Nursery management john mason land links 2004 6,23 mo

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Nurser y Mana gement

Figure 1.3: A large production or wholesale nursery.

Growing-on nurseries Growing-on nurseries buy bulk quantities of seedlings or small plants from propagators. At the time of purchase, the plants are growing in plugs, trays or tubes; the plants are then potted into larger containers and grown on for a period of time, adding value to the nursery’s original purchase. In addition to increasing plant size, specialised growing techniques, such as topiary, may be used to add value to the plant during the growing-on phase. The most critical aspect of production in growing-on nurseries is developing a quality product for the retail market. At the time of resale, every plant must be at its peak, displaying healthy, vigorous and sturdy growth. The plant must presented appropriately, in a clean and attractive pot, with fresh potting mix (no weeds or residues on the surface) and appropriate support (small stake or trellis) if necessary. Labels must also be supplied (but not attached).

Retail nurseries Retail nurseries buy plants from production/propagation nurseries and resell them at a profit. ‘Greenlife’ (the industry term used to distinguish plants from other nursery products) sold by the retail sector include seedlings, bulbs, containerised and bare-rooted plants and trees. In addition, garden centres sell associated products such as dry goods (pots, packaged potting mixes, fertilisers, sprays) and bulk landscaping materials. There is an increasing emphasis on the supply of ‘lifestyle products and services’ in retail outlets, such as outdoor furniture, gift lines, display gardens, cafés and landscaping services.

What to grow It has often been said that the downfall of a nursery manager is to be ‘too much of a plant collector and not enough of a businessperson’. Most people who work with plants love plants, and it is very easy to be tempted and grow the types of plants which you love most. This is often the nursery manager’s Achille’s heel. It is essential to be very careful when choosing what to grow – it is pointless growing lots of plants if there is no demand for them.

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