The Alestle Back to School Survival Guide Vol. 74 No. 1

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The Alestle Presents

thursday, 08.20.20

The Student Voice Since 1960

vol. 74 no.1


| cover art by Jordyn Nimmer / The Alestle

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From nation to nation: Table oF conTents 3


Icymi (in case you missed it) NEWS

4 Housing changes & hacks 5 how to be a good roommate 6 cooking in residence halls 7 active living 8 icymi: sports over the summer 9 cougar athletes to watch


10 & 11 12 & 13campus map 14 Parking on campus

dining on campus


air getting

hot spots: no matter what nation you fit into

getting social remotely


20 21 & 22 23 T H E

staff sound off: what we wish we knew our first year at siue

how to make the most of learning remotely

all you need to know: campus resources

alestle MADISON LAMMERT editor-in-chief JENNIFER GOECKNER managing editor JORDYN NIMMER lifestyles editor MACKENZIE SMITH multimedia editor


Have a comment? Let us know! Campus Box 1167 Edwardsville, IL. 62026-1167

The name Alestle is an acronym derived from the names of the three campus locations of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville: Alton, East St. Louis and Edwardsville. The Alestle is published on Thursdays in print and on Tuesdays online during the fall and spring semesters. A print edition is available every other Wednesday during summer semesters. For more information, call 618-650-3528. For advertising, email

a letter from the editor ... In the midst of the uncertainty, The Alestle is here to serve you. A big welcome back to returning students, faculty and staff, and a big welcome to those just beginning their time at SIUE! My name is Madison Lammert, and I am the editor-in-chief of The Alestle, SIUE’s student-run campus news source. We not only cover events and topics concerning the Edwardsville campus, but also those concerning our East St. Louis and Alton campuses. In fact, our name (pronounced Ah-les-tule) is an acronym of the three campuses. While our coverage area extends across all three SIUE campuses, and within each location’s respective communities, our office is located on the Edwardsville campus. We recently moved from the upstairs of the Morris University Center to the lower level near our campus pizza option. You’ll often see our staffers around campus covering events, meetings and interviewing students. Even though we are university employees, we do not work for the school. Our goal is to serve you, a member of our larger campus community, by providing the information you need to know, the information you want to know and the information you want others to know. In order to truly live up to our slogan, “the student voice,” we keep our inboxes, and our literal office door, open to students, faculty, staff and even parents. As those familiar with The Alestle will know, we often list our emails and Twitter handles at the end of our articles. Our emails are also available on alestlelive. com. Let us know how we can best serve you, especially in these chaotic times. Hopefully, this special edition of The Alestle which you are holding in your hands right now, or viewing online, will be of great help. We are all navigating many changes this semester as we are still learning to live through a pandemic, and for us students, college sans pandemic is one hell of

In order to get the most out of the SIUE experience, it’s important to know the key players. Here’s a quick rundown of what each position does. BONUS: Admin and SG president address students at

Randy Pembrook, chancellor

15 around e’ville


who to know:

a ride itself. Hopefully, this Back to School Survival Guide not only helps you to know what to expect this semester, but also gives you some advice on how to handle roommates, academic challenges, socializing and more. Even though this guide is pretty extensive (our average issues are eight to 12 pages), I understand you may still have questions. In fact, I expect that we were not able to answer everything. Let me or another staffer know what you need further clarification on and we will work to get you an answer — whether it’s in the form of a personal message or a new article. Hopefully, we can share some wisdom as helpful as the advice Uncle Iroh gives. That leads me to discuss this year’s theme. When the idea to base our BSSG off of Avatar: The Last Airbender came up in one of our staff meetings, I was a little concerned, as I had never seen the show. But, as staffers (particularly our wonderful graphics manager, Summer) patiently explained the show’s inner workings to me, it quickly became apparent we could not have picked a better theme for this year. Not only is the show visually appealing, ensuring we would have quality design, it is chocked full of character development (which, it would be a total waste of college not to walk away in some form different from how you began). It tackles themes of love, loss and friendship, as well as gives lessons on becoming one’s best self, all while characters are thrust into challenging circumstances. Life as we know it is full of trials and tribulations, but, through self-reflection and guidance from our support systems, we can make it through. So, let The Alestle help guide you to the support you need. Believe me, I know way more about this university than I ever could have without working here. We might know how to help, and if not, we will work to get you the answers you seek. You’re never alone. MADISON LAMMERT editor-in-chief

Pembrook is the ninth chancellor in SIUE’s history. He assumed the role in 2016 and has continued serving the SIUE community ever since. Each year, the Office of the Chancellor creates an annual report which covers each school as well as other important topics like diversity and inclusion. Pembrook spearheads the Chancellor’s Council, and is at the very top of the university leadership chain.

Denise Cobb, provost

As provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, Cobb serves as the chief academic officer of the university. Her office helps guide curriculum changes, new program developments, academic policies and other such areas of concern. Faculty hiring and retention is another large part of Cobb’s role on campus. She welcomes students to reach out regarding their academic experiences.

Jeffrey Waple, vice chancellor for student affairs

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is all about students. The office supports students by providing activities to enhance the student experience, as well as resources such as ACCESS, Campus Recreation, the Career Development Center, Kimmel Involvement Center, Health Service, University Housing, the SIUE Experience Program and much, much more. At the center of it all: Student Affairs is helping students to achieve their full potential, according to Waple.

Rich Walker, vice chancellor for administration According to Walker, the Vice Chancellor for Administration team takes care of all of the “behind-the-scenes services necessary to keep the university functioning.” Not only does Walker handle operations at our Edwardsville campus, he and his team also work to keep the Alton and East St. Louis campuses up and running as well. Walker works with a variety of departments, including Financial Affairs, Parking Services, SIUE Police Department, Facilities Management and Human Resources.

Maddie Walters, student body president

Student Government is one of the main resources on campus for students. Its 22 senators represent different colleges and schools on campus (such as the School of Business and College of Arts and Sciences), as well as both graduate and undergraduate students. Biweekly senate meetings allow students to voice their opinions on campus issues. As student body president, Walters oversees the executive board and daily operations of the Student Government office. While she understands not all students are on campus this year, she still stresses the importance of all students engaging with Student Government as well as finding ways to get involved at SIUE.

thursday, 08.20. 20

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT SIU gains new system vice president NICOLE BOYD copy editor

The role of SIU System Vice President for Academic Innovation, Planning and Partnerships has expanded since Gireesh Gupchup assumed the position over the summer, on July 9. SIU System President Dan Mahony said one of Gupchup’s primary responsibilities will be to develop a system-wide strategic plan. “He’ll step in and really take a lead role in helping us move from where we are today to having a system-wide strategic plan done by the end of the fall semester,” Mahony said. Mahony said Gupchup will also be tasked with finding new opportunities for the SIU system, which was not asked of former vice presidents. “We’re also asking the vice president to do more to find new opportunities for the system, including outreach to potential system partners, and that still involves working with the campuses, so he’ll have to be collaborative,” Mahony said.

Jim Allen, former acting vice president of the SIU system, said the job’s emphasis will be less on academic affairs and more on finding other ways of supporting the campuses, since the campuses are equipped to make their own decisions about academic affairs. “Much of the work that this office is doing could actually be assumed a bit more by the campuses, freeing up someone to do other work like planning and partnerships,” Allen said. Gupchup said he plans to share more information with Academic Affairs and between campuses in the hope of promoting “systemness,” or a sense of SIUE and SIUC being interconnected. Some of this sense of system unity has been missing in recent years due to tensions over the system funding allocation. “If all the campuses can come together and find a common ‘why,’ that’s really what we call ‘systemness.’ You find those commonalities and then you can implement those [and] the common ‘why’ in different ways on different campuses,” Gupchup said. “Because we’re different

campuses, and that’s the strength of a system, but coming together on the common ‘why,’ you’re going to get a much stronger solution.” Gupchup served as the dean of the SIUE School of Pharmacy from 2010 to 2018. Gupchup previously served as the school’s first associate dean after it was founded in 2003. Experience in the School of Pharmacy shaped his vision for the system, as he recalls the entire system coming together to make the pharmacy school successful. “SIUE helped a great deal, the system helped with the legislative issues, and we got a lot of help from Carbondale with courses. We were able to look at courses at Carbondale where students could take a pre-pharmacy curriculum there. So, the entire system came together to help and that has always stuck with me, that the system has the capability to collaborate,” Gupchup said. To learn more about Gupchp and the role of Vice President for Academic Innovation, Planning and Partnerships, visit the SIU system website.

“More than not racist, anti-racist”: How the SIUE community has stepped up this summer GABRIEL BRADY reporter

Many events throughout the summer have placed race relations at the forefront of many Americans’ minds. Here’s what the SIUE community is doing on and off campus to create change:

New diversity and inclusion position added One such change was creating the position of Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion. Courtney Boddie, who also serves as director of Counseling Services, stepped into this role on July 27. Boddie said his new role is to make sure the university is actively committed to being anti-racist, and taking steps to combat institutionalized racism. “I would say that for an institution to be anti-racist is a profound task and amazingly difficult,” Boddie said. “The efforts so far have all the potential to create an institution that is more welcoming, and appropriate for a diverse range of students and faculty alike.”

Campus organizations There are many organizations on campus that, according to Boddie, share that common goal. On June 12, SIU System President Dan Mahony created the Anti-Racism Task Force. The group was created through conversations between Mahony, Interim Assistant Provost for Academic Equity and Inclusive Excellence Jessica Harris and Director of the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion Lindy Wagner. An email was sent to the SIUE community, explaining the plans for the task force. “We have heard the pain and frustration among our students, staff and faculty. Emails and town halls will not be enough. Action and urgency are essential,” the email said. The task force plans on working with established groups on campus— like the University Diversity Council— and on its own to achieve change. Boddie is a member of both of these groups, and he said they are both helping SIUE move toward change, but there has also been help from Mahony. Boddie said Mahony is willing

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to enact change, and having such a system president is very helpful. “To an extent, I was in the creation of [the task force], but it was Dr. Jessica Harris’s idea. Alternatively, the council was around for a while, but it was new to the SIU system. Many of these efforts are aligning now,” Boddie said. “We have a new system president who wants to change things. To have a system president that values the lived experience and climate specifically for Black members of the SIU system is great, especially in my new position. Having worked at a number of institutions, it makes me pleased that that’s how his membership is starting.” Director of Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination Jamie Ball said she also felt administration has made a real effort to enact change. She has been asked to co-chair one of the subcommittees — along with Associate Professor Gertrude Pannirselvam of the School of Business — on the Anti-Racism Task Force. “[Gertrude Pannirselvam] and I are the co-chairs of the Faculty and Staff Issues subcommittee. So our subcommittee looks at things like retention, promotions, hiring and how the needs of our community intersect with our work towards being anti-racist on campus,” Ball said. “Chancellor Pembrook asked me to co-chair, and I was honored.”

Off-campus activism SIUE community members are also working toward change off of campus as well, like Assistant Professor Ezra Temko of the Department of Sociology, who has been helping lead a recent movement to relocate a statue Edwardsville’s namesake, Ninian Edwards, and rename the plaza where it resides. Although he was governor of a free state, Edwards tried to further slavery. Edwards also allowed attacks on Indeginous people while he was governor. A Facebook group dedicated to getting the statue removed states that its members support this cause due to Edwards’ actions against these groups. “The big thing is we don’t want to put [Edwards] up on a pedestal in the center of town. When you choose to honor and revere a person who sought to further slavery and tried to remove Indigenous people, it sends a message,” Temko said. “We

don’t want to tear down the statue. We’re looking to relocate it and help acknowledge the terrible history behind Edwards.” The movement started just this year, but it has gained a large following. According to Temko, there are many members of the SIUE community in the movement, and there is plenty of room for more cooperation in the future. “Our group’s leader is Asher Denkyirah, a grad student at SIUE in the MBA Program, and there are professors in the history department that are involved, as well as art history professors that specialize in the preservation of monuments,” Temko said. “A lot of the members of SIUE have gotten involved, but I’m looking forward to more formal involvement from groups at SIUE in the future.” Asher Denkyirah is a graduate student in business administration-management from Glen Carbon, Illinois. Denkyirah said she wouldn’t consider herself to be the leader of the group trying to get the statue removed, but she’s happy to help. “I stepped in when [the previous leader] stepped down for personal reasons. My position now is to lead the group in ways to be productive and have people run things by me first,” Denkyirah said. “I don’t technically consider myself the leader of the group, just because it’s really been a space for free ideas and such. I’m a graduate student, so I can’t devote my time 100 percent to the movement, but I’m trying to be as involved as possible.”

Working toward a common goal Although most of these organizations have begun work recently, Boddie said he expects to see more connections form between the groups. “We all have one common goal, we are all trying to move SIUE towards anti-racism,” Boddie said. “[Administration] seems to be responding to the underlying issues, and looking beyond surface-level change. I think these groups … have the capacity to lead to long range change, especially together.” For more information on these groups, read the Anti-Racism Task Force’s initial press release, visit the University Diversity Council’s website or the Facebook group devoted to relocating the Ninian Edwards statue.

SIUE’s COVID-19 responses over the summer June 1:

University leaders announced official plans for reopening campus under Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois plan, with campus buildings reopening June 8 and many employees returning by June 15.

June 30:

SIUE’s “Our Cougar Commitment” plan was released with guidance for the Fall 2020 semester, if Illinois were to remain in Phase 4 of Restore Illinois. The plan includes a mix of in-person and online courses, with most courses ending in-person instruction prior to Thanksgiving Break.

July 13:

All on-campus events, camps and conferences for external, non-university groups were canceled through the end of 2020. Events sponsored by university groups will still be permitted if they follow state and university guidelines.

