View our digital newsletter at issuu.com/ahml Click on any link in the digital newsletter, and you will be taken to our website. The online version also allows you to customize your view and zoom in or out on text.
Sign up for library eNewsletters to stay up to date on library programs, as well as other news and useful resources. Sign up and receive eNewsletters delivered right to your inbox at ahml.info/form/enewsletter–signup
Any change in library operations will be posted at ahml.info/StayInformed as they are available. For questions or additional information, contact us by email at questions@ahml.info, chat with us at ahml.info, text 847-665-1491 or call 847-392-0100.
Library programs are subject to change. Detailed program descriptions and registration details are available on the program calendar at ahml.info. Register in-person at the library, online at ahml.info/attend/events or by calling 847-392-0100.
Registration required.
Registration begins February 1. Please refer to the library’s online program calendar at ahml.info/attend/events for more detailed registration information about each program on the calendar.
Makerplace programs register on February 2. Due to high interest, culinary classes register with a lottery system unless otherwise noted.
Day-of ticket given on a first-come, first-served basis at the Kids’ World Desk before program begins.
NO SYMBOL Programs without a symbol do not require registration unless otherwise noted.
The library is committed to inclusion and accessibility. To request disability accommodations, call 847-392-0100, text 847-665-1491 or email us at accessibility@ahml.info
Who Let the Dogs In p. 4–6
Community Food Drive p. 7
Bookmark Contest p. 7
Families p. 8–9
Early Childhood p. 9–10
Kids p. 11
Tweens p. 12
Teens p. 13–15
Adults p. 16–22
Jobs & Careers p. 23
Business & Nonprofit p. 24–25
Tech Classes p. 26-28
Legal Resources p. 29
Friends & Foundation p. 30
Makerplace p. 31–33
Book Discussions p. 34–35
Genealogy and Local History p. 36
Senior Center p.37
English as a Second p. 38–39
Language & Literacy
Last year marked the Arlington Heights Memorial Library’s 45th anniversary of volunteer service – and what better way to celebrate than with dogs!
The library’s volunteer program began in August 1979 with just eight volunteers. Over the years, opportunities for volunteers have continued to grow, with more than 275 adult volunteers now serving in customerfacing and behind-the-scenes roles in almost every library department. But it doesn’t end there. In July 2024, three certified therapy dog and handler teams were officially added to the library’s volunteer program.
“We are in the early stages of incorporating our volunteer dogs into library operations,” said Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer Begich. “Therapy dogs are specially trained to provide comfort, affection and support to people other than their handlers or owners. Engaging with therapy dogs can have a calming effect and help to reduce stress.”
Bo, Finn and Gracie are all certified therapy dogs and now ready to lend a friendly paw during library programming, staff meetings and more. They have already proven to be a warm addition to Team AHML, providing comfort and support for kids, teens and adults throughout the past several months.
“When I retired from the library after 27 years, I wanted to volunteer at our library with my Collie,” said Deb Whisler, owner of 9-year-old Gracie. “I knew Gracie’s alert yet gentle temperament was well suited for this role. She is a calm and wonderful listener for beginning readers.”
Gracie often volunteers at I Can Read to a Dog, a monthly program in Kids’ World where children can practice reading to dogs. Dog volunteers have supported early learning initiatives in Kids’ World for about 15 years, with the library often partnering with Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy throughout this time.
“I’m proud and happy that my dog can help new readers learn to love reading,” Whisler said. “Promoting reading has been a lifelong career goal, and now a volunteer focus for me, because reading is key to lifelong learning and success.”
Other opportunities have started to open up for the library’s therapy dogs, including providing a well-earned break for high school teens during Finals Study Lounge, and attending library staff social activities. Two-year-old Finn and his owner Andrea Schrieber have both worked at these types of events as volunteers.
“I’ve volunteered at Northwest Community Hospital for 19 years and I also work there in registration. I see a steady stream of people so you’re sitting down with me first. I spend five, 10 minutes with a patient and then they move on,” Schrieber said. “I like the fact that maybe I’m the first person they see so I set the tone for the rest of their visit. And that’s my whole goal with Finn, just five or 10 minutes.
Anywhere where a dog can break the ice, that’s our role.”
Terri McDonnell and 6-year-old Bo are the latest partnership to officially join the library’s roster of volunteer dogs. McDonnell is no stranger to volunteer work, having spent years working with children, including School District 25 special education students. She saw Bo’s potential as a therapy dog immediately after adopting him in 2019.
“We brought him into our home and he immediately took on a caregiver role to our other senior dog in the family and they were inseparable,” McDonnell said. In 2022, she began training Bo at Northwest Community Hospital. “I heard that comfort dogs were brought into library and school settings sometimes to help kids who are struggling with reading or with expressing themselves and that dogs could provide that level of comfort to children. And I thought, ‘I know how much comfort he gives to me, that would be great to bring in the library as well.’”
“As a dog lover, I could not be more thrilled to have Gracie, Finn and Bo as part of our volunteer team,” Begich said. “And who knows where the dogs will be lending a helping paw next.”
Learn more about the library’s volunteer opportunities at ahml.info/ about/volunteer.
• Favorite Toy? An indestructible KONG Ball
• Favorite Treat? Chicken, salmon and scrambled eggs on Sundays!
• Favorite Activity? Laying on the couch and watching the world go by, and daily walks
• Favorite Toy? Duck!
• Favorite Treat? Red and green peppers
• Favorite Activity? Wiffle ball chase
• Favorite Toy? A tug of war knot that the library’s Tween Advisory Group (TAG) made
• Favorite Treat? Raw carrots and green beans
• Favorite Activity? Long daily walks around our neighborhood and playing in our yard
Sunday, February 16, 3–4 p.m. Lindsey Room
Trained volunteers and certified therapy dogs will visit from Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy. Bring familiar books to read aloud to a therapy dog for 15 minutes. Grades K–2.
