2021-22 STAR Senior Banquet Program

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Coach TJ & Jen Eisenmann


A huge THANK YOU to all of the parents who have stepped up in so many significant ways to help make our team great! Your volunteer efforts at our meets allow us to train at a fantastic facility and hire an outstanding coaching staff. Together we are better! Thank you to my fellow board mem bers for all of your efforts in helping to manage the business side of the club. It is my pleasure to work alongside each of you!


—Jen Eisenmann STAR Team President


Emily Blake, Sofia Hall, Ian Hewett, Jess Humby, Dominic Mintz, Tarin Rietz, Riley Patterson, Josh Stegner, Matt Woyksnar




PRESENTED BY: Coach TJ & Coach Mark




’d like to welcome all of our families to the 2021-22 STAR Senior Team banquet! It is so important to take time to celebrate accomplish ments, recall fun memories, and reflect on how special our STAR family really is. I would like to congratu late all of our athletes for their successes over this past year. We have many new team records as well as countless personal athlete milestones that have been accomplished. Your hard work, sacrifice, and dedication does not go unnoticed; your passion is a motivating force for the whole team!




S TAR is rooted in traditions of excellence in character, in training, in performance and in team spirit. As we move forward into the next year, let us hold these traditions close, while also allowing ourselves to dream about the exciting future in store for STAR Swimming!

Message from Our President

PRESENTED BY: Jen Eisenmann DINNER Buffet Style


We inspire and empower athletes to become champions both in and out of the water #SameDogDifferentBeast#PushLimits#WhatDoesntKillYouMakesYouStronger#LastDance#WorkAsATeam#WIT SEASON2021-22 1 STAR SWIMMINGRESPECTACCOUNTABILITYRESILIENCEPASSIONFUN

“Levitating,” Dua Lipa and Da Baby

The exciting and eventful Indy trips each year.


Years later, I was able to find success in the sport. When I was able to compete at higher level meets, I realized that I earned it through my hard work and dedication, which made it feel all the more rewarding.

Have fun every day and cherish the laughs and memories. They will last a lifetime.

Swimming Varsity for Canisius College

IZZA! A platoon of swimmers dove into the pool and clawed their way to the other wall as Coach Nate cheered us on. Those were the years of innocence and bliss. After hearing, “You never realize what you have until it’s gone,” so many times as a kid, I finally know what it means. After spending countless hours in the pool every day for the past 14 years of my life, I never truly grasped the reality that eventually I would be leaving STAR behind. I remember my first years on the team where I learned just how fun this sport could be. Racing surfboards across the small pool, going deep sea diving at the bottom of the pool with Karly, Max, and Blaise, and begging Coach Brandi to play Rabbits, Rats and Racoons.



My journey started off on Red Team. I remember the con stant anticipation of when my time would be to move up. It was through my early years of swimming that I began to realize just how special this team was to me. I remember swimming with Nate on Blue Team, looking down at the other end where the seniors were and thinking, “Wow, I can’t wait to swim in that side of the pool someday.” The west end of the pool seemed to have some level of distinction to it, like a VIP lounge. It never dawned on me that I would turn into the kids I once looked up to, doing cheers, and being leaders on the pool deck. At that young of an age, I will admit I did not completely understand the serious, competitive aspect that my coaches encouraged. I even got kicked out of practice on occasion with Karly and Blaise because we would be too busy having tea parties at the bottom of the pool when we were supposed to be swimming. It was not until my first Indy trip that I grew to appreciate swimming as a competitive sport. Watching the fastest swimmers compete at finals burst my Niag ara LSC “bubble.” I finally understood the scope of the swimming world, and I was inspired to train hard and compete.



I remember my first years on the team where I learned just how fun this sport could be.”



Senior Things

I could not have made it this far without my coaches. Phil, thank you for always keeping it real and telling me what I need to hear, whether or not I wanted to hear it. You are one of my biggest role models and I am grateful to have had you as a coach on this wonderful team. Mark, I could never forget that you were the first person I met while walking into my first practice. You have impacted my swimming career from start to finish. Thank you for teaching me to push beyond my limits in all aspects of life. You taught me the importance of working hard, and always smiling while doing so. TJ, you have shaped this team in a way no one has ever done before. You have created an atmosphere that prioritizes a family aspect and putting those around you first, which in turn makes each swimmer and the team better. Your practices and values have not only made us better athletes but also better individuals. Your coaching has taught me what it means to be a leader, to find passion in everything I do, to be responsible for my actions, to respect the sport of swimming and my teammates, to have fun, and to enjoy the journey.

