Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Arhitektonski fakultet University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb, Yearbook
Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2011/12
Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb Yearbook 2011/12
Impresum / Impressum Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2011./12. / faculty of architecture, zagreb yearbook 2011/12 Nakladnik / published by Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture Kačićeva 26, Zagreb Za nakladnika / for the publisher izv.prof.mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak, dekan Arhitektonskog fakulteta / Faculty Dean Sunakladnik / co-publisher UPI-2M PLUS d.o.o. Za sunakladnika / for the co-publisher Tomislav Dolenec Glavni i odgovorni urednci / editors in chief pred. Vjera Bakić Maroje Mrduljaš Izvršna urednica / executive editor pred. Tajana Jaklenec Urednički odbor / editorial board prof. Nenad Fabijanić prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić doc. Siniša Justić doc.mr.sc. Leo Modrčin v.pred. Zorana Protić prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Voditeljica povjerenstva za nakladničku djelatnost / head of publishing committee doc. Mia Roth-Čerina predstavnici Kabineta – suradnja na prikupljanju grafičkih materijala / section members – cooperation on collecting graphic materials Marina Bertina, Alan Braun, Kristina Careva, Ivan Cetinić, Ivana Ergić, Aleksandar Homadovski, Vedran Ivanković, Tajana Jaklenec, Siniša Justić, Luka Korlaet, Dunja Mandić, Berislav Medić, Vesna Mikić, Petar Mišković, Vanja Rister, Zorana Sokol Gojnik, Nikoleta Sudeta, Karin Šerman, Dina Vulin-Ileković Autori tekstova o nastavnom i znanstvenoistraživačkom radu / Authors of articles on teaching and scholarly research Dubravko Bačić, Vjera Bakić, Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Ljerka Biondić, Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Alan Braun, Kristina Careva, Ivan Cetinić, Ivan Crnković, Alenka Delić, Nenad Fabijanić, Sanja Filep, Miroslav Geng, Aleksandar Homadovski, Vedran Ivanković, Tajana Jaklenec, Nataša Jakšić, Tihomir Jukić, Dražen Juračić, Siniša Justić, Mladen Jošić, Zlatko Karač, Luka Korlaet, Rene Lisac, Dunja Mandić, Berislav Medić, Vesna Mikić, Ljubomir Miščević, Ivan Mlinar, Maroje Mrduljaš, Velimir Neidhardt, Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Veljko Oluić, Morana Pap, Srećko Pegan, Branimir Rajčić, Saša Relić, Mia Roth-Čerina, Zorana Sokol Gojnik, Nikoleta Sudeta, Karin Šerman, Marina Šimunić Buršić, Ariana Štulhofer, Sonja Tadej Vončina, Andrej Uchytil, Roberto Vdović, Dragomir Vlahović, Dina Vulin Ileković, Tonči Žarnić
Recenzenti / reviewers izv.prof.dr.sc. Alenka Delić, prodekanica za nastavu / Vice Dean for Education doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, prodekan za znanost / Vice Dean for Science Lektura / croatian language proofreading Mirjana Ostoja Prijevod / translation Tamara Budimir Željka Miklošević Marina Miladinov Korektura / proofreading Mirjana Šah Dizajn i prijelom / design & layout doc. Damir Bralić Andrija Mudnić i Luka Reicher Fotograf / photo by Marko Mihaljević Tisak / printing and binding Grafički Zavod Hrvatske Tipografija / typography Nikola Đurek, Typonine Naklada / circulation 500 ISsN 1848–7416 Publikaciju je za objavu prihvatilo Povjerenstvo za nakladničku djelatnost Arhitektonskog fakulteta na sjednici održanoj 28.11.2012. Zagreb, prosinac 2012 © Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Godišnjak Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2011/12
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Arhitektonski fakultet University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb Yearbook 2011/12
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
7 10 12
Predgovor dekana izv.prof. Borisa Koružnjaka Uvodna riječ glavnih urednika Organigram Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Preface by Dean Assoc.prof. Boris Koružnjak
Nastavni program 2011./2012.
Curriculum Outline 2011/2012
Nastavni i znanstvenoistraživački rad arhitektonskog fakulteta
teaching and scholarly research at the Faculty of Architecture
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
23 28 40 56 72 86 92 106
Intervju s izv.prof. Miroslavom Gengom Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja Kabinet za stambene zgrade Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda Kabinet za javne zgrade Kabinet za interijer Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje Kabinet za primjenu računala
Interview with Assoc.Prof. Miroslav Geng
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
117 126
Intervju s doc. Mateom Bilušem Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja Kabinet za instalacije zgrada Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu
Interview with Assist.Prof. Mateo Biluš
Preface by Editors-in-chief Organisational Structure of the Faculty of Architecture
136 140 144 146
Section of Architectural Design Basics Section of Residential Buildings Section of Educational and Community Facilities Section of Public Buildings Section of Interior Design Section of Drawing and Visual Design Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design
Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology Section of Building Structures Section of Planning and Project Management Section of Building Services Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Department Of history And theory Of Architecture
153 160
Intervju s izv.prof. Karin Šerman Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu
Interview with Assoc.Prof. Karin Šerman
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
181 190 204 213
Intervju s prof. Mladenom Obadom Šćitarocijem Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje Kabinet za prostorno planiranje Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma
Interview with Prof. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
166 170
Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection Section of Architectural Theory Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture
Section of Urban Design Section of Physical Planning Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
Terenska nastava – hrvatski prostor i arhitektura
Field studies – Croatian Space and Architecture
Ljetne škole
Summer Schools
Mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus
Mobility within the Erasmus programme
242 244
Diplomski radovi O edukaciji arhitekata, prof. Ivan Crnković
diploma thesis About Architect Education, Prof. Ivan Crnković
266 269
Doktorski studij arhitektura Intervju s prof. Hildegard Auf-Franić
phd programme architecture Interview with Prof. Hildegard Auf-Franić
Publikacije i izložbe
Publications and Exhibitions
Studijski arhiv i maketarnica
Research Library and Model Workshop
Nastavnici Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Teaching Staff of Faculty of Architecture
Kronika Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za akademsku godinu 2011/12
Chronicle of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb in Academic Year 2011/12
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
dekan arhitektonskog fakulteta u zagrebu / dean of faculty of architecture in zagreb
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Boris Koružnjak, izv.prof.mr.sc.
Boris Koružnjak, dipl. ing. arh. rođen je 1955. godine u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je 1979. godine na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Rašice. Magistrirao je 2000. godine na poslijediplomskom studiju ‘Prostorno planiranje, urbanizam i parkovna arhitektura’ na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu s temom ‘Stanovanje za starije na primjeru analize zagrebačkih domova umirovljenika’. • Od 1979. godine zaposlen je na Arhitektonskom fakultetu na Zavodu za arhitekturu kod prof. Kincla, a od 1982. god. honorarni je asistent pri Katedri za arhitektonsko projektiranje. • 1989. godine izabran je u znanstvenoistraživačko zvanje istraživač -suradnik na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. • Stručno se usavršavao tijekom 1989., 1992. i 1993. godine u Beču (ILBAU–G.m.b.H.) i Stuttgartu (Biro Laage & Partner, Biro Behnisch & Partner). • 1993. god. s Gordanom Domić osniva arh. biro ARK. • Od 1999. god. ovlašteni je arhitekt i član HKAIG (od 2008. HKA). • Od 1995.–2004. asistent je na predmetima Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1–8, od 1996. asistent na predmetu Arhitektonske konstrukcije i fizika zgrada 1–5. Od 2003. radi na Arhitektonskourbanističkim radionicama kada je izabran u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje docenta. 2003/04. predavao je predmet Zgrade socijalnog smještaja. Od 2007. god. izabran je u umjetničko-nastavno zvanje kao izvanredni profesor. Nositelj je kolegija Zgrade za sport na diplomskom studiju Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. • Prodekan je za poslovanje 2003.–2007., a od 2007.–2011. god. predstojnik je Zavoda za arhitekturu. • Od 2007. do 2008. član je Odbora za upis Razreda arhitekata HKAIG. • Dekan je Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 2011. godine. • Višestruko je prezentirao radove na autorskim i skupnim izložbama. Kao predavač sudjelovao je na stručnim i znanstvenim skupovima. Uz pedagoški rad, te znanstvenoistraživački rad koji je usmjeren na istraživanje modela stanovanja za starije te tipskih modela sportskih građevina, autor je i koautor više nagrađenih arhitektonskih natječaja i realizacija stambenih, poslovnih, zdravstvenih, sportskih, školskih građevina i interijera.
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Boris Koružnjak, Dipl.Eng.Arch. was born in 1955 in Zagreb. He graduated at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb in 1979 in the class of Prof Rašice and received his Master’s Degree in 2000 upon completing post-graduate studies in ‘Spatial Planning, Urban Development and Park Architecture’ at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb with a paper entitled ‘Housing for senior citizens on the example of an analysis of homes for oldage pensioners in Zagreb’. As of 1979 he is employed by the Faculty of Architecture at the Institute of Architecture under Prof Kincl, and as of 1982 he is a honorary assistant at the Department of Architectural Design. In 1989 he became a scientific researcher and research associate at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. He continued his expert training during 1989, 1992 and 1993 in Vienna (ILBAU–G.m.b.H.) and in Stuttgart (Biro Laage & Partner, Biro Behnisch & Partner). In 1993 he founded the architect studio ARK with Gordana Domić. As of 1999 he is an accredited architect and member of HKAIG (and of HKA as of 2008). In the period 1995–2004 he was an assistant for Architectural Planning 1–5. Since 2003 he has been working at Architectural and Urban Workshops when he became assistant professor. In 2003/04 he taught Housing Estates. In 2007 he became associate professor running a course on Sports Facilities at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. He was associate dean for business – 2003–2007 and Head of the Department of Architecture – 2007–2011 at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. From 2007 to 2008 he was a member of the Board for enrolment into HKAIG. He has been the dean of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb since 2011. He has presented his work on a number of occasions at solo and group exhibitions, as well as reading papers at professional and scientific conferences. Aside from working as lecturer and professor and on scientific research, he is also researching viable models for the housing of senior citizens and models for sports facilities, as well as being the author and co-author of a number of awarded architectural projects and completed housing, business and sports architecture and school buildings and interiors.
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Predgovor dekana izv.prof. Borisa Koružnjaka Ove akademske godine, 2011./12., Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu bilježi devedeset i tri godine od svoga utemeljenja. Osnovan kao Arhitektonski odjel Tehničke visoke škole još 1919. godine, sve protekle godine prolazio je kroz različite mijene u izobrazbi arhitektonske struke. Iako je dosad u više navrata obrađivana bogata povijest našeg Fakulteta (Monografija AF: 1919.– 2000., Izbor studentskih radova 2001. – 2002.; Preddiplomski i diplomskistudij arhitekture i urbanizma – Studijski programi,2008.), dosad se nije ustalio običaj sistematične i periodične prezentacije djelovanja i aktivnosti Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u formatu godišnjaka. Izdavanje ovoga prvog godišnjaka trebalo bi popuniti tu prazninu, ali i potaknuti nastavak rada na publikacijama koje će prikazati edukacijske te znanstvenoistraživačke i stručne aktivnosti i procese koji se odvijaju na Arhitektonskom fakultetu. Taj rad motiviran je sa željom da se ostvari širi doprinos arhitektonskoj disciplini, kao i da se uspostavi kontinuitet u provjeri i prosudbi dosega zagrebačkoga Arhitektonskog fakulteta. Na početku 21. stoljeća želimo tradiciju Fakulteta očuvati, ali i neprestano unaprjeđivati, usklađivati s europskim i svjetskim naporima i stremljenjima te zadržati osobnost i posebnosti koje su nastajale u proteklom razdoblju kao zajednički rad svih nastavnika i drugih djelatnika, od onih koji su ostvarili neke od vrhunaca naše arhitekture do onih možda manje primjetnih, no svakako jednako posvećenih istinskim vrijednostima, koji su s dubokim osjećajem pripadnosti stvarali i održavali naš Fakultet. Protekle akademske godine dogodila se redovita smjena uprave Fakulteta. Novoizabrana uprava nastavila je redovite djelatnosti sukladno propisima i programima, ali je pokrenula i druge aktivnosti koje su imale prvenstveni cilj sačuvati postojeću kvalitetu nastave te pripremiti uvjete za potrebna i moguća poboljšanja, prije svega u provođenju nastave te u znanosti i stručnom radu.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Preface by Dean Assoc.prof. Boris Koružnjak This academic year – 2011/12 – the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb celebrates 23 years since its foundation. Established as the Department of Architecture at the Technical School of Higher Education in 1919, in the years that followed, it underwent a variety of changes as an educational institution within the field of architecture. Although the rich history of the faculty has been discussed on a number of occasions (The AF Monograph: 1919 – 2000, Selection of students works 2001 – 2002; Pre-graduate and graduate studies in architecture and urban planning – Study programmes, 2008), up until now the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb has not had its work and activities systematically and periodically presented in a yearbook as such. The publication of the first yearbook should fill this void, but also inspire further publications which should present the educational and scientific, research and professional activities and processes at the Faculty of Architecture. The motive behind it is the wish to provide contributions both to architecture as a profession, discipline and as a field of endeavour, and to establish continuity in the assessment and evaluation of the scope and range of The Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. As we find ourselves at the beginning of the 21st century, it is our aim to preserve the tradition of the faculty, but to also continue to develop and improve and to attune ourselves to efforts and strivings in Europe and the world whilst retaining our uniqueness and singularity which are a result of joint efforts made during earlier periods by professors and other employees alike, from those who have achieved the highpoints of architecture to those who were perhaps less well-known, yet still dedicated to true values and endeavours that have helped to create and uphold our Faculty. During the past academic year the administrative heads of the Faculty have changed. The newly elected board continues to implement its decisions according to set rules and regulations and programmes, but has also initiated other activities aimed primarily at preserving the existing quality of studies and providing prerequisite conditions for necessary and possible improvements, above all in the implementation of courses, as well as those in the fields of scientific research and professional work.
Uvažavajući postojeći koncept rada, a s obzirom na umirovljenje jednoga dijela nastavnika, te potrebu za obnovom i dopunom postojećega nastavničkog kadra, u sklopu dopuna
Taking the existing concept of activities into consideration, and in view of the retirement of one part of the staff and a need for renewal and the supplementing of existing staff, a proposal for a new course of studies has been drawn up for pre-graduate and graduate studies as part of the supplementation and reorganisation of courses which prioritises quality and flexibility concerning studies,
Predgovor dekana izv.prof. Borisa Koružnjaka
preface by dean assoc.prof. boris koružnjak
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
i reorganizacije nastave pripremljen je prijedlog novoga nastavnog plana za preddiplomski i diplomski studij s prioritetom kvalitetnijeg i fleksibilnijeg studiranja, uz afirmaciju nerazdvojivosti znanstvene i umjetničke komponente u arhitektonskom stvaralaštvu. Također, namjera je provesti usklađivanje sa standardima strukovnih – profesionalnih udruga (Hrvatska komora arhitekata) i aktualnim potrebama arhitektonske struke.
alongside the affirmation of the inseparability of scientific and artistic components in the architectural creative process. Further, our aim is to adjust to expert standards – professional associations (The Croatian Chamber of Architects) and topical needs within the field of architecture.
U protekloj akademskoj godini izrađeno je nekoliko programa koji bi svojom primjenom trebali poboljšati znanstvenoistraživački, ali i cjelokupni rad na Fakultetu, a to su prije svega:
In the past academic year a number of programmes have been established whose implementation would improve scientific work and research, but also the entire functioning of the Faculty and these are: • • •
• Strateški program znanstvenoistraživačkog rada za razdoblje
2012. – 2016. • samoevaluacija doktorskog studija • detaljni Kriteriji za prijam znanstvenih novaka.
Uz organiziranje međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa ‘Rethinking urbanism / Urbanist's Season’, nastavnici Fakulteta održali su tridesetak predavanja-priopćenja u zemlji i inozemstvu. Nakladništvo Fakulteta u protekloj je godini nastavilo, iako u bitno otežanim financijskim prilikama, svoju uspješnu nakladničku djelatnost izdajući dva broja časopisa ‘Prostor’, kao i četiri knjige-udžbenika (Lipovac, Borić, Vukić, zbornik radova ‘Rethinking Urbanism’). Tijekom protekle akademske godine također se intenzivno radilo na održavanju postojećih kontakata i suradnje sa srodnim visokoškolskim institucijama. Iako Fakultet aktivno sudjeluje u razmjeni studenata i nastavnog osoblja s partnerima s kojima ima potpisane bilateralne Erasmus ugovore ili ugovore drugog tipa, uključivo i multilateralne, koje je potpisalo Sveučilište u Zagrebu, ukupna mobilnost studenata i profesora nije još na željenoj razini. U cilju buduće suradnje i razmjene iskustava u obrazovnom procesu, te eventualne suradnje u organizaciji ljetnih škola i radionica, ostvareni su kontakti s Arhitektonskim fakultetom u Ljubljani, Mariboru i Grazu, pa i s Norveškim nacionalnim muzejem. S obzirom na razmatrane mogućnosti suradnje, naročito su vrijedni kontakti s Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finska. Sukladno planu Agencije za znanost i visoko obrazovanje, Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu proveo je postupak reakreditacije koja se obavlja svakih pet godina. U postupku reakreditacije izrađen je elaborat Samoanalize, a stručno povjerenstvo Agencije u ožujku 2012. posjetilo je naš Fakultet. Na temelju elaborata Samoanalize i posjeta, povjerenstvo Agencije izradilo je izvješće u kojem je naš Fakultet ocijenjen pozitivno, uz vrijedne sugestije za određena poboljšanja.
A strategic programmes for scientific work and research for the period 2012 – 2016 self-evaluation of doctorate studies detailed Criteria for the acceptance of junior researchers. In addition to organising the international scientific conference: ‘Rethinking urbanism / Urbanist's Season’, faculty professors have held around 30 lectures both at home and abroad. In the past year the Faculty continued to print publications even though finances were scarce. These include two issues of the magazine ‘Prostor’ (Space), as well as four books – course books (Lipovac, Borić, Vukić, Collection of Papers ‘Rethinking Urbanism’). During the past academic year contacts continued to be upheld and intensive cooperation continued with associated institutions of higher education. Although the Faculty actively participates in student and staff exchanges with partners with whom it has bilateral Earsmus contracts, or other types of contracts, including multilateral contracts signed by the University of Zagreb, the total mobility of students and professors is not at the desired level. In the intent to promote cooperation and exchange of experience within the educational process, and to set up eventual cooperation in the organisation of summer schools and workshops, contacts were made with the Faculties of Architecture in Ljubljana, Maribor and Graz and with the National Museum of Norway. In view of the possibilities for cooperation discussed, contacts with the Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Helsinki, Finland are valuable. In accordance with the plan of the Agency for Science and Higher Education, the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb conducted reaccreditation which is carried out every five years. A study for Self-analysis was elaborated as part of the reaccreditation, and the expert board of the Agency visited the Faculty in March 2012. On the basis of the Self-analysis survey and the visit, the Agency committee produced a report in which the Faculty was favourably evaluated with further suggestions for certain improvement.
Temeljem provedene Samoanalize uprava Fakulteta postavila je strateške ciljeve i pripremila plan za izradu dokumenata
On the basis of the conducted Self-analysis the management board of the Faculty set strategic goals and prepared a plan for the compilation of documents which would clearly define the activities of the Faculty in future. In the implementation of goals set for the academic
Predgovor dekana izv.prof. Borisa Koružnjaka
preface by dean assoc.prof. boris koružnjak
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
kojima će se jasno odrediti djelovanje Fakulteta u budućnosti. U provedbi postavljenih ciljeva u protekloj akademskoj 2011./12. godini nastojali smo zadržati priznatu kvalitetu rada i prepoznatljivost u nastavi, te znanstvenom i stručnom radu. Godišnjak bilježi istaknute dosege u nastavi i znanstvenim i drugim aktivnostima unutar jedne akademske godine, te dokumentira predmete istraživanja, metode i tendencije unutar škole.
year 2011/12, we have attempted to maintain the quality of our work and courses and scientific and profession work achieved so far. The yearbook record exceptional achievements within the fields of teaching, scientific research and other activities within one academic year, and documents research projects, methods and tendencies within the school.
Ovim godišnjakom prikazujemo ostvarene rezultate koji sigurno nisu konačni, već bi trebali poslužiti kao poticaj i putokaz za budućnost. Zahvaljujem svima koji su svojim predanim radom sudjelovali u nastanku ovoga prvog godišnjaka, a posebno glavnim urednicima Vjeri Bakić i Maroju Mrduljašu, predsjednici Povjerenstva za nakladništvo Miji Roth-Čerina te izvršnoj urednici Tajani Jaklenec i grafičkom uredniku Damiru Braliću.
Predgovor dekana izv.prof. Borisa Koružnjaka
This yearbook presents results achieved which are certainly not final, but should serve as a motivating force and guideline for the future. I would especially like to thank everyone who has invested efforts into helping produce this first yearbook, in particular the editors-in-chief Vjera Bakić and Maroje Mrduljaš, the president of the publications board Mia Roth-Čerina, the executive editor Tajana Jaklenec and the editor of graphic design Damir Bralić.
preface by dean assoc.prof. boris koružnjak
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
uvodna riječ glavnih urednika / preface by editors-in-chief
Akademska edukacija: razmjena i stvaranje znanja
Vjera Bakić, Maroje Mrduljaš
Nakon desetljetne stanke od izdavanja prethodnog godišnjaka Arhitektonskog fakulteta uredništvo se suočilo sa zadatkom postavljanja uredničke koncepcije koja će služiti kao standard za nadolazeće godine. Temeljno pitanje bilo je odabir žanra koji u internacionalnom kontekstu nije unificiran. U ovisnosti o tradiciji i intelektualnom profilu pojedinih škola ili fakulteta zastupaju se različiti pristupi: od naglašeno problemskih i autorskih publikacija, do egzaktno postavljenih pregleda nastavnih i drugih fakultetskih aktivnosti. Namjera uredništva bila je da se kroz odabir relevantnih studentskih i znanstvenoistraživačkih radova naglase oni vidovi akademskog rada koji ostvaruju doprinos progresivnim pristupima u projektiranju i razvoju arhitektonske misli, te nastoje refleksivno reagirati na aktualne probleme artikulacije izgrađenog okoliša u Hrvatskoj. Stav je uredništva da godišnjak ne treba biti taksonomsko i mehaničko nizanje produkcije nastavnog i znanstvenog rada, nego bi koncepcija takvih publikacija trebala pomoći raspoznavanju autentičnih doprinosa koje jedna visokoškolska institucija ostvaruje i koji ju pozicioniraju u internacionalnom kontekstu. Složeno pitanje o vrijednostima koje fakultet njeguje može se nasloniti na tradiciju hrvatske arhitektonske kulture koju je potrebno razmatrati i nadograđivati sukladno novim društvenim potrebama i okolnostima. S obzirom na to da ovaj godišnjak treba biti tek prvi u nizu, uredništvo je prihvatilo pristup u kojem se ravnomjerno prikazuju sve dionice nastavnih i znanstvenoistraživačkih aktivnosti. Organizacija fakulteta u katedre i kabinete poslužila je kao okosnica strukturiranja sadržaja s obzirom na to da su kroz kabinete i definirane nastavne aktivnosti. O aktualnim temama vezanim za koncipiranje nastave i budućnost fakulteta raspravlja se u intervjuima s predstojnicima katedri i voditeljicom doktorskih studija. Odabir i artikulacija zadataka koji se postavljaju pred studente prikazani su kao integralan dio edukacijskog procesa i pokazatelj smjerova istraživanja. Godišnjak tako ocrtava trenutne prioritete istraživanja na fakultetu, a svako iduće izdanje će zabilježiti njihove promjene i evoluciju.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Academic Education: Exchange and Creation of Knowledge Ten years after the publication of the last Annual Review of the Faculty of Architecture, the editorial board was faced with the task of creating a concept of the publication which could set the standard for the upcoming issues. The main question was the choice of genre which has not been agreed upon in the international context. Depending on the tradition and intellectual profile of certain schools and faculties various approaches were adopted in conceiving annual reviews, from those emphatically analytical and author-based to those showing an overview of educational and other faculty activities. The attention of the editorial board was to select relevant students' projects and scientific researches in order to underline those aspects of academic work which has been based on progressive approaches in architectural design and the development of architectural thought, and which attempts to reflexively respond to current problems in articulating the built heritage in Croatia. The position of the editorial board is that the Annual Review should not be a taxonomic and mechanical list of research and educational activities but that the concept should be such as to help the institution to position itself in an international context. A complex question about the values which the faculty upholds can be related to the tradition of Croatian architectural culture which needs to be explored and enriched in accordance with new social needs and circumstances. Since this Annual Review is envisaged as only one of many future issues, the editorial board has adopted the approach which places equal emphasis on all sections of educational and scientific activities. The division of the faculty into departments and offices serves here as a structure according to which the content and activities are organized. Current topics related to the organisation of the educational programmes and the future of the faculty are discussed in interviews with heads of the departments and the doctoral programme administrator. The selection and description of students' assignments are shown as an integral part of the educational process and as indicators of research tendencies. The Annual Review illustrates the present research priorities at the faculty, with each of the future issues envisaged to record their changes and development.
Uredništvo je željelo prikazati paralele i uspostaviti dijalog između nastavnog i znanstvenoistraživačkog rada s dva cilja. Prvi je integracija svih aspekata akademskog rada u cjeloviti stav i sustav koji bitno određuje profil fakulteta, a drugi
The editorial board wished to show parallels and to establish a dialogue between teaching and scientific research with two goals. The first is the integration of all aspects of academic work into an integral system which considerably defines the profile of the faculty. The other is a social productive role of the academic community as a platform for cultivating new concepts, methodologies and approaches which exert influence on architectural practice and encourage the development of architectural discourse. Professional work, which is
uvodna riječ glavnih urednika
preface by editors-in-chief
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
je društveno produktivna uloga akademske zajednice kao platforme za kultiviranje novih koncepcija, metodologija i pristupa koji utječu na praksu i potiču razvoj arhitektonskog diskursa. Stručni rad, koji je također sastavnica arhitektonskog djelovanja na našem fakultetu, obuhvatit će komplementarna publikacija – Facta Architectonica.
also a constitutive part of activities at our faculty, will be included in the complementary publication – Facta Architectonica.
Širi odabir radova i prikupljanje materijala za godišnjak bilo je horizontalno organizirano po katedrama na kojima su imenovani koordinatori zaduženi za operativne zadatke, provođenje suradnje između kabineta te za komunikaciju između katedri i uredništva. Urednički odbor godišnjaka pratio je radni proces od početka te sudjelovao u donošenju svih bitnih odluka. Uredništvo je nastojalo kroz intenzivan rad s dizajnerima i drugim suradnicima doseći visoku produkcijsku razinu publikacije. Studentski radovi su elaborirani dovoljno detaljno da se može iščitati cjelovitost njihovih zamisli. Tijekom rada na prikupljanju materijala, urednici su se susreli s dojmljivim repozitorijem prostornih zamisli, originalnih ideja i znatnih projektantskih napora. Mnogi od njih nastoje aktivno reagirati na suvremeni civilizacijski trenutak, a pojedinim radovima to uspijeva na kritički i inteligentan način koji nadilazi pojednostavnjena tumačenja. Upravo je afirmacija suvremenih, refleksivnih ali i projektantski brižljivo elaboriranih pristupa bila vodeći izlučni kriterij prilikom odabira radova. Uz izgrađivanje osnova za strukovnu djelatnost, edukacija je prije svega proces pomicanja granica, otvaranja novih perspektiva, te izgrađivanje samosvijesti studenata koje je ključno za formiranje njihovog vlastitog arhitektonskog stava. Kroz nastavni i znanstvenoistraživački rad oslobađa se znatna količina kreativne energije i poticajnih rezultata koji često ostaju nedovoljno afirmirani ili čak i skriveni. Radovi nastali na fakultetu nisu samo nuspojava edukacijskog procesa nego ravnopravni sudionici i pokretači razvoja misli o prostoru. Utoliko uredništvo smatra da je posebno važan razlog izdavanja ove publikacije prilika da se intelektualni resursi i aktivnosti na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na prikladan način prikažu stručnoj i široj javnosti i na taj način aktivno doprinesu hrvatskoj i internacionalnoj arhitektonskoj kulturi.
A wider selection of texts for the Annual Review was organized in each department by designated coordinators for implementation of operational tasks, cooperation between offices and the editorial board. The editorial board supervised the process from the beginning and participated in the making of all necessary decisions. Efforts have been made to achieve a high production level of the publication through extensive work with designers and other collaborators. Students’ projects were elaborated in detail in order to provide the comprehensiveness of their concepts. During collection of materials, the editors encountered an impressive range of spatial concepts, original ideas and significant design accomplishments. Many of them aim to actively respond to the contemporary situations, and certain works managed to critically and intelligently achieve that in a way which surpasses simplified interpretations. It is exactly the assertion of contemporary, reflexive and carefully elaborated design approaches that was one of the main criteria for the selection of the projects. In addition to defining the foundations of professional architectural activity, education was above all the process of pushing the limits, creating new perspectives and building self-confidence in students which is crucial for the formation of their personal architectural attitude. The educational and scientific work frees a significant amount of creative energy and stimulating results which frequently remain under-asserted or even hidden. The projects created at the faculty are not only side effects of the education process but are equally important components and stimulation of thinking about space. Therefore the editorial board believes this publication to be a specially important opportunity to present to the wider public the intellectual resources and activities of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, and in that way actively contribute to Croatian and international architectural culture. We would like to express our gratitude to all the students and teaching staff who managed to convey to a great extent the enthusiasm and inspiration of the architectural profession. We would also like to thank all the collaborators on their efforts in the preparation of texts and their generous contribution to this Annual Review, most of all to the executive editor Tajana Jaklenac.
Zahvaljujemo svim studentima i nastavnicima, koji su svojim prilozima u velikoj mjeri uspjeli prenijeti dio oduševljenja i inspiracije koji arhitektonska struka sa sobom nosi. Također zahvaljujemo svim suradnicima na naporu u pripremi priloga i artikulaciji sadržaja, koji su nesebično doprinijeli godišnjaku, a prije svega izvršnoj urednici godišnjaka Tajani Jaklenec.
uvodna riječ glavnih urednika
preface by editors-in-chief
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Organigram Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Organisational Structure of the Faculty of Architecture
Izv.prof.mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak
Prodekan za znanost / vice dean for science
Prodekan za nastavu / vice dean for education
Prodekan za poslovanje / vice dean for business
Doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač
Izv.prof.dr.sc. Alenka Delić
Izv.prof.dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman
Prodekan za međunarodnu suradnju / vice dean for international relations Izv.prof.dr.sc. Feđa Vukić
Izv.prof. Stipe Brčić
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / department of architectural design Izv.prof. Miroslav Geng Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja / Section of Architectural Design Basics Prof. Tonči Žarnić Kabinet za stambene zgrade / Section of Residential Building Prof. Ljubomir Miščević Kabinet za zgrade društevnog standarda / Section of Educational and Community Facilities Prof.dr.sc. Hildegard Auf Franić Kabinet za javne zgrade / Section of Public Buildings Prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt Kabinet za interijer / Section of Interior Design Izv.prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje / Section of Drawing and Visual Design Prof. Renata Waldgoni Kabinet za primjenu računala u arhitekturi / Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design Prof.dr.sc. Bojan Baletić
Katedra za Arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo / Department of Architectural technology and Building science
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture Izv.prof.dr.sc Karin Šerman
Doc. Mateo Biluš Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja / Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology Doc. Mateo Biluš Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije / Section of Building Structures Izv.prof.dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical planning and Landscape Architecture Prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa / Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje / Section of Urban Design
Doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić
Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić
Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture / Section of Architectural Theory
Kabinet za prostorno planiranje / Section of Physical Planning
Izv.prof.d.sc. Karin Šerman
Prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan
Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu / Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma/ Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
Prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski
Prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
Doc. Gordana Žaja Kabinet za instalacije zgrada / Section of Building Services V.pred.mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu / Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective V.pred. mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta
organigram arhitektonskog fakulteta
Organisational structure of the Faculty of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Zavod za arhitekturu / Institute of Architecture Prof. Mladen Jošić
Zavod za zgradarstvo i fiziku zgrada / Institute of Building Construction and Building Physics
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Zavod za graditeljsko naslijeđe/ Institute of Architectural Heritage Pred. mr.sc. Alan Braun
Doc.dr.sc. Zoran Veršić
Zavod za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Institute of Urban Planning, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture Izv.prof.dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat
Deanka Hirjan, dipl.iur.
Ivan Bulian, Ana Horvat, David Volarević, Ivan Haiman, Feni Sušić, Frana Dulibić, Marko Mihaljević, Igor Pavlović, Ivo Žarko, Luka Anić, Kristina Perkov, Marija Rupa, Ivana Šajn, Ivan Škugor, Denis Rubinić
Povjerenstvo za reformu studija i upravljanje kvalitetom / Reform of Study Programmes and Quality Assurance Committee
Povjerenstvo za odabir studenata za mobilnost u okviru programa ERASMUS / Selection of Students for Participation in the ERASMUS Programme Committee
Povjerenstvo za praćenje nastave / Curriculum Development Committee Povjerenstvo za terensku nastavu / Field Studies Committee
Povjerenstvo za utvrđivanje dodatnih uvjeta Fakultetskog vijeća za izbor u umjetničko-nastavna zvanja / Determining Faculty Council's Additional Requirements for the Assignment of Academic Titles (artistic fields) Committee
Povjerenstvo za E-learning / E-learning Committee
Etičko povjerenstvo / Ethics Committee
Povjerenstvo za izložbe i predavanja / Exhibitions and Lecture Committee
Povjerenstvo za razredbeni postupak / Enrolment Policy Committee
Povjerenstvo za dodjeljivanje studentskih nagrada / Student Awards Committee
Povjerenstvo za izdavanje zbornika ‘Facta Architectonica’ / Publishing of Collection of Papers ‘Facta Architectonica’ Committee
Povjerenstvo za diplomski ispit / Final Examination Committee Povjerenstvo za nakladničku djelatnost / Publishing Committee Povjerenstvo znanstvenog časopisa ‘Prostor’ / Scholarly Journal ‘Prostor’ Committee
Povjerenstvo za ljetne škole i radionice / Summer Schools and Workshops Committee Povjerenstvo za stalno stručno usavršavanje / Continuing Professional Development Committee
Povjerenstvo za stručnu praksu / Professional Practice Committee
Prof.dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman Prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt
Professor emeritus dr.sc. Nikola Filipović Doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač Pred.mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić (pridruženi član)
Pred. Luka Korlaet
Dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić
organigram arhitektonskog fakulteta
Organisational structure of the Faculty of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Nastavni program 2011/2012
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Curriculum Outline 2011/2012
Kolegij / Course predavanja | vježbe | seminari | ects / classes | exercises | seminars | ects
i. semestar / i. semester
ii. semestar / ii. semester
iii. semestar / iii. semester
Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 / Architectural Design 1 1 | 3 | 0 | ects 5
Arhitektonsko projektiranje 2 / Architectural Design 2 1 | 3 | 0 | ects 5
Studio 1 / Architectural Design Studio 1 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 13 Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 2 hours
Crtanje 1 / Drawing 1 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3 Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design
Uvod u primjenu računala u arh. / Introduction to Computer Aided Arch. Design – 0 | 1 | 0 | ects 1.5 Osnove nacrtne geometrije / Basics of Descriptive Geometry 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 3.5
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture
Arhitektonske konstrukcije 1 / Architectural Technology 1 2 | 3 | 0 | ects 6
Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada / Introduction to Design of Residential Buildings 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2 Crtanje 2 / Drawing 2 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3
Primjena računala u arhitekturi 1 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 1 – 0 | 1 | 0 | ects 1.5
Plastično oblikovanje 1 / Visual Design 1 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 2.5
Arhitektonske konstrukcije 2 /Architectural Technology 2 2 | 3 | 0 | ects 6
Primjena računala u arhitekturi 2 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 2 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2.5 Arhitektonske konstrukcije 3 / Architectural Technology 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Nosive konstrukcije 1 /Building Structures 1 2 | 1 | 0 | ects 3.5
Instalacije zgrada 1 / Building Services 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Matematika / Mathematics 2 | 1 | 0 | ects 3.5
Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course
Stambene zgrade 1 / Residential Buildings 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva / Descriptive Geometry and Perspective 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 3.5
Nosive konstrukcije 2 / Building Structures 2 2 | 2 | 0 | ects 4
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science participate with 2 hours
Nosive konstrukcije 3 / Building Structures 3 2 | 2 | 0 | ects 3
Povijest arhitekture 2 / History of Architecture 2 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Povijest arhitekture 1 / History of Architecture 1 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Urbanizam 1 / Urban Design 1 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1
Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb / Cro. space and architecture – Zagreb – 0 | 0 | 1 | ects 0.5
Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – sz Hrvatska / Cro. space and architecture – sw Croatia – 0 | 0 | 2 | ects 2
Engleski jezik za arh. 1 / English language for Arch. 1 Njemački jezik za arh. 1 / German language for Arch. 1 – 0 | 1 | 1 | ects 1.5
Engleski jezik za arh. 2 / English language for Arch. 2 Njemački jezik za arh. 2 / German language for Arch. 2 – 0 | 1 | 1 | ects 1.5
Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 1 / Physical Training 1 – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0
Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 2 / Physical Training 2 – 0 | 2 | 0| ects 0
nastavni program 2011/2012
Povijest arhitekture 3 / History of Architecture 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Urbanizam 2 / Urban Design 2 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 3 / Physical Training 3 – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0
curriculum outline 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
iv. semestar / iv. semester Stambene zgrade 2 / Residential Buildings 2 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1 Plastično oblikovanje 2 / Visual Design 2 1 | 2 | 0 | ects 2.5
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
v. semestar / v. semester
vi. semestar / vi. semester
Studio 3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 0 | 9 | 0 | ects 13
Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4 0 | 11 | 0 | ects 15
Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 1 hour
Nastavnici Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture participate with 1 hour
Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12
Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade sudjeluju s 1 satom / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science participate with 1 hour
Zgrade društvenog standarda / Educational and Community Facilities 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 5
Instalacije zgrada 2 / Building Services 2 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1
Planiranje i organizacija građenja / Planning and Project Management 3 | 2 | 0 | ects 5
Održiva arhitektura / Sustainable Architecture 1 | 0 | 1 | ects 2
Fizika zgrade / Building Physics 1 | 1 | 0 | ects 2
Povijest arhitekture 4 / History of Architecture 4 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Tehnologija građenja / Building Technology 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Hrvatska arhitektura 20. st. / Croatian Architecture in the 20th Century 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Uvod u teoriju arhitekture / Introduction to Theory of Architecture – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1
Studio 2 / Architecutral Design Studio 2 0 | 6 | 0 | ects 6.5 Nastavnici Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje sudjeluju s 2 sata / Teaching Staff of Department of Architectural Design participate with 2 hours
Zgrade za rad i trgovinu / Office and Commercial Buildings – 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Moderna i suvremena svjetska arhitektura 20. st / Modern and Contemporary Architecture in the 20th century – 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Zaštita grad. naslijeđa / Conservation of Built Heritage – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1
Osnove prostornog planiranja i zakonodavstva / Introduction to Physical Planning and Legalisation 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Planiranje grada / Town Planning 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 4
Urbanizam 3 / Urban Design 3 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Sociologija okolice / Environmental Sociology 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1
Perivojno oblikovanje / Landscape Design 0 | 3 | 0 | ects 3
Perivojna arhitektura / Landscape Architecture 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1
Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1
Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Slavonija / Cro. space and architecture – Slavonija – 0 | 0 | 3 | ects 1
Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra / Cro. space and architecture – Istra – 0 | 0 | 3 | ects 1
Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura 4 / Physcial Training 4 – 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 0
nastavni program 2011/2012
curriculum outline 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design
i. semestar / i. semester
ii. semestar / ii. semester
iii. semestar / iii. semester
Radionica AP1 – suvremeno stanovanje / Architectural Design Studio – Contemporary Housing – 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12
Radionica AP1 – suvremeno stanovanje / Architectural Design Studio – Contemporary Housing – 0 | 8 | 0 | ects 12
Interijer / Interior Design – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Radionica interijera / Interior Design Studio 0 | 2 | 0 | ects 2 Auditorna radionica / Auditory Design Studio 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2 Zdravstvo i turizam – zpb / Health Care and Tourism – fta – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Zgrade za rad i kulturu / Work and Culture Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Teorija arhitekture 2 / Theory of Architecture 2 2 | 0 | 0 | ects 3
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
Radionica AP2 – sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + 0 | 7 | 1 | ects 12
Radionica AP2 – sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + 0 | 7 | 1 | ects 12
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0 Radionica ap3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture
Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio 7 | 2 | 1 | ects 16 Suvr. stanovanje / Cont. Housing – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Suvr. stanovanje / Cont. Housing – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Zgrade za sport / Sport Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Zgrade za sport / Sport Facilities – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Održivo građenje 1 / Sust. Building 1 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5
Održivo građenje 2 / Sust. Building 2 – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5
Prost. planiranje / Physical Planning – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course
Urbane preobrazbe/Urban Transform. – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Teorija arhitekture 1 / Theory of Architecture 1 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 1.5 Povijest europskog urbanizma / History of European Urban Design – 1 | 0 | 0 | ects 2
Urbanistička radionica 1: Preobrazba grada / Urban Design Studio 1: Transformation of the City 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 6
Urbanistička radionica 2: Planiranje naselja / Urban Design Studio 2: Town Planning 0 | 4 | 0 | ects 6
Hrv. prostor i arhitektura – Dalmacija / Cro. space and architecture –Dalmatia – 0 | 0 | 4 | ects 2
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0
Izborni kolegij / Elective Course – 1 | 0 | 0
nastavni program 2011/2012
Radionica urbanizma / Urban Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Radionica prostornog planiranja / Urban Planning Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Radionica pejsažne arhitekture / Landscape Architecture Design Studio 0 | 10 | 0 | ects 16 Studenti biraju jednu od ponuđenih radionica / Students choose one of the following Studios
curriculum outline 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
iv. semestar / iv. semester
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Department of Architectural Design
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Department of History and Theory of Architecture
Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio 0 | 12 | 2 | ects 30
Arhitektonika svjetla / Light in Architecture
Autorski pristupi hrvatskih arhitekata / Croatian Architects Author's Approaches
Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika / Drawing and Architectural Graphics Hrvatska arhitektura u regiji – Hiper Croatia / Croatian Architecture in the Region – Hyper Croatia Japanska prostorna koncepcija / Japanese Spatial Concept
Graditeljsko naslijeđe 2 / Architectural Heritage 2 Industrijska arheologija / Industiral Archeology Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
Kritika u arhitekturi / Criticism in Architecture Ljetna škola: Tradicija i suvremenost – Lopud / Summer School: Tradition and Modernity – Lopud
Hrvatska tradicijska arhitektura / Croatian Traditional Architecture Povijest hrvatskog urbanizma / History of Croatian Urbanism
Ljetna škola: Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost – Motovun / Summer School: Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability – Motovun
Primjena materijala i konstrukcija u perivojnoj arhitekturi / Use of Materials and Structures in Landscape Architecture
Metodologija arhitektonskog projektiranja / Methodology of Architectural Design
Prostorno planiranje 2 – zaštita prirode i okoliša / Physical Planning 2 – Nature and Environment
Računalno oblikovanje pejsažne arhitekture / Computer Aided Design of Landscape Architecture
Revitalizacija dvoraca / Revitalisations of Manors and Castles Rurizam / Ruralism
Radionica AF/SC / AF/SC Workshop Sociologija kulture / Sociology of Culture Ljetna škola: Škola grada / Summer School: The School of the City
Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture
Visokotehnološka arhitektura / High-tech Architecture Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi / Visual Communication in Architecture
Turizam u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju / Tourism in Urban Planning and Regional Planning Urbana sociologija / Urban Sociology
Zgrade za visoko obrazovanje / High Education Facilities Urbanistička kompozicija / Urban Composition Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i fiziku zgrade / Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
Urbanističke teorije / Urban Planning Theory Zaštita i obnova povijesnih perivoja / Historic Parks and Gardens
Geometrija u graditeljstvu / Geometry in Architecture Inženjerske konstrukcije / Engineering Structures Matematičke strukture / Mathematical Structure
History of Making American City by the End of 19th Century / Američki grad do kraja 19. st. Urban Transportation Design Issues / Urbanistički aspekti prometa
Metode i praksa nosivih konstrukcija u arhitekturi / Methods and Practice of Building Structures in Architecture
Interkatedarski kabinet / Interdepartmental Course
Oblik zgrade i termotehničke instalacije / Building Form and Thermotechnical Installations
Engleski jezik za arhitekturu 4 / English for Architecture and Urban Planning 4
Praktična fizika zgrade / Practical Building Physics Uvod u znanstvenoistraživački rad / Introduction to the Research Work Zvuk u arhitekturi / Architectural Acustics
nastavni program 2011/2012
curriculum outline 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Nastavni i znanstvenoistraživački rad Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Teaching and Scholarly Research at the Faculty of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department of Architectural Design
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja / section of Architectural Design Basics Voditelj / Head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docent / Assistant Professor
predavač / lecturer
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate
prof. Tonči Žarnić
Tonči Žarnić
Petar Mišković mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Helena Paver Njirić
Vjera Bakić
Veljko Oluić Mia Roth-Čerina Marina Bertina Vanja Rister Melita Čavlović
Juraj Glasinović
Kabinet za stambene zgrade / section of residential buildings Voditelj / Head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docent / Assistant Professor
predavači / lecturers
viši asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
znanstveni novak vanjski suradnici – asistent / Junior / Teaching Associates Researcher and teaching assistant
prof. Ljubomir Miščević
dr.sc. Ljerka Biondić Teufik Galijašević Mladen Jošić Ljubomir Miščević dr.sc. Lenko Pleština Dragomir Vlahović
Branimir Rajčić
Ivana Ergić Luka Korlaet Nino Virag
dr.sc. Marina ŠimunićBuršić
Boško Opalić
Sanja Cvjetko Jerković Minja Jošić Petar Reić
dr.sc. Alenka Delić
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda / Section of Educational and Community Facilities Voditelj / Head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / Assistant Professors
predavači / lecturers
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates
prof.dr.sc. Hildegard AufFranić
dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić Veljko Oluić
Vladimir Kasun Mia Roth-Čerina
Marina Bertina Vanja Rister
dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Tonči Žarnić mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Helena Paver Njirić Petar Mišković Vjera Bakić Melita Čavlović
Darko Latin Zvonimir Prlić
Igor Franić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za javne zgrade / section of public buildings Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / assistant professors
viši asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt
Nenad Fabijanić dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Vesna Mikić dr.sc. Boris Morsan dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt
Tin Sven Franić mr.sc. Sonja Tadej-Vončina
dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik
Ivan Crnković dr.sc. Dražen Juračić dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Gordana Žaja Marina Smokvina
dr.sc. Sanja Filep mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak Goran Rako
Kabinet za interijer / section of interior design Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docent / assistant professor
pridruženi nastavnik / Cross-departmental Teaching
vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate
prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković
Ivan Crnković
Neda Cilinger
dr.sc. Vesna Mikić
Lovorka Prpić
Miroslav Geng dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje / section of drawing and visual design Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docent / assistant professor
viši predavači / Senior Lecturers
predavač / lecturer
znanstveni novak – asistent / Junior Researcher and teaching assistant
prof. Renata Waldgoni
Renata Waldgoni
Siniša Justić
Ana-Martina Bakić Marija Rendić-Miočević Ivana Tutek
Roberta Pavlović
Tihana Hrastar
Kabinet za primjenu računala / Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
asistenti / teaching assistants
znanstveni novaci – asistenti / Junior Researchers and teaching assistants
prof.dr.sc. Bojan Baletić
dr.sc. Bojan Baletić
Morana Pap mr.sc. Roberto Vdović
dr.sc. Kristina Careva dr.sc. Rene Lisac
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
predstojnik katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje / Head od Department of Architectural Design
Miroslav Geng, dipl.ing.arh., rođen je u Zagrebu 1955. godine. Klasičnu gimnaziju pohađao je u Zagrebu i maturirao 1974. godine. Diplomirao je 1980. godine na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Begovića. Od 1989. godine ima status slobodnog umjetnika. Bio je honorarni asistent na kolegijima Arhitektonske konstrukcije i fizika zgrada od 1981.–82., a od 1996. na kolegijima u grupi prof. Crnkovića, Arhitektonsko projektiranje 8 i 9. Voditelj je na kolegijima Studio 4 i Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 3, te mentor na Diplomskoj radionici. 2002. godine izabran je za docenta, a 2007. godine za izvanrednog profesora. Od 2011. predstojnik je Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje.
Miroslav Geng, Dipl.Eng.Arch., was born in Zagreb in 1955. He graduated from the Classical Grammar School in Zagreb in 1974, and obtained his BA degree under the supervision of Prof. Begović at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, in 1980. Since 1989 he has been a free lance artist. He was a teaching assistant for the courses Architectural Structures Building Physics in 1981–82 and for Prof. Crnković’s courses and Architectural Design 8 and 9 from 1996. He teaches courses Studio 4 and Architectural Design Workshop 3, and supervises the Graduation Workshop. In 2002 he was elected assistant professor, and in 2007 associate professor. Since 2011 he has headed the Department of Architectural Design.
Ostvario je niz stručnih projekata, realizacija značajnijih i većih arhitektonskih djela, uz uspješno sudjelovanje na nizu arhitektonskih natječaja. Svoje radove predstavio je na izložbama i Zagrebačkim salonima. Godine 2000. dobio je godišnju nagradu Vladimir Nazor za realizaciju dječjeg vrtića Vedri dani u Zagrebu, a 1999. godišnju nagradu arhitekata i Ministarstva graditeljstva Poljske za stambeni niz Orlowo (s arh. Dumenčićem i grupom poljskih arhitekata). 2008. godine realizirao je projekt garaže i uređenja Kvaternikovog trga u Zagrebu.
He created several building designs, and achieved significant architectural accomplishments, with successful participation in numerous architectural design competitions. His works have been shown at exhibitions and Zagreb Salons. In 2000 he was awarded the Vladimir Nazor Award for the Vedri dani Kindergarten in Zagreb, and in 1999 he received the annual architecture award and the award by the Polish Ministry of Architecture for the residential building Orlowo (designed with architect Dumenčić and a group of Polish architects). In 2008 he designed the underground garage and the physical plan for Kvaternik Square in Zagreb.
Miroslav Geng, izv.prof.
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Intervju vodili / Interview by Vjera Bakić, Maroje Mrduljaš
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Intervju s izv.prof. Miroslavom Gengom
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje sa 7 kabineta provodi nastavu na svim godinama studija i pokriva širok raspon tema. Na koji način Katedra pronalazi vlastitu poziciju u odnosu na pristup edukaciji – od metode rada do odabira zadataka? Postoji li zajedničko težište unutar Katedre ili mnogo neovisnih pristupa, te koje biste od njih izdvojili? Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje uistinu je najveća i najbrojnija na studiju pa je sa svojih gotovo pedeset članova i desetak pridruženih honorarnih nastavnika i volontera glavni nositelj identiteta studija i njegova osnovnog zadatka arhitektonskog projektiranja. U odnosu na pristup edukaciji, metode rada i odabir zadataka rekao bih da je temeljena na sličnim principima kao i ostale katedre, objedinjujući znanstveno i apstraktno s iskustvenim i konkretnim. Uza sve specifičnosti pojedinih kabineta i osobnosti nastavnika daleko je više integrativnih elemenata u našem djelovanju nego što bismo mogli govoriti o neovisnim pristupima.
Većina kabineta Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje tematski je vezana za pojedine tipologije ili tipološke grupe i to je princip edukacije koji se kontinuirano primjenjuje već dugi niz godina. Pojedini zadatci recentno se dograđuju dodatnim temama unutar tipološki egzaktno definiranog zadatka, kroz koje se istražuje transformacija postojećih te izrastanje novih tipologija u kontekstu suvremenosti. Koje je vaše stajalište prema ‘edukaciji kroz tipologije’, koje su prednosti takva pristupa? Smatram da danas na Katedri i ne postoji tako čvrsto određenje prema tzv. ‘edukaciji kroz tipologije’, a naročito je to prisutno u diplomskom studiju te interkatedarskoj radionici u završnom semestru, što ste i vi uočili. Danas je sve više prisutno mnoštvo tipološki ne tako strogo određenih projekata, a nespecifičnost morfologija ponekad, nažalost, u ‘pretjerivanju’ prelazi granice. Mislim da je to dobro, ali i opasno neizvjesno, te je učenje disciplini jedno od temeljnih odrednica škole, koje je u dostatnoj mjeri prisutno u svim dobrim školama. Pod disciplinom više mislim na shvaćanje i prihvaćanje ‘ograničenja polja’ unutar kojeg se djeluje nego na određenja koja se temelje na krutim principima ‘to se radi tako i tako’.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Interview with Assoc.Prof. Miroslav Geng Chair for Architectural Design and Planning consists of seven labs, which offer classes for all years of study and cover a broad range of topics. How does the Chair define its position with regard to its approach to teaching – from its methods to the choice of tasks? Is there a common focus within the Chair or a range of independent approaches, and which ones among them would you single out as particularly important?
Chair for Architectural Design and Planning is indeed the largest and most numerous one in our programme, since it numbers almost fifty members and a dozen associated professors and volunteers. Therefore, it is the main representative of the Faculty’s identity and its main task, which is architectural design and planning. As for our attitude towards teaching, our working methods, and the choice of tasks, I would say that it is based on similar principles as that of our other chairs, combining the scholarly and abstract aspect with the practical and concrete one. With all the specificities of individual labs and the personalities of various teachers, integrative elements are far more prominent in our activity than any independent approaches we could talk about.
Most of the labs that form part of the Chair for Architectural Design are thematically linked to certain typologies or typological groups, and that has been the dominant teaching principle used for many years. Some of the tasks have been complemented by new topics within a typologically precisely defined task, in which the transformation of the existing and the emergence of new typologies are tested in the contemporary context. What is your opinion on this ‘teaching by typologies’ and what are the advantages of this approach?
I actually think that nowadays the Chair is no longer firmly defined through the so-called ‘training by typologies,’ which is especially manifest in the MA programme and the interchair workshop in the final semester, as you have also noticed. Today we pursue projects that are no longer strictly defined in terms of typology, and this lack of morphological specificity can sometimes even cross the line, unfortunately, into a sort of ‘exaggeration’. I think that it is a good idea, but also a dangerous and uncertain one, and that learning within the framework of our discipline is still one of the basic tenets of our school, as is the case with all good schools, albeit in moderation. And when I say ‘discipline’, what I mean is understanding and accepting the ‘limitations of the field’ in which we are active, rather than determinations based on strict principles, like doing things in a particular way.
Department of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Vaš se nastavni rad odvija unutar kabineta za projektiranje javnih zgrada. Na koji način određujete izbor projektnog zadatka i s kojim pedagoškim ciljem? Je li izbor tema vezan za aktualnu problematiku ili smatrate da je bolje pokušati pronaći teme koje su, uvjetno rečeno, univerzalne? Mislite li da postoje neke teme koje su specifične za hrvatski ili zagrebački kontekst, kako u uže arhitektonskom tako i u šire društvenom smislu, te koje su one? Pri kabinetu kojemu pripadam, između ostalih, postavljena su dva zadatka: jedan u završnom semestru preddiplomskog i jedan u završnom semestru diplomskog koji je vezan za interdisciplinarnu radionicu. Prvi je više pragmatičan i prilagođen mogućnostima razvoja znanja i spoznaja, dok je onaj na završnom semestru daleko slobodniji, univerzalniji. Pritom je težnja da se uz postavljenu temu dogodi i vlastito promišljanje, vlastito određenje prema problemu, ‘oslobađanje misli’, afirmativna sumnja, ali i argumentacija po sebi određenog. Zadatci su najčešće vezani za naše sredine te su vezani kontekstualnošću mjesta, ali imaju i opće značenje. Iako nam se ponekad čini da postoje posebnosti hrvatskog ili zagrebačkog konteksta, vjerojatnije je da na svijetu postoji mnogo izotopija pa posebnosti treba shvatiti samo uvjetno.
Osim kroz promjenu programa i konteksta, izbor projektnog zadatka može biti vezan i za teme unutar kojih je moguće razvijati prostorne koncepte što ih možemo doživjeti samo kroz kretanje, utjecaj svjetla i zvuka ili promjenu vremena. S druge strane, funkcionalno korektno rješavanje precizno zadanog programa koje se zahtijeva od studenata na projektnim radionicama i studijima zasigurno vodi prema razvijanju projektantske solidnosti i vještine u rješavanju funkcionalnih odnosa. Što vi smatrate primarnim te u kojoj mjeri i kojim je metodama moguće poticati razvoj konceptualnog mišljenja?
Rješavanje funkcionalnih odnosa jedan je od nužnih elemenata, inače bismo imali ‘disfunkcionalne kuće’, a to nitko ne želi. Oblik i način upotrebe tog oblika vezani su u arhitekturi odnosom reciprociteta. Pritom je sasvim sigurno važno i određenje prema problemu kroz konceptualno promišljanje, a ono se može odvijati kroz shvaćanje socioodnosa, ponekad pretpostavljene scenarije ili kroz prostorne koncepte. Nikada nisam posebno dijelio ove elemente, proces projektiranja nije linearan, koncept je ono što treba biti čitljivo na svakoj razini, ali nikad ne treba inzistirati da on bude doslovan. Doslovni koncepti ponekad nalikuju na sirove metafore.
intervju s izv.prof. miroslavom gengom
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Your teaching activity takes place within the Lab for Design and Planning of Public Buildings. How do you decide upon the project tasks and what are your main pedagogical goals? Is the choice of topics linked to some current problem or do you consider it better to take topics that are, so to speak, universal? Do you believe that certain topics are specific for the context of Croatia or Zagreb, in terms of both architecture and the society, and what would they be?
The lab that I belong to focuses on two tasks, among others: one for the final BA semester and another for the final MA semester, linked to an interdisciplinary workshop. The first is rather pragmatic, formulated so as to encourage the acquisition of knowledge and insights, while the one in the final MA semester is far more universal and liberal. The aim is to encourage the students to engage in individual reflection on the given topic, to position themselves with regard to the problem, to ‘liberate their thoughts,’ but also to discuss the given conditions. Our tasks are mostly related to the local circumstances and the place, but they also have a universal significance. Even though sometimes it may appear that the context of Croatia or Zagreb is rather specific, it is more probable that there are many isotopies in the world, and so we should take this specificity with reserve.
Besides the transformation of programmes and contexts, the choice of the project task can also be linked to topics within which one can develop spatial concepts that can be experienced only through motion, the impact of light and sound, or the change of weather. On the other hand, functionally adequate solving of a precisely formulated programme, which is required from the students in project workshops and other activities, certainly develops confidence and skills for elaborating the project and dealing with functional relations. What do you consider primary in this respect, and to what degree? And what methods can be used to facilitate the evolution of conceptual thinking?
Solving functional relations is a crucial element, otherwise we would have ‘dysfunctional houses’, which nobody wants. The form and the way of using this element are linked in architecture to the degree of reciprocity. Thereby it is certainly important to position oneself towards the problem by using conceptual thinking, which can take place through relationships, sometimes through imagined scenarios or spatial concepts. I have never particularly separated these elements, since the process of design and planning is not linear and concepts should be readable on all levels, but one should never insists on taking them literally. Literal concepts can resemble raw metaphors.
interview with assoc.prof. miroslav geng
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kako uopće podučavati projektiranje? Postoje li tu utvrđeni principi i pravila te koja je metoda koju vi smatrate prikladnom? Koliko su metode podučavanja uvjetovane nastavnikom, njegovim intelektualnim profilom i senzibilitetom? U kojoj mjeri nastavnik treba sudjelovati u razvoju studentskog projekta i na koji način?
Ponekad kažem da je svako učenje zapravo učenje vožnje bicikla. Netko može dati bicikl i malo pridržati onoga koji želi naučiti ovladati vještinom, ali stvarno se može naučiti voziti tek kada se svlada umijeće balansiranja, samostalno svladavanje svih umijeća vožnje. Možda se u ovoj običnoj usporedbi kriju principi, a metode su tada sukladne. Izuzetno je važno znanje i senzibilitet nastavnika, ali u nekim etapama promišljanja problema možda se i ne treba previše upletati, nego tek pitati, razgovarati i poticati, pustiti da student ‘problem studira’. To je i razvoj samosvijesti, razvoj kompetencije i pozitivnog stajališta prema sebi i drugima.
Projektiranje može biti oblik istraživanja koje postavlja hipoteze. Zatim se te hipoteze/polazišta provjeravaju, usvajaju, odbacuju ili preoblikuju u procesu konačne formulacije projekta. Kakvo je vaše stajalište prema istraživačkoj metodi i imate li vi neku svoju definiciju? Također, projektiranje može biti radikalan eksperiment u kojem ne postoje sigurni temelji i svjesno se ulazi u proces sumnje u odnosu na etablirane kolosijeke razmišljanja o arhitekturi. Kakav je vaš stav prema radikalnim eksperimentima u sklopu edukacijskog procesa?
Već sam spomenuo otvorenost dijela radionica u završnom semestru diplomskog studija i opredijeljenost prema istraživanju modaliteta arhitektonske edukacije kroz rješavanje atipičnih funkcija, morfoloških i tipoloških izazova, kontekstualnih odnosa i sl. te provjera kroz afirmativnu sumnju, promišljanje, ali i argumentaciju. Ako je istraživanje tek prikupljanje činjenica ili datosti bez opredjeljenja i reakcije, to nije dovoljno, potrebno je kreativno određenje prema problemu. To je zasada dijelom moguće u završnom dijelu studija gdje su se, barem do sada, studenti opredjeljivali prema vlastitim afinitetima, temi i voditelju radionice. Volio bih kada bi se to zadržalo i dalje, mada je u posljednje vrijeme vidljiva određena pragmatičnost u izboru tema i zadataka kod jednoga dijela studenata, a možda nedostaje i dostatan obostrani poticaj.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
How should one teach design and planning at all? Are there predetermined principles and rules, and which method do you consider to be the most adequate? To what extent are the teaching methods defined by the teacher, according to his or her intellectual profile and sensibility? To what extent should he or she participate in the development of the student project and in which way?
I sometimes say that all learning is actually the same as learning to ride a bicycle. Someone can give you the bicycle and hold you a little while you are trying to master the skill, but you can learn to ride it properly only when you have managed the balancing and all the other necessary skills by yourself. Maybe this simple simile conceals principles, and the methods then follow. What is extremely important in a teacher is his or her knowledge and sensibility, but in some phases of reflecting on a problem one should probably refrain from interfering too much; perhaps one should only ask questions or talk with the student, encourage the student to ‘study the problem.’ That means developing self-confidence, competence, and a positive attitude towards oneself and the others.
Design and planning can be a form of research that poses hypotheses. Then these hypotheses or starting points are checked, accepted or rejected, or transformed in the process of final formulation of the project. What is your opinion on this research method and do you have your own definition of it? Moreover, design and planning can be a radical experiment in which there are no firm foundations and one consciously engages in scepticism with regard to the established ways of thinking about architecture. What is your attitude towards radical experiments in the process of teaching and learning?
I have already mentioned that some of the workshops in the final semester of our MA programme are very open and oriented towards researching the modalities of architectural training by solving atypical functions, morphological and typological challenges, contextual relations, and so on, following the principle of testing hypotheses through affirmative doubt, reflection, and also argumentation. If research means only collecting facts or given elements without taking a stance or reacting to them, that is not enough: the student needs to define himself or herself creatively with regard to the problem. That is now partly possible in the final phase of one’s studies, where the students decide upon their future orientation according to their affinities, the topic, and the workshop’s moderator. I would like to see it stay that way, although recently I have observed that some students have been taking a sort of pragmatic approach in the choice of topics and tasks; or perhaps there is not enough mutual support.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Nastojimo li razumjeti nastavu kao platformu istraživačkog rada, a ne isključivo kao oblik prenošenja etabliranih i utemeljenih osnova, onda Fakultet sigurno može davati impulse za praksu. Kultivira li se na Fakultetu u dovoljnoj mjeri takav pristup ili je on do neke mjere opterećen ‘stvarnošću’ i nastojanjem da se nastava prilagodi svakodnevici? Može li istraživanje biti usmjereno upravo prema inteligentnom interpretiranju i kreativnom ovladavanju onime što se inače smatra ‘ograničenjima’? Nije li to jedan od realnih programskih zadataka nastave na Fakultetu, posebice u trenucima krize?
Istraživanje treba biti usmjereno prema kreativnom interpretiranju, traženju i ovladavanju, kreiranju novih otvorenih modela. Tu su naši Zavodi još suviše opterećeni konkretnim zadatcima – projektima, ali sve se više naslućuje potreba da se potakne istraživački rad, rad na istraživanju potencijala, traženju identiteta pojedinih mjesta i sredina. Vremena krize u tom su smislu poticajna te upravo zbog nedostatka trenutačnih pragmatičnih zadataka potiču na promišljanje budućih trenutaka. Ovdje govorim o djelovanju nastavnika, a zadaci i djelovanje studenata ne treba biti opterećeno ‘stvarnošću’. Njihovo će vrijeme doći.
Daju li studenti impulse za nastavu i vaš rad u praksi te koji elementi prakse utječu na nastavni rad? Je li za vas osobno edukacija oblik recipročne razmjene znanja u kojem se događa rast i studenata, ali i nastavnika? Je li takvo viđenje ideal nastave ili čak osnovni kriterij za kvalitetnu pedagogiju? Nastava je oblik recipročne razmjene znanja, još više poticaja, prihvaćanja i promišljanja, a već u nekim prijašnjim određenjima karaktera naše radionice prema ideji profesora Crnkovića, postavili smo kao jedan od postulata naše radionice ‘docendo discimus’ (‘poučavajući učimo’), pritom je to više korektiv prema nekim osobnim postavkama. Impulsi su mogući u obostranim odnosima, ali ipak uvijek treba objasniti posebnosti prakse i ‘relativizam realiteta’ te tražiti opća mjesta kao poticaj budućnosti.
David Chipperfield, kurator ovogodišnjeg Biennala u Veneciji, nastoji izložbom potaknuti debatu o temeljnim, zajedničkim vrijednostima suvremene arhitekture. Je li takva debata po vašem mišljenju potrebna? Koje je metode moguće primijeniti u edukaciji kako bi studenti razvili vlastito arhitektonsko stajalište?
Tema ovogodišnjeg Biennala razumljiva je s obzirom na trenutak vremena u kojem treba uistinu preispitati temeljne zajedničke vrijednosti, i to ne samo na polju arhitekture. Svijet je opterećen mnoštvom divergentnih odnosa, a arhitektura se posljednjih godina bavila iznalaženjem oblika. To je uzbudljivo i lijepo, ali nije dostatno. Pozitivne reakcije na taj problem vidio sam i kod studenata, a to je
intervju s izv.prof. miroslavom gengom
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
If we understand teaching as a platform for research work, rather than merely a way of communicating the established and predetermined basics, then the Faculty can certainly offer impulses for practice. Is such an approach cultivated sufficiently at the Faculty, or is it to some extent burdened by the ‘reality’ and the efforts to adapt the teaching process to everyday life? Can research be directed towards an intelligent interpretation and creative mastering of that which is normally considered as ‘limitations’? Isn’t that one of the realistic tasks of the Faculty’s programme, especially in the times of crisis?
Research must be directed towards creative interpretation, search, and mastering or creating new open models. In this way, our Institutes are even more burdened by concrete tasks – projects – but one can sense the increasing need to encourage research work, explore the potentials, search for the identities of certain localities and environments. The times of crisis are motivating in this sense, and encourage reflection on the future precisely because of the present pragmatic tasks. I am referring here to the teacher’s activity, while the tasks and activities of the students should not be burdened by the ‘reality’. Their time will come yet.
Do students give impulses for teaching and for your practical work, and which elements of practice influence the teaching? Is the process of teaching and learning for you a form of reciprocal knowledge exchange, in which both the students and the teachers evolve? Is such a view of the teaching process an ideal or even the basic criterion for good pedagogical work?
Teaching is a form of reciprocal knowledge exchange, and even more an occasion for encouragement, acceptance, and reflection. In some of the previous definitions of the character of our workshop, Prof. Crnković and I postulated as its motto ‘docendo discimus’ (‘we learn by teaching’), even though we did it rather as a corrective with regard to some of our personal principles. Impulses are possible in mutual relations, but nevertheless one must always explain the specificities of practice and the ‘relativism of the reality’ and look for common points as an impulse for the future.
David Chipperfield, curator of this year’s Venice Biennial, uses the exhibition format in order to encourage debate on the basic or common values in contemporary architecture. Do you believe that such debate is necessary? Which methods should be applied in the teaching process in order to help the students develop their own architectural position?
The theme of this year’s Biennial is understandable regarding the present times, in which we should indeed question the basic common values, and not only in the field of architecture. In the recent years, with the
interview with assoc.prof. miroslav geng
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
dobro. Traženje novoga i relativizam moderniteta, ali ne samo kroz arhitektonsku formu i dizajn, jest nešto što će slijediti. Nisam siguran možemo li to nazvati debatom, ali ono što je svakako potrebno – to je novo promišljanje, nova komunikacija u izmijenjenim potrebama, akcija i reakcija u kreativnom procesu. Edukacija bi trebala poticati ove elemente kao vlastito određenje.
world burdened by a multitude of divergent relations, architecture has engaged with the invention of forms. That is exciting and beautiful, but it is hardly enough. I have seen positive reactions to this problem in students, which is good. Quest for something new and the relativism of modernity, not only through architectural forms and design, is something that is still to come. I am not sure whether we can call that a debate, but what we certainly need is a new reflection, new communication within these altered needs, action and reaction in the creative process. Educational process should encourage these by definition.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja
Section of Architectural Design Basics
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docenti / assistant professors
predavač / lecturer
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate
prof. Tonči Žarnić
Tonči Žarnić
Petar Mišković mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Helena Paver Njirić
Vjera Bakić
Veljko Oluić Mia Roth-Čerina Marina Bertina Vanja Rister Melita Čavlović
Juraj Glasinović
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1
3 3
I. II.
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Arhitektonsko projektiranje 1 / Architectural Design 1 Arhitektonsko projektiranje 2 / Architectural Design 2
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja
Nastavni rad / teaching
osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 i 2 / Basics of Architectural Design 1 & 2 Godina / year
semestar / semester
1. &2.
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Bazični dio obrazovanja u arhitekturi izdvaja se kroz specifična pitanja, procedure i edukativni format u zasebno tematsko područje. Kabinet problematizira i istražuje formativni dio obrazovanja u disciplini arhitekture. Određuje svoje područje edukativne akcije u srazu arhitektonske kompozicije, percepcije u arhitekturi i arhitektonskoga gradiva. Kabinet svjesno pojednostavnjuje i tretira temeljnu podlogu arhitektonske edukacije te promišlja specifičnost sredstava i inteligencije u arhitekturi. Početno arhitektonsko obrazovanje nalazi se u labilnom procijepu između dviju suprotstavljenih namjera: sačuvati neočekivanost misli i interpretacije početnika te istovremeno uvesti u specifična sredstva i procedure discipline. Obrazovni program prihvaća prividno stabilne kategorije arhitekture i promjenljive, datumom obilježene, naglaske i suvremena pitanja u izrastanju. Jezgru čine zadatci kojih je problemski okvir univerzalan, ali izložen stalnoj provjeri kroz izmjene hijerarhije sadržanih aspekata kako bi se dobili generacijski raznoliki arhitektonski odgovori. Dio zadataka je promjenljiv i koristi se kao oblik eksperimenta u nastavi. Kratkotrajne vježbe brzih reakcija izvedene su iz procesa i pojmova koji su izraz ili izazov suvremenosti. Edukativna namjera je suočavanje studenta/ice s osobnom interpretacijom problema, odlučivanjem u stvaranju i otkrivanje smisla pojmova imanentnih arhitekturi, kolebanje i provjera vlastite pozicije kroz arhitektonski projekt. Studenti, vođeni logikom zadataka, kroz vlastiti rad spoznaju proces projektiranja te razvoj i artikulaciju arhitektonskog konstrukta unutar ograničenog broja osnovnih parametara arhitekture (prostor, vrijeme, tektonika). Kroz arhitektonsko projektiranje otkrivaju se za arhitekturu karakteristične teme, imanent ni problemi, osnovna sredstva i ograničenja. Razumijevaju se odrednice arhitekture: linearnost, plošnost, prostornost, konstrukcija, funkcija, komunikacija, položaj, svjetlo, mjera, mjerilo, materijalnost. Vježbe su uvijek temeljene na studentskim zamislima koje se prikazuju crtežom i radnim modelom. Rezultat je bitno određen osobnim angažmanom studenta/ ice, premda studentski rad neizostavno svojim komentarima prate voditelji vježbi. Svojim projektima student/ica treba pokazati razumijevanje procesa arhitektonskog projektiranja, i to kroz 1) razvijanje prostorne zamisli i 2) prezentaciju zamisli putem za arhitekturu karakterističnih načina: tehnički crtež (tlocrti, presjeci, pogledi), prostorni prikaz (perspektivni, aksonometrijski) i model (realni i virtualni).
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Section of Architectural Design Basics The essential part of architectural education can be characterized as an individual thematic field made as such by specific issues, procedures and form of education. The Section explores the formative part of architectural education. It determines its own field of educational action in the midst of conflicting relationship between architectural composition, perception in architecture and architectural teaching material. The Section consciously simplifies and treats the essential foundations of architectural education and examines specific tools and intelligence in architecture. The initial architectural education finds itself variably rifted between two opposing intentions: to preserve unpredictable thoughts and interpretations of beginners and, simultaneously, to introduce them to specific tools and procedures of the discipline. The educational programme accepts the seemingly stable categories of architecture and changeable, dated highlights and emerging contemporary issues. The core is comprised of assignments whose problematic framework is universal but exposed to continual re-examination through alternating hierarchy of the existing aspects in order to achieve generationally diverse architectural solutions. Part of the assignment is transformative and is used as a form of experiment in classes. Short-term exercises of quick responses arise from the processes and terminology which reflect or challenge modernity. Educational intent is to face students with a personal interpretation of a problem, decision making in creating and discovering meaningful terminology immanent in architecture, oscillations and testing of the personal position through an architectural project. Following the logic of the assignment and their personal work, students acquire knowledge of the design process and of the development and articulation of an architectural structure within a limited number of basic architectural parameters (space, time, tectonics). Architectural design reveals architecturally characteristic topics, immanent problems, essential tools and limitations. It helps understand the determinants of architecture: lines, planes, space, structure, function, communication, position, light, measure, scale, material. Exercises are always based on students' ideas which are presented through drawings and working models. Results are essentially determined by the personal interest and involvement of individual students, although the student work is invariably supervised and commented by teachers. With their own projects, students should demonstrate understanding of architectural design through 1) developing a spatial concept and 2) presenting the concept by way of tools characteristic for architecture: technical drawings (floor plans, cross-sections), spatial representation (perspective view and axonometric projection) and models (real and virtual).
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Uvodna vježba
student Stella Gojak Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
student Robert Barbir
student Hana Marisa Mohar
Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja
Section of architectural design basics
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
student Hana Marisa Mohar
student Robert Barbir
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić
student Petra Radić
student Ella Cahunek
student Nenad Špoljarić
Voditelj / supervisor Vanja Rister
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Voditelj / supervisor Veljko Oluić
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
student Paula Čingel Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
student Lucija Megla
student Filip Mikac
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
student Nika Bralić
student Hana Marisa Mohar
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja
Section of architectural design basics
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
student Ana Horvat
student Maja Tomljenović
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
Voditelj / supervisor Mia Roth-Čerina
student Nika Serdar
student Ella Cahunek
Voditelj / supervisor Veljko Oluić
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
student Ella Cahunek
student Robert Barbir
student Martina Japunčić
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
student Ella Cahunek
student Ela Cestar
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
student Petra Kovačić Voditelji / supervisors Melita Čavlović Juraj Glasinović
student Ella Cahunek
student Lucija Megla
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja
Section of architectural design basics
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
student Adrijano Steć
student Robert Barbir
student Nika Bralić
Voditelj / supervisor Veljko Oluić
Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
student Robert Barbir
student Ana Horvat
Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
student Stella Gojak
student Nika Bralić
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
student Stella Gojak
student Hana Marisa Mohar
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
student Robert Barbir
student Hana Marisa Mohar
Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
student Ella Cahunek
student Ana Horvat
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja
Section of architectural design basics
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
student Hana Marisa Mohar
student Robert Barbir
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
Voditelj / supervisor Vjera Bakić
student Ella Cahunek
student Ana Horvat
Voditelj / supervisor Marina Bertina
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
student Stella Gojak
student Lucija Megla
Voditelj / supervisor Tonči Žarnić
Voditelj / supervisor Petar Mišković
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja
Section of architectural design basics
Makete radova nastalih na Osnovama arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 i 2 / Models of works created at the course Architectural Design Basics 1 and 2 Studenti / students Robert Barbir, Nika Bralić, Ella Cahunek, Ela Cestar, Paula Čingel, Marija Maslać, Monika Matokanović, Hana Marisa Mohar, Petra Radić, Šime Sarić, Maja Tomljenović
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Depression Workshop AF/SC
Radionica AF/SC
Voditelji / supervisors Mia Roth-Čerina, Petar Mišković Gosti predavači i kritičari / guest lecturers and critics Leo Modrčin, Tonči Žarnić, Maroje Mrduljaš, Željko Golubić, Goran Rako, Vanja Rister, Tin Sven Franić, Idis Turato i Silvije Novak studenti / students Marija Barović, Ana Bjelić, Luka Cindrić, Iva Gotovac, Antun Janković, Nikola Janković, Tena Knežević, Saša Košuta, Ana Lisonek, Lucija Lončar, Dora Lončarić, Dora Stipaničić, Cvjeta Franka Škarić, Hrvoje Šmidihen, Irma Šmuc i Pero Vuković
U svibnju 2012. godine u Galeriji SC održano je treće izdanje Radionice AF/SC, vanfakultetske radionice Kabineta za osnove arhitektonskog projektiranja. Radionicu su 2010. godine pokrenuli Petar Mišković i Mia Roth-Čerina kao poligon za testiranje nestandardnih oblika izvođenja redovne nastave projektiranja: koncentrirani blok vježbi, cjelodnevni/više dnevni rad u izdvojenom studiju, ravnopravnost studenata svih dobi, kontinuirano sudjelovanje gostujućih predavača i kritičara te otvorenost nastavnog procesa javnosti, promišljanje prostora bez zadanih programa i funkcija ili pretpostavljenog rješenja. Za održavanje radionice odabran je specifičan prostorni (i simbolički) okvir Galerije SC.
In May 2012, the Student Centre Gallery in Zagreb was the venue of the third AF/SC Workshop organized by the Faculty of Architecture’s Office for Basics of Architectural Design. The workshop was conceived and launched in 2010 by Petar Mišković and Mia Roth-Čerina as a training ground for non-standard methods of teaching architectural design which forms part of the faculty curriculum: blocks of exercises, work in a remote studio for the entire day or several days, equal approach to students of all ages, continuous participation of guest speakers and critics, lectures open to the public, considerations about space without defined programmes, functions and assumed solutions. The Student Centre Gallery was chosen as a specific spatial (and symbolic) context for the workshop.
Na radionici su sudjelovali studenti af iz Zagreba, Splita i Graza / Workshop was attended by students of fa from Zagreb, Split and Graz
Ove je godine (nakon ‘Tornja’ 2010. i ‘Polja’ 2011. godine) tema radionice bila ‘Depresija’ – upušten prostor artikuliranog ruba, dostupan i naseljiv, proizvoljnog mjerila. Od prvog susreta s temom do završne prezentacije i izložbe projekata studenti su imali na raspolaganju jedan tjedan. Radionica se odvijala u ritmu prethodnih dviju: cjelodnevni rad na projektima i večernji razgovori, predavanja i radne prezentacije kroz tjedan te završna prezentacija i izložba za vikend.
After Tower in 2010 and Field in 2011, the topic of this year's workshop was Depression5– a lowered area with defined boundaries, accessible and habitable, at a freely selected drawing scale. From the moment they were introduced to the topic, students had a week long period to finish their project presentations and the final exhibition. The workshop activities included a full day’s work on projects, evening discussions, lectures and presentations of draft designs during the week and the final presentation and exhibition on the weekend.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za stambene zgrade
Section of Residential Buildings
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni docent profesori / professors / Assistant professor and assoc. professors
predavači / lecturers
viši asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
znanstveni novak – asistent / Junior Re searcher and teaching assistant
vanjski suradnici / teaching associates
prof. Ljubomir Miščević
dr.sc. Ljerka Biondić Teufik Galijašević Mladen Jošić Ljubomir Miščević dr.sc. Lenko Pleština Dragomir Vlahović dr.sc. Alenka Delić
Ivana Ergić Luka Korlaet Nino Virag
dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić
Boško Opalić
Sanja Cvjetko Jerković Minja Jošić Petar Reić
Branimir Rajčić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 2 0 1 0 1
1 0 4 0 2 0
I. i II.
0 2
8 12
I. i II. IV.
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1 1 7 dana
0 0 0 –
II. II. II. I.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada / Introduction to Design of Residential Buildings Stambene zgrade 1 / Residential Buildings 1 Studio 1 / Architectural Design Studio 1 Stambene zgrade 2 / Residential Buildings 2 Studio 2 / Architectural Design Studio 2 Održiva arhitektura / Sustainable Architecture
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Suvremeno stanovanje / Contemporary Housing Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 – Suvremeno stanovanje / Architectural Design Studio 1 – Contemporary Housing Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Metodologija arhitektonskog projektiranja / Methodology of Architectural Design Visokotehnološka arhitektura / High-tech Architecture Japanska prostorna koncepcija / Japanese Spacial Concept Ljetna škola: Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost – Motovun / Summer School: Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability – Motovun
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Nastavni rad / teaching
Tema: Stanovanje
Subject: Housing Section of residential buildings covering thematic horizon problem questions and answers related to housing: the housing such activities to the artifact or technology, from traditional to contemporary forms of housing, room-by-city.
Kabinet za stambene zgrade pokriva tematsko-problemski horizont pitanja i odgovora vezanih uz stanovanje: od stanovanja kao aktivnosti do artefakta ili tehnologije, od tradicijskih oblika stanovanja do suvremenosti, od sobe do grada. Organizacija nastave u preddiplomskom dijelu studija polazi od funkcionalističkih premisa, ideje da se može projektirati iznutra prema van, od manjeg prema većem, a podučavati od jednostavnijih do složenijih zadataka i vještina. U nastavi na diplomskom studiju polazi se od aktivnog promišljanja društvenog konteksta i suvremenosti. Kroz istraživački način rada razvija se vještina stečena tijekom studija, sposobnost samostalnog rješavanja složenih zadataka i stvara specifično novo znanje. Teorijski kolegiji preddiplomskog studija obrađuju teme koje se nastavljaju i preklapaju. Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada podučava osnove problematike stanovanja, odnos mjera, predmeta, prostorija i grupa, prostornu organizaciju, dispoziciju, prostorne i zdravstvene standarde, te odnos stambene jedinice, vanjskog prostora i pripadajućih čimbenika (mikroklima, osunčanje). Na kolegiju Stambene zgrade 1 obrađuju se sve teme bitne za projektiranje slobodnostojeće obiteljske kuće i ostalih tipova individualne stambene izgradnje (vrijednosti, potrebe i zahtjevi; okolnosti pri projektiranju; funkcionalna svojstva), objašnjavaju raznovrsni pristupi projektiranju (moduliranje, oblikovanje) te unapređuju znanja o karakterističnim i antologijskim primjerima. Kroz teme na kolegiju Stambene zgrade 2 među kojima su obilježja stambene zgrade i stana funkcionalna organizacija; tipologija i morfologija; posebni životni stilovi; kriteriji za vrednovanje stambene sredine i druge, podučava se projektiranje stambenih jedinica, zgrada i naselja. Tempo i teme predavanja teorijskih kolegija usklađeni su s radom na vježbovnim kolegijima, radi se prema precizno određenim zadacima (uvodne vježbe, individualno stanovanje, kolektivno stanovanje) što omogućuje postupno savladavanje i razvijanje odslušanog gradiva. Individualno stanovanje obrađuje se u sklopu integralnog kolegija Studio 1, koji je organiziran kroz urbanističku, arhitektonsku i dionicu arhitektonskih konstrukcija.
The organization of teaching in undergraduate study starts from the functionalist premise, the idea that it can be designed from the inside out, from the smaller to the larger, and teach from simple to more complex tasks and skills. In teaching the graduate course starts from the active consideration of the social context and modernity. Through research mode develops skills acquired during their studies, the ability to independently solve complex problems and create new knowledge specifically. Theoretical study of undergraduate courses cover topics that continue overlap. Introduction to the design of residential buildings teaches the basics of the housing problem, the relationship between the measures, objects, spaces and groups, spatial organization, disposition, physical and health standards, and the relationship of the housing unit, outer space and the associated factors (microclimate, sunlight). The course Residential Buildings 1 handle all the issues relevant to the design of a detached single family homes and other types of individual housing construction (values, needs and requirements, the circumstances in the design, functional properties), explain the various approaches to the design (modulation, shaping) and advance knowledge of the characteristic and illustrious examples. Through the themes of the course Residential Buildings 2 among which are the characteristics of the building and the apartment functional organization, typology and morphology; specific lifestyles, the criteria for evaluation of residential environment and teaches others to design housing units, buildings and settlements. The pace of lectures and topics of theoretical courses are aligned with the work of the courses for practice, working towards a clearly defined tasks (opening exercises, individual housing, collective housing), which enables the gradual completion of the development and mastering the material. Individual housing is addressed in the Architectural Design Studio 1, which was organized by the urban, architectural and share architectural structures. Collective housing it is an integral part of the course Architectural Design Studio 2 In the urban section is planned housing development, and architectural shares (a small building project as scheduled and norms of social housing) is associated with an urban.
Kolektivno stanovanje radi se u sklopu integralnog kolegija Studio 2. U urbanističkoj dionici planira se stambeno naselje, a arhitektonska dionica je (projekt manje stambene zgrade po programu i normativima socijalnog stanovanja) povezana s urbanističkim rješenjem.
Course Modern housing, through examples of newly constructed and renovated existing housing units considers housing as a social issue and a basic factor in the development of the city. Expanding the traditional form of
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kolegij Suvremeno stanovanje, kroz primjere novoizgrađenih i postojećih obnovljenih stambenih cjelina promišlja stanovanje kao društveno pitanje i osnovni čimbenik razvoja grada. Proširenje tradicionalnih oblika stanovanja novim načinima života u gradu traži istraživanje novih stambenih tipologija. Evolucija u socijalnom ponašanju uvjetuje promjene u konceptu dizajna suvremenog stanovanja i nove zamisli odnosa između stanovanja i okoliša. Teme koje se predaju na kolegiju su: novi (eksperimentalni) prostorni sustavi sukladni promjenama potreba i težnjama korisnika, multifunkcionalnost, individualizacija, participacija, implementacija ICT i suvremene tehnologije, ‘inteligentni’ prostori stanovanja i okoliš, održivi razvoj i ekološki pristup. Na vježbama u sklopu kolegija Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 unutar slične programske složenosti, opsega zadatka i gradske 'ambicije', voditelji postavljaju različite teme pomoću kojih propituju nove načine stanovanja i suvremenost.
housing new ways of life in search of new housing typology research. The evolution of social behavior causes changes in the concept design of modern housing and new ideas of relations between the housing and the environment. Topics taught in the course are: new (experimental) spatial system in accordance with the changing needs and aspirations of users, multifunctionality, individualisation, participation, implementation of ICT and modern technology, ‘intelligent’ areas of housing and the environment, sustainable development and environmental protection. During exercises in courses within the ads1 similar software complexity, the scope of the task and the City 'ambition', managers set different themes to help investigate new ways of living and modernity.
Kolegij Održiva arhitektura upoznaje studente s temeljnim pojmovima i postavkama energetski učinkovitog i ekološkog pristupa arhitekturi i urbanizmu. Cilj predmeta je postizanje potrebnih znanja na razini europskih standarda energetske učinkovitosti, zaštite okoliša, tehnologije materijala i sustava u okviru održivog razvitka. Kolegij Visokotehnološka arhitektura obuhvaća temeljno definiranje pojmovnika, povijesni razvoj teme, suvremeni razvoj visokih tehnologija relevantnih za arhitektonsku misao i praksu. Cilj predmeta je postizanje potrebnih naprednih znanja o recentnim materijalima, sustavima i strukturama koje omogućavaju koncept, projektiranje i izvedbu visokotehnološke arhitekture. Kolegij Japanska prostorna koncepcija na temelju analize japanskog jezika, literature, filozofije, religije i umjetnosti, tj. putem povijesnih i suvremenih paradigmatskih primjera japanskih arhitekata, nastoji pokazati da postoji prostorna koncepcija koja je izrazito japanska, odnosno koja se bitno razlikuje od zapadnjačke – europske prostorne koncepcije. Kolegij Metodologija arhitektonskog projektiranja bavi se nekonzistentnim variranjem i spajanjem neočekivanih vrijednosti i pojmova koji utječu na nastanak arhitektonske kvalitete. Poznavanje jasnih kriterija vrednovanja arhitekture i odnosa u prostoru ne jamči istovremeno i znanje projektiranja kvalitetne arhitekture i urbanih prostora. Niz daljnjih faktora utječe na stvaranje dobre arhitekture, kao što su poznavanje psihologije međuljudskih odnosa, poznavanje ekonomskih parametara, spremnost na timsku suradnju, licenciranje znanja i drugo.
Kabinet za Stambene zgrade
Sustainable Architecture course introduces students to the basic concepts and the energy-efficient and eco-friendly approach to architecture and urbanism. The goal of course is to achieve the necessary level of knowledge of European standards for energy efficiency, environment, technology, materials and systems in the framework of sustainable development. High-tech architecture course covers basic glossary definition, historical development of the theme, the modern development of high technologies relevant to architectural thought and practice. The goal of course is to achieve the necessary advanced knowledge on recent materials, systems and structures that allow for the concept, design and implementation of high-tech architecture. Course Japanese spatial concept based on the analysis of the Japanese language, literature, philosophy, religion and art, that is based on historical and contemporary paradigmatic examples of Japanese architects trying to show that there is a spatial concept that is distinctly Japanese, and that is significantly different than Western –European spatial concepts. Architectural Design Methodology course deals with the erratic variations in merger unexpected values and concepts that influence the emergence of architectural quality. Knowledge of clear evaluation criteria of architecture and spatial relationships at the same time does not guarantee the design quality and knowledge of architecture and urban spaces. A series of further factors affecting the creation of good architecture, such as knowledge of psychology, interpersonal relationships, knowledge of economic parameters, willingness to team collaboration, licensing and other knowledge.
Section of residential buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studio 1 / architectural design Studio 1 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2. 3. Nagrada za najbolju obiteljsku kuću / Award for the best family house Hrvoje Magdić Selektor/selector prof. emer. dr.sc. Nikola Filipović
Obiteljska kuća na Gornjem Bukovcu, Zagreb
Studio 1 je integralni kolegij organiziran kroz tri simultane dionice: urbanističku, arhitektonsku te dionicu arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Rad na studiju nije organiziran linearno, već arhitektonsko projektiranje predstavlja okosnicu kolegija što se simultano nadograđuje kroz urbanističku komponentu i niz tehničkih znanja u sklopu dionice arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Primarni zadatak Studija 1 je autorski projekt obiteljske kuće u sklopu stambenog naselja niske izgradnje u sjeveroistočnoj zoni Zagreba, Gornji Bukovac. Rad započinje analizom zatečenog konteksta i rubnih uvjeta. Zatim se kroz slijed analiza referentnih primjera i klauzurnih studija istražuju urbanističke i arhitektonske karakteristike osnovnih tipologija individualnog stanovanja. Temeljem ovih predznanja prelazi se u fazu koncipiranja naselja, odabira lokacije za projektiranje te postavljanja prostornog koncepta kuće. Idejno rješenje kuće upotpunjuje se razradom tehničkih aspekata (nosiva struktura, fizika zgrada, specifični detalji, instalacije). Zadatak se dodatno nadograđuje i upotpunjuje prema metodologiji rada pojedinih voditelja. Na kraju semestra organizira se izložba i dodjela nagrada (žirator: prof.emer.dr.sc. Nikola Filipović).
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Family House on Gornji Bukovac, Zagreb Studio 1 is an integral course organized through three simultaneous sections that include urbanism, architectural design and architectural structures. The course syllabus avoids linearity of lessons by defining architectural design as the central framework of the course which is being expended by knowledge in urban planning and architectural structures. The primary assignment of the course requires students to designs a family house in a low-rise residential estate in the northeastern part of Zagreb called Gornji Bukovac. The assignment starts with an analysis of the given context and boundary conditions and is followed by analyses of referential examples and boundary survey reports which form the basis for the exploration of urban and architectural characteristics of the basic types of individual housing. The next stage includes conceiving an estate, selecting a location and creating a spatial concept of the house. The conceptual design of the house is built on by the development of technical aspects (leadbearing structure, building physics, specific detail, installations). The assignment is additionally expanded and completed according to the particular methodology of individual course instructors. At the end of the semester students’ projects are shown at an exhibition and awarded (juror: Professor Emeritus Nikola Fillipović).
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Tamara Relić
Lenko Pleština Ivana Ergić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za Stambene zgrade
Section of residential buildings
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Ana Mrđa Tamara Marić
voditelji / supervisors
Antonija Vlašić
Dragomir Vlahović Nino Virag Srečko Pegan Marko Rukavina
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Larisa Čisić
Branimir Rajčić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
Tihomir Jukić Marina Smokvina
voditelji / supervisors
Hrvoje Magdić
Ljerka Biondić Petar Reić Zlatko Karač Zoran Boševski Mojca Smode Cvitanović
nagrada Nikole Filipovića / Nikola Filipović Award
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studio 2 / architectural design Studio 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2. 4.
Višestambena zgrada u Branovečini – Prešnici, Zagreb
Studio 2 je integralni kolegij zamišljen kroz sinergijsku urbanističku i arhitektonsku dionicu. Urbanistička dionica se bavi planiranjem stambenog naselja na nivou detaljnog urbanističkog plana (DPU) gustoće stanovanja sa 100 – 150 stanovnika po hektaru, dok se arhitektonska dionica nadograđuje na urbanističko rješenje i fokusira na idejni projekt manje višestambene zgrade ili dilataciju veće višestambene zgrade. Zadatak Studija 2/ ahitektonska dionica/je u sklopu detaljnog urbanističkog plana stambenog naselja ‘Branovečina – Prešnica’ izraditi idejni projekt višestambene zgrade do 20 stambenih jedinica. Preko referentnih primjera, a zatim autorskim radom istražuju se funkcija, oblikovanje, prostor, tipologija, komunikacije, orijentacije, fleksibilnost stambenih jedinica i višestambene zgrade, te njihov utjecaj na urbanistički projekt naselja i obrnuto. Idejno rješenje se dodatno upotpunjuje razradom materijala, konstrukcije, instalacija, detalja zgrade. Zadatak je načelno koncipiran i dodatno se nadograđuje i upotpunjava prema metodologiji rada pojedinih voditelja.
Kabinet za Stambene zgrade
Residential Building in Branovečina – Prešnica, Zagreb The course integrates urban planning and architectural sections. The urban planning section focuses on planning a residential estate on the level of a detailed urban development plan with housing density of 100–150 inhabitants per ha. The architectural section of the course draws on the urban design and focuses on the conceptual design of the smaller multifamily residential or the expansion of the bigger multi-family house. The assignment of the course (architectural section) is to create a preliminary design of a multi-family residential with 20 housing units the location of which is determined by the detailed urban plan of the Branovećina – Presnica estate. Taking into account the referential examples, as well as their own works, students explore the function, design, space, typology, communication, orientation, and flexibility of the housing units and building and the mutual influence between them and the urban design of the estate. The conceptual design is additionally expanded by the elaboration of materials, structures, installations and details of the building. The assignment is principally conceived to be developed according to the methodology of individual course instructors.