July 17:

University leadership held a Q&A for students and their parents to have their questions about the fall semester answered. Textbook Service announced options for students to acquire their textbooks for the fall semester.

July 24:

The Office of the Registrar finalized changes to the Fall 2020 course schedule and distributed updated schedules to students.

July 27:

SIUE released guidance encouraging students to limit their exposure to others and practice other safety guidelines in the 14 days prior to returning to campus. University Housing also released its 2020-21 Living Guide, with added COVID-19-related guidelines.

July 29:

Athletics and Health Service announced a student-athlete living in on-campus housing had tested positive for COVID-19. They reported the individual was asymptomatic and isolating, and the Madison County Health Department was identifying all close contacts.

July 30:

An “Illness and Exposure” page was added to SIUE’s coronavirus site to provide instructions for those experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, those who have tested positive and those who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.

Aug. 11:

University leadership held a second live webinar, titled “Countdown to Fall 2020,” to present up-to-date information about the return to campus and COVID-19 procedures. | Summer Bradley / The Alestle

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thursday, 08.20.20

On-campus living sees radical changes due tO COVID-19 ALEX AULTMAN reporter

Due to the precautions needed to protect against COVID-19, life in the residence halls and Cougar Village will be different than in past years. During a typical semester, the residence halls would have thriving social and study lounges. However, this semester is far from typical. The amount of furniture has been reduced in common areas such as the social and study lounges to help with social distancing and reduce touched surfaces. There are capacity limits marked for every common room. Students will also be required to wear face coverings in all public spaces including hallways, kitchens and activity and study spaces. Housing will still run programming throughout the semester, but it will be either online or socially distanced with limited capacity if in-person. Possibly one of the most significant changes to life in on-campus housing is the new no-guest

policy. Director of University Housing Mallory Sidarous said guests cannot go past the front desk in any on-campus housing unless they currently reside in that hall or community. “[If one lives in Prairie Hall], they could spend time with anyone else in the building, but people from outside the Prairie Hall community will not be permitted inside that area,” Sidarous said. The capacity of living units has also been reduced to encourage social distancing. In Bluff, Prairie and Woodland halls, there will be no more than four students allowed in a living unit at one time. In Evergreen, capacity is no more than twice the amount of students living in the room. For Cougar Village, it is no more than six students. Students in lowerclassman housing will also be able to bring their own microwaves this semester. No more than one microwave is allowed per room. If a roommate cancels their housing contract, students do not have to worry because they are not responsible for their roommate’s contract. Another resident

may be assigned to that bedroom depending on the contract, so residents are not responsible for finding another roommate. Housing will increase the frequency of cleaning in high-traffic areas like hallways, vending machines and stairwells. Residents are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms, just like in previous semesters, and will receive additional guidance on how frequently to sanitize their space. If residents violate any of these new policies, they will go through the normal disciplinary process outlined in the living guide. University Housing has been working with Health Service and the Madison County Health Department on guidelines if a student tests positive for COVID-19. Students are encouraged to isolate at their permanent address if they test positive or are diagnosed presumptive positive by a doctor. Sidarous said she is understanding that not everyone is able to go to their permanent address for 14 days, and University Housing has set aside isolation

| Dominick Oranika / The Alestle

spaces for residents. “They can order dining and that will be delivered, [as well as] laundry, trash pickup, but the student would be held accountable to not leave their living space, as isolation or quarantine means staying in place for 14 days,” Si-

darous said. Roommates may also be relocated and/or asked to quarantine to see if they are infected or show symptoms. More information on University Housing policies can be found in the living guide.

Space-Saving Hacks: managing small dorm rooms and apartments Tip 1. Dorm closets can be very crowded, especially when they are shared with a roommate. Placing a soda can tab on hangers allows for double the hanging space at no extra cost.

Tip 2.

With limited drawers and multiple free shirt opportunities throughout the year, T-shirts can be rolled to maximize dresser space.

Tip 3.

2. 1.

Over-the-door shoe organizers can be used to store more than just shoes. To free up space in already cramped closets and bathrooms, use these shoe organizers for cleaning supplies, snacks or bathroom essentials.

Tip 4. Sharing a fridge that is already mini can be tough. Using small drawers for snacks leaves more fridge space for bigger items. | Mackenzie Smith / The Alestle



thursday, 08.20.20

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| Summer Bradley / The Alestle

How to get Along and sHare a space – even during a pAndemic NICOLE BOYD copy editor

Moving out of your parents’ house and living on your own terms is an exciting part of the college experience for many. This new experience can present new challenges, however, especially for those who have never lived with a roommate before. We at The Alestle are here to provide you with some tips to make the adjustment process easier, even during a pandemic.

Ask to borrow things Even if you’re 99 percent sure your roommate would be fine with you borrowing something, ask them. Asking shows respect for their personal belongings and their feelings. The two of you might decide that some things can be borrowed anytime, other things should be asked for, and others are completely off-limits. Whatever you decide, it’s important to respect those boundaries in order to build a good relation-


Talk about COVID-19 Maybe your roommate would like to hang out with lots of different people, while you feel safer following social distancing guidelines. If so, you need to speak up and let them know which activities make you uncomfortable. If the reverse is true, listen to your roommate’s concerns and do what you can to ensure they feel healthy and safe. One of you may have more exposure outside the apartment due to work or classes. If that is the case, talk about safety precautions you both can take to minimize your risk of contracting COVID-19. You may decide to keep your distance as much as possible, avoid sharing your belongings and wipe frequently touched surfaces.

Communicate about guests Having guests over can be a

touchy subject, whether you’re in a pandemic or not. Some people like having friends or their partner over, while others may feel as if guests are disruptive to their living situation. You and your roommate need to have a conversation about which guests, if any, will be allowed. University Housing currently prohibits guests from anywhere outside of your residence hall. Even under that guideline, the two of you may decide to limit who is allowed into your living space, whether that’s only your significant others, a select number of friends or none at all until it’s safer. If guests are in your space, be sure to address any concerns with your roommate immediately.

Practice good hygiene Be mindful of how your hygiene practices affect your roommate. It may seem obvious, but now that you’re living with someone who isn’t family, it’s es-

pecially important to shower, use deodorant and wash your hair. Avoid things like keeping old or smelly food in the fridge, letting dirty dishes pile up and having old laundry thrown around your side of the room. Cleanliness is even more important during a pandemic. Remember to wash your hands often, clean your room and bathroom and disinfect surfaces regularly.

Be respectful of schedules Talk with your roommate and apartment mates about how early their classes start. If someone has an early class, don’t have people over late or talk loudly on the phone late at night. Be mindful of how your actions affect those living with you. In addition to class schedules, pay attention to your roommate’s or apartment mates’ routines. If everybody showers at night, try not to hog the shower while others are waiting on you. If people like to shower in the

morning, let those with the earlier classes shower first so they aren’t late.

Keep the lines of communication open You may find that what you initially agreed to isn’t working. Talk to your roommate politely about what you would like to change. It might be a bit awkward at first, but use “I feel” statements and try not to raise your voice. During the COVID-19 pandemic, communication is more important than ever. You and your roommate may not see eyeto-eye on every precaution, but by communicating, you can find what works best for both of you. If you have an issue, speak up before it becomes a bigger problem. If your roommate raises a concern, listen before getting defensive. Living with a roommate can pose some new challenges, but it can also be an exciting part of the college experience.

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thursday, 08.20. 20

Five easy residence hall recipes While Chick-fil-A, Boss Burger and others might sound enticing, this year’s freshmen will inevitably have to confront making meals in their residence halls. With only a microwave and possibly a mini fridge in residence hall bedrooms, this can be quite a challenge. These recipes are doable for any freshmen with limited options. | JOHN MCGOWAN / reporter


Microwave 4-Minute BBQ Chicken Nachos

A dorm movie night isn’t complete without snacks. These nachos are tasty and easy to make.

Ingredients • • • • • • • •

1 cup rotisserie chicken, shredded 3 tablespoons BBQ sauce 2 large handfuls tortilla chips 1/4 cup pico de gallo 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1/4 cup green onion, thinly sliced guacamole, to serve sour cream, to serve


Instructions 1.


| Photo courtesy of Bakerita


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Chewy Granola Bars


Many come to college thinking they have their schedule down to a science. The reality is most don’t. When running late to class in the morning, a quick snack like a homemade granola bar can change someone’s day for the better. Making their own granola bars also allows for more customization, with students able to choose ingredients that meet their dietary restrictions and preferences.


Ingredients • • • • • • •


1. 2. 3. 4.

1/4 cup softened butter 1/4 cup honey 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup peanut butter 2 cups quick cooking oats 1 cup crispy rice cereal 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2-3 tablespoons mini chocolate chips



In a large bowl, stir together quick cooking oats and crispy rice cereal. Set aside. In a heatproof bowl or microwave-safe measuring cup, stir together butter, honey and brown sugar. Microwave until it starts boiling (about 2 minutes with my low-wattage microwave, could be sooner for you). Once it begins to boil, let boil for 1 more minute in the microwave. Remove from microwave and stir in peanut butter and vanilla until smooth. Pour hot honey mixture over dry ingredients and mix until thoroughly combined. Pour into container and let sit at room temperature for about 2 hours or in the refrigerator for a half hour, or until set. Cut into 10 bars and store tightly wrapped in plastic wrap or in a Tupperware container.


1/2 cup elbow macaroni 1/2 cup water 3 tablespoons milk salt, to taste pepper, to taste 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese fresh chive, to garnish, optional


Mix the macaroni, water, and salt in a microwaveable mug. Microwave for 2-3 minutes, then stir. Add the milk, cheese, salt and pepper, then stir. Microwave for another 30 seconds, stir, and garnish with a sprinkle of chives.



Instructions 1.

Microwave 5-Minute Mac ‘N’ Cheese

School can get stressful sometimes, and comfort food is very appreciated. While it might seem hard without a stovetop, high quality mac and cheese is actually easy to make in the microwave.

Mix the chicken with the barbecue sauce, then spread evenly over a bed of tortilla chips. Spread the pico de gallo, cheese, and green onions evenly on top, then microwave for about 1-3 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Dollop with some guacamole and sour cream, then serve. Enjoy!

Ingredients • • • • • • • •

| Photo by Leon Nguyen (TNS)

Microwave Chocolate Mug Cake

After a long night of studying, a mug cake is easy to prepare and makes for the perfect reward. | Photo by Erick Su on Unsplash


Ingredients •

1/4 cup wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, bleached 1/4 cup sugars, granulated 2 tablespoons cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened 1/8 teaspoon leavening agents, baking soda 1/8 teaspoon table salt 3 tablespoons reduced fat milk 2 tablespoons canola salad oil 1 tablespoon municipal water 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

An alternative to the granola bars, this recipe can give anyone a high-class breakfast in their dorm to start their day off right.

• • • • • • • •



• • • • • • • • •

Coffee Cup Quiche

1 egg 1 1/2 tablespoons milk Salt Ground black pepper 1/4 of a bagel (or similar amount of French bread, etc.) 2 teaspoons cream cheese 1/2 slice prosciutto or ham Fresh thyme leaves or fresh chopped chives Dijon mustard

1. 2.

Mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in a large microwave-safe mug; stir in milk, canola oil, water and vanilla extract. Cook in microwave until cake is done in the middle, about 1 minute 45 seconds.


Instructions 1.

2. | Photo by Bill Hogan / Chicago Tribune (TNS)

Beat egg and milk together with a fork in a coffee cup, adding salt and pepper to taste. Tear bread into dime-size pieces; stir in. Add cream cheese; stir in. Tear or cut prosciutto into small pieces; add to mixture. Sprinkle with thyme. Microwave on high until done, about 1 minute 10 seconds. Garnish with mustard and fresh thyme or chives.


| Photo by Stephanie S. Cordle / St. Louis Post-Dispatch (TNS)

thursday, 08.20.20

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CAMPUS RECREATION WILL CONTINUE TO OPERATE WITH ADDED PRECAUTIONS eXPECT LONGER WAIT TIMES AND SMALLER FITNESS CLASSES VERNON SMITH JR. reporter With SIUE students returning to campus this month, the Student Fitness Center is taking extra precautions to protect students from COVID-19. Keith Becherer, director of Campus Recreation, said his team had to learn and evolve to make the fitness center a safe environment. “It’s a constant, daily process,” Becherer said. “We are guided by our own industry standard, and of course there’s state regulations and different things like that. So, it’s been challenging to make sure we are staying current and up to date on all the protocols so that we can deliver the best product possible. Looking for the silver lining in all of this, I think people will be more prone to follow those guidelines that we’ve always had.” Becherer said. Entering phase four of COVID-19, changes have been made. Gyms and fitness centers are required to follow the rules their state governor has given them. Becherer said most of the changes to Campus Recreation have been guided by the Restore Illinois plan. These guidelines in-

clude operating at half capacity. “We try to max out that capacity based on our guidelines, and now that’s been cut in half. It’s the 50 percent capacity that’s really from an industry standard and operational standpoint, that’s really been our one big thing that we are dealing with. It’s clearly not ideal, but we are able to operate and provide those services to our students,” Becherer said. Becherer said yoga and Zumba classes could be operating with reduced class sizes and/or other modifications. According to Becherer, they plan to be a little more conservative and make sure classes that require high intensity use some discretion and be a little more restrictive to be safer. “We tend to be a little bit

more conservative on some of the spaces,” Becherer said. “If the room capacity is 20 and it’s a camp-style class or high intensity class, where you’re moving a

just to be safe.” The fitness center hours will be the same as usual when students return in the fall. “Our Fall 2020 hours are really essentially the same as they have been every spring and fall semester for the past couple years. Saturdays are the one little change that we had. This has really kind of been something we’ve looked at the past couple of years based on usage patterns. It will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,” Becherer said. While working out, masks will not be required, but they will be in other parts of the building. “They will be required to wear them inside the building just like they are across campus.

