Redesign of 1weather android app

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1Weather Redesigning the Android OS based mobile application I561 Final Project

BY: Aeshvarya Verma

Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................... 3 Fieldwork Activity and Data Collected .................................................................... 4 Work/Activity models ................................................................................................ 5 Requirements and Goals .......................................................................................... 11 Conceptual Design .................................................................................................... 13 Page Design and Prototypes .................................................................................... 14 High Fidelity Prototypes .......................................................................................... 14 User Feedback and Future Improvements............................................................ 15 Appendix A: Fieldwork Activity And Data Collection ....................................... 16 Appendix B: Informed Consent Form .................................................................. 22 Appendix C: Paper Prototypes ................................................................................ 24 Appendix D: High-Fidelity Interactive Prototypes ........................................... 34

Executive Summary With an unpredictable nature of the Mid-West region of the United States, it is apparent that most of the smartphone users are familiar with some kind of weather application. This was the greatest asset for the project as more users are capable of using a weather application. I selected the 1Weather application for this project because of the following reasons: firstly, it’s a free application available on the Google Play Store and has got reviews from more than 35,000 users. This is an evidence of its high popularity. Secondly, it provides a range of features to the users; this creates a margin for further improvement in the application. Setting and Project Scope This App is used when people leave their home, office, restaurant or any other place that involves coming out of a building and going to another place. Also when they travel by car or any other public transport. Users are heavily dependent on the accuracy and presentation of the weather information since they plan accordingly. The scope of this project is to redesign the whole interface of the app to meet the user requirements and provide them an intuitive user experience but without changing the source of weather information. Data Collection A combination of diary study, post usage online questionnaire and short interviews were used to gather the usage data over a period of two weeks. Four users were recruited for this project. Work Models The data gathered in the two weeks was used to develop the various models. I structured the data gathered into the following work models, viz. flow model, sequence model, cultural model, artifact model and physical model. An affinity diagram was also created from all the data gathered. This work/activity models were later analyzed to gather the requirements and goals helpful for the redesigning of the application. Requirements and Conceptual Design From the initial fieldwork activity and the work/activity models various requirements were set. I made a conceptual model, which encompasses all the requirements needed for the redesigning of the application. Prototyping Paper prototypes were created initially to mockup the redesigned interface and that reflected the conceptual design and the navigation sequence conceptualized earlier. Later, the high-fidelity prototypes were created which provided interactivity to the users and were helpful for testing purposes. User Testing I prepared two tasks for the users similar to the situations that would provoke the users to use the application. All their comments were noted and later analyzed for future improvements.

Fieldwork Activity and Data Collected This project involves gathering of usage data for the 1Weather application. Due to the mobile context, the users would be using this application in various situations/places and moreover, at any time convenient to them. The traditional methods of contextual inquiry and just interviews wouldn’t prove useful. Also, following the users wherever they go might invade their privacy or alter their usage patterns as well. So, I am using a combination of fieldwork methods to gather the appropriate data for further study. These methods are Diary Study, Online post-usage questionnaire and short personal interviews. Diary study has a semi-structured format. Each user would be given a diary to maintain his/her usage patterns and more importantly to document the Eureka moments faced when using the application. To get the maximum usable data out of it, they would answer some basic questions each time they capture the data. At the end of the day, they would answer a short online questionnaire too. Twice a week, I would be interviewing them for 5 minutes to check the progress and rectify any mistakes, if any when using diary study. At the end of the day, all the participants would get a sms from me reminding them to use the app and documenting the information in the diary. Four participants were used to gather the usage data over a period of two weeks. Almost all the participants used the application when travelling or when heading out from a building. They all were overwhelmed with the data present just to represent the weather condition. During the interview, I came to know that the users were always moving or had a short amount of time to access and use the application and with various details present on the home screen, they got confused sometime. The use of 3-dots at the top right corner (for drop down menu) was also confusing to three users. It’s an unconventional way of representing a menu. All the 4 participants really liked the usage of animation throughout the application and the use of various touch gestures to navigate through the application. But, two users have a limited data plan and with so much real-time data to refresh, it consumed a lot of data in a day. The one feature that stands out for them is the “Share Weather” option. This function allows sharing the user’s current weather condition through Facebook, Email or Messaging. But the participants need more options like Google+, Twitter etc. Detailed usage data through the diary study, post-usage questionnaire and the personal interviews are present in the Appendix A. The consent form is available for reference in the Appendix B.

