Together - Latest news from Against Breast Cancer - Autumn 2021

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together Tabby’s story Page 6

Say ‘Hello’ to our new Science Advisory Board…

Corporate Update

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Sunshine, Sea and Success! Jurassic Coast Challenge Page 10

together - Autumn 2021

Welcome to the Autumn newsletter. With challenging times for the fundraising sector we have had to continually adapt our plans and think about new and exciting ways to engage our supporters and raise vital funds. We are always very grateful to our supporters for their fundraising efforts but in these uncertain times we are even more impressed with how you have come together to raise funds and awareness. We are hoping you will continue to do so and have some great plans for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. I hope you enjoy reading some of our stories, hearing about new campaigns and our research updates. Do stay in touch and keep sending us in your photos and stories from your fundraising to share with everyone. Best wishes Kelly Gibson Head of Fundraising

We need your regular help now

£2 a month can save lives

Help us fight breast cancer We receive no government funding. We rely on the generosity of people just like you to fund our life saving research. Find out more about how to give regularly and support our research into secondary spread breast cancer. 2

Against Breast Cancer

IN MEMORY A unique and meaningful way of celebrating someone’s life. Losing a loved one at any time is very hard but during these terrible times, remembering them can feel even more important. You can set up an online tribute fund page and share it with friends and family so they can join you in sharing memories, light a candle, plant a tree or perhaps donate. For further information please visit the MuchLoved website to create your tribute page.



TO DONATE. Simply Set-up Payroll giving

Find out how easy it is! click here 3

together - Summer Autumn 2021 2021

Getting the message through, breast care services see rise in referrals


n May, The Health Foundation published findings on how the pandemic had impacted primary care. They estimated 31 million fewer appointments were booked between April 2020 and March 2021 compared with the previous 12 months. By September 2020 total consultations in general practice had recovered to pre-pandemic levels and March 2021 saw the highest recorded number of appointments booked with a GP – putting more pressure than ever on practices already operating under intense workloads. 4

Against Breast Cancer

To better understand how local NHS breast services were coping we spoke to Consultant Breast Surgeon and Against Breast Cancer Trustee, Dennis Remoundos, who works for the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. His department had some of the services relocated to a ‘Covid-free’ location at the start of the first lockdown, while continuing to provide clinics at a different low-Covid risk site. Over a year later some of these services remain in their temporary home. They have adapted to new working practices and seen valued team members seconded to front line services whilst delivering life saving care. For him, the news that patients nationally are presenting at a rate approximately 15% higher than 2019 reflects the experience of the Oxfordshire NHS Trust. It appears the message to people who chose to stay away in 2020 is getting through.

Cancer patients are being prioritised for surgery and working protocols have now been established should the alert levels change. Teams can now quickly and safely adapt their working practices if required whilst keeping at a minimum the risk to patients. Changes to working conditions and environments have of course taken their toll. As has been the wider experience, not all clinicians have found the transition to home working straight forward. In response, hospitals have improved support, appointing Wellness Leads to help meet these challenges, but for already busy staff attending such meetings is not always possible, reminding us again what a long and high pressure year it has been for the staff of the NHS. While there is pressure for services to return to normal, it is unclear what exactly ‘normal’ will look like, or when it might happen. To help with the increase in referrals, the number of clinics has already been increased, offering improved flexibility to patients and cancer services continue to be prioritised as more capacity becomes available.

Cancer patients still prioritised While in the short term this will inevitably cause scheduling issues and delays, the teams feel that so far they have managed well, with the vast majority of cancer patients receiving prompt treatment. They hope to continue to cope with the pressures, and they are the first to acknowledge that colleagues elsewhere in the NHS have been hit far harder than themselves.

Clearly then, it is too early to make any predictions on what the lasting legacy of the pandemic on breast care services will be, but what is becoming increasingly clear is that remote working and remote consultations in some shape or form are here to stay.

Video consultations likely to continue Over the course of the lockdowns video has firmly established itself and become widely accepted as satisfactory, enabled by the need for remote working and, for many in the NHS, a long overdue investment in IT services. The likelihood is of video consultations continuing into the future. Currently, patients in Oxfordshire are having some of their diagnosis and treatment appointments remotely. More detailed consultations, discussing and planning treatment options continue to be held face to face. While these new working practices may have been necessary during lockdown, it is clear that going forward the needs of the patients will have to be considered.


