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Living Well advo_magazine




ADVO Readers, We are thrilled to be kicking off the year with a special issue focused on setting and achieving impactful wellness goals as we start the new year. This is a pivotal time when many resolve to prioritize their health and well-being after the indulgences of the holidays.

As you flip through the pages of our edition, envision a year filled with positive transformations, sustainable habits, and a renewed commitment to your well-being. ADVO Magazine is here to accompany you on this journey, offering a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to support your healthy living goals.

In this issue, we will explore the different facets of total wellness - looking beyond just physical fitness to cover financial, social, and nutritional wellness. What does it mean to be well, and how can we craft holistic goals that help us thrive in all areas of our lives?

Rather than setting unrealistic expectations, our goal is to motivate and enable you to show yourself more selfcompassion. To become the healthiest and happiest version of yourself in a way that feels nourishing versus demanding.

We have curated a diverse range of articles and features that aim to inspire and guide you on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. From practical tips on maintaining physical fitness to insightful financial advice that aligns with your wellness goals, actionable advice from experts will help you define your unique wellness vision and break it down into doable steps.

Wishing everyone a healthy, happy start to the new year. Let’s pursue wellness together this year! Yours in Health,

Sam & San


Seen from above by drone, the iconic landmark known as "The Rock" juts out stoically into the frothy Atlantic waves crashing into its base on the rugged east coast of Barbados. The harsh waves constantly pound the hardened limestone sentinel, slowly eroding it over time into its distinct mushroom shape. Remote, windswept, yet stunningly beautiful, The Rock endures time and tide, continuing to stand watch over Barbados' wild east coast



& the Rhythm of Wellness



nown and celebrated for his electrifying stage presence and seamless fusion of Soca and Creole rhythms reflecting his St. Lucian heritage, Hypasounds has been heating stages across the Caribbean for almost two decades. His infectious music incorporates his roots in a modern style. Also known as Damian Etienne, Hypasounds has captivated audiences with his music, incorporating traditional elements with a contemporary twist. In a recent interview, the charismatic artist revealed his unwavering professionalism, coupled with a genuine passion for promoting Caribbean music and a delightful sense of humor. Hypasounds shared insights into his evolution from a DJ to a prominent vocalist, explaining how positive early feedback catalyzed his leap into singing and songwriting. With undisputed vocal abilities, sharp business instincts, and magnetic likeability, it's no wonder Hypasounds has developed an ardent fanbase. His vibrance permeates both his music and conversation.

The interview offers a glimpse into the musical philosophy of this consummate entertainer as he discusses the future of Soca and his aspirations to inspire others to embrace the genre. His high professional standards and affable personality made him a joy to speak to. Who is Hypasounds beyond the stage persona? Well, to my friends and family, I’m Damian. But to my fans and listeners, I’m Hypasounds, an entertainer, songwriter, producer, DJ, and artist. I’ve been singing soca since 2006, after working as a DJ. After getting great feedback from industry peers on my first song, I decided to leap into creating my own productions and Soca music. Your music seamlessly blends with your Creole heritage. What has been the impact of fusing these styles? Having grown up in St. Lucia, I incorporate Creole lyrics and influences to pay homage to my heritage. I'm of dual heritage, so blending different Caribbean sounds comes naturally to me and has shaped my artistic style. Fans love the uniqueness of it! My culture inspires me, and I want to inspire others to embrace their roots. How about your health routine? Does wellness impact your high-octane performances? Absolutely! I keep up a consistent gym and nutrition routine to build endurance for performances. Stamina is key for maintaining energy. Since late 2023, I’ve doubled down on diet, exercise, and rest, and I have increased my water intake. It’s not always easy with my busy schedule, but the payoff is worth it both on and off the stage. What moments motivated your music career? My journey took off in 2006, when I got great feedback after sharing my first soca track with colleagues. I had been DJing for over 10 years at that point and was motivated to take my production skills further and start songwriting. That positive reception from the industry gave me the push to fully dive in as a Soca artist. It was terrifying leaving my comfort zone, but so rewarding looking back!