Work/Activity models Consolidated Flow Model The flow model is a representation of how the people and system communicate to ensure the work is completed. It also demonstrates how and where breakdowns in communication occur. From the model, we could infer that the users were the main players apart from the app developers and the advertisers. There were three breaks in the information flow as seen by the red lightening bolt in the model. The first and the second breakdown occurred between the users and the application. Since the users couldn’t set the refresh rate, they got the old weather data instead of the latest information. Due to the advance data available the users find it difficult to know about the future forecasts. The last breakdown occurred between the app developers and the application. Due to the lack of revision in the application, it crashed at some instances.

Consolidated Sequence Model The sequence model displays the details of the different tasks performed by the users that are initiated by some triggers in order to satisfy the various intents of them. From the model, we could infer that there were three breakdowns. The first breakdown occurred when the user was trying to view the weather for next 3 hours, the app got crashed. The second breakdown occurred when the user wanted to view the extended forecast section for the snowfall; the detailed snowfall information was absent. Lastly, due to the confusing menus and icons, the user found it difficult to set the appropriate refresh rate for the app. By learning these steps I will be able to determine the strategies employed by the users and their intents.

Consolidated Cultural Model The consolidated cultural model shows the common aspects of culture that pertain across the user population. The influencers were the users, the application itself, Internet service providers, weather forecasting base station, advertisers and lastly, the Android OS framework.

Consolidated Physical Model The physical model shows the elements in the application that the users interacted with. It contains the advertising area at the bottom, switchable controls above it, the weather display area, the current location area at the top and the menu area at the top right corner of the screen. This application was used inside the building, inside a vehicle and also outside i.e. in the open environment.

Artifact Model In this mobile application, I designated the weather notifications and the advertisement as the artifacts used. Since, these two objects could alter the course of the usage for the users and are external to the application, they can be treated as artifacts for 1Weather application.

Affinity Diagram Based upon the affinity diagram, I was able to group together the different needs of my participants. While each of them voiced their concerns in different ways, the core of their needs focused on three main aspects of having an option for basic/advance data settings, fluid navigation & light on the system and lastly, the application should be optimized for a smartphone usage.

Requirements and Goals Based on the data collected from the fieldwork study, various work models and the affinity diagrams I established a set of requirements here:

• • •

Physical Requirements Functional Requirements User Requirements

Physical Requirements From the diary study, I came to know about the App crashing for some of the users and from the cultural model, it is clear that the Android OS framework or the smartphone is the biggest influencer for the successful running of 1Weather app. So, this app must run on Android Oss above 2.2 and with all phone screens’ sizes greater than 3.5 inches. Functional Requirements -­‐

Based on the diary study and the interviews, the users complaint about the irrelevant information present in the App. The flow model clarifies the information flow to and fro between the users and the app. So, the app should strip down on some of the highly intellectual data or provide the user to select from a basic or advance setting.


Should provide users the commonly used icons and interactions and not the 3-dot drop down menu. The sequence model depicts the importance of the various icon sets used in the application and how they were seminal in the completion of the tasks at hand.


As seen in the flow model, the advertisers request user information through the app and provide relevant ads to them. These Ads shouldn’t obstruct the users or distract them from doing their tasks as seen from the diary study. The placement of the ads should be away from the important controls of the app as shown in the physical model.


Since the weather forecasting base station are he main source of the weather information, as shown in the flow model, they should provide with the accurate data to the app developers or the developers should constantly monitor data from multiple sources for accuracy.


The app should be easy to use by the users and provide customizable widgets.


The App shouldn’t drain the battery much and is optimized for smartphone’s usage.


The app should display the snowfall information or any relevant information based on the environment in which the user is operating the app. This can be supported by the presence of external environment in the flow model.

User Requirements -­‐

Since users are one of the main influencers as seen in the cultural model and an important part of the flow, they should know how to operate an android-based smartphone and install & update apps regularly.


They must also make sure that the phone is connected to the Internet when using or refreshing 1Weather application.

Usability Goals Effectiveness •

Menu system should be clear and easy to understand as it created problems to the users as seen through the diary study.

Simple and effective interactions as the users were using swipe feature a lot. This is apparent from the sequence model drawn above.

Efficiency •

Rapid interactions with clean menu

Saves time for user and provide accurate information as people had complaints about the data’s accuracy.

Safety •

The app shouldn’t distract user as many users were using the app while driving.

Learnability •

The App must be readily understandable, intuitive interface, guide user through itself.

Memorability •

Consistent look and feel throughout the application, functions available at appropriate place.