This February, the library is proud to host a Community Food Drive on behalf of Faith Feeds, an organization dedicated to providing healthy food options for underserved individuals in our neighboring communities, including Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows, Palatine and Mount Prospect.
Donations will support Faith Feeds’ mission, including their Pantry on Rand and Pantry on Wheels, which deliver food to local apartment communities. Questions? Ask a staff member or visit Faith Feeds at allsaintspalatine.org/ministries/foodpantry/ for more information about this impactful initiative.
Do you love your library? Local youth artists in grades K-12 are invited to celebrate books, reading and art by designing a bookmark for the library during the month of February. Pick up a form starting Saturday, February 1 at the library's Checkout Desk, in Kids’ World, in the Hub or online at ahml.info. Drop off submissions at the Kids’ World, Hub or Checkout Desk, or email to editorial@ahml.info by Friday, February 28. All entries will be on display in the library starting Sunday, April 6 in honor of National Library Week, through Wednesday, April 30. Winning bookmarks will be printed and available at the library while supplies last. Learn more at ahml.info.
Do something fun together.
Saturday, February 1 / Kids’ World
Libraries truly are a magical place! Stop by the Kids’ World Desk for a special one-day scavenger hunt throughout Kids’ World.
Monday, February 10, 1–2:30 p.m. / Hub
Join us for hands-on activities and the chance to meet other homeschoolers. Drop in.
Tuesday, February 18, 10–11 a.m. Lindsey Room
Make connections with other new parents and play with your baby at this support group. Village of Arlington Heights Community Health Nurse Michelle Finn will facilitate conversations and share resources to support your child’s early development.
For first-time parents with infants ages 0–6 months. Drop in.
Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1
3–4:30 p.m. / Hendrickson Room
Join us for this five-week series, part of our Family Place Library initiative, to play with your child and meet other families. Each week, a different community resource specialist will be available to answer questions on early literacy, play and movement, reflective caregiving, or other topics relevant to families. Register for the first session and you will automatically be registered for the whole series.
For families with children ages 0–3; siblings up to age 5 are welcome. Caregiver required.
Saturday, March 8, 2–3 p.m. / Lindsey Room
Read the book together then join us for playful activities inspired by what you read. Pick up a copy of the book at the Kids’ World Desk.
For families with children ages 4–grade 3. Caregiver required.
Saturday, February 22, 11–11:45 a.m. / Hendrickson Room
Celebrate Black History Month with stories and songs shared by children’s performer Nanny Nikki.
For families with children ages 0–6. Siblings welcome. Caregiver required. Presented in celebration of Black History Month.
Saturday, February 22, 9:30–10:30 a.m. Hendrickson Room
Get ready for a high energy, fun and active musical show. Sing, dance and enjoy puppets, followed by a 30-minute musical playtime to celebrate inclusion and connection.
This supported show is presented as part of We Love Our C.I.T.Y. month and designed for children with disabilities and their families, and any child that could benefit from a more controlled environment. Special supports like lap weights and fidget toys are available to make children feel successful.
For families with children ages 0–6. Siblings welcome. Caregiver required.
All storytimes are held weekly in the Lindsey Room
DAY-OF TICKETS are required, given on a first-come, first-served basis at the Kids’ World Desk before storytime begins.
play time
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
10–11:30 a.m. / Kids’ World
Connect with your child and encourage their development through hands-on play.
Ages 0–5. Caregiver required. Drop in.
Wednesday, February 5, 7–8:30 p.m. Arlington Ridge Center (ARC) 660 N. Ridge Ave.
New location: Stop by the ARC’s gymnasium for a bigger-than-ever information fair to discover local childcare and preschool options. Enjoy refreshments and enter to win gift basket giveaways. Drop in.
kids’ time
Mondays, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Ages 3–6. Arlington Heights cardholders only.
baby time
Wednesdays, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Infants 0–18 months. Arlington Heights cardholders only.
wednesday fun night
Wednesdays, 6:30–7 p.m.
Ages 0–6.
toddler time
Thursdays, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Ages 19–35 months. Arlington Heights cardholders only.
family time
Saturdays, 10 a.m.
Ages 0–6. Arlington Heights cardholders only.
Tuesday, February 11, 10–11 a.m. Lindsey Room
An inclusive playgroup for children who receive or are considering therapy services. Facilitated by Julie Kander, C.I.T.Y. of Support.
Ages 0–5. Siblings welcome. Caregiver required. Drop in.
Littles’ Dance Party
Friday, February 28, 4:30–5 p.m. / Lindsey Room
Join us for music and movement activities perfect for active toddlers. No sitting still required! Ages 19 months and up. Siblings welcome. Caregiver required. Drop in.
Read and grow.
Globetrotters: Bahrain
Thursday, February 13, 4:15–5:15 p.m.
Lindsey Room
Get to know a new country every month by making a 3D map and playing geography games.
Grades 1–3.
Winter Carnival
Friday, February 14, 10–11:30 a.m.
Hendrickson Room
Join us in a winter wonderland of carnival games hosted by our Middle School Volunteer Panel (MVP). Drop in to play games, win prizes and have a blast!
Ages 3–6. Caregiver required. Drop in.
Chess Club
Sunday, February 23, 1–2:15 p.m.
Lindsey Room
Learn with an experienced Chess Scholars coach. Beginner and experienced players are welcome.
Make a Soda Bottle Terrarium
Tuesday, February 25, 4:15–5:15 p.m.
Lindsey Room
Learn about botanists George Washington Carver and Charles S. Parker while making your own terrarium to nurture. Presented as part of Black History Month.
Wednesday, February 26, 5–6 p.m.
Makerplace, 112 N. Belmont Ave. / Kitchen
Mix, bake and decorate mini donuts with Instructors from Schoolhouse Kitchen + Studio. Register in your child’s name; one registration for this program will include a spot for one child with one adult.
Ages 4–grade 3. Caregiver required for each child present. Culinary classes are limited to one class per month, per Arlington Heights cardholder.