It wasn’t until after those meets that I realized how far I had come from that little girl who hadn’t had a clue what training hard meant. Although my STAR career is over, I couldn’t be happier to take what I’ve learned and apply it to expand my goals and inspire others in my journey at college.

tea time chats throughout prac tice with Karly, Shannon, and Allie are ones that made me excited to show up to practice every day. We shared countless laughs and memories that I will cherish for ever. I am so lucky to have met those I will have in my life forever at this club team. Birdman and Zach, you have shown me what a leader truly looks like. Your end less support for those around you radiates through the team, making it better for all. Thank you for everything. Sarah, thank you for being beside me through a wild and exciting senior year. I will miss you next year and cannot wait for what’s in your future. Finally, Mira and Marisa. Your endless energy creates a fun environment for everyone around you. Thank you for the hour-long shower parties and locker room chats filled with wacky stories after every practice. Thank you to all of my teammates and coaches who made this jour ney unforgettable. This sport has changed my life


My teammates were the most memorable part of my swim ming career. The endless weird and random conversations, or

Senior Things

Growing up in Texas, summer league meets meant laying under the tent for hours, waiting for my coach to call me over, just to swim a 25-yard butterfly. Every summer was like this from the ages of 4 to 8. Very quickly, and suddenly, my life took a 180. At 8 years old, I was told I was moving across the country to New York. I felt betrayed by my parents, and confused why this had to happen to me. I knew I could’ve had it worse, like my older sister who was halfway through high school, but I couldn’t help but feel bad for myself. Moving was tough. I missed my friends, my family felt distant, and I felt like an outcast compared to everyone around me. Something kept me afloat, though. I continued to swim after we adjusted to our move. It was something that even as young as 9 years old, I could channel my feelings into an outlet. It was a way for me to keep the sport I loved, while having the opportunity to meet new people and get to know Buffalo better. I loved swim meets and talking to people from other teams. I loved getting the opportunity to swim events summer league never gave me the chance to. A couple teams later and I find myself where I am now.

Swimming Varsity for The College of New Jersey


I couldn’t be happier to have spent my life swimming.”

wimming has been one of the oconstants in my life. From the age of 3, I began weekly swim lessons, which turned into swim practices, summer league swim meets, and actual racing.

I feel exactly the same about swimming now as I did as a 4th grader: It’s the best activity I’ve ever been blessed to have the chance to do for so many years. It’s taught me so much about myself. It’s taught me strength, com mitment, independence, and sportsmanship. It’s become more than just a sport to me, but a complete and total part of my life. I never doubted that I would swim in college. Even during the rough points of my swim career, like the beginning of the pandemic, I knew I needed to see it through and continue to work toward my goal of swimming in college. And I’m so blessed and excited to have the opportunity to compete at the collegiate level.

“Eye of the Tiger,” Survivor

FAVORITE EVENT 100 Butterfly



Don’t dwell on bad things.

Getting 2nd place in the 100 backstroke at ECICs.

I’ve been able to meet some of my closest friends through swimming, whether it was years ago, or just recently, this sport has brought people closer to me in a way I could’ve never imagined. One thing I’ve always remembered is if you really love something, stick with it, no matter how difficult it can get. Perseverance got me to where I am now. I took the hard parts of my swimming career and made a lesson out of them.




Swimming is an always-changing sport, but it’s remained a consistent habit in my life that has become extremely close to my heart. I couldn’t be happier to have spent my life swimming, and I can’t wait for the next four years.



efore anything else, I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you to the coaching staff on STAR, my teammates, and most importantly, my parents. I would be nothing without all of you amazing people supporting me and helping me grow as not only a better swimmer, but a better person as well.


Enjoy the journey, you will never experience anything like this in your entire life so take advantage of it and have fun.

FAVORITE EVENT 100 Breaststroke



STAR Swimming has been a large and partimportantofmylife.” JESS HUMBY

Swimming Varsity for Marshall University

Watching Aidan Domster lifeguarding during a practice when Coach TJ was at a board meeting and witnessing all the guys at practice simultaneously pretend to drown while yelling at Aidan for help.

Here’s to a fantastic couple of years. Thank you so much STAR Swimming! Nothing I ever do will be enough to pay you all back for the life lessons, memories, and experiences this amazing team has given me.

