc People\ Rclubllc ''Arcunrl 100Swisscompanicsare located take thjs furrher,pu6!ing expansronrnto ni 1950.Uo$'cver,Sino_Swi$tradc goes i n th e P carl R i ver D cl ta, al thoughthe new lociLrlons.mosi reccnil-a1{angzhou back Lo the l:ltb C.nturv. $'|en Chlta e c o n o n i c sl ow dow r i r l atc 2008 an' i w i thour com!romi si ngtl e quallt v t hat ftadedsilk for Swissclocksand $al.hcs Bv 2 0 0 9 a ft nctedmost S w i sscompai i cs i n js expccledlion Switz.rlard's finalc1al l he expoft machi ne th. cnd of dre 1E00sffade was flourishjng, o u i a re a .cspeci al Ly and thal has conriruedto the preserrdal' A s C hi na and S hanghaiin par t r culaf Thc ioinr rc! re was €stabllshcd'n Traderclationscould fcceiv. asignilicant nurtures a strongerfi na ncLalscct or , l9E0whenSchindlerstated Lomanutacrure b o o s rl n l he futufe h a notc thrl tbi s has becone mor€ Inan a onc- waY Pake. elcvators,and many fblloNedin 'rs c o u l d b c hl gel y neani ngtul for S j i o' The B ank of C hlna r 'ccr ved slch as Novarris,Rochc,Nesrlcand ABB' S w i s s b usi nessi el afi oos, ncS onartons crchange fron th€ S$iss Fede.alBanktl8 S$'iizerlandlrasinvestedheatil,!in Chinese $ e rc l aunched at thc begi nni ng of approval i n l atc 2008 Lo open t wo nledicine.nuchinc|I. electficaplarrtus and 2 0 1 1 to broker a i ,ee ri ade agfeencnt C on,nl ssj ofl in subsidiaries Gen€va making it the insr chemjcals,and rlthouSh Chincsc ld.jgn b e tw € cnC hi na and S w rrzerLandS i l ch to establ i sha pr csenccin dlrecr inlestmenr (FDI) into SwirTe(land an agrcenent Nould be higilv bcneficial C hi nesebl nk j s i s co m par ar iv elts D rl l a r U S D 1 0 m.i r lb. both counftles, sincc lrad. betwecn ratherrhan rh en a tjonsi s com!l emenrarv to bc si gncd. Lhc deal rvcfe c o m p c ti ti l c.l f ch€mi cal i ndust r Y has IladlngUl w oul d€vadc the S w i ss servl ccs ard S w i s sl foducts growt h r D r ccenr stead) ex!erl cnced rn e fro m Ac c or ding t o lc c e n t fi g !re s tarifB and !o! l,, gi{lng thenr K oi tmann. cnem r cat Sw is sF edc r alCus ro ,n sAd rn u s tra tro n . a clea. ad\antage over companlcs rrom ronrhs. l l ati ol f d H F ' 1 2 .4 b n EU c o untrl es. l hLs $oul d mean thar conrpanyC l ari anr' sC E O savs:"China ChD aro ta l l e C Swls s c x pof t s $ growingr cgionsin (US D1. 1. 08bn)in 2 0 1 0 , d l s Pl a !ri g a Chinescproduclscould re!lace European i s one of our i asl est and salest ur nover si 2c of markct srosth ol 35 per cenr fiom thc prellous p fo d u c tsi n rhc S w ss narkctpLac. yeas ' BI the middlc ot past few in rhe ye a r f hc nanr s e c ro rs fto m rv h i c h pl ans to h alc invest ed C l ari anr 2011. Sw lt z c r landm ak c se x p o rts!o c h rn a a fe ( USD1l0 3E! , cl l F150n1 appi oxl matel y sti Llm ac hinc f y ,s a tc h e s a n d p rc c l s l o n Al L h o ugh S w i tzcfl and s reputatl on A host ol nc$ a half aDd lwo over Ycars. i i n runent s , ac c ou n ti n gi o f a ro u n drb rc c fo i fi n a!cl al cxperti sel s al read,!w el L cornmrnent to rne q u air . $ of r hc t da l Wa tc h e !,p fc c rs l o n .stablishcdbothat homeand i! China, the projccts makes rhen ordel to slrenglnenour instiumenLsald j.s'e1rv to the lalue ol kcy flaycr! havcn ot becomccom!la cer t. markct cl€ar. "In prescncei n GreaterC h' na, we opencd C HF 5. 8bn( US D6 5 9 b n )w e re .a p o rtc d but remain ambrtlous a ncw 10,000sq m headquar t cr sar d i n 2010, up 45 ! cr c e n r fro m 2 0 0 9 w as rhc l i st S w i ssbasedbank to rechnicalappllcario!s centrc jn Shangha' U B S M.rc hjner y c r por rs ro ta l l c d C H F 3 ' 5 b D cst.lbiisha ph,lsicallresencc rn thc Asla j n Ocrob.r 2010 Orhe. dcvelopm er t s (3 .9; bn) .up a6 P e f c e n t Picific rcgion in 1965.halnl) rhrough its includeda ncw piSmenrplanrh HangzhoL 'l ' he Cons ul Cen c ra l o f S\ti tz c i l rfl d w c a l thmanagcnrent bul i,and i r has ri rl ol ened i n Ocrober2010,, r sweu ar i ! S har ghal, Hel n fi c h S c l i e l l c n b e rg . b c c n a cl i veh.rc eversi nce.l rs domesnc a nul ti -p!f!ose pl ant i n Zhenjt ang 'n sa l s : " A 1f r os rt hr e e!e . .e n r o f a L ISw i s s s .c u ri l i cs pLarform. U B S S e. uri ri es S epteml er2009 " 1herc n r c m or c plar s cxtor t s go t o M a L n l a n dc h i n a . T o L h c C o . L td.. regi sl eredj n 2006, sas the i n Lhc pi p€l i ne Later i ! 2011, Clanaf : b cl t of m y k no$le d g e ,w c a re c u rfe n i l l turst forcign inlesred secu.ities tirm in w i l l ol en a new P l ant i n t hc DaYaBal th e onl, l E u. opea n c o u n trv ro h a v e a C h i n a to gai n ful l l i censesm cond!' r i ndusl ri al hub i n Gua!g dor g t o ce: tfades uf pLuse' it h C h i n r, w h i c h to ta l l e d

