Giant Panda

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Giant Panda by Princess

Afternoon time A vision for my eyes Not that many pandas They only live in the zoo… China’s population is growing too Pandas only live in the zoo… So please help save the pandas today!

Description The description of a Giant Panda bear, also known as the ​ Ailuropoda Melanoleuca​ , is recognized by the black patches around its eyes, ears, and across its round body. Ailuropoda Melanoleuca ​ is the scientific name for the Giant Panda. The Giant Panda is 60-90cm tall or at a human adult’s shoulder.

Habitat The Giant Panda lives in South China and and many zoos and a lot of different countries. The panda’s natural environment is the mountain forests of southwestern China. Also since China’s population is growing the giant panda has to go to different countries and states. Diet

A Giant Panda's diet is almost completely bamboo. The rest of its diet is can be other types of grasses and occasional small rodents, eggs, etc. In the zoo, Giant Pandas eat bamboo, but are given other food as well. Why Endangered One of the main reasons the Giant Panda is endangered is the destruction of its habitat. Because the population in China is growing, there are fewer livable areas for the Giant Panda to survive in. Farm lands for people are being created from the bamboo forests, leading to food shortages for the panda. Giant Pandas feed on many different types of bamboo. If one type of bamboo is destroyed, it can leave the Giant Panda at risk of starvation.

Solutions Most of the solutions are about making more nature reserves and patrolling against poachers. But the most important solution is patrolling against poachers because they are killing off pandas and other endangered animals. Creating nature reserves is important too; they are a safe place for the animals to live and populate. Also educating the world about the problems of the panda is vital to their survival. Why it is important to save the animal? Saving the Giant Panda isn't just about saving a cute, furry animal. It's about survival of the panda and its habitat. The giant panda is an amazing species, and it symbolizes of one of the important regions in China, the Yangtze Basin. Survival of the panda and the protection of its habitat are very important. Protecting the panda is the only one way we can guarantee that the populations will continue to live in the region. Bibliography "Giant Panda ." ​ WWF​ . WWF Global, 23 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. <>. "Giant Panda ." ​ NationalZoo​ . Smithsonian's National Zoological Park Conservation Biology Institute, 23 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. <>. "Giant Panda ." ​ Animal Fact Guide​ . 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Apr. 2015. <>

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