A&D’s world-leading rockstars and first ever GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN awards International Jury.
People Architecture & Design
Membres prestigieux du tout premier Jury international du GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN.
People Insights & Confessions A RCH I T EC T URE & D E S IG N - P EOP L E É D ITIO N/ISS U E F R ANÇ AIS / E NGL IS H 8, 95 $ C A/US
Nouvelle année, nouvelle ligne éditoriale ! 3 numéros exclusifs / an
Éditrice & Directrice du contenu / Publisher & Editor Ginette Gadoury
Direction artistique / Art Direction Caserne —
Canada 25 $ + tx — 3 éditions / issues 40 $ + tx — 6 éditions / issues
New year, new editorial mission! 3 exclusive issues / year
Création de contenu / Creative content Juli Pisano
International 80 $ + tx — 3 éditions / issues 125 $ + tx — 6 éditions / issues
Collaborateurs / Contributors Madeleine Champagne, Juli Pisano
En kiosque / On news stands 8,95 $ + tx par numéro / per issue
Développement des affaires / Business Development Pascal Bédard, Ginette Gadoury, Brigitte Gadoury
Agence PID 450 651–3630
Convention de la poste-publication no 40019406. Retourner toute correspondance ne pouvant être livrée au Canada au Service des publications. / Publication mail agreement number 40019406. Return all mail that cannot be delivered in Canada at the Publications Services.
Directrice / Director Brigitte Gadoury
Magazine INTÉRIEURS 1080 rue Sainte-Hélène, Longueuil QC J4K 3R9 Canada T : 450 651-3630 F : 450 651-8520
Chargés de projets / Project Managers Morgane Billault, Sonia Bourahla, Samantha Caderhoussin, Richard Des Lys, Mariève-Patricia Langevin, Agathe Lericolais Delisle
Commande en ligne / Online Order
Impression / Print Impresse inc. Abonnements / Subcriptions 450 651–3630
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Membres prestigieux du tout premier Jury international du GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN.
/ Rewarding Quebec’s finest in design, architecture and landscaping
13e Édition
L’excellence en design, en architecture et en aménagement paysager au Québec
A&D’s world-leading rockstars and first ever GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN awards International Jury.
People Architecture & Design
People of Architecture & Design
blanchette architectes
Philippe Dagenais
13e édition / 13th edition
/ Awarding Excellence in Design Across Quebec
12e Édition
Strøm Spa Vieux-Québec LEMAYMICHAUD Architecture Design
Primer l'excellence en design du Québec
Anik Shooner
catherine catherine
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Coprésidentes / Co-presidents Ginette Gadoury et Brigitte Gadoury Comptabilité / Accounting Gestion Lynda De Grandpré inc. Toute reproduction de textes, illustrations et photographies du magazine est interdite. Bien que toutes les précautions aient été prises pour assurer la rigueur des renseignements contenus dans le magazine INTÉRIEURS, il est entendu que le magazine ne peut être tenupour responsable des erreurs ou des négligences commises dans l’utilisation de ces renseignements. / Any reproduction of texts, illustrations and photos of the magazine is strictly forbidden. Even if all precautions have been taken to confirm the information contained in INTÉRIEURS magazine, it is agreed that the magazine cannot be held responsible of errors or acts of negligence in the use of this information.
Imprimé au Canada / Printed in Canada
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F RA N Ç A I S / EN G LI SH 15,95 $ C A / US
Dépôt Légal / Legal Deposit Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Bibliothèque nationale du Canada ISSN 1206–0208
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Le magazine INTÉRIEURS est publié trois fois par année par / INTÉRIEURS Magazine is published three times a year by
Co-présidentes Agence PID
The Gadourys 50 ans d’ADN design The Gadourys. Ginette and Brigitte. Mother and daughter. Accomplices since the beginning in promoting excellence in design and architecture, here and abroad. Confined like everyone else to our homes in this current global pandemic, we took the opportunity to…
Les Gadourys. Ginette et Brigitte. Mère et fille. Complices depuis des lunes dans la promotion de l’excellence en design et en architecture, ici et ailleurs.
Je suis tombée dans le design comme Obélix est tombé dans la marmite de potion magique ! Décormag’s offices were my kindergarten… its drawing tables my playground, its staff, my guardians and mentors! — Brigitte
1) Dust off with a great sense of mission accomplished the archives of our history (carefully cut out and preserved by proud dad Rocco Luccisano over the years). 2) Turn towards the future and rethink the tools we choose to use to pursue our mission in an era where exchanges are becoming more and more digital. Here is the fruit of our reflections and the essence of what will define our mission over the coming years!
Confinées comme tous à nos intérieurs dans ce contexte actuel de pandémie mondiale, nous en avons profité pour… 1) Dépoussiérer avec grand sentiment de mission accomplie les archives de notre histoire (soigneusement découpées et conservées par le paternel Rocco Luccisano). 2) Tourner notre regard avec enthousiasme vers l’avenir et les outils à préconiser afin de poursuivre notre mission dans cette ère où les échanges se font de plus en plus numériques. Voici, le fruit de nos réflexions et l’essence de ce qui définira notre mission au fil des prochaines années !
50 years of design DNA... and counting!
INTÉRIEURS Après 25 ans à traiter d’actualités en design et en architecture, le magazine se transforme en objet de collection intemporel, une source d’inspiration… un coffee table book. Trois éditions seront publiées par année : Une édition People, voici la première, et deux numéros voués aux lauréats du GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN. After 25 years of covering design and architectural news, the magazine morphs into a timeless collector’s item, a source of inspiration … a coffee-table book. Three editions will be published per year: A People edition, here’s our first, and two issues dedicated to the GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN winners.
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Ce n’est plus un secret pour personne, la 14e édition du GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN est entièrement ouverte à l’international et ajoute de nouvelles disciplines et catégories, susceptibles d’intéresser l’ensemble des acteurs de l’industrie du design, de l’architecture et de l’environnement bâti, ainsi que leurs clients. Afin d’ancrer ce virage international et réaffirmer le gage d’excellence que représente notre concours, nous avons recruté un tout premier jury international de personnalités prestigieuses. Fières et reconnaissantes de leur implication, nous leur avons consacré ce premier numéro People! It’s no longer a secret …14th edition of the GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN is fully open to the international scene and adds new disciplines and categories, likely to interest all players in the design industry, architecture and the built environment, as well as their customers. In order to anchor this international shift and reaffirm the stamp of excellence represented by our competition, we have recruited a very first international jury of prestigious personalities. Proud and most grateful of their precious commitment, we have dedicated this first People issue to showcasing these leaders and their talents.
INT.DESIGN Nouvelle plateforme de contenu numérique visant la promotion du design et de l’architecture,, en plus d’héberger le concours GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN, comprend des articles, des nouvelles, un moteur de recherche de projets et de professionnels et plus encore.
Wham! Bam!... Now and Beyond! INTÉRIEURS 81
Il n'y a plus qu’une adresse à retenir… Rendez-vous sur ! A new digital content platform aimed at promoting design and architecture, INT. design hosts the GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards and includes articles, news, a search engine for projects and professionals and more. To find out more … there is only one address to remember… Visit INT. design!
Ginette, jeune diplômée en design d’intérieur aux cheveux ambrés, et Jean-Pierre Gadoury, qui graduerait cette année-là de McGill en architecture, donnent naissance à une belle brune, baptisée Brigitte.
Nouvellement marraine, tante Gigi pour sa filleule Juli au contenu créatif du magazine, est nommée femme d’affaires de l’année et présidente du conseil national de design du Canada. Plafond de verre: Fracassé !
Amber haired Interior design graduate Ginette and husband Jean-Pierre Gadoury, who would graduate from McGill in architecture that year, give birth to a beautiful brunette, named Brigitte.
Tante Gigi to goddaughter and INTÉRIEURS Content Editor Juli, is named Business Woman of the Year and president of the Canadian National Council of Design. Glass ceiling: Shattered!
1972 À 28 ans, celle qui a toujours prôné la qualité avant tout, fonde Décormag, premier magazine québécois consacré au design d’intérieur. Booyah ! At the age of 28, she who would go on to prone quality before all, launches Décormag, the first Québécois magazine devoted to interior design. Booyah!
Mission Promotion Design Timeline 1986
Ginette siège au Rapport Picard sur les axes de développement de la ville de Montréal et ouvre le centre info design à la Place Bonaventure.
Photoshoot avec Marc Cramer au HEC Montréal pour le tout premier cover du magazine INTERIEURS. Flashforward au 81e numéro ci-présent !
INTÉRIEURS 20 ans / 20 year-anniversary!
Ginette is part of the Picard Report committee on the development axes of the city of Montreal and opens the info design center at Place Bonaventure.
Remembering INTÉRIEURS’s first ever cover photoshoot with Marc Cramer at HEC Montreal. Flashforward to the 81st issue hot in your hands!
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN 10 ans / 10 year-anniversary!
2018 SIDIM - Salon du Design 30 ans / 30 year-anniversary!
Combinant ses études aux HEC, Brigitte, 21 ans se joint à Ginette et l’agence de promotion créée… Le Salon International du Design est lancé !
Montréal est nommée ville UNESCO du design. Le maire souligne le rôle de Ginette depuis 1972 et l’importance des outils de l’Agence PID dans la désignation.
Les premiers trophées du GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN sont dessinés, coupés, pliés, brossés et remis aux lauréats !
Brigitte, 21, joins Ginette and the design promotion agency founded… The International Design Show is launched!
Montreal is named UNESCO city of design. The mayor underlines Ginette’s role since 1972 and the importance of PID Agency’s tools in the designation.
Wham ! Bam ! C’est avec tant de fierté et ce sont choses faites…. le GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN devient un concours international à 100 %, INTÉRIEURS, un objet de design et, une toute nouvelle plateforme Web de contenu voué à promouvoir l’excellence de l’industrie !
The GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN very first award trophies are drawn, cut, folded, brushed and given to the winners!
Wham! Bam! Thank you Ma'ams! It’s with pride and, now, a done deal … the GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards are now 100 % international. INTÉRIEURS, a design object and INT. design, a brand new web content platform dedicated to promoting industry excellence!
Espace numérique de diffusion de contenus, est votre nouvelle référence en design et en architecture. Our new portal, your new stamp of excellence, 24/7.
Événements / Events
Concours / Contests
Articles & Nouvelles / News
Inspirez-vous ! / Get Inspired ! La section «Inspirez-vous» permet d’effectuer des recherches afin de trouver des produits, des lieux et des idées d’aménagements. Outil de recherche par nom d’un professionnel ou d’une firme, type de produit, pièce, lieu design…Liens vers les sites Web des produits, lieux et firmes. The “Get Inspired” sections allows to find products, places and design ideas. A powerful search engine by the name of professional or firm, type of product, room, design space… Links to Web sites of products, firms and places.
Stimuler la création de designs commerciaux inspirés Collection Spécialités 2021, signée Formica®
/ New Selections for Creative Freedom The 2021 Formica® Speciality Collection
Leader mondial en solutions de revêtements, Formica® présente la collection Spécialités 2021, créée afin de bonifier les design innovants dans tous les secteurs commerciaux. Des centres hospitaliers aux centres hôteliers, des entreprises, aux commerces de détail, des écoles aux centres sportifs… la vaste palette de produits de la collection Spécialités 2021, déclinée en trois catégories de produits innovants, saura stimuler la création d’espaces inspirés.écialités
The world-leading provider of branded, designed surfacing solutions for commercial and residential customers Formica® presents its 2021 Speciality Collection. These unique surfacing choices will help you drive innovative design concepts across the commercial spectrum, from healthcare and hospitality spaces to corporate, retail and educational settings. Explore the broad palette of fresh woodgrains, trend-worthy metals, and the world of Everform™ Solid Surface, the newly rebranded Formica® Solid Surfacing collection.
Surface Solide Everform™ / Introducing Everform™ Solid Surface
Grain de bois de Formica® / The Formica® Woodgrain Collection
Ce sont huit nouveaux choix de motifs de revêtements en Surface Solide en acrylique qui s’ajoutent aux 30 modèles existants, offrant un vaste éventail de looks classiques convenant parfaitement aux espaces à fort achalandage. Ces produits sont faits d’un matériau non poreux et hygiénique et fusionnent style et fonctionnalité. Eight beautiful new acrylic solid surfacing choices join 30 existing patterns for a full array of classic looks perfectly suited to high-use commercial and residential areas. Formerly called Formica® Solid Surfacing, this line of hygienic, nonporous material blends style and function.