SIUE FALL GYM HOURS MONDAY: 6 a.m. - 11 p.m. TUESDAY: 6 A.m. - 11 p.m.

WEDNESDAY: 6 a.m. - 11 p.m. THURSDAY: 6 A.m. - 11 p.m. FRIDAY: 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.

SATURDAY: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. SUNDAY: 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. little bit more, you need a little bit more, I think we are going to use some discretion that we may make it a little bit more restrictive

The guidelines state that when you are exercising, you won’t be required to wear a mask,” Becherer said. Becherer encourages students to support their accommodations at this time and work together to make it a safe environment. “We have to operate at a 50 percent capacity. I fully understand and appreciate students wanting to come during those peak times … that may pose a challenge this semester. You might not be able to get in or work out for 15, 20, 30 minutes until a number of people leave,” Becherer said. Becherer said he hopes students will adjust their expectations and anticipate wait times before coming to the fitness center. “I want the students to be aware, because the last thing I want is to have them drive 15 minutes or ride their bike to campus anticipating to work out and we have staff members telling them that, ‘sorry, that our new capacity limits may take an hour or so,’” Becherer said. For more information, visit the SIUE Fitness Center website.

CAMPUS RECREATION CONTINUES TO PROVIDE ACCESS To Workout videos and tips for STUDENTS living at home MATT BARTELS contributing writer Campus Recreation fitness instructors made the switch to online live-stream workouts this summer, allowing those who have normally taken their classes in person to still workout from home. Kayce Beatty is the Fitness Programs Coordinator for Campus Recreation, and she created the schedule for these online workouts. The workouts themselves were created by the individual instructors. “They are all group fitness instructors who teach for Campus Rec currently,” Beatty said. “They have been teaching with us all year,

all semester. They were the ones who agreed to continue teaching online for the live videos.” According to Beatty, Campus Recreation had 19 live classes each week of the summer, with nine of them being done via Zoom and the other 10 being done on their Facebook page. They have had many people show up and participate in their workouts. “I think our highest participant count was 45 for a Zumba class,” Beatty said. “I took an average of all the class numbers and it was 32 per class. It’s awesome!” One of the fitness instructors who hosts some of these workouts is sophomore business administration major Tessa Schwarzentraub.

She taught yoga classes on Mondays and Fridays throughout the summer, and she posted her livestream workouts on the Campus Recreation Facebook page. Schwarzentraub said even though these classes were livestreamed, members can still go back after the workout is over. “I’ll livestream [my workout] and I post it on the Campus Rec timeline. There’s a bunch of videos on there from past sessions,” Schwarzentraub said. Sophomore Kelly Cruise is also an instructor. She taught a class called “Total Body Burn” on Mondays and Wednesdays. Cruise said her classes focused on a mixture of cardio and strength exercis-

es. Cruise said there were multiple workout classes members can participate in throughout the week. “There is a schedule posted on the Campus Rec [home] page that shows when classes are throughout the week,” Cruise said. According to Cruise, even though members couldn’t be there in person, they could still communicate with the instructors using the chat feature on Facebook Live. “I have had a couple people who have been consistent and been on multiple live-streams and have liked or commented, so I know that they are participating, which is really nice,” Cruise said. According to both Schwarz-

entraub and Cruise, they have had people comment on their videos saying how much they have enjoyed the workouts and some have even thanked Campus Recreation for uploading the videos. “I’ve had a couple people say that they have enjoyed the workouts,” Cruise said. “Just as a broad comment, a bunch of people have thanked the Campus Rec for putting these [online].” To access the workout videos posted this summer, visit the SIUE Campus Recreation Facebook page. For information on the fitness classes being offered during the fall, check out the Campus Recreation website.

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thursday, 08.20.20

In C sE yOu MissEd it: spOrts Cougar athletics welComes new staff members over summer JENNIFER GOECKNER managing editor With any summer comes changes to SIUE’s faculty and staff, and the Athletics Department is no different. This summer saw the addition of a new coach, amongst other new hires and promotions.

Track and field, cross country gain new coaches After 10 years, former track athlete Marcus Evans returned to SIUE this summer, this time as the track and field and cross country head coach. Evans ran for the Cougars from 2007 to 2010, competing as a sprinter, hurdler and relay team member. He said he was looking forward to coming back as a coach and supporting the current student-athletes, just as he was supported while attending SIUE. “I just have really fond experiences of SIUE. It’s such a different school in terms of just such a family atmosphere,” Evans said. “Everybody’s there for the student-athletes’ benefit, for the students’ benefit, and that was something that was really important to me coming back knowing that our student-athletes are going to have that support on all levels.” In addition to his experience as an athlete, Evans also brings experience to the table as a coach. He has been coaching at the Division I level for the past nine years at Lipscomb University in Nashville. Be-

fore Lipscomb, Evans coached for a year at Adrian College, a Division III school in Adrian, Michigan. Part of Evans’s plans in returning to SIUE is to continue developing the Cougars’ current talent to work toward better individual and team performances in the Ohio Valley Conference and at the nationals level. “I think we are very talented, and I would like to see that talent work to our favor in getting better and better in the OVC,” Evans said. “I know it’s not going to be an overnight thing to win an OVC title, but that’s what we’re working towards — to win OVC titles, to get as many student-athletes to the prelims and then the NCAA finals as we can — and I think we have a lot of student-athletes on campus that can step into those roles.” Evans said his goal for the summer was to build relationships with the athletes and provide them with as much support as possible. “That was one of the most important things on the list: getting to know them and letting them know that I’m here for them — they can call me, they can text me, they can email me — so we can start these relationships off right,” Evans said. “That’s part of my coaching philosophy, to get to know the individual before I get to know the individual athlete.” Last week, Evans announced two additions to his coaching staff. Josh Wolfe, who acted as the head track and field coach at Indiana Tech for the last seven years, will work with the teams’ distance run-

ners. Erin Wykoff joins the Cougars as a throws coach after coaching at a number of other universities, including Lee University and McKendree University.

Lead compliance specialist, additional academic adviser hired Cougar Athletics’ Student Services gained two new staffers over the summer — Gabrielle Blevins, who joined as lead compliance specialist, and Farrah Young, an academic adviser. As lead compliance specialist, Blevins’ duties include monitoring athletes’ education and ensuring Cougar Athletics follows all guidelines set forth by the university, NCAA and the teams’ conferences. Blevins comes to SIUE after earning a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Oregon, where she also worked as an athletics compliance intern. She previously held the same position at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri. Young will be working with both basketball teams and the baseball team as an academic adviser. Young had previously worked as an academic advising intern at Florida State University and Kent State University. During her time at Florida State University, she also acted as a teaching assistant for a freshman seminar specifically for student-athletes. Together, Blevins and Young will also oversee the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. According to the committee’s page on

OVC ExperiEnCes unfOrEsEen changEs LILY SCHNIEDERS reporter

This fall, conferences are having to worry more about keeping their coaches and athletes safe than planning a schedule. They are facing an unprecedented threat: the COVID-19 pandemic. Each conference is responding differently. Some are deciding to push their season back to the spring and play all the games then. Other conferences have decided to play in the fall, but only play conference games and no non-conference games. SIUE plays in the Ohio Valley Conference. They have decided to play just conference games and no non- conference games. This decision was announced on July 22, when the OVC released an article about what they plan to do for the fall season sports. Volleyball and women’s soccer seasons will be cut short and will only play conference games. Cross country, track, golf and tennis will also start their fall season the same time volleyball and women’s soccer do. With women’s soccer and volleyball only playing confer-

ence games, they will start playing mid- September, or whenever their conference games start. The OVC pushed back the start of play. They also pushed back the start of preseason to August 17 instead of August 4. SIUE doesn’t have football, but the other schools in the OVC do, so none of these changes are affiliated with football. They plan on starting at the same time they were expected to start and will be playing all their games, which includes non-conference and conference games. Pushing back the start of preseason will allow schools to be well prepared when it comes to starting games in September because of how long the procedures are to start play. The procedures to start play take about 3 weeks. Athletes have to get tested, then wait for their results to come back. If they are negative, they can start training with their team. Once the athlete is cleared to play, they have to gradually build into working out and playing. If they do not do that, they will end up hurting themselves because they are not used to the load of everything. Pushing the preseason will prevent injuries from

happening and allow the athlete’s body to recover correctly. It also will allow the OVC schools to have a decent amount of time to get their athletes back on campus if they haven’t already. The NCAA has allowed conferences to have volunteer practices a week before preseason, with any fall sports to allow the athletes to get back on the field without it being so hectic the first day of preseason. That will start the week of August 10, which will allow schools to have practices and meetings with their team and training staff without any restrictions.

the Cougar Athletics website, the group’s purpose is to “support the mission of Athletics by providing a forum in which student-athletes and administrators can enhance the athletics experience at SIUE for the student-athletes, the campus community and the community-at-large through the examination of mutual interests and concerns.”

Former part-timers added to full-time staff Two of Cougar Athletics’ former graduate assistants and a volunteer coach have been elevated to full-time positions. Colton Susen is stepping up as the director of basketball performance, and David Londo is now an assistant athletic trainer. Men’s soccer’s Daniel Brennan has made the move from volunteer assistant coach to full-time assistant coach. As a graduate assistant for the past two years, Susen worked with women’s basketball, women’s tennis and the throwers for the men’s and women’s track and field programs. His work will now focus on the two basketball programs. Susen said in his new position, he will be responsible for all aspects of the teams’ athletic performance, including fitness, nutrition and recovery. He also said athletes receive individualized treatment based on their needs. “One of the main reasons that makes SIUE so great is the shared vision of overall well-being of our student athletes from when you enter the program to when you leave,” Susen said. “My role is to

communicate and collaborate with athletic training, sport psychology and our basketball coaches to ensure we are appropriately progressing workloads, improving physiological characteristics, addressing mental readiness and ensuring we are effectively recovering.” Londo also has two years of experience as a graduate assistant at SIUE under his belt. Now as an assistant athletic trainer, he will work primarily with the men’s soccer and softball programs, but will assist other teams as well during training, practice and competitions. Londo earned a master’s degree in exercise physiology from SIUE in May. Brennan joined the men’s soccer staff last year and worked primarily with the team’s goalkeepers. Now stepping into his full-time position, Brennan will also assist in recruiting, community outreach, social media, equipment and other aspects of the program. Susen encouraged all athletes to familiarize themselves with the resources available to them and always keep their personal health in mind. “The main message I would like to get out to our athletes is to make sure you utilize the resources you have available to you in our department and to prioritize your sleep and nutrition as that directly impacts your overall health, academic success and performance,” Susen said. The most up-to-date information about athletics at SIUE and the upcoming seasons can be found on the Cougars Athletics website.

Isolation Conversation keeps SIUE sports alive during the summer LILY SCHNIEDERS reporter Like many other sports fans, Joe Pott found himself with less entertainment this summer as COVID-19 turned the world of sports upside down. So, he decided to do something about it: make his very own podcast. Isolation Conversation is a podcast where Pott sits down with various staff and students from SIUE Athletics to talk about sports and their personal lives. Pott didn’t expect this podcast to become as popular as it did. According to Pott, all he wanted was to look for a way to get sports information out to people who love sports, especially during this pandemic when there are no sports playing. “The first thing I thought was, ‘We should get on Skype and get some coaches or the athletic director and let’s just talk about the reactions and everything that is going on,’” Pott said. “It was early in the process so we didn’t know how it was going to turn out. We certainly didn’t know it was going to be months long.”

Each episode of Isolation Conversation is less like an interview and more like a conversation. When talking to coaches, he would not only ask about their respective sport, but also how they personally were handling the pandemic at home. Pott isn’t just popular for his podcast, he is also the voice of Cougar sports. He commentates each sport and talks with players and coaches before and after games. He is close with many of the coaches and people in the athletic department, which makes his job easier and makes the podcast a lot more fun since he can comfortably talk to everyone. Sean Lyons, the head coach of baseball, was featured multiple times during the podcast and loved every minute of it. “It was a very comfortable interview,” Lyons said. “I talk to Joe all the time, [so] it was like two friends discussing what had happened.” Pott plans to revive Isolation Conversation and make more episodes moving forward based on what SIUE plans to do for fall sports.

thursday, 08.20.20

Jill Lambrechts

Litzsinger is coming off the 2019 season with 13 goals, three assists and a total of 29 points for the season. “She is the best in the OVC and right up there statistically in the top 25 in the country as far as scoring,” head coach Derek Burton said. She was named Third Team All-South Region selection, First Team All-Ohio Valley Conference pick and was named OVC Offensive Player of the Week twice last season.

“She performs well and impacts the team because she is dedicated to being her best and always improving and developing,” head coach Derek Burton said. Frerker appeared in all 20 games last season and finished with four goals and two assists, which gives her 10 points on the season.

‘ Cabre-Martorell Lluis

Junior Midfielder


Senior Midfielder


Lambrechts is coming off of the 2019 season third on the team with 13 overall wins in singles, finishing 13-4. She earned a 6-2 record at the No. 1 singles spot. When paired with Lara Tupper they had a 5-4 record in the No. 1 doubles spot. Also she finished 5-2 in doubles when paired with Vanessa Reinicke.

Jake Meier

Meier was named All-Conference for the 2019 season. He started all 16 games for the season and has been named co-captain for the upcoming 2020 season.