Section of residential buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Iva Radošević
Lenko Pleština Ivana Ergić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Tamara Marić
voditelji / supervisors
Jelena Hajdinjak
Alenka Delić Boško Opalić Ivan Mlinar Branko Palić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Lucija Pekić
Teufik Galijašević Minja Jošić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za Stambene zgrade
Section of residential buildings
Damir Krajnik Tin Oberman
voditelji / supervisors
Valentina Benčić
Ljubomir Miščević Marina Šimunić-Buršić Sanja Cvjetko Jerković Nenad Lipovac Vedran Ivanković
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 / Architectural Design studio 1
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Suvremeno stanovanje
Contemporary Housing
diplomski studij / Graduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. &2.
Nagrada Zdenko Strižić / Zdenko Strižić Award Alen Žunić , Dunja Naerlović, Dora Stipaničić, Marija Barović Selektor / Selector akademik / FCAAS prof.emer. Branko Kincl U akademskoj godini 2011./2012. postavljene su sljedeće teme Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 / In the academic year 2011/2012 the following topics of Architectural Design Studio 1 are set: 1. Fleksibilan (promjenjiv) stan u višestambenoj zgradi / A Flexible (changeable) Apartment in Multi-Family Residential, Savica, Zagreb 2. Slojevita jednostavnost / Layered Simplicity 3. Sekundarno stanovanje / Second Homes 4. Dom – To je mjesto snova (Gaston Bachelard) / Home – It is a Place of Dreams — Gaston Bachelard 5. Stanovati u tornju / Living in a Tower 6. Stanovati u gradu – gradovati u zgradi; Socijalno stanovanje / Living in a City – Living in a Building; Social Housing 7. Energetska učinkovitost, održivost i pristupačnost – Samodostatna arhitektura /Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and accessibility – Self-sufficient Architecture 8. Stanovanje u postojećim izgrađenim cjelinama / Housing in existing urban structures
Na vježbama u sklopu kolegija Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 unutar slične programske složenosti, opsega zadatka i gradske ‘ambicije’, voditelji postavljaju teme pomoću kojih propituju suvremenost i nove načine stanovanja. Studenti biraju voditelja i temu i kreiraju vlastiti zadatak. Rad je podijeljen na analitički i radni dio te prezentaciju. U analitičkom dijelu promišlja se odabrana literatura, relevantni primjeri, kontekst, metoda rada, istražuje i odabire zadatak. Rad na projektantskoj dionici završava javnom prezentacijom po grupama, izložbom, prezentacijom odabranih radova i nagradom ‘Zdenko Strižić’ koju dodjeljuje prof. Branko Kincl.
Exercises within the course Architectural Design 1 include several instructors who present topic through which students examine modernity and various housing types. All topics are of similarly difficult programme, scope and urban ‘ambition’. Students choose their instructor and topic and create their own assignment. The course is divided into analytical and practical parts and the final presentation. During the analytical part students examine selected literature, relevant examples, work methods, and context and they select an assignment. The practical part includes design and the final part is group presentation, exhibition and presentation of the Zdenko Strižić Award given to the best project by Prof. Branko Kincl. The focus of the course is research-based learning so the expected results are not only skill development but also specific project and new knowledge which could be shared.
Naglasak je na istraživačkom načinu rada, pa su očekivani rezultati osim razvijanja vještina stečenih tijekom studija, niz vrlo specifičnih projekata i novo znanje koje se može dijeliti.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Nikola Brlek
Dragomir Vlahović Nino Virag
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Fleksibilan (promjenjiv) stan u višestambenoj zgradi na Savici u Zagrebu
A Flexible (changeable) Apartment in Multi-Family Residential, Savica, Zagreb
Fleksibilnost (neutralnost) prostora, autentično, kroz povijest je japanska (npr. Katsura carska palača), te je ova predložena tema ujedno kompatibilna s izbornim predmetom ‘Japanska prostorna koncepcija’ koji se kroz povijesno-kulturološki sloj ekskluzivno bavi fleksibilnošću tj. neutralnošću prostora.
Kabinet za Stambene zgrade
Flexibility (neutrality) of space is authentically Japanese characteristic (e.g. Katsura Imperial Palace). The suggested topic is therefore compatible with the elective course in Japanese Spatial Concept which focuses on spatial flexibility or neutrality through the perspective of the Japanese history and culture.
Section of residential buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Goran Rukavina
Mladen Jošić Luka Korlaet
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Slojevita jednostavnost
Layered Simplicity
Kako postići naprednu strukturu prostora slažući jednostavne slojeve? Eksperimentalno održivo stanovanje na zajedničkoj lokaciji promišlja se kao prostorni fenomen, paradigmatski cilj, istraživanje novog arhitektonskog tipa, energetska i ekološka osviještenost uz relativne i apsolutne prostorne kategorije. Metoda rada, prema Steve Jobs-u: ne čekaj, stvaraj vlastitu stvarnost, kontroliraj sve što možeš, priznaj svoje greške, upoznaj sebe, ostavi otvorena vrata za fantastično, ne potiskuj, okruži se briljantnim ljudima, izgradi tim dobrih igrača, budi ono što jesi. Obavezni slojevi projekta su niz ideja: globalna ideja, ideje drugog stupnja, ostale ideje (najmanje jedinice, konteksta ili kontrasta, okoliša, materijala, boje, strukture i teksture, infrastrukture, rasvjete, opreme, grada).
How to achieve a progressive structure of space through simple layering? Experimental sustainable housing on a location is examined as a spatial phenomenon, paradigmatic aim, investigation of a new architectural type, awareness of energy and ecology with relative and absolute spatial categories. Work methods according to Steve Jobs are the following: Don’t Wait, Make Your Own Reality, Control Everything You Can, Own Your Mistakes, Know Yourself, Leave the Door Open for the Fantastic, Don’t Hold Back, Surround Yourself with Brilliance, Build a Team of A Players, Be Yourself. Mandatory layers of the project represent a series of ideas: global ideas, second degree ideas, the rest of ideas (of the smallest unit, context or contrast, environment, materials, colour, structure and texture, infrastructure, lighting, equipment, city).
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Alen Žunić
Ljerka Biondić Luka Korlaet
nagrada zdenko strižić / zdenko strižić award
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
‘Sekundarno’ stanovanje
Second Homes
Pojam ‘sekundarno’ stanovanje označava alternativno boravljenje izmješteno iz primarnog stanovanja (npr. kuće za odmor), a u ovom zadatku pretpostavlja istraživanje stambenih tipova kao što su studentski domovi, hosteli, domovi za starije osobe, razne vrste skloništa i sl. Ponuđeni gradski prostor (trokut između Ulice B. Adžije, Nove i Magazinske ceste) svojom pozicijom prejudicira arhitekturu ‘sekundarnog’ stanovanja. Istraživanjem prostora kao i same teme profiliraju se projektni zadaci.
Kabinet za Stambene zgrade
The term ‘second homes’ signifies alternative places of life (weekend houses), distanced from the primary life spaces. The assignment is to explore housing types such as student dormitories, hostels, and homes for the elderly, various types of shelters and the like. The position of the given urban location (triangle formed by B. Adžije Street, Nova cesta Street and Magazinska cesta Street) presupposes ‘second home’ architecture. Project assignments are formed through investigation of the space and the topic.
Section of residential buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Dunja Naerlović
Alenka Delić Boško Opalić
nagrada zdenko strižić / zdenko strižić award
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Dom – To je mjesto snova — Gaston Bachelard Evolucija u socijalnom ponašanju traži promjene u konceptu dizajna suvremenog stanovanja i nove koncepte odnosa između stanovanja i okoliša. Velike se promjene dešavaju u suvremenom načinu života uz sve veću ulogu novih informacijskih tehnologija (IT). Dolazi do transformacije obitelji (parovi bez djece, samci) te je sve veća nezavisnost unutar obitelji, mijenjaju se individualne potrebe. Privatni prostor supstituira se difuznim servisnim prostorima (rad kod kuće), što dovodi do konverzije stambenih prostora. Uz to je prisutna konstantna fluktuacija radne snage vezana na ekonomsku nestabilnost što vodi do prihvaćanja ideje o mobilnosti i promjenama u odnosu prema privatnom vlasništvu. Bazirajući se na novim tehnologijama, suvremenim ekološkim imperativima, kao i osnovnim principima održivosti i energetske efikasnosti, zadatak može biti orijentiran na istraživanje novih tipova stanovanja, istraživanje sekundarnih oblika stanovanja, problem suvremenog identiteta, kao i različite modele urbane (inter)akcije.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Home – It is a Place of Dreams — Gaston Bachelard Evolution in social behaviour requires changes in design of contemporary housing and reconceptualization of relationships between housing and environment. Great changes have occurred in contemporary way of life with the increasing use of new information technology. Family is being transformed (couples without children, singles) so there is a growing independence of family members who change their individual needs. Private space is substituted with working space (working from home), which leads to conversions of residential spaces. In addition, constant fluctuation of work force related to economic instability leads to the accepted idea of mobility and a changed relationship to private property. Based on new technologies, contemporary ecological imperatives, as well as the basic principles of sustainability and energy efficiency, the assignment of the course can be oriented towards exploration of new housing types, investigation of second homes, problems of contemporary identities, and various urban (inter)action models.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Hana Šenjung Ana Dunnia Pol Cesareo
Lenko Pleština Ivana Ergić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Stanovati u tornju
Living in a Tower
Cilj je istražiti potencijale povratka jednog od intrigantnijih oblika stanovanja u današnji vremenski, prostorni i društveni kontekst. Uvodni dio semestra je istraživačkog karaktera, provjeravaju se karakteristike tipologije stambenog tornja i uspostavlja sustav novih kriterija za način stanovanja primjeren aktualnom trenutku. Mapiranje grada je podloga za kritičku analizu prostornih vrijednosti, temeljem čega se detektiraju potencijalne lokacije. Rad na projektima razmatra se kroz različita mjerila: od utjecaja na formiranje slike grada, preko uspostave odnosa privatnog i javnog te slojevitog strukturiranja programa zgrade, do pomnog promišljanja stambene jedinice kao prostornog okvira koji omogućava funkcionalno suvremeno stanovanje.
The aim is to explore a potential comeback of one of the most intriguing form of housing in the present spatial, temporal and social context. The introductory part of the semester is based on research during which characteristic types of residential towers are observed resulting in the establishment of a new criteria system for the way of habitation suitable for the present moment. City mapping is the foundation for a critical analysis of spatial values, on the basis of which potential locations are detected. Work on projects is shaped according to different criteria: from the impact on the formation of the city image, establishment of private-public relationship, layered programming of the building, to careful consideration of a housing unit as a spatial framework which enables functional contemporary habitation.
Kabinet za Stambene zgrade
Section of residential buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Matej Raič Lucija Lončar
Branimir Rajčić Ivana Ergić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Stanovati u gradu / gradovati u zgradi Socijalno stanovanje
Living in a City / Living in a Building; Social Housing
Radionica se bavi s dva procesa arhitekture/urbanizma 20./21. st. koji se doživljavaju kao lice/naličje iste teme: sve više stanovništva živi u gradovima; zgrade u kojima obitavamo sve su složenije i preuzimaju gradske funkcije. Socijalno stanovanje označava različito potpomognute oblike stanovanja koji omogućuju poželjne stambene standarde ugroženim skupinama građana. U pripremnom dijelu istraživani su modeli socijalnog stanovanja i financiranja i skupine koje ih koriste. U tematskom dijelu odabrane su ciljane skupine, određene programske posebnosti i predložene zamisli vezane za način stanovanja, stambenu jedinicu i stambenu zajednicu. U projektantskom dijelu analizirana je ponuđena lokacija i isprojektiran model stanovanja. Ponuđena rješenja promišljaju problem socijalnog stanovanja kroz različita mjerila. Kod stambene jedinice propituje se smanjivanje normativnih parametara, transformiranje stana i upotrebnih predmeta. Kod stambene zgrade promišlja se prostor komunikacija i struktura. Kod stambenog naselja propituje se gustoća, urbani pejsaži, z – dimenzija i odnos stan / zgrada / naselje / grad.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
The workshop deals with two processes in architecture/urbanism of the 20th /21st century which are seen as two sides of the same topic: an increasing number of people lives in cities; buildings in which we live have become more complex and they have developed urban functions. Social housing signifies two differently subsidized forms of habitation which provide favourable housing standard to socially underprivileged citizens. During preparatory time students explore models of social housing. In the thematic section of the workshop students select target groups, programmatic particularities and propose ideas related to the forms of housing, housing unit and community. The design process includes analysis of a given location and design of a housing model. The proposed concepts revolve around the problem of social housing from the point of view of various criteria. The housing unit inspires issues related to lowering of design standards, transformation of apartments and to utensils. The multi-family building is analysed in connection to communication spaces and structures while the residential estate is examined in relation to population density, urban landscapes, z – dimension and relationship between apartments / building / estate / city.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / Assistant Professors
predavači / lecturers
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
vanjski suradnici / associate teachers
prof.dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić
dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić Veljko Oluić
Vladimir Kasun Mia Roth-Čerina
Marina Bertina Vanja Rister
dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Tonči Žarnić Petar Mišković mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Helena Paver Njirić Vjera Bakić
Darko Latin Zvonimir Prlić
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
2 0
0 9
V. V.
0 2
8 12
I. i II. IV.
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
Igor Franić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Zgrade društvenog standarda / Educational and Community Facilities Studio 3 / Architectural Design Studio 3
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + / Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme
Zgrade za visoko obrazovanje / Higher Education Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda obuhvaća kolegije u preddiplomskom (Studio 3) i diplomskom studiju (Radionica ap 2–Sport +). Tema je kabineta upoznavanje i istraživanje arhitekture funkcionalnih tipologija. Specifičnost zadatka – logika i važnost aspekta ‘društvenog standarda’ stvaraju pretpostavku da studenti kroz proces projektiranja, usvojenih novih spoznaja i senzibiliteta precizno smjeste arhitekturu u društveni kontekst i vrijeme. Komponenta racionalnosti neupitan je segment procesa projektiranja zgrada društvenog standarda i rezultat jasnoga projektantskog diskursa.
Section of Educational and Community Facilities The Section of Educational and Community Facilities includes the pre-graduate course (Architectural Design Studio 3) and graduate course (Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport +). The theme of the cabinet is an introduction to and research into the architecture of functional typologies. The specific quality of the task – logics and the importance of the ‘social standard’ aspect assume that students are able to place architecture accurately within a social context and time through the process of planning and with the help of adopted new insights and their own sensibility. Rationality and cost-effectiveness are an undeniable segment of the process of planning a socially supported building and the result of clear-cut planning discourse.
Architectural Design Studio 3
Tema Studija 3 jest upoznavanje i istraživanje arhitekture funkcionalnih tipologija u području predškolskog i školskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Istraživanje zadane tipologije i sadržaja kroz analize relevantnih arhitektonskih realizacija postupak je kojim studenti otkrivaju složenost prostornih i funkcionalnih odnosa te njihovu međuovisnost, ali i imanentne probleme i ograničenja. Studio se temelji na angažiranomu, cjelodnevnom, individualiziranom radnom procesu. Izravan ‘neformalni’ odnos student – profesor fokus je intenzivnog učenja. Razvijanje potencijalnog talenta studenta primarno je polazište i fokus obrazovnog procesa na Studiju. Studio je okvir unutar kojeg student obvezno prolazi ukupni proces i sadržaj arhitektonskog projektiranja u kojem se prostor i građevina razvijaju kroz kontekst, formu , funkciju, pedagoški program, tehnologiju i materijale. Važan vid edukacijskog procesa neupitno je i vještina prikazivanja arhitektonske zamisli. Projekti se u semestru provjeravaju kroz prezentacije u različitim formatima i medijima: studije (u grafičkom formatu, radnom modelu i kroz izložbu), međufaze (u radnim modelima), idejno rješenje (u grafičkom formatu, završnom modelu, Powerpointu i kroz izložbu). Cilj je nastave razviti sposobnost kreativnog reagiranja, pronaći vlastite metode u postupku projektiranja i razumijevanje konceptualne, pedagoške, oblikovne, urbanističke i tehničke komponente, od arhitektonskog elementa, konstrukcije i detalja do grada i krajolika. Arhitektonsko obrazovanje zahtijeva kontinuirano preispitivanje arhitektonskih stajališta u svrhu potrage za novim alatima koji će otvoriti prostor promjenama i izazovima ubrzane svakodnevice.
The theme of Architectural Design Studio 3 is an introduction to and research into the architecture of functional typologies within the field of pre-school and primary school education. The research of a set typology and content through an analysis of relevant architectural realisations is an approach which helps students discover the complexity of spatial and functional relations, as well as their interrelatedness, but also immanent problems and limits. Work at the Studio is engaged, full-day and individualised. The ‘informal student-professor relationship provides for intensive learning and transfer of experience and knowledge. The development of potential talent among students is the primary focus in the Studio’s educational process. The Studio offers a framework which enables students to experience the entire process and content of architectural planning where space and building is developed through context, form – shaping, function, educational programme, technology and materials. The complexity of the task demands that, alongside the support of specialists from similar fields, the student apply knowledge acquired during earlier study courses. An important aspect of the educational programme is unquestionably the skill to present the architectural concept envisioned. Projects are monitored through presentations in a variety of formats and media: studies (graphic in format, a working model and format exhibition), an inter-phase (in the working models), the conceptual solution (in graphic format, final model, Powerpoint and exhibition format). The aim of the course is to invoke and develop the ability to react creatively, to discover unique methods in the planning process and to comprehend the conceptual, pedagogical, configurative, urban and technical components, from the architectural element, construction and detail to the city and landscape. An education in architecture requires that one continuously question one’s viewpoints as an architect in the aim of creating better and more complex spaces, and so as to search for new tools which will open to doors to changes and challenges within the ever-changing reality of everyday life.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
Studio 3
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studio 3 / architectural design Studio 3 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Osnovna škola u Ivanjoj Reci, Zagreb
Semestar / semester
Zadatak je projektirati osnovnu školu kapaciteta 480 učenika u Ivanjoj Reci. Ivanja Reka je prigradsko naselje na istočnoj periferiji Zagreba, smješteno u neposrednoj blizini Save. Upravo ta činjenica, blizina rijeke, određuje karakter lokacije i čini je posebnom. Izrazito visoka razina podzemne vode i izloženost velikim, često i katastrofalnim, poplavama učinili su zadatak vrlo delikatnim i zahtjevnim, ali i izazovnim. Izuzetno složen projektni zadatak zahtijeva iskorak iz uobičajene konvencionalne arhitekture i otvara prostor za neočekivana arhitektonska rješenja. Dominantan prirodni kontekst provocira nova prostorna rješenja i nove forme.
voditelj / supervisor
Ana Lisonek
Tonči Žarnić
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Primary School in Ivanja Reka, Zagreb The task is to design a primary school in Ivanja Reka (capacity: 480 pupils). Ivanja Reka is a small town on the eastern periphery of Zagreb close to the River Sava. The fact that it is located by a river is what defines the character of the location and makes it special. The extremely high levels of subterraneous waters and its exposure to often excessive and catastrophic flooding made the task sensitive, demanding but also challenging. The exceptionally complex planning task required thinking outside the box and taking an unconventional approach to architecture and allows for unexpected architectural solutions. The dominant natural context invokes new spatial solutions and new forms.
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Dora Lončarić
Tonči Žarnić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
pismena pohvala kolegija / course written recognition
Nasipavanje zemlje / Covering the Area with Soil
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Cvijeta Franka Škarić
Veljko Oluić
voditelji / supervisors
Mirta Rusan
Mia Roth-Čerina Darko Latin
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + U doba kada funkcionalne tipologije mutiraju ili se relativiziraju, kolegij Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + istražuje arhitekturu sportskih objekata. Edukativni motiv je razumijevanje fenomena koji mijenjaju funkcionalni tip i njemu pridružene arhitektonske posebnosti. Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 sport + jest oblik istraživanja kroz projekt kojim se problematizira arhitektonski program u kontekstu suvremenosti, izrastajućih pojava u društvu, disciplini i prostoru, kao i tehničkim i tehnološkim otkrićima. Istražuje se izrastanje novoga modela sportskih objekata u kojima se zadani sportski sadržaj transformira, kroz projekt i dodatni program, u novi tip društvenog centra. Program +, koji student/ica samostalno definira, mora biti rezultat provedenoga istraživanja mnogostrukih konteksta zadatka. Tematski okvir uključuje jednoprostornost, retoričnost konstrukcije, odnos opslužujućih i opsluženih prostora, održivo građenje, prostorna vs. materijalna organizacija, cross/trans/ disprogramming, konfrontaciju mjerila i druge teme koje ovise o pojedinom zadatku. Zadaci se provode u dvosemestralnim ciklusima. Projektom se istražuje kako jezik arhitekture artikulira i opisuje specifičnu funkciju/e, karakter prostora i koreografiju korištenja prostora, javnu pojavu objekta, aspekte održivosti, stalnu iskorištenost u socijalnom smislu, prilagodljivost itd. Radionica, kao otvoreni oblik rada i nastave, omogućava i ohrabruje studenta/icu da razvije kritičnost u odnosu na program, medij kojim se služi i kulturološku situaciju. Student/ica razumijeva složene parametre, u rasponu od konceptualnih do tehničkih, iz kojih arhitektura izrasta te uz projekt razvija i argumentaciju za svoje odluke. Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + zasniva se na intenzivnom studiranju projektantskog problema i istraživačkom pristupu arhitektonskom projektiranju. Radionica uključuje ciljane seminare, zajedničke prezentacije i diskusije tijekom semestra, kao i završnu prezentaciju i obranu projekta. Provodi se kroz sljedeće korake: studija tematskog konteksta – seminar, idejna studija, idejno rješenje, te izložba i prezentacija radova. Određena autonomija arhitektonske interpretacije stvarnosti usmjerava arhitektonske zamisli prema direktnom suočenju sa sadašnjicom i slutnjom budućnosti.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Architectural Design Studio 2 – Sport + In an age in which functional typologies mutate or are relativised, the course: Architectural Design Studio 2 – sport+ seeks to research the architecture of sports objects. The motive is educational and offers an understanding of a phenomenon which changes the functional type and associated architectural specifics. Architectural Design Studio 2 – sport+ is a form of research through a project which brings up the issue of the architectural programme within the context of contemporaneity, emergent phenomena in society, within the discipline and space through technical and technological innovations. What is researched is the emergence of a new model of sports objects in which the set content is transformed, through the project and an additional programme into a new type of social centre. Programme +, which the students define for themselves, must be the result of research carried out within multiple task contexts. The thematic framework includes single space, rhetorical constructions, a correlation between served and serving space, sustainable building, spatial vs material organisation, cross/trans/disprogramming, confrontation of measures and other topics which depend on individual tasks. Tasks are carried out in cycles over a period of two semesters. The aim of the project is to research how the language of architecture articulates and describes (a) specific function(s), the character of the space and the choreography applied within the space, the appearance of the object, the aspects of its sustainability, its regular exploitation in the social sense, its adaptability, etc. Studio as an open form of work and course motivates students to develop a critical eye in relation to the programme offered, the medium used and the cultural situation. Students understand complex parameters, ranging from the conceptual to the technical which lead to the development of architecture, and the project also helps them to develop argumentation for their decisions. Architectural Design Studio 2 – sport + focuses on an intensive study of planning problems and the development of a research approach to architectural planning. The Studio includes goal-specific seminars, joint presentations and discussions during the semester, alongside a final presentation and discussion of the project chosen. It is implemented through the following steps: study of thematic context – seminar, proposal of idea, solution, and exhibition and presentation of works. There is a certain autonomy in the architectural interpretation of reality which directs the architectural concepts towards direct confrontation with the present and allows for conjectures about the future.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport + / Architectural design studio 2 – Sport + diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 1.
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Bazenska dvorana vs. bazenske sobe /+ Prerada Bjelovar Sjeverno i nedaleko od centra grada Bjelovara smješten je industrijski kompleks za proizvodnju brašna ‘Prerada’, nastao početkom 20. stoljeća. Njegovi betonski silosi, građeni 70-ih godina, najviše su građevine u gradu. Kompleks gubi svoju prvobitnu industrijsku funkciju. Prostori stvoreni ponajprije za strojeve i proizvodnju nasljeđuju se kao prostorni kontekst novoga programa komunalnog života i potreba. Grad budućnosti realizira se u ljušturama grada današnjice. Zadatak je dvostruk: planirati i organizirati na inventivan i afirmativan način lokaciju ‘Prerade’, uzimajući u obzir potrebe Bjelovara i procese karakteristične za suvremenost, te projektirati bazensku dvoranu / bazenske sobe za svakodnevno korištenje mještana propitujući osnovne teme arhitekture – prostor, svjetlo, tipologija, struktura, materijalnost. Novostvoreni ambijenti i ozračja unutra i vani moraju iskazivati senzibilitet autora/ice i podrijetlo izvan notornosti funkcionalnog režima.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Swimming Pool Hall vs Swimming Pool Rooms /+ Prerada Bjelovar The industrial complex ‘Prerada’ for the production of flour which was established at the beginning of the 20th century and is located to the north of Bjelovar and close to the town centre. Its concrete silos, built in the 1970s, are the highest buildings in the town, although the complex has now lost it initial industrial function. The venues which were built for housing machinery and production purposes may now be incorporated within a new spatial context beneficial to communal life and the needs of the citizens. The city of the future is realised through the remnants of the city of today. The aim is twofold: to plan and organise the ‘Prerada’ site in an inventive and affirmative way taking the needs of the citizens of Bjelovar into consideration, as well as contemporary processes and resulting in the planning of a swimming pool hall/rooms that can be used on a daily basis by inhabitants whilst incorporating basic architectural themes – space, light, typology, structure, material. The newly created ambient and atmosphere, both inside and outside, should reveal the author’s sensibility and origins beyond the notorious functional regime.
studentice / students Iva Peručić, Jelena Miljanović, Sandra Perić, Marina Palfi, Dora Anić, Mirna Malez, Kristina Škrokov
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Iva Peručić
Tonči Žarnić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
nagrada kolegija / course award
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Sandra Perić
Leo Modrčin Vjera Bakić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Kristina Škrokov
Tonči Žarnić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Jelena Miljanović
Leo Modrčin Vjera Bakić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Anna Kocsis
Veljko Oluić Marina Bertina
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Radionica Arhitektonskog projektiranja 2 – Sport+ / Architectural design studio 2 – Sport+ diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Gradski stadion /+ kultura svakodnevice, Zadar
Semestar / semester
1. 2.
Pitanje što stadion – građevina u koju ulaže i gradi je lokalna zajednica – daje odnosno vraća toj istoj zajednici, ulazna je premisa teme sport + svakodnevica. Stadion, koncipiran kao suvremena građevina, nije isključivi prostor korištenja sportaša (igrača), posjetilaca (navijača), već kao društveno uvjetovan prostor može artikulirati fenomene svakodnevnog života lokalnih stanovnika, stvoriti nove aktivnosti i scenarije korištenja. Kritičko sagledavanje svakodnevice stanovništva presudno je u definiranju budućega kreiranog konteksta. Svakodnevica – izražena ravnomjernim opetovanim ritmom ili kao festival događanja u širokom spektru navika, običaja, rutina, rituala, životnih stilova, kultura i supkultura, kulturološki i sociološki zanimljivih značajki – kreativnim se procesom iščitava kao potencijal i ishodište transformacije urbanoga prostora i stvaranja mjesta. Zadatak je istražiti novi model sportskog objekta koji umjesto standardiziranog stadiona otvara nove obrasce susreta tijela i pokreta, gledatelja i igre, te generira nove forme socijalnih kontakata. Projektom se istražuje kako jezik arhitekture artikulira i opisuje specifičnu funkciju, iznimno mjerilo, dramaturgiju korištenja, arenski prostor. Stoga se razvoj postojećega nogometnog stadiona koristi kao okvir za redefiniranje dijela grada u kojem javni sportski sadržaj može postići ravnotežu u načinu korištenja prostora i potaknuti dijalog zatečenih vrijednosti konteksta.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
City Stadium / + The Culture of Daily Life, Zadar The question as to what a stadium – a building into which investments are made and which is built for the local community – provides, that is, returns to the same community, is the starting point and premise for the topic sport + daily life. A stadium, conceived as a modern building, is not exclusively a space to be used by sportspeople (players), spectators (fans), but also a socially conditioned space which can articulate the phenomenon of the daily life of local inhabitants and create new activities and scenarios for its application. The critical consideration of the daily life of inhabitants is decisive when defining the creation of a future context. Daily life – expressed as a steady repetitive rhythm or as a festival of events encompassing a broad spectrum of habits, customs, routines, rituals, lifestyles, cultures and subcultures, culturally and socially interesting traits – is discerned through the creative process as a potential and source for the transformation of urban space and the creation of place. The aim is to explore a new model for a sports object which, unlike standard stadiums, allows for new frameworks incorporating body and motion, spectator and sports event, and so generates new forms of social contact. This project researches how the language of architecture articulates and describes the specific function, extreme criteria, the dramaturgy of usage, and the arena as space. Therefore, the development of the existing football stadium is used as a framework for the redefinition of a part of the city in which public sports contents may achieve a balance in the manner in which the space is applied and so initiate a dialogue with existing contextual values.
Studenti / students Nikola Arambašić, Pero Vuković, Lea Kovač, Alen Žunić, Matija Novak
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Nikola Arambašić
Tonči Žarnić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
nagrada kolegija / course award
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Matija Novak
Vanja Rister Petar Mišković
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za zgrade društvenog standarda
Section of Educational and Community Facilities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
istraživački rad / research work
Istraživački rad
Research Work
Teme istraživanja / Research Topics: • retoričnost konstrukcije / The Rhetoric Aspect of Construction A Chronological Overview and Classification from the Antique and up to the 20th Century: A Classification of Examples from the Past Decade • odnos opslužujućeg i opsluženog prostora / The Correlation Between Servant and Served Space: 20th Century, Various Functional Types: Kahn, Gregotti, Price • Crossprogramming; transprogramming; disprogramming; Bernard Tschumi: ‘Architecture and Disjunction’, Bow-Wow: ‘Made in Tokyo’ • heterotopija / Heterotopia: Michel Foucault: ‘Of other Spaces’ • društvo spektakla / the Society of the Spectacle; Guy Debord: ‘La Société du Spectacle’ • kultura svakodnevice / the Culture of Everyday and Everydayness: Henri Lefebvre: ‘The Everyday and Everydayness’ • grad – situacionisti; grad – fluxus / City – Situationists; City – Fluxus: Overview of Ideas and Actions by Situationists and Artists of the Fluxus Movement, it's Influence on Contemporary Interpretations of the City • metabolizam / Metabolism • urbani ili pejsažni artefakt, prirodnost u urbanom kontekstu / Urban Or Landscape Artefact, Naturalness Within the Urban Context: Sport and the City • Aldo Rossi: ‘The Architecture of the City’ • Leon Krier: ‘I Nuovi Centri Rionali’ and ‘The City as a Federation of Quarters’ • Cedric Price: Potteries Thinkbelt, Fun Palace, Inter-Action Centre • andrea Branzi: ‘Towards a New Athens Charter’ • Gordon Matta-Clark • Olafur Eliasson • Rachel Whiteread
U okviru Radionice arhitektonskog projektiranja 2, istovremeno s početkom rada na projektu, studentima su zadane teme za istraživanje. Želi se studente uključiti u kulturološki, pojmovni i diskurzivni kontekst arhitekture. Proučavanjem i sažimanjem studenti istražuju znanje koje postoji i provjeravaju njegovo značenje u sadašnjici. Znanje koje je naslijeđeno koristi se za novo znanje koje će nastati u projektu. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju se usmeno i podloga su za grupnu raspravu. Dodatno, istraženi izvori sažimaju se u posuđenom formatu znanstvene posterske prezentacije. Izabrano sredstvo kojim se vizualizira znanje i informacije može se smjestiti u međuprostoru između maljevičevih tabli, ciamovskog grida i kalmanovih text + image poruka. Student se potiče na dodatno istraživanje pitanja koja će otvoriti projekt sam.
Simultaneously with their practical projects, the students attending the Workshop of Architectural Design 2 are given topics which they explore. The aim of the workshop is to introduce students to cultural, terminological and discursive architectural contexts. By researching the topics students use the existing knowledge and apply it to the present context. Inherited knowledge is used for the creation of new knowledge during the work on the project. Research results are presented orally and serve as a good basis for group discussions. In addition, the researched sources are summarized in poster presentations. The selected means of visual presentation of knowledge and information can include Malevich’s tableaux, CIAM grids and Kalman’s text+image messages. Students are encouraged to additionally research the issues springing up from the very projects.
Kultura svakodnevice Henri Lefebvre: ‘The Everyday and Everydayness’
voditelj / supervisor
Pero Vuković
Tonči Žarnić
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za javne zgrade
Section of Public Buildings
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / leader
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and asoc. professors
docenti / assistant professors
viši asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
Vanjski suradnik / associate teacher
prof.dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt
Nenad Fabijanić dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Vesna Mikić dr.sc. Boris Morsan dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt
Tin Sven Franić mr.sc. Sonja Tadej-Vončina
dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik
Ivan Crnković dr.sc. Dražen Juračić dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Gordana Žaja Marina Smokvina
Nikolina Muža
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
2 0
0 11
1 1
0 0
III. I. i II.
1 0 2
0 10 12
I. i II. III. IV.
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1 1 10 dana
0 0 0 –
I. i II. I. II. II.
dr.sc. Sanja Filep mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak Goran Rako
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Zgrade za rad i trgovinu / Office and Commercial Buildings Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Zgrade za rad i kulturu / Work and Culture Facilities Zdravstvo i turizam – Zgrade za za povremeni boravak / Health and Tourism – Facility for Temporary Activities Zgrade za sport / Sport Facilities Radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio
Izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Suvremena arhitektura u regiji (Hyper Croatia) / Croatian Arch. in the Region (Hyper Croatia) Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi / Visual Communication in Architecture Kritika u arhitekturi / Criticism in Architecture Ljetna škola: Tradicija i suvremenost – Lopud / Summer School: Tradition and Modernity – Lopud Ljetna škola: Škola grada / Summer School: The School of the City
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Nastavni rad / teaching
Javne zgrade
Public Buildings
Kabinet za javne zgrade nudi specifični korpus znanja i umijeća iz područja gradotvorne arhitekture javnih institucionalnih društvenih namjena, te stvaranja radnih i proizvodnih prostora uz spoznavanje visokih razina integracijskih procesa arhitektonske prakse sadašnjosti i budućnosti na početku trećeg milenija. Kabinet se fokusira na društvene, gospodarske, kulturne, znanstvene i tehnologijske čimbenike i njihov utjecaj na organizaciju i oblikovanje prostora javnih institucija svih domena, te radnih prostora u upravnim i administrativnim zgradama, komercijalnim kompleksima, robnim kućama, trgovačkim i višenamjenskim centrima, kao i proizvodnim prostorima. Analiza prostora javnih potreba, radnoga mjesta i radnog prostora u pojedinim radnim procesima prethodi projektantskoj definiciji zadanog problema i umijećima harmoniziranja vizualne i estetske komponente u oblikovanju čovjekovoga okruženja sa složenim uvjetima, kako kulturologijskim, urbanističkim i regulativnim tako i fizikalnim, globalno poželjnim principima održivosti životnoga okruženja. Razvoj arhitektonskih programa, koji su u fokusu kabineta za javne zgrade, zavisi dijelom od posebnosti kulturnih fenomena današnjice i odnosa lokalnoga i gobalnoga u okviru supremacije digitalnog doba. Proizlazi arhitektura radnog i stvaralačkog okruženja koja se profilira između realnih i virtualnih prostora, unutar razumijevanja prirodoznanstvene paradigme svijeta i optimalne primjene bitnih energija i ostalih primjesa koje zajedničkim djelovanjem i međusobnim utjecajima formiraju nove vrijednosti i realitete arhitekture informacijskog doba. Kabinet je prisutan unutar nastavnog procesa fakulteta kroz veći broj kolegija, provodeći nastavu na preddiplomskoj, diplomskoj i doktorskoj razini s iskusnim nastavničkim timovima i predstavlja sveobuhvatnu nastavno-istraživačku cjelinu s fokusom na sklopove višefunkcionalne arhitekture urbanih centara. Unutar Kabineta razvijene su ekspertize tima nastavnika iz četiri problemska područja: područje komercijalne i javne arhitekture kroz kolegije Zgrade za rad i trgovinu, Zgrade za rad i kulturu, Zdravstvo i turizam te pripadajućih vježbovnih kolegija Studio 4 i Radionice arhitektonskog projektiranja 3, područje urbanih javnih prostora kroz kolegij Budućnost gradova i pripadajućih radionica, područje regionalnog razvoja kroz kolegij Suvremena arhitektura u regiji i radionicu Arhitektonska topografija identiteta, te područje teorijske arhitekture kroz kolegije Unikatne posebnosti suvremene arhitekture, Fenomeni suvremene arhitekture u prostorima biblioteka, Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi i Kritika u arhitekturi.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Section of Public Buildings offers a specific body of knowledge and skills related to the urban architecture that serves important institutional and social purposes, as well as the design of workspace and production space, with insights into the high-level integration processes in the architectural practice now and in the future, at the beginning of the third millennium. The lab focuses on the social, economic, cultural, scientific, and technological factors and their impact on the organization and design of space in public institutions of all profiles, as well as workspaces in administrative buildings, commercial complexes, department stores, shopping malls, mixed-purpose centres, and production facilities. An analysis of space, public needs, workplace, and workspace in specific working processes is followed by an architectural definition of the given task and the development of skills needed for harmonizing visual and aesthetical components in designing complex human environments. The students are familiarized with the physical, globally desirable principles related to culture, urban planning, legal regulations, and sustainability of the living environment. The development of architectural programmes that the Section of Public Buildings focuses on partly depends on the specificities of the present-day cultural phenomena, as well as the relationship between the local and global aspects with regard to the supremacy of the digital age. The result is an architecture of workspace and creative environment that finds its profile between real and virtual spaces, within an understanding of the natural and scientific paradigm of the world, and an optimal use of essential resources and other elements that create new values and realities in the architecture of the information age in collaboration and interaction. The Section participates in the curriculum of the Faculty with a considerable number of courses on the BA, MA, and doctoral levels, offered by experienced teams of lecturers, and thus forms a comprehensive teaching and research unit focusing on the constellations of multifunctional architecture in urban centres. The Section is based on the expertise of teams of professors in four different spheres: the field of commercial and public architecture (with courses on Buildings for Work and Commerce, Buildings for Work and Culture, Health and Tourism, a corresponding practical course called Studio 4, and the workshop called Studying Rare Architectural Types; the field of urban public space with a course on the Future of the Cities, and the corresponding workshops; the field of regional development with a course on Contemporary Architecture in the Region and a workshop on the Architectural Topography of Identities; and the field of theoretical architecture, with courses on the Unique Specificities of Contemporary Architecture, the Phenomena of Contemporary Architecture in Libraries, Visual Communication in Architecture, and Criticism in Architecture.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kolegij Zgrade za rad i trgovinu problematizira znanja i umijeća iz područja stvaranja radnih i proizvodnih prostora, uredskih i upravnih zgrada, te trgovačkih, odnosno višenamjenskih zgrada i polivalentnih urbanih centara, dok kolegij Suvremena arhitektura u regiji promišlja u kontekst autentične arhitekture i to na njena dva osnovna vida: na razumijevanju mjesta i na tektonici. Kolegij koristi teoriju kritičkog regionalizma koja nastoji gubitak mjesta u modernoj arhitekturi nadoknaditi snagom konteksta u smislu osjećaja za mjesto i njegovim značenjem.
The course on Buildings for Work and Commerce imparts knowledge and skills related to the production of workspace and production space, office and administration buildings, and commercial or multifunctional buildings and polyvalent urban centres. The course on Contemporary Architecture in the Region deals with the autochthon architecture, particularly two of its aspects: understanding the locality and tectonics. The course is based on the theory of critical regionalism, which answers to the absence of place in modern architecture by using the power of the context in order to develop a feeling for the place and its significance.
Edukativni cilj kolegija Zgrade za rad i kulturu razvija i doseže specifične stručne kompetencije akumuliranjem znanja i vještina o arhitekturi putem izlaganja i raščlambe tema, zdanja i fenomena kako poslovne, tako i arhitekture kulture i to na visokoj diplomskoj razini analize arhitektonskih predložaka koji ocrtavaju civilizacijsku nadgradnju integriranih specifičnosti prema sadržajima, metodologiji, značenju i lokacijama. Kolegij obuhvaća arhitekturu megastruktura suvremenih višenamjenskih arhitektonskih kompleksa, radnih i komercijalnih ambijenata i terminala. Kolegij Zdravstvo i turizam – Zgrade za povremeni boravak osigurava znanstvenu i stručnu metodologiju za studentski rad na projektantskim radionicama. Cilj je kolegija upoznavanje studenata s osnovnim povijesnim, tipološkim i morfološkim odlikama zgrada za povremeni boravak zdravstvene i turističke namjene. Okosnica predavanja jesu funkcionalnoorganizacijski parametri i suvremene tendencije u projektiranju zgrada turističke i zdravstvene namjene, a studenti stječu znanje o dvjema koncepcijski i tehničko-tehnološki kompleksnim tipologijama. Na kolegiju Vizualne komunikacije u arhitekturi otvara se pitanje što je arhitektura i kojim pojmovnim aparatom i disciplinama se dolazi do određenja arhitekture te otvara rasprava o odnosu arhitekture spram drugih likovnih umjetnosti i vizualnih komunikacija, o prostornim odnosima i odnosima u kompoziciji. Dok kolegij Kritika u arhitekturi obuhvaća područje urbane ekologije i problematiku medijske prezentacije arhitekture. Istraživanja i nastava se odvijaju na preddiplomskoj, diplomskoj i postdiplomskoj razini. Metodološki okvir istraživanja specifičan je za svako pojedino područje, a naglasak je na suvremenost i pristup problemu kroz paralelnu analizu povijesnog razvoja i anticipaciju budućeg razvoja proučavanih procesa uz poštovanje načela arhitektonske struke i specifičnosti zagrebačke škole arhitekture i kontinuiranu analizu trendova u svijetu. Na svim se kolegijima od rane faze preddiplomskog studija snažno potiče i preporuča problemski pristup uočenim trendovima, problemima i procesima kako bi se poticao znanstveni pristup.
Kabinet za javne zgrade
The educational goal of the course on Buildings for Work and Culture develops and imparts specific professional competences by accumulating architectural knowledge and skills through the presentation and analysis of various topics, buildings, and phenomena related to both commercial and cultural architecture. It takes place on a more advanced, MA level, where the students analyze examples of architecture that represent the civilizational superstructure of integrated specificities according to the topics, methodology, meaning, and location. The course focuses on the architecture of megastructures characteristic of modern, multifunctional architectural complexes, business and commercial ambiences and terminals. The course on Health and Tourism – Buildings for Sporadic Use offers scholarly and professional methodology for student research in design workshops. The aim is to familiarize the students with the basic historical, typological, and morphological features of buildings for sporadic use intended for health and tourism. Lectures are based on functional and organizational parameters and on modern tendencies in designing buildings for health and tourism, and the students learn about two typologies of complex conceptions and technologies. The course on Visual Communications in Architecture focuses on what architecture is and which terminological apparatus and disciplines can be used to define it. It also encourages debate on the relationship between architecture and other fine arts and visual communications, as well as spatial relations and relations in a composition. The course on Criticism in Architecture focuses on the field of urban ecology and the issue of presenting architecture in the media. Research and teaching take place on the BA, MA, and doctoral levels. The methodological framework of research is specific for each individual field, while the emphasis is on modernity and on approaching the problem through the analysis of historical development and the parallel anticipation of the future development of the researched processes, while taking into account the principles of architectural profession and the specificities of the Zagreb school of architecture, as well as the continuous analysis of global trends. All courses, beginning with those in the early phase of the BA programme, strongly encourage and recommend a critical stance towards the identified trends, problems, and processes in order to promote the scholarly approach.
Section of Public Buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studio 4 / architectural design Studio 4 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
3. 6.
Poslovna zgrada zagrebačkog donjogradskog bloka – blok Nade Dimić
Studio 4 predstavlja okosnicu studijskog programa jer povezuje arhitektonsko projektiranje s urbanističkim postavkama i tehničkim uvjetima gradnje. Studenti se upoznaju s postupkom projektiranja kojim se prostor i građevina razvijaju kroz kontekst, formu, funkciju, tehnologiju i materijal. U radnom procesu stječe se razumijevanje odnosa inženjera i društva, profesionalne etike, djelovanja na održivost okoliša, upravljanja projektom i učinkovite komunikacije. Težište rada jest u vještini snalaženja u projektantskom procesu i regulativnom okruženju s potpunim poznavanjem svih produkcijskih segmenata projekta. Teorijsko-filozofski izvodi postavki projekta su poželjni, no fakultativni su za ovu prvostupanjsku razinu edukacije. Pored integracije znanja studio potiče i individualni kreativni pristup rješavanju problema kod svakog pojedinog studenta. Zadatak završnog semestra preddiplomske nastave ak. god. 2011./2012. višefunkcionalna je zgrada u zagrebačkom donjogradskom bloku omeđenom Ulicom kneza Borne, Erdedyjevom, Branimirovom i Ulicom kneza Domagoja (Blok Nade Dimić), u kojem nakon analize šireg urbanističkog konteksta slijedi projektiranje višefunkcionalne zgrade. Provodi se praktična aplikacija teoretskih spoznaja iz kolegija Zgrade za rad i trgovinu. Kroz projektantski proces studenti sagledavaju odnos zadanog bloka sa širom urbanističkom situacijom i različitim karakterima rubnih zona od klasične tipologije donjogradskog bloka, nedefiniranog prostora pruge s južne strane i javnog školskog sadržaja sa sjeverne strane zadanog bloka. U daljnjoj razradi metodološki se naglasak stavlja na programiranje namjene, organizaciju, prostornu raščlambu, analizu tehnološkog procesa, primjenu ergonomskih principa, ugradnju vizualne, estetske i senzoričke kvalitete, prostorne i arhitektonske kvalitete te konstruktivnu inovativnost.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Office building in Zagreb Downtown Block – Nada Dimić Block Architectural Design Studio 4 is at the centre of the curriculum, since it links architectural design and planning with urban planning and the technical conditions of construction. The students learn about the design procedure in which the space and the building evolve through the context, form, function, technology, and material. This working process enhances their understanding of the relationship between the engineer and the society, the professional ethics, the impact on environmental sustainability, project administration, and efficient communication. The students should learn how to orient themselves in the design process and the regulations, with a comprehensive knowledge of all productionrelated segment of the project. The theoretical and philosophical foundation of the project premises is desirable, but optional in this early phase of training. Besides knowledge integration, Architectural Design Studio 4 encourages an individual, creative approach to problem solution in each individual student. In the academic year 2011/12, the task for the final semester of the BA programme focused on the multifunctional building in the Lower Town of Zagreb, bordering on Kneza Borne, Erdodyjeva, Branimirova, and Kneza Domagoja streets (the so-called ‘Nada Dimić’ block). After analysing the wider urban context, the students were asked to design a multifunctional building, applying in practice the theoretical insights from the course on Buildings for Work and Commerce. Through the design process, the students were supposed to understand the relationship between the given block and its wider urban situation, as well as various types of marginal zones, including the classical typology of a Lower-Town block, with the undefined railway area to the south and the public school area to the north. Further elaboration placed a methodological accent on planning the function, organization, and spatial diversification, analysing the technical process, applying the ergonomic principles, including visual, aesthetical, and sensory features, and ensuring spatial and architectural quality as well as constructional innovation.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Martina Babić
Goran Rako
voditelji / supervisors
Samra Rahmanović
Miroslav Geng Tin Sven Franić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za javne zgrade
Section of Public Buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
radionica arhitektonskog projektiranja 3 / architectural design studio 3 diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Marija Knez Suzana Lepanović
Miroslav Geng Tin Sven Franić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Urbane sabirnice – novi javni prostori grada Tema radionice je ispitivanje odnosa ‘ i / ili iznad ili ispod osnovnog sloja’– ravnine tla – dokidanje uvriježenog poimanja prizemlja, megastrukturalni koncept interakcije pokretnih sistema ispod široke suprastrukture urbanog života. Danas se djelovanje kreće u divergentnim odnosima individualnog i zajedničkog pri čemu postoji parcijalno tumačenje ponekad nejasno ili nedovoljno interferirano različitošću. ‘Višeznačenjsko polje’ predstavlja pokušaj objedinjavanja različitih interesa/spoznaja u zajedničkim prostorima ‘zajedničkim mjestima’, pri čemu organizacija vanjskih i unutarnjih prostora pruža mogućnost različitog korištenja u odnosima različitih aktivnosti zabave, rekreacije i prostora parka –‘Tivoli’, Kopenhagen. Susret/odmor/ kultura/prezentacija – zajedničko djelovanje i brisanje granica između vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora – kontinuirani ‘labirint’– otvoreni i zatvoreni, horizontalni i vertikalni meandar vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora, prostor kao mjesto komunikacije, susreta misli, mjesto razmjene informacija, znanja, slika, promjena, vijesti, osjetilnih i fizičkih stanja... Lokacija zadatka je Zagreb, kontaktna zona Radničke ceste.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Urban Hubs – New Public Spaces in the City The topic of this workshop explores the relationships of ‘and/or above or below the basic layer’ – the ground level – abolishing the traditional concept of the ground floor and introducing a mega-structural concept of interaction between various mobile systems below the broad superstructure of urban life. Today human activity moves in the diverging relationships of individual and common, which is a partial interpretation, vaguely or insufficiently impacted by diversity. The ‘multifunctional field’ results from an attempt of unifying various interests/insights in common spaces, whereby the organization of exterior and interior spaces offers the possibility of various uses in interaction between different forms of entertainment, recreation, and the park –‘Tivoli’, Copenhagen. Encounter/ relaxation/culture/presentation – joint activity and blurring the borders between the exterior and the interior – a continuous ‘maze’– open and closed, horizontal and vertical meander of exterior and interior, space as a site of communication, encounter between various ideas, a place for exchanging information, knowledge, images, changes, news, sensory and physical conditions... The location of the task is Zagreb, the contact zone of Radnička Road.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Revitalizacija napuštenih gradskih (industrijskih) prostora
Revitalization of Disused Urban (Industrial) Spaces Gredelj – New City Center
Gredelj – novi centar grada Zadatak je ispitivanje i pronalaženje optimalne programske strukture za dvije ponuđene lokacije Zagrepčanke – Stara klaonica i Gredelj. Cilj ovog zadatka je preispitati moguću sadržajnu strukturu i dobiti funkcionalna i oblikovno vrijedna rješenja za realizaciju planiranih sadržaja koji moraju predstavljati novu gradsku kvalitetu. Lokacija prostora napuštenog industrijskog područja Zagrepčanke – Stare klaonice u Zagrebu je jedan od rijetkih primjera djelomično dobro očuvane industrijske arhitekture. Lokacija područja bivše tvornice Janko Gredelj, južno od pruge, sjeverno od Avenije Vukovar i istočno od centralne gradske osi, sa zapadne strane omeđena je Strojarskom ulicom. S obzirom na iznimnu slojevitost zadanih lokacija, kako u urbanističkom tako i u kulturno-povijesnom smislu, sama funkcija i sadržaj zadatka bili su prepušteni individualnom odabiru, u skladu sa širom prostornom analizom. Uvođenjem novih sadržaja, strukture i volumena u prostornu cjelinu bilo je potrebno uspostaviti skladan odnos prema zatečenim povijesnim vrijednostima, sakupiti nekoherentne fragmente grada u organiziranu cjelinu i postići oblikovnu i funkcionalnu kvalitetu gradskog prostora.
The task is to explore and find an optimal programmatic structure for the two possible localities of Zagrepčanka – the ‘Old Slaughterhouse’ and ‘Gredelj’. The aim is to analyze the spatial potentials and limitations of these localities, as well as their aptness for various facilities, and to find functional and well designed solutions for actualizing these features so as to turn them into a new urban quality. The locality of the disused industrial locality of Zagrepčanka – ‘the Old Slaughterhouse’ in Zagreb is among the rare examples of well-preserved industrial architecture. The locality of the former ‘Janko Gredelj’ factory south of the railway, north of Vukovar Avenue, and east of the central urban axis, is limited to the west by Strojarska Road. Regarding the exceptional complexity of the given sites in terms of both urban planning and cultural history, the choice of the function and content of the task is left to the students, as long as it corresponds to the broader spatial analysis. By introducing new facilities, structures, and volumes into the spatial unit, they are supposed to establish a balanced relationship between the new elements and the historical ones, collect the incoherent urban fragments into an organized whole, and achieve a unity of design and function for a quality urban space.
Suradnici / Associates Alan Braun, Tihomir Jukić studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Marija Rupa Lana Puljić Sabina Pleše
Sonja Tadej-Vončina
Kabinet za javne zgrade
Section of Public Buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studije rijetkih arhitektonskih tipova
Studies of Rare Architectural Typologies
Muzej spomenika totalitarnih ideologija Trendovi razvoja arhitektonskih programa zavise dijelom o posebnim fenomenima globalizacije, analogno – digitalne pozicije u arhitekturi, uvođenju virtualne zabave u prostore slobodnog vremena, radnom okruženju koje se profilira između realnog i virtualnog ambijenta, razumijevanju prirodno-znanstvene paradigme svijeta i primjeni optimalnih energija u području arhitektonskog stvaralaštva. Problemsko područje, teme i zadaci radionice su studije rijetkih arhitektonskih tipova. Forumi kulture mjesta su urbano-generativnih lokacija gradova u nastajanju. Zagreb Forum Buzin sadrži tematske parkove kao komunikacijske platforme korporacija; eko-park, tehno-park, auto-park. Lokacija Ave. V. Holjevca u Zagrebu uz Muzej suvremene umjetnosti sadrži niz prostornih i programskih ambijenata; Vizionarijum – Edukatorijum kao muzej, park i centar promocije prirodno-znanstvenih i tehničkih aktivnosti. Uz Muzej spomenika totalitarnih ideologija s izložbenim depoom (kao Schaulager) nastaje mjesto koje nedostaje u tranzitivnoj memoriji simbola prethodnih ideologija, mjesto koje povezuje političku i kulturnu prošlost, sadašnjost i moguću budućnost. Staklena palača – Orangerie – Palmen Garten, na lokaciji novog Botaničkog vrta u Zagrebu revalorizira dijalog s reprezentativnim palačama grada uokvirenih kompozicijom Lenucijeve potkove.
voditelj / supervisor
Nina Anić
Aleksandar Homadovski
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
The Museum of Monuments to Totalitarian Ideologies Trends in the development of architectural programmes partly depend on the specific phenomena of globalization, the analogous and digital position in architecture, introduction of virtual entertainment in spaces intended for spare time, the working environment that positions itself between real and virtual environments, and the understanding of the scientific paradigm of the world and the use of optimal resources in the field of architectural creation. The thematic fields, topics, and tasks for this workshop include rare architectural typologies. Cultural forums are places of urban generation for the emerging cities. Zagreb Forum Buzin contains thematic parks as the communicational platforms of corporations; eco-park, technopark, auto-park. The locality of Većeslava Holjevca Avenue in Zagreb contains, besides the Museum of Contemporary Art, a series of spatio-programmatic localities: Visionarium – Educatorium as a museum, park, and centre for the promotion of natural and technical sciences. The museum of monuments to totalitarian ideologies, with its exhibition depot (a Schaulager), becomes a place that is missing in the transitive memory of symbols from previous ideologies, a place that links the political and cultural past, present, and possibly future. The glass palace (Orangerie – Palmen Garten) located in the new Botanical Garden re-evaluates its dialogue with the representative urban palaces framed by the composition of the ‘Lenuci’s Horseshoe.’
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Arhitektonska topografija identiteta Granični prijelaz i galerija Vilka Gecana u Brodu na Kupi
Problemsko područje radionice je regionalni i prekogranični razvoj Hrvatske. Svaka regija u Hrvatskoj ima specifičnu prostornu vrijednost kojom se razlikuje od drugih i koja je osnova za njezin razvoj.
Studenti i projekti / Students and Projects Hana Šenjug: Kamp / Camping Kristina Bišćan: Galerija Vilka Gecana / Vilko Gecan Gallery Krešimir Romić: Galerija Vilka Gecana / Vilko Gecan Gallery Ana Blagus: Arheološki muzej / Archaeological Museum Marin Čalušić: Galerija i info-centar / Gallery and Info Center Hrvoje Hanže Hanzlin: Info-centar / Info Center Ana Dunnia Pol Cezareo: Most – granični prijelaz / Bridge – Border Crossing Josipa Sarić: Uređenje centra / Transformation of the City Centre
Zadaci na radionici temelje se na kolegiju Suvremena arhitektura u regiji, unutar vrijednosnog para lokalno i globalno. Lokalni i regionalni razvojni procesi su, u ovom istraživanju, stavljeni u poziciju identificiranja prioritetnih potreba sredine, polazeći od činjenice da stanovništvo na lokalnoj i regionalnoj razini jasnije razumije teškoće s kojima se susreće te da lokalni i regionalni problemi u najvećem broju zahtijevaju specifična lokalna i regionalna rješenja. Ciljevi rada na terenu su senzibiliziranje budućih arhitekata za lokalne probleme hrvatskog nacionalnog prostora, kao i programska pomoć regionalnim zajednicama da potpunije sagledaju svoje mogućnosti za održivi razvitak. Zadatak je prostorna cjelina Brod na Kupi. Lokacija je zamišljena kao točka prezentiranja i promocije ovog, zasad neprepoznatog i nedovoljno afirmiranog, hrvatskog kulturnog krajolika, koji sa susjednom slovenskom stranom čini krajobraznu cjelinu. Uz granični prijelaz važna potencijala točka za razvoj kulturnog turizma u Brodu na Kupi bio je program Galerije Vilka Gecana.
Kabinet za javne zgrade
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Architectural Topography Identity Border Crossing and the Vilko Gecan Gallery in Brod na Kupi The problem area examined in the workshop is a regional and cross-border development of Croatia. Each Croatian region has its own specific spatial values which differentiate it from all others and which form the basis for its development. Workshop assignments are based on the course Contemporary Architecture in the Region and are explored within the local – global relationship. Local and regional development are in the research context of the workshop related to identifying priority needs of a community, starting from the fact that people understand more clearly difficulties which they face on a local or regional level and that these difficulties in most cases demand specific local and regional solutions. The goals of the field work are related to raising awareness of future architects for local problems of the Croatian national space, as well as providing help with programming to regional communities so that possibilities of sustainable development can be considered and explored in a more comprehensive way. The assignment is a spatial area of Brod na Kupi. The locations were envisaged to serve as places which could present and promote this still unacknowledged Croatian cultural landscape which forms a landscape entity with the neighbouring Slovenian areas. In addition to the border crossing, an important potential role in the development of cultural tourism in Brod na Kupi was the programme organized by the Vilko Gecan Gallery.
Section of Public Buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
voditelji / supervisors
Ana Dunnia Pol Cezareo Vesna Mikić Marina Smokvina Nikolina Muža
voditelji / supervisors
Kristina Bišćan
Vesna Mikić Marina Smokvina Nikolina Muža
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Petra Špilj
Sanja Filep Maruša Zorec Hans Gangoly
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Tema Gustoće ispituje se na lokaciji Graz, južno od stare gradske jezgre i u blizini rijeke Mure. Intervencija se odnosi na prazni blok, omeđen s četiri strane gradskim prometnicama. Okolna izgradnja ima periferni karakter tako da zahvat nije opterećen kontekstom. Osnovna tema je ‘gustoća’, odnosno metodom umetanja novih struktura i sadržaja provocira se utjecaj na širi kontekst i stvaranje nove arhitektonske, ekonomske, sociološke vrijednosti. Zadatak je urbanistički riješiti blok, koji programski pretpostavlja javne sadržaje u parteru i eventualno na prvoj etaži, dok su ostale etaže namijenjene stanovanju. Tema nije samo vezana za fizičku lokaciju, već i za materijal. Tendencija je kreativna upotreba opeke, bilo u konstruktivnom ili oblikovnom segmentu. Odlazak na teren sponzorira tvrtka Wienerberger.
The topic of Density is explored in Graz, south of the historical city centre and next to the Mura River. The workshop focuses on an empty urban block, limited on all sides by traffic routes. The buildings around the site are peripheral in character, so that the intervention is not burdened by the context. The main topic is ‘density’, which means that we use the method of inserting new structures and facilities in order to make an impact on the broader context and create new architectural, economic, and social values. The task is to produce a solution for the block in terms of urban planning, which will include public facilities on the ground level and possibly the first floor, while other levels are intended for housing. The task is not limited to the physical location, but also includes the material. The tendency is a creative use of brick, both for constructions and in design. The field trip is sponsored by the Wienerberger company.
Kabinet za javne zgrade
Section of Public Buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Integrirani grad
Integrated City
Stratigrafija urbane tipologije–Regeneracija urbane strukture
Stratification of urban typology – Regeneration of urban structure
Razdoblje nastanka i oblikovanja modernog Zagreba nerazdvojno je vezano za željeznicu, koja je u proteklih 150 godina urasla u gradsko tkivo. Refleks željeznice u planovima grada u prvom se redu vezuje za sliku grada: središnji potez grada, problem Glavnoga kolodvora, razdvojenost dijelova grada uz prugu. Buduća rekonstrukcija i dograđivanje željezničkog čvora koji bi se trebao prilagoditi razvoju suvremene željezničke tehnologije i potrebama grada imao bi za posljedicu promjenu načina i intenziteta korištenja. Svrha projektnih propitivanja zasniva se na radikalnom rješenju spuštanja pruge pod zemlju čime se otvara prostor za urbanu intervenciju u najužem centru Zagreba. Oslobađanjem površina na i oko prostora pruge omogućuje se povezivanje dva povijesno odijeljena područja. Prostorni zahvat obuhvaća područje ispod Botaničkog vrta, prostora sadašnje pruge i zapuštenog i nedovršenog područja Martinovke. Urbana obnova rezultirala bi novom funkcionalnom i prostornom integracijom dijela grada čime bi se ostvarila vrlo visoka kvaliteta ukupnog gradskog života.
The period in which modern Zagreb was founded and planned is intricately connected with the railway system which has grown into the city fabric in the past 150 years. The reflection of the railway in city plans was primarily related to the city's appearance: the central urban area, the problem of the Train Station, disconnection of urban areas along the rails. The future reconstruction and extension of the railways system surrounding the train station which should be adapted to the development of contemporary railway technology and need of the city, would result in changed ways and frequency of its use. The purpose of project surveys is based on a radical solution which entails the construction of an underground railway which creates additional space for urban intervention in the very centre of Zagreb. Creating free space on and around the railway enables the two historically divided areas to be reconnected. This space comprises the area in front of the Botanical Garden, the area around the present rails and the neglected, unfinished area of Martinovka. The urban renovation of this part of the town would result in a new functional and spatial integration of an urban area and consequently a better quality of urban life.
voditelj / supervisor
voditelj / supervisor
voditelj / supervisor
Stipe Vučemilović
Nenad Fabijanić
Martin Laškarin
Nenad Fabijanić
Davor Ivelić
Nenad Fabijanić
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Industrijsko naslijeđe i arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti
Znanstvenoistraživalački rad unutar Kabineta za javne zgrade rezultira djelatnošću nastavnika koji individualno unutar svojih specijalnosti i kompetencija strukturiraju obrazovni proces. Kroz preddiplomsku nastavu svi nastavnici Kabineta za javne zgrade individualno ugrađuju rezultate istraživanja unutar svojih specijalnosti i kompetencija koje se ogledaju u odabiru zadatka i specifične metode koje se provjeravaju na radionici arhitektonskog projektiranja 3 i provode kroz izborne kolegije tijekom studija. Kabinet za javne zgrade istraživanja širi na različite nivoe arhitektonskog projektiranja od sistemske razine preko planiranja regionalnog razvoja, programiranja namjene zgrada, oblikovanja zgrada, materijala i konstruktivnih sustava, antroposocijalne teorije projektiranja, do teorijske osnove i drugih specifičnih područja. Glavni naglasak stavljen je u područje oblikovanja zgrada i planiranja arhitektonsko-urbanističkih intervencija za javnu namjenu te rad i trgovinu, a razvijena je metodološka ekspertiza pristupa takvim problemima. Metoda je usmjerena ka cjelovitosti, a podijeljena je na korake od stupnja programiranja namjene, upravljanja lokacijom, kroz integriranje održivosti i funkcionalnosti te socijalne odgovornosti, što je ugrađeno već u prve skice, arhitektonsku kompoziciju i etičnost pa kroz razumijevanje svih građevinskih tehnologija i konstrukcija, materijala i proizvoda kao što su automatizacija i robotički sustavi te prefabrikacija u smislu dizajna elemenata konstrukcije, ovojnice zgrade i interijera. Zagrebačka škola arhitekture ima visoke standarde programiranja funkcije zgrada i visoke standarde stimuliranja integralnog involviranja arhitekata u sve razine i sve faze oblikovanja zgrade. Oznaka škole su naglasci na funkcionalnost, etičnost, sigurnost i standarde zdravlja, te modularnost i prefabrikaciju baziranu na modernosti. Kabinet ima ekspertizu iz hibridnih, višenamjenskih, višemodalnih zgrada, a razvija i kolaborativne metode oblikovanja. Proučava se i budućnost rada. Dio istraživanja usmjeren je adaptabilnosti, obnavljanju, rekonstrukciji i pitanjima održivosti i održavanja zgrada. Rad unutar Kabineta za javne zgrade poduprt je i okvirima doktorskog znanstvenog studija ‘Arhitektura’ u segmentima kolegija ‘Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti’. Inicijalna istraživanja obrazlažu se doktorantima na redovnim i
Kabinet za javne zgrade
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Industrial Heritage and Architectural Research of Contemporaneity Scholarly work and research in Section of Public Buildings is performed by the faculty members, who structure the teaching process individually, according to their fields of specialization and their competences. They integrate their own research into the BA programme through specific tasks and the choice of methods that correspond to their special fields of interest, which are then tested through the workshop of Architectural Design Studio 3 and supported through the optional courses included in the curriculum. Section of Public Building extends its research onto different levels of architectural design such as systems research, regional development planning, master planning, building planning, building design, antropological and siciological researches, materials and constructive systems, antroposocial teory of design, architectural theory and other specific fields. The main focus on the level of building design and ansamble masterplans for public use and work expertise covers steps of methodic approach to dealing with such a design that emphasises completeness of architectural approach. It ranges from the level of programming, location management, through integrating sustainability and functionality as well as social responsibility from the very first conceptual sketches, architectural composition and ethics through understanding of all building technologies and construction, materials and products such as automation and robotic systems and building parts prefabricates such as envelope parts design as well as interior design. Zagreb School of Architecture has high standards of functional programming of buildings and high standards of stimulating integral involvement of architects in all the levels and all the phases of building design. Distinctive labels of the school are accents on functionality, ethical, safety and health standards and modularity with prefabrication based on the tradition of the modern architecture. Section evolved specific expertises in hybrid buildings, multipurpose, multimodal and is researching collaborative design methods as well as the future of work. One branch of research focuses on adaptability, retrofitting, renewal and sustainability issues as well as maintenance. The Section of Public Buildings is also active in the doctoral programme of ‘Architecture’, in certain segments of the course on ‘Architectural Research of Contemporaneity.’ Doctoral candidates are familiarized with its original research in mandatory and optional courses, and more specifically in architectural workshops called ‘Research through Projects’ (held by V. Neidhardt and D. Juračić). Faculty members of the Section of Public Buildings publish their research results and projects in scholarly and professional journals, and present them at the local or international conferences and exhibitions:
Section of Public Buildings
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
izvanrednim kolegijima te specifično oblikuju u arhitektonskim radionicama ‘Istraživanje kroz projekt’ (voditelji radionica: prof.dr.sc. V. Neidhardt, prof.dr.sc. D. Juračić).
Steam Mill (1907/1908), Power Station of the State Railways (1894), and ‘Nada Dimić’ (‘Penkala’ factory, 1908) are buildings in transition from the old urban texture into a new urban forum. These 19th century factory buildings play an important part in the image of the city, and are becoming a segment of Zagreb’s new city centre. Their persistent neglect has been an obstacle to the fusion between the historical core of the city and its complex, metropolitan centre.
Nastavnici Kabineta u okviru svog znanstvenog i stručnog, te projektantskoga rada objavljuju svoja djela i projekte u valoriziranim časopisima, izlažu ih na znanstvenim, domaćim i međunarodnim skupovima, te izložbama: autor / author: Vesna Mikić sažetak / summary: Intervencije na industrijskoj baštini Zagreba unutar pedagoških programa Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu / ‘Interventions in the industrial heritage of Zagreb in the study programmes at the Faculty of Architecture’, Konferencija / conference: 4th International Conference on Industrial Heritage, RIJEKA and shipbuilding heritage: yesterday – today – tomorrow, Rijeka, Hrvatska, 21. – 23. april 2010., ed. Velid Đekić, Nada Palinić (conference proceedings, ISSN 1848 – 4794, Rijeka: pro Torpedo, 2012), pp. 519 – 537.
autori / authors: Zorana Sokol Gojnik, Ante Crnčević, Mladen Obad Šćitaroci sažetak / summary: Utjecaji na preobrazbe kršćanske liturgijske arhitekture do 20. stoljeća / Influences on the Transformations of Christian liturgical architecture before the 20th century’ objavljeno u / published in: ‘Prostor’ 19 (2011) No 2; Zagreb.
autori / AUTHORS: Zorana Sokol Gojnik, Igor Gojnik, Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Konferencija / conference: Arhitektura kao prostorno lingvistički fenomen na međunarodnoj konferenciji ‘International Conference on Theory of Architecture (ARCHTHEO 2011)’, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. / ‘Architecture as a Spatio-Linguistic Phenomenon,’ peer-reviewed and published paper from the International Conference on Theory of Architecture (ARCHTHEO 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Paromlin (1907./08.), Strojarnica Državne Željeznice 1894. i Nada Dimić (tvornica Penkala 1908.), objekti su na prijelazu iz starog gradskog tkiva u novi gradski forum. Tvornički su objekti 19. stoljeća koji odlučujuće sudjeluju u slici grada koje današnji Zagreb spoznaje kao prostor svog novog središta. Stalnim zanemarivanjem postao je prepreka spajanju povijesnog središta grada s kompleksom metropolskog središta Zagreba. Radom se istražuje što je utjecalo na formiranje arhitekture kršćanskih liturgijskih građevina do 20. stoljeća. Iako raznovrsnost povijesnih primjera otežava egzaktno definiranje paradigmatičnih modela, svako povijesno razdoblje odražava određene misaone temelje iz kojih se iščitava princip nastajanja prostornih tvorbi. Analizira se način na koji su na kršćanski liturgijski prostor utjecale promjene teoloških i liturgijskih koncepata, te što su liturgijske građevine značile u povijesnom urbanom tkivu u kojem su nastajale. Člankom se pokušava pojam arhitektonskog prostora sagledati ukazujući na distinkciju pojma mjesta u odnosu na pojam lokacije. Sagledava se smisao mjesta na način da se u kontekstu fenomena arhitekture obuhvaća i fenomen jezika. Članak ukazuje na to da arhitektura kao umjetnost svoje umjetničko ima u potencijalu onog jezičnog. Jezično se ne shvaća samo u lingvističkom smislu već u najširem ontološkom smislu. Arhitektura u jeziku participira na svim njegovim razinama, od predjezičnog, uprostorenog, koji se u slučaju arhitekture strukturira na način egzistencijalnog prostora, strukturirano jezičnog u užem smislu na razini znaka, alegorije, te nadjezičnog, simboličkog, koji kroz pojavu novuma objedinjuje smisao zatečenog horizonta razumijevanja i njegovo rastumačenje te postavljanja značenjskih sklopova u strukturu Mjesta.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
This article explores the influences on the architectural evolution of Christian liturgical buildings before the 20th century. Even though the diversity of historical examples makes it difficult to define paradigmatic models with precision, each historical period reflects certain spiritual foundations from which the principle of creating spatial features can be read. The authors analyze the way in which Christian liturgical space was influenced by changes in theological and liturgical concepts, and the significance of liturgical buildings in the historical urban tissue in which they emerged. The article examine the concept of architectural space pointing to the distinction of the place in relation to the location. It identifies the meaning of the place including the phenomenon of language in the context of the phenomenon of architecture. The article points out that architecture as art has its artistic potential in the language itself. Language is not understood here in the linguistic sense, but in the ontological one. Architecture participates in language at all levels, from its pre-linguistic spatiality, which, in the case of architecture, is structured as existential space, to structured linguistic in the specific sense at the level of sign, allegory, and at the surlinguistic, symbolic level, which introduces a novum of meaning thereby establishing and encompassing the meaning of the given horizon of understanding through interpretation and set its semantic structure in the structure of Place.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za interijer
Section of Interior Design
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docent / Assistant Professor
pridruženi nastavnik / Cross-departmental Teaching
Vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate
prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković
Ivan Crnković dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković
Neda Cilinger
dr.sc. Vesna Mikić
Lovorka Prpić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 0 2
0 2 12
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Interijer / Interior Design Radionica interijera / Interior Design Studio Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio
Izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Arhitektonika svjetla / Light in Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Interijer kao ishodište arhitektonske kompozicije Kabinet za interijer sudjeluje u nastavi iii. semestra Diplomskog studija u sklopu dva redovna i jednoga izbornog kolegija. Redovni kolegiji su Interijer i Radionica interijera, a Arhitektonika svjetla je izborni kolegij. Kolegij Interijer koncipiran je kao niz predavanja kojima se analiziraju arhitektonske vrijednosti interijera kao ishodišta arhitektonske kompozicije, uz primjere ostvarenja arhitekata 20. i 21. stoljeća. Polazi se od elemenata forme koji u jednostavnijim međuodnosima artikuliraju prostor, a tijekom semestra teme se obogaćuju složenijim i detaljnijim pristupom odabranim primjerima. Cilj je kolegija, uz aktivno sudjelovanje studenata, razviti poimanje interijera kao temelja arhitektonske kompozicije te razviti percepciju arhitektonskih vrijednosti interijera sustavnom analizom elemenata oblikovanja prostora. Nositeljica kolegija je prof. dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Interior as a Architectural Composition Starting Point Section of Interior Design is a part of MA programme, taught in the iii. semester, and is related to two mandatory courses (Interior Design and Interior Design Workshop) and one optional course (Architectonics of Light). The course called Interior Design consists of a series of lectures that analyze the architectural values of the interior as a starting point for architectural composition, with examples from the architectural achievements of the 20th and 21st centuries. It starts with the elements of form that articulate space in simpler interaction, and during the semester the topics become more complex, with a more detailed approach to the selected examples. The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of the interior as the basis of architectural composition and a perception of architectural values of the interior through a systematic analysis of elements of spatial design, all that with active student participation. Taught by Dina Vulin Ileković. The course on Architectonics of Light familiarizes the students with the role of light in architecture. Besides functional disposition and design, the architect’s responsibility is to incorporate light into his or her design, in relation to its forms, colours, texture, atmosphere, and psychological requirements. Taught by Neda Cilinger.
Kolegij Arhitektonika svjetla upoznaje studente s ulogom svjetla u arhitekturi te odgovornošću da uz projektiranje funkcionalne dispozicije i oblikovanja, u projekt inkorporiraju svjetlo u odnosu na forme, boje, teksturu, atmosferu i psihološke zahtjeve. Nositeljica kolegija je doc. Neda Cilinger.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Radionica interijera / Interior design studio diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2. 3. Voditelji studentskih grupa: doc. Neda Cilinger; prof. Ivan Crnković, s kojim je volonterski surađivala kolegica Lovorka Prpić, d.i.a; prof.dr.sc. Vesna Mikić i prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković, voditeljica Kabineta za interijer
/ Student group supervisors: Neda Cilinger and Ivan Crnković, with the volunteering help of Lovorka Prpić; as well as by Vesna Mikić and Dina Vulin Ileković, Head of the Section of Interior Design
Interijer Medijateke Francuskog instituta
Kolegij Radionica interijera predstavlja individualan praktičan rad studenata na projektu interijera. Teme su prostori različitih namjena u postojećim zgradama na području užeg ili šireg središta grada Zagreba. Odabiru se lokacije posebno značajne za formiranje vizualnog doživljaja pješaka u gradskoj jezgri, prostori smješteni u objektima značajnijih arhitektonskih karakteristika, nerijetko upisanih u registar zaštićenih spomenika kulture, te ona mjesta koja komuniciraju s javnim pješačkim površinama. Svake akademske godine mijenjaju se teme, uzimajući u obzir aktualnost sadržaja uz atraktivnost položaja. Studenti odabiru prostor od nekoliko ponuđenih te, u dogovoru s voditeljima, predlažu ili prihvaćaju sadržaj za koji smatraju da bi odgovarao karakteru lokacije koju su odabrali. Nakon istraživanja konteksta i formalnih karakteristika zgrade te analize programa izrađuje se projekt interijera u odgovarajućem mjerilu. Moguća je oblikovna intervencija i na obodnim pješačkim ulicama i trgovima vezanim uz pročelja i izloge. Cilj je zadatka da studenti pri projektiranju interijera, a krećući se raznolikim mjerilima (od 1 : 500 do 1 : 5), pokušaju uzeti u obzir da se ‘prednost arhitekture ne sastoji u tome što ona banalno zaklanja ili štiti prazan prostor, već u tome što konstruira jedan unutarnji svijet u kojem se podešavaju parametri vremena, svjetla, prostora, građe po zakonima neke logike...’ (Henri Focillon: Život oblika) Kreativni napor studenata nastoji se usmjeriti na konstataciju da ‘svaka zgrada mora unutrašnjošću pružiti puno više nego što nudi izvana – poput knjige...’ (Steven Holl) U akademskoj godini 2011./12. ponuđene su sljedeće lokacije: uređenje ugaonog prostora u sklopu prizemlja zgrade Novinarskog doma arhitekta B. Bauera /1930. g./ Rooseveltov trg – Vukotinovićeva – Perkovčeva te uređenje ugaonog prostora Medijateke Francuskog instituta /1929. g./ Preradovićeva – Teslina. Ravnatelj Francuskog instituta u Zagrebu, g. Jean Marc Cassam-Chenai, vrlo susretljivo je omogućio održavanje izložbe studentskih radova Radionice interijera u izlozima Medijateke u Teslinoj ulici. Na taj su način svi korisnici ovoga višenamjenskog prostora i mnogi slučajni prolaznici mogli vidjeti kako studenti Arhitektonskog fakulteta promišljaju temu mogućih prostornih, oblikovnih preobrazbi sadržaja Medijateke. Izložba je bila otvorena od 22. ožujka do 5. travnja 2012. godine.
Kabinet za interijer
Mediatheque Interior of French Institute Interior Design Studio consists of individual and practical student projects related to interior design. Topics include spaces with various functions in actual buildings, located in the area of Zagreb city centre or nearby. Examples include localities that are especially significant for developing a visual impression for the pedestrians in the heart of the city, spaces situated in buildings with prominent architectural features, often on the list of protected cultural monuments, and places that communicate with public pedestrian zones. These topics change from year to year, taking into account their topical character and the attractiveness of their position. The students choose from several proposed spaces and then, with the professor’s help, suggest or accept one that they find suitable to the character of their preferred locality. In continuation, they are expected to explore the context and the formal features of the building, and to engage in programme analysis, after which they should produce a plan of the interior in a predefined scale. It is also possible to undertake design interventions in the façades and shop windows of the surrounding pedestrian streets and squares. The aim of this task is to encourage the students to engage in interior design by trying out various scales (from 1:500 to 1:5) and taking into account that ‘the advantage of architecture is not that it banally covers or protects open space, but that it construes an inner world in which the parameters of time, light, space, and matter are adjusted according to the laws of a certain logic...’ (Henri Focillon: The Life of Forms in Art) We seek to direct the creative efforts of our students towards the claim that ‘each building must offer far more in its interior than it offers on the outside – like a book...’ (Steven Holl) In the academic year 2011/12, we have suggested the following localities: the corner space on the ground floor of Journalist Centre (1930, architect B. Bauer), Roosevelt SquareVukotinovićeva-Perkovčeva streets; and the corner space of Mediatheque at the French Cultural Centre (1929), Preradovićeva-Teslina streets. Mr Jean Marc Cassam-Chenai, Director of the French Institute in Zagreb, was so kind as to enable the students to have an exhibition of their projects from the Interior Design Workshop in the shop windows of Mediatheque in Teslina Street. Thus, all users of this multifunctional space and many passers-by could see how the students of the Faculty of Architecture reflect on the topic of possible transformations of Mediatheque in terms of spatial organization and design. The exhibition was open from 22 March – 5 April 2012.
Section of Interior Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Sabina Pleše
Vesna Mikić
voditelji / supervisors
Marko Chiabov
Ivan Crnković Lovorka Prpić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Deša Ucović
Dina Vulin Ileković
voditelj / supervisor
Ana Rako
Neda Cilinger
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za interijer
Section of Interior Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Ivan Grubišić Tasić
Ivan Crnković Lovorka Prpić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docent / Assistant professor
viši predavači / senior lecturers
predavač / lecturer
znanstveni novak – asistent / Junior Researcher and teaching assistant
demonstrator / student assistant
prof. Renata Waldgoni
Renata Waldgoni
Siniša Justić
Marija Rendić-Miočević Ana-Martina Bakić Ivana Tutek
Roberta Pavlović
Tihana Hrastar
Filip Žerjavić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
0 0 1 1
3 3 2 2
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Crtanje 1 / Drawing 1 Crtanje 2 / Drawing 2 Plastično oblikovanje 1 / Visual Design 1 Plastično oblikovanje 2 / Visual Design 2
Izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme
Crtanje i arhitektonska grafika / Drawing and Architectural Graphics
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
Nastavni rad / teaching
Skica i studija 1
Crtanje 1 / Drawing 1 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 1.
Nastava se odvija kroz petnaest vježbi crtanja HB olovkom po papiru. Zadacima se razvijaju sposobnosti promatranja, uočavanja, pamćenja i konstruiranja predmeta kroz sustav nacrtanih apstraktnih tragova. Kolegij je dio primarnog stupnja edukacije arhitekta. Upućuje u strukturiran proces crtanja prema modelu s ciljem da se student osposobi za realizaciju reverzibilnog procesa koji započinje crtežom koncepta i anticipira opredmećenje ili transpoziciju u drugačije materijalno stanje. U eseju Translations from drawing to building R. Evans piše: ‘Crtež u arhitekturi ne nastaje zbog reprodukcije prirode nego prethodi konstrukciji; nije proizveden refleksijom stvarnosti izvan crteža nego kao alat za konstruiranje stvarnosti koja će se dogoditi izvan crteža’. Pedagoški proces edukacije arhitekta oslanja se na ovu misao i kako bi ostvario uvjet za njezinu realizaciju započinje upravo obrnuto: u ranoj fazi edukacije arhitektu-studentu zadatak je naučiti precizno prenositi stvarnost u crtež. Odabrana jednostavna tehnika pritom je postavljena kao ograničenje koje priječi osobnom izrazu da zamuti uvid u kontroliran postupak projekcije predmeta iz stvarnog prostora u prostor nacrtan na papiru. Postižući sličnost, crtež nastoji nestati kao fizička pojavnost, prepuštajući percepciji da rekonstruira bit predmeta. Stoga nema opisnosti, samo tragovi promatranja, karakteristične pojavnosti koja pokazuje bit predloška i proces kojim je predložak translatiran u crtež. Pojam translacije uveden je kako bi se ukazalo na svojevrsnu transpoziciju što prethodi izgrađenoj stvarnosti i tijekom koje je intelektualnim naporom potrebno osigurati dostatan mentalni prostor za moguće oscilacije pojavnosti. U tom je periodu potrebno privremeno obustaviti kritičku nevjericu i prepoznati kauzalnost u nešto slobodnije opisanom obličju. Apstrakcija ovdje ima pedagoški značaj jer pred mladi um, navikao na ugodu saturiranog mnoštva, postavlja cilj razumijevanja, odabiranja i prikazivanja bitnih obilježja objekta u prostoru.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
Sketches and Studies 1 Classes are held through fifteen exercises drawing HB pencil on paper. Tasks to develop skills of observation, noticing, remembering and constructing objects drawn through the system of abstract traces. The course is part of the primary level of education of the architect. Instructs the structured process of drawing the model in order to train the students to realize the reversible process that begins with drawing concepts and anticipates objectification or transposition into a different financial status. In an essay Translations from drawing to building R. Evans writes: ‘Drawing in architecture is not caused by playing prorirode than precedes construction, not a reflection of reality produced outside the art rather than as a tool to construct a reality that will happen outside of the drawings’. Pedagogical training process architect relies on this idea and to create the conditions for its realization begins precisely the opposite: early education architect-student task is to learn accurately transmit the reality of the drawing. Selected a simple technique in this set as a limit that prevents personal expression that muddies insight into the process controlled projection of objects from the real space in the area drawn on paper. Achieving a likeness, drawing tries to disappear as physical appearance, leaving the perception that will reconstruct the object. Therefore, no descriptions, only traces of observation, which shows the characteristic appearance will template and the process by which the template translatiran drawing. The concept of translation is introduced to indicate the kind of transposition which precedes constructed reality and the intellectual effort that is necessary to provide adequate mental space for possible fluctuations in prevalence. During this period, a more critical suspend disbelief and recognize causality in something loosely described form. Abstraction here has pedagogical significance because before the young mind, accustomed to comfort saturated crowd, the goal of understanding, selecting and displaying the essential features of an object in space.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
student Andrea Čeko
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
student Ivan Sekondo
student Tina Toplak
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
student Hana Marisa Mohar
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Skica i studija 2
Sketches and Studies 2
Crtanje 2 / Drawing 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 2.
Kroz ciklus od petnaest vježbi dopunjuju se i proširuju pedagoške namjere postavljene u kolegiju prvog stupnja. Složeniji zadaci postavljeni su kako bi student-arhitekt uočio slojeve iskustva crtanja s ciljem da ono postane koristan alat u procesu razvoja arhitektonske ideje. Karakter procesa crtanja pozicionira nacrtano između skice i studije. Crtajući student prevodi raznovrstan iskustveni sklop informacija o objektu i njegovom prostoru u nacrtani, linearni zapis. Juhani Pallasmaa opisuje tri iskustvene razine koje ostvarujemo crtajući: ‘Dok crtam obris objekta, ljudsku figuru ili pejsaž, ja zapravo dodirujem i osjećam površinu predmeta moje pažnje, nesvjesno razotkrivam i usvajam njegov karakter... Svaki čin crtanja proizvodi tri različite skupine slika: crtež koji se pojavljuje na papiru, slika zabilježena u vizualnoj memoriji, i zapamćena mišićna aktivnost samog čina crtanja’. Prema funkciji i poticaju za nastanak, John Berger, engleski slikar, pisac i kritičar umjetnosti, dijeli crtež po papiru na onaj kojim studiramo i propitujemo predložak koji vidimo, zatim crtež kojim bilježimo i komuniciramo ideje, te crtež nastao kao zabilješka memoriranog. Ove podjele su važne unutar pedagoških namjera utkanih u nastavu kolegija. Crtež nastaje kao trag studije zadanog predloška. Studiraju se i crtaju predlošci složenije materijalnosti. Uočavaju se proporcije, intervali i obrisi. Elementi modela postaju crte, a njihova materijalnost i položaj u prostoru crtama daju karakter. Crte se smještaju u prostor papira kako bi se percipirale kao jasan i likovno korektan prikaz. Perspektiva kao najčešće primijenjen način prikaza prostora predstavlja se kao tehnika u kojoj crtač promatrač ima aktivnu ulogu dok birajući vlastitu poziciju sa koje promatra/crta govori o karakteru predmeta i prostora kojeg crta.
Through a cycle of fifteen exercises complement and extend the pedagogical intentions set out in the course of the first degree. More complex tasks are set to make the studentarchitect starts drawing layers observed in order for it to become a useful tool in the development of architectural ideas. Character of the process of drawing positions drawn between the sketches and studies. Drawing a diverse student translates assembly experiential information about an object and its space drawn, linear track. Juhani Pallasmaa describes three levels of experience we make drawing: ‘While I draw the outline of an object, a human figure or a landscape, I actually touch and feel the surface of the object of my attention, and I adopt unwittingly exposing his character... Every act of drawing produces three different sets of images: drawings that appears in the paper, images recorded in visual memory, and remembered the muscular activity the act of drawing.’ By function and encouragement to continue, John Berger, English painter, writer and art critic, shares drawing on the paper on which the study and challenge the template you see, then drawing, register and communicate ideas, and drawing was created as a record memorized. These divisions are important within the pedagogical intent embodied in the teaching of courses. Drawing occurs as a trace Studies default template. Studying and drawing templates complex materiality. There is a noticeable proportions, intervals and contours. Model elements become lines, and their tangibility and position in space lines give character. The lines are placed in the area of paper to be perceived as a clear and fair presentation of art. Perspective as the most commonly used mode of space is represented as a tracer technique in which the observer plays an active role while choosing their own position that watching / talking about the character traits objects and spaces that line.
Nakon usvajanja pravila translatiranja predloška u crtež, crtanje postaje alat za bilježenje procesa konceptualizacije, razvoja arhitektonske zamisli. Student se upućuje u pojam skice kao prve bilješke ideje. Skica se određuje kao proces, crtež koji nije nužno brz, već u kojem postoji istovremenost zamisli i crteža. Crtež kao sredstvo bilježenja i prevođenja zamisli predstavlja prikladan alat za približavanje udaljenih realiteta, projiciranje viđenog ili zamišljenog, naslućenog ili odlučenog u nacrtano kao i za uvođenje potrebnog odmaka od situacije u svrhu osvajanja mentalnog prostora za razvoj koncepta. Pedagoške namjere kolegija stoga ne ustraju na nužnosti crtačke vještine već nastoje ukazati na potrebu za crtanjem kao primarnim načinom izražavanja, na stupanj
Following the adoption of rules translatiranja template in the drawing, the drawing becomes a tool for recording the process of conceptualization, development of architectural ideas. The student is referred to the concept as the first note sketches ideas. Sketch is defined as a process, a drawing that is not necessarily fast, but in which there is a simultaneity of ideas and drawings. Drawing as a means of recording and translating ideas is an appropriate tool for bringing distant reality, projection seen or imagined, sensed or odlučenog drawn in and for the introduction of necessary detachment from the situation for the purpose of winning the mental space for the development of the concept. Pedagogical intent of the course so do not insist on the necessity of drawing skills, but to point out the need for drawing as a primary expression, the degree of freedom that exists on each sheet of paper or on the ‘search space organized, calculated approach to what exists and what is merely wants , to pass
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
slobode koja postoji na svakom listu papira ili pak na ‘traženje organiziranog prostora, proračunati pristup onome što postoji i onome što se tek želi, na prolaze kroz intuicije koje crtež odmah prevodi u najlogičnije i najpovezanije konstrukcije, hraneći ih i hraneći se njima’ (Alvaro Siza).
through intuition that drawing immediately translates into the most logical and most connected structure, feeding them and feeding them’ (Alvaro Siza)
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
student Ivan Bulian
student Tina Toplak
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
student Marija Maslać
student Nika Bralić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Plastično oblikovanje / visual design Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Red, proporcija, kompozicija, struktura
Semestar / semester
3. &4. Nastava kolegija pozicionira svoj sadržaj oko stava da je pretpostavka za naše postupke organizacija okoline koja se sastoji u apstrahiranju predmeta iz neposredno danih fenomena, te da se svako opažanje sastoji u uočavanju reda ili strukture. Pedagoški cilj kolegija usmjeren je prema prepoznavanju i primjeni univerzalnih pravila koja kao nematerijalno vezivno sredstvo formiraju estetičko iskustvo arhitekture i obogaćuju proces projektiranja relevantne arhitektonske cjeline. U slijedu odluka koje prate proces konceptualizacije, oblikovanje ima ulogu organiziranja elemenata u skladnu, koherentnu i razumljivu cjelinu. Svrha zadataka postavljanih pred studenta arhitekture je aktiviranje vizualne osjetljivosti i poticanje na intenzivnije promišljanje percepcije oblika i procesa u prostoru. C. Rowe kaže kako kreiranje arhitekture ovisi o kombinaciji opisivih poteza utemeljenih na opće usvojenim vrijednostima, ali može biti i rezultat manje opisivih poteza: ravnoteža, sekvenca, elegancija, konfrontacija dijelova i ovladavanje silama što sve čini umjetnost kompozicije. Kompozicija likovnog djela analizira se privremeno razdvajajući apstrahirane slojeve rezultantnih poteza da bi ih zatim objedinila u sintezi. Dobiveni slojevit linearni prikaz je aproksimacija predloška koja je poučna u pokazivanju snage crte povučene na ispravnom mjestu i neumoljiva u razotkrivanju pogreške. Dio baštine kolegija je kompozicija na kvadratnom formatu papira koji postaje poligon relativnog mjerila. Svježina i rahlost istovremene su robusnosti i lakoći u uspjelim odgovorima na zadatak koji svojom elementarnošću prkosi vremenu.
Order, Proportion, Composition, Structure Course Teaching positions its content around the attitude that the premise for our actions an organization environment that consists of the abstraction of objects from directly given phenomenon, and that each observation consists in identifying the order or structure. Pedagogical goal of the course is focused on the identification and application of universal rules that binder as an intangible form of aesthetic experience of architecture and enrich the design process relevant architectural entities. In the sequence of decisions that follow a process of conceptualization, design has the role of organizing the elements into a harmonious, coherent and comprehensible whole. The purpose of the tasks asked a student of architecture at the activation of visual sensitivity, and encouraging more intensive forms of perception and thinking processes in space. C. Rowe says that creating architecture opisivih depends on a combination of moves based on generally adopted value but may be the result of fewer strokes opisivih: balance, sequence, elegance, confrontations parts and mastering the forces of what makes art compositions. The composition analysis of the work of art temporarily separating abstract layers rezultantnih moves to get them then unite in synthesis. The resulting image is segmented linear approximation of the template that is instructive in showing the power lines drawn in the correct place and relentless in uncovering errors. Part of the heritage of the course is a composition of a square format paper that is becoming an area of relative scale. The freshness and looseness simultaneous robustness and ease of successful responses to the task with its elementarnošću defies time.
Prezentacija arhitektonskog koncepta iziskuje njegovu racionalizaciju s ciljem oblikovanja razgovijetne poruke koja nosi bitne informacije o arhitektonskim namjerama ugrađenima u projekt. Obilježja i karakter projekta ocrtavaju se u svrhovitom organiziranju prostora papira tekstom i crtežom. Zadani format i grafika reduciranog intenziteta su ograničenja postavljena s ciljem redukcije karaktera prikaza i afirmacije karaktera projektiranog arhitektonskog sklopa. Organizacija jednostavnog grafičkog sustava simbolično predstavlja tematsku cjelinu koja ističe pojmove: struktura, polje, repetitivnost, roj. Rad na zadatku prolazi faze koncepta koji se bilježi skicom, izradu prototipa i upute za izradu. Vježba postaje dinamična u trenutku razmjene uputa i reprodukcije rada prema uputi. Arhitektonski crtež je assemblage prostornih i materijalnih notacija za čije dekodiranje je potrebna serija konvencija usvojenih sa svrhom koordiniranja
Presentation architectural concept requires its rationalization with the purpose of formulating clearly the message that carries the essential information about the architectural intentions incorporated in the project. Features and character of the project outlined in the paper space purposeful organizing text and graphics. The default format and graphics reduced intensity limits are set with the aim of reducing character display and recognition of architectural character of the designed circuit. Organization of simple graphical system symbolically represent thematic unit that emphasizes concepts: structure, field, repetitiveness, swarm. Work on the task goes through phases concept that captures the sketch, prototyping, and instructions for making. Exercise becomes dynamic at the moment of the exchange instructions and reproduction of the work as directed. Architectural drawing of the spatial and material assemblage notation for which decoding is necessary series of conventions adopted for the purpose of coordinating the transformation of reality is far from the author. This deals with the need to share teaching and discipline notation immanent practice architect. Realization of the project that the process of elaboration and implementation
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
transformacije stvarnosti daleko od autora. Ova nastavna dionica tematizira potrebu i disciplinu notacije imanentne praksi arhitekta. Realizacija projekta kojeg proces razrade i realizacije izmješta iz fizičkog domašaja osobe autora karakterizira arhitektonsku praksu koju upravo zbog potrebe komuniciranja upute o realizaciji.
of shifting from the physical reach of people characterized by architectural practice that precisely because of the need to communicate instructions on implementation.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
student Jelena Hajdinjak
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
student Andrea Mušić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Vježbe četvrtog semestra pomiču svoje metodsko ishodište iz područja koncipiranja procesa vizualne komunikacije oblika i značenja u apstraktnom polju arhitektonskih namjera prema području njihovog prepoznavanja i primjene u realnom prostoru.
