2024 Annual Report
AGC MEMBERSHIP BRINGS VALUe: advancing industry excellence and empowering your success
Your AGC membership provides value and opportunity extending beyond the many accomplishments and deliverables contained in this report. AGC is where ideas and passion intersect to advance the industry and keep your business on the cutting edge of what matters.
I am humbled and proud to lead a team of talented and passionate professionals who perform at the top of their game knowing what it takes to address the depth and breadth of issues facing our industry. As Your Trusted Resource, we measure ourselves by results. Whether you’re an established or emerging business, AGC provides the offensive firepower to deliver the results that keep you on the winning side of the scoreboard. This Annual Report makes clear that our reputation remains earned and well-deserved.
Among the many 2024 highlights, AGC brought forward and delivered impactful changes to underground utility location laws that will physically protect your workforce, and our efforts focused on industry-critical mental health challenges are positioned to advance worker well-being across the construction industry.
When you browse this report and consider the vast footprint your AGC membership carries, I hope you feel inspired and a sense of pride and belonging.
Thank you for your AGC membership and the affirmation that we have earned your continued trust to promote and protect the AGC brand.
We remain Your Trusted Resource.
Tim Worke CEO

As Your Trusted Resource, we measure ourselves by results.
events & Networking

The 2024 AGC Golf Tournament was a resounding success, with a sold-out roster of participants coming together for a day of camaraderie, friendly competition, and support for scholarship recipients, who received their scholarship checks at the luncheon. The event featured perfect weather, great networking opportunities, and a lively atmosphere that showcased the best of our membership. Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, or sponsored the tournament!
Education on trending issues, connections with industry peers
Whether you were in need of expert perspectives on legislative changes that affect the construction industry, economic forecasting for the national or local economy, or simply the chance to catch up with your peers over a round of golf or a cold beverage, AGC of Minnesota had you covered in 2024. With ample opportunities throughout the year to connect, engage, network, and learn, AGC is Your Trusted Resource.

regional networking receptions
AGC holds quarterly member networking receptions around the state. They’re always a wonderful time of getting reconnected!

Summer mini summit
In July, AGC members heard from agency leadership and member attorneys on the impacts and concerns of new legislative changes.

economic forecast event
We welcomed AGC of America’s Chief Economist, Ken Simonson for a look at trajectories in the national and local construction economies.
legislative advocacy
the united voice of the minnesota construction industry

a victory for safety
Worker Safety and Underground Utility Bill Signed Into Law
On May 15, 2024, Governor Walz signed AGC-led worker safety and underground utility damage prevention legislation into law. The language was included in the transportation policy bill, which received broad bipartisan support and unanimous support in the Senate.
These comprehensive changes to MN’s excavation law represent the first modernization in over thirty years. AGC contractors and other contractor partners were united with the expressed goals of increasing safety of our workers and the public by providing accurate utility information and enhanced communication between contractors, project owners, and utility owners.
The updates to Chapter 216D improve the quality of mapped underground utilities by leveraging technology that didn’t exist when the statutes were written. Geospatial location of newly installed underground lines will be required beginning in 2026 to accurately document a line’s vertical and horizontal placement.
Thank you to all of our AGC across the finish line

hard work by many stakeholders pays off in finalized legislation
AGC is grateful for the years of advocacy by contractors (particularly John Hass, Veit), the leadership of our legislative authors (Representative Larry Kraft and Senator John Hoffman) and the support from Ramsey County Commissioner Nicole Frethem, the full legislature, and Governor Walz. Rep. Kraft (pictured right) was tireless in his efforts to gain consensus from dozens of groups to propel the bill to a successful green vote.
highlighting the need for work zone safety
to talk about the importance of infrastructure investments and keeping workers safe in work

agc highlights traffic safety in 2024 legislative priorities
Legislators tackled traffic safety issues in 2024, including establishing work zone pilot projects using speed safety cameras supported by AGC. The focus on traffic safety stems from a massive post-pandemic jump in speeding and speed-related traffic fatalities. At least two, but no more than four, trunk highway work zone pilot programs with speed safety cameras will begin in late 2025.