Des tons neutres teintés de blanc, de nuances claires et naturelles, de gris chaud et de brun véritable font leur introduction dans la collection de stratifiés grain de bois. Place à des surfaces qui allient beauté, durabilité et facilité d’entretien pour une conception haute performance! Neutral tones tinged with white, clear and natural undertones, warm gray and real brown make their introduction to the wood grain laminate collection. Make way for surfaces that combine beauty, durability and ease of maintenance for a high-performance design!
Stratifiés DecoMetal® / The DecoMetal® Laminates Collection Une douzaine de nouveaux motifs métalliques avant-gardistes s’ajoute à l’offre DecoMetal®, ingénieuse combinaison de métal solide et de stratifié métallique. Les produits offerts dans la série Poli, Brossé, Voilé ou Inoxydable, ajoutent une touche de prestige et de brillance aux décors intérieurs. A baker’s dozen of cutting-edge new metallics? Yes, please! These ingenuous solid metal and metal laminate surfaces bring unexpected glamour and sheen to interior designs. Modern printed solid metals with fullsheet drama complete this gallery of looks that also includes the Polished, Brushed, Stainless and Veil series. INTÉRIEURS 81
SUNTEK AWNINGS Redéfinir le confort extérieur Redefining Outdoor Living L'entreprise familiale montréalaise Suntek Awnings offre des solutions d’ombrage extérieur et de protection contre les intempéries tels que des auvents depuis plus de 40 ans. « J'ai commencé à travailler avec mes grands-parents à l'âge de 13 ans. Au fil des années, j'ai remarqué un manque à gagner au niveau des produits de luxe et des solutions de produits haut de gamme pour aménager les aires de vie extérieures. », explique Zack Colavecchio, propriétaire et petit-fils des fondateurs. Suntek Awnings se concentre sur des solutions de vie extérieure luxueuses et offre un service à la clientèle unique en son genre. Lorsqu'il s'agit de projets résidentiels, les espaces extérieurs des clients sont leur sanctuaire, un lieu de détente et de lâcher prise. Dans le souci de créer des oasis de bonheur personnalisés aux besoins des clients, Suntek met le soin, le temps et l’importance nécessaire à planifier chaque espace extérieur de manière individuelle. Les produits proposés sont conçus et fabriqués par des entreprises de renommée mondiale telles que Stobag North American et Markilux, basée en Allemagne. Ces produits haut de gamme sont bien plus avancés en termes de qualité, de design et d'options personnalisables. « Chaque espace extérieur comporte ses besoins uniques et ses solutions personnalisées ! », ajoute avec conviction le propriétaire de Suntek.
Family-operated Montreal business Suntek Awnings has been manufacturing awnings and other outdoor shading and weather protection solutions individually for over 40 years. “I started working in my grandparents’ company when I was 13. I noticed, along the years, a serious void regarding luxury products and high-end outdoor living solutions.”, explains Zack Colavecchio, proud third-generation owner of the brand. Suntek Awnings focuses on luxurious outdoor living solutions and offers one-of-a-kind customer service. When it comes to residential projects, the clients’ outdoor living quarters are their sanctuary, a place to relax and let go. With this in mind, Suntek’s expert team puts care, time and importance into planning each and every outdoor space to meet its specific needs. The products offered are designed and engineered by top world-renowned companies such as Stobag North American and Markilux, based out of Germany. These high-end products are far more advanced in terms of quality, design and customizable options. “Every outdoor space has its unique needs and its custom solutions!”, adds with conviction the Suntek owner. The object: Making dreams reality…turning backyards into oasis of wow factors and bliss!
L'objectif : Faire des rêves une réalité… transformer les cours arrières en oasis de plaisir et de bonheur !
Proust serait ravi ! Lancé comme un grand un filet dans l’espace de l’architecture et du design, nous avons, Madeleine et moi, collaboratrices d’INTERIEURS depuis sa toute première édition, conçu sur mesure et avec passion, un questionnaire à la Proust pour ce tout premier numéro People d'INTÉRIEURS. Les destinataires? Les acteurs de l'industrie qui composent le tout premier et prestigieux jury international du GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN.
Fired like a fishnet into the architecture and design space, Madeleine and I, INTÉRIEURS collaborators since the start, tailor-made with passion, a Prouststyle questionnaire for this first People issue of INTÉRIEURS. Our catch of the year? These prestigious industry actors we are proud to call members of our first ever GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards International Jury.
People of Design version!
Des réponses aussi frétillantes que des truites, aussi amusantes qu’un jeu de chat perché, et plus profondes que les eaux du Fleuve Saint-Laurent, nous sont parvenues des quatre coins du monde.
Answers as quivering as trouts, as amusing as perched cats, and deeper than the St. Lawrence River waters, came back to us from all corners of the world.
Proust Made Proud! Questionnaire de Proust
Nous les avons tricotées avec fantaisie et créé des narratives qui présentent les faces cachées et surprenantes de ces prestigieux talents, ambassadeurs et leaders de l’industrie créative de l’architecture et du design. We whimsically knitted answers to reveal stories that show the hidden and surprising facets of these prestigious architecture and design industry talents, ambassadors and leaders.
Place aux découvertes et aux réponses parfois si attachantes qu’on voudrait les porter comme un Make way for discoveries and answers that are sometimes so badge à nos revers ! endearing we would like to wear Et psst... L'ensemble des réponses des membres du jury ainsi que la version électronique des bios suivantes et des contenus complémen- them as a badge on our lapels! taires se retrouveront sur le Web au cours des prochaines semaines. De Bangkok à Honolulu, 24/7, attendez-vous à découvrir un contenu exclusif sur la toute nouvelle plateforme de l'excellence en design et en architecture, et j'ai nommé... ! Bon surfing !
And psst... there's more! All jury members' answers as well as the digital version of the following bios plus fresh spin-off editorial content will be available online, unveiled throughout the following weeks. From Bangkok to Honolulu, 24/7, our brand new design and architecture digital platform awaits you!
Happy surfing on!
Concept et rédaction par / Concept & Edit by
Already daydreaming of breakfast with Frank Lloyd Wright, Ottis Redding and Gloria Steinem… Somewhere in Chinatown!
I was the only kid in school who carried her textbooks in none other than Michel Dallaire’s newly designed and highly awarded today, Attache Case!
Vancouver, 1968.
↑ With Industrial designer and Sottsass collaborator Albert Leclerc, 1986.
Questionnaire de Proust
10. Comment aimeriez-vous que vos projets passent à l’histoire ? How would you like your designs to go down in history?
9. Quelle est votre qualité design la plus remarquable ? What is your most marked design quality?
8. Quel architecte ou designer du passé vous inspire le plus ? What past designer/architect inspires you the most?
7. Quel architecte ou designer contemporain admirez-vous le plus ? What living designer/architect do you most admire?
6. Dans quel état d’esprit se situe votre pratique design actuelle ? What is your current design state of mind?
5. Travaillez-vous en pyjamas ou en complets ? Do you work in PJs or three-piece suits?
4. Écoutez-vous de la musique pour travailler ? Any music playing while you work?
3. Quel projet a lancé votre carrière ? What project launched your career?
2. Quelles sont trois règles de base apprises de vos mentors ? What are three basic rules you learned from your mentors?
1. Quel souvenir d’enfance prémonitoire se rapporte à votre carrière actuelle ? What prescient youthful memory relates to your present career?
20. Quel est votre rêve ? … Voyez GRAND ! What is your dream? THINK BIG!
19. Quel est votre mantra ? What is your mantra?
18. Si vous pouviez recevoir à diner trois personnes, passées ou vivantes, qui seraient-elles et que serviriez-vous bien à manger ? If you could host any three guests, past or alive, over for dinner, who would you choose and what would you dare serve?
17. À quel projet de design ou d’architecture auriez-vous aimé penser vous-même ? What design or architecture project do you wish you would have thought of yourself?
16. Quel est votre endroit favori au monde ? What is your favorite place in the world?
15. Si un sort vous transformait en objet, lequel choisiriez-vous d’être et, ma foi, pourquoi ? If a spell were to transform you into an object, by all means, what would you like to be, and why?
14. Qu’est-ce qui vous inspire toujours ? What always inspires you?
13. Quel aspect de votre travail reflète les valeurs de votre pays d’appartenance ? How are your country of belonging’s values reflected in your work?
12. Quel projet est l’apogée de votre carrière ? Which project is the epitome of your work?
11. Quelle qualité de vos pairs appréciez-vous le plus ? What peer quality do you most value?
Who's Who? People Architecture & Design 26
Patrick Abbattista
Founder & CEO, DesignWanted
Jaime Bouzaglo
Designer & Founder, Jaime Bouzaglo Design Studio MOROCCO — SPAIN — MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Georges Adamczyk
Consultant to the Design Industry in Canada, Tracy Bowie Projects TORONTO, CANADA
Gregg Buchbinder
Professor, École d’architecture, Université de Montréal MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Ryann Aoukar
Designer & Associate Professor, Ryann Aoukar Designer University of Tennessee QUÉBEC, CANADA — KNOXVILLE, UNITED STATES
Tracy Bowie
Ginette Caron
Graphic Designer, Ginette Caron Communication Design
Martin Aubé
President & Industrial Designer, L'Unité Créative inc. / The Creative Unit inc. SAINT-BRUNO-DE-MONTARVILLE, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Ali Basbous
Founder & Director, BAD. Built by Associative Data CANADA — BARCELONA, SPAIN — BEIRUT, LEBANON
Senih Çavuşoğlu
Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University – EMU
Carrie Chapman
Senior Associate, Studio Leader_Interiors JPRA Architects FARMINGTON HILLS, UNITED STATES
Iman Meriem Benkirane
Professor & Dean, EMADU, EMADU / EuroMed University of Fez FEZ, MOROCCO
Designer & Teacher, CONTRASTE [stimulateur d’identités] École Supérieure des Arts St-Luc — ESA BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
Börkur Bergmann
Architect & Professor of Architectural & Urban Design, Université du Québec à Montréal – UQÀM ICELAND — MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA
André-Yves Coenderaet
Sara Corvino
Senior Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University ITALY — NOTTINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM
Luisa Bocchietto
Architect, Luisa Bocchietto Architecture and Design BIELLA, ITALY
Cindy Couture
Associate - Lead Sustainable Innovation Kotmo MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Jacques Boily
Senior Manager, Tenant Coordination - Retail, Cominar MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Carol Craig
Principal, Kinnikinnick Studio Inc. EDMONTON, CANADA
Jean-Sébastien Bourdages
Design Director Asia, B+H Architects QUÉBEC, CANADA — SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE
Matteo De Bartolomeis
Publishing Coordinator IFDM MILAN, ITALY
Dina De Fina
Georges Labrecque
Journalist, Soon Luxury magazine ITALY — PARIS, FRANCE
Gauthier de Nutte
Designer, Enfin libre !
Denys Lapointe
Ximena Diaz
Senior Vice-President | Design, Innovation & Creative services, BRP VALCOURT, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Founder & Creative Director, A Estudio ITALY — MEXICO CITY, MEXICO 63
Giancarlo Di Marco
Sculptor, Dimitar Lukanov Studio BULGARIA — NEW YORK, UNITED STATES
Computational Designer & Professor, Giancarlo Di Marco STUDIO ITALY — MEXICO CITY, MEXICO 77
Francesco Dondina
Philippe Malouin
Director, Philippe Malouin Studio CANADA — LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM
Graphic Designer & Professor, Dondina Associati I Raffles Milano Istituto Moda eDesign
Martine Dressou
Interior Architect, Open Architectes
Franco Marchesan
Dimitar Lukanov
Christian Matteau
Landscape Architect, CSW Landscape architects QUÉBEC & OTTAWA, CANADA
Hans Fonk
Founder, Publisher & Photographer, OBJEKT International & USA | Canada
Paula Meijerink
Associate Professor, Knowlton School, Ohio State University COLOMBUS, OHIO, UNITED STATES
Armando Milani
Davide Fornari
Graphic Designer, Milani Design MILAN, ITALY
Associate Professor, Head of R&D ECAL / University of Art and Design Lausanne ITALY — LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND 80
Ronan Fournier le Ray
Architect, Co-Founder & Partner, MFR Architectes PARIS, FRANCE 44
Sonia Gagnon
Nastaran Moradinejad
Roberta Mutti
Journalist & Design Expert, ITALY — VANCOUVER, CANADA
Minal Nairi
Educator and Designer, École intuit.lab BOMBAY, INDIA
Chad Oppenheim
Principal Architect, Oppenheim Architecture
Editor-in-Chief, Déco Magazine - Groupe Magazine
Julie Payette
Co-Founder & Partner, v2com newswire MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Claudya Piazera
Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder, Smart8 & Design for Winning ITALY — BRAZIL — ORLANDO, UNITED STATES
Paolo Ivo Piccinini
Architect, FIAM Italia PESARO, ITALY
Daniela Piscitelli
Associate Professor - Visual & Communication Design & Secretary General of Ico-D Universiti of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Department of Architecture and Industrial Design
Pavel Pisklakov
Maria Gabriella Trovato
Professor - Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management Department, American University of Beirut BEIRUT, LEBANON
Emilia Prevosti
Daniel Revah
B.Eng.M.Eng. MBA, President, Corev Immobilier - Le 1420 Boulevard Mont Royal MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA
Maria Salvati
J ean-Michel Wilmotte
Architect, Urban Planner, Designer, Founder, Wilmotte & Associés Architectes PARIS, FRANCE
Cino Zucchi
Chief Architect, Full Professor of Architectural and Urban Design, CZA-Cino Zucchi Architetti MILAN, ITALY
Associate Partner, Jaime Bouzaglo Design Studio
Rijk Rietveld
Partner & Associate Architect, Rietveld Architects New York
Bryan Wiens
Principal & Interior Designer, LWG Architectural Interiors
Architect, Journalist & Marketing Communicator, Edimotion
Alessandro Valente
Certified Public Accountant & Auditor / Controller & Chief Financial, Local Action Group (GAL) Alto Casertano Consortium
Marco Tortoioli Ricci
President & Professor, BCPT Associati I Italian Association for Communication Design - AIAP
Assistant Professor South, Ural State University
Fabrizio Todeschini
Architect, Journalist & Marketing Communicator, Edimotion
Avi Tenzer
Creative Director, Tenzer Inc.