Andrea Frerker

Redshirt Freshman



Redshirt Sophomore Forward

Redshirt Junior Goal Keeper

athletes To Watch ‘20--‘21 ‘20


MacKenzie Litzsinger

page 9

Martorell tore his ACL during his 2019 season and is now coming back and ready to play for the 2020 season. He has been named co-captain for the 2020 season and is starting his graduate studies this fall. Last season he started in 5 games. Only one goal was made against him while making 25 saves.

Kelby Phillips

Oskar Lenz

Phillips appeared in 16 games with 16 starts in the 2019 season. He scored two goals for the season and was named to the 2019 Academic All-Mid-American Conference team in December.

Sophomore Midfielder

Reporter Lily Schnieders checked statistics and reached out to SIUE coaches about specific athletes that are expected to have successful seasons this year. These athletes are some of those recommended by the coaches who responded. With the current COVID-19 restrictions, stay up-to-date with game and tournament schedules by visiting the Cougars Athletics website. | Photos courtesy of SIUE Athletics



Junior Midfielder

Lenz battled a few injuries last season, so he did not get to play much. He will be back in full fitness for this season and will be able to make an impact when he steps on the field.

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thursday, 08.20. 20

What you need to knoW about Dining Services thiS semester GABRIEL BRADY reporter

For those returning to campus this semester, Dining Services will look — and taste — a little different. From a new Starbucks location to different pizza and Chick-fil-A options, there’s a lot in store.

New offerings The biggest change involves both Pizza Hut and Sweet E’s, SIUE’s previous ice cream and shake outlet. Director of Dining Services Dennis Wobbe said these will both be replaced by Paavo’s Pizza, a new franchise. According to Wobbe, Paavo’s allows much more customization, including toppings and gluten-free options. “We did a lot of focus groups, and Paavo’s Pizza came in and really won our focus groups over. With Paavo’s, we can add different things like sandwiches or wings, whereas with Pizza Hut it was only items that Pizza Hut owned and sold themselves,” Wo b b e said. “We

| Dominick Oranika / The Alestle

can even oder different ingredients, like a gluten-free crust option. Pizza Hut was frozen dough that we heated up, but now we will be actually making it fresh and rolling it out.” Paavo’s Pizza will take up both the Pizza Hut and Sweet E’s location. However, Wobbe said the Pizza Hut location will have customizable pizzas, and the former Sweet E’s location will have grab-and-go items. “There will be an express version at Sweet E’s, and we will have the Pizza Hut area as made-to-order, where you could pick out ingredients and sauce and toppings. The idea of being able to customize your own pizza was one of the reasons we picked Paavo’s over what we had,” Wobbe said. “The Sweet E’s area will turn into an express location, with grab-and-go options.” Another big change, according to Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jeffrey Waple, is the opening of Lovejoy Library’s express Starbucks location. “Starbucks in the library [will] be open … It was supposed to be ready by Spring Break, but we will have it now. It should have some pastries and donuts and of course, coffee,” Waple said. “March 16 was supposed to be the grand opening, but we’re looking at doing that the first week of school.”

Dealing with the pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes to Dining Services, according to Waple. “There’s a whole list of procedures. You can only enter center court at specific entrances, and there will be six foot distancing rules. There will be some indoor seating, but not much,” Waple said. “We will be pushing for a more digital system. We want people using credit cards, Cougar Cards and Cougar Bucks, so that there’s less person-to-person interaction. We’re adding queuing lines, with social distancing notices on the floor, and staff will be keeping an eye on it.” Wobbe said although Dining Services will be following strict guidelines, the SIUE community should be sure they are following guidelines while eating. “We’re excited to have everybody back on campus, so long as social distancing is involved,” Wo b b e said. “That means there may be limited seating during busy periods, like at 11 to 1, so choosing

different times to buy [food] will be helpful. It’ll be better for working around the virus. With Phase 4 plans, we need to limit customers in Center Court, with the same type of thing happening at Starbucks and Kaldi’s with regulated lines.”

Renovations and timelines Although SIUE is losing some ice cream options at Sweet E’s, ice cream shakes will be available at Chickfil-A, as part of many other changes to the Chick-fil-A. “There will be a lot of new things, like ice cream shakes, cones, grill[ed] nuggets, grilled sandwiches,” Wobbe said. “It used to be a bit of an express version of a Chick-fil-A, but now it’s more of a full service. You can add cheese, lettuce or tomato to sandwiches. There’s teas and lemonades for drinks, and salads won’t be grab-andgo. We also installed a kiosk for mobile ordering, where you can go up, input your order, then wait for them to call out your name, you go pay and get your food.” As for the schedule of the renovations, Waple said Chick-fil-A will definitely be finished sooner than Paavo’s. “Chick-fil-A should be open soon, and the new pizza place … is a little more behind. They will [both] be open by the fall. We’re hopeful that Chick-fil-A will be open on day one, but we don’t know,” Waple said. “The renovation in the Chick-fil-A is primarily done. Now, we’re just checking the equipment and the new kiosk, trying out the equipment, testing it, but we should have a couple weeks to do all that before the next semester.”

Some favorites returning, others gone Despite all these changes, some things are remaining the same, such as Fixin’s, which is remaining closed, according to Waple. “Fixin’s will be closed for the year. We’re offering that space for academic instruction. Because of the challenge of having enough classrooms, we are converting it into a lecture hall for the year. In the same vein, we’re turning the ballroom into an academic space as well. That will be a big change,” Waple said. Although Fixin’s has been definitively closed, Waple said Skywalk Cafe may still open, although it is more up in the air. “We still don’t know what we’re doing with Skywalk,” Waple said. “We’re currently waiting to see how many classes will be in [Alumni Hall and Founders Hall]. If there aren’t many people in those buildings, there’s no need to open Skywalk.” Waple said these new changes might require some adjustments. “We will have new queueing lines, it won’t be like it used to be,” Waple said. “It will take a bit more time to get people through the line at Center Court. We will all need a little more patience. From what I heard, almost all of the new dining operations should be operational by the first day of school. There may be hiccups, but we will get used to it all.” For more information, contact Dining Services at

thursday, 08.20. 20

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University expands meal plan options for upcoming academic year JORDYN NIMMER lifestyles editor

Amid many other changes being made to campus and college living in general, SIUE will be incorporating new meal plan options for students — both in terms of variety and value. In the past, the university only offered two options for a meal plan, Plan A and B, with all students living in freshman residential housing being required to choose one of these options. For the 2020-21 academic year, SIUE has added a third option to the mix. Some students previously enjoyed the upgrade from Plan A; but, found that Plan B was a bit excessive. In response, the university created a revised Plan B as the middle ground to Plan A and the newly introduced Plan C which will effectively replace Plan B in terms of cost. The meal plans offered come at various rates; Plan A at $1,780 per semester, Plan B at $2,120 per semester and Plan C at $2,460 per semester. For students who no longer wish to use a meal plan, Cougar Bucks plans are a possible alternative, coming in at $100, $250 or $500 per semester. Although these changes are welcomed and deemed necessary by many, some students are still

unsure of how the meal plans work. On campus, the meal plans run according to a 60/40 structure, in which 60 percent of the payment goes directly to covering the cost of labor, supplies, maintenance and utilities through Dining Services. Once these costs are taken into account, the remaining 40 percent is added to the student’s account. In the end, the disposable income available to students amounts to $712 for Plan A, $848 for Plan B and $984 for Plan C per semester. In order to retain the value for money trade-off, all food items are discounted by 60 percent. Therefore, every food item purchased on campus will be purchased at 40 percent of its original cost. Freshman elementary education major Nicole Obert, of Quincy, Illinois, isn’t bothered by the current structure of the meal plans and believes the 60 percent discount makes it worthwhile. “I think [the 60/40 structure] is fine. It’s just like when you’re getting [the money added to the account], you don’t even think about [the 60 percent taken out],” Obert said. “You just see that nice discount.” For those less concerned about operating costs, some students applaud the plans for their convenience. Freshman unde-

clared major Andrew Sorenson, of Springfield, Illinois, takes full advantage of the student benefits associated with the plans. “I like having it,” Sorenson said. “I mean, obviously I’m going to have to pay all the money back eventually anyways. But it’s nice getting to come here and get good food for what is essentially cheaper than I normally would without the meal plan.” While some restaurants off campus offer discounts to students or accept Cougar Bucks as an alternative form of payment, the cost is largely retained by the students, according to Christy McDougal, accountant for the Morris University Center Business Office. “If a student made a decision to want to go off campus with friends or go home, they still recoup the cost of the food,” McDougal said. “Dining Services was able to keep the 60 percent because they were here, they prepared the food, they had the food waiting for the student and they had the labor.” Some students find themselves frustrated with the meal plan when making decisions to eat on or off campus during the school year. Once the meal plans are in full effect, after the 60 percent has already been applied to Dining Services’ operating costs, some students feel pressured to constantly use their meal plan in

order to maximize its benefits. Freshman German major Ethan Anderson, of Springfield, Illinois, said the meal plan might not be the right fit for all students. “It’s nice thinking you get a discount, of course, but when you don’t actually get the discount, we have to pay all the extra money up front and take out extra loans,” Anderson said. “That’s not really a good thing.” While the discount is guaranteed for all students who have opted in for a meal plan, extra food expenses may still be incurred by the students if they choose to eat off campus. Any money which is not used by the student during the fall semester will rollover to the spring semester. If money still goes unused, the student will be issued a refund with their remaining balance. However, it is notable that the money returned will not account for the 60 percent taken off at the beginning of the semester for the cost of labor and supplies. For students receiving the Meridian Scholarship, which covers the cost of a meal plan for all semesters in which the student lives in University Housing, refunds will not be granted following the spring semester. For more information about student dining options, visit Dining Services’ website.

SIUE On-Campus Dining Options MUC Main Level-

Auntie Anne’s: pretzels, pretzel bites, lemonades, iced teas Starbucks: full cafe menu including hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and cake pops

Union Station Convenience Store: frozen meals, chips, candy, drinks, over-the-counter medications

MUC Lower Level-

Boss Burgers: made-to-order burgers and fries Chick-fil-A: chicken sandwiches, nuggets, waffle fries, salads,

ice cream shakes Cocina: Mexican dishes including nachos, quesadillas and burritos Entrees: various entrees and side dishes including daily vegetarian and carved meat options Entrees Side Bar: pasta, chicken tenders, wings Garden Patch: salad bar Grab n’ Go: ready-made salads, fruit cups, yogurts, sandwiches Paavo’s Pizza: customizable pizzas, wings Sammiches: made-to-order sandwiches, wraps and paninis Sweet Eats: ready-made muffins, donuts, cakes, cookies and other desserts Wok: Asian-inspired dishes including orange chicken, General Tso’s chicken, fried rice and egg rolls | Summer Bradley / The Alestle

Other Dining LocationsBluff Hall Cafe (lobby of Bluff

Hall): grab-and-go items, pop tarts, granola bars, bosco sticks Eddie’s Kitchen (Cougar Village Commons Building): hamburgers, hot dogs, grab-and-go snacks and other convenience store items Freshens (Student Fitness Center): smoothies, sandwiches, salads, yogurt Kaldi’s Coffee (second floor of Student Success Center): international coffees, teas, smoothies, salads MUC Truck (location varies, often found on Quad): BBQ nachos, hamburgers, hot dogs, briskets Starbucks (express location in Lovejoy Library): hot and cold drinks, pastries

Discounts for SIUE students at local restaurants • 54th Street- 10% off • Annie’s Frozen Custard- 10% off • Bann Thai- 10% off • Bella Milano- 20% off • China King- 5% off pick up only

• Cold Stone Creamery- 10% off • Crazy Bowls & Wraps- 20% off Tuesdays only

• Culver’s- 10% off • Dairy Queen- 15% off every day, 50% off every first and last Tuesday of the month

• Denny’s- 20% off • Edison’s Entertainment Complex- 10% off • Hotshots- 10% off • IHOP- 10% off • Kyoto Sushi Steakhouse- 10% off (lunch specials excluded)

• La Casa Mexicana10% off (alcoholic beverages excluded)

• Oriental Spoon10% off • Papa John’s- large one-topping pizza for $7 (pick up only)

• Papa Murphy’s- $3 off • Penn Station East Coast Subs- 10% off • Quiznos- 10% off • Sonic- 10% off (regular-priced items only)

• Source Juicery- 10% off • Sugarfire Smoke House- 15% off • The Cup- 10% off • The Pasta House10% off • Wang Gang- accepts Cougar Bucks

• Wasabi Sushi Bar15% off • Wingstop- 10% off

| Summer Bradley / The Alestle

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thursday, 08.20.20

‘if you keep moving, you will come to a better place’

the ins-and-outs of the most popular buildings on

RYAN BIERI contributing writer

With SIUE’s main campus spanning 2,660 acres, it can be intimidating trying to find one’s way around, especially during their freshman year. To make things easier, we’ve included this color-coded map, with descriptions of what goes on in each building. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Rendleman Hall In this building, you’ll find the Office of Admissions, Bursar’s Office, Office of the Provost and Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Office of the Chancellor, Office of Educational Outreach, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Graduate Admissions, Graduate Studies and Research, the Central Housing Office, Office of the Registrar, Student Employment, Financial Aid, Parking Services, Student Service Center and others.

2. Founders Hall Founders is home to the School of Business and Army ROTC, as well as the Speech-Language-Hearing Center. The top floor connects to Alumni Hall. In past years, Skywalk Diner has operated on the top floor connecting the two buildings. However, this tasty place to get a snack between classes is not guaranteed to return.