Senior Things

I have met so many people thanks to STAR and made some lifelong friends along the way. Here’s to a few people who I want to shout out a little bit for always being there for me and making me laugh. To Aidan and Matt, thank you so much for being my Lane 2 buddies this year and always having my back. We’ve had our fair share of funny moments and I am going to miss both of you so much next year. Nothing beats standing outside our cars after practice for an extra 10 to 15 minutes, gossiping or talking about something that happened to one of us or someone else recently. Zoe, we always ride in the back of the lane together during the drill sets and warm-ups, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You never fail to make me laugh and your endless energy, drive, and passion continue to inspire me to work harder. Bess, I know you are going to do great things next year and I want to thank you for always being so extremely welcoming and friendly to me since the first day I met you. I’m gonna miss you so much next year, but hopefully I’ll be able to come down and visit you during summer.

STAR Swimming has been such a large and important part of my life these past few years. From morning practices before school in winter to some late-night practices in the summer, I always seem to find myself in a pool surrounded by a bunch of red caps with Coach TJ standing on the side of the pool cheering us on during the main set. I am going to miss Coach Mark’s words of wisdom set out to inspire us to dig deep down and use the passion inside us to work harder. I’m also going to miss Coach Mark, just being Coach Mark. The fun-loving, happy, and excited coach who genuinely loves to be at practice every day and help us in our swimming journey. Sometimes there is nothing harder than getting up and going to practice. But when you’re on STAR the second you get to the pool and see all of your teammates and coaches, your mood does a complete 180 and immediately you can’t wait to swim! From screaming our heads off during meets to singing One Direction at practice, there isn’t a single second of boredom on STAR.

Swimming Varsity for Towson University


I want to thank some of my teammates for making the past five years the time of my life. First, I’d like to thank Aaron and DMintz for being great STAR and varsity teammates. These two goobers always find a way to make practice and the car rides to practice fun. Then, Nathaniel Chester Eaton, whether we are playing XBox or getting ice cream at Pautler’s (because

“Levels,” Avicii



All the times we won a championship meet.



oining STAR was the one of the best decisions my family ever made. Over the past five years, I made tons of memories, formed new friendships and learned more about myself than I thought possible.

FAVORITE EVENT 200 Backstroke

I am truly grateful for all of the amazing friends I made along the way on STAR. There are so many people I wouldn’t have either met or became friends with through practice, or others I’ve gotten to know at the differ ent meets we attend. I also appreciate the whole STAR family. This team is what it is because of parents volunteering hours of their time so we swimmers have opportunities to compete. They do “Whatever it Takes” for us to reach our goals, and I can say there is no other team that sup ports their swimmers like STAR does.

Then there is Coach Mark. Although he calls me out in a different way if I’m talking while he is explaining a set, I still appreciate the talks we have just as much. He’s a little more direct than TJ, but I still appreciate how he’s not just trying to make me a better swimmer but a better person. And Coach Phil: The 100 is still yours, but the 200 is all mine! Thanks for having my back.

Senior Things

When I met Coach TJ for the first time, I thought he had a funny accent and said “y’all” too much. Coach always wants us to really think throughout prac tice and not just go through the motions. Although I am not always using my brain during practice, when I do focus, I see a huge difference in my performance. TJ and I have had many talks out of the water, whether it’s the “How good do you really want to be?” talk, or the “Don’t talk while I’m talking” talk. I appreciate every time he pulls me out of the water to talk to me, not because it means I miss some of the set (as my teammates think)—I appreciate our talks because it means he cares.

I am truly grateful for all of the amazing friends I made along the way.”


Have fun and don’t take everything too seriously.

Pautler’s is valid), he always light ens up the mood. Roman, I’d like to thank you for always laughing at my jokes (even if they aren’t funny) and asking “What’s the move?” in the groupchat to get people to hang out. Thank you to Jude for being a great teammate and a great guy in gen eral. Also, work on your relay starts. Peter, STAR wasn’t the first team that we were on together, but I feel we got a lot closer on STAR and I am grateful for that. Bird, you were one of my first friends on STAR. You’ve helped not just me, but everyone as we try to reach our potential when you hype up everyone during a tough main set. I appreciate that about you. Joseph Scrumptious, you are like the little brother I never had. Even though you’ve only been on the Senior squad for a year, it has been great being friends with you. I’m still better than you at golf, though. Thank you to Emily for being one of my closest friends for many years. And finally, Sofia, I’m glad we had the chance to reconnect this year. Thanks for always being there forLastly,me. it is my privilege to grant the honors of the infamous Shower Two to Aaron. May you treat her well. Big E out.


Cheering on everyone at meets.