Christophe Pillet
Designer Christophe Pillet Designer
Christiane Tawil
Carlotta Zucchini
Udo Schliemann
Founder & Editor-in-Chief, MAGGIOLI Group S.p.a.
Principal Creative Director, Entro GERMANY — TORONTO, CANADA
©Rick Kinnan.
When my brother and I were little, my parents would drop us off at the beach for the day. We had boardshorts and enough money for a snack. We would run around, bury each other in the sand, bodysurf, and generally get into trouble. I used to think about how time passes. You can either sit on the beach, bored, or learn about the world around you, investigate, have fun! In a lot of ways, this is Emeco, reflecting the core values of America. Engineers and innovators changing the status quo about the way things are done, working hard, believing in the value of handcraft and caring deeply about the impact we have. I was 22 years old when I saw the Emeco factory for the first time and fell in love with everything about it—the machines that were older than I was, the craftsmen, and … the Navy Chair.
I wish I could have thought of the Navy Chair myself! When working with Ettore Sottsass, he said the same thing! Every Friday morning, I drive from Long Beach up to Venice and pick up my daughter. We drive up PCH to our dear friend Brian Murphy’s architecture office, which is much more of a surf shack than an office. Wetsuits donned, we sneak our longboards out around the cardboard models and down the street, under the tunnel, across the beach, and out to the ocean just in time for sunrise.
As long as we have that nothing really matters...
↓ Y Chair, Christophe Pillet Designer, Cappelini, 1993.
PARIS, FRANCE Designer, Christophe Pillet Designer
C’est un fauteuil dessiné pour Cappellini en 1993, le Y’s Chair, qui a propulsé ma carrière de designer.
C’est par un concours de circonstances que je pratique ce métier. Ce que l’on pourrait interpréter parfois comme du talent n’est en fait que du travail. Je peux faire, faire et refaire. Encore et encore... Music is a component of my designs, not only a comfortable musical ambiance. Je la choisis pour les sentiments auxquels je souhaite me rattacher lorsque je dessine. Une envie de changement, d’air nouveau, de rupture. C’est l’état d’esprit enthousiasmant dans lequel se situe ma pratique actuelle.
Pyjamas ou complets ? Le choix ne réside pas dans le confort, mais plutôt dans la tension ou la concentration nécessaire. La tenue vestimentaire participe à cette possibilité de tension ou de désinvolture...
BEIRUT, LEBANON Editor-in-Chief, Déco Magazine - Groupe Magazine
©Carla Sayyad - Urban sketcher.
Petite, je me rappelle avoir pensé et repensé mille fois le réaménagement du salon familial et déplacer les meubles la nuit… My career was launched with Déco Magazine, founded as Beirut was starting to reconstruct itself. Je rêve que Beyrouth renaisse de ses cendres. Je souhaite qu’elle se reconstruise en réhabilitant d’une architecture traditionnelle, les quartiers traditionnels complètement dévastés par le blast. J‘admire la qualité du patrimoine libanais. Les bâtisseurs de cette architecture vernaculaire n’avaient aucun autre bagage que leur savoir-faire et, pourtant, ils ont fait preuve d’un sens inégalable de la proportion et de l’harmonie.
Si j’étais un objet, je choisirais d’être un hamac, pour offrir une relaxation maximale... J’irais l’installer en plein Paris… que Paris, encore et encore !
J’envie celui qui a pensé au fil à couper le beurre ! Genius ! À ma table, j’inviterais Napoléon, Le Corbusier et Marilyn Monroe… vive la différence ! Je leur servirais la spécialité maison, les feuilles de vigne !
↓ ➀ Equinox office building, 2001. ➁ Amvest headquarters, 2018. ©Studio de Nooyer.
NETHERLANDS — NEW YORK, UNITED STATES Partner & Associate Architect, Rietveld Architects New York
The Man of a Thousand Sketches Fostering a softer, greener and clearer state of mind these days, I remember working in my dad's office when I was barely old enough—and mostly tall enough— to reach the drafting board.
Start spreading the news… (Sinatra Style!) New York, New York is my all-time, hands down, favorite spot in the world!
I’ve learned from mentors: A) That every change needs to be an improvement. B) That every project does not need to draw from all of my ideas. C) To think in cross sections. I’d say the Equinox office building in The Hague, Netherlands in 2001 launched my career and the Amvest headquarters in Amsterdam, in 2018, epitomizes it!
Man, oh man! Wouldn’t Mac & cheese with Barack Obama, Ron Dennis and my wife and partner Margaret Rietveld be oh-so perfectly cheesy!
QUÉBEC, CANADA — SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE Design Director Asia, B+H Architects
↓ Aéroport d’Ordos, Mongolie Intérieure, 2013. ©B + H.
Ah … to be a Banyan Tree and grow old and strong, under light and shade, on the land surrounding my chalet! J’ai le vague souvenir d’une visite de chantier, casque de construction sur la tête, et d’une rencontre avec l’architecte que mes parents avaient engagé pour concevoir la maison familiale dans laquelle j’allais grandir. Les maquettes en bois m’ont marqué. Quand l’amitié ouvre des portes! Mon premier «gros» projet, c’est une amie rencontrée en voyage qui me l’a confié. 15 ans plus tard, le Spa Balnea est toujours aussi fantastique à savourer et la collaboration née de cette amitié, plus solide et porteuse que jamais.
La lumière et l’ombre I much appreciated immersing myself into Mongolian culture to design the new Ordos airport in Inner Mongolia while diverging from generic airport design and attempting to create a gateway to an extraordinary culture.
Montréalais de cœur, ma carrière m’a mené à habiter à Shanghai, Hong Kong, Toronto et aujourd’hui Singapour. Du Canada, j’apporte à mon travail la familiarité aux espaces vastes et l’appréciation de la tectonique du bois. De la Chine, je retiens l’audace de penser et prévoir l’avenir sous haute densité. De Singapour, la botanique qui s’installe au cœur de la planification urbaine.
Music aficionado, you wonder? Feel free to ask my many likes to Alexa or Spotify! These days, my playlist is an eclectic mix of Post Malone, La Femme, Athesia, Chris Cornell, Gidge, Miles Davis and more… As per my work attire, I live in hot tropical Singapore now and have spent, like many of us, the last 8 months or so working from home. Needless to say, I’ve long traded by black suits for casual shorts, t-shirts and sneakers.
↓ KNOLL - Identity and Exhibit Desgin for WA Office furniture system.
QUÉBEC, CANADA — MILAN, ITALY Graphic Designer, Ginette Caron Communication Design
J’avais 5 ans. Mon grand-père nous avait apporté à chacun des 4 enfants un ballon et pour les identifier, il nous avait offert d’y calligraphier notre initiale. Il m’a demandé si je voulais une lettre romaine ou gothique... j’ai été complètement fascinée par la demande. J’ai choisi la lettre gothique en pensant que la romaine, j’aurais pu la faire moi-même, mais la gothique était plus compliquée. Et puis je n’ai jamais joué avec mon ballon pour ne pas y effacer l’initiale calligraphiée.
« il faut être léger comme l’oiseau et non comme la plume » — Paul Valéry
« Mets la couleur I love challenging projects… where there’s nothing glamourous about the mandate... comme faire la livrée de camions de déchets, ou la conception d’un stand d’exposition pour une compagnie de panneaux agglomérés. That’s where fantasy comes in play!
Vous y avez pensé ? L’homme qui a fait la première ouverture dans le mur d’une caverne est plus qu’inspirant ! C’était une fenêtre… une pensée, une volonté architecturale. Au travail, je choisis de porter un vêtement coloré, un peu de rouge, un coup de peigne et une goutte de parfum. « Mets la couleur dans ta poche »… disait Picasso à Matisse ! Ma plus grande qualité aurait été un défaut si je ne l’avais pas apprivoisé. Je me rappelle de rien.
Niente ! Je recommence donc chaque matin avec une page blanche.
dans ta poche » 37
ITALY — MEXICO CITY, MEXICO Founder & Creative Director, A Estudio
↓ Corporate Project.
When I first visited Barcelona, shortly before university, I knew that architecture would be my life. Everything in Barcelona is design and that truly stunned me.
La lumière est protagoniste Mexico is a country full of light and color. These are attributes found everywhere. In architecture, in people, in food. Everything is warmth. Light is the protagonist.
Thinking BIG brought me to launch two of my own companies this year, one in architecture, one in furniture design. I now dream of placing them in the big league. Designs that touch the soul. Spaces that make you feel, that speak to you in some way or another, but to which you definitely cannot be indifferent. The night owl in me works in PJs. The daytime businesswoman opts to dress up ready to jump out and meet a client at any moment. Je suis profondément inspirée par l’architecture de Zaha Hadid : puissante et féminine. I wouldn’t mind a spell turning me into water for eternity. I’d choose water for its ability to transform into whatever it wants, to change course, to evaporate, to reach the sky and fall back down in thousands of drops; to turn to ice, to be solid, strong, imposing, and then simply melt and return to that fluid state that reaches every place it wants.
↓ ➀ Anton Stankowski [left] and me, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 1985. ©Karl Duschek. ➁ Pan Am Aquatic Centre mural, Toronto, Canada, 2015. ©Shai Gil.
As a very young designer at the famous Atelier Stankowski + Duschek in Stuttgart, Germany, I designed a logo for Germany’s bid for the Olympic Winter Games in 1992, and WON! Competing on the highest level was a breakthrough in confidence and made me believe that if I worked on a problem, I’d find a solution.
in Despite being almost 40 years in the industry, I’m always and still eager for the next job. I hope the epitome of my work is still ahead. However, the design for the Pan Am Aquatic Centre, a wall mural behind the diving tower, is quite special.
GERMANY — TORONTO, CANADA Principal Creative Director, Entro
I grew up close to a brick factory and had access to clay. I often formed animals, oil lamps and figurines out of it. To form objects out of a formless material has inspired me and fascinated me ever since.
Humanist My fantasy dinner date would be with Zaha Hadid, Milton Glaser and Nelson Mandela. I’d serve a traditional Bavarian dinner, not Schnitzel, of course!
When I dream BIG, I dream we reinvent ourselves, turn back the clock on the climate catastrophe and start living in harmony with nature again.
Design Finding a solution to a problem and drawing a design that is unexpected, still excite me to this day.
MILAN, ITALY Designer graphique et professeur, Dondina Associati Raffles Milano Istituto Moda e Design
Be honest, be generous, be clear. The project that launched my career was a pop up book for Krizia. My work’s epitome is my latest project, I’d say. A poster on Covid-19, designed for the Italian Red Cross.
↓ Social distancing poster for Designers Against Covid, Italy, 2020.
I would like to see my designs to go down in history as links in a chain ... attached to the past, yet always looking forward. If I could host any three guests, past or alive, over for dinner, I’d invite Walter Gropius, Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky. We’d have the simplest and formidable spaghetti al pomodoro.
If a spell were to transform me into an object for eternity, by all means, I’d choose to be “Abitacolo” by Bruno Munari and live happily as a small universe dedicated to kids and their growth.
