Romanian IT&C Directory 2017

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A Project of iBusiness Romania


Romania IT: What’s in it for you The Digital Transformation: Technology - no limits!

Romania - strong potential for growth for Software and IT Services

Romanian ITC Market: Facts&Figures

Romanian ITC Companies

Accelerating cloud adoption, Romania is becoming digital

The 17th Edition, March 2017

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 16th Edition, March 2017


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Central & Eastern Europe



Dear Partners, Since many years we have the pleasure to submit to your attention one of the most important treasures of Romania: the IT&C field and its achievements through this project which is both a guide and an invitation to be part of this growing opportunity. The IT&C market in Romania has some very important and unique features: Highly skilled IT people and programmers; A spread through out of the country of IT firms, outsourcing capabilities related to the most relevant technical and computer science universities: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Brasov and others fact which represents an interesting coverage of Romania from East to West and from North (and Centre) to the South; this is a very important advantage for those who want to become partners because of the wide range of choices they have in terms of locations and specific skills; The spread of broadband (fix or mobile) communications and high speed internet connections are one of the best and most performant in Europe; High skills in foreign languages; The most relevant IT international corporations (Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, HP, just to give a few names) have developed in Romania their contact and support centers, which is a very important reference for us; The geographical position close to Central Europe represents also an important fact related to the time table, to the short physical distances through Europe; The financial incentives for those companies developing software and employing programmers, which, again, makes Romania unique in the landscape of CEE countries; And, not last, one more psychological aspect of the Romanian IT specialist and programmers: they embrace very easily news technologies, new challenges, new jobs. This is really important and may not just another objective fact about Romania but once you will meet our programmers you will acknowledge this behavior and you will see it transformed into business efficiency and profitability.

Mihaela Gorodcov

General Manager iBusiness Romania

So, just to conclude. The Digital Economy and the Digital Transformation are first of all about people and with people. And, of course, these (more) then buzz-words are about political will and determination. You cannot separate one of the other, and ultimately you cannot argue which one ranks the first. But, no matter the angle you see these things you simply cannot ignore the basics: the people and their skills. You cannot start building a modern society without making sure that you have the right human factor. And Romania has it (IT)! In brief: come, communicate, and decide. And then you will have all the premises to do a profitable and efficient business here, in Romania. As of us, we shall be here to guide you, to inform you and make on your behalf valuable connections and reliable business. General Manager Mihaela GORODCOV

Project Manager Gineta ROȘCA




Sales Manager Romulus MAIER


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Layout Editor Oana CAMBREA (

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The most thrilling feature of our digital era is that we are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that the world is heading towards a new social and economic paradigm. Certainly, the past two decades have shown us unparalleled transformation across all dimensions of society but we can clearly see that there is more to it than simple technological progress. In our digital era, technology will do more than improve our environment - it will improve us. I strongly believe that Romania - through its high quality data infrastructure and fast growing new generation of tech entrepreneurs - has the potential of offering a truly unique environment to all those who seek to push the boundaries of technology.

In the past few years, a strong culture of coding, innovation and incubation has been emerging. The large Romanian universities continue to provide a regular source of talent and drive tech innovation. The start-up ecosystem is increasingly effervescent, incorporating innovation on the go, while the number of incubators, co-working spaces and dedicated events help emerging entrepreneurs find their unique path on the ever-growing Romanian market. Correlated with our commitment to achieve a Digital Single Market at the European Union level, it’s becoming clear that the next few years will increase the opportunities brought by new technologies, bringing growth, boosting investment and creating new opportunities for businesses across all sectors. In the next development phase, through our Government Program, we aim to meet some of the challenges that Romania has been facing lately. One of them is the need to build trust and to improve upon our nationwide cyber security, so as to ensure that online transactions are made with confidence. Next, we will make sure that all companies that wish to develop within the Romanian borders will have the proper framework to achieve genuine competitiveness. Through interoperability and open e-Governance - some of our main driving policies - we wish to shorten the interaction time between the institutions, citizens and private organisations. Once this will be achieved, the government will not have servers or issues with the infrastructure, because the infrastructure will be externalised in the cloud. We know this will be a big challenge, but we believe that it will change the way in which governments works. Building trust, developing the economy, creating proper frameworks for the young entrepreneurs and building a unique version of e-Governance - these are just a few of the initiatives that loom large over Romania’s next few years. And all these are based on a simple insight: the fact that the internet of everything is not a paradigm of the future. It is here, in the present, and we need to begin seeing through its bold new perspective - that everything can and will be interconnected.


Augustin JIANU

Minister Ministry of Communications and Information Society

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Achieve interoperability with Allevo Allevo is a company that provides software solutions that help financial institutions reduce the total cost of ownership and achieve end-to-end interoperability across the financial supply chain. This is possible through FinTP, a complete open source application that processes transactions, automates flows and offers compliance to regulatory and industry standards. FinTP is fit for banks, transaction banks, corporations, state treasuries and public administrations, microfinance institutions and market infrastructures. The application creates the opportunity of achieving real-time payments and a better management of liquidity and assets. FinTP is a versatile FinTech middleware application with features that address various departments of a financial institution or corporation, ensuring first and foremost compliance to standards and regulations. FinTP consists of a variety of functional features that make up the core of the application. Additional business and operational features are available, allowing the setup of an environment suited for every customer’s need.

