Abbey Gate College - The Saightonian; Winter issue 2023

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As the end of any year approaches, it is natural to find oneself a little more reflective than usual. Half a year ago we published our last ‘Saightonian’ and the months in between have seen further headlines about escalating climate concerns, as well as a daily narrative about violence, conflict, and hurt around the world. For all of us as parents, this is not a reassuring context for our children to be growing up with; especially given that a global pandemic and international lockdowns are still very fresh in everyone’s memories from only the start of this decade. There is a saying: “Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.” And indeed, I am reminded of Voltaire’s conclusion at the end of his literary masterpiece, ‘Candide’, in the mid-1700s; having satirised and lamented a state of world - which was characterised by suffering, hypocrisy, intolerance, greed, and cruelty - he closed with a recommendation to focus only on what we can achieve in our immediacy, and to make the best of that: “il faut cultiver notre jardin.” This is very much our approach at Abbey Gate College. Our values of Self, Service, and Sustainability give us all a profound sense of life purpose, on a resilient foundation of Courage and Compassion. Our Open Day in September was booked out, with a waiting list, and our Admissions Office has been extremely busy with enquiries and personal tours for families, who are looking for an educational experience that pro-actively promotes kindness, inclusion, responsibility, community, and personal excellence. Working shoulder to shoulder with our students is how we are every day, as together we progress initiatives, ideas and learning. This includes focused groups within our College, as well as meaningful partnerships with schools in the locality; exemplified this term by a regular programme of performing arts involvement with primary schools and care homes, plus hosting and organising an inaugural conference for secondary sustainability groups. Ours is a positive, change-making, and constructive mindset, on a basis of realistic optimism and hope. The giant pumpkin that sat on our top step earlier this term - before it was donated to local kitchens for cooking was a tiny seed to begin with; look at what can be achieved with care, nurture and attention… As we all head into Christmas, it would be nice to open a headline and read about Peace on Earth. This begins with us and deserves our continued advocacy. Thank you for all of your support this term in everything from social events to floods! My family and I wish you good health, rest, and cherished moments this holiday season.

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