Age 6–grade 6.
Sunday, February 16, 3–4 p.m.
Lindsey Room
See page 6. Grades K–2.
Friday, February 14 12:30–3 p.m.
Hendrickson Room
Craft your own Valentine or build the project of your dreams using our Tinker Cart and cardboard construction materials. Feel free to bring your own cardboard to recycle into a new creation.
Grades K–5. Caregiver required. Drop in.
Create and explore.
Starting February 1 / Kids’ World
Make your own pocket-sized ice rink for a mini magnetic ice skater. Pick up supplies at the Kids’ World Desk or request to pick up at the drive-up window or bookmobile by contacting kids@ahml.info or 847-392-0100.
Grades 4–6.
Tween Advisory Group
Fridays, February 7 and March 7 4:15–5:30 p.m. / Hendrickson Room
Join like-minded tweens to work on service projects, plan programs and play games. Grades 4–6.
Monday, February 10, 1–2:30 p.m. / Hub
See page 8.
Wednesday, February 12, 5–6 p.m. Makerplace, 112 N. Belmont Ave. / Kitchen Mix, bake and decorate mini donuts with instructors from School House Kitchen + Studio. Your sweet treats will be good enough to eat and share with others in time for Valentine’s Day.
Grades 4–6. Space is limited. Culinary classes are limited to one class per month, per Arlington Heights cardholder.
Friday, February 14, 12:30–3 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Grades K–5. See page 11.
Chess Club
Sunday, February 23, 1–2:15 p.m. Lindsey Room Age 6–grade 6. See page 11.
Are you looking for an educational game for your school-aged child to play? The library has added Adventure Academy, a new online learning resource from the makers of ABCmouse designed for an older audience. It’s a computer, tablet or phone app-based adventure game for kids and tweens ages 8–13 that uses fun quests and adventures to help kids learn math, science, history, geography and more. Learn how to sign up and install the app on our website at ahml.info, then visit the Kids > Learning Resources and Tweens > Study pages
Meet up or try something new.
Sunday, February 9, 1–2 p.m.
Cardinal Room
Saturday, February 8, noon–3 p.m. / Hub
Hobbits and wizards and orcs, oh my! Join us in the Hub as we watch Frodo and friends set out through Middleearth. Second breakfast will be served, but please bring your own afternoon tea.
Rated PG-13, 178 minutes. Closed captioned. Grades 7–12. Drop in.
Sunday, February 16, 1–2:30 p.m.
Cardinal Room
Join your fellow middle schoolers to discuss ways to help the library and the community while earning service hours. Fill out an application at ahml.info/teens/ volunteer before attending.
Email Teen Services at teens@ahml.info with questions. Grades 7–8. Drop in.
Tuesday, February 11, 4–5:15 p.m. Makerplace, 112 N. Belmont Ave.
Flex Space 2
Make a patch or coaster from faux leather with your own unique design! Learn how to use the Epilog Laser and customize your own leather work project.
Grades 7–12.
Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a high school volunteer group that involves service projects, making your voice heard at the library and having fun! Plan and prepare this year’s projects while earning service hours. Fill out an application to join TAB at ahml.info/teens/volunteer before attending your first meeting.
For high school students only. Email Teen Services at teens@ahml.info with questions. Drop in.
Friday, February 21, 6–9 p.m. / Hub
Rated G, 112 minutes. Closed captioned. Grades 7–12. Drop in.
See page 7.
Friday, February 28, 4–7 p.m. / Cardinal Room
Find treasure, evade traps and battle monsters in this month’s D&D one-shot. Beginners are welcome at this short Dungeons and Dragons one-shot. Pre-generated characters and materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.
Grades 7–12.
saturday, february 15 | noon-4:30 p.m.
saturday, march 1 | noon-3:30 p.m.
hendrickson room
Take a shot at the ACT and SAT during these practice exams. Get your results the same day. Learn about the library’s resources to help you do your very best on the test. Practice tests will not include the writing portion for the exams. For testing accommodations contact teens@ahml.info.
Bring your graphing calculator, a sharp pencil and a charged tablet or laptop. For high school students only.
wednesday, march 5 | 7–8 p.m. | cardinal room
Raquel Garcia from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission will guide you through the basics of a scholarship application, give tips on how to submit a successful application and walk you through resources for finding the best scholarships for you.
For high school students and caregivers.
Tuesday, March 4, 6-7:30 p.m. / Arlington Ridge Center, 660 N. Ridge Ave.
High school teens looking for part-time work, come to the Teen Job Fair! Local businesses will be offering jobs with flexible hours for teen students, and area organizations will have volunteer, internship and other opportunities for teens.
This program is in partnership with the Arlington Heights Youth Commission and the Arlington Heights Park District.
For high school students only. Registration recommended.
Monday, February 24, 6–8 p.m. / Hendrickson Room
Getting a job can be intimidating. Learn how to make your best impression by receiving tips on crafting resumes, filling out applications and interviewing. Actual bosses will be there to answer questions and help you prepare in a practice interview.
For high school students only.
Experience and discover.
Tuesday, February 4, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
James McBride, award-winning author, musician and screenwriter, appears in conversation with Heather-Marie Montilla of PBS Books. McBride’s landmark memoir, The Color of Water, was published in 1996 and his 2013 novel, The Good Lord Bird, won the National Book Award for Fiction and was adapted by Ethan Hawke and Jason Blum into a Showtime series. His latest, The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store, was named one of The New York Times’ 100 Notable Books of 2023. McBride is a recipient of the National Humanities Medal and Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction. Presented by Illinois Libraries Present.
Mondays, February 3 and 17, 6–7 p.m. Cardinal Room
Hablemos Español is a conversation club designed to help you improve and practice your Spanish at the library. All levels are welcome.