So, finding a balance will take time and due to the sensitive nature of the interactions, it is unlikely that face to face meetings will be replaced completely. As with all things pandemic related, the last year has taught us that as official advice changes so must practice and behaviour. We can at least feel reassured that many lessons have been learned, much of the work has been done and procedures are already in place, ensuring the viability of these essential services should we find ourselves in a similar position once more.

together - Autumn 2021

Diagnosed with breast cancer in her 20s, Tabby shares her experiences of treatment for a disease everyone thought she was too young to have

Tabby was only in her 20s and had no family history of breast cancer when she was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer. Devastated by the news, she has undergone chemotherapy and a mastectomy. She has kindly shared her experiences with us in the form of a diary.


Against Breast Cancer

October 2020

After a random morning boob pain, a quick grab alerted me to a fairly big, solid lump in my right breast. I knew this wasn’t something normal for me and that I really needed to get it checked immediately. Luckily, I got an appointment with the GP the next day. A quick look and feel later she told me it was most likely nothing to worry about – I was only 26 with no family history of breast cancer – but she’d refer me to the breast clinic anyway just to make sure.

April 2021

After 4 months of gruelling chemo, I finally finished it all at the end of April. It was such a huge relief ringing the bell, and my family threw me a mini party with boob cupcakes and balloons to celebrate afterwards!

May 2021

Over the next 6 weeks, I had multiple ultrasound scans, mammograms, and biopsies before finally being diagnosed, very much to everyone’s surprise, with triple positive breast cancer.

After recovering from chemotherapy, the next step of the journey was a single mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction. I was so nervous going in for the surgery, possibly even more nervous than I was for chemo, but it was absolutely fine! A breeze in comparison to chemo!

December 2020


It’s now been just over 2 weeks since my surgery, and I’ve recovered so much quicker than I thought was possible. I’m almost back to normal and out and about again, and my new boob looks absolutely fantastic – I’m so pleased with the results!

After deciding against freezing my eggs due to the hormonal element of my breast cancer, and not wanting to delay treatment any further, I had a PICC line inserted into my arm before starting a harsh regime of chemotherapy on 23rd December – just in time for Christmas, lucky me!

My next steps will be going back onto maintenance treatment, Kadcyla for my HER2+ element, and then Tamoxifen and Zoladex to suppress my hormones.

Chemo was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, and by New Year I was braving the shave to take back some control over everything else that I had zero control over. The side effects were brutal, but despite this, I managed to have plenty of good, relatively ‘normal’ days alongside the bad ones. I had 7 rounds of chemo in total – 3 x EC, and 4 x Docetaxel, Herceptin & Perjeta. I hoped they’d get easier as I ticked each one off, but sadly this was definitely not the case!

It’s still a long road to go, but the hardest part of treatment is done and I’m super grateful for that! It’s not been easy at all, but I’ve found that taking each day as it comes has been useful, and talking about my journey has been so therapeutic for me – knowing that I’ve helped even one person along the way makes this all worth it.

You can read more about Tabby’s story on her personal blog here.


together - Summer Autumn 2021 2021

Brighton Half Marathon

We really admire your ability to keep motivated and not give up! Hard work pays off, and the incredible amounts raised will be helping to fund vital cancer research throughout these challenging times.

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone that still took part in the Brighton Half Marathon virtually on the 27th June, despite the event being postponed for the second time.

We cannot thank you enough! The Brighton Half Marathon 2021 will now be taking place on the 10th October, followed by next years event on the 27th February 2022. With charity places available, please contact


Against Breast Cancer

Each year recycling for charity generates thousands of pounds that have been raised by people and organisations wishing to support our research into secondary spread, the main cause of breast cancer related deaths. While a large amount of our worn bras are sent to help small businesses in developing countries through our bra recycling scheme, any donated items that are brand NEW to worn items in good/excellent condition are made available to purchase for donations on either our online Against Breast Cancer eBay or Depop Shops!

What is Depop? Are you looking for some trendy pieces, or something colourful to brighten up your wardrobe? Depop is a newly popular platform that allows you to sell or purchase clothing by popular high street or designer brands. This is a sustainable way of shopping, as this encourages reuse of clothing and minimizes the risk of returned textiles being dumped into landfills. With different size ranges, and new content being sold daily, it is a great platform for Against Breast Cancer to share our collection of donated bras, clothes.. and guess what, you can even purchase brand new cosmetic products such as perfume and make up from designer brands! Check out our Depop shop here. Any questions, feel free to message via our Depop shop or email


together - Summer Autumn 2021 2021

Sunshine, Sea and Success! Jurassic Coast Challenge On the 22nd May 2021, our Sports Ambassador Karen and her friends, Simon, Olivia, Ben, Abby, Matt and Anna decided to walk the Jurassic Coast Challenge! Taking on the Jurassic Coastal Path around Weymouth, the team set off at 8.30am, before reaching their 36 mile finishing distance at 10pm. It is thought that being around nature can greatly improve your mood, giving your mind the boost it needs to calm both levels of stress and anxiety. Meanwhile, your core and muscle strength will greatly

improve physically as trekking uses your full body to reach that finish line. Trekking across the beautiful coastal path, the team caught the most amazing views of Dorset’s hidden treasures and saw lots of wildlife along the way. These beautiful views can be shown in their video blog of their challenge here. With a few blisters and a few sore limbs, the team celebrated their amazing achievement of £430 of donations for our breast cancer research with a pint.