What is your opinion on the current state of soca in Barbados and the region? We’re overflowing with talent in the region right now, putting out amazing music! 2023 was a sweet year; artists got great radio play, and parties were packed. We had breakthrough moments from fresh talent while veterans held it down. The future is bright! Barbados’ Soca scene specifically fosters young artists who push boundaries. They have no fear of evolving the genre while respecting its musical roots. Exciting things ahead! As we wrap up, would you graciously give us a glimpse into some of your current projects? What exciting plans or new music can devoted fans anticipate from you this coming year? I will be back on tour in 2024; currently, I'm in Trinidad for the carnival season and have shows lined up in other territories later this year. The creative process never stops for me, even when I'm on the road performing. I've already released one new song this year called "One More," produced by a fellow St. Lucian, which I'm excited about. I plan to continue collaborating with talented producers and songwriters and have a few more musical releases in the works to share with my fans throughout 2024. There's a lot more great new music and high-energy performances to come, so stay tuned!

Hypasounds pours his full spirit into every lyric, beat, and performance. His infectious energy and smooth socacreole fusion have carved out a unique space that appeals to diverse listeners. We at ADVO Magazine extend our gratitude to Hypasounds for so openly sharing his artistic insights and vision. Wherever his music takes him next on his borderless cultural mission, one thing is certain—that radiant, magnetic ‘Hypa-Sounds’ spirit is sure to move audiences around the world to joyful revelry. To catch Hypasounds performing live, be sure to follow him on Instagram (@hypasoundsmuzik and other social media for upcoming tour dates and events. It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience!


Mastering the Art of Meal Prepping


inding a balance between a hectic schedule and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. One effective solution that has gained popularity is the art of meal preparation. This practice not only saves time but also ensures that you make mindful choices when it comes to nutrition. Let's delve into the world of meal prep and uncover the secrets to mastering this valuable skill.

PLAN YOUR MENU: The foundation of successful meal preparation lies in meticulous planning. Begin by creating a menu for the week, considering your dietary goals and preferences. Whether you're aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or simply maintaining a balanced diet, a well-thought-out menu is key.

GATHER QUALITY INGREDIENTS: Once your menu is set, make a detailed shopping list to ensure you have all the necessary ingredients. Opt for fresh, seasonal produce, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Having everything on hand will streamline the meal-prepping process and reduce last-minute trips to the grocery store.

INVEST IN QUALITY CONTAINERS: Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the freshness of your prepped meals. Invest in a set of high-quality, BPA-free containers that are both microwave- and dishwasher-safe. This not only makes reheating a breeze but also simplifies the cleanup process. FEBRUARY 8 ADVOMAG.COM

BATCH COOKING TECHNIQUES: Embrace batch cooking as a time-saving strategy. Prepare larger quantities of your chosen recipes, portion them out, and store them in individual containers. This not only saves time but also ensures that you have a variety of meals ready to go throughout the week.

MINDFUL PORTION CONTROL: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use measuring cups or a food scale to accurately portion out your meals. This not only helps with weight management but also ensures you're getting the right balance of nutrients.

ROTATE AND EXPERIMENT: Keep things interesting by rotating your meals and experimenting with new recipes. This prevents meal preparation from becoming monotonous, and it allows you to discover new flavors and ingredients that align with your nutritional goals.

SCHEDULE DEDICATED PREP TIME: Set aside a specific time each week for meal preparation. Treat it as an important appointment on your calendar to ensure consistency. This dedicated time will help you stay organized and committed to your healthy eating habits.

FREEZE FOR FUTURE CONVENIENCE: Some meals may be better suited for freezing. Soups, stews, and casseroles often freeze well and can be a lifesaver on busy days. Label and date your frozen meals for easy identification. Mastering the art of meal preparation requires a blend of planning, organization, and creativity. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can save time, make healthier food choices, and ultimately achieve a more balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition in the midst of your busy lifestyle. So, roll up your sleeves, get in the kitchen, and let the art of meal prep revolutionize the way you eat.