AGC members and allies for helping to push this critical legislation
line to change our excavation law for the first time in decades!
Director of Government Affairs Laura Ziegler joined Lt. Governor Flanagan and state leaders
zones. Pictured with Laura is Joe Fowler of LIUNA, MnDOT officials including Commissioner Nancy Daubenberger, Lt. Gov. Flanagan, Representative Frank Hornstein, Senator Scott Dibble, Representative Leigh Finke, and Lt. Mike Lee of the MN State Patrol.
LABOR & LEGAL services
AGC of Minnesota’s Labor and Legal department supports its members and the industry by serving the relationships with the basic trade unions, advising of employment legal changes, providing Minnesota specific form construction contracts that have become the “gold standard” for the industry, supporting legislative advocacy, and offering events on legal and labor issues.
Facilitating negotiations for new and renewing collective bargaining agreements
In 2024 we reached new agreements in North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota markets. The major Minnesota building labor agreements come due in Spring of 2025, and L&L already has begun meeting with members and unions to prepare, and planning its kickoff event.
Members perennially mention labor needs and training as a top concern in AGC’s annual assessment, and the L&L Department created meetings to help delve deeper into these issues and create solutions. Highlights include a meeting in 2024 about apprenticeship needs, training, availability, and solutions with Carpenters’ Highway Heavy contractors; and meetings with the City of Rochester and Mayo Clinic about worker availability and affects on labor markets with the planned development in Mayo facilities and related infrastructure.
Technology is another big issue raised in the annual assessment. Contractors met with the Operating Engineers this year to watch a demonstration of an autonomous roller by the manufacturer and to begin discussions about how technology can enhance, leverage, and preserve industry work.

updated to comply with legislative changes
AGC of Minnesota again updated its Minnesota form construction contracts because of new laws in 2024 that impose penalties and liabilities when a contractor inadvertently contracts with a subcontractor who fails to meet a litany of tests. Among the updates is a new addendum that can be used with any contract—including ConsensusDocs or AIA—that helps the contractor perform due diligence under the new laws and helps subcontractors demonstrate early that they comply with new laws.

New & Improved platform for contracts and BA Forms
AGC invested in a new platform that hosts both its form construction contracts and its labor forms to become signatory with a union (BA/TBB Form). The new website, agcmncontracts.com, is more dependable, easier to use and administer, and enables new features that, over time, we hope to expand.

payment program addendum helps small contractors
The contracts committee updated its prompt payment addendum due to caselaw developments, and in 2024 began working with AGC’s Legislative Department to overcome public owners’ acceptance of paying for work in a timely manner. This prompt payment program is a huge help to small specialty subcontractors.
safety services

welcoming stacy ARNOLD
In 2024 we welcomed AGC’s new Director of Safety and CHASE, Stacy Arnold. With years of experience in construction and a passion for creating collaborative cultures of safety, Stacy hit the ground running.

CHASE reaches 58 contractors
Between annual contractor audits, new applicants, and 26 CHASE Partnership projects in 2024, Stacy spends much of her time in the field helping contractors’ continually improve their Safety Programs.
AGC Safety Committee relaunched
CHASE COMMITTEE hard at work
Open to all members, the AGC Safety Committee meets from October to May to discuss top of mind safety issues and share best practices.
The CHASE Committee has been busy this year, reviewing the Partnership agreement with MNOSHA and proposing opportunities for improvements.
AGC SAFETY department launches mentoring initiative
Available through the AGC Safety Committee, the new Safety Mentoring Program pairs seasoned safety professionals with emerging safety leaders, offering 1:1 sessions in which mentees can ask safety-related questions, gain constructive feedback, learn industry best practices, and have someone to aid in accountability for professional development goals.
If you are interested in receiving mentorship or becoming a mentor, please contact Stacy Arnold.
69% Safer jobsites
In 2023, Construction Health And Safety Excellence (CHASE) Contractors achieved a collective average incident rate of 1.22, making CHASE Contractors’ jobsites 69% safer than the Minnesota average rate of 3.9.
CHASE RECOGNITION EVENT honors the work done by CHASE general and specialty contractor members

There was a lot to celebrate regarding the success of the CHASE program in 2024! The stellar 1.22 average incident rate, the growth of the program to 58 contractors (including our first WBE/DBE contractor!), the launch of the CHASE Committee made up of contractor members, and impressive numbers across the board for CHASE contractors performing employee orientations, weekly safety meetings, and weekly safety inspections.
At this year’s Recognition Event, CHASE members were treated to an inspiring, standing-room-only presentation by Dr. Charlie Cartwright titled “Safety is About Culture, NOT Policy,” which highlighted the need for company cultures of belonging where physical and psychological safety flourishes.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