Financial instruments Funds transfer (MT, MX message types) Direct debit Debit instruments Remittances Treasury operations SEPA (SCT and SDD) compliance SEPA for corporates Statements (MT940/MT950, MT900/MT910) Corporate to bank connectivity

Operational features Duplicate detection Accounts reconciliation Transactions filtering Competitive reports & alerts Liquidity reporting and forecasting Business continuity Loan disbursements and repayment matching


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Romania - small and underdeveloped domestic market, but showing strong potential for growth for Software and IT Services Still, from the local market size perspective, Romania remains very, very far from other more mature markets in Eastern Europe, especially when compared to the country’s population and GDP. The last years have practically cut the hopes for the Romanian IT services market to fill in the gap between the local and the CEE or EU spending, creating just the conditions for the development of offshore/nearshore platforms that have an increasing impact on the overall GDP growth. Although signs of shy growth are present, there is a huge leap to be made in order to reduce the gap. The figures show a yearly growth of around 5% for 2014-2015, but PAC estimates that, by 2020, the market will register an increased growth rate up to even 10%.

The domestic IT services market in Romania has gone through a period where two significant phenomena happened: on the one hand, a significant part of the country’s IT workforce has been absorbed by nearshore/offshore delivery centers, and, on the other hand, the public administration and state-controlled companies have dramatically reduced their appetite for IT projects focused on IT-services (not just hardware or software licenses & maintenance acquisitions). The spending for software and IT services market used to be highly dominated by the public sector investments, which has dramatically influenced the overall market as volume, growth and competitive landscape. As a major customer for basic infrastructure (operating systems, databases, middleware) and application software (especially the Office suite from Microsoft), the Romanian government’s strategy, attitude and financial resources highly impact the total sales of software in the country. Moreover, the Romanian software market remains under the influence of large-sized public tenders, where traditional suppliers continue to deliver customized projects to the disfavor of foreign vendors and associated best-of-breed solutions. 6

The 17th Edition, March 2017 - Romanian IT&C Directory

IT Service Provider Established in 2006, in Bucharest, Romania 5 International Offices 2 Delivery Centers 350+ Employees

United Kingdom

Germany Ukraine

We are experts in: Research & Development Custom Software Development Technical & Customer Support Quality Assurance


France Bulgaria


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

A mix of some large deals and an increasing number of small and very small projects, higher demand for body leasing has characterized the last couple of years. Signs of emerging interest in higher added-value services have occurred, mainly around cyber security (still projects generally smaller than 100,000 euro each), cloud-related consulting & systems integration (many projects of less than 2-300,000 euro each), or analytics, digitalization and customer experience. From the perspective of new topics, such as Cloud Computing, the Romanian market scores extremely low levels, benchmarked versus the rest of the European regions. According to PAC’s analysis, the use of cloud services in the enterprise environment as well as among private users places Romania at the bottom of the charts. However good signs are visible on the market as most of the local software vendors have started to develop solutions and strategies for SaaS delivery models.

Eugen Schwab-Chesaru Vice President - Research

Vice President - Central &Eastern Europe There are also several local, modern data centers available but at this moment in time, this type of business lacks the proper go-to-market approach and superior SME engagement; these players still need to improve and tailor their offerings in order to develop their client portfolio. Nevertheless, the positive signals related to Cloud adoption are also confirmed by the tendency of shifting the IT decisions towards the LOB, fueled by real business needs.

More and more, PAC observes the growing awareness of C-levels towards optimizing their business performance with the help of modern IT solutions and tools. In the public sector, there are also some important initiatives conducted through EU funded sources, which aim at providing in-house IaaS for public institutions and thus at improving the interaction between public entities and local communities. The SaaS and Mobility software offering on the Romanian market is significantly wider than over the previous years; however, these emerging solutions still generate quite small revenues to the software vendors and thus the reluctance towards more aggressive marketing and sales campaigns is understandable.In the medium term, these topics will take over a small part of the traditional software revenues, but will also help the SMEs start using a bit more sophisticated applications in their daily business. The most important aspect to consider is that the market will not wait: the landscape will be dominated by the most agile companies, namely those that will manage to be the first to migrate towards SaaS solutions and to redesign their commercial strategies. Teaming up with the right Cloud provider, capable of ensuring the best hosting services, will also be a strategic option, for most vendors. PAC sees several factors of growth, although the hard facts are still expected.

Partially or totally funded by EU money, the IT projects in the public sector are going to remain the first major driver to significant growth on the Romanian IT services market, as soon as the public institutions will re-start the investments. Cloud-related consulting and systems integration, especially linked to the infrastructure transformation, consolidation and optimization, will remain an area of high demand from large accounts and the upper mid-market. The increasing foreign investments in manufacturing, retail/wholesale and services generated some demand for local services, provided by global or pure local IT suppliers. Cyber-security-related IT services will increase their share within the IT budgets of large accounts and public institutions, generating many, even still small opportunities for high added-value and reasonable profitability.

Equally, PAC sees obstacles that may break the market development. Still the Romanian administration and most of the commercial accounts are focused primarily on the IT investments in hardware and software licenses, with low education and competencies for asking for complex IT services projects that could optimize processes, accelerate go-to-market, decrease business risks and align with the current technology and business trends. The EU funds financing exclusively CAPEX provide no help for the awareness of cloud computing and more services-based long-term agreements. The increasing centralization process for the IT operations of foreign investors removes part of the juicy opportunities for the local IT services market. The large internal IT departments will remain strong and powerful and the conservative approach will limit the chances of the IT services companies to provide turnkey solutions instead of just technology or manpower. Romanian vendors focus too much on technical arguments and product description in their go-to-market strategies rather than emphasizing the addressed business challenges and fast ROI. 8

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Software & IT Services in Romania Romania has an impressive tradition in research, development, and innovation in the technical field. Estimates indicate that the High-Tech sector will generate more than 3% of Romania’s GDP in the next 3 years, provided the industry manages to leverage and compensate a legacy education system.

The High-Tech sector is one of Romania’s growth pillars, transforming Romania into a regional leader for software development and established exporter for high quality software products and services.

reluctant to launch IT projects fully delivered by IT suppliers, which makes the time & material model still very popular.