Exercises fourth semester metodical move your starting point in the field of visual communication process of designing forms and meanings in the abstract field of architectural intentions toward the recognition and their applications in real space.
Studija boje predstavlja osobito važnu nastavnu dionicu. Ispravno pozicionirajući svoj početak u kolorističke činjenice zatečene u neposrednom okruženju, vježba se razvija u dva smjera. Razvijajući osjetljivost za rafiniranje tonske skale i gradeći tehniku za njezinu izvedbu vježba se razvija prema strukturi čiji koloristički koncept je kodiran apstrakcijom teme iz neposrednog okruženja. Razvijajući se u drugom smjeru, boja se studira kao sredstvo afirmacije arhitektonskih namjera zacrtanih u vlastitom, studentskom, projektu. Tonska perspektiva je vježba koja gradi vještinu optimalizacije prikaza arhitektonskog objekta. Proces rada ističe uzajamnost objekta i promatrača čija je uloga drugog pola perspektivne prostorne činjenice aktivna u odabiru pozicije za optimalan doživljaj i razumijevanje arhitektonskog oblika. Program se izrađuje u svevremenskoj tehnici crteža olovkom koja svojom sporošću smanjuje mobilnost i broj vizualnih proba iziskujući anticipiranje ispravnog rješenja u mentalnom, a ne nacrtanom prostoru.
The study paints a particularly important lesson stock. Proper positioning his start in colored facts existing in the immediate environment, the exercise is being developed in two directions. Developing sensitivity to the tonal scale refining and building technique for her performance workout is developed according to the structure of which is the concept of color coded threads abstraction from the immediate environment. Developed in the other direction, the color is studied as a means of affirming the architectural intentions outlined in their own, student, project. Tonal perspective is an exercise that builds skills to optimize the display of the architectural structure. The process stresses the mutuality of the object and the observer whose role other half spatial perspective fact active in selecting positions for optimal experience and understanding of architectural form. The program is created in the timeless technique of pencil drawings that her slowness reduces mobility and number of visual probes requiring anticipating the correct solution in the mind, not the drawn space.
student Rene David Šparemblek
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Nastavna jedinica pod radnim nazivom derivacije kompozicije jasno procesuira nastanak i artikulaciju prostorne zamisli postavljajući njezin početak u poziciju odgovora na topografiju dobivenu gužvanjem/nabiranjem pripremljene inicijalne kompozicije. Tako ciklički zatvoren i vremenski određen, proces izrade zadatka priziva i nadograđuje estetsku osjetljivost prema kompozicijskim zakonitostima i, u duhu vremena, tematizira mjesto i ulogu autorskog arbitriranja početka. Nastavna jedinica objekt u proširenom polju razmatra ulogu korisnika/promatrača u nastanku i artikulaciji oblika u prostoru. Poetika zadatka gradi se na perceptivnoj transformaciji svakodnevno nevidljivog prostora crtaonice u oblak točaka čiji je oblik projekcija anamorfotičke uvjetovanosti studenta-promatrača-sudionika i inicijalnog objekta postavljenog na jedan od stolova crtaonice. Vježba rezultira mapom koja precizno pokazuje nastanak ‘oblaka točaka’ dokumentirajući fotografijom, crtežom i bilješkom svaku pojedinu točku i vizualizirajući na grafički optimalan način oblak u cjelini.
Educational unit under the name of derivation composition clearly processed emergence and articulation of spatial concepts by asking her start in the position response to the topography obtained crumpling / corrugations prepared initial composition. So cyclically closed and timed the process of creating and updating task invokes aesthetic sensitivity to compositional rules and, in the spirit of the time, place and discusses the role of copyright arbitration beginning. Teaching unit facility in the expanded field considers the role of the user / viewer in the creation and articulation of forms in space. Poetics task builds on the transformation of everyday perceptual invisible space drawing session in a cloud of points whose projections form anamorfotičke conditioning student-observer-participant and the initial object is mounted on one of the tables drawing session. Exercise results in a map that accurately shows the emergence of ‘point cloud’ documenting photographs, drawings and notes each point and graphic visualizing the optimum way the cloud as a whole.
student Lucija Pekić
Doživljaj izgrađenog objekta u realnom prostoru samo je jedan od mogućih oblika i ciljeva arhitektonske prakse. Koncept, istraživanje i realizacija uređene cjeline mogu se ostvariti već crtežom. Za studenta su crteži, makete, fotografije i digitalna vizualizacija njihova realizacija. U materijalnom smislu, način na koji se tretira papir, tuš, gips, drvo, pleksiglas, digitalni ispis ukazuje na pažnju koja će biti ukazana i eventualnim zgradama. Aktivnost studenta-arhitekta usmjerena je prema formiranju uređenih sustava koji mogu biti različitih materijalnih i agregatnih stanja, pragmatični ili simbolični. Rad na vježbama u svom tijeku prolazi dionice analize i konceptualizacije, razrade i realizacije ustrajući na jasnoj procesualnosti nastanka studentskog programa-odgovora na zadatak.
Kabinet za crtanje i plastično oblikovanje
The experience of the constructed object in real space is just one of the possible forms and goals of architectural practice. Concept, research and realization decorated units can already be achieved by drawing. For the student drawings, models, photographs and digital visualization of their realization. In material terms, the way you treated paper, shower, plaster, wood, plexiglass, digital printing indicates the attention that will be given, and any buildings. Activity of the student-architect is aimed at forming a regulated system that can be of different material and aggregate states, pragmatic or symbolic. Work on the exercises in the course of his passes equities analysis and conceptualization, development and implementation of insisting on a clear emergence of the processing of student-response task.
Section of Drawing and Visual Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
student Lucija Pekić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za primjenu računala u arhitekturi
Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
asistenti / teaching assistants
znanstveni novaci – asistenti / Junior Researchers and teaching assistants
demonstratori / student assistants
prof.dr.sc. Bojan Baletić
dr.sc. Bojan Baletić
Morana Pap mr.sc. Roberto Vdović
dr.sc. Kristina Careva dr.sc. Rene Lisac
Tin Čop, Helena Ferkula, Tomislav Grabar, Janko Kralj, Nikolina Lončar, Andrija Matotan, Tena Petrović, Živko Pletikapić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
0 0 1
1 1 1
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Uvod u primjenu računala u arhitekturi / Introduction to Computer Aided Arch. Design Primjena računala u arhitekturi 1 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 1 Primjena računala u arhitekturi 2 / Computer Aided Architectural Design 2
Izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Računalno oblikovanje pejsažne arhitekture / Computer Aided Design of Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Digitalne tehnologije u arhitekturi Kabinet za primjenu računala bavi se primjenom suvremenih informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u arhitekturi. Kroz više od 15 godina postojanja kabineta prate se suvremena kretanja u ovom području kao i promjene koje se intenzivnim razvojem tehnologije mogu uočiti u struci. Osim što je potrebno takav iznimno dinamičan razvoj postojano i kvalitetno pratiti, nužno je predvidjeti i vrjednovati utjecaje kako bi se studente, buduće arhitekte, unaprijed pripremilo za što kvalitetniji rad. Svjesnost o navedenom učinila je da kabinet prati suvremene trendove i razvoj tehnologija, dok se način edukacije i njegov sadržaj prilagođava sve višim polaznim vještinama studenata koji upisuju studij arhitekture i urbanizma kao i činjenicom da ih većina pri upisu na fakultet posjeduje vlastito računalo. Iz tih razloga strategija dosadašnjeg, ali i budućeg razvoja kabineta teži tumačenju sve složenijih vještina kojima će budući arhitekti morati ovladati. Prije 20-ak godina težište edukacije bilo je na osnovama 2D tehničkog crtanja pomoću računala (2D CAD, drafting) dok je danas ono preneseno na savladavanje alata i vještina u virtualnom 3D prostoru i usvajanje koncepta virtualne gradnje (BIM) kao osnove za kvalitetno korištenje računalnih programa kojima se mogu stvarati računalne simulacije svih aspekata održivosti arhitektonskog prostora. Kabinet kroz praktične zadatke pokriva najveći mogući raspon vještina koje budući arhitekti trebaju posjedovati. Područja pokrivaju korištenje 2D računalne grafike: rasterske grafike, od korištenja optičkog čitača, obradu grafike i pripremu plakata; vektorske grafike, obradu tehničkih nacrta, ilustriranje tehničkih priloga; 3D računalne grafike: stvaranje 3D modela u virtualnom prostoru, korištenje alata za izmjenu modela i njihovu prostornu analizu, korištenje 3D modela građevine kao osnove za dobivanje tehničke dokumentacije, stvaranje računalnih simulacija od vizualnih i svjetlosnih, do energetskih i konstruktivnih. Pored osnovnih vještina koje studenti savladavaju individualnim radom, samim postupkom edukacije želi se posredno savladati i sekundarne vještine neophodne za budući rad. Tu je važno spomenuti korištenje, unutar Kabineta razvijenog sustava e-učenja na Arhitektonskom fakultetu, Virtual Af preko
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Digital Technologies in Architecture Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design focuses on the application of modern informational and communicational technologies in architecture. During more than 15 years of its existence, it has followed the modern tendencies in this field, as well as changes that can be observed in our profession owing to the intense technological advance. Apart from the fact that such extreme dynamic processes require persistent and thorough tracking, it is necessary to foresee and evaluate their impact so as to prepare the students, our future architects, for the best-quality work possible. Awareness of these facts motivates the Section to follow contemporary trends and technological advance, while the pedagogical methods and the content of courses are increasingly adjusted with regard to the previous skills of the prospective students of architecture and urban planning, as well as the fact that most of them own their own computer upon starting their studies. For all these reasons, the strategy of present and future development of the Section strives to interpret the increasingly complex skills that the future architects will have to master. Twenty years ago, the focus of our courses was on the basics of 2D technical design with the help of computers (2D CAD, drafting), while today it has shifted to mastering various skills in virtual 3D space and familiarizing the students with the concept of virtual construction (BIM) as a basis for the fruitful use of computer programmes that can create simulations of all aspects of sustainability in an architectural space. The Section uses practical exercises in order to develop the largest possible range of skills that the future architects must possess. The main fields include the use of 2D computer graphics: raster graphics – the use of optical reader, graphic processing, and poster production; vector graphics – processing of technical designs, technical illustrations; and 3D computer graphics: creating 3D models in virtual space, use of tools for transforming the models and for their spatial analysis, use of 3D models of buildings as the basis for obtaining technical documentation, making computer simulations (visual simulations, as well as simulations of light, energy, and construction). Besides the basic skills, which students acquire during individual work, the study programme foresees the gradual acquisition of secondary skills that they will need in their future work. Here it is necessary to mention the use of Virtual Af as part of the system of e-learning at the Faculty of Architecture, developed by the Section. It is used to distribute course materials, hand in student projects, and evaluate these projects, while until recently it was also used to familiarize the students in an unobtrusive manner with the modern communication channels. Today we use more advanced systems, which give us the opportunity of working together and cooperating on projects across distances, and all the other possibilities that are currently used in architectural studios throughout the world.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
3D printer u Kabinetu za primjenu računala sastavio je Roberto Vdović / 3D printer in the Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design, made by Roberto Vdović
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
kojeg se distribuira nastavni materijal, predaju izrađeni zadaci, obavlja vrjednovanje istih i preko kojeg se studente u prethodnom razdoblju indirektno upućivalo na suvremene načine komunikacije. Danas se koriste napredniji sustavi koji omogućavaju zajednički rad i suradnju, udaljeni rad na projektu, odnosno sve vještine koje se trenutno koriste u arhitektonskim biroima širom svijeta.
In the first BA semester, the programme includes a mandatory course called ‘Introduction to the Computer-Aided Design’, which takes place in the form of practical work. Its content focuses on the acquisition of practical skills and the use of modern programme tools. The students should gain an insight into 2D computer graphics (raster and vector graphics), then master the basics of creating a conceptual model in virtual space, and eventually learn how to present the created model by using the computer. In the second BA semester, the mandatory course called ‘Computer-Aided Architectural Design 1’ also takes place in the form of practical work. In this course, the students acquire practical knowledge and skills in using programme tools for 2D CAD technical design on computer, as well as 3D modelling of volumes and distorted surfaces, and they should also learn about the possibilities and problems in visualizing architectural models. The course called ‘Computer-Aided Architectural Design 2,’ which is offered in the third BA semester, is the last among the Section ’s mandatory courses. It includes both lectures and practical work. The lecture focus on familiarizing the students with the modern evolution of computer technologies, their impact on scholarly research and creativity today, as well as the way in which they have changed the working methods in architecture and similar disciplines. Practical work takes places in groups of three students each, and focuses on 3D CAAD, modelling intended for architecture, and the visualization of complex architectural models.
Obvezni kolegij u prvom semestru preddiplomskog studija je ‘Uvod u primjenu računala’ koji se odvija kroz praktični rad. Sadržaj kolegija usmjeren je ka stjecanju praktičnih znanja u korištenju suvremenih programskih alata. Studenti trebaju steći uvid i ovladati 2D računalnom rasterskom i vektorskom grafikom, zatim ovladati osnovama stvaranja konceptualnog modela u virtualnom prostoru, te naposljetku steći uvid u kvalitetnu računalnu prezentaciju osmišljenog modela. Na drugom semestru preddiplomskog studija obvezan je kolegij ‘Primjena računala u arhitekturi 1’ koji se također odvija kroz praktični rad. Na ovom kolegiju studenti stječu praktična znanja i vještinu u korištenju programskih alata za 2D CAD tehničko crtanje na računalu te 3D modeliranje tijelima i vitoperim plohama te upoznavanje s mogućnostima i problemima vizualizacije arhitektonskih modela. Kolegijem ‘Primjena računala u arhitekturi 2’ na trećem semestru preddiplomskog studija završavaju obavezni kolegiji kabineta. U okviru kolegija održavaju se predavanja i praktična nastava. Na predavanjima se studentima nudi upoznavanje sa suvremenim razvojem informatičkih tehnologija, njihovim utjecajem na suvremeni znanstveni uvid i kreativni senzibilitet, te sa njihovim utjecajem na promjenu načina rada u arhitekturi i srodnim strukama. Praktičan rad odvija se u grupi od po tri studenta i odnosi se na 3D CAAD, modeliranje namijenjeno arhitekturi, te vizualizacije složenih arhitektonskih modela. Pored tri obvezna kolegija na preddiplomskom, kabinet na diplomskom studiju arhitekture i urbanizma nudi izborni kolegij ‘Računalno oblikovanje pejsažne arhitekture’ te drži obvezne kolegije na drugim sastavnicama Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na interfakultetskom studiju dizajna kolegij ‘3D modeliranje i vizualizacija’, zatim na diplomskom studiju Šumarskog fakulteta kolegij ‘Računalno oblikovanje parkovnih prostora’, te na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti kolegij ‘3D simulacija prostora’. Brz razvoj novih, informatičkih tehnologija donosi neprestano nove teme zanimljive i za arhitektonsku naobrazbu. Tako kabinet svake godine istražuje i suvremene primjene koje se studentima prenose kroz informativna predavanja ili demonstracije. U ak. god. 2011./2012. novitet u obrađenim temama bili su digitalna proizvodnja (digital fabrication) i sustavi proširene stvarnosti (augumented reality), a čija se primjena istražuje na vodećim školama arhitekture u svijetu. Time se ukazuje na aktualne teme kojima se bavi kabinet, a koje mogu poslužiti studentima za njihovo daljnje upotpunjavanje vještina kroz samostalna istraživanja.
Kabinet za primjenu računala u arhitekturi
Besides these three mandatory courses on the BA, the Section offers an optional course on ‘Computer Design in Landscape Architecture’ on the MA level, as well as the following mandatory courses at other faculties of the University of Zagreb: ‘3D Modelling and Visualization’ in the framework of interfaculty design studies, ‘Computer Design of Parks’ on the MA level at the Faculty of Forestry, and ‘3D Simulation of Space’ at the Academy of Fine Arts. Fast evolution of computer technologies constantly brings new topics that are also interesting for the training of future architects. Therefore the Section constantly explores the most current trends, which are communicated to the students in the form of informative lectures and demonstrations. In the academic year 2011/12, some of the novelties among the topics were digital fabrication and the systems of augmented reality, the application of which is researched in all major schools of architecture throughout the world. These topical issues that the Section deals with may encourage the students to complement their knowledge through independent research.
Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
uvod u primjenu računala u arhitekturi / Introduction to Computer-aided architectural Design Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 1.
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Stvaranje virtualnog prostora istraživanjem zadanog volumena
Propitivanjem / oblikovanjem / istraživanjem zadanog volumena u virtualnom prostoru, analizira se određeni prostorni fenomen koji, u dogovoru s asistentom, bira sam student. Osnovni prostor zadan je odnosom stranica u varijabilnim omjerima pri čemu zadana jedinica nije metrički određena tako da veličina i položaj volumena ovisi o rješenju.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Creating Virtual Space by Exploring a Predefined Volume By questioning / designing / exploring a predefined volume in virtual space, the students analyze a particular spatial phenomenon, which they choose for themselves in agreement with the assistant professor. The basic space is given in the form of interrelations between the sides in variable proportions, whereby the given unit is not metrically defined, so that the volume’s size and position depend on the solution. Programme application (PA) SketchUp is the basic platform for studying virtual space, PA Photoshop serves the students to process the models obtained in SketchUp and to present them on posters, and PA AutoCAD is used for 2D design.
Programska aplikacija (PA) SketchUp predstavlja osnovnu platformu proučavanja virtualnog prostora, PA Photoshop služi za obradu dobivenih prikaza modela iz SketchUpa i njihovo prezentiranje putem plakata, dok PA AutoCAD služi za 2D crtanje.
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Matija Sedak
Morana Pap
Luka Mamić
Roberto Vdović
Karlo Barta
Kristina Careva
Hana Marisa Mohar
Kristiana Careva
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
primjena računala u arhitekturi 1 / Computer-Aided Architectural Design 1
Preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme
Godina / year
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Stvaranje virtualnog modela i njegova transformacija
Semestar / semester
1. 2.
Zadatak je osmišljen u dvije individualizirane i međusobno povezane faze. U prvoj student, uz pomoć asistenta, bira jedan poznati predmet te ga, što je moguće vjernije, prenosi u 2D i 3D virtualni prostor. U drugoj fazi student istražuje mogućnosti transformacije karakterističnog seg menta izrađenog modela te se bavi osnovama vizualizacije produkata svog rada. PA Rhinoceros 3D predstavlja osnovnu platformu za stvaranje virtualnog modela i njegovu transformaciju, PA AutoCAD služi za stvaranje 2D crteža kao podloge za stvaranje modela, PA Photoshop služi za obradu dobivenih prikaza modela iz Rhina, a PA Artlantis omogućuje izradu vizualizacija modela i njegovim transformacijama dobivenih virtualnih oblika i prostora.
voditelj / supervisor
Robert Barbir
Roberto Vdović
Kabinet za primjenu računala u arhitekturi
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Creating and Transforming Virtual Spaces The task is conceived in two individualized, yet interconnected phases. In the first phase, the student chooses a familiar object with the help of the assistant professor, and transfers it, as faithfully as possible, into 2D and 3D virtual spaces. In the second phase, the student explores the possibilities of transforming a characteristic segment of the created model and deals with the basic elements of visualization as applied to the product of his or her own work.
PA Rhinoceros 3D is the basic platform for the production and transformation of virtual models, PA AutoCAD serves to create 2D designs as the basis for making models, PA Photoshop serves to process the obtained images of models from Rhino, and PA Artlantis is used for visualizing models and for transforming the obtained virtual shapes and spaces.
Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
primjena računala u arhitekturi 2 / Computer aided Architectural design 2
Preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme
Godina / year
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Stvaranje virtualne kuće i njene vizualizacije
Semestar / semester
2. 3.
Kroz rad u grupi od po tri studenta izrađuje se virtualni model obiteljske kuće na osnovi publiciranog, vrijednog arhitektonskog ostvarenja. Nakon zajedničke izrade, studenti individualno pristupaju vizualiziranju modela pri čemu svaki student kuću prikazuje na drugi način (realistični prikaz, maketarski prikaz, različita godišnja doba i sl.). Virtualni model predstavlja osnovu i za druge simulacije, npr. analizu energetske efikasnosti građevine, simulaciju konstrukcije i opterećenja, simulacije dnevnog osvijetljenja i dr. što predstavlja dopunski, neobvezni dio istraživanja o kući. PA ArchiCAD predstavlja osnovnu platformu za stvaranje složenog virtualnog modela, PA Artlantis omogućuje izradu dnevnih i noćnih vizualizacija modela, dok PA PowerPoint koristi za izradu dinamične prezentacije i elaboraciju konačnog produkta. Studenti se potiču i na korištenje raznih dodataka osnovnih aplikacija.
studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Ines Mravunac Mia Mikula Andrija Matotan
Morana Pap
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Creating a Virtual House and its Visualization Groups of three students each create virtual models of a family house on the basis of a published architectural achievement of assured value. After they have produced the model together, they approach its visualization individually, whereby each of the students has a particular task (realistic presentation, model presentation, various seasons, etc.). Virtual model also serves as a basis for other simulations, such as the analysis of energetic efficiency of the building, the simulation of construction and statics, the simulation of daytime illumination, etc., which is the complementary, optional part of exploring the house. PA ArchiCAD is the basic platform for creating complex virtual models, PA Artlantis serves to produce daytime and nighttime visualizations of the model, and PA PowerPoint is used for dynamic presentations and for elaborating the final product. The students are also encouraged to use various add-ons with the basic applications.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Od digitalne kuće do (samo)održivog kampusa kao poligona za razvitak grada
From a Digital House to a (self-)Sustainable Campus as a Polygon for Urban Development Members of the Section of the Computer Modelling work on a long-term research project called ‘Typology of a Digital House,’ which is actually a continuation of the project on ‘Housing Space in the Computer Age.’
Članovi Kabineta za primjenu računala rade na višegodišnjem znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu ‘Tipologija digitalne kuće’ koji je nastavak projekta ‘Stambeni prostor u informatičkom dobu’. Hipoteza istraživanja pretpostavlja kako će suvremeni tehnološki napredak, temeljen na distribuiranim kompjutorskim sustavima, omogućiti simultanu izgradnju logičke inteligencije prostora i njegove fizičke strukture gdje najinteligentniji dio kuće neće biti neki predmet u njoj već kuća sama. U takvoj situaciji očekuje se da će kuća omogućiti raznovrsna prostorna iskustva. Ovakav razvoj opredmećuje se u nazivima ‘pametna’ ili ‘inteligentna’ kuća. Da bi i dalje predvodili izgradnju stambenog prostora arhitekti će morati proširiti svoje područje znanja i uključiti nove tehnologije i procese. Cilj projekta bio je prikupiti informacije o međunarodnom razvoju u ovom području, kritički evaluirati tehnološki napredak, te razviti prijedloge novih tipologija koje će biti putokaz procesu promjena. Već na početku redefiniran je sadržaj istraživanja pri čemu se tema stambenih prostora i njihove evolucije proširila i fokusirala na sveučilišne kampuse kao složene sustave istraživačkih, nastavnih i stambenih sadržaja. Sveučilišni kampusi postaju ishodišta novih informatičkih tehnologija i šireg društvenog razvoja, a planiranje i gradnja kampusa postaje uzor za gradove u kojima se nalaze. Novi objekti, sa svojim inovativnim tipologijama, predstavljaju prostorni i tehnološki okvir navedenom razvoju. Istraživanje na projektu usmjereno je prema evoluciji sveučilišnih kampusa i njihovih specifičnih prostora, te primjeni zaključaka u izradi programa za kampus Borongaj kao kampusa za 21. stoljeće. Istraživački interes razvijao se u nekoliko paralelnih smjerova: nove kompjutorske i komunikacijske tehnologije, nove smjernice za održivo planiranje i građenje, novi društveni procesi, nove prostorne tipologije i novi oblici studentskog stanovanja. Provedena istraživanja kontinuirano su pratila događanja, sistematizirala saznanja i predlagala scenarije primjene. U svim istraživanjima sudjelovali su interdisciplinarni timovi kako bi se osigurao cjeloviti pristup ovoj složenoj tematici. Rezultati istraživanja prezentirani su na više domaćih i međunarodnih skupova i konferencija. Tijekom rada razrađen je koncept informacijskog sustava, te aplikacije za tabletna računala. Informacijski sustav čine ‘digitalna knjiga’ o održivom planiranju kampusa, politikama
Kabinet za primjenu računala u arhitekturi
Our research hypothesis is that modern technological advance, based on distributed computer systems, will make it possible to build simultaneously the logical intelligence of a space and its physical structures, where the most intelligent part of the house will not be some object in it, but the house itself. As a consequence, it can be expected that the house will offer various spatial experiences. This sort of development is exemplified in terms such as ‘smart’ or ‘intelligent’ house. In order to preserve their leading role in the construction of housing space, architects will have to extend their field of expertise to include new technologies and processes. The aim of the project has been to gather information about the international progress in this field, to critically evaluate technological advance, and to propose new typologies that will serve as signposts in the process of change. The research area has been redefined from the very outset, whereby the topic of housing spaces and their evolution has been extended so as to focus on university campuses as complex systems fulfilling research, teaching, and housing functions. University campuses thus become the sources of new computer technologies and broader social development, while planning and building campuses becomes a model for the cities in which they are situated. New facilities, with their innovative typologies, serve as a spatial and technological framework for this evolution. Research related to the project has been focusing on the evolution of university campuses and their specific spaces, and on applying the conclusions to the design of Borongaj Campus as the example of a 21st century campus. Our research interests have been evolving in several parallel directions: new computer and communication technologies, new guidelines for sustainable planning and building, new social processes, new spatial typologies, and new forms of student housing. Our research has kept track with the most recent developments, systematized that knowledge, and suggested possible scenarios of its application. All reasearch have been performed by interdisciplinary teams in order to ensure a comprehensive approach to this complex issue. Research results have been presented at several local and international symposia and conferences. In the course of our work, we have developed a computer programme and an application for tablet computers. The programme consists of an ‘e-book’ on the sustainable planning of campuses, and the policies of sustainable develop-
Section of Computer Aided Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
održivog razvoja kampusa prominentnih sveučilišta, dok drugi dio čine online baza znanja i primjera. Koncept i maketa aplikacije izložene su u sklopu godišnjeg okupljanja članica ISCN (International Sustainable Campus Network) na međunarodnom simpoziju ‘Better Campus, Better City’, Shangai, 2010, te međunarodnom kongresu predstavnika gradova o održivosti ‘My Sustainable World’, Leipzig, 2010. Tijekom 2011./12. nastavljena je razrada osnovnog koncepta i definiranje kriterija po kojima će se akumulirati znanje i informacije u bazi. Istraživanje je rezultiralo s dva obranjena doktorska rada koja svojim tezama i raspravama upotpunjuju posebne tematske segmente rada na projektu, dok su dvije disertacije još u postupku izrade.
ment that have been applied in the campuses of various prominent universities, while the other part consists of an online database of insights and examples.
Doktorski rad Kristine Careve pod naslovom ‘Arhitektonski model prostora za interdisciplinarna istraživanja u umjetnosti i tehnologiji’ razmatra problematiku interdisciplinarnih istraživanja, s naglaskom na istraživanja u umjetnosti i tehnologiji, te prostorne potrebe takvih istraživanja. Analizom projektiranih i izvedenih arhitektonskih artefakata namijenjenih interdisciplinarnim istraživanjima, ili nekom drugom vidu interdisciplinarne djelatnosti, te diskusijom analize, uspostavljen je arhitektonski model. Na kraju je prema postavljenom arhitektonskom modelu prikazana provjera arhitektonskog projekta prenamjene zgrade vojnog skladišta u Centar za umjetnička istraživanja na kampusu Borongaj u Zagrebu. Uspostavljeni arhitektonski model predstavlja osnovni znanstveni doprinos ovog rada, a njegova upotreba u provjeri projekta prenamjene, dokazuje njegovu moguću primjenu. Doprinos je i definiran bipolarni spektar institucija u kojima na istraživanjima surađuju pripadnici umjetničkog i tehničkog područja. Doktorski rad Renea Lisca pod naslovom ‘Sustav smjernica za planiranje održivih sveučilišnih kampusa’ istražuje područje održivog planiranja i projektiranja urbanih struktura, s naglaskom na prostorno funkcionalne strukture sveučilišnih kampusa. Detaljnim proučavanjem konteksta i zahtjeva održivosti, karakteristika i strukture sveučilišta i njihovih kampusa te smjernica za njihovo održivo planiranje predložen je sustav za njihov kontinuirani razvoj. Kroz detaljnu analizu četiriju suvremenih primjera planiranja održivih sveučilišnih kampusa uočeni su osnovni odnosi arhitektonskih i urbanističkih principa planiranja s utjecajima na održivost kampusa. Prepoznata potreba za integracijom smjernica i primjera održivih praksi objedinjena je u sustav koji kroz zajedničku strukturu omogućuje njihovu interakciju, cikluse motiviranja i unapređivanja prakse kao i revidiranja i dopune samih smjernica. Formiranje i testiranje strukture i sustava smjernica za planiranje održivih sveučilišnih kampusa predstavlja osnovni znanstveni doprinos ovog rada. Radom je također postavljen cjeloviti okvir razumijevanja održivosti potreban za djelovanje sveučilišta te specifično planiranje održivih kampusa.
Katedra za arhitektonsko projektiranje
In the course of 2011/12, we have continued to elaborate the basic concept and to define the criteria of knowledge and information accumulation in our database. This research resulted in two PhD dissertations, which complement the special thematic segments of our project with their hypotheses and discussions, while two more dissertation are in the process. The PhD dissertation of Kristina Careva, ‘Architectural Model of Space for Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Technology,’ discusses the issue of interdisciplinary research, with an accent on the fields of art and technology, and the spatial needs of such research. By analyzing both planned and built architectural artefacts intended for interdisciplinary research or another aspect of interdisciplinary activity, and by discussing the results of this analysis, the author has established an architectural model. Eventually, this architectural model was used to test the architectural project for repurposing the building of military storehouse into a Centre for Artistic Research at Borongaj Campus in Zagreb. The established architectural model is the crucial scholarly contribution of this work, and its use in testing the repurposing project proves its applicability in practice. Another contribution is the defined bipolar spectrum of institutions in which representatives of artistic and technological fields cooperate. The PhD dissertation of Rene Lisac, ‘System of Guidelines for Designing Sustainable University Campuses,’ explores the topical field of sustainable design and planning of urban structure, with an emphasis on the spatially functional structures of university campuses. A detailed analysis of four contemporary examples of planning sustainable university campuses indicates the basic relationships between the principles of design in architecture and urban planning, with their respective impacts on the sustainability of campuses. The acknowledged need of integrating these guidelines and the examples of sustainable practices has been unified into a system that enables, through a common structure, their interaction, cycles of motivation and development of practice, and the revision and complementation of the guidelines. Creating and testing the structure and the system of guidelines in planning sustainable university campuses is the crucial scholarly contribution of this dissertation. It also establishes a comprehensive framework for understanding sustainability, which is needed in the university’s operation and specifically in planning sustainable campuses.
Department Of Architectural Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja / Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and building Technology Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / Assistant Professors
Viši predavači / senior lecturers
predavači / lecturers
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
Vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates
doc. Mateo Biluš
dr.sc. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček
Mateo Biluš dr.sc. Iva Muraj Ivica Plavec dr.sc. Zoran Veršić
Zorana Protić Marino Šneler
Vedran Duplančić Dunja Mandić Željko Pavlović
Neda Cilinger Gordana Žaja mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Teodor Cvitanović Tajana Jaklenec Damir Mance
Tomislav Petrinjak Stanka Raič
dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer
Kabinet za nosive konstrukcijE / Section of building structures Voditelj / head of section
izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor
docent / Assistant Professor
Viši predavači / senior lecturers
predavač / lecturer
Asistent / teaching assistant
Vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates
prof.dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman
dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman
dr.sc. Josip Galić
Egon Lokošek Berislav Medić
Nenad Turčić
Davor Andrić
Andrej Marković mr.sc. Branka Rosandić
Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docent / Assistant Professor
predavači / lecturers
doc. Gordana Žaja
dr.sc. Dražen Juračić
Gordana Žaja
mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Teodor Cvitanović Tajana Jaklenec Damir Mance
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kabinet za instalacije zgrada / section of building services Voditelj / head of section
Viši predavač / senior lecturer
predavač / lecturer
v.pred. mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić
mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić
Tihomir Rengel
Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu / section of Mathematics, descriptive geometry and perspective Voditelj / head of section
viši predavači / senior lecturers
viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
Asistent / teaching assistant
v.pred. mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta
mr.sc. Božica Hajsig mr.sc. Juraj Hrnčević Zlatko Klanac mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta
dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath
Josipa Čuka
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
predstojnik katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo / head of departement of ar hitectural technology and building science
Mateo Biluš, dipl. ing. arh. rođen je u Splitu 1962. godine. Diplomirao je 1988. na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Od 1990.–1991. pohađao je i apsolvirao poslijediplomski studij ‘Graditeljsko nasljeđe’ u Splitu, a od 1991.–1994. bio je istraživač u znanstvenoistraživačkim projektima ‘Arhitektonske konstrukcije u funkciji zaštite okoliša’ i ‘Kriteriji optimalizacije rješenja fasadnih stijena’. 1995. godine dobiva status predavača na Katedri za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo, u zvanje višeg predavača izabran je 2000., a u zvanje docenta 2010. Na preddiplomskoj nastavi vodio je vježbe Arhitektonske konstrukcije i fizika zgrada 1–5, na preddiplomskom studiju vodi vježbe Tehničkog studija i konstrukterske dionice na Studiju 1, voditelj je i koordinator konstrukterske dionice Studija 4, na diplomskom studiju voditelj je i koordinator Radionice arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Nositelj je kolegija Arhitektonske konstrukcije i materijali 1 i 2 na preddiplomskom te Održivo građenje 1 i Praktična fizika zgrade na diplomskom studiju.
Mateo Biluš, Dipl.Eng.Arch., was born in Split in 1962. He graduated in 1988 from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. In 1990–91 he attended the postgraduate study programme Architectural Heritage in Split and in 1991–94 he worked as researcher on the scientific projects Architectural Structures in the Service of Environmental Protection and the Criteria for Optimum Facade Design. In 1995 he obtained the position of lecturer at the Department of Architectural Structures and Building Construction. In 2000 he was elected senior lecturer and in 2010 assistant professor. He has taught the following practical courses at the Faculty of Architecture: Architectural Structures and Building Physics 1–4, Engineering Design Studio and the section in Studio 1 related to architectural structures (BA programme). He has been the coordinator of the structural section in Studio 4 and Architectural Structure Workshop (MA programme). He also teaches the courses in Architectural Structures and Materials 1 and 2 (BA programme) and Sustainable Building 1 and Practical Building Physics (MA programme).
Mateo Biluš, doc.
Autor je i suradnik i na izradi detalja za projekte više zgrada nagrađivanih i publiciranih u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Autor je projekata toplinske zaštite i uštede energije i projekata zvučne zaštite, za više od pet stotina zgrada. Ovlašteni je revident za kontrolu projekata zaštite od buke i projekata uštede energije i toplinske zaštite od 2004.–09. godine. Projektant je detalja i sanacija konstruktivnih sklopova građevina te izvoditelj projektantskog i stručnog nadzora pri izvođenju za nekoliko desetaka objekata. Autor je i projektant više realiziranih interijera i nekoliko obiteljskih i stambenih zgrada. Aktivni je sudionik u izradi niza propisa iz područja toplinske zaštite i zaštite od buke pri Ministarstvu prostornog uređenja i graditeljstva i Ministarstvu zdravstva. Edukator je na stručnim usavršavanjima ovlaštenih inženjera i energetskih certifikatora zgrada.
He has created or collaborated in the creation of detailed facade designs for numerous buildings awarded in Croatia and abroad. He has created projects related to thermal and acoustic protection and energy sufficiency for more than five hundred buildings. In 2004 -09 he was a licensed design auditor for the building projects related to thermal and acoustic noise protections and energy sufficiency. He created detailed and renovation designs for structural components of buildings and performed supervision over the construction of several dozens of buildings. He also designed several interiors, family houses and residential buildings. He actively participates in the creation of a series of regulations pertaining to thermal and noise protection at the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning and the Ministry of Health. He teaches further education courses for licensed engineers and display energy certification officers.
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Intervju / Interview Vjera Bakić, Maroje Mrduljaš
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Intervju s doc. Mateom Bilušem
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo je spona između projektiranja u akademskim uvjetima i realiteta gradilišta. S obzirom na tu činjenicu, kako ste koncipirali težišta nastave?
Na svim kolegijima u sklopu Katedre nastojimo pojasniti važnost arhitekta kao kreativne osobe koja ima ključnu ulogu ne samo u oblikovanju nego je i koordinator u složenom i kontinuiranom procesu projektiranja do konačne izvedbe zgrade. U edukaciji, kroz predavanja i rad na vježbama, inzistira se na kreativnoj komponenti u projektantskom radu, koja se prožima s tehničkim aspektima – od dizajna nosive konstrukcije i izvedbenih detalja zgrade, dizajna instalacijskih sustava, odabira, upotrebe i tretmana materijala, do istraživačkog pristupa mogućim tehnologijama izvođenja te oblikovanja zgrade u kontekstu energetski efikasne i održive gradnje. Ističe se potreba sudjelovanja projektanta u procesu razrade i izvedbe projekta do detalja kako bi se postigla kvalitetna materijalizacija početne i razvojem razrade definirane projektantske ideje koja bi se trebala kroz taj proces potvrđivati, ali i unaprijediti. Ovakav pristup postao je prioritetan uvođenjem edukacije po tzv. bolonjskom procesu i usavršavamo ga kroz kontinuirano modificiranje sadržaja predavanja i vježbi s povratnim informacijama iz nastave, praćenjem novih trendova u tehnologiji i zakonskoj regulativi iz područja zgradarstva te sve zahtjevnijih propisa iz područja energetske efikasnosti zgrada i održive gradnje. Uzrokovano kratkim razdobljem edukacije, kako u preddiplomskom, a još izraženije u diplomskom studiju, uočava se nedostatak stjecanja vještina iz poznavanja uvjeta rekonstrukcije zgrada, a to je sve učestalija potreba u području arhitektonskih realizacija na području Europe, s posebnim naglaskom na energetski aspekt.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Interview with Assist. Prof. Mateo Biluš The Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science creates a link between the design process in academic conditions and the reality of a construction site. How have you developed the curriculum in relation to that fact?
All the courses at the Department attempt to explain the importance of the architect as a creative person who has a key role not only in design but in coordinating the complex and a continual design process which leads to the final construction of a building. Lectures and exercises focus on a creative component of design which is interrelated with engineering aspects – from the design of load-bearing structures to detailed design and design of installation systems, selection, use and treatment of materials, investigative approach to construction technologies and design of buildings in the context of energy efficient and sustainable building. What is also emphasized is the need for the architect to participate in the process of design detailing in order to achieve sound materialization of the initial concept which should be affirmed and improved by the very process of design development. Such an approach has became a priority at the Faculty of Architecture with the implementation of the so called Bologna Process and it has been constantly modified in relation to the content of lectures and exercises with the feedback from the teaching practice, following new trends in technology and legal regulations pertaining to building construction and increasingly demanding regulations on energy efficiency of buildings and sustainable building. A short educational period of both the BA and MA programmes results in insufficiently developed skills for determining conditions for building reconstructions, and the need for that has been growing on the European architectural scene, especially regarding energy aspects in such projects.
The Department comprises, among other things, building physics, load-bearing structures, construction technologies and installation systems which show a complex interrelationship within each architectural project and which exert significant influence on actual building conditions. How do you adopt an integral approach to acquiring knowledge and to what extent is the work of the Department coordinated?
The highest integrative level of the technical disciplines is reached within the practical course Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio in the 4th semester of the BA programme. The aim is to simulate a ‘life cycle’ in design development, from the conceptual design to the final project design with developed architectural components, as well as simulta-
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Katedra obuhvaća, između ostalog, fiziku zgrade, nosive konstrukcije, tehnologije građenja te instalacijske sustave, kojih složeni međuodnos postoji unutar svakoga arhitektonskog projekta i koji svi bitno utječu na realitet gradnje. Kako u nastavi afirmirate integraciju tih znanja i u kojoj je mjeri rad Kabineta koordiniran? Najveći stupanj integracije rada na edukaciji iz navedenih tehničkih disciplina događa se u sklopu vježbovnog kolegija Tehnički studio u iv. semestru preddiplomskog studija, koji predstavlja simulaciju ‘životnog’ procesa razvoja projekta od idejnog rješenja do izvedbenog projekta, s razradom ne samo arhitektonske komponente već i simultanim projektiranjem nosive konstrukcije i instalacijskih sustava te energetski učinkovitog koncepta zgrade. Integracija svih osnovnih komponenti razrade arhitektonskog projekta provodi se i na kolegiju Studio 1 analizom i razradom projekta obiteljske kuće, pa i na kolegiju Studio 4 na razradi projekta poslovne zgrade. Na oba zadatka projekti se simultano razrađuju od faze prostorno idejnog koncepta, kojeg je sastavni dio i koncept nosive konstrukcije te osnovni instalacijski sustav, do definiranja osnovnih elemenata oblikovanja, upotrijebljenih materijala i detalja pročelja. Razrada projekta obiteljske kuće završava troškovnikom građevinskih i zanatskih radova te izradom terminskog plana – gantograma, kada se studenti upoznaju s poslovima, postupcima i sudionicima u procesu građenja. Sudjelovanje nastavnika Kabineta arhitektonskih konstrukcija, nosivih konstrukcija i instalacija zgrada na vježbama kontinuirano je i organizirano u ključnim etapama procesa projektiranja. Iako se integracija u spomenute kolegije realizira vrlo uspješno, svjesni smo potrebe uvođenja takvoga integralnog pristupa projektiranju i u diplomskom studiju.
Danas je u prvom planu težište postavljeno k ekološkom i održivom građenju unutar strogih ekonomskih uvjeta. Razvoj novih tehnologija utječe na proces planiranja i gradnje. No, često se unutar ‘ideologije održivosti’ u internacionalnom kontekstu plasiraju koncepti koji su više deklarativne i marketinške, a manje temeljno graditeljske prirode. Kakva je situacija u lokalnom kontekstu? Kako u Hrvatskoj pristupamo problemima i kako ocjenjujete mogućnosti naše građevinske industrije? Ekološko i održivo, a k tome i energetski efikasno, definitivno je trend ne samo u arhitekturi i graditeljstvu već i u svim aspektima suvremene tehnologije. Jasno je da su neki aspekti energetske efikasnosti prenaglašeni iz komercijalnih razloga pojedinih interesnih gupacija i da se održivi razvoj mora promatrati na globalnoj, a ne samo na lokalnoj europskoj razini, gdje takva kompleksna, visokotehnološka rješenja postaju upitna s aspekta održivog razvoja. Ono čemu treba težiti u suvremenim konceptima EE projektiranja jest bioklimatski pristup, gdje se datosti lokacije
intervju s doc. mateom bilušem
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
neously developed load-bearing structure and installation systems and an energy efficient concept of a building. Integration of all the basic components of a developed architectural project is carried out within the course Studio 1 through analysis and development of the design of a family house, as well as within Studio 4 through designing a commercial building. Both assignments are simultaneously developed from the stage of spatial concept, whose constitutive elements are loadbearing structures and the basic installation system, to the stage of defining basic design elements, use of materials and façade details. Design of a family house ends in estimation of construction costs and the creation of a project timeline – Gantt chart, when students are introduced to work, activities and participants in the process of construction. Participation of the department’s teaching staff is continual and organized in crucial sections of the design process within the courses. Although the teaching material is successfully integrated through the above mentioned courses we are aware of the need for the introduction of such an integral approach to design in the MA programme as well.
Today the centre of interest is ecological and sustainable building in the context of strict economic conditions. The development of new technologies influences planning and construction processes. However, it often happens that ‘sustainable ideology’ seen in the international context gives birth to concepts which are characterised by declarative efforts and marketing than by the essential architectural quality. What is the situation in the local context? How are these problems approached in Croatia and how would you assess the potentials of the Croatian building industry?
Ecology and sustainability, and energy efficiency included, are definitely a trend not only in architecture and building but in all aspects of contemporary technology. It is clear that some aspects of energy efficiency are overly emphasized for commercial purposes of certain interest groups and that sustainable development should be considered on a global, not only local, European level where such complex, high-tech solutions become questionable from the aspect of sustainable development. The thing to which we should strive in contemporary concepts of EE design is a bioclimatic approach where all the features of a location are used to its maximum potential in order to decrease requirements of buildings for external energy sources and costly investments in design implementation. Such an approach to design in terms of relevant input parameters has not been sufficiently highlighted in both Croatian practice and education. In the local context, awareness of the public and individuals regarding that issue is sometimes on a higher level than the aspirations of architects, since physical planning and early stages of design are hardly ever conditioned
interview with assist.prof. mateo biluš
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
maksimalno iskorištavaju za smanjenje potrebe zgrada za vanjskim izvorima energije i ekonomski visokim ulaganjima u realizaciji projekta. Takav pristup projektiranju u pogledu relevantnih ulaznih parametara zasad je kod nas premalo akcentiran, kako u praksi tako i u edukaciji. U lokalnom kontekstu, svijest javnosti i pojedinaca u tom je pogledu ponekad i na višoj razini od težnji arhitekata, budući da se rijetko u prostornom planiranju i početnom pristupu projektiranju kao stajalište postavljaju uvjeti energetske efikasnosti, održivosti i ekonomičnosti. Ipak, sve učestaliji početni zahtjevi investitora i pooštrenja u regulativi pomalo postaju efikasan korektiv. Projektanti u praksi, a i nastavnici u edukaciji, postaju svjesniji ovakvih zahtjeva i njihova utjecaja na pristup projektiranju već od najranije konceptualne etape rješenja kuće, gdje neizbježno postaje postavka koncepta energetske efikasnosti sa svih aspekata smanjenja potrebe za energijom, u pogledu pasivnih i aktivnih instalacijskih sustava i primjenu razgradivih, recikliranih i ekoloških materijala.
by energy efficiency, sustainability and costeffectiveness. Nevertheless, the increasing initial demands by investors and stricter regulations have become an efficient correction factor. Practicing architects and architectural teachers are gradually becoming more aware of these requirements and their influences on the design process, from the earliest conceptual stages in designing a house where one of the unavoidable elements has become energy efficiency from all the aspects of energy consumption reduction in terms of passive and active installation systems and the use of degradable, recycled and ecological materials.
Što se tiče mogućnosti građevinske industrije, građevinskog i inženjering sektora te mogućnosti provođenja energetski efikasnih i održivih koncepata gradnje, Hrvatska ne stoji toliko loše, kako bi se možda moglo percipirati s obzirom na današnji prosjek realizacija i opću stagnaciju građevinskog sektora. Pojedine naše tvrtke, obrtnici i pojedinci u sferi projektiranja i izvođenja sposobni su realizirati i realiziraju kompleksne zgrade referentne u lokalnim i svjetskim okvirima. Definitivno su nedovoljno iskorištene mogućnosti naše drvne industrije u pogledu aktivnijega korištenja drva iz planiranih šuma za proizvodnju kvalitetnoga građevinskog materijala ili gotovih elemenata zgrada. Takvo bi drvo doista trebalo postati prvo kao materijal za gradnju jer je najzahvalniji i ekološki najprihvatljiviji materijal glede utrošene energije za proizvodnju i ugradnju, kao i konstruktivnih i termičkih svojstava materijala koje treba ugraditi na suvremenim, energetski efikasnim i održivim zgradama. Nažalost, nekadašnja regionalna tradicija gradnje drvom kod nas je zanemarena, kako u privatnom tako i u javnom sektoru, ali i kod projektanata i izvođača, pa njenoj popularizaciji treba pristupiti sustavno sa svih aspekata – od edukacije na fakultetu, preko edukacije projektanata u praksi do pokretanja znanstvenih ili stručnih projekata s relevantnim tvrtkama iz realnog sektora. U sklopu kolegija Arhitektonskih konstrukcija i materijala naglašena je edukacija iz područja lakih konstrukcija, gradnje čelikom i drvom. Također se planira pokretanje znanstvenih i stručnih projekata temeljenih na ispitivanju mogućnosti gradnje drvom.
As far as the potentials of building industry, civil engineering and implementation of energy efficient and sustainable building concepts are concerned, Croatia is not in such a bad situation as one might think according to the current view of construction activities and a general stagnation of the building sector. Some of our firms, crafts and individual entrepreneurs in the domain of building projects are capable of completing complex buildings relevant in the local and international contexts. The potential of Croatian wood industry has definitely been neglected in terms of a more active use of wood from forests planned for the production of construction material and almost all building elements. Such wood could surely become first of all construction material because it is an ecologically most acceptable material concerning the energy invested in its production and placement, as well as the structural and thermal properties of the material which should be placed in contemporary, energy efficient and sustainable buildings. Unfortunately, the traditional regional use of wood for construction has been neglected in Croatia, both in private and public sector. It is also not enough popular with architects and civil engineers which means it should be popularized in a systematic way, from all aspects – from university education, architectural training in offices to scientific and professional projects which should be jointly conducted with relevant firms from the economic sector. The course Architectural structures and materials focuses on light structures, steel and wood construction projects. There is also a plan to launch scientific and professional projects based on the investigation of construction possibilities offered by wood. The topic of intelligent buildings and participation of experts from the domain of automatic or remotely controlled systems is an area where considerable improvements could be made in both design and implementation, but also in education, especially if we consider the concepts of energy efficient buildings.
Tema inteligentnih zgrada i sudjelovanje stručnjaka iz domene automatiziranih ili daljinski upravljanih sustava jest područje u kojem bi se mogli u praksi projektiranja i izvedbe, ali i u edukaciji, napraviti veliki pomaci, pogotovo ako govorimo o konceptima energetski efikasnih zgrada.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Pojedini hrvatski arhitekti, kao i suvremene arhitektonske prakse, ideju projektiranja prostora striktno vezuju za nosivu konstrukciju koja postaje osnovni element programskog i prostornog koncepta. No, u suvremenoj arhitekturi postoje i koraci unazad u razumijevanju tih tema, pa i tendencije zanemarivanja konstruktivnog izričaja u korist drugih aspekata – optimalizacije funkcije, tehničke optimalizacije. Kako vi vidite te oprečne tendencije? Koje je vaše stajalište i koja je u tom kontekstu uloga nastave? Svakoj arhitekturi konstrukcija je imanentna, ali ne samo arhitekturi – sve što postoji u materijalnoj realnosti prostora koji nas okružuje, a relativno je vremenski postojano u formi ili sadržaju, posjeduje određeni vid konstrukcije. Oblikovanje kvalitetne arhitekture nemoguće je bez istovremenog oblikovanja konstrukcije. Zanemarivanje ove datosti rezultira – ili nesretnim spojem formalizma koji je u koliziji s konstrukcijom što mora biti naknadno i nasilno aplicirana da bi koncept mogao biti realiziran u silno ekonomski neracionalnim i zbog toga bazično neetičnim rješenjima, ili pak s objektima kod kojih će doći do brze destrukcije. Moj je temeljni stav da čista umjetnost ne može postojati, pogotovo ne u arhitekturi koja mora biti, da bi bila dobra, skladan suživot estetike, konstrukcije i ugodnosti u korištenju sadržaja unutar jedne cjeline zgrade. Nijedan drugi pristup projektiranju ne mogu smatrati etičnim. Smatram da dobra edukacija mora naučiti buduće arhitekte kreativnosti, ali i etičnosti i kompetentnosti. Bez kompetentnosti nemoguće je biti kvalitetan arhitekt. Svi današnji istaknuti hrvatski arhitekti, a kojih sam podosta upoznao kroz kreativnu i tehničku suradnju na raznim projektima, kao i svjetski eksponirana arhitektonska imena, izrazito su kompetentni kreativci koji barataju ne samo diz ajnom forme i funkcije već i dizajnom konstrukcije, odabirom i svojstvima materijala te, ne manje bitno, ekonomskim aspektima pojedinih koncepata.
Koje nastavne metode i strategije primjenjujete kako bi studenti razvili svoje stajalište o pitanju konstrukcije? Možete li navesti primjere nastave u kojoj ste tijekom protekle akademske godine primijenili navedene strategije i ostvarili naročite pomake u tom smjeru? Kad govorimo o konstrukciji, na Katedri se razlučuju termini nosive konstrukcije i arhitektonskih konstrukcija građevnih dijelova zgrade, iako je jasno da se te dvije cjeline u projektiranju i materijalizaciji zgrade preklapaju. Na kolegijima Kabineta za nosive konstrukcije traži se, nakon usvajanja bazičnih znanja, eksperimentalan i kreativan pristup konstrukcijskim sklopovima jednostavnijih građevina (nadstrešnice, mostovi i sl.). Kreativni pristup dizajnu nosivih konstrukcija razrađuje se i kod složenijih zgrada, počevši od rada na temi polivalentnog paviljona u sklopu kolegija Tehničkog studija, na programu poslovne zgrade u sklopu
intervju s doc. mateom bilušem
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Individual Croatian architects, as much as contemporary architectural practice, the idea of spatial design relate strictly to the load-bearing structure which becomes the basic element of the programmatic and spatial concept. However, contemporary architecture also shows a step beck in the comprehension of these topics, and even tendencies of neglecting structural expression in favour of other aspects such as functional or technical optimisation. How do you see those opposing tendencies? What is your personal view regarding that and what is the role of education in that context?
Structure is immanent to architecture, but not only architecture – everything that exists in material reality of the space surrounding us, and which is relatively temporally stable in form or content, possesses a certain sort of construction. Good architectural design is impossible without simultaneous structural design. Ignoring this fact would result in unfortunate formalism, and therefore in collision with the structure which needs to be additionally or forcefully applied to facilitate the execution of what might be said to be a highly irrational economic solution, which would consequently be an unethical solution as well. It would also result in a combination with buildings destined to be quickly destroyed. My opinion is that pure art could not exist, especially not in architecture which, in order to be good, needs to achieve a harmonious relationship between aesthetics, structure and a comfortable use of the contents of a building. I cannot consider ethical any other approach to design. I believe that sound education should equip future architects with creativity, but also ethics and competence. Without competence it is impossible to be a good architect. All existing esteemed Croatian architects, who I have met through creative and technical cooperation on various projects, just as internationally renowned architectural figures, are all extremely competent and creative individuals dealing not only with the design of form but also function and structures, with selection of materials and equally important, economic aspects of individual concepts.
Which educational methods and strategies are used in order to help students develop their personal opinions on the issue of structures? Can you give examples of classes in the previous academic year during which you used these strategies made considerable changes in that direction?
When speaking about structures we differentiate the term building structures from the term architectural technology (architectural structures), although, clearly, these two overlap in design and implementation. The courses of the Office for Load-bearing Structures provide basic knowledge in structures and their application through an experimental and creative approach to structures of simple buildings (canopies, bridges etc). Creative approach to design of load-bearing structures is devel-
interview with assist.prof. mateo biluš
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studija 4 te konzultacijski kroz sve radionice diplomskog studija i Diplomsku radionicu. U sklopu kolegija Održivo građenje studenti kroz seminarske radove analiziraju pojedine suvremene i inovativne konstruktivne sustave te logiku primjene sustava i materijala. Na kolegiju Arhitektonske konstrukcije stavljen je akcent na lagane skeletne sustave na bazi drva i čelika. Kompleksniji sustavi nosivih konstrukcija i tehnologije oplošja zgrade tema su kolegija Tehnički studio i Studija 4. Pritom se tijekom edukacije, u njezinu teorijskom i praktičnom dijelu, studenti upoznaju sa suvremenim i najnovijim konceptima nosivih i arhitektonskih konstrukcija, tehnologijom oplošja zgrada i mogućnostima njihove primjene, a sve na primjerima domaće i svjetske arhitekture. Uvidom u studentske projekte zamjećuju se zadovoljavajući pomaci u edukaciji iz područja konstrukcija na navedenim preddiplomskim studijima, zbog čega bi takav pristup trebao biti intenzivnije uključen i u nastavi na radionicama u diplomskom studiju.
oped in the case of more complex buildings, such as the multifunctional pavilion project in Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio Studio, and the commercial building project in Studio 4. In addition, teaching through consultation is carried out through all workshops in the MA programme and in the Graduation Workshop. Within the syllabus of the course in Sustainable Building, students analyse specific contemporary and innovate structural systems, their use and materials in papers which they write as a course assignment. Architectural Structures focuses on light skeletal wooden or steel systems. More complex systems of load-bearing structures and technology of building surface design are dealt with in Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio and Studio 4. Students are introduced, theoretically and practically, to contemporary and most recent concepts of load bearing and architectural structures, technologies of building surface design and their potential use, which is demonstrated on examples of Croatian and international architectural accomplishments.
Koje su najbolje metode podučavanja tema koje su bitno vezane za praksu, svakodnevicu gradilišta i materijalnost? Na koji način približiti studentima te teme, a da se nadiđe mehaničko usvajanje znanja kroz standardne detalje i razvije senzibilitet za detalje, logiku gradnje, materijalitet u ovisnosti o načinu gradnje, organizaciju građenja i sl.? Prema vlastitom iskustvu, najbolje se memoriraju anegdotne situacije s kojima se susrećemo pri razvoju projekta i realizaciji zgrade. Studenti se najviše zainteresiraju kada pričate o vlastitim projektima i problemima na koje ste naišli u realizaciji istih – logici izbora pri definiranju nosive konstrukcije i oplošja, greškama, promjenama, utjecajima, nedoumicama, financijskim reperkusijama, intenciji u oblikovanju detalja te odabiru materijala i konstrukcija, uspješnosti realizacije koncepta itd. U svojim predavanjima nastojim povezati logiku realizacije s konkretnim primjerima izvedenih zgrada, pri čemu nastojim pojasniti da sve što će od detalja do cjeline na zgradi biti izvedeno može i moralo bi biti predmet interesa arhitekta ako želi postići kvalitetnu realizaciju i izbjeći sve moguće vrste pogrešaka. Nositelji kolegija na Katedri većinom su praktični arhitekti s nizom realizacija i time kompetentno mogu prikazati logike konstruiranja i gradnje, odabira konstruktivnog sustava i materijala, oblikovanja detalja, tehnološke mogućnosti, organizaciju projektnog procesa i gradnje te probleme u realizaciji s kojima su se susreli prilikom izvedbi projekata. Današnje osuvremenjene mogućnosti prezentacije u edukaciji čine sve trenutno dostupnim, od bogate baze detalja i predavanja pa do mogućnosti trenutnog uvida u bilo koji projekt, realizaciju ili materijal. Ono što nedostaje u zadovoljavajućem opsegu jest obilazak građevina u etapi izgradnje, koji je povezan s praktičnim
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Which methods are proven best when teaching topics essentially related to architectural practice, everyday activities on the construction site and materiality? How to familiarize students with such topics, and help them overcome rote learning and develop a sensibility for details, construction principles, materiality dependent on construction methods, building organisation, and the like?
In my personal experience, it is easiest for students to remember anecdotal situations architects face while developing design or executing a building. Students are most interested when they hear about my projects and the problem I encountered – the issue of selection principles related to load-bearing structures and surfaces, mistakes, changes, influences, dilemmas, financial repercussions, intensions behind detailing, choice of materials and structure, success of the concept etc. In my lectures I try to explain to students that everything on a building, from a single detail to the entire building, can and should be of interest to the architect if he/she wants to achieve a high quality of execution and avoid all possible sorts of mistakes. The department professors who teach the courses are mostly active in architectural practice and therefore competent in explaining structural and construction principles, selection of structural systems and materials, detailing, technological potential, organisation of projects and construction and problems encountered in execution of the project. Today’s possibilities of presentation in education make everything assessable, from rich databases of details and lectures to possibilities to instantaneous access to information about any design, construction process or materials. What is missing in this wide range of information sources is a visit to a construction site during execution of a building. That is an issue related to practical safety problems, site acces-
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
problemima sigurnosti, dostupnosti gradilišta i općenito malom broju građevina trenutno u fazi izgradnje. Studentska praksa u arhitektonskim uredima pritom uglavnom nije zadovoljavajuća u pogledu uvida u materijalizaciju zgrada, svedena je većim dijelom na upoznavanje s procesom projektiranja unutar biroa.
sibility and generally a small number of buildings currently under construction. Student professional practice in architectural offices is mostly reduced to introduction to the design process within the office and is therefore unsuitable in terms of providing students the insight into the on-site construction process.
Osim znanja i vještina vezanih za ‘zanatske’ teme graditeljske prakse i razradu projektne dokumentacije, što još o konstrukciji studenti trebaju naučiti kako bi razvili kompetencije u baratanju konstruktivnim elementima, upravljanjem procesom građenja i kompetencije donošenja društveno odgovornih odluka o tome kako graditi? Trebalo bi razraditi modele prisutnosti studenata na zgradama pri njihovoj materijalizaciji, kontakt s obrtnicima, voditeljima gradilišta, upoznavanje s njihovim problemima pri realizaciji zgrade, koji proizlaze iz predviđenoga arhitektonskog i konstrukcijskog rješenja, tehnologije građenja i mogućnosti izvedbe detalja. Potrebno im je omogućiti uvid u onaj bitni korektiv projekta s kojim se arhitekti u praksi susreću pri realizaciji, u projektantski nadzor koji u interakciji s izvođačima građevinskog i instalacijskog dijela daje konačni izgled zgrade.
Kako je organiziran interdisciplinarni rad na vašoj katedri? U praksi je timski rad i suradnja s različitim specijalistima osnova svakog projekta. Kako u nastavi radionica i studija funkcionira odnos između konstruktivnih i uže projektantskih dionica? Interdisciplinarnost se u procesu edukacije studenata uvodi već od iii. semestra preddiplomskog studija, u sklopu kolegija Studio 1; prvo na analizama projekata izvedenih suvremenih obiteljskih kuća i zatim pri izradi vlastitog projekta obiteljske kuće, gdje zajedno s analizom i projektiranjem funkcije i oblikovanja paralelno provodimo analizu te poslije projektiranje nosive konstrukcije, instalacijskih sustava, odabir materijala, sustav oplošja i dizajn detalja kuće. Razrada projekta provodi se sa svih aspekata simultano. Sljedeći projekt na kojem se studenti upoznaju s potrebnom interakcijom svih projektantskih struka koje uz arhitekte sudjeluju u procesu projektiranja i izvedbe zgrada jest zadatak unutar kolegija Tehnički studio. Na studiju se prakticira timski rad, i to ne samo zbog opsega zadatka, koji se razvija od idejnog rješenja do izvedbenih projekata arhitekture s odabirom materijala, razradom specifičnih detalja te izradom zasebnih projekata nosive konstrukcije, fizike zgrade i projekta instalacija. Timski rad je realitet s kojim će se svi studenti susresti u praksi; kontakt s kolegama različitih senzibiliteta, mogućnosti, radnih sposobnosti, znanja, a ujedno je i vježba iz tolerancije i društvene socijalizacije koja je nužna i životna u praksi svakog projektanta.
intervju s doc. mateom bilušem
In addition to the knowledge and skills related to ‘vocational’ topics of architectural practice and the creation of design documentation, what else should students learn in order to develop competencies in dealing with structural elements, construction management as well as competencies for making socially responsible decisions about the built environment?
What is needed is a greater presence of students on construction sites during the construction process. They should develop contacts with craftsmen, construction supervisors, find out about the problems of the construction process and possibilities in executing structural details. They should be provided with knowledge of that important correction element of design which practicing architects encounter on the site, knowledge of the design supervision which, in interaction with the contractors, results in the final appearance of the building.
How is interdisciplinarity organized at your office? In architectural practice, team work and cooperation with various experts have been the basis of every project. What is the relationship between structural and more narrowly defined design sections of the workshops and studios?
An interdisciplinary approach to teaching is adopted in the iii. semester of the BA programme with Studio 1. The course provides students with the theoretical knowledge through design analyses of contemporary family houses and practical knowledge through assignment requiring each student to design a family house on his/her own. Analysing and designing the function and form of houses is done simultaneously with analysing and designing load-bearing structures, installation systems, surface systems, detailing and selection of materials. Design development is conducted simultaneously from all aspects. Another project which introduces students to the design process and building execution is part of the course Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio. This course requires team work, not only due to the scope of the assignment which includes a range of stages starting from the conceptual design to the final design, selection of materials, detailing, creation of separate structural designs, building physics and installation design. Team work is the reality which all students will experience in practice; contacts with colleagues of different sensibilities, capabilities and work capacity, knowledge. It is at the same time an exercise in tolerance and socialization which is necessary in the life and work of architects.
interview with assist.prof. mateo biluš
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
U očekivanoj daljnjoj reformi studija smatramo da će se intenzivirati suradnja i zajednički rad s kolegama s Katedre za projektiranje te Katedre za teoriju i povijest arhitekture na interaktivnom i multidisciplinarnom pristupu razradi specifičnih, tehnološki zahtjevnijih projekata, kao što su visokoenergetski efikasni koncepti novih zgrada ili projekti energetske sanacije postojećih zgrada i zgrada kulturne baštine, uz postizanje visoke energetske učinkovitosti i kvalitetnu valorizaciju svih datosti graditeljskog naslijeđa.
We believe that the future, reformed, educational system could bring a more intensive collaboration with colleagues from the Department of Architectural Design and the Department of Theory and History of Architecture. We should work together on interactive and multidisciplinary development of specific, technologically advanced projects, such as energy efficient concepts of new buildings or projects on improving energy saving in old and historic buildings, while obtaining high energy efficiency and emphasising the qualities of all the features of built heritage.
Za projektiranje su značajni prirodni uvjeti i resursi korištenja energije specifični za kontekst u kojem se gradi. Danas se preispituju kriteriji održivosti temeljem optimiziranog uključivanja tehnologije i upotrebom materijala dobivenih iz neposrednog okoliša. Prije tridesetak ili pedesetak godina u Hrvatskoj je u građenju sve bilo domaće proizvodnje: cement, čelik, oplata, stolarija… Danas je situacija drukčija: veći se dio građevnog materijala i građevnih proizvoda uvozi, a građenje lokalnim tehnikama i materijalima je zanemareno, zanatske vještine izvođača u nekim su aspektima i niže. Nastoji li se u nastavi kritički pristupiti tim temama, posebice u smislu naprednijeg poimanja ‘održivosti’ građenja u kontekstu materijala koje Hrvatska ima na raspolaganju (npr. drvo i kamen)? Nažalost, pitanje planiranja održivog razvoja jest pitanje strategije razvoja i politike na razini državne politike, u manjoj mjeri i na lokalnoj razini. Hrvatska politika još nije donijela ključne odluke vezane za stimuliranje vlastite proizvodnje, uključivo i proizvodnju građevinskih materijala i gotovih proizvoda – naši su proizvodi konkurentni uglavnom samo u onim segmentima građevinskih materijala gdje su transportni troškovi prevladavajući čimbenik u cijeni. Uspješan građevinski sektor u svakome je društvu pokretač svih ostalih privrednih grana koje veže direktno ili posredno na sebe. Dokaz je tome da je društveni standard pojedine zemlje u direktnoj korelaciji s potrošnjom cementa. Održivi razvoj i primjena lokalnih materijala također podrazumijeva i manje transportne troškove, manji udio potrošnje energije za transport te manje zagađenje i emisiju CO2 od proizvoda koji se uvozi s drugog kraja svijeta, premda taj bio i ekološki potpuno prihvatljiv. U sektoru zgradarstva Europska unija, kroz nove direktive koje se obvezno moraju ugraditi u lokalna zakonodavstva, postavlja pred arhitekte i sve ostale sudionike u projektiranju i gradnji zahtjeve za maksimalnom energetskom efikasnosti i lokalnom ili in situ proizvodnjom energije koja će zadovoljiti sve potrebe zgrade na razini godišnje potrošnje za sve nove zgrade nakon 2018. ili 2020. godine. Saznanja o uvjetima arhitektonskog projektiranja, načina i troškova gradnje te odabira materijala, instalacijskih i automatizacijskih sustava za ovakve zgrade nešto je na čemu mora biti fokus u edukaciji studenata, ali i projektanata i izvođača svih struka u praksi, bez čega neće biti moguće realizirati ovakve energetski zahtjevne koncepte zgrada.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Natural energy resources and conditions of their use in a given context are significant for architectural design. Sustainability criteria are today re-examined on the basis of optimised use of technology and the use of materials from immediate surroundings. Around thirty or fifty years ago in Croatia, everything used by building industry had been made in Croatia: cement, steel, coating, woodwork…). Today, it is different: large part of building material and products is imported, and local building techniques and materials are ignored, craftsmanship neglected. Are there any efforts to approach these issues critically in classes, especially in the sense of a more advanced understanding of building ‘sustainability’ in relation to materials which is at disposal in terms of resources in (e.g. wood and stone)?
Unfortunately, sustainable development planning is related to the development strategy and should be dealt with on a governmental level, or to some lesser extent on a local level. Croatian authorities have still not made crucial decisions related to the stimulation of domestic production, which also includes building materials and merchandize. Our products are competitive only in those segments of building materials where transport costs are a predominant factor of the total price. A successful building sector in each society is an engine of all other economic sectors directly or indirectly related to it. That can be proven by the fact that the living standard of a country is directly correlated to cement consumption. Sustainable development and use of local materials also entails a decrease in transport costs, energy consumption for transport, pollution and CO2 emission from the products imported from the other side of the world, regardless of their ecological merits. Through new directives which have to be incorporated into local laws the European Union has demanded from the building sector the maximum energy efficiency in design and construction and local or in situ energy production for all new buildings constructed after 2018 or 2020 which can satisfy the needs of the buildings on the level of annual energy consumption. Knowledge about the circumstances of architectural design, construction methods and costs and choice of materials, installation and automation systems for such buildings
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Klimatski uvjeti i njihove specifičnosti važni su parametri za projektiranje, a u Hrvatskoj možemo govoriti i o bitno različitim klimatskim uvjetima. Kod tradicionalnih načina gradnje klima je bila jedan od generirajućih čimbenika za arhitekturu. Klima kao čimbenik projektiranja danas je u kontekstu optimalizacije resursa i održivosti ponovno aktualna pa bi studenti morali taj aspekt prilikom projektiranja uzeti u obzir. Koliko se pozornosti pridaje tim temama? Je li dovoljno o tome govoriti u sklopu pojedinih konstruktorskih ili projektantskih dionica, ili bi ta znanja trebalo proširiti? Znanja je uvijek moguće usavršavati i proširivati, pogotovo kod energetski efikasnih koncepata gradnje koji su postali trend i stalno se razvijaju. Nasuprot visokotehnološkim rješenjima, koja su upitna u održavanju i dugotrajnosti, imamo pouzdane i trajne metode koje osiguravaju energetsku efikasnost zgrada. Bioklimatski pristup projektiranju zgrada i planiranju naselja omogućava smanjenje potreba za vanjskom energijom koristeći lokalne uvjete. Jedini je uvjet da se projektiranju mora pristupiti uvažavajući datosti lokacije, orijentacije i morfologije zgrade, te poštivati sve druge uvjete nužne za efikasno iskorištavanje okoliša. Pritom pristup projektiranju gubi ležernost koja je postojala do sada, globalni stil arhitekture koja se može u istoj pojavnosti dogoditi i u tropima i u polarnom krugu nužno će se mijenjati te vratiti regionalnom stilu i pristupu oblikovanju proizašlom iz lokalnih mikroklimatskih uvjeta. Australski arhitekt Glenn Murcutt, poznat po bioklimatskom pristupu projektiranju, prilikom jednog posjeta Hrvatskoj izjavio je kako mu nije jasno da se u primorju Hrvatske grade nove kuće koje izgledaju kao nizozemska ‘kartonska’ arhitektura, a imamo u tradiciji gradnju bioklimatski efiksanih kuća od debelih kamenih zidova, lokanog materijala, malih prozora koji daju dovoljno svjetla i ljeti i zimi s obzirom na lokaciju, škura za zaštitu od sunca i vjetra, odvodnje krovova i cisterni za skupljanje kišnice tijekom jeseni i zime...
Nastojimo li razumjeti nastavu kao platformu istraživačkog rada, a ne isključivo kao oblik prenošenja etabliranih i utemeljenih osnova, onda fakultet sigurno može davati impulse za praksu. U kojoj se mjeri na Katedri za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo kultivira takav pristup? Koji su fokusi znanstvenog i istraživačkog rada, te na koji je način taj rad povezan s praksom i nastavom?
U nekoliko dosadašnjih znanstvenoistraživačkih i istraživačkih radova u sklopu Katedre fokus je bio na analizi postojećih tehnoloških rješenja i mogućnostima optimalizacije tehnologija oplošja zgrada, dispozicije, oblikovanja i tipologije - ponajprije višestambenih zgrada različitih tipologija. Interakcija s praksom bila je u prvom redu u prikupljanju podataka i iskustava.
intervju s doc. mateom bilušem
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
is something which should be the focus of education, not only university students but all practicing architects and contractors of all professions without which it will not be possible to materialize such energetically demanding building concepts.
Climate conditions and their particularities are important parameters for architectural design and we can talk about even considerably different climate circumstance in Croatia. For traditional building methods climate is one of generating factors. Climate as a factor of design, seen in the context of resource optimisation and sustainability is today reactivated so students should take this fact into consideration when designing architecture. How much attention is given to these issues? Is it sufficient to talk about them within certain course sections related to structures or design, or should the knowledge about them be expanded?
Knowledge can always be improved and expanded, especially the knowledge of energy efficient construction concepts which have become a trend and are constantly being developed. As opposed to high-tech solutions whose sustainability and longevity is debatable, there are reliable and permanent methods which ensure energy efficiency of buildings. A bioclimatic approach to architectural design and urban planning leads to a decreased need for exterior energy by drawing on local circumstances. The only condition is to approach design with respect of the given features of a location, orientation and morphology of the building, as well as of all other conditions necessary for efficient environmental use. In doing so, design loses its casualness, its features of a global architectural style repeatable in different environments, whether tropical or polar, and it goes back to its regional stylistic features and approaches that arise from local microclimatic circumstances. During his visit to Croatia, the Australian architect Glenn Murcutt, known by his bioclimatic approach to design, stated that he could not understand why new houses in Hrvatsko primorje looked like Dutch ‘cardboard’ architecture, when Croatia already had the tradition of building bioclimatic, energy efficient houses from thick stone walls, a local material, with small windows that provide enough light in winter and summer, shutters for the protection from sun and wind, water drainage and cisterns for collecting rainwater during autumn and winter…
If we try to consider education as a platform for research, and not exclusively a form of transmission of established basic knowledge, than teaching can surely enrich and improve practice. To what extent does the Department of Architectural Structures and Building Construction cultivate such an approach? What is the focus of scholarly research and what is its relationship to practice and education?
interview with assist.prof. mateo biluš
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Trenutno radimo na pokretanju istraživačkih projekata u suradnji s praksom, i to u vidu suradnje na razvoju sustava gradnje drvom i modularnim sustavima, s relevantnim proizvodnim tvrtkama iz tog područja. Pritom je bitno sudjelovanje što više kolega naše Katedre s iskustvom u različitim aspektima realizacije i rada na istraživanju te konačno razradi projektnih modela ili materijalizaciji pilot-projekata.
The past several scientific and research projects conducted at the department focused on the analyses of the existing technological solutions and possibilities of technological optimisation of building surfaces, disposition, design and typology – primarily in the case multi-family residential buildings of various types. Collaboration with practitioners was established primarily through gathering data and experiences. We currently plan to launch research projects that entail collaborative work on the development of wood construction and modular systems with relevant companies in that area of production. It is necessary for the projects to involve as many of our department colleagues as possible who are experienced in different aspects of research and development of design models or execution of pilot-projects.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja
Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / assistant professors
Viši predavači / senior lecturers
predavači / lecturers
doc. Mateo Biluš
dr.sc. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček
Mateo Biluš dr.sc. Iva Muraj Ivica Plavec dr.sc. Zoran Veršić
Zorana Protić Marino Šneler
Vedran Duplančić Dunja Mandić Željko Pavlović
dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
Vanjski suradnici / associate teachers
Demonstratori / student assistants
Neda Cilinger Gordana Žaja mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Teodor Cvitanović Tajana Jaklenec Damir Mance
Tomislav Petrinjak Stanka Raič
Ante Đerek, Tamara Jeger, Ana Jugović, Marija Krajnović, Ivan Križić, Katica Krnjić, Renato Pajdek, Matija Pajić, Dora Lončarić, Irma Šmuc, Dino Belamarić, Petra Franić, Nikola Arambašić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
2 2 2 0 0 1 2 0
3 3 0 2 8 1 0 1
1 1
0 0
II. I.
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1 1
0 0 0
I./II. I. I./II.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Arhitektonske konstrukcije 1 / Architectural Technology 1 Arhitektonske konstrukcije 2 / Architectural Technology 2 Arhitektonske konstrukcije 3 / Architectural Technology 3 Studio 1 / Architectural Design Studio 1 Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio Fizika zgrade / Building Physics Tehnologija građenja / Building Technology Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Održivo građenje 1 / Sustainable Building 1 Održivo građenje 2 / Sustainable Building 2
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Zvuk u arhitekturi / Architectural Acustics Uvod u znanstvenoistraživački rad / Introduction to Scientific Research Praktična fizika zgrade / Practical Building Physics
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Materijalizacija arhitektonske ideje Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrada, materijale i tehnologiju građenja bavi se brojnim temama obuhvaćenim u procesu razrade projekta i izrade projektne dokumentacije od idejnog projekta do realiziranog artefakta kroz niz kolegija na preddiplomskom i diplomskom studiju. Kolegiji Kabineta razvijaju razna znanja, vještine i kreativne sposobnosti materijalizacije idejnog koncepta. Kroz njih se upoznaju s materijalima i građevnim dijelovima zgrade, njihovom primjenom i povezivanjem u cjelinu, fizikalnim svojstvima, principima primjene konstruktivnih sustava, osnovnim načinima projektiranja i primjene suvremenih materijala i tehnologija u cilju održivosti. Integracija osnovnih komponenti razrade arhitektonskog projekta provodi se u sklopu kolegija Studio 1 analizom i razradom projekta obiteljske kuće, te na kolegiju Studio 4 na razradi projekta poslovne zgrade. Na oba zadatka projekti se simultano razrađuju od etape prostorno idejnog koncepta, kojeg je sastavni dio i koncept nosive konstrukcije te osnovni instalacijski sustav, do definiranja osnovnih elemenata oblikovanja, upotrijebljenih materijala i detalja pročelja. Poslije se takav integralni pristup intenzivno provježbava u sklopu kolegija Tehničkog studija, s naglaskom na tehničko izvedbenu komponentu razrade projekta. Svi kolegiji u sklopu Kabineta nastoje pojasniti važnost projektanta kao kreativne osobe koja ima ključnu ulogu u oblikovanju i koordiniranju kontinuiranog procesa projektiranja do konačne izvedbe, te presudnu važnost obrazovanosti i tehničke upućenosti u sve segmente projekta. Članovi Kabineta bave se također i arhitektonskom praksom, što čini bitan doprinos nastavi. Na preddiplomskom studiju na kolegiju Arhitektonske konstrukcije 1 i 2 razvijaju se osnovna znanja o materijalima i elementima zgrade te o sustavima građenja s različitim materijalima. Stječu se vještine iščitavanja i razumijevanja izvedenih elemenata, primjene istih u procesu projektiranja te njihovo spajanje u cjelinu uz usvajanje grafičkog izražavanja – od idejnog rješenja do izvedbenog projekta. Kolegij Arhitektonske konstrukcije 3 daje naglasak na upoznavanje materijala završnih obloga i njihovu primjenu kao sastavni dio razrade projekta. Nastavnici Kabineta kroz dionicu arhitektonskih konstrukcija sudjeluju u projektantskom kolegiju Studija 1 i 4. U sklopu ove dionice studenti integralno s projektantskom dionicom analiziraju i pokazuju umijeće materijalizacije svoje ideje. Na diplomskom studiju obvezni kolegij Kabineta jest Održivo građenje. Kolegij Održivo građenje 1 bavi se koncepcijom
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Materialization of Architectural Concept The Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Technology explores numerous topics related to the process of design development and the creation of design documentation. Comprising stages ranging from conceptual design to an architectural object or structure, design development is taught in several courses in both the BA and MA programmes. The courses organized by the office are aimed to help develop knowledge, skills and creativity in bringing the conceptual design to its finished stage. In the courses students are introduced to and offered insights into materials and structural elements, their use and integration into a complete building, physical features, principles behind the application of structural systems, basic ways of design and use of contemporary materials and technologies for the purposes of sustainability. Integration of the basic components of a detailed architectural design is taught in the course Studio 1 through analyses and development of a family house design and in the course Studio 4 through elaboration of a commercial building. In both courses the assignments are simultaneously worked on from the stage of spatial and conceptual design, which includes the concept of load-bearing structure and the main installation systems, to defining basic elements of design, materials and façade details. Extensive practice of such an integral approach is done in the course Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio which stresses the technical and constructive components in design development. All courses of the office aim to explain the importance of an architectural designer as a creative person playing the crucial role in design and coordination of a continual design process which leads to final construction. What is also emphasized is his/her critical importance of being educated and technically versed in all segments of design. Through their experience as active architectural practitioners the members of the office make a significant contribution to the teaching process. As part of the BA programme, the course Architectural Technology 1 and 2 equips students with the basic knowledge about building materials and elements as well as construction systems based on various materials. The students acquire skills in observing, analysing and understanding the elements, their use in the design process and their integration while simultaneously learning the skill of communicating the project through graphics – from the conceptual design to working drawings. In the course AT 3 students are introduced to lining materials and their use as an integral part of the design development. The teaching staff of the office participates in those sections of the design courses Architectural Design Studio 1 and 4 which are relate to architectural structures and within which students analyse and present the skills of materializing their ideas.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
građenja sa stajališta primjene metodologije održivosti. Studenti se upoznaju s temom certificiranja, primjenom suvremenih ekoloških materijala i tehnologije ugradnje, sanacijom postojećih konstrukcija po principima održivosti, naprednih instalacijskih sustava, te primjene obnovljivih izvora energije. Održivo građenje 2 bavi se zaštitom korisnika zgrade, same zgrade i njezina okoliša temeljem proučavanja fizikalnih svojstava i funkcionalne dispozicije elemenata zgrade i u nju ugrađene opreme (buka, požar).
Sustainable Building is the compulsory course in the MA programme. It deals with the concept of construction from the perspective of sustainability. Students are introduced to the topic of certification, application of contemporary ecological materials and placement technology, repairs and improvements of existing structures grounded in the principles of sustainability, advanced installation systems and the use of renewable energy sources. Sustainable Building 2 deals with the protection of a building, its users and surroundings on the basis of physical features and functional disposition of the building elements and the installed equipment (noise, fire).
Nastavnici ovoga Kabineta održavaju i izborne kolegije. Kolegij Praktična fizika zgrade upoznaje studente s relevantnom i važećom tehničkom regulativom iz područja toplinske i zvučne zaštite te sadržajem projektne dokumentacije iz tog područja. Kolegij Zvuk u arhitekturi bavi se usvajanjem proširenog znanja o zvuku, njegovu utjecaju na čovjeka i pojavama prilikom širenja zvuka u otvorenom i zatvorenom prostoru. Uvod u znanstvenoistraživački rad upoznaje studente s osnovama rada i metodologijom pisanja te obrade stručnih i znanstvenih radova, ukazuje na specifičnosti metodologije, pripreme i izrade znanstvenih radova te pisanje i opremu znanstvenih, znanstvenostručnih i stručnih radova. Prema osobnom interesu izbornih kolegija u obliku seminarskog rada studenti pokazuju studiozni pristup i upućenost u temu.
ARHITEKTONSKE KONSTRUKCIJE 1 I 2 / Architectural Technology 1 and 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Razrada projekta masivne i lagane konstrukcije jednostavne zgrade
Semestar / semester
1. &2.
Na kolegijima Arhitektonske konstrukcije 1 i 2 razvijaju se osnovna znanja o materijalima i elementima zgrade te o sustavima građenja s različitim materijalima. Stječu se vještine razumijevanja i primjene elemenata u projektiranju zgrade te njihovo spajanje u cjelinu uz usvajanje grafičkog izražavanja u pojedinim fazama razrade projektne dokumentacije – od idejnog do izvedbenog projekta. Cjelokupni proces provježbava se na masivnoj, pa onda na laganoj, čeličnoj ili drvenoj konstrukciji.
The section also offers elective courses. Practical Building Physics introduces students to the relevant and valid technical regulations and laws concerning thermal and acoustic protection as well as to the design documentation pertaining to this area. The course Sound in Architecture aims to provide advanced knowledge about sound, its impact on humans and occurrences related to spread of sound in open and closed spaces. Introduction to Scientific and Research Work introduces students with the basic methodology of writing and developing professional and scientific papers. It deals with specific methodological characteristics, preparation for and writing of scientific papers. According to individual interests that determine the choice of electives offered in the form of a paper writing assignment, students show a more focused approach and knowledge of a subject.
Project of Simple Building Massive and Light Structures The courses Architectural Technology 1 and 2 provide the basic knowledge about structural elements and materials and structural systems based on various materials. Students are equipped with knowledge to apply these elements to the design process and integrate them into a whole while simultaneously learning the skill of communicating the project through graphics in different stages of design documentation creation – from the conceptual design to working drawings. The entire process is practiced through applying the knowledge to a massive and then a light, steel or wooden structure.
makete / models Hana Marisa Mohar, Ivan Bulian
Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja
Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Technology
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studio 1 / architectural design Studio 1 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2. 3. student
voditelji / supervisors
Jelena Hajdinjak
Dunja Mandić Željko Pavlović
Projekt obiteljske kuće kroz rješavanje oblikovanja pročelja s detaljima izvedbe
Nastavnici Kabineta za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja sudjeluju integralno u kolegiju Studio 1 s dionicom arhitektonskih konstrukcija. Tema je individualno stanovanje kojemu se pristupa integralno s aspekta urbanizma, arhitektonskog projektiranja i arhitektonskih konstrukcija. U sklopu dionice arhitektonskih konstrukcija studenti od idejnog rješenja obiteljske kuće razrađuju projekt do definiranih elemenata oblikovanja i prikaza karakterističnog dijela pročelja kroz izvedbeni detalj. Sve to uz izradu biblioteke završnih materijala. Temu upotrebe materijala studenti produbljuju istražujući vrste, mogućnosti i svojstva pojedinih materijala.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Project: Family House Design With Facade Detailing The teaching staff of the Section participates in the course Architectural Design Studio 1, in the section related to architectural structures. The topic of individual housing is dealt with through an integral approach which unites urbanism, architectural design and architectural structures. During the section of the course which relates to architectural structures, students develop the design of a family house to the defined design elements and they present a typical part of the facade through detailed design. All these steps are taken alongside the creation of a list of finishing materials. The topic of the use of materials is dealt with by students through investigation of sorts, possibilities and properties of certain materials.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Tehnički studio / architecture and integrated disciplines studio preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Polivalentni paviljon u novozagrebačkom naselju Travno Od idejnog rješenja do izvedbenih projekata s razradom specifičnih detalja
Zadatak razrade projekta polivalentnog paviljona u novozagrebačkom naselju Travno bavi se istraživanjem konstrukcija, materijala i instalacijskih sustava na konceptu jednostavne zgrade paviljonskog tipa kroz dva osnovna procesa: postavljanje koncepta i njegove razrade. Kroz timski rad studenta se upoznaje s integralnim pristupom projektiranju, kompleksnošću upotrebe tehničkih sustava, odabirom materijala i razradom detalja izvedbe te s koordinacijom rada na projektu. Cilj zadatka jest da konstrukcija paviljona bude racionalna i čitljiva, kako u fazi idejnog koncepta tako i u gotovom projektu, da ima inteligentnu ovojnicu s naglaskom na logičan izbor materijala i sklopova u odnosu na koncept, fizikalna svojstva, prirodnu ventilaciju, zaštitu od sunca, dostupnost i ekonomičnost. Koncept mora biti čitljiv kroz sve segmente: funkcionalnu shemu, nosivu konstrukciju, oblikovanje, odabir materijala, specifičnosti detalja izvedbe, te rješavanje instalacijskih sustava.
Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Multifunctional Pavilion in Travno, Novi Zagreb From the Concept to Detailed Design and the Specific Details The assignment focuses on the analysis of structures, materials and installation systems applied to the concept of a simple paviliontype building in the Travno estate in Novi Zagreb through two basis procedures: design conceptualisation and its development. Team work is envisaged to introduce students to an integral approach to design, complex use of technical systems, use of materials and development of detailed design, as well as to coordination of project activities. The aim of the assignment is to make the pavilion structure rational and clear, in the stage of conceptualizing as well as in the finishing stages. The structure should have an intelligent envelope emphasized with a logical selection of materials and elements in relation to the concept, physical features, natural ventilation, solar protection, good accessibility and cost-effectiveness. The concept should be clear through all the following segments: functional diagrams, load-bearing structures, design, and selection of materials, specific design details and installation systems.
Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Technology
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Helena Ferkula Mario Grgurev Marko Gusić Ivan Haiman
Mateo Biluš Zorana Protić Tajana Jaklenec Josip Galić Ivan Cetinić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Mia Andrašević Valentina Benčić Marina Antolović Ivana Bošnjak
Marino Šneler Dunja Mandić Miljenko Haiman Ivan Cetinić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja
Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Technology
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studio 4 / architectural design Studio 4 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
3.6. student
voditelj / supervisor
Dorja Prekratić
Mateo Biluš
voditelj / supervisor
Samra Rahmanović
Zorana Protić
Projekt poslovnog objekta kroz rješavanje oblikovanja pročelja s detaljima izvedbe U sklopu projektantskog kolegija Studio 4 razrađuje se poslovno-trgovačka zgrada. Studenti u sklopu idejnog rješenja pokazuju svoje umijeće materijalizacije koncepta kroz izvedbenu logiku projekta, te daljnjom razradom oblikovanja vanjske opne kroz detaljni prikaz pročelja. Zadatak se sastoji od grafičkog prikaza osnovne sheme nosive konstrukcije i instalacijskog sustava, kao i detaljnog prikaza završnog oblikovanja kroz razradu izvedbenih detalja pročelja s bibliotekom upotrijebljenih materijala. Cilj je integralni pristup projektiranju koji treba sadržavati, osim razrade sa stajališta prostornog planiranja i funkcionalne organizacije prostora, i razradu sa stajališta projektiranja nosive konstrukcije i oblikovanja zgrade, primjene završnih materijala, razrade detalja izvedbe te primjene instalacijskih sustava.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Commercial Building Design With Facade Detailing In the course Architectural Design Studio 4, students work on the design of a commercial building. The task is to materialise their conceptual designs by applying their knowledge of the construction process and to further develop the design of the exterior surface of the facade though its details. The communication of the project includes the presentation of the basic schematic of the load-bearing structure and installation system and a detailed presentation of the final stages of design through façade detailing with a list of used materials. The aim is to adopt an integral approach to design which should contain elaborated sections of the design related to urban planning and functional organisation of space, elaborated sections of the design related to load-bearing structure and building design, the use of finishing materials, detailed construction design and the use of installation systems.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Održivo građenje 1 / Sustainable building 1 diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 2. student
voditelj / supervisor
Alen Žunić
Tajana Jaklenec
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Vjetreni mlinovi u hrvatskoj tradicijskoj arhitekturi – primjer korištenja prirodnih izvora energije u gospodarskom graditeljstvu
Windmills in traditional Croatian architecture – an example of using natural energy sources in economyrelated architecture
Među tipovima naših tradicijskih mlinova najslabije sačuvana i neistražena skupina su vjetrenjače. Najviše ih je bilo u jadranskoj zoni, osobito na otocima bez vodotoka. Inventarizacija je pokazala da je u Hrvatskoj postojalo blizu 1000 vjetrenjača! Njihovo propadanje na prijelazu 19./20. st. povezano je s pojavom strojnih mlinova pa danas kod nas ne postoji niti jedna vjetrenjača s očuvanim jedrima ili mlinskim mehanizmom. Na petnaestak lokaliteta evidentirani su tek ostaci njihovih zidanih kružnih ‘kula’. Najslikovitiji su primjeri u: Medulinu, na otocima Silbi, Olibu i Ošljaku, na otoku Braču u Sutivanu, Postirama, Bolu i Dračevici, u Starom Gradu na Hvaru, kod Malog Lošinja, u Rogoznici, u Kuli Norinskoj, u Radošiću kod Lećevice, ponad Lastova, a spominju se ili su na fotografijama dokumentirane vjetrenjače na Korčuli, Cresu, u Puntu i Malinskoj na Krku, Kastvu, Metkoviću, Milni, Supetru, Postiri i Škripu na Braču, gradu Hvaru, Rogoznici, na otočiću Bapcu… Provedeno istraživanje pokazalo je da i u Hrvatskoj, unatoč oskudnim saznanjima i nepostojanju informacija u literaturi, na terenu ipak postoji određeni broj djelomično očuvanih tradicijskih vjetrenjača. One koje nisu posve napuštene i ruševne, služe sekundarnim funkcijama (vikend stanovanje, ugostiteljstvo, trgovina, skladištenje, sakralna namjena!), pri čemu su izvedeni uglavnom devastirajući adaptacijski zahvati. Sa stajališta održivosti je maksimaliziran učinak budući da je u svim primjerima korišten lokalno dostupan resurs, poput kamena, istovremeno s osviještenim stavom lokalnih majstora koji su u obzir uzimali i klimatske uvjete na lokaciji... Iako su vjetrenjače građene svojevremeno zbog zadovoljavanja primarnih životnih potreba (hrana, energija, voda) kroz njezinu upotrebu su vremenom iznađeni zanimljivi koncepti potrebni današnjoj namjeri održivog građenja i korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije, a osim prenamjene za nove funkcije omogućeno je i recikliranje postojeće kamene strukture. U ranijem registru spomenika neki su objekti uživali formalnu zaštitu, no u današnjem revidiranom popisu kulturnih dobara za sada se ne nalazi niti jedna vjetrenjača. Kako ističe Aleksandar Freudenreich ‘…prije izuma paromlinova bile su obale i otoci našeg mora načičkani nizovima vjetrenjača … s krilima ili jedrima, karakterističnim motivom u silhuetama naših krajobraza’, pa bi tu autentičnu sliku barem ponegdje trebalo vratiti u vedute naših mjesta, i zbog potreba turizma, i zbog zaštite posljednjih tragova ove specifične tradicijske baštine. U konačnici se može zaključiti kako je unatoč velikom vremenskom odmaku i napretku tehnike i načina gradnje ovaj tip tradicijske hrvatske arhitekture važna pouka i nezaobilazan podsjetnik principima održivog građenja danas.