In Life, You Can Even Die Mon endroit favori au monde ? Sans hésitation, mon propre studio. Ma tenue vestimentaire de prédilection ? The three-piece suit.
My mantra ? In life, you can even die. I tell myself that while dreaming of peace on Earth !
↓ ➀ Match Chair, Capdell. ➁ Lyon, Capdell.
FULL STEAM I'm Belgian and live in Spain. A Belgian Man in España ! I feel properly European both in my ways of thinking and being.
Je ne suis pas créateur, c’est ma femme qui l’est...
Une règle canon… Dans le doute du « oui » ou « non », si les chances sont à 50 %, toujours choisir le « oui ». Yes Man ! Full steam ahead. Mon rêve le plus grand serait de faire le tour du monde à la voile, avec un vent régulier, jour et nuit.
L'horizon gris de la côte belge m’inspire ! La mer et les souvenirs des voyages sans fin. The sea line ! Secret dévoilé… je suis plus confortable pour travailler en pyjama ! J’admire Philippe Starck pour son habileté à mettre à la portée des gens le design.
If a spell were to turn me into some other form for eternity, I’d choose to be a ship… or a dolphin ! I’d make my way to the Mediterranean.
Iw a a Le nd ke av sa up e yt e W ho h it o ve ne en an m ry st I d y, re Iw w am d ys m he re BIG th is ke el o sk , I o h ills d ep f… rn G u I re a in u a m te gh co mon nd k m o g g oi ey now f a no ys nb t o ul w a th elf. er f d h nd soledge orld b ng! in .. g’ av cial c rule inlesse g s on s d e Bi ne tea wit le ct d h bl ss io of ns e . .
in y f in th av si e or de w it m orld e p l y m is ace in d!
CHELYABINSK, RUSSIA Assistant Professor, South Ural State University
42 ca r sc eer re w en as No Be fo lau m yo ra n u s ur G co che se og th ic w 3 m d lf, To ol e h ru p b th i v u le y o Bo o le t in s er th M rd lu I w k of e an e m pr d an a th bo og e y llo e! M ork d um s Z . , ke ut ra ig Ia oo La y Bu m n b: e d dm z, dy ca t w p a e n , so of t ta M G rh h g ire as m h oi ils ad aG o en ng m tro e e s on a sts I th p y ! d , p n pe St an riv i l n a r a oc g s er an ing ec e, h l e s ss ike d , C le I p fo G e ct um or rt o s i . c ra ar he p m n i u a Br E ix p ou ir a eg vo of ts bili id ty ov ra, e to ic th t . e hi bo nk x…
PAVEL PISKLAKOV ↓ ➀ Poster for “Heavenly Jerusalem”, Golden Bee Biennale 14. ➁ Poster after the Notre-Dame-de-Paris tragedy.
Outside the
↓ ➀ Good50x70 2008, Milan, Italy, 2008.
FAMAGUSTA, CYPRUS Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University—EMU
Seeing Behind Summer break, I was 14 years old. I worked for an advertising sign design company. At first, I was cleaning the signs. After a short while, I was a young artist, drawing and painting the ads. My dress code for ultimate productivity? Shorts and t-shirts… while listening to One More Cup of Coffee by Bob Dylan. I wish I could have thought of the Rolling Stones logo myself!
Escape from past experiences. Escape from new experiences.
I admire Banksy and Cildo Meirelles as well as the late Giulio Carlo Argan and value my peers for their courage. Humour is the high point of my career. I'd like my designs to go down in history by breaking patterns to challenge our brains... Point blank. After all, my mantra is... DESTRUCTION to CHANGE! And my all-time favorite place in the world? Cyprus, my country.
Catch the unpredictable.
If I were to host a fantasy dinner, my guests of choice would be Mahatma Gandhi and Cildo Meireles. I’d serve a Cyprus traditional barbecue called Kebap.
What Is Seen43
ITALY — VANCOUVER, CANADA Journalist & Design Expert,
↓ Book Cover, Stefan Schöning, Release 0.1, Oostkamp, Belgium.
A World Without Boundaries I dream of sharing vegetarian Cantonese food with Lina Bo Bardi, Cleopatra and Michelle Obama. What a treat! My mantra in life is… Don’t give up. Great things take time. Mon rêve le plus grand… un monde sans limites et sans frontières. I am inspired by the history of the Milan Fuorisalone. It’s pure creativity and invention... The heritage of my country, Italy. The project I wish I could have thought of myself is, without a doubt, The Casa do Vidro, in Sao Paulo, by Lina Bo Bardi.
If a spell were to turn me into an object, by all means, I’d choose to become a bowl. Solely considered useful if and when taken for granted… when missed, it becomes oh-so precious! INTÉRIEURS 81
↓ ➀ Rack à poissons, Islande. ➁ Résidence Guillard/Bergmann, Montréal, 2010. ➂ Ferme Boréalis, Ulverton, 2002.
ICELAND — MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Architect & Professor of Architectural & Urban Design, Université du Québec à Montréal – UQÀM
Structure d’abstraction Je me rappelle de mes sens éveillés comme si c’était hier. Me revoilà, transporté au terrain de jeu qui a bercé mon enfance en Islande, cet endroit magique sous les racks à poissons… C’est le projet de la ferme Boréalis à Ulverton au Québec qui a démarré ma belle carrière dans cette industrie qui me fascine. J’ai beaucoup de respect pour le travail actuel de Foster+Partners et que de l’admiration pour le grand, le seul, l’unique, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. L’écoute, la simplicité et la rigueur sont des principes qui orientent ma pratique et guident mon état d’esprit, entre tradition et modernité, minutie et vue d’ensemble.
Jazz, jazz and still more jazz. I enjoy the abstraction structure of it... Perfectly uplifting ! Le ciel, l’immensité, l’infini… l’inspiration ! Le ciel à San Sebastian dans le Pays basque ? J’en perds mon latin d’envie de m’y retrouver ! INTÉRIEURS 81
MILAN, ITALY Associate Professor in Visual & Communication Design & Secretary General of Ico-D, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”- Department of Architecture and Industrial Design
↓ Bruno Munari Retrospective, Ravello, Italy, 1995.
I’d Live as a Holm Oak…
Musique? Anything from Carmina Burana to Moby, from Snoop Dog to Ravel. Nothing bland, please!
I remember and cherish my year spent in New York City, my ultimate favorite place in the world, a year with mentors such as Armando Milani, Massimo Vignelli and Pino Grimaldi.
Vignelli thought me discipline and method. Grimaldi, the importance of study and culture. And Armando Milani, the power of a sense of humour! My career was launched when I designed a poster for a Bruno Munari retrospective at the Ravello festival in 1995. I’d like to see my designs go down in history for the aesthetic beauty and ethical nature of my work. I most value in my peers, hands down, their graphic quality and sense of humour.
I’d love to share typical Italian dishes with Saul Bass, Andy Altman and Uwe Loesch. My WILDEST dream would be to become Minister of Culture. I’ll most happily settle for living in Italy, by the sea! INTÉRIEURS 81
My fantasy dinner date would be with my partner Heather, my friend Chantal, Alain Moureaux and my compadre Ben. We’d settle for soft cheese, French baguettes and red wine.
User Center Design is not an option, it’s the only game in town. A product should move us emotionally… point final!
My wildest dream would be to redesign the interior of the Canadian parliament building to reflect our contemporary values as people. I’d settle for designing either Anish Kapoor or Jeff Koon’s homes too !
Villa GPA, Montréal, Canada, 2012. ©Isa.
Si un sort me transformait en objet, je choisirais de devenir une montre et continuer d’exister dans le temps.
J’aurais tout de même aimé créer le Panthéon à Rome !
Undeniably, the product design that launched my career was the Anton Strainer Bowl.
I remember playing in the wood shop, where my father used to run his furniture-making business.
There is no failure or success, only feedback to adjust, learn, and move on to the next step.
THE INSECURE ↓ QUÉBEC, CANADA — KNOXVILLE, UNITED STATES Designer & Associate Professor, Ryann Aoukar Designer I University of Tennessee
OTTAWA, CANADA Principal – Interior designer, LWG Architectural Interiors
Ahhh… If only I could have thought of the Barcelona Chair before Mies van der Rohe did.
My current state of mind is viewing the positive opportunities and impact on the built environment.
↓ Canada Centre for Innovation, Ottawa, Canada, 2018.
I was seventeen years old. My first year at university, studying architecture. I knew NOTHING about architecture and design, but was very interested. Learning about architecture and design opened my eyes and I would never look at the world the same way again.
Design Is for People
I followed Michael Graves closely at the start of my career and heard him speak before he passed away. While disabled by then, his demeanour and attitude toward design and the world was moving.
Canada aspires to be a welcoming place, open to people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and more. I would hope that the spaces I design embrace these values and provide dignity to all users.
Focusing on workplace design, we’re now tracking how COVID-19 is impacting physical space and what the outcome will be for the future of the office.
Unless I’m in a meeting, I’m listening to music… anything instrumental… from ambient, minimalist, electronic, classical and jazz. Brian Eno is my guru.
BOMBAY, INDIA Educator and Designer, École intuit.lab
L E E S M I As a young girl, I was fascinated by calligraphy… who knew it would forecast my career!
↓ Poster & mailer, Amphibian Stage Productions, Forth Worth, Texas.
I thank my mentors for teaching me… “To focus on the process.” RAFAEL ESQUER
“To observe the negative shape of the letters just as much as the positive shape.” TONY DISPIGNA
“That a computer is merely an execution tool, not a thinking tool.” TONY DISPIGNA
On a day-today basis, I am continuously inspired by teaching and feel nourished by the idea of sharing knowledge. Especially in times like these, a quote resonates…
How would I like my work to go down in history, one wonders? As being timeless and universal, I hope.
“For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.” CARL SAGAN Turn up the volume! '80s music is my jam and instrumental classics, my focus pill!
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Designer & Teacher, CONTRASTE [stimulateur d’identités] École Supérieure des Arts St-Luc — ESA
Souvenirs d’enfance… Un voyage au Danemark, pays d’origine d’une partie de ma famille. J’avais convaincu ma soeur qu’on allait ériger une île au bout du débarcadère de la propriété de notre Tante « Jule ». Toujours au Danemark, j’ai découvert les Legos… Depuis tout jeune, je dessinais et créais des « choses », j’adorais...
↓ Mandala dessiné dans le sable mouillée...
Limits and constraints always inspire me. They are challenges to conquer. My WILDEST dream ? Que la mixité devienne la règle. That difference be perceived no longer as an obstacle but as a saving !
Je fais beaucoup de design thinking… Travaillant surtout sur des problèmes sociaux, j’aurais tendance à être le « We can change the world, we can rearrange the world. »
J’ai des racines belges, danoises, hollandaises et, très vraisemblablement, tchèques. Je ne peux pas tant parler de pays d’appartenance. Je crois qu’on baigne dans une culture planètolocale qui nous nourrit… La perméabilité multiculturelle est essentielle pour tout créateur.
Playing = Enhanced Trust
“Never ask a designer to design a bridge, ask a designer to design a way to cross the water.” — Zelda Harrison INTÉRIEURS 81
↓ Le Monde d’Alfred, Montréal, 2005. Commissaire : Marc H. Choko. ©Michel Brunelle.
MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Designer, Enfin libre !
La création… Tous azimuts ! Sans contredit, l’événement marquant de mon enfance a été l’Expo 67 ! La Terre des hommes, je dirais surtout la Terre de la création en design et en architecture ! Depuis, je m’enthousiasme, je doute, je recommence.
Si on me jetait un sort, je voudrais qu'on me transforme en maison multi-multigénération pour voir y vivre ma famille éternellement ! Mon état d’esprit dans ma pratique actuelle ? Le repos ! Je rénove ma maison, très, très tranquillement !
Je suis fier de l’ensemble de ma carrière : de ma première expo réalisée en solo sur l’oeuvre de Le Corbusier en 1996, à la dernière, réalisée en 2018 et portant sur les projets récents de Forster + Partners, architectes. La saison 2005-2006 de mises en espace d’exposition au Centre de design de l’UQAM a été particulièrement prolifique et nous a mérité le Prix Grafika 2007. J’admire le travail contemporain et la pratique multidisciplinaire des architectes Diller Scofidio + Renfro.
All hail, high and loud, the great Ludwig Mies van der Rohe !
J’aime me retrouver dans mon garage, aménagé en atelier. J’aimerais l’aménager en un TRÈS BEL atelier. Je rêve vraiment de le voir aménagé en un TRÈS GRAND atelier !
QUÉBEC & OTTAWA, CANADA Landscape Architect, CSW Landscape architects
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY, United States.
