FeedFront Magazine Issue 34

Page 26

tl;dr – Business The sizetravel of thecan Canadian be an outstanding market, the investment growth of cross-border in the affiliate marketing industry, here are a few commerce, andtop thereasons challenges to travel. you might face.

· Issue 34 · April 2016

E-commerce Sales and

Your Northern Neighbor by Steven Page

Steven Page


anada’s strong economy and high-demand for inter-

With shockingly high freight charges that often arise

national products make optimized e-commerce web-

when shipping from the U.S. to Canada, it’s important to

sites a gold mine for U.S. based businesses. In 2015,

clearly present product pricing and shipping and handling

75% of Canadians made more than one purchase online. According to Statistics Canada, almost 60% of online

information, which will help reduce shopping cart abandonment rates.

sales made in Canada in 2012 were on e-commerce sites

On the backend, e-commerce companies need to seam-

outside the country. When U.S. e-tailers optimize their web-

lessly and efficiently deliver their products to their Canadian

sites to cater to the needs of their growing consumer base

customers, preventing surprise fees, and border delays, or

in Canada, they have a better chance of retaining long-term

forced local post office pick up. And to provide the best user

customers and driving revenue.

experience that avoids customer service nightmares, a simple

With the ease of purchase and ability to acquire unique items delivered straight to their door, Canadians expect the online shopping experience to be simple and straightforward, including the shipping and return process.

returns policy and process should also be outlined and easily accessed by consumers. All of this can be accomplished by partnering with a logistics partner that specializes in moving freight to Canada.

As Canadians shift their preferred shopping channels of

The main thing here is to factor all fees into the cost of the

choice to include more e-commerce, marketers should be

item shown on the website, so that the customer is aware of

ready for the surge in purchases and the various logistics that

the final cost they will pay, rather than having to pay one price

are necessary for efficiently delivering products to customers

up front, and additional fees upon delivery. If taxes and duties

north of the border.

are excluded at the onset, and the customer has to pay more

A recent study by eMarketer estimated that Canadians will

money when they receive the product, past experience shows

spend over $26 billion USD on e-commerce sites by 2019. But,

they will be extremely unhappy and may never purchase from

in order to get products that are not available in their country,

the website again.

Canadians often end up paying much more than the cost shown

To be successful, it is vital that businesses invest in tech-

on the website. The growing Canadian e-commerce market

nology, and partner with the right vendors that will make their

makes it critical for U.S. e-commerce companies to focus on

e-commerce website and delivery methods efficient, easy, and

creating a user experience specific to Canadian shoppers.

sustainable for long-term success in the Canadian market.


Steven Page is Founder & President of Stalco, a Canadian-based logistics and fulfillment company.

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