“I want to express how walking greatly affects both mental and physical health” Karen Arney; ABC Sports Ambassador


Against Breast Cancer

Karen, who has been diagnosed with secondary spread breast cancer and Simon are currently preparing for the London Marathon 2021 in October and are continuing to raise both donations and awareness for Against Breast Cancer. Read Karen’s story here If you have been inspired, Global Adventure Challenges and Action Challenge have a series of UK based treks that you can take part in across the summer and autumn season! These include


Snowdon and Ben Nevis at Night Treks, Hadrian’s Wall Trek and Trek Fest the Beacons! You may even fancy taking on the Jurassic Coast Challenge 2022 next year yourself? With multiple dates to choose from, feel free to contact and we along with the event organisers can help you find the perfect event for you.

together - Autumn 2021

Say ‘Hello’ to our new Science Advisory Board…

We are delighted to introduce you to our new Science Advisory board members. The board forms part of our team of advisors that help us work towards the goal of our research strategy; to stop secondary breast cancer from claiming lives by focusing our research on prevention, detection and therapies. 12

Against Breast Cancer

Having a range of expertise in areas including clinical oncology, glycobiology, immunology, epidemiology and chemistry ensures the board has sufficient knowledge to provide recommendations about existing and potential research projects. They are an essential component of our research development and we are excited to have them working with us. Dr. Claire Wells Reader in cancer cell biology at Kings College, London Claire studied Biology at University College London and gained her PhD degree in muscle cell biology focusing on cell migration, at the MRC Randall Institute London. She moved to the field of cancer cell metastasis with postdoctoral studies at the Ludwig Institute London and then at Kings College London. Claire has stayed at KCL, establishing her own research group in 2007 studying metastatic disease with a particular emphasis on the role of specific signaling molecules in inflammation and cancer. Her work has been recognised by Cancer Research Technology as a target for therapeutic intervention.

Prof. Christoph Wülfing Professor of Immunology, Bristol University Christoph studied Chemistry at the Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity of Munich and a PhD degree in Biochemistry at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried. After postdoctoral studies in molecular immunology at Stanford University, he established his own group in 2000 at the UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas to focus on large-scale imaging of signaling pathways to determine mechanisms of immune T cell function. In 2012 he moved to the University of Bristol as Professor of Immunology, where he is now enhancing imaging techniques to investigate the suppression of cytotoxic T cells by tumours.


Prof. Ramsey Cutress Professor of Breast Surgery and Consultant Breast Surgeon, Southampton University Hospital Ramsey is Professor of Breast Surgery at the University of Southampton, Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Breast Surgery at Southampton University Hospitals Trust and the University of Southampton lead for the Wessex Academic Foundation Programme. His clinical research interests include breast cancer in young women and investigating how genetics, immunological and lifestyle factors affect breast cancer outcomes. Ramsey has contributed to the NICE Early and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Guidelines (NG101), and is currently involved in various national research studies, clinical trials and translational projects. He is also Chair of the Academic and Research Committee of the Association of Breast Surgery (ABS).

Prof. Angela Russell Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University Angela is a medicinal chemist based in the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacology at the University of Oxford. Her research interests are centred around the discovery of new molecules and mechanisms to manipulate cell fate and to translate them into therapeutic agents for degenerative diseases and cancers.

together - Autumn 2021

Dr. Kostas Tsilidis Senior lecturer in Cancer Epidemiology, Imperial College London

Prof. Jo Morris Professor of Molecular Genetics, Birmingham University

Kostas is a Senior Lecturer in Cancer Epidemiology at Imperial College London and has a strong interest in the causes of cancer and its prevention. He is also an Associate Professor in Epidemiology at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece and an honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol. He is also the Principle Investigator of the Epirus Health Study, an ongoing clinical cohort study in Greece. Since January 2020, he is the co-head of the World Cancer Research Fund Continuous Update Project team at Imperial College London, where he leads the regular review of the epidemiological literature on the role of diet, nutrition, body characteristics and physical activity on cancer prevention and prognosis.


