Abigail Eichenbaum Professional/Student Portfolio

Page 30

The projects purpose is to remediate the current soil conditions while allowing current business owners and residents to stay on site. The remediation process will create a new site identity through mass planting of flowering plants. These plants were chosen because of their native and remediating qualities. This process is two fold. Part one splits the site into land use categories giving specific instruction of how much land and plant material should be planted, while the second part defines the annual process of growing and disposing of the plant material. Part one is illustrated on the pervious page and part two is described below.

seeds planted in spring

The site was split into four categories based on the current land uses. The four categories are: automotive businesses, businesses, residential and vacant land/fields. Each category went through an evaluation of how much toxins/pollution that

the land use would introduce on site. Since, automotive service businesses leak oils and other toxins in it’s own and surrounding properties the automotive businesses land uses category requires planting of at least one tree plus other herbaceous plant material. Other categories do less damage to the environment so their planting strategies consist of just herbaceous plants. The annual process starts with the planting of seeds in the spring. Throughout the summer plants will germinate and grow. As they grow their roots will suck up all the different toxins in the soil. In the fall before winter the plant material will die and be removed. The dead plant material will then be taken to a processing center located on site. The toxins and plant materials will be separated so the metals such as lead can then be shipped to manufacturing facilities to be repurposed.

cut in winter

grow toxins are stored in plant material




plants suck up toxins in soil







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