Swimming Varsity for Alfred State College


I would like to thank my sister, Vanessa, because even though she may be a pain in my arse, she loves to have fun and to race me in practice. Even though we have our moments, our love and connection are strong. I remember driving to meets and jamming out to songs to get pumped (even though the meets were way too early). Also, I’d like to thank my sister for putting up with my friends joking around and having fun with her. Thanks, Ness, for cheering me on and having fun with me. I love you.

I learned how to push myself to limits I would have never thought I could reach.”


“Blueberry Faygo,” Lil Mosey



Next, I would like to thank Ian, who some would say is my twin. He pushed me in varsity to do my best, and then transferred that energy back to club, where he still pushes me to do my best. Even though—from an outside perspective—it may look like he might be hurting my feelings, I know he is trying to help me swim faster. I’ve had a lot of great memo ries with him and I can’t wait to see what the future brings for him. Thank you, Ian, for pushing me and having fun with me.



Don’t bring yourself down if you don’t swim fast in your race, put those feelings into your next race. wimming is one of the biggest parts of my life. I’ve made most of my friends and relationships through swimming. I haven’t been on STAR for a long time, but I’ve been here long enough to have met a lot of people I know. I have made a lot of great memories with many people on this swim team. I learned how to push myself to limits I would have never thought I could reach. I like a challenge once in a while because I don’t like being told that I can’t do something that’s definitely reachable, even though I might not be even close. I love to race people and try to hunt them down if I can. I have swum many of my most memorable races when I was either hunting down some one or racing my hardest. I like the pressure to go fast and get my adrenaline pumping. I also like cheering on people to do their best. I try to bring people up when they are down after a race because I like to see people smile and be in a good mood.

I would also like to thank Aaron. He is another person who has helped shape who I am and who has made swimming fun. Aaron and I love to have fun together, and when it comes to swimming, we go for it. I have known

Senior Things

FAVORITE EVENT 200 Butterfly


Finally, I want to thank Natalie. She’s the main reason I’m still swimming today. When the pan demic hit and we had to swim at home, I didn’t know if I wanted to keep swimming because it wasn’t as fun anymore. So I asked her, “Why should I keep swimming?” To sum up her long reply, she said, “You’re a valuable person to the team, you bring smiles, and you’re dedicated.” Thank you, Nat, for encouraging me to keep swimming when I definitely was not going to.

I’ve had a lot of fun swimming on this team and I have a lot of great memories on this team. It’s time for the next chapter of my life and swim career.

Aaron for a really long time. We swam together on three different clubs and on varsity. Thank you, Aaron, for hav ing fun with me and putting in the work with me, so we could achieve our goals (even though your goals are way higher than mine!).

I’d like thank everyone else who has had fun with me, even though we probably should have been work ing harder than we were. And thanks to anyone throughout my years at STAR who has yelled “DMINTZ!!” for no reason—especially right before I swim—to help me not feel nervous.


here’s a quote that reads, “The heart knows things that the mind can’t explain.” Nothing describes my swimming experience better than that. I’m a firm believer that if you love what you’re doing, you will go far.

Swimming Varsity for Canisius College

First, I would like to thank Coach Mark for always making me laugh.


FAVORITE EVENT 1000 Freestyle

That weekend was a turning point for me. Coach TJ helped me real ize that in order to swim fast, I have to be enjoying myself. My favor ite phrase of his is, “When we’re having fun, we’re swimming fast.” Alex helped me learn to find the good things and be sure to celebrate them.

I feel incredibly blessed to have been a part of such a strong team with such a unique culture.”

The next day at practice, Coach TJ added another new thing for me to learn: The Winners’ Circle. Again, I was so nervous to stand up and speak in front of my new team. I don’t remember who I recognized that day, but I do remember someone recognizing me. Alex Switalski stood up confi dently and said, “I’d like to recognize Tarin for swimming her first meet with STAR.” This small gesture meant so much to me. She recognized a silver lining in the otherwise bad weekend: I completed my first meet with STAR, and that was something to be celebrated.

I would like to share a story from my early STAR days. Back in the height of COVID, the only meets we had were intrasquad meets. One popped up on the calen dar and I told my dad to sign me up for it. This was my first meet with STAR and I was so nervous. The entire weekend was less than stellar for me in the water.

There are several people who I would like to thank for helping me make my swimming dreams come true.

Senior Things

After one particularly awful 50 Free, I was talking (more like crying) to Coach TJ about the race. He asked me, “Tarin, why are you here? Why do you swim?” I said, “Because I love it.” He raised his arms in a shrug and reminded me of the core values I was still learning.