¡Hablemos Español es un club de conversación diseñado para ayudarte a mejorar y practicar tu español! Conoce a otros estudiantes y hablantes de español en tu comunidad y mejora tus habilidades. ¡Todos los niveles son bienvenidos!
30s Event
Thursday, February 6, 7:30–9:30 p.m.
Eddie’s Restaurant 10 E. Northwest Highway
Use our LEGO®s or bring your own for a night of brick building. Bring your friends and meet new ones. Snacks provided. Drinks available for purchase.
For ages 20–39.
Thursday, February 6, noon–5 p.m.
Hendrickson Room
Donate blood to Versiti Blood Center and save a life. Bring a photo ID. Appointments are strongly recommended.
Resource Hour:
Center for Mental Health
Thursday, February 6, 3–4 p.m. / First Floor
Drop in.
Friday, February 7, 7–8:30 p.m.
The Empty Corner, 214 E. Grove St.
Love is (fill in the blank!). Celebrate the myriad of ways that love, across the emotional spectrum, has been expressed in music. Bring your pick on vinyl and if you don’t have the record, we’ll dial up your song.
Bring your own snacks and beverages. For adults ages 21+.
Saturday, February 8, 2–3:15 p.m.
Cardinal Room
Grab a cup of coffee and join a thoughtful discussion about the end of life in this facilitated discussion. Learn more at deathcafe.com
Sunday, February 9, 2–3 p.m. / First Floor
Drop in to listen to music as you browse for books. Guitarist Nahum Smith, owner and instructor at El Rey Music Center, will perform. Drop in.
Monday, February 10, 2–3 p.m.
Cardinal Room
Learn how to calm both mind and body through the practices of meditation and mindfulness with instructor Mark Zelkowitz.
Turn your goals into an
and create a vision board to inspire your journey. Led by Sunny Amirpour from
this hands-on workshop provides all the supplies you need. Bring your dreams and leave with fresh inspiration and clarity. Space is limited.
Experience and discover.
Tuesdays, February 11 and 25
9:30–11:30 a.m. / Appointment Room
The Village of Arlington Heights Social Services team is proud to have regular office hours to assist individuals who may have questions about available services in Arlington Heights. Learn about local resources and referrals related to mental health, government programs and benefits, managing stress and conflict, community programs and financial resources. Stop by and visit with the social worker and ask questions. Drop in.
(Let’s Speak French)
Tuesdays, February 11 and 25, 7–8 p.m.
Interested in learning, improving, or maintaining your spoken French? Join our resident native speaker to grow your language abilities. All levels welcome. Parlons français!
Tuesday, February 11, 7–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Selling your home? Downsizing? Preparation is the name of the game. Experts will offer tools to help you prepare your home, as well as explain the selling process from listing to close to help you have a smooth and successful transition.
Sunday, February 16, 2–3:15 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Guitarist John Behling’s concerts present a unique and exciting blend of classic jazz and Latin American guitar music, ranging from the jazz and blues styles of Joe Pass and Herb Ellis to the choros, bossa novas, waltzes, and milongas of Jobim, Garoto and Lauro. Sponsored by Friends of the Library.
Friday, February 14 6:30–8:45 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Friday, February 14, 6:30–8:45 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Dearest Gentle Reader, You are cordially invited to the ball of the season inspired by Bridgerton. Join Lady Mady and Lady Tammy from Chicagoland English Country Dance to learn English Regency dances. Wear your finest Regency attire for a chance to be selected as the diamond of the ball.
Dearest Gentle Reader, You are cordially invited to the ball of the season inspired by Bridgerton. Join Lady Mady and Lady Tammy from Chicagoland English Country Dance to learn Regency English Dances. Wear your finest Regency attire for a chance to be selected as the diamond of the ball.
Bring a partner or come solo; all are welcome. Regency attire encouraged but not required.
Bring a partner or come solo; all are welcome. Regency attire encouraged but not required.
Thursday, February 18, 7–8 p.m. / Hendrickson Room
Explore the fundamentals of extreme weather with Storm Science. Discover the world of storm chasing, delve into local climatology, learn about tornado occurrences, weather safety and preparedness.
Watch the Art with Alayne Still Life II class on video and do this month’s project.
Then join Alayne and fellow art students in a meetup to share your work inspired by the class or get advice to complete your project. Visit ahml.info/virtual_art to watch this month’s video class and register for a meetup.
Tuesdays, February 18 or 25
Friday, February 28, 2:30–3:30 p.m. / Zoom
Meetup registrants will be notified by email when they can pick up their Create Kits with supplies at the drive-up window. All February meetups cover the same project. Register for only one. Arlington Heights cardholders only.
Wednesday, February 19, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
National Humanities Medal winner and author of The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan will speak about her body of work and reflect on the wonder of slowing down and savoring the quiet moments. Her connection to nature is captured in her latest, The Backyard Bird Chronicles, a collection of sketches and essays which debuted at #1 on The New York Times bestseller list. Presented by Illinois Libraries Present.
Thursday, February 20, 12:30–1:30 p.m. Cardinal Room
See page 23.
Experience and discover.
Thursday, February 20 7-8:30 p.m. / Hendrickson Room
It’s soon going to be time to dust off those gardening tools and start pruning! Late winter/early spring is the best time to prune your trees and shrubs but there are some exceptions you need to know about before you start cutting. Local Master Gardener Amy Powers will review what you need to know to make wise choices in pruning to optimize blooms, maintain structural health and prevent disease.
Thursday, February 20, 7–8 p.m. / Training Center
Explore the library’s resources on legal topics and learn how to examine guides on a variety of topics, find forms, investigate public records and identify state laws, rules and regulations. Learn more on page 29.
Friday, February 21, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Join us for a fun, relaxing night meeting new people and trying new games! Drop in anytime and bring your friends. Play card games from classics like UNO and 21 to newer games like Cards Against Humanity. Feel free to bring your favorite game from home to share with the group. Ages 18 and up.