Progress Scientillc

SuI[0n tlnanclal

Steady Growth

SBRtalksto Heinrich Schellenberg, Consul Generat ot Swiz.efland in Shanghai SBR|What is lh€curentstatuE of bital€ral 50Chinese companies opefating tr.d6between Swilzerland andShanghai? therc. Theyfc udebg nameslike Bankof ChinaHuawe , HS:Tradeis dynamic, andhasbeengrow- Sinopec, Ch na Tobacco Sunlec, A baba ingquickly.Ihe blatenlttadevotunestood at USD34bnin 2A1Awhichis especiatiy and Lenavo.Weanlicipatea growth sieady inChinese FDlover rmp€ssrve ifyouconsiderlhal lhefigurewas oily IJSDl4bnn2006LaslyearSino-Swhs inportsandexpods grcwby40percenl. The SBR:SwiLzerland i6 wellknown man exporls fromSwilzerland lo Chna are tor its dedicalion to environ. ph0togmphrc afd oplcalapparalus watches monlalproteclion andclean pharmaceulica s, fiachineryandprecision air lhat extended lfslruments. Reciprccally Chnaexporls slan. lhroughoul Swissoperations goodsljkeclothing, dardconsumer fumilure, in China? shoes, computeB e eclrofcs,chemicals, ofcompanes adhere lo iicenachineryand autornalc dataprccessingHS:Swiss very stricl efvironmental stanlo Swilzerland. aid China. dards,andconlnuelo improven lhe ctean rnenloi lies betweenSwitz€rland Swilzerland was one ot the firsl nalionslo SBR:ln whichsectorcareSwissinvest. teclrsectorTheyarededicaled lo extending l he P eopesR epubl of l c Chinaso menlsfiosl pfoninent in China,aodin thesebestpraclices lo lheirChna opem- recogni s€ lh s was an mpodanl milestone. whichareasof lhecountry? yearw€ a s0 enloyedihe Switzerand HS:Swissnvesimenl inloChinais focused SBR:Whalhav6beenthe hightights tor Last pav on s popul al yal the2010W o ddExpoin in lheYangtze Deltaregon,bulthe€is also Sino-Swiss relations ovef the past12 S hangha, asw e astheC l y Joi nlP a v onof mportant aclivityn theBohatarea,as wetl months? Zurch,B asel and Geneva exhi bi l Tlr s eSwss aslhePearRiverDella.Seclors ared verse y themosls gnifcanl slepforuard Pavilionatlracled2.8millionvisltorc bulrnlchinvestmenl hasgoneinlophafma- HS:Probab wherelradeis concemed hasbeentheslart ceuircals andmachlnery, especially in the be. of negolialions for a freetradeagreementThefehavebeenexl efsve excha nges Yanglze Della. tweenthe Swissand Chinesegovernmefts. belween Swilzerand andChina. tfsigned, we Among others, Jornrerplesideni Dois Leulhard SBRrWhatis theslatusof Chinese FDtinto woLr d belhefllstandonlyErropean counlry came lo Ch na, and Vce Premier Li Keqiang Switzerland? io conreto suchan agrcemenl, andwelook paid € reciprocalvisil to SwitzerandFour foftad tolheadvantages il willtring. HS:lt s fcreasing veryrapidly Justfveyea|s SwssminsiershavebeentoChfa noneyeal agothercwashadly anyinvestmenl lntoSwi! D plomatic rclations arealsostrcng. L€slyeaf whch is signlcanl slnceourcabnelhasoi y zerland frcmChinabulnowlheleafearound we celebrated 60 yearssincelhe estabsh-