Winning the 400 free relay at ECICs.


I haven’t been on STAR for very long. Only two of my 11 swimming years were spent here, but I feel incredibly blessed to have been a part of such a strong team with such a unique culture.



Find what you love and chase it. If you love what you’re doing, you will go far.

Swimming is so much more than a sport to me. It’s something to turn to when nothing else makes sense. I hope that the little girl that Ted nicknamed “Shortie” would be proud of the progress I’ve made. She would tell me to keep striving for more, so that’s exactly what I’ll do. Thank you, STAR, for nurturing my love for swimming. I will be forever grateful.

My favorite was when I broke my foot and Mark started calling me Lefty. He would always ask how my day was and then would grace me with some cheesy dad jokes. No matter how bad they were, they always made me laugh.

Next, I would like to thank Coach TJ for teaching me to have fun while swimming. It’s hard to put into words the impact that that has had on my mind and my swimming. I would also like to thank TJ for always pushing me to be the best version of myself. I will try to complete more “random acts of kindness” wherever I go, knowing that TJ would be proud.

Photos this page and inset opposite courtesy Ralph Rietz


Finally, I would like to thank Coach Ted, or “Penelope,” as I nicknamed him years ago. My love for swimming started with Ted in Learn-to-Swim. After that, I spent the next nine years on clubs with him, and now two more with STAR. I grew up with Ted as my coach. He has seen me at my very best and very worst, and supported me through it all. After 11 years, I can say confidently that I am better prepared for whatever the world has in store for me because of Ted’s coaching. He would tell you that he’s embar rassed that he taught me how to do breaststroke. It’s okay, Ted. I’ll figure it out eventually. It’s been nothing short of a wild ride, but one that has taught me so much and that I will remember so fondly.

A special shout-out to Grammy Goo … for telling me how proud she is of me.”




Senior Things


I probably went through about six or seven coaches during my extended time on the Red Team (Exploring), but Coach Mike Seay was the first coach that made me fall in love with the sport. His enthusi asm he showed during practice and his willingness to make swimming fun is something I remember to this day. Being coached by Mike allowed me to see the fun in swimming even when we weren’t playing Poison, or Rabbits, Rats and Racoons, and he prepared me for CoachCoachNate.Nate coached me on the Blue Team (Learn ing) and he helped me realize that swimming actually involves some hard work. Nate was amazing at moti vating us to train hard and to try our best to beat the kids on Senior Prep.

Have fun, work hard, and never give up because you never know what will happen next.TAR Swimming has become and will forever be my family. It has offered me the ability to grow from the scrawny little kid who took a bit longer than everyone else to get fast, into the graduating senior I am now, reminiscing about my time here on this team.

“Jump Around,” House of Pain

Every relay I’ve anchored.




Senior Prep (Dreaming) was when swimming became more than just a hobby for me, I started to make more friends such as Ben Leighton, Clayton Pike, Emily Blake, Zach Eisenmann, Karly Bray, and many more. I also started looking up to swimmers on the senior team as role models. I remember watching Justin Konick, Bill Osula and Joe Blake all race each other and I wanted nothing more than to beat them. Coach Mark convinced me to take swimming more seriously and taught me how to work. His 500 freestyle pace sets that Zach and I used to do are etched into my brain, but they paid off big time. I swam faster than I could’ve imaged toward the end of my time on Senior Prep, and I owe that all to Mark.

Swimming Varsity for Loyola University, Maryland

Coach Phil didn’t coach me on any one squad at Star, but he’s coached me since I was on the Red Team at Frontier Middle and for five years on the Orchard Park varsity team. Phil always knew how to motivate me and he helped me learn more about the sport of swimming. Phil, thank you for dealing with me during my younger years of high school, and thank

I know this is definitely over my “approximately 500-word” limit, but this team is the best thing that has happened to me, and I am so grateful for everyone who has helped me along the way. STAR will forever have a place in my heart and I am excited to see what this team becomes.

I am very happy my sister, Ally, will continue swimming on this team for years to come and I hope she is able to get out of it what I have.

The last thank you goes to my family for always supporting me. A special shout-out to Grammy Goo for texting me after every single session of every single meet telling me how proud she is of me no matter how bad I swim.

PS: I pass the honor and privilege of Shower One to Jude; wield this power wisely.


