Together - Latest news from Against Breast Cancer Autumn 2022

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together againstb Witney in Pink back for 2022! Could you model for us? Splash of Pink returns for 2022 Page 8 Page 14-15Page 12 the‘Topplingcrown’ Scientists discover apotential new markerto therapypersonalisedforbreastcancer Page 4

3 Leaving a gift in your Will Where there’s a Will, there’s a way to create a future free from breast cancer. Visit our dedicated webpage to find out more. Writeyourwill forFREE By CancerAgainstrememberingBreastinyourWill,yourlegacycouldhelptocreateafuturefreefrombreastcancer.

Confidence in her post-mastectomy body and the courage to embracelosing her hair got Clare throughbreast cancer treatment

Clare diagnosedwas with breast cancer in May 2021 aged 39. Here she explains how confidence and cancerduringempoweredcourageherherbreasttreatment.

I had a mastectomy that September followed by a full axillary clearance six weeks later and I recovered quite quickly and felt well.

Above you will see a professional, black and white, photo of Clare displaying her mastectomy scar with one hand covering her remaining breast. It was such a shock but I maintained a calm positive approach to the whole thing.

Even though losing my breast was hard I looked at myself In the mirror and told myself ‘it’s ok you still look great and you’re still you’. Afterwards I did a topless photoshoot to boost my confidence and to show off my mastectomy scar.

The lump came out of nowhere and was very big. My doctor sent me for an ultrasound and then a biopsy. Two months later I was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma breast cancer.

Your Stories

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I have finished active treatment and I am now cancer free. I am on Tamoxifen for the next ten years, and getting better bit by bit.

This was not only for me but to raise awareness, raise money and to promote body confidence after breast cancer treatment. To prove to other women you can still look fantastic, sexy and confident, and to be proud of who you are.

“I actually love my body more now than I did before and if I can empower more woman to feel the same way I did.”

“I had people say to me ‘how do you do that? I wish I had your courage’ and I just told them you can do it.”

Following this was chemotherapy. The thought of losing my hair was daunting but on my daughter’s tenth birthday on the 13th December my husband shaved it all off, and I felt amazing afterwards really liberated and great in myself.

Against Breast Cancer 7

In a way i’m so grateful for the cancer as it’s completely changed my life. I live for now, to the fullest and I want to help women feel beautiful, normalise mastectomies and raise money to one day find a cure and to save lives.

I had six cycles of chemo between November and March. It was gruelling and hard going but I carried on embracing the bald look, going to restaurants and walking outside. Sure people stared, it was hard to see, but I just had to ignore and hold my head up high. I had people say to me ‘how do you do that? I wish I had your courage’ and I just told them you can do it. Clare post-treatment, smiling. I’ve adopted a positive mindset all the way through everything, it’s been the only way I could get through it. I’ve made jokes, made funny dancing dress up videos with my daughters, Amelia and Eve, fundraised and supported other friends of mine who are also battling whilst going through my own journey. Cancer is serious enough without taking it seriously that’s why my positivity has shone through.

I actually love my body more now than I did before.

If I can empower more women to feel the same way I did it would be fantastic, as they all deserve to look at themselves and feel beautiful and that the scars are a testament to bravery, power and strength.

together - Autumn 2022 8 Street Collection Tombola Cake Stall Street Entertainment and much more! Raising money for AGAINST BREAST CANCER funding research into the spread of secondary breast cancer. Registered Charity Number 1121258 JeanProudlysponsoredbyDixonandOQEMALtdTownSaturdayWitneyinPink24SeptemberCentre,from10am Text WITNEYINPINK to 70085 for a one-off £5 donation.

Against Breast Cancer Are you orstreameragamer? Do you spend time on Twitch and want to use your skills to raise money for #breastcancerawarenessmonth Join the army of online fundraisers beating breast cancer with gaming and streaming. Visit toget-involved/! SUPPORTING Breast CancerAwareness Month 2022 #abcbcam2022


We are asking those of you that hold one of our partner’s cartridge recycling boxes to please allow members of the public to drop off and donate their cartridges during your working hours and help the charity raise additional valuable funds. If you would like more information or would like to sign up for the scheme, please contact abc@ is one of Europe’s leading companies specialising in the management and recycling of used printer cartridges and have extensive experience in providing a very simple yet fully managed service throughout the UK. With full regulatory compliance they can give you the peace of mind that your waste cartridges are being dealt with in the appropriate way whilst raising funds for our vital research into secondary spread breast cancer. Thank you for your continued support.