The export of software and IT services in 2016 exceeded EUR 2.5 billion, double compared to the figures recorded 4 years ago, while during the same period the domestic market demand increased by less than EUR 200 million.

The offshore/ nearshore IT centers have significantly developed and continue to expand very fast, being and boosted by fiscal incentives, a significant pool of highly qualified resources, as well as a growing demand from developed markets (especially Western Europe and the US) to decrease software development and other IT services-related costs.

With an overall maturity compared to Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary or Slovakia, Romania has rapidly focused on increasing the added value by supporting the R&D, as well as having one of the strongest services and support centers in the world. In addition, the startup scene is moving fast, due to the existing talents within the market, as well as the entrepreneurship wave that is growing year by year. In the last years, Romania records increasingly success stories in the field, with products (fintech, services, gaming, etc.) going globally.

Looking at the ownership structure of the software and IT services companies in Romania, we see that strategic investors (IT corporations) and entrepreneurs have been the most active during the last 10 years. Investment funds and Business Angels are increasingly visible on the market, analyzing different opportunities to enter the capital of highpotential local IT companies.

As an overall view, the local private market is concentrated around multinationals, in terms of potential multi-million IT deals, albeit local budget spending is uncertain, even for them. Nevertheless, there are clear signs of an increasing local IT market maturity, increasingly educated IT managers/CIOs, as well as top executives. Due to the crisis, the overall climate in the private sector remains characterized by moderate decision making process, money being spent only to meet clear and focused targets. Most companies are still

Romania’s positioning is expected to consolidate as a target market for higher added-value services, R&D centers and significant domestic market projects that would include high-end solutions and technologies. ANIS represents the interests of Romanian IT companies and supports the development of the software and services industry, as well as the growth of companies involved both in outsourcing projects and in developing proprietary applications. ANIS plays an active role in boosting the High-Tech sector, as well as contributing to promote Romania as a regional leader for software development and established exporter for high quality software products and services.


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Nearshoring with Cegeka Romania - the strategic choice Transferring information technology processes to another country means taking a risk. The complexity of outsourcing business processes decreased in the past 10 years, with the rise of the nearshoring possibility as a strategic option for companies. This concept delimitates not only the move of technical processes to nearby countries, which become strategic partners for companies but also helps to build a strong brand image.

effort. One of the main advantages of working with Cegeka is the vast experience our distributed teams have. Whether your company is in Africa, America or Europe, we ensure 24/7 control over our client’s products. „Working with nearshore distributed teams contributes to extra flexibility, scalability, and a competitive blended rate.” Cegeka Romania is one of those partners, which helps companies transfer their processes in Romania, a tech hub in accelerating growth. In the past 10 years, this country has become one of the most investments-open countries in Europe and a very large consumer market, in the continuous expansion of qualified human resources. Cegeka offers both software development and infrastructure solutions, with a large focus on nearshoring services in 2017.

„Besides the general advantages, like language skills or great value to cost ratio, I believe nearshoring is building a strong bridge between different businesses and accessing new perspectives.” (Marius Joian, Marketing and Business Development Manager Cegeka Romania) Cegeka has had a lot of nearshoring successful stories, with happy clients who work in close cooperation with Romanian teams. One good example is ING Bank, who decided to maintain and evolve their current electronic banking Platform. NEC NL represents another successful story and has been one of the longest partners for Cegeka Romania. Cegeka Romania Nearshoring Team is currently counting for ~30% of NEC NL Software Development

(Adrian Canutescu, Operations Manager Cegeka Romania) Cegeka Romania currently has over 370 employees in Romania, in the two offices situated in two of the biggest tech hubs: Bucharest, the capital, and Iasi. Iasi was a very interesting choice for opening a new office, as it is a strategic development point in Romania. This tech hub is currently hosting 4.500 tech students and 1.100 IT&C graduates. We saw the potential in this region, and so we acted accordingly. Our colleagues from Iasi are working on both software and infrastructure solutions for clients all over the world. Our approach will remain the same: to attract clients both in Europe and other continents, from various industries: banking,oil&gas, FMCG or healthcare. How will we do this? By proactively developing some of our strengths: we have the same DNA as any other country in the Cegeka group, we think the same and we aspire to evolve together as one. We provide a high level of technical expertise and code quality, fast team scalability and common European culture and values.


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Romanian IT&C Market Răzvan Savu Senior Consultant & Senior Research Analyst

Digital Transformation is already happening. We are in the midst of a full-scale societal revolution, driven by the advent of new technologies and services – coined by IDC as the 3rd Platform. As we draw closer to 2020, the milestone for which most market predictions are made, it is becoming more evident that the pace of innovation is surpassing our everyday intuition. But pinning the concept of Digital Transformation is a dawning task when trying to grasp every possible ramification. IDC has defined Digital Transformation (DX) as the “continuous process by which enterprises adapt to or drive disruptive changes in their customers and markets (external ecosystem) by leveraging digital competencies to create new business models, products, and services”. With this definition, it is important to note that Digital Transformation is not a concept, is not a technology, nor is it just another trend. DX is a new way of thinking that can be applied continuously in order to accelerate business growth. IDC predicts that in 2017, 34% of all technology spend will be for DX as more and more revenue growth is generated by IT initiatives. IDC observations prove that over the last two years, the average percent of revenue dependent on IT has more than tripled. In this context, vendors are becoming more than traditional software, hardware and services providers. Companies need to look to technology companies as long-term partners that can react with agility in order to create the right experience sought by a new category of customers. Romanian IT market is one of the fastest moving and diverse in the European Union, with a breadth of skills covering niche technologies, a steady supply of mainstream technology specialists and broad types of implementation methodologies. These wideranging approaches for projects mean that companies can find in Romania a sustainable partner for everything from Application Management to IT Outsourcing or even Business Consulting. The Romanian IT environment is ripe for new challenges. After years of being considered the premier near-shoring destination for many 14