User Experience Goals I wanted user to describe their experiences with 1Weather in a certain way. First of all, I need to minimize users’ distraction when they use the application. The session should be satisfying and without any lags or crashes. The application should provide users with a sense of authority by providing a way of customizing widgets and other settings. It should be time saving as most of the users wanted to have a quick look at the app before heading out. User Profile 1 The first user is a heavy smartphone user with unlimited data plan. He always drives to his office and uses his smartphone instead of in-car GPS system for directions. He changes cities, as his office is located in a different nearby city. User Profile 2 Our second user is a student who is low on data plan but is always in the vicinity of a Wi-Fi signal – whether at home or in the university campus. His time is pre planned and requires punctuality in his movement, as he needs to meet a lot of deadlines. A delay would produce negative results on his academic performance. Scenario Mark needs to go to the supermarket. There is a sale that ends at 2pm. So his presence at the supermarket is required before that time. Its 9am outside and is heavily snowing. Since Mark is in the office, he can’t leave the office anytime but at lunch time i.e. 1pm. He opens the 1Weather application and checks the hourly forecast to make a note of the timing when there’s less snowfall. Also he needs to track two locations since his office is in a different city than the supermarket. He keeps the application at the maximum refresh rate and also checks the advance map view settings to locate the supermarket in the weather there all at the same time.

Conceptual Design Based on the requirements and the goals of the users, a very basic conceptual model is created here. It envisions my initial visual representation of what the redesigned 1Weather application should have. I determined that the main point of contention was the presence of huge amount of data which indirectly eating out the data plan of the users as well as was heavy on the smartphone. This new design divided the content into two parts – one basic and the other one as advanced. The user can select whichever mode they wants based on their requirements. Also there will be options to customize the interface by the users. These settings will make the application lighter on the smartphone. The breakdown also occurred because of the advertisement, so here the ads would be placed away from the main operational area.

Page Design and Prototypes From the flow model I saw that the external weather conditions generally triggers the user to use 1Weather application. I used this information to redesign the home screen to provide more information about that particular day. The first figure of the low fidelity prototype shows a box titled “More details” which contains information that may change during the day. It’s also fully customizable. Many users complained about the new and unfamiliar icons and navigation style during the diary study and also during the interviews conducted. This can also be seen in the sequence diagram hindering the various actions. The new design makes use of the tabbed interface as seen in the prototypes. These tabs together with the navigational dots (just above the tabbed menu) help the user in understanding the flow of the application. It also helps the user reminding them of their current state in the application. As evident from the cultural model that the Android OS, powering the smart phone, greatly influences all the other influencers. So, I stripped down the application using less animation but provided where necessary. This will also solve the battery drainage problem as echoed by many users. The wrongful placement of the advertisement can be seen from the physical model. It was placed just below the important switchable controls. In the new design, the Ads are placed at the top keeping them away from the high interactivity area. All the weather sections like the hourly weather, 36-hour weather etc. contains a separate refresh button. If the users has selected a longer refresh setting but wanted to just refresh the current weather, they can do so. This solves two problems as seen in the diary study – the heavy usage of the phone’s data plan and the quick reference to the actual & correct weather. The detailed weather section, can be accessed from many ways, now contains information about the snowfall as well as precipitation depending on the prevailing conditions. One of the main functions of the app – map view has been completely redesigned (figure 4). It now contains legends showing hovering state related to rain/snow/mix of both. The sharing option was the one that attracted many users. It is now shown as a tab on all time near the bottom right. It also empowers the user to edit the sharable message and post it using the various social networks available. (Fig 9) As in all, the prototypes focused on the three key findings as deduced from the affinity diagram – Basic/Advance settings, Fluid navigation and finally optimized for mobile phone and their users. Refer to Appendix C for all the low-fidelity prototype figures.

High Fidelity Prototypes I prepared a high fidelity prototype of the application using Axure RP Pro 6.5, which is available at Refer to Appendix D for all the high-fidelity prototype figures.

User Feedback and Future Improvements User Testing I tested the applications with all the 4 participants who were involved in the fieldwork activities. I asked the users to perform the following two tasks. Task 1: Consider you are using a high-end smartphone which has multiple applications opened in the background. Your phone is 2 years old so the battery life is not that great. You uses the 1Weather app regularly but since you are in front of your laptop most of the time, you just view the weather every hour. Set the refresh rate of the application to 1 hour and locate the individual update options to refresh the app manually. Task 2: You have just finished with your classes at 1pm and wanted to have some lunch. It’s cloudy outside and may rain too. Look for the weather from 1:00pm to 1:30pm to check the precipitation rate and note the timing when it is least likely to rain. All the users were successful in completing the tasks assigned. Given below is the overall feedback received from them: •

Lack of affordance of some of the elements in the interface such as in the map view.

The user expected the maps to be more interactive and with more functions to play with.

Some users wanted to have the advanced option right away instead of selecting it from the drop down settings menu

Future Improvements •

Improve affordance so that the users would know what is clickable on the maps.