The people I have met on this team are the rea son why this club is so special to me. I will never forget the memories of playing Joe Knocks with the old men’s team, with Joe, Carter, Owen, Blaise, Max, Zach and Graeme. Those boys have made me laugh harder than I thought I could and always made sure to keep me in check when I needed it. Even tually, those boys left and were replaced with the absolute goons of Ian, Aaron, Roman, Nate, Peter and Dom. You guys taught me to not take things so seriously all the time, and I’ll forever have Aaron’s “Really” and Nate’s “AYEEEEE” on replay in my head.

Sincerely, Birdman.

you for encouraging me to beat your records and set a new legacy for Orchard Park swimming.

That leads me to the Senior Team. My time on the Senior Team was unique in that I was the first group that TJ coached all the way through. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Coach TJ has helped me in ways that I cannot even put into words. He was always there and always cared even when I didn’t fully appreciate it. I am extremely grateful for my time with TJ, as he has made me into a better swimmer and a better man.

My biggest thank you goes to Zach, Blaise, Jude, Jason, Max, Karly, Emily, Allie and—of course— the lovely Shannon Belote. Screaming my brains out with Zach during the main set, Blaise’s completely outof-pocket comments, carpooling every day with Jude, Jason’s backof-the-lane squad, Max’s semi-pro Euro league sporting career, Karly’s “speech impediment,” Emily talking my ear off at 6:00 AM practice, Allie’s honk of a laugh, and Shannon’s ability to somehow find a way to be the last one in the pool are all things that made me feel like a part of a family on this team. Love you guys.


FAVORITE EVENT 100 Butterfly

At my old team, I was used to my coach screaming at people for doing something wrong. I used to be afraid of doing something wrong, then getting yelled at, and making the whole team start the set over. At STAR, nothing like that ever happens. The only time Coach TJ yells is to encourage us to swim faster, to beat our goals. The environment he and Coach Mark have created radiate nothing but positivity and determination.Thebestexample of this is Winner’s Circle. Win ner’s Circle happens after a large meet, when all the swimmers sit in a circle and we all nominate a team mate we would like to recognize for their accom plishments. The first time I participated in one was after my first week at STAR, and I was terrified. I barely knew anyone and everyone seemed very fast and intimidating. I felt like having my friend use the fact that I survived my first week at practice as my accomplishment would seem lame and be embarrassing, but it was nothing like that. Everyone erupted in applause for me and congratulated me. It’s the little things like this that really made me feel like part of the team, despite being new. Thanks to Coach TJ and Coach Mark, I have once again found my passion for swimming, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

It’s the little things [like Winner’s Circle] that really made me feel like part of the team.”



have only been on STAR for the past year, but this team has quickly become something I love being a part of. I joined the club in May 2021, during a time of uncertainty in my swimming career. I had just taken a year-long break from not only swimming, but all physical activity in general, and I had finished the worst swim season I ever experienced. I had been falling out of love with swimming for a while leading up to the shutdown, and my time away from the pool only made my discontent with the sport grow stronger. So, understandably, I was debating if I was just going to swim my senior sea son of high school and then call it quits. Then, at the end of spring season of girls’ varsity swimming, a friend approached me about the team she had joined called STAR. She said it was an extremely dif ferent environment than my old team, and I decided to try it out. She didn’t do it justice.

Senior Things

The feeling you get when you finish a race, look up at your time and realize you made a cut time or made a best time.



Swimming Club for University of Southern California

No matter how horrible the practice looks, once you finish, you will feel really accomplished.

“I Don’t Want To Be in Love,” Good Charlotte


Stay focused, and live in the moment.

Practices after school were hard because everybody was exhausted from schoolwork and waking up early. But TJ never failed to put a smile on my face, even when it was a horrible Monday afternoon threshold set. His attitude helped me love coming to practice every day, which increased my passion for the sport so much.


The team’s core value of Respect is the one that resonates with me the most. Being on STAR, I realized that swimming is grueling and takes a lot of hours of free time away from you. Respecting the sport by not leaving early or skipping can bring you up to have the most potential. Respecting my teammates is super important because my teammates and I do the same practices, they cheer me on, and they push me to be my best. The bond between us is strong and without them I don’t think I could be in the position I am today. Thank you, STAR!


I am gratefulsuperfor my coaches support.”theirteammatesandforconstant

FAVORITE EVENT 1000 Freestyle

My role as a teammate on STAR has always been to encourage others to put as much effort as possible while in the pool. A good teammate will say something if someone doesn’t care, or is not trying. I remember one time when I was held accountable by Maddy Domster. We were practicing in the same lane, I was very tired from school, and it was either a recovery practice or an anaerobic capacity set that day. I didn’t want to get in the water and I was leaving the wall late. I realized that if one person doesn’t care, it could affect the whole team. I appreci ated her honesty and I’m going to keep the same attitude and energy toward my future teammates throughout swimming in college.