Tuesday, February 25, 7–8 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Explore your body’s natural rhythm in a fun and supportive space with Stephanie Kaczynski, a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction teacher.
Wednesday, February 26, 7–9 p.m. / Zoom
Join instructor Jacob Knabb for this facilitated meetup for writers. All skill levels and writing styles are welcome.
Sunday, March 2, 1–4 p.m. / Hendrickson Room
Thursday, February 27, 7–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Join music critics Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot for a special anniversary event celebrating 25 years at the forefront of music and culture. Enjoy a look back at their favorite live performances and interviews from the show followed by a conversation and time for your questions.
DeRogatis and Kot are the hosts of Sound Opinions, distributed nationally by PRX. Sound Opinions can be heard on stations across the country and online at SoundOpinions.org. Door prizes available.
Save the date to join League of Women Voters Arlington Heights-Mount Prospect-Buffalo Grove for a live, non-partisan forum featuring candidates in local upcoming races. Get informed and educated about the coming elections as you learn about candidates’ individual positions on a variety of topics. The event will be moderated. Full schedule to come at ahml.info. Drop ins welcome; registration recommended to receive event updates.
Tuesday, March 4, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
Illinois’ own Coralie Adam leads the Optical Navigation team at KinetX Aerospace, the first privately held company to provide deep space navigation and flight dynamics expertise to NASA. She’s lead navigation teams for NASA’s New Horizons, OSIRIS-REx, Lucy and OSIRISAPEX missions. Adam’s work enabled the first exploration of the Pluto system and sample collection of near-Earth asteroid Bennu. Adam is the Deputy Navigation Chief on NASA’s Lucy mission to the Jupiter Trojan asteroids and supports current exploration initiatives to the moon and beyond. Adam will be joined by Renae Kerrigan, Curator of Science and Director of the Dome Planetarium at Peoria Riverfront Museum. Presented by Illinois Libraries Present.
Experience and discover.
I Am More Than You Think I Am: Cooking Demo with Chef Tony Cannon
Thursday, March 6, 6:30–8 p.m. / Hendrickson Room
Join us for a cooking demonstration featuring Chef Tony Cannon, followed by a discussion on the African American experience. Chef Tony has worked in restaurants for over 15 years, attended culinary school at The Art Institute of Tennessee-Nashville and owns three local food companies: Aunt Tina’s Kitchen, Aunt Tina’s Sound Bites Food Truck and That Rub seasoning company. He will be demonstrating a three-course meal, including samples for the audience.
Presented in celebration of Black History Month. Space is limited. Arlington Heights cardholders only.
Chicago Classic Cinema: About Last Night
Monday, February 3, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Starring Rob Lowe, Jim Belushi and Demi Moore. Rated R, 113 minutes.
Tuesday Matinee: Challengers
Tuesday, February 18, 1:30–4 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Starring Zendaya, Mike Faist and Josh O’Connor. Rated R, 131 minutes.
Oscar® Double Feature
Sunday, February 23, 12:15 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Hendrickson Room
The 97th Academy Awards ceremony takes place on March 2. Join us for a day of Oscar®-nominated films to get ready for the big day. Popcorn will be served. Come for one or stay for both. Visit ahml.info for the movie titles.
Chicago Classic Cinema: The Breakfast Club
Monday, March 3, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room
Starring Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, Anthony Michael Hall and Paul Gleason. Rated R, 97 minutes.
Take the next step.
Tuesday, February 4, 3–4 p.m. Cardinal Room
Kim Bendix of MindShift walks through the importance of optimizing your LinkedIn profile so you can stand out to recruiters and hiring managers. Learn how to highlight your skills and achievements, leverage keywords and grow your professional network.
Schedule an appointment to have your resume or LinkedIn profile reviewed by a professional and get tips on optimizing your network so you get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. Free for Arlington Heights cardholders. Daytime and evening sessions available at ahml.info/form/schedule-anappointment
Thursday, February 13 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
The federal government hires employees in an array of fields, but the unique and rigorous application process for these jobs often leads applicants to wonder how they will fare in a large pool of candidates.
Nancy Segal, a Master Federal Career Coach and author, will share her expertise in finding federal job opportunities, determining if your qualifications match federal openings and completing the documents necessary to apply for a position.
Thursday, February 20, 12:30–1:30 p.m. Cardinal Room
Calling all WFH and remote workers: We know working remotely can be lonely at times and it is easy to overwork yourself. Take a break, recharge and socialize with your fellow remote workers. Drinks, snacks, games and fun provided. Drop in.
Start something big.
Tuesday, February 11, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
The Zero Interest Loan Program is designed to assist new businesses looking to start operations in Arlington Heights, and existing businesses that are looking to grow and expand within the Village. Michael Mertes, Business Development Manager from the Department of Planning & Community Development, will explain how your business may be eligible for an interest-free loan.
Wednesday, February 5, 9–10:30 a.m. / Cardinal Room
Although each nonprofit mission is unique, the goal to be effective and make a difference is at the heart of each organization. Get to know your peers while receiving training, discussing best practices and showcasing your services. Refreshments provided. Drop in.
Tuesday, February 25
noon–1 p.m.
Cardinal Room
Patrick Kagan, author of Sell the Difference: The Ultimate Guide to Increased Sales, Profits, & Customer Satisfaction, and president of PK Solutions Group, will reveal a guided learning module designed to help individuals identify and eliminate those obstacles that keep them stuck, either in their personal or professional lives. Learn a five-step, fun, easy process to re-set while still in motion.
Wednesday, February 12, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
First Floor
A volunteer from SCORE North Chicago and Lake Counties will answer entrepreneurial questions and provide information about resources for start-ups, small business owners and nonprofit professionals. Drop in. Also available: Sign up for a one-hour virtual or in-person session for oneon-one mentoring from a SCORE volunteer business mentor. Visit ahml.info/services/business to make an appointment.
