What is a Healthy Indulgence? – Healthy Food Mediterranean cuisine

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What is a Healthy Indulgence? – Healthy Food – Mediterranean cuisine Aladdin Gourmet

A Healthy Indulgence

 An indulgence means doing something that brings pleasure, even if it is not good for you or in your best interests.

 Healthy refers to anything that is good for you – body, mind and spirit.

 Generally speaking, the two terms cannot co-exist. If you enjoy it, it’s rarely good for you. When it comes to food there is an old saying – if you enjoy it, it’s either immoral, illegal or fattening.

 But there is food that is yummy and very good for you. It’s not too good to be true.

 Eating trends and fads come and go. What is “in” today may be forgotten in a few months. There are two reasons for this.

 The first is that humans are always searching for new

It’s True and Good for You

foods to titillate their taste buds with. The second is that sooner or later, drawbacks and problems appear with most types of cuisines.

 Medical research will prove that the diet is not as healthy as was first thought to be or that it is, in fact, actually bad for you.

 There is, however, an exception to this. One type of cuisine that has stayed right at the top of popularity ratings for many years is Mediterranean food.

 It is extremely tasty and appeals to just about all palates.

 It is accepted by both the medical profession and expert nutritionists as being one of the healthiest cuisines.

 Preparation is simple – it can even be a family activity that promotes bonding.

The reasons for this are manifold:

 Flavors, spices and heat levels can be modified to suit all tastes.

 It does not need expensive or hard to find ingredients.  The variety of savory, sweet and other dishes is so vast that the problem of repeating dishes that ultimately leads to boredom does not exist.

 Hummus – Chick peas slow cooked whipped with tahini, garlic and lemon.

 Chicken Shawerma (Gyro)- Thin marinated slices of roasted tender chicken.

 Beef Minced Kebab – Marinated roasted beef with onions,

Flavors for Everyone

tomatoes and bell peppers.

 Kefta Skewer – Grilled seasoned fresh mixed ground beef, onions & spices.

 Zatart & Cheese- Jordanian thyme, sesame topped with Lebanese favorite Akkawi white cheese

 Sambosa (Mix Veg) – Homemade baked pie stuffed with potatoes, peas, carrots, onions and spices.

 There is so much more, but the list will drag on. The best way to truly understand Mediterranean food is to eat it. Be warned, for most people trying it once have stayed hooked for life.

 The great thing about Mediterranean food is that all you need to do is go to a store with a Mediterranean/Lebanese deli section and pick up what appeals to you on that day.

 There is no need to worry about what to get the next time. The food is so delicious that the question people always ask themselves is “Do I repeat what I loved last time or do I try something new?” It’s nice to have to make difficult choices when it comes to great food because whatever you decide, you cannot lose.

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