Provide a self-adaptive interface to the users so that the more tech savvy users get the advanced options right away.

Make the map view section more fluid and playful.

Improve upon the overall interface of the application to meet the ever changing needs of the users.

Appendix A: Fieldwork Activity And Data Collection Diary Format: - Write the date and time at the beginning of each entry. - What were you doing just before using 1Weather? - Make a short note of your eureka moment. - Other comments, if any. Also at the end of the day they completed a “Post usage Questionnaire” online which can be found at: They also receive a sms at the end of the day: “This is a reminder to use 1Weather application and document your usage in the correct format. Also please fill-up the online survey now. Thank you for your time.” A total of three different types of methods were used throughout the two weeks to collect the 1Weather app usage data. They are: -­‐

Diary Study (14 instances)


End of Day Questionnaire (14 instances)


Bi-Weekly Interviews (4 instances)

All the four participants actively participated in this data collection study. Diary Study


Activity performed just before using 1Weather

Documented moment

Other Comments, if any


Studying, Cooking, Reading, Walking

The app crashed when viewing the map on radar mode

Make the widget color customizable

Couldn’t find the refresh settings for first 3 days Accidently clicked on the ad, which made him to install another app from the store Couldn’t find the amount of snow going to fall on a

particular day, only showed the precipitation amount P2

Driving, Studying, Listening to music

Drains battery life drastically 36 hour forecast is very detailed and complicated to understand with the graph

Provide a section for quick info which would show the basic info required

Liked the swipe feature to navigate to various screens but couldn’t discovered it first Annoyed by the Ad Awesome animation P3

Studying, Driving, eating, talking to people in a group

Can track weather of more than one location but don’t know how to set alert for only one location


Snowfall amount not shown No option to view future radar map P4

Driving, Studying, Cooking, Browsing on laptop, Sleeping

Temperature shown was not accurate sometimes Annoyed by Ads

Provide more share options like Google+ etc.

Lot of information to digest

End of Day Questionnaire Asked a set of 4 questions online using Google forms. This form is helpful to generate a statistics about the valuable app usage data gathered over a period of 2 weeks.

Most of the time participants filled the questionnaire once a day but there were occurrences when they filled more than once in a day.

Instances when faced a problem

Instances when no problem faced

















Name and times the functions used in the App P1

Map view-5, settings-3, precipitation/snowfall-5, homescreen-14


36-Hour forecast-2, homescreen-14, Random-10


Map view-4, homescreen-14, notification-10


Settings-8, homescreen-14, extended forecast-10

Interview: Q: What kind of mobile phone did you use? A: P1: HTC One X (Android OS) P2: Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android OS) P3: HTC Desire (Android OS) P4: Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android OS) Q: Did you use the 1Weather App before participating in the survey? A: P1: No P2: No P3: No

P4: No Q: Had you heard of 1Weather App before participating? If so, how? A: P1: No P2: Yes, through the Google Play App Store. Saw one Ad in there. P3: Yes, through my friends. P4: No Q: What were your initial impression using the 1Weather App? A: P1: Crashed for me the first time I loaded it. P2: I thought it was really cool, felt like a geek at first. P3: It was ok. P4: I like the overall use of animation and the color usage is bold and eye catching. But for me, there’s too much information in there. Q: Where did you use 1Weather App the most? A: P1: hmmm, while studying most of the time, just to know what’s the temperature outside. P2: I used it when I am driving. As it was snowing last week, I checked it constantly for snow related alerts and also in general for more info, you know. P3: I used it casually just for this study. I used it when hanging out with friends. P4: I used it when moving out from a building or driving a car. Q: If you were in front of a computer would you use it to look for the weather or use 1Weather instead? A: P1: Yes, I have a speed dial for the weather website and I would quickly scan it before closing my laptop. P2: I would prefer 1Weather app than browsing a website. This app gives me options to customize things. P3: Yes, if I’m in front of computer, there’s no reason to take my phone out and open the App. It’s a complete waste of time!