Je voudrais reconstruire Babylone Faites peu, mais bien. Faites très peu, mais très bien. Un rien, mais parfait.
Enfant, j’ai compris que l’on puisse construire une cascade d’eau. Une révélation ! Moment marquant : une collaboration avec Pascale Hannetel pour l’aire d’autoroute A16 de la Baie de Somme en France. I admire Olafur Eliasson for his sensorial experience and BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group) for its audacity. La nordicité, l’eau et les saisons parfois extrêmes aux températures oscillant entre -40 et +40 °C de mon pays d’appartenance se reflètent dans mon travail. La nature m’inspire. De mes collines gatinoises aux lochs écossais, en passant par le désert tunisien et les montagnes escarpées de la montagne jaune.
J’aurais aimé penser aux maisons de Lautner, perchées dans le vide.
Mon rêve le plus grand ? Reconstruire Babylone !
Mon tea time de rêve ? Pastries with André Le Nôtre, Frederick Law Olmsted and Yves Brunier.
↓ ➀ K1299, Beirut, Lebanon, 2017. ➁ C36, Beirut, Lebanon, 2017.
CANADA — BARCELONA, SPAIN — BEIRUT, LEBANON Founder & Director, BAD. Built by Associative Data
I am a What-a-WonderfulWorld jazz-loving Canadian Lebanese architect living in Barcelona and Beirut!
Nature is quite inspiring. I envy water for its shapeless composition and infinite options.
We learn a lot from history but we design for the people of today and of tomorrow. Thinking outside the box is always the most valid option! My home town and village remain my favorite place in the world. Time is essential and rather be spent with the right people. Good food is a catalyst for great ideas. This said, I’d enjoy hosting any three friends I’ve lost along the years over great food, great music, ideas and current topics.
There simply is no grander architect in my mind than God himself. Tied for second place: Zaha Hadid and Mies van der Rohe.
MILAN, ITALY Chief Architect, Full Professor of Architectural and Urban Design CZA-Cino Zucchi Architetti
“Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better.” — Samuel Beckett
↓ Building D, Jungians area, Venice, Italy, 2001.
C i n o o i d a R
As a young boy, I got lost in the largest of Istanbul’s underground water tanks built in Byzantine times, reusing fragments of earlier architectures. The upside-down giant stone head of a Medusa, roughly re-employed as the base of a column—showed me both architecture’s frailty and long-term responsibility.
I CANNOT design without my “Radio Cino” turned on… that’s my iTunes collection of 90,587 songs… On shuffle, I listen to anything from French “Nouvelle Vague” to “New Wave” heroes of the eighties all the way to the contemporary indie Canadian music scene. Oh Canada! My greatest dream is a long, dreamless nap on my sofa on a Sunday afternoon … one where I don’t have unfinished business to catch up on! To me, Jacques Herzog and Pierre De Meuron remain the most inspiring contemporary figures of all times. Like Kubrick in film, continuously changing genres and moods to service the script, they surprise us with their amazing ability to invent and reinvent according to the theme.
Two collective almost delirious landscapes, Venice and New York, built not by monks but by merchants, are my all-time favorite spots in the world.
d e l J l a D
At my design table, I always wear a long work apron with rubber bands that my wife sowed on the sleeve edges to protect my shirt cuffs from getting smudged and blackened by the 4B lead mines I use when sketching.
“Mine is a world of patience done by an impatient person.” — Paul Valéry
↓ Plan Paysager de la Vallée d’Oued Boufekrane, Meknès, Maroc, 2008.
FEZ, MOROCCO Professor & Dean, EMADU EMADU / EuroMed University of Fez
Daydreaming of Deserts Je devais avoir 4 ou 5 ans. Nous étions en route de Fès vers Agadir pour nos vacances d’été. Mon père a fait une halte le long de la route chez un potier. Je l’ai regardé travailler son argile ; et pour moi, le temps s'est LITTÉRALEMENT arrêté. Voir naître des formes puis des objets qui étaient inexistants encore quelques minutes auparavant a complètement bouleversé ma façon de percevoir les choses.
Je partagerais volontiers un couscous avec Robinson Crusoé, Ali Baba et Shrek… Shoutout to fiction ! My mantra in life is AMEN.
Turning Green L’endroit au monde où je préfère me retrouver est la Mésopotamie… sans contredit ! Je dirais que l’apogée de ma carrière est Le Plan Paysager de la Vallée d’Oued Boufekrane, à Meknès, au Maroc. Cela dit… I would have liked to create New York City’s Central Park… hands down !
Si j’étais un objet, je voudrais être un appareil de traduction et brasser toutes les langues et tous les dialectes du monde : actuels, passés et à venir… Babylone !
Mon rêve le plus grand… Que les déserts verdissent à nouveau !
MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Professor, École d’architecture, Université de Montréal
Book Cover, Maisons-lieux / Houses-Places.
Au milieu des années 40, je me rappelle d’être allé visiter la Villa Paul Poiret, conçue par Robert Mallet-Stevens en 1921, réhabilitée et modifiée en 1932 par Paul Boyer pour la comédienne roumaine et française Elvire Popesco. Première expérience d’un architecture cubiste blanche. Moment marquant ! Jeune designer stagiaire à l’agence PGLE (Papineau, Gérin-Lajoie, LeBlanc, Edwards), j’ai fait mes premières armes en participant au projet de l’aérogare de Mirabel, Montréal. Depuis, comme enseignant, je me suis concentré sur l’essentiel. Et comme critique et commissaire, à redécouvrir les avant-gardes d’hier !
J’envie Marcel Breuer d’avoir pensé à la chaise Wassily pour Knoll et je rêve d’inventer une nouvelle école de design et d’architecture pour le XXIe siècle ! Si un sort me transformait en objet, je choisirais d’être une grande table en bois.
Nombreux sont les talents de notre profession qui m’inspirent ! J’aime les dialogues improbables : Mies van der Rohe et Le Corbusier, Marcel Breuer et Philippe Starck, William Morris et Charles Eames, Charlotte Perriand et Denise Scott Brown.
Observer, apprécier, transmettre Je servirais un poisson grillé et une bonne bouteille de vin blanc à Le Corbusier, Charlotte Perriand et Pierre Jeanneret. Autour d’une grande table en bois… Just saying!
↓ Eco-village de 119 logements à ossature bois à Noisy le Grand (93)- France Pour le groupe Giboire Architectes : MFR + Oyapock - Image : YAM Studio
PARIS, FRANCE Architect, Co-Founder & Partner, MFR Architectes
Bâtir avec générosité, humanité J'aime revenir voir nos projets. Car une fois réalisés, ils nous rendent compte de notre société. Comment les habitants s’approprient-ils nos espaces, nos visions ? Comment font-ils de nos paysages leur ancrage ? Je me rappelle, adolescent, de cette extension de verre sur une vieille bâtisse de pierre nichée dans la verdure. Le contemporain et l'ancien se révélaient l'un l'autre. Une dualité fascinante entre le secret, l’intimité des pierres et la transparence audacieuse. L'architecture ibérique a forgé ma culture. Miralles, Souto de Moura, Siza, RCR, Mangado, autant d’écritures que de génies.
Notre métier est autant de savoir construire que de créer de nouvelles manières d’habiter. Il s'agit d'humaniser le bâti. Un métier qui considère l'éthique, l’esthétique, autant que les enseignements de l’expérience.
La nature est la plus belle architecture, la plus inspirante ! Un arbre est, pour moi, une cathédrale, une mathématique, une symbiose.
ITALY — MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Associate Partner, Jaime Bouzaglo Design Studio
↓ Condo Dell'Arte phase 2, salle des ventes, 2013.
Bâtir des Confession… J’adore travailler en pyjama/vêtement sport à la maison. Je n'ai alors pas de limite de temps. I am inspired by Frank Gerhy and the work of the late Oscar Niemeyer. I admire my peers for their ability to push design limits to new horizons. My mantra is to live your dreams! Si je pouvais faire de mon rêve, réalité, je voudrais bâtir des citadelles...
L’apogée de ma carrière est les condos Dell’Arte. Le design italien m’a toujours inspiré, les couleurs de l’Italie, les influences culturelles… L’humanité... les cieux, la mer, l’infini… J’aimerais que mes projets soient appréciés pour leur honnêteté.
Avec précision, un design qui fait sentir l’émotion.
Si un sort me transformait en objet, j’accepterais volontiers de devenir un coquillage. Je prendrais plaisir à vivre près de la mer et à m’y baigner ! La Méditerranée… et les plages de l’Italie, de grâce !
citadelles INTÉRIEURS 81
↓ Clinique orthodontiste, Montréal, 2020.
MOROCCO — SPAIN — MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Designer & Founder, Jaime Bouzaglo Design Studio
Rêver réveillé Je suis né dans une petite ville située entre le Maroc et l’Espagne. L’architecture était blanche et simple.
Les valeurs du Maroc et de l'Espagne se reflètent aujourd’hui dans mon travail dans le côté tactile des matières choisies et l’inspiration de la chaleur méditerranéenne. Contempler les vagues et me perdre dans mes pensées… Un point culminant de ma carrière est celui du présent : La chaise la Diva pour Andreu World. Elle a fait le tour du monde et a terminé au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal. Ma qualité c’est d’oublier tout ce qui a été fait, et de partir à zéro… Comme une renaissance. Créer procure un grand bien-être. Il entraîne la longévité, il active nos neurones. It's a fact ! Et c’est la qualité du métier que j’apprécie le plus auprès de mes pairs.
Je suis toujours inspiré par le sourire de la femme aimée.
J’aimerais être le Soleil, car il illumine le monde, nous envoie une belle énergie, nous rend heureux. La lumière !
Rêver l’impossible INTÉRIEURS 81
MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Co-Founder & Partner, v2com newswire
Shedding Light on Stars Shining Bright Un premier voyage à New York à l’âge de 15 ans avec ma mère m’a donné envie de conquérir le monde. Puis, flashback 1994 ! Une rencontre avec Jean-Pierre Viau lance ma carrière dans la promotion du design et de l’architecture. Je vois son premier salon de coiffure Orbite, publié dans Interior Design... and making the Cover ! De fil en aiguille, nait notre fil de presse v2com... là où culmine ma carrière, fière de faire connaître et reconnaître le talent et la créativité du métier ! J’admire Bjarke Ingels, pour son audace et son ambition, pour ses projets innovateurs, communautaires et en développement durable. Une grande architecte, une femme, Irakienne, précurseure, visionnaire, ambitieuse et de grand caractère a toute mon admiration. Et, vous le savez, j'ai nommé l'unique Zaha Hadid.
Si un sort me transformait en objet, je choisirais d’être un luminaire, pour sa magie, sa transparence, sa chaleur et l’éclairage qu’il procure aux autres. La Lucellino LED TRI-R d’Ingo Maurer serait mon premier choix ! Zoom Fact Check ! I too wear leggings… and a virtual-meeting appropriate top to work these days... Bon débarras 2020 !
↓ Fulton Creek Marshland wetland and stormwater facility, SE Edmonton, 2016. ©Ron Middleton.
As a young girl, I was fascinated with the contrasting landscapes that my parents grew up in. Mon père, Gaspé, Québec — the constantly moving ocean, parcels of fenced land, groves of trees and swathes of lupines. My mother, southern Alberta — big blue sky, golden fields, red barns and incredible neverending views.
EDMONTON, CANADA Principal, Kinnikinnick Studio Inc.
I love the prairies for their vastness, and the meeting of sky and earth. Our world is so full of distractions. I enjoy the quiet.
Where Do I Go from Here? I mainly do naturalization and landscape rehabilitation. I hope that over time, no one will know I was there. Fulton Creek Marshland—after 30 years it is starting to look like it was always there. And that’s mission accomplished! My work wear is always in flux. I mix-and-match patterns and strong colors and create my look of the day. Thanks to my peers who practice truth in design addressing current and future needs of the user with opportunity for them to fine-tune the sense of place along the way.
A nod of respect to landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson and merci to these inspiring forces: Roberto Burle Marx, Luis Barragán and Antoni Gaudi, for having an impact on my design perspective.
ABC & Le talent de mon père, ingénieux, patient, créatif, me fascinait. Il dessinait et me construisait mes maisons de poupées et de petits meubles. C’est la création d’un festival international de la bande dessinée qui existe encore après 30 ans qui a lancé ma carrière.
Challenges inspire me ! J’admire ainsi Pierre Thibaut parce qu’il place en interaction constante l’être humain et le territoire à habiter.
L’apogée de ma carrière ? Des projets à venir … like designing the Changi Airport … if only someone else hadn’t already thought of it !