We are excited to announce that our recycling partner for printer cartridge recycling is launching a new way of recycling cartridges. Ink and Toner will be launching an interactive map where supporters will be able to drop off their cartridges for recycling in aid of Against Breast Cancer. This will appear on their relaunched website

together - Autumn 2022 Ink and Toner

It’s time to bin your bra!

Our bra recycling scheme takes your unwanted or unloved bras through our network of bra banks that raises vital funds for our pioneering breast cancer research.

Against Breast Cancer 11

The same bras also help to support small businesses in developing countries in Africa and around the world. Together with our recycling partners, our textile recovery project prevents these bras going into landfill before giving them a new lease of life in countries such as Togo, Ghana and Kenya, where bras remain expensive to produce locally.

To find out where your nearest bra bank is for your unwanted bras or more information on our bra recycling scheme, please click here.

Could youmodel for us? Are you a buddingmodel? Do youlive near our HQin Abingdon?If so, we would liketo hear from you! We are refreshing our image library and require new models, to find out more about this voluntary opportunity please email with the words ‘Model for Us’ in the subject title.

Abingdon Marathon is scheduled to run on 23rd October 2022. event organisers are looking for marshals for the day to help steward the race. marshals start around 9am and finish no later than 2pm depending on your Signpreference.uptovolunteer charity


and don’t forget to choose us as your

to support as we receive a donation for everyone that signs up for Against Breast Cancer. We truly appreciate your support Please contact if you have any questions

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Volunteering, can you help?


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In July Abingdon turned pink with businesses and local supporters getting involved with our annual Splash of Pink. The event was sponsored by Slade Legal, Artisan Print & Sign Solutions and the Kings Head and Bell. The day was a great sucess with families enjoying the games, getting their face painted and much Fionamore.

Our ‘Best Pink Window Competition’ was judged by Cllr Briggs and Willows Shake Shop were the lucky winners. They were awarded with a trophy to display until our 2023 event and a lovely bottle of champagne.

Frost showed us her skills once again by baking the most amazing cakes for her stall, it sold out! We were once again entertained by some amazing acts including; Ashna American Tribal Style Belly Dancing, Mr Hemmings Traditional Abingdon Morris Dancer and Strawberry Fayre Majorettes to name just a few. back for 2022!

Against Breast Cancer

Your Stories

I found a lump in my right breast just after I’d stopped breastfeeding my second son in 1990. I went to the doctor and found it was fine, fortunately it was just a cyst and nothing had to be done. But I remember how awful I felt being in that room waiting for the result.

A positive attitude, good sense of humour and a chance encounter with a painting by Rembrandt helped Susie throughher breast cancer treatment

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Against Breast Cancer 17 I had started my business, which is organic feminine hygiene products, in 1989 and in 1993 I found out about research at Middlesex Hospital. I thought there was something we could do to help raise funds, and I went along and I met the founders of Against Breast Cancer, they were fantastic people. The painting ‘Bathsheba at Her Bath’ by Rembrandt, a painting said to depict breast cancer on the model’s left breast. As it worked out, we weren’t really big enough at that point to do anything to help. But I had quite a lot of connections with them and when I went up to visit, I remember as I was coming out of the laboratory there was this painting – Bathsheba at Her Bath – on the wall and I thought how unusual to have this Rembrandt painting on your wall. “Why have you got that painting on the wall?” I asked, and Anthony Leathem said “because I use this for my teaching.” If you look at Rembrandt’s partner (Hendrickje Stoffels, who was used as the model for the biblical figure Bathsheba), Rembrandt always painted what he saw, and he showed me these ripples on the breast. And he said “I could tell from that this is early signs of breast cancer.” Rembrandt always painted what he saw, and he showed me these ripples on the breast. And he said “I could tell from that this is early signs of breast cancer.” I always remembered that painting and that conversation. I’ve brought it up in lots of different conversations, some not even related to breast cancer.

Fast forward to 2019 and I was in the garden. I was using the clippers and I couldn’t get enough force on. So I put one of the long arms of the clippers under my arms. I thought oh, that didn’t feel very good and it was a bit sore. I ignored it because I thought that was a bit of a stupid thing to do.