P4: Yes, I regularly uses website to check the weather. I am much more familiar with it. Q: Do you believe that the information presented to you was accurate? If not, please explain in short. A: P1: Accurate to me! But no information about the amount of snowfall falling or going to fall in my area. If its <1 inch, I don’t mind going out but what if it’s > 12inch. P2: I don’t know about that but there’s ton of unrelated information available and which doesn’t even make any sense to me. P3: Yeah, pretty much but I would like to see some more information about the snowfall. P4: Nope, it wasn’t perfect for me. Q: You must have observed some Ads at the bottom. Did they bother you? A: P1: Yes, the most annoying part for me. I accidently clicked on one of the ads, which made to install another App. It’s a complete turn-off for me. P2: Yes, very much. P3: Not really, it’s a free App what else do we need. P4: Yes, take out the Ads from it. Q: Would you pay for a premium 1Weather App to get rid of the Ads? A: P1: If they make it better then yup. P2: No P3: maybe, I don’t know. P4: No Q: Was 1Weather enjoyable to use? Was it fulfilling to use? A: P1: Yeah, it was fun. A lot of information to look at and that too animated. P2: Yes, enjoyable. Not fulfilling. P3: Yes, I like using it. It was fun to play with lot of data around. P4: No

Q: Do you like the completely redesigned menu icon and other icons used throughout the application? A: P1: I couldn’t find the settings for like 3 days! I didn’t like the 3-dot new menu icon. P2: There are a lot of icons flying around. It may be because of the information provided by the App. P3: I was confused at first but then got used to them. P4: Many new icons. A headache to remember what icon is for what. Q: Do you like the overall color scheme of the App? A: P1: Nope. They should provide some customization to the color scheme used. P2: It’s ok. P3: I don’t like the brown background and the use of lot of white color. P4: Yes, its fine to me. Q: Was 1Weather’s sharing function of any use? A: P1: No, I didn’t use it. P2: It was ok. Why do I share weather information with others? P3: yes, a great way to share weather with friends. P4: yes, it was useful. But lacks more options. Q: Were there any times you were frustrated with the 1Weather App? A: P1: Actually yes, the app got crashed when I was viewing the radar mode in the map view. I never like an app, which crashes in the middle of an interaction. This happened to me everything I visited the map view’s radar mode. The map view’s icon is so placed that every time I wanted to check the 36-hour weather forecast but accidently went to map view and then a crash. P2: I couldn’t find the refresh settings for a while and due to a lot of data refreshes, my cell phone’s battery died. At that time I was expecting an important phone call. Luckily, I had the charger with me. P3: Not really, the App is ok for me but lacked some important features like intelligent alerts, snowfall reading etc. P4: I was frustrated with the Ads and these two times; the temperature was off 5 degrees.

Appendix B: Informed Consent Form Informed Consent Form I volunteer to participate in a research project conducted by Aeshvarya Verma from Indiana University.

I understand that the project is designed to gather information about my usage of the app called 1weather for about 2 weeks and that I need to maintain a diary log of all the important moments.

My participation in this project is voluntary. I understand that I will not be paid for my participation. I may withdraw and discontinue participation at any time without penalty. If I decline to participate or withdraw from the study, no one will be told.

I understand that most interviewees in will find the discussion interesting and thoughtprovoking. If, however, I feel uncomfortable in any way during the interview session, I have the right to decline to answer any question or to end the interview.

Participation involves being interviewed by researchers from Indiana University. The interview will last approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Notes will be written during the interview. An audiotape of the interview and subsequent dialogue will be made. If I don't want to be taped, I will not be able to participate in the study.

I understand that the researcher will not identify me by name in any reports using information obtained from this interview, and that my confidentiality as a participant in this study will remain secure. Subsequent uses of records and data will be subject to standard data use policies, which protect the anonymity of individuals and institutions.

No one outside of the interview will have access to raw notes, diary logs, transcripts, pictures, or audiotape of the interview. This precaution will prevent my individual comments from having any negative repercussions.

I have read and understand the explanation provided to me. I have had all my questions answered to my satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

I have been given a copy of this consent form.

____________________________ My Signature

____________________________ My Name

For further information, please contact: Aeshvarya Verma 317.828.6793

________________________ Date

________________________ Signature of the Investigator

Appendix C: Paper Prototypes

Fig 1: Home Screen showing the Ad at the top and more info using tabs

Fig 2: Detailed Home screen showing the update feature

Fig 3: Showing the News/Video section of the application

Fig 4: Easy to use map view section

Fig 5: Hourly temperature details

Fig 6: Showing the every 15-minute weather information for every hour

Fig 7: Screen showing the precipitation/snowfall information

Fig 8: A better setting menu with basic/advance options

Fig 9: An intuitive sharing section for the users dubbed as “social�

Fig 10: Screen showing the function of adding more than 1 location for weather tracking

Appendix D: High-Fidelity Interactive Prototypes

Fig 1: Home Screen showing the Ad at the top and more info using tabs

Fig 2: Easy to use map view section

Fig 3: Hourly temperature details

Fig 4: A better setting menu with basic/advance options

Fig 5: A better option to track weather of more than one place

Fig 6: An intuitive sharing section for the users dubbed as “social�

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