Western Europe and United States companies, the market has matured enough in order to tackle innovation opportunities. Following longterm support from the Government due to the 6% GDP contribution of the IT Sector, Romania has witnessed the development of numerous IT hubs, clusters and start-up initiatives spread throughout the country that are working hard in transforming the model from outsourcing to innovation. As such, security vendors and other start-ups coming from Romania have gone regional or even global with the right support from more experienced investors, proving that Romanian IT employees have what it takes to compete at the global level with the brightest minds. With a highly capable and skilled workforce that has experience working for complex organizations, the Romanian IT Industry is perceived as a good cultural fit with the western world and understands how to deliver value. Companies should look into Romania not as a low-cost alternative for higher-paid employees, but as a cost-effective destination for developing a vision, implementing the necessary components and migrating the legacy systems, towards a complete Digital Transformation experience. IDC is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. IDC helps IT professionals, business executives, and the investment community make fact-based decisions on technology purchases and business strategy. More than 1,100 IDC analysts provide global, regional, and local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries worldwide. With the right “on-the-ground” presence and solid relationships with major local and international players, IDC can help executives navigate through the process of Digital Transformation, with information-based guidance on how to approach new initiatives that will meet the expected business outcome and performance.

The 17th Edition, March 2017 - Romanian IT&C Directory


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Jessica Selby – Info World Info World has been a force of excellence and innovation in the Romanian IT&C market, specifically in eHealth. In our 15+ years as leaders in both the private and public sector, we’ve impacted and improved the medical fields processes from every stakeholders’ perspective. We established ourselves a market leader in Romania due to our ability to provide essential tools and solutions for the medical professional through our multiple specialized interfaces and excellent data security, regarding both our ERP and CRM software. We remain an active frontrunner in our chosen field by conducting research and taking part in conferences showcasing scientific advancements alongside our partners from top academic institutions and corporate environments. The medical field only can benefit from innovative solutions that satisfy it’s need for communication, compatibility, and security. Considering the new regulations and laws being passed on an international level, as well as national, we have secured our services by use of ethical hackers and strategic partnerships. With this in mind, Info World positioned itself as a pioneer when it comes to standardization, interoperability, and cyber security in the Romanian market. We are the ONLY company in Romania to be certified by the Empowerment IHE Connectathon in interoperability, as well as Meaningful Use Stage 1 and 2 certified. We were founding members of both the National Association HL7 Romania, and of the European Software Association. These accolades prove that we prioritize fruitful collaborations with our clients, as well as our international partners. Most recently, we joined our American partners at MedicaSoft at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Annual Conference and Exhibition (HIMSS17) in Orlando, Florida. HIMSS attracts over 40,000 health IT-focused professionals from around the world. This year the conference’s concentration was on interoperability and cybersecurity, two topics that have been prioritized at Info World for some time now and will continue to be a focus as we continue to grow and evolve in one of the most rapidly transforming market in today’s society.


Jessica Selby

Public Relations & Communication Manager

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

American Standards, Romanian Software Monica Stout – MedicaSoft MedicaSoft builds electronic health record (EHR) and personal health record (PHR) software that helps providers deliver better care and inspires patients to become more involved in their own health. As an exhibitor at the HIMSS17 conference, MedicaSoft provided demonstrations of their innovative healthcare IT products, ehr.NXT and HealthCenter, which are built using completely modern technology. Interoperability is a common problem in healthcare IT in the US. By applying new technology in healthcare that companies like Wal-Mart, LinkedIn, and Google use, MedicaSoft offers a platform with no legacy burden that encourages both innovation and integration. ehr.NXT and HealthCenter are in the cloud, easy to deploy and update, and seamlessly integrate with legacy systems.

Monica Stout

Marketing Manager & Communications Strategist

MedicaSoft’s HIT products are certified and accredited. ehr.NXT and HealthCenter are both Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC-HIT) 2014-certified. This means both products meet the Meaningful Use Stage 1 and Stage 2 requirements in the US. Additionally, MedicaSoft is an EHNAC (Electronic Network Accreditation Commission) and DirectTrust accredited Health Information Service Provider (HISP) completing both the Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation Program (DTAAP) for HISP Services and the Cloud-Enabled Accreditation Program (CEAP). In February 2017, MedicaSoft achieved 100% interoperability with other accredited DirectTrust HISPs such as Cerner, McKesson, NextGen (Mirth), SureScripts, and athenaHealth.

Info World Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40 21 243 0590 Fax: +40 21 243 0578 17

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Accelerating cloud adoption, Romania is becoming digital

by Radu Crahmaliuc

The last years revealed positive trends in Romanian Cloud market and a real digital maturity growing. This is coming with benefits from all recrystallization processes of new business models. Despite a weak media visibility, we have a lot of amazing transformation happening in Romania. Here is a true digital adoption process.

Romanian users don’t afraid Cloud services This is a reality based on more than four years of direct interaction and discussions in the market. Romanian Cloud clients are any sized companies, from start-ups, SMB, big and enterprise level organisation. Even there are some reluctance issues from managerial or technical levels, the Romanian companies are not indifferent in adopting efficiency solutions which allow them to keep the market trends, to fast announce new products and services, to better manage the cost balance and to access top technologies. According to a recent IDC study, the local market for Cloud solution was evaluated at 42 million dollars in 2015, with more than 80% increase comparing 2014 figures. Despite we lack a representative research for Cloud end-users community, is sure Cloud market will increase with a more dynamic rhythm than other IT market segments.