MBE members give back: Community service and promoting construction careers
Hyon Kim of MN Best, Inc. presented to the youth of the Girls & Boys Club Twin Cities’ Great Futures Fair regarding career opportunities in the construction industry.
In 2024, the first MBE member firm participated in the CHASE Program
participation by the first MBE member firm in the leadership blueprint program
MBE Member firms increase their participation and outreach within the association
2024 was the year to noticeably bridge the gap between all things AGC of Minnesota and our Minority Owned Business (MBE) member firms. One of Yolanda McIntosh’s goals, since joining the AGC team, has been to ensure that MBEs would have fair access to participate in the broad spectrum of benefits that AGC offers at a more prominent level. From classes, programs, committees, events, and the AGC Board of Directors, our MBE member firms have taken their membership to the next level through their active participation,
diversity of services, inclusion in strategic priorities

early pay addendum a win for small business enterprises
Created by the AGC Legal and Legislative Departments, the Early Pay Addendum for Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) is designed to recognize significant barriers in the construction industry that deter participation and development of SBEs, including cash flow challenges when a SBE subcontractor incurs cost performing its duties and does not receive payment in a timely manner.
Outreach on topics of diversity, mental health
Yolanda is most often found presenting, whether to members, student groups, community organizations, trade events, or the general public. You’ll find her encouraging teams to embrace diversity and promote inclusive environments, educating young people on psychological safety and suicide prevention, and championing careers in the construction industry.

yolanda honored with award
As a result of her dedication and commitment to creating pathways to success for youth within the Boys & Girls Club Twin Cities, Yolanda McIntosh received their Champion for Kids Award this year.
mental health
AGC brings training on mental health awareness and suicide prevention to members
Now in its second year, VitalCog Training has been used to train 94 member employees as certified VitalCog gatekeepers.
Yolanda McIntosh, AGC’s Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, is certified in Construction Gatekeeper Training, a curriculum by VitalCog. This training is the first nationally-recognized certified training program in suicide prevention in the workplace designed specifically for the construction industry. VitalCog in Construction Gatekeeper Training is designed to cultivate a construction industry community of workers and employees who aspire to eliminate the devastating impact of suicide within their companies. AGC of Minnesota is the first entity certified in Minnesota that offers this training. Contact Yolanda if you would like to have your workers and employees take this crucial training.

Yolanda works tirelessly to educate and inspire on the topics of mental health awareness and suicide prevention! This year, Yolanda also delivered the keynote address for the United Survivors International Lived Experience Collective Convening at the Minneapolis Convention Center, sharing from her personal experience.

Yolanda’s personal stories really helped get the point across on how serious this issue really is. I enjoyed learning more about this and how to handle everything.
- VitalCog training participant

https://constructionmentalhealthmn.org add your name to the mental health & wellbeing commitment

AGC was a sponsor of the 3rd annual Summit on Mental Health in Construction, where participants united in commitment to prioritize mental health and create a safer, healthier industry for all. Topics included discussions on responding to traumatic injuries, mental health crises, overdoses, and suicide in the construction workplace. Participants had the opportunity to take on-site training on suicide prevention through VitalCog in Construction and VA S.A.V.E., and to sign the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commitment, indicating their personal dedication to the transformation of the construction industry. 12.03.24 sign the pledge
Professional Development

welcoming jenny Moore
In September 2024, AGC welcomed Jenny Moore as the new Director of Professional Development & Outreach. Jenny will be leading our three professional development programs, allowing us to continue serving our current students and alumni. In addition, Jenny is forming stronger relationships with AGC student chapters at higher education locations throughout the state.
leadership development happens with intention, in community.
For over a decade, AGC has provided professional development programs designed to cultivate leaders in the earliest stages of their careers and help them progress to the next level. Our latest offerings continue this development trajectory all the way to C-suite execs. The secret sauce in each of the programs? Peer networking and relationship building.