Kabinet za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja
Among the traditional Croatian mills, the least preserved and explored type are the windmills. They were mostly located in the Adriatic region, especially on islands without waterpower. Inventories have shown that there used to be as many as 1000 windmills in Croatia! Their decline at the turn of the 20th century is related to the appearance of steam mills, which is why nowadays there is not a single windmill left with preserved sails or milling mechanism. Experts have found the remnants of their round ‘tower’ structures at fifteen localities. The most picturesque examples are those in Medulin, on the islands of Silba, Olib, and Ošljak, in Sutivan, Postira, Bol, and Dračevica on the island of Brač, in Stari Grad on Hvar, near Mali Lošinj on the island of Lošinj, in Rogoznica, Kula Norinska, Radošić near Lećevica, and overlooking Lastovo, whereas documents and photographs also attest the existence of windmills on the islands of Korčula and Cres, in Punat and Malinska on the island of Krk, in Kastav and Metković, in Milna, Supetar, Postira, and Škrip on Brač, in the town of Hvar, in Rogoznica, on the small island of Babac, etc. Despite our meagre knowledge and the almost complete lack of information in scholarly literature, field research has detected a certain number of partly preserved traditional windmills. Those that have not been completely abandoned and derelict nowadays have various secondary functions (weekend houses, restaurants, shops, storerooms, even churches!), whereby they have mostly been devastated in the process of adaptation. In terms of sustainability, traditional windmills maximized the effect by using locally accessible resources such as stone, and show a high degree of awareness, since their local masters took into account the climatic conditions on the site. Even though windmills were built in order to satisfy the basic human needs (food, energy, water), interesting concepts were added to their use with time, which is necessary regarding today’s goal of sustainable building and using renewable sources of energy. Besides repurposing and adding new functions, the existing stone structures were sometimes recycled. In the previous registry of monuments, some of these structures enjoyed formal protection, but in today’s revised listing of cultural heritage not a single windmill has been included. As Aleksandar Freudenreich has written, ’before the invention of steam mills, the coastline and islands of the Adriatic were full of windmills… equipped with jib sails or blades, they were a characteristic motif of our landscape.’ Therefore, this authentic image should at least in some places be restored to the vista of our coastline, for purposes of tourism and also in order to preserve the last vestiges of this specific cultural tradition. Eventually we may conclude that, despite the considerable time distance and the advancement of technology and building methods, this type of traditional Croatian architecture remains an important lesson and an inevitable reminder as to the principles of sustainable building.
Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Technology
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Energetska učinkovitost graditeljskog naslijeđa i održivost u legislativi Nastavnici Kabineta za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja, iako najvećim dijelom posvećeni obimnom nastavnom i stručnom radu, sudjeluju i u svim segmentima znanstvene djelatnosti Arhitektonskog fakulteta: znanstvenoistraživačkim projektima, održavanju nastave poslijediplomskih znanstvenih studija, znanstvenom izdavaštvu te sudjeluju na domaćim i međunarodnim znanstvenim i stručnim skupovima.
autor/ author: Iva Muraj izlaganje na skupu, sažetak / paper presentation, summary: Energetska efikasnost graditeljske baštine / Energy Efficiency of Cultural Heritage Buildings, Building Materials and Building Technology to Preserve the Built Heritage Konferencija / conference: 2nd WTA-International PhD Symposium, Brno, 06. – 07.10.2011.).
autori / authors: Zoran Veršić, Iva Muraj, Stanka Raič izlaganje na skupu, sažetak / paper presentation, summary: Energetski efikasna obnova na primjeru višestambene zgrade u naselju Trnsko, Zagreb / Energy Efficiency Renovation on the Example of a High-Rise Building in Trnsko, Zagreb, Croatia. Konferencija / conference: 38. IAHS World Congress on Housing, Istanbul Technical University, 16. – 19.04.2012.
autori / authors: Tajana Jaklenec, Zorana Protić, Zoran Veršić poster, sažetak / poster, summary: Implementacija održivosti u zgrade društvenog standarda / Implementing Sustainability into Croatian Public Building Standard (PBS) Konferencija / conference: International Symposium on Environmental Management – Toward Sustainable Technologies, Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 26. – 27.10.2011.
Doc.dr.sc. Iva Muraj istraživala je koncept ovojnice na povijesno zaštićenim zgradama kao najvažnijem dijelu zgrade u graditeljskoj baštini. U svome radu bavi se informacijama i primjerima dobre prakse u povećanju energetske učinkovitosti u zgradama kulturne baštine kao dvama važnim aspektima održivosti. Iva Muraj zajedno sa Stankom Raič i doc.dr.sc. Zoranom Veršićem istraživala je i energetsku učinkovitu obnovu na primjeru višestambene zgrade u Trnskom u Zagrebu arhitekta Slavka Jelineka, nastale između 1963. – 1966. Rad se bavi pitanjima kako obnoviti postojeće višestambene zgrade, posebice glede poboljšanja toplinske izolacije i energetske učinkovitosti. V.pred. Zorana Protić, zajedno s doc.dr.sc. Zoranom Veršićem i pred. Tajanom Jaklenec, istraživala je mogućnost implementacije održivosti u zgrade društvenog standarda. Rad pokazuje da definicija održive gradnje iziskuje formiranje smjernica održivosti koje će biti sastavni dio zakonskog akta, u ovome slučaju zgrada društvenog standarda što su podobne za prve korake takve implementacije. Izv.prof.dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer i doc.dr.sc. Iva Muraj sudjelovale su na znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu Atlas arhitekture Republike Hrvatske – 20. vijek. Ariana Štulhofer članica je izvršnog uredništva znanstvenog časopisa za arhitekturu i urbanizam ‘Prostor’ Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (izvršna urednica) pa je u sklopu nakladničkog rada Arhitektonskog fakulteta intenzivno sudjelovala u uređivanju fakultetskih publikacija. U ovoj akad. godini uređene su sljedeće publikacije: Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada Ljerke Biondić, Zgrada Željpoha u Zagrebu Zlatka Jurića i Ane Vukadin, Preobrazbe bastionskih utvrđenja Damira Krajnika, zbornik Međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Promišljanje urbanizma te časopis ‘Prostor’ (brojevi 42 i 43). Iva Muraj članica je izvršnog uredništva znanstvenog časopisa za arhitekturu i urbanizam ‘Prostor’ Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (urednica Kronike).
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Energy Efficiency in Architectural Heritage and Sustainability in Legislation Professors at the Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology, although primarily concerned with teaching and professional work, also take part in all segments of professional activity at the Faculty of Architecture: scientific research projects, teaching post-graduate studies, publishing, as well as taking part at conferences and professional conventions both at home and abroad. Assist.Prof. Iva Muraj, PhD, researched the concept of the facade of historical protected buildings as the most important part of a building within the built heritage. In her work she focuses on information and examples of good practice for the enhancement of energy efficiency of cultural heritage buildings as two significant aspects of sustainability. Iva Muraj, together with Stanka Raič and Assist.Prof. Zoran Veršić, PhD, researched the possibility of energy efficiency renovation on the example of a high-rise building in Trnsko in Zagreb, built by architect Slavko Jelinek in the period between 1963–1966. The paper focuses on how to renovate existing high-rise buildings, especially in view of increasing insulation and energy efficiency. Senior lecturer Zorana Protić, together with Assist.Prof. Zoran Veršić, PhD, and lecturer Tajana Jaklenec, researched the possibility of implementing sustainability into the Croatian public building standard. The work shows that the definition of sustainable building requires the setting up of guidelines for sustainability which will be an integral part of the legal regulations, in this case for the public building standard, which are apposite for the initial steps for this type of implementation. Assoc.Prof. Ariana Štulhofer, PhD and Assist. Prof. Iva Muraj, PhD, took part at the scientific research project ‘Atlas of the Architecture of the Republic of Croatia – 20th Century’. Ariana Štulhofer is a member of the executive publishing board of the scientific magazine for architecture and urban planning ‘Prostor’ of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (executive editor) and so took a significant part in the editing of publications produced by the Faculty of Architecture as part of her work. During this academic year publications included the following: Introduction to the planning of housing buildings by Ljerka Biondić, the Željpoh Building in Zagreb by Zlatko Jurić and Ana Vukadin,Transformations of the bastion fortification by Damir Krajnik, Collection of Papers of the International Conference on Deliberation of Urbanism, and the Prostor magazine (no. 42 and 43). Iva Muraj is a member of the executive publishing board of the scientific magazine for architecture and urban planning ‘Prostor’ published by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (editor of Chronicles).
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije
Section of Building Structures
Kabinet za nosive konstrukcijE / Section of building structures Voditelj / head of section
izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor
docent / assistant professor
Viši predavači / senior lecturers
predavač / lecturer
Asistent / teaching assistant
Vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates
prof.dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman
dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman
dr.sc. Josip Galić
Egon Lokošek Berislav Medić
Nenad Turčić
Davor Andrić
Andrej Marković mr.sc. Branka Rosandić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
2 2 2 0 0 0
1 2 2 2 4 1
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Nosive konstrukcije 1 / Building structures 1 Nosive konstrukcije 2 / Building structures 2 Nosive konstrukcije 3 / Building structures 3 Studio 1 / Architectural Design Studio 1 Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Održivo građenje 1 / Sustainable Building 1
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Metode i praksa nosivih konstrukcija u arhitekturi / Methods and Practice of Building Structures in Archictecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije
Nastava kolegija Kabineta za Nosive konstrukcije provodi se u početnim semestrima studija: Nosive konstrukcije 1 – 3 u prva tri semestra te Tehnički studio kao sinteza naučenog iz područja nosivih konstrukcija, u četvrtom semestru preddiplomskog studija. Projekt konstrukcije je važan, a nerijetko i odlučujući faktor arhitektonskog oblikovanja. Osnovni cilj nastave u okviru Kabineta je osposobiti studente da razlikuju konstrukcijske sustave i materijale i razumiju njihovo ponašanje kako bi bili u mogućnosti stečena znanja koristiti u oblikovanju vlastitih konstrukcijskih (i oblikovnih) koncepata. U sklopu kolegija Nosive konstrukcije 1 studenti uče o osnovnim konstrukcijskim elementima i sustavima, opterećenjima, načinu određivanja unutarnjih sila i naprezanja u elementima. Dva zadatka koja se rade na vježbama imaju za cilj određivanje unutarnjih sila u osnovnim konstrukcijskim elementima.
Studenti / students Karlo Barta, Grgur Butigan, Ante Furač voditelj / supervisor Berislav Medić
Na Nosivim konstrukcijama 2 studenti se upoznaju s osnovama postave koncepta i proračuna nosivih konstrukcija, dimenzioniranjem čeličnih, drvenih, betonskih i zidanih konstrukcijskih elemenata te razradom pojedinosti betonskih konstrukcija. U prvom zadatku studenti izrađuju projekt čeličnog ili drvenog pješačkog mosta raspona 20m. Od studenata se očekuje izrada idejnog rješenja kao i analiza i dimenzioniranje osnovnih konstrukcijskih elemenata (potvrda ispravnosti oblikovnog koncepta). U drugom zadatku radi se proračun (dimenzioniranje) osnovnih armiranobetonskih i zidanih elementa. Cilj kolegija Nosive konstrukcije 3 je upoznavanje studenata s posebnostima proračuna i oblikovanja čeličnih i drvenih konstrukcija. Također je cilj upoznati studente s vrstama konstrukcijskih sustava cjelovitih građevina (armiranobetonske, čelične i drvene konstrukcije) uključujući i oblikovanje predgotovljenih betonskih konstrukcija. U okviru ovog kolegija studenti uče i o temeljenju i zaštiti građevne jame. Prvi zadatak na vježbama uključuje proračun betonske konstrukcije. Na podlozi arhitektonskog tlocrta stambene građevine studenti izrađuju konstrukcijsku shemu te nakon analize opterećenja izrađuju proračun karakterističnih elemenata građevine (ploča, greda, zid, stubište, temelj). Drugi zadatak uključuje rad čeličnom i drvenom konstrukcijom. Studenti izabiru izvedenu ili projektiranu građevinu s konstrukcijom
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Section of Building Structures Courses in the Section of Building Structures take place during the first four semesters of the BA programme: Building Structures 1 – 3 in the first three semesters and Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio in the 4th semester, as a synthesis of everything that has been learned in the field of bearing constructions. Designing the construction is an important and often crucial factor in architectural design. The main goal of the courses held at the Section are to teach the students how to distinguish various construction systems and materials, and also how to understand their behaviour in order to be able to apply these skills in their own concepts of constructions (and design). In Building Structures 1, the students learn about the basic elements and systems of construction, about the load, and the way of determining the inner forces and tensions in various elements. The two tasks included in practical exercises develop the students’ ability to determine the inner forces in basic constructional elements. In Building Structures 2, the students become familiar with the basic ways of formulating the concept and calculating the bearing constructions, dimensioning elements made of steel, timber, concrete, or masonry, and elaborating the details of concrete constructions. In the first task, the students work on a steel or timber pedestrian bridge with a span of 20 meters. They are expected to produce a preliminary design and to analyse and dimension its basic constructional elements (thus confirming the accuracy of their design concept). In the second task, they calculate (dimension) the basic elements made of reinforced concrete or masonry. The aim of Building Structures 3 is to familiarize the students with specificities in calculating and designing steel and timber constructions, as well as various types of constructional systems in whole buildings (constructions made of reinforced concrete, steel, or timber), including design with prefabricated concrete constructions. The students also learn about the excavation and protection of the construction pit. The first task is to calculate a concrete construction. On the basis of an architectural design of a housing block, the students are expected to produce a constructional scheme, analyse the load, and calculate the characteristic elements of the building (plates, beams, walls, staircases, and foundations). The second task involves working on a steel and timber construction. The students choose a completed or designed building with a large-span construction and reconstruct the scheme of its bearing construction. As the third task, the students are expected to produce a construction scheme, analyse the load, and calculate the main constructional elements (the main bearing, the secondary bearing, the torque, the column, and the foundations), and to design various details of steel or timber construction.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
velikog raspona te rekonstruiraju shemu nosive konstrukcije, dok su na trećem zadatku studenti dužni postaviti konstrukcijsku shemu te nakon analize opterećenja izraditi proračun glavnih konstrukcijskih elemenata (glavni nosač, sekundarni nosač, spreg, stup, temelj) i projektirati detalje za čeličnu ili drvenu konstrukciju.
In the course called Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio, the students produce their own project for a building, with an emphasis on its constructional elements: they propose (and defend) their constructional concept, dimension the most important constructional elements, and elaborate various parts of construction designs: the design of covering for constructional elements made of concrete, or segments of production designs (and details) for constructional elements made of steel or timber.
nosive konstrukcije 2 / building structures 2 preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 2. student
voditelj / supervisor
Denis Rubinić
Berislav Medić
U sklopu Tehničkog studija studenti izrađuju vlastiti projekt zgrade s naglašenim konstrukcijskim elementima: postavljaju (i brane) konstrukcijski koncept, dimenzioniraju najvažnije konstukcijske elemente i izrađuju dijelove izvedbenih nacrta: plan oplate za betonske konstrukcijske elemente odnosno dijelove radioničkih nacrta (i detalje) za čelične i drvene konstrukcijske elemente.
Kabinet za nosive konstrukcije
Section of building structures
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Znanstvenoistraživački rad
Scholarly Research Members of the Office for Bearing Construction are actively involved in scholarly work and research. The academic year 2011/12 saw the successful defence of MA thesis by Berislav Medić and a number of scholarly publications. What follows is a selection of articles published during the academic year 2011/12:
Članovi Kabineta za nosive konstrukcije aktivno se bave znanstvenim i stručnim radom. Akademsku godinu 2011./12. obilježili su magisterij Berislava Medića te brojni publicirani znanstveni i stručni radovi. Izbor radova objavljenih tijekom akademske godine 2011./12.: • Andrić, D.; Sulyok-Selimbegović, M.: Details in Steel and Timber Structures on Student Projects at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 10th International Detail Design in Architecture Conference, Istanbul Tehnical University, 27 – 28 October 2011., ddia10 proceedings, 61 – 69. • Galić, J.; Kišićek, T.; Sorić, Z.: Behavior of Masonry Columns confined With FRP Strips, Building Materials and Building Technology to Preserve the Built Heritage, Brno: WTA-Publication, 2011., 236 – 245. • Kišićek, T.; Sorić, Z.; Galić, J.: Proračun ekscentrično opterećenoga pravokutnoga armiranobetonskog presjeka prema EN 1992 – 1 – 1., Građevinar 63 (2011), 9/10, 827 – 836 • Medić B.; Janjuš G.; Mihal H.: Betonske konstrukcije u visokogradnji – izabrani primjeri, Poglavlje 1, Konstrukcija sportske dvorane Arena u Zagrebu, HUBITG, 2011. • Medić B.: Top Down... and Up, Beton (Technologie, Konstrukce, Sanace), 3/2011, 79 – 82, 2011. • Kišićek, T.; Galić, J.; Kulić, D.: Mogućnosti primjene armiranobetonskih stupova vjetroelektrana, Elektronički časopis Građevinskog fakulteta Osijek. 2 (2012), 4; 14 – 23 • Pavković, K.; Haiman, M.: Locally Reinforced Laminated Timber With Glass Fiber Glued-in Between the Timber Layers, ECCM 14 – 15th European conference on Composite Materials, Venice, Italy, 24 – 28 June 2012., Proceedings, Full paper on CD. • Turčić, N.; Haiman, M.; Krolo, J.: Testing the Timber – Lightweight Composite Girder Samples, 29th Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Belgrade, Serbia, 26 – 29 September 2012.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
• Andrić, D. and M. Sulyok-Selimbegović: ‘Details in Steel and Timber Structures on Student Projects at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia,’ in: 10th International Detail Design in Architecture Conference, Istanbul Tehnical University, 27 – 28 October 2011, ddia10 proceedings, 61 – 69. • Galić, J., T. Kišićek and Z. Sorić: ‘Behavior of Masonry Columns confined With FRP Strips,’ in: Building Materials and Building Technology to Preserve the Built Heritage. Brno: WTAPublication, 2011, 236 – 245. • Kišićek, T., Sorić Z., and Galić J.: Analysis of excentrically loaded rectangular reinforcedconcrete sections according to EN 1992 – 1 – 1, Građevinar 63 (2011), 9/10, 827 – 836. • Medić B., G. Janjuš and H. Mihal: ‘Construction of the Arena sports hall in Zagreb’, chapter 1 in: Concrete constructions in structural engineering – selected examples. HUBITG, 2011. • Medić B.: ‘Top Down... and Up,’ Beton (Technologie, Konstrukce, Sanace) 3 (2011), 79 – 82. • Kišićek, T., J. Galić and D. Kulić: Possibilities of application of reinforced concrete columns for wind power plants, e-magazine of the Faculty of Civic Engineering in Osijek 2 (2012), 4, 14 – 23. • Pavković, K. and M. Haiman: ‘Locally Reinforced Laminated Timber With Glass Fiber Glued-in Between the Timber Layers,’ to be published in the proceedings of the ECCM 14 – 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Venice, Italy, 24 – 28 June 2012, on CD. • Turčić, N., M. Haiman and J. Krolo: ‘Testing the Timber – Lightweight Composite Girder Samples,’ to be published in the proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Belgrade, Serbia, 26 – 29 September 2012.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja
Section of Planning and Project Management
Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja / Section of Planning and Project Management Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docent / Assistant Professors
predavači / lecturers
doc. Gordana Žaja
dr.sc. Dražen Juračić
Gordana Žaja
mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Teodor Cvitanović Tajana Jaklenec Damir Mance
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
0 3 0 –
8 2 1 –
IV. V. VI. –
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1
0 0
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio Planiranje i organizacija građenja / Planning and Project Management Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4 Stručna praksa / Professional Practice
Diplomski Kolegiji / Graduate study courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Održivo građenje 1 / Sustainable Building 1 Zdravstvo i turizam – Zgrade za povremeni boravak / Health and Tourism – Facilities for Temporary Activities
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Nastavni rad / teaching
Planiranje i građenje
Planning and building
Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju specifičan je po svojem djelovanju unutar dviju katedra – Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje te Katedre za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo, kao i unutar dvaju kabineta – Kabineta za planiranje i organizaciju građenja te Kabineta za arhitektonske konstrukcije, fiziku zgrade, materijale i tehnologiju građenja. U svome djelovanju obuhvaća široku tematiku – od menadžmenta; poslova, postupaka i sudionika u procesu građenja; planiranja i organizacije građenja, kao primarnog područja, preko tehničko-tehnoloških komponenti koje se svladavaju unutar Tehničkog studija i Studija 4, do održivoga građenja i projektiranja zgrada za povremeni boravak u zdravstvu, kao najsloženijih zgrada u arhitekturi. Također se bavi arhitektonskom praksom, njenom strukturom i tehnologijom te arhitektonskom profesijom i obrazovanjem, kao i novim tehnikama življenja, novim tipovima zgrada i novim parametrima projektiranja, a sve u poslijediplomskoj nastavi. Kabinet pokriva i temu graditeljskog naslijeđa u sklopu terenskih nastava, ljetnih škola te na doktorskom studiju, a bavi se i nakladničkim djelatnostima. U takvomu svome djelovanju želi se prikazati složenost arhitektonske profesije i prakse, kao i poziciju arhitekta u koordinaciji ostalih struka te u složenom procesu materijalizacije zgrade. Na kolegiju Planiranje i organizacija građenja studenti na temelju projektne dokumentacije obiteljske kuće koju su pripremili u sklopu kolegija Studio 1 izrađuju troškovnik građevinskih i obrtničkih radova s dokaznicom mjera. Superponiranjem podataka iz troškovnika i normativa u graditeljstvu izrađuju terminski plan – gantogram izvođenja kuće kojim se želi steći vještina i usvojiti znanje o redoslijedu i logici izvođenja radova na gradilištu. Sam gantogram izrađuje se u računalnom programu za operativno planiranje – MS Projectu.
Posjet gradilištu Arena centra i Pravoslavnoj gimnaziji Kantakuzina-Katarina Branković na Svetom duhu / Construction site visit of Arena Center and Ortodox Gymnasium Kantakuzina-Katarina Branković at Sveti duh
Svladavanje tehničko-tehnološkog aspekta kao ravnopravnog ostalima u procesu arhitektonskog projektiranja, kao i definiranje jasne relacije funkcionalnih, tehničkih i oblikovnih kriterija projektiranja – vrijednost je kojoj Kabinet teži. U recentnom trenutku primjena novih informacijskih i produkcijskih tehnologija i načinu komuniciranja u procesu projektiranja te napuštanju dvodimenzionalnog crteža, Kabinet ima tendenciju uvođenja poznavanja koncepta BIM-a (Building Information Modeling). Dobiveni informatički modeli zgrade postaju zajednički izvori znanja u procesu odlučivanja o zgradi – od prvih konceptualnih faza, kroz projektiranje, izgradnju i vijek trajanja. U tome smislu Kabinet potvrđuje svoju težnju u integralnom projektiranju.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
The Section of Planning and Project Management holds a special place in the organisation of the faculty because its courses are offered in two departments – the Department of Architectural Design and the Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science and the Department of Architectural Design, and they also form part of the curriculum of the Section of Architectural Technology, Building Physics, Materials and Building Technology. The courses of the Section of Planning and Project Management comprise a wide range of topics such as management; procedures, activities and participants in the building process; planning and organisation of construction through technical and technological components which are mastered in the course Architecture and Inegrated Disciplines Studio and Architectural Design Studio 4; sustainable building and design of health care temporary accommodation buildings as the most complex buildings in architecture. All these topics are covered in the doctoral study programme. The courses also examine architectural practice, its structure and technology and architectural profession and education, as well as new life technologies, new types of buildings and new design parameters. The office explores the topic of architectural heritage on study field trips, in summer schools and in the doctoral study programme. Activities of the office also include publishing. In all its activities, the goal of the office is to show complexities of architectural profession and practice, as well as the position of the architect in coordinating work of other professionals and in an elaborate process of designing and constructing buildings. The course Planning and Project Management students create cost estimates for construction work with a bill of quantities on the basis of the family house design documentation that they prepared in Architectural Design Studio 1. By combining data from the cost estimates and construction standards they create a construction schedule, Gantt chart, for the house whereby they acquire skills and knowledge about the timeline and logic of construction works. The Gantt chart is created in the project manager software MS Project. Achieving proficiency in technical and technological aspects, equally important as all other aspects of architectural design, and defining clear relationships between functional, technical and formal criteria of design is the goal put forward by the office. In the present widespread use of new information and production technologies, new ways of communication in the design process and abandonment of twodimensional drawing, the office has a tendency to introduce to students the concept of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Computer developed models of buildings become shared knowledge sources in the process of decision making about buildings – from the first conceptual stages, through the design process, to the construction and life cycle of the buildings. In that sense the office affirms its tendency towards integral architectural design.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Nove tehnike življenja i parametara projektiranja prema održivom građenju
New Life Technologies and Design Parameters Towards Sustainable Building
U svomu znanstvenoistraživačkom radu Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja stavlja težište na svoj rad na Doktorskomu znanstvenom studiju Arhitektura. U sklopu Doktorskoga studija prof.dr.sc. Juračić, uz pomoć mr.sc. Bačića, izvodi nastavu radionice Istraživanje kroz projekt koja ima za temu nove tehnike življenja, nove tipove zgrada, nove parametre projektiranja. Uz obvezatne radionice, prof.dr.sc. Juračić gostujući je predavač prof.dr.sc. Snješke Knežević na izbornom kolegiju ‘Stari pristup – obrat paradigmi – obnova baštine’, nastavak kolegija iz 2008. godine ‘Baština i transformacija’. Radionica ‘Nove tehnike življenja, novi tipovi zgrada, novi parametri projektiranja’ održana je u dva ciklusa. Doktorski student predlaže precizno definiranu temu istraživanja unutar koje će proučavati utjecaj novih tehnika života na programiranje, projektiranje, izgradnju i korištenje prostora. Primjena novih informacijskih i produkcijskih tehnologija u protekla dva desetljeća intenzivno se i opipljivo odražava na socijalnu interakciju u kulturi, komuniciranju, radu, stanovanju i drugim segmentima svakodnevnog života. Primjeri su brojni i prisutni posvuda: internet i www, mobilna telefonija, GPS, Google, e-books, cad-cam, virtualni ured i teleworking, učenje na daljinu (e-learning), liječenje na daljinu, on-line rezervacije, inteligentna kuća, kontrola pristupa, high-tech priprema hrane itd. Novi načini komuniciranja, učenja, zabave, čitanja, pisanja, crtanja, kuhanja, nadzora, administriranja, liječenja itd. transformiraju tradicionalne obrasce organizacije stambenih i radnih prostora, prostora za kulturu, zabavu, edukaciju i zdravstvo. Nastaju novi oblici i tipovi zgrada, kao i novi načini artikulacije i korištenja javnih prostora. U prvoj radionici sudjelovali su Filip Šrajer s temom ‘Model u krajoliku – Tipološka inventarizacija suhozidnih građevina na kršu Hrvatskog primorja’ i Meri Batakoja s temom ‘Exhibition Experiments of the First Avant-Garde as Dominant Influences Towards Defining and Emerging of Museum of Modern Art’. U drugoj radionici sudjelovali su Filip Šrajer s temom ‘SUHOZID.HR – Model i akcijski plan inventarizacije suhozidnih građevina na kršu Hrvatskog primorja pomoću GIS alata’, Meri Batakoja s temom ‘Paradigmatic Types – Aspects of Evolutionary Ehange – Museum of Modern Art’ (uz komentorstvo prof. Nikole Filipovića), Marina Pavković s temom ‘Utjecaj prostorno arhitektonske intervencije
Kabinet za planiranje i organizaciju građenja
The scholarly research of the Section of Planning and Project Management focuses on the doctoral study programme called Architecture. Within the doctoral programme Prof. Juračić, assisted by Mr Bačić, MA organizes and facilitates the Research through Project workshop whose topics include new life technologies, new types of buildings, new design parameters. In addition to compulsory workshops Prof. Juračić is a guest lecturer in Prof. Snješka Knežević’s elective course Old Approach – Paradigmatic Shift – Heritage Renovation, which is a continuation of Heritage and Transformation, the course from 2008. The workshop New Life Technologies, New Types of Buildings, New Design Parameters is conducted in two cycles. Doctoral students propose a research topic defined in detail within which they examine the impact of new life technologies on programming, design, construction and use of space. The use of new information and production technologies has in the last two decades had intensive and evident reverberations in the social interaction in cultural life, communications, work, dwelling and other segments of everyday life. Examples are numerous and ubiquitous: the Internet and www, mobile telecommunications, GPS, Google, e-books, cad-cam, virtual office and teleworking, e-learning, on line medical treatments, on line reservations, intelligent house, access control, high tech food preparation etc. New ways of communication, learning, entertainment, reading, writing, drawing, cooking, supervision, administration, medical treatment etc, transform traditional organisation of residential and work spaces, spaces for culture, entertainment, education and heath care. That leads to the emergence of new forms and types of buildings, and new ways of articulation and use of public spaces. The participants in the first workshop were Filip Šrajer with the topic Model in landscape – typological inventory of dry stone buildings in karst areas of coastal Croatia as the basis for further research and Meri Batakoja with Exhibition designs of the first avant-garde (as dominant influences on the emergence and definition of museum art museums and their development). The second workshop attendants were Filip Šrajer with the topic SUHOZID.HR – Model and action plan for the GIS-based inventory of dry stone buildings in the karst area of the Hrvatsko primorje region, Meri Batakoja with the topic Paradigmatic types – aspects of evolutionary change – modern art museum (co-supervised by Prof. Nikola Filipović), Marina Pavković with the topic Impact of spatial and architectural intervention – economy of public space in the example of Cvjetni trg Square in Zagreb, and Alan Kostrenčić with the topic Transformations of public space 2 – from the city of lights to the smart city.
Section of Planning and Project Management
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
– ekonomika javnog prostora na primjeru Cvjetnog trga u Zagrebu’ te Alan Kostrenčić s temom ‘Transformacije javnog prostora 2 – Od Grada svjetla (The City of Lights) do Pametnog grada (Smart City)’. Na izbornom kolegiju prof.dr.sc. Snješke Knežević ‘Stari pristup – obrat paradigmi – obnova baštine’, prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić zajedno s Jelenom Skorup Juračić održao je gostujuće predavanje o novim prijedlozima za Pustijernu u Dubrovniku s prikazom evolucije koncepata obnove na izuzetno osjetljivom predjelu povijesne jezgre Dubrovnika s arheološkom zonom, očuvanim srednjovjekovnim urbanističkim i arhitektonskim strukturama te nekoliko renesansno-baroknih palača koje su pripremljene za obnovu. Dok je potkraj 1970-ih i početkom 1980-ih prevladavao punktualni pristup: obnova pojedinih objekata/sklopova, danas se razmatra cjelina područja i svi njezini potencijali. Predložena intervencija smjera revitalizaciji cjeline na neinvazivan način i primjenom reverzibilnog postupka. Izvan Doktorskoga studija nastavnici Kabineta za planiranje i organizaciju građenja sudjelovali su na simpozijima i konferencijama vezanim za održivo građenje. Pred. T. Jaklenec, zajedno s kolegama Z. Protić i Z. Veršić, sudjelovala je na 3. međunarodnom simpoziju o suvremenim održivim tehnologijama i upravljanju okolišem u organizaciji Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održanom u Zagrebu 26. i 27. listopada 2011. International Symposium on Environmental Management – Toward Sustainable Technologies održava se svake četvrte godine u organizaciji Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, a pokriva teme: zelena ekonomija, upravljanje okolišem, zelena kemija, zelene tehnologije, proizvodnja održive energije, obnovljivi izvori energije, održivo građenje, onečišćenje zraka i kontrola, upravljanje obalom i morem, vodoopskrba i otpadne vode, gospodarenje otpadom, šumarstvo i tlo, procjena i upravljanje, obrazovanje za održivi razvoj. Predavanja i prezentacije s plakatom održale su se na Fakultetu kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na konferenciji je prezentiran rad s naslovom: Implementing Sustainability into Croatian Public Building Standard (PBS).
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
In the elective course Old Approach – Paradigmatic Shift – Heritage Renovation taught by Prof. Snješka Knežević, Prof. Juračić held a lecture with Jelena Skorup Juračić on new proposals for Pustijerna in Dubrovnik in which they presented a concept of the renovation development of an extremely sensitive part in Dubrovnik’s historic centre which contains an archaeological zone, preserved medieval urban and architectural structures and several Renaissance and Baroque palaces prepared for renovation. While a singular approach to renovation, entailing renovation of individual building/or group of buildings was dominant in the late 1970s and early 1980s, today integral areas and their potentials are taken into account. The proposed intervention presupposes a non-invasive and reversible revitalisation procedure. The staff of the Section of Planning and Project Management participated in symposia and conferences related to sustainable building. T. Jaklenec, together with her colleagues Z. Protić and Z. Veršić participated in the 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Management – Toward Sustainable Technologies which was held in Zagreb on 26 – 27 October 201. The symposium is organized every forth year by the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, and deals with topics such as: green economy, environment management, green chemistry, green technologies, sustainable energy production, renewable energy sources, sustainable building, air pollution and control, management of the sea and coast, water supply and wastewater, waste management, forestry and earth, assessment and management, sustainable development education. Lectures and poster presentations were held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology in Zagreb. The paper presented at the symposium was entitled Implementing Sustainability into Croatian Public Building Standard (PBS)
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za instalacije zgrada
Section of Building Services
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
Viši predavač / senior lecturer
predavač / lecturer
v.pred. mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić
mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić
Tihomir Rengel
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
0 2 1 0 0
1 0 0 2 1
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
I. /II.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Studio 1 / Architectural Design Studio 1 Instalacije zgrada 1 / Building Services 1 Instalacije zgrada 2 / Building Services 2 Tehnički studio / Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Održivo građenje 1 / Sustainable Building 1
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Oblik zgrade i termotehničke instalacije / Building Form and Thermotechnical Installations
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Suvremeni sustavi instalacija Kabinet prenosi studentima znanje iz svih instalacija u zgradama. Nedostatak energije i zgrada kao potrošač cca 30 % ukupne potrošnje svih vrsta energije za grijanje, klimatizaciju i pripremu tople vode nameće potrebu za smanjenjem potrošnje neobnovljivih izvora – zamjenom obnovljivim izvorima energije. Ova zamjena i iznalaženje suvremenih tehničkih rješenja sustava instalacija opravdana je zbog energetskih, gospodarskih, ekoloških i strategijskih razloga. Primjena obnovljivih izvora energije moguća je ako je temperatura medija kao nosioca energije dovoljno viša od temperature kondicioniranih prostora ili temperature potrošne tople vode, te ako se poduzmu određeni zahvati u planiranju gradnje i poboljšanju toplinske izolacije građevine. Osoblje Kabineta prati suvremena kretanja u ovome području. Na nastavi se kroz različita poglavlja i cjeline obrađuju hidrotehničke instalacije, termotehničke instalacije, različiti sustavi plinskih instalacija, električnih instalacija, te instalacija vertikalnog transporta u građevinama. U nastavnom se procesu kolegiji bave izučavanjem tehnoloških promjena suvremenih instalacijskih sustava, analizom i sintezom mogućih rješenja instalacija u građevinama, te definiranjem uvjeta koji utječu na arhitektonska i konstrukcijska rješenja građevine. Studenti stječu znanje o instalacijskim sustavima i elementima instalacija koje osiguravaju mikroklimatska stanja, funkcioniranje i protupožarnu zaštitu zgrada različite namjene uz minimalizaciju potrošnje primarne energije i što manju poluciju različitih štetnih tvari u okolinu. Znanje materije kolegija ovoga Kabineta pridonosi donošenju pravilnih odluka tijekom planiranja, projektiranja i gradnje zgrade te sudjelovanja u izboru i odabiru optimalnih sustava instalacija, a s aspekta korištenja različitih tehnologija gradnje i očuvanja okoliša. Edukacija i izučavanje instalacija u zgradama u sklopu Kabineta održava se kroz obveznu i izbornu nastavu, kako u preddiplomskom tako i diplomskom dijelu studija (predavanja, vježbe, izrada programa, seminari i ispit). Obvezni predmeti terminski uklopljeni prema nastavnom planu i programu u preddiplomskoj nastavi jesu Instalacije 1 i 2 (predavanja) te konstrukcijske i auditorne vježbe kroz tehnički modul u tehničkom i projektnim studijima (s 1 i s 4). U diplomskom dijelu studija održavaju se predavanja u interdisciplinarnom kolegiju Održivo građenje 1 kao obvezatnom predmetu te izborni predmet Oblik zgrade i termotehnički sustavi. Studenti nakon uspješno odslušanih predavanja izrađuju seminarski rad.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Contemporary Building Services In this Section , the students learn about all installations in a building. Exhaustion of energy resources and the building as an entity that uses ca. 30 % of its total energy consumption for heating, air-conditioning, and hot water requires measures that will reduce the consumption of non-renewable sources of energy by substituting them through renewable ones. This substitution and finding modern technological solutions in installation systems is a necessity with regard to the energetic, economic, ecological, and strategic circumstances. Use of renewable energy sources is possible if the temperature of the medium that stores energy is sufficiently higher than the temperature of air-conditioned spaces or the temperature of consumed hot water, and if certain measures are taken when planning the construction, such as increasing the thermal insulation of the building. Professors participating in the Section follow the most recent trends in this field. The course includes classes on hydro-technical installations, thermo-technical installations, various systems of gas and electrical installations, and installations of vertical transport in buildings. Courses focus on the study of technological changes in modern installation systems, on the analysis and synthesis of possible solutions related to installations in buildings, and on defining the conditions that determine architectural and constructional solutions. Further topics include the positioning of installations in a building, with the rooms that are necessary to house the installation system and equipment, and the ways in which they can be incorporated into contemporary architectural solutions and building technologies. Students acquire knowledge about the installation systems and the elements of installations that ensure micro-climatic conditions, about the fire safety of buildings with different functions, with a minimal consumption of primary energy and the minimum of emission of various harmful substances into the environment. Knowledge and skills acquired in this course should help the future architects to make accurate decisions when designing, planning, and constructing the building, and while selecting the most adequate installation systems, thereby paying special attention to the use of different building technologies and to environmental protection. Education and research on installations in buildings take place in this Lab in the form of mandatory and optional classes on both BA and MA levels (lectures, exercises, programme making, seminar papers, and exams). According to the Faculty programme, mandatory classes on the BA level include Installations 1 and 2 (lectures), as well as construction exercises and auditory exercises within the technical module in Technical Studies and Design and Planning (s1 – s4). The MA level includes the interdisciplinary course on Sustainable Building 1, which is mandatory and consists of lectures, and an optional course called Shape of the Building and Thermo-Technical Systems. At the end of the semester, the students are expected to write a seminar paper.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu
Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
viši predavači / senior lecturers
viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
asistent / teaching assistant
v.pred. mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta
mr.sc. Božica Hajsig mr.sc. Juraj Hrnčević Zlatko Klanac mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta
dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath
Josipa Čuka
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
2 1 1
1 2 2
I. I. II.
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1
0 0
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Matematika / Mathematics Osnove nacrtne geometrije / Basics of Descriptive Geometry Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva / Descriptive Geometry and Perspective
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Matematičke strukture / Mathematical Structures Geometrija u graditeljstvu / Geometry in Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu Nastavnici Kabineta za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu podučavaju 5 kolegija iz područja matematike i geometrije. Obavezni kolegiji su: Matematika, Osnove nacrtne geometrije i Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva. Izborni kolegiji su Matematičke strukture i Geometrija u graditeljstvu. Teme i ciljevi pojedinih kolegija su prilagođeni primjeni na arhitektonskom projektiranju, arhitektonskim konstrukcijama, nosivim konstrukcijama, instalacijama zgrada te urbanističkim kolegijima. Kolegij Matematika osigurava matematička znanja potrebna studentima za uspješno praćenje kolegija iz područja arhitektonskih konstrukcija, fizike zgrade, instalacija, te ostalih područja. Obrađuju se područja vektorske analize s primjenom na analitičku geometriju prostora, sustavi sila u mehanici te potrebni dijelovi diferencijalnog i integralnog računa. Osnove nacrtne geometrije (ONG) daju geometrijske osnove paralelnog projiciranja objekata na više ravnina (ortogonalno projiciranje) ili jednu ravninu (aksonometrije) primijenjene na konkretnim arhitektonskim primjerima. ONG služe kao medij komunikacije u projektiranju i planiranju (skice, crteži, modeli). Od studenta se očekuje da usporedi poglede nekog objekta s različitih strana, da ga može virtualno rotirati, presjeći i da poveže prostorne odnose različitih objekata u aksonometriji i ortogonalnom projiciranju. Ishodi poučavanja su: prepoznavanje geometrijskih pojmova i osnovnih formi u graditeljstvu, crtanje skice kao podloge za konstruktivni crtež, usporedba metode preslikavanja i biranje optimalne metode. Za provjeru učenja koriste se metode preslikavanja prostornih objekata na ravninu, spoznavanje i opis nastajanja geometrijskih oblika s naglaskom na poliedre i rotacijske plohe, rekonstrukcija geometrijskih svojstava iz slike objekta, izvođenje geometrijskih konstrukcija u ravnini crteža (papir ili 2D CAD alati), treniranje sposobnosti predočavanja prostora i ‘prostornog’ razmišljanja. Nacrtna geometrija i perspektiva (NGiP) daje geometrijske osnove predočavanja objekata u arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju uz povezivanje geometrije i prakse na konkretnim arhitektonskim primjerima. NGiP služi kao medij komunikacije u projektiranju i planiranju (skice, crteži, modeli). Od studenata se očekuje da usporedi poglede nekog objekta s različitih strana, da ga može virtualno rotirati, presjeći i da
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective Members of the Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective teach five courses in mathematics and geometry. The compulsory courses are the following: Mathematics, Basics of Descriptive Geometry and Descriptive Geometry and Perspective. Topics and goals of individual courses are adapted for use in architectural design, architectural technology, load-bearing structures, and building installations as well as to the courses in urban planning. The course Mathematics provides students with knowledge in mathematics necessary for following the courses in architectural technology, building physics, installations and other fields. Course topics include vector analysis and its application in spatial analytic geometry, systems of forces in mechanics and necessary elements of differential and integral calculus. Basics of Descriptive Geometry (BDG) provides students with essential geometry knowledge in the parallel projection of objects on to multiple planes of projection (orthogonal projection) or one plane (axonometric projection) demonstrated on specific architectural examples. The course is envisaged to serve as a communication medium in design and planning (sketches, drawings, models). Students are expected to compare different views of an object, to be able to virtually rotate it, make cross sections and recognize spatial relations among different objects in axonometric and orthogonal projections. Learning outcomes are the following: recognition of geometric terms and the elementary building forms, creating sketches as the basis for structural drawing, comparison of transformation methods and selection of an optimal method. Learning assessment is done by demonstrating the use of transformation methods of three-dimensional objects onto projection planes, understanding and describing a development of geometrical shapes, especially polyhedrons and rotational planes, reconstruction of geometric characteristics from objects’ 2D images, creating geometric constructions in the drawing plane (paper or 2D CAD tools), practicing skills in representing space and ‘spatial’ thinking. Descriptive Geometry and Perspective (DGP) introduces students to the basics in geometric representation of objects in architecture and physical planning with establishing relationships between geometry and practice which is illustrated with specific architectural examples. DGP serves as a communication medium in the process of design and planning (sketches, drawings, models). Students are required to compare different views of an object, to be able to virtually rotate it, make cross sections and recognize spatial relations among different objects (in perspective view, elevation projection, and show all shades with parallel light source), which helps them acquire skills for working on architectural design and architectural structures. Learning outcomes are the
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
poveže prostorne odnose različitih objekata (u perspektivi, kotiranoj projekciji, te prikaže sve sjene uz paralelnu rasvjetu), što mu donosi kompetencije za rad na arhitektonskom projektiranju i arhitektonskim konstrukcijama. Ishodi poučavanja su: tehničko, geometrijsko, konstruktivno razmišljanje u svrhu rješavanja zadataka iz arhitekture i prostornog planiranja; razvoj prostornog predočavanja uz mogućnost njegove valorizacije; poznavanje osnovnih vrsta ploha; povezivanje stečenog znanja s umjetnošću, dizajnom, kulturom; poticanje kreativnosti i načina izražavanja u terminima geometrije u graditeljstvu. Za provjeru učenja koriste se metode preslikavanja prostornih objekata na ravninu, spoznavanje i opis nastajanja geometrijskih oblika s naglaskom na rotacijske i pravčaste plohe, rekonstrukcija geometrijskih svojstava iz slike objekta i njegovih sjena, treniranje sposobnosti predočavanja prostora i ‘prostornog’ razmišljanja.
following: technical, geometric and constructive knowledge for completing assignments in architecture and physical planning; development of skills in spatial representation with its possible appraisal; knowledge in basic types of planes; associating the acquired knowledge with art, design, culture; stimulating creativity and ways of expression by using geometry in architecture. Learning assessment is done by demonstrating the use of transformation methods of three-dimensional objects onto projection planes, understanding and describing a development of geometrical shapes, especially ruled and rotational surfaces, reconstruction of geometric characteristics from objects’ 2D images and shadows, practicing skills in representing space and ‘spatial’ thinking.
Geometrija u graditeljstvu je kolegij koji stavlja naglasak na primjerima iz arhitektonske prakse koji zahtijevaju konstruktivno-grafičke postupke zasnovane na geometrijskim zakonitostima. Nakon položenog kolegija student je sposoban mjeriti u perspektivi s horizontalnom i nagnutom osi pogleda, rješavati različite probleme arhitektonske fotogrametrije. Nadalje, student izabire prikaz svoje ideje ili arhitektonskog detalja, na optimalan način, bilo u perspektivi ili aksonometriji te primijeniti presjeke i prodore rotacijskih i pravčastih ploha u arhitektonskim i nosivim konstrukcijama, instalacijama zgrada i projektiranju.
Geometrija u graditeljstvu / geometry in architecture
Geometry in Architecture is a course which focuses on examples from architectural practice which require structural and graphical procedures based on geometry principles. The course provides students with knowledge to put measurements in perspective views with a frontal or inclined view point and find solutions to the problems of architectural photogrammetry. Students select an optimal way in which to present their ideas or an architectural detail, whether in perspective or axonometric projection and are required to use cross sections and rotational and ruled planes in architectural and load – bearing structures, building installations and the design process. Mathematical Structures is a course in which deals with invariant characteristics of spatial structures in relation to homeomorphism as a spatial transformation.
U kolegiju Matematičke strukture proučavaju se invarijantna svojstva prostornih struktura u odnosu na homeomorfizam kao transformaciju prostora.
diplomski studij / graduate study programme
Godina / year
Semestar / semester
voditelj / supervisor
Sonja Sić
Nikoleta Sudeta
1. 2. 148
Kabinet za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu
Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Geometrijsko modeliranje i vizualizacije za buduće arhitekte i inženjere
Projekt: Uvođenje računalnog 3D modeliranja u nastavu geometrije na tehničkim fakultetima (3D GEOM TEH) voditelj: doc.dr.sc. Sonja Gorjanc, zamjenica voditelja s naznakom sastavnice koju zastupa: dr.sc Marija Šimić (Arhitektonski fakultet), (2012.– ) Predlagači projekta: Građevinski, Arhitektonski, Geodetski i Rudarsko-geološkonaftni fakultet. project: Introduction of 3D computer modelling in geometry classes at technical universities (3D GEOM TEH) head of project: Sonja Gorjanc, PhD, assistant professor, assistant to the head of project: Marija Šimić, PhD (Faculty of Architecture), (2012. – ). Project proposed by: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Geodesy and the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering.
Međunarodni projekt DAAD_2012_GEFFA: Usavršavanje znanja iz matematike i geometrije u obrazovanju u arhitekturi i inžinjerstvu u skladu sa sadašnjim i budućim potrebama arhitekata i inžinjera voditelj: Prof.dr.ing. Daniel Lordick, (2012. – ). Zemlje sudionice: Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Njemačka i Srbija. The DAAD_2012_GEFFA international project: Updating Mathematics and Geometry Education in Architecture and Engineering According to Current and Future Needs of Architects and Engineers Head of the project: Prof. Daniel Lordick (2012. – ). Participating countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Germany and Serbia.
Članovi Kabineta za matematiku, nacrtnu geometriju i perspektivu aktivno se bave znanstvenim i stručnim radom. Poseban interes članova je na unapređenju edukacije matematike i geometrije te implementacija novih tehnologija u nastavni proces. N. Sudeta i M. Šimić Horvath sudjeluju na razvojnom projektu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 3D te na međunarodnom projektu DAAD_2012_GEFFA. Glavne značajke projekta GEOM TEH su ostvarivanje snažnije stručne i znanstvene suradnje među nastavnicima i unapređivanje nastave geometrijskih kolegija na tehničkim fakultetima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na današnjem stupnju tehnološkog razvoja, značajnije uvođenje računalnog 3D modeliranja i njegova implementacija u sustave e-učenja nužni su za održavanje tradicionalno visoke kvalitete geometrijskog obrazovanja budućih inženjera na našem Sveučilištu. U okviru projekta izradit će se osnovni repozitorij obrazovnog materijala vezanog za zajedničke sadržaje i one prilagođene profilima pojedinih sastavnica. Takav repozitorij ne postoji na sveučilišnim i veleučilišnim centrima u Republici Hrvatskoj te bi njegovo formiranje svakako pridonijelo povećanju kvalitete nastave kao i jačanju utjecaja zagrebačkog Sveučilišta. Glavni cilj projekta DAAD_2012_GEFFA je prilagoditi podučavanje geometrijskog modeliranja i vizualizacije za buduće arhitekte i inženjere na svim sveučilištima jugoistočne Europe aktualnim zahtjevima prakse, a time i dugoročno uspostaviti standarde u regiji. Teži se visokoj kvaliteti obrazovanja u smislu najbolje prakse koja uključuje interdisciplinarni pristup. Želi se promicati trajna suradnja kolega iz područja matematike, arhitekture, građevinarstva. M. Šimić Horvath se u svom znanstvenoistraživačkom radu bavi neeuklidskim geometrijama i ove ak. godine je zajedno s Jelenom Beban-Brkić sudjelovala na 5. Hrvatskom matematičkom kongresu u Rijeci s izlaganjem Klasifikacija stožastih dijelova u pseudo-euklidskoj ravnini. Posebno zanimljivo je bilo prisustvovanje raspravi o aktualnim temama i problemima podučavanja matematike kao prilagodba sadržaja profilu struke, održavanje nastave s velikim brojem studenta, e-učenje. N. Sudeta sudjelovala je na Ljetnoj školi DAAD_2012_GEFFA u Rijeci. Cilj radionica je razviti eksperimentalne on-line tečajeve iz područja matematike i geometrije za fakultete uključene u DAAD projekt. Na kraju je predviđen okrugli stol o prethodno obrađenim temama.
Katedra za arhitektonske konstrukcije i zgradarstvo
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Geometric Modelling and Visualisation for Future Architects and Civil Engineers Members of the Section of Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry and Perspective are actively involved in scientific and professional activities. Their special interests revolve around improving educational methods in teaching mathematics and geometry and the adoption and integration of new technologies in the education process. N. Sudeta and M. Šimić Hortvath participate in the 3D development project launched by the University of Zagreb, and the international project DAAD_2012_GEFFA. The main objectives of the GEOM TEH project are to achieve closer professional and scientific cooperation among teachers and advancement of education in courses on geometry at technical faculties of University of Zagreb. The present level of technological development require a greater use of 3D computer modelling and its integration into e-learning systems which are necessary for maintaining a traditionally high quality of education in geometry needed to future engineers at our university. The project aims to create a basic repository of teaching material related to shared topics as well as those adapted to specific profiles of individual faculties. Croatia universities and polytechnics have never had such a repository and its creation would certainly contribute to the improvement of the quality of education and to a stronger image and impact of University of Zagreb. The main objective of the DAAD_2012_GEFFA project is to adapt education in geometric modelling and visualisation for future architects and civil engineers in South-Eastern European universities to the demands of professional development, and thereby establish long-term standards in the region. The project aspires to achieve a great quality of education in terms of best practice which includes an interdisciplinary approach. Its aim is to promote continual cooperation among colleagues from the fields of mathematics, architecture and civil engineering. Research interests of M. Šimić Horvath are related to non-Euclidean geometries and this academic year she participated with Jelena Beban-Brkić in the 5th Croatian Mathematical Conference in Rijeka with the paper presentation entitled On Classification of Conic Sections in the Pseudo-Euclidean Plane. Specially interesting at the conference was the discussion on current topics and issues in teaching mathematics at various faculties and its modification according to the contents of specific professions, the issues related to teaching mathematics to a large number of students and e-learning. N. Sudeta participated in the DAAD_2012_GEFFA Summer School in Rijeka. The aim of the workshop was to develop experimental online courses in mathematics and geometry for the faculties participating in the DAAD project. The final roundtable was envisaged as a discussion about the topics dealt with during the workshop.
Department of Architectural Technology and Building Science
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa / section of the history of architecture and architectural heritage protection Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docent / assistant professor
predavač / lecturer
vanjski suradnik / teaching associate
prof.dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko
dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko
dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić
mr.sc. Alan Braun
Irma Huić
Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture / section of the Theory of Architecture Voditelj / head of section
izvanredni profesor / assoc. professor
znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant
prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman
dr.sc. Karin Šerman
mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn
Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu / section of modern and contemporary architecture Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesori / professors
docent / assistant professor
znanstveni novaci – asistenti / junior researchers and teaching assistants
prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski
dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil
dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić
Melita Čavlović Mojca Smode Cvitanović Marina Smokvina
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
predstojnica katedre za teoriju i povijest arhitekture / Head of Department of History and theory of Architecture
Karin Šerman diplomirala je 1989. na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Magistrirala je 1996. na Sveučilištu Harvard pod mentorstvom prof.dr.sc. K. Michael Haysa. Dobitnica je nagrade Gerald M. McCue za postignuti najviši akademski uspjeh na poslijediplomskom studiju na Graduate School of Design, Sveučilište Harvard. Doktorat znanosti stječe na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu 2000. godine pod mentorstvom prof.dr.sc. Borisa Magaša. Zaposlena je na Arhitektonskom fakultetu od 1990. na Katedri za teoriju i povijest arhitekture.
Karin Šerman graduated in architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb in 1989. She received her MDesS (Master in Design Studies) in Architectural History and Theory from Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 1996, with Prof. K. Michael Hays as advisor. She was awarded the Gerald M. McCue Award for the highest academic achievement at the Harvard Design School. In 2000 she received her PhD from the University of Zagreb, with Prof. Boris Magaš as advisor. Since 1990, she has been employed at the Department of History and Theory of Architecture of Zagreb’s Faculty of Architecture.
Karin Šerman, izv.prof.dr.sc
Nositeljica je kolegija iz područja Teorije arhitekture u preddiplomskom, diplomskom i doktorskom studiju Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i na studiju arhitekture Fakulteta građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije Sveučilišta u Splitu. Od 2007. voditeljica je sekcije ‘Arhitektonska misao’ na doktorskom studiju ‘Arhitektura’ Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Kao Kao istraživačica djeluje na znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu ‘Atlas hrvatske arhitekture 20. stoljeća’. Članica je uredništva znanstvenog časopisa za arhitekturu i urbanizam Prostor te znanstvenog časopisa INDECS – Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems. Od 2005. god. korespondentica je švicarskog časopisa Werk, Bauen + Wohnen. Autorica je niza znanstvenih i stručnih članaka u domaćim i inozemnim znanstvenim i stručnim časopisima i knjigama, s temama iz područja moderne i suvremene arhitekture i kulture te recentnoga teorijskog diskursa.
Prof. Šerman teaches courses in architectural theory in the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral study programmes of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. She also teaches Architectural Theory at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Split. Since 2007 she has been the Head of the module Architectural Thought of the doctoral programme at Zagreb's Faculty of Architecture. As a researcher, she has participated in the scientific project Atlas of 20th Century Croatian Architecture. She serves on editorial boards of the scholarly journals Prostor and INDECS – Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems. Since 2005 she has been a correspondent of the Swiss journal Werk, Bauen + Wohnen. Prof. Šerman authored numerous scholarly and professional papers in international and Croatian journals, magazines and books on the topics of modern and contemporary architecture and culture, and architectural theory.
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Intervju / Interview Vjera Bakić, Maroje Mrduljaš
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Intervju s izv.prof. Karin Šerman
S obzirom na izrazitu konceptualnu heterogenost arhitektonske teorije i različite epicentre arhitektonske misli, oslanjate li se u nastavi teorije izrazitije na neku specifičnu tradiciju ili pristup koji uvjetuje izbor tema? Koja su aktualna teorijska izvorišta kojima posvećujete posebnu pozornost i smatrate ih relevantnim? Arhitektonska je teorija već sama po sebi izuzetno heterogena grana te posjeduje mnoge vidove i vrste – od teorije koja se posvećuje istraživanju arhitekture kao autonomne discipline, s njezinim specifičnim i jedinstvenim zakonitostima, pravilima, tehnikama, formama i projektantskim strategijama; preko teorije koja arhitekturu promišlja više u odnosu prema kulturno-povijesnom kontekstu u kojem nastaje i shodno tome propituje ulogu i zadaću arhitekture prema tom neposrednom društvenom okviru; pa sve do teorije koja se, u neminovnom susretu arhitekture i niza drugih disciplina koje tvore taj kulturni kontekst, posvećuje upravo posredovanju između njihovih specifičnih jezika i alata, odnosno ‘prevođenju’ eksternih koncepata kako bi oni bili primjenjivi i razumljivi i u sferi arhitekture. Prema tome, arhitektonska teorija je naprosto inherentno heterogena te slijedi raznolike modalitete istraživanja discipline. Većinu tih raznih vidova teorije nastojim integrirati i predstaviti u nastavnom procesu u sklopu teorijskih kolegija na Fakultetu kako bih otvorila putove za različita moguća daljnja teorijska bavljenja. No, generalno se ipak rukovodim uvjerenjem da se svaka ona arhitektonska teorija koja se bavi isključivo arhitektonskom formom – dakle autonomnim aspektima medija, a ne postavlja arhitekturu u odnos s njezinim širim društvenim kontekstom – pokazuje nedostatnom, isto kao što se nedostatnom potvrđuje i ona teorija koja u svojoj zaokupljenosti društvenim okruženjem zaboravlja promišljati specifičnosti arhitekture te artikulirati konkretne kôdove i operacije kojima se taj ključni medij društvene prakse može adekvatno izraziti. Tendencija je dakle ne tumačiti teoriju kao stvaranje tek ‘znanja o formi’, nego teorijski utemeljiti i promisliti arhitektonski objekt sam, da on u svojim arhitektonskim doživljajima i obilježjima bude svojevrsna ‘forma znanja’.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Inerview with Assoc.Prof. Karin Šerman
Considering the exceptional conceptual heterogeneity of architectural theory and various centres of its development, is there a specific tradition or approach that you draw upon in the choice of topics for your theoretical courses? Which theories do you pay special attention to and what theories do you consider relevant?
Architectural theory is in itself exceptionally heterogeneous and possesses many aspects and forms. There is, for instance, the line of theory that explores architecture as an autonomous discipline, with its specific and unique principles, methods, laws, techniques, forms and design strategies. Then there is the theory which analyzes architecture more in terms of its relationship to cultural and historical context from which it emerges, and accordingly examines the role of architecture in that immediate social framework. And then there is theory which examines the inevitable encounter of architecture with numerous other disciplines that jointly shape the cultural context. That type of theory is dedicated to the task of mediating between specific languages and tools of various disciplines, or, in other words, to ‘transcoding’ external concepts in order to make them applicable and understandable in the field of architecture. Therefore, architectural theory is simply inherently heterogeneous and is susceptible to various research modalities. In my theoretical courses, I tend to tackle and engage in most of those various veins of architectural, in order to create possibilities for a variety of potential further explorations and uses. However, I am generally guided by the belief that each theory which deals exclusively with the questions of architectural form, i.e., solely with autonomous aspects of the architectural medium, without establishing its links with a wider social context, is insufficient. The same is true for the theory which, in its total preoccupation with social aspects, forgets to consider specific issues of architecture proper and to articulate concrete codes and operations through which this crucial medium of social practice can be appropriately expressed. Thus, the tendency is not to interpret theory only as production of ‘knowledge about form’ but to consider an architectural object theoretically and to turn the object itself – through its architectural features and spatial experiences – into a certain ‘form of knowledge’. In the entire range of possible theoretical approaches I remain, however, mostly within the framework of the so called ‘contemporary architectural theory,’ as it has been defined and practiced from the 1960s onwards. That means that I feel close to the understanding of theory as a ‘practice of mediation’, critically open to insights and knowledge from other cultural spheres, analytically ready to translate and transcode relevant external concepts and
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
U čitavom tom spektru mogućih teorijskih pristupa ostajem, međutim, pretežno u gabaritima tzv. ‘suvremene’ arhitektonske teorije, kako se ona definirala i razvijala od 1960-ih naovamo, a to znači pretežito u shvaćanju teorije kao svojevrsne ‘prakse medijacije’, kritički otvorene prema saznanjima iz drugih kulturnih grana, analitički spremne da relevantne eksterne koncepte i kategorije adekvatno prevede i transkodira, te da kreativno konstituira alate i metode vlastitoga mišljenja. Na taj način teorija koristi i barata nizom koncepata koji arhitekturi pristižu iz drugih kulturnih grana – filozofije, sociologije, lingvistike, psihologije, fizike, antropologije i niza drugih disciplina – a koji arhitekturi pomažu preispitati vlastite temelje i rekonstituirati vlastite disciplinarne teritorije. U takvom shvaćanju teorije, kao ‘prakse posredovanja’ između ključnih kontekstualnih odrednica i slojeva, naravno da se primarno oslanjam na snažne centre teorijske misli Istočne obale SAD-a, koji su se danas u svijetu arhitektonske teorije nametnuli kao neprijeporno dominantni, a koji su njegovali i razvijali upravo takve teorijske pristupe. A kako sam se i sama u pogledu svoga teorijskog usmjerenja izgradila u okvirima upravo tih škola, time mi je taj pristup bliži i opravdaniji. Pa onda izbor tema i načine njihova tumačenja rukovodim i crpim mahom iz tih teorijskih izvorišta.
categories, and to creatively constitute its own tools and methods of thought and practice. In that way theory deals with numerous concepts coming from other cultural spheres – philosophy, sociology, linguistic, psychology, anthropology and many other disciplines – which help architecture examine its own foundations and reconstitute its own disciplinary territories. According to such an understanding of theory – as a practice of mediation between key cultural paradigms – I primarily draw upon the theories developed through exactly such approach in the centres of theoretical research on the east coast of the USA, which have certainly asserted their dominance in the world of architectural theory today. Since my own theoretical position has been greatly formed by the tenets of precisely those schools of thought, the adoption of their approach seems more justified and closer to my own thinking. The selection of topics that I elaborate and deal with in the Zagreb Architecture School, and the ways of their interpretation are therefore mainly based on these theories.
No, naravno da je pritom današnji teorijski trenutak još višestruko složeniji, razvedeniji i neizvjesniji. Što se teorije tiče, naime, trenutno smo u naglašeno tranzicijskom razdoblju koje je počelo otprilike 1990-ih. To znači da je teorijsko tlo još nestabilnije, heterogenije i dinamičnije nego što je bilo prije. Ne postoji nijedno dominantno i neprijeporno gledište s kojeg bi se arhitektonska produkcija konsenzualno sagledavala i valorizirala. Nema nekoga krovnog koncepta koji bi sa sigurnošću rukovodio teorijski diskurs i omogućivao unisono gledanje, tumačenje, pa i prakticiranje arhitekture. To pak rezultira time da je istraživanje aktualne arhitektonske situacije i pokušaja da se ona intelektualno uokviri i definira – izuzetno teško.
Naturally, however, the present situation renders theory even more complex, elaborated and ambivalent. In terms of theory, we find ourselves today in an especially transitory period which began sometimes in the 1990s. That means that the theoretical ground is even more unstable, heterogeneous and dynamic than ever before. There is no single dominant or certain view from which architectural practice could be consensually observed and assessed. There is no common concept which could safely guide the theoretical discourse and enable a shared and precise view, interpretation, or architectural practice. That makes the current theoretical research even more demanding and complex, particularly those attempts to intellectually frame and define the contemporary architectural production.
Pritom se danas kao najvažnije ističu dvije, u neku ruku suprotstavljene, teorijske struje: s jedne strane viđenje da arhitektonska teorija mora nastaviti zadaću angažiranog djelovanja u društvu, u smislu kritike kulture ili kritičkog otpora prema zatečenom stanju; da se mora posvetiti razotkrivanju ideološki konstruirane strukture društva. To je svojevrsna utopijska vizija uloge arhitektonske teorije, često nazivana i ‘kritičkom teorijom’, a manifestira se kao intenzivno spekulativna, refleksivna aktivnost, sklona preispitivanju i korigiranju svijeta u kojem živimo, kao i vlastitih arhitektonskih zadataka i operacija. Ona dakle arhitekturu promišlja i valorizira primarno u odnosu na društvo kojemu služi. Kao takva, često posjeduje i izraženu etičku orijentaciju, u skladu s kojom nastoji potaknuti promjenu. Svjesna je da isto kao što arhitektura biva uvjetovana i određena nizom izvanjskih kontekstualnih odrednica, tako i arhitektura sama može i mora povratno sudjelovati u korigiranju, kritiziranju ili mijenjanju tih zatečenih prilika kao jedna od aktivnih formativnih komponenata tog
Today, there are two prominent, but in a way opposing, theoretical trends: on the one hand there is a view that architectural theory should continue to be involved in social issues, in terms of cultural criticism or critical resistance to the existing situation, that it should be dedicated to uncovering ideologically constructed social structures. This is a sort of utopian vision of the role of architectural theory, often called ‘critical theory‘. It manifests itself as a speculative, reflexive activity inclined to re-examining and correcting the world that we live in, as well as its own architectural missions and operations. It thus considers and assesses architecture primarily in relation to the society that it serves. As such it in most cases assumes strong ethical stance, in accordance with which it then attempts to provoke and stimulate change. It is aware that architecture is necessarily shaped by a whole series of determinants coming from the broader social context, but that it itself can and should participate in correcting, criticizing or changing those very conditions, as one of the active formative components of that same context in whose construction it equally participates. On the other hand, today's unstable and unpredictable conditions and their enhanced dynamics, flux
intervju s izv.prof. karin šerman
interview with assoc.prof. karin šerman
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
istog konteksta u kojega konstruiranju ravnopravno sudjeluje. Upravo ta ‘kritička teorija’ dakle podsjeća arhitekturu na njezinu aktivnu, tvorbenu i kritičko-interpretativnu ulogu u širemu povijesnom kontekstu.
and volatility instigate the need of urgent and quick architectural reactions, and consequently prompt the idea of unsentimental acceptance of reality and immediate professional and legislative determinants and circumstances. That leads to the development of pronounced pragmatism, the idea of ‘prompt construction’ and stressed importance of practice and production. Turning towards immediate practice and direct construction thus gives birth to new concepts – ideas of new ‘pragmatic imagination‘, innovation through creation, project-based research, and new experimental processes.
S druge strane, nesigurnost i nepredvidivost današnjeg života te njegova pojačana dinamičnost, nestalnost i promjenjivost navode na imperativ urgentnosti i brzine djelovanja, pa time i na ideju nesentimentalnog prihvaćanja realnosti i neposrednih profesionalnih i legislativnih datosti. To pak dovodi do razvijanja naglašenog pragmatizma, do ideja ‘promptnoga građenja’ i naglašavanja važnosti prakse i produkcije. A okretanje neposrednoj praksi i direktnom građenju urađa i stvaranjem novih koncepata – idejama nove ‘pragmatične imaginacije’, inovativnosti kroz stvaranje, istraživanja kroz projekt i novim vidovima eksperimentalnosti. No, i ovako manifestno napuštanje one duboko propitujuće, refleksivne i angažirane ‘kritičke teorije’ otkriva tek svojevrsno novo teorijsko stajalište, sugerira tragove novog uvjerenja, premda obilježeno krajnjim pragmatizmom i otvorenim zagovaranjem neposredne ‘realnosti građenja’.
Je li, po vašem mišljenju, potrebno zagovarati i njegovati autonomiju arhitektonske teorije u odnosu prema ‘instrumentalnom’ znanju i imperativu doslovne primjenjivosti u projektantskoj praksi? Bez obzira na svježinu i atraktivnost takvih direktnih praksi okrenutih ‘projektivnih pristupa’, pa i inovativnosti njihovih formalnih rezultata, teorijsko promišljanje arhitektonske discipline naprosto je neizbježno i neizostavno. Nema građenja bez razvijene misli o tom građenju. Teorija je nasušni proces nalaženja vlastitih oslonaca, razumijevanja vlastitih profesionalnih potencijala i vještina. Zato je danas – u doba izostanka čvrstih teorijskih pozicija, a uza svijest o nužnosti misli o arhitekturi – istraživanje i propitivanje diskurzivnih i teorijskih potencijala uzbudljivije i izazovnije. Jer sama praksa, bez obzira koliko napredna i eksperimentalna bila, u konačnici je uvijek limitirana realnostima, ograničena datostima – ekonomskim, profesionalnim, političkim, legislativnim, organizacijskim. Ona igra unutar postavljenog standarda i definiranoga kulturnog očekivanja. I zbog svoje usredotočenosti na neposredne okvire realnosti, pa i urgentnosti djelovanja, nije slobodna okrenuti se propitivanju granica tih okvira. Imperativ uspjeha u igri prema već definiranim pravilima onemogućava, ili u najmanju ruku krajnje otežava, kritičko preispitivanje tih pravila. Teorija pak otkriva aspekte arhitektonske prakse koje praksa nema ni vremena ni mogućnosti osloviti. Teorija preispituje sama ta ‘pravila igre’. Time teorija razotkriva komponente i slojeve koji možda nisu direktno primjenjivi za građenje i
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
However, such direct and convinced dismissal of the deeply analytical, reflexive and involved ‘critical theory’ discloses, on the other hand, only a new theoretical stance; it suggests traces of a new conviction, albeit marked by utmost pragmatism and clear advocacy of immediate ‘reality of building‘.
Is it necessary, in your opinion, to advocate and nurture autonomy of architectural practice in relation to ‘instrumental’ knowledge and the imperative of literal applicability in architectural design?
Regardless of the freshness and appeal of such practices focused on direct ‘design approaches‘, along with the undisputed novelty and attraction of their formal results, theoretical thought on architecture is simply indispensable. There is no building without a thought on that building. Theory is an inevitable and indispensable process of finding disciplinary strongholds, of understanding professional potentials and abilities. That is why today – in the period marked by the evident non-existence of a dominant theoretical position, and on the other hand with the deep personal conviction of the necessity of such a theoretical thought – research and exploration of the discursive and theoretical potentials of the discipline is even more exciting and challenging. Because, no matter how advanced and experimental, attractive and exciting, architectural practice is in the end always limited by the given realities – economic, professional, political, legislative, organisational. It moves within the established standards and within defined cultural expectations. Due to its focus on the immediate framework of reality, with the imperative of urgent production and activity, it simply is not free to pose questions about that very framework. The imperative of success in the game played according to the established rules prevents – or at least renders extremely difficult – the critical re-examination of those very rules. Theory, on the other hand, uncovers the aspects of architectural practice which the practice has neither time nor possibility to address. Theory re-examines the ‘rules of the game’ on its own. Thereby, it uncovers layers and components that are maybe not directly applicable in the building process in this very moment, but can surely become a valuable source for future architectural considerations and developments. Theoretical text investigates that which cannot be investigated or imagined in any other way.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
primjenu u ovomu konkretnom trenutku, ali mogu postati itekako dragocjen izvor za buduće arhitektonsko djelovanje i usmjerenje. Teorijski tekst dakle ispituje za nas ono što se ne može ni na koji drugi način istražiti ili zamisliti. Možda nam to ne predočava kroz neke konkretne reprezentacije ili konkretne forme, pa čak ni kao neke direktne putokaze do njih, ali ona svejedno razotkriva potencijalne pukotine i skrivene slojeve u arhitektonskom diskursu koji nam omogućuju da vidimo izvan našeg trenutka i njegova ideološkog okvira te u tom smislu oslobađaju mišljenje. I upravo zato praksa treba teoriju. Svojom sposobnošću istodobnog sagledavanja iskustva povijesti i slobodnog projiciranja scenarija budućnosti teorija odgovorno otkriva putove mogućih daljnjih arhitektonskih kretanja.
It might not show it to us through some explicit representations or actual architectural forms, maybe not even through some directly applicable method to reach them, but it nevertheless uncovers potential slots and hidden layers in architectural discourse that enable us to see outside of our moment and its ideological frameworks and boundaries, and in that way – liberate thinking. That is exactly why practice needs theory. With its ability of simultaneous introspection of historical experience and free projections of possible future scenarios, theory responsibly indicate the ways of potential future architectural developments.
Kako vi vidite odnos između ‘diskurzivnog’ i ‘projektantskog’ rada unutar konteksta edukacije budućih arhitekata i urbanista? Vidite li ih kao recipročne prakse koje se uzajamno podupiru ili je zamisliva i situacija u kojoj se stvara produktivna, kritička napetost između ta dva polja? Učestale su i gotovo uobičajene kritike na tragu nepoklapanja ‘diskurzivnih’ i ‘praktičnih’ vidova bavljenja arhitektonskom disciplinom, u smislu određene nepovezanosti ‘teorije’ i ‘prakse’, iz čega se iščitava želja za direktnijom ‘primjenom’ teorije u praksi. Ta je sumnjičavost prema ‘čistoj’ teoriji djelomično razumljiva, već i zbog intelektualne težine i gustoće teorijskog teksta. No, u tom zovu za njihovim sjedinjenjem vidim istovremeno i stanovit problem. Bez sumnje da svako teorijsko bavljenje ima za krajnji cilj biti ‘u funkciji građenja’, odnosno u konačnici informirati i usmjeravati prema mogućim strategijama, tehnikama i operacijama konkretnoga arhitektonskog djelovanja. Ali da bi to mogla raditi, da bi se mogla prepustiti takvom neizvjesnom, a neophodnom traganju, teorija upravo mora biti ‘odmaknuta’ od neposredne prakse. Nepostojanje prisnog poklapanja teorije i prakse zapravo je nasušna pretpostavka i vitalan preduvjet teorije. Dakle teorija i praksa trebaju biti odvojeni entiteti, strateški odmaknuti slojevi, kako bi obje u konačnici bile istinski uspješne usprkos opetovanom zovu za njihovim što prisnijim preklapanjem. Apeli za ‘operacionalizacijom teorije’ podrivaju u neku ruku poentu teorije.
U kojoj je mjeri potrebno ili uopće moguće unutar nastave razvijati i kultivirati kritičku misao, ili je pak primarna zadaća cjelovito upoznavanje studenata s poviješću razvoja arhitekture i arhitektonske misli, te s aktualnim teorijskim kretanjima? Revizija koncepta projektnih studija vodi prema povezivanjima znanja i integraciji uže arhitektonskih, urbanističkih i tehničkih promišljanja i vještina. Ali, gdje je tu uloga arhitektonske teorije? Pretpostavka je da se primjena arhitektonske teorije u projektne studije provodi kroz rad nastavnika koji su po vokaciji ‘projektanti’, no je li zamisliva situacija u kojoj Katedra za teoriju i povijest intenzivnije sudjeluje u radu studija, odnosno da se provede još jača integracija znanja? Treba li Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture odigrati značajniju kritičku ulogu u razvoju Fakulteta? Kako uopće podučavati i ‘vježbati’ kritičku
intervju s izv.prof. karin šerman
How do you see the relationship between ‘the discursive’ and ‘the practical’ in relation to the education process of future architects and urban planners? Do you see them as reciprocal, mutually supportive practices or is it possible to have a situation that creates productive, critical tensions between these two fields?
There is a common widespread criticism along the lines of certain separation and distance of ‘discursive’ and ‘practical’ aspects in architecture, in the sense that theory and practice are not sufficiently connected and overlapped. Such criticism shows a desire for a more direct ‘application’ of theory in practice. That suspicion towards ‘pure’ theory is in part understandable, already because of the difficulty and density of the theoretical text itself. However, in that appeal for their unification I see at the same time a certain problem. Each theoretical exploration aims, without a doubt, to be in ‘service of building‘, i.e., to inform and guide the conception of concrete architectural strategies, techniques and operations. But in order to do that, to devote itself to such a precarious yet necessary research, theory should strategically distance itself from the immediate practice. The absence of full overlapping of theory and practice is an indispensable and vital precondition of that very theory. Theory and practice therefore must be separate entities, strategically removed platforms, precisely in order for both of them to be ultimately truly successful. Calls and demands for the closer ‘operationalization of theory’ compromise and endanger, in a way, the purpose and idea of theory.
How much, if at all, is it necessary to continue to develop and foster critical thinking in the education process, or is the primary purpose to introduce students to the well-rounded history of the development of architecture and architectural thought, and to the current theoretical movements? Revision of design concepts leads to the integration of knowledge and narrowly defined skills in architecture, urban planning and technology. What is the role of theory in all that? Architectural theory is assumed to be applied to design projects in the process governed by teachers who are professional architects. Is it possible to have a situation in which the Department of History and Theory participates in the studios more
interview with assoc.prof. karin šerman
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
misao? Internacionalno se u arhitektonskoj edukaciji i akademskom radu istražuju i različiti oblici istraživačkog rada koji koriste specifično arhitektonske alate i načine reprezentacije, a te tendencije očite su i u publikacijama i na izložbama s različitim uspjehom. Kako komentirate te istraživačke metode koje nisu ‘čista’ teorija i hoće li se one razvijati u budućnosti i na našem Fakultetu?
U tom smislu ne smatram nužno potrebnim niti imperativno presudnim integriranje teorije u rad pojedinih projektnih studija i radionica na našem Fakultetu. U svakom slučaju, takvi su susreti sporadično dobrodošli i nesumnjivo bi bili zanimljivi kao pedagoški eksperimenti, na tragu svojevrsnih ‘istraživačkih studija’ ili ‘istraživačkih praksi’. Ali ujedno sam duboko uvjerena da teorija ima pravo, a donekle i obvezu, samu sebe stalno historizirati, preispitivati i inventarizirati, promišljati arhitekturu upravo na taj odmaknuti i slobodni način. Da se, premda zvuči naoko paradoksalno, mora baviti sama sobom kako bi u konačnici bila istinski korisna, pa i operativna, za praksu. Ona mora opetovano problematizirati naslijeđeno viđenje arhitekture kao discipline te oslovljavati pitanja njezina identiteta, zadataka, sredstava, potencijala, strategija, čime se kristalizira i njezina pozicija i uloga danas. Tom teorijskom koncentracijom može se izlučiti novi spektar konceptualnih i kritičkih alata neophodnih za istinsko razumijevanje, analitičko sagledavanje te informirano znanstvenoistraživačko i stvaralačko djelovanje u vlastitome kompleksnom trenutku. Zato teorijsko bavljenje danas postiže i novo uzbuđenje i urgentnost. I utoliko sam uvjerena da Katedra za teoriju i povijest može i mora biti mjesto novoga arhitektonskog znanja i generiranja novih pristupa, bez obzira postiže li to kroz svoje legitimno bavljenje ‘čistom’ teorijom ili njezinim mogućim eksperimentalnim projektantskim integriranjem i preispitivanjem. Dapače, čini mi se – uz trenutačno daleko prevalentan broj postojećih projektantskih studija i radionica u našim studijskim programima – da je kapitalni zadatak naše Katedre upravo njegovanje drukčijih vidova i modaliteta arhitektonskog istraživanja, odnosno poticanje i čisto teorijskog bavljenja kod studenata. Ta istraživačka komponenta koja bi razvijala specifične alate i analitičke tehnike smatram da je danas još nedovoljno zastupljena u radu na Fakultetu pa tu vidim prostor za naše buduće napore i nove pedagoške projekte. S jedne je strane neophodno i dalje sustavno upoznavati studente s poviješću razvoja teorijske misli, dakle opremati ih elementarnim teorijskim konceptima i alatima te razumijevanjem njihove geneze iz specifičnih povijesnih situacija, ali bi također bilo potrebno kod studenata snažnije poticati sposobnost njihove kritičke valorizacije i suverenog baratanja tim svladanim i usvojenim konceptima. Upravo taj segment nastavnog procesa, u neku ruku ‘vježbanje’ teorijske i kritičke misli, pritom ne nužno vezan za projektantske studije i radionice, ostaje naš veliki pedagoški izazov i zadatak.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
intensively, or in other words, to achieve denser integration of knowledge? Should the Department have a more significant critical role in the development of the Faculty? How to teach critical thinking in the first place? International architectural education processes explore various forms of researches which use specific architectural tools and representation methods, and these tendencies are obviously present in publications and exhibitions, meeting various degrees of success. How would you comment on the research methods that are not ‘pure’ theory, and are they going to be developed at our Faculty in the future?
I do not consider it absolutely necessary to directly integrate and ‘apply’ theory into the work of design studios and workshops at our School. Of course, such encounters and closer amalgamations are surely welcome and desired, and they would most certainly be interesting as educational experiments, something along the line of ‘research studios’ or ‘research through project‘. Yet I am at the same time deeply convinced that theory has the right, and even the duty, to deal with itself – to commit to intense selfhistoricizing, re-examination and inventarization, of thinking about architecture in that free and distanced way. Even if it may sound paradoxical, theory should deal with itself in order to ultimately be truly useful and even ‘operational’ in practice. Theory needs to constantly re-problematize the inherited notions of architecture as a discipline and address the issues of disciplinary identity, mission, potentials, strategies, instruments and tools, whereby its current role and position become clearer and more defined. This concentration on theory can in the end produce a new spectrum of concepts and critical tools necessary for true understanding, analytical perception and informed scholarly and creative participation in our own complex moment. Therefore, theory today can rightfully achieve even new excitement and urgency. And I am positively convinced that our Department of History and Theory can, and needs to be, a site of production of such new architectural knowledge and creation of new approaches, regardless whether it achieves that through its legitimate exploration of a ‘pure’ theory or through its possible experimental practical integration. With the currently prevalent number of studios and workshops in the curriculum of our School, it indeed seem to me that the major task of our Department would be to cultivate different approaches and modalities of architectural research, i.e., to encourage pure theoretical interests and engagements among students. That research component – which would prompt developing specific tools and analytical methods – is in my opinion today still insufficiently cultivated in our work with the students and here is where I see space for future efforts and new education projects. It is necessary, on the one hand, to continue to systematically provide students with essential
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Predmeti iz arhitektonske teorije i povijesti obrađuju, koliko to prilike dopuštaju, i društvenu teoriju. Nekoliko kolegija pokriva sociologiju i antropologiju, no mislite li kako bi bilo korisno proširiti edukaciju iz humanističkih znanosti? Smatrate li da bi naglasak trebao biti na teoriji i povijesti ‘vizualnih umjetnosti’ ili suvremeni trenutak traži od arhitekata drugu vrstu znanja, više usmjerenu prema drugim poljima? Na koji način svrstavanje arhitekture i urbanizma u polje tehničkih disciplina utječe na znanstvenoistraživački rad iz područja teorije i povijesti arhitekture? Isključuje li to neke teme koje bi se obrađivale u doktorskim radovima ili je ipak moguće prilagoditi teme zahtjevima koji dolaze iz tehničkog polja? Mislite li da je potrebno pokretanje umjetničkoga doktorskog studija arhitekture i na kojim osnovama? Naravno, u svjetlu usvojenoga generalnog poimanja teorije kao kritičke ‘prakse medijacije’ ili ‘posredovanja’, otvorene prema saznanjima iz drugih kulturnih grana i spremne da njihove relevantne koncepte adekvatno prevede u svoje područje te time konstituira alate i metode vlastitoga mišljenja – u nastavnom bi procesu na našem Fakultetu izuzetno korisni bili i drugi kolegiji iz društveno-humanističkog područja. Pritom mi se čini svejedno da li mi te kolegije uvodimo na Fakultetu zasebno ili u nastavi koristimo bogate resurse čitavoga zagrebačkog Sveučilišta. Ti su potencijali interdisciplinarnog učenja i istraživanja na našem Sveučilištu začuđujuće slabo iskorišteni. Jer, ako ‘posredovanje’ znači uspostavljanje adekvatnih odnosa između odgovarajućih razina različitih društvenih, tehničkih i formalno-estetskih ‘podtekstova’ koji tek zajedno sačinjavaju konkretan kulturni ‘kontekst’, onda je upravo ovakvo integralno djelovanje teorije sredstvo kojim ona nadilazi štetno odjeljivanje formalnih, tehničkih i društvenih sfera, kao i sputavajuću usku specijalizaciju akademskih disciplina, a to se, nažalost, danas kod nas učestalo i neopravdano događa, sa svim štetnim posljedicama. Osim ovih užih teorijskih fokusa, u sklopu središnjih preokupacija i zadataka Katedre za teoriju i povijest arhitekture apostrofirala bih i već prepoznatljivo razvijenu i postojano njegovanu istraživačku koncentraciju na bogate slojeve hrvatske arhitektonske i urbanističke baštine. Istraživanje i prezentiranje hrvatske graditeljske tradicije i urbane kulture, s njezinim neprocjenjivim lekcijama urbanog ponašanja i djelovanja, predmet su ozbiljnog i kontinuiranog bavljenja ove Katedre kojim se sustavno proširuje fundus znanja kao kreativna referentna memorija hrvatskoga kulturološkog prostora. Usvajanjem i razumijevanjem tog fundusa i tog segmenta arhitektonskog stvaralaštva, uključivo i izuzetno vrijedan i važan segment modernog naslijeđa hrvatske arhitekture 20. stoljeća, uz razvijanje sposobnosti njegova kritičkog sagledavanja i tumačenja – studenti se adekvatno opremaju za vlastit kreativni pristup arhitektonskom projektiranju lociranom na razmeđi globalnih civilizacijskih fenomena arhitekture i pripadnog im identiteta regionalnih kultura.
intervju s izv.prof. karin šerman
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
knowledge on the history and development of theory and to equip them with elementary theoretical concepts and tools necessary to understand theoretical strivings. But it is also necessary to more actively encourage students to use and broaden their abilities for critical thinking and independent use of the acquired concepts. It is exactly this segment of the teaching process that is in a way an ‘exercise’ in theoretical and critical thinking, not necessarily related to studios and workshops, and this continues to be our major educational objective and challenge.
Courses in architectural theory and history explore even social theories, to the extent that the present conditions allow. Several courses deal with sociology and anthropology, but do you think it would be useful to employ and discuss ideas from the broader scope of human sciences? Do you think the emphasis should be placed on theory and history of ‘visual arts’, or the contemporary situation requires architects to perhaps have deeper knowledge from other areas? In what way does the categorization of architecture and urbanism into the field of technical sciences influence scholarly research in architectural theory and history? Does it exclude some of the topics that could possibly be explored in doctoral dissertations, or in other words, is it possible to modify topics that come from the strict technical field? Do you consider necessary the introduction of ‘artistic doctoral programme’ in architecture and on what grounds?
Naturally, in view of the acquired general understanding of theory as a critical ‘practice of mediation’ – open to new knowledge from other cultural fields, ready to use their relevant concepts and translate them into its own domain such that it can constitute new tools and methods of its own reasoning – it would be more than useful to include into the teaching process at our Faculty courses in topics pertaining to the broader fields of human and social sciences. In so doing, it seems to me less important whether those courses would form part of our own curriculum at the Faculty, or if they would be attended at other faculties which constitute our University. These potentials of interdisciplinarity in the education process which is offered at our University are, according to my opinion, still not utilized and exploited enough. If ‘mediation’ means the establishment of appropriate relationships between related levels of different social, technical and aesthetic ‘subtexts’ that jointly participate in constructing our common cultural ‘context’, then it is exactly this sort of integral theoretical approach that would be the right tool which could help overcoming those detrimental divisions of formal, technical and social spheres, as well as restrictive, narrow specialization of academic disciplines. Unfortunately, that is happening today quite frequently, with all the damaging consequences. In addition to these more theoretically focused interests, the preoccupation of the Department of History and Theory include the continuous and serious research into the rich layers of Cro-
interview with assoc.prof. karin šerman
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
U cilju pak poticanja autohtonog i odgovornog, a u isti mah kreativnog i inovativnog djelovanja u naslijeđenoj vrijednoj arhitektonskoj baštini, Katedra svojom posebnom zadaćom smatra proučavanje i promoviranje problematike graditeljskog naslijeđa. Danas je tema graditeljskog naslijeđa tema od globalno atraktivnog i relevantnog značenja, kojoj se s pojačanom pozornošću posvećuju najjače svjetske arhitektonske škole, a ona je na našem Fakultetu uistinu tradicionalno njegovana i kontinuirano prisutna. Izazovi u istraživanju te obnovi i zaštiti graditeljskog naslijeđa, kao i postupci i mogućnosti projektiranja u vrijednim povijesnim arhitektonskim i urbanim kontekstima, teme su koje ovoj Katedri daju prepoznatljiv pečat i na kojima se ubuduće planira pojačano djelovati, kako u stručnom, tako i u znanstvenoistraživačkom te nastavnom aspektu, i to na različitim razinama studija.
atian architectural and urban heritage. Exploration and presentation of Croatian architectural and urban tradition, with its invaluable lessons in culture of urban behaviour, are the topics of a devoted and lasting interest of the Department. Such enquiries contribute to construction of a valuable body of knowledge that serves as a referential creative memory of Croatian cultural space. Through the study of this rich historical material, along with the understanding of its particularly important moment – the modern 20th century Croatian architecture – students develop abilities to critically observe, interpret and carefully use the layers of heritage. In this way – by studying architecture located between global phenomena and the identities of local and regional architectural legacy – students are encouraged to define their own individual informed creative approach to the issues of architectural reactions and design.
Koje biste znanstvenoistraživačke radove i stručnu aktivnost nastavnika na Katedri izdvojili? Također, na koji se način nastavni rad mijenjao i ažurirao tijekom posljednjih godina? Znanstvenoistraživački rad na Katedri posvećuje se ponajprije istraživanju povijesne, moderne i suvremene hrvatske i svjetske arhitekture i kulture, problemima obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa i recentnom teorijskom diskursu. Provodi se kroz objavljivanje niza znanstvenih i stručnih članaka, istaknutih i nagrađivanih knjiga iz teorijsko-povijesnog područja ili poglavlja u knjigama, kroz sudjelovanja članova Katedre na značajnim domaćim i međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima, kroz javna predavanja, stručne studije i zahvate te niz drugih znanstvenoistraživačkih i stručnih aktivnosti, kao što je moguće vidjeti iz pregleda znanstvene i stručne produkcije pojedinih Kabineta. Cjelokupna aktivnost Katedre za teoriju i povijest arhitekture, kroz svoje razne segmente i vidove rada te zasebne Kabinete i kolegije, svakako je usmjerena afirmiranju i podizanju društvene i kulturne percepcije o važnosti i ulozi arhitektonskog djela te oblikovanja prostora kao nositelja lokalnoga kulturnog identiteta.
The Department’s commitment to the promotion of the issues of built heritage is aimed at encouraging an authentic and responsible, if creative and innovative, design responses in the local environment. While this topic of built heritage recently acquires central position and research interests in many of the leading architectural schools, at our Faculty it has traditionally been highly valued and attentively explored. Challenges in research, renovation and protection of the built heritage, as well as the design methods and procedures in valuable historic architectural and urban contexts, are topics that render special prominence to this Department, and they will certainly continue to serve as the basis for our future professional, scholarly and educational activities.
What scientific, research or professional activities of the department members would you specially mention? In what way have teaching activities been changed and updated during the last several years?
The scholarly work of the Department is primarily devoted to the exploration of historic, modern and contemporary Croatian architecture and culture, assessed in their broader global contexts; then the various aspects, problems and challenges of architectural heritage; as well as the current theoretical discourse. Scholarly activity evolves through participation of the Department members in important Croatian and international scientific conferences and symposia, through publishing scholarly and professional papers and books, through series of public lectures, professional study reports and a number of other activities, as is visible from the overviews of scholarly and professional production of the Department's sections. All activities of the Department, through its various pursuits, its distinct sections and numerous study courses, are ultimately focused on raising awareness and social and cultural perception of the importance and the role of architecture in shaping space as a bearer of cultural identity.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa
Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesor / professor
docent / Assistant Professor
predavač / lecturer
vanjski suradnik / Teaching Associate
prof.dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko
dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko
dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić
mr.sc. Alan Braun
Irma Huić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
2 2 2 2 1 1 dan 3 dana
0 0 0 0 0 – –
I. II. III. IV. V. – –
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Povijest arhitekture 1 / History of Architecture 1 Povijest arhitekture 2 / History of Architecture 2 Povijest arhitekture 3 / History of Architecture 3 Povijest arhitekture 4 / History of Architecture 4 Zaštita graditeljskog naslijeđa / Conservation of Built Heritage Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb / Croatian Space and Architecture – Zagreb Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra / Croatian Space and Architecture – Istra
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Graditeljsko naslijeđe 2 / Architectural Heritage
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa Redovni kolegiji kabineta su: Povijest arhitekture 1 – 4, Zaštita graditeljskog naslijeđa te Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb, Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra na preddiplomskom studiju, Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa te izborni kolegiji Graditeljsko naslijeđe 1 – 3 na diplomskom studiju. Na kolegijima Povijest arhitekture 1 – 4 stječu se osnovna znanja o arhitekturi pojedinog povijesnog razdoblja – posebno se osvrćući pritom i na primjere u Hrvatskoj – kao rezultatu različitih tehničkih, funkcijskih i umjetničkih zahvata. U nastavi se posebno usredotočilo na razumijevanje (1) teorije i prakse u arhitekturi, (2) funkcijske tipologije arhitekture kao osnove za kreativnu interpretaciju (3) povijesnih ograničenja okoliša i raznih prilagodba (klima, građevni materijali) te utjecaja razvoja društva na arhitekturu, (4) međusobnih odnosa materijala, konstrukcije, tehnologije i oblikovanja arhitekture, te konačno (5) razumijevanje arhitektonskih nacrta kao dvodimenzionalnih prikaza trodimenzionalne stvarnosti. Kolegij Povijest arhitekture 1 uvodi studente u proučavanje povijesne arhitekture te oni stječu osnovna znanja o arhitekturi starog vijeka analizama konstruktivnog, funkcijskog i oblikovnog aspekta arhitekture toga razdoblja. Kolegij Povijest arhitekture 2 propituje odnos duhovnog, liturgijske funkcije i oblikovanja sakralne arhitekture u pojedinim razdobljima od ranog kršćanstva do kraja srednjeg vijeka, posebno analizirajući sintezu ideje, tehnologije i konstrukcije u gotici. Kolegij Povijest arhitekture 3 omogućuje studentima uvid u ideje klasične arhitekture kako su definirane u renesansi i praćenje njihove transformacije kroz baroknu arhitekturu. Tema ovog kolegija su kontinuitet i varijacije arhitekture od početka ranog modernog doba do sredine 18. st. s osvrtom na specifičnosti nacionalnih arhitektura. Studenti stječu znanja o odnosu realne arhitekture i ciljanog doživljavanja arhitektonskih prostora, o arhitekturi kao nositelju poruka i rezultatu različitih društvenih, funkcijskih i umjetničkih zahtjeva.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection The courses History of Architecture 1 – 4 equips students with knowledge on architecture of particular historical periods, including Croatian examples which was the result of different technical, functional and artistic elements used at the time. In teaching, special attention was given to the comprehension of (1) architectural theory and practice, (2) functional typology of architecture as the basis for creative interpretation, (3) historical environmental limitations and various adaptations (climate, building materials) and impacts of social development on architecture, (4) interrelationship of material, structure, technology and architectural design, and finally, (5) understanding of architectural drawings as two-dimensional representations of threedimensional reality History of Architecture 1 introduces students to historic architecture and equips them with basic knowledge on ancient architecture through analyses of structural, functional and design aspects. History of Architecture 2 examines the relationship between the spiritual aspect, liturgy and design of sacral architecture in certain periods from early Christianity to the end of the Middle Ages, with a special analysis of the integration of idea, technology and structure in Gothic architecture. History of Architecture 3 provides students with an insight into ideas of classical architecture as they were defined by Renaissance and their transformations through Baroque architecture. The topic of this course is the architectural continuity and variations from the beginning of early modern age to the mid-18th century with accounts of specific features of national architectures. Students are equipped with knowledge on the relationship between actual architectural accomplishments and desired experience of architectural space, on the architecture as a message and as a result of different social, functional and artistic requirements. History of Architecture 4 analyses 19th century architecture from the industrial revolution to the emergence of modern architecture in the early 20th century. Students are provided with basic knowledge on architecture from 1750 to 1900 through learning about functional typology of architecture as the basis for creative interpretations of types in the end of the 19th century with special attention paid to the roots of modern architecture in the 19th century. The course introduces students to the theory and practice of protection and renovation of architectural heritage and equips them with basic knowledge on the issues of the built heritage protection and conservation necessary to architects, regardless of their interests in historic architecture.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kolegij Povijest arhitekture 4 analizira arhitekturu 19. st. od industrijske revolucije do pojave moderne arhitekture početkom 20. st. Studenti stječu osnovna znanja o arhitekturi od 1750. do 1900. upoznavanjem funkcijske tipologije arhitekture kao osnove za kreativnu interpretaciju bogatstva tipova na kraju 19. st s posebnim osvrtom na korijene moderne arhitekture u 19. st.