Cloud vendors are almost ready to address the local market We have to admit the international Cloud vendors’ activity was not so aggressive until now in Romania. Part of this is normal, thinking to the internal transformation process each vendor has to solve first and to regional development strategies. But we have local Cloud providers very active especially in the hosting and colocation services and in vertical SaaS applications. Looking to IaaS market, we already have in Romania all the big public Cloud offers, but we still have private data centres with a lot of storage availabilities. The big chance to double or triple the value of local IaaS market will be in the next 2-3 years the quick adoption of hybrid solutions, based on private data centres, virtual Cloud or private Cloud platforms, and public Cloud services for business and industrial application running. Paas market is very competitive today, any ISV or CSP having the possibility to choose best-suited services and tools offered by Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Oracle or OpenSource platforms. The PaaS market development is related to big vendors’ capability to extend their strategic partnership with big system integrators and to create and develop local start-up communities. SaaS market will be the main development engine with 4-5 time chances for growing in the next 2-3 years. More local software houses already doubled they perpetual application offer with Cloud subscription. More than, many developers are offering specialised Cloud software, ready to be installed and run by a simple Web browser. Many of these niche solutions were announced by local start-ups during the EuroCloud Awards contest from last 3 years. Horizontal and vertical penetration The Romanian market is evolving. The horizontal coverage of the Romanian economy is in the process. Individual surveys based on decision levels discussion is showing a real Cloud interest. Despite the beginning inherent inertia, companies increased the trust in Cloud solution. They believe Cloud migration should be included in any development strategy as a must. And the first results are coming. We already have case studies, not only for Cloud adoption but also for Internet of Things, Smart Cities and Industry 4.0 public and private implementations. It is obviously clear the Cloud benefits are covering a large spectrum of particular needs coming from each industry-specific development needs. Everything around us should become smart… Summarising few market research covering the Romanian territory, the most dynamic verticals with most important investments in digital technologies will be:


Energy and utilities (smart grid, smart delivery, consumption monitoring and optimisation); Process and discrete manufacturing (PLC solutions, Industry 4.0, VR and AR assimilation); High-Tech providers (telco, data, TV-Cable, hosting, mobile apps, M2M, Smart City); Transportation and logistics operators (warehouse automation and clustering, freight monitoring, fleets management, connected cars).

About the author: Radu Crahmaliuc is an experienced independent IT&C analyst, digital transformation advisor and Cloud computing evangelist, start-ups developer, freelancer, storyteller, events moderator & keynote speaker.

Romanian The 17th Edition, IT&C Directory March 2017 - The- 17th Romanian Edition, IT&C March Directory 2017

TREMEND: innovation delivery for the next wave of software

Our team is already exploring cutting-edge technologies that will redefine the future of business software.

2016 was a major milestone for Tremend. The Romanian software producer completed its 11th year of accelerated growth, while delivering solutions to customers in 15 countries on three continents. In fact, the company ranked first among Romanian software businesses in Deloitte’s Fast 50 CE list of the fastest growing IT companies in the region. The integration of innovative technologies into the company’s software solutions is a major differentiator for clients in Romania and abroad. “From an early stage we understood that Romanian programmers are at least as good as the ones we met in Silicon Valley,” says Ioan Cocan, co-founder of the company. “Our team is already exploring cutting-edge technologies that will redefine the future of business software.” Tremend is actively involved in pursuing projects that incorporate Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Blockchain or Microservices. The company is a pioneer of IoT adoption, with strong participation in one of Europe’s first projects based on the emerging NBIoT technology. Tremend co-founder Marius Hanganu, says that infusing innovative solutions into products turns them into powerful instruments “We make these empowered products available to clients, so that they can compete not just at regional, but at a global scale.” Over the past 11 years, several top EU telecom operators, five global car manufacturers, leading retailers, media outlets and over 60 million end-users have benefited from solutions developed by Tremend. Among the highlights is Orange My Account, a complex customer care web solution capable of handling several million concurrent users during peak times. Another example is ING Bazar, a highly scalable Card-Linked Loyalty solution and a secure Mobile Payment platform scaled for millions of transactions. Or RainMachine, an IoT solution that reduces water waste by using real-time temperature, wind and rainfall data to forecast irrigation needs, 7 days in advance. With an increasing team of over 100 talented software engineers, Tremend has successfully completed over 300 complex projects for startups, medium sized companies and enterprises worldwide. Some of the major clients are Orange, Coats, Wind, Metropolitan Life, WorthPoint, Rainmachine, Exia or ING Bank.

Ioan Cocan Co-Founder

Marius Hanganu Co-Founder

The solution portfolio of Tremend is built on several key areas of deep expertise. They are Enterprise Solutions and integrations, Embedded & Automotive Software, eCommerce Integrations & Implementations, Content Management Systems, Mobile Applications and Custom Software Solutions. Find out more at 19

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

Romania IT. What’s in it for you Daniel Gruia

Chief Information Officer

There are about 17 years since, as a general secretary of the ministry of communications; I entered into the league of Romanian IT promoters. At that time, the main line of promotion was the sheer number of skilled developers who acquired high levels of education as software, computers or automation engineers. At that time one of the main concerns of ours was the brain drainage out of the country, amplified by the drainage power of the more advanced economies, which offered more incentives to the IT people. I still remember the big banner in the center of Bucharest inviting IT specialists to work abroad. Luckily, the dynamics of the IT environment and technologies more and more enabled those IT specialists to work remotely. The drainage is now strongly reduced and the positive impact into the economy is significant – from 4 to 6% of GDP (from 2005 to 2015) while the GDP was almost doubled. In real terms in 10 years, the IT&C business in Romania grew with 200% and is still growing. And you can be part of it and get a share of it. The growth was not only in quantity The developers might be the main driving force of the growth. Romania is a very appealing nearshore outsourcing area. The main reason is not the cost but the level of technical proficiency and soft skills in the country, “superior to what is typically found in other outsourcing locations,” according to IDC . According with ATKearney , Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia and Poland are the EU countries in the top 20 countries in the Global Services Location Index. In addition, Romania is evaluated as having a high proficiency in English having a score of 58.14, being on the 20th place out of the 72 countries evaluated by EF EPI . More than 90% of IT professionals speak English . Brainspotting annual report “IT&C Talent Map 2015” revealed that around 3,000 IT job openings are advertised at any given time and Over 50 of the largest IT players have operations in Romania and have expansion plans for the next 2 years. Some of the companies being 20

