Architecture Portfolio

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From mexican father, Ricardo Gomez and swiss mother, Marlise Maurer, Alexia Rubí Gómez Maurer is raised between a mix of cultures and customs. This fact is the one that sets in her future a great interest in getting to know new horizons and languages, and therefore has always sought to complement her education abroad. In her senior year she had the opportunity to do an exchange program in France, allowing her to later decide to pursue a career in architecture. Throughout her professional training at the Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, she found that the architecture is very versatile and offers various possibilities for fieldwork. From the beginning she has been interested in interior design, and thanks to her good performance at the university she was able to get a scholarship for an exchange semester in Italy, the cradle of art. Currently, just finished her bachelor, Alexia has already one year of work experience in the architectural firm Oxígeno Visual and is ready to continue acquiring new knowledge and skills. 4

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