1 minute read

TWO From-Scratch Whole Wheat


Far better than a packaged pancake mix, and easier than going out for breakfast (and better for your health). It’s recipes like this that remind you of the days when most food was made from scratch, and actually had taste and reliably good ingredients. Whole grain flour and yogurt provide fiber, calcium and a good source of probiotics. Give the pancake batter a minute or two to activate in liquid before starting the griddle process; it makes for a lighter pancake with more air bubbles.


Yield:5 (1/2 cup) servings

Serving Size: 2 pancakes

Prep Time: 6 minutes


1 whole egg

1 cup 1% milk

½ tablespoon canola oil

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons Greek yogurt

Cooking Time: 8 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

1 cup whole wheat flour

2 teaspoons granulated sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder, low sodium

¼ teaspoon baking soda

1 cup fresh blueberries

¼ teaspoon cinnamon, ground nonstick cooking spray


• Measure the ingredients.

• In a small bowl beat the egg with the wet ingredients. Set aside. In a separate bowl combine all dry ingredients. Mix wet into dry and fold in the blueberries.

• On a hot, flat surface or a griddle, spray with nonstick cooking spray and pour 1/4 cup of the mixture per portion. As bubbles begin to show, flip the pancake to cook the other side. Remove when pancake is golden.

CATEGORY TAGS: gluten-free high fiber high protein low calorie low carbohydrate / low sugar low cholesterol low fat / low saturated fat low sodium vegan vegetarian whole grain cholesterol-free diabetes-friendly peanut-free tree-nut free whole food plant based

NUTRITIONAL DATA: calories 164 fat 3g sat fat 0.74g cholesterol 3.9mg sodium 101mg carbohydrates 27g fiber 4g sugars 8g protein 7g