Jo is interested in the way our cells maintain and repair our genome, keeping our DNA intact. A particular research interest is the function of the breast and ovarian cancer predisposition protein BRCA1 and the way it works in controlling DNA resection and DNA replication. She also works on other small modifier proteins and is interested in how these change the way that proteins behave in order to aid DNA repair and replication.

Against Breast Cancer

Identifying Essential Genes in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Between 10-20% of breast cancer patients are diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). It is the hardest to treat breast cancer sub-type and is associated with a high risk of recurrence and secondary spread (metastasis). With the aim of improving patient survival and developing a more personalised and targeted treatment approach, one approach is to study gene expression signatures in TNBC cells. It is hoped this method will identify specific genes that can be used as novel biomarkers or as targeted therapeutic candidates. Based at our core research facility at the University of Southampton, Prof Paul Skipp, who runs our ABC Discover project, is a co-author of the recent publication “WDHD1 is essential for the survival of PTEN-inactive triplenegative breast cancer”. A known feature of TNBC cells is the loss of PTEN (phosphatase and tension homologue) which means its tumour suppressing role is impaired or lost, helping the cancer cells to grow. The paper describes the investigation into identifying synthetic lethality interactions with PTEN. This involves finding specific genes and/or proteins that are essential for the PTEN-inactive cancer cells to survive. An example of this theory is in BRCA1/2 defective breast cancer cells. These rely on the protein PARP to survive. If PARP is removed or inhibited, then the BRCA1/2 defective cells die. By undertaking in-depth whole genome screens of TNBC cells with and without PTEN, WDHD1 (WD repeat and high-mobility group box DNA binding protein 1) was identified as an essential component in PTEN-inactive TNBC cells. Removing WDHD1 significantly inhibited the growth of these cancer cells. The importance of WDHD1 in TNBC was confirmed in patient samples with levels correlating with tumour size and grade. The identification of WDHD1 means that this is a potential biomarker in TNBC development and may be a future therapeutic target too.


together - Autumn 2021

Against Breast Cancer’s very own bra bank! We are very excited to announce for anyone visiting Abingdon in Oxfordshire that we have a bra bank which is available for donations 24 hours a day at our office. Just drive up and drop in your unwanted bras.

Since the initial lockdown in March 2020 our dedicated supporters have donated over 28.8 tonnes of bras which is just over a quarter of a million bras to our bra recycling scheme. This has helped to ensure that our research into secondary spread breast cancer has been able to continue during this difficult time. To find out where your nearest bra bank is for your unwanted bras or more information on our bra recycling scheme, please click here.


Against Breast Cancer

Saving the planet and raising money one cartridge at a time ‘What do I do with my old ink or toner cartridges?’ Not an everyday question, but the answer should be ‘Recycle them with Against Breast Cancer’! By recycling your cartridges, you will help raise vital funds for the charity and help us fight Breast Cancer. Against Breast Cancer are proud to be partnering with Ink and Toner Recycling, the largest cartridge recycling group in Europe, to help achieve this goal. We can supply free Recycling Boxes for workplaces to collect cartridges, home users are welcome to send in any cartridges too. As well as helping the environment by diverting these items from landfill, this continued partnership has already generated over £5000 for the charity and now asks you all to consider what you do with your cartridges and ‘Recycle Them with Against Breast Cancer’.

For more details click here 17

together - Summer Autumn 2021 2021

It’s Never too Early for Christmas! Why not get ahead of your Christmas preparations and order your Christmas cards and gifts early? This year we are offering a range of new Christmas card designs, as well as some old favourites. All profits support our life-saving breast cancer research.

All our cards come in packs of 10 cards and includes envelopes. All our cards are made from fully FSC® certified materials and supplied in fully recyclable cello bags.


Against Breast Cancer

This year, we are excited to introduce a lovely new handmade pink ribbon gift item. Our exclusive Pink Ribbon Wicker Hearts measure 20cm x 20cm and come with twill attached for easy hanging. They are priced at £6 each and will be coming soon to our Christmas range. Place your pre-orders now, as they are sure to be a very popular item.

We are also pleased to welcome back our ever-popular Handmade Ribbon Baubles. These are beautiful handmade items that would make a perfect gift for someone special. Or treat yourself to one to grace your own Christmas tree! Click here for more information


together - Autumn 2021


update: 365 Days of Messages We are excited to announce our new corporate partner, 365 Days of Messages, a daily messaging service set up after the Managing Director, Deborah had her own breast cancer experience. Out of that was born her desire to support others going through treatment by crafting a year-long service that sends daily messages to someone fighting a diagnosis or in need of some wellbeing support. Against Breast Cancer receive a £10 donation for every user who registers. We hope that 365 Days of Messages support can help breast cancer patients going through difficult times. If you know someone who’d benefit from 365 Days Of Messages, all you need to do is click the link below, fill in a few details and the service will begin: Find out more about the partnership on our website.

