2 minute read

& S.U.N.


Tired of feeling the bloat when you’re hanging out on the boat? Is your favorite summer attire the cover-up or T-shirt over the bathing suit? Is sitting by the pool or in a lounge chair at the beach your idea of summer fun, because everything else takes too much energy and you’re too tired to participate in the fun?

Consider making a few changes to those summer treats and sweets and enjoy your summer, active and feeling good.

Here are a few food and drink tips while having fun in the sun:



One or two servings of fruit can be a good option, but since fruit is sugar, avoid eating a lot of it because it increases insulin and leaves you feeling fatigued, tired and bloated. Consider frozen fruit if you have close access to a freezer. Avoid dried fruit in an effort to reduce concentrated sugar and additive preservatives. Remember to eat rather than drink your fruit, because liquids increase fiber, giving you a feeling of fullness and slowing digestion. Enjoy fruit with some almond butter or another form of protein or healthy fat, and avoid eating it by itself. Fruit smoothie popsicles made with protein powder are a great treat.

Uunderstand Protein

Understand the value of protein, a natural appetite suppressant. If you’re looking to crave less, eat less and have more energy and fun, your snacks and meals need to include protein. Tuna or chicken mixed with a little lemon and cracked pepper placed in a piece of baby romaine lettuce or green of choice makes for a fantastic meal. And if cold cuts are your desire, choose Boars Head lunch meat for your lettuce wrap. Avoid the bread to avoid the bulge and avoid the condiments as they add extra unnecessary calories and a risk for food poisoning in the heat.


Choose nutrient-dense foods while snacking/eating. Mixed-nut medleys make great snack options. Looking for a crunch? Choose fresh raw vegetables with a little hummus or homemade dip. And always plan ahead. Pack plenty because “mindless munching” is very typical. If you plan ahead, you will likely eat smarter and, as a result, feel better.


Ssugary Drinks

Drinks such as Gatorade, soda, sweet tea and alcoholic beverages should be kept to a minimum. For every 4 grams of sugar in your drink, you are consuming 1 teaspoon of sugar, which is 16 calories. So add up your total for every drink and consider replacing those with water.

Uunlimited Water

Water is a necessity. In order to stay hydrated, drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day and adjust and add 20 ounces more for heat and 20 ounces for humidity. Most people underestimate their needs and drink significantly less. Additionally, caffeinated products and alcohol dehydrate you. When drinking anything with caffeine, remember you must drink 8 ounces of water for every 4 ounces of caffeinated products.

Nnever Get Overheated

Consider preparing your body in advance of any activity outside by beginning your hydration the day before. Just drinking enough water on the day of your event or activity is not enough. Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion may be headaches, heart-rate increase, nausea, vomiting and weakness. Be attentive and be prepared.