Wednesday, February 19 6:30–7:30 p.m. / Cardinal Room
Connect with fellow entrepreneurs, ask questions and discover tools to grow your business. This special collaboration between the Northwest Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the library will show you how to leverage library services, access small business grants and benefit from the Chamber’s extensive connections and opportunities. Drop in.
En esta colaboración especial entre la Northwest Hispanic Chamber of Commerce y AHML, aprenderás a aprovechar los servicios de la biblioteca, acceder a recursos y oportunidades. Ya sea que estés iniciando un negocio o expandiendo uno existente, esta interacción es tu clave para el éxito. ¡No te lo pierdas!
Wednesday, February 26, 7–8 p.m. / Cardinal Room
How do you begin a targeted grant search? How do you identify potential funders? What tools can assist you in this process? Discover the answers to these questions and uncover valuable resources.
Registration for Tech Classes starts at 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 1 unless otherwise noted. All classes
Tuesday, February 4, 1:30–3 p.m.
Learn how to launch programs; create, rename and delete files as well as folders; organize your desktop and more.
Excel: Basics
Wednesday, February 5, 7–8:30 p.m.
Learn about spreadsheets and how to move within them and the basics of Excel including rows, columns, tabs and more.
Thursday, February 6, 1:30–3 p.m.
Learn about the Mac operating system, from the keyboard and your Apple ID to launching apps, organizing files and changing settings.
Friday, February 7, 10–11:30 a.m.
Learn how to install apps, manage your device settings, and more. Bring your Android device if you have one.
Monday, February 10, 10–11:30 a.m.
Learn how to organize and digitize your 35mm slides, photos, negatives and more using equipment in the library’s Studio.
Word: Basics
Monday, February 10, 7–8:30 p.m.
This class will introduce you to the essentials, especially the File and Home tabs, and how to change words on the page.
Tuesday, February 11, 10–11:30 a.m.
This class covers the basics for developing an interesting presentation.
Excel: Intermediate
Wednesday, February 12, 7–8:30 p.m.
Learn about charts, graphs and commonly used functions for working with data.
Thursday, February 13, 7–8 p.m.
Learn how to digitize your VHS, 8mm, Hi8, VHS-C and Mini DV tapes using equipment in the library’s Studio.
Friday, February 14, 10–11:30 a.m.
Learn to use your device’s settings, apps, web browser and more. Bring your iPad or iPhone if you have one.
classes held in the Training Center unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, February 18, 10–11:30 a.m.
Take your PowerPoint skills to the next level; learn how to enhance your presentations with creative effects.
Tuesday, February 18, 2–3 p.m.
Learn how to digitize your vinyl records and audio cassettes using equipment and software in the library’s Studio.
Wednesday, February 19, 1:30–3 p.m.
Learn how to back up photos, videos and more from your phone and/or computer for safe keeping, including cloud storage options such as Google Drive and iCloud as well as physical backups such as external hard drives and flash drives.
Wednesday, February 19, 7–8 p.m.
Take an in-depth look at how to use Excel to display data using charts and graphs.
Thursday, February 20, 1:30–3 p.m.
Have a tech question for us? We’ll do our best to answer it or, if you stump us, we’ll point you in the right direction. Drop in.
Friday, February 21, 10–11:30 a.m.
Explore in-depth many of the default apps available on your iPad or iPhone. Bring your device if you have one.
Monday, February 24, 7–8:30 p.m.
Learn how to change margins, use bullet points, formatting, tables, templates and more.
Tuesday, February 25, 11 a.m.–noon
Take an in-depth look at how to work with transitions and animations in your PowerPoint presentations.
Adobe Illustrator: Design a Logo
Tuesday, February 25, 7–8:30 p.m.
Create graphics and designs from scratch using Adobe Illustrator. Working with shapes, lines, the pen tool, colors, gradients, layers, effects and typography will be covered.
Wednesday, February 26, 7–8 p.m.
Learn how to use pivot tables to sort, analyze and summarize data.
Thursday, February 27, 1:30–3 p.m.
What’s the deal with AI? Learn the basics as well as discover how you can use these services and tools in your daily life.
Thursday, February 27, 7–8 p.m.
Learn how to digitize your 8mm and 16mm film reels using equipment in the library’s Studio.
eBooks, eAudiobooks, Movies and More
Friday, February 28, 1:30–3 p.m.
Learn all about the free eBooks, audiobooks, movies, TV shows, music and magazines you can access from home or on the go with your library card.
The Studio is a D.I.Y. space with the equipment, software, and learning resources for you to get creative with video, music, graphic design and more. For a full list of equipment and software, as well as FAQs, visit ahml.info/studio.
Major life events like declaring bankruptcy, changing your name, renting out property or writing your will can be difficult to navigate. Whether you’re dealing with one of those situations or a lawyer doing in-depth research, the library has a wide range of online legal resources for you to use, including:
Features templates for thousands of legal forms (wills, divorce/family, trusts, licenses, leases, etc.) that you can download and modify for your own needs.
LEGAL INFORMATION SOURCE: Designed to assist the public in legal matters of all kinds. Includes exclusive full text for many top consumer legal reference books (from Nolo Press), as well as thousands of legal forms.
LEGAL GPS: An interactive platform that gives business owners stepby-step, customized directions to complete 50+ legal essentials in advance of working with a lawyer. It can save owners significant legal fees and 60+ hours.
A wide-ranging tool featuring in-depth sources for case/statute law (federal and state), business directories, news/magazine/journal articles and much more.
An advanced legal research tool featuring Illinois appellate court cases, annotated statutes (Illinois and federal) and selected analytical materials (legal reference books).
Find these resources and others on the library’s website at ahml.info under Research > Databases > All Databases > Legal & Public Records. If you have in-depth legal needs, it is also important to work with a lawyer. If you need assistance using these products, contact the library or visit our Info Services Desk staff. Learn more at the February 20 program, Investigate Legal Topics, from 7–8 p.m. More information on page 20.