The course Protection and Renovation ff Architectural Heritage is composed of three parts. The first part includes the basic terminology in renovation: what is a cultural asset and what are the types, UNESCO World Heritage List and Croatian cultural heritage on the list, categories of heritage value, causes of damage and deterioration, methods of protection and renovation of cultural assets (restoration, reconstruction, conservation, dislocation...). The second part deals with the historical development of cultural heritage protection, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, with special attention given to Croatian examples and to basic postolates of international conventions (charters) on the protection and renovation of architectural heritage. The third part comprises lectures which elaborate each of the issues related to the topics of the course by illustrating them on concrete and contemporary examples.
Kolegij Zaštita i obnova graditeljskog naslijeđa predstavlja uvod u teoriju i praksu zaštite i obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa i daje studentima osnovna znanja o problematici zaštite graditeljskog naslijeđa, potrebna svim arhitektima, bez obzira na njihov interes za povijesnu arhitekturu. Kolegij ima tri osnovne cjeline. Prvu predstavljaju osnovni pojmovi iz domene obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa: što je to i koje su vrste kulturnih dobara, što je to registar kulturnih dobara i koje su kategorije zaštite kulturnih dobara, UNESCO-va lista svjetske baštine i hrvatska kulturna dobra na listi, kategorije vrijednosti baštine i uzroci propadanja te metode zaštite i obnove kulturnih dobara (restauracija, rekonstrukcija, konzervacija, dislokacija…). Drugu cjelinu čini pregled povijesnog razvoja zaštite kulturnih dobara od početka 19. stoljeća pa do danas s posebnim osvrtom na hrvatske primjere te upoznavanje s osnovnim postulatima međunarodnih konvencija (povelja) o zaštiti i obnovi graditeljskog naslijeđa. U trećoj cjelini predavanja se na konkretnim i aktualnim primjerima elaborira svaki od problema zaštite koji su tema kolegija. Izborni kolegij Graditeljsko naslijeđe 2 obrađuje teme vezane uz metode znanstvenog istraživanja, metode obnove i kriterije prezentacije nepokretnih kulturnih dobara. Studenti se podučavaju kako samostalno istraživati i analizirati povijesnu arhitekturu. Na pojedinom primjeru, kojeg odabiru u dogovoru s voditeljem kolegija, studenti izrađuju seminarski rad – konzervatorski elaborat – koji se sastoji od tri osnovne cjeline: prostorno-povijesnog razvoja građevine ili sklopa (odgovor na pitanje zašto štitimo?), analize postojećeg stanja i prijedloga nove namjene i prezentacije (odgovor na pitanje kako štitimo?). U svom radu studenti koriste publiciranu znanstvenu literaturu vezanu uz odabrano kulturno dobro, proučavaju sačuvanu arhivsku građu i – što je i najvažnije – obilaze povijesnu arhitekturu i analiziraju je na licu mjesta. Izrada takvog seminarskog rada daje studentima osnovna znanja o metodama istraživanja povijesnih građevina te im pojašnjava metode obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa što predstavlja temelj za rad arhitekta na obnovi i zaštiti graditeljske baštine.
Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa
The elective course Architectural Heritage 2 deals with topics related to the methods of scholarly research, renovation and criteria for the presentation of immovable cultural assets. Students are taught how to individually research and analyse historic buildings. Specific cases, which they select in consultation with the instructor, form the basis of the students' paper assignment – conservation report which is comprised of three parts: spatial and historical development of a building or a complex (answer to the question ‘why to protect’?), analysis of the existing state and a proposal for a new use and presentation (answer to the question ‘how to protect’?). For their written assignments students use published scientific literature related to the chosen cultural asset, they investigate the preserved archival material, and most importantly, they visit the historic building and observe it in situ. The creation of such a paper provides students with basic knowledge on research methods of historic buildings and offers them explanations of renovation methods of the built heritage which is fundamental to architect's role in renovation and protection of the built heritage.
Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
RADIONICA GRADITELJSKOG NASLIJEĐA / Architectural Heritage design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2. 3. Suradnici / Associates Egon Lokošek, Irma Huić, Igor Ekštajn
voditelji / supervisors
Tatjana Cafuk
Alan Braun Nataša Jakšić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Obnova i prenamjena kaštela u Kršanu i renesansne patricijske kuće Moise u Cresu
Renovation and Conversion of the Castle in Kršan and Renaissance Patrician House Moise in Cres
Cilj Radionice graditeljskog naslijeđa jest teoretsko i praktično upoznavanje studenata sa svim fazama i dijelovima istraživačke i projektne dokumentacije u složenom interdisciplinarnom procesu rada na obnovi graditeljske baštine. Na odabranim zadacima studenti se bave istraživanjem nepokretnog kulturnog dobra i predlažu idejno projektantsko rješenje obnove i buduće namjene. U ljetnom semestru akademske godine 2011./2012. studentima su ponuđena dva zadatka (oba pojedinačno zaštićena kulturna dobra): obnova kaštela u Kršanu i prenamjena u turističke svrhe te obnova renesansne patricijske kuće Moise u Cresu i prenamjena u edukacijske svrhe (poslijediplomski sveučilišni centar). Radionicu je upisalo 12 studenata koji su pokazali izuzetan interes za problematiku obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa i, sukladno tome, postigli izuzetno dobre rezultate u svom radu. Pored metode projektiranja u povijesnoj arhitekturi, studente se, kroz predavanja, upoznaje i s specifičnom problematikom obnove povijesne nosive konstrukcije, fizike povijesne zgrade i sl.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
The aim of the workshop is to provide students with practical experience in and theoretical knowledge on all stages and parts of research and design documentation of complex interdisciplinary procedures of architectural heritage renovation. Students select assignments through which they research immovable cultural assets and propose conceptual designs for their renovation and future uses. During the summer semester in the academic year 2011/2012 students were offered two assignments (both were individually protected cultural assets): renovation of the Renaissance house Moise on the island of Cres and its re-use as a postgraduate university centre and the renovation of the castle in Kršan and its conversion for tourism use. The twelve students who participated in the workshop showed a great interest in renovation of architectural heritage, which led to exceptional results. In addition to historic design methods, students learnt about specific problems of renovation of historic load-bearing structures, physics of historic buildings and the like.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Maja Francuz
Alan Braun Nataša Jakšić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa
Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Znanstvenoistraživački rad
Scientific Work Topics that the faculty participating in this Section has engaged in during the past year have been related to the analysis and evaluation of architectural heritage, as well as its restoration and conservation.
Teme kojima su se nastavnici Kabineta bavili ove akademske godine vezane su za analizu, valorizaciju te problematiku obnove i zaštite graditeljskog naslijeđa.
autori / authors: Alan Braun, Zvonimir Sigmund izlaganje na skupu, sažetak / paper presentation, summary: Izazov za preinakom graditeljskog naslijeđa / A Challenge of Retrofitting a Historical Building Konferencija / conference: Building Materials and Building Technology to Preserve the Built Heritage, 2nd WTA-International PhD Symposium, Brno, 06. – 07.10.2011.
autori / authors: Nataša Jakšić, Karin Šerman članak / paper: Kamenita vrata u Zagrebu: Obnova unutrašnjeg prostora prema projektu Jurja Denzlera, Prostor: znanstveni časopis za arhitekturu i urbanizam, 19 (2011), 2 (42), 350 – 361 / Stone Gate in Zagreb: Juraj Denzler’s design for the reconstruction of the interior objavljeno u / published in: Prostor: znanstveni časopis za arhitekturu i urbanizam 19 (2011), 2 (42), 350 – 361
autori / authors: Tamara Marić, Nataša Jakšić članak / paper: Petrinjska ulica u Zagrebu: Arhitektonskourbanistički slojevi od druge polovice 18. do kraja 20. stoljeća / Architectural and urban designs from the second half of the eighteenth to the late twentieth century objavljeno u / published in: Prostor: znanstveni časopis za arhitekturu i urbanizam 19 (2011), 2 (42), 322 – 335
Pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun istraživao je specifične probleme obnove i konstruktivne konsolidacije kamene arhitekture na primjeru kurije Hrašće pokraj Ozlja te arhitekture čelika i drva na primjeru Francuskog paviljona u sklopu Studentskog centra Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Alan Braun, Tomislav Vidović: Obnova Francuskog paviljona u Zagrebu s aspekta njegovih tehničko-tehnoloških vrijednosti, 5. međunarodna konferencija o industrijskoj baštini, Pro torpedo, Rijeka, Građevinski fakultet u Rijeci, 25. – 26.05.2012.), dok je doc. dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić istraživala specifične aspekte pristupa graditeljskom naslijeđu u međuratnom razdoblju na primjeru Denzlerove obnove Kamenitih vrata u Zagrebu, kao i međuratne pristupe gradnji novih zgrada u definiranomu urbanističkom tkivu na primjeru Denzlerove Upravne zgrade Gradskih poduzeća iz 1935. godine (Nataša Jakšić, Karin Šerman: Novo u starom: Denzlerova Upravna zgrada Gradskih poduzeća u Zagrebu iz 1935. godine u historicističkom tkivu zagrebačkog Donjega grada, Arhitekturna zgodovina: Med starim in novim, Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana 24. – 26.11.2011.). Doc.dr.sc. N. Jakšić sustavno je istražila arhitektonsku slojevitost Petrinjske ulice u Zagrebu koja se od običnoga prilaznog puta iz 18. stoljeća razvila u višeslojnu gradsku ulicu s građevinama brojnih priznatih graditelja i arhitekata te djelima koja svojom kvalitetom nadilaze standard pojedinoga stilskog razdoblja. Pred.mr.sc. A. Braun održao je i više javnih predavanja iz domene obnove i zaštite graditeljskog naslijeđa: Metodologija obnove nepokretnih kulturnih dobara na primjeru Francuskog paviljona u Zagrebu, Graditeljska tehnička škola, Zagreb, 26.11.2011.; Iskustva korištenja sredstava spomeničke rente na primjeru grada Rijeke, Društvo arhitekata Zagreba, 01.03.2012.; Projekt obnove patricijske gradske kuće Moise u Cresu za potrebe Sveučilišnog centra Rijeka, Filozofski fakultet, Rijeka, 19.05.2012. i Poglavarstvo grada Cresa, 19.07.2012. te Održiva baština: dva primjera suvremenog korištenja samostana, Ljetna škola ‘Tradicija i suvremenost’, Lopud, 17.09.2012.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Alan Braun investigated some specific issues linked to the restoration and constructive consolidation of stone architecture on the example of the Hrašće mansion near Ozalj, as well as steel and timber architecture on the example of the French Pavilion, part of the Student Centre, University of Zagreb (Alan Braun and Tomislav Vidović: Obnova Francuskog paviljona u Zagrebu s aspekta njegovih tehničko-tehnoloških vrijednosti [Restoration of the French Pavilion from the point of its technical and technological assets], 5th International Conference on Industrial Heritage, Pro torpedo, Rijeka, Faculty of Civic Engineering in Rijeka, 25 – 26 May 2012), while Nataša Jakšić researched some of the specific aspects in approaching architectural legacy in the period between the two World Wars on the example of Denzler’s restoration of the Stone Gate in Zagreb, as well as the interwar approaches to the construction of new buildings in a predefined urban tissue on the example of Denzler’s Administrative Building of the Municipal Services from 1935 (Nataša Jakšić and Karin Šerman: Novo u starom: Denzlerova Upravna zgrada Gradskih poduzeća u Zagrebu iz 1935. godine u historicističkom tkivu zagrebačkog Donjega grada [New in the Old: Denzler’s Administrative Building of the Municipal Communal Services in 1935, in Zagreb’s Lower Town historicist tissue], Arhitekturna zgodovina: Med starim in novim, Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, 24 – 26 November 2011). N. Jakšić also systematically explored the architectural layers of Petrinjska Street in Zagreb, which has developed from a mere access lane in the eighteenth century to a multilayered urban street with buildings designed by several distinguished architects and engineers, which surpass the standard of their stylistic period in quality. A. Braun held a number of public lectures on topic from the field of restoration and conservation of architectural heritage: Methods of reconstruction of immovable cultural heritage: The case of French Pavilion in Zagreb, School of Civic Engineering and Technology, Zagreb, 26 November 2011; Experiences in using the monument tax: The case of Rijeka, Architects’ Association Zagreb, 1 March 2012; Project of restoring the patrician urban mansion Moise on the island of Cres for the needs of University Centre Rijeka, Faculty of Philosophy Rijeka, 19 May 2012 and the Mayor’s Office in Cres, 19 July 2012, and Sustainable heritage: Two cases of the contemporary use of monasteries, Summer School ‘Tradition and Contemporaneity’, Lopud, 17 September 2012.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture
Section of Architectural Theory
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
izvanredni profesor / assoc. Professor
znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant
prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman
dr.sc. Karin Šerman
mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 2
0 0
I. II.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Uvod u teoriju arhitekture / Introduction to Theory of Architecture
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Teorija arhitekture 1 / Theory of Architecture 1 Teorija arhitekture 2 / Theory of Architecture 2
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Nastavni rad / teaching
Mapiranje teorije
Mapping Theory
Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture posvećuje se sustavnom istraživanju i promišljanju raznorodnih slojeva kompleksne i inkluzivne, a društveno kapitalne i vitalno važne discipline arhitekture. Kroz aktivnosti ovog kabineta – nastavne i znanstvenoistraživačke – preispituju se i analiziraju koncepti koji rukovode, uvjetuju i usmjeruju arhitektonsko razmišljanje i djelovanje. Ispituju se, s jedne strane, inherentni i duboko specifični principi, metode, strategije, načini mišljenja i operiranja arhitektonske discipline, ali istovremeno se naznačuju i njezini nužni odnosi i interakcije s drugim sferama kulturne produkcije – umjetnosti, znanosti, tehnologijom, ekonomijom, politikom – kao tvorbenim komponentama određenog društveno-povijesnog konteksta, s čimbenicima i ideološkim utjecajima koji nužno uvjetuju i usmjeruju i samu arhitekturu. Ovakav pristup omogućava sagledavanje arhitekture kao specifične i autonomne prostorne discipline, ali istovremeno i kao nužno društveno uvjetovane i angažirane kulturne grane, te se razvija ovladavanje alatima za njezino ozbiljno i odgovorno promišljanje, razumijevanje i prakticiranje. Kroz nastavu na kolegijima ovog kabineta – Uvod u teoriju arhitekture u preddiplomskom ciklusu studija, Teorija arhitekture 1 i 2 u diplomskom ciklusu, te nizu teorijskih kolegija u sklopu doktorskoga studija – prezentira se i diskutira čitav spektar teorijskih koncepata razvijenih tijekom povijesti s ciljem da objasne produkciju i recepciju arhitekture, sagledavajući pritom i problematiku samih povijesnih okruženja koji su potaknuli i omogućili nastajanje promatranih koncepata. Pritom se izdvajaju dva temeljna fokusa na koje se rasprava u okviru ovog kabineta usmjerava: pitanje na koji način arhitektura tumači i prihvaća svoju ulogu u određenom društveno-povijesnom trenutku, te koje zadatke i poziciju u takvom povijesnom previranju preuzima arhitektonska teorija kao njezina zasebna i središnja grana. Taj složeni odnos – aktivnog participiranja arhitekture u izgrađivanju vlastitog trenutka, pa sve do konkretnih metoda i strategija primijenjenih u procesu arhitektonskog projektiranja – predmet su bavljenja ovog kabineta. Pritom se problematizira i samo naslijeđeno viđenje arhitekture kao discipline – pitanja njezina identiteta, zadataka, sredstava, potencijala i strategija – te preispituje njezina pozicija i uloga danas. Te se teme, kroz nastavnu i znanstvenoistraživačku aktivnost kabineta, promišljaju na nizu konkretnih arhitektonskih primjera iz svjetske i hrvatske arhitektonske povijesti i sadašnjice.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
The Section of Theory of Architecture is dedicated to the systematic research into the multiple and diverse layers of the complex and inclusive discipline of architecture, as the vital and responsible social and cultural medium. Through its research and teaching activities, the Section of Architecture Theory examines concepts that govern, condition and influence architectural thinking and practice. The analyses include, on the one hand, the survey into the deeply inherent and specific principles, methods, instruments, strategies, and tools pertaining to the discipline of architecture proper, and on the other hand, its necessary contacts and interactions with other spheres of cultural production, such as art, science, technology, economy and politics – as active components of specific social and historical contexts, with factors and ideological impacts that necessarily condition and govern the production of architecture. Such an approach enables architecture to be assessed as an autonomous discipline, with its distinct modes of thought and operation, but also as a necessarily active and engaged social and cultural practice, with specific potentials and responsibilities. In this way students are provided with necessary knowledge for serious and responsible thinking and dealing with this complex spatial discipline. The Architecture Theory Section offers a selection of courses pertaining to the field of architectural theory, among which are: Introduction to Architectural Theory in the undergraduate programme, Theory of Architecture 1 and 2 in the graduate programme, and a number of theoretical courses in the doctoral programme. Courses elaborate and discuss a wide range of theoretical concepts generated through history with the aim of explaining the production and reception of architecture. Discussions thereby also examine the historical backgrounds that prompted and enabled such concepts. Two fundamental questions are addressed that way: how architecture explains and understands its role in a certain social and historical moment, and what tasks and responsibilities in such specific circumstances are given to architectural theory proper, as architecture’s central if specific segment. This complex relationship between an active participation of architecture in the construction of its own context, and concrete methods and strategies applied in the process of architectural thinking and design, are the main research interests of the Architecture Theory Section. The discussions thereby necessarily question and re-examine the inherited notions of the discipline of architecture, such as its identity, responsibilities, potentials, strategies and tools, just as its role and position today. These complex issues are examined on a variety of selected concrete architectural examples.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Diskurs o naslijeđu i suvremenosti
Znanstvenoistraživački rad Kabineta za teoriju arhitekture u protekloj se godini posvetio istraživanju pojedinih istaknutih tema iz problematike moderne i suvremene hrvatske arhitekture te njihovoj interpretaciji u širem kulturnom kontekstu i referentnom globalnom arhitektonskom okviru, kao i recentnom teorijskom diskursu. Obrađene teme predstavljene su kroz niz izlaganja na međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima, kroz objavljene članke u znanstvenim časopisima te održana javna predavanja. Izlaganjem na međunarodnom simpoziju na Sveučilištu u Ljubljani i člankom u časopisu Prostor, autorice Jakšić i Šerman tako su analizirale pojedine aspekte i pristupe u arhitektonskom opusu arhitekta Jurja Denzlera. Hrvatskim modernističkim arhitektonskim naslijeđem i njegovim kritičkim i teorijskim propitivanjem nastavila se baviti dr. Šerman kroz svoja javna predavanja o arhitektu Mladenu Kauzlariću održanima u Splitu i Zadru. Više teorijski intoniranim istraživanjem o fenomenu apstrakcije u hrvatskoj umjetnosti i arhitekturi 1950-ih i 1960-ih bavila se dr. Šerman na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji ‘Nove Tendencije / Nuove Tendenze: Art and Architecture in the '60s, Zagreb – Milano’ na Politecnico di Milano. Temom odnosa arhitekture i ideologije bavili su se autori Šerman i Ekštajn u svojem izlaganju o Jugoslavenskom paviljonu na 13. milanskom trijenalu iz 1964. godine arhitekta Vjenceslava Richtera, na međunarodnoj konferenciji ‘Arhitektura i ideologija’ Sveučilišta u Beogradu. Prezentaciji pak recentnih pojava u hrvatskoj suvremenoj arhitektonskoj produkciji te formaciji novih eksperimentalnih praksi posvetila se dr. Šerman u svom izlaganju na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji na Sveučilištu u Pečuhu. Osim ovim autorskim vidovima znanstvene produkcije, teorijski se angažman Kabineta provodio i kroz niz izvršenih recenzija znanstvenih knjiga te njihovih analiza i prikaza, kao i stručnih redaktura istaknutih djela iz područja moderne i suvremene arhitekture i kulture. Prvenstveno su time bila obuhvaćena djela posvećena temi Bauhausa i njegovim odjecima i utjecajima, ali i recenzije kapitalnih djela iz područja arhitektonske teorije i aktualne arhitektonske produkcije.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Discourse on Heritage and Present The scholarly work of the Section of Architecture Theory in 2011 – 2012 focused on the exploration of selected topics from the field of modern and contemporary Croatian architecture, assessed in a wider cultural context and global architectural framework, as well as on current theoretical discourse. The research was presented through numerous lectures and presentations at international symposia and conferences, as publications in major scholarly journals, and through a series of public lectures. Dr. Jakšić and Dr. Šerman analyzed specific aspects of the architect Juraj Denzler’s oeuvre and architectural approach, in their presentation at the international symposium held at the University of Ljubljana, and in their paper published in the scholarly journal Prostor. The research on Croatian modernist architectural heritage and its critical and theoretical assessment was continued by Dr. Šerman through her series of public lectures on the architect Mladen Kauzlarić, held in Split and Zadar. Somewhat more theoretically focused research on the phenomenon of abstraction in Croatian art and architecture of the 1950’s and 1960’s was presented by Dr. Šerman at the international scientific conference ‘New Tendencies / Nuove Tendenze: Art and Architecture in the '60s, Zagreb – Milano’ held at the Politecnico di Milano. Igor Ekštajn and Karin Šerman explored, further on, the issues of architecture and ideology in their presentation on the Yugoslav Pavilion at the 13th Milan Triennial Exhibition from 1964, designed by the architect Vjenceslav Richter. The presentation was delivered at the international conference on ‘Architecture and Ideology’ held at the University of Belgrade. Contemporary developments in Croatian architectural production and the formation of new experimental practices were explored by Dr. Šerman in her presentation at the international scientific conference at the University of Pécs. In addition to these authorial research works, the professional activity of the members of the Architecture Theory Section evolved also through reviews and editing of scholarly books and publications on modern and contemporary architecture and culture. They included some prominent publications on the topic of the Bauhaus and its reverberations and influences, but also some major books on architectural theory and current architectural production.
Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture posebnu je pažnju posvetio i zajedničkom znanstvenoistraživačkom radu nastavnika i studenata na polju teorijske problematike. S obzirom na složenost i zahtjevnost same teorijske materije, najveći broj takvih suradnji ostvaren je sa studentima viših razina studija,
The Section of Architecture Theory paid special attention on the promotion of joint scholarly work of professors and students within the field of architectural history and theory. Considering the dense and demanding nature of theoretical text, such joint research has been mainly carried out with students in higher years of study, primarily with doctoral candidates, through their doctoral dissertations and seminar papers.
Kabinet za teoriju arhitekture
Section of Architectural Theory
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
ponajprije s doktorskim studentima, kroz rad na njihovim disertacijama ili kroz seminarske radove u sklopu doktorskog studija.
A particularly successful example of such cooperation was the PhD thesis by Ana Šverko on the architectural projects of the renowned Venetian Classicist architect Giannantonio Selva made for Dalmatia. The thesis was completed and defended in 2011, with Dr. Šerman and Dr. Babić as advisors. This research led to a major paper on Selva’s project for the estate of the Garagnin family in Divulje near Trogir, published by Šverko and Šerman in the scholarly journal Prostor. In addition to this interesting Classicist topic, the research focus of doctoral students included also the period of the post-Word War II architectural modernism, which resulted in a paper dedicated to the creative approach of the architect Boris Krstulović, published by Vezilić-Strmo, Uchytil and Šerman in Prostor.
Primjeri takvih uspješnih suradnji su prvenstveno doktorska disertacija Ane Šverko o arhitektonskim projektima istaknutog venecijanskog klasicističkog arhitekta Giannantonija Selve izrađenih za Dalmaciju, koja je dovršena i obranjena 2011. godine pod mentorstvom dr. Šerman i dr. Ive Babića. Iz tog je istraživanja naknadno proizašao i zapaženi članak o Selvinu projektu za imanje obitelji Garagnin u Divuljama pokraj Trogira, autorica Šverko i Šerman, objavljen u časopisu Prostor. Od te zanimljive teme iz razdoblja klasicizma, fokus bavljenja istraživačkih suradnji s doktorskim studentima zahvatio je i period arhitektonskog modernizma poslijeratnog razdoblja, opredmetivši se u članku posvećenom stvaralačkoj metodi arhitekta Borisa Krstulovića, autora Vezilić Strmo, Uchytil i Šerman, objavljenom također u časopisu Prostor. Svi spomenuti radovi, osim što prezentiraju različite vidove istraživačke i znanstvene djelatnosti koja se provodi u okviru Kabineta za teoriju arhitekture, povratno se svojim uvidima ugrađuju i u samu nastavu i u rad sa studentima, sve s ciljem poticanja, promoviranja i daljnjeg razvoja teorijskog i kritičkog diskursa.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
All these works illustrate various modes of scholarly activity as it is practiced within the Section of Architecture Theory. The outcome of such research is in turn firmly embedded in the curriculum and the teaching practice of the Section, all with the aim of further stimulating, promoting and developing theoretical and critical discourse.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu
Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture
Članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesori / professors
docent / Assistant Professor
znanstveni novaci – asistenti / junior researchers and teaching assistants
prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski
dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil
dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić
Melita Čavlović Mojca Smode Cvitanović Marina Smokvina
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
2 0 0 2 dana
0 9 11 –
VI. V. VI. –
5 dana
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1
0 0
I. I.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Svjetska moderna i suvremena arhitektura 20. st. / Modern and Contemporary Architecture in 20th Century Hrvatska arhitektura 20. st. / Croatian Architecture in 20th Century Studio 3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4 Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – sz Hrvatska / Croatian Space and Architecture – nw Croatia diplomski studij / graduate study programme Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Dalmacija / Croatian Space and Architecture – Dalmatia
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Autorski pristup hrvatskih arhitekta / Croatian Architects Author's Approaches Industrijska arheologija / Industrial Archeology
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti pri Kabinetu za suvremenu arhitekturu svojim se interkatedarskim djelovanjem i angažmanom razvija duž cijelog nastavnog programa Arhitektonskog fakulteta. Pedagoški proces integrira preddiplomsku, diplomsku i poslijediplomsku razinu nastave u jedinstvenu grupu 14 srodnih curriculuma. Posebno težište u stjecanju znanja studenata usmjereno je spram razumijevanja tipologije arhitektonskih formata, planova, povijesnih i arbitriranih događaja te posljedično, mogućnostima oblikovanja arhitektonskih kompozicija. Potaknuti osnovnim korpusom saznanja iz fenomena moderne i suvremene arhitekture, studenti vlastitim istraživačkim radom, seminarima, radom u projektnim radionicama i terenskom nastavom napreduju u usvajanju metiera, arhitektonski specijalističkih znanja i vještina vodeći pritom brigu o uravnoteženoj i održivoj okolini na pragu trećeg milenija. Kabinet posjeduje i kontinuirano razvija bogatu bibliografsku, studijsku građu arhitektonskih referencija nastalu na podlogama stručnih, studijskih putovanja (Digitalni arhiv Kabineta za suvremenu arhitekturu) kao i povijesno-studijske arhive pripadne uz dugogodišnje znanstvenoistraživačke projekte. Kolegij Moderne i suvremene svjetske arhitekture 20. stoljeća, smješta arhitektonski fundus 20. stoljeća u njegov socijalni, kulturni, tehnički i povijesni okvir. Obrazlažu se glavni smjerovi razvoja arhitektonskog stvaralaštva od početaka druge industrijske revolucije do refleksija arhitekture u fenomenu okolinske održivosti na prijelazu u 3. milenij.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture Contemporary architectural explorations dealt with by the Section of Contemporary Architecture penetrate the entire curriculum of the Faculty of Architecture. Teaching activities integrate undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels into a single group of 14 related programmes. Special focus in the acquisition of knowledge is given to the comprehension of architectural formats, plans, historic events and consequently, possibilities of creating architectural compositions. Having the fundamental body of knowledge on modern and contemporary architecture, students engage in individual research, paper assignments and work on designs in studios and field studies in order to acquire specialist skills and knowledge on architecture while taking care of the balanced and sustainable environment at the threshold of the third millennium. The Section owns a collection of study materials whose continual development has been based on study trips (Digital Archive of the Section of Contemporary Architecture) and historical and case study archives which grow with each scientific and research project. Modern and Contemporary Architecture in the 20th Century is the course which sets 20th century works of architecture into their social, cultural, technical and historical contexts. It analyzes the main directions of architectural development from the second industrial revolution to the consideration of architecture in the light of environmental sustainability at the turn of the third millennium. Twentieth Century Croatian Architecture chronologically presents classical works of architecture and specific topics within the examined period. The starting point of architectural analysis includes architectural, but also a wider spatial, topographic or urban aspect, stylistic and artistic contexts of a period, authentic characteristics, and the position of an individual work within an architect’s professional development. Students are assessed through their seminar papers whose topics are associated with the scientific project Atlas of the 20th Century Croatian Architecture. The papers therefore become contribution to the project database.
Kolegij Hrvatska arhitektura 20. stoljeća temelji se na kronološki sistematiziranoj prezentaciji antologijskih djela i specifičnih tematskih cjelina razmatranog perioda. Polazišta arhitektonske analize uz arhitektonski uključuju i širi prostorni, topografski ili urbanistički aspekt, stilski i likovni kontekst vremena, autohtone posebnosti, te poziciju pojedinačnog djela unutar razvojnog luka pojedinog autora. Građa ispitnog seminara uspostavlja vezu nastavnog procesa sa znanstvenim projektom ‘Atlas hrvatske arhitekture 20. stoljeća", putem studentskih doprinosa izgradnji baze podataka. Teorijski kolegij Autorski pristupi hrvatskih arhitekata temelji se na pregledu, analizi i tumačenju izuzetnih autorskih opusa, antologijskih djela i stvaralačkih postupaka istaknutih
Individual Approach of Croatian Architects examines, analyzes and interprets oeuvres of remarkable architects, classic works and creative approaches of prominent Croatian architects from the 19th century to the present day. Lectures are structured according to the architects’ education, area of expertise and generational affiliation. Classic works are analyzed from the perspective of conceptual, functional, formal and structural characteristics of the works with the aim of understanding architectural synthesis. The course is associated to the scientific project Atlas of the 20th Century Croatian Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
hrvatskih arhitekata od devetnaestog stoljeća do danas. Slijed predavanja strukturiran je s obzirom na školovanje, područje djelovanja i generacijsku pripadnost arhitekata. Antologijski radovi analiziraju se iz rakursa koncepcijskih, funkcionalnih, formalnih i strukturalnih svojstava djela s ciljem razumijevanja problematike arhitektonske sinteze.
Contemporary Croatian Architecture and European Context interprets architectural heritage and space as a permanent expression of Croatian national identity which is an essential contribution to the European culture and civilisation. Masterpieces of Croatian architects contribute to the universal architectural culture which is present in the avant-garde, parallelism or critical synthesis of the main developments as much as in specific creative distancing from international trends. The presentation of that intricate relationship and verification of authentic constitutive values of Croatian architecture offers the justification for the enhancement of contemporary Croatian architecture in the present globalized context.
Kolegij Industrijska arheologija obrađuje problematiku naslijeđa industrijskih zgrada i industrijskih područja te drugih zgrada tzv. ‘tehničke kulture’ (kolodvori, tržnice, itd.) s ciljem afirmacije te kategorije arhitektonskog naslijeđa u kontekstu društvene i tehničke povijesti kao i u urbanističko-arhitektonskom kontekstu. Najveći dio predavanja posvećen je problematici revitalizacije širokog područja tzv. ‘spomenika tehničke kulture’.
Industrial Archaeology is a course which deals with the issues of industrial heritage (plants and industrial areas) and related structures such as train stations, markets and the like. The aim of the course is to assert this category of architectural heritage in the context of social and technical history and in urban and architectural contexts as well. Lectures are for the most part dedicated to revitalisation of buildings that belong to a broad category of monuments referred to as technical and industrial heritage. The Section is in charge of the research project Atlas of the 20th Century Croatian Architecture which has been conducted since 1980. It was launched and headed from 1980 to 1992 by Prof. Neven Šegvić and Prof. Ivan Juras from 1993 to 2004. Since then the head of the project has been Prof. Andrej Uchytil. Members of the office have become internationally esteemed reviewers of international scientific projects and conferences. They also review scientific monographs, scientific and professional books and papers in prominent journals.
Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu
Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
hrvatska arhitektura 20. st / croatian architecture in the 20th century preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
3. 6. student
voditelj / supervisor
Alen Žunić
Andrej Uchytil
Ovaj je seminarski rad nagrađen Rektorovom nagradom u akad god. 2011/12. kao prvi teorijski rad s AF koji je dobio tu nagradu / This seminar paper was awarded the Rector’s Award 2011/12 as the first theoretical paper from the Faculty of Architecture to win this award
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Analiza moderne i suvremene islamske arhitekture u Hrvatskoj Problemi geneze i valorizacije
An Analysis of Modern and Contemporary Islamic Architecture in Croatia Genesis and Valorisation Issues
Ovim su istraživanjem inventarizirane i okvirno vrjednovane sve projektirane i izvedene islamske građevine religijske namjene nastale u Hrvatskoj tijekom 20. i 21. stoljeća. U valorizacijskom pogledu zaključeno je da je riječ o autorski relevantnom, dosad gotovo nepoznatom sloju hrvatske arhitekture vremenski pozicioniranom od razdoblja međuratne moderne do danas, s djelima istaknutih arhitekata i likovnih umjetnika. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da su posljednje povijesne islamske gradnje u Hrvatskoj izvedene još u doba turske vladavine (do 1687.), posve je neobično što se prvi sljedeći sloj islamske arhitekture ovdje pojavio tek nakon 250 godina, kada se u razdoblju između dva svj. rata u Zagrebu konstituirala veća bošnjačka zajednica. Nakon neuspjelih inicijativa za izgradnju zagrebačke džamije iz 1908. i 1912., prvi jednostavno uređeni mesdžid otvoren je 1935. u adaptiranom stambenom prostoru u Tomašićevoj ul. 12. Odmah po utemeljenju zaklade i ‘akcionog odbora’ za izgradnju zagrebačke džamije 1937./38. razmatrale su se razne lokacije za novu bogomolju u najužem središtu grada (od Gornjega grada, do Gupčeve zvijezde i Botaničkoga vrta), no u konačnici je Gradsko zastupstvo odobrilo parcelu na Zelengaju-Kraljevcu za koju je idejni projekt velike kupolne džamije s dva minareta i pomalo hibridnim detaljima nalik na ‘perzijsku’ arhitekturu 1939./40. izradio akademski slikar Omer Mujadžić. Drugi, znatno moderniji projekt s Mujadžićem je pripremio arhitekt Zvonimir Požgaj 1940./41., ali zbog početka rata gradnja nije niti započeta. Izrazito afirmativan, no ideologizirani stav vlasti NDH prema tom projektu islamske zajednice rezultirao je preuređenjem Meštrovićeva Doma umjetnika u zagrebačku džamiju (1941. – 1944.) realiziranu po autorski relevantnom projektu arh. Stjepana Planića i Zvonimira Požgaja, uz ogromnu državnu investiciju od 32,6 milijuna kuna.. Uz estetizirani interijer sa stiliziranom islamskom i pleternom ‘starohrvatskom’ (sic!) dekorativnom matricom, najsnažniji akcenti nove ‘poglavnikove džamije’ bila su tri vitka minareta koji su odlukom komunističkih vlasti uklonjeni 1948. kada je objekt vraćen u muzejsku funkciju. Tek nakon nekoliko desetljeća iznova se aktualiziralo pitanje izgradnje džamije u Zagrebu, pa je. arh. Juraj Neidhardt za lokaciju Srebrnjak-Bijenička podno groblja Mirogoj 1969./70. izradio izniman, nažalost nerealizirani projekt džamijskoga kompleksa. U konačnici, nova je zagrebačka džamija s avangardnim paraboličnim kupolama, po projektu arh. Džemala Čelića i Mirze Gološa izgrađena 1979. – 1987. uz Folnegovićevo naselje. Uz nju, u Hrvatskoj još postoji konvencionalno koncipirana kupolna džamija u Gunji kod Županje (1969.), a u
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
This research incorporated the recorded survey and approximate evaluation of all Islamic religious buildings planned and built in Croatia during the 20th and 21st century. As far as evaluation is concerned, it was established that these relevant building, which have so far almost predominantly been an unknown layer of Croatian architecture dating from the interwar Modern and up until today, are the works of renowned architects and artists. In view of the fact that the last historical Islamic buildings in Croatia were built during Turkish rule (up until 1687), it is unusual that the subsequent layer of Islamic architecture in these regions should only appear 250 years later, in the period between the two world wars and once a larger Bosniak community had been established in Zagreb. After failed initiatives for the building of the Zagreb mosque from 1908 and 1912, the first simply constructed masjid was opened in 1935 at the adapted tenement at 12 Tomašićeva Street. Immediately after the establishment of the foundation and ‘action committee’ for the construction of the Zagreb mosque in 1937/38, various sites were taken into consideration for the new mosque within the centre of the town (the Upper Town, Gupčeva Zvijezda and the Botanical Gardens), however, the city council finally approved a parcel at Zelengaj-Kraljevac and plans for the large domed mosque with two minarets and somewhat hybrid details reminiscent of ‘Persian’ were drawn up 1939/40 by academic artist Omer Mujadžić. A second and more modern plan was drawn up by Mujadžić and architect Zvonimir Požgaj in 1940/41, but construction work was not started due to the advent of World War II. Though positive, the highly ideology-bent attitude of the NDH authorities towards the project of the Islamic community resulted in the adaptation of Meštrović’s Home of Artists into the Zagreb mosque (1941 – 1944), realised according to plans by architects Stjepan Planić and Zvonimir Požgaj, and at enormous state expense amounting to 32.6 million kuna. Aside from the aesthetically fashioned interior with stylised Islamic and a decorative ‘Old Croatian’ (sic!) Pleter matrix, the most distinct accents of the new ‘Poglavnik mosque’ were three elegant minarets, which were removed in 1948 upon the decree of Communist authorities and the building reverted into a museum venue. The issue of a mosque being built in Zagreb once again became topical several decades later, and so architect Juraj Neidhardt drew up an exceptional, though unfortunately never realised plan for a mosque complex at the location Srebrnjak-Bijenička Street beneath Mirogoj Cemetery in 1969/70. The new Zagreb mosque with avant-garde parabolic domes was finally built according to plans drawn up by architects Džemal Čelić and Mirza Gološ in 1979 – 1987 at the suburb Folnegovićevo naselje. Aside
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
tijeku je izgradnja suvremeno oblikovanog Islamskog centra u Rijeci po projektu kipara Dušana Džamonje.
from this mosque, there is also a conventionally designed domed mosque in Gunja near Županja (1969), and a contemporarily designed Islamic centre is now also being built in Rijeka according to plans drawn up by the sculptor Dušan Džamonja.
Nedovoljno poznavanje islamske baštine u Hrvatskoj u valorizaciji moderne džamijske arhitekture otvara niz interpretacijskih dvojbi na estetičkoj i simboličkoj razini.
Autorski pristup u hrvatskoj arhitekturi / croatian author's approaches
Autorski pristup u hrvatskoj arhitekturi – Alisa Andrašek
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 2. studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Darija Deranja Jana Čulek
Andrej Uchytil
Implementacija računalnog softvera u proces projektiranja sve je veća, te se samim time i arhitektonski produkt drastično mijenja. Jedan od takvih primjera u arhitekturi su i projekti arhitektice Alise Andrašek i njezinog biroa BIOTHING. Autorica i njezin biro u potpunosti mijenjaju konvencionalan način projektiranja dopuštajući tehnologiji da preuzme jedan od važnijih udjela arhitekta u procesu dizajniranja. Oni svoj proces projektiranja započinju na način da u računalni program unesu određen broj fiksnih ili varijabilnih fizikalnih parametara te dopuste računalnom programu da sam generira neograničeni broj varijanti neke forme u prostoru. Generirane forme se zatim katalogiziraju te se među njima odabiru najpovoljnije/najatraktivnije od njih koje se zatim dodatno razrađuju i unaprjeđuju stvarajući tako finalni arhitektonski produkt. Iako ovakav pristup postoji već više od deset godina, rijetki ovakvi projekti su izvedeni (izuzev projekata ‘uporabnih’ predmeta tj. produkt dizajna). Arhitekt ovdje prestaje biti individua koja u potpunosti određuje projekt na kojem radi već samo odabire jedan od niza ponuđenih rješenja generiranih od strane računala. S obzirom na to da se iz matematičkih i fizikalnih sustava koji se koriste u stvaranju parametara za generiranje ovakve arhitekture koriste isključivo njihova kozmetička svojstva, a ne njihova dubinska logika stvaranja, postavlja se i pitanje kriterija odabira najboljeg rješenja. S druge strane, postoje i prednosti ovakvog načina projektiranja. Proces generiranja formi uz pomoć računalnog programa može se kontrolirati u velikoj mjeri, dok se ujedno u relativno kratkom vremenu dobiva velik broj različitih rješenja. Danas ovakav način projektiranja nije uvelike prihvaćen od strane šire arhitektonske zajednice, ali je takav pristup jedan od mogućih i obećavajućih načina promišljanja arhitekture u budućnosti.
Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu
Insufficient insight into Islamic heritage in Croatia and the evaluation of modern mosque architecture allows for various interpretational dilemmas, both on an aesthetic as well as on a symbolic level.
Croatian Architects Author's Approaches – Alisa Andrašek The ever-growing implementation of computer software within the process of planning means that the architectural product itself has undergone drastic changes. One example within the sphere of architecture is the project by architect Alisa Andrašek and members of the studio BIOTHING. The author and her studio of architects have completely changed the conventional means and approach to planning by allowing technology to replace one of the essential roles usually held by architects within the process of design. Their planning process starts with the inputting of data, a defined number of fixed and variable physical parameters, into a computer program which then generates an innumerable number of variants to a form in space of its own accord. The generated forms are then catalogued and the most appropriate/attractive variants among them are chosen and additionally elaborated and developed, thereby creating the final architectural product. Although this approach has been in existence for over ten years, very few projects of this kind have been realised (except for projects for ‘applied design’ objects, that is, product design). In these cases the architect ceases to be an individual defining the project they are working on in its entirety; they merely choose one of a series of solutions offered and generated by the computer. In view of the fact that only cosmetic properties from the mathematical and physical system are applied in the creation of parameters for the generation of this type of architecture, and not their indepth logic, the criteria for the best solution may be questionable. On the other hand, there are also advantages to this type of planning. The process of generating forms with the aid of a computer program may be controlled to a greater degree, in addition to which a large number of solutions are offered within a relatively short time. Today, although this type of planning has not been accepted, by and all, by the architect community, this approach marks one of the possible and promising means of contemplating architecture in the future.
Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Voditelj projekta / head of Project: prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Istraživači / Reserchers: Doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić Prof.dr.sc. Ljerka Biondić Melita Čavlović Doc. Tin Sven Franić Prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski Dr.sc. Zorislav Horvat Prof.dr.sc. Ivan Juras Dr.sc. Darko Kahle V.pred.mr.sc. Ljiljana Šepić Prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman Dr.sc. Marina Šimunić Buršić Prof.dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer Doc.mr.sc. Sonja Tadej-Lovrić Dr.sc. Borka Bobovec Igor Ekštajn Tihana Hrastar Doc.dr.sc. Katja Marasović Doc.dr.sc. Iva Muraj Dr.sc. Snježana Perojević Doc. Mia Roth-Čerina Marina Smokvina Mojca Smode Cvitanović
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Atlas hrvatske arhitekture 20. stoljeća
‘Atlas hrvatske arhitekture 20. stoljeća’ je znanstvenoistraživački projekt koji se odvija na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 1980. godine. Utemeljitelj projekta je bio prof.dr.sc. Neven Šegvić i njegov nositelj od 1980. do 1992. Prof.dr.sc. Ivan Juras projekt je vodio 1993. – 2004. Od 2004. voditelj projekta je prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil. Projekt je pokrenut krajem sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća s početkom inventarizacije suvremenog gradbenog fonda kao preduvjet znanstvenom radu s ciljem definiranja fenomena hrvatske arhitekture kao konstitutivnog elementa kulturološkog prostora Hrvatske. Projekt danas uz primarnu elaboraciju znanstvenih radova i pedagošku emisiju znanja strateški imperativ doseže uključivanjem u globalnu razmjenu informacija s ciljem afirmacije hrvatske arhitekture kao integralnog, ali i specifičnog segmenta europskog arhitektonskog prostora. U rad na projektu uključeni su nastavnici i asistenti sve četiri Katedre AF. Temelj projekta čini baza podataka – digitalni arhiv Atlasa. Slijedom tradicije pedagoške ‘laboratorijske’ metode rada, bazu podataka za cjelokupni teritorij Hrvatske grade kao istraživači i studenti preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija AF i to seminarskim radovima kolegija; Kabineta za suvremenu arhitekturu – Hrvatska arhitektura 20. stoljeća, Moderna i suvremena svjetska arhitektura 20. st, Autorski pristupi hrvatskih arhitekata, Industrijska arheologija, Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura, a isto tako i studenti polaznici doktorskog studija AF.
Leksikon arhitekata atlasa hrvatske arhitekture 20.stoljeća Hrvatsko izdanje publikacije primilo je godišnju državnu nagradu za znanost Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske za 2009. godinu. / Croatian edition of the publication received annual state prize for science awarded by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of Republic of Croatia for 2009.
Nastavnici Kabineta za suvremenu arhitekturu, odnosno Katedre za teoriju i povijest arhitekture uključeni u projekt svoja istraživanja usmjeruju u obradu specifičnih tematskih cjelina koja rezultiraju objavljivanjem knjiga, studija, članaka, skripata, predavanja i kongresnih referata, ekspertiza, podloga projektantskim radovima i sl.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Atlas of Croatian Architecture 20th Century ‘Atlas of Croatian Architecture’ is a scholarly research project that has been taking place at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, since 1980. It was initiated by Prof. Neven Šegvić, who was its head from 1980 – 1992. Prof. Ivan Juras was the head of the project from 1993 – 2004, and since then this function has been performed by Prof. Andrej Uchytil. The project was launched in the late 1970’s, with the beginning of creating an inventory of contemporary architecture as a precondition for scholarly work, with the aim of defining the phenomenon of Croatian architecture as an integral element of Croatian cultural space. Today, besides its primary activity of scholarly publications, the project fulfils its strategic imperative through its involvement in the global exchange of knowledge, with the aim of affirming Croatian architecture as an integral, yet specific segment of the European architectural space. Professors from all four chairs of the Faculty of Architecture are involved in the project. Its basis is a database, the digital archive of the Atlas. Following the tradition of ‘lab-type’ pedagogical working method, the database for the entire territory of Croatia is built by the researchers and students of the BA and MA programmes, through their seminar projects in Contemporary Architecture Lab – Croatian Architecture in the 20th Century, Modern and Contemporary Global Architecture in the 20th Century, Artistic Approaches of Croatian Architects, Industrial Archaeology, and Croatian Space and Architecture, as well as by the candidates of the doctoral programme. Professors from the Contemporary Architecture Section and the Head of the History and Theory of Architecture who participate in the project direct their research so as to cover specific thematic units, which they publish in the form of books, studies, articles, readers, lectures, conference papers, and drafts for architectural designs.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Autori / Authors: Andrej Uchytil, Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Melita Čavlović Konferencija / Conference: Importance of Place, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 2011. The 4th International Conference on Hazards and Modern Heritage CICOP Italy and BH CICOP, in cooperation with Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of civil engineering, University of Sarajevo
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Mjesto – ishodište arhitektonskog prosedea
Place – The Source of the Architect’s Idiom in Projects of 20th Century Croatian Architecture
Graditeljska baština, zajedno s bogatim i slojevitim prostornim resursima prirodnog krajolika, vječni je čuvar hrvatskog nacionalnog identiteta. Tijekom 20. stoljeća njen arhitektonski segment istovremeno je određivao i međunarodni kontekst i nezavisni izraz obogaćen derivacijom sintetiziranih kontinentalnih i mediteranskih prostornih koncepcija. U svojim vrhunskim dostignućima ova arhitektura ne samo da predstavlja prekretnicu u svojoj vlastitoj okolini, već daje i ključan doprinos – ‘differentia specifica’ – europskoj arhitektonskoj povijesti. Referirajući se na temu kongresa ‘Važnost mjesta’, autori predstavljaju izbor od trinaest arhitektonskih projekata od početka 20. stoljeća do danas – i nerealiziranih i izgrađenih – koji je načinjen na temelju znanstvenog projekta, ‘Atlasa hrvatske arhitekture 20. stoljeća’. Predstavljeni projekti postupno su se tijekom povijesti etablirali kao trajni biseri hrvatske graditeljske baštine. Ti biseri obuhvaćaju sljedeće projekte: V. Kovačić, Regulacija Kaptola, Dolca i Vlaške ulice, Zagreb (1908. – 1912.); J. Neidhardt, Kompleks međubiskupijskog sjemeništa na Šalati, Zagreb (1925. – 1929.; 1934.); S. Gomboš, M. Kauzlarić, Gradska kavana, adaptacija starog arsenala, Dubrovnik (1931. – 1933.); D. Ibler, Villa Blažeković, Zagreb (1936. – 1937.); A. Albini, obiteljska kuća Arko, Zagreb (1938. – 1940.); A. Albini, stambeno-poslovna zgrada, Zadar (1954.); R. Nikšić, N. Kučan, Radničko sveučilište Moša Pijade, Zagreb (1955. – 1961.); N. Šegvić, Poslovna zgrada na Peristilu, Split (1955. – 1965.); I. Prtenjak, Između tri crkve, župa Boninovo, Dubrovnik (1977. – 1980.); S. Planić, Konstrukcija kora i vjetrobrana u crkvi Sv. Marije, Zadar (1979. – 1980.); I. Crnković, E. Šverko, Kuća sa šest jednakih prostorija (1983.; 1991.); A. Kuzmanić, Samostan sestara milosrdnica, Split (1996.); N. Popić, Kuća za odmor Dimov, Brač (2004.). Termin ‘mjesto’ u ovom se tekstu koristi u širem smislu; od stanja određenog terena, topografije specifične lokacije, urbane ili prirodne strukture, ambijenta, geografskog područja, tj. trodimenzionalnog prostora, do konceptualnog dodatka okolnom kulturološkom kontekstu. Ovaj pregled ističe neke značajne momente u povijesti hrvatske arhitekture 20. stoljeća. Arhitektonski talent dao je autorima ovih projekata sposobnost i domišljatost da racionalno shvaćene teorijske probleme transformiraju u materijaliziranu arhitekturu – takvu koja morfološki korespondira sa specifičnim prostornim kontekstom iz kojeg izrasta egzistencijalno mjesto. Gotovi svi oni su, zbog specifičnih životnih putanja ili umjetničkih stajališta, pripadali širem europskom načinu razmišljanja, ali nijedan od njih, zahvaljujući svojim raznovrsnim kulturalnim nazorima, nikad nije implementirao formalna načela bez kritičkog kreativnog odmaka.
Kabinet za modernu i suvremenu arhitekturu
The built heritage, along with a rich and stratified spatial resource of natural landscape, is an eternal guardian of Croatian national identity. During the 20th century, its architectural segment has been simultaneously defined through an international context and independent expression enriched by a derivation of synthesized Continental and Mediterranean spatial conceptions. In its paramount accomplishments this architecture not only defines the milestones of its own milieu, but also gives an essential contribution – ‘a differentia specifica’ – to European architectural history. Referring to the Congres’s set theme, ‘The importance of place’, the authors present thirteen architectural designs from the beginning of the 20th century until today – both those unrealized and those built – all of which have been taken from the ‘Atlas of 20th Century Croatian Architecture’, a scientific project. Through the course of history, the presented projects have gradually been established as lasting treasures of the Croatian architectural heritage. These include: V. Kovačić, Regulation of Kaptol, Dolac and Vlaška St., Zagreb (1908 – 1912); J. Neidhardt, Complex of Archbishopric seminary on Šalata, Zagreb (1925 – 1929; 1934); S. Gomboš, M. Kauzlarić, City Café, Grand Arsenal, Dubrovnik (1931 – 1933); D. Ibler, Villa Blažeković, Zagreb (1936 – 1937); A. Albini, Family house Arko, Zagreb (1938 – 1940); A. Albini, Residential-office building, Zadar (1954); R. Nikšić, N. Kučan, Workers’ University Moša Pijade, Zagreb (1955 – 1961); N. Šegvić, Business building on the Peristil, Split (1955 – 1965); I. Prtenjak, Parish, Boninovo, Between three churches, Dubrovnik (1977 – 1980); S. Planić, Construction of choir and stop-wind in St Mary’s Church, Zadar (1979 – 1980); I. Crnković, E. Šverko, House with six equal chambers (1983; 1991); A. Kuzmanić, Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Split (1996); N. Popić, Summer residence Dimov, Brač (2004). The term ‘place’ is used in a broader sense in this text; from the conditions of a given site, the topography of a specific location, an urban or natural structure, ambient, geographical territory i.e. three-dimensional space, to a conceptual addition to the surrounding cultural context. This overview highlights some of the significant moments in the history of Croatian architecture of the 20th century. Architectural talent gave the authors of these projects the ability and invention to transform rationally comprehended theoretical problems into materialized architecture – one that morphologically corresponds to the specific spatial context within which an existential place emerges. Nearly all of them, through the specific trajectories of their lives or artistic point of view, belonged to a broader European mindset, but none of them, due to their multifaceted cultural outlook, ever implemented formal principles without a critical creative detachment.
Section of Modern and Contemporary Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Autori / authors: Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Ljiljana Šepić, Andrej Uchytil Kongres / conference: 2nd WTA-International PhD Symposium: Building Materials and Building Technology to Preserve the Built Heritage Brno, Češka, 6. – 7.10.2011.
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Problem rekonstrukcije i revitalizacije objekata industrijske baštine u Zagrebu, Hrvatska
The Problem of Reconstruction and Revitalization of Industrial Heritage Buildings in Zagreb, Croatia
Problem prepoznavanja industrijskih građevina kao graditeljske baštine riješen je prije deset godina i najvažniji lokaliteti se danas nalaze na UNESCO-voj listi svjetske baštine. Problem rekonstrukcije i revitalizacije brojnih industrijskih kompleksa predstavljeno je u radu na nekoliko primjera u Zagrebu. Odabrani primjeri su građevine koje se nalaze na listi zaštićenih kulturnih dobara, a sagrađene su u različitim urbanim uvjetima. Nakon što su prestale služiti za proizvodnju, nalaze se u različitom stanju prenamjene, što jasno pokazuje njihov potencijal za revitalizaciju. Zagrebačka kožara je sagrađena (1869., 1890., 1900.) u blizini potoka Medveščaka sjeverno od Gornjeg grada. Sredinom 20. stoljeća novoosnovana Gliptoteka je smještena u kompleks tvornice što je bila jedna od najranijih preobrazbi industrijske građevine u kulturne svrhe. U bivšu tvornicu duhana (1882.) će se smjestiti Hrvatski povijesni muzej. Zgradu će adaptirati arhitektonski tim Plavec, Zdenković Gold, Zdenkovi (i Kahrović) koji su također izradili projekt poslovnog kompleksa Adris grupe. Još uvijek je aktualan problem kompleksa Gradske klaonice i stočne tržnice koji je sagrađen na jugoistočnoj periferiji grada Zagreba od 1929. do 1931. godine, a projektirao ga je njemački arhitekt Freese. Potencijal ovog i sličnih mjesta je prije svega prepoznala (sup)kulturna gradska scena koja ih povremeno koristi za posebne događaje.
Promišljanje afirmacije Rijeke kao hrvatskog Ironbridgea Autori / authors: Ljiljana Šepić, Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Andrej Uchytil konferencija / conference: 5th International Conference on Industrial Heritage: Rijeka and the Tradition of Industrial Architecture, Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, 24 – 27 May 2012
Danas, desetljeće poslije ovim radom rezimirana je situacija na planu zaštite i revitalizacije industrijske baštine u Hrvatskoj. Rad analizira koliko je svijest o značaju tog dijela baštine postala prisutna u profesionalnoj i široj javnosti, te koliko se učinilo na polju promocije značenja i zaštite tehničkog nasljeđa u Hrvatskoj od samog prihvaćanja tog termina u zaštiti spomenika. Ovim radom fokusira se recentna afirmacija tematike, od zamjetnog povećanja broja zaštićenih spomenika tehničkog naslijeđa, organiziranja niza skupova, radionica, natječaja, do uvođenja kolegija koje se bavi tom temom na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i u Rijeci, te konačno velikog broja samih projekata revitalizacije, te izvedbi. Rijeka zaključno je daleko od toga da postane hrvatski Ironbridge ali su ipak vidljivi veliki pomaci na promociji i zaštiti tehničkog naslijeđa.
Katedra za teoriju i povijest arhitekture
The problem of recognition of industrial buildings as part of architectural heritage is solved decades ago, and the most prominent sites are inscribed into the UNESCO World Heritage list. The problem of the reconstruction and revitalization of numerous industrial complexes is presented on a few examples in Zagreb, Croatia. The chosen examples are buildings included in the list of protected cultural assets, built in diverse urban situations. After they lost their function as production sites they are now in different state of conversion, therefore clearly showing full potentials of revitalization. The Zagreb Tannery was built (1869, 1890, 1900) nearby the Medveščak stream north of Upper Town. In the middle of the 20th century, the newly established Glyptotheque was housed in the complex which was one of the earliest transformations of industrial buildings for cultural purposes. A former tobacco factory (1882) is going to house the Croatian History Museum. The building has been redesigned for this purpose by the architects Plavec, Zdenković Gold, Zdenković (and Kahrović) who also designed the new business complex of the Adris Group. There is still the problem of the City Slaughterhouse and Cattle Market complex which was built on the south-eastern, peripheral part of Zagreb in 1928 – 1931 by the German architect Freese. The potential of this and similar places is recognized primarily by (sub)cultural scene and used temporarily for specific events.
Reflections on Rijeka as the Croatian Ironbridge Today, a decade later, this article summarizes the state of preservation and revitalization of industrial heritage in Croatia. The authors evaluate the degree of awareness about the importance of this type of heritage among the professionals and a wider public, and what has been done in terms of preserving technological heritage in Croatia and promoting its meaning since the term was introduced in the field of monument protection. The article focuses on the recent interest in this issue – a considerable increase in the number of protected monuments of technological heritage, organization of a number of conferences, workshops, and competitions, introduction of university courses dealing with these issues at the Faculties of Architecture in Zagreb and Rijeka, and a large number of revitalization projects, both planned and realized. Rijeka is still far from becoming the Croatian Ironbridge, but there is evident progress in the field of promoting and protecting technological heritage.
Department of History and Theory of Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje / section of urban design Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / Assistant Professors
pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić
dr.sc. Marijan Hržić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić
dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit
dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac, dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić-Marenić, dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović, dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, dr.sc. Damir Krajnik, dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković, dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ana Mrđa, Tin Oberman, Marko Rukavina
dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Anka Mišetić
Kabinet za prostorno planiranje / Section of physical planning Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesori / professors
DOCENT / Assistant Professor
viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant
prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan
dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Srečko Pegan
dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović
dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik
Ana Mrđa
Pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić-Marenić, dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, dr.sc. Damir Krajnik, dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar, dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković, Tin Oberman, Marko Rukavina, Mojca Smode Cvitanović, Marina Smokvina
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma / Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban planning History Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / Assistant Professors
viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
znanstveni novaci – asistenti / junior researchers and teaching assistants
Pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
dr.sc. Zlatko Karač dr.sc. Damir Krajnik
dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković
Tamara Marić Tin Oberman Marko Rukavina
dr.sc. Marijan Hržić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Srečko Pegan dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić-Marenić dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik Ana Mrđa
dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
predstojnik katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu / Head od Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
Prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci (rođen 1955.), redoviti je profesor, nositelj je kolegijâ vezanih uz teme povijesti urbanizma, pejsažne arhitekture, urbanističkog planiranja te zaštite i obnove povijesnih perivoja i pejsaža. Osim na Arhitektonskom fakultetu predaje na Šumarskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Predavao je u Italiji i Španjolskoj, a kao stipendist talijanske vlade proveo je znanstveno i stručno usavršavanje u Rimu. Aktivno je sudjelovao u nekoliko europskih projekata. Mentor je doktorandima, magistrantima, znanstvenim novacima, diplomantima i stranim stipendistima. Glavni je urednik znanstvenog časopisa ‘Prostor’ za arhitekturu i urbanizam. Dobitnik je državne nagrade za znanost za popularizaciju i promidžbu znanosti (1998.) te nagrade Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (2004.). Redoviti je član Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske i član-suradnik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Autor/koautor je sedam knjiga, 70-ak znanstvenih radova (20-ak u inozemstvu), 100-njak raznih stručnih tekstova te 160 stručnih projekata (prostornih i urbanističkih planova, studija i projekata perivojne arhitekture). (www.scitaroci.hr)
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci (born in 1955), PhD, holds the position of full professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb where he organizes and teaches courses related to landscape architecture, urban planning, history of urbanism and protection and restoration of historical parks, gardens and landscapes. He also teaches at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb. He held lectures in Italy and Spain. As a holder of the scholarship awarded by the Italian government, he spent time in Rome advancing his scientific and professional knowledge. He actively participated in several European projects. He has supervised graduate and doctoral students, junior researchers, and international exchange students. He is the editor-in-chief of Prostor, a scholarly journal of architecture and urbanism. He received the national science award in the field of popularisation and promotion of science (1998), and the award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2004). He is a full member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering and an associate member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He authored and co-authored seven books, around 70 scientific papers (20 outside Croatia), 100 various professional texts and 160 projects (physical and urban plans, studies and landscape architecture designs). (www.scitaroci.hr)
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, prof.dr.sc.
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Intervju / Interview Vjera Bakić, Maroje Mrduljaš
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Intervju s prof. Mladenom Obadom Šćitarocijem
Svjedočimo znatnim promjenama u poimanju urbanizma, kako u globalnom kontekstu preispitivanja temelja discipline, tako i u lokalnom kontekstu gdje su radikalne društvene promjene ključno utjecale upravo na one javne institucije i prakse koje skrbe za javno dobro i posredovanje između javnih i privatnih interesa. Koji su prioriteti koje bi urbanistička disciplina, osobito unutar akademskog konteksta, trebala istraživati i koliki je domašaj ili utjecaj akademskog mišljenja na realno stanje stvari u urbanističkoj praksi u Hrvatskoj?
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Interview with Prof. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
Nowadays we are witnesses of considerable change in the understanding of urban planning, both in the global context of questioning the very basics of the discipline, and in the local context, where radical social changes have influenced precisely those public institutions and practices that are in charge of public good and the contact between public and private interests. What are the priorities that urban planning as a discipline, especially in the academic context, should acknowledge and what is the scope or reach of academic thinking in terms of the actual situation in Croatian urban planning?
Owing to social and economic change during the past two or three decades, as well as a number of other reasons, many ‘old’ types of knowledge – especially those from the 20th century, but also considerably older ones – have been neglected and abandoned, since they are considered outdated and unmodern. People forget that there are permanent principles of urban construction, which do not depend on stylistic or social features, and that they should be acknowledged and applied, for it is only in that way that we can make a progress: by building on previous knowledge and creating new one. New insights and global concepts must be adjusted to the local setting, and in this purposeful and rational adaptation we must obtain values that will direct and encourage economic and cultural progress. Constant experimentation and fashionable or uncritical application of global concepts, or those originating from other social and cultural circumstances, have never yielded good results. Research cannot be intense enough, especially in terms of coordination with state ministries and institutions, when it comes to solving the current problems related to urban planning, spatial organization, and economic advance. Nevertheless, legislative urban planning should not have the priority, although it has accompanied urban development throughout all these millennia since the emergence of the cities. One should devote oneself to the sort of urban planning that deals with space and knowledge about space, emphasizing the values in space, and its defining features should not be influenced by changes in laws and regulations, or even the master plans. In order to achieve that, it is urgently necessary to include elements of space and urban planning into the procedure of drafting these plans.
Zbog društvenih i gospodarskih promjena tijekom posljednja dva-tri desetljeća te niza drugih razloga mnoga su ‘stara’ znanja – posebice ona iz 20. stoljeća, ali i znatno starija – zapostavljena i zanemarena, proglašena zastarjelima i nesuvremenima. Zaboravlja se da postoje trajna načela gradogradnje neovisno o stilskim i društvenim obilježjima, ali ih treba prepoznati i primjenjivati jer jedino tako možemo se razvijati nadograđujući dosadašnja znanja i stvarajući nova. Nova znanja i globalne koncepte valja uskladiti s lokalnim ambijentom te u tom smislenom i razboritom usklađivanju postići vrijednosti koje će usmjeriti i omogućiti gospodarski i kulturni razvoj. Stalno eksperimentiranje te pomodno i nekritičko primjenjivanje globalnih koncepata, ili onih nastalih u nekim drugim društvenim i kulturnim okolnostima, nikad nije dalo dobre rezultate. Premalo se istražuje, posebice koordinirano s državnim ministarstvima i institucijama, a u svrhu rješavanja aktualnih urbanističkih/prostornih problema i gospodarskog razvoja. Međutim ‘birokratski’ urbanizam ne smije biti prvovažan premda on prati razvoj grada tijekom svih tisućljeća postojanja gradova. Valja se posvetiti urbanizmu koji svjedoči o prostoru, znanjima i naglašava vrijednosti u prostoru, te kojeg se odrednice ne
Academic thinking does not have much impact on political and legislative decisions. For quite a while now, state policy has been rather indifferent towards academic debate, professional opinions, or spatial research. In such circumstances, we can only educate young people, future architects and urban planners, so as to encourage them to apply their knowledge, to reflect on space and observe its behaviour, to
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
bi mijenjale promjenama zakona i propisa, pa i izmjenama planova. Da bismo to postigli, prijeko je potrebno unijeti idejno prostorno/urbanističko rješenje u postupak i proceduru izrade planova.
know how to identify a problem and offer a solution. It is in this direction that we should develop our education and research.
Akademsko mišljenje nema jak utjecaj na političke i zakonodavne odluke. Već dulje vrijeme državna politika nije odveć zainteresirana za akademske rasprave, stručna mišljenja i istraživanja prostora. U takvim okolnostima možemo jedino odgajati mlade ljude, buduće arhitekte i urbaniste, na način da znaju primijeniti znanje, da znaju promišljati, pratiti ponašanje prostora, da znaju prepoznati problem i ponuditi rješenje. Na tom tragu treba usmjeriti izobrazbu i istraživanja.
Usvajanje Bolonjskog protokola ključno je utjecalo na pojedine segmente nastave, osobito na projektiranje. Kako vi vidite zamisao integracije urbanističkih, arhitektonskih i tehničko-konstruktorskih dionica u zajedničke projektne studije? Smatrate li da tu integraciju treba istraživati u smjeru konceptualne sinteze arhitekture i urbanizma, ili ste skloni stajalištu da se radi o jasno definiranim zasebnim disciplinama koje komuniciraju kroz interdisciplinarno usklađivanje i koordinaciju koja se tako treba prakticirati i na studijima? (Realno stanje stvari u hrvatskom urbanizmu govori više u prilog ovomu drugom poimanju.) Objedinjavanje i isprepletanje različitih dionica predviđeno je u preddiplomskom studiju, dok u diplomskom studiju toga nema na taj način. Namjera je od početka izobrazbenog procesa učiti sveobuhvatnom pristupu, umreženju znanja i integriranom razmišljanju, bez naglašavanja pojedinih dionica arhitektonske struke jer su sve one međuovisne. Pritom nije dovoljno misliti samo na konceptualnu sintezu, već i na provedbenu. Isključimo li jednu od njih, nema dobrog rezultata, dobrog projekta i zadovoljavajućeg ostvarenja. Usprkos dobroj namjeri u provedbi studija u preddiplomskom studiju ostaje i nadalje još uvijek segmentiranost – vjerojatno treba još vremena da se svi nauče raditi na međusobno usklađen način. Da bismo postigli integriranost – profesori i asistenti svih dionica trebali bi biti barem dio nastave istodobno prisutni na studijima, te bi i oni trebali ‘umreženo’ djelovati i razmišljati. Problem nastaje kada se razmišljanje o nekom projektu svodi na parcelu umjesto da se svodi na prostor. Svi će se načelno složiti da je prostor prvovažan, ali u provedbi se to još uvijek zanemaruje. Premda je parcela osnovna i polazna formalno-pravna prostorna jedinica koja utječe na bilo koji arhitektonski/urbanistički koncept i rješenje, mora se od početka promišljati puno širi prostor koji može utjecati na ono što projektiramo, odnosno moramo uvažavati činjenicu da projektirani zahvat u prostoru gradi grad/ambijent, utječe na nj i mijenja ga – stvarajući pritom nove prostorne vrijednosti ili ga pak narušava (što ne želimo). Svako školovanje i učenje traži također analitički/segmentirani pristup, konkretna znanja pojedinih dionica. Zato i
intervju s prof. mladenom obadom šćitarocijem
Implementation of the Bologna Protocol has had a crucial influence on certain segments of the teaching process, especially in design and planning. What do you think of the idea of integrating the sections of urban planning, architecture, and technical construction into common project studies? Do you believe that this integration should be explored in the direction of a conceptual synthesis between architecture and urban planning, or do you prefer to see them as separate and clearly defined disciplines that communicate through interdisciplinary cooperation and coordination, which should be practiced at the university in the same manner? (The actual state of Croatian urban planning speaks rather in favour of the second option.)
Coordination and interaction of various sections has been included at the BA level, while at the MA level it is missing in this form. The intention was to teach the students from the very beginning of their training to take a comprehensive approach, create networks of knowledge, and practice integrative thinking, without giving priority to one or the other segment of architectural discipline, since they are all interdependent. Thereby it is not enough to achieve a conceptual synthesis, but we should also aspire to a practical one. If we exclude either of them, we cannot have good projects or satisfactory results. Despite all our good intentions, the fragmentation is still present even at the BA level – probably more time is needed for all the participants to learn how to work in a coordinated way. In order to achieve integration, the teaching staff from all the three sections should be present in class at the same time, at least during a part of the course, and they should also be ‘networked’ regarding their actions and their way of thinking. The problems emerge when reflection on a particular project comes down to a land plot instead of space as such. Everyone will agree on principle that space is of absolute priority, but in practice that is still neglected. Even though the land plot is the basic formal and legal unit of space, and the starting point of any architectural design and urbanistic concept or solution, one must always consider a far larger space from the very outset, since it will have an impact on our design. In other words, we must take into account the fact that the planned intervention in space constructs the city or another locality, influences it, and changes it as well – creating new spatial values or devastating it (which we should avoid). Every form of training and learning also requires an analytical or segmented approach in order to impart concrete knowledge in particular sections. That is why we must retain those courses and workshops where the students exercise and learn the basics of our profession, where they acquire specialist knowledge of individual segments. An MA student, especially in his or her final thesis, as well as an architect
interview with prof. mladen obad šćitaroci
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
nadalje moraju ostati kolegiji i radionice gdje se provježbavaju i uče temelji struke, gdje se stječu specijalistička znanja pojedinih dionica. Ali student diplomskoga studija, posebice u diplomskom radu, kao i arhitekt u praksi, mora pokazati da zna i može objediniti sve dionice, umrežiti sve znanje i integrirano misliti te sveobuhvatno razraditi svoj projekt.
in practice, must be able to show that he or she can coordinate all these segments into a network of knowledge, and to engage in integrative thinking in order to elaborate his or her design comprehensively. I would not like to take a stance or raise doubts about the pre-eminence of ‘integration’ or ‘separation’ of disciplines. It has always been a coexistence of the two. Knowledge evolves, the insights and possibilities of individual sections are getting deeper and larger, and not everybody can engage in research in an equally enthusiastic or professional manner. That is why we absolutely need to develop separate disciplines, which we now see through sub-specializations, new technologies, and new topics included in traditional workshops. But in a concrete project – be it a student project or a professional one – we must integrate knowledge and coordinate the specialist skills of all the individual sections. In the present-day situation of knowledge diversification, it is impossible to reduce the supervision of all segments or project elaboration to a single person.
Ne bih dovodio u sukob ili dvojbu priklanjanje ‘integraciji’ ili ‘zasebnim disciplinama’. Uvijek je to bio suživot jednoga i drugoga. Znanja se razvijaju, šire se spoznaje i mogućnosti pojedinih dionica, ne mogu svi sve jednako predano istraživati i profesionalno obavljati. Zato je neminovan razvoj zasebnih disciplina, a to vidimo kroz supspecijalizacije, nove tehnologije, nove teme unutar tradicijskih dionica. Ali, u konkretnom projektu – bio on studentski ili profesionalan – moraju se integrirati znanja i koordinirati specijalistička znanja pojedinih dionica. U današnjim uvjetima svekolikoga znanja nemoguće je svesti mentoriranje svih dionica ili pak razradu projekta samo na jednu osobu.
Suvremene urbanističke projektantske metode izrazito su raznorodne i već je teško govoriti čak i o unificiranoj terminologiji unutar discipline, posebice u polju istraživanja i eksperimenta. Na koje se teorijske postavke i planerske modele oslanja Katedra za urbanizam te koje suvremene tendencije u urbanističkom diskursu vidite kao primjenjive na lokalnu situaciju?
Već nekoliko desetljeća ne možemo govoriti o unificiranoj terminologiji i pristupu promišljanju urbanizma i prostornog planiranja. To je uobičajeno u kontekstu tisućljetnog procesa razvoja arhitekture i urbanizma. Razmjerno su duga razdoblja između jasno definiranih teorijskih modela. Živimo u doba kada su jedni ideali napušteni ili zaboravljeni (svjesno ili nesvjesno), a novi još nisu stvoreni. Uvijek je tako bilo tijekom prošlosti. U prostorima ‘između’ tražimo novo, istražujemo, eksperimentiramo. Visokoškolska izobrazba ne smije biti samo eksperimentalna i površna. Eksperiment u edukaciji je poželjan, ali ne smije prevladati i mora doći u pravo vrijeme. Osobno nisam sklon samo trendovskim pristupima, premda ih ne odbacujemo i ugrađujemo ih u izobrazbu. Upravo posljednjih desetak godina napravili smo značajan pomak na tragu trendovskih konceptualnih pristupa. No, to ne može zadovoljiti postavljene izobrazbene kriterije jer osim konceptualnih znanja treba dobro poznavati i specijalistička znanja važna za područje urbanizma – tehničko-pravne aspekte, prostorno-planerske, pejsažne, kulturno-povijesne i ambijentalne te mnoge druge, ovisno o veličini zahvata, mjerilu plana, obilježjima prostora i konkretnog zadatka. Sklon sam odmjerenoj i primijenjenoj primjeni svih poznatih teorijskih postavki u području urbanizma – čak od onih antičkih pa do 21. stoljeća. Promatramo li povijest urbanizma,
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Contemporary methods of urban planning are extremely diversified, so that it has even become difficult to define a unified terminology within the discipline, especially in the field of research and experimentation. What are the theoretical premises and designing models that the Chair of Urban Planning relies on, and which contemporary tendencies in the discourse on urban planning do you consider as applicable to our local situation?
For several decades already we cannot speak about a unified terminology or approach to urban planning and spatial design. That is only logical considering the several millennia of development of architecture and urban planning. Periods between clearly defined theoretical models are usually relatively long. We live in an age in which one set of ideals has been abandoned or forgotten (consciously or unaware), while new ones have not yet been created. It has been like that throughout the history. In these spaces ‘in between’, we search for something new – we explore and experiment. University education should not be merely experimental and superficial. Experiment is a desirable part of the learning process, but it should not prevail and must come at the right time. I personally dislike approaches that are merely trendy, even though we do not reject them and we do build them into our programme. In the past ten years, we have made significant progress in keeping track with trendy conceptual approaches. However, that is not sufficient to satisfy the educational criteria, since besides conceptual knowledge one should also have highly developed specialist skills that are necessary in the field of urban planning – technological and legal aspects, those related to spatial planning, landscape, cultural history, and individual localities, as well as many others, depending on the size of the intervention, the scale of the design, the features of space, and the specific project task. I am personally inclined towards a measured and balanced application of all known
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
a na tlu Hrvatske povijest urbane kulture pratimo više od 25 stoljeća, uočavamo da postoje trajna načela – teorijska i praktična, primjenjiva ranije u različitim razdobljima, aktualna još uvijek i danas – naravno uz prilagodbe suvremenim i lokalnim uvjetima, potrebama i stajalištima. Nijedna teorijska postavka nije sasvim nova, uvijek je ona kreativna nadgradnja i interpretacija prethodnih znanja.
theoretical premises in the field of urban planning – from the antiquity to the 21st century. If we consider the history of urban planning, and in the territory of Croatia the history of urban culture is more than 25 centuries old, we can see that there are some permanent principles, both theoretical and practical, which have been applied earlier in history, but are still applicable today – of course, with certain adaptations to the contemporary and local circumstances, needs, and positions. No theoretical premise is entirely new; it is a creative development and interpretation of previous knowledge.
Nakon konceptualnog urbanizma iz kraja 1980-ih i 1990-ih godina, koji nije mogao ozbiljnije riješiti urbanističke probleme (osim na razini manjih prostornih zahvata), posljednjih petnaestak godina propituju se drukčiji pristupi poznati pod nazivima new urbanism, new ecological urbanism i posebice landscape urbanism koji se želi nametnuti kao nova prostorna paradigma – dovoljno je pogledati što na tom području rade ugledna europska i američka sveučilišta, kao što su Architectural Association u Londonu, Harvard University, University of Illinois, University of Pennsylvania i dr. Svjesni posebnosti prostora Hrvatske na kojem djelujemo kao arhitekti i urbanisti/planeri potrebno je iskoristiti prednost krajolične raznolikosti i 25 stoljeća urbane tradicije. Takav će nas pristup voditi prema novim kreativnim rješenjima koja ne će slijepo i nekritički slijediti pomodne globalne arhitektonsko-urbanističke koncepte, kao ni uniformni birokratski urbanizam – slijedom kojeg izgrađujemo prostor, ali ne gradimo grad i naselja niti stvaramo nove zadovoljavajuće ambijente s novim identitetom. Dakle promičemo pristup integriranosti i raznolikosti, inovativnosti, ekološke osviještenosti, gospodarske održivosti, uz prijeko potrebno očuvanje pejsažnog i graditeljskog identiteta.
Katedra za urbanizam posebno se ističe po znanstvenoistraživačkom radu koji se tek tijekom posljednjih dvadesetak godina naglašenije ili sustavnije razvija na Fakultetu. Do neke mjere Katedra za urbanizam postavlja metodološke standarde znanstvenog rada unutar Fakulteta. Iako pristupi na vodećim internacionalnim školama variraju, koliki bi opseg rada nastavnika trebao biti usmjeren na znanstvenoistraživački rad i u kojoj mjeri on treba biti povezan s kurikulumom Fakulteta? Smatrate li da je svrstavanje arhitekture i urbanizma u polje tehničkih znanosti poteškoća ili ograničavajući element za znanstvenoistraživački rad ili je više riječ o formalnom pitanju? Znanost koja želi ići naprijed ne opterećuje se formalnim pitanjima svrstavanja u grupacije, ali činjenica jest da u našim uvjetima birokratski neprilagodljiv pristup stvara ozbiljne probleme, posebice za mladu i krhku znanost u području arhitekture i urbanizma. Arhitektura i urbanizam oduvijek su spoj i isprepletanje artizma, tehnike i humanizma – to je prednost i bogatstvo struke, ali u birokratskom gledanju znanosti to nam stvara teškoće jer se ne ocjenjuje niti gleda sadržaj i rezultati istraživanja, nego formalna pripadnost znanstvenom području. Besmisleno je da se tijekom sveučilišnog postupka izbora u znanstvena zvanja ne vrjednuje rad
intervju s prof. mladenom obadom šćitarocijem
After the conceptual urban planning in the late 1980’s and the 1990’s, which was incapable of actually solving some of the crucial issues in urban planning (except on the level of minor spatial interventions), in the past fifteen years different approaches have been tried out, such as new urbanism, new ecological urbanism, and especially landscape urbanism, which seeks to impose itself as the new spatial paradigm – it is sufficient to take a look at the prestigious European and American universities, what they are doing in this field, such as the Architectural Association in London, Harvard University, University of Illinois, University of Pennsylvania, and others. Aware of the specificities of Croatia, where we work as architects and urban planners, we must use the advantages of landscape diversity and our 25 centuries of urban tradition. Such an approach will lead us towards new creative solutions, which will not blindly and uncritically follow fashionable global concepts in architecture and urban planning, or create a uniform, bureaucratic urban planning, in which we would build objects in space, but not create cities or towns, or new and satisfactory places with new identities. Therefore, we promote an approach that combines integration and diversification, innovation, ecological awareness, and economic sustainability, along with the urgently necessary protection of our landscape and architectural identity.
Chair of Urban Planning is especially praised for its research activity, which has evolved in a more accentuated and systematic manner at the Faculty of Architecture during the past twenty years. To a certain extent, the Chair of Urban Planning has been setting up methodological standards for scholarly activity within the Faculty. Even though the leading international schools follow various approaches, how much work should a teacher devote to scholarly research, and to what extent should it be related to the Faculty’s curriculum? Do you think that classification of architecture and urban planning within the field of technical sciences is an obstacle or a limitation in scholarly research, or is it rather a formal issue?
Science that seeks to advance should not be burdened with such formal issues as classification, but the fact is that in our circumstances a bureaucratic and inadaptable approach can create serious problems, especially for the young and fragile scholarship in the fields of
interview with prof. mladen obad šćitaroci
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
s temom iz arhitektonskog/urbanističkog naslijeđa objavljen u uglednom časopisu iz područja humanističkih znanosti, već časopis mora pripadati području tehničkih znanosti.
architecture and urban planning. These two disciplines have always been a combination and interaction of artism, technology, and humanism – which is advantage and richness for the profession, but in a bureaucratic view on sciences this can create difficulties, since what is evaluated is the formal classification within a scholarly field, rather than the topics or research results. It is ridiculous that in academic appointments one does not consider articles on topics related to the heritage of architecture or urban planning, published in prestigious journals in the field of humanistic sciences; instead, it is required that the journal should belong to the field of technical sciences.
Znanstvenoistraživački rad i projektantski/planerski rad moraju biti temelji kurikuluma Fakulteta – ne samo zbog suvremenih trendova ili tradicije nego i zato što jedino na taj način možemo učiniti zadovoljavajuće pomake u struci, a to će onda biti vidljivo i u prostoru. Znanstvene i projektantske/ planerske metode promišljanja moraju se ispreplesti/umrežiti i dovesti do inovacije i kreacije. Neovisno o proceduralnim postupcima izbora nastavnika u zvanja – tzv. ‘umjetnički’ ili ‘znanstveni’ put – metode jednog i drugog pristupa moraju biti ugrađene u izobrazbu studenata, ali isto tako moraju biti sadržane u profilu svakog nastavnika. Stručni projektantski/ planerski rad ne smije biti stran ‘nastavniku - znanstveniku’, ali i obrnuto, ‘nastavnik - umjetnik’ mora pisati i objavljivati radove/članke znanstvenog karaktera. Katedra za urbanizam desetljećima razvija znanstvenoistraživački rad, ona je to prva počela na Fakultetu. Upravo su veoma zastupljeni urbanizam i prostorno planiranje, a u novije doba i pejsažna arhitektura. Zapravo, to je jedno od prepoznatljivih obilježja našega fakulteta, posebice u kontekstu drugih arhitektonskih fakulteta u Hrvatskoj. Smatramo to vrijednim naslijeđem i identitetom pa ga i dalje razvijamo. U znanstvenoistraživačke projekte uključujemo sve više i studente koji aktivno sudjeluju u istraživanjima, zajedno s njima objavljujemo radove i odlazimo na znanstvene skupove. Rezultati i iskustva doista su vrlo dobri. To je još jedan put izobrazbe studenata koji osim redovitog programa studija svladavaju i znanstvenoistraživačke metode – od istraživanja do objave radova, a ta izobrazba ne prestaje stjecanjem njihove diplome. Jedini način afirmacije i razvoja znanstvenoistraživačkog rada na Fakultetu jest da se još tijekom diplomskoga studija (koji na neki način nasljeđuje nekadašnji magistarski znanstveni studij) intenziviraju ozbiljna istraživanja u sklopu svakog zadatka, a na rezultatima kojih se onda gradi koncept i projekt zadatka. Istraživanja su primjenjiva u svim vježbovnim i izbornim kolegijima. Istraživanja moraju biti zadovoljavajuće razine (razina stručnog ili znanstvenog članka) kako bi studenti bili osposobljeni za rad na istraživačkim studijama. Istraživanja se provode na diplomskom studiju, unijeli smo to i u projekt diplomske radionice, ali još se nije postigla zadovoljavajuća razina u većini projekata.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Research work and design projects must be the foundations of the Faculty’s curriculum – not only because of the contemporary trends or the tradition, but also because it is only in this way that we can take some satisfactory advance in our profession, which will then become visible in space. Our research methods and those we use in our designs and projects must be intertwined and networked in order to lead to innovation and creation. Regardless of the procedure for electing academic staff – whether it is the so-called ‘artistic’ or ‘scholarly’ way – the methods of both approaches must be built into the training of students, as well as present in the profile of each teacher. Professional work in design and planning must not be alien to the ‘teacher-scholar’ and vice-versa, the ‘teacher-artist’ must write and publish scholarly articles and books. Chair of Urban Planning has been actively engaged in scholarly research for decades, it was the initiator of this practice within the Faculty. Urban and spatial planning have a prominent place here, and in recent times it is also landscape architecture. In fact, it is a recognizable feature of our Faculty, especially with regard to other architectural faculties in Croatia. We consider it as our important legacy and identity, and therefore we keep developing it further. We also engage more and more students in research projects, we encourage them to participate actively in various types of scholarly investigation, we publish articles together with them and take them to scholarly conferences. Our results and experiences in this respect are very good indeed. That is another way of training the students, who thus become acquainted with the research methods also outside of the regular curriculum – including scholarly research and publication – and that sort of training does not end with their graduation. The only way of enhancing and developing scholarly activity at the Faculty is by encouraging serious research in every task at the MA level (which has in a way inherited the old master’s degree), and to build up concepts and projects on its results. Research is applicable to all exercises and elective courses. It must be conducted on a satisfactory level (that of a professional or scholarly article) in order to prepare the students for taking part in real research projects. Research is conducted at the MA level, and we have also included it in MA workshops, although so far we haven’t yet reached a satisfactory level in most of the projects.
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Katedra za urbanizam uvela je tijekom posljednjih godina nove ili revidirala već postojeće kolegije. Čime su inicirane te promjene? Možete li naznačiti smjer ili zajednički nazivnik prema kojem se te promjene odvijaju i koordiniraju, te u kojoj mjeri nastavnici koji preuzimaju pojedine kolegije unose novine temeljem vlastitih znanstvenih i stručnih interesa? Imate li planova za daljnje promjene na Katedri za urbanizam i u kojem će se smjeru one odvijati? Veće promjene u nastavi iz urbanizma napravili smo uvođenjem novoga nastavnog programa rađenog na tragu ‘bolonjskog’ usklađivanja s europskim fakultetima. Tada smo postavili nekoliko strateških kriterija za unaprjeđenje rada katedre i izobrazbe iz urbanizma: 1. njegovati tradiciju urbanističke izobrazbe na našem fakultetu (zadržati najbolje iz dotadašnjeg sustava izobrazbe iz urbanizma); 2. uvesti nove kolegije i ishode učenja u skladu sa suvremenim svjetskim nastojanjima (osuvremeniti postojeće i uvesti novo); 3. intenzivno razvijati znanstvenoistraživački rad na katedri, koji mora ostati identitet katedre (znanstveni projekti, znanstveni novaci, doktorska istraživanja, objave radova u obliku knjiga, članaka i sudjelovanja na međunarodnim skupovima); 4. afirmirati četiri glavna područja od katedarskog interesa kroz ustroj katedarskih kabineta – urbanističko planiranje i projektiranje (urban planning i urban design), prostorno i regionalno planiranje (spatial and regional planning), pejsažna arhitektura (landscape architecture) te povijest i naslijeđe urbanizma/gradova; 5. stvoriti pretpostavke za osnivanje diplomskog studija ‘Urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažna arhitektura’ (UPPPA) kao jednog od dvaju ili više diplomskih studija na Arhitektonskom fakultetu – studija koji će ostati u okrilju područja arhitekture i urbanizma, ali će se usmjeriti na programe i područja koje nije moguće apsolvirati u sadašnjem satima ograničenom nastavnom planu (prijedlog studija je u razradi, Fakultetsko vijeće načelno je prihvatilo osnivanje urbanističkoga diplomskog studija). U nastavu iz urbanizma unijeli smo nove ili osuvremenjene kolegije, uveli smo brojne izborne kolegije (neki još nisu ni zaživjeli), u nastavu smo uključili brojne stručnjake iz prakse (honorarne predavače i asistente na vježbovnim i na izbornim kolegijima), kao i demonstratore (najbolje studente). Postavili smo tri tipa kolegija: obvezni kolegiji koji su po svom sadržaju prijeko potrebni u izobrazbi arhitekata; izborni kolegiji kao nadgradnja obveznoga nastavnog programa ili obveznih kolegija; specijalistički izborni kolegiji koji daju uvid u specijalistička znanja i u područja drugih struka važnih za interdisciplinarni pristup. Mlađe nastavnike i vanjske suradnike na znanstvenom projektu usmjeravamo na specijalizacije da bismo ‘pokrili’ različita područja od katedarskog interesa.
intervju s prof. mladenom obadom šćitarocijem
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
During the past years, the Chair of Urban Planning has introduced new courses, or revised some of the old ones. What has motivated these changes? Could you indicate a direction or name a common principle according to which they have been introduced and coordinated? To what extent do the professors who hold certain courses introduce novelties on the basis of their own scholarly and research interests? Do you plan any further changes at the Chair of Urban Planning, and what direction will they take?
We have introduced major changes into the teaching of urban planning with the introduction of a new curriculum following the ‘Bologna’ process of adaptation to the European university system. At that time, we have defined several strategies for improving the Chair and the way we teach urban planning: 1) cultivating the educational tradition of urban planning at our Faculty (which means preserving the best aspects of the previous educational system in this field); 2) introducing new courses and learning goals in accordance with the global trends (modernizing the existing ones and introduce novelties); 3) intensely developing scholarly research at our Chair, which must remain the key aspect of its identity (research projects, research assistants, doctoral research, publication of books and articles, participation at international conferences); 4) asserting the four main fields of the Chair through the system of labs – urban planning and urban design, spatial and regional planning, landscape architecture, and the heritage and legacy of urban planning and the cities; 5) creating the conditions for the introduction of an MA programme in ‘Urban Planning, Spatial Design, and Landscape Architecture’ (UPSDLA) as one of the two or more MA programmes at the Faculty of Architecture, which will remain in the framework of architecture and urban planning, but also focus on those programmes and fields that cannot be covered within the number of hours foreseen by the present curriculum (the programme proposal is in the making, and the Faculty Council has basically accepted the idea of establishing a new MA programme in urban planning). We have enriched our curriculum with new and modernized courses, and introduced numerous elective courses (some of which have not come to life yet), and we have invited numerous practical experts (as visiting lecturers and teaching assistants for exercises and elective courses) and appointed ‘demonstrators’ (the best students). We now have three types of courses: mandatory courses, which are absolutely necessary in architectural education; elective courses, which build upon the mandatory curriculum and mandatory courses; specialist and elective courses, which offer an insight into specialized knowledge and other professions that are necessary for an interdisciplinary approach. Younger teachers and research assistants are sent to specialization in order to cover various fields that are of interest for the Chair.
interview with prof. mladen obad šćitaroci
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
U kojoj mjeri smatrate da bi se takav način rada trebao intenzivirati na Fakultetu i mislite li da metoda utječe na rezultate? Je li u nastalim projektima moguće iščitati specifičan proces rada koji je tu bio primijenjen? Postoje li i druge novine i iskoraci na Katedri koje biste izdvojili? Fakultet i katedre moraju imati viziju i dugoročnu strategiju razvoja i promjena, koje onda postupno ostvarujemo. Nakon desetljeća novoga nastavnog programa sada razgovaramo na razini Fakulteta o poboljšanjima. Prilika je to i za veće rekonstrukcije, kao što je pokretanje diplomskog studija UPPPA, a to će nam omogućiti nove akademske dosege struke i istraživanja, ali i suvremena specijalistička znanja. Rad na Fakultetu stalno treba propitivati i unaprjeđivati, usklađivati s drugim arhitektonskim školama, ali ne smije se zaboraviti da student (budući arhitekt/urbanist) mora steći konkretna znanja da bi poslije mogao preuzeti i stručnu odgovornost. U nastavi je previše radionica koje se zadovoljavaju konceptualnom razinom. Takve su radionice primjerenije ljetnim školama i alternativnim radionicama nego obvezatnomu fakultetskom programu rada. Usprkos otežanim uvjetima rada zbog financijskih ograničenja, nastojimo održati dosadašnju i uspostaviti novu međunarodnu suradnju. Na tome smo i dosada radili, a sada to pojačavamo želeći održati dugu katedarsku tradiciju usavršavanja i suradnje u inozemstvu. Postižemo to zajedničkim istraživačkim projektima (Italija, Austrija), poslijedoktorskim istraživanjima (Francuska), pohađanjem doktorskih studija u inozemstvu (Austrija), predavanjima na inozemnim fakultetima (SAD, Italija), razmjenom nastavnika i studenata (brojna europska sveučilišta), odlaskom na savjetovanja u inozemstvo (Španjolska, Italija i dr.). Potičemo mlađe članove Katedre, suradnike i studente, na učenje nekoliko stranih jezika kako bi suradnja bila bolja. Primjerice na velikomu međunarodnom kongresu arhitekture u Barceloni 2012. organizirali smo aktivno sudjelovanje s izlaganjima naših doktoranata (znanstvenih novaka – asistenata) i diplomanata s temama njihova istraživanja, a koje se provodi u sklopu znanstvenoga projekta.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
To what extent do you think that this policy should be pursued at the Faculty, and do you think it would have a beneficial impact on the results? Is it possible to see the application of this specific working method in the completed projects? Are there any other novelties and breakthroughs at the Chair that you would like to single out?