My husband and I then went on holiday to Ibiza. We stayed in the middle of the island on this lovely organic farm. I was swimming a lot because there was a lovely fresh water pool there. As I was putting my bikini top on, I thought oh, that looks strange. I didn’t notice that before. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older or something. But it preyed on my mind because I was thinking about the Rembrandt painting. So in the end I phoned my doctor, saw the practice nurse and two weeks later got an appointment at the breast cancer unit. When I walked in I remembered how I’d felt when I went the first time. I went on my own. I didn’t go with my husband. I don’t even think I told my husband I was going. I didn’t want to concern him because he would have been majorly concerned. I didn’t even tell my kids. I didn’t want anybody stressing about it. They did a scan and then a mammogram. Then they called me back in and said “we need to do another because what we could see on the ultrasound, we couldn’t see on the mammogram.”

together - Autumn 2022 18 And I thought, “Wow”. I went in and had another mammogram but I’m thinking, “What can you see on the ultrasound?” I went in and the consultants said “we can see a couple of lumps, but they’re right at the back of your chest. So that’s why you couldn’t feel anything.” I had a biopsy a month later and it was literally two days before I flew to Japan for a presentation. I do not recommend taking on a long haul flight after having a biopsy because it’s very painful at altitude.

The surgeon came in afterwards, who was my original consultant and said that they got all of the tissue out and of course they took a lymph node out. I had an infection in the lymph gland. I went back in order for them to remove the liquid and it was fine, the wound started to heal really well.

Fortunately I only needed to have radiotherapy. I didn’t need chemo because it was in situ breast cancer. I also have to take oestrogen blockers because it was oestrogen positive.

Preparing for radiotherapy in March 2020, I had no idea about how it would impact me at all. In recent years, I had started to become a little bit claustrophobic. No idea why. I used to travel on the underground all the time. So I’m worrying now, an MRI scan is quite stressful for me, but it was OK. The machine was different. The staff were fantastic. I’m not a fan of tattoos. My dad had a tattoo on his arm and for some reason I just didn’t like it. And of course the first thing you get when you go and have radiotherapy are tattoos. So I have three tattoos, one on both sides and one in the middle because that’s how they line up the ‘death ray’. They use a laser beam type thing to make sure that you’re aligned so that they’re actually targeted. It was targeted radiotherapy, which is brilliant. They’re not zapping your whole body. Because of COVID, the nurses were so stressed they couldn’t get out to go shopping, by the time they got off their shifts, there was no food left on the shelves. So I got my husband to pop over to Waitrose to get a huge bag of food so that my

I called the radiotherapy machine the ‘death ray’, which is probably inappropriate. It was just comedy for me. My whole family have always treated things with humour. My mum used to be a nurse. So we tended to treat everything with humour because that’s the most positive way of dealing with things.

My husband went with me for the biopsies. I came back and when I was called back into the hospital they said “we think it’s either a grade one or grade two.” I think it was two centimetres and I thought that’s quite large. How could I not feel something that’s two centimetres large? I went in on Christmas Eve to remove the lump for what they said would be a quick operation. When I saw the consultant, he said it’s only an hour and a half and you’ll be a day patient, you’ll be fine. I said “I react badly to anaesthetic. I end up in the recovery room a long time. The last time I had any surgery was as an over overnight patient.” And the doctor said “that’s because they give you the cheap stuff when you’re overnight because they know they’re going to keep you in a night. We give you the good stuff and that’s all OK.

I went in for the surgery Christmas Eve. I think it was 1:30. And sure enough, I woke up to the brass band playing on Christmas morning, and I was the only one on the ward. I did react really badly to the anaesthetic – I had sickness and I couldn’t get oxygen.

I think the whole process was one of almost happy incidents that I’d had this fabulous first meeting with Dr Leathem, and that always stayed with me through this image, through this painting and it was just weird, that what she had, I had.

30 years on from her introduction to the charity, Susie’s company Natracare, which provides organic feminine hygiene products, is supporting Against Breast Cancer this Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 2022 with a fundraising pack that will raise £10,000 for our research into secondary spread breast cancer. The original ‘Bathseba at Her Bath’ is kept at the Louvre in Paris.

But I’m living life as if it’s not coming back. I had such a positive outcome that I have to just put my trust that if the worse happens that you know the systems exist, the science and the research is going forward.

Against Breast Cancer 19 oncology nurse had something to cook when she got home. I think the relationship that you build with your oncologist is quite important in making you feel safe and secure.

All through COVID, I zapped my garden. That was my recovery, I probably did too much because when I say zap, I really mean like heavy duty. Lots of ripping and digging and planting and it’s quite a big garden. But that was really important for my mental wellbeing. I’ve had friends who in their early 30s had breast cancer, and they’re still with us, thank goodness. And I’ve known people who have not survived breast cancer. The other thing that stays in your memory is not all cancers are the same and not all cancers are a death sentence.