Si j’étais un objet, je choisirais d’être un avion et découvrir le monde. J’irais, sans doute, atterrir à Paris et retrouver mon endroit favori… Une terrasse parisienne où il fait bon regarder les gens bien vivre. Un rêve ces jours-ci !
I listen to ABC Lounge while working and slip on a suit, jeans or heels… but never PJs !
J’aimerais casser la croûte avec Simone Veil, Coco Chanel et Barack Obama. Au menu : des mets japonais !
↓ ➀ Lumière vers le ciel / Light to Sky, JFK International Airport, New York, USA, 2006. ➁ RiverDance, Harrisonburg VA, USA, 2020.
BULGARIA — NEW YORK, UNITED STATES Sculptor, Dimitar Lukanov Studio
LE CERVEAU N’A I was six years old when I first touched clay. It was a gray, bulky, 1 kg heavy and hard as a rock. I was fascinated to turn it into animals, some of which I could only see seen in my mind.
I carry with me the mix of two countries. First, it’s the “all-possible” country I live in, the United States ; second, the most ancient and smallest of European countries, the 8000-year old Bulgaria. « Concentrez-vous sur les dessins » m'écrivait Henry Moore en 1983. Imaginez mon exaltation de recevoir ces lettres positives… moi, le gamin derrière le rideau de fer ! « Lumière vers le ciel » à l’aéroport Kennedy à New York a lancé ma carrière. Je cite au passage mon dernier projet dans le domaine public, les trois sculptures du pont piétonnier à Amsterdam NY. Si j’avais pu, j’aurais voulu créer la Tour Eiffel… And I daydream of designing a brand new one !
CHEMISE Ce sont les vêtements « intérieurs » qui comptent. Le cerveau n’a pas besoin de chemise blanche. Le travail est l’uniforme de l’art.
BIELLA, ITALIE Architect, Luisa Bocchietto Architecture & Design
Rêver de vivre
La Conica, Aldo Rossi, Alessi, 1983.
Enfant, je jouais toujours à faire des petites maisons et je me créais des inventaires de meubles en découpant les revues de ma mère.
Si un sort me transformait en objet, pourquoi ne pas être la cafetière La Conica créée par Aldo Rossi pour Alessi ? Elle est design et architecture, à la fois. Je serais design et architecture, pour l’éternité.
Fancy a dinner with Elon Musk, Angela Merkel and the Pope, anyone ? I sure do ! Où est passé le temps des cathédrales ? Fini le temps des maîtres… les architectes et designers qui m’inspirent autant que Marco Zanuso, Eileen Gray, Andree Putman. Percier et Fontaine dans la période Empire… Ledoux et Sir John Soane…
plusieurs vies 64
L'eau. L’eau éternelle… l’eau de la mer (en bateau, un roman à la main)… même l’eau de la douche m’inspire toujours ! C’est le sens de l’ironie dans les valeurs de l’Italie qui se transmet dans mon travail.
Cela dit, j’aimerais bien être celle qui dessine et crée la ville idéale… let’s call it Utopia City !
MILAN, ITALY Founder & CEO, Design Wanted
Perfection = Search for Balance I must have been 2 or 3 years old when I first remember drawing. That’s when I fell for design.
Designing is an altruistic affair… I admire James Dyson, for reasons that go beyond mere design aspects. Nod to Jonathan Ive too… Both united in their impact on a company and society. Must it be said? My inspiration comes from my daily surroundings … in Italia! Complexity, beauty, innovative individuals, they are part of our inner fabric. Nature also inspires me… Plus successful entrepreneurs!
If a spell cast were to turn me into an object, I’d want to be a lamp to bring light. A lamp may be turned on and off as needed, but electricity is always a part of it. A mere touch, an idea, the right situation turns it on and changes the environment and people's moods. INTÉRIEURS 81
In a fantasy world, I'd have: Thai food with Steve Jobs, to learn from his ability to focus. Italian with Napoleon Bonaparte, to feed off his strategic mind. Simple, classic Italian again with Jack Ma, to learn the meaning of resilience and the Chinese approach to business.
PESARO, ITALY Architect, FIAM Italia
How are my country of belonging’s values reflected in my work, you ask? I LIVE IN ITALY! What more can I say? Que sera sera… My mentors taught me determination, honesty … and strong family values lead to a happy life! One in which I often work in PJs and in silence! I value my peers’ and profession’s constant research for new materials and technologies … when and where functionality and simplicity rule. SHOUT OUT to contemporary architect Renzo Piano and ALL HAIL the late and most-inspiring Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Reason Is Power If I could have a fantasy dinner date with any guests of my choosing, I’d have simple pasta with Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King and Queen Elizabeth (hold on the garlic for the Queen!) We would whip up ways to make the world a better place for all instead of a few, and daydream of mankind taking nature no longer for granted.
↓ UN Dove War/Peace Poster, 2002.
MILANO, ITALY Graphic Designer, Milani Design
Winning my first competition among 9 000 participants when I was 25 years old skyrocketed my interest in graphic design. Inspiration came while being stuck in traffic. Classic! Fast-forward through some 50 years of corporate identity and logo designs and respect to Paul Rand for the envied design of IBM’s corporate identity. Pause on my proud humanitarian work in more recent years. In 2002, the United Nations’ Dove War/ Peace poster I designed was distributed worldwide and epitomized my career in many ways.
If I could, I’d happily morph into Aladdin’s lamp and help people solve their issues through dialogue and the desire for peace.
What can I say … my chaotic but oh-so-beautiful Italy has always inspired me. Roman structure, Renaissance aesthetics and humanity, Milanese modernist design and the conceptual wave of the 1980s-2000s. In my PJs, Mozart, Pink Floyd or Keith Jarret playing in the background, I now choose projects that go hand in hand a word and philosophy I love: Nelson Mandela’s word Ubuntu, meaning dialogue, respect, empathy …
Less me, more we. I dream of seeing this word become a reality.
I'd enjoy having a sublime duck à l'orange dinner date and anything but small talk with Socrates, Shakespeare and Freud. Sorry, Einstein... I reserved a table for 4! INTÉRIEURS 81
SAINT-BRUNO-DE-MONTARVILLE, QUÉBEC, CANADA President & Industrial Designer, L'Unité Créative inc. / The Creative Unit inc.
↓ Mach 1, Bombardier, Valcourt, Canada, 1991. © Bombardier inc.
LE CURÉ EN SKIDOO « Le silence est important pour mobiliser les forces créatrices et latentes. » — Goethe Une vie à faire « fructifier mon talent » pour le dessin et plus de 30 véhicules récréatifs, utilitaires et militaires, conçus et fabriqués au Québec, avec mes compères.
Mes mentors m’ont appris à promouvoir et défendre le design industriel jusqu’au dernier coup de crayon. The Bombardier Ski-Doo Formula Mach 1 1991 Snowmobile (Design : Sam Anselme Y. Lapointe & Martin Aubé) launched my career. Not to brag … some fans say the Formula Mach 1 1991 is “the best-looking sled skidoo ever built !” Je suis des plus heureux à ma table à dessin, à Saint-Bruno, que je ne quitte que très rarement depuis 16 ans… le tout dans une tenue de combat confortable des « tranchées » du design.
Si l’impossible était possible, j’inviterais à diner le bédéiste Marcel Gotlieb pour son humour, Stanley Kubrick et Raymond Loewy. Nous discuterions de création et de dessin et mangerions sans doute que peu !
Si un sort me transformait en objet pour l’éternité, je deviendrais ma Volkswagen 2002 noire… l’auto du curé de la paroisse !
↓ ➀ À mes débuts chez BRP, 1985. ➁ Le bureau de mon père à Québec, 1965. ➂ L'arrivée de la nouvelle ère Sea-Doo, 1988.
La beauté Ce sont les premiers barbouillis dès l’âge de 4 ans sur la table à dessin de mon père designer dans son bureau de Québec qui m’ont amené à vouloir pratiquer ce même métier. La nouvelle ère Sea-Doo entamée en 1988 a lancé ma carrière. Depuis, j’accrédite tout le succès de mon parcours à la qualité et à la diversité de mon équipe. Teamwork, all the way ! Born in Québec, I’d say diversity and inclusion are core values that are reflected in my body of work and the way I exercise our profession.
dans to us les sens
Accompagné de mes proches, je rêve d’accoster sur toutes les rives du monde…
VALCOURT, QUÉBEC, CANADA Senior Vice-President | Design, Innovation & Creative services, BRP
Imaginez être un drone ! J’y prendrais plaisir pour sa mobilité et ses possibilités de perspectives des plus inusitées. J’irais survoler l’Italie… et y contempler l’ensemble de l’œuvre ! Comme il serait fabuleux de cuisiner mes fameuses « Linguini Frutti di Mare » et de les servir avec d’excellentes bouteilles de Brunello à Giorgetto Giugiaro, à l’origine de ma passion pour le métier, Koen de Winter, pour la qualité de son enseignement, et Sam Lapointe, mon père, mon mentor.
MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Senior Manager, Tenant Coordination - Retail, Cominar
↓ Promenades Gatineau Arrêt Gourmand, Gatineau, Canada, 2015. ©Yves Lefebvre.
Entre le rouge et le noir
Enfant, je me rappelle ma visite d’Expo 67, de mon impression de la Biosphère de Fuller et d’Habitat 67 de Moshe Safdie.
“Moore is more” — Charles Moore
Je me rappelle de ma participation à Radio-Canada en 1974 pour y dessiner l’école de mes rêves, de mes promenades dans la ville souterraine a Montréal, les dessous de la Place Bonaventure, de la Place VilleMarie, de la Place du Canada et de ma visite du Stade et Village Olympique en 1976. A long and lovely road… C'est le Planet Hollywood et la Place Montréal Trust en 1998 qui ont marqué ma carrière.
“Next round’s on us”, chimes in the editorial team! passion !
“Less is more” —Mies van der Rohe
« La machine à habiter » — Le Corbusier
If fantasy dates were a thing, I’d have a drink with Oscar Wilde, Marcel Proust and Peggy Guggenheim.
J’aurais rêvé de participer au Hudson Yards à New York, un projet d’Oxford et Related. Il intègre The Shed, The Vessel, des tours à bureaux et résidentielles, The Shops at Hudson Yards… le tout relié au projet de parc linéaire High Line. Sublime…
↓ Caffé in vetro, Trieste Contemporanea, 2004.
ITALY — LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Associate Professor, Head of R&D, ECAL/ University of Art and Design Lausanne
Mantra: I’ll Do It Tomorrow! I remember sneaking into the “forbidden space” aka, my parents’ psychotherapy practice office... full of beautiful design pieces. The sense of history and nostalgia of my Italian side and the sense of accuracy and boldness of my Swiss side are reflected in my work, I’d say! Design stories (and histories) are always inspiring. “Caffè in vetro”, made in Murano, designed by Francesco Maria Gamba, Federico Saurer and myself launched my career.
Fact: If a spell were to turn me into an object, I’d go for the sideboard OS29 and the other pieces in the series, designed by Arne Vodder, produced by Sibast møbelfabrik. It is an almost perfect, long-lasting series of cabinets that represents a way of living based on comfort and sustainability. No contest!
My fantasy dinner date? Le Corbusier, Tobia Scarpa, Carlo Forcolini, and I, eating finger food on sofas and having a live challenge. What type of challenge? We’d test out LC2 designed by Le Corbusier for Cassina, Bastiano, by Tobia Scarpa for Gavina, and Uni-X, by Carlo Forcolini for Alias. We'd vote for the best of the best! Lucky, lucky me! INTÉRIEURS 81
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Founder, Publisher & Photographer, OBJEKT International & USA | Canada
↓ Objekt International covers.
From Bach to Miles Davis, Jay-Z Younger, I would race formula cars and travel all over the world. It was a photographing gig in Napa Valley that jump-started my career. Launching OBJEKT International, and now its sidekick OBJEKT Int Digital, and making it into the worldwide success it has become, are the epitome of my career and my greatest contributions to the world of design.
Beautiful women are inspiring, not in a sexist way… Like muses. My most-admired late talents Karl Lagerfeld and Rembrandt would agree! My current state of mind is one brought by of a work overdose in which I find myself combining as many ideas as possible in a whole new approach. Reality taught me to strive for the best quality at all times, that mistakes are there to be learned from and that you shouldn’t drink too much! I’ve lived so much abroad, I've becom a citizen of the world … falling constantly in love with new places, from Hollywood, to Bangkok.
Tonight’s menu? A simple salad with fresh sea fishes. Guests are arriving! Leave way for Karl Lagerfeld, Miles Davis and Leonard Bernstein. Jealous souls can wait at the door!
and Beyond! INTÉRIEURS 81
Performant (structural) fibers, Mexico City, 2020.