_:s1ng cusromer demands Pharnlaccutical conpanlesarc atso 'trdingChinaa, increasingly welcoming .rtonbothin rerhsof thehugenarkeL : iicrtlal and the tesourccsavailablc tbr ::.arch, thanksin parrro rhe goveDmcnt , o .n s whic h hav e bc e n g ra d u a tl l , :.S)nglh. healthcarcsccrorsiucc2009 . !s \o var t is has bc c o m eo n e o f rh e i : h rg h plof ile s uc c c s s to ri e si n th i s : it lowing a dealbrokeledinlatc2009 .i n rw o newr es eaf ch c e n tre isn c h i n a _ rn i nv . s t m entof US D t.2 5 b ! s h a re d :e n t hc n Changhs ! a n d S h a n g h a i

centfcs. Thecon!ary continucs to kee! about rhc j' sdcvcl opnent and aDcyeopentor licsh opportunldes. and R oche' s i ui ure i n C hi na, and ear lier i! March2011,NovarrlsboughtDn85 i r 20l l Ffanz H umef. rhe cor pany's

p e rc c D rs L a k e i D pri v.te v)cci ncconpany Chrirman, predlcted rhat China would Zhciiarg Tianl,uan. aining io a becohe onc of i ts rop three r elenue m a fk c tl e a d eri ! C hi nesevacci nes. producers by 2015, a l foi .cri on t lar R o c h e , a n othcr S w i ss l cader i n represetrrsa si gni fi cant srcp u p f r o p h a rm a c e u ti cal s,l s repori i ng C hi na rbei r 2010 anal ysi s:l ast year C hina was fc v c n u e s o r ovcl U S D l bn arnual l ). !redictcd to be.oh e rhcir renih ro! source accordlngto repofts fi.omChimBio. Ihis ol revcnueb] 2015. succ.ssls encoufagingfu,rhcf investhenr StleaIs and recruitment drves in China, wherc Creallye S w l tzerl and i s renow ncd for der dilthc comlany has low beenacrivefor ovcf l 5 y c a f. E xecuti vesa.e vcry posj ti vc otrentated and preci scl y cors r r ucr ed

OFSELF A SENSE preclslon, ano accuracy, cultureemphasises Swissbusiness in Chlnaexplainhow ThreeSwisscompanies aboveall,quality. theirdeveopment hassupported thisstrongsenseof identity here. andachievements


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r le- . 1! r r i. : 3en. r l i l r r l s n i. lr : ! ' . r is l: i. r ' r 0 r i i r s a Sf , nr lr ' a! r s e. -r,i rr f r r ir r ! r L! p. : : . lt r L: r l r . ; . onf ar , . s 5 L r . i . l l ' riai 1 | a i C.n ir ru s r . 5r ' r r r t i ah ia , i : r l : t r : r 0f - { L r - . : r : s an. : . 10. I iir! n . rt: rp lr ' . iL. rs '! .ir: rr in! r--ilLre ;su .lr , r s t!Lr r : r ' l . Lr 3' ir : r t s CONTACT m anagem ent ) s ni rse e ctiveinte rna Uonal r:rli r FAl,i:rnio n 2' : r l FLTnRr . d z lllll3lSh. r r lr ia , .r.'3 .|-q!1 91 3 F + a IIalTrl1,1 t9 ,1..!s l| b 7 I r.

FEATURE CO PUBLISHED Chrisioph Gr63bach,Managing DircctorJANSEN ft ia,s€€sSwisscharact.risiics atthe heartoltheir3uc6ess,


llhat arethesteigthslha!youassociate wiih a Swiss

& JAArsEn' iii$I;ff:::j#jJ,fi 1ifi":l

lor morelhan50yea€. developing andproducng sleelp.ofiesystems leader Today JANSEN islhemarket inEurc,p€. Thehishleveloiin!€stment in employee nfEslructurc asre I aslhepioxlmily trainlng anda modem prcvide poducts al l0 lhecuslonrerc andsolulions plces.ln2008JANSEN iehed a Compelence Cenler in compelilive estab seftcesinChlna. Shanghai 1opovidenroehigh-qualily CONTACT JANSE}I Competonco Conlor 111Shen NanRoadXinzhuang Induslry Pa*,201108 Shanghal I +862133508700 rnlo@iansenchina,cn