Going forward, I’m still taking oestrogen blockers. I was worried about losing more of my hair but that didn’t happen. I didn’t have night sweats. My joints are quite arthritic, but I’m still in the garden a lot and just keep going. I walked a lot for my recovery from my surgery. I live in the countryside and it’s quite hilly, but it was really important in my recovery. So I walked for almost two hours every day. It was so important because the breast cancer was on my left side. That meant that I had to do special breathing exercises to protect my lungs and my heart from the radiotherapy. When I was walking I had a few palpitations but that’s not unusual for me. There was breathlessness and tiredness but I walked through it. I was mindful to be as aware as possible of any changes that might have happened after the radiotherapy, but the breathlessness and the twinges cleared up, although I still get twinges in my wound.

I had to carry that positive side with me and I really had total confidence and trust in the systems that were around me – the Macmillan nurses, the Breast cancer clinic at Southmead Oncology in Bristol, each of those individual nurses I saw. They did everything to make me feel as if I had control in all these processes and that I thought was really essential in knowing that you’re in good hands.

I’m recovered. I got through that. But always at the back of your mind there is that beautiful painting that inspired me to act.

You really still have to continue to be vigilant and be aware that it could come back and it could come back in a different place.

The team at Nuvola Distribution took on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge and raised over £2,500 to help fund our ground-breaking research. Rachel Akers at Nuvola Distribution told us: “We wanted to choose a smaller, local charity to know the money raised was going to really make a Breastdifference.Cancer is unfortunately present in a lot of people's lives, with one of our members of staff's mother recently undergoing treatment and my husband's aunt passing away from this only a few weeks ago in July. We wanted to give ourselves a huge challenge in order to justify the sponsorship we were asking for, and certainly found this in the Y3P challenge. The last 5 miles were especially hard, physically and Thementally!team was amazing, we had a great laugh and the views were absolutely stunning. It was an amazing experience for us all! “


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Nuvola Distribution complete the Yorkshire 3 Peaks

GroupFundraisingAngelsCharityUK Book now for the

A thankmassiveyou

Against Breast Cancer 21

During this years Henley Regatta Charity Angels UK held a fundraising event that was attended by 60 people. They spent a beautiful day on the River Thames. They were also blessed with stunning weather, great food and wonderful entertainment from Al Vosper. The event raised a fantastic £2,800, helping us fund our ground-breaking research into secondary spread breast cancer. to event!next

together - Autumn 2022 Is it time for a “ staycation ” challenge? With costs soaring and showing no sign of slowing down, the thought of a charity challenge might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, what if we told you that you could take on a 2023 active challenge with us, right here in the UK for as little as £15? We have places in lots of challenges up and down the country. Half marathons, winter walks and summer rides to name a few. Why not build your next holiday around an active challenge and visit somewhere new in 2023? Here is just a taste of the UKavailablechallengesthiscomingyear

Isle of Wight Challenge 29 April 2023

Ben Nevis Trek 7 July 2023

Walk off the Christmas celebrations, and kick start your New Year fitness regime! There are full marathon & half marathon options, both starting & finishing at The Oval Cricket Ground. Take in highlights of the Thames, its historic bridges, and many of the Capital’s key landmarks. Families are welcome and there’s a free winter bobble hat & neck buff with a special medal and hot food at the finish.

It’s the big one, conquer Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the United Kingdom! The adventure begins in the heart of the breath-taking Western Highlands of Scotland at Fort William. Your trail to the summit is not technically difficult, but trekking will be strenuous – stamina and determination are a must. The stunning views of the highlands will be with you all the way and provide a fantastic backdrop to this epic weekend adventure.

The Grand Brighton Half Marathon is one of the first major half marathons in the running calendar and one of the most popular races in the UK. The event takes in Brighton in all its beauty. You’ll run past Brighton Pavilion Pier, the Royal Pavilion, Hove’s colourful beach huts and the British Airways i360 tower. Furthermore, we can promise stunning sea views for 95% of the course! Should you want to see even more of what Brighton has to offer, why not enter the full marathon taking place on Sunday 2 April?

Asics London 10K 9 July 2023 Take on The Asics London 10K and visit the capital in all its glory next summer. Join the thousands of runners winding their way through Central London. As well as seeing some of London’s top landmarks, you’ll also run past the True Geographical Centre of London, down closed Regent Street, the Strand and Embankment, and get the best view across the river of the London Eye. Live bands, djs and cheering fans will motivate you all along the 10K route, with post-race festivities at a secret central London location!