ITALY — MEXICO CITY, MEXICO Computational Designer & Professor, Giancarlo Di Marco STUDIO
A man of contradictions! Silence is always inspiring. That’s on record! I also pump up the volume and listen to music while I work, from classic piano to hip hop, funk to jazz, soul to… ready for it?… Heavy metal! That’s on record too!
I remember drawing architectural plans of my house when I was 6 years old. Who knew it would lead me here!
If a spell were to transform me into an object for eternity, by all means, I’d choose to be a super-computer with an artificial intelligence getting information, learning and evolving.
I’m on a nerdy-computational design trip, these days, using my ability to think geometrically, mathematically and computationally. I am trying to create connections between traditional design and advanced parametric and computational design methods. There is no reason to separate discipline from method: discipline gives a sense to the method; the method strengthens the discipline.
Be Skilled, Be True, Be Committed 73 Italy’s design culture is embedded in history, traditions, know-hows and visions inherent to every concept and product.
My wildest dream? Running my own design school. What a trip!
FARMINGTON HILLS, UNITED STATES Senior Associate, Studio Leader_Interiors, JPRA Architects
The design qualities I value most in my peers Option 1: I work in silence. are honesty, pragmatism and creativity. Option 2: Coffee House In that order. on Sirium XF. Option 3: a good JRE I have, in that sense, podcast. much appreciation for I have been fortunate to travel to many amazing loca- the work of Frank Gehry. tions around the world. Still, I always find myself lookI lead JPRA Architects/JPRA Design’s Interiors Studio, visioning, directing and mentoring the firm’s designers, and facilitating client relationships.
ing forward to experiencing a new part of it.
Daydreams these days…
Building Relationships Oh… and Buildings Too
I most definitely work in PJs and dare to ask… who wears a 3-piece suit to the home office these days? Zoom meetings at 10, 11, 2 and 4!
Peace one Day, Shanghai, China, 2014.
e B
ITALY — NOTTINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM Senior Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University
u f l , y a l P
From the inspiring ideas of William Morris, to the beautiful work of Toulouse Lautrec and the neverending experimentations of László Moholy-Nagy, many talents inspire me. I admire the work of contemporary designer Stefan Sagmeister. I love his broad and experimental approach, especially the fact that he consistently challenges his own life.
I have always been very keen in visual art. As a child, I was surprisingly selective and demanding, I clearly knew my likes and dislikes…
Sono Italiana … But I’ve lived in several countries and cities… Barcelona for many years, Shanghai for a decade, and now Nottingham in the last few years. I find values of all these places infused in my work.
I'd put on a Miles Davis' jazz vinyl and have textile designer William Morris, artist Victor Moscoso and photographer Oliviero Toscani over for dinner any time, any place!
Be Analytical,
I particularly enjoyed working on the Peace One Day series … it went hand-in-hand with my biggest dream of changing the world!
PARIS, FRANCE Architect, Urban Planner, Designer, Founder, Wilmotte & Associés Architectes
↓ Table Anatole, 2018.
Enfant, j’adorais jouer avec les caisses de livraison de mon père pharmacien. Je construisais des cabanes, des lampes... mon univers !
Un de mes endroits préférés où me retrouver est certainement les splendides carrières de Carrare en Italie. Majestueuses !
Être là où on ne m’attend pas ! If a spell were to turn me into an object for eternity, I’d be content to be a Swiss watch and function forever! Je m’intéresse particulièrement aux savoir-faire, au travail des artisans du verre, de la pierre, du bois, du métal. Dans ma pratique actuelle, je me questionne beaucoup au sujet du développement durable avec une recherche de matériaux recyclés et à l’idée d’hybridation des espaces, de croisement des genres et des fonctions. J’y ajoute l’élégance à la française !
Gio Ponti, Michelange et Charlotte Perriand, je vous invite ! Un gratin de blettes, ça vous convient ?
Kuru pour Iittala. Helsinki, Finlande, 2020.
CANADA — LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Director, Philippe Malouin Studio
J’ai habité plus jeune dans une maison qui comportait un grand atelier. J’y passais beaucoup de temps. J’ai toujours fabriqué des choses… Maintenant je les dessine. On arrive à dessiner des produits simples, qui ne sont pas trendy, mais attrayants. Je rêve de voir un design continuer de se vendre après ma mort. Peut-être un des produits de la collection Kuru pour Iittala ! Most proud !
Minimal Slow Techno
I live in London, my all-time favorite place in the world... Especially when I photoshop in the Los Angeles ocean and mountains on the horizon ! La « débrouillardise » London-Style, je l’ai hérité ! Je me plais à faire plus avec peu !
Respect envers Jasper Morrison et chapeau aux frères Ray and Charles Eames pour l’ensemble de leur œuvre.
Timeless, movable and constantly evolving, the Vitsoe Shelving System, designed in 1960 by Dieter Rams, is simply perfect and enviable! C’est le luminaire Gidlock, dessiné pour Roll & Hill, qui m’a fait connaître en 2010. 10 ans plus tard, j’ai la chance de travailler avec les plus grandes marques du monde. On va se le dire, c’est un stress et une responsabilité !
ISRAEL — MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Creative Director, Tenzer Inc.
↓ Image Fantasy Dress. 2014
An 11-year-old version of myself designed my mother’s dress, shoes & handbag for my brother’s Bar Mitzvah. Later, that same Avi would design an evening gown for President Jimmy Carter's First Lady, on official travel in Israel in 1979.
I am lucky to call both Canada and Israel, home. Born in Israel, my DNA is Polish, Egyptian, Israeli & Ukrainian and I bring my cultures & roots to my design, undeniably!
Rocket Man! Imagine being a rocket that could travel around the world and visit new planets, new places! I’d go for that!
As long as I find beaches such as in Tel Aviv, St. Maarten, Ibiza, Mykonos, I'll feel free, inspired and full of dreams. A real Pisces... Un poisson dans l'eau !
In my dreams, I share my mother’s Egyptian cuisine with guests Jim Morrison, Sex Pistols’ Johnny Rotten and the one and only David Bowie. What can I say... Music truly inspires me!
I quite envy the creator of the Louvre’s pyramid. In many people’s minds, it does not fit the space. To me, the old palace and the modern glass pyramid keep the space interesting, relevant and evolving. What a dream to see some of my signature styles shown in museums, such as the fantasy dress designed for the Jewish People Museum in Israel.
↓ Hôtel-boutique Crystal à Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo. ©Provencher_Roy.
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Interior Architect, Open Architectes
Jazz • Rock L’hôtel-boutique Crystal à Kinshasa représente, quant à moi, le projet phare de ma carrière. Il s’agit d’un concept travaillé en heureuse collaboration avec Provencher_Roy et Architecture 49 du Québec. L'élégance pure ! À mon aise en pyjamas ou en complets ? Ni l’un ni l’autre, ou les deux ensemble… maybe !
L’état d’esprit de ma pratique actuelle est d’être Open ! I admire Italian designer Davide Groppi and French architect Andrée Putman. Les valeurs de la Belgique se reflètent dans mon travail par le compromis, la mixité et le dialogue... avec une pointe d’absurde et toujours, toujours, avec élégance.
Soul • Folk Je prendrais plaisir à être un carnet de dessin afin de transmettre et de recevoir de nouvelles idées et découvertes...
Ah ! Je rêve de transformer le Palais de justice de Bruxelles et le libérer, enfin, de ses échafaudages. INTÉRIEURS 81
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de e u a n d e t la soi de p n ec gné le u v vir s a pa ichè r e né om M s n. n c , n a c e o ie cti a èr tm b » s éle ne n p Pu i a er es s eri mo rée m d i th à J’a mag Ca isis t An « fro ez cho a e ch ins bam v O
↓ Ken Spencer Science Park, Vancouver, Canada, 2013. Design & Photo by PFS Studio.
Be the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are Childhood road trips through the diverse landscape of where I grew up ignited a thirst for travelling and experiencing new places.
A dramatic natural landscape will always be inspiring! How I’d love to see my designs go down in history, loved and used by communities. You know, that spot you tell your secret society to meet up at! The Ken Spencer Science Park at Telus World of Science in Vancouver and the Hastings Park Master Plan and Empire Fields and the Plateau Sports Park in Vancouver too, put me on the map! I'm guessing some secret societies might have made it their sweet spot since!
My wildest dream is to teleport wherever, whenever! I’d settle for being a glider or an airplane! I’d have an eclectic and international playlist blasting. I'd go to all the mountaintops... overlooking oceans and endless plains or savannahs I could find!
Noam Chomsky, Jacinda Ardern and the late Robin Williams, be my guests! On the menu? A vegan traditional Persian dish. INTÉRIEURS 81
The Plan cover, Issue 125.
BOLOGNA, ITALY Founder & Editor-in-Chief, MAGGIOLI Group S.p.a.
FLAIR, GRIT & LOVE, LOVE, LOVE I made my mark and launched my career my founding THE PLAN with husband Nicola Leonardi in 2000.
20 years later, we manage a team of 25 some talents, subscribers from over 70 countries and distribution in 41 countries! Eight times a year, we publish three full editions in Italian, English and Chinese! Quite proud!
I find Michele De Lucchi’s designs meet the perfect balance between handicraft production and industrial design.
When I find myself at home, in Bologna, walking through the neighbourhood park with Nicola, breathing in the beautiful landscape of the Appenini just outside city center, I feel blessed!
As per masters of the past, il bravissimo Gio Ponti's architecture, industrial design and writings are an immense source of inspiration.
Girls’ night! Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, American singer Josephine Baker and me, l’Italiana! I’ll go Italian all the way and serve Passatelli in brodo as a tribute to my region and other nice dishes from my OTTOLENGHI multicultural cookbook. Speaking of “going all the way”… Let’s stop dreaming and start acting! Let’s meet the carbon emissions target set by the Paris Agreement! Subito!
Montréal, Québec, Canada B.Eng.M.Eng. MBA, President, Corev Immobilier - Le 1420 Boulevard Mont Royal
FastFood Walking through the streets of New York in awe of all the architecture as a younger lad definitely laid the path to where I am today… Converting historical buildings such as the 1420 Mont-Royal, Outremont convent, into high-end condos!
My strength ? Seizing the big picture ! My drive ? Uncommon challenges ! My mantra ? Nothing is that difficult !
↓ 1420 Mont-Royal, Outremont, Canada, 2020.
Oh Canada ! Ce sont les valeurs de diversité, de pérennité et de respect du Canada qui se reflètent dans mon travail. Côté inspirations, je nomme Moshe Safdie et Zaha Hadid. OK… jouons le jeu ! Un diner de rêve ? A McDonald's drive thru Value Meal with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Super-size my fries !
I’d go for being a comet and travelling into space … imagine the amazing perspectives!
& Philosophers Et quand je veux me faire plaisir, je franchis le seuil de porte de n’importe quelle vieille librairie et je suis heureux !
↓ Urban Forest, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2020. ©Marilyn Aitken.
COLOMBUS, OHIO, UNITED STATES Associate Professor, Knowlton School, Ohio State University
Morphing into a mythological figure like a unicorn or phoenix would be a promising prospect for me. Eternity would give me plenty of time to achieve all of my wishes and wants!
Full disclosure: I’d either gallop as a unicorn through the Bolivian high desert or soar like a phoenix over its mesmerizing infinity…
Renaissance Woman Landscape continuously inspires me.
I h ave g re a t a d m i ra t i o n fo r Suzanne Sauvage; a true role model for me. As president and CEO of the McCord Museum she has worked incessantly to make the museum an active and critical voice in the discussion on the future of Montréal and to promote Canadian and Québec history.
As the kind of Renaissance woman I aspire to be, she connects knowledge and art; she is informed, critical and has a beautiful sense of design. To an inspiring visionary, I say merci Suzanne.
While an appreciation for asphalt as an outstanding performer continues in my work, I’ve developed with time a critical attitude towards the ceaseless application of impervious surfaces that characterizes all our cities—be it buildings, sidewalks, streets or parking lots. I’ve come to view landscape architecture from a political stance and find it unethical to continue this practice at a time of great social unrest and climate change concerns.
ITALY — BRAZIL — ORLANDO, UNITED STATES Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder, Smart8 & Design for Winning
↓ Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni La Varram, Milan, Italy, 2014.
DESIGN IS A To think and design in a sustainable way. That is both what I most admire in my peers’ work and my current state of mind! Fascinated by sustainable design new solutions and managing the design processes, I find myself constantly learning. The last few years, I’ve been focusing on circular economic systems and new technologies to improve results in community living and working environments. I wish I could have thought of designing the Bosco Verticale, in Milano, Italia! Switzerland, Italia, Brazil … the World is full of wonderful places where I feel free and well!