present in Romania: HP, Amazon, Google, Capgemini, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, Adobe, Intel, BearingPoint, Endava, Vauban. BPO is also a mature domain with large companies having their teams located in this neasrshore. Some examples: Accenture, GENPACT, HP, Oracle, P&G Procurement, Huawei Technologies, Stefanini, Deutsche Bank. Shared Service Location Index published by Cushman & Wakefield, ranked Romania first BPO mature locations in 2016 . Proof of success On the top of the IT&C environment appreciated by investors are at least two companies born in Romania and who have huge impact in the world: Bitdefender and UiPath. There is a high probability that you only heard about the former. The Editor’s choice of PCMag or “the best antivirus software” in TopTenReviews or “near the top of any family antivirus shopping list” according with PC Advisor BitDefender may be also known by its reference in Wikileaks quoting the effort of CIA to break it: “Bitdefender resist like hell”. The next great company you may not heard about unless you are dealing with Robot Process Automation is UiPath. Riding the wave of the robots, Gartner was selected as RPA Industry Leader by Forrester . According with Gartner, UiPath was established in 2005, based in Bucharest, Romania, and focused on developing automation components for software firms […]. Now headquartered in London, the company has specialized in RPA software since 2013. […] UiPath has 146 RPA customers — including 25 of the top 500 global companies — 80% of which are global enterprises with more than $10 billion in revenue. The largest companies without disclosure restraints are Swiss Re, Aon Hewitt and Capgemini . Other companies, listed on the UiPath site are BBC, J.P.Morgan, Vodafone, SAP, McDonalds, Atos, Deloitte, Accenture, Ernst&Young, PWC, etc. There are many other smaller companies with smart and innovative products (i.e. QEast with a very interesting security product: Smart Investigator) who prove Romania has a very innovative environment. And you can be part of it and get a share of it.

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

The IT&C industry in Romania is gaining momentum The information technology sector in Romania has a significant cascading effect on the entire economy. The IT industry also helps other sectors to improve productivity and to be innovated faster. According to ANIS (Employers` Association of the Software and Services Industry), the industry’s companies are experiencing a constant growth and are supported by qualified resources, fiscal incentives, and a growing demand from developed markets. Besides, this development has been focused especially on low-end support services, coding and application management. Although other countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary Slovakia or Poland, have reached a certain maturity of the IT industry, Romania has advanced faster than most of the countries. Facts and figures In 2016, the IT sector`s turnover reached 3.6 billion euro, and it will generate more than 3% of Romania’s GDP in the following 2 years, according to ANIS. Also, the export of software and IT services was expected to exceed 2.5 billion euro in 2016. Romania has the best ratio of IT&C professionals per capita among CEE countries, according to a study released by Brainspotting. Almost 20,000 IT enterprises operate in the IT sector, 100 large-size companies included.

Bucharest is Romania’s largest IT hub, mainly dominated by multinational corporations, such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, HP or Google. Other notable locations in the IT landscape are Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Timișoara, Craiova and Brașov. Cluj-Napoca seems to be the country’s primary location of hardware and electronic production, while Bucharest provides over 50% of the total revenue of Romanian IT industry. Organizations seeking to outsource their IT services choose Romania due to its talented professionals who offer services at low costs. In terms of salaries, junior-level positions in Romania are paid around 1,000 euros per month, while in other countries such as Sweden, Denmark or Norway, salaries for the same position may even exceed 5,000 euros per month. Opportunities for further expansion What Romania needs now are international partnerships for the consolidation of the IT sector, since the country offers a favourable environment for conducting business. According to the World Bank Group 2017 study, the country ranked no. 36 in terms of ease of doing business, and 62 in terms of ease of starting a business out of 190 economies. What is more, Romania is an EU member since 2007, and therefore it has simplified legal and financial issues. Most of the IT&C companies do not benefit from any forms of public support. Therefore, the cooperation between businesses and the public sector needs further improvement. Since the public sector does not support enterprises, most foreign investors are attracted through companies’ own sales and marketing efforts. According to a recent study released by NNC Services, a marketing consulting company focused on providing solutions to IT companies, a large segment of the Romanian IT&C companies is considering lead generation as an excellent opportunity for business development. Regardless of their size, enterprises mainly generate leads through email marketing. Among other preferred methods of drawing, the study mentions a mix between content marketing, SEO tactics & paid search, social media and promotion through events. Besides, over 40% of the Romanian IT&C companies have understood that developing a clear lead generation strategy from the beginning is a crucial step which leads to the achievement of the desired outcome. The same report shows that IT organizations which do not conduct lead generation activities attract their clients through references, networking, auctions and long-term partnerships. 22

Romanian The 17th Edition, IT&C Directory March 2017 - The- 17th Romanian Edition, IT&C March Directory 2017

Supporting the IT sector’s growth ANIS, an association with over 130 members, including companies of all sizes with either Romanian or foreign capital, actively supports the Romanian IT industry and it also acts as the main point of contact for information regarding the industry. Along with other organizations, ANIS is closely involved in creating and promoting the national brand of the IT industry throughout the world. Another initiative refers to, a collaboration between NNC Services and Pro Progressio Foundation, which aims to create a structure of support for all companies activating in the outsourcing industry. The primary beneficiaries of the platform are ITO, software developers, SSC, BPO, Call & Contact Centers. Moreover, OutsourcingPortal intends to promote an active dialogue between all players in the industry and to increase companies’ exposure among potential employees and partners.

