FeedFront Magazine, Issue 31

Page 24

Tl;dr Five things you should know before adding video to your marketing strategy

Issue 31 - August 2015

Why Video Matters to Every Marketing Strategy

By Rick Anderson Rick Anderson


ou may have heard the speculation that video is going away. But at this point, I can tell you, that it simply isn’t going to happen. In fact,

umental moments as they happen, and from a wide variety of mediums.

when it comes to the hierarchy of brand awareness, video remains

Nowadays, everyone voraciously consumes video, regardless of the time,

an impactful medium that just keeps evolving.

place, or medium. This means marketers must always understand the target audience. Identifying whom that turns out to be, will determine the best

A strong example is “trackvertising,” a hybrid that blends music video with branded advertising. According to Forbes, 2014 saw a marked rise in

timing and placement for your video – be it via television, online, or a blend of venues.

trackvertising. If this isn’t enough confirmation that video is still effective for reaching your audience, here are five more reasons to include video in your marketing strategy:

4). Turn any communication into a “more than” experience. Thanks to the tidal wave of interactive gaming and virtual reality, people can now become mentally and even physically immersed in your market-

1). Video remains at the top of the funnel. This should not be news to

ing. Combining motion video with the ability for audiences to react and

anyone, and it isn’t going to be changing anytime soon. According to Cisco,

respond both mentally and physiologically, opening a new marketing uni-

by 2019, global consumer Internet video traffic will be 80% of all consumer

verse with endless possibilities.

Internet traffic. The thing to appreciate here is that video will continue to impact all channels; even as ever-changing technology influences the way

5). Video is a key element in the Direct Response marketing discipline. Video is one of the most potent tools in any marketer’s toolbox as

it’s delivered.

it provides experiential motivation. Beyond its obvious storytelling superi-

2). Nothing is as versatile as video when it comes to creating a new awareness. Humans are highly visual beings. We demand information

ority, it can be a cost-effective and efficient means to compel action, with results that can be measured in real-time.

at light-speed while being entertained at the same time. So what better means is there than video to effectively reach and resonate with the multitudes? Marketers have yet to find an alternative.

Great video is no longer a privilege only accessible to big brands and big budgets. There are endless streams of data proving 2015 to be “The Year of Video Marketing.” YouTube statistics supports this, reporting 300

3). Video is a universal link among all demographics. While past

hours of video are uploaded every minute.

generations can still recall what it’s like to receive information through the radio, digital natives are accustomed to the experience of viewing mon-


Isn’t it time to get the cameras rolling on your marketing strategy? [FF]

Rick Anderson, Gragg Advertising’s seasoned Creative Director, helps clients discover the power of their brand.

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