3. Alumni Hall

found in Dunham. SIUE’s jazz radio staAlumni features the School of Nurs- tion, WSIE-FM, is housed in the basement. ing, School of Education, Health and Human Behavior, the Air Force ROTC, and a 7. Science Buildings number of departments, such as geography, Together, Science East and Science psychology and aerospace studies. West contain most of the university’s biol4. Peck Hall Peck Hall houses the College of Arts ogy, chemistry, physics and environmental and Sciences and many general education sciences classes, as well as the Department classes. The Departments of Anthropology, of Mathematics and Statistics. Political Science, History, Sociology, Social Work, English, Foreign Languages & Literature and Philosophy also call Peck Hall home.

5. Lovejoy Library Not only is Lovejoy home to all of our library resources, its basement also contains Information Technology Services. Here, one can get assistance when trying to connect a game console to the internet in the residence halls, resetting their e-ID or connecting to Eduroam, the campus Wi-Fi for students. The library is named after Elijah P. Lovejoy, a local reporter and editor who advocated for the abolition of slavery before the Civil War. Lovejoy was killed by a pro-slavery mob in Alton, Illinois.

6. Dunham Hall Because the building is named after beloved dancer and choreographer Katherine Dunham, it’s only fitting it houses the Department of Theater and Dance as well as a large theater. The Departments of Music and Mass Communications can also be

8. Morris University Center The MUC is the hub of campus. Numerous dining options are held within its walls (see page 11), as well as Dining Services’ offices. On the lower level, you’ll find Cougar Lanes, which features a bowling alley, pool tables, ping-pong tables and a video game arcade.

9. Art and Design Buildings The two Art and Design buildings, Art and Design and Art and Design West, house the department’s main office, as well as an art gallery. Most art classes are held here.

10. Center for Spirituality & Sustainability Known as “the dome” due to its geodesic shape, the center offers a place for all faiths to come together, as well as quiet spaces to connect with one’s spiritual side. The building is home to the interfaith organization Baha’i of Edwardsville, Holy Temple Lifeline Ministry services, Light

of Compassion Buddhist Society and the Newman Catholic Community.

11. Metcalf Student Experimental Theater This is the second theater on campus, and, as its name suggests, it is designed to give students the opportunity to explore many different aspects of theater production. Like Dunham, the Metcalf also hosts shows. The theater was named after former budget director James F. Metcalf, and fans of the television show “Roseanne” will recognize him as the father of Tony award winning actress Laurie Metcalf.

12. Student Fitness Center The Student Fitness Center is the campus’ go-to workout destination, as it boasts two weight rooms, an indoor track and cardio machines. Here, one will be able to join group fitness classes and obtain information about intramural sports. The SFC also has courts that can be reserved to play basketball, volleyball, tennis or soccer. One can also visit SIUE’s indoor pool, rock climbing wall, racquetball courts or saunas (which are now closed due to COVID-19) inside the SFC.

13. Vadalabene Center Here, Cougars volleyball and basketball go head to head with their competition. The VC is also where students can find numerous applied health classes.

thursday, 08.20.20

page 13

Fish, faces and giant steaks Here’s what’s up with the sculptures Around campus.

Art is everywhere one goes on campus, from the collections in Lovejoy Library to the sculptures seen when walking the grounds. The Sculpture on Campus Program allows students to display their original work, and a juried competition selects up to 12 each year to be featured. Here are the ones picked last fall, which will remain up this semester. Copy by reporter Gabriel Brady, Photography by Mackenzie Smith / The Alestle

“Ethos,” “pathos “ and “logos” Last year, studio art-sculpture student Joseph Ovalle, of Collinsville, Illinois, found out his sculpture series was chosen, and they are now arranged in a triangle. The three monoliths are titled “Ethos,” “Pathos” and “Logos.” “Ethos” is located behind the science buildings, “Logos” is between Peck Hall and Founders Hall, and “Pathos” is between Lot D and the Center for Spirituality and Sustainability.

“see me rise” Former art therapy counseling student Lizzi Reinard from Paraguay, South America, has a piece in front of Art and Design, near Ovalle’s “Pathos.” Reinard’s piece is titled “See Me Rise,” and depicts a woman climbing a rock.

“stay in schools” Between the Engineering Building and Dunham Hall, there is a sculpture of a group of fish swimming together. The title is “Stay in Schools,” and it was put together by studio art student Mikala Kozusek from Nashville, Illinois.

“Journey” This piece is brought to campus by student Sutton Allen from Highland, Illinois. The piece shows a crushed human jaw, and pieces of rock in a glass case just north of Lot B. Map courtesy of SIUE Marketing and Communications, modified by Summer Bradley / The Alestle

edwardsville’s campus 14. Early Childhood Center

29. Ralph Korte Stadium

The Early Childhood Center provides childcare for students, faculty and other SIUE community members. The ECC serves children ages 2-5, and the program runs year-round. In addition, some of the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior’s classes and practicums are held here.

Korte is where SIUE’s soccer and track teams host their home games and meets. The area around the stadium is where soccer tailgating is held.

16. University Police In the event you need to file a police report, visit the University Police Department. Contact University Police through their non-emergency line at 650-3324.

19. Engineering Building You can find School of Engineering classes, advisers, professors and administrators here. It is one of the largest buildings on campus, and its blue windows make it one of the most distinctive buildings at SIUE.

23. 200 University Park This building is home to the School of Pharmacy and the University Marketing and Communications department. At the beginning of each semester, it is filled with students visiting Textbook Services.

27. School of Pharmacy Lab Located next to 200 University Park, the School of Pharmacy Lab is home to SOP lab classes.

32. Stratton Quadrangle This semi-grassy area between the MUC, Lovejoy Library, Dunham Hall, Peck Hall and Rendleman Hall is more commonly known as “The Quad.” The MUC Truck, SIUE’s food truck, often visits The Quad, and many public events take place here (although there may be fewer this year due to COVID-19). Near Dunham and Lovejoy, one will see a large, spray-painted rock. “The Rock” is available to be painted by all students.

46. Student Success Center Connected to the MUC is the SSC, which features a computer lab, an open lounge and group meeting spaces. To best serve students, these amenities are open 24 hours, seven days a week. The SSC is also home to ACCESS, the Career Development Center, Counseling Services, Health Service and International Student Services.

49. Simmon’s Baseball Complex Here, SIUE’s baseball team practices and hosts home games. The Roy E. Lee Field, named for the first Cougar baseball coach, is located inside the complex.

“Katherine dunham: perpetual motion” Studio art-sculpture student Allena Brazier, of East. St. Louis, Illinois, paid homage to Katherine Dunham in her piece “Katherine Dunham: Perpetual Motion.” The piece, located between the Morris University Center and Dunham Hall, features curvy red twigs, intertwined with each other. Brazier’s piece won first place in October’s sculpture walk contest.

“Revival” On the other side of the MUC near Circle Drive, two horns stick out of the ground. The name of the piece is “Revival” by graduate studio art-sculpture student Abbi Ruppert from Nokomis, Illinois.

“Inside / Outside” This piece, by former studio art student Vincent Stemmler, of St. Louis, depicts rocks floating on beams of metal in the shape of a human head, with native plants growing inside. Visit Stemmler’s piece between Hairpin Drive and the red parking lots.

“Seven cows“ The name of the big steak on University Drive is “Seven Cows”by studio arts-drawing student Haley Inyart. It encourages consumers to reflect on the origins — and non-monetary costs — of their food.

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x G








P-7 B





P-2 P-1

x PH







Walking and biking distancE from rEsidEnce halls and parking lots to higH traf f ic areas on camPus accorDing to google maPs:

Distance from EvErgrEen Hall to: Religious Center 7 min Morris University Center 11 min Student Success Center 8 min Lovejoy Library 14 min Rendleman Hall 11 min Student Fitness Center 9 min

Distance from Bluff Hall to: Religious Center 6 min Morris University Center 13 min Student Success Center 7 min Lovejoy Library 11 min 2 min Rendleman Hall 13 min 3 min Student Fitness Center 6 min 2 min 4 min 3 min Distance from Woodland Hall to: Religious Center 8 min 2 min Morris University Center 11 min Student Success Center 8 min Lovejoy Library 20 min Rendleman Hall 10 min Student Fitness Center 15 min

2 min 4 min 2 min 3 min 4 min 2 min

Distance from PrairiE Hall to: Religious Center Morris University Center Student Success Center Lovejoy Library Rendleman Hall Student Fitness Center

2 min 3 min 2 min 6 min 3 min 5 min

Distance from UnivErsity HoUsing to: Religious Center 25 min Morris University Center 25 min Student Success Center 26 min Lovejoy Library 19 min Rendleman Hall 24 min Student Fitness Center 21 min

8 min 11 min 8 min 20 min 11 min 16 min

2 min 3 min 2 min 6 min 3 min 5 min 7 min 9 min 7 min 5 min 9 min 6 min

| Summer Bradley / The Alestle

WhErE can i Park on campUs? reD Pass


LOTS p4-p12 SUPPORTING SERVICES Alton CAMPUS EAST St. Louis campus LOT f after 3 p.m. LOTS p1-p3 after 3 p.m.


$83 semester

BroWn Pass







Lots p4-p12 LOT A AFTER 3 P.M. LOT E AFTER 3 p.m. lot f after 3 p.m. lots p1-p3 after 3 p.m. Your residence lot (if applicable)


$111 semester


LOT A LOT d lot e lot g LOTS P4-P12 LOT f after 3 p.m. LOTS p1-p3 after 3 p.m.







$176 semester


grEen Pass

lots p1-p3 lots p4-p12 lot f after 3 p.m.


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BlUe Pass


YelloW Pass



silVER PasS


orange Pass

LOT F LOTS p4-p12 LOTS p1-p3 after 3 p.m.


lot a lot e lots p1-p3 lots p4-p12 lot f after 3 p.m. Your residence lot (if applicable) NOTE: THIS IS AN EMPLOYEE PASS, UNLESS WON IN STUDENT LOTTERY

| Jordyn Nimmer/ The Alestle

thursday, 08.20.20

page 15

getting about from What to know restoration to the Cougar Shutamong other routes around here ... SIUE works alongside Mad- tle, Edwardsville and surrounding

MCT Transit


ison County Transit to offer students affordable and convenient transportation. Here’s a quick breakdown of the ins-and-outs of using the bus system, including hours, routes and changes.


No Car? No problem.

Since the pandemic began, MCT has altered several aspects of their normal bus routes and occupancy. Beginning Aug. 16,

Besides mct, there are many other options for students to get around Edwardsville. MARK ALBRECHT reporter

SIUE students don’t always have the means for a personal vehicle, and while the Madison County Transit buses are convenient, the limited route options may not fit their needs. Thankfully, students do have other options at their disposal.

Bikes, skateboards & more Students who wish to use their personal forms of alternative transportation, such as bicycles, skates or skateboards, must adhere to on-campus regulations regarding them. Bicyclist, skaters and skateboarders must obey the same laws and regulations vehicle drivers while on-campus. SIUE takes no responsibility for personal modes of transportation such as these, nor contents that may be stored in them. Bicycles are to be parked at any designated stations or racks on campus, and students are encouraged to provide locks for their own protection. Students may not obstruct the parking of other students’ bikes. When riding at night, students are expected to have white lights attached to the front of their bikes and red lights on the back to be better seen. When transporting items, such as textbooks, on bicycles, bags should be used. Skates and skateboards are to be ridden solely on university sidewalks and pathways that are permitted for bicycle use. In areas of heavy pedestrian traffic, skateboards should be carried. Any area that is marked “walk bikes” is not to be ridden on by skates and skateboards. At no time shall skates and skateboards be ridden within university buildings, nor areas around their entrances. Parking lots and sports-related areas are also off-limits for skates and skateboards. Violation of any university regulations may result in the confiscation or impounding of these modes of transportation. Bikes will be held for 90 days by the

MCT users saw yet another service change: full

university. After this time, if they are not picked up, they will be subject to state surplus regulations. To report bike, skate or skateboard misuse, or to inquire about missing applicable property, students may call 650-3324 to talk to University Police.

Campus Recreation Bike Share Students looking to take advantage of on-campus transportation always have the option of visiting the Student Fitness Center and renting a bike. Doing so not only allows them to make use of the many bike trails that surround the campus, but also has the added benefit of keeping in shape while doing so. Those who find themselves without a personal vehicle, such as a bicycle or car, may also find this to be a useful alternative. To make use of this mode of transportation, students need only bring their Cougar ID to the Student Fitness Center. Through the use of the SIUE Bike Share Program, they are able to take a bike out for the day for free. Bikes procured this way must be returned before the center closes or face a $10 late fee. Those that are worried about the spread of COVID-19 are assured by those working at the Student Fitness Center that all equipment is disinfected nightly and personal disinfectants are provided to anyone who wishes to wipe the bikes down themselves before use.

areas. The Cougar Shuttle (Route 17) is a favorite among students, particularly those residing in Cougar Village. It provides transportation to and from Peck Hall and key locations within the surrounding community. On weekdays during the fall and spring semesters, the shuttle runs its route every 10 minutes. The shuttle begins its first route of the day at 7 a.m. and ends its services at approximately 11:50 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays, the Cougar Shuttle runs its route every hour. It begins its first route at 7:32 a.m. However, it ends its services early on Sunday. The last batch of riders are dropped off at Peck Hall at 7:45 p.m. on Sunday. A full list of times can be found on under Route 17. While riding around campus, any student that presents their Cougar ID can ride for free. As for students seeking to ride masks into town, during MCT’s their rides. ToPassengers are not allowed to ride up front with the driver, and both rider and driver must confirm to one another that they are symptom-free. Rates are comparable to rideshare apps, averaging $2 per mile before factoring in time per ride and traffic. For those looking to save the most amount of money, it is suggested for users to select a destination in both apps and compare the prices.

