March 2016 agriCULTURE Magazine

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After! 30! years,! Callaway! Gardens’! annual!

Cookbook! and! coSowner! of! Maple! Valley! Nursery! in! Birmingham,! Alabama,! recommends! novice! fruit! and! Southern! Gardening! Symposium! has! come! to! an! end.! vegetable!gardeners!begin!with!raised!beds.! “We’ve! tried! the! funky! ones,! the! crazyS Director! of! Gardens! Patricia! Collins! made! sure! that! it! sounding! ones.! We’ve! been! seduced! by! the! catalogs.! closed!out!with!style.!! “It! was! just! great,”! Then! there! are! some! old! says! Rick! Barnes! of! Tucker.! favorites!you’ve!probably!heard! “I’m! blown! away! by! the! your! grandparents! talk! about,”! quality! of! the! speakers! that! Shaddix!says.! are! here.! It’s! unbelievable.! She! shared! many! of! It’s! kind! of! like! a! who’s! these!with!an!audience!of!more! who.”! than! 100! Southern! gardeners! In! addition! to! who! gathered! at! Callaway! in! lectures,! participants! could! late! January.! Shaddix! had! attend! classes! on! garden! recommendations! of! design! or! making! a! bog! cucumbers,! tomatoes,! berries,! garden.! Horticulture! and! beans! and! more! that! grow! gardening! experts,! including! successfully!in!this!area.! Georgia’s! own! Michael! Dirr! The! pinkSandSwhite! and! Coach! Vince! Dooley,! marbled!Italian!Rose!bean,!lady! were! headliners,! as! was! peas,! Cherokee! Trail! of! Tears! TiftonSborn! Mary! Beth! and! Christmas! beans! all! grow! Shaddix,! whose! work! folks! well! in! Georgia,! as! does! the! will! recognize! from! Cooking0 Rosa! Bianca! eggplant,! Blue! Light! and! Southern0 Living! Banana! squash! and! Sungold! magazines.! tomato,! Shaddix! says.! On! the! Much! of! Shaddix’s! other! hand,! the! Indigo! Rose! garden! is! dedicated! to! tomato! doesn’t! always! turn! its! growing! food! used! in! these! promised! blue,! and! the! Southern!magazines.!! beautiful,!fragrant!Tigger!melon! “It! went! from! a! trial! Larry Mellichamp, director emeritus of the University of North Carolina-Charlotte Botanical doesn’t!taste!quite!as!good!as!it! garden,! where! it! was! really! Gardens, taught a class on creating bog gardens like this one as part of the 30th and final looks.! Callaway Gardens Southern Gardening Symposium in Pine Mountain this January. hidden!and!you!didn’t!see!it! She! reminded! in! the! pages! of! the! magazine.! You! saw! big,! bright,! beautiful!photos!of!the!fruit!and!the!harvest,!but!not! a!lot!about!how!to!grow!it,”!Shaddix!says.!“[Cooking0 Light]! thought,! ‘We! care! this! much! about! food.! We! want!people!to!care!this!much!about!gardening.’”! The! author! of! The0 Cooking0 Light0 Pick0 Fresh0


attendees! that! even! in! edible! gardens,! flowers! are! an! important!part!of!the!ecosystem.!! “We! have! a! trailing! nasturtium! planted! with! a! cucumber,”! Shaddix! says.! “That’s! wonderful,! in! my! opinion,! for! pollination.! …! Anything! you! can! do! to!

… Continued on page 14 11!

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