Christiane Palpant Artist Catalog | Agora Gallery

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530 West 25th Street, New York, NY

Christiane Palpant is an American artist living and working in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the daughter of award winning portrait artist Gail Palpant, who has passed on the artistic skill and tradition of oil painting to her daughter. From her mother, Christiane learned her strong sense of color, and formed her first ideas of communicating through the artistic medium. Christiane’s work features abstract horizons and landscapes in which she uses dramatic and bold colors, to create psychologically and aesthetically engaging oil works on canvas. The immediate spectrum of color that Palpant employs shows her strong understanding and grasp on the medium. She pushes her style by incorporating one or more ambiguous light sources and perspective, which allow each piece to open itself up more with each viewing. Palpant draws from her experience with a recent health condition, after which she picked up her paintbrush with “prolific intention,” to create works that inspire inner calm and a sense of hope. Every bit of her journey is felt in each unique brushstroke.


Extended Wonder – Homolovi, AZ, 2023 Oil on canvas 36” x 36” $3700 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Depth of Perception – Artist Palette, CA, 2023 Oil on canvas 30” x 30” $3400 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Breakthrough – Oak Island, NC, 2023 Oil on canvas 40” x 30” $3650 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Refuge – Lakeline, OH, 2023 Oil on canvas 36” x 24” $3400 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

As Far as the Eye Can See – Lake Superior, MI, 2023 Acrylic on canvas 24” x 18” $2700 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Metamorphosis – Cape Henlopen Salt March, DE, 2023 Acrylic on canvas 24” x 18” $2700 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Mist of Contentment, 2021 Oil on canvas 40” x 30” $3700 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Growing up with an artist mother, I occasionally experimented with painting in the basement of my childhood home or later in a side corner of a studio apartment. For years, I used art as a catharsis from my left-brained career. After a sudden, recent health crisis, I started honing my oil painting skills, while bed ridden for nearly a year. Thankfully, I have rediscovered the paint brush and gained new focus and intention with my art. I am captivated by majestic skies, clouds, and horizons and many of those memories are featured in my abstract landscape pieces. It is my belief that we must remain positive no matter what life hands us, and, as a result, the depth and color that takes shape on my canvases depicts the intention of finding frequent moments of gratitude, resilience, and beauty.


For inquiries,

530 West 25th Street, Ne w Yo rk , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M

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