Lenzlinger AccessFlools

thalcomes wllhthe Swss CG:There s a cedanstereolype abe Swss'means hghquailycear precise andhiglr-lech al l hecharacl erstcsyoudbi i youw n9up eredescr bn9an

maknqy€s, Onlhs occason lheslereolype s lru€inwatch lyou bulnolhernduslesloofs mporlanltoundemlandihat wanltoundersland inbusness Forexampe, n conslruclon, Swiss success ovelseas. produces praclices Swilzerand busness valuesand thattocus onthedelais andlaslngre$ Is jusl kelhecchdd becom ngmore wdelyknowo SwsswalchmakerThals n China, where Europ€ much respected repulalon n asa whoehasa wel.iustied, ths sectorevenn compar sonwlholherdevelopen economies andtheLISmarkel w hchs oi ten hel d upasa beacon nchnaw hereU sstyl eLE EDcer llcalionsand liowaretheseslEngths illustEt€d byyourachievenenls andInterm ofyour greatprciects CGrWevelaken onsome n Chinancudn9theNatona Sladum n ympcsn 2008, p anlslorvaious larg€ Belingiorlhe0 offcebuldngsandiabricaiion government ca.manuiaclureG bud ngsandemba$es n Beingaswel n h slorca g ouspivalelrous ng buldirgsn Shaigha, museums acro$thecountry andprest Thequatyresults speaklorlhemse v€s supportour Theiaclllralw were asked lobeinvo Ed asosho{showlhese sl€ngths ig lhnkthals a panicu achievement because t €pulalion andbrand arlyremadable shorcthallhese clienls iu y undersland whalweareofierng noteveryon€ embGces theideaoflnvestng nqualily nthisma {ellhoughthalsslanngbchafgewtherperencell takesI meforc entslolLilyappreciate thelonglerm relumonlher nveslmenl

Chiel ReFresent.tiv€ at LenzlingerAccessFlools Shaighaiofiice, Heinz D'Ar6i6, isveryawareof$€nuniquesellingpotnisa6a Swbsbusiness,

Howdo*thismarlclperceiveSwi$sirenqihsin business? HD:The irstlhin9lhalcomes up n myexperence s lhevatue ollheSwiss approach Swiss expertise andSwssslaidards perceives issleadily fow€ver, thewaylhalthemarkel llrisvalue changinghave seensomepeop€ equatigS{ ssvauewilh plainands nowlheyiesla(ngtobetlerapprec expense, mpler gredwonh alewhyourproducls andsetuceshave


rAn" a..a.q Fr.nrc i

swss-based I5 Lenzllngeril",r,'.,,","r""""' 1,""" .o t"*'"

AccessFloors access to undedoor instafialion, sulabe for prcducls offceareasdalaconlrcsandolh€r lechnical faciiuos.Lenzlinger quallyslandads meethighesl forwriousapploalions anda€ suitable andthecompaiyofie.soflhe*helves inslallalions aswellascustomised soulions andexcellenl coosu lancy.

cot{TAcT: Lenzllnger Son3Ltd., Suite Yuyuan Road 168/172, 2905, Shanghai200040 I: +862162499527 shanghai@lenzlingerch a growing appreciation oiwhaiourc ienlsreceive ior qualtyn products thenmoneyassured andservceilhere areotsoforgan satons whohave hadposil veexpeences after lheytookthedecisioolo nvesl, andplenty ot othere whodid iol want lomakelhatinvestment have come lor€grct thecheapoplion. There!al somorcdemandl ofgl ermsoul or onsnthemarkel andt t oday halshep nglheprcgresson thatc ients ollhs grcwing apprec alionollei n Chinal'velound y wanted wercnolsurelhallheyrea d paylesslor a longtem souton-solheywou nglhalsinpywould.laslverylongAdevelop ngeconomy andtheprospect someth qualily, ol longlermgmwths making asling solulions moreuselulasmore betler compan esand lherproieclsareherclo slay Howimportanl isyourSwissidentityas a companyin China?