I Dominick Oranika / The Alestle

ken Transit app allows for quick and easy payments for potential passengers. Through the app, users have the option of several different fare selections. Shuttle fares range from $3 for 2-hour All Routes, $20 for 7-day All Routes, $50 for 30-day Local and $70 for 30-day All Routes. Once purchased, the tickets remain on the user’s account for ease of access. Those confused about bus routes, bus schedules or have additional fare questions can find any pertinent information by using the online Ridge Guide on the MCT website. There, students can find more in-depth material on bus numbers and drop off points around SIUE and Edwardsville.

A final note ...

COVID-19 changes

As time passes, students should check the Ride Guide regularly in order to have the latest information on route openings and other changes pertaining to current COVID-19 restrictions.

... To Here

Enterprise Rent-A-Car For those looking to rent a vehicle, Enterprise has a location in Glen Carbon, Illinois. Students must be 21 years old to rent a vehicle, and those between the ages of 21-24 may be eligible for a Young Renter Fee. This reduced fee usually cuts costs to rent a car to around $20 a day for those that qualify. Usually, this is an option for those needing to get to doctor’s appointments, or perhaps take a trip during a

weekend or break. Before COVID-19, SIUE had a partnership with Enterprise for the CarShare program. This allowed for students and faculty to reserve cars for specified times. Unfortunately, this has been discontinued for the foreseeable future. Rates range from $160 per week or $35 a day for a sedan,


and $350 per week or $90 a day for a van. Those between the ages of 21-24 may be restricted to certain vehicle classes. Reserving a vehicle is as easy as visiting the Enterprise website or calling in a reservation at the Glen Carbon location at 2888812. For more information on trails, visit Campus Rec’s website.

SIU-Edwardsville Trails

XC Trail

3 Connector

2 Abandoned blacktop

Trail #3

Trail #1

North Trailhead


Rideshare Apps Other options for student transportation include the various rideshare apps that are available through mobile phones, with Lyft and Uber being the most prominent. As a disclaimer, rideshare apps may not have drivers in the area at the time of request. Both companies have taken COVID-19 precautions into account since the pandemic has continued to grow. Drivers and passengers are required to wear

For the foreseeable future, MCT buses will be running at about half capacity, with busier routes having an added bus along the route in an effort to meet transportation needs. While seats are not blocked off, all passengers are required to wear a mask or face covering. Passengers are encouraged to social distance while riding. MCT buses are thoroughly disinfected by additional staff at their base of operations, including commonly used surfaces like handrails, seat backs and grab bars. MCT urges those traveling by shuttle to try and limit usage to essential trips only.

Main Parking

XC Trail

Model Airplane Field


Abandoned blacktop

XC Trail


Trail #8

Trail #6

4 Cougar Village Trailhead

courtesy of SIUE Marketing & Commuinications

1 2

Parking permitted. Please be courteous to the people flying model planes. Trail branches off to the right just before the cross-country trail. Follow it to the asphalt, turn right and go out to New Poag; Turn left. Follow the path next to the shoulder for about 300 ft. The trailhead is in the woods to the left.

3 4 5

New Poag Trailhead. No Parking

6 7

XC Trail

Cougar Village

Trail #4

Trail #2

Trail #5



7 Trailhead

Cougar Village Trailhead. No Parking

1000 ft.

Intersection with blacktop. Turn right. Right again at metal grate. Immediately after crossing the grate, the trail is off to the left. Trail #1 ends at XC trail. Turn right and go to the bottom of the hill. Follow XC trail around the corner. Trail #2 entrance is on the right. That of Trail #6 is on the left. Bikeway Trailhead. No parking.

Trail #7 These trails are very susceptible to damage. Please don't ride when they are wet.

Trailhead Revised 1-5-2015

Copyright 2006-2015 Gateway Off-Road Cyclists All Rights Reserved.

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thursday, 08.20.20

Get off campus and explore: there’s something for everyone near siue With SIUE being less than 30 minutes away from St. Louis and close to many other wonders within both Illinois and Missouri, students are not limited to only exploring Edwardsvile. No matter which nation you connect the most with, whether if you want a day trip or weekend getaway, there is something for everyone. Here are some of The Alestle staff’s personal favorites: MADISON LAMMERT editor-in-chief

Earth nation:

Forest Park- The Earth Nation is known for its expansive landscape (it includes an entire continent as well as several islands), so it’s no surprise earthbenders are drawn to large spaces. Not only does the park offer ample outdoor space, it also houses many of the city’s cultural institutions. Our favorites? The Saint Louis Art Museum and Saint Louis Zoo, both of which offer free admission. 35 minutes from campus. Missouri



Much like the Earth Kingdom is known for its cultural diversity and peaceful coexistence with other nations across the world, the Botanical Gardens showcase a variety of flora from across the globe. Seeing such masterpieces of all shapes and colors grow out of the ground will warm every earthbender’s heart and rejuvenate their spirit. 30 minutes from campus.

Whisk: A Sustainable Bakeshop-

Just as the farmers of the Earth Nation harness the minerals of their country’s soil to sustain a locally sourced diet, Whisk utilizes in-season, local ingredients to make its yummy treats. Whisk also composts all its food waste and uses compostable to-go packaging. Have a friend from the fire nation? Head to Teatopia, which is just down the street, after visiting Whisk. 30 minutes from campus.

Garden of the Gods-

You may have heard of the national park in Colorado, but did you know Harold, Illinois, has its very own Garden of the Gods less than three hours away from campus? Nestled within the Shawnee National Forest, the Observation Trail gives way to sandstone rock formations which lead to an overlook of the forest. As fans know, Aang learned to earthbend using large rocks, so what better way to channel your inner earthbender than being surrounded by these beautiful formations? 2 hours, 45 minutes from campus.

fire nation: Park Avenue Glass-

Chris McCarthy, artist behind the glass masterpieces at Park Avenue Glass, wrote on the store’s website, “I’m fascinated with the ability to play with fire and create a unique form as I sculpt each piece,” something all firebenders love. When sculpting, glassblowers use what’s called a “glory hole” to reheat a piece to add more to it. This language is reminiscent of the honor Zuko is constantly striving to gain from his father. 27 minutes from campus.


A personal favorite, Teatopia boasts over 80 teas from all over the globe. The menu also includes smoothies that are perfect for cooling down after walking up and down Cherokee Street in STL. Its owner, Regionals “Reo” Quarles, has realized Uncle Iroh’s dream of owning a tea shop. 30 minutes from campus.

Hot 4 Yoga-

The fire nation has no problem turning up the heat — in fact, firebenders like it that way. At Hot 4 Yoga, located in the heart of Edwardsville on East Vandalia, the hot environment allows

I Mackenzie Smith / The Alestle

for more sweating, which helps to naturally flush out toxins. It also helps one loosen up, allowing them to firebend to their fullest potential. One will quickly notice the movements resemble those of Zuko, Iroh, Azula and other badass firebenders. 10 minutes from campus.

The Axe Company- Axe throwing is a must-do when at SIUE, and we are lucky enough to have a facility located in nearby Glen Carbon. The act — which some call art — resembles fire bending. True members of the fire nation will find hurling axes through the air to stick on giant, wooden blocks to be a cathartic way to harness their anger in a healthy way. 7 minutes from campus.

air nation:

St. Louis Arch- Travel to the top of The Gateway Arch and marvel at the world below. At 630 feet in the air, you’ll soar higher than the Washington Monument. Not only do you get to connect with your inner airbender by being surrounded by sky, the story of the Arch parallels that of Aang. The giant structure overlooks the Mississippi River, which connects Missouri and Illinois, similar to Aang’s attempt to connect the four nations. 25 minutes from campus.

Grafton Zipline- Soar through treetop canopies, no wing suit needed, by booking a zipline tour through Aerie’s Resort in Grafton, Illinois. While you cannot necessarily hop from treetop to treetop like Momo, within — and even above — the trees at speeds upwards of 45 mph are as close as you can get. What else can a modern-day airbender ask for? 45 minutes from campus. It’s Raining Zen-

Located in the historic Mineral Springs Hotel, this alternative and holistic shop radiates positive energy. The shop stocks crystals, candles, stones, sage, oils, spell supplies and more: everything you need to get your chakras in balance. In order for Aang to achieve the Avatar State where he could connect with his previous selves, he had to align his seven main chakras: the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root. Discover your greatest strengths and vulnerabilities by getting in touch with your inner self this year, just as Aang did. 22

I Morgan Jackson / The Alestle

I Dominick Oranika / The Alestle

Top: The landscape of Forest Park looks a lot different from spring to winter. While warmer weather means more visits to the zoo and walks around the park, winter lends to ice skating. Left: Glass artist Sam Stang visited SIUE in the spring to share tips of the trade. Right: The St. Louis Arch is just 12 minutes from Forest Park.

minutes from campus.

St. Louis Wheel -

Aang must master all four elements in order to defeat the firelord, and the circular motion of this 200foot high Ferris wheel represents this cycle. It can also symbolize the rebirth of an Avatar into one nation, then the other, then the other. So, not only will airbenders get a taste of what it was like in the days of air temples, they will also be able to reflect on their own life journeys of mastering different skills. 30 minutes from campus.

Water nation: Watershed Nature Center-

As the pandemic forced many to consider doing outdoor-only dining and activities, Edwardsvillians found solitude at the Watershed Nature Center. As generally peaceful individuals, those of the Water Tribe will find the quietness of the center (with only the songs of the frogs breaking the silence) fulfilling. Whether on the “swamp walk” or finding a shady spot for a picnic, the Watershed is a perfect place for waterbenders to relax and do some deep reflection. 8 minutes from campus.

Crab Orchard Spillway-

This one is

best reserved as a weekend road trip, as it’s a bit of a drive — however, don’t write it

off just yet. The flow of water over rock and ledges conjures images of Katara’s journey; she had to learn to channel the flow of water in her body movements in order to master her craft. 2 hours, 15 minutes from campus.

Great River Road-

Picture this: you and some newfound friends are cruising down the Great River Road, the crisp fall air biting your fingertips as they hang casually out the window. On one side, you marvel at the Mississippi River. On the other, limestone bluffs cut you off from the rest of the world. The winding road, north of Alton, Illinois, is not only rich in history — it’s filled with beauty, and the river’s edge is something all waterbenders can appreciate. 20 minutes from campus.

Melvin Price Locks and Dam-

Can’t get enough of the river? The Melvin Price Locks and Dam boasts the best view of the Mississippi River from eight stories up, but we’ll let you decide that for yourself. The dam harnesses the true power of water, which Hama shows can be both destructive and healing. 25 minutes from campus. Note: The times seen on this list reflect travel time by vehicle on main highways from the SIUE Edwardsville campus. Times are subject to change based on other factors.

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thursday, 08.20.20


One of the most daunting parts of being an incoming freshman is trying to make friends on campus. With a global pandemic, a larger freshman class and new housing restrictions, friendship will look different as campus reopens this fall. Students learned last spring that university life is not immune to the uncertainty caused by a pandemic. Among the colleges across the U.S. who have decided on plans to reopen or make online transitions, SIUE released their “Our Cougar Commitment” plan on June 30, which outlined their full procedures for returning to campus next semester. Examples which could complicate socialization include socially distanced classrooms, a ban on guests in residence halls and a ban on campus events with more than 50 people in attendance. Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management Scott Belobrajdic revealed that enrollment grew this year, despite the pandemic, during the Return to Fall Q&A session hosted by the University via Zoom. “The freshmen class is actually larger than last year’s freshman class,” said Belobrajdic. Although class sizes will inevitably grow, social distancing guidelines might still cause incoming freshmen to worry about meeting new people and making friends. According to Cougar Village Resident Assistant and Vice President of Student Government Ronald Akpan, these feelings are valid, as freshmen face new challenges this fall.

“Being a freshman in college, it’s definitely hard because you’re new to the area and have to make new friends,” Akpan said. “Especially with the conditions we’re in right now, it’s going to make it harder than it already is.” The larger size of this year’s freshmen class could also result in more students making their introductions virtually, given that a larger class size makes in-person classes and events more complex to organize according to safety guidelines. According to Akpan, social media might hold potential for students nervous about making friends. “The best advice I can give to freshmen is to take advantage of different pages on social media,” Akpan said. “I know on Facebook, there’s an SIUE Class of 2024 group page that I’m actually a part of ... I would say take advantage of that.” According to junior Mass Communications major Noah Jones, one’s search for friendship could begin with their choice of roommate(s). “One of the best ways to meet new people is making sure you get good roommates,” Jones said. “I’ve seen a lot of class pages and things like that helping freshmen find roommates that have similar interests to them … maybe FaceTime or talk to them before, so then you’ll know if you get along, because that will be the people you’ll be around the most.” Jones said the Class of 2024 also has an Instagram page for those who want to meet new people in their class and/or share a little bit about themselves. Pages like these can help students virtually introduce themselves and/or find roommates and friends with similar interests.