The 2024-2025 Leadership Blueprint Cohort
AGC’s flagship leadership development program is celebrating its 11th year and has welcomed 23 emerging leaders who will focus on developing their communication and interpersonal skills critical to leadership in the construction industry. Throughout the years, AGC of MN has seen 150 students complete Leadership Blueprint and this number continues to grow. The program’s success continues to inspire and shape the next generation of construction leaders, solidifying its reputation as a cornerstone of professional growth and excellence.
AGC developed a new program this year for middle management leaders that aims to take the fundamentals learned in Leadership Blueprint and elevate them to the next level. AGC will host the inaugural cohort starting in January 2025 with 18 member employers represented. This initiative represents a significant step in supporting leaders as they transition into more complex and influential roles within their organizations. We look forward to seeing this program flourish and grow as a pillar of AGC’s professional development opportunities, empowering mid-career professionals to make a lasting impact in their field.
AGC’s Executive Circle is designed to serve our C-suite leadership by taking them offline and away from working in their business so they can focus on working on their business. The intimate group is given the opportunity to network and learn together for 6 months by focusing on relevant topics that affect the most experienced leaders: Leadership, Vision, People, Communication, Operations, and Technology. To date, 37 Executive Leaders have completed the program, and we look forward to hosting another cohort in 2025.
Supervisory Training Program (STP)
classes equip field leadership
Led by Matthew Semerad, this comprehensive 6-unit program focuses on the knowlege and skills that every supervisor must have in order to be an effective manager of people, time, equipment, and materials.
Every STP course is activity-based, with discussions, case histories, problems, and exercises. Participants in STP courses draw upon their field experience and learn by interaction with others from all areas of the industry.

agc of minnesota foundation
equipping minnesota’s future construction workforce

banner year for scholarship distribution sporting clays fundraiser hits the mark for scholarship funds!
What a year for the AGC of Minnesota Foundation, as over $34,000 was distributed in scholarships to students pursuing careers in construction managemeent, civil engineering, and other construction careers! Through the generosity of the McCrossan Family, the Engelsma Family Foundation, Kraus-Anderson Insurance, as well as through our fundraisers, we continue to offer quality scholarships to support the current and future construction workforce.

taylor sebesta of Egan Company prepares to shoot at the 2024 sporting clays fundraiser
Thank you to the many shooters, sponsors, and committee members who made the 25th annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser such a success this year!
Participants tried their luck at the annual raffle and silent auction to win one of four shotguns, along with many other fabulous items!
New KRAFT construction scholarship = First Endowment scholarship for foundation
This year, AGC of Minnesota Foundation is excited to announce a new partnership with the Kraft Family for the upcoming scholarship season with the first Endowment Scholarship offered for our students and future recipients: The Kraft Construction Scholarship!
2024 charles McCrossan scholarship
recipient takudzwa bosha with Tom McCrossan

Kraus-Anderson Insurance scholarship
Donated in honor of Dennis Diessner’s retirement from Kraus-Anderson Insurance, funds from this scholarship were dispersed for the first time in 2024. This year’s recipient, Garrett Johnson (L) shakes hands with Dennis Diessner (R) at the golf tournament.

Award Recognition at AGC HONORS

Lifetime achievement & SRI Awards
Al Gerhardt was honored with the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award, and Mark Ziegler received the 2024 Skill-Responsibility-Integrity (SRI Award. Both of these men have exemplified courageous leadership in their respective firms, and a tireless commitment to improving the Minnesota construction industry.
agc honors 2024 recognizes personal, company achievement
In January we gathered to honor the achievements of several individuals, and the heights that member firms have achieved in the areas of jobsite safety, inclusive workplaces, and stunning bridge projects.

Employees of Bush Companies celebrate being named the 2024 Diverse Business of the Year, one of the 2024 DEI Awards.

The Jeff Jensen Memorial Construction Safety Excellence Awards are given each year to three contractors with stellar safety records, based on three categories of work hours reported. The team at Meyer Contracting poses here with their award.
The MnDOT-AGC Bridge Awards are presented each year for three bridge projects in three categories. Each nominated projected is field reviewed and evaluated by a panel of MnDT and industry representatives.

the industry event of the year covers critical topics affecting construction in Minnesota
With keynotes on leadership in times of crisis and strategies for succesfully transitioning your construction business, as well as 24 breakout sessions on wide-ranging topics relevant to the industry, the 2024 Minnesota Construction Summit was the place to be for education, inspiration, and networking. Thanks to the many attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and industry partners who made it such a success!