Swimming Varsity for Iona College

“Physical,” Dua Lipa

Senior Things



Walking out for the 500 Free at 2022 Short Course Champs.

When we’re at a meet, Mark always asks me, “Are you having fun?” Because without fun, you’re never going to get better. Seeing each other every day, STAR never bores me: When there’s music playing (Zoe Z., BEST playlist BTW), get-out swims, going out to dinner after practice, having a conversation on the wall between sets. This is the best because it makes looking at the bottom of the pool for two hours more enjoyable.



’ve always had a passion for swimming, and I learned the standard on STAR was high when I first joined. My first meet with the team was short course championships. I was very intimidated by the team’s cheering because it was a vastly different atmosphere than my old team. I was extremely nervous because I wanted to impress my coach, parents, and teammates. Unfortunately, I did not swim well, and I added almost three seconds in every event. I was upset by my results, and I contemplated if I was putting in enough effort, or if I needed to be more dedicated at practice. However, I was encouraged by my friends, Max Kruglov and Emily Blake, to not fear the results. I grew closer to coaches Mark and TJ, who told me about the value of resilience. My next meet, I was finally able to drop in my freestyle events. I am super grate ful for my coaches and teammates for their constant support.

Mira Keller, Zoey Griffin, Katie Beyer, Jess Humby: 200 Free Relay 1:37.38

Mira Keller, Grace Vogt, Zoey Griffin, Zoe Zawodzinski: 200 Free Relay 1:38.18 GIRLS 17-18


2021-22 SEASON

Andrew Clough, Ian Hewett, Kyle Dean, Zach Eisenmann: 400 Medley Relay 3:25.42

Mira Keller, Natalie Killion, Allie Bashor, Jess Humby: 400 Medley Relay 4:21.84

GIRLS 17-18

Mira Keller: 200 IM 2:02.64200 Back 1:59.47,100 Free 51.34,50 Free 23.72,100 Back 55.37,100 IM 58.49,

BOYS 15-16

Your dedication to our team is an inspiration to others. No one will ever be able to replace Kevin’s post in the corner or Lynda’s enthusiastic, contagious energy that was ever-present when she was on deck. Both served as officials for USA Swimming and volunteered at countless meets hosted by STAR Swimming. We will never forget you and your family.

It takes the dedication of committed volunteer leaders like the Blakes to help our team succeed. Your legacy will be everlasting in the STAR family history. With deepest gratitude for your commitment to STAR, we thank you, and are sad to see you go!

Jason Creed, Max Kruglov, Josh Stegner, Zach Eisenmann: 800 Free Relay 8:09.92

Peter Peyser: 200 Medley400 FreeRelay 1:35.64,100 Free 48.00,50 Free 21.88,Mixed200 Free200 FreeRelay 1:30.24,Relay 3:21.02,Relay 1:43.11

Ian Hewett, Max Kruglov, Matt Woyksnar, Zach Eisenmann: 400 Medley Relay 4:02.70

Peter Peyser, Grady Moore, Miles Moore, Atticus Young: 200 Free Relay 1:30.24, 400 Free Relay 3:21.02



Natalie Killion: 200 Free 2:05.22, 400 Free 4:24.50

USA MotivationalSwimmingTime Standards

Kevin, Lynda, Josh, Lizzie, Joe & Emily Blake

A SWIMMERS: Bess Tesluk,Fiona Reilly,Mia McDonnell,Amelia Colder,Liam Coen,Marissa Gachette,Dominic Mintz,Joseph Skoumpris,Ava Whitley-Grassi.

Jess Humby: 100 Breast 1:05.06 Allie Bashor: 100 Fly 55.71


Mira Keller, Zoey Griffin, Katie Beyer, Jess Humby: 400 Medley Relay 3:52.06

Aaron Gasiewicz: 200 IM 1:50.49

Zoey Griffin: 50 Back 31.11

Allie Bashor: 100 Fly 1:02.79

BOYS 17-18

Ian Hewett: 200 Back 2:07.04


Aaron Gasiewicz, Ian Hewett, Max Kruglov, Zach Eisenmann: 200 Medley Relay 1:49.23

GIRLS 15-16

Mira Keller, Natalie Killion, Katie Beyer, Jess Humby: 200 Medley Relay 2:02.26

BOYS 13-14

Mira Keller, Natalie Killion, Allie Bashor, Evie Leighton: 200 Free Relay 1:49.71

GIRLS 15-16

Adams, Kaylee Haines, Faith Kaufmann, Amelia Strittmatter, Maddie Tothero.