Chart sources:

Archibus Solution Center - Romania Founded in 2007, ARCHIBUS Solution Center-Romania leads the Integrated Workspace Management System market in Romania. Currently the company is responsible for ARCHIBUS business development and support for Romania and the entire region, comprising: TURKEY, BULGARIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, HUNGARY, MOLDAVIA, SLOVENIA, MACEDONIA, KOSOVO, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA, GREECE. If you manage real-estate projects, properties, commercial centers or you are responsible with corporate space planning, facility management, maintenance of building and equipment or sustainability and risk management, ARCHIBUS Solution Center Romania can provide you with an effective tool to reach your strategic objectives. ARCHIBUS Romania professionals provide knowledge to their customers in different technologies, such as PMP, Java, ISTQB, AutoCAD & Revit, BPMN. Our customers are active in oil&gas, utilities, telecom, retail, property and facility management services and manage an impressive volume of data (more than 14.000 buildings, over 3.000.000 m2 of workspaces, thousands of work orders yearly). Although they belong to different business domains, our customers, using ARCHIBUS, all share the ability to manage more efficiently their assets, to streamline the processes and to sustain the company strategic objectives.

tt ii

Capital Project Management



Enterprise Information Modeling

rr vv ee

O pp O

Asset Management

Furniture, Equipment IT Asset Tracking / Allocation Cabling Connectivity


l e

s e P r

Capital Budgeting Project Management Condition Assessment Commissioning

Environmental & Risk Management Energy, Carbon Footprint Certification Scoring HazMat & MSDS Waste Management Sustainability, EH&S Business Continuity

Building Operations

On Demand & Planned Maintenance Condition Assessment

Real Estate & Property


Engineering & Operations



Workplace Services Service Desk, Hoteling Reservations Call Center Fleet Management


t aa t

Single or Group Moves Scenario Planning



Workplace Infrastructure

Move Management

Properties, Leases, Costs & Invoicing Chargeback, Forecasts

n EE n

ARCHIBUS SOLUTION CENTER - ROMANIA Bucharest, Romania Phone/Fax: +40 21 3118840 / +40 21 3118839 Mobile: +40 755 157 811 / +40 744 421 567 Web:

Real Estate Portfolio Management

Space Planning & Management Space Allocation & Occupancy Chargeback, Strategic Planning


Workplace & Facilities

ARCHIBUS Solution Center-Romania is a prominent member of Romanian Facility and Property community, currently holding the Presidency of ROFMA (Romanian Facility Management Association), past VP of ROGBC (Romanian Green Building Council) and Romanian CIO Council, and member of ANIS.

A comprehensive solution, ARCHIBUS addresses the broad array of real estate, infrastructure, and facilities management functions with a fully integrated approach – to reduce costs, mitigate risk, and optimize service levels


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th 16th Edition, Edition, March 2017





ABC Telecom Distribution

Beia Consult International

ABN Systems Int'l

BIT Solutions


Business Information Systems

Ager Business Tech


Agis Computer

Cisco Systems Romania


Class IT




Computaris Romania






Bull Romania


Concept Electronics

Arobs Transilvania Software

Crescendo Int'l

ASBIS Romania


Asesoft International

D Link

Asseco See

DB Global Technology


DELL Romania



Avnet Technology Solutions

Dial Telecom

Axel Soft IT Group


DB Global Technology is Deutsche Bank’s technology excellence centre in Central and Eastern Europe. Opened in January 2014, the Bucharest office is constantly expanding. DB Global Technology develops cutting-edge software applications for Deutsche Bank’s global operations and represents a platform for highly skilled software engineers. The team members specialise in Software Application Development, IT Architecture, Quality Assurance and Testing, Functional/Business Analysis and Project Management.


Deutsche Bank is one of the leading German banks and consistently wins the #1 Bank in CEE accolade. Deutsche Bank has been present in Romania since 1998. It delivers tailor made products and solutions in Corporate and Investment Banking and Transaction Banking to its corporate and institutional clients as well as Private Wealth Management to private clients.

Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017





EEU Software


Elkotech Romania

Freescale Semiconductor România

ELO Digital Office

Fujitsu Siemens Romania

Elsaco Electronic

Gecad Net


Gemini SP

Endava Romania


Enea Services Romania



GTS Telecom


HP Romania

Epicor Software

HTC Romania


Huawei Technologies Investment

Euroweb Romania

IBM Romania

Exe Software



Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th 16th Edition, Edition, March 2016 2017





Ines Group SRL

Maguay Impex

Info World


Intel Romania

Metro Systems


MGT Educational

iQuest Technologies

Nestor Cables


Net Brinel

IT Six Global Services

NetSafe Solutions









Lasting Software

Pentalog High Tech

Legrand Romania



Printec Group Romania

LG Electronics Romania






London Logic Bucharest

Q-east software

Luxoft Romania

Q'NET International

Magister Software


Contact: Andrei Roth Email: • Phone: +40-264-591136 Web: Founded in 1999 in San Rafael, California, Recognos has a proven track record of developing complex systems for the financial industry while creating innovative data products. We constantly seek to combine proven technologies with the latest research and we always deliver the best solutions for our customers and partners. After years of investing in R&D on, among others, semantic technologies, neural networks, machine learning, we developed the Recognos Smart Data Suite, a


platform designed to help companies leverage the roughly 80% of data in the world that is unstructured and transform it into data usable in decision-making processes. Our platform has proven itself, with successful use cases such as Mutual Fund data for the US investment industry, multilingual KYC projects for some of the world’s largest banks to extract information from decades of archives for a large European NGO. Recognos has offices in the US and in Romania.