Against Breast Cancer Runs Brighton Half Marathon 26 February 2023

Walks & Treks

London Winter Walk 28 & 29 January 2023

As “overseas” as you can get whilst staying in the UK right? Walk, jog or run the Island’s stunning Coastal Path with 2,000 others of all ages and experience an unforgettable challenge. Rewarding, fun, and absolutely achievable with your resolve and determination alongside first class support from the event providers leaving you to focus on your challenge!

together - Autumn 2022

Wales End to End Cycle 10 August 2023 Wales End to End Cycle is a fantastic adventure from Holyhead in the North, down to the vibrant capital of Cardiff in the South. Over 3 days in the saddle riders will cover over 250 miles and experience diverse beautiful landscapes of majestic woodlands, rural lanes, quiet towns and distinct mountain ranges.

Cycling events

Over the May bank holiday 3,000 intrepid adventurers will walk, jog, or run the Ultra Challenge Series London 2 Brighton, an epic 100km from Capital to Coast setting out from Richmond on Thames. With full support & great hospitality all the way to the finish line, the London 2 Brighton Challenge has become one of the UK’s greatest endurance events.

Land’s End to John O’Groats Cycle 22 August 2023

Take on the oldest and most gruelling cycling challenge the UK has to offer! Land’s End to John O’Groats, the furthest possible distance you can cover in the British Isles.

The London Triathlon is one of the largest triathlons in the world and the only registered triathlon to take place in the centre of London available for public entry. What’s more you may well see a few famous faces as you swim, bike and run this famous course, after all, it’s been a favourite over the years for many a celebrity! If you would like to know more about any of our events and how we can support you, please contact our events team. Our challengers receive all the support and encouragement they need from people who’ve taken part in the events themselves. We’ll ensure you get the very best experience so please do feel free to get in touch with any questions. For full details please visit

London 2 Brighton cycling Challenge 27 May 2023

This classic challenge is on many a cyclist’s ‘to do’ list. 1000 miles covering more than 12 counties, this is one of the toughest cycling events there is. Cycle from the rocky cliffs and pounding seas of Land’s End, through the rolling hills of Dartmoor, through the stunning mountains of the Lake District and along the Lochs of Great Glen to your finish line at the Northernmost point of the UK mainland at John O’Groats, Multisport London Triathlon 5 August If you like a bit of variety maybe a triathlon is for you?

Against Breast Cancer 25

The Ever touch more about

SUPPORTING Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022 #abcbcam2022 Breast

Donate to Against Breast cancer through payroll giving. It will cost you less and we receive more – that’s the Payroll Giving Bonus. It’s simple, it’s easy and it’s impactful. Through GoodPAYE every penny of your donation goes to your chosen charity, and because they are 100% charity owned, profits stay within the charity sector as together we strive for change to make our world a better place. Are you ready to make an impact? Tea Ever

Change the world while you work.

Breast Tea Ever is a great way to connect with family, friends and colleagues and raise money for research. Want to do a Breast Tea

with your colleagues, get in

with us and find out how we can make it work for your company whether you’re social distancing or working remotely. Order BreastyourTeaEverpackhere £ Find out

how GivingPayrollworks for you.

Payroll Giving is the simplest, most efficient way for employees to donate to charity. Straight from your salary, tax-free and hassle-free.

Good PAYE is the new free, easy-to-use platform allowing employees to donate charity before their income tax is calculated, charities get more from every donation and employees pay less income tax. You work hard for your money. Now make your money work hard for change.

together - Autumn 2022 26 It’s Never too Early Christmas!for Why not get ahead of your Christmas preparations and order your Christmas cards and gifts early? This year we are offering a range of new Christmas card designs, as well as some old favourites. All profits support our life-saving breast cancer research. All our cards come in packs of 10 cards and includes envelopes. All our cards are made from fully FSC® certified materials and supplied in fully recyclable cello bags.

28 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A month dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research. We would love your support and there are so many ways you can get involved either individually or in the workplace. • Request a fundraising pack and get ideas and materials to help you • Request a Breast Tea Ever pack • Organise an afternoon tea with friends, family or work colleagues, it can even be done virtually. The pack includes everything from recipes and bunting to games. • Take on a personal challenge • Sign up for a Trek • Become a regular giver • Give a one-off donation • Recycle your unwanted bras, clothes or stamps • Sell items on eBay or Depop for us or send us the items to sell for you • Companies can give a donation from products sold during October with a cause related marketing campaign The ideas are endless..... For more information please email SUPPORTING Breast CancerAwareness Month 2022

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.