In the Return to Fall Q&A session hosted by the University via Zoom, Director for University Housing Mallory Sidarous said aside from two permissible guests at move-in, students should get used to not inviting non-residents over. “Guests will not be permitted in our university housing living areas this fall,” Sidarous said. “Guests” are individuals who do not reside in that residential community, according to Sidarous. With these housing restrictions in mind, Jones offered some alternative ways to maintain current friendships without inviting guests over. “You could always go somewhere with friends, just remember your masks and try to distance from them,” Jones said. “Let’s say you do leave campus, there’s tons of places you could go. You could go to parks, you could go walking … I’ve been hiking a lot, I just started cycling recently … really just anywhere outdoors, while it’s warm still, I would say is a good way to spend time together.” There are also several online tools outside of social media available to help connect friends remotely. The most obvious examples are video chat services like FaceTime and Zoom, but there are others that focus more specifically on sharing an experience. One example is Netflix Party, a Google Chrome extension that allows the user to watch Netflix with their friends using synchronized video playback and a group chat feature. According to Jones, there are more ways technology can help make the most out of “hanging out” while staying in. “Hulu has a service. You do have to be upgraded to a more

expensive plan, but they have a group-viewing thing,” Jones said. “There’s a website called JackBox TV Games, and it’s these games you play with your smartphone, and it all goes back to a TV. So it’s like everyone is playing the game in the room through their smartphones, but the games are actually on the TV … they’re very fun, we always played it at parties before all this … this would be a really good thing for small groups or roommates or things like that.” For more information on how to keep in touch with your classmates, visit your SIUE graduating class’s Fa c e b o o k page.

CAB SEEKS INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO ENGAGE STUDENTS WHILE NOT COMPROMISING SAFETY LILY SCHNIEDERS reporter For many, one of the most anticipated aspects of college is socialization. As COVID-19 has shifted the way many of us cater to our extroverted side, popular campus events have been reframed. The Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosts over 130 events annually and provide SIUE students various leadership opportunities. Social distancing will be hard with larger activities because SIUE will have to abide by state law, which dictates only having

50 people in a place at one time. Activities like Cougar Welcome, Homecoming and SpringFest will have to adjust and change their original plans. Cougar Welcome is the first activity of the year on campus. This activity is for the freshmen to get to know the campus and meet new people. There will be more details to come once they get closer to Cougar Welcome which starts August 24 and ends September 2. Originally, first-year students would go in the gym and have a few presentations, then go around campus and do some small activities that help you to

know the campus better. This year, almost all Cougar Welcome events have gone virtual. The events that will take the place of in-person events will be Jackbox game nights, Kahoot Trivia night, Movie Trivia night and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. For Jackbox game nights and Kahoot Trivia night, the freshmen will hop on to a Zoom call when they are told to with the code they are given. Once participants get on, they will compete in the live stream of games. Students are encouraged to turn on their mics

and talk as they play through the games and trivia rounds. There will be prizes awarded for attendance and for joining the Zoom call. Movie Trivia night will be hosted via Netflix Party. Participants will go into the Netflix Party and questions about a movie will be asked in the chat. The first person to answer the questions correctly will win a prize. There will also be a viewing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. CAB doesn’t have many details on that besides planning on doing a drive-in show. CAB will still be giving away free t-shirts.

Organizers of the other activities are doing the best they can to keep their events afloat while still keeping in mind that we are in a pandemic and things will be changing as weeks go by. It is going to be challenging having to change activities and events at the last minute and make them as productive as they are in person. CAB is finding ways to get students engaged on campus without compromising their safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit the CAB website for more information about the activities happening at SIUE this year.

thursday, 08.20.20

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thursday, 08.20.20

WHAT WE WISH WE KNEW OUR FIRST YEAR HOW WE AIRBEND THROUGH THE HARDSHIPS OF COLLEGE DON’t NEGlect your physical AND EMOTIONAL health There’s a lot I wish I knew as a freshman, but if I could go back in time and tell myself one thing, I would stress the importance of taking care of myself physically. Coming into my freshman year was exciting. I was no longer living under my parents’ roof and I was done with the organized sports I did during high school. I was free!


One of the most exciting aspects of college is the newfound independence and freedom. You can live life the way you want to with no one telling you what to do. This can manifest in a lot of good ways, but if you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll pay for it. While I was enjoying the freedom as much as any other freshman, I took it too far at times. I went from eating healthy meals every day of the week to eating Chick-fil-A and Pizza Hut every day with some salads sprinkled in. Similarly, I had gone from running or lifting every day to go-

ing to the fitness center probably five times total my first semester. I had felt invincible for so long that I thought there was no way I could really impact my health. Nevertheless, not too far into the school year I found myself feeling like garbage all the time, with barely enough energy to get through the day. When I did exercise, the contrast against how I performed in high school was immense — and horrific. I also had no idea how much of an impact diet and exercise had on my mental health. In tandem

with feeling awful physically, it wasn’t long before I also felt awful mentally. It became so much harder to just think clearly, which isn’t something you want when starting college. My lack of self-care sent me into a depression, which made it hard to enjoy the freedom I had been so excited about. I’m still paying for all of this today. After finishing up our online semester, I became dedicated to living healthily again, but it wasn’t easy. Trails I used to run without breaking a sweat became ones I could barely finish, and I

wish I had been lifting at school rather than being forced to use the old weights covered in spider webs in my garage. To the freshmen reading this: remember, everything is best in moderation. A dining hall five minutes away from your dorm is awesome, but try to stick to the healthier options most of the time. You might like living as a former athlete, but make sure to spend at least some time at the fitness center. Moderation applies to drugs and alcohol too. If you don’t take care of yourself, you’re going to have a bad time at college.

reframe your mindset when ENTEring into college athletics Transitioning from high school into college is one of the most difficult tasks placed on incoming freshmen. Many students aren’t used to the independence of college living, making the transition even more complex. Everyone goes through this transition differently. Some can do it easily because they are already accustomed to an independent lifestyle, but some need advice regarding what to expect when moving away for college. Student athletes in particular may need different types of advice so they can be successful in both school and their sport. I went in as a student athlete and had no idea what to expect.

As a student athlete, my freshman year was difficult to manage. No one prepared me for how much of a transition it is, going from just playing soccer four days a week to playing soccer seven days a week at a higher intensity. For those not used to practicing this often, the extensive practice schedule can be a drastic change. Not having experience in a high-demand atmosphere can be dangerous due to the increased risk for injury. I also wish I knew how the soccer aspect of school was going to be. I expected it to be like how I had been playing it my entire life, but it was nothing like that. There

is a lot of work and commitment that I didn’t know needed to be put into it. It is basically a job you will be doing for the next four years of your life. To give you an idea of how big this commitment is, you need to be ready to practice three hours a day for seven days a week without much of a break. The best way to be successful in that area is to come in as fit as you possibly can so you won’t have to worry about injuries or being exhausted all the time. I don’t want any incoming athletes to not know what to expect and have to figure it out on their own like I did. The most important thing

to know is how to balance your schoolwork and the sport you play. The coaches and your advisers are always stressing the importance of getting help when needed and turning things in on time. As somebody who has trouble asking for help, this problem caused me to drop a class when I wasn’t doing well. Dropping a class did help me realize that I needed to change my major but it also messed up my timeline on when I would finish school. Another small thing to know is that you need to be able to find a balance between eating and working out. The trainers will tell you that you need to stuff your face with

everything you can get your hands on, but don’t do that. Eat what feels right. I learned my lesson the hard way my freshman year. I will always remember the lessons I learned my freshman year, but I would also like to inform any incoming student athletes not to make the mistakes I did. Listen to these tips I am telling you to help you possibly have a less stressful freshman year at SIUE.


NON-traditional students shouldn’t forgo a college experience I’ve been a freshman at college two separate times, as I transferred universities. Because of this, coupled with the fact that I’m 34 years old, my experience as a student is unique compared to most SIUE students. Since there was a 12 year gap between when I failed out of college the first time and came back to school, my age and experience has given me a


different perspective than most. Because of these qualifiers, I am what is called a “non-traditional student,” a barrier that was surprisingly difficult to overcome. Since coming back to school four years ago, there are a number of college-related tips I wish I had foreknowledge of back then. Proper scheduling is one of the most important aspects of university life that I had to adapt to fairly quickly. It wasn’t just having to know what class assignments needed to be done by a certain time period, it was rescheduling my life from a full-time worker to a full-time student.

My sleep cycle had to be reset since I was so used to working overnight shifts, and I needed to know that my free time wasn’t just for playing video games. If there was time to play games, that time needed to be allocated to working on school assignments. That didn’t mean I had to put down games altogether, but there needed to be a balance to my time. Though I had similar help at SIUE as I did at Southwestern Illinois College with class scheduling and degree fulfillment, SWIC’s TRIO Student Support Services’ more personalized student meetings meant I wasn’t as

prepared for choosing classes at SIUE as I should have been. Since TRIO was primarily for assisting smaller groups of non-traditional students, they provided a more one-on-one service for each student as well as providing school supplies if needed. When I transferred to SIUE, I needed to learn how to be more independent in preparing my degree road map. There was a time after I transferred when the differences between attending a community college and a four-year university resulted in me missing out on classes I needed to take. If I could go back two years ago, I

would tell myself to keep in better contact with my academic adviser and open a clearer line of dialogue with them. Overall, complacency is the biggest obstacle a student can find themselves struggling with. While it never negatively affected my grades, my previously established issues with anxiety and depression were greatly exacerbated by undue pressure that I brought upon myself. I just wish I could go back in time and tell myself to enjoy my time in college, but to also remember why I am going through it all in the first place.

get involved as a commuter — or your mental health is at risk The biggest thing I wish I had known as a freshman, and that I think all freshmen should know, is that you are not alone. When I was a freshman, I was anxious about everything (which is only slightly more anxious than usual). If I forgot where a building or a classroom was, I panicked. I didn’t want to stick out as the “new guy.” Even though I was a freshman, I wanted nothing more than to hide that and blend in. I didn’t want to make an impact, I wanted to go through SIUE unnoticed. Unfortunately, this is probably a common thought process. However, two big things helped

me through this immensely. The first was the strangely depressing-but-helpful realization that I was not unique. I am not the only freshman who feels that way. No one is. You may feel worried because it’s your first time at a college and you feel alone, but SIUE’s entire freshman class is feeling that way. Everyone who does something for the first time feels anxious to some extent, and I can almost guarantee that every single upperclassman at SIUE had the same feeling when they started. So, when you have to ask where Peck Hall is on your first day, or when you get turned around and lost in the hallways of

Science East, don’t feel bad asking someone nearby for help. That wasn’t all that helped me, however. I also thought about how I wasn’t making an impact, which was what I had intended, but that was not good for my mental health at all. Since I’m a commuter, it was particularly easy for me to avoid being a part of the campus community, while still being a student at SIUE. I would show up for my classes, and maybe even grab lunch with someone I knew. But, once there was nothing for me to do, I would drive home, and wait for the next day to begin. Eventually, I felt as though I desperately

needed a change. I began to think about my future, and how I wanted to do something with the English language, since I love writing and have never been good with numbers. I heard The Alestle was hiring, and realized that it was just what I needed. It sounds cheesy, but by getting this job on campus, I felt like I was a part of the campus culture and that I had found something of a place. Like I said, it’s very cliché, but being around these same people regularly, all trying to get the paper done at the same time, helped my mental health a great amount. Now, I’m still a very anxious guy, but I feel

more comfortable at SIUE, and I have a reason to be on campus. So, for all the freshmen, or anyone who feels alone out there, you are not alone. We all feel that way sometimes. The best advice, in my opinion, is to find other people with the same anxieties and stresses. Because then, at least you can all get through it together.


thursday, 08.20.20

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Modes of course delivery and new schedules, explained GABRIEL BRADY reporter SIUE, along with almost every other college in the world, was forced to alter its spring semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This summer, SIUE spent much time and effort preparing for the fall, hoping to make it less turbulent. Course changes are being put in place to comply with guidelines from the state and SIUE itself, according to Registrar Laura Strom. “Since we’ll have to follow social distancing, we will have significantly reduced people on-campus,” Strom said. “We’ve tried to move as many people online in order to keep up with social distancing.” Strom said the best advice for students is to watch to their SIUE emails for updates. “Students should pay attention to their emails, now more than ever. Additionally, if they have questions, they should never be afraid to send an email to ask,” Strom said. “Some of the questions we get are more geared towards what an academic adviser could help with, but we always offer what we can.” Strom also said some changes to courses came from recommendations by the Academic Continuity Task Force, which SIUE created to plan academics during the pandemic. The ACTF said even before this, there were three basic types of classes offered at SIUE. Those three types were face-to-face, online or hybrid, a combination of the two. Face-to-face courses are classes with no online portion, and online courses have no in-person portion. Before the pandemic, most courses were hybrid, according to the ACTF. Within the category of online courses, there are two subcategories — asynchronous or synchronous. Both types will require students to complete assignments and submit them online, but an asynchronous online course has no required meeting times, while synchronous courses do. Those meetings may occur over Zoom, or other online services. For more information, contact the registrar’s office at

CRN, Subject, Course Number and Course Title indicate what class is registered.

These boxes indicate where your class will take place.

These boxes tell you what semester your class will take place with the start and end dates.

This box shows what campus is offering this course. OL means that this class is fully online. Otherwise, the campus offering this class will be listed here.

These boxes tell you what time your class will take place with the start and end times.

These boxes tell you what days your class will take place.

Blank days and times indicate that this class will be asynchronous, meaning there is no set day or time to meet virtually for class. This is an example SIUE course schedule. Course times and settings on this graphic are not factual and should not be read as such. | Summer Bradley/ The Alestle

The do’s and don’ts of Zoom classes For many students, online classes can be difficult due to distractions at home or technical difficulties. Here are some examples of Zoom etiquette to make your online academic life easier. | ALEX AULTMAN / reporter

do’s Do tell the people you are living with when you will be in a class or

meeting. My boyfriend almost scarred my co-workers by walking into our room to change during a staff meeting. Telling your family or roommates about your schedule can also reduce the risk of them potentially yelling or swearing during your classes.