Maddy Domster: 50 Breast 41.20, 50 Fly 34.69

Mira Keller: 50 Free 26.95, 100 Free 57.47, 100 Back 1:03.52, 200 Back 2:17.54, 100 Fly 1:03.27

BOYS 13-14

We would like to recognize and pay special tribute to one of our STAR families who sadly will be moving on this year. The Blake family has left their forever mark on our team!


Zach Eisenmann: 200 Breast 2:23.53

BB SWIMMERS: Wamsley.Tothero,Tarin Rietz,Riley Patterson,Morgan Malush,Josh Eisenmann, Colin Kobielski,Quinn Edholm,Aidan Domster,Abby Eisenmann,Phil Monteiro,Olivia Renzoni,Grace Rivera,KatieNatalieWalier,Sarah

Mira Keller, Natalie Killion, Zoey Griffin, Allie Bashor: 400 Free Relay 3:57.07


Aaron Gasiewicz, Josh Stegner, Andrew Clough, Kyle Dean: 200 Free Relay 1:26.81

Ian Hewett: 200 Back 1:50.13100 Back 51.40, Aaron Gasiewicz: 200 Breast 2:02.64,100 Fly 50.39,400 IM 4:02.15

Ian Hewett: 200 Back 2:11.28

Mira Keller, Zoey Griffin, Katie Beyer, Jess Humby: 200 Medley Relay 1:46.80

2021 Long Course Record Breakers

BOYS 17-18

Mira Keller, Natalie Killion, Zoey Griffin, Allie Bashor: 800 Free Relay 8:34.36

Ian Hewett: 200 Back 1:49.47

BOYS 15-16

Aaron Gasiewicz: 50 Free 24.80

Andrew Clough, Ian Hewett, Kyle Dean, Zach Eisenmann: 200 Medley Relay 1:33.44

Natalie Killion: 50 Back 26.15


AA SWIMMERS: Emily Blake, Sarah Carlson, Emily Chung, Vanessa Mintz,Gretchen Gwitt,Conner Dean,Aidan Losito,Emma Sauer.

AAAA SWIMMERS: Zoey Griffin, Ian Hewett, Natalie Killion.Mira Keller, AAA SWIMMERS: Maddie Domster, Nathan Eaton, Aaron Gasiewicz, Jessica Humby, Evie Leighton, Madison McKinney, Peter Peyser, Zoe Zawodzinski.Grace Vogt,Jude Strittmatter,Josh Stegner,Roman Tedeschi,Matthew Woyksnar,

Peter Peyser: 50 Free 25.16, 200 Medley Relay 2:04.92


Mira Keller, Zoey Griffin, Katie Beyer, Maddy Domster: 800 Free Relay 7:43.27

2021-22 Short Course Record Breakers

Banquet Coordinators: Jen Eisenmann, Shana Stegner, Nicole Domster Banquet Program: Jason Tedeschi, ajarmedia.com

Erie Community College Vince McCarthy, ECC Aquatic Director ECC security staff Jason Tedeschi, ajar media

Raffle Basket & Gift Contributing Families: Andalora-Skoumpris, Domster, Eaton, Eisenmann, Gachette, Gasiewicz, Gilday-Keller, Hall, Hewett, Hurley-Tesluk, Kauffman, Killion, Losito, McClaren, McDonnell, McKinney, Patterson, Peyser, Reilly, Stegner, Strittmatter, Tedeschi, Tothero, Walier, Wamsley, Woyksnar

All of our amazing swim meet volunteers!

Coach TJ Day, Coach Mark VanRemmen, the STAR coaching staff and their families STAR Board of Directors

Pearl Street Grill & Brewery Tony Martin Awards

STAR Swimming Volunteer Award Recipients 2007 Bob Matlack 2008 Larry Lichota 2009 John Marchese 2010 Joe Deren 2011 Katherine McCauley 2012 Donna Westermeier 2013 Catherine Kibler 2014 Dorothy Maurer 2015 Bob Bender 2016 Lynda Blake 2017 Micki Staples 2018 Megan Hurley 2019 Randy & Kristen Matteson 2021 Meg & Jeff Hewett 2022 Leo Gibbons 17 STAR SWIMMINGRESPECTACCOUNTABILITYRESILIENCEPASSIONFUN

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