H D l:l sverympoanl .l hsdedcal onl oquai l yandrel l y i nsencesandpr abi od uclsThosearethedealslhalkeepuslocussedoncrealiigsomelhingvaiuab kindolcofrprcmise cl€nlwlhoulcutling cornere, wlhoutaiy Webeevelhatls lhesevauesandcharaclerslcs lhalmake usd fieGnlfrohthe resl.ThalSw$ denttyopeisdoo6iorus




SVJItZEHtAilfr"-, GlreandTa[e

>>> machincricsand technologles,and'Swiss' and rts convcni enrl ocarl o n,m aking i: has bccone a by-wold for quality when a !orcnti al gai ew ayl nto Eur ope. Tha: Al th o u g h FD I from C hi tra i nto coffumers cons'de. purchaang a watch allows slollr such as Alibata which S{irzerland hasbeen slow to ger started, ora pocket-knife But com!anics worklng chose Switzerland as the launch pad fo: is steady.Thefc are around 50 in this lield do no! want rhe; offeting lrogress operations ln Europe to rcach out to Chinesecompanleswith a Swisspreserce, ro be limited by tradjtion other E uropeannarkets. and many of theh a.e amotrg China's p rcconc epr r ons . a n d c o n v c n ti o n a l bcst known businesssuccessstories. wo.lmanship ls now conbincd wirh a C h i D a ' s grow i ng experti sc i n green strong emphasison f.esh dcsign A l i hough many cohpan ies of f er a tc c h n o l ogi es have provi ded sone posiivepe6pectlle on Slno-Swissbusine$ That is especiallysignificantwhen tbese o !p o rtu n l !i es for outbound i nvestors. relatiors now and in the nearfuture, rher are aimed arthc fashion,focursed !roducts Surtech Powe., thc world's rhidlargesr are also tealistic, and acknowledgethai luxury segtre.t, a mafkci rhat continues solar company and largcst producer of rhereare practical challengesto bc faced to g row in Chit r a, a n d th a r M c K i n s e y cf vstalline silicon !hotovolraic modules, Thesechallenges predicts will account for around 20 per are i.onically often the row has a representatrveoffice in the resul t of the conpani es' achievem ent s cent of global luxury salcsbv 2015. norrher city of Schalnrausen. and ambltion in Chinar maintaining thar On e S lno- S wis s io i n t v e n ru i e , th e Cohmunications havc bâ‚Źcomeanorher levelof success,ortuilding o! it rhrough re ce nt ly r e- openedSw a rc h A rr Pe a c e h o t e x p o rt. C hi ncsc communi cari ons expansion,can be tough. Ho te l, illus t f ar est hi s d e v e l o p fte n t i n systemshave bfanchcd out into various In S w i ssC han and C E IBS's r cccnr Shangbai.Swisswristwatchandjewellefy Europeanmarkcts,and now Huawei and survey,B usi tress S cnri mentSur vey2011. conglomerateS{atch croup basbolsrefed Z T E, tw o C hi ncsetel ecommuni cadonsthe hart concefn cxpress cdby SN$s lc China p.esencely collaboratingon rhe c o trp a n i es at the rop of the gl obal businessesin China is findins and keeping re-openingof ihe historic Pea.e Hotel's .anklngr, have officcs in Bern. human resou.ccs. Of thc com panics So u tb B ujlding ot r r h e Bu n d . T h e h o te l T h e C h i nesegi ants are al so maki ng surveyed,43 pcf ccnt stal edt hat labour has been .enovatcd in parrnerslip with tbe hotel group Jin Jiang Intefnarional, then presencefclt, with key playerssuch was the main challcnge. and combincs a long ttadition and well a s S i n o pecsti i ki ng hi gh' profi l e dcal s. For R cnc Forster of SwlssCham establishcdreputarlo, wirh luxufy and SinopcclcveiaSeda USD7.2tn takeover Guangzhou. the problems lie l! labour updated dcsign. The horel now includes o f A d d a x i n 2009,gi vi ng i t acccssto oj l su!ply: "Today,everybodyisconplainlng n o t only s uit es ,bur a l s o a rri s r s tu d i o s re s c rv c si n Gabon, N l geri a and l raql atoui thc difliculry of findlng sullabl. and resrdcnccs.and boutlques fcaturi.g K u fd i s ta n; thi s w as C hl na' s l afgesr l atouf fof rhci r l acrol i es,and yes, lr 's Sw a tc h and it s hig h e L e n d d a u g h tc r outbound investmert in fossil fucls. true that mi ni mum w ages,decidedbv b.ands Bfcguer, Blancpain and Onega. S w i tz c f l and i s provi ng an aftfactl ve local govcrnment,are baslcall)increasing o p ti o n l br these compan;esthanks to I0 20 per cenr every year. Tlis f r ighr i ts rc l u i adon i n fi nance and busi ners, bc a i eal probl eh for l abo ur int ensive factori es,brt to be abl e to keep your labour, you have to pay well above the given mlnlmum wage," he says.

Glmllenging cnange

Thi s i s a rrend that i s by no neant l i mi ted to the manufactuf ing sect or UBS\ Li agrees:'A challcrgc that mosr financial lnstitutions ircluding UBS ha!e beenfacing is rhat rhcrc is onty a limitcd tal entl ool i n C hi na."

Wislr YouWeleHGlc?