The 17th Edition, March 2017 - Romanian IT&C Directory


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th 16th Edition, Edition, March 2017






System Plus

RHS Company

Sysware Systems Integration

Rinf Tech




Romsym Data

TechTeam Akela



S&T Romania


Samsung Electronics Romania

TechTeam Akela

SAP Romania


Senior Software



TechTeam Akela

Siveco Romania

UTI Systems

Sobis Solutions





Wizrom Software

Spearhead Systems


Star Storage

Schneider Electric



8 Cogâlnic Str, District 3, 031411 Bucharest, Romania Telephone: +40 21 527 2300 • Fax: +40 21 527 2301 •

With over 12 years of experience in providing integrated corporate communication solutions, Telecom Data Consulting is one of the important players on the local telecom market, offering professional services in Romania as well as outside the country. We are specialized in offering a wide range of communications services, from the classical PBX solutions, to network, call center or recording solutions. We take care of the entire process, from design to implementation and support.


To meet our clients` requests, we`ve also added to our portfolio the BPO (Business process outsourcing) Services, offering inbound as well as outbound solutions. We have experience in providing services to companies activating in various fields including healthcare, education, financial services, service providers, the governmental domain and many others. Our partners are some of the most appreciated vendors in the world, such as Mitel, Oaisys, Magor or Avaya.

The 17th Edition, March 2017 - Romanian IT&C Directory

What level of security you need? Secure erasure solutions provided by Blancco: Data Erasure Management Through Blancco Data Erasure Management that monitor data erasure activities, organizations must include a detailed strategy and a complete line of defense against dangerous security leaks and in order comply with data privacy regulations. All data is erased securely, including complete data sanitation for safe disposal. Live Environment Erasure Blancco solutions enable erasure of data and prevent data leaks during the life and use of assets. It allows enterprise organizations to be proactive, nimble and adaptable, erasing sensitive data from both pcs and servers on a daily basis. High Volume Erasure

Blancco has the full capability to erase mass volumes of data from IT assets devices, servers and storage environments. The solutions facilitate safe and responsible disposal of IT assets as well as secure the reuse or resell of devices that may hit end of life, such as laptops, smartphones, external SD cards and USB sticks.

Hardware Based Solutions Erase data securely on loose drives in data centers on damaged/EOL devices or other in-house needs.

Bancco Concept, Erase-Report-Auditing:

technology group

With these two steps, Reporting and Auditing, you can guarantee that each data erasure has been completed. Only after receiving a report, you can be assured to be free from the ďŹ nes and penalties from current legislation. Make sure that you are managing the process from beginning to end by completing the entire audit process.

Blancco Ontrack Eraser BeneďŹ ts: Blancco provides digitally signed certiďŹ cate of proof of secure erasure for auditing, patented solid state drive (SSD) erasure (patent no.9286231), erases data permanently from multiple HDDs/SSDs simultaneously, local and remote deployment, compliant with state federal and international data privacy regulations and guidelines, including ISO27001 and ISO27040

Blancco Enterprise E2400

| 021.327.73.87 22 Romulus Street, District 2, Bucharest, 023986


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 17th Edition, March 2017

The National Association for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) has been established in 2012 to become a bridge between public and private sector, in order to promote best practice and enable a cultural change towards information security. Our association is actively monitoring the IT market conditions and has pointed out potential inefficiencies to the competent administrative bodies. We have also presented opportunities for PPP’s that could support the development of integrated systems in Romania. ANSSI is a private, professional, independent and non-profit organisation. It unites around 50 members, companies with around 25000 employees, representing 25% of the total number of employees in the private IT&C sector.

ANSSI has also organized, alone or together with other authorities, public institutions or embassies, several national and international conferences and events, in fields like: telecommunications, e-government and e-administration systems and solutions, UE funds, HR development, occupational standards, the technological and infrastructure security component being a key issue. Nationwide, ANSSI has setup partnerships with several central public authorities in order to ensure coherence with other fields that use IT&C infrastructure between the beneficiaries and the services provided (such as: energy, financial, Internet services) and to enable the transfer and adoption of internationally recognized best practices. ANSSI has already set-up partnerships and is preparing new ones with similar organisations from other countries – France, USA, Canada and other.

Alexandru Borcea President ARIES

Despite all vicissitudes and uncertainties, economic bubble, financial crises, international and domestic political turmoil, and radical socio economic and technology paradigm shift, from almost twenty years the Romanian IT industry is growing yearly, except 2009, with two digits. Starting in 1998 with a market value less than 100 million $, from which 30 million export, it grew at the end of 2016 to a value of more than 3 billion Euros, from which, more than 2 billion are coming from exports. For many years, Romania was considered a source of well qualified chip human resources spot. Even if also in our days, is the most used business model, especially by the startups, the productivity and sophistication of the industry is rising constantly each year. If skills were been more appreciated, ten fifteen years ago, without proved competencies you cannot reach higher positions in Romanian companies anymore. Specializations in mobile technologies, tracking, heals and learning are some of the preferred themes and core business of the Romanian IT industry. The Industry speeds up towards the innovation driven economy. The main university cities are already consolidated IT hubs evolving rapidly toward innovation driven clusters. According to this evolutions, our association founded affiliated organizations in this hubs to be close to our companies to assist them to build their strong industry communities and to develop clustering services according to the local and regional needs and aspirations. In this very moment, any person or organization willing to get in touch with the industry, in a specific location or nationwide can get support and services from our association and its affiliate organizations. 30

The 17th Edition, March 2017 - Romanian IT&C Directory


Romanian IT&C Directory - The 16th Edition, March 2017


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