Do make sure your webcam is working before class starts. This can be

checked by opening up your computer’s camera to see how it looks. This will also show you what your professor and classmates will be seeing so you can adjust the environment if needed. There is also the option to set custom backgrounds. There are some already programmed into Zoom, or a background can be uploaded from your computer.

Do mute yourself when you’re not speaking. Muting yourself will prevent any outside noises or conversations from interrupting class. Zoom also has a push-to-talk feature, which allows you to unmute yourself by holding the spacebar. Some headphones also have mute buttons on them.

Do actively participate in class. Answering your professor’s questions and participating in class discussions will help you learn the material better. An engaged classroom helps the professors identify areas of concern and promotes a better overall environment. Keep in mind, professors are undergoing changes to their instruction styles as well.

Do communicate with your professor if you’re having any technical issues that may keep you from attending class or turning in assignments on time. Power or internet outages are bound to happen. Generally, most professors will understand and accommodate these technical difficulties when they arise.

dont’s Don’t go to class without pants. Please. We’ve all heard the horror stories. If you still need a push to properly cover your bottom half, changing into proper clothes for the day acts as a way for your mind to transition from resting to your next task. Don’t attend class in bed, if possible. As comfortable as it may sound, staying in bed during class can make it harder for your brain to separate work and rest. Getting up and moving to a separate space can help your mood. Laptops are also more likely to overheat and run poorly if they’re on fabric, where they can’t get air circulation. Don’t lay down during class. Getting cozy and warm under blankets will make it easier for you to fall asleep and harder to pay attention. It may also reflect poorly on you in the eyes of your professors. Don’t forget to use headphones if you have them. For most laptops, the built-in microphone isn’t great quality. Playing audio through your speakers will also result in an echo for everyone else in the class. Don’t attend class while driving. It seems like a no-brainer, but it happens more often than you think. Zoom may be more difficult to use on a phone and could result in distracted driving. Trying to participate in class and drive at the same time means you aren’t going to focus very well on either task.

* For instructions on how to download and operate Zoom, visit the ITS website.

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thursday, 08.20. 20

How to Survive a semester of online learning Transitioning to online classes last semester proved to be a challenge for many, and the idea of doing it again can be daunting. Here are some tips to make online learning easier:

schedule that works for you and stick to it. When you’ve completed a task, you get the added satisfaction of getting to cross something off the list.

Plan out days ahead of time

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

When you don’t have many in-person classes, or even set times for your classes, the responsibility of time management falls entirely on you. It can be challenging to self-discipline, but one helpful tool is scheduling your time. Plan out your week, with assignments and goals to accomplish each day. For example, a typical day for me last semester might have been watching a video for Spanish and answering the assigned questions in the morning, and working on a political science paper in the afternoon. You might also find it helpful to dedicate a different day of the week to each class. Find a

If you feel that the lack of in-person classes is hurting your understanding of a subject, don’t be afraid to email your instructor with questions — after all, that’s why they’re here. Some instructors might set up a Zoom meeting or opt to talk to you one-on-one during their office hours. Take advantage of the help that’s available to you. You can also reach out to your classmates for help or to study together. Online learning can be tough, but there are resources to make it easier. It’s also helpful to know what method of communication your teachers prefer. Some are quick to respond via email, while others respond faster if you text them on their cell phone. This will usually be stated in the syllabus, and is good to know when working on an assignment that requires a quick answer.

Exchange contact information with peers Find people you feel comfortable asking for their contact information, or use the Zoom chat to start a group message so people can ask questions about assignments or study for a test. Plus, for synchronous classes, if you miss a day and the teacher doesn’t record the Zoom, you’ll

How I navigate student parenthood (during a pandemic) College takes time, patience and dedication. So does parenthood. I’m a graduate student, a mom of a four-year-old daughter, an intern and the graphics manager at The Alestle. That in itself is a handful, but let’s add that we’re currently in a global pandemic, too. I’ve been asked many times, “How do you do it?” Well, here’s how: My day starts at 7 a.m. and ends around 10 p.m. Within these 15 hours, I fit work, my internship, classes, homework, playtime with my daughter, her dance classes, therapy for myself, socially-distanced friend time, house chores, exercise and whatever else I can squeeze in. I try to make the most of my days because even during these trying times, I know my daughter will only be this age today. She is my main motivation for keeping a positive attitude and completing my tasks. I’ve always been a stickler on time management. I draw out a daily schedule and I stick to it like glue. However, COVID-19 has forced me to learn a new strategy: prioritizing and going with the flow. Like I said, I do this all for my daughter, so if something doesn’t get done for the day, I move it to the next day. I’ve learned people are understanding of others during this time, so give yourself that same understanding. Some tasks can be moved around, but when my daughter wants to play hide and seek before bed, I do it. Kids get older and want new things each day. This might be the last time she wants to play hide and seek. You never know what tomorrow holds, so I play with her today. I can’t always leave the house for Zoom classes, so my class normally has an extra student. My daughter always wants to say hello, show my classmates her artwork and make funny faces into the video

camera. People are generally understanding that I have a kid at home. Does that stop me from apologizing every time she interrupts or I have to walk off screen? No, but it helps me to know that I don’t have to and it will still be fine. Some of my classes have content I do not want my four-year-old listening to. If she insists on being in those classes with me, I give her homework to do. My daughter has a LeapPad that helps her learn to read and write with games and music. This is her “laptop” while mommy is on hers. Most of the time, that keeps her attention along with doing art to share with the class at the end. I’ve tried wearing headphones, but then I can’t hear her when she needs me or she gets into something she isn’t supposed to be into. I’ve also tried getting her to wear headphones. That was a joke. This is nowhere near a perfect solution for all kiddos, but it does the job in my house. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. It’s OK to need a little ‘me’ time without the kids. With the help of friends and my therapist, I have learned how to breathe through the chaos in order to move forward instead of feeling stuck in it. Things will get better, but for now I owe it to my daughter and to myself to make the most of our time together. My daughter just asked, “Can I type too?” So, on that note, I end this with a special message from her: ;.;;.b/g’gok9yyyyydkinsley. SUMMER BRADLEY graphics manager

have people to catch you up.

Put your phone down It’s difficult to fight the urge to pick up your phone when it’s sitting next to you during online classes. To avoid wasting too much time on your phone, put it on silent and leave it someplace where you won’t be tempted to check it too often. You may also like to set your phone face-down so you aren’t distracted by notifications. I started by dedicating a smaller amount of time, maybe half an hour, to work without distractions. I would reward myself with a quick social media fix, then get back to work. You might be itching to reach for your phone at first, but it’ll get easier with time. If you have messaging hooked up to your Mac, you could try turning on the Do Not Disturb setting. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can accomplish.

Have a designated work space Create a space where you strictly focus on schoolwork, separate from where you sleep or spend freetime. This gives your brain a place to associate with doing work. It’s important to keep your designated work space clean. Research shows that clutter negatively affects short-term memory, as it interrupts how our brains track where our attention is needed. Furthermore, an overload of visual and spatial stimuli can overwhelm our brains, which leads to reduced working

memory and higher stress levels. Make sure the people you live with know this space is where you work, and if possible, try to keep it off-limits to others. Then when you’re done working, you’ll have a place to step away from.

Set a time to be done Don’t fall into a cycle of procrastinating during the day and staying up late to finish assignments. Schedule times to work during the day, but also schedule a time to be done and times for leisure and other activities. Some overachievers might find it hard to know when to stop, but it’s important to maintain a balance of work and fun to avoid burnout. You deserve time to relax after a day of hard work. After all, it’s important to take care of yourself, especially in the midst of a pandemic. NICOLE BOYD copy editor

thursday, 08.20.20

page 23

on-campus resources siue students need to know about Students attending SIUE pay not only for their classes in their tuition, but also for the various resources that are essential to succeeding during their time at the university. So, be sure to take advantage of the following:

appointment with Health Service, students have to web-book through CougarCare or call 6502842. Each session is held online, and any student needing technological assistance should contact Information Technology Services at 650-5500 before making an appointment.

Counseling Services

Health Service

Counseling Services assists students in maintaining their mental health. Assistance is provided to those enrolled at SIUE with psychotherapy and counseling regarding personal and academic concerns. As long as a student is taking three or more credit hours per semester, Counseling Services is covered by tuition and student fees. Those who wish to make use of Counseling Services will first have to take an initial assessment online through CougarCare. Questionnaires filled out there will help one of their behavioral health case managers find the best fit for the student. Currently, Counseling Services will be unable to provide face-to-face sessions with students because of COVID-19 restrictions, therefore, walk ins are not permitted, though teletherapy and video-based sessions are offered. Anyone who wishes to take part is encouraged to find a private place to stream through the program’s secure platform, Therapist Assisted Online. These sessions are completely confidential. Though the focus is on providing short-term sessions, Counseling Services also assists students in finding a fit for students off-campus as well if needed. To make an appointment, students can reach out through CougarCare or call 650-2842. Counseling Services hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

ACCESS In order to accommodate students with a variety of learning, behavioral, emotional and/ or physical needs, ACCESS pro-


virtual format, advisers will assist students in understanding general education requirements and guide them to a course of study. Once a major is chosen, students are referred to advisers in the respective schools that are associated with their major. Once sorted into one of the different schools, it is recommended that students meet at least once a semester with their adviser to discuss graduation requirements and class suggestions. Students looking to make appointments with Academic Advising need to do so through the Starfish portal that can be accessed through Blackboard. From there, all appointments with advisers this fall will be held through email correspondence or via Zoom.

ments, testing times and more can do so through the Accommodate online platform, or by calling 6503726.

Career Development Center In an effort to put students on the right academic and professional track, the Career Development Center offers a wide range of opportunities. From services like organizing career fairs, development of resumes, job search assistance and setting up mock interviews, the CDC has crucial tools students might need when looking beyond college. The CDC is open to all students in a virtual setting, and is able to assist students with online resume assistance and assessment appointments. Since COVID-19 has restricted several services on campus, the CDC has adapted their methods in helping students in other ways. While on-campus career fairs cannot be held, they have several online events set up for the fall for the sole purpose of creating connections between graduating students and potential employers. In addition, the CDC offers further help with interviews by providing students access to the Cougar Career Closet. Each month, a student can receive up to two complete sets of professional attire for upcoming interviews. Social distancing and mask requirements are mandatory for anyone looking to use this service. Email them at or call them at 650-3708 to schedule an online appointment.

Prevention Education and Advocacy Center SIUE’s efforts to create a safe campus for students, faculty and staff against sex and/or gender based violence are coordinated through the Prevention Education and Advocacy Center. Through PEACe, students can find resources for disclosing incidents, counseling advice with professionals and support. PEACe professionals are also mandated reporters.

Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination The Office of Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination works alongside the PEACe Office to contact and report sex and/or gender based incidents like harassment and discrimination through Title IX coordinators. Through this process, students can privately consult with professionals on campus in response to those sorts of conducts. Any incidents are reported to SIUE’s Police Department as per the Clery Act. Reports for Title IX incidents can be sent to Jamie Ball, director of the Office of Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination. Her office can be contacted by calling 650-2333.

Academic Advising Students’ success relies on having a clear plan to graduation with Academic Advising acting as a pathfinder. Advisers working here are around to answer and guide students from their first semester to their last. Incoming freshmen or those who haven’t declared their majors must be advised at the Office of Academic Advising. Through a

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SIUE’s Health Service are all the more important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students enrolled at the university are capable of receiving several types of medical care through their clinic. While it is not necessary for students to have insurance, which is offered through the school itself if need be, students are urged to have insurance of some form to avoid additional costs. International students are required to carry some sort of health insurance if they wish to receive help. Any student that wishes to enroll in the university most show they have the proper immunization records for rubeola, rubella, mumps, tetanus and diphtheria. These immunizations can be acquired through either a family physician, healthcare provider or through Health Service itself. Services offered to students include clinical care, prescription pickups, women’s healthcare, lab work and viral testing. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Service is working closely with Madison and St. Clair County, as well as following CDC guidelines, to provide safeguards. If students show COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has, they are to contact Health Service immediately. Students who do so will need to be prepared to give Health Service the date symptoms began, the last time they were physically at the campus and the date they received their test along with the results. Health Service will work with the student to provide contact tracing and will expect to receive follow-ups. Since social distancing is in effect, walk-ins are no longer allowed. In order to make an

vides a range of services to those enrolled at SIUE. Support comes in the forms of reasonable modifications to testing and classroom policies to level the learning process for all students. To receive the appropriate help, students must first provide documentation from outside practitioners. Once a diagnosis has been confirmed, they will meet online with a counselor who will assess what kind of accommodations the student might need and assist in the appropriate manner. Academic adjustments provided include increased test times, assisted note taking and mentorship programs. As COVID-19 has added extra barriers for students, ACCESS will accommodate students with the university’s mask wearing policies. Those who require translucent masks, or other forms of mask modifications, can work with ACCESS to do so. In addition to those COVID-19 related changes, ACCESS has further elaborated on other arrangements that will be taken. Students approved for extended testing for online classes will have them set up through Blackboard and will not need to ask for approval for each test. Physical on-site test deliveries have been postponed for now, and must be taken to the testing center by the professor themselves or delivered electronically. If approved through the Accommodate online platform, proctored tests will still be available, though must be done through services like Reader or Scribe. Professors will have to wear face shields or clear masks if alerted that there is someone needing lip reading accommodations. In-office visits are currently restricted to only when needed at the moment. Those needing to visit their office at Room 1270 of the Student Success Center must adhere to the university’s strict social distancing rules and are required to wear masks within the building. Other one-on-one meetings and intake appointments will be done so through telephone, email or video conferencing. Any student needing to schedule registrations, appoint-


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| Alestle File Photos

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thursday, 08.20.20



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