The Faculty and the Chairs must have a vision and a long-term strategy of development and change, which we then realize step by step. After a decade of the new curriculum, we are now discussing possible improvements at the Faculty level. That is also an opportunity for larger reconstruction works, such as the launching of the UPSDLA MA programme, which will lead us to new academic achievements and explorations, and also to new specialized knowledge. The Faculty’s activities must be constantly monitored and improved, as well as coordinated with other schools of architecture, but at the same time we mustn’t forget that the student (the future architect or urban planner) must acquire specific knowledge in order to be able to take professional responsibility later on. The curriculum contains too many workshops that are satisfied with remaining on the conceptual level. Such workshops are more suitable for summers schools and alternative schools than for a mandatory university curriculum. Despite the difficulties we must face in our work owing to the budget cuts, we seek to retain our existing international cooperation and establish new contacts. We have always worked on that, but now we are intensifying these efforts, since we wish to maintain our tradition of international specializations and cooperation. We do that through joint research projects (Italy, Austria), post-doctoral research (France), doctoral studies abroad (Austria), lectures at international universities (USA, Italy), exchange of faculty and students (numerous European universities), and research trips (Spain, Italy, and elsewhere). We encourage the younger members of our Chair, our visiting lecturers, and our students to learn several foreign languages in order to improve that cooperation. For example, at the major international congress of architecture in Barcelona 2012, we organized active participation of our doctoral students (research assistants) and graduates, who presented their individual results within a larger research project.
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Prilikom izbora lokacija i zadataka za studije i radionice, pa tako i prilikom prihvata teme za diplomske radove, u kojoj se mjeri na Katedri za urbanizam uzimaju u obzir aktualne debate i neuralgične točke razvoja hrvatskih gradova? Mislite li da je potrebno naglašavati paralelizam između nastavnog rada na studijima i radionicama i aktualnim gorućim temama razvoja grada, ili pak zadatke treba koncipirati općenitije, na možda manje zahtjevnim temama, kako bi se studenti pripremili i vježbali u ‘standardnim’ ili ‘jednostavnijim’ planerskim i urbanističkim temama i na njima svladavali temelje discipline? Da li bi se znanje generirano kroz rad na studijima i radionicama moglo na neki način povezati s javnom debatom o razvoju gradova? Jednostavnije zadatke pripremamo za preddiplomski studij gdje studenti moraju svladati temeljna stručna znanja, a na diplomskom studiju zadatci uvijek slijede aktualne urbanističke teme. Posljednjih godina pretežito smo radili zadatke s temama urbanih rekonstrukcija i preobrazbi dijelova grada na primjeru Zagreba jer svjedočimo brojnim neprimjerenim zahvatima urbane preobrazbe u Zagrebu i u Hrvatskoj. U suradnji s jedinicama lokalne samouprave nastojimo postaviti zadatke s aktualnim temama u raznim dijelovima Hrvatske – radili smo sa studentima urbanistički plan Novske, a sada počinjemo sa zadatkom na otoku Viru gdje se suočavamo s brojnim problemima u prostoru – od bespravne i turističke izgradnje do nedostatka javnih sadržaja i potrebnog uređenja obale. Brojne aktualne i životne teme diljem Hrvatske rade se na radionicama trećeg semestra diplomskoga studija i na diplomskim radionicama – svaki zadatak/projekt (svaki student ima drugi zadatak) prepoznaje lokalni problem i nudi moguće prostorne scenarije i rješenja. Na taj način zajedno sa studentima sudjelujemo ili potičemo rasprave u lokalnim sredinama, a često se ti projekti tamo i javno izlažu u obliku izložbe i predavanja.
Koje je vaše stajalište prema policentričnom i umreženom razvoju hrvatskog teritorija te regionalnog i transregionalnog povezivanja? Neki od posebno osjetljivih problema odnose se na kontrolirani razvoj obale i otoka ili teme razvoja manje razvijenih regija. U kojoj mjeri rad sa studentima može zahvatiti i te kompleksne teme?
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
When choosing the localities and tasks for the students and for workshops, and also when deciding on the topics for the MA theses, to what extent does the Chair of Urban Planning take into consideration the current debates and neuralgic points in the development of Croatian cities? Do you think that it is important to accentuate the parallels between educational work in programmes or workshops and the hot issues in the urban development of Zagreb, or should the tasks be formulated more universally and focus on less demanding topics, so that the students may prepare and practice more ‘standard’ or ‘simpler’ topics in urban planning, mastering the basics of the discipline? Could the knowledge acquired at the university, generated through various programmes and workshops, be somehow linked to the public debate on urban development?
We prepare simpler tasks for the BA programme, where the students should master basic professional skills, while on the MA level our tasks always deal with the topical issues in urban planning. In the past few years, we have mostly worked on tasks related to the reconstructions and transformations of urban districts, as seen on the example of Zagreb, since we have recently witnessed numerous inadequate interventions and urban transformations in Zagreb and Croatia. In cooperation with various bodies of local administration, we seek to formulate the tasks so that they are related to the topical issues concerning various parts of Croatia – for example, we worked on the master plan of Novska, and now we are launching a task about the island of Vir, which abounds in space-related problems – from illegal and profitoriented building to the lack of public facilities and adequate coastal design. Numerous topical issues, related to everyday life in Croatia, are dealt with in workshops during the third MA semester and in MA graduate workshops – each task/project (and each student has a different one) acknowledges some local problem and offers possible spatial scenarios and solutions. In this way, we participate or incite debates in various local settings, together with the students, and these projects are also presented in public, in the form of exhibitions and lectures.
What is your position regarding the polycentric and networked development of the Croatian territory, or regional and transregional interconnections? Some of the particularly sensitive problems are linked to the controlled development of the coastal belt and the islands, as well as the less developed regions. To what extent can you tackle these complex issues while working with students?
Moguće je zahvatiti i te teme. Mi ih ozbiljno zahvaćamo na radionicama trećeg semestra diplomskoga studija i na diplomskim radionicama. Rad sa studentima mora zahvatiti i takve složene teme jer će inače otići s Fakulteta nespremni za takve projekte i probleme. Moramo ih na to pripremiti, to radimo godinama – nastojeći afirmirati sveobuhvatnost, interdisciplinarnost i integriranost projekta. Željeli bismo pojačati ‘jadranske’/’morske’ teme u obveznomu nastavnom programu za sve studente, ali to je teško provedivo zbog financijskih ograničenja. Nastojimo se, koliko je moguće, odvojiti od zagrebačkih tema i problema velikih gradova jer Hrvatska je zemlja i malih gradova i sela, turističke tradicije s velikim ambicijama u razvoju turizma, prepoznatljivoga i
It is possible to include these issues. We deal with them seriously in workshops in the third semester of the MA programme and in MA graduate workshops. Work with students must necessarily include such complex issues, since otherwise they would leave the university unprepared for such projects and problems. We must prepare them for that also, and that
intervju s prof. mladenom obadom šćitarocijem
interview with prof. mladen obad šćitaroci
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
vrijednoga kulturnog krajolika, s urbanim naslijeđem starim 2500 godina – nepresušno je to vrelo novih zadataka u kojima se suočavamo s aktualnim složenim problemima u prostoru, a njihovo rješavanje zahtijeva interdisciplinarne pristupe i senzibilitet za identitet krajolika i urbano/graditeljsko naslijeđe.
is what we have been doing here for years – seeking to promote comprehensiveness, interdisciplinarity, and integrated approach in our projects. We would like to increase the presence of the ‘Adriatic’ or ‘coastal’ topics in our mandatory programme for all students, but that is difficult to achieve because of the tight budget. We are trying to get away from Zagreb topics and metropolitan issues as much as possible, because Croatia is also a land of small towns and villages, of a tourist tradition with great ambitions regarding the development of its tourist offer, and a land of recognizable and valuable cultural landscape, with a 2500 years old urban legacy – an inexhaustible source of new tasks, in which we face topical and complex issues in space, while their solution demands an interdisciplinary approach and a feeling for the identity of landscape and for urban/architectural heritage.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje
Section of Urban Design
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / Assistant Professors
pridruženi nastavnici / associate teachers
prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić
dr.sc. Marijan Hržić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić
dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit
dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac, dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić-Marenić, dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović, dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, dr.sc. Damir Krajnik, dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković, dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik, Ana Mrđa, Tin Oberman, Marko Rukavina
dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Anka Mišetić
Vanjski suradnici / Teaching Associates
Demonstratori / student assistants
Svebor Andrijević, Maja Bilušić, Cvijeta Bišćević, Saša Begović, Igor Blaha, Zoran Boševski, Ivona Jerković, Ante Katić, Nataša Klobučar, Bojana Kronja, Bojan Linardić, Kristina Lukačević, Silvije Novak, Branko Palić, Ksenija Radić, Damir Sekulić, Ana Sopina, Hrvoje Vidović, Idis Turato
Korina Barišić, Božo Benić, Boris Dundović, Iva Kovačev, Marina Matak, Marija Mateljan, Nikola Matuhina, Mauro Milli, Ana Mrđen, Dijana Pavić, Kristina Perkov, Marin Piršić, Ela Prižmić, Sara Renar, Krešimir Renić, Ivana Šajn, Hrvoje Šmidihen, Martina Vinkvić, Alen Žunić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0
0 2 0 4 4 o 1 0 1
1 0 0 2
0 4 10 12
I. I. III. IV.
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
I. II. II. II. II.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Urbanizam 1 / Urban Design 1 Studio 1 / Architectural Design Studio 1 Urbanizam 2 / Urban Design 2 Studio 2 / Architectural Design Studio 2 Planiranje grada / Town Planning Sociologija okolice / Environmental Sociology Studio 3 / Architectural Design Studio 3 Urbanizam 3 / Urban Design 3 Studio 4 / Architectural Design Studio 4
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Urbane preobrazbe / Urban Transformation Urbanistička radionica 1 / Urban Design Studio 1 Radionica urbanizma / Urban Design Studio Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Urbanistička kompozicija / Urban Composition Urbanističke teorije / Urban Planning Theory Urbana sociologija / Urban Sociology Hrvatska tradicijska arhitektura / Croatian Traditional Architecture Sociologija kulture / Sociology of Culture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Fizionomija gradskog prostora Sadržajno i oblikovno propitivanje života u gradu
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje je nastavna i znanstvena sastavnica Katedre za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu koje su osnovne djelatnosti održavanje nastave kolegija tematski pripadajućih znanstvenoj grani ‘urbanizam i prostorno planiranje’ i znanstvena istraživanja u sklopu međunarodnih znanstvenih projekata kao i znanstvenih projekata Ministarstva znanosti obrazovanja i sporta. Kolegiji Kabineta za urbanizam obuhvaćaju tematska-problemska područja urbanističkog planiranja (Urban planning) i urbanističkog projektiranja (Urban design). Bavi se aktualnim temama i procesima koji se odvijaju u gradu. U sklopu nastavne, znanstvene i stručne djelatnosti obuhvaćene su teme istraživanja urbanih područja i preobrazba grada i sveobuhvatno planiranje složenih dijelova grada kao i njihovu integraciju u postojeću, odnosno planiranu gradsku strukturu. Naglasak je dan na javnom i zajedničkom unutar urbanih područja i na aktualnoj temi preobrazbe grada i planiranju stambenih sadržaja, kao osnovne komponente urbanog područja, uz koju treba planirati i sve ostale potrebne sadržaje za određeni dio grada, od društvenih do poslovnih, proizvodnih do sportskih i rekreacijskih. Metodološki gledano složena i slojevita urbanističko-planerska materija razlaže se na problemske razine (promet, namjena, aspekti zaštite, odnosi javno – privatno) da bi se na kraju istraživačkog postupka sintetizirali u cjeloviti program. Posebna se pažnja posvećuje uređenju odabranih nekonsolidiranih dijelova grada, koji zahtijevaju rekonstrukciju, dogradnju ili novu izgradnju, kao i načelima održive gradnje uz naglašavanje zatečenih vrijednosti kulturne i prirodne baštine uz racionalno korištenje prostora i usuglašavanja interesa različitih korisnika u prostoru. Cilj je osposobljavanje studenata da rezultate analitičkog istraživanja na određenoj lokaciji znaju pretočiti u projektni zadatak za izradu urbanističkog rješenja uređenja dijela gradskog prostora. To podrazumijeva odgovorno i argumentirano dimenzioniranje i kvantificiranje programa namjene prostora, te simuliranje mogućih rezultata dobivenih na temelju definiranih urbanističkih propozicija kroz prikaz varijantnih rješenja i kontrolu nad nepoželjnim posljedicama. Koncept nastave se temelji na teoretskom i empirijskom znanju.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Physiognomy of Urban Space Substantial and Formal Questioning of Life in the City The Section of Urban Design is an academic section of the Department for Urban Planning, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture whose basic activities comprise teaching courses thematically pertaining to the scientific branch of urban and physical planning, and conducting research within international scientific projects, as well as scientific projects funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. Courses organized by the Section of Urban Design comprise thematic fields related to urban planning and urban design. They deal with contemporary topics and processes that take place in urban spaces. Educational, research and professional activities comprise topics related to research of urban areas and urban transformations, and comprehensive planning of complex urban sections and their integration into the existing urban structure. Emphasis is placed on public and communal facilities in cities and the prevailing topic of urban transformation and planning of residential facilities as the fundamental component of an urban area which needs to be planned alongside all other necessary facilities – social, commercial, industrial, sport and recreational. In terms of teaching methodology, complex material concerning urban design and planning is divided into problematic levels (traffic, use, aspects of protection, public-private relationships) which are combined into an integral programme through examination and analysis. Special attention is given to the planning of selected unconsolidated urban areas which require reconstruction, extension or new construction, as well as to the principles of sustainable building emphasizing the existing values of cultural and natural heritage, a rational use of space and negotiating interest of various users of the space. The objective of the programme is to equip students with knowledge to use the results of analytical research of a particular location and turn them into an assignment – creating an urban development concept of a particular urban section. Students should responsibly and justifiably define the uses of space, that is formulate the size and number of programmes, and predict possible results on the basis of defined urban propositions through a presentation of all potential solutions and the control over unwanted consequences. The concept of the lessons is based on theoretical and empirical knowledge.
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Studio 2 / Architectural Design Studio 2 Preddiplomski studij / Undergraduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2.4. koordinator kolegija / course coordinator Krunoslav Šmit
voditelji / supervisors
Luka Cindrić
Krunoslav Šmit Ana Mrđa
Naselje višestambenih zgrada Branovečina – Prešnica, Zagreb Zadatak Studija 2 jest izrada detaljnog plana uređenja gradskoga predjela koji je predviđen za mješovitu, pretežito stambenu izgradnju. Zadatak obuhvaća izradu plana u okviru datosti konteksta, predviđenog programa – s manjim višestambenim zgradama, stambenim nizovima, ‘tepih’ izgradnjom i slobodnostojećim obiteljskim kućama; s osnovnom školom i dječjim vrtićem s jaslicama; s centrom naselja trgovačke, uslužne i javne namjene; s trgovima i okupljalištima u javnom prostoru; te s perivojem naselja, šetalištima i javnim površinama pod nasadima – koji svojim oblikovnim i tehničkim rješenjima zadovoljavaju suvremene urbanističke i arhitektonske kriterije. Studio 2 okosnica je studijskog programa jer povezuje urbanističko planiranje s arhitektonskim projektiranjem. Na Studiju 2 aktivno sudjeluju nastavnici specijalisti za pojedine aspekte planiranja naselja i projektiranja građevina.
Detailed Plan for the Housing Estate Branovečina – Prešnica, Zagreb The task of Studio 2 is to produce a detailed plan for the housing estate which is foreseen as being built as a mixed estate, but predominantly offering housing. The task includes the drawing up of a plan within the set context, the plan – with smaller multi-housing buildings, housing terraces, ‘carpet’ construction and detached family houses, with a primary school and kindergarten and crèche, a business and shopping centre for public needs, squares and gathering places within public spaces, as well as a park, promenade and public spaces with planted areas – which conform to contemporary urban and architectural criteria in form and technically. Studio 2 provides the framework for the study programme as it conjoins urban planning with architectural projects. Studio 2 includes the active participation of lecturers and teachers specialising in individual aspects of estate planning and construction projects.
Branimir Rajčić
nagrada Miroslav Kollenz / Miroslav Kollenz award
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje
Section of Urban Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Tamara Relić
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Tamara Marić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
Lenko Pleština Ivana Ergić
nagrada Miroslav Kollenz / Miroslav Kollenz award
voditelji / supervisors
Viktorija Jagodić
Ivan Mlinar Branko Palić Alenka Delić Boško Opalić
nagrada Miroslav Kollenz / Miroslav Kollenz award
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Planiranje grada / town planning preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
3. 6. student
voditelji / supervisors
Josip Barišić
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Ksenija Radić
Zapadni prilaz središtu Zagreba Planiranje poteza uz željezničku prugu i Aveniju grada Bologne
Zadatak podrazumijeva racionalno i funkcionalno preispitivanje sveukupne komunikacijske osnove sjeverozapadnog područja grada, dimenzioniranje potreba za površinama na kojima će se graditi novo gradsko tkivo ili na kojima će se uređivati novi javni gradski prostori. Programi namjena daju se iščitati iz GUP-a grada Zagreba. Njih treba kritički preispitati i po potrebi prerazmjestiti, te stvarati osnovu novim planskim postavkama. U kreativnom postupku promišljanja grada očekuju se rezultati koji će, osim u kvalitativnom smislu odrediti i kvantitativne programe uporabe i namjene, te utvrditi optimalni kapacitet prostora. Treba odrediti i vertikalne gabarite grada – njegovu silhuetu, rahlost ili gustoću tkiva – urbanu strukturu, te predložiti osnovna urbana pravila koja mogu kontrolirati provedbu zamisli kroz pojedinačne arhitektonske zahvate.
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje
Western access to the city centre of Zagreb Designing the Stretch along the Railway and the Bologna Avenue The task includes a rational and functional research on the overall communicational plan of the north-western part of Zagreb, with the dimensioning of the needed areas in which the new urban texture and new public spaces will come into existence. Programmes of their use can be found in the General Master Plan (GUP) of the City of Zagreb. They should be critically examined and reorganized if needed, thus creating a basis for new concepts. This creative reflection on the city is expected to result in proposals that take into account not only the quality, but also the quantity of uses and functions, as well as determine the optimum capacity of space. The vertical dimensions of the city should also be defined – its silhouette and the airiness or denseness of its texture – as well as its urban structure, and basic urban regulations should be suggested that could control the implementation of ideas in particular architectural projects.
Section of Urban Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Jere Kuzmanić
Jesenko Horvat Bojana Kronja
voditelji / supervisors
Ana Begović
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Ksenija Radić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Urbanistička radionica 1 / Urban Design Studio 1 Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 1.
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Andrea Bačić Korina Barišić
Marijan Hržić Svebor Andrijević
Sjeverni prilaz kampusu Borongaj Tijekom rada u Urbanističkoj radionici 1 istražuju se mogućnosti afirmacije nekih od propulzivnih gradskih linearnih sekvencija istočnoga i zapadnog dijela grada Zagreba u prostoru uz gradsku željeznicu, na pretežito neizgrađenom ili neodgovarajuće korištenom prostoru, a u smislu njegove rekonstrukcije i dogradnje. Zadatak uključuje istraživanje predominantnog značenja poteza u kontekstu zagrebačkih linearnih poteza, kao i programiranje urbanističkog fragmenta uz stajalište gradske željeznice. Cilj je kvalitetno osmišljavanje podcjeline – strukturalno i sadržajno uklapanje u cjelovit gradski prostor. Urbanističkom planiranju se pristupa kao složenom i interdisciplinarnom procesu. Produbljuju se znanja o funkcioniranju i oblikovanju grada kao cjeline kao i o funkcioniranju i oblikovanju pojedinih dijelova grada. Posebna se pažnja posvećuje organizaciji prometa kao dijelu integralnog planiranja prostora. Usporedo se produbljuju znanja o upravljanju gradskim prostorom te planskim procedurama i mjerama kontroliranog razvoja.
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje
Northern Access to Campus Borongaj Urban Design Studio 1 explores possibilities for reconstruction or extension of some of the linear sequences in the eastern of western part of Zagreb, in the areas around the city railway, in spaces that are mostly unbuilt or inappropriately used. The assignment is to investigate predominant significance of trajectories in the context of the Zagreb linear sequences, and to define the programme of the fragment of space next to the city train station. The aim is to conceptualize sub-sections and integrate them into an urban whole both structurally and functionally. Urban planning is approached as a complex and interdisciplinary process. Students expand their knowledge of the functioning and design of the city as a whole, and of the functioning and design of its individual parts. Special attention is given to the organisation of traffic as an integral part of physical planning. At the same time, students expand their knowledge of managing the city space and of controlled development procedures and measures.
Section of Urban Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Mladen Ileš Tomislav Konjevod
Tihomir Jukić Ana Mrđa
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Mirka Škudar
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Zoran Boševski
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje
Section of Urban Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Radionica urbanizma / urban design studio Diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2. 3. Gostujući predavači / Guest lecturers: Ivan Rupnik, Hrvoje Njirić, Dubravka Žic, Dafne Berc, Antun Sevšek, Snješka Knežević, Nenad Fabijanić, Ante Kuzmanić, Ana Dana Beroš, Bojan Mucko, Emil Jurcan, Jan Liesegang, Pero Puljiz, Branko Silađin. Stručan obilazak / Professional guided tour: U Ljubljanu s Tadejom Glažarom i Peterom Gabrijelčićem / To Ljubljana with Tadej Glažar and Peter Gabrijelčić
Arhitektura grada – gradski blok Zagreb
Arhitektura Grada istraživački je studijski program koji želi detaljno istražiti Gradski Blok. Blok je najvitalnija urbana forma u povijesti. Radionica kritički raspravlja o nerazumnom fizičkom i infrastrukturnom širenju grada Zagreba (i drugih gradova), o nekritičkom prihvaćanju urbanog sprawla sa svim fizičkim i socijalnim posljedicama. Nastoji dokazati zašto jedino Urbana Gustoća kreira komunikaciju, pregovaranje i mješovito korištenje, tri elementa za najbolju arhitekturu. Usprkos činjenici da Urbani Blok ima izniman potencijal razvoja, razgradnje, dograđivanja i gradnje i da mu je potrebno Urbano Uređivanje / Editiranje, i dalje postoji pomanjkanje interesa za urbano arhitektonske teme kao što su; obnova, restauracija, očuvanje, poboljšanje, popravljanje, proširenje, transformacija, ponovno korištenje starih struktura. Zašto je Urbano Editiranje toliko neprivlačno? Ignoriranje interesa za ove teme se može jednostavno protumačiti kao socijalno, ekonomski i kulturološki neodgovorno. Kako Editirati Grad? Urbana transformacija nije linearni proces i zato smo na Radionici govorili i o drugačijim procedurama, temama, participaciji korisnika, kako graditi, ili ne graditi u ZG bloku, što graditi? Gdje su granice bloka? Što i da li rušiti? Na koji način? Možemo li se usuditi predlagati što treba srušiti, izbrisati, napustiti? Predlagati faznu razgradnju dijelova Grada? Pitanja koja smo studirali su vrlo široka i tražila su interdisciplinarni pristup. Na Radionici su gostovali predavači iz različitih područja s internacionalnim iskustvom. Radionica nije pravila razliku između nastave, seminarskog rada, diz ajna i istraživanja. Fokus je bio na pažljivoj analizi, istraživanju i dokumentiranju postojećih dokumenata zagrebačkog gradskog bloka, svim njegovim aspektima, povijesnim i ekonomskim. Od studenata smo tražili da istražuju, studiraju i dokumentiraju što je to metropolitanski centar. Studio je omogućio komparativne studije i analize internacionalnih koncepcija, istraživanje razvoja i koegzistencije različitih novih i starih životnih stilova u historijskim urbanim jezgrama s multifunkcionalnim programima. Nastojali smo razviti nove tipove arhitektonskih scenarija koji iskorištavaju i istražuju jedinstvene životne i kulturne mogućnosti unutar visoke urbane gustoće i koji će rezultirati u kritičkom sagledavanju i rehabilitaciji (metropolitanskog) gradskog života (životnog stila).
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
City Architecture Workshop – Urban Block Zagreb City Architecture is a research study programme whose aim is to conduct detailed research of a city block, the most vital urban form in history. The workshop critically examines and debates about an irrational physical and infrastructural expansion of the city of Zagreb (and other cities), about an uncritical acceptance of urban sprawl with all its physical and social consequences. It tries to prove why only urban density is able to create communication, negotiation and mixed use, the three elements that make for the best architectural accomplishments. Despite the fact that a city block presents extraordinary potential for development, extension, and new construction, and that it is necessary to undergo urban editing, there is still a lack of interest for urban and architectural topics such as renovation, restoration, preservation, advancement, repair, extension, transformation, reuse of old structures. Why is urban editing so unappealing? Ignoring interests in such a topic can simply be interpreted as socially, economically and culturally irresponsible. How to edit a city? Urban transformation is not a linear process, which is why we spoke in the workshop about alternative procedures, topics, participation of users, how to build or not to build in a Zagreb block, and what to build? What are block boundaries? Whether and what to take down? How? Do we dare suggest what needs to be destroyed, erased, abandoned, or suggest a staged disintegration of city parts? The issues we studied were rather widely set and they required an interdisciplinary approach. Guest lecturers in the workshop came from different fields and international experience. There was no difference in the workshop between lectures, paper assignments, design and research. The focus was on careful analysis, research and recording of the existing documents on a Zagreb city block, all its historical and economic aspects. The students were required to research, analyse and document everything related to a metropolitan centre. Work in a studio enabled comparative studies and analyses of international concepts, research of development and coexistence of various new and old life styles in historic city centres with multifunctional programmes. We tried to develop new types of architectural scenarios which use and explore unique living and cultural possibilities within high urban density areas and which would result in a critical consideration and rehabilitation of (metropolitan) city life (style).
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje
Section of Urban Design
Gridiron student
voditelji / supervisors
Marko Chiabov
Marijan Hržić Saša Begović Idis Turato
scale to fit student
voditelji / supervisors
Igor Sladoljev
Marijan Hržić Saša Begović Idis Turato
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
green offset student
voditelji / supervisors
Anna Kocsis
Marijan Hržić Saša Begović Silvije Novak Idis Turato
infrasustav / infrasystem student
voditelji / supervisors
Iva Peručić
Marijan Hržić Saša Begović Silvije Novak Idis Turato
Ulični koridori Donjega grada sve teže zadovoljavaju gradske potrebe, dok unutrašnjost blokova ostaje gotovo neiskoištena.
Uvođenjem prometa u unutrašnjost bloka potiče se njezino korištenje i uklanjanje substandardne izgradnje.
Izgradnja infrasustava zamjenjuje privremena rješenja prometa i parkiranja, koristeći iste tipske konstruktivne elemente.
Novi prometni sustav omeđen je javnim zelenim potezima koji istovremeno služe očuvanju okoliša i zaštiti privatnih dvorišta stambenih zgrada.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Preobrazba, identitet i održivi razvoj suvremenog hrvatskog grada
ČLANOVI ZNANSTVENOG PROJEKTA / members of scientific project VODITELJ ZNANStVENOG PROJEKTA / head of scientific project Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić ČLANOVI ZNANSTVENOG PROJEKTA S Af / members of scientific project af Prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan Izv.prof. Jesenko Horvat Doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar Zn.novak Marina Smokvina Zn.novak Mojca Smode Cvitanović Doc.dr.sc. Anka Mišetić VANJSKI ČLANOVI ZNANSTVENOG PROJEKTA / associate members of scientific project Mr.sc. Nevenka Sokolić Silvio Bašić Srđan Škunca Damir Hrvatin Branka Vuković Ana-Marija Rajčić
Kako je prostor jedan od najvažnijih resursa budućeg razvoja Hrvatske, izučavanje hrvatskog prostora s posebnim osvrtom na urbani prostor, bila je jedna od osnovnih zadaća na znanstvenom projektu 054–0543089–3087 ‘Preobrazba, identitet i održiv razvoj suvremenog hrvatskog grada’ (voditelj znanstvenog projekta prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić). U razdoblju 2007. – 2011. istraživanjem se nastojalo unaprijediti opća i posebna znanja te pospješiti primjenu urbanističkih metoda u postupcima izrade urbanističkih i prostornih planova. Neka od istraživanja privedena su kraju, a neka još uvijek nisu u potpunosti dovršena te je njihovo objavljivanje i prezentacija na znanstvenim skupovima u tijeku. Prikupljeni, sistematizirani podaci i grafički prikazi istražuju se komparativnom i analitičkom provjerom kvantificiranih pokazatelja koji su temeljan izvor informacija za postavu koncepcije i razradu urbanističkih planova. U postupku urbanističkog planiranja istraženi su uvjeti i zakonitosti prostornog razvoja gradova s ciljem utvrđivanja smjernica i koncepcije razvoja uz očuvanje kontinuiteta razvoja gradova. Značenje istraživanja očituje se i u vrjednovanju doprinosa urbanističkog planiranja u razvoju gradova 20. stoljeća. Jedan od ciljeva istraživanja je i istraživanje prekomjernih utjecaja internacionalizacije prostornih rješenja koja vodi ka gubitku autohtonih vrijednosti i posebnosti urbanog prostora. Dr.sc.Tihomir Jukić zajedno sa suradnicima i znanstvenim novacima iz Kabineta za urbanističko planiranje proveo je istraživanje o prostorno-demografskim promjenama u Zagrebu vezanim uz teme gradskih projekata i stanovanja u gradu, a što je rezultiralo objavljivanjem dvije knjige dok je treća u pripremi očekujući nove popisne podatke stanovništva 2011. Nadalje, objavio je radove vezane uz nove tendencije i modele planiranja gradova početkom 21. stoljeća. Tijekom 2011. – 2012. održao je desetak javnih predavanja, većinom na temelju prezentiranja znanstvenog istraživačkog rada. Aktivno sudjeluje i na organizaciji međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa ‘Rethinking urbanism‘, (2012.g.)
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Transformation, Identity and Sustainable Development of the Modern Croatian Town As space is admittedly one of the most significant resources for the future development of Croatia, research of Croatian space, with special emphasis on urban spaces, has been one of the central interests of the scientific project 054–0543089–3087 Transformation, Identity and Sustainable Development of Contemporary Croatian City (head of the project: Prof. Tihomir Jukić). In the period 2007–2011 the aim of the research was to improve knowledge in general and specific terms and encourage the adoption of urban planning methods in the creation of spatial and urban development plans. Since some parts of the research have not been completed, their results have yet to be presented at scientific conferences and published. Gathered, systematized data and its graphical presentation are researched through comparative approaches and analytical verification of quantitative indicators which form the basic source of information for conceptualization and development of urban plans. During the procedures of urban planning the research was focused on conditions and principles governing the spatial development of cities with an am of determining guidelines and concepts of the development alongside the preservation of continual city development. The significance of research is evident in the expressed value of the contribution made by urban planning to 20th century city development. One of the objectives of the research is also exploration of overly exerted influences on the internationalisation of spatial concepts which leads to the loss of authentic values and particularities of urban spaces. PhD Jukić, together with collaborators and junior researchers of the Section of Urban Planning and Design conducted a research on spatial and demographic changes in Zagreb related to urban projects and housing, which resulted in the publication of two books: Zagreb – City Projects (2011) and Zagreb – Residential Areas and Housing (2011). The third book is in preparation, still awaiting data of the 2011 census. In addition, he published numerous papers related to new tendencies and models of urban planning in the beginning of the 21st century. During the 2011 –2012 he held ten lectures, mostly on the basis of presentation of scholarly research. He actively participated in the organization of an International conference ‘Rethinking Urbanism’ (2012) on the same topic.
Dr.sc. Srečko Pegan, iako voditelj Kabineta za prostorno planiranje, u sklopu znanstvenog projekta ‘Preobrazba, identitet i održiv razvoj suvremenog hrvatskog grada’ radio je na izradi kriterija planiranja korištenja prostora i na području unapređenja metode izrade razvojnih prostornih planova s težištem na jačanje kompatibilnosti s odgovarajućim EU dokumentima te promišljanja koncepata prostornog razvoja
PhD Srečko Pegan, although the head of Section of physical planning, and as part of the research project ‘Transformation, Identity and Sustainable Development of Contemporary Croatian City", worked on the criteria of landuse planning of the area and on improving methods of spatial development plans. He focuses on the strengthening of compatibility with relevant EU documents and concepts of spatial thinking and the development of
Kabinet za urbanističko projektiranje
Section of Urban Design
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Hrvatske i modela za njihovu primjenu. Aktivno sudjeluje i na organizaciji međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa ‘Rethinking urbanism‘, (2012.g.)
the Croatian application models. He actively participated in the organization of an International conference ‘Rethinking Urbanism’ (2012).
Dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat uz potporu Francuske nacionalne udruge povijesnih gradova ANVPAH&VSSP radi na istraživanju ‘Kretanje i dostupnost u hrvatskim obalnim gradovima‘. Aktivno se bavi izučavanjem javnog prostora i članak vezan uz parkove skulptura u Zagrebu upravo je u objavi u znanstvenom časopisu Prostor zajedno s Anom Sopinom. Dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar nastavio je s istraživanjem stambenih naselja izgrađenih nakon 2000. godine i neka svoja istraživanja objavio u znanstvenom časopisu Prostor. U sklopu znanstvenog projekta ‘Preobrazba, identitet i održiv razvoj suvremenog hrvatskog grada’ surađivali su i vanjski istraživači dr.sc. Anka Mišetić (Institut Ivo Pilar i Arhitektonski fakultet) i mr.sc. Nevenka Sokolić. Dr.sc. Anka Mišetić sudjeluje na međunarodnim skupovima, a tijekom 2011. provela je empirijsko istraživanje o transformaciji hrvatskih gradova (upravljačka perspektiva). Podaci su obrađeni, a u pripremi je knjiga čije se objavljivanje očekuje tijekom 2012. godine.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Subsidized by the French National Association of Historic Towns and Cities ANVPAH&VSSP, PhD Jasenko Horvat works on the research project Movements and Accessibility in Croatian Coastal Cities. He is actively engaged in the study of public space and has just published the paper related to the sculpture park in Zagreb in the journal Prostor with Ana Sopina. PhD Ivan Mlinar continued to research of housing developments built after the 2000 and published some of his research in the scientific journal Prostor. The scientific project Transformation, Identity and Sustainable Development of Contemporary Croatian City included also associate researchers PhD Anka Mišetić (Ivo Pilar Institute and Faculty of Architecture), and MSc Nevenka Sokolić. During 2011, Anka Mišetić conducted an empirical research on the transformation of Croatian cities (from the perspective of management). Data has been analysed and a book presenting the research was published in 2012.
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za prostorno planiranje
Section of Physical Planning
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti profesori / professors
DOCENT / Assistant Professor
viši Asistent / Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant
znanstveni novak – asistent / junior researcher and teaching assistant
prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan
dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Srečko Pegan
dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović
dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik
Ana Mrđa
Pridruženi nastavnici / Cross-departmental Teaching
Demonstratori / student assistants
dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat, dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić-Marenić, dr.sc. Zlatko Karač, dr.sc. Damir Krajnik, dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar, dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković, Tin Oberman, Marko Rukavina, Mojca Smode Cvitanović, Marina Smokvina
Svebor Andrijević, Maja Bilušić, Cvijeta Bišćević, Igor Blaha, Zoran Boševski, Ivona Jerković, Ante Katić, Nataša Klobučar, Bojana Kronja, Bojan Linardić, Kristina Lukačević, Branko Palić, Ksenija Radić, Damir Sekulić, Ana Sopina, Hrvoje Vidović
Korina Barišić, Božo Benić, Boris Dundović, Iva Kovačev, Marina Matak, Marija Mateljan, Nikola Matuhina, Mauro Milli, Ana Mrđen, Dijana Pavić, Kristina Perkov, Marin Piršić, Ela Prižmić, Sara Renar, Krešimir Renić, Ivana Šajn, Hrvoje Šmidihen, Martina Vinkvić, Alen Žunić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 0 0 2
0 4 10 12
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
I. I. I. II.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Osnove prostornog planiranja i zakonodavstva / Intro. to Physical Planning and Legislation
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Prostorno planiranje / Physical Planning Urbanistička radionica 2 / Urban Design Studio 2 Radionica prostornog planiranja / Urban Planning Design Studio Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Prostorno planiranje 2 – Zaštita prirode i okoliša / Physical Planning 2 – Nature and Environment Turizam u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju / Tourism in Urban and Regional Planning Urbanistički aspekti prometa / Urban Transportation Design Issues Rurizam / Ruralism
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Planiranje razvoja i zaštite prostora obalnog područja mora Kabinet za prostorno planiranje obavlja nastave kolegija tematski pripadajućih znanstvenoj grani ‘urbanizam i prostorno planiranje‘, znanstvena istraživanja prostornog i pejsažnog planiranja i znanstvenu međunarodnu suradnju te suradnju sa stručnim organizacijama i državnim institucijama u Republici Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Kolegiji Kabineta za prostorno planiranje, Osnove prostornog planiranja i zakonodavstva i Pejsažno planiranje, obuhvaćaju tematsko-problemska područja prostornog planiranja i zaštite okoliša na regionalnoj i široj lokalnoj razini dok su u sklopu kabineta i ostali kolegiji: Prepoznavanje i analiza krajolika, Prostorno planiranje, Prostorno planiranje – zaštita prirode i okoliša, Radionica prostornog planiranja, Rurizam, Turizam u urbanističkom i prostornom planiranju, Urbanistički aspekti prometa te Uvod u prostorno planiranje (Šumarski fakultet i Prirodno matematski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu). Cilj nastave je razviti vještine planiranja zaštite i korištenja prostora te poticati usmjerena istraživanja ovog područja. Koncept nastave se temelji na svladavanju teorijskih i empirijskih znanja te posebno uvjetima njihove uspješne primjene u prostornom, društvenom i vremenskom kontekstu. Ističe se važnost razumijevanja transnacionalnih i nacionalnih promjena regionalnih procesa razvoja i uvjeta zaštite okoliša. U uvjetima suštinskih promjena društvenih odnosa, korištenja prostora i dinamike razvoja istražuju se uvjeti za postupne strukturne promjene sustava prostornog planiranja Republike Hrvatske i očekivanih promjena koje donosi pristupanje Europskoj uniji. U edukaciju i istraživanje se uključuje korištenje novih metoda planiranja koje obvezno koriste suvremenu tehničko-računalnu potporu. Teme područja prostornog planiranja istražuju se u nastavi usmjereno primjenom načela: planiranja održivog razvoja, racionalnog korištenja i zaštite prostora, usuglašavanja interesa različitih korisnika u prostoru, uspostavljanja informacijskog sustava o prostoru, zaštite okoliša, prirode i kulturne baštine te osiguranja boljih uvjeta života. Zadane teme i problemi su određeni uz aktivno sudjelovanje korisnika prostora, a rezultati istraživanja su prikazani u obliku realnih prijedloga
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Planning of the Development and Protection of the Coastal Zone The Section of Physical Planning organizes courses that are thematically related to the scholarly discipline of urban and physical planning, conducts research in physical and landscape planning and develops scientific international cooperation with professional organisations and state institutions in the Republic of Croatia and abroad. The courses of the Section of Physical Planning, Basics of Physical Planning and Legislature and Landscape Planning cover topics and issues in the field of physical planning and environment protection at the regional and a wider local level. In addition, the Section also organises the following courses: Landscape Recognition and Analysis, Physical Planning, Physical Planning – Protection of Nature and Environment, Physical Planning Workshop, Rural Planning, Tourism in Urban and Physical Planning, Urban Aspect of Traffic, and Introduction to Physical Planning (Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb) The aim of the courses is to equip students with skills and knowledge in planning, protection and use of space and encourage targeted research in this field. The concept of the courses is based on helping students to master theoretical and empirical knowledge and their successful application in the spatial, temporal and social contexts. Emphasis is placed on understanding trans-national and national examples of regional development and conditions of environment protections. In the situation conditioned by fundamental changes in social relations, use of space and development dynamics, research is focused on the circumstances of a gradual structural change in the system of physical planning in Croatia and expected changes with the Croatian accession to the European Union. Education and research include the adoption of new planning methods which necessarily rely on contemporary technical and computational support. Exploration of the course topics in the area of physical planning is done through directional approach following the principles of sustainable development planning, rational use and protection of space, negotiation of interests of different users in space, establishment of information system in space, protection of environment, nature and cultural heritage and the provision of better living conditions. The given topics and issues are determined by active participation of users of space, and the results of research are presented in the form of actual proposals of spatial concepts. This approach is proven by the previous years when representatives of the local authorities contributed to the preparation of topics and proposals of physical plans for the administrative areas of several towns and municipalities. The topic of environment protection is covered by the course through issues related to environment protection conditioned by
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
prostornih rješenja. Tako su uz učešće predstavnika jedinica lokalne samouprave proteklih godina pripremljene teme i predložena prostorno-planska rješenja za administrativna područja više gradova i općina.
development requirements and demands; compliance with the definitions of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia and the Strategy and Action Plan for the Protection of Biological and Landscape
Teme područja zaštite okoliša istražuju se u nastavi usmjerene na pitanja i probleme: uvjetovanosti zaštite okoliša potrebama i perspektivama razvoja; sukladnosti određenja Strategije održivog razvitka RH i Strategije i akcijskog plana zaštite biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti RH, provedivosti određenja Zaštite okoliša u strategiji prostornog razvoja RH itd. Edukacija se temelji pretežito na radu u radionicama u kojim se u praktičnoj nastavi individualno istražuju zadane teme, a prijedlozi komentiraju na razini studijskih grupa. Rezultati rada prezentiraju se na izložbi svih radova i detaljnijoj prezentaciji odabranih radova. Težište rada studenata je na upoznavanju prostorne uvjetovanosti razvoja i zaštite okoliša na transregionalnoj i regionalnoj razini kao i uvjetovanosti uspješnosti prostornog planiranja i prostornog uređenja učinkovitim i resorno usklađenim zakonskim dokumentima. Metoda izrade studentskih zadataka sukladna je stručnom postupku u izradi prostorno-planske dokumentacije uz kritičku novelaciju metode sukladno međunarodnim stručnim i znanstvenim dostignućima. Najbolje radove prezentiraju studenti na javnim izlaganjima u istraženim mjestima pred predstavnicima lokalne vlasti i stanovništvom uz prigodne izložbe i rasprave. Time se simulira poželjan postupak izrade i donošenja prostorno-planske dokumentacije, a prijedlozi programskih rješenja postaju doprinos promišljanju razvoja istraženih gradova i općina. Metoda edukacije omogućuje istraživanje tema i problema razvoja u realnim uvjetima određenog prostornog, vremenskog i društvenog konteksta. Kritički odmak od recentne planerske prakse postiže se primjenom novih teorijskih saznanja koja prijedlozima potiču unapređenje stručnog pristupa i nadogradnju važećih zakonskih određenja. Posebita pozornost usmjerena je na pojašnjenje i prijedloge unapređenja sustava prostornog planiranja u RH, komentara i kritičkog pojašnjenja zakonodavstva područja prostornog uređenja te prijedloga stručnih određenja kao polazišta za donošenje prostornog reda.
Kabinet za prostorno planiranje
Diversity of the Republic of Croatia, implementation possibilities of the Environment Protection Act in the Physical Planning Strategy of the Republic of Croatia. The educational approach is based mainly on workshops with practical assignments during which students individually explore topics after which their proposals and suggestions are further analysed and commented in study groups. Students' results are presented at an exhibition and detailed presentations of selected works. In their work students focus on spatial conditions of environment protection and development on a trans-regional and regional levels and on the conditions for successful physical planning and development based on effective and harmonized legislation. Methods in which students' assignments are carried out correspond to the professional procedure of creating physical planning documents and include a critical revision of the methods in accordance with international professional and scientific achievements. The best works are presented publicly by students to the representatives of the local authorities and citizens of the places explored in their assignments. The presentations are accompanied with exhibitions and discussions. Such an approach stimulates desired individual students’ work and the creation of planning documents. Their proposals of spatial programmes become a contribution to the development of the analysed cities, towns and municipalities. This educational method provides students with a possibility to explore topics and development issues in real circumstances defined by spatial, temporal and social contexts. A critical distancing from the recent planning practice is achieved by the adoption of new theories which encourage improvement of professional approach and amendments of current laws. Special attention is given to clarifications of and proposals for an improved system of physical planning in the Republic of Croatia, comments and critical interpretation of the legislature pertaining to physical planning and proposal of professional aspects which can serve as the basis for bringing order in the matters concerning spatial planning.
Section of Physical Planning
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Urbanističko rješenje – Zagreb+
Urban Design Studio – Zagreb+
Urbanistička radionica 2 / urban design studio 2 Diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 2. student
voditelji / supervisors
Ida Ister
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Marko Rukavina
Tema kolegija jest planiranje razvoja i uporabe područja jugoistočnog dijela periferije Zagreba zahvaćene intenzivnom urbanom preobrazbom i brojnim infrastrukturnim koridorima. Opseg i dinamika promjena ovog područja uvjetovana je postojećim i planiranim prenamjenama i unapređenjima uvjeta korištenja i zaštite okolnih područja te istaknutim prometnim položajem. Zadatak je predložiti rješenje urbane strukture i organizacije grada 21. stoljeća, ekološkog standarda s funkcionalnim prijedlozima uklapanja prometnih rješenja. Treba istražiti uvjete širenja gradova Zagreba i Velike Gorice i potencijal ovog prostora koji je bez jasnije planske projekcije i koji je danas namijenjen velikim infrastrukturnim zahvatima i gospodarstvu. Prijedlozima uređenja prostora treba predložiti koncept razvoja ovog područja te sukladno tome i izmjene PPUG-a Zagreba i PPUG Velike Gorice u vremenskoj projekciji planskog rješenja od 15 do 25 godina.
The topic of this course is planning the development and use of the south-eastern part of Zagreb’s periphery, which has been affected by intense urban transformation and the creation of numerous infrastructural corridors. The range and dynamism of changes in this area has been determined by the existing and planned restructurings and improvement in the use and protection of the surrounding areas, as well as its outstanding position in terms of traffic. The task is to suggest a solution for the urban structure and organization of the city in the 21st century, in accordance with the ecological standards and with functional suggestions how to fit in traffic-related solutions. The students should explore the conditions of expansion in case Zagreb and Velika Gorica, and the potentials of this area, which has no clear development plans and is nowadays used for large infrastructural interventions and economy. The proposals for spatial planning should be complemented with a concept of development, which should result in modifications in the town plans (PPUG) of Zagreb and Velika Gorica, with the implementation period ranging from 15 to 25 years.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Anna Kocsis
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Marko Rukavina
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Kabinet za prostorno planiranje
Section of Physical Planning
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Radionica prostornog planiranja / urban planning design studio diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Scenariji razvoja obalnog područja
Scenarios of the Coastal Area Development
Semestar / semester
2. 3. VODITELJ radionice / studio supervisor Prof.dr.sc. Srečko Pegan zimski semestar / winter semester Patricija Đilas, Aleksandar Misirača, Igor Perhoč, Bojan Radošević, Anja Wagner Ljetni semestar / summer semester Božo Benić, Mladen Crnov, Andrea Desnica, Ana Dobrotinić, Davor Jerčinović, Antonija Milovac, Katarina Mojaš, Lucija Perić, Kristina Perkov, Martina Perok, Anamarija Popovački, Ivana Vrban
Cilj zadatka ove radionice je predložiti fleksibilan sustav prostorno-planskih rješenja koja se mogu mijenjati sukladno promjenama prostornog i društvenog konteksta te zakonskim odrednicama izrade i provedbe prostorno-planskih dokumenata. U zadatku se potiče dinamička komponenta prostorno-planskog prijedloga s izradom većeg broja varijantnih prostornih rješenja. Metoda rada obuhvaća očitanje konteksta i vrjednovanje potencijala prostora (‘koncept vs. kontekst’ – ‘kontekst i koncept’) te izradu varijantnih prijedloga preobrazbe šireg dijela obalnog područja mora. Prikaz provedenih istraživanja prostornog razvoja obalnog područja mora uključuje istraživački seminar i SWAT-analizu odabranog dijela obalnog područja (identitet, ambijent, krajolik, realni prostorni uvjeti, planska polazišta...). Uže područje zadatka se temom i lokacijom mijenja, a posljednjih nekoliko godina su istražene teme prostornog razvoja dijela obalnog područja.
studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Božo Benić Katarina Mojaš
Srečko Pegan
Workshop assignments require students to suggest possible flexible systems of physical plans which can change in accordance with the changes of spatial and social contexts and in accordance with laws and regulations of the creation and implementation of the physical planning documentation. The assignments focus on the dynamic component of physical planning and the creation of numerous alternative spatial concepts. The methods for carrying out the assignment include the analysis of contexts and assessment of spatial potentials (‘concept vs. context‘ – ‘context and concept‘) and the creation of alternative proposals for the transformation of a wider sea coastal area. The presentation of the conducted research of the coastal spatial development includes a research paper and a SWAT analysis of the selected section of the coast (identity, environment, landscape, real spatial conditions, planning starting points…). Parts of the assignments which are more narrowly defined, change depending on the topic and location, and the topics covered by the previous workshops include the development of the coastal area.
rad je dobio Rektorovu nagradu / project recieved rector's award
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
analiza i kritika generalnog urbanističkog plana
vizija budućeg razvoja grada dubrovnika - razvojne perspektive grada - dubrovnik 2020 Grad turizma i odmora - Jadranski kongresni centar - Grad znanosti i obrazovanja - Grad športa i rekreacije
Kabinet za prostorno planiranje
Section of Physical Planning
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Metode planiranja razvoja i zaštite prostora
Težište znanstvenoistraživačkog rada Kabineta za prostorno paniranje je usmjereno na područje regionalne i transregionalne suradnje, uspostave usporedivih metoda i prostorno-planskih dokumenata te određenja stručnih pojmova u prostornom planiranju. Cilj je unaprijediti područje prostornog planiranja, predložiti strukturne promjene sustava prostornog planiranja u cilju uspostave učinkovitijeg i pravičnog sustava prostornog uređenja kao preduvjeta za provedbe mjera zaštitu i razvoja RH. U suradnji s Ministarstvom prostornog uređenja i gradnje provedena su istraživanja tema od interesa za državu, a rezultati istraživanja su objavljeni kao stručna izdanja i to: kriteriji za planiranje turističkih predjela obalnog područja mora, kriteriji i smjernice za planiranje golfskih igrališta i smjernice i kriteriji za arhitektonsku vrsnoću građenja. U protekloj akademskoj godini članovi kabineta za prostorno planiranje sudjelovali su na više znanstvenih simpozija od kojih se ističu: Znanstveno-stručni skup Perspektive prostornog razvoja Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, 2011.; Conservation of Architecture, Urban Areas, Nature & Landscape, Amman, Jordan, 2011.; 1st International Congress of Rete Vitruvio Italian Architectural Design between Teaching and Research, Bari, Italija, 2011.; 4th International Conference on Hazards and Modern Heritage – ‘The Importance of Place’, Sarajevo, Bosna i Herzegovina, 2011.; Scales of Nature – From Urban Landscapes to Alpine Gardens - 48th IFLA World Congress, Zürich, Švicarska, 2011.; International Workshop COAC Barcelona 2012. – Jornadas Cientificas COAC Barcelona 2012., Španjolska, 2012.; Urbanist's Season – International Scientific Conference: Rethinking Urbanism, Zagreb, 19.05.2012. Međunarodna znanstvena i nastavna suradnja unapređuje se aktivnim učešćem u recenziranju međunarodnih znanstvenih projekata, sudjelovanjem u organizaciji i održavanju međunarodnih savjetovanja te održavanju predavanja o sustavu prostornog uređenja RH i to gostujućim nastavnicima i studentima inozemnih sveučilišta u posjetu Arhitektonskom fakultetu (Dortmund–D, Amsterdam – N; Berkley – USA). Članovi Kabineta za prostorno planiranje su održali više stručnih predavanja te javnih nastupa na televiziji i u javnim glasilima.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Development Planning and Space Protection Methods Scholarly research of the Section of Physical Planning is focused on regional and transregional cooperation, the establishment of comparative methods and physical planning documents and definition of professional terminology in physical planning. The objective is to introduce improvements into the field of physical planning, suggest structural changes in order to develop a more efficient and equitable physical planning system as a precondition for the implementation of measures for the protection and development of the Republic of Croatia. The Section has conducted research of the topics of national interests in cooperation with the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning and the research results were made public in the form of professional publications that deal with the criteria for planning tourism zones of the coastal area, criteria and guidelines for golf course planning and guidelines and criteria for architectural quality of building. During the previous academic year, the members of the Section of Physical Planning participated in numerous scientific conferences most prominent of which are the following: Scientific and professional conference Perspectives of Spatial Development of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb 2011; Conservation of Architecture, Urban Areas, Nature & Landscape, Amman, Jordan, 201; 1st International Congress of Rete Vitruvio Italian Architectural Design between Teaching and Research, Bari, Italy, 2011; 4th International Conference on Hazards and Modern Heritage The Importance of Place, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011; Scales of Nature – From Urban Landscapes to Alpine Gardens – 48th IFLA World Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011; International Workshop COAC Barcelona 2012 – Jornadas Cientificas COAC Barcelona 2012, Spain, 2012; Urbanist's Season – International Scientific Conference: Rethinking Urbanism, Zagreb, 19 May 2012. International scientific and academic cooperation has been improved by active participation in reviewing international scientific projects, participation in the organisation of international symposia and through giving lectures on the physical planning system in Croatia to international guest lecturers and students visiting the Faculty of Architecture (Dortmund, Germany; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Berkeley, USA). The Section members held numerous lectures and appeared on television and in other public media.
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma
Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
članovi kabineta / section members Voditelj / head of section
redoviti i izvanredni profesori / professors and assoc. professors
docenti / Assistant Professors
viši Asistent / senior researcher
znanstveni novaci – asistenti / Junior Researchers and teaching assistants
Pridruženi nastavnici / associate teachers
prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
dr.sc. Zlatko Karač dr.sc. Damir Krajnik
dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković
Tamara Marić Tin Oberman Marko Rukavina
dr.sc. Marijan Hržić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Srečko Pegan dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić-Marenić dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik Ana Mrđa
dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci
Demonstratori / student assistants
Svebor Andrijević, Maja Bilušić, Cvijeta Bišćević, Igor Blaha, Zoran Boševski, Ivona Jerković, Ante Katić, Nataša Klobučar, Bojana Kronja, Bojan Linardić, Kristina Lukačević, Branko Palić, Ksenija Radić, Damir Sekulić, Ana Sopina, Hrvoje Vidović
Korina Barišić, Božo Benić, Boris Dundović, Iva Kovačev, Marina Matak, Marija Mateljan, Nikola Matuhina, Mauro Milli, Ana Mrđen, Dijana Pavić, Kristina Perkov, Marin Piršić, Ela Prižmić, Sara Renar, Krešimir Renić, Ivana Šajn, Hrvoje Šmidihen, Martina Vinkvić, Alen Žunić
Kolegiji / courses Naziv / title
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
1 0 1 3 dana
0 3 0 –
IV. V. VI. –
1 0 2
0 10 12
predavanja / lectures
vježbe / practices
semestar / semester
I. / III.
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
I. II. I. II. II.
preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Perivojna arhitektura / Landscape Architecture Perivojno oblikovanje / Landscape Design Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Slavonija / Croatian Space and Architecture – Slavonia
diplomski studij / graduate study programme Povijest europskog urbanizma / History of European Urban Design Radionica pejsažne arhitekture / Landscape Architecture Design Studio Diplomska radionica / Master Thesis Studio
izborni Kolegiji / elective courses Naziv / title diplomski studij / graduate study programme Suvremena perivojna arhitektura / Contemporary Landscape Architecture Primjena materijala i konstrukcija u perivojnoj arhitekturi / Use of Materials and Structures in Landscape Architecture Povijest hrvatskog urbanizma / History of Croatian Urbanism Američki grad do kraja 19. stoljeća / History of Making American City by the End of 19th Century Revitalizacija dvoraca / Revitalisation of Castles Zaštita i obnova povijesnih perivoja / Protection and Restoration of Historic Gardens
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Nastavni rad / teaching
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Suvremeni aspekti povijesnih prostora Gradovi i antropogeni pejsaži u funkciji stvaranja novih vrijednosti
Kabinet pokriva dva tematska područja – pejsažnu arhitekturu te povijest gradogradnje i perivojnoga stvaralaštva. Povezivanje ta dva tematska područja nastaje zbog znanstvenoistraživačkog projekta koji se godinama bavio temama urbanističkoga i pejsažnoga naslijeđa u Hrvatskoj i Europi, a i nastavnici svojim istraživačkim i stručnim temama i projektima najčešće obuhvaćaju oba područja. Kroz obvezne i izborne kolegije i radionice potiče se senzibilitet za kulturni krajolik i naslijeđe, za odčitavanje i prepoznavanje vrijedndosti u prostoru, kao i njihovo unaprjeđenje kroz uvažavanje naslijeđenog identiteta, ali i kreiranje novih vrijednosti suvremenim gradograditeljskim, arhitektonskim i perivojnim zahvatima u prostoru. Projektiraju se i planiraju prostori za razne svrhe – očuvanje i obnavljanje područja, perivoji, povijesni prostori, turistički prostori, spomen-obilježja, pejsažna infrastruktura, močvare i rijeke, potoci i kanali, prostori rekreacije, stambeni predjeli, urbani javni prostori i dr. Koristeći postojeće i povijesne uvjete izgrađenog i prirodnog okoliša stječu se znanja kojima se može preoblikovati prostor i upravljati njegovom preobrazbom. Društveni procesi nelinearni su i dinamični te iz njih nastaju kompleksni sustavi. Pejsažna arhitektura može služiti toj novoj paradigmi, radeći i na ekološkoj teoriji i na tradiciji različitosti koja se oblikuje u verbalnoj i vizualnoj raspravi s respektom prema perivojima i gradovima. Danas se širi područje istraživanja i rada na infrastrukturu, postindustrijske prostore, odlagališta, urbanizirane prostore grada, ali i ‘prostore između’. Znanje i uloga arhitekta i urbanista u tom je području nezaobilazna i uloga naobrazbe uključuje razvoj kritičkog uvida u prostor i stvaranje novih znanja. Kabinet intenzivno radi na stvaranju tih novih znanja primjenjujući interdisciplinarni pristup afirmirajući povijesno i kulturološko, prirodno i ekološko, arhitektonsko i pejsažno, urbano i društveno aktivno.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Contemporary Aspects of Historical Sites Cities and Anthropogenic Landscapes at Creating New Values
The section focuses on two thematic fields – landscape architecture, and the history of city building, parks and gardens. These two fields have been connected due to the scholarly research project whose focus has for years been on topics pertaining to urban and landscape heritage in Croatia and Europe. Another reason has been the overlap of projects conducted by the teachers at the Section whose research interests and experience comprise both topics. Compulsory and elective courses and workshops organized by the section aim to raise awareness of cultural landscape and heritage and provides students with skills and knowledge to recognize and analyse significant and valuable characteristics of space, as well as their improvement by respecting inherited identities, but also by creating new values through contemporary urban planning and architectural projects designed for the space. Student are taught how to design and plan spaces for various purposes – preservation and restoration of areas, parks and gardens, historic buildings and places, tourist and memorial places, landscape infrastructure, marches and rivers, creeks and channels, recreation facilities, residential areas, urban public spaces and the like. Social processes related to politics, economy, urban planning and the like, are not linear but dynamic generators of complex systems. Landscape architecture can support this new paradigm through research and development of an ecological theory and by drawing on traditional versatility which takes shape in verbal and visual communication with respectful attitude towards cities, parks and gardens. Today, the focus of research and practice extends to infrastructure, post-industrial spaces, disposal sites, urbanized spaces but also ‘in-between spaces’. Knowledge and role of the architect and urban planner in that field is inevitable, which is necessary for architectural education to include critical considerations about space and the creation of new knowledge. The office works extensively on the creation of that new knowledge by adopting an interdisciplinary approach and by affirming everything that is historical and cultural, natural and ecological, architectural and landscape, urban and the socially active.
Povijest urbanizma važna je sastavnica naobrazbe jer pridonosi razvijanju svijesti o važnosti povijesnog i kulturnog naslijeđa. Osim općeg znanja povijesti i kulture te važnosti spoznaje prošlosti za sadašnjost i budućnost naobrazba iz povijesti urbanizma želi ukazati na trajna urbanistička načela primjenjiva u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti te razviti senzibilitet za očuvanje i unaprjeđenje nacionalnoga urbanističkog naslijeđa, budući da Hrvatska baštini 25 stoljeća urbane tradicije i kulture.
The history of urban planning is an important constituent of education because it contributes to the development of awareness about the importance of historical and cultural heritage. In addition to the general knowledge of history and culture and the significance of knowing and understanding the past for the presence and the future, education in the history of urbanism aims to point to the lasting principles of urban planning applicable in the past, present and the future and to raise awareness of the protection and improvement of national urban heritage, since Croatia has inherited 25 centuries of urban tradition and culture.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Perivoj i javni prostori višestambenog naselja Branovečina – Prešnica, Zagreb
Parks and Public Areas of Multihousing Settlements of Branovečina – Prešnica, Zagreb
Perivojno oblikovanje / Landscape Design preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
3.5. Sadržaj zadatka objašnjava se motom: Jedino pravo putovanje, ne bi bilo ići prema novim prostorima, nego gledati drugačije, vidjeti svijet očima drugih, stotinama drugih, vidjeti stotinu svjetova koje svatko od njih vidi, koje svatko od njih jest — Marcel Proust The content of the assignment can be explained by this paragraph: The only true journey…. would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other eyes, to see the universe through the eyes of another, of a hundred others, to see the hundred universes that each of them sees, that each of them is — Marcel Proust
voditelji / supervisors
Vlado Bandur
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Vedran Ivanković
Kolegij Perivojno oblikovanje obuhvaća idejnu razinu urbanističko-perivojnog rješenja javnog prostora stambenog naselja. Razrada zadatka odnosi se na vlastito urbanističko rješenje stambenog naselja izrađeno u prethodnom semestru na kolegiju Studio 2. Izradom idejnog rješenja perivojnog oblikovanja stambenog naselja, odnosno odgovarajućega javnog prostora, savladavaju se oblikovno-konceptualne i urbanističko-tehničke metodološke osnove urbanističkog, perivojnog i arhitektonskog projektiranja, te se stječu vještine cjelovite spoznaje konteksta prostora i njegova uređenja kroz kontekst, koncept i ideju, ovisno o urbanističkim, arhitektonskim, tehničkim, pejsažnim, administrativnim i drugim činiteljima.
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma
The course includes a conceptual level of urban and landscape design of a public space of the estate. The assignment of the course Studio 2 which is to create an urban design plan for a residential estate is being further developed in this course. By creating the conceptual landscape design for the estate and the surrounding public space, students gain knowledge in the basic designing, planning and technological methodology of architectural, urban and landscape design, and acquire skills in integral approach to spatial context, its planning and development through contexts, concepts and ideas, depending on urban, architectural, technical, landscape, administrative and other factors.
Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Irma Šmuc
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Ksenija Radić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Radionica pejsažne arhitekture / landscape architecture design studio
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Emanacija urbanog pejsaža
Urban Landscape Emanation
Diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
2. 3. VODITELJ radionice / studio supervisor Prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci zimski semestar / winter semester Iva Batina, Vedrana Biškup, Iva Grgić, Andriana Grubelić, Ivana Lukenda, Ivana Tuđman Ljetni semestar / summer semester Petra Matošin, Jelena Miljanović, Vedran Oštarić, Sonja Sić, Josipa Smoljo, Marijela Svilarić, Maja Šurjak
Radionica je vježbovni kolegij koji primjenjuje sva znanja o prostoru stečena tijekom studija. Ona se razvija kroz temu Emanacija urbanog pejsaža, razotkrivanje prostora – impresije, modifikacije spoznaje i ispitivanje značenja vremena i strukture u prostoru. Glavna pitanja koja se postavljaju jesu: znati kako i znati zašto. Pojam emanacije promatra se kao: emanacija – utjecaj koji jedinica ili sustav i/ili biće ima na svoj okoliš, te emanacija – čin izlaženja, ono što omogućava napredovanje. Način projektiranja jest koreografija kretanja, vizualnih iluzija i osjetilni pejsaž iščekivanja. Cilj radionice jest stvoriti paradigmu koja je neovisna o lokaciji, sadržaju, mjerilu, vremenu i tehnologiji. Njome se prikazuje mreža ključnog termina i koncepta, uzimajući u obzir položaj, kontekst i program, te se integrira klasifikacija, struktura i analize. Radionicom se promovira i rasprava o ostvarivanju cjelovitosti prostora respektirajući postojeće, o kreiranju slike prostora te o otkrivanju kroz analize kako se prostor može mijenjati u odnosu na vrijeme. Rezultati rada jesu istraživački rad i urbanističko-pejsažni/perivojni projekt. U Radionici pejsažne arhitekture istraživale su se teme: Kaštela – razvoj obalnog područja, Urbani i prirodni pejsaži – Varaždin i rijeka Drava, Vodice – povezivanje tri pejsaža, Revitalizacija rijeke Ođenice kroz spone virovitičkih krajolika, Interakcija grada Zaprešića, okolnih naselja i pejsaža, Elafiti – renesansa 21. stoljeća sintezom arhaičnih i avangardnih pristupa, Identifikacija grada Zagreba kroz mrežu urbanog pejsaža – Zapad i Istok, Multifunkcionalni krajolik – regionalni park Konavle, Multifunkcionalni krajolik – regionalni park Dubrovačko primorje, Otok Pag – otok s dva lica, Usporedbena analiza četiriju ‘termalnih gradova’ u svrhu reaktivacije grada Lipika, Stari gradski putovi – novi starogradski putovi i Aktiviranje poprečnih veza obale i zaleđa podperunskih naselja.
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma
The workshop is a practical course in which students apply all the knowledge acquired during their studies. Its programme is developed around the topic of Urban Landscape Emanation, discovery of space – impressions, modifications, insights and the exploration of meanings of time and structure in space. The main issues are to know how and to know why. The term emanation is seen as an act of emission, emergence, that which enables progression, but also as an impact of a unit or system and/or being on the environment. The design method is based on the choreography of movements, visual illusions and a sensory landscape of anticipation. The objective of the workshop is to create a paradigm independent of locations, contents, scales, time and technology. It represents a network of the key term and concept, taking into account position, context and programme, and it enables integration of classification, structure and analysis. The workshop also promotes a discussion on achieving integrity of space by respecting the existing space, on creating an image of space and on discovering through analysis how space can change in relation to time. The results of the workshop are research and urban and landscape/landscape design plan. So far the workshop has explored the following topics: Kaštela – coastal area development, urban and natural landscapes – Varaždin and the Drava River, Vodice – connecting three landscapes, revitalising the Ođenica River by linking Virovitica’s landscapes, interaction between the town of Zaprešić, surrounding towns and landscapes, the Elafiti Islands – 21st renaissance through synergy of archaic and avant-garde approaches, identification of Zagreb through a network of urban landscape – West and East, multifunctional landscape – a regional park of Konavle, multifunctional landscape – a regional park of the Dubrovnik coast, Pag – the island with two faces, comparative analysis of four ‘thermal spa towns’ for reactivation of the town of Lipik, Old city paths – new Old City paths and Activation of transversal connections between the coast and the hinterland estates under Perunsko Hill.
Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Jelena Miljanović Marijela Svilarić
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Povijest hrvatskog urbanizma / history of croatian urban planning diplomski studij / graduate study programme Godina / year
Semestar / semester
1. 2. studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Alen Žunić Nikola Matuhina
Zlatko Karač
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Zagrebački trgovi moderne između dva svjetska rata – Geneza i urbanističke odlike
Modernist Squares In Zagreb Between Two World Wars – The Genesis And Urban Characteristics
Od ukupno 65 danas postojećih zagrebačkih trgova, koji su obuhvaćeni poredbenim urbanološkim istraživanjem, u referatu se prezentira desetak trgova nastalih od 1918. do 1941. na matricama gradskih regulacija moderne. Uz pet velikih trgova gradskog značaja i reprezentativnosti, formiranih u novom području istočno od Draškovićeve ulice (današnjih imena: Trg hrvatskih velikana, Trg žrtava fašizma, Krešimirov trg, Kvaternikov trg i Kennedyjev trg), analizirani su i trgovi nastali u okviru planski izgrađenih stambenih naselja socijalnog programa na tadašnjoj gradskoj periferiji (Botićev i Dubravkin trg na ‘Kanalu’, Moslavački trg na Volovčici, Kažotićev i Zoričićev trg u Željezničarskoj koloniji, kao i mali neimenovani trgovi u Naselju Istrana i invalida te na Selskoj cesti na Trešnjevci, itd.). Svi su trgovi obrađeni po ujednačenome analitičkom obrascu koji obuhvaća: položaj u gradskom tkivu, povijesni razvoj trga, urbanističke regulacije; mijene imena, tlocrtnog oblika i veličine, funkcionalne osobitosti, prometnu shemu, uređenje i opremu prostora, perivojne elemente i nasade, karakter izgradnje (fizičku tipologiju zgrada, etažnost, položaj na parceli) i arhitektonske orijentire. Pojedinačnu katalošku elaboraciju prate usporedbeni tablični i analitički kartogramski prikazi, kao i izvorna arhivska dokumentacija. Uz navedene izvedene trgove, ukazuje se i na nekoliko planiranih trgova iz 1920-ih i 1930-ih godina koji nikada nisu izvedeni, a njihov je prostor poništen kasnijim preregulacijama. Također se prezentiraju važniji urbanistički zahvati međuratnoga doba na ranije nastalim povijesnim trgovima Donjega i Gornjega grada, koji su doživjeli autorski relevantna preoblikovanja.
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma
Out of the present 65 squares in Zagreb that were included in the comparative urbanistic research, this report presents a dozen squares built between 1918 and 1941 on the matrix of modernist city regulations. Along with the five large squares that are significant and typical of the city, created in the new area east of Draškovićeva Street (their current names are: Trg hrvatskih velikana, Trg žrtava fašizma, Krešimirov trg, Kvaternikov trg and Kennedyev trg), the report also analyzes squares that were built in the planned residential districts on the city’s peripheral area at the time (Botićev trg and Dubravkin trg in Kanal, Moslavački trg in the district of Volovčica, Kažotićev trg and Zoričićev trg in Željezničarska kolonija, as well as small, nameless squares in Naselje Istrana i invalida and on Selska Street in the district of Trešnjevka, etc.). All the squares were processes using the uniform analytical template that included the following: square’s position in the city’s tissue, its historical development, zoning regulations, changes in name, layout and size, functional characteristics, traffic scheme, square design and urban equipment, garden elements and plant, construction characteristics (physical typology of the buildings, height of square forming buildings, location on the lot) and architectural landmarks. Individual catalogue elaboration comes with comparative table and analytical map presentations, as well as original archive documentation. Along with these built squares, we will also mention several squares that were planned during the 1920s and 1930s but were never built, and whose space was erased with later modifications. The report will also show significant zoning interventions of the period between the wars on existing historical squares in the Upper and Lower Town that underwent architecturally relevant redesigns.
Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Znanstvenoistraživački rad / Scholarly research
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Suvremeni aspekti povijesnih prostora – Gradovi i antropogeni pejsaži u funkciji stvaranja novih vrijednosti
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Contemporary Aspects of Historic Areas – Towns and Anthropogenic Landscapes in Creating New Values Scholarly research includes participation in conferences and publication of scientific papers, which show all aspects of the contemporary notion of landscape architecture and urbanism, history of urban planning and preservation and enhancement of urban heritage. This also includes popularisation of scholarly research through public lectures.
Znanstveni rad predstavljaju sudjelovanja na kongresima i objavljivanja znanstvenih članaka, a koji pokazuju sve aspekte suvremenog poimanja pejsažne arhitekture i urbanizma, povijesti urbanizma, kao i očuvanje i unaprjeđenje urbanističkog naslijeđa. Tu također spada i popularizacija znanosti kroz javna gostujuća ili pozvana predavanja.
autori / authors: Tin Oberman, Marko Rukavina, Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci sažetak i poster / summary and poster presentation: ‘The Global Composition. Sound, Media and the Environment’, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Germany, 25.– 28.07.2012.
Zvučni koncepti u urbanizmu
Soundscape Concepts In Urbanism
Teorija soundscapea, koju je utemeljio R. M. Schafer, a primjenjuje sve veći broj istraživača, može se shvatiti kao interdisciplinarna platforma. Sonotopi, koji su pod neminovnim utjecajem urbanizma mogu se rasprostirati na značajnom dijelu urbanog krajolika. Ublažavanje buke nije jedina tema koja povezuje problematiku soundscapea s urbanizmom. Proces oblikovanja izgrađenog okoliša rijetko uključuje pozitivne aspekte fenomena zvuka. Cilj istraživanja je otkriti principe kojima bi se omogućilo uspostavljanje urbanističke teorije i prakse s osviještenom važnosti zvuka.
The soundscape theory developed by R.M. Schafer and carried on by growing number of researches can be seen as an interdisciplinary platform. Sonotopes can cover significant areas of urban landscape and are inevitably influenced by urban design and planning. Noise mitigation is not the only topic that connects soundscape related issues to urban planning and design. The design of the built environment rarely includes the positive aspect of the sound phenomenon. The aim of this research is to detect principles which could help to establish sound-conscious theory and practice in urbanism.
Raspravlja se i o nekoliko različitih pristupa prostornom aspektu zvuka i zvučnim aspektima prostora te se određuju ključni koncepti. Tijekom istraživanja doživljaja urbanog krajolika izrasla je važnost opažanja kako prostornog tako i vremenskog aspekta. Također se raspravlja značaj urbanih sonotopa. Osjetilni, odnosno čujni doživljaj urbanog krajolika važan je aspekt njegova identiteta. Primjena percepcijske istaknutosti, temeljena na odnosu lika i pozadine, na različitost između materijalnih i nematerijalnih elemenata, može poslužiti kao analogija u oblikovanje čujnih i prostornih urbanističkih projekata. Zanimanje za audioprostorne doživljaje i oblikovanje zvučnog prostora je posljednjih godina sve veće. Soundscape može obogatiti ili umanjiti prostorno iskustvo kao što urbanistički plan može pojačati ili degradirati slušni prostor. Javlja se, stoga, potreba za holističkim, interdisciplinarnim pristupom. Teorija soundscapea pruža sveobuhvatnost u načinu inkorporiranja kompleksnih odnosa zvuka i prostora u urbanističko projektiranje i planiranje.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Several different approaches to the spatial aspect of sound and the aural aspect of space have been discussed and key concepts extrapolated. The research on the experience of urban landscape led to the realisation of the importance of observing the temporal aspect as well as the spatial one. Urban sonotope is discussed as an important concept. Sensory (i.e. aural) experience of the urban landscape is an important aspect of its identity. The model of prominence based on figure-background relationships applied to the distinction between material and nonmaterial elements could work as a link for composing aural and spatial urban designs. In recent years the interest in both auditory spatial experience and the design of the auditory space has been increased. Soundscape can either enrich the spatial experience or degrade it as well as urban design can enhance or degrade the auditory space. Therefore emerges the need for the holistic interdisciplinary approach. The soundscape theory offers comprehensive tools for incorporating complex relations between sound and space into urban design and planning disciplines.
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
autori / authors: Marko Rukavina, Ana Mrđa, Tin Oberman, Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci izlaganje na skupu, sažetak / paper presentation, summary: ‘International Workshop COAC Barcelona 2012 – Jornadas Cientificas; Barcelona, Španjolska / spain, 23. – 25.05.2012.
autori / authors: Tamara Marić, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci izlaganje na skupu, sažetak / paper presentation, summary: ‘International Workshop COAC Barcelona 2012 – Jornadas Cientificas; Barcelona, Španjolska / spain, 23.– 25.05.2012.
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Vis – Prostorno planiranje grada i otoka valorizacijom arheološkog lokaliteta Issa
Vis – Spatial Development Of The Town And The Island Through The Enhancement Of The Issa Archaeological Site
Urbana kultura na istočnoj jadranskoj obali može se pratiti u proteklih dvadeset i pet stoljeća. Iako su stari Grci na istočnoj jadranskoj obali već od 9.st.pr.Kr. održavali trgovačke veze s Ilirima (suvremenicima Etruraca) prvi grad, Issu, utemeljili su u 4. st.pr.Kr. Od svih gradova koje su Grci osnovali postoje oni koji su očuvani do današnjeg dana (među njima su gradovi Tragurion / Tragurium i Pharos, danas pod zaštitom UNESCO-a), te oni čiji su ostaci ostali sačuvani samo u arheološkim slojevima. Jedan od primjera potonje skupine je Issa, grad koji je u ranom srednjem vijeku postao ‘mrtav grad‘. U istoj uvali (nešto udaljenije od antičkog grada) se kasnije razvilo novo naselje koje je tvorilo temelje modernom gradu Visu. Briga o ovoj značajnoj kulturno-povijesnoj (arheološkoj) baštini grčko-rimskog razdoblja vrlo je slabo, te je ostala uglavnom nepoznata općoj javnosti. Unatoč zakonski uređenoj zaštiti i očuvanju, baština otoka nije prepoznata na lokalnoj razini, niti je na zadovoljavajući način uključena u svakodnevni život niti u turističke i ekonomske aktivnosti. Zbog brojnih faktora na otoku postoje samo dva veća naselja (Vis i Komiža). Istraživanjem se želi predstaviti koncept održivog prostornog razvoja otoka na temelju prepoznate važnosti antičke grčke i rimske arheološke baštine. U cilju valorizacije arheološkog lokaliteta i općenito snažnijeg razvoja otoka, u radu se obrađuje tema percepcijske /fenomenološke autentičnosti (autentičnih prirodnih i kulturnih krajolika otoka visa – ‘helenističkog krajolika‘) s ciljem njezinog očuvanja i uključivanja kao novog elementa u razvoj selektivne turističke ponude otoka. Tema prostornog razvoja grada i otoka valorizacijom arheološkog lokaliteta antičkog grada Isse istražuje se u vezi s lokalnim i sveopćim značajem baštine, koja predstavlja doprinos metodi valorizacije arheološke baštine u kontekstu održivog prostornog razvoja.
Interakcije grada Splita i Marjanskog poluotoka Spajanje rimske Dioklecijanove palače sa svojom povijesnom jezgrom, grčki i rimski grad Salona, po mediteranskom gradu krajolik povijesti, urbanizma, društva i kulture Tema istraživanja je mediteranski grad Split, koji je topografski gledano poluotok koji završava Marjanom, još jednim poluotokom. Gradski poluotok je doživio veliki urbani rast u 20. stoljeću što je grad ostavilo s vrlo malo urbanog prostora s prostranim pejsažnim zonama. Cilj istraživanja je kreirati suvremenu viziju grada uređenjem javnog prostora u gradskom krajoliku na način da se poluotok Marjan spoji s najudaljenijim perifernim točkama u gradu Splitu kako bi se stvorile četvrti pješačkih prizora.
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma
The urban culture on the eastern Adriatic coast is traceable for at least twenty-five centuries. After the Ancient Greeks arrived on the eastern Adriatic coast, they established trading relationships with the Illyrians (the contemporaries of the Etruscans) in the 9th century BC, but the first town, Issa, was not founded until the 4th ct. BC. Of all the towns founded by the Ancient Greeks, there are those which have remained as such until today (two of which, Tragurion/Tragurium and Pharos, are protected by UNESCO), and the towns whose remains have been preserved solely in the archaeological layers. An example of the latter is Issa which became ‘a dead town’ in the Early Middle Ages. A new settlement, developed later in the same cove (somewhat farther from the ancient town) served as a foundation for the modern town of Vis. This significant cultural-historical (archaeological) heritage from the Greek-Roman period is poorly cared for and it remains mostly unknown to the general public. Despite legal protection, the heritage has not been recognized locally, nor has it been satisfactory incorporated into everyday life or the tourist and economic activities. Due to a number of factors there are only two larger settlements (Vis and Komiža) on the island of Vis. This research presents a concept for the sustainable spatial development of the island based on the recognition of the relevance of the Ancient Greek and Roman archaeological heritage. In order to enhance the archaeological site and to develop the island in general, the paper also addresses the topic of perceptual / phenomenological authenticity (the authentic cultural and natural landscape of the island of Vis – ‘an Ancient Hellenistic landscape’) with the aim of its preservation and incorporation into the plan as the new element within the development of the selective tourist offer on the island. The topic of spatial development of the town and the island through the enhancement of the archaeological site of the ancient town of Issa has been explored in terms of its local significance and the overall significance, which represents the contribution to the method of the enhancement of archaeological heritage within the context of sustainable spatial development.
The City of Split and Marjan Peninsula Interaction Connecting Roman Diocletian’s Palace with its history core, the Greek and Roman city of Salona, by the Mediterranean city landscape of history, urbanism, society and culture The subject of research is the Mediterranean city of Split. It is topographically a peninsula which ends with another peninsula – Marjan. The city peninsula had a huge urban expansion in the 20th century leaving the city with very few urban open spaces hence with landscape area of the Marjan peninsula. The aim is to create a contemporary vision of the city by organizing public space in the landscape of the city through connecting the Marjan peninsula and the most distant periphery of the city of Split in order to create neighborhoods of walkscapes.
Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Predavanje dr.sc. Vedrana Ivankovića u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti, 26.01.2012. u sklopu izložbe Socijalizam i modernost Zagreb, 2.12.2011. – 5.02.2012. Lecture by PhD Vedran Ivanković at the Museum of Contemporary Art, 26.01.2012. as a part of the events accompanying the exhibition Socialism and Modernity – Zagreb, 2.1.2 2011. – 5.02.2012.
Predavanje za / Lecture for: University of Georgia, sad: Dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković, 18.05.2012.
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Razgovori o arhitekturi – vizije budućnosti Vedran Ivanković, autor doktorske disertacije Ulica grada Vukovara 1945. – 1971. i moderne vizije Zagreba u 20. stoljeću – refleksije utjecaja Internacionalnog stila u hrvatskoj arhitekturi i urbanizmu nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata, u kojoj istražuje genealogiju razvoja poslijeratne moderne arhitekture i urbanizma u socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj, govori o teorijskim, društvenim, socio-političkim i organizacijskim okolnostima izgradnje najveće ulice u Zagrebu. Bio je to svojevrstan bulevar novog društvenog poretka, nekadašnja Moskovska, danas Ulica grada Vukovara. Nakon prijelomne 1948. kada je izmijenjen projekt Nevena Šegvića za prvu zgradu u toj ulici, nije više bilo sovjetskih uzora u izgradnji Zagreba pa od početka 1950-ih arhitekti deklarativno prihvaćaju stilske odrednice Zapada i grade na ideološkim i stilskim nasadima hrvatskog međuraćja. Do kraja su 1950-ih u Ulici grada Vukovara izgrađene velike višestambene zgrade Drage Galića, Božidara Rašice, Stanka Fabrisa i drugih arhitekata, te dio nove gradske vijećnice Kazimira Ostrogovića. U sklopu natječaja za novu gradsku vijećnicu 1955., tražila se urbanistička vizija središnjeg gradskog poteza u osi Zrinjevca, pa se već tada vidi povratak povijesnoj težnji Hrvata za realizacijom semantičkog spoja, vertikale Kaptol – Sava, i zaokret prema urbanističkim koncepcijama inspiriranim tradicijom. Predavanje je slijedila jednosatna diskusija s posjetiteljima izložbe.
Stari most u Mostaru – Od izgradnje u 16. do rekonstrukcije u 21. stoljeću Želja da se rekonstrukcija izvede od ostataka porušenog mosta nije mogla biti ostvarena pa je primijenjena metoda ’faksimila kojom se na osnovi sačuvane dokumentacije gradila identična kopija nekadašnjeg mosta. Radovi na rekonstrukciji izvedeni su u tri etape. Nakon analize rezultata svih istraživanja i prošlih sanacija u prvoj su etapi provedena geološka istraživanja, istraživanja upornjaka, ’patološka analiza i projekt rekonstrukcije. U drugoj etapi izvedeni su sanacijski radovi na stijenama, a u trećoj se pristupilo rekonstrukciji mosta. U konačnici su detaljna istraživanja na terenu i u laboratoriju omogućila identifikaciju tehnologije građenja i izvornih materijala pa je bilo moguće postaviti osnovne zahtjeve za rekonstrukciju mosta. Arhitektonska atraktivnost mosta, ponajprije njegova vitkog luka, i urbano okruženje sadržani su u spoju utilitarne jednostavnosti i funkcionalnosti. Ipak, novi ‘stari’ most zbog specifičnoga svojstva kalcifikacije kamena ‘Tenelija’, koji je trajao stoljećima, nema patinu vremena – izgled koji je dobio zbog karakteristike materijala i po kojem ga Mostarci pamte.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Talks about Architecture – Visions of the Future In his doctoral thesis Vukovar Street in Zagreb 1945 – 1971 and Modern Visions in the 20th century – International Style Impact Reflections in the Croatian Architecture and Urban Planning After the 2nd ww, Vedran Ivanković explores the genealogy of post – w w II modern architecture and urban planning in socialist Croatia, speaks about theoretical, social, socio-political and organizational circumstances surrounding the construction of the city’s biggest street. Today’s Vukovar Street, and former Moscow Street, used to be a sort of boulevard of the social order in the country. After the critical year of 1948, when Neven Šegvić’s design for the first building in the street had been changed, Soviet architecture was no longer a pool of exemplars. Zagreb architects, therefore declaratively accepted stylistic features of the West from the early 1950’s and built on the ideological and stylistic foundation of the Croatian interwar period. Until the end of the 1950’s Vukovar Street had been the site of numerous building projects such apartment buildings designed by Drago Galić, Božidar Rašica, Stanko Fabris and others, and parts of a new city hall building by Kazimir Ostrogović. The 1955 architectural design competition for the city hall building, or for the Croatian parliament building, as architects had hoped, required that the urban design for the central city section be positioned in the axis of Zrinjevac which shows a return to the historical Croatian desire to achieve semantic relationship by linking Kaptol and the Sava River, as well as a change towards urban concepts inspired by tradition. The lecture was followed by an hour long discussion with exhibition visitors.
Mostar Old Bridge – From Construction in 16th to Reconstruction in 21st Century Since the desired reconstruction of the Mostar Bridge from the remains after its destruction could not be conducted, the method applied was that of ‘facsimile’ which led to the construction of an identical copy of the bridge based on the surviving documentation. Reconstruction works were conducted in three stages. Following the analysis of all previous research and repairs, the first stage comprised geological research, investigation of abutments, ‘analysis of weaknesses’ and design of the reconstruction project. The second stage included repairs of the rocks and the third stage comprised the reconstruction works. Detailed research on the site and in a lab finally led to the identification of the building technology and the authentic materials used for the bridge which allowed for the basic requirements of the reconstruction. The architectural appeal of the bridge, primarily its slender arch and the urban setting were reflected in the combination of its utilitarian simplicity and functionality. Nevertheless, the particular characteristics of the Tanelija stone and its calcification has deprived the new ‘old’ bridge of the time-inflicted patina – the appearance which it used to have due to the material and by which it is remembered among Mostar citizens.
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Znanstveni projekt
25 stoljeća urbane tradicije Hrvatske za bolju europsku budućnost
25 Century of Croatian Urban Tradition for a Better European Future
Znanstvenoistraživački projekt ‘Urbanističko i pejsažno naslijeđe Hrvatske kao dio europske kulture’ (054–0543089– 2967) provodi se na Arhitektonskom fakultetu deset godina, u dva vremenska razdoblja: 2002. – 2006. i 2007. – 2012. U tom vremenu postignuti su vidljivi rezultati u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Odvijale su se brojne međunarodne aktivnosti – međunarodni projekti, izlaganja na znanstvenim skupovima, objave radova u inozemstvu, promocije knjiga i hrvatskoga kulturnog naslijeđa, suradnja s europskim fakultetima i institucijama. Tijekom vremena u sklopu projekta razvijale su se nove teme, povećavao se broj istraživača, osobito mladih polaznika poslijediplomskog studija, doktoranata i doktora znanosti, a u istraživanja su uključivani i najbolji studenti.
The scientific research project ‘Urban and landscape heritage of Croatia as part of European culture’ (054–0543089–2967) has been conducted at the Faculty of Architecture for ten years, during two periods: 2002–2006 and 2007–2012. In this time visible results have been achieved in Croatia and abroad. Numerous international activities have taken place – international projects, presentations at scientific conferences, publication of works abroad, book promotions and the promotion of Croatia’s cultural heritage, cooperation with European faculties and institutions. As time went by, new themes developed as part of the project, the number of researchers rose, especially young students attending post-graduate studies, working towards their doctorates and Doctors of Science, with the best students taking part in research.
/ Scientific Project Članovi znanstvenog projekta / members of scientific project Voditelj znanstvenog projekta / head of scientific project 1. prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Članovi znanstvenog projekta s Arhitektonskog fakulteta / members of scientific project of faculty of architecture 2. izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci 3. doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik 4. doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić 5. doc.dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović 6. doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač 7. v.asist.dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković 8. v.asist.dr.sc. Lea Petrović 9. v.asist.dr.sc. Zorana Sokol-Gojnik 10. zn.novak Marko Rukavina 11. zn.novak Tin Oberman 12. zn.novakinja Ana Mrđa 13. zn.novakinja Tamara Marić Vanjski članovi znanstvenog projekta / extramural members of scientific project 14. dr.sc. Koraljka Vahtar-Jurković 15. dr.sc. Biserka Dumbović-Bilušić 16. dr.sc. Miće Gamulin 17. dr.sc. Maja Anastazija Kovačević 18. mr.sc. Mirna Meštrović 19. mr.sc. Irena Matković 20. Irma Huić, doktorandica 21. Marijana Sironić, doktorandica 22. Dario Sironić, doktorand 23. Ksenija Petrić, magistrantica Pridruženi članovi znanstvenog projekta / associate members of scientific project 24. Alen Žunić 25. Nikola Matuhina 26. Boris Dundović 27. Mauro Milli 28. Ksenija Radić 29. Ana Sopina 30. Tina Lacković 31. Kristina Lukačević
Istraživanja koja se intenzivno provode u zadnje dvije godine podijeljena su u šest područja: 1. Revitalizacija dvoraca – istražuju se istarski kašteli i zagrebački ljetnikovci, uspoređuju se dvorci Slavonije i Mađarske, a sa studentima diplomskoga studija rade se istraživanja na prostoru sjeverne Hrvatske pod naslovom ‘Revitalizacija dvoraca’; 2. Povijesni perivoji Hrvatske – istražuju se hrvatski gradski perivoji, perivoji ljetnikovaca i dvoraca, te se uspoređuju s europskim; 3. Preobrazba povijesnih dijelova grada – pretvorba fortifikacija u gradsko tkivo – istražuju se javni prostori na mjestima renesansno-baroknih utvrđenja hrvatskih gradova u usporedbi sa sličnim primjerima u europskim gradovima; 4. Kulturni krajolik u Hrvatskoj – istražuju se metode prepoznavanja, vrjednovanja i zaštite kulturnih krajolika u Hrvatskoj, a u kontekstu europskih iskustava; 5. Povijesni gradovi – istražuju se povijesno-urbanistička obilježja i stilske slojevitosti gradova u Hrvatskoj od antike do 20. stoljeća; 6. Zagrebački urbanizam i arhitektura 19. i 20. stoljeća – među zagrebačkim temama ističu se sljedeća istraživanja: urbanistička geneza šireg prostora Trnja i izgradnja Ulice grada Vukovara, liturgijske građevine 20. stoljeća, trgovi i javni prostori, perivojni i pejsažni prostori, urbanistička obilježja istočnoga dijela Donjega grada. Od 2007. do kraja 2011. godine u sklopu projekta obranjeno je sedam doktorskih disertacija, dva magistarska rada, objavljeno je 9 autorskih knjiga, 38 poglavlja u knjizi, 4 znanstvena članka u CC časopisima i 22 rada u časopisima koji se referiraju u Web of Science (WoS–SCI, A&HCI). U akademskoj godini 2011./2012. u znanstvenom časopisu za arhitekturu i urbanizam ‘Prostor’, koji je referiran u Wos–SCI i drugim relevantnim znanstvenim bazama, objavljeni su radovi koji istražuju utjecaje u sakralnoj arhitekturi, izgradnju Zagreba u prvim godinama nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata, genezu izgradnje Petrinjske ulice u Zagrebu, društvenu uvjetovanost Le Corbusierova Unitéa tijekom obnove Francuske nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata, reminiscenciju načela modernizma i
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu i povijest urbanizma
Research which has been carried out intensively within the last two years may be divided into six areas of interest: 1. The revitalisation of manors – research of Istrian castles and Zagreb summer residences, comparison of manors in Slavonia and Hungary, and with graduate students research has been carried out in the region of north Croatia and entitled: ‘Revitalisation of Manors’; 2. Historical parks and gardens of Croatia – research into Croatia’s city parks, gardens at summer residences and manors, and a comparison of the same to those of Europe; 3. Transformation of historical parts of a town or city – the transformation of fortifications into the urban tissue of a city – research into public spaces at Renaissance and Baroque fortifications in Croatian cities in comparison to similar examples in other European cities; 4. The cultural landscape in Croatia – research into methods for recognising, evaluating and protecting the cultural landscape in Croatia, within the context of European experience; 5. Historical cities – research into historical and urban characteristics and stylistic layers in the cities of Croatia from the Antique and up until the 20th century; 6. Zagreb urban planning and architecture in the 19th and 20th century – among the topics on Zagreb the following research is worth mentioning: the urban genesis of the environs of Trnje and the building of Grada Vukovara Street, liturgical buildings of the 20th century, squares and public spaces, parks and landscaped spaces, the urban characteristics of the east part of the Lower Town. From 2007 and up until the end of 2011 seven doctorate dissertations and two Master’s theses have been written, as well as 9 books by single authors, 38 chapters for various books, 4 scientific papers in CC magazines and 22 articles in magazines mentioned on the Web of Science (WoS–SCI, A&HCI). In the academic year 2011/2012, the scientific magazine ‘Prostor’ (Space), which is referred to in Wos–SCI and other relevant scientific databases, published works researching the influences to sacral architecture, the building of Zagreb in the initial years after WW II, the genesis of the building of Petrinjska Street in Zagreb, the social conditioning of
Section of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning History
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
tzv. ‘Zagrebačke škole’ u opusu nekih suvremenih arhitekata, definiciju i redefiniciju novog koncepta ‘landscape urbanizma‘, modeliranje linearnog povezivanja prostora u kontekstu razvoja grada Splita, povijesni trgovi grada Zagreba i dr.
Le Corbusier’s Unité during the renewal of France after WW II, a reminiscence of Modernist principles and the so-called ‘Zagreb School’ in the opus of certain contemporary architects, the definition and redefinition of the new concept ‘landscape urban planning’, the modelling of linear connections in space within the context of the development of Split, historical squares in Zagreb, and others.
