FeedFront Magazine Issue 38

Page 6

· Issue 38 · April 2017

Coreg Makes a Comeback by Jonathan Miller

In my experience, it’s one of the cheapest ways to generate opt-in data, especially on Facebook. With an opt-in rate of

Jonathan Miller

1 in 6, my average cost is around $0.47 a record. By adding co-registration lead generation to my own quizzes over the


heck your Facebook timeline and you’ll see friends and co-workers sharing competitions, quizzes, and

last 6 months we are turning a profit while building email lists. Key takeaways on why I’m in love with coreg.

giveaways. It’s almost as if quizzes are the new self-

1. You obtain marketing consent

help section. People love quizzes and giveaways, so it’s no wonder

Consumers that engage with quizzes give you permission

that when personality quizzes, dream holiday competitions,

to market to them. If you’re running a quiz or a co-registration

or product giveaways come along, Facebook users flock to

offer, you’ll not only acquire personal information, but also get

participate and share.

opt-in consent to market to your recipient.

Clearly, co-registration marketing is making a comeback. I’ve been testing using my own quizzes and have found that if properly executed, co-registration competitions and quizzes

2. You gather invaluable demographic data Metrics focused affiliate marketers understand that demographic and psychographic profiling plays a key role in the

are a powerful marketing tool. For the uninitiated, coreg (or co-registration marketing)

success of their businesses. Armed with this information,

is where consumers complete a sequence of questions, and

you’d spend less time picking relevant offers to promote, see

based on their interests are either subscribed to newsletters

an increase in your activity rates, as well as your earnings.

or opt-in to receive information from advertisers. Coreg fell out of favor in recent years, mostly due to a prolif-

3. Engagement drives revenue

eration of coreg networks that proffered low quality consumer

Engagement is critical to the sustainability of your busi-

data. When I started list building for an offer I was running, I test-

ness and can only be improved by understanding your con-

ed several co-registration lead suppliers, but found that when I

sumers. Once you understand and use their demographics,

‘bought’ in subscribers, they were often uninterested, didn’t en-

behavior patterns and buying triggers, you can segment your

gage with my content, or were just downright fraudulent.

lists more effectively, build consumer profiles, and present

I could see the value in owning consumer data, so rather

more relevant content. Your revenue will increase and list re-

than abandoning coreg entirely, I built my own co-registration

tention will improve, as your readers will be more engaged, in-

platform, which enabled me to control the end-to-end pro-

terested, and active. They’ll be far less inclined to unsubscribe.

cess. Once I’d refined my sequence of questions and figured

If you’re into building mailing lists, you should consider

out what actions I wanted my users to take, I started market-

coregistration marketing. Done right, it can have a massive

ing my competitions & quizzes.

impact on your business.


Jonathan is a husband, dad & serial entrepreneur, lives in Africa & recently founded Coreg.Software

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