I am Italian through my love of art, creativity, curiosity and immense respect for the power of art and design. Psst... Elegant clothes boost my inspiration! I am Brazilian through my love of nature and search for sustainability, as well as my sensual and poetic attraction to music and dance! Bauhaus all the way! Form follows function. Period.
↓ Big Table, Alain Gilles, Bonaldo, 2009.
The Shapes of Harmony
If I were an imperially elegant Arabian horse, I’d trot through history-telling Italian villages and live in gallop and bliss…
Stasera a cena? What a dream it would be to serve simple spaghetti alla Carbonara con Prosecco vino to Piervittorio Prevedello, Alain Gilles and Carlo Bartoli! I’d have nanny cams and mics set up to have proof on tape!
With Bonaldo, I’ve seen many original ideas submitted by designers become design icons. All praise for these unique talents and much pride in the products that have come to the light of day. To name a few...
by Piervittorio Prevedello 2004
by Fabrice Berrux 2018
OCTA by Bartoli Design
LOCK 2014
by Alessandro Busana 2017
by Karim Rashid 2006
by Paolo Grasselli 2018
by Giuseppe Viganò 2004
by Ryosuke Fukusada 2013
by Sergio Bicego 2017
by Mario Mazzer 2006
And drum roll... my all-time favorite, THE design icon I wish I could have thought of myself… BIG TABLE by Alain Gilles, 2009. Minimalism. Simplicity. Unerringly beautiful… INTÉRIEURS 81
MILAN, ITALY Publishing Coordinator, IFDM
Ah … To Be a Rockstar… My Italian teacher in high school once told me I COULD NOT write. Basically that I had no aptitude whatsoever for any career in the commercial sector.
“In life, you change.” Signed the Design Publishing Expert, just saying! I’ve learned to: Always close the circle. Always find the time to raise your head.
If a spell were cast on me, by all means, I’d wish to be transformed into my wife’s wallet. That way, I could be with my precious forever and wherever… From Pampelonne Beach in Ramatuelle, France, to the Moon and back!
I admire imperfect perfection and try not to be influenced by routine, trends or settings for that matter! There are no geographical boundaries in my mind… Only music! Led Zeppelin and Peter Gabriel, for those who wonder!
If I could live the dream, I’d have Albert Einstein, Peter Gabriel and Christopher Nolan over for dinner and serve them mozzarella di Bufala, risotto alla Milanese and a perfectly constructed airy, crispy, flaky millefeuille.
Make a little bad figure a day makes you back on Earth.
NEW YORK, UNITED STATES Principal Architect, Oppenheim Architecture
I’d have the most delicious green eggs and ham with Jay-Z, Frank Lloyd Wright and Dr.Seuss.
As a child, I remember sitting around my parent’s kitchen table with an architect designing our family’s dream home.
The Beastie Boys and Little Simz are with me these days while I work in a mix of PJs and suits. A Rick Owens jacket and shirt up top, and comfy shorts for my hidden-on-Zoom-video-calls bottom half! I’d describe my current design state of mind as future primitive! Oh … and I can make buildings disappear! The Ayla clubhouse in Jordan, where we shaped and formed the sand on site into a shelter, springs to mind. Building with the land, not on it. A great pride! Most of my architect mentors tried to convince me to choose another career path. The famous Morris Lapidus told me that architects are like mushrooms… they get dirty and kept in the s***! His words, not mine!
↑ Ayla Golf Academy, Aquaba, Jordan, 2018. ©Rory Gardiner.
VARESE, ITALY Architect, Journalist & Marketing Communicator, Edimotion
↓ Book Inside Out Design - Progetto CMR Antonella Bozzini, Milano, Italy, 2018.
Hear the Whispers of the Future Design is everywhere and must never be missing! There are no rules to design, only ingredients. Passion, trust and gratitude must never lack.
Shout out to my peers who turn normal objects into unusual and interesting pieces in more ways than one. The complex work of international branding and communication of CIFF, China International Furniture Fair launched my career. The book Inside Out Design for Progetto CMR epitomizes it! Santiago Calatrava is of great inspiration. The Mediopadana railway station in Reggio Emilia, Italy he designed is a marvel I wish we could have thought of myself!
I’d have a fantasy dinner date with the late and mostadmired Achille Castiglioni, Frank Lloyd Wright and Tamara de Lempicka any day of the week! I’d make them my linguini con scampi!
Italy is part of my knowhow. For sure, being Italian gives an imprint to my work in ways far larger than I am even aware of.
↓ CIFF International Press Conference, Shanghai, China, 2019.
VARESE, ITALY Architect, Journalist & Marketing Communicator, Edimotion
Keep Moving As a young boy, both my parents were architects and I would accompany them on construction sites with much fascination and natural interest. Design is value, communication is essential and thinking globally, important. With that in mind, being Editor-in-Chief of Habitat Officio magazine launched my career in this great creative industry. I’ve since been honoured to invite annually hundreds of professionals and journalists from all over the world to the China International Furniture Fair in Guangzhou and Shanghai, hosting activities and offering “global” business opportunities.
Bravo to Achille Castiglioni for designing the magnificent Arco lamp for Flos. Cheers to that! Over gin and tonic with Leonardo Da Vinci, Mies van der Rohe and Renzo Piano!
Italy is, 100%, hands down, no contest whatsoever, my all-time favorite place in the world! Can you blame me? I bring to my work so much of Italy’s values, I couldn’t even start to list them!
PERUGIA, ITALY President & Professor, BCPT Associati / Italian Association for Communication Design - AIAP
↓ Listone Giordano Arena. Milan, Italy, 2019.
“Authentity” I had a written test, in first grade in which I asserted I wanted to be a graphic designer! Thankfully, some things remain true.
May the force be with you! Ah… to become a Jedi knight!
I’ve worked for over 25 years, with my studio, on designing identities, especially regarding territorial branding. We’ve developed a design methodology that allows us to work on a specific concept we call “authentity”, a neologism that combines terms Authenticity and Identity. It seems to us, the second cannot exist without the first. Point blank!
My way of working is the result of an always international point of view. But I have chosen to live in my small city of origin, Perugia, in the heart of Italy’s green region where cities are small and have preserved their character and the urban structure they had centuries ago. Mine is a land that has nurtured great artists since the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The sense of balance and the search for perfection of form are aspects that I carry in my bloodstream.
I’d love to have Milton Glaser, Enzo Mari and Norman Potter for dinner. Three real changemakers disinclined to compromise on what they didn’t think was right.
ITALY — PARIS, FRANCE Journalist, Soon Luxury Magazine
On me disait souvent qu’une bonne règle à suivre comme journaliste était de regarder ce qui t’entoure. Si tu ne trouves rien de nouveau, c’est que tu n’as pas encore bien regardé et que tu devrais t’y pencher à nouveau. Mon pays, l’Italie, est reconnu pour le côté amical et extraverti de ces habitants et pour sa culture d’appréciation de la beauté et de l’art. Être connectée au monde, établir de belles relations, choisir souvent un aspect esthétique très beau, voilà comment les valeurs de mon pays se reflètent dans mon travail.
Je rêve de découvrir une île et d’y habiter dans la plus belle bioarchitecture jamais bâtie, où nature et habitation cohabitent sans s’envahir l'un ou l’autre.
J’ai confiance que le design peut agir en bon citoyen et respecter l’environnement.
Tango & Dance Right Through Your Life INTÉRIEURS 81
When I pump up the volume while working, I go all in! I go straight for tango, Brazilian vibes and Afroamerican 1970’s tunes!
La mia cena di fantasia? Comme il serait génial de servir des pâtes faites à la main, de l’asado et un bon vin italien… À Coco Chanel, Leonardo Da Vinci et Sophia Loren ! Rien de moins!
BEIRUT, LEBANON Professor - Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management Department American University of Beirut
Ah … my Grandmother’s loveliest garden… I look back upon these cherished memories and how they intertwine with my current state of mind:
Think small while looking at the big horizon.
↓ Syrian informal settlements, Bekaa Valley, Beirut, Lebanon, 2015.
If I were to morph into an object, I’d like to turn into a mirror and reflect to others their own images.
Be yourself, be independent, express your opinion… the rest is history!
In my dreams, My landscape architecture career had its jump-start I’d have gelato with with the international design workshop “e-scape transitional settlements”. As per its epitome… I’m still Albert Einstein. eagerly waiting for it! We'd roam the streets of I get easily inspired and Paris I absolutely love engaged. I like that about or those of San Francisco myself! Dall’Italia, I bring I dream of visiting to my work the sense of one day! beauty and the faith in friendship. I’d like to see my designs go down in history as able to upgrade the quality of life of the most deprived communities and admire my peers’ ability to read the complexity of a place.
Classical Music to Write, Jazz to Design 92
Composante Collection, Kotmo, 2020.
MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, CANADA Associate - Lead Sustainable Innovation, Kotmo
Je serais une chaise, Ado, j’avais fait des maquettes minutieusement pour mon cours d’économie sociale… À en impressionner le reste de ma classe ! À la sortie de l’université, ce sont mes années à la rédaction en chef du magazine INTÉRIEURS qui m’ont réellement fait connaître et au cours desquelles j’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer des professionnels du milieu et découvrir les talents créatifs du Québec. Merci Les Gadourys !
Je parlerai à mes enfants de Charlotte Perriand, grande femme qui a su faire sa place dans un monde d’hommes et qui a dessiné et signé des solutions toujours pertinentes et adaptées au mode de vie d’aujourd’hui.
Depuis, j’aspire à changer l’industrie des objets promotionnels tout en travaillant au monde meilleur. Kotmo étudie la matière utilisée, cherche à produire localement les idées et vise à offrir des objets pratiques, durables et design. La gamme de produits Composante pour laquelle nous avons réuni plusieurs talents créatifs ainsi que nos collaborateurs de partout au Québec, en est un exemple dont je suis fort fière ! A team committed to design a collection of products mirroring our realities in times of pandemic. Go team, go ! Trop facilement distraite, je travaille dans le silence et en mou, comme on dit ici ! PJs or sports gear, the comfy dress code is what I enjoy the most of my home office.
jamais seule... INTÉRIEURS 81
TORONTO, CANADA Consultant to the Design Industry in Canada, Tracy Bowie Projects
Feeling Grateful and Having Fun!
I just watched the Raymond Moriyama documentary “Magical Imperfection” and was so inspired by his history and body of work. I deeply admire Charles and Ray Eames and proudly own one of their pieces...
The Leg Splint Circa, 1946! It's one of my most prized possessions.
I always loved art especially LETTERS/FONTS. I used to always be in charge of bulletin boards all through school. I always knew I wanted to be part of a creative industry. Designers’ ability to take an idea and create something extraordinary fascinates me! I’ve made it my mission to market and promote their talents and I am most proud of having managed the IIDEX Canada trade show and conference from 1996 to 2016.
I simply love the collaborative story of the Canadian flag creation! It’s one of my all-time favorite objects and stories and I wish I could have thought of Toronto City Hall by Finnish architect Viejo Revell. A marvel!
I'd be happy to be a Boston Terrier and run around all day in Ontario's Algonquin Provincial Park... oh-so beautiful!
PIEDIMONTE MATESE, ITALY Certified Public Accountant & Auditor / Controller &W Chief Financial, Local Action Group (GAL) Alto Casertano Consortium
I remember it as if I were yesterday… Zurich. World-famous city of financial exchanges. The little Alessandro in me was impressed … to the core! Flash-forward to 1994, working in rural development and falling head over heels in love with the Leadership and Learning Career Development philosophy and integral development of the social and economic sectors in the weaker rural areas of the European Union. My current pride and joy: A transnational project with Germany, Moldova and Italy, aimed at cultural integration between younger generations of European citizens. I honestly think history will be written by the communities capable of reaching a higher state of well-being. Where the sea meets the land, where the ocean bathes the white sand, and where weather never reaches neither below 23, nor above 28 degrees … that’s where you’ll find me! If I’m lucky, I’ll be having pasta with seafood and … wait for it… Aglianico Reserve Grave Mora Fontanavecchia red wine with Le Corbusier, Boris Johnson and the Dalai Lama.
Ah… to be an infinite-size hard disk and accumulate knowledge about everything and forever…
Deep Yoga Breathing & Beer Italia… la mia casa, la mia storia… A culture rooted in over 2000 years of history. Home to Dante, Giotto, Leonardo, Michelangelo… Positively defining my sensitivity to harmony, beauty and philosophy. No doubt.
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