The SwalchArl Pea6eHotelprovldesjusr one exampteota Swissbrand,sassociarion with qualilyand luxuryin the Chinamarkel, 5g

Consu1GeneralHeinrjch! optimlstic about the futufe fof Chtua anc Switzerland'spafmenhi! "lt h bound n contjnue its rapid devclolmcrt Chira ii a drnaftic destiradon for invcsiors,an. Swisscohpanies afc cagcrro do businc!. here.The Swissgovcrnmcntis focussir: on fu.the. decpcni ngrcl a t ions , ar i the .eceDtstaft of ficc irade agrecmc.:


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Ktuwerbusiness a WoLt€rs

RegulatorylJpdate in Shanghai enterprises invested foreign afiecting Newlegalandtaxdevel0pments Providedby CCHChina

the on Promoting Severa/ opinions rcleased lnclustry of theDigitalPublishing Developnent vanous in Shanghai Ppini'ns)lo encoulage indigilapub- Shanghai a]capitalinvestmenl olsoc Bureau [Des locallaxation ol colleclion allocates Shanghai ihedigitapublishingreleases idhing andengagementln o, ,ssres /4rtouncemetl deedtax lea0lng businessThe0plnionsenc0ufages M I anagenent i ng Co I e clion C once m gov_ domeslic municlpa enterpseslo be 2011 digtal publishing 0n 25March , theShanghai fax Deed ot Actvelysupporln reg' emmentissuedCjrcularon /ssuesCorcernlng siationed in Shanghai. LocalTaxa_ andother On30l\,larch ofDeedTaxinShanghai stration business opemtons 2011,theShangha Atbcatingthe Colleclian stafting on/ssues 1Apr12011, aspecls domeslc llonBureau thatlrcm to leading ,4,lnourcemenl onthedecjsion willbe provided rceased /Ci,crlar), irorn digilalpublishing lher Conceming af DeedTa,lAn' thallransfer thecoleclionofdeedtaxw ll betransfeffed enietptses Lew Managenenl wilh headquarters authorities, ments tolocaltax toShanghai. whichtooleffeclon1Aprl2011 iinanclaldepa nouncemen, oT TheOplnions beng n charge clionfordeed coLlecuon varouslocataxaulhoities iurisd digital andincludesthe thatit suppotls slipulates Incharge for tax authorties deedtax collecling tax, and deadlines pubishing to makeknownnatDnal enteprises taxes, handle taxpaye|s'deed to lechnology andadvanced hiqh-tech enterprises AdninislntivePrcvisions Iot guidance providlng andhep TheAnnouncement lhatif thehousng clarfies enterpises, se.-rvice prices bytaxpay_ PubIicalionMa*et Released of keydigitapublishingandlandtransacllon declared for the idenllication plces lsl. The markel €commended lower ihan listed in th€ sign icantly enterprises els are of lheGene€lAdminislElion On25lllarch2011 lhal have la{ authorilies for eniepnses eason the Income Tax e Enierprise wilhoulanyluslifab of (GAPP)andthe fi4inislry ication and Pub Press accorong hiqh-tech enterprisesn charge taxprices asnaUonal shoud appraise ([4OFCOI\,|) Adninislrative beenidentilied released Commerce lhe Announcement 15 cenl. In addit on, (Ptovisions) lo wilbe educed tothepovisions Ma*et Per fot Publicatian Provis:rcns n0nlnheritrng ihaiforindividuals alsostipulates and whichiookefiectonthedaleoi issuanc-", housrng inheritng Se/Yic€ and unils releases dentialhousing M0fC0M res nclud_ and45arlicles, conslsls oiive chapt€B should in charge andland,thetaxauthorities distributionRegulations ofpubicalion onthitd-Patu inolheestabishment In the spol issues on handle the re evanl iax publication of un-tsaswel aslhernanagement E-Con n ercefn ding Platloms theil havesubmitted caseswherelaxpayers andpenallies. activities d stribution oi Commerceclaimmatera On 12Apil 2011,the Ministfy s completely. unilsorindividuals(MOFCo[4) clariiiesthat ThePrcvisions on Regu/ations reeasedService business f hhd-party disfibullon lnthepublication engaged Plalfoms SAIReleases Trcding E-Canmerce on Announcenent va nformalon networks suchas theintemel (Reg!/ationsJ, and of ninechaplers consisting Ihe Conceming ln 32adlces, Llcenses Business Publication sholldobtain and Sevenllssues responsibilities whchdanfyihe lncone ol Enlerytise investedprctectthe Managenenl ioreign wilhtheProvisionsi accordance inte€sts oiallparliesdurngtansac_ go in' thfough iorcign ses need to Entetq also enteDrises of faxlot llon-nesidenl establshment namely lionsin liveaspects, prccedures according lo ihe p atiorms apprcval vestment websile code of conducl, andbasic of Taxallon theStateAdministlalon Recenilv, prcvisons. Inaddition, thePrcvisionsoperator relevant opera_ {SAT)ieleasedAnnouncenent forplatfom managementguide on Several for internal tols,reasonable a so pointsoutlhatpublicalions prolection and lssuesConceming forconsumers, af Enter' the Management publcly, coodinating dlshibution shoud notbedisseminated of felated service pise lnconefax for Non-Resr'dert thesupervision E terpr"ises for providers displayed, exhbitedor sold Publications andoth€rs. whichtookeffecton 1 April lArnorncemerl) wthin canonlybedislribuled iniernal distribuUor sixaspects includes if platform op- i011.TheAnnouncement that Reg! atons rcquesls The andmustnot industryorunitforf€e, thesystem, trcatment0l as lhe tax such solving in a website opemtionsoiprcblem orindividual eralorsareengaged byanyoqanisalion beissued leases oi linance fees,taxtreatment al lhe samellme quarantee busnesson theirpla$orm of and taxation sefiices and ;nd realeslalerenlalincome, ther platform sepaGte theyshould lhe Promoling Shanghai: andsoon. transfel income this userights andpublicise business websteoperations 0l th€digitalpublishingonthelrthd-tadytrading devel0pment platfoms. non-resdent to theAnnouicement, According industry guafantee lees thathaveobtained enteprlses and govemment should calculate municipal neseterritory the Shanghai nlhe Ch Recenuy, with



