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Last month, the Departments of African American studies and Arts of Harvard University and NYU offered a series of conferences addressing the imaginary, the construction, and the display of the black body in the West It was across 20 panels, that artists, curators and thinkers, discussed the Western portray of the black body, for three days, in Paris. The first day was an autopsy of legendary

e nve l op e t h ro u g h con q ue s t s . Rom a n

black skin color in several subcategories

images and written monstrosities on the

and Ot toman empire s, Argentinian and

go i n g f ro m d a r k b l ac k to ye l l ow i s h ,

B lack body t hrough panels reminding

Nor th American wars of independence,

bluish or between red and yellow ( Anie

exoticism, construc tion of the “savage”,

have a ll dre s s e d t he B lack body wit h

Montig ny on The Black s of Qat ar). The

fant a sie s of t he European ethnologis t

t heir unifor ms , af ter having deprive d

complexity of co-habit ation is a subjec t

photographer and the immense heritage

it of freedom. The panel Curating The

until now carefully avoided by both par t s

of European mu seums on work s of ar t

B lack Body showed how complex and

in Africa . But how will a loud and visible

and African archive s .

s t ill pre co ciou s it is to appro ach t h e

n ew B l ac k s e g m ent i n contem p or a r y

s u b je c t w i t h N o r t h Af r i c a . T h e c a s e

ar t de al wit h a g rowing and rich , but

c an be e x pande d in all A r abic worl d ,

s t i l l h u r t f u l m i d d l e - e a s t e r n m a r ke t?

where “the Black body pains to lose it s

A not her point is t hat black A rabs are

dark mystical soul”, a s Algerian panelist

Arabs pre-eminently in identity.

In exile, without it s cultural instrument s Roman Catholicism combined with

Nadira L AGGOUNE said . While Europe

repre s sive A rab M u slim culture s have

perceived only one color on the Black

moved, mu z zled and renamed the Black

body, the Arabs showed dif ference s on


An inventor y of Aesthetic s and the Black body

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