U akademskoj godini 20011./2012. objavljena su i 23 znanstvena rada u ostalim znanstvenim časopisima među kojima je osobito značajan ‘Međunarodni projekt Radne zajednice podunavskih zemalja INTERREG II C’ – ‘Dunav put kulture’ te katalog tehničkih spomenika Podunavlja u Godišnjaku zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske pod naslovom: Tehnički, inženjerski i industrijski spomenici Vukovara (Karač). Objavljeno je i 38 radova in extenso u zbornicima znanstvenih skupova i 21 sažetak rada, među kojima su radovi koji vrjednuju arhitekturu kao prostorni i jezični fenomen, analiziraju odnos pejsaža i prostornog identiteta na lokalitetu Starigrad–Paklenica te istražuju mogućnosti zaštite pejsaža kao paradigme urbanog razvoja. Neki su od tih radova: Architecture as spatio linguistic phenomenon (Sokol, Gojnik, Šćitaroci), u: ‘International Conference on Theory of Architecture, Istanbul; Landscape gives the community a context – and thus also an identity – finding the identity of Starigrad-Paklenica through a network of public spaces (Sopina, Bojanić) i Preservation of inherited landscape inbetween – paradigm for urban development (Lacković, Bojanić) u: ‘Mind, Land and Society’, International Workshop: Architecture, Education and Society, Barcelona, te Analysis tools for soundscape-conscious urban landscape design (Oberman, Bojanić, Šćitaroci) na ‘49. IFLA World Congress Landscapes in Transition‘, Capetown. Objavljen je i Antologijski arhitektonski vodič Zagreba (Karač, Žunić). Članovi znanstvenoistraživačkog projekta suradnici su uglednih svjetskih institucija. U 2011./2012. godini sudjelovali smo u radu Council of Europe, CEP-CDPATEP na 6. konferenciji o Europskoj konvenciji o krajolicima (Dumbović Bilušić), održanoj u Strasbourghu 2011. te je nastavljena redovita suradnja s Fondation Le Corbusier u Parizu (Ivanković). Potanki pregled radova znanstvenog projekta nalazi se u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji CROSBI / A detailed overview of works of the scientific project can be found in Croatian scientific bibliography crosbi: hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija / bib.irb.hr / znanstveni projekt 054-0543098-2967
U akademskoj godini 2011./2012. na istraživanjima je sudjelovala 31 osoba: 13 zaposlenika Arhitektonskog fakulteta, 10 vanjskih suradnika na projektu i 8 studenata/diplomanata. U projektu sudjeluje 13 doktora znanosti i dva magistra znanosti. Trenutačno se provode tri doktorska istraživanja pod naslovima: Urbanistička obilježja i gradotvornost Ulice kralja Zvonimira u Zagrebu (mentor Šćitaroci), Urbanistička obilježja istočnoga dijela Donjega grada u Zagrebu 1905. – 2012. (mentor Šćitaroci) i Urbana struktura Mostara u razdoblju Osmanske vladavine 15. – 19. stoljeće (mentor Karač) te jedno magistarsko istraživanje pod naslovom Pejsažna i prostornoorganizacijska obilježja tradicijskih/seoskih naselja na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera (mentor Šćitaroci).
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
In the academic year 20011/2012, 23 scientific papers were also published in other scientific magazines, among which that concerning the ‘International project of the Working Community of the Danube Basin Countries INTERREG II C’ – ‘The Danube as a Pathway of Culture’: A Catalogue of Technical Monuments within the Danube Basin Region published in the Annual for the Protection of Monuments of Culture in Croatia under the title: Technical, engineering and industrial monuments of Vukovar (Karač). A further 38 works were published in extenso in the periodicals of scientific conferences, as well as 21 summaries, among which are works that view architecture as a spatial and linguistic phenomenon, that analyse the relationship between landscape and spatial identity at the site Starigrad-Paklenica and which research the possibilities of protecting the landscape as a paradigm of urban development. These include: Architecture as spatio linguistic phenomenon (Sokol, Gojnik, Šćitaroci), in: ‘International Conference on Theory of Architecture’, Istanbul; Landscape gives the community a context – and thus also an identity – finding the identity of Starigrad-Paklenica through a network of public spaces (Sopina, Bojanić) and Preservation of inherited landscape in-between – paradigm for urban development (Lacković, Bojanić) in: ‘Mind, Land and Society’, International Workshop: Architecture, Education and Society, Barcelona, as well as Analysis tools for soundscape-conscious urban landscape design (Oberman, Bojanić, Šćitaroci) at ‘49. IFLA World Congress Landscapes in Transition‘, Capetown. An anthological architectural guide book for Zagreb (Karač, Žunić) was also published. The members of the scientific research project are associates at renowned institutions worldwide. In 2011/2012 we took part in the work of the Council of Europe, CEP-CDPATEP at the 6th European Landscape Convention (Dumbović Bilušić) held in Strasbourg in 2011 and continued to cooperate with the Fondation Le Corbusier in Paris (Ivanković). In the academic year 20011/2012, 31 people took part in a variety of research: 13 employees of the Faculty of Architecture, 10 project associates and 8 students/graduates. Taking part in the project are 13 Doctors of Science and 2 Masters of Science. At the moment there are 3 ongoing doctorate researches entitled: The Urban Characteristics and cityscape of Kralj Zvonimir Street 1905–2012 (mentor Šćitaroci) and The Urban Structure of Mostar during the Reign of the Ottoman Empire 15th – 19th century (mentor Karač), and research for a master’s degree entitled: Landscape and spatial-organisational characteristics of traditional/village settlements within the National Park Plitvička Jezera (mentor Šćitaroci).
Department of Urban and Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Terenska nastava naziv / title
nositelj kolegija / Course Supervisor
Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Zagreb
pred. mr.sc. Alan Braun
/ Croatian Space and Architecture – Zagreb Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Istra
pred. mr.sc. Alan Braun
/ Croatian Space and Architecture – Istria Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Dalmacija
prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil
/ Croatian Space and Architecture – Dalmatia Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska
doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić
/ Croatian Space and Architecture – North-west Croatia Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura – Slavonija / Croatian Space and Architecture – Slavonia
doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Field Studies
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura Terenska nastava kolegija Hrvatski prostor i arhitektura omogućava opći uvid u arhitektonsku i urbanističku baštinu Hrvatske. Unutar osnovne podjele arhitektonske discipline na urbanizam, povijesnu i suvremenu arhitekturu te arhitektonsko projektiranje kao okosnica nastavnom programu prisutne su teme: prostorni resurs, gradska struktura, arhitektura u urbanom ili prirodnom kontekstu, arhitektura turističke namjene, autorsko arhitektonsko djelo. Itinerar obilaska koncipiran je tako da se naglaskom na specifične vrijednosti pojedinih lokaliteta (u rasponu od kulturološkopovijesnih okolnosti, datosti konfiguracije terena, morfologije gradske strukture..., do posebnosti izraza pojedinoga autorskog rukopisa i aktualne recentne arhitektonske i društvene problematike) pojasne ishodišta nastanka i valoriziraju vrijednosti arhitektonskih djela. Terenska nastava kao edukativna metoda podučava ponajprije o načinu sagledavanja gradova i građevina u konkretnom prostoru. Stručno vodstvo odabranim programom, kriterijima selekcije i ekspozeima in situ nastoji studentima približiti jedan vid komunikacije u arhitekturi koji se temelji kako na povijesnim slojevima i specifičnostima hrvatskog prostora i arhitekture, tako i na biti autorskog arhitektonskog prosedea kao takvog. Terenska nastava za studente I. semestra prezentira urbanistički i arhitektonski razvoj Zagreba kroz ciklus predavanja i dva vođena obilaska u kojima je obuhvaćena povijesna jezgra (Kaptol i Gornji grad) i Donji grad. Terenska nastava za studente II. semestra preddiplomskog studija Arhitektonskog fakulteta omogućava opći uvid u arhitektonsku i urbanističku baštinu sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Obilazak Istre namijenjen je studentima VI. semestra. Tijekom trodnevnog obilaska studente se upoznaje s fenomenom istarskog i primorskog prostora sa stanovišta prostorno-povijesnog razvoja te kulturne, graditeljske i urbane baštine, a ujedno i sa specifičnostima zaštite i obnove graditeljske baštine. Uz nastavnike Arhitektonskog fakulteta u terensku nastavu Dalmacija su uključeni i meritorni stručnjaci drugih disciplina, kao i autori-arhitekti koji su kvalitetom svoga rada posebno obilježili prostor Dalmacije. Tijekom obilaska studenti grafički bilježe, fotografiraju i analiziraju vizitirane gradove i građevine. Nakon putovanja iz dnevnika je potrebno odabrati niz relevantnih priloga te ih reproducirane, uz popratni stručni komentar, u vidu autorski dizajnirane knjižice predati kao seminarski rad – Dnevnik terenske nastave.
terenska nastava
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Croatian Space and Architecture Field study trips as part of the Croatian space and architecture course allow for general insight into the architectural and urban heritage of Croatia. Within the basic division of architecture disciplines into urban planning, historical and contemporary architecture and architectural planning as the framework to the course of studies, the following themes are included: Spatial resources, urban structure, architecture within an urban or natural context, architecture for tourism purposes, architects author’s approach. The itinerary of visits is conceived in such a manner that specific valuable buildings at individual sites (ranging from cultural and historical circumstances, the configuration of the terrain, the morphology of the urban structure, etc. to the specific expression of individual authors and topical architectural and social issues) are highlighted and clarify the evolutionary emergence of the architectural work and its evaluation. Field study trips as an educational method primarily offer the chance to view and comprehend cities, towns and buildings within concrete space. In providing professional guidance to a set programme, and according to selection criteria with exhibits in situ, the student is exposed to one aspect of communication in architecture based on historical layers and the specific qualities of Croatian space and its architecture, as well as to the quintessence of the architectural procédé as such. Field study trips for students attending semester I include the presentation of the urban and architectural development of Zagreb through a cycle of lectures and two guided tours which include the historic core (Kaptol and the Upper Town) and the Lower Town. Field study trips for students attending semester II of the pre-graduate studies include general insight into the architectural and urban heritage of northwest Croatia. A guided tour of Istria is organised for students during semester VI. During the three-day visit students gain insight into the phenomenon of spaces in Istria and Littoral Croatia from the aspect of spatial and historical development, as well as through its cultural, architectural and urban heritage. In addition they gain knowledge concerning the specifics of preservation and conservation of architectural heritage. Aside from professors from the Faculty of Architecture, other meritorious experts from other fields, as well as authors-architects, who have marked Dalmatian space with the quality of their work, are also included in the field study trips to Dalmatia. During the tour, students sketch, photograph and analyse the sites, towns and buildings visited. After the trip, students choose a series of relevant pieces from their study trip diaries and to reproduce them with an appended commentary in the form of a personally designed booklet which they hand in as their seminar paper – Field Study Diary.
field studies
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
terenska nastava
field studies
Itinerar Zagreb / Itinerary zagreb Kaptol i Gornji grad – povijesna jezgra Zagreba Donji grad – 12 konstitutivnih primjera arhitekture i prostora grada Predavanja / lectures doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun: Zagreb – grad i arhitektura od njegovih početaka do kraja 19. stoljeća / Zagreb – the City and Architecture from its Origins to the Late 19th Century prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić: Urbanistički razvoj Zagreba u 20. i 21. stoljeću / Urban Development of Zagreb in the 20th and 21th Century prof.dr.sc. Karin Šerman: Virtualna šetnja – Donji grad i moderne interpolacije / Virtual Tour – Down Town (Donji grad) and the modern interpolations prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil: Moderna i suvremena arhitektura Zagreba / Modern and Contemporary Architecture of Zagreb
Stručno vodstvo / guidance pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun (nositelj kolegija / Head of course), prof. Tonči Žarnić, doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić, doc. Petar Mišković, pred. Vjera Bakić, pred. Marina Bertina, pred. Vanja Rister, zn.novak Melita Čavlović, doc. Mia RothČerina, Juraj Glasinović
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
terenska nastava
field studies
Itinerar Istra / Itinerary istria 1. dan / day: Trsat – Rijeka – Motovun – Novigrad; 2. dan / day: Poreč – Sv. Lovreč – Dvigrad – Rovinj – Bale; 3. dan / day: Pula – Svetvinčent – Beram – Pazin – Gračišće – Raša – Labin – Mošćenice. Stručno vodstvo / guidance pred.mr.sc. Alan Braun (nositelj kolegija / Head of course), pred.mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić, pred. Tajana Jaklenec, pred. Vanja Rister
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
terenska nastava
field studies
Itinerar Dalmacija / Itinerary dalmatia Nin – Zadar – Šibenik – Trogir – Split – Brela – Makarska –Vid – Narona – Ston – Trsteno – Dubrovnik Stručno vodstvo / guidance prof.dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil (nositelj kolegija / Head of course), zn.nov. Melita Čavlović, zn.nov. Marina Smokvina, zn.nov. Mojca Smode Cvitanović
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
terenska nastava
field studies
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
terenska nastava
field studies
Itinerar Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska / Itinerary north-west croatia 1. dan / day: Gornja Bistra (Dvorac Oršić) – Stubički Golubovec (Dvorac Rauch – Steeb) – Gornja Stubica (Dvorac Oršić) – Krapinske Toplice – Krapina – Trakošćan – Lepoglava – Varaždin – Koprivnica; 2. dan / day: Samobor – Velika Mlaka – Šćitarjevo – Sela kod Siska – Sisak – Lonjsko Polje – Čigoć – Kloštar Ivanić – Čazma. Predavanja / lectures doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić: Povijesni slojevi / Historical Layers doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić: Arhitektura i urbanizam 20. i 21. st. / Architecture and Urbanism of the 20th and 21th Century Stručno vodstvo / guidance doc.dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić (nositelj kolegija / Head of course), pred. Luka Korlaet, pred. Dunja Mandić, zn.nov. Tihana Hrastar
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
terenska nastava
field studies
Itinerar Slavonija / Itinerary slavonia 1. dan / day: Novi Mikanovci – Vinkovci – Ovčara – Ilok – Vukovar – Borovo – Aljmaš (dopunski lokaliteti / additional sites: Šarengrad, Bapska, Vučedol, Erdut); 2. dan / day: Osijek (Tvrđa, Donji i Gornji grad, te novi dijelovi) – Valpovo – Donji Miholjac – Sv. Martin – Našice (dopunski lokaliteti / additional sites: Koška, Bilje u Baranji); 3. dan / day: Đakovo – Slavonski Brod – Požega – Pakrac – Lipik – Daruvar (dopunski lokaliteti / additional sites: Kutjevo, Brodski Drenovac). Stručno vodstvo / guidance doc.dr.sc. Zlatko Karač (nositelj kolegija / Head of course), doc.dr.sc. Iva Muraj, znan. nov. Morana Pap, znan. nov. Boško Opalić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Ljetne škole
Škola Grada – Dubrovnik 2012. (28.–30.4.2012. i 22.–27.10.2012.) The School of The City Dubrovnik 2012. (28.–30.4.2012. i 22.–27.10.2012.) Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost – Međunarodna ljetna škola Motovun 2012. (04–11.08.2012.) / Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability – International Summer School Motovun 2012 (04.–11.08.2012.) 11. Međunarodna radionica arhitekture fortifikacija, Čamčarnica, Brijuni (01.–10.9.2012.) 11th International Fortification Architecture Workshop Čamčarnica, Brijuni (01.–10.9.2012.) Tradicija i suvremenost – Lopud 2012. (14.–21.09.2012.) / Tradition and Modernity – Lopud 2012. (14.–21.09.2012.)
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Summer Schools
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Škola grada – Dubrovnik 2012. Voditelji / supervisors: Nenad Fabijanić, Tanja Nižetić predavanja / lectures: Dubrovnik (travanj / april) Dilka Bobanović, Romana Menalo Zagreb (svibanj / may) Vedran Ivanković, Snješka Knežević, Dražen Juračić, Nenad Fabijanić Dubrovnik (listopad / october) Snješka Knežević, Sou Fujimoto, Frank Arneil Walker, Ivo Babić, Josip Belamarić, Slobodan Vuković, Nenad Fabijanić, Romano Duić, Matko Vetma Studenti Af / students fa : Nikolina Bošnjak, Damir Divković, Andrea Dujić, Maja Kušan, Lucija Lončar, Blanka Milković, Antonija Milovac, Danijela Oraščanin, Marina Palfi, Borjan Paun, Iva Pauzar, Nikolina Pavlović, Dijana Resler, Maša Rihtarić, Josipa Samaržija, Dora Stipaničić, Mirka Škudar, Vanda Trifunović, Alen Žunić
Vježbanje arhitekture u radionicama inspirirano izvornim, manje-više poznatim ili prepoznatim ambijentima i čitanjem uvijek novog ozračja najpogodniji je način formiranja aktivnog arhitektonskog iskustva. Dubrovnik, ambijent koji sumira gotovo sva mediteranska izvorišta i slojeve, grad koji u najvišem smislu utjelovljuje pojam grada i spomenika – idealna je podloga za poduku i učenje o problemu odnosa tradicije i suvremenosti u arhitekturi. Cilj Škole grada jest uputiti studente u rješavanje složenih teškoća interpolacije suvremene arhitekture u mediteranski kontekst, bogate i slojevite povijesti, podučiti ih detaljnom iščitavanju zadanog prostora, uočavanju nedostataka i pronalaženju prikladnog sadržaja i namjene, istovremeno poštujući javno i privatno. Škola je počela u travnju trodnevnim posjetom Dubrovniku, gdje su se studenti upoznali s lokacijom koja je predmet zadatka, dobili potrebne informacije koje se sastoje od tehničke i povijesne faktografije te dobili uvid u širi povijesni i prostorni kontekst. Tema ovogodišnje Škole jest uređenje Boškovićeve poljane, jednog od naših najinteresantnijih baroknih sklopova, kroz koji nas je provela arhitektica Dilka Bobanović. Nakon terenske nastave studenti su u Zagrebu, pod mentorstvom prof. Fabijanića, izrađivali svoja idejna rješenja. U tom su razdoblju na Fakultetu organizirana predavanja Vedrana Ivankovića te Snješke Knežević, Dražena Juračića i Nenada Fabijanića (u sklopu doktorskog studija).
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
The School of The City – Dubrovnik 2012 Practicing architecture in workshops inspired by authentic, more or less known or recognized surroundings and experiencing new atmosphere anew is the most appropriate way of forming an active architectural experience. As a city which incorporates almost all Mediterranean sources and layers and which embodies in the most fundamental sense the idea of the city and monument, Dubrovnik makes an ideal basis for education and learning about the relationship between tradition and modernity in architecture. The main aim of the School of the City is to introduce students with the ways of finding solutions to problems posed by insertion of contemporary buildings into a Mediterranean context of rich and multilayered history, and teach them how to analyse a given space in great detail, recognize its shortcomings and find appropriate contents and uses for it while simultaneously respecting public and private aspects of the space. The school started in April with a three day visit to Dubrovnik where students were introduced to the location given as their assignment and its wider historical and spatial contexts and were later on given information which included technical and historical data. Following the field study the students returned to Zagreb where they created their conceptual designs under the supervision of Prof. Fabijanić. During the same period, they could also attend lectures given at the Faculty of Architecture by Vedran Ivanković, Snješka Knežević, Dražen Juračić and Nenad Fabijanić (as part of the doctoral study programme).
U listopadu je uslijedio drugi, šestodnevni posjet Dubrovniku i Stonu, prilikom kojeg su studenti postavili izložbu svojih radova u Poslijediplomskom središtu Dubrovnik te održali prezentacije idejnih rješenja. Uz izložbu studentskih radova organizirana su brojna predavanja na kojima su sudjelovali gosti predavači. Studenti su na organiziranoj izložbi svojim projektima dali lepezu ideja, a zatim su gosti predavači i svi zainteresirani iznijeli svoje sudove i ocjene, pa je to u konačnici dovelo do kristalizacije stajališta i naposljetku do donošenja zaključka.
The second part of the school was organized in October as a six-day long study visit to Dubrovnik and Stone during which the students put up an exhibition of their designs at the Dubrovnik Postgraduate Centre and orally presented their work. In addition to the exhibition there were numerous talks given by guest lecturers: Snješka Knežević, Sou Fujimoto, Frank Arneil Walker, Ivo Babić, Josip Belamarić, Nenad Fabijanić, Slobodan Vuković, Romano Duić and Matko Vetma. The students showed at the exhibition a wide range of ideas which were observed and evaluated by the guest lecturers and all the interested attendants which all led to the clarification of different viewpoints and to final conclusions.
ljetne škole
summer schools
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
ljetne škole
summer schools
studenti / students Danijela Oraščanin Borjan Paun
studenti / students Lucija Lončar Alen Žunić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
ljetne škole
summer schools
studenti / students Nikolina Pavlović Mirka Škudar
studenti / students Damir Divković Marina Palfi Dora Stipaničić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Tradicija, kreativnost i održivost – Motovun 2012.
Voditelji / supervisors: Ljubomir Miščević, Dunja Mandić, Tajana Jaklenec, Vedran Kasap, Luka Borčić, Damir Bralić studenti / students: Valentina Benčić, Ivan Križić, Irvin Ahatović, Tijana Guzjan, Dominik Markušić, Petra Jelaska, Petra Vrdoljak, Nina Ivanović, Franka Tretinjak, Nataša Njegovanović
U Motovunu se ove godine održala 31. međunarodna ljetna škola arhitekture, a prvi je put na njoj sudjelovao i Studij dizajna. U kontekstu tradicije, kreativnosti i održivosti, koja je glavna tema Škole, nanizala su se prigodna predavanja, a Škola je počela ponoćnom šetnjom po motovunskim zidinama. Svakodnevno su se izmjenjivale šetnje i predavanja te promišljao motovunski prostor koji je rezultirao završnom prezentacijom. Radovi su se bavili trima ‘motovunskim prazninama‘. Yellow Brick Road građanima i turistima Motovuna nudi šetnicu i povezuje sve ‘praznine‘. Ostali ‘praznine’ uređuju trgom sa suvremenom motovunskom cisternom, okupljalištem i motovunskoj djeci prijeko potrebnim centrom. Između ostalog, kroz potragu za doživljajem prostora propitivale su se i buduće teme Škole, a koja je rezultirala osnovnim elementima: vodom, vjetrom te sjenom i svjetlom. Ovakva propitivanja samo su početak suradnje između arhitekata i dizajnera, a i naznaka budućih zanimljivih tema Škole. Grad Motovun dobra je podloga u smislu eksperimentalnog i novog, čemu svjedoče Josef Ressel, izumitelj brodskog vijka – propelera, i Andrea Antico, renesansni skladatelj.
11. Međunarodna radionica arhitekture fortifikacija, Čamčarnica, Brijuni
projekti / projects: Urbanistička studija uređenja lokacije Pisak na Malom Brijunu, Urbanistička studija uređenja lokacije Peneda na Velikom Brijunu / Urban planning study of Pisak, Urban planning study of Peneda
11. Međunarodna radionica arhitekture fortifikacija na Brijunima održana je od 1. do 10. rujna 2012. godine u organizaciji Uprave za zaštitu kulturne baštine Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i javne ustanove Nacionalni park Brijuni, a pod pokroviteljstvom Nacionalnog odbora ICOMOS-a. Sudionici radionice bili su studenti i nastavnici arhitektonskih fakulteta iz Krakowa, Ljubljane, Milana i Zagreba, zatim Geodetskog fakulteta iz Zagreba te polaznici Tehničkog veleučilišta iz Zagreba. Radionica je počela uvodnim razgledavanjem brijunskog otočja i otvorenjem izložbe radova prošlogodišnje, 10. Međunarodne radionice arhitekture fortifikacija u obnovljenom izložbenom prostoru Čamčarnice. Teme zadataka radionice bile su analize, zatim geodetsko i arhitektonsko snimanje fortifikacija te urbanističke studije pojedinih brijunskih lokacija s fortifikacijama. Aktivnosti u radionici bile su podijeljene na svakodnevne organizirane obilaske, skiciranje i snimanje fortifikacija s okruženjem, zatim popodnevnu obradu prikupljenih podataka te terenska i večernja predavanja i diskusije voditelja, gostujućih predavača i studenata. Rezultati rada u radionici prikazani su na završnim prezentacijama studentskih radova, nakon kojih još slijedi dorada radova za godišnjak radionice i izložbu radova.
ljetne škole
Voditeljica radionice / workshop supervisor: Zofia Mavar Voditelj s AF / supervisor fa: Ivan Mlinar Voditelj / leader: Ivan Mlinar studenti / students: Ivana Šajn, Ela Prižmić, Korina Barišić
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Tradition, Creativity and Sustainability – Motovun 2012. The 31st International Summer School of Architecture and Design was held in Motovun this year with the School of Design taking part for the first time. A number of lectures were held to the main theme of the School, Tradition, creativity and sustainability, while the School programme started with a midnight stroll along the Motovun fortification system. The daily schedule alternated between strolls and lectures and the contemplation of Motovun spaces resulting in a final presentation. The works focused on three ‘empty Motovun spaces’. The Yellow Brick Road offers citizens of Motovun and its tourists a promenade and conjoins all the ‘empty spaces". Others ‘empty spaces’ are envisioned as squares with contemporary Motovun cisterns, and as gathering places affording the children of Motovun a direly needed centre. In addition, whilst experiencing the spatial context of Motovun further future themes for the School were divulged and resulted in the establishment of basic elements: water, wind, shadow and light. These deliberations mark but the beginning of cooperation between architects and designers, and herald interesting future themes for the School. The City of Motovun is a good foundation in the sense of the experimental and the new to which Josef Ressel, the inventor of the ship propeller, and Andrea Antico, Renaissance composer, bear ample witness.
11th International Workshop on Fortification Architecture, Brijuni The 11th international workshop on fortification architecture that took place on the Brijuni islands from 1–10 October 2012 was organized by the Croatian Culture Ministry's Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Brijuni National Park under the auspices of the Croatian National Committee of ICOMOS. Participants of the workshop were students and teaching staff of the Faculty of Architecture in Krakow, Ljubljana, Milan and Zagreb, students and lecturers of the Faculty of Geodesy in Zagreb and students of the Polytechnic of Zagreb. The workshop started with the sightseeing walk through the islands and the opening of an exhibition in the old boathouse (Čamčarnica) which has been turned into a gallery. The exhibition showed works of the participants in the 10th international workshop on fortification architecture. Topics of the workshop assignments included analyses, geodetic and architectural surveying of fortifications and the creation of urban studies of specific island locations containing fortifications. The activities were divided into regular visits to the locations on a daily basis, the creation of sketches and surveys of the fortifications together with their surroundings, analyses of gathered data in the afternoons after the visits, and lectures and discussions of workshop organizers, guest lectures and students in the evenings. Workshop results were shown in the presentations of students’ assignments, followed by the final preparation of the works for the year book and the exhibition of the workshop.
summer schools
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Tradicija i suvremenost – Lopud 2012 voditelj / supervisor: Sonja Tadej Vončina Predavači / lecturers: Reese Roberts, Steven Harris & Reese Roberts Architects, NY, doc. Nikola Popić (GAF), Alan Braun, Hrvoje Hrabak, Lukša Radić, Dubravko Bačić, Sonja Tadej Vončina Studenti Af / students fa: Paula Anđelić, Antonija Asturić, Korina Barišić, Marija Barović, Julijana Bočkaj, Petra Bolf, Darija Deranja, Damir Divković, Anja Madunović, Monika Milić, Dora Stipaničić, Martina Stjepandić, Ivana Šajn, Aljoša Špaleta
Ljetna škola 'Tradicija i suvremenost' osnovana je 1995. godine i uz Ljetnu školu u Motovunu, jedan je od najstarijih brandova Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Nakon niza godina održavanja na Braču, od 2012. godine održava se na otoku Lopudu – nastavivši u kontinuitetu usmjerenje k temama 'novog u starom', odnosu suvremenog i tradicionalnog, prema inicijalnoj zamisli i visokim kvalitativnim standardima koje je postavio njen utemeljitelj i dugogodišnji voditelj – prof. Dinko Kovačić. Nekoliko posljednjih godina, vodstvo Škole je preuzela doc. mr.sc. Sonja Tadej, proširivši njeno djelovanje uključenjem studenata Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Splitu, u suradnji s doc. Nikolom Popićem. Od 2012. u organizaciji i radu škole sudjeluju mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić i mr.sc. Alan Braun s Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu i Lukša Radić, dipl.ing.arh. iz Dubrovnika. Ljetna škola na Lopudu je organizirana pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Dubrovnika, Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije i Thyssen Bornemitza Art contemporary (TBA 21). Specifičnosti razvoja hrvatskih otoka, turizam, prepoznavanje kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih resursa, zaštita prirodne i kulturne baštine, planiranje održivog razvoja – neki su od aspekata na koje je fokusiran rad Škole, s odabirom konkretnih tema i zadataka kojima studenti pridonose postavljanju smjernica i rješavanju problema od interesa za lokalnu zajednicu.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Tradition and Modernety – Lopud 2012 The Summer School ‘Tradition and Contemporaneity’ was founded in 1995 and is, aside from the Summer School in Motovun, one of the oldest brands of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. After having been held on the Island of Brač for a number of years, as of 2012, it is being held on the Island of Lopud – so continuing to focus on themes concerned with ‘the new in the old’, the correlation of contemporary and traditional, and according to initiatives and high standards set by its founder and longstanding head – Prof. Dinko Kovačić. In the last number of years, Assist.Prof. Sonja Tadej, MSc, has taken over running the school and has extended its scope to include students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Split, in cooperation with Assist.Prof. Nikola Popić. As of 2012, Dubravko Bačić, MSc, Alan Braun, MSc, from the fa in Zagreb and Lukša Radić, Dipl. Eng. Arch. From Dubrovnik have joined the team of organisers. The Summer School on Lopud is organised under the auspices of the City of Dubovnik, the Dubrovnik-Neretva County and Thyssen Bornemitz Art contemporary (TBA 21). The specific character of the development of Croatian islands, tourism, the identification of the quantity and quality of resources, the protection of the natural and cultural heritage, planning sustainable development – these are just some of the aspects on which the work of School is focused, alongside a selection of concrete themes and tasks by means of which students contribute towards setting guidelines and solving problems of interest for the local community.
Skladna i istovremeno konfrontirana koegzistencija specifičnosti otoka, impresivnog povijesnog nasljeđa, bogatstva arhitekture – od predromaničke do moderne , te neponovljivih prirodnih resursa sublimiranih u gotovo gravitacijskoj kondenziranosti otoka Lopuda, prezentira se studentima tijekom rada Škole s namjerom geneze jedne od onih inspirativnih i rijetkih situacija u kojoj se moguće ‘iznutra’ susresti s mjerilom ‘malog mjesta’ i njegovim načinom življenja, istovremeno partikularnim i globalnim, tradicijskim i suvremenim, s ciljem poticanja interesa i razvijanja senzibiliteta za teme ne toliko dostupne tijekom redovitog studija. Sudjelovanje stranih predavača u radu Škole recentna je aktivnost njenog vodstva, sa željom ostvarenja komunikacije studenata sa stručnim, interdisciplinarnim i internacionalnim pogledima i načinom sagledavanja tema kojima se tradicionalno bavi Škola, otvarajući tim putem nova polja razmišljanja, omogućujući iskustva i potičući vještine neophodne studentima u njihovom budućem radu i profesionalnom djelovanju u globaliziranom svijetu. Tendencija za budućnost jest učiniti Školu propulzivnim mjestom razvoja kreativne misli baziranom na susretu globalnog u partikularnom i partikularnog u globalnom, na promišljanju značenja bogate tradicije komunikacije sa svijetom i njenog višeznačja u suvremenosti.
The harmonious and yet conflicting coexisting specific qualities of an island with an impressive historical heritage, a plethora of architecture – from the pre-Romanesque to the Modern, as well as the unique natural resources sublimated almost completely within the gravitational concentratedness of the Island of Lopud – is presented to students during the work of the School with the aim of generating one of those inspiring and rare situations in which one can encounter the measure of a ‘small place’and its lifestyle, at the same time particular and global, traditional and contemporary, in order to motivate interest and the development of sensibility for the theme which are not all that accessible during regular studies. Foreign lecturers taking part at the School are also a recent innovation to activities introduced by the founders in the wish to offer students the possibility to gain expert, interdisciplinary and international viewpoints and approaches to themes in the tradition of the School – thereby offering new fields of contemplation and affording new experiences and the skills necessary for students in their future professional work in a globalised world. The trend for the future is to make the School a propulsive place for the development of creative thinking based on the experiencing and seeing the particular in the global and the global in the particular, and for deliberating the significance of the rich tradition of communicating with the world and its pluralism in the contemporary.
ljetne škole
summer schools
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus U akad. god. 2011./12. odvijala se razmjena na sljedećim fakultetima europskih Sveučilišta: / In 2011/2012 the exchange took place at the following faculties of European Universities: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo Sveučilište u Ljubljani,Fakulteta za arhitekturu, Slovenija / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia Panepistimio Kyprou, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή, Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτονικής Sveučilište u Ciparu, Fakultet tehničkih znanosti, Odsjek za arhitekturu / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture Technische Universität Graz, Fakultät fÜr Architektur Tehničko sveučilište Graz,Arhitektonski fakultet, Austrija / Technical University Graz, Faculty of Architecture, Austria Technische Universität München, Fakultät fÜr Architektur Tehničko sveučilište München, Arh. fakultet, Njemačka / Technical University Munich, Faculty of Architecture, Germany Politechnika Rzeszowska, Wydzial Budownictwa i Inzynierii Srodowiska Tehničko sveučilište Rzeszow, Fakultet za građevinu, Poljska / Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Enviromenatal Engineering, Poljska
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Mobility within the Erasmus Programme
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Međunarodna suradnja AF u sklopu europskog programa Erasmus Program Erasmus je dio EU programa za cjeloživotno učenje (LLP – Life Long Learning Programme) osmišljen radi jačanja europskog prostora visokog obrazovanja. Sveučilište u Zagrebu sudjeluje u programu Erasmus od 2009. godine i to u segmentu mobilnosti kako studenata (studijski boravak i stručna praksa) tako i nastavnog osoblja. Program se provodi dodjeljivanjem novčane potpore (440 € mjesečno). U akademskoj godini 2011./12. Hrvatska je postala punopravna članica programa Erasmus, a to znači da je moguća ne samo dolazna nego i odlazna mobilnost, tj. studenti i nastavno osoblje sveučilišta s kojima sastavnice Sveučilišta sklope Erasmus bilateralne dogovore mogu dolaziti u Hrvatsku na akademsku razmjenu – studenti semestar ili dva, a nastavno osoblje – prema sklopljenim sporazumima, zasad 5 radnih dana. Prošle je akademske godine u sklopu programa Erasmus na stranim fakultetima studiralo deset studenata. To su: Ana Burić, Andrea Bušić i Andrej Vuk (Ljubljana), Ljudmila Klasić, Lana Petrak, Paula Prkačin (München), Marita Čikić i Marija Peranić (Rzeszow), Dora Jerbić (Graz) i Tamara Trumbić (Nicosia). Stručnu praksu obavilo je petero studenata: Mirta Atlija (SYNC Architecture, Prag), Sara Jurinčić (NIO Architecten, Rotterdam), Nevena Kereša (Querkraft Architekten, Beč), Iva Kovačev (AMSYCOM SAS, Pariz), Mauro Milli (Daneshgar Architects, Beč).
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
International Cooperation of the Faculty of Architecture in the Framework of Erasmus Programme Erasmus Programme is one of EU’s Lifelong Learning Programmes (LLP), created with the aim of strengthening the field of higher education in Europe. University of Zagreb joined the Erasmus Mobility Programme in 2009, both in student mobility (student exchange and internship) and staff mobility. The programme is implemented through grants (440 € per month). In the academic year 2011/12, Croatia became a full member of Erasmus, which includes not only outward, but also inward mobility, meaning that the students and staff from those universities that have signed bilateral agreements with the University of Zagreb can come to Croatia for academic exchange – students for one or two semesters, and staff for five working days, according to the present agreements. During the last academic year, ten students studied at foreign universities through Erasmus: Ana Burić, Andrea Bušić, and Andrej Vuk (Ljubljana), Ljudmila Klasić, Lana Petrak, and Paula Prkačin (Munich), Marita Čikić and Marija Peranić (Rzeszow), Dora Jerbić (Graz), and Tamara Trumbić (Nicosia). Five students went on internship: Mirta Atlija (SYNC Architecture, Prague), Sara Jurinčić (NIO Architecten, Rotterdam), Nevena Kereša (Querkraft Architekten, Vienna), Iva Kovačev (AMSYCOM SAS, Paris), and Mauro Milli (Daneshgar Architects, Vienna). Owing to the agreements signed in the academic year 2011/12 for staff exchange (Erasmus), professor Ljubomir Miščević taught several courses in the MA programme and the ‘Passive House Consortium’ at the University of Ljubljana. Dr. Igor Seljak from the University of Ljubljana participated in practical courses held at the Architectural Design and Planning Lab – Housing Architecture, and also held a lecture in the course on Sustainable Architecture.
Zahvaljujući sporazumima sklopljenim u akademskoj godini 2011./12. u sklopu akademske mobilnosti nastavnog osoblja (Erasmus) red. prof. Ljubomir Miščević predavao je na Univerzi v Ljubljani i to na nekoliko kolegija diplomskog studija (master) te na ‘Konzorciju pasivna hiša‘. Prof.dr.sc. Igor Seljak s Univerze v Ljubljani sudjelovao je u nastavi na vježbama Kabineta za stanovanje i održao predavanje u sklopu kolegija Suvremeno stanovanje.
mobilnost u okviru programa erasmus
mobility within the erasmus programme
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
mobilnost u okviru programa erasmus
mobility within the erasmus programme
Naslov projekta / project title Plivališni i nautički centar Izola / Swimming and Nautical Center Izola fakultet, grad, država / faculty, city, state Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Fakultet za arhitekturu, Slovenija / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia studenti / students
voditelji / supervisors
Ana Burić Andrea Bušić
Janez Koželj Urban Jeriha
Naslov projekta / project title Multireligijski centar Nicosia / Multireligion Center Nicosia fakultet, grad, država / faculty, city, state Sveučilište u Cipru, Fakultet tehničkih znanosti, Odsjek za arhitekturu / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, Dep. of Architecture student
voditelji / supervisors
Tamara Trumbić
Theoharis David Alikis Diakos
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
mobilnost u okviru programa erasmus
mobility within the erasmus programme
Naslov projekta / project title Istraživanje prostora / Space Experiments fakultet, grad, država / faculty, city, state Tehničko sveučilište Graz, Arhitektonski fakultet, Austrija / Technical University Graz, Faculty of Architecture, Austria studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Dora Jerbić Ana Skrebic Kanita Elezović Laura Canto Lopez
Franziska Headerer
Naslov projekta / project title Kampus sveučilišta Roma Tre, Valco, San Paolo, Rim / University Campus Roma Tre, Valco, San Paolo, Rome fakultet, grad, država / faculty, city, state Tehničko sveučilište München, Arh. fakultet, Njemačka / Technical University Munich, Faculty of Architecture, Germany studenti / students
voditelj / supervisor
Lana Petrak Iva Krolo
Sophie Wolfrum
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Diplomski radovi Biotehnološki krajolik – Gradska ada Varaždin / Biotechnological Landscape – Isle on the Drava River in Varaždin Uređenje trga Stjepana Radića – Gradski teatar Bjelovar / Stjepan Radić Square Planning and Development – Bjelovar Town Theatre Koranske platforme – Gradsko kupalište, park i pješački most na rijeci Korani u Karlovcu / Korana Platforms – Town Beach, Park and Pedestrian Bridge on the Korana River in Karlovac Kulturnoumjetnički centar Začretje – adaptacija gospodarskog objekta starog vlastelinstva / Cultural Center Začretje – Adaptation of Outbuildings Belonging to the Feudal Manor Planinsko utočište Dinara / Dinara Mountain Shelter Višenamjenska stanica gradske željeznice – Kampus Borongaj / Multi-purpose City Railway Station – Borongaj Campus Urbanističko rješenje Istočne obale gradske luke u Splitu / East Coast of Split City Harbour Urban Plan) Interpolacija u prostore strukture grada, ne-intervencija / Interpolation within the City Structure, Non-Intervention Novi Zagreb – Poligon kao prototip novog urbaniteta / Novi Zagreb – Polygon as a Prototype of New Urbanity
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Diploma Theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Diplomska radionica Diplomska radionica Arhitektonskog fakulteta realizira se tijekom petnaest tjedana u završnom semestru studija. Uvodni istraživački dio diplomskog rada priprema se tijekom prva četiri tjedna s namjerom očitavanja konteksta te razrade i prezentacije konceptualnih postavki arhitektonskog / urbanističkog problema kao odgovora na zadanu temu. Periferija grada u rasponu mogućih čitanja tematski je okvir postavljen od strane Diplomskog povjerenstva, unutar kojeg se raznolikost osobnih invencija u istraživanju tematski prikladne prostornoprogramske dionice, dogodila pred obvezom provjere stečenih znanja i usvojene projektantske metode. Rad na diplomskim zadacima, uz aktivnu ulogu mentora, mogao se tijekom svih petnaest tjedana, kroz uvodno istraživačko i projektantsko razdoblje, odvijati u za to pripremljenoj i opremljenoj crtaonici Arhitektonskog fakulteta. Zadovoljavajuću razinu projektantske zrelosti i inženjerske osposobljenosti te cjelovitost pristupa zadatku studenti dokazuju na obrani diplomskog rada izlažući usmeno bitne odrednice svoga diplomskog rada i odgovarajući profesorima Arhitektonskog fakulteta, članovima ispitnog povjerenstva, na pitanja iz područja arhitektonskog projektiranja, urbanizma, arhitektonskih konstrukcija te povijesti i teorije arhitekture.
diplomski radovi
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Master Theses Studio The Master Thesis Studio of the Faculty of Architecture is conducted in the course of fifteen weeks in the final semester of the MA programme. The first, research-based part of the graduation thesis is prepared during the first four weeks with an aim of detecting contexts of the final project and the elaboration and presentation of the concepts of architectural /urban planning problems related to the topic. Urban periphery as a thematic framework was predetermined by the Final Examination Committee, within which a variety of students’ individual inventions in the research of a particular space and its programme illustrate their acquired knowledge and design methods. Work on the assignments, with an active involvement of supervisors, is conducted during the entire fifteen-week period, which includes both the research and design phases, in an equipped drafting room at the Faculty of Architecture. A satisfactory level of architectural maturity, engineering skills and an integral approach to the assignment are proved by students by giving oral presentation of the essential elements of their thesis and by answering the questions related architectural design, urban planning, architectural structures, and history and theory of architecture are posed by the professors of the faculty which make the members of the examination committee.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
predsjednik povjerenstva za diplomski ispit / head of final examination committee Ivan Crnković, prof.
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
O edukaciji arhitekata Govoriti o diplomskom radu znači govoriti i o cijeloj edukaciji budućih arhitekata. Diplomski je rad završetak višegodišnjeg procesa i on je tim procesom uvjetovan. Realnost sadašnjeg trenutka u visokoškolskoj izobrazbi definirana je parametrima, kurikulima. No, o temi edukacije treba razmišljati i hipotetski i kritički, misliti o drukčijim modelima, o duhu izobrazbe koji odgovara predodžbi arhitekture kao o posebnom i autentičnom obliku znanja. Zato je korisno uvoditi kritička pitanja i neprestano preispitivati već uvriježene postavke kako se edukacija ne bi zatvorila u potpuno normiran i zaključen proces. O edukaciji se misli kao o razmjerno mehaničkom slijedu usvajanja navodno jednostavnijih tema koje se razvijaju prema kompleksnijim zadacima. Takav je način mišljenja instrumentalan i trasira siguran put – umjesto sumnje nude se rješenja. Je li projektiranje nekoga kompliciranog programa značenjski složenije ili kreativno zahtjevnije od elementarnoga prostornog istraživanja? Primjerice, ako govorimo o obitavanju, kako tu temu možemo svesti pod tipska rješenja? Ne vodi li to u poništavanje specifičnih kultura i običaja te posebnosti načina života? Uostalom, postoji li jednoznačan odgovor na bilo koju od arhitektonskih dvojbi? Može li se razmišljati o prostornim koncepcijama barokne enfilade i otvorenog plana izvan povijesnog konteksta i izvan funkcije?
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
About Architect Education Speaking about the MA thesis means reflecting on the entire process of educating future architects. The MA thesis is the crown of many years of work and is conditioned by that learning process. The current situation in higher education is defined by various parameters and curricula, but the issue of education must also be contemplated hypothetically and critically in order to invent different models in the spirit of education that will correspond to the idea of architecture as a specific and authentic form of knowledge. That is why it is useful to introduce critical questions and constantly test the established premises, to prevent education from becoming enclosed into a fully regulated and finite process. One tends to think of education as a relatively mechanical sequence of learning seemingly simple facts, which then evolves towards the more complex tasks. This way of thinking is instrumental and follows a safe road: instead of doubt, one offers solutions. Is designing a complicated programme semantically more complex or creatively more demanding than an elementary research on space? For example, if we speak about housing, how can we reduce these topics to typified solutions? Does it not equal a denial of specific cultures and customs, and the specificity of individual lifestyles? And generally, is there a unified answer to any architectural dilemma? Can we reflect on the spatial concepts of baroque enfilade and the open plan without considering their historical contexts and their functions?
Umjesto pravocrtne putanje edukacije nude se i druge predodžbe odgoja arhitekata. Primjerice, je li zamislivo da se mnoštvo specijalističkih i nedovoljno povezanih edukacijskih jedinica nadomjesti s nekoliko širih tema koje se ponavljaju tijekom čitavog studija, ali kod različitih nastavnika i kroz različite poglede. Radi se o ovladavanju znanjem o arhitekturi, a ne strukom ni znanošću. Metaforički, umjesto mnoštva knjiga odabire se nekoliko pravih – taj izbor može biti vrlo slobodan i neproskribiran – koje se čitaju istovremeno. Dakako, ne vremenski, nego u slijedu, napreskokce, usporedno. U takvoj cikličkoj strukturi vraća se već naoko apsolviranim temama da bi se shvatilo kako u svakoj novoj iteraciji nekad ista tema postaje drukčija, dovodi se u pitanje već usvojeno znanje da bi se ono preoblikovalo, nadogradilo, usavršilo.
Besides following a straight trajectory in education, there are other ideas of how to train an architect. Is it imaginable, for example, to substitute a large number of specialist and insufficiently interrelated educational units through a small number of wider topics, which would be repeated throughout the programme, but by different professors with different approaches? It would mean mastering the architectural skill, rather than the profession or science. Metaphorically speaking, instead of a multitude of books one could select a smaller number of adequate ones – which choice could be quite free and non-prescribed – which are read simultaneously: of course, not at once, but in a sequence or alternately, comparatively. In such a cyclical structure, the students would go back to the seemingly completed topics in order to understand how, in each new occurrence, the same topic may seem completely different, and they would question the acquired knowledge in order to reformulate, complement, and perfect it.
Edukacijski proces tako postaje istraživački, razvija se kao razmjerna između angažiranog studenta koji afirmira nastavnika i, obrnuto, angažirani nastavnik afirmira studenta. Znanje o arhitekturi tako postaje proživljeno, crpi iz najrazličitijih izvora, a nije sinteza ili zbroj pojedinačnih specijalističkih vještina. Iz tog razloga ono što se shvaća i podučava kao temeljna edukacija o znanjima u arhitekturi nije samo polazište nego ujedno i cilj akademskog istraživanja. Da parafraziram
The educational process would thus become a process of research and evolve as an exchange between an engaged student supporting the teacher and an engaged teacher supporting the student. Knowledge on architecture would become experiential, drawing from the most various sources, rather than a synthesis or a sum of individual specialist skills. For these reason, what is understood and taught as the basic education in architecture is not only the starting point, but also the goal of academic
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Picassa: ako imaš tri boje na paleti – iskoristi dvije, ako imaš dvije – budi monokroman. Odbacivanje suvišaka i balasta, svođenje na bitno, presudno je za definiranja kurikuluma fakulteta, kao što je i uputa individualni razvoj studenata. Cilj akademske edukacije nije stvaranje stručnjaka, nego poticaj u razvoju osobnosti.
research. Let me paraphrase Picasso: if you have three colours on your palette, use two, and if you have two, be monochrome. Throwing off burdens and ballast, reduction to the essentials, is decisive when defining the faculty’s curriculum, and it is advisable to take into account the individual development of the students. The aim of academic education is not to create professionals, but to encourage the evolution of personalities.
Uvažimo li datosti realne edukacije kakva je sada postavljena, i dalje su moguće primjene nedogmatskog mišljenja. Ne treba nužno diploma biti polje radikalnog eksperimenta: njega treba omogućiti u ranijim etapama izobrazbe, u smislu projektantske slobode posebice na posljednjoj godini diplomskog studija. Studentima treba pružiti priliku da svoja znanja i svoj intelektualni habitus proširuju u skladu sa svojim afinitetima. Ta je metoda rizična, ponekad upućuje na digresije i arbitrarnosti, traži povratke i ponovne početke. U takvoj je metodi određena disciplina nužna, ovisi i o predispozicijama studenata i mogućnostima da održe koncentraciju na izvorno arhitektonskom znanju. Možda je riječ i o talentu studenta, ali uspješnost procesa ovisi i o sposobnosti nastavnika -pedagoga da tu koncentraciju kultivira kroz empatiju prema studentu, ali i vlastitu osobnost i intelektualnu privlačnost, kao što je to slučaj u psihoanalizi. Proces transfera i protutransfera znanja i osjećaja dvosmjeran je, ali mora biti aktiviran unutar akademskog života – mizanscena treba biti postavljena, ali su zapleti uvijek drukčiji. Ne trebaš biti astronaut da bi spoznao svemir.
diplomski radovi
Taking into account the actual education as it is organized today, it allows for various applications of non-dogmatic thinking. The MA thesis needn’t be a field of radical experimentation, which should be made possible in the earlier stages of education, in terms of freedom in design, especially during the last years of the programme. The students should be presented with an opportunity of extending their knowledge and their intellectual habits in accordance with their affinities. That method may be risky, and occasionally lead to digressions or arbitrariness, requiring returns and new beginnings. A certain degree of discipline is necessary, depending on the students’ predispositions and their ability to retain their focus on the authentically architectural knowledge. This may be related to the students’ talents, but the success of the process may also depend on the ability of the professor/pedagogue to cultivate that focus through empathy with the student, as well as his own personality and intellectual appeal, as one learns from psychoanalysis. The process of transfer and counter-transfer runs in two directions, but it must be activated within the academic life – the stage set must be there, but the plot will be different each and every time. You don’t have to be an astronaut to know the universe.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Janko Jelić
Tonči Žarnić
Međunarodno studentsko priznanje Piranesi / Piranesi International student recognition Nominacija za nagradu Archiprix / Archiprix award nomination
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Biotehnološki krajolik – Gradska ada Varaždin Projekt biotehnološkog krajolika u Varaždinu vrh je riječnog spruda koji je definiran derivacijskim kanalom i rijekom Dravom. Prostor predstavlja posljednji isječak prirodnog krajolika u Varaždinskoj županiji – županija s najmanjim postotkom šuma po stanovniku u Hrvatskoj. Projektom se predviđa gradnja privremenog rasadnika i javnog gradskog kupališta koje je već zatečeno na parceli. Rasadnik se osniva s ciljem pošumljavanja prostora sjeverozapadno od grada, a vrši se u razdoblju 15 godina. Pošumljavanjem, budući grad nastao bi u šumi. Na parceli se smješta 5 bazena kapaciteta za 1500 kupača. Osmišljen je autonomni sustav – autopurifikacija vode, a koriste se regeneracijski bazeni, infrastrukturni kanali, kaskade i kupališta. Regeneracijski bazeni sadrže autohtono vodeno bilje, šljunak i pijesak što stvara uvjete za bakteriološko pročišćavanje vode. Kanali odjeljuju vodu u autonomne tekućice unutar kojih se smješta rasadnik. Kaskade mehanički filtriraju vodu. Puni i prazni bazeni različitih visina i načina korištenja koriste se cijelu godinu. Novonastali krajolik stvara novi dravski biotop, a nakon pošumljavanja rasadnik postaje prirodoslovni muzej Drave.
diplomski radovi
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Biotechnological landscape – Isle on the Drava River in Varaždin The project of biotechnological landscape in Varaždin relates to the top of a river shoal which has been formed by the Drava River and one of its diversion channels. The area is the last segment of the natural landscape in the Varaždin County – the county with the smallest percentage of forested land per citizen in Croatia. The project envisages the development and construction of a temporary plant nursery and a public town beach which has already been created on the same lot. The aim of the nursery is to afforest the space west of the town which, a process which will take place in the next fifteen years. The future town would through afforestation arise in the midst of a forest. The lot in question will contain five swimming pools with capacity for 1500 people. Water is to be purified through autonomous systems. Regeneration pools, infrastructure channels, cascades and bathing areas will be put in use. The regeneration pools containing authentic water plants, gravel and sand will create conditions for bacterial water purification. The channels will divide water into separate flows in the midst of which is the nursery while the cascades will mechanically filter the water. Full and empty pools of various heights and ways of use will be used throughout the year. The newly created landscape will give birth to the Drava biotope, while after the afforestation process the plant nursery will become a museum of natural history of the Drava River.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
uzdužni presjek kroz kanal
uzdužni presjek kroz regeneracijska jezera
poprečni presjek kroz regeneracijska jezera
detalj poprečnog presjeka kroz regeneracijska jezera
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Krešimir Renić
Tonči Žarnić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Uređenje trga Stjepana Radića – Gradski teatar Bjelovar
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Stjepan Radić Square Planning and Development – Bjelovar Town Theatre
Bjelovar, vojni grad koji je nastao planski u vrijeme vladavine carice Marije Terezije, ima specifičnu strukturu gradskog bloka koja se ističe u odnosu na prošireni grad. Na spoju povijesne jezgre i novijeg grada ostala je nedefinirana zona nekadašnjih obrambenih nasipa. Mjesto kontakta starog i novog grada ima potencijal stvoriti nove javne prostore i oblike korištenja, razviti novi tip gradskog boravka. Grad bez kina i kazališta na tom dobiva gradski teatar. Prostor novog teatra postaje odvojeni mali svijet unutar grada. Svojim nestabilnim volumenom teatar reflektira, lomi i preklapa sliku okolne izgradnje parka i neba. Tajanstvenost i fragmentiranost eksterijera zamijenjena je u interijeru cjelovitim i preglednim prostorom. Prostor pozornice funkcionira kao prohodni trg iz kojeg se uzdižu 4 izdanka u zelenilo parka. Svaki izdanak različitim nagibom, opremom i izvlačenjem pojedinih tribina sugerira drugačije korištenje. Odlazak u teatar postaje samo još jedan spontani događaj za ovaj javni prostor.
The military town of Bjelovar, which was built according to an urban plan during the reign of Empress Maria Theresa, is characterized by a particular structure of a town quarter which contains distinct features in comparison to later urban parts. At the border area between the historical centre and the urban sections of a later date there is a non-defined site of what used to be ramparts. This place of contact between the old and the new town has the potential of inspiring the design of new public spaces and forms of use which can result in the development of a new type of urban gathering place. Having no cinemas or theatres elsewhere, this place can offer the town its space for theatre arts which can become a small isolated site within the town. With its indefinite and flexible exterior surfaces the theatre reflects, breaks and overlaps the images of the sky and the surrounding park. The mysteriousness and fragmentation of the exterior is transformed into an integral and clear space. The stage area functions as a passageway through the square from where four wings spring out into the green areas of the park. Visiting the theatre becomes another spontaneous event for this public space.
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
mentori / mentors
Ines Brezetić
Petar Mišković Krunoslav Šmit
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Koranske platforme – Gradsko kupalište, park i pješački most na rijeci Korani u Karlovcu Projekt koranskih platformi nastao je s ciljem podizanja vrijednosti sportsko-rekreacijskog centra Korana u Karlovcu. Unutar šireg obuhvata – gradskog kupališta, hotela, sportskih terena i stadiona – fokus projekta je na dosad neuređenom prostoru između kupališta i stadiona na desnoj obali rijeke. Krajobrazno rješenje bazira se na tri platforme utisnute u parkovnu površinu. Aktivnosti se koncentriraju: parking ili sajam, ugostiteljstvo te ljetna pozornica ili klizalište. Četvrta platforma pluta na rijeci. Rotirajući oko središnje osi naizmjenično se koristi kao pješački most ili kupališni otok. Njome se objedinjuje prostor dviju obala. Platforma se konstruira pomoću FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymers) tehnologije.
diplomski radovi
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Korana Platforms – Town Beach, Park and Pedestrian Bridge on the Korana River in Karlovac The project of Korana platforms has been proposed with the aim of raising the value of the sports and recreation centre Korana in Karlovac. Within a broader area – the city strand, the hotel, the sport terrains, and the stadium – the focus is on the empty space between the strand and the stadium, on the right bank of the river. The landscape design consists of three platforms inserted into the surface of the park. The activities are clustered into the parking or fairgrounds, restaurants and cafes, and the open-air stage or ice ring. The fourth platform is planned to float on the river. Rotating around its central axis, it is alternately used as a pedestrian bridge or an island for the bathers. This feature connects the area of the two riverbanks into a whole. The platform is to be constructed by means of FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymers) technology.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Ema Gorički
Nenad Fabijanić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Kulturno umjetnički centar Začretje – adaptacija gospodarskog objekta starog vlastelinstva iz 18. st. Kompleks starih staja zajedno s nekadašnjim pašnjakom nasuprot muzeja i galerije Ivana Lovrenčića pretvara se u park i ‘kulturni’ trg Svetog Križa Začretje. Prizemni svođeni prostori konjušnice prenamijenjuju se u galerijske prostore, dok se potkrovlje pretvara u izložbeno prodajni prostor u kombinaciji sa stanovanjem umjetnika i malih obrtnika te na taj način čini prostor financijski samoodrživim. Južno krilo stare kovačnice prenamijenjuje se u ugostiteljski sadržaj, dok se sa sjeverne strane dvorište zatvara polivalentnom dvoranom. Na jugozapadnoj kontaktnoj površini formira se caffe bar koji korespondira s parkovnom površinom koja ga okružuje.
diplomski radovi
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Cultural and Art Centre Začretje – Adaptation of Outbuildings Belonging to the Feudal Manor from the 18th Century Plans are to convert the complex of old stables together with erstwhile meadows opposite the museum and Ivan Lovrenčić Gallery into a park and a ‘cultural’ Sveti Križ Začretje Square. The arched rooms on the ground floor of the stable are being converted into gallery space, whilst the attic is being converted into an exhibition area with sales area combined with an area for housing artists and artisans, thereby making the entire area financially self-sustainable. The south wing of the old blacksmith’s forge will be converted into a catering area, while a polyvalent hall will enclose the north side of the courtyard. A café corresponding to the park’s surrounding surface area is to be built on the south-west side.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Andrea Šimić
Leo Modrčin
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Planinsko utočište Dinara
Dinara Mountain Shelter
Dinara je neistražen prostor s tek nekoliko tragova ljudske prisutnosti, korišten isključivo za potrebe stočarstva i planinarenja. Izrazita temporalnost te ovisnost o klimatskim prilikama rezultiraju heterogenim prostorom kojeg karakterizira simultanost aktivnosti. U takvim uvjetima arhitektura postaje atemporalna, njen se sadržaj posredstvom programa mijenja u skladu s klimatskim prilikama. Planinsko utočište određeno je korisnicima, neposrednim prostorom te vremenom. Prostorni elementi koji su najviše utjecali na koncepciju kuće su planinarska staza, visoravan Brezovac, bukova šuma te vrh Dinare. Vrijeme utječe da neprestano mijenja i prostor i korisnike, odnosno program kuće. U proljeće i jesen u utočištu su većinom planinari i istraživači, dok ga ljeti koriste posjetitelji i pastiri. Program i dispozicija kuće fleksibilni su, a sve kako bi omogućili neprestanu promjenu. Transformacije su prisutne i u materijalizaciji kuće, metalna fasada neprestano mijenja boje u skladu s okruženjem dok velike reflektivne površine prenose ambijent šume u interijer.
diplomski radovi
The Dinara Mountains is an insufficiently researched area with only several traces of human presence, used only for the purposes of livestock breeding and mountaineering. An acute temporality and dependence on climate shape this heterogeneous space which is characterized by simultaneous activities. Such circumstances make architecture atemporal – its content is through programmes transformed in accordance with the shifting climate circumstances. The mountain shelter is always defined by its users, the immediate surroundings and time. The spatial elements which exert the biggest influence on the concept of the house are mountain trails, the Brezovac Plateau, a beech forest and the top of Dinara. The influence of time is evident in the constant changes of both the space and users, in other words, the programme of the house. In spring and autumn the house is mainly used by mountaineers and researchers, while in summer it is used by visitors and shepherds. The programme and disposition of the house are flexible so as to facilitate continual changes. Transformations are evident also in the material of the house in that the metal façade constantly changes colours relative to the surrounding, while its big reflexive surfaces infuse the forest ambience into the interior.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
mentori / mentors
Josip Zaninović
Miroslav Geng Tin Sven Franić
Rad iz 2010./11. / Project from 2010/11
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Višenamjenska stanica gradske željeznice – Kampus Borongaj
Multi-purpose Vity Railway Station – Borongaj Campus
Nova željeznička stanica Borongaj nalazi se u kontaktnom području istočnog studentskog kampusa i same željeznice. Kako preobrazba ovog, inače perifernog dijela grada Zagreba, teče postepeno, višenamjenska stanica želi omogućiti otvorenost forme i programa. Otvorena forma definira na je kao fleksibilna struktura čiji se elementi mogu dodavati i oduzimati, a da cjelina ne izgubi smisao. Otvorenost forme stanice gradi se transportnim kontejnerima. Otvorenost programa pak proizlazi iz neprestanih mijena i gustoća korisnika neposrednog okruženja.
diplomski radovi
The new railway station Borongaj lies at the east edge of the Borongaj Student Campus. As the transformation of this peripheral part of Zagreb is being implemented gradually, the aim of the multi-purpose station is to offer an open form and programme. The open form is defined through a flexible structure whose elements may be added or subtracted without the whole losing its integrity. The openness of the programme emerges from the constant changes and density of users in the adjacent environs.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Marin Piršić
Marijan Hržić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Urbanističko rješenje istočne obale gradske luke u Splitu
East Coast of Split City Harbour Urban Plan
Koncept je u potpunosti temeljen na problematici konteksta, rješavanju kojeg se pristupilo uvođenjem kompleksnoga urbanog vezivnog tkiva u formi ‘vibrirajuće’ platforme, pri čemu se sadržaji iste izmjenjuju vertikalno ispod i iznad nje, ovisno o funkcionalnim, prometnim i ambijentalnim zahtjevima. Konceptualne pretpostavke sastoje se od pet bitnih počela: 1) razdvajanje/denivelacija različitih tipova prometa, 2) mimikrija u mediteransku urbanu matricu kao refleks tradicije, 3) infrastruktura kao genius loci, ali i zeitgeist – označava postanak suvremenoga grada, 4) antishoping-centrizacija – povratak tih funkcija gradu, 5) framing – fleksibilni sustav nedovršenih elemenata – privremeni paviljoni.
diplomski radovi
The concept is based in its entirety on the issue of context, and solutions were provided with the introduction of complex urban design in the form of ‘vibrating’ platforms with interchangeable contents both vertically beneath and above the platforms themselves, depending on functional, traffic and ambient requirements. The conceptual preconditions include five important principles: 1) the separation/ lowering of various types of traffic; 2) mimicry within the Mediterranean urban matrix as a reflection of tradition; 3) infrastructure as a genius loci, but also zeitgeist – marking the genesis of a modern city; 4) anti-shopping centres – and the return of the same to the city; 5) framing – a flexible system of unfinished elements – temporary pavilions.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Vesna Poljančić
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Interpolacija u prostore strukture grada – Ne-intervencija
Interpolation Within the Spatial Structure of a City – Non-Intervention
U prostorne strukture grada u krizi, primjer kojeg je Zagreb, interpolirana je metoda re-interpretacije gradskog prostora. Ne-intervencija, reakcija na zatečeno stanje prikazano grafo-analitičkom metodom predstavlja kritiku uobičajenog planiranja grada isključivo preko izgrađenih struktura. Postojeći se neizgrađeni prostori hiberniraju i prenamjenjuju u različite pejsažne strukture koje onemogućuju daljnju izgradnju, dok istovremeno omogućuju aktivno korištenje i socijalizaciju u prostorima ljudskog mjerila. Prazne strukture, negativi grada, ostavljeni su za potrebe grada u budućnosti.
Within the spatial structure of a city in crisis, as is the case in Zagreb, the interpolation method used is the reinterpretation of city space. Nonintervention, reaction to the existing state presented through a graphic and analytical method represents criticism to standard urban planning conducted exclusively through constructed structures. Existing undeveloped spaces hibernate and are redeveloped into various landscape structures which prevent further construction, whilst simultaneously allowing for them to be used actively and for socialising within these spaces to be to the measure of man. Empty structures, the downside to the city, are left for the needs of the city in the future.
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
mentori / mentors
Nikola Matuhina
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Novi Zagreb – Poligon kao prototip novog urbaniteta
Novi Zagreb – Polygon as a Prototype of New Urbanity
Zamisao se temelji na prepoznavanju i redefiniciji karakterističnih točaka urbanog pejsaža Novog Zagreba s osnovnim ciljem njihove artikulacije u suvremeni sustav mikrolokacijskih točaka. Suvremena reinterpretacija nikada ostvarenih mjesta susreta ostvaruje se mješovitim alatima urbanizma, arhitekture, landscape urbanizma i landscape designa. Intervencija u gusto tkivo Novog Zagreba, prostorno vezana uz njegove praznine i same prostorne/sadržajne artikulacije, nameće raznolike oblikovne modalitete. Na postojeći raster prometnica Novog Zagreba postavlja se novi layer – biciklističko pješačka staza. Meandriranjem kroz prostore raznovrsnog karaktera, povezuje ih u protočnu cjelinu na razini naselja i biva povezana s jednakovrijednom cjelinom idućeg naselja. Na mjestima sudara s intenzivnim kolnim prometnicama nastaje ‘poligon sadržaja – klica‘. To je kontaktni prostor poteza novozagrebačke potkove – međuprostora dvaju ili više naselja i mjesto potencijalnog susreta raznovrsnih aktivnosti. Poligone novog urbaniteta čine: poligon meditacije i relaksacije, poligon amaterske suvremene umjetnosti, poligon amaterske dramske umjetnosti i poligon park.
diplomski radovi
The idea is based on the attempt to acknowledge and redefine characteristic sites in the urban landscape of Novi Zagreb with the main aim of articulating those sites into a contemporary system of micro-locations. A contemporary reinterpretation of unrealized converging points is realized by a combination of tools pertaining to urban planning, architecture, landscape urbanism and landscape design. Intervention into the dense urban fabric of Novi Zagreb, spatially linked to its empty spaces and articulations of spaces and facilities, imposes various modalities of design. The present road network of Novi Zagreb receives a new layer – cycling tracks and pedestrian pathways. Spaces of various features are connected through meandering into an easily passable whole in a residential estate which is then connected to an equally defined whole of a subsequent estate. The points of collision with the numerous roadways become a ‘polygon of contents – inceptions‘. This represents a contact space of the Novi Zagreb U-shape area – intermediary space between two or more estates and the place of potential convergence of various activities. The polygons of new urbanity comprise those of meditation and relaxation, amateur artistic production, amateur theatre groups and a park.
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
diplomski radovi
diploma theses
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Popis diplomanata 2011/12
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
List od Master Thesis Projects 2011/12
Student / student Mentor i domentor / Mentor and co-mentor Tema / topic
A Luka Anić Prof. Veljko Oluić, doc. Mateo Biluš Kuća za samca / A Single-man’s House
Maja Bencetić Prof. Goran Rako, Doc. Mateo Biluš Javni akvarij u sklopu Terenskog centra za istraživanje riječnih staništa / Public Aquarium Within the Field Office for River Habitat Research
Nina Anić Mrđen Prof.mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak, Doc.dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik Sanacija i prenamjena kamenoloma arhitektonskom interpolacijom – nogometni stadion u Zadru / Reclamation and Conversion of Quarry by Architectural Interpolation – Football Stadium in Zadar
Božo Benić Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Idejno urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje sveučilišnog kampusa i znanstvene knjižnice u gradu Dubrovniku / Urban Architectural Conceptual Design Of The University Campus And Research Library In The City Of Dubrovnik
Divna Antičević Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić Centar i knjižnica za slijepe i slabovidne osobe u Zagrebu / Center and Library for Blind, Zagreb
Josipa Brdar Prof. Goran Rako Centar za osobe s posebnim potrebama / Center for People with Special Needs
Hrvoje Arbanas Prof. Tonči Žarnić Savski terminal – Slavonski Brod / Sava Terminal – Slavonski Brod
Ines Brezetić Doc. Petar Mišković, Doc.dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit Koranske platforme; gradsko kupalište, park i pješački most na rijeci Korani u Karlovcu / River Korana Platforms; City Beach, Park And Footbridge On River Korana In Karlovac
B C Jelena Babić Prof. Goran Rako Kulturno-društveni centar Skradin / Community Center Skradin
Mladen Crnov Prof.dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac Urbanističko-prometno rješenje uređenja novog graničnog prijelaza u općini Gunja / Urban Planning and Transport Solution for the New Border Crossing in the Manicipality of Gunja
Lovro Balenović Prof. Tonči Žarnić Tehnološki i održivi oblici socijalnog stanovanja na primjeru Čulinca / Technological and Sustainable Models for Social Housing in Čulinec
Kristina Bartolić Prof. Goran Rako, Doc. Mateo Biluš Institut pčelarstva ‘Lipa’, Pazin / Institute of Beekeeping ‘Lipa’, Pazin
Nina Čikeš Doc. Helena Paver Njirić Reidentifikacija Omišlja na Krku: poluotok Ert / Re-Identification of Omišalj (Krk): Peninsula Ert
Dino Belamarić Doc. Helena Paver Njirić Zračna luka Hvar – kontekst starigradskog polja / Airport Hvar – Chora Farou Context
popis diplomanata 2011/2012
D Andrea Desnica Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Sisak – Željezara kao znak grada / Sisak – ‘Željezara’ as a City Landmark Vanja Dominko Prof. Ljubomir Miščević Višestambena zgrada i kuće u nizu Bedekovčina, Ulica S. Radića / Multifamily Building and Row-Housing in Bedekovčina, Stjepana Radića Street Bernard Domniku Doc.dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit, Prof.dr.sc. Sanja Filep Ulaz u grad Pulu / Entrance to the City of Pula Katarina Dragčević Prof.dr.sc. Vesna Mikić Kompleks znanstvenog parka tvornice ‘Tondach’ Bedekovčina / ‘Tondach’ Factory Science Complex Anamaria Dukić Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje: preobrazba prostora Ferimport, Zagrebačka ulica u Zagrebu / Urban Redevelopment: Transformation of the Ferimport Area, Zagrebačka Str., Zagreb E Larisa Ecimović Prof. Miroslav Geng Kompleks studentskog stanovanja – dom i hostel /Youth Housing Complex – Dormitory and Hostel F Erna Fekete Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Revitalizacija prostora bivše osječke tvornice koža / Revitalization of Former Leather Factory in Osijek Area
list of master thesis projects 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Magdalena Horvat Prof. Teufik Galijašević Naselje dviju pješčanih uvala / The Settlement of Two Sandy Coves
Tomislav Klepo Prof. mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak Sportska akademija Novi Zagreb / Novi Zagreb Sports Academy
Matija Huzjak Prof. Veljko Oluić Javni prostori grada Zadra – Javno gradsko kupalište u Zadru / City of Zadar. Public Spaces – Public Bath
Barbara Kokot Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, Doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar Gradska knjižnica i multimedijalni centar u Koprivnici / Public Library and Media Centre in Koprivnica
Marja Mia Kolendić Prof. Goran Rako, Doc. Mateo Biluš Ladanjska arhitektura – Hostel za mlade u Stonu / Leisure Architecture – Youth Hostel in Ston
Marija Galić Prof. Miroslav Geng Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja franjevačkog kompleksa na Širokom Brijegu / Reconstruction and Extension of the Franciscan Complex in Široki Brijeg Ivana Gavranić Prof. Teufik Galijašević Stanovanje za starije osobe / Housing for the Elderly Ema Gorički Prof. Nenad Fabijanić Kulturnoumjetnički centar Začretje – adaptacija konjušnica iz 18. stoljeća / Cultural Center Začretje – 18th Century Barns Refurbishment Hana Grebenar Prof. Veljko Oluić Ulaz u Park prirode Lonjsko polje s autokampom kao polivalentnim centrom sela / Entrance To The Nature Park Lonjsko Field with a Campsite as a Multipurpose Center of the Village Ivona Gregov Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, Doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar Novi centar Pakoštana / The New Center of Pakoštane) Tanja Grilec Prof. Veljko Oluić Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja postojeće tvornice plastične ambalaže. Studija proizvodno-sadržajnog i arhitektonskog razvoja industrijskog sklopa u ruralnom kontekstu / Reconstruction and Extension of Plastic Industries Factory. Study of Production and Architectural Development of an Industrial Complex in Rural Surroundings H Željka Hećimović Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, Doc. Gordana Žaja Jaslice i dječji vrtić s posebnim programom za djecu s motoričkim oštećenjima / Nursery and Kindergarten with a Special Program for Children with Motor Impairments
Andrea Maria Jandriček Prof.dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac, Prof. Ljubomir Miščević Urbana i ekonomska preobrazba stambenih područja (Yellow Fields) na primjeru Queens, New York i Donja Dubrava, Zagreb / Urban and Economic Transformation of Residential Areas (Yellow Fields) Case Studies: Queens, New York and Donja Dubrava, Zagreb Janko Jelić Prof. Tonči Žarnić Biotehnološki krajolik – Gradska ada Varaždin /Biotechnological Landscape –Varaždin City Eyot Iva Maria Jurić Doc. Mia Roth-Čerina Izletište vila Rebar – izletište s restoranom, prenoćištem i muzejem / Villa Rebar – Outings Spot with a Restaurant, Hiker Hostel and Museum
Petar Kozina Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Zadarski procesjuni / Zadar's ‘Procesjun’ Filip Kožulj Prof. Veljko Oluić Oživljavanje gradskog prostora – reciklažno društveni terminal, Kampus Zagreb / Revitalization of Urban Areas – Recycling And Social Terminal, Campus Zagreb Kristina Krajačić Prof. Renata Waldgoni Vinarija u plešivičkom vinogorju / Winery in Plešivica Wine Region
Uršula Juvan Prof.dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski Autobusni kolodvor Varaždin / Bus Station Varaždin
Anita Krmek Prof. Veljko Oluić Edukacijski centar drvne industrije Spačva / Educational Institute of the Spačva Wood Industry
Tea Kelemen Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, Doc. Gordana Žaja Centar za djecu s poteškoćama u razvoju Varaždin / Rehabilitation Center for Handicapped Children Varaždin
Ivana Lončarević Prof.dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer, Doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Sportsko-rekreacijsko središte za parkour na Savici u Zagrebu / Sports and Recreation Center for Parkour in Savica in Zagreb
popis diplomanata 2011/2012
list of master thesis projects 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Marta Lozo Doc. Petar Mišković Preoblikovanje javnog prostora između stambenih deseterokatnica u Miramarskoj ulici u Zagrebu / Redesign of Public Space Between the Residential Blocks in Miramarska Street in Zagreb
Katarina Mojaš Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Otok Šipan. Percepcija obalnog puta / Šipan – Island. Island Sensory Path
Martina Perok Prof.dr.sc. Vesna Mikić, Doc. Mateo Biluš Vinarija ‘Šemovci’, sjeverni obronci Bilogore / Winery ‘Šemovci’, Northern Slopes of Bilogora
Ivana Lukenda Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Šipan – otok ljetnikovac. Vremenska prostorna revitalizacija unutrašnjosti / Šipan – Villa Island. Time and Space Inland Revitalisation M Mladen Majstrović Prof. Tonči Žarnić Dolazna stanica žičare u Parku prirode ‘Biokovo’ / Cable Car Station in Nature Park ‘Biokovo’ Dorian Mandžukić Prof. Tonči Žarnić Prototip lovačke kuće u Parku prirode ‘Kopački rit’ / Hunting Lodge Prototype in ‘Kopački rit’ Nature Park Karmela Maren Prof. Goran Rako Hotelski kompleks Senari, Labin / Senari Hotel Complex, Labin, Istria, Croatia Nina Matika Prof. Veljko Oluić Revitalizacija kamenoloma Cavae Romanae / Redesign of the Cavae Romanae Quarry Nikola Matuhina Prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Novi Zagreb – Poligon kao prototip novog urbaniteta / Novi Zagreb – Polygon as Prototype for New Urbanity
Ana Mrđen Prof. Mladen Jošić Kuća studenata / Students House N Nera Nejašmić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Ispreplitanje urbane i prirodne scenografije otoka Brača / Urban and Natural Scenography Fusion on Brač Island Dorotea Nenadović Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Idejno arhitektonsko-urbanističko rješenje hotela u Primoštenu / Hotel in Primošten – Architectural and Urban Design Project Martin Nevistić Prof. Ljubomir Miščević Stambeno-poslovna zgrada u Zagrebu, naselje Lanište, ulica Lanište br. 2–8, Hrvatska / Multifunctional Building in Zagreb, Lanište, Lanište street no. 2–8, Croatia Ivana Nikolić Prof. Goran Rako Dječji vrtić na Kajzerici, Zagreb / Kajzerica Kindergarden, Zagreb Marina Ninić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Reaktivacija šibenskog zaleđa unutar povijesnog sustava utvrda (NP Krka – Drniš – Knin) / Reawakening of Šibenik Hinterland with an Emphasis on Historic Forts (np Krka – Drniš – Knin) P
Maša Medoš Prof. Goran Rako, Doc.dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Obnova i dogradnja hotela Jadran – Tučepi / Hotel Jadran Tučepi – Renovation and Extension
Dijana Pavić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Otok Mljet. Povezivanje i aktivacija mljetskog akvatorija / Mljet Island. Activation of Mljet Aquatorium
Marija Milić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Revitalizacija Konavala – stvaranje sustava prostornih identifikatora / Konavle Area Revitalisation – Systemising Spatial Identificators
Nikica Pavlović Prof.dr.sc. Renata Waldgoni Boravak pri Vali – Istraživanje prostornih mogućnosti Rta Privala na otoku Korčuli / Living by the Seaside – Exploring Spatial Possibilities of the Cape Privala on the Island of Korčula
Dario Milić Prof. Veljko Oluić Naseljavanje lukobrana Malinska / Building up the Dock Area in Malinska
Marija Peranić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Redefiniranje obale grada Rijeke / Rijeka Waterfront Redefinition
Blanka Milković Prof. Nenad Fabijanić Transformacija cavtatske tržnice / Marketplace in Cavtat
Radoslav Perić Prof. Goran Rako, Doc.dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Hotel Galebovo krilo u Podgori / Hotel Seagull's Wing in Podgora
Antonija Milovac Prof. Nenad Fabijanić Galerijsko-informativni centar u Zadru / Gallery and Information Center in Zadar Helena Mlakar Doc. Tin Sven Franić, Doc.dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Sportski hotel ‘Pašman’ / Sport Hotel ‘Pašman’
Lucija Perić Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić, Doc.dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić Urbanističko arhitektonsko rješenje uređenja sjevernog poteza gradskih zidina i liburnske obale u Zadru / Urban And Architectural Design Of Zadar's Old Town Nothern Waterfront
Mario Pervić Prof.dr.sc. Alenka Delić, Doc. Neda Cilinger Integracija prostora rijeke Save u Zagrebu, most na Savi / Integration of River Sava in Zagreb, Bridge over Sava River Jana Piacun Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Istraživačko-edukacijski centar Caput Insulae Beli / Educational Research Centre Caput Insulae Beli Marin Piršić Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Urbanističko rješenje Istočne obale gradske luke u Splitu / East Coast of Split City Harbour Urban Plan) Slavica Polić Doc. Siniša Justić Vatrogasna stanica i hotel u Vrgorcu / Fire Station and Hostel in Vrgorac) Vesna Poljančić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Interpolacija u prostore strukture grada, ne-intervencija / Interpolation within the City Structure, Non-Intervention Anamarija Popovački Prof. Veljko Oluić Ronilački centar / Diving Centre Ines Popović Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Prostor između Drave i Save, planiranje vodom / Area In-between Drava and Sava. ‘Water-Use’ Planning Ivana Primorac Prof. Goran Rako Medijateka u Vrgorcu / Vrgorac Mediatheque Tajana Prvonožec Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Rijeka – prostor Rječine je uvijek negdje između / Rijeka – Rječina Area is Always Somewhere in Between R Vesna Rajkovača Prof. Ljubomir Miščević Stanovanje za starije osobe u Zagrebu, Blato, Rastočka ulica, Hrvatska / Housing for Eldery People in Zagreb, Blato, Rastočka st., Croatia Ana Ranogajec Doc. Helena Paver Njirić Kajak klub Belišće / Belisce Kayak Club Sara Renar Prof.dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić Transformacija prostora planirane ulice Črnomerec – od Ilice do Ljubljanske avenije / The Urban Transformation of the Area Sorrounding the Planned Street Črnomerec – Between Ilica and Ljubljanska Av. Krešimir Renić Prof. Tonči Žarnić Uređenje trga Stjepana Radića, Gradski teatar Bjelovar / Stjepan Radić Square Redevelopment, Bjelovar City Theatre
popis diplomanata 2011/2012
list of master thesis projects 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Emil Rohlik Prof.dr.sc. Sanja Filep Urbanistička i arhitektonska transformacija zone tvornice Badel, Sesvete / Urban Planning and Architectural Transformation of Badel Factory Zone, Sesvete
Andrea Zlonoga Doc. Tin Sven Franić Muška kaznionica poluotvorenog tipa ‘Sesvete’ / Men's Semi-Open Penitentiary ‘Sesvete’
Ana Topić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Imotski – otkrivanje izgubljenih pejsaža / Imotski – Rediscovering Lost Landscapes
S Ana Selak Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Zagreb i Sava – povezivanje urbanog i riječnog pejsaža / Zagreb and Sava – Urban and River Landscape Connectivity Ema Slavica Prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Centar za posjetitelje – grad Šibenik / Visitor Centre in Šibenik Danijela Soldo Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Ploče – stvaranje novog identiteta grada kroz kulturni krajolik / Ploče – New Identitiy Through Cultural Landscape
Mia Triva Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, Prof. Ivan Crnković Idejno urbanističko-arhitektonsko rješenje sportske dvorane i jedriličarskog kluba, u sklopu rješenja sportsko rekreacijskog centra na području bivše vojarne ‘Minerska’ u Šibeniku / Urban and Architectural Design Project of Sports Hall And Sailing Club, with Arrangement of Waterfront and Landscape, within the Sports and Recreational Center in Former Military Area ‘Minerska’ in Šibenik Lana Trobentar Prof. Mladen Jošić Sportski vrtić / Sports Kindergarten U
Matea Somek Prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Medijateka s filmskim centrom u Karlovcu / Mediatheque and Film Centre in Karlovac Nataša Striber Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Rijeka Sava kao urbani pejsaž u Zagrebu i Sisku / River Sava as Urban Landscape in Zagreb and Sisak Josipa Subota Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, Doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar, Doc. Mateo Biluš Plesna akademija / Dance Academy Š Ines Šala Doc. Siniša Justić Dječji vrtić i jaslice Vrbovec / Nursery School Vrbovec Darko Šeparović Prof. Tonči Žarnić Arheološki istraživački centar – Vela Spila, Vela Luka / Archaeological Research Center, Vela Spila, Vela Luka Andrea Šimić Doc.mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Planinsko utočište Dinara / Dinara Mountain Asylum Ivana Šimpović Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, Doc.dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Prostorna integracija Koprivnice i Šoderice. Kampus In Vivo / Koprivnica and Šoderica Integration. Campus In Vivo Ivan Škugor Doc.mr.sc. Sonja Tadej Revitalizacija napuštenih industrijskih prostora – Badel / The Re-Use of Industrial Buildings – Badel
Deša Ucović Prof. Goran Rako, Doc. Mateo Biluš Prenamjena povijesnog objekta u hostel / Transformation of a Historical Building into a Youth Hostel
Dean Živičnjak Prof.dr.sc. Dražen Juračić, Doc. Gordana Žaja Bolnički hotel / Hospital Hotel Eva Živko Prof. Nenad Fabijanić Urbanističko-arhitektonski projekt na temu vinskog turizma u Primoštenu. Kompleks sadržava smještajne objekte, vinariju, proizvodnju vina i krajobrazno uređenje / Both an Urbanistic and Architectural Project Focusing on Wine Tourism in Primošten. The Complex Incorporates Accommodation, Winery and Wine Production as Well as Landscape Development Lucija Žužak Prof. Miroslav Geng, Doc. Mateo Biluš Dječji vrtić i jaslice kao centar gradske četvrti / Kindergarten and Nursery as a Center of an Urban Neighborhood
V Barbara Vanić Doc. Petar Mišković Efemerna arhitektura i infrastruktura Dječjeg festivala ‘U svijetu bajki Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić’ u Slavonskom Brodu / Ephemeral Arch. Infrastructure for The Children Festival ‘In the World of Fairytales of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić’ in Sl. Brod Tamara Vidović Prof. Igor Franić Škola u malom naselju – sezonska reprogramiranja (transformacije) / Village School – Seasonal Reprograming (Transformation) Martina Vinković Prof.dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković Francuski institut u Zagrebu / French Institute in Zagreb Ina Vlahović Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, Doc. Mateo Biluš Medijateka u povijesnoj jezgri grada Zadra / Mediatheques in Historical Core of Zadar Ivana Vrban Doc.mr.sc. Leo Modrčin Teatar na Prisavlju / The Theatre at Prisavlje Mateja Vrkić Izv.prof.dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci Orahovica kao model primjene agrikulturnog urbanizma / Orahovica – Implementation Model of Agricultural Urbanism Z
Nikola Štefanac Prof. Veljko Oluić Kazalište u Zapruđu, Novi Zagreb / Performing Arts Center, Zapruđe, Novi Zagreb
Petra Zaninović Prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, Doc.dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar Kulturni centar u povijesnoj jezgri Šibenika / The Cultural Center in the Historical Core of Šibenik Adriana Zlatunić Prof. mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak, Dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik Crkva i pastoralni centar Bl. Alojzija Stepinca / ‘Blessed Alojzije Stepinac’ Church and Pastoral Center
popis diplomanata 2011/2012
list of master thesis projects 2011/2012
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Doktorski studij
PhD Programme Architecture
Arhitektura voditeljica Doktorskog studija Arhitektura koordinatorica doktorskih studija / PhD Programme Architecture Supervisor / PhD Programme Coordinator
prof.dr.sc Hildegard Auf-Franić
Paula Šimetin
nastavni program – kolegiji doktorskog studija arhitektura od osnivanja 2007–2012 / curriculum – courses in the doctoral programme since in the period 2007–2012 obavezni predmeti / Compulsory Courses sati / hours: 15; ects 5
istraživanje kroz projekt / Project-Based Research – workshops sati / hours: 15; ects 5
Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse / Architectural Structures and Technologies dr.sc. Dražen Juračić
Voditelji / supervisors
Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Contemporary Architectural Explorations dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought dr.sc. Karin Šerman
dr.sc. Dražen Juračić Branko Kincl dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt dr.sc. Nikola Filipović dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić dr.sc. Karin Šerman
Uvod u znanstveni rad / Introduction to Scientific Research dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer
prijedlog teme istraživanja / research topic proposal ects 5
razrada teme istraživanja / description of research topic ects 5
znanstveni rad / scientific activities ects 5-10
sinopsis doktorske disertacije / doctoral thesis synopsis ects 10
doktorska disertacija / doctoral thesis ects 60
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
modul Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought module
Modul Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Contemporary Architectural Explorations Module
Modul Arhitektonska praksa – struktura i tehnologija / Architectural Practice – Construction and Tech. module
voditelj modula / module coordinator dr.sc. Karin Šerman
voditelj modula / module coordinator dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt
voditelj modula / module coordinator dr.sc. Dražen Juračić
Urbana ekologija / Urban Ecology dr.sc. Boris Morsan
Programsko-prostorni multifunkcionalni sustavi sveučilišta / Multifunctional University Systems Programmes and Space dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić
Energetski učinkovito građenje / Energy Efficient Building dr.sc. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček
Sociologija kulture, odabrane teme / Sociology of Culture, Selected Topics dr.sc. Ivan Rogić
Održivost urbanog krajolika / Urban Landscape Sustainability dr.sc. Ivan Čović
Svjetlo i toplina u arhitekturi / Lighting and Heating in Architectural Design dr.sc. Benedetto Tardozzi
Arhitektonska teorija od 1960. do danas / Architectural Theory since 1960 dr.sc. Karin Šerman
Unikatne posebnosti suvremene arhitekture / Unique Features of Contemporary Architecture dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski
Suvremena hrvatska arhitektura i europski kontekst / Contemporary Croatian Architecture and European Context dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil
Suvremene urbane preobrazbe / Contemporary Urban Transformations dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić
Uvod u problematiku interveniranja u povijesnim sredinama / Introduction to Interventions in Historic Environments doc.dr.sc. Katja Marasović
Fenomeni suvremene arhitekture u prostorima biblioteka / Contemporary Architecture Phenomena and Libraries dr.sc. Vesna Mikić
Popularna kultura–Topografije identiteta / Popular Culture–Topography of Identity dr.sc. Feđa Vukić
Projektiranje i oblikovanje održive arhitekture / Sustainable Building Design Ljubomir Miščević
izborni prddmeti / elective courses sati / hours: 15: ects; 5
Problemi modernosti obiteljske kuće / Family Houses and Modernity dr.sc. Lenko Pleština
Nosivi sklopovi budućnost / Load-Bearing Structures of the Future dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman, dr.sc. Zvonimir Žagar Arhitekt – profesija i obrazovanje / Architect – Profession and Education dr.sc. Dražen Juračić Baština i transformacija / Heritage and Transformation dr.sc. Snješka Knežević Konstruktivne logike prostora / Structural Logic of Spaces dr.sc Ivo Podhorsky Inovacije suvremenih konstruktivnih sustava / Innovative Contemporary Structural Systems dr.sc. Marta Sulyok Selimbegović
Antropologija čovjekove okoline / Human Environment Anthropology dr.sc. Igor Toš
Zvuk u arhitekturi / Sound in Architecture dr.sc. Edo Šmidihen
Muzeji u Hrvatskoj – prostor i postav / Museums in Croatia – space and exhibition design dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić
Održivost baštine – dvojbe zaštite / Heritage Sustainability – Dilemmas of Protection dr.sc. Snješka Knežević
Planiranje morskih obalnih područja / Coastal Area Planning dr.sc. Srečko Pegan
Arhitektura i održivi razvoj / Architecture and Sustainable Development dr.sc. Nenad Starc, mr.sc. Irena Đokić
Prostorno planiranje i urbanizacija / Physical Planning and Urbanization dr.sc. Srečko Pegan
Inovacije suvremenih konstruktivnih sustava – Oblikovanje metalnih, drvenih i konstrukcija iz posebnih materijala / Innovative Contemporary Systems – Design of Metal, Wooden or Special Material Structures dr.sc. Marta Sulyok Selimbegović Stari pristup – obrat paradigmi - obnova baštine / Old Approach – Paradigm Shift – Heritage Renovation dr.sc. Snješka Knežević
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditeljica doktorskog studija / Head od phd programme
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Hildegard Auf-Franić, dipl.ing.arh. rođena je u Zagrebu 1941. godine. Diplomirala je u klasi prof. Nevena Šegvića 1965. godine. Završila je majstorsku radionicu Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti HAZU u klasi akademika – arhitekta Drage Galića. Magistrirala je pod mentorstvom prof.dr.sc. Brune Milića 1979. godine. Doktorat znanosti stiče na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu 1989. godine pod mentorstvom prof.dr.sc. Ede Šmidihena. Na Arhitektonskom fakultetu na Katedri za projektiranje počela je raditi 1972. godine. Obnašala je funkcije prodekana za nastavu, predstojnice Katedre za arhitektonsko projektiranje i dekanice. Redovita je članica Akademije tehničkih znanosti od 1998. godine.
Hildegard Auf-Franić, Dipl.Eng.Arch. was born in Zagreb in 1941. She graduated in the class of Prof. Neven Šegvić in 1965. She completed the master workshop at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) in the class of the academician and architect Drago Galić, received her Master’s Degree under the mentorship of Prof DSc Bruno Milić in 1979 and her PhD at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in 1989 under the mentorship of Prof DSc Edo Šmidihen. She started working at the Faculty of Architecture, Department for Architectural Design in 1972. She has been Head of Studies, Head of the Department for Architectural Design and Dean.She has been a full member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) since 1998.
Hildegard Auf-Franić, prof.dr.sc.
Hildegard Auf Franić profilirala se kao istaknuta stručnjakinja na svom primarnom polju arhitekturi namijenjenoj edukaciji. To potvrđuju najznačajnije strukovne nagrade: Velika nagrada 14. Zagrebačkog salona 1979. godine, godišnja nagrada Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata za realizirano arhitektonsko djelo ‘Viktor Kovačić’ 1996., nacionalna godišnja nagrada za arhitekturu ‘Vladimir Nazor’ 1996. godine, nominacije za nagradu ‘Viktor Kovačić’ 2006., 2007. i 2011. godine, nominacije za nagradu ‘Vladimir Nazor’ 2003. i 2011., Nagrada grada Zagreba 2006. godine te državno odlikovanje Redom Danice hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića za doprinos u umjetnosti 1999. godine. Njezin znanstveni doprinos nagrađen je državnim odlikovanjem, Redom Danice hrvatske s likom Ruđera Boškovića za doprinos u znanosti 1998. godine, te godišnjom nagradom Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske ‘Rikard Podhorsky’ za 2005. godinu.
doktorski studij arhitektura
Hildegard Auf Franić is an outstanding expert in her primary field of architecture, namely education. This is confirmed by the awards she has received in her field of expertise: The Grand Prix at 14th Zagreb Salon in 1979, the Annual Award given by the Association of Croatian Architects (UHA) for the architectural project ‘Viktor Kovačić’ in 1996, the National Annual Award for Architecture ‘Vladimir Nazor’ in 1996, nomination for the ‘Viktor Kovačić’ Award in 2006, 2007 and 2011, nomination for the ‘Vladimir Nazor’ Award in 2003 and 2011, The City of Zagreb Award in 2006, and the Croatian State Award, the Order of Danica Hrvatska with the face of Marko Marulić for contributions to art in 1999. For her scientific contributions she was awarded the Croatian State Award the Order of Danica Hrvatska with the face of Ruđer Bošković for contributions to science in 1998 and the Annual ‘Rikard Podhorsky’ Award in 2005 given by the Croatian Academy of Engineering.
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Intervju / Interview Vjera Bakić, Maroje Mrduljaš
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Intervju s prof. Hildegard Auf-Franić
Na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu odvijalo se više programa doktorskih studija. Svaki od tih programa bio je usmjeren prema specifičnim područjima. Aktualni program, kojeg ste vi bili voditelj i jedan od konceptualnih začetnika, široko je postavljen te nastoji obuhvatiti vrlo različitu problematiku. Na kojim je počelima zasnovan aktualni doktorski studij Arhitektura?
Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ima tradiciju znanstvenih doktorskih studija različitih profila. U razdoblju od 1969. do 2005. provođeni su programi doktorskih studija Urbanizam i prostorno planiranje, Prostorno planiranje, urbanizam i parkovna arhitektura, Graditeljsko naslijeđe te Arhitektura u turizmu i slobodnom vremenu. Doktorski studij znanstvenog polja Arhitektura i urbanizam sa znanstvenim granama Arhitektura, Prostorno planiranje, urbanizam i parkovna arhitektura te Graditeljsko naslijeđe dobio je dopusnicu za izvođenje nastave Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2005. i Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije 2007. godine. Studij Arhitekture upisao je prvu generaciju 2006./07. i do danas su upisane 3 generacije polaznika. Cjeloviti studij trebao je paralelno upisivati sve tri navedene znanstvene grane. Obavezni predmeti specificirani po granama profilirali bi studij, a velik izbor ponuđenih izbornih predmeta iz sve tri grane omogućivao bi individualno formiranje znanstvenog kurikuluma za svakog polaznika, i to u skladu s njegovom ili njezinim znanstvenim interesom, predloženom temom istraživanja i pretpostavljenom temom doktorata. Nažalost, nuđenje tako širokog dijapazona mogućnosti nije u potpunosti ostvareno jer studiji Prostorno planiranje, urbanizam i parkovna arhitektura te Graditeljsko naslijeđe nisu istovremeno održavani. To je motiviralo vijeće doktorskog studija Arhitektura da ponudi izborne predmete s temama vezanim za urbanizam i graditeljsko naslijeđe, što se odrazilo i na širi odabir tema radionica, omogućivši veću fleksibilnost polaznicima u profiliranju svoga znanstvenog interesa. Utoliko je i struktura studija interkatedarska. Zadržavanje intelektualne širine studija odražava se i u činjenici da polaznici mogu upisivati kolegije i na drugim doktorskim studijima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te na Sveučilištima u zemlji i inozemstvu. Također mogu kompenzirati izborne predmete
doktorski studij arhitektura
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Interview with Prof. Hildegard Auf-Franić
The Faculty of Architecture has so far organized several doctoral programmes each of which was dedicated to particular fields of study. The current doctoral study programme is broadly defined and comprises very different problem areas in architecture. As one of the people who conceived it and who administrates it at the present moment, could you tell us what are the principles behind the current Architecture PhD Programme?