Good Fx We’ve found a great new way for individuals and our corporate partners to support us. Our new partner Good Fx, a foreign currency exchange service was founded as an innovative funding solution for charitable organisations in the UK. Currency exchange, even in lockdown, generates billions of pounds in commission for brokers who handle these trades. GoodFX’s aim is to use technology to capture this commission and turn it towards good causes, like Against Breast Cancer. As an online currency exchange and payments platform, they give clients the best possible rates and purpose in giving 50% of any commission received to a charity of your choice. So next time you are looking to do currency exchange for your business or for a lower rate, why not use Good FX and help support Against Breast Cancer.


From Cancer to Natural Skincare Revolution Against Breast Cancer

From Cancer to Natural Skincare Revolution

How a young Mum of two turned her breast cancer diagnosis into “Amazing results for eye bags a mission to help others look and dark circles.”

and feel fantastic no matter what while helping beat breast cancer too.

Join the revolution and get her top tips for glowing skin free:

For the fifth year running, Dishmatic is supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month by turning their products, packaging and social media platforms pink. This October, Dishmatic’s familiar pink products will be making a return. As limited edition handles, there won’t be long to get your hands on them and help promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as well as helping with Dishmatic’s ongoing support for the charity Against Breast Cancer. As part of Dishmatic’s commitment to supporting the cause, they are donating £10,000 to Against Breast Cancer, who fund pioneering research into new breast cancer treatments, tools for earlier diagnosis, and advice to reduce the risk of recurrence and secondary spread of the disease. Over the past five years, the social media support shown by Dishmatic’s loyal fans has been growing year on year to help raise awareness of breast cancer. The combined £50,000 donated by Dishmatic has helped fund a diet and lifestyle ‘biobank’, which contains biological samples and questionnaire data from over 3,000 women with breast cancer, who were monitored over a five-year period after diagnosis. It provides a vital resource to investigate why some people develop secondary breast cancers and some do not.


together - Autumn 2021

The Virgin Money London Marathon The world’s first 100,000-person marathon, on Sunday 3 October, 50,000 athletes will be running through the streets of the capital from Blackheath to The Mall and 50,000 will be running a route of their choosing. The Virgin Money London Marathon is the biggest 1 day fundraising event in the world!

Are you looking for a challenge? Contact us today to apply!

How to get involved!

The Virtual Breast Walk Ever Back for a second year the Virtual Breast Walk Ever is the perfect opportunity to get your walking boots on and experience the great outdoors.

Create a FREE JustGiving page, walk a mile for each donation you receive and help Against Breast Cancer by supporting our research. 22


Go to and set up a fundraising page


Choose Against Breast Cancer as your charity


Pledge to walk a mile for every donation you receive

Against Breast Cancer

Join us in a

£65 per person for 2 Course meal Drinks reception

In aid of Breast Cancer Charities

Sunday 14th November, 2021 from 13.00 to 17.30 “The Show for Lesley” in aid of Against Breast Cancer and the Bob Potter Charity Trust The Lakeside, Frimley Green, GU16 6JR

The Show – celebrating life after a breast cancer diagnosis Host Richard Allinson – Radio Presenter Entertainment Hilary O’Neil – Female Comedienne Tony Christie and much, much more Accommodation available please call 01252 838000

For further information or to book please contact Christine Sturgess e: m: 07776 294831


GAMERS! Are you a gamer? Do you know a gamer? We need you! Playing video games has been on the rise since the 90’s and watching video games is becoming very popular, very quickly. With more games, gamers, and streamers than ever before we believe there is huge fundraising potential in the future of gaming. To find out more contact


together - Autumn 2021

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A month dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research.

We would love your support and there are so many ways you can get involved either individually or in the workplace.

• Request a fundraising pack and

• Give a one-off donation • Recycle your unwanted bras,

get ideas and materials to help you

• Request a Breast Tea Ever pack • Organise an afternoon tea with

clothes or stamps

• Sell items on eBay or Depop for us

friends, family or work colleagues, it can even be done virtually. The pack includes everything from recipes and bunting to games.

or send us the items to sell for you

• Companies can give a donation from

• Take on a personal challenge • Sign up for a Trek • Become a regular giver

products sold during October with a cause related marketing campaign

The ideas are endless..... For more information please email 24

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