1 minute read


The Fig Wasp

Ficus spp


This is one of nature’s most incredible stories. The world has nearly 900 species of figs (ficus) and therefore nearly 900 species of fig-wasps. Yes, that’s right - each fig species is pollinated by only one species of fig-wasp. This is called co-evolution and means that neither species can exist without the other.

Inside each fig fruit is a secret garden of flowers. Yes, the flowers are on the inside! Wasps mature from eggs deposited inside among these flowers. Blind, wingless males emerge and search out a female, still in her egg. He chews a hole and mates with her before she has even hatched!

He may then dig an escape tunnel for the female just before he dies – never leaving the fig. The female uses the tunnel, in departing, she passes by many male flowers and emerges covered with pollen. During her brief adult life (as short as two days), she flies into the forest to fertilise another fig and deposit another generation of fig wasps

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