Auf-Franić: It is in the tradition of the Faculty of Architecture to organize different doctoral study programmes. In the period between 1969 and 2005 the faculty offered PhD degrees in four programmes: Urban and Physical Planning, Physical Planning, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture, Architectural Heritage and Leisure and Tourism Architecture. The doctoral programme in the academic field of architecture and urbanism, with the scientific branches of architecture, physical planning, urbanism and landscape architecture and architectural heritage, was approved by the University of Zagreb in 2005 and by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2007. The first generation was enrolled in the programme in 2006/07 while other two enrolled in the period from 2007 to the present day. An integral programme was envisaged to comprise all three scientific branches. Compulsory courses related to the branches were supposed to create the backbone of the programme, while a wide range of electives from all the branches would enable a formation of an individual curriculum for each student, in accordance to his/ her research interests, the proposed topic of research and of his/her dissertation. Unfortunately, such a wide range of courses could not be entirely achieved because the programmes in Physical Planning, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture and Architectural Heritage were not implemented simultaneously. That motivated the Architecture Doctoral Programme Committee to offer elective courses related to urbanism and architectural heritage and a bigger number of workshops which enabled greater flexibility and helped students follow their own research interests. Consequently, the programme has been implemented through cooperation of several departments. Maintaining the intellectual breadth of the programme has also included the possibility of attending courses in doctoral programmes at other faculties of University of Zagreb or other universities in Croatia and abroad. Students can also compensate elective courses for reviewed and published papers related to the topics of their research. During the implementation of the programme in the past three years, the curriculum has been broadened through cooperation with numerous visiting professors, esteemed scientists,
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
s recenziranim i objavljenim znanstvenim člancima koji su vezani za temu njihovih istraživanja.
researchers and professionals. Attempts were also made to encourage interdisciplinarity and discussions between different disciplines.
Tijekom izvođenja nastave kroz tri generacije polaznika program studija kontinuirano je proširivan uz suradnju velikog broja gostujućih profesora, redom renomiranih znanstvenika i drugih stručnjaka, kao što se nastojalo poticati interdisciplinarnost i otvoriti diskusiju između različitih disciplina.
S obzirom na to da se koncepcija studija i provođenja studija u pojedinim elementima razvija tijekom godina, možemo li govoriti o svojevrsnom ‘otvorenom procesu’? Teško je zamislivo da se doktorski studij može zatvoriti u nepromjenljiv, ‘idealan’ i statičan okvir. Smatrate li da je opravdano govoriti o doktorskom studiju kao o dugoročnom ‘projektu’ koji se tijekom godina usavršava i razvija u ovisnosti o stečenim iskustvima i saznanjima? Vijeće doktorskog studija Arhitektura doista je pristupilo zadatku koncipiranja studija kao projekta, kroz kontinuirano preispitivanje njegove strukture i tema, nastojeći odgovoriti na potrebe polaznika. Utoliko je riječ o svojevrsnom iterativnom procesu gdje se promatraju predloženi znanstveni interesi polaznika, na koje se nastoji odgovoriti unaprjeđivanjem i prilagodbama programa studija. Također, kontinuirano je nastojanje da se studij uravnoteži u smislu zastupljenosti svih tematskih područja arhitekture shvaćene u najširem smislu. Taj široki i uravnoteženi pogled temelji se na organizaciji studija po modulima koji pokrivaju raznolika tematska područja: Arhitektonska misao, Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti te Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse.
Doktorski studij Arhitektura ustrojen je kao znanstveni studij, a arhitektura pri Sveučilištu u Zagrebu potpada pod polje tehničkih znanosti. Bi li doktorski studij mogao biti svojevrstan polemički poligon za sučeljavanje različitih ideja i predodžbi o arhitekturi? U kojoj mjeri on može i treba biti platforma za kritičko promišljanje arhitektonske discipline?
Since the concept and the implementation of the programme have been in certain aspects developed during the years of its existence, can we talk here about a sort of ‘open process‘? It would be hard to imagine that a doctoral programme can be reduced to a closed, ‘ideal‘or ‘static‘form. Would you say that it is justifiable to talk about the doctoral programme as a long-term ‘project’ which is developed and improved through years, depending on the past experience and knowledge?
Auf-Franić: The Architecture Doctoral Programme Committee has indeed conceived the programme as a project, through continual re-examination of its structure and topics, trying to meet the needs of the students. The programme development is therefore a process entailing iteration and analysis of the proposed research interests of the students which could be responded to only through improving and adapting the programme. In addition, continual efforts are made to introduce balance in the programme in terms of equal representation of all thematic fields of architecture, taken in the widest possible sense. This broad and harmonious approach is based on the organisation of the programme into modules which deal with various thematic fields: Architectural Thought, Contemporary Architectural Explorations and Architectural Construction and Technology.
The Architecture PhD Programme is envisaged as a research study programme, and architecture is within the academic structure of University of Zagreb in the field of technical sciences. Could the PhD programme be a certain training ground for debates on different ideas and notions of architecture? To what extent could or should it be a platform for critical thinking about architecture?
Program studija je otvoren i polaznicima se nastoji osigurati pristup širem znanju koje je neophodno za razvoj arhitektonske misli. Tehnički su aspekti uključeni u program studija, ali to nikako ne isključuje i sve druge vidove istraživanja arhitektonske misli i suvremenih kretanja u arhitekturi i urbanizmu. Primjerice, već i teme radionica potvrđuju te ciljeve i pokazuju da se studij ustrojio kao platforma za raz norodna suvremena istraživanja u duhu tradicije cjelovitog promišljanja arhitekture koja se njeguje na našem fakultetu. Utoliko je doktorski studij svojevrsna nadgradnja i sinteza arhitektonskog diskursa koji se na Fakultetu istražuje i razvija praktički od njegovih početaka. Doktorski studij u konceptualnom smislu Arhitektura predstavlja rezime vrijednosti koje se i inače nastoje apostrofirati na Fakultetu,
Auf – Franić: The programme is designed to enable students to acquire a broad spectrum of knowledge which is necessary for the development of architectural thought. Technical aspects are integrated into the programme, but that does not exclude all other forms of exploration of architectural thinking and contemporary tendencies in architecture and urban planning. For example, the topics of workshops confirm those aims and show that the programme has been conceived as a platform for multiple contemporary explorations in the spirit of the tradition which focuses on the integral considerations of architecture and the tradition which is maintained by out faculty. The programme is thus a certain superstructure and synthesis of the architectural discourse which has been researched and developed at the faculty practically from its beginnings. The PhD programme is in a conceptual sense a sum total of values which are otherwise emphasized by the faculty. Naturally, an emphasis is placed on the dialogue with related technical disciplines and humanities.
intervju s prof. hildegard auf-franić
interview with prof. hildegard auf-franić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
dakako – uz naglašeni dijalog s drugim srodnim tehničkim i humanističkim disciplinama.
Prema vašem mišljenju, može li se definirati društveni cilj doktorskog studija u smislu usmjeravanja istraživanja koja se na njemu provode prema jasnom intelektualnom doprinosu koji nije samo uže disciplinaran? Treba li on pratiti i reagirati kretanja i potrebe koje proizlaze iz datosti društvene stvarnosti? Rezultati doktorskih studija proizvode novo i relevantno znanje koje se ugrađuje u korpus suvremene arhitektonske i urbanističke misli. Polaznike se nastoji poticati na proučavanje aktualnih problema kako bi profilirali svoja istraživanja u skladu sa stvarnim društvenim potrebama, problemima u prostoru i temama vezanim za strateški razvoj izgrađenog i neizgrađenog okoliša te njegove zaštite.
Je li doktorski studij više priprema za budući znanstveni rad ili, po vašem mišljenju, treba stremiti visokom stupnju intelektualne inovativnosti u svim segmentima studija, a naročito vezano za doktorske disertacije?
Svaka doktorska disertacija ovoga doktorskog studija trebala bi biti usmjerena prema inovativnim temama i tezama te precizno se odnositi prema razvoju suvremenih znanja koja aktivno pridonose arhitekturi i urbanizmu. Ovakav odabir tema iziskuje i ovladavanje ciljanim metodama istraživanja, kao i metoda ‘istraživanja kroz projekt’ koja koristi znanja i tehnike što su specifično arhitektonske. ‘Istraživanje kroz projekt’ je svojevrsna eksperimentalna metoda istraživačkog rada.
Na temelju aktualnog programa doktorskog studija Arhitektura doktoriralo je ili je pred doktoratom tek nekoliko kandidata. Kako ocjenjujete dosadašnje rezultate i iskustva programa doktorskog studija Arhitektura? Na velik broj doktorskih studija u inozemstvu kandidati dolaze s razmjerno precizno postavljenom temom znanstvenog istraživanja i doktorske disertacije. To znači da moraju imati mentora koji kao stručnjak u određenom području prihvaća kandidata i njegov predmet istraživanja. U toj inicijalnoj fazi kandidat već skuplja i široku bibliografiju o temi svoga istraživanja. Možemo zaključiti da se kandidat već određeno vrijeme temom bavio, da je apsolvirao ulazak u znanstveni rad i metodologiju znanstvenog istraživanja. Jasne su im hipoteze, predložena metodologija izrade, izvori, i prihvaćanje od strane mentora znači konačnu potvrdu tih napora.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
In your opinion, is it possible to define a social objective of the PhD programme in the sense of directing the research conducted within it towards an intellectual contribution which is not simply discipline-based? Should the programme follow and respond to the developments and needs arising from social reality?
Auf-Franić: The programme results in the creation of new and relevant knowledge which is incorporated into contemporary considerations about architecture and urban planning. Students are encouraged to explore current issues in order to fashion their research in accordance with real social needs, problems in space and topics related to strategic development of the built and unbuilt environment and its protection.
Would you say that the PhD programme is more of a preparation for the future scientific activities, or should it strive to a high degree of intellectual innovation in all its segments, most particularly in dissertations?
Auf-Franić: Each dissertation written within the programme’s framework should be dedicated to innovative topics and hypotheses and should foster the development of contemporary insights which actively contribute to architecture and urban planning. The selection of a topic requires knowledge of research methods, as well as the ‘project-based research’, an experimental research method which uses knowledge and skills characteristic for architecture.
In the current programme there are only several doctoral students or candidates soon to obtain their PhD degree. How would you assess the results and experiences of the Architecture Doctoral Programme?
Auf-Franić: Doctoral candidates in many international doctoral programmes seem to already have a precisely defined topic of research and their theses while applying. That means they need to have professors who will accept supervision of the thesis according to their area of expertise. At this initial stage the candidates start collecting literature on the topic of their research. That means that the candidates have been dealing with the topic for a while, that they have already been introduced to the methodology of scientific research. They have a clear idea of the hypotheses, suggested methodology, sources, and the acceptance by their perspective supervisor is the final confirmation.
Na našem studiju pristupnici su se kroz obrazloženje znanstvenog interesa tek približili temi istraživanja. Kroz prijedlog teme istraživanja, razradu teme istraživanja i sinopsis
At our faculty and in the programme, on the other hand, PhD candidates come only close to the research topic through explanation of their scientific interest. Only at the end of the second semester they are required to choose the topic through the processes which includes the proposal and exploration of the research topic and the dissertation synopsis. In order to speed up the topic proposal and create the basis for the creation of dissertations, the plan has been to
doktorski studij arhitektura
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
doktorske disertacije tek na kraju drugoga semestra trebaju sagledati definitivnu temu doktorata. Idealna zamišljena shema bila je da se znanstveni interes istražuje kroz tri uzajamno povezane radionice („istraživanje kroz projekt‘) koje se međusobno nadograđuju, što bi zasigurno rezultiralo bržim prijedlogom teme i postalo osnovom izrade doktorata. Isto vrijedi i za seminarske radove vezane za izborne predmete. Određeni broj polaznika širio je ili mijenjao svoje teme tijekom provedbe radionica, a to je rezultiralo produženim procesom izrade doktorske radnje. Takav se pristup može i pozitivno shvatiti kao dio procesa sazrijevanja istraživačke misli. Struktura naših polaznika sastoji se od određenog broja znanstvenih novaka kojima je doktorski studij obvezatni nastavak obrazovanja te arhitekata koji se primarno bave raznim oblicima arhitektonske prakse i želja im je nastaviti edukaciju. U oba slučaja radi se o polaznicima koji uglavnom dosad nisu imali prilike susresti se sa znanstvenoistraživačkim radom i metodologijama koje taj rad zahtijeva. Zato je nužno da polaznici svladaju te metodologije, a kroz teoretske obvezatne kolegije unaprijede znanja stečena tijekom ranije edukacije.
U kreativnim disciplinama postoji i model ‘umjetničkog doktorata’, o kojem se počelo razmišljati i na našem fakultetu. Postavlja se pitanje koncepcije takvog studija. Koja su vaša razmišljanja i stajališta vezana za moguće uspostavljanje umjetničkog doktorskog studija arhitekture? Za razliku od znanstvenoga doktorskog studija koji može biti i nastavak diplomskog studija, po mojemu mišljenju, polaznici umjetničkoga doktorskog studija trebali bi biti autori s prepoznatim arhitektonskim opusom. Također, mnogim arhitektima je vjerojatno poticajno i prihvatljivije posvetiti se kombiniranom projektantsko-istraživačkom negoli užem, znanstvenom radu. Takav studij bio bi za njih prilika da teorijski pristupe svojemu projektantskom opusu te iznjedre zaključke koji će elaborirati njihove autorske pristupe. Time bi se polaznicima pružila prilika za samo-refleksiju i kritički pogled prema svome radu te bi ih potaknula da svoj projektantski pristup pozicioniraju unutar konteksta suvremenih arhitektonskih kretanja. Tim bi se procesom specifični autorski pristupi učinili dostupnima arhitektonskoj i široj javnosti, pridonoseći razvoju suvremene arhitektonske misli argumentirane kroz djelo. Pod djelom smatram najširi raspon djelovanja arhitekta – od tehnoloških i drugih inovacija, preko projekata i gradbenih detalja i sustava, do realiziranih djela. Jednom riječju, sve teme u kojima se arhitekt kreativno realizira. Rezultati rada na umjetničkomu doktorskom studiju tako bi formirali bazu operativnih znanja i metoda, koja bi bila od koristi za daljnju evoluciju arhitektonske discipline te vjerojatno i pridonijela jasnijoj definiciji identiteta i profila suvremene hrvatske arhitekture. Znanstveni i umjetnički doktorski studiji mogli bi djelovati komplementarno i međusobno se nadopunjivati.
intervju s prof. hildegard auf-franić
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
enable students to explore their interests though three mutually related workshops (project-based research). The same was true for seminar papers which are given as assignments in elective courses. A certain number of candidates broadened and changed their topics in the course of the workshops which resulted in an extended process of dissertation writing. Such an approach can be understood positively as part of the process in which young researchers develop and mature. Our PhD students include a certain number of researchers on scientific projects to whom the doctoral programme is an obligatory step in education, and architects who primarily work in architectural practice and who wish to continue their education. In both cases, the candidates had not been involved in any research work before they enrolled in the programme or been introduced to research methodology required by the process of obtaining a PhD degree. It is therefore necessary to help them acquire knowledge in methodology and to advance their previously acquired knowledge through compulsory theoretical courses.
In artistic disciplines there is a model of the so called artistic doctoral programme, which inspired the Faculty of Architecture to give it some thought. This programme, however, raises the question of its concept. What is your opinion and view on the possible introduction of the artistic doctoral programme in architecture?
Auf-Franić: As opposed to scientific doctoral programme which can be a continuance of graduate studies, I believe that students of the artistic doctoral programmes should be architects with notable architectural oeuvres. Also, it could be more stimulating and acceptable for many architects to engage in projects which combine design and research than those that are solely based on scientific research. Such a programme would provide them with an opportunity to theoretically explore their practical works and reach conclusions which could be the elaboration of their creative signatures. Students could thereby be given a chance for self-reflective and critical view of their own work and be encouraged to position their architectural approach in the context of contemporary architectural developments. That would make specific individual approaches available to the profession and general public and contribute to the development of contemporary architectural thinking the argument for which can be found in the work itself. When I say work, I mean the widest span of elements entailed by architectural practice – from technological and similar innovations, design and constructive details and systems to the complete architectural object. In short, all the topics which help an architect creatively express him/her/self. Results of research activities in an artistic doctoral programme would contribute to the creation of a database containing knowledge and methods which could be of further use for the development of architecture as a field of study. The database would probably also contribute to a clearer definition of identity and profile of Croatian contemporary architecture. Scientific and artistic doctoral programmes could complement each other.
interview with prof. hildegard auf-franić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Doktorski studij Arhitektura
Postgraduate Doctoral Programme in Architecture
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Arhitektonskog fakulteta pokrenut je po novom studijskom programu 2007. godine. Iako je inicijalno zamišljeno da program ima tri studijska smjera – arhitekturu, urbanizam i prostorno planiranje te graditeljsko naslijeđe, nastava se kontinuirano od 2007. godine odvija samo na studijskom smjeru Arhitektura.
The postgraduate doctoral programme in architecture was launched in accordance with the new guidelines in 2007. Even though three specialization areas were planned – architecture, urban and spatial planning, and architectural heritage – only the Architecture programme has been continuously in operation since 2007.
Studijski program doktorskog studija Arhitektura posvećen je istraživanju suvremenih fenomena u području arhitektonskog djelovanja. Ciljevi poslijediplomskog studija su: promicanje naprednih znanstvenoistraživačkih, nastavnih i stručnih pristupa koji će unaprijediti spoznaju i znanstvenoistraživačke metode u području arhitektonskog projektiranja; poticanje znanstvenog rada te izobrazba polaznika za rad na visokoškolskim ustanovama i institutima; izobrazba stručnjaka koji će moći istraživati i unaprjeđivati različite aspekte arhitektonske discipline te razvijati koncepcijski i prostorno-funkcionalno kompleksne arhitektonsko-urbanističke zamisli i programe u odnosu prema suvremenim civilizacijskim dostignućima, uvjetima i potrebama.
The doctoral programme in Architecture focuses on the research of contemporary phenomena in the field of architectural activity. Its goals include promoting advanced approaches in scholarship, teaching, and the profession, which will enhance our knowledge and scholarly research methods in the field of architectural design; encouraging scholarly work and training the candidates for working in the institutes of higher education and scholarly institutes; and training professional architects, who will be able to investigate and develop various aspects of architectural discipline, as well as conceptually and functionally complex ideas and programmes in the fields of architecture and urban planning, in accordance with the most advanced cultural achievements, requirements, and needs.
Doktorski studij traje šest (6) semestara (180 ECTS) i obranom doktorske disertacije stječe se akademski stupanj doktora znanosti iz područja tehničkih znanosti, znanstveno polje arhitektura i urbanizam. Studij se odvija u dvogodišnjim ciklusima, s obzirom da redovita nastava traje dvije godine (četiri semestra). Zadnja, 3. godina (V. i VI. semestar) je mentorska, tijekom koje polaznici, u suradnji s mentorom, rade na pripremi doktorskog rada. Tematski moduli studijskog programa su: Arhitektonska misao i kritika, Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti, Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse, te Istraživanje kroz projekt / Projekt kroz istraživanje.
The doctoral programme consists of six (6) semesters with 180 ECTS credits, and ends with the defence of the candidate’s doctoral dissertation, upon which the candidate obtains the academic degree of doctor in the field of technology, specialized in architecture and urban planning. The programme takes place in two-year cycles, with regular classes during the first two years (four semesters). The last, third year (fifth and sixth semester) is planned for dissertation writing and regular meetings with the supervisor. The thematic modules of the programme include: architectural thought and criticism, architectural research on contemporaneity, structure and technology of architectural practice, and research in project / project in research.
U prvom semestru nastava je organizirana isključivo u obliku predavanja: polaznici slušaju četiri obavezna kolegija (Uvod u metodologiju znanstvenoistraživačkog rada, Arhitektonska misao, Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti, te Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse) i dva po izboru. Obavezni kolegiji posvećeni su stjecanju osnovnih znanja i vještina potrebnih za samostalni znanstvenoistraživački rad, studiju literature, istraživanju suvremenih fenomena u području arhitekture i urbanizma, te odabranim teorijskim temama, projektima i realizacijama koje su presudno obilježile arhitektonsku disciplinu tijekom 20. stoljeća. Polaznici izrađuju seminarske radove na odabrane teme koji potom nerijetko bivaju objavljeni kao članci u znanstvenim i stručnim časopisima.
During the first semester, all of the courses have the form of lectures: the candidates must attend four mandatory courses (Introduction to Research Methods, Architectural Thought, Architectural Research on Contemporaneity, and Structure and Technology of Architectural Practice), as well as two optional ones. Mandatory courses aim at imparting some basic knowledge and skills needed in independent research, critical analysis of literature, exploration of contemporary phenomena in the field of architecture and urban planning, and approaching the selected theoretical issues, projects, and achievements that have crucially determined architectural discipline in the past century. The candidates are expected to produce seminar papers on the selected topics, which are often published as articles in scholarly journals.
Izborni kolegiji razvrstani su po sadržaju i temama u tri tematska modula. Ponuda izbornih kolegija kontinuirano se obogaćuje i tematski novelira, sukladno interesu i
Optional courses are divided into three thematic modules according to their content and topics. The offer of optional courses is
doktorski studij arhitektura
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
istraživačkim potrebama polaznika. Vijeće doktorskog studija posebno skrbi da se određeni broj izbornih kolegija povjeri gostujućim predavačima – uglednim znanstvenicima i istraživačima.
being continuously enriched and updated, in accordance with the candidates’ interests and research needs. The Council of the Doctoral Programme is in charge of inviting distinguished scholars and researchers as guest lecturers for a number of optional courses.
U sljedeća tri semestra (II.– IV.) u nastavi preteže samostalni istraživački rad koji se odvija kroz mentorirane tematske istraživačke radionice (Istraživanje kroz projekt / Projekt kroz istraživanje). Postupno se smanjuje obaveza pohađanja izbornih kolegija, a proporcionalno se povećava udio samostalnog znanstvenoistraživačkog rada polaznika studija (objavljeni članci, izlaganje na kongresima, sudjelovanje u znanstvenoistraživačkim projektima, prijava teme doktorskog rada i obrana sinopsisa, itd.), što se sve honorira ECTS bodovima. Teme radioničkih istraživanja izabiru polaznici doktorskog studija samostalno ili u dogovoru s voditeljem radionice. Raspon istraživačkih tema kojima su se u protekle tri generacije studija bavili polaznici neobično je širok i raznovrstan, te obuhvaća gotovo sva akademska i stručna područja arhitektonsko-urbanističke discipline. Koncepcijski i metodološki pristupi istraživanjima podjednako su otvoreni i raznovrsni: historiografski, teorijski, fenomenološki, problemski, tipološki, kvantitativno-analitički, itd. Vijeće doktorskog studija potiče polaznike da svoja istraživanja na doktorskim radionicama usmjere prema temi budućeg doktorskog rada. Na kraju semestra (II.– IV.), svaki polaznik prezentira svoje istraživanje u radionici pred Vijećem doktorskog studija.
During the following semesters (ii. – iv.), independent scholarly work is the prevailing format, which takes place in supervised thematic research workshops (Research in Project / Project in Research). The obligation of attending optional courses is gradually reduced, and the element of scholarly research proportionally increased (including the publication of articles, participation in conferences and research projects). The candidate defines and proposes the title of his or her dissertation and defends the prospectus, which brings additional ECTS credits. The topics of the workshop research are selected by the candidates, alone or in agreement with the lecturer. The range of research topics during the past three years has been extraordinarily broad and varied, including almost all academic and professional areas belonging to the discipline of architecture and urban planning. The conceptual and methodological approaches to research have been equally open and manifold: historiographical, theoretical, phenomenological, problem-oriented, typological, quantitative-analytical, etc. The Council of the Doctoral Programme encourages the candidates to direct their research in doctoral workshops towards the topic of their dissertation. At the end of each semester (ii. – iv.), all candidates are asked to present the results of their research before the Council of the Doctoral Programme.
Po završetku IV. semestra polaznici doktorskog studija predlažu temu svog doktorskog rada Vijeću doktorskog studija, izrađuju sinopsis doktorskog rada i brane prijedlog teme pred povjerenstvom. Nakon obranjenog prijedloga teme, polaznici izrađuju doktorsku disertaciju. Po dovršetku disertacije, rad pregledava povjerenstvo za ocjenu disertacije, a studij završava obranom doktorske disertacije pred povjerenstvom za obranu.
At the end of the fourth semester, the candidates propose the topic of their dissertation to the Council of the Doctoral Programme and defend their prospectus before the committee. After that, they write the dissertation, which is read by the Evaluation Committee. The programme ends with the defence of the dissertation before the Defence Committee.
intervju s prof. hildegard auf-franić
interview with prof. hildegard auf-franić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonska misao / Architectural Thought
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Moduli Doktorskog studija Arhitektura
Module of the Doctoral Study Programme Architecture
Modul Arhitektonska misao doktorskog studija Arhitektura posvećuje se naprednom istraživanju arhitektonske discipline s aspekta teorijskog sagledavanja i razmatranja. Modul se stoga okreće prezentaciji i diskusiji nekih temeljnih pitanja arhitektonskog djelovanja: pitanje generalne pozicije i uloge arhitekture u širem društvenom kontekstu; pitanje potencijala arhitektonskog medija i odgovornosti koje on u određenom društvenom trenutku preuzima; pitanja pozicije i zadaće arhitektonske teorije u usmjeravanju i informiranju same prakse i produkcije; osnovni tipovi i zadaci arhitektonske teorije; odnos kritičke teorije i projektivnih praksi; pitanje mogućnosti daljnjih putova istraživanja i smjerova razvoja cjelokupne arhitektonske discipline. Modul se pritom fokusira ponajprije na recentno doba i aktualan društveni trenutak koji svojim intenzivnim dinamikama i transformacijama postavlja nesvakidašnje izazove pred arhitekturu, upućujući je na pojačanu introspekciju i analizu. S posebnom se pozornošću istražuju recentni fenomeni i njihove manifestacije – izazovi promijenjenoga grada, dominantne infrastrukture, izmijenjenog krajolika, efekti intenzivnog protoka informacija, gibanja, nestalnosti i nesigurnosti – te se shodno tome problematiziraju naslijeđena viđenja arhitekture kao discipline: pitanja njezina identiteta, zadataka, sredstava, diskursa i strategija.
As one of the modules of the doctoral study programme at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, Architectural Thought focuses on advanced research into the architectural discipline from the aspect of theoretical assessment and analysis. The module is therefore dedicated to interrogation and discussion of fundamental aspects of architectural practice: the issues of a general position and role of architecture in a wider social context; potentials of architecture as a medium and the responsibility that it assumes in a given social moment; the position and tasks of architectural theory in guiding and informing the architectural practice and production; basic types and concerns of architectural theory; the relationship between the critical theory and architectural design; the issue of possible future research and directions of development of architectural discipline in general. The module primarily focuses on recent periods and the current social moment, whose intense dynamism and transformations pose significant challenges to architectural practice proper, directing it into deeper introspection and analysis. Special attention within the module is given to recent phenomena and their manifestations – challenges of a contemporary city, dominant infrastructure, transformed environment, effects of intensive information flows, movements, flux and instability – which all necessarily lead to the intense re-examination of inherited views of architecture as a discipline, and raise the questions of its identity, potentials, instruments, discourses and strategies.
Preispituje se pritom i pozicija arhitektonske teorije unutar cjelokupne arhitektonske discipline te utvrđuju njezini potencijali i zadaci kao kreativne i kritičke ‘prakse medijacije’ – kritički otvorene prema saznanjima iz drugih kulturnih grana, analitički spremne da relevantne eksterne koncepte i kategorije adekvatno prevede i transkodira, da kreativno konstituira alate i metode vlastitoga mišljenja, te da svojom sposobnošću istodobnog sagledavanja iskustva povijesti i projiciranja budućnosti odgovorno otkriva putove mogućih daljnjih arhitektonskih kretanja. Modul na taj način ujedno afirmira arhitektonsku misao i kritiku kao relevantan modalitet formiranja javnog mišljenja te podizanja društvene i kulturne percepcije o važnosti i ulozi arhitektonskog djela i oblikovanja prostora. Modul se sastoji od središnjega obveznog kolegija Arhitektonska misao te niza tematski i problemski uže profiliranih izbornih kolegija.
The module also investigates the position of architectural theory within the broader disciplinary boundaries and determines its potentials and tasks as an engaged and consequential ‘practice of mediation’ – critically open to insights from other spheres of cultural production, ready to adequately transcode and implement relevant external concepts and paradigms, to creatively construct instruments and tools of its own operation and reasoning, and to responsibly investigate potential directions for architecture’s possible future developments. By so doing, the module also affirms architectural thought and criticism as a relevant means of public practice, engaged in raising social and cultural awareness about the role of architecture, its operations and its spatial consequences. The module consists of the obligatory course Architectural Thought and a series of more profiled and thematically more narrowly defined elective courses.
Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti / Architectural Research of the Contemporary
Modul Arhitektonsko istraživanje suvremenosti odvija se u prvom semestru prve godine. Predstavlja svojevrsno kaleidoskopsko pomagalo pregleda materije i metoda cjelokupne nastavne ponude tema studija u kasnijim semestrima, odnosno fokusiranu prezentaciju uz participaciju studenata u probiranju raznolikih izbornih predmeta za nastavak studija koji se definicijski mogu podvesti u široki obzor arhitektonskog istraživanja suvremenosti.
The Module: Architectural Research of the Contemporary is a course in I. semester of the first academic year. It is a kaleidoscopic tool of kinds offering an overview of the material and methods offered during the entire course of studies and in later semesters, that is, it is a focused presentation including the participation of students and their selection of various optional courses for the continuation of studies which can be broadly defined as the architectural research of contemporaneity.
doktorski studij arhitektura
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonska praksa – Struktura i tehnologija / Structure and Technology of Architectural Practice
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Naziv modula odražava iskorak u rasponu arhitekture iz tradicionalnih okvira programsko-planerske, procesnostvaralačke, tehničko-realizacijske i društvene kategorije, uz bitno otvaranje prema globalnim fenomenima kretanja u svijetu, kako filozofijskim, tako i znanstvenim iskoracima; dominantnim tehnologijskim utjecajima kao i dinamikama u sustavima društvenih vrijednosti; fenomenima komunikacija, te kulturno antropologijskim i socijalno antropologijskim strukturama; čovjekovim životnim stilovima, kao i participaciji i mogućnostima izbora; kozmičkim impulsima, simbolici, te ikonografiji suvremenosti mijena karaktera umjetničkog izražavanja; dakako i ostalim komplementarnim sastojcima svijeta suvremenosti unutar i oko arhitekture. Modul je otvoren svim utjecajima suvremenosti bez doktrinarnosti, ideologizacije, odnosno supremacije u tretiranju određenih izvorišta. Na studiju jest da se s vremenom mijenja u propitkivanju suvremenih pojava i pritom konvergira k optimalnom.
The title of the module reflects a shift outside the traditional framework of programmed and planned, process-oriented and creative, technical and realisational and social categories of architecture, and towards global phenomena and trends in the world, both philosophical and scientific, towards dominant technological influences, as well as the dynamics inherent to social values systems, communications phenomena and cultural-anthropological and social-anthropological structures, humankind’s lifestyles, including participation and the possibility of choice; towards cosmic impulses, symbolism and the iconography of the contemporary character of changing artistic expression, as well as other complementary components of the contemporary world within and around architecture. The module is open to all kinds of contemporary influences without doctrinism, ideology, that is, supremacy in the treatment of defined sources. It is a given that the course of studies needs must changes in its investigation of contemporary phenomena and so converge towards the optimal.
Modul Struktura i tehnologija arhitektonske prakse okuplja niz komplementarnih izbornih predmeta oko temeljnog istoimenog obaveznog predmeta. Struktura arhitektonske prakse analizira se i istražuje kroz povijesne i recentne primjere s obzirom na dva osnovna aspekta – glavne protagoniste i procese, te nastanak i evoluciju profesije i povijest strukovne edukacije. Teme koje se obrađuju obuhvaćaju povijesni i suvremeni pregled temeljnih pojmova: arhitekt (od graditelja do managera; od voditelja gradnje do kulturnih djelatnika), izvođač (od majstora i obrtnika do koordinatora), klijent (od mecena do korporacijskih i državnih investitora), kontrola (od obrambene i komunalne discipline do društvene regulacije sigurnosti i održivosti), te građevinska proizvodnja (od građenja in situ do CAD/CAM tehnika). Nastanak profesije i školovanje arhitekata tematizira različite oblike projektantskih praksi i edukacijskih modela – od neosviještenih procesa do pojave stvaralačkih ličnosti, izvore edukacijskih modela (akademije, politehnike, visoke tehničke škole, tehnički fakulteti), edukacijske modele 20. st. (Bauhaus, CIAM, moderna) i njihove vaninstitucionalne prethodnike, nove sadržaje i metode edukacije u participacijskim studijskim zajednicama (istraživački model), te nove tendencije na početku 21. stoljeća (bolonjski proces i cjeloživotno obavezno profesionalno obrazovanje).
The module: Structure and technology of architectural practice includes a series of complementary optional subjects grouped under the basic compulsory course. The structure of architectural practice is analysed and researched through examples from the past, as well as more recent examples based on two basic aspects – the main protagonists and the processes, and the emergence and evolution of the profession and the history of education within the field. Themes that are dealt with include a historical and contemporary overview of basic terms: architect (from builder to manager; construction manager to cultural worker), contractor (from master to artisan to coordinator), client (from patron to corporate and state investors) control (from defence and communal discipline to social regulations for safety and sustainability), and building product (from building in situ to CAD/ CAM techniques). The emergence of the profession and the education of architects stresses various forms of project practices and educational models – from unconscious processes to the appearance of a creative persona, sources of educational models (academies, polythechnic colleges, technical schools of higher education, technical faculties), educational models of the 20th century (Bauhaus, CIAM, the Modern) and their extra-institutional predecessors, new contents and methods of education in participational study communities (research model), as well as new tendencies from the beginning of the 21st century (the Bologne Process and permanent compulsory professional education).
Kroz studij literature i izborne predmete posvećene pojedinačnim temama, tehnologija suvremene arhitektonske prakse upoznaje se proučavanjem 1) osobina problema koje arhitekti rješavaju (nepokorni, nestrukturirani – Archer, Jones), 2) povijesnog i suvremenog pristupa arhitekata projektantskom radu (Alexander, Broadbent, Kalay), 3) načela sustavnog razumijevanja zgrada, napose prostorne i tehničke podsustave (Brandt, Evans, Bachman), te 4) razvoja i dostignuća projektnih metoda (Durand, Viollet-le-Duc, CIAM, Bauhaus, Alexander, Habraken i dr.).
doktorski studij arhitektura
Through literature and optional course offered which focus on particular topics, students discover the technology of contemporary architectural practice by studying 1) the characteristics of issues that architects resolve (unmanageable, unstructured – Archer, Jones), 2) the historical and contemporary approach of architects to projects (Alexander, Broadbent, Kalay), 3) the principles of systematic understanding of buildings, especially spatial and technical subsystems (Brandt, Evans, Bachman), and 4) the
interview with prof. hildegard auf-franić, phd
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Uvod u metodologiju znanstvenoistraživačkog rada / Introduction to Scientific Research Methodology
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Na nizu se primjera analizira odnos arhitektonske prakse i teorije arhitekture, te istražuje stupanj njihove međusobne kongruentnosti (područja prakse kojima se teorija arhitekture bavi) s posebnim naglaskom na: projektiranje i oblikovanje, tehnološke i produkcijske aspekte, arhitektonsku kritiku i kulturološku analizu suvremene arhitektonske produkcije. Ponuda izbornih predmeta ovog modula formira se i ažurira ovisno o specifičnim istraživačkim interesima polaznika studija, a obuhvaća odabrane specijalizirane teme i područja kao što su: sustavni pristup projektiranju, ocjena zgrade u korištenju, održivi razvoj, energetska učinkovitost, procesi transformacije graditeljske baštine i upravljanja graditeljskim naslijeđem, inovativni nosivi sustavi i materijali, itd.
development and achievements of the project method (Durand, Viollet-le-Duc, CIAM, Bauhaus, Alexander, Habraken, and others).
Znanstvenoistraživački rad sustavna je stvaralačka aktivnost kojom se, primjenom znanstvenih metoda, stječu nove znanstvene spoznaje. Znanstvene metode skup su različitih postupaka kojima se znanost koristi u znanstvenoistraživačkom radu za istraživanje i izlaganje rezultata znanstvenog istraživanja u određenom znanstvenom području ili znanstvenoj disciplini. Svako znanstveno djelo, pa i disertacija, priprema se i uređuje prema utvrđenoj metodologiji znanstvenoistraživačkog rada. Uočavanjem problema istraživanja, koji se ne može riješiti učenjem i studiranjem već je potrebno, primjenom metodologije znanstvenoistraživačkog rada, provesti znanstveno istraživanje koje bi trebalo dovesti do novih znanstvenih spoznaja, dolazi se do objektivnog znanja o predmetu istraživanja. Iz problema istraživanja definirat će se znanstvena hipoteza. To je tek prva faza znanstvenoistraživačkog rada. Pripremne faze znanstvenoistraživačkog rada -uočavanje i oblikovanje znanstvenog problema, postavljanje hipoteze, izbor i analiza teme, izrada orijentacijskog plana istraživanja, sakupljanje, proučavanje i sređivanje građe, priprema ilustracija – uvod su u izradu znanstvenog djela. Kolegij Uvod u metodologiju znanstvenoistraživačkog rada obrađuje, uz uobičajene postupke i metode znanstvenog istraživanja, i specifičnosti metodologije, pripreme i izrade znanstvenih radova znanstvenog područja Tehničke znanosti, polje Arhitektura i urbanizam. Polaznici se osposobljavaju za znanstvenoistraživački proces koji rezultira određenim znanstvenim ili stručnim radom.
doktorski studij arhitektura
Architectural practices and theories of architecture are analysed on a series of examples, and the level of their inter-congruence is researched (the practical field with which the theory of architecture is concerned) with special attention paid to: project planning and forming, technological and production aspects, architectural criticism and cultural analysis of contemporary architectural production. The offer of optional courses of this module is formed and updated depending on the specific research interests of students attending the course, and encompasses choice-specialised themes and fields like: a systematic approach to project planning, evaluation of buildings being used, sustainable development, energetic efficiency, transformation processes of the built heritage and managing built heritage, innovative structure systems and materials, etc.
Scientific research is a systematic creative activity which uses scientific methods in order to produce new scientific knowledge. Research methods are a group of various procedures used by a scientific discipline for the purposes of research and presentation of research results in a specific field of study. Each scientific work, including dissertations, is prepared and written according to an established methodology of scientific research. Perception of a research problem, which cannot be solved by studying but it is necessary to apply research methodology in order to conduct a scientific research, leads to new scientific insights and objective knowledge of the researched topics. The research problem is the basis for the formulation of a scientific hypothesis which is only the first stage of scientific work. Preparatory stages of research include the perception and definition of a scientific problem, formulation of a hypothesis, selection and analysis of a topic, creation of a research outline, collection and analysis of research material, preparation of illustrations. They all lead to the creation of a scientific papers or reports. Introduction to Scientific Research Methodology is a course which explores common procedures and methods of scientific research but also specific methodologies, preparation and writing of scientific papers in the domain of technical sciences, field of architecture and urban planning. Students are equipped with knowledge on the process of scientific research which results in a specific scientific or professional piece of writing.
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelj / supervisor
Filip Šrajer
Dražen Juračić
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Model u krajoliku – Tipološka inventarizacija suhozidnih građevina na kršu hrvatskog primorja kao temelj za daljnja istraživanja
Rad daje sažet povijesno-geografski okvir hrvatske suhozidne baštine i prijedlog podjele suhozidnih građevina na tipološke razrede kroz nekoliko ‘GIS’ topoloških razina. GIS-ovska logika nameće se zbog izazova participativne inventarizacije pomoću suvremene komunikacijske tehnologije (lokalni entuzijasti, turisti). Na području primorske Hrvatske postoji vrijedna baština narodnoga graditeljstva koja unatoč vrijednim pojedinačnim znanstvenim i stručnim prilozima još nije sistematski proučena. Zahvaljujući izraženoj vinogradarskoj konjunkturi u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća, gustoća suhozidnih struktura na određenim položajima u Istri, Hrvatskom primorju i Dalmaciji (podzidi terena, ograde, suhozidna skloništa, nastambe i sl.) mogla bi biti kulturno relevantna i u međunarodnim mjerilima. Radi se i o velikoj dodanoj vrijednosti uloženoj u zaštitu poljoprivrednih površina od erozije. S obzirom na to da se zbog jednostavne i zajedničke ekonomske osnove radi o tipičnim građevinama, nameće se ideja inventarizacije koja bi trebala pružiti temelj za razna istraživanja i procjene broja i rasprostranjenosti te kulturnih veza unutar istočnojadranskog i prema mediteranskom kulturnom krugu. Zahvaljujući rasprostranjenosti geolokacijskih alata u suvremenoj telekomunikacijskoj opremi, danas postoji mogućnost participativne ‘GIS’ inventarizacije uz sudjelovanje lokalnih entuzijasta, organizacija i turista, koja bi osim praktične koristi za istraživanje ujedno imala ulogu edukacijskog i popularizacijskog medija. Tu ideju zastupa etnolog Jadran Kale, trenutno najkvalificiraniji i najaktivniji suhozidni znanstveni autoritet.
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Model in the Landscape – Typological Inventory Drystone Building on Karst Croatian Coast as a Basis for Further Research This paper gives a brief historical and geographical background drywall Croatian heritage and the proposed distribution of drystone buildings on typological classes through some ‘GIS’ topological level. GIS-Newtonian logic arises because of the challenges of participatory inventory using modern communication technologies (local enthusiasts, tourists). In the area of coastal Croatian heritage worth a popular construction that despite precious individual academic and professional contributions have not been systematically studied. Thanks expressed vineyard market trends in the second half of the 19th century, the density of drystone structures in certain positions in Istria, Dalmatia and Croatian Littoral (field embankments, fences, dry stone shelters, huts, etc.) could be culturally relevant and international standards. It is also a great added value invested in the protection of agricultural land from erosion. Given the fact that due to the simple and common economic basis for the typical buildings, we could inventory which should provide the basis for various studies and estimates of the number and extent of these cultural connections within the East and the Mediterranean cultural circle. Thanks to the spread of geolocation tools in modern telecommunication equipment, today there is a possibility participatory ‘GIS’ inventory with the participation of local enthusiasts, tourists and organizations, which would include the practical benefits of the research also had the role of education and the popularization of the media. This idea represents an ethnologist Jadran Kale, currently the most qualified and most active drywall scientific authority. As a result of this study offered the basic typology of several types of landscapes and twenty types of drywall construction, taking into account the specificity of this type of inventory that primarily seeks intuitiveness and adaptability organized cartographic database.
Kao rezultat ovoga istraživanja ponuđena je osnovna tipologija od nekoliko tipova krajolika i dvadesetak tipova suhozidnih građevina, imajući u vidu specifičnost ovakve vrste inventarizacije koja prije svega traži intuitivnost i prilagođenost kartografski organiziranoj bazi podataka.
doktorski studij arhitektura
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
voditelji / supervisors
Meri Batakoja
Dražen Juračić Nikola Filipović
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Postav izložbe Prve avangarde (kao dominantni utjecaji u definiciji i nastanku Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti i nakon toga)
Exhibition Designs of the First Avant‑Garde (as Dominant Influences Towards Defining and Emerging of Museum of Modern Art and Further
Cilj istraživanja ‘Izložbeni dizajni Prve avangarde (kao dominantni utjecaji u definiciji i nastanku Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti i nakon toga)’ je izraditi popis najvažnijih pojedinaca i njihovih izuma na polju izložbenog dizajna i muzejskih instalacija s početka 20. stoljeća, te analizirati čimbenike koji su omogućili nastanak Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti (kakav poznajemo danas).
As all of the key case-studies are literally ‘lost in history’ (and most of them forgotten), this research has the goal to depict them and virtually reconstruct them through the available literature, photographs and drawings, and to reactualize them as theoretical ideas: we cannot fully understand the idea behind ‘L&T system’ (‘Leger and Trager’ installation design, 1924) by Frederick Kiesler if we don`t consider his own theory for new approach in architectural design so-called Correlation, Correalism and Biotechnique; ‘Abstraktes Kabinett’ (‘The Abstract Cabinet’, 1928) by El Lissitzky and ‘Raum der Gegenwart’ (‘The Room of Our Time’, 1930) by Laszlo Moholy Nagy cannot be examined apart from the integral plan for restructuring of the Landesmuseum in Hanover devised by its manager-art historian Alexander Dorner and his ideas of ‘atmosphere rooms’; learning about new exhibition techniques developed in Bauhaus as part of the official curriculum of the school cannot be entirely comprehended if we don't consult the ‘fundamentals of exhibition design’ (1937) written by Herbert Bayer and some of the first fully realized architectural novelties as that of the Mies`s free plan and its possibilities for exhibiting modern art.
Budući da su sve ključne analize slučajeva doslovce ‘izgubljene u povijesti’ (a većina je i zaboravljena), ovo istraživanje ima za cilj opisati ih i virtualno rekonstruirati pomoću dostupne literature, fotografija i crteža kako bi ih se reaktualiziralo kao teorijske ideje. Ne možemo u potpunosti razumjeti ideju u osnovi ‘sustava L&T’ (instalacijski dizajn ‘Leger und Träger’, 1924.) Fredericka Kieslera ne uzmemo li u obzir njegovu teoriju za novi pristup u arhitektonskom dizajnu nazvanu ‘Korelacija, korealizam i biotehnika’; ‘Abstraktes Kabinett’ (‘Apstraktni kabinet’, 1928.) Ela Lissitzkyja i ‘Raum der Gegenwart’ (‘Prostor današnjice’, 1930.) Laszla Moholy-Nagya ne mogu se ispitati odvojeno od integralnog nacrta za restrukturaciju Landesmuseuma u Hanoveru, koji je napravio njegov upravitelj i povjesničar umjetnosti Alexander Dorner, te njegovih ideja o ‘prostorima s atmosferom‘; a učenje o novim izložbenim tehnikama kakve je razvio Bauhaus kao dio službenog nastavnog plana svoje škole ne može se u potpunosti razumjeti ne proučimo li ‘Osnove izložbenog dizajna’ Herberta Bayera (1937.) i neke od prvih potpuno ostvarenih arhitektonskih inovacija poput one Miesova slobodnog plana i mogućnosti koje on otvara za izlaganje suvremene umjetnosti.
The research ‘Exhibition designs of the first avant-garde (as dominant influences towards defining and emerging of Museum of Modern Art and further)’ has the goal to make a list of the most important personalities and their inventions in the field of exhibition design and museum installations in the beginning of the 20th century, and to discuss the factors that made the emergence of the Museum of Modern Art possible (as we know it today).
As different as they are, all of study-cases share sincere excitement with the diverse ways of picturing the new modern world through variety of visual possibilities for the ‘camera eye’, total interior landscapes of art and the mass media.
Koliko god se razlikovale, sve analize slučajeva odlikuje iskreno oduševljenje raznolikim načinima prikazivanja novog suvremenog svijeta kroz mnoštvo totalnih unutarnjih krajolika umjetnosti, vizualnim mogućnostima za ‘oko kamere’ i masovnim medijima.
doktorski studij arhitektura
phd programme architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Publikacije i izložbe Lexicon of Architects – Atlas of 20th Century Croatian Architecture / Leksikon arhitekata Atlasa hrvatske arhitekture dvadesetog stoljeća (Englesko izdanje) Teorija i povijest dizajna, kritička antologija / The Theory and History of Design, A Critical Anthology English for Architecture and Urban Planning / Engleski za arhitekturu i urbanizam Nedovršene modernizacije – Između utopije i pragmatizma Arhitektura i urbano planiranje u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji i zemljama slijednicama / Unfinished Modernisations – Between Utopia and Pragmatism Architecture and Urban Planning in Socialist Yugoslavia and its Successor States Antologijski arhitektonski vodič Zagreba – 100 Izabranih zgrada / An Anthological Architectural Guide to Zagreb – 100 Selected Building Uvod u zakonodavstvo prostornog uređenja / Introduction to the Physical Planning Legislation Urbanist’s Season: International Scientific Conference – Rethinking Urbanism Proceedings book / Sezona urbanista: Međunarodni znanstveni skup – Promišljanja o urbanizmu Zbornik radova
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Publications and Exhibitions
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Lexicon of Architects – Atlas of 20th Century Croatian Architecture / Leksikon arhitekata Atlasa hrvatske arhitekture dvadesetog stoljeća (Englesko izdanje)
Leksikon arhitekata Atlasa hrvatske arhitekture dvadesetog stoljeća jest otvorena knjiga: projekt koji se postupno dograđuje, raste, dopunjuje, reizdaje, prevodi na strane jezike i proširuje medije svoje prezentacije. Leksikon je svojevrstan sažetak metodološke tradicije ‘Atlasa arhitekture’ kojim se fenomen hrvatske arhitekture u svojem elementarnom stadiju evidentira i sagledava kroz prizmu autorskoga arhitektonskog postupka. U tom smislu ova knjiga nije zamišljena samo kao resumé proteklog vremena već i kao inicijalna referenca gradnji hrvatskoga kulturološkog prostora.
The Lexicon of Architects, a part of the ‘Atlas of 20th Century Croatian Architecture’, is an open book: a project gradually expanding, growing, being supplemented, re-edited, translated, as well as involving a wider scope of media in its presentation. This Lexicon is a sort of gist of established methodological approach of the ‘Atlas of 20th Century Croatian Architecture’, in which the phenomenon of Croatian architecture is being registered in its basic stage and viewed through the prism of authorial architectural approach. In this regard, this book is perceived not only as a resume of past times but also as an initial reference of development of Croatian cultural space.
Arhitektonski fakultet je u sunakladništvu s Golden marketing-Tehničkom knjigom objavio sveučilišni priručnik Teorija i povijest dizajna – kritička antologija, koji je uredio, tekstove izabrao i popratio uvodnim tekstom prof.dr.sc. Feđa Vukić. Povijesna retrospekcija izbora izvornih tekstova upućuje u panoramu teorijske misli o dizajnu u zapadnoeuropskoj kulturi od 18. stoljeća do danas. Ti se tekstovi po prvi puta prevode na hrvatski jezik pa time ova knjiga-zbornik predstavlja kapitalno nakladničko ostvarenje namijenjeno prije svega studentima visokoškolskih institucija, ali i ukupnoj kulturnoj javnosti. K tome, knjiga unosi posve novu kvalitativnu dimenziju u hrvatsku kulturu budući da donosi prijevod reprezentativnog uzorka teorijskih tekstova o dizajnu, čime ponajprije prinosi razjašnjavanju terminoloških dvojbi oko definiranja pojma dizajn, potom potiče na razvoj diskursa o teorijskim i metodološkim aspektima dizajna i, naposljetku, nudi okvir za razvoj izvorne lokalne teorije dizajna.
The Faculty of Architecture in cooperation with Golden Marketing has published a university reference book entitled: The Theory and History of Design – A Critical Anthology, a selection of texts edited and with a foreword by Prof. Feđa Vukić, PhD. The historical retrospection of this selection of original texts provides a panorama of theoretical ideas on design within the cultures of West Europe from the 18th century and to date. These texts have been translated into Croatian for the first time, so that this collection is a capital publishing feat primarily aimed at students at institutions of higher education, but may also be of cultural interest for the general public. In addition, this book is in many ways unique as it lends a new dimension to Croatian culture by offering a translation of a representative sample of theoretical texts on design, whereby it provides explanations for terminological dilemmas concerning the definition of design as a concept and thereby invoking discourse on the theoretical and methodological aspects of design. Last but not least, it also offers a framework for the development of unique local theories of design.
Udžbenik English for Architecture and Urban Planning prvi je udžbenik napisan za potrebe arhitektonsko-urbanističke struke u Hrvatskoj. Namijenjen je prije svega studentima arhitekture i urbanizma radi njihovog osposobljavanja za usmenu i pisanu komunikaciju na engleskom jeziku, praćenje stručne literature te buduće profesionalno djelovanje. Udžbenik sadrži 23 nastavne jedinice utemeljene na autentičnim tekstovima s temama koji prate osnovne sadržaje studija te autorski sastavljenim vježbama namijenjenima razvijanju specifičnih vještina: čitanje stručnih tekstova s razumijevanjem, usvajanje stručne terminologije i jezičnih struktura, razvijanje usmene i pismene kompetencije te snalaženje u poslovnom okruženju u struci. Osim studentima, udžbenik može korisno poslužiti i svima koji se u arhitektonskoj struci služe engleskim jezikom.
The course book English for Architecture and Urban Planning is the first course book to be written for the needs of students of architecture and urban development in Croatia. It is primarily aimed at students of architecture and urban planning and offers written and oral practice in English, thereby providing students with the knowledge necessary for reading and understanding expert literature and professional work. The course book contains 23 units based on authentic texts and incorporates topics that correlate to the basic course of studies of architecture, as well as an abundance of language practice exercises aimed at developing specific skills: understanding expert literature, acquisition of pertinent terminology and language structures, development of oral and written skills and the competence to apply the language acquired within a business context related to this field. Aside from students, the course book may also serve as resource book for all those using English within the field of architecture.
publikacije i izložbe
publications and exhibitions
Autori/Authors: Andrej Uchytil, Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Emir Kahrović Nakladnik / Published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2011.
Teorija i povijest dizajna – kritička antologija /The Theory And History Of Design – A Critical Anthology Autor/Author: Feđa Vukić Nakladnik / Published by: Golden marketing Tehnička knjiga, Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2012.
English for Architecture and Urban Planning / Engleski za arhitekturu i urbanizam Autor/Author: Neda Borić Urednica /editor: Mia Roth-Čerina Nakladnik / Published by: Golden marketing Tehnička knjiga, Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2012.
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Nedovršene modernizacije – Između utopije i pragmatizma: Arhitektura i urbano planiranje u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji i zemljama slijednicama / Unfinished Modernisations – Between Utopia and Pragmatism: Architecture and Urban Planning in Socialist Yugoslavia and its Successor States Istraživački projekt, izložba i publikacija / Research project, exhibition and publication, (2010. – 2012.)
Period nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata u regiji bivše Jugoslavije obilježen paralelizmom pokušaja implementacije samoupravnog socijalizma i ubrzane modernizacije na svim poljima. Često proturječne aspiracije: od usmjerenja prema utopijskom društvenom horizontu do realizacija vrlo pragmatičnih ciljeva bitno su utjecale na složenost društvene stvarnosti. Urbana ekspanzija bila je jedno od vodećih sredstva i ciljeva modernizacije, pa arhitekturu i urbanizam nije moguće promatrati samo unutar polja kulture, nego ih je potrebno analizirati unutar okvira socio-političkog projekta i preobrazbe cjelokupnog društva. Istraživački projekt Nedovršene modernizacije okupio je niz istraživača iz zemalja bivše Jugoslavije s ciljem analize koncepcija i modela urbanizacije, te raspoznavanja odnosa između univerzalističkih postavki modernizma i njihovog preoblikovanja unutar lokalnih okolnosti. Također, projekt usvaja premise kulturne i povijesne heterogenosti regije bivše Jugoslavije, te se bazira na metodi trans-nacionalnih analiza. Slijed ideoloških, ekonomskih i geopolitičkih promjena utjecao je i na promjene fokusa i diskontinuitete u provedbi modernizacijskih procesa, no vrijednosti poput egalitarizma u distribuciji stambenog fonda, razvoj javnog prostora i socijalnih servisa, kultiviranje pojedinih istaknutih autorskih pristupa, postepeni razvoj interdisciplinarnih znanja te mogućnost sudjelovanja struke u formiranju politika prostora ostaju afirmativna naslijeđa socijalističkog perioda. Razvoj projektantskih znanja bio je suočavan sa nerealnim projekcijama razvoja, no modernizacije su imale radikale posljedice: od transformacija fizionomija gradova, do promjena načina i standarda života građana.
The period after WW II within the region of what is now former Yugoslavia was marked by parallelist attempts to implement self-managing socialism and accelerated modernisation in all fields. Oft contradictory strivings: tendencies towards a utopian social horizon and the realisation of very pragmatic goals influenced the complexity of social reality significantly. Urban expansion was one of the leading means and goals of modernisation, so architecture and urban planning should not be viewed solely within the context of culture, but should be analysed within the framework of social and political projects and the transformation of society as a whole. The research project: Unfinished modernisations gathered a series of researchers from countries of former Yugoslavia in the aim of analysing the concept and model of urban planning, and defining the relations between universalistic theses of modernism and its transformation due to local circumstances. In addition, the project adopts cultural and historical heterogeneity within the region of former Yugoslavia as its premises, and is based on a transnational analysis method. A series of ideological, economical and geopolitical changes also determined changes in focus and discontinuities within the implementation process, but values like egalitarianism in the distribution of housing, the development of public spaces and social services, the cultivation of distinctly individual approaches, the gradual development of interdisciplinary know-how and the possibility for skilled professions to take part in the formation of policies concerning space remain a positive heritage from the socialist period. The development of project planners and their know-how was confronted by unrealistic projections for development, but modernisations led to radical results: from the transformation of the physiognomies of cities to changes in citizens’ lifestyles and standards of living.
Autori projekta / Project authors: Maroje Mrduljaš, Vladimir Kulić Partnerske institucije, provoditelji projekta / Partner institutions, project execution: the Croatian Architects’ Society (UHA, Zagreb – project initiator), the Maribor Art Gallery (Maribor, Slovenia), the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia), the Belgrade Architects Society (Belgrade, Serbia) and the Coalition for Sustainable Development (Skopje, Macedonia) Antologijski arhitektonski vodič Zagreba – 100
Rezultati i implicitni učinci tih mahom nedovršenih urbanih modernizacija druge polovice 20. stoljeća još i danas predstavljaju osnovu urbanih struktura i servisa, te je njihova analiza ključna za cjelovitu interpretaciju urbanih identiteta u regiji, kao što je i ključna i za razumijevanje današnje urbane stvarnosti i diskusiju o budućem razvoju izgrađenog okoliša. Projekt je metodološki koncipiran kao suradnička platforma i odvijao se kroz niz konferencija u regiji. Sadržaj finalne izložbe i publikacije strukturiran u pet tematskih cjelina: prostori reprezentacije, politike urbanog prostora, prostori globalne razmjene, dizajn prostornih praksi te jugoslavenski arhitektonski prostor. Izložba je tijekom 2012. postavljena u Umetnostnoj galeriji Maribor, Muzeju Historije Jugoslavije te u Kneževoj palači u Zadru, a izdana je i opsežna publikacija. Mrduljaš je održao predavanja vezana za istraživanje na kongresu Svjetske unije arhitekata (UIA) u Tokyu 2011, Britanskom kraljevskom arhitektonskom institutu (RIBA) u Londonu 2012 i drugdje. Projekt je sufinanciran sredstvima Fonda Europske komisije Kultura 2007. – 2013.
publikacije i izložbe
Even today the results and implicit effects of these mostly unfinished instances of urban modernisation from the second half of the 20th century present the basis of urban structures and services, and their analysis is essential for a complete interpretation of the urban identities in the region, as well as being vital for an understanding of urban reality today and for a discussion on future development of the builtup environs. This project was methodologically conceived as a cooperative platform and has been topical at a series of conferences in the region. The content of the final exhibition and publication is structured around five thematic wholes: Representative Spaces, the Policies of Urban Space, Global Exchange Space, the Practice of Spatial Design and Yugoslav Architectural Space. The exhibition was set up in 2012 at the Umetnostna galerija in Maribor, at the Muzej Historije Jugoslavije in Belgrade and at Kneževa palača in Zadar, and a comprehensive publication was produced. Mrduljaš held lectures related to this research at the 24th World Congress of Architecture, UIA Tokyo 2011, at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in London, 2012, and elsewhere. The project is co-funded by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) 2007–2013.
publications and exhibitions
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Izabranih Zgrada / An Anthological Architectural Guide to Zagreb – 100 Selected Building
Budući da Zagreb, za razliku od većine europskih metropola, nije imao svoj cjeloviti arhitektonski vodič, u okviru fakultetskoga znanstvenog projekta pripremljena je prva takva publikacija koja se koncepcijski oslanja na najbolja inozemna izdanja tog 'žanra'. Vodič je namijenjen studentima arhitekture kao nastavno pomagalo na različitim kolegijima, no i široj struci te osobito posjetiteljima Zagreba, pri čemu su autori težište stavili na promociji i valorizaciji najboljega što ovaj grad u arhitekturi može ponuditi. Ravnomjerno su zastupljena djela iz svih razdoblja i tipoloških skupina, s uravnoteženim izborom bitnih autora. Uz 100 ključnih djela s detaljnom kataloškom obradom, u knjizi je donesen i prošireni registar od još 700 vrijednih zgrada koje su, iako prezentirane sažeto, pouzdana ekstenzija za one 'koji žele znati više'. Publikacija opsega 300 stranica opremljena je s 10 preglednih karata, sadrži 520 ilustracija, 1200 bibliografskih jedinica, te funkcionalne dodatke poput višestrukih kazala, stručnoga glosarija, arhitektonskog adresara i dr.
Since Zagreb, unlike most European metro polises, did not have its own comprehensive architectural guide, the first publication of this kind was prepared as part of a faculty scientific project, guided by and conceptually similar to the best editions from abroad within this ‘genre’. The guide is meant for students of architecture serving as an aid to various courses, but also for professionals in the field, and especially visitors to Zagreb. The authors have paid special attention to the promotion and evaluation of the best that the city has to offer as far as architecture is concerned. Works from all periods and typological groups are equally represented with a balanced selection of relevant authors. Aside from 100 key works with a detailed catalogue, the book also includes an extended register of a further 700 buildings of merit which are, although presented in brief, a valuable addition for those ‘who want to know more’. The publication includes 300 pages, 10 comprehensive maps, as well as 520 illustrations, 1200 bibliographical items, and functional appendices like multiple indexes, a glossary of terms, an architectural address book, etc.
Urbanist's season/Sezona urbanizma naziv je simpozija i zbornika međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Rethinking urbanism tiskanoga za izdavače: Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Arhitektonski fakultet (dekan Boris Koružnjak), Udruga hrvatskih arhitekata (predsjednik Hrvoje Hrabak) i Hrvatska komora arhitekata (predsjednik Tomislav Čurković), glavnog urednika Zlatka Karača te izvršne urednice, Ariane Štulhofer i koordinatora organizacije i programskog menađera Krunoslava Šmita. Zbornik na točno 200 stranica ima 37 radova prezentiranih u tri tematske cjeline: Grad – planiranje (14 radova); Prostor i pejsaž – prostorno, regionalno i pejsažno planiranje (14 radova) i Graditeljsko naslijeđe – povijesni grad i zaštita (9 radova). Ova 42 rada napisalo je ukupno 76 autora iz 9 europskih zemalja.
Urbanist's season is the title of a symposium and a collection of papers from the international scientific conference entitled: Rethinking urbanism printed for the publishers: The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture (dean: Boris Koružnjak), The Croatian Architects’ Association (president: Hrvoje Hrabak) and the Croatian Chamber of Architects (president: Tomislav Čurković), by Zlatko Karač, editor-in-chief, Ariana Štulhofer, executive editor, and Krunoslav Šmit, organisation coordinator and programme manager. This collection of papers includes exactly 200 pages and 37 papers presented under three thematic headings: The city – planning (14 papers); Planning and landscape – spatial, regional and landscape planning (14 papers) and Architectural heritage – the historic city and its conservation (9 papers). This 42 papers were written by a total of 76 authors from the 9 European countries.
Knjiga ‘Uvod u zakonodavstvo prostornog uređenja’ predstavlja rezultat višegodišnjeg stručnog rada na području prostornog uređenja i primjene hrvatskih zakona i propisa. Temeljna svrha ove knjige – udžbenika bila je približavanje zakonodavstva studentima arhitekture i urbanizma. Odabir zakonskih dokumenata, način i opseg njihovog prikazivanja i pojašnjavanja usklađen je s potrebama izrade prostorno planske dokumentacije na svim razinama. Najveći naglasak stavljen je na temeljni zakon za arhitekte i urbaniste – Zakon o prostornom uređenju i gradnji. U knjizi su obrađeni samo neki dijelovi odabranih zakonskih akata (objavljenih do početka svibnja 2012.), uz mogućnost da čitatelj preko dodatnih ‘poveznica’ (komentari i tumačenja iz stručne prakse), sam potraži detaljnije značenje ili upute u temeljnom zakonskom dokumentu. Knjiga sadrži i veći broj slikovnih prikaza s obilaska terena kao i dijelove kartografskih prikaza iz pojedinih etapa izrade planova.
Introduction to Physical Planning Legislation is a publication that resulted from a long-term professional work in the field of physical planning and application of Croatian laws and regulations. The fundamental purpose of this textbook is to introduce students to legislation pertaining to architecture and urban planning. A selection of legal documents, the manner and scope of their presentation and interpretation accord with the required physical planning documentation on all levels. The greatest emphasis is given to the law essential to architects and urban planners – the Law on Physical Planning and Construction. The book brings only some parts of the selected legal acts (made public before the beginning of May 2012), and offer additional ‘links’ (comments and interpretations arising from the professional practice) which provide readers with an opportunity to make individual searches for more detailed meanings or instructions in the fundamental legal document. The book contains numerous illustrations of practice and parts of maps showing individual stages of planning.
publikacije i izložbe
publications and exhibitions
Autori / Authors: Zlatko Karač, Alen Žunić Nakladnik / Published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Upi-2m Books, Zagreb 2012.
Urbanist’s Season: International Scientific Conference – Rethinking Urbanism Proceedings book / Zbornik radova Glavni urednik / Editor in Chief: Zlatko Karač Izvršna urednica / executive editor: Ariana Štulhofer Nakladnik / Published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata, Hrvatska komora arhitekata, Zagreb 2012.
Uvod u zakonodavstvo prostornog uređenja / Introduction to the Physical Planning Legislation Autor/Author: Nenad Lipovac Urednik /editor: Zlatko Karač Nakladnik / Published by: Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2012.
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Studijski arhiv i maketarnica Voditelj studijskog arhiva / Head of Research Library
knjižničarka / librarian
Voditelj maketarnice / Model Workshop Supervisor
Maroje Mrduljaš
Karolina Hohnjec
Saša Relić
Faculty of Architecture, Architecture, UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYOF OFZAGREB ZAGREB
Research Library and Model Workshop
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Studijski arhiv – mjesto razmjene znanja U vremenu ‘umreženog društva’ ubrzana razmjena informacija jedan je od vodećih fenomena današnjice. Taj fenomen vrijedi i za područje izdavaštva u arhitekturi koje poprima sve veći obim. Tijekom zadnjih desetak godina elektronsko i tiskano izdavaštvo u arhitekturi doživjeli su znatan uspon, no sa ekonomskom krizom i sa porastom popularnosti webstranica i blogova i drugih žanrova elektronskog izdavaštva, situacija se donekle mijenja. Brzo informiranje o aktualnim trendovima praktički isključivo postaje vezano za Internet i konzumira se na dnevnoj bazi. Pojedini časopisi prestaju izlaziti, a ugledne izdavačke kuće zapadaju u krizu. S druge strane, pojavljuju se novi, komercijalno usmjereni izdavači, koji plasiraju publikacije bazirane na tipološkim ili sličnim temama, nudeći nekritičke preglede suvremenih projektantskih tendencija. Takve tendencije utječu i na strategiju razvoja Studijskog arhiva, te se snažniji naglasak stavlja na specifična znanja i sadržaj koji nije dostupan u digitalnom obliku. Studijski arhiv Arhitektonskog fakulteta baštini tradiciju koja se razvija od njegovog osnivanja 1964. godine i sumjerena je na sustavnu nabavu publikacija i druge građe iz područja arhitekture i srodnih disciplina. Naročita briga se posvećuje prikupljanju relevantnih publikacija i drugog materijala vezanog za povijest i suvremenost hrvatske arhitekture. Tom korpusu publikacija pridružuju se i magistarsk i doktorski radova obranjenih na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i drugdje. Tijekom godina kompletirano je nekoliko zbirki svih godišta časopisa ‘Arhitektura‘, ‘Čovjek i prostor‘, ‘Oris’ i ‘Prostor‘, a Studijski arhiv čuva i jednu od najpotpunijih zbirki arhitektonskih časopisa iz područje regije Jugoistočne Evrope. Također, iz raznih izvora prikupljena je obimna kolekcija mnogih relevantnih internacionalnih časopisa koja pruža solidnu osnovu za istraživanje povijesti moderne arhitekture. Prilikom odabira novih naslova nastoji se u jednakoj mjeri pratiti polja arhitekture i urbanizma, ali i područja kritičke teorije, vizualnih umjetnosti te humanističkih i tehničkih disciplina. Također, u obzir se uzima i potreba obuhvaćanja širokog raspona složenosti znanja kako bi sve skupine korisnika imale na raspolaganju relevantnu literaturu prikladnu za pojedine dionice edukacije. Većina građe dostupna je u režimu otvorenog pristupa (openaccess). Korisnicima se, uz korištenje informatičkih alata, nastoji pomoći u pronalaženju građe, ali se naglasak stavlja na postepeno osposobljavanje korisnika za samostalni istraživački rad. U svakodnevnim aktivnostima nastoji se afirmirati intelektualna radoznalost, pa Studijski arhiv nije samo repozitorij građe nego i mjesto otvorene diskusije, razmjene znanja i otkrića.
studijski arhiv i maketarnica
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Research Library – Place of Knowledge Exchange In the age of the ‘networked society’ fast information exchange is one of the predominant phenomena of modern life which is present in architectural publishing as well. In the last ten years, electronic and print publishing in the field of architecture has been rather strongly developing. However, the situation has also somewhat changed due to these times of economic crisis but also to an increased popularity of web sites, blogs and other types of electronic publishing. Fast information access to current trends is practically exclusively related to the Internet and its contents are consumed on a daily basis. Certain magazines and journals ceased to be published with respectable publishing houses in the period of significant entrepreneurial risks. On the other hand, there are new, commercial publishers whose books are based on typology and similar topics, and which offer superficial overviews of contemporary architectural trends. These tendencies have a strong impact on the development strategy of the Study Archive which, consequently, places a greater emphasis on specialized knowledge which is inaccessible in a digital form. The Research Library of the Faculty of Architecture is a form of library which has been engaged in the same activities ever since 1964 when it was founded. These activities include a systematic acquisition of publications and other material in the field of architecture and related disciplines. Special attention is given to collecting relevant publications and other material related to Croatian historic and contemporary architecture. The archive also collects MA and PhD theses defended at the Faculty of Architecture and other faculties. During the years the archive managed to acquire complete issues of the following magazines and journals: Arhitektura, Čovjek i prostor, Oris, and Prostor. It also keeps one of the most comprehensive collections of architectural journals and magazines from the territory of South-Eastern Europe. The collection policy demands equal attention to architecture, urban planning, critical theory, visual arts and topics from the technical sciences and humanities. The archive also takes into account the need to represent a wide span of knowledge in order to offer relevant literature suitable for specific educational objectives to all user groups. Open access provides users to reach most of the archive's material on-line. By using information retrieval tools users are assisted with searching and finding literature but are also encouraged to engage in individual research practices. Everyday activities of the archive are aimed to raise intellectual interests, which makes the archive not only a repository but a place of open discussion, exchange of knowledge and discoveries.
research library and model workshop
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Model Workshop
Maketarnica Arhitektonskog fakulteta je otvorena u ožujku 2010. godine i kao jedan novi radni prostor je značajno podigla kvalitetu nastavnih aktivnosti. Po prvi put nakon dugog niza godina na Arhitektonskom fakultetu studenti imaju prostor i infrastrukturnu podršku za materijaliziranje ideja nastalih u sklopu studija. Izrada modela je bitna u svim fazama rada na projektu, od početnih istraživanja terena i postojećeg stanja, preko prvih prostornih skica, pa sve do krajnjih prezentacijskih modela. Modeli su bitan alat za razvoj ideja, provjeru i donošenje odluka. Isto tako modeli su bitan izraz autorstva i jedan od relevantnih prikaza kojim se prenosi ideja prostornog rješenja. Maketarnica je infrastruktura koja pomaže prilikom toga rada. Od samog početka studija, maketa se studentima javlja kao jedan od bitnih oblika razrade i prezentacije projekta. Studenti prvoga semestra prolaze kratke vježbe u sklopu nastave projektiranja preko kojih se upoznaju sa osnovnim alatima i tehnikama za izradu arhitektonskih modela. Kroz prvu godinu to su mahom jednostavni konceptualni modeli izrađeni od ljepenke, pjenastih ploča i stiropora u skladu sa zadacima istraživanja prostora koji se uglavnom provode na prvoj godini. Kroz studij se rafinira izrada modela vezano uz razne faze studija. Urbanistički modeli naselja, šire situacije, prikazi terena, planovi masa/volumena, razvojni radni modeli, detaljni prostorni modeli, strukturalni konstrukcijski modeli, detalji interijera, prezentacijski modeli; različiti tipovi modela s kojima će se student susresti kroz faze studija. Vezani uz tipove modela su i razni tipovi prikaza: volumeni od stiropora, raznih drvenih ili plastičnih materijala; prikazi terena kroz slojnice, presjeka, plohe; radni modeli su složeniji uz veću primjenu tehnologija digitalne fabrikacije, koristeći laserski rezač i slične alate. Kako se nastavlja studij veće je promišljanje u izradi modela; materijali, način izrade i obrade trebaju vjernije prikazati ideju koja se želi prezentirati projektom. Tako se javlja korištenje raznih plastičnih materijala (akril, pjenasti pvc, pvc folije), korištenje izlivenih materijala (gips, beton, akristal), metala (limovi), te korištenja raznih obrada materijala sve u svrhu vjernije prezentacije projektne ideje. U sklopu maketarnice se od samog početka radi na razvoju i primjeni tehnika vezanih uz digitalnu fabrikaciju. Time se omogućuje prenošenje formi sa računala direktno na razne materijale uz odgovarajuću pripremu, specifičnost alata i materijala. Zasada se taj dio opreme sastoji od laserskog rezača i 3-osne CNC glodalice, a u planu je proširenje toga dijela infrastrukture.
studijski arhiv i maketarnica
The Model Workshop of the Faculty of Architecture was opened March 2010 and as a new work area it has significantly improved the quality of course activities. For the first time after a long number of years, students of the Faculty of Architecture have the space and infrastructural support to materialise ideas conceived in the course of their studies. Working models are important during every stage of work on a project, from initial field research and in situ findings, to spatial sketches and then finally the actual model. Models are a vital tool for developing ideas, for reviewing and finalising decisions. Models are also a vital expression of authorship and one of the relevant manners in which special solutions may be presented. The Model Workshop is an infrastructure which helps during this work. Right from the beginning of their studies, students use models as an important means of elaborating and presenting their projects. Students attending Semester I have a tutorial as part of the course in planning at which they receive the basics – basic tools and techniques for making architectural models. During the first year these are mostly simple conceptual models made of cardboard, foam and styrene depending on the research task set and conducted during the first year. During later courses model-making is refined and linked to various phases of the course of studies. Models of urban settlements, the broader environment, models of the terrain, mass/volume plans, development working models, detailed spatial models, structural and construction models, detailed interiors, presentational models; various types of models that students will encounter during different stages of their course of studies. Model types depend on the diversity of what is to be depicted: styrene volumes, various wood or plastic materials; terrains are modelled using contour lines, cross sections, planes; working models are more complex and require the application of digital fabrication technology and the use of laser cutters and similar tools. As students progress through their course of studies, their models layouts are more detailed and complex and the materials for model construction and finalisation need to be scaled and the layout presents their ideas in the form of a ready project. At this point a variety of plastic material is used (acryl, foam PVC, PVC foil), as well as casts (plaster, concrete, casting resin), metals (sheet metal), and material is textured, all in the aim of presenting a scaled project idea. At the Model Workshop right from the start students also develop and apply techniques linked to digital fabrication. In this way forms can be directly transferred from the computer to various materials after appropriate preparation and depending on specific tools and material used. For now equipment consists of a laser cutter and a 3-axis CNC router, although plans have been made to extend this part of the infrastructure.
research library and model workshop
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Oprema maketarnice:
model workshop equipment:
• Laserski rezač / graver GWEIKE LG500 (akril/pleksiglas, drvo, papir/ljepenka, guma, pluto) • CNC glodalica GWEIKE WK6090 (akril/pleksiglas, drvo, papir/ljepenka, guma, pluto, XPS, EPS) • Rezač sa žarnom niti STYROCUT 3; EPS (ekspandirani polistiren), XPS (ekstrudirani polistiren), drugi termoplastični materijali • Rezač sa žarnom niti PROXXON THERMOCUT; EPS (ekspandirani polistiren), XPS (ekstrudirani polistiren), drugi termoplastični materijali • Kružna pila BOSCH GKS 190 Professional (drvo, plastika, neželjezni tankostijeni metal) • Ubodna pila BOSCH PST 900 PEL (drvo, plastika, metali, keramika, guma) • Vertikalna glodalica BOSCH POF 1200 AE (drvo, plastika, neželjezni metali) • Stolna bušilica PROXXON TBH (drvo, plastika, metali, keramika, pleksiglas, guma, pluto) • Njišuća pila PROXXON DSH (drvo, plastika, neželjezni metali, pleksiglas, guma, pluto) • Kutna brusilica MANNESMANN 93300 (metali, kamen, keramika, drvo) • Bušilica BOSCHS GBM 10 RE Professional + stalak (drvo, metal, keramika, plastika, pleksiglas, guma, pluto) • Precizna bušilica / brusilica MANNESMANN 92750 (drvo, metal, keramika, plastika, pleksiglas, guma, pluto) • Brusilica sa diskom QUANTUM TS 305 (drvo, metal, plastika, pluto, guma) • razni ručni alati (klješta, brusni alati, odvijači, škare...)
studijski arhiv i maketarnica
• Laser cutter / engraver GWEIKE LG500 (acryl/plexiglass, wood, paper/cardboard, rubber, cork) • CNC Router GWEIKE WK6090 (acryl/plexiglass, wood, paper/cardboard, rubber, cork, XPS, EPS) • Hot wire cutter STYROCUT 3; EPS (expanded polystyrene), XPS (extruded polystyrene, other thermoplastic materials • Hot wire cutter PROXXON THERMOCUT; EPS (expanded polystyrene), XPS (extruded polystyrene, other thermoplastic materials • Circular saw BOSCH GKS 190 Professional (wood, plastic, non-iron thin metals) • Compact jigsaw BOSCH PST 900 PEL (wood, plastic, metals, ceramics, rubber) • Vertical router BOSCH POF 1200 AE (wood, plastic, non-iron metals) • Bench drill PROXXON TBH (wood, plastic, metals, ceramics, plexiglass, rubber, cork) • Scroll saw PROXXON DSH (wood, plastic, noniron metals, plexiglass, rubber, cork) • Angle grinder MANNESMANN 93300 (metal, stone, ceramics, wood) • Drill BOSCH GBM 10 RE Professional + stand (wood, metal, ceramics, plastic, plexiglass, rubber, cork) • Precision drill / grinder MANNESMANN 92750 (wood, metal, ceramics, plastic, plexiglass, rubber, cork) • Disk grinder QUANTUM TS 305 (wood, metals, plastic, cork, rubber) • various handheld tools (pliers, sandpapering tools, screwdrivers, scissors...)
research library and model workshop
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Nastavnici Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Teaching Staff of Faculty of Architecture
Davor Andrić davor.andric@arhitekt.hr
Jasenka Bertol-Vrček jbvcek@arhitekt.hr
Ivan Crnković ivan.crnkovic@arhitekt.hr
Hildegard Auf-Franić hauf@arhitekt.hr
Mateo Biluš mateo.bilus@arhitekt.hr
Teodor Cvitanović teodor.cvitanovic@arhitekt.hr
Dubravko Bačić dubravko.bacic@arhitekt.hr
Ljerka Biondić ljerka.biondic@arhitekt.hr
Melita Čavlović melita.cavlovic@arhitekt.hr
Vjera Bakić vjera.bakic@arhitekt.hr
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci scitaroci@zg.t-com.hr
Alenka Delić alenka.delic@arhitekt.hr
Ana Martina Bakić ambakic@mail.inet.hr
Neda Borić nedaboric@hotmail.com
Vedran Duplančić vedran.duplancic@arhitekt.hr
Bojan Baletić bojan.baletic@arhitekt.hr
Alan Braun alan.braun@arhitekt.hr
Igor Ekštajn Igor.ekstajn@arhitekt.hr
Zrinka Barišić Marenić zrinka.barisic@arhitekt.hr
Kristina Careva kristina.careva@arhitekt.hr
Ivana Ergić ivana.ergic@arhitekt.hr
Vladimir Bedenko vladimir.bedenko@arhitekt.hr
Ivan Cetinić ivan.cetinic@arhitekt.hr
Nenad Fabijanić nenad.fabijanic@arhitekt.hr
Marina Bertina marina.bertina@arhitekt.hr
Neda Cilinger neda.cilinger@arhitekt.hr
Sanja Filep sanja.filep@arhitekt.hr
nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta
teaching staff of faculty of architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Igor Franić igor.franic@sza.hr
Jesenko Horvat jesenko.horvat@arhitekt.hr
Dražen Juračić drazen.juracic@zg.t-com.hr
Tin Sven Franić tin-sven.franic@arhitekt.hr
Tihana Hrastar tihana.hrastar@arhitekt.hr
Siniša Justić sinisa.justic@arhitekt.hr
Josip Galić josip.galic@arhitekt.hr
Juraj Hrnčević juraj.hrncevic@arhitekt.hr
Zlatko Karač zlatko.karac@arhitekt.hr
Teufik Galijašević teufik.galijasevic@zg.t-com.hr
Marijan Hržić arhitekt-hrzic@zg.htnet.hr
Vladimir Kasun vlado.kasun@gmail.com
Sanja Gašparović sanja.gasparovic@arhitekt.hr
Vedran Ivanković vedrani_arh@yahoo.com
Zlatko Klanac zlatko.klanac@arhitekt.hr
Miroslav Geng miroslav.geng@inet.hr
Tajana Jaklenec tajana.jaklenec@arhitekt.hr
Luka Korlaet luka.korlaet@arhitekt.hr
Miljenko Haiman miljenko.haiman@arhitekt.hr
Nataša Jakšić natasa.jaksic@arhitekt.hr
Boris Koružnjak boris.koruznjak@arhitekt.hr
Božica Hajsig bozica.hajsig@arhitekt.hr
Mladen Jošić mladen.josic@arhitekt.hr
Damir Krajnik damir.krajnik@arhitekt.hr
Aleksandar Homadovski aleksandar.homadovski @arhitekt.hr
Tihomir Jukić tihomir.jukic@arhitekt.hr
Nenad Lipovac nlipovac@arhitekt.hr
nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta
teaching staff of faculty of architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Rene Lisac rene.lisac@arhitekt.hr
Leo Modrčin leo@ured.org
Željko Pavlović zeljko.pavlovic@arhitekt.hr
Egon Lokošek egon.lokosek@arhitekt.hr
Boris Morsan boris.morsan@arhitekt.hr
Roberta Pavlović roberta.pavlovic@arhitekt.hr
Damir Mance damir.mance@arhitekt.hr
Ana Mrđa ana.mrdja@arhitekt.hr
Srečko Pegan srecko.pegan@arhitekt.hr
Dunja Mandić dunja.mandic@arhitekt.hr
Iva Muraj iva.muraj@arhitekt.hr
Lea Petrović Krajnik lea.petrovic@arhitekt.hr
Tamara Marić tamara.maric@arhitekt.hr
Velimir Neidhardt velimir.neidhardt@zg.htnet.hr
Ivica Plavec ivica.plavec@zg.t-com.hr
Berislav Medić berislav_medic@upi-2m.hr
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci mos@arhitekt.hr
Lenko Pleština lenko.plestina@arhitekt.hr
Vesna Mikić vesna.mikic@arhitekt.hr
Tin Oberman tin.oberman@arhitekt.hr
Zorana Protić zorana.protic@arhitekt.hr
Ljubomir Miščević ljubomir.miscevic@arhitekt.hr
Veljko Oluić veljko.oluic@arhitekt.hr
Branimir Rajčić branimir.rajcic@arhitekt.hr
Anka Mišetić anka.misetic@pilar.hr
Boško Opalić bosko.opalic@arhitekt.hr
Goran Rako goran.rako@arhitekt.hr
Petar Mišković petar.miskovic@arhitekt.hr
Morana Pap morana.pap@arhitekt.hr
Marija Rendić-Miočević marija.rednic-miocevic @arhitekt.hr
Ivan Mlinar ivan.mlinar@arhitekt.hr
Helena Paver-Njirić info@hpnj.hr
Tihomir Rengel tihomir.rengel@arhitekt.hr
nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta
teaching staff of faculty of architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Vanja Rister vanja.rister@arhitekt.hr
Marino Šneler marino.sneler@arhitekt.hr
Dina Vulin Ileković dvulin@arhitekt.hr
Mia Roth-Čerina mia.roth@arhitekt.hr
Ariana Štulhofer ariana.stulhofer@arhitekt.hr
Renata Waldgoni renata.waldgoni@arhitekt.hr
Marko Rukavina marko.rukavina@arhitekt.hr
Sonja Tadej Vončina sonja.tadej@arhitekt.hr
Gordana Žaja gordana.zaja@arhitekt.hr
Mojca Smode Cvitanović mojca.smode@arhitekt.hr
Nenad Turčić nenad.turcic@arhitekt.hr
Tonči Žarnić tonci.zarnic@arhitekt.hr
Marina Smokvina marina.smokvina@arhitekt.hr
Ivana Tutek ivana.tutek@arhitekt.hr
Zorana Sokol Gojnik zorana.sokol@arhitekt.hr
Andrej Uchytil andrej.uchytil@arhitekt.hr
Nikoleta Sudeta nikoleta.sudeta@arhitekt.hr
Roberto Vdović roberto.vdovic@arhitekt.hr
Karin Šerman karin.serman@arhitekt.hr
Zoran Veršić zoran.versic@arhitekt.hr
Marija Šimić Horvath marija.simic@arhitekt.hr
Nino Virag nino.virag@arhitekt.hr
Marina Šimunić-Buršić marina.simunic@arhitekt.hr
Dragomir Vlahović dragomir.vlahovic@inet.hr
Krunoslav Šmit krunoslav.smit@arhitekt.hr
Dalibor Vračan dalibor.vracan@arhitekt.hr
nastavnici arhitektonskog fakulteta
teaching staff of faculty of architecture
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
podatke pripremile / data prepared by: doc.dr.sc. Iva Muraj, Sanja Kustić
Kronika Arhitektonskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za akademsku godinu 2011/12
Chronicle of the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb in Academic Year 2011/12
mr.sc. Leo Modrčin dr.sc. Iva Muraj Helena Paver Njirić Ivica Plavec Branimir Rajčić Mia Roth-Čerina dr.sc. Krunoslav Šmit mr.sc. Sonja Tadej Vončina dr.sc. Zoran Veršić Gordana Žaja
TAJNIŠTVO / secretariat Deanka Hirjan, tajnik Fakulteta Ljiljana Loina-Hohnjec, daktilografkinja Sanja Kustić, personalni referent Ivona Cvitković Zdenko Gajšak Anton Intihar Kata Peičević
Popis djelatnika Arhitektonskog fakulteta / Faculty of Architecture Employees List
REDOVITI PROFESORI / professors dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić dr.sc. Bojan Baletić dr.sc. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček dr.sc. Vladimir Bedenko dr.sc. Ljerka Biondić Ivan Crnković Nenad Fabijanić Teufik Galijašević dr.sc. Aleksandar Homadovski dr.sc. Marijan Hržić Mladen Jošić dr.sc. Tihomir Jukić dr.sc. Dražen Juračić dr.sc. Nenad Lipovac dr.sc. Vesna Mikić Ljubomir Miščević dr.sc. Boris Morsan dr.sc. Velimir Neidhardt dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci Veljko Oluić dr.sc. Srečko Pegan dr.sc. Lenko Pleština dr.sc. Andrej Uchytil Dragomir Vlahović Renata Waldgoni Tonči Žarnić IZVANREDNI PROFESORI / associate professors dr.sc. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci dr.sc. Alenka Delić dr.sc. Sanja Filep Igor Franić Miroslav Geng dr.sc. Miljenko Haiman dr.sc. Jesenko Horvat mr.sc. Boris Koružnjak dr.sc. Anka Mišetić Goran Rako dr.sc. Karin Šerman dr.sc. Ariana Štulhofer dr.sc. Dina Vulin Ileković DOCENTI / assistant professors dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić Mateo Biluš Neda Cilinger Tin Sven Franić dr.sc. Josip Galić dr.sc. Sanja Gašparović dr.sc. Nataša Jakšić Siniša Justić dr.sc. Zlatko Karač Vladimir Kasun dr.sc. Damir Krajnik Petar Mišković dr.sc. Ivan Mlinar
VIŠI PREDAVAČI / senior lecturers Ana Martina Bakić Marina Bertina dr.sc. Neda Borić mr.sc. Ivan Cetinić mr.sc. Božica Hajsig mr.sc. Juraj Hrnčević Zlatko Klanac Egon Lokošek mr.sc. Berislav Medić Zorana Protić Marija Rendić-Miočević mr.sc. Nikoleta Sudeta Marina Šneler Ivana Tutek mr.sc. Dalibor Vračan PREDAVAČI / lecturers mr.sc. Dubravko Bačić Vjera Bakić mr.sc. Alan Braun Teodor Cvitanović Vedran Duplančić Ivana Ergić Tajana Jaklenec Luka Korlaet Damir Mance Dunja Mandić Roberta Pavlović Željko Pavlović Tihomir Rengel Vanja Rister Nenad Turčić Nino Virag VIŠI ASISTENTI / senior researchers dr.sc. Marija Šimić Horvath dr.sc. Vedran Ivanković dr.sc. Lea Petrović Krajnik dr.sc. Zorana Sokol Gojnik dr.sc. Marina Šimunić-Buršić ASISTENTI / assistants Davor Andrić Morana Pap mr.sc. Roberto Vdović
ZNANSTVENI NOVACI – ASISTENTI / junior researchers and teaching assistants dr.sc. Kristina Careva Melita Čavlović mr.sc. Igor Ekštajn Tihana Hrastar dr.sc. Rene Lisac Tamara Marić Ana Mrđa Tin Oberman Boško Opalić Marko Rukavina Mojca Smode Cvitanović Marina Smokvina ZAPOSLENICI ZAVODA / employees of insitutes zavod za graditeljsko naslijeđe / institute of architectural heritage Mladen Cvitanović Goran Vareško Tomislav Vidović zavod za zgradarstvo i fiziku zgrada / institute of building construction and building physics Stanka Raič zavod za arhitekturu / institute of architecture Ivana Curić Duje Dvornik Juraj Glasinović Marija Grković Katarina Luketina Ana Martinčić Vareško Višnja Matacun Marija Mihalić Nives Mlinar Tanja Nižetić Davor Pavlović Željko Pavlović Tatjana Perjaković Marinko Sladoljev Vesna Toth Darko Užarević Paula Žinić zavod za urbanizam / institute of urban and physical planning and landscape architecture Maja Bilušić Matija Fegeš dr.sc. Oleg Grgurević dr.sc. Sonja Jurković
SURADNICI / associates Karolina Hohnjec Boris Kostanjšak Maroje Mrduljaš Saša Relić Alan Ropac Paula Šimetin STUDENTSKA REFERADA / Student Services Vesna Mandić Milica Mudrić Vesna Šarić Nikolina Šerbula Vesna Šarčević RAČUNOVODSTVO / accountancy Vesna Božek Lianka Ištvanić Anka Kilić Ivana Robina Marija Skočir Anica Subotić TEHNIČKA SLUŽBA / technical service Mirzet Đulović Kristijan Petrović Josip Sever Zvonko Trčak SPREMAČICE / cleaning staff Darinka Babuder Marija Bobnjarić Ljiljana Braje Boženka Čunčić Dragica Gagulić Sanja Jurkin Božica Klišan Smiljka Marinčević Pavica Novak Đula Pjanić
godišnjak / yearbook 2011/2012
Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu
Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB
Doktorati / PhD Thesis
UMIROVLJENI / retired Prof.dr.sc. Hildegard Auf-Franić Prof. Ivan Crnković Izv.prof.dr.sc. Jasenka Bertol-Vrček Izv.prof.dr.sc. Ljerka Biondić V.pred. mr.sc. Juraj Hrnčević V.pred. Marina Rendić-Miočević Vera Trumbetaš PREMINULI / deceased Akademik Ante Vulin (05.02.2012.)
MR.SC. MIĆE GAMULIN Starigradsko polje na otoku Hvaru – prostornoplanerski, gospodarski i krajobrazni utjecaji grčke limitacije Hore Pharosa nakon antike do 21. stoljeća / Stari Grad Plain on the Island Hvar – Spatial planning, Economic and Landscape Impacts of the Greek Limitation on the Hora Pharos after Antiquity to the 21st Century mentor: prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci 01.12.2011. MR.SC. BISERKA DUMBOVIĆ BILUŠIĆ Krajolik kao kulturno naslijeđe – metode prepoznavanja, vrjednovanja i zaštite kulturnih krajolika Hrvatske / Landscape as Cultural Heritage – Methods of Identification, Evaluation and Protection of Cultural Landscapes of Croatia mentor: prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci 21.05.2012. MR.SC. MAJA ANASTAZIJA KOVAČEVIĆ, DIPL.ING.BIOL. Perivoj Gučetićeva ljetnikovca u Trstenom od renesansnog perivoja do arboretuma preobrazbe autohtonog renesansnog predloška i njegov utjecaj na ladanjske perivoje dubrovačkog područja / The Garden of the Gučetić Summerhouse in Trsteno – from Renaissance Garden to the Arboretum: Transformation of the Autochthonous Renaissance Pattern and its Impact on the Extraurban gardens of Dubrovnik Region mentor: prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci 24.05.2012.
MR.SC. SNJEŽANA PEROJEVIĆ Utvrđivanje Splita u 17. st. / Establishing Split in 17th century mentor: prof.dr.sc. Željko Peković 12.07.2012. RENE LISAC Sustav smjernica za planiranje održivih sveučilišnih kampusa / Guidelines System for University Campuses Sustainable Planning mentor: prof.dr.sc. Bojan Baletić 16.07.2012. MR.SC. KSENIJA ŠTAHAN Energetski učinkovita arhitektura u turizmu / Energy Efficient Architecture in Tourism mentor: prof. emeritus dr.sc. Nikola Filipović 17.07.2012. MR.SC. IVANKA JEMO Važnost veličine i oblika parcele u oblikovanju urbane matrice grada Dubrovnika / Importance of the Size and Shape of the Plot in the Shaping of the Urban Matrix of Dubrovnik mentori / mentors: prof.dr.sc. Bruno Milić, prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić 26.09.2012.
MR.SC. IDIS TURATO Arhitektura ‘gotovih elemenata’ – projektiranje metodom slaganja i prilagođavanja ranije pripremljenih sklopova i fragmenata / Architecture of ‘Final Elements’ – Design by Composing and Adapting Previously Prepared and Etched Fragments mentori / mentors: prof.dr.sc. Marijan Hržić, prof.dr.sc. Darovan Tušek 14.06.2012. KRISTINA CAREVA Arhitektonski model prostora za int