Support the library.
Friday, January 31, 6–8 p.m.
Members’ Night
Saturday, February 1, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Sunday, February 2, noon–3 p.m.
Cardinal Room
Featuring kids’ and teen fiction, nonfiction books, EZ readers, board books, DVD movies, audiobooks and music CDs. 25% teacher discount with valid ID on Friday and Saturday. $8 bag sale on Sunday.
Save the date for these 2025 sales: April 12–13, August 2–3, November 8–9, December 6–7
Friday, March 7, 7–9 p.m. / Makerplace, 112 N. Belmont Ave.
At this Foundation fundraising event, experience unique wellness-focused activities featuring:
Kristen Marzolf, LCSW, SEP, Director of The Family Resilience Group will discuss “Practicing No: A Cornerstone of Self Care.” Molly Kranovich, yoga teacher and owner of LUMI Studio & Shoppe will conduct a 25-minute all-levels candlelight yoga class. Janine Durbin, owner of Bitter & Sweet Cocktail Boutique, will create mocktails and low ABV (low alcohol) cocktails to taste. Light bites provided by Danielle Kuhn of Scratchboard Kitchen.
Meet wellness experts from the Arlington Heights area. Bring friends and come dressed in athleisure attire ready to stretch, chat and learn the latest ways to practice wellness while helping support the library.
Cost per person is a $50 donation to the AHML Foundation, or a $450 donation for 10 guests. Registration is open through March 1 at ahmlfoundation.org/women2025
For questions, email info@ahmlfoundation.org
Sunday, February 9, 1–2:30 p.m.
Sewing & Quilting Area
Learn the basics of threading, operating and troubleshooting on our sewing machines.
Ages 12 and up
Tuesday, February 4, 3:30–5 p.m. or 6–7:30 p.m.
Creative Arts Area
Learn how to paint flowers with Audrey Ra Design. Ages 18 and up.
Tuesday, February 11, 1–2:30 p.m.
Flex Space 2
Work with Cricut Design Space and get hands-on experience with iron-on vinyl.
Ages 12 and up.
Tuesday-Thursday: 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sunday: noon-5 p.m.
Friday & Monday: Closed
Thursday, February 13, 6–7:30 p.m. / Flex Space 2
Learn the basics of TinkerCAD, combine shapes and add text to create a simple keychain to be printed on our 3D printers. Basic mouse and keyboarding skills recommended.
Ages 12 and up.
Thursday, February 13, 1–3 p.m.
Tuesday, February 25, 6–7:30 p.m.
Creative Arts
Bring your knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch or other projects, work on your own project and chat with your neighbors.
Ages 18 and up. Refreshments provided. Drop in.
Sunday, February 16, 1–2:30 p.m.
Flex Space 2
Learn to import a design file, add text and create simple shapes for engraving. Basic mouse and keyboarding skills recommended.
Ages 12 and up.
“Inspired by”
Thursday, February 20, 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Flex Space 2
Bring your projects or photos to share your workflow, challenges and successes at the Makerplace. Connect with fellow makers, inspire others and celebrate creativity and innovation together.
Ages 18 and up. Refreshments provided
Tuesday, March 4, 1–2:30 p.m. / Flex Space 2
Learn to create a custom vinyl sticker for your water bottle, notebook or window using the Cricut Craft Cutter.
Ages 12 and up.
Wednesday, February 19 2:30–4 p.m. or 6–7:30 p.m.
Creative Arts Area
Create art inspired by famous artists and art styles and chat with your neighbors. Supplies provided.
Ages 18 and up.
Culinary classes are for adults ages 18 and up unless otherwise noted. Arlington Heights cardholders only. Space is limited. Limit one culinary class per month, per cardholder. Register any time from February 2 at noon to February 3 at 11:59 a.m. to join the lottery for a chance to attend. Individuals will be chosen at random and notified by email.
Please note: The Kitchen is not a nut-free, gluten-free or other allergy-free environment.
Tuesday, February 11, 6–7:30 p.m.
Featuring the Makerplace’s Chef Brian.
Wednesday, February 12, 5–6 p.m.
See page 12.
Saturday, February 15 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. or 2–4 p.m.
Featuring Chef Andrea Pracht of My Kitchen Clatter.
Friday, February 21, 3:30–5:30 p.m.
Work with library staff and neighbors to prepare a nourishing lunch and dinner for individuals who are at risk and experiencing homelessness. For ages 12 and up. Arlington Heights cardholders only. Space is limited. Please limit your registration to two members per household. Service hours recorded upon request. The PADS Shelter Program is a partnership of area faith communities that provides overnight shelter and meals through JOURNEYS | The Road Home.
Sunday, February 23, 12:30–2:30 p.m.
Featuring the Makerplace’s Chef Brian.
Wednesday, February 26, 5–6 p.m.
See page 11.
Thursday, February 27, noon–1:30 p.m.
Engage with the Makerplace’s Chef Brian and get your culinary questions answered. Chef Brian will make hot beverages for cold days and nights. Drop in.
Wednesday, March 5, 2:30–4:30 p.m.
Featuring Chef Jen Paleracio of Lean Bellas Kitchen.
Join the conversation.
Register to attend a book discussion. Stop by the Info Desk to pick up a copy of any of the books or contact us at 847-392-0100 to request a copy. Book discussion titles are also available as an eBook and eAudiobook.
Monday, February 10, 7–8 p.m. / Cardinal Room Thursday, February 27, 10–11 a.m. / Conference Room H
McBride’s tale of Black and Jewish Americans uniting against prejudice in the 1930s is an uplifting story of kindness and community. A unique blend of literary fiction, historical fiction and mystery, and a testament to a time when communities came together, helped each other and cared about neighbors. Presented in celebration of Black History Month.
Tuesday, February 4, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
See page 16 for more information.