News Tax& Finance


nLisr,rrss REn'!l\!

LAW & IAX payenteprsencome tax(ET)ontheinleresl CIRC eases reviseslertatiyeProyisiors TheCircular thetmelimtforinilatng Income based onthelaxraten lheEnlerpriseonManagenent the eslablshmentofcompan esfrommorethan ol lnswance Asset ncome TaxLawfuloreover llreAnnouncement e ghlyearstonrofethanlve yearsoi engaging Managenent Conpanies alsostipLlaies thatresdenlenlefprrses wlthin rn the nsurance busness [4eanwhie lhe theChifeseterritory theChina lnsutance shoud distribute RegulaloryComequly Recently, C rcuar ncreases thefundng requiremefls gans suchas d vidends nveslment andbo m ssion(CRC)reeasedCicrlaf on /ssres of lhe niUalofs andaddsrcslrctons on the nuses Revising t0non-resident "Tenlative Provisians enlerprises ihathavenoi Regarding on solvency whch t revises to readsolvency estabshedlnstilutions af lnsurance of locatonsn China Managenent AssetManagenentmuslnotbelesslhanl50percenl lotaassels (Circulat). andwthhodand A.catdn0lolheC rcular. nol lessthanRnrbll)bn, rcmtET onthedalethaithev Conpanies andtola assetsof lhe rnrnmumregsteredcaplalof nsurance nsufance decide onprcftdistrbulon. group (hodngs)company nol ess asselfnanagemeftcompanies hasbeenrased thanRmblsbn $n fromRmb3om lo Rnrb100m.


TheViewOffshore taxdeveloPments Newoverseas Trust(HongKong)Ltd Providedby Sov€reign 2006 in Decernber the lRS Failurcto parliament,

dircctlyio India IJStaxpayers goalterHSBC UStaxauthorities a requlremenl'Thelaunchof lhis consulialon on thedrafl willIesultln lnformallon dtsclose

