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From Check-In to Flight Ops to the Sky

Get to know Seth Omache a Pilot at AirKenya


1. What is one question you wish people would ask you about your experiences in nature or travel?

The question I wish people would ask is “What is the most interesting sighting in your travel?” This provides an opportunity to look back and appreciate that one outstanding feature, phenomena or wildlife that made your travel experience memorable. It makes us appreciate what nature has for us to enjoy.

2. What is your dream destination in terms of cultural experience and why?

While I have actualised some of my dream destinations within East Africa, currently, the Caribbean Islands of Dominica, Antigua and Barbados are my dream destinations. I long to experience their distinctive rustic island life, Bajan cuisine and their different musical styles. Their diverse cultural backgrounds from different parts of the world is also something worth experiencing.

3. What is the most awe-inspiring natural phenomenon you've witnessed during your travels?

There are a few but the Wildebeest migration across the Mara River tops the list. It is inspiring how millions of wildlife migrate annually without fail to fulfil an important ecological function. This also comes with an epic feast for the crocodiles and the land predators, mostly the lions. It’s definitely my jaw dropping phenomena during the Masai Mara Safari.

4. Can you share an experience from a place you've visited that made you realize the importance of conservation and preservation?

My recent stay at Naboisho Camp, Naboisho conservancy, Masai Mara, was a good experience and an example on what conservation efforts can achieve. Through the collaboration of the Masai communities, land and wildlife conservation has been achieved and effectively led to an increase of wildlife, especially the Elephant population within the conservancy.

I appreciated the initiative taken by the camps to promote indigenous tree planting, and community involvement in the running of the conservancy not only for their own benefit but also to the ecosystem at large.

5. What steps do you think we should take now to ensure that the natural wonders of these regions can be enjoyed by future generations?

Upholding self-discipline and minding our immediate environment will contribute towards stabilizing and reducing the global warming effects we are experiencing. This is by far the biggest threat to our natural wonders. We should also adhere to the regulations stipulated by the relevant authorities while enjoying these facilities as well as promoting the national initiatives that aim at conserving these natural wonders.

Beyond direct conservation efforts, educating the younger generation on how to conserve these wonders and their importance, both ecologically and economically, will ensure their existence for generations to come.

6. How do you think the experience of flying with AirKenya enhances the journey for travellers heading to these unique destinations?

At AirKenya, it’s undoubtedly true to say that the exciting destination mood starts at our Check-in lounge. The warm hearted staff that welcome our travellers through the security and seamless check-in process leaves them only wanting a cup of coffee as they wait for their boarding call. Exactly what a traveller expects.

With well trained and experienced crew with good knowledge of destinations, features en-route and impeccable customer service, AirKenya ensures that the travellers have a safe flight, while enjoying the best sceneries up to their destinations.

AirKenya prides its self with the most reliable aircrafts in the region for their task. With our fleet and their individual capabilities, AirKenya ensures that its charter travellers have a wide range to choose from depending on their needs, while the schedule traveller is more than assured of getting to their safari destination on time. Our well-equipped engineering department takes credit for in-time aircraft delivery to service.

7. Can you share a story about a time when a passenger's excitement or joy at reaching their destination impacted you?

This was on a charter flight from Kilimanjaro to Seronera Airstrip in Serengeti on the Dash 7. I was a flight attendant at that time and we had picked the passengers from a private Jet. The travellers were relatively young and could not stop singing throughout the flight out of their excitement. It was their first time in Serengeti. It was emotional seeing them sigh at every Wildlife they saw. It left me appreciating on how much that safari experience meant to them.

8. How has working with Air Kenya influenced your understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures within Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania?

In my 8 years at AirKenya, I have interacted with people from different cultures within East Africa, either directly or indirectly. While flying to these destinations, I have had an opportunity to interact, experience and even taste aspects of the different community cultures that host these destinations.

In Kenya, I have been blessed to interact with the Samburu culture in the north to the Masai culture in the southwest which has gained fame throughout the world with their red clothing. In Uganda, the pearl of Africa, flying to the west, Gorilla trekking destinations such as Kisoro and Kihihi have enabled me to interact with the Bunyore and Batonkole cultures and even enjoy their “Matoke” delicacies. While in Serengeti, we have been hosted by the Masai cultures and the indigenous communities that live among them. This has helped me to appreciate diversity. Learning and appreciating the different cultures around east Africa would not have been possible without working with AirKenya and I am forever grateful for that.

9. Can you describe a moment when you were reminded of the importance of human connection in your job?

AirKenya founded, Emarti School, is blessed to have candidates sit for their national exams each year. Giving all support that these young students need and having a day out with them before their exams reminds me of human connection. Through this initiative, the students feel appreciated and recognised and builds confidence to face not only the examinations but life challenges. This not only improves the resilience of the children but also lead to a better mental health as it gives them a sense of belonging. I was lucky to be one of the crew who flew those that represented the team this year to Keekorok airstrip, together with the presents for the children.

10. How do you hope to inspire a love for nature and travel in your children or future generations?

I will forever tell the tales about safari destinations to those would like to travel and encourage young people to travel and support destinations that promote conservation. It is my hope that we would have collected enough souvenirs that will encourage our children to visit where we got them from. I encourage young people to join the aviation industry and hope that we are a living testimony of what aviation career has to offer. At a personal level, we have a group of young aviators, who advocate for sustainable aviation, which ensures we are mindful of the environment as we also enjoy travelling to our desirable destinations.

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