Tuesday, February 18, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
Join us to discuss our favorite books, movies and more that we experienced this winter. Grab a hot beverage and curl up under a cozy blanket while we share the perfect wintry read, watch or listen. You’ll leave with a great list of recommendations. Share your own favorites in the discussion that follows.
Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame by Olivia Ford
Wednesday, February 26, 6–7:30 p.m.
Makerplace, 112 N. Belmont Ave. / Creative Arts Area
Are you someone who loves to craft as well as read?
Please join us for a special book discussion and craft at our Makerplace. We will discuss the book Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame by Olivia Ford as you use mixed media to design and fashion an apron.
Celebrate Black History Month with these staff-created
Explore movies and music, books by Black authors, African American history, novels, mysteries, biographies, memoirs and more that celebrate Black History Month by checking out our list of featured titles for February.
Scan this QR code for a full list of items curated by our librarians and advisors.
Discover your roots.
Mondays, February 3, March 3, 6–7:30 p.m. / Shackley Room
Join fellow researchers, share discoveries, swap techniques and collaborate. Refreshments provided. Drop in.
Wednesday, February 19, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Sign up to get help with your research. Halfhour appointments available.
Friday, February 21, 2–3:30 p.m.
Training Center
FamilySearch has over two billion genealogical records and they are adding more every day. Learn how to use this resource to search their collections and explore resources to improve your genealogy research skills.
Friday, February 28, 7–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room
The year is 2014. Tumblr is a growing online community of digital millennials who love “SuperWhoLock,” advice animals, and being SO RANDOM. When a local teen attempts to put together a fan convention for Tumblr users, it proves to be a larger task than expected. Join genealogy and local history librarian Eddie Kristan for an evening of contemporary local history and a complementary hour in the ball pit.
Thursday, February 6, 7–8:30 p.m.
Learn more about the library’s new database for family history research. Clotilde Yap will introduce Chinese family history research, how to get started, key challenges, what clues to look for both at home and online, as well as a live demo of the database, highlighting its new records and features.
All in-person programs at the Senior Center, 1801 W. Central Road. Some also offer the option to attend via Zoom. The library’s Senior Center Reading Room branch is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Fridays, February 7, 14, 21 and 28, 10 a.m. Senior Center
Drop in and enjoy travel movies and documentaries.
Thursdays, February 6, 13, 20 and 27, 10 a.m. Senior Center or Zoom Register by calling 847-870-3712.
Tuesday, February 4, 1 p.m. / Senior Center
Drop in for February’s film, High Noon (1952), 85 minutes, Rated G. A discussion led by library staff follows a free showing of the film.
Books available in the Senior Center Reading Room. Register to meet in-person at the Senior Center or join on Zoom.
Wednesday, February 12, 10 a.m. Senior Center or Zoom
Monday, February 24, 10 a.m. Senior Center or Zoom
Classes feature small class size and hands-on instruction. All classes are held in person at the Senior Center. Check for class openings and register online. Full schedule and class descriptions are available at ahml.info/senior/materials
Join our weekly phone discussions where we listen to and discuss short stories or share reminisces of past events and experiences. No technology other than a phone is required. Contact Senior and Accessible Services at 847-870-3712 to learn more or to register.
Practice and learn.
Visit the library’s program calendar online at ahml.info for additional programs.
Culture and Conversation
Mondays, 1–2 p.m. / Cardinal Room
February 3, 10, 17, 24, March 3
Thursdays, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
February 6, 13, 20 and 27
Join other adult English language learners to talk about a new topic each week.
Beginning ESL
Mondays, 7–8 p.m. / ESL & Literacy Office
February 3, 10, 17 and 24
Register to join other adult English language learners to study beginning-level English.
Arlington Heights cardholders only.
English Language Review
Wednesdays, February 5, 19 and 26, 1–2 p.m.
ESL & Literacy Office
Study English with other adult Englishlanguage learners.
ESL Conversation Lab
Saturdays, February 8 and 22, 10–11 a.m.
ESL & Literacy Office
Practice English conversation around different topics with interactive activities.
Wednesday, February 5, 6:30–8 p.m.
Hendrickson Room
Register to join us for fun, food, and getting to know other adult English language learners and their families. Everyone is welcome.
Inglés para Hispanohablantes
Wednesdays, February 12 and 26 11 a.m.–noon / ESL & Literacy Office
Una clase conversacional para Hispanohablantes que buscan mejorar su Inglés. Esta clase es en persona en la oficina de ESL.
Arlington Heights Memorial
Wednesday, February 12, 1:30–3 p.m.
Hendrickson Room
Beginning-level conversation in English. For adult English-language learners. Everyone is welcome.
Friday, February 14, 10–11 a.m. Cardinal Room
Drop in to practice your speaking and listening skills.
Tuesday, February 18, 10–11 a.m. Cardinal Room
Interested in meeting new people? Make new friends, enjoy conversations and help build community with like-minded individuals. Although this program is suited for adult English-language learners, all are welcome to join. Refreshments provided.
Tuesday, February 18, 1–2 p.m.
ESL & Literacy Office and Zoom
Register to join us for our monthly book club meeting. In February, we’re reading and talking about Lois Lowry’s Tree. Table. Book. Books and discussion questions are available in the ESL & Literacy Office.
Meeting schedule: ahml.info/about/information
Amy Somary • President 847-506-2686 • asomary@ahml.info
Andi Ruhl • Vice President/Secretary 847-506-2684 • aruhl@ahml.info
Sarah Galla • Treasurer 847-506-2681 • sgalla@ahml.info
Trustees: Jennifer Borrell 847-506-2680 • jborrell@ahml.info
Stacey Kelly 847-814-2551 • skelly@ahml.info
Carole Medal 847-506-2683 • cmedal@ahml.info
Greg Zyck 847-507-2336 • gzyck@ahml.info
Mike Driskell
Dana Revilla
Sasha Vasilic
April Harder
Mareliz Gallogo
William Tolan
Brian Benson
Colleen Mele
Stephanie Battista