fileda petition onnon-llSfnancialintermediades towithho!d leoislation of Jusijce TheLJSDepartrnent is an impollsntsteptowaldsthe onTAprll a 30%taxonljs_source law' inSanFrancisco, income' inloGuemsey w[hafeder;lcourt oifoundations rn;oduction servlce Revenue lniernal ofGu€rnsey chiefexecutlve 2011,io allowthe said.PetelNiven, _Jonn uoe ln lheletter,SenetawarnstheUSauthoril€s agencyl0r tne promotional llRS)to seftewhatLsknownasa Lhe Frnance wl0eare lo0 tequiremenls thatFATCAS on HsBcBankUSA ;ummons industry' Ilnance lsland's ranqinqandwlll havea severelmpactonoblain to 0l .The summons of costs Doe in will provjde John teTms a lndusiry ol ioundations TheIRSuses rheEIJ{inanclal inhoduction lat flaudbypeopE compliance meeltne to in cases-01-n0nabouipossible praclilioners rnformauon andpenaliies toollor another the lfapproved $e nal rAluAs unknown poinled ofi we erpecl parllcular' ideniltiesare also . He ln whose clients comolrance needsof produce USAIo $ales, HSBC member woulddirect withEU summons rnayconllict foundationsiructurewlllbeattlaciivet0c!le Drovislons accounls inlernal and. laws,whichl0rDl0 basedrncivLllawjunsdictlons In Europo UStarpaverswilh identifying records dataprotection 0y belreveo 0r ale aboul who pelsonal data ol mafte$ nany emerglng India, pass in the HSBC sensiiive at banksto alsofudherafEld iheiraccoun$ individuals me wnere havehidden countlLes ca Ame Latin io cedainnon_EU thegovernmentto and Russia China, lhanin common fromthelRs. s lessfamiliar truslconcept new ol delails andlhe announces US, suchasthe Canada lawcountries filed with the France to docum€nis According reglme lax In weallh lJK,"hesaid. agrandlury petilion,In January oovernmenls announced' Baroin charcrng Fran(ols Dahake N4rnisler Vaibhav Budqel indLcled i,iewJersev morcGounlfles seven had 0ECD assesses thelJSbyusing on i2 April2011lhaithegovernment lo delraud hrmwiihc;nsorlacv werlm lol taxtransParency s annua! France notto aboLlsh decided udeclaredaccounlsinlheBriushVirginlslands (rsr) TheOECDsGlobalForunr lonune surla on Transperency laxes solLdarit6 de income 'limp6t evade to tax andat HSBCIndia 0l publlsheo' ilanche first the 0I Information ellmlnaie Tax to of emdoyees bul outnghi documents, Erchange and lo those Accotdinq peer country the Iates futther in operating thetaxandto lowerils anditsafiiliatps on 14April2011,seven Ho]drngs HSBC marntalneo lhalaccounls Dahake USassured laxwlllberaised Thesbrlinolhresholdforihe rnlndrawouldnotberepoedt0 thelt(s €nd Forlamil]€s Aruba,TheBahamas, 3rn Estonia lo EUR1 Eelgium, 000 fmmEUF800 Io imposed 1 tesls taxwillbe 'Phase level' offices that those above undergoinq wilhasseis Ghanawere AlthouqhHSBCIndiaclosed exceeo preparedness assels that at 0.25oercenla year'WheTe alleges theirlegalandrequlatory thegovernment evaluale LnJun;2010, ano 0 5 percent for tar Informalion lo Canada ruiewillrise accounts the exchange lheir meuro, access EIJR3 sllll mav NRIclients an 55 and wln 0 between I chech vary tne Phase to a ratescurrcnlly comblned Exrstinq Germanv at HSBCIndiafromtheUS According pracnce In lHs lold implemenlation have per therr cent. of NRlclients 1.8 assessmenl documents, oetition In me 2 tesf" lhalNRIrepresenlatlves - ihe"Phase leven!e lnvestlqators ir0m EUR900m changeswillcut These invesl could lhey lhat lhe clienls ls TheOECD USas;ured lall,lhe govelnmenl hassofarpublished GlobalForum payrng u5 To makeup the sho aLHSBCInd€withoul Inaccounls taxeson inielMnces roporlson 25 ot ils membersAnolh€rJ5 proposrng increase lo ontheaccoun6 laxoninterestearned lorne income an e levy reviews byNovember andimpose ElJR4m wlllbecompleted the Income oreaLerihan report nol andthalHSBCwould on Germany' m atCannes ;n taxexilesmodelled G20Summlt on the HSBCIndiaaccolnisto lhe -Aarned be amenoeo to is also giittar regime France's IRS. Giftsmadeby parenlswllhinten years0I to theirdeathwillin iuturcbe liableto tax;me complains Commission EuroDean reqritements e*empiperlodis si{ yearsllloJeover' FATCA current tls over EUK4m ab0ve taxralesforesletes Semeta' rnherltance Algirdas taxcommissioner' EuroDean 5 bY Percent. 0n willbeincreased provisions ifilposed ihedisclosure criticised Accounl Foleign US by ihe banks Eurcoean onnew consulls ina l€ttersentt0 Guernscy Act(FACTA) Taxiompliance Law and Fourdations Geilhnet Tirnothy Secretary IJSTreasury launched qovernment ol Guernsey ServiceCommlssLonelDoug The lnt€rnalRevenue ilsdrall on a consullailon 2011, liAplrl 2011. on 6 APil on Shulman 0l IIUsI revlew A (Guemsey)Law in Juno2010,ioreign Foundalions enacied ploposalslor UnderFATCA, incllded an0 Lawin Glemsey,which Instit!lonswithlJScuslomers financial wasapproveo ol foundallons, theintrodtlction substantlal wiih entiLies foreiqnnonJlnanclal the islands of Guefnsey, States lhe by legardlng infonation ti So;nersmusldEclose sri,\Niil{{r tsus!\F-ssrFf,{E\l -'{:i


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