SMOOTHIES THE NEW CRAZE Smoothies have become prevalent within the past decade, suggested as being important and beneficial to an individual's morning routine. We have seen the posts, the videos, and even the infomercials showing how simple making a smoothie can be and how to personalize them to suit your taste. Smoothies offer several benefits. They are an easy way to incorporate essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals into your diet, they can be used as a meal replacement and are a healthy way to kickstart your day. A well-balanced smoothie will include fruits, vegetables, and protein providing fiber, and hydration. Customizing your smoothie brings out your creativity mixing and blending ingredients based on what you like, your nutritional needs, and personal preferences. Based on all that we now know, we recommend the incorporation of a smoothie each day, make it part of your routine as an early morning treat or after your morning or evening workout, it takes less than five minutes to prepare and the nutrition benefits are fantastic. Here are some of the types of smoothies that you can try:

1. Fruit - All of your favorite fruits 2. Green only - leafy greens like spinach or kale 3. Berry only - cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries 4. Protein - yogurt, protein powder, or nut butter. Add oats and a banana into each for added body and thickness. “LIVING WELL” 11 ADVOMAG.COM

‘TO SLEEP, PERCHANCE TO DREAM’ How sleep is vitally important for physical and emotional health

Dr. Derek B Thorpe


he title of my article is a musing taken from Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare. Here, the main character wonders if he could control what lies beyond the blissful nothingness of sleep.

Clearly, Shakespeare was unaware of the true value of the dream state during sleep in the late 1500’s. Indeed, the mature appreciation of sleep we know today only came into being in the last 15-20 years. What happens when we go to sleep, anyway? Answer: A whole lot. We can begin with basic terminologies. For practical purposes let’s say sleep has three levels. The light drowsy state when your eyes are closed but you’re still semi aware of where you are. You’re descending into deeper levels of unconscious being (or rising from a deeper state.) Your heart rate is slowing, your breathing becomes rhythmic and your core body temperature drops. The next recognizable stage is the rapid eye movement stage or REM sleep. This is the level where dreaming is permissible, and the eyeballs are seen to dart quickly back and forth under the lids. Then there is an equally deep sleep sometimes referred to as Non-REM sleep. To be clear, during a typical night’s sleep, one can migrate between each stage multiple times.


Chronic poor sleep habits can have dramatic negative effects on one’s physical, emotional and mental health. Metabolically, it can induce severe insulin insensitivity placing one vulnerable to diabetes. Cardiovascularly, it can elevate adrenalin and Nor-Adrenalin, and such, elevate blood pressure. Any number of critical events can ensue from chronic elevated blood pressure. Hormonally, the stress of poor sleep significantly elevates cortisol levels. Regarding brain health, Deep NREM sleep facilitates a period where the neural tissue performs a nightly ‘high pressure’ flush in ridding itself of toxins and misfolded proteins. Over time, missing this debris washout, allows an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease onset. Even one night of poor sleep can affect one’s executive and cognitive functions the following day. Anyone diagnosed with chronic sleep apnea can attest to the drowsiness and high rate of errors made the following day. Emotionally, the dream state during REM sleep is a critical time for consolidation of memory. During this time, unpleasant emotions associated with traumatic events are uncoupled. So, it appears the phrase; time heals all (emotional) wounds, has a medical basis. Here are some behavioral tips that will aid in If quality sleep has been a problem, what then might be the best ways to visit the land of Morpheus? In these modern times, there is easy opportunity to assess ones sleep by the varied applications on your smart phone/watch. Ironically, it is these said articles of modern times with their attendant lighted devices that contribute to poor sleep in the first instance. Lightbulbs, ‘blue’ light from cell phones, the TV and laptops confuse the brain and disrupt the circadian rhythm which signals release of melatonin.

achieving a quality night’s rest.

Mentally prepare yourself for sleep long before bedtime. This starts in the morning with moderate exercise in early natural sunlight exposure, setting or resetting your circadian rhythm. Refrain from eating 3-4 hours from sleep time. This avoids the digestive ‘blood steal’ the brain needs for the NREM flush. Take a warm bath, shower, or sauna before bedtime, and have cool bedroom/sheets to lie on. Lowering your body temp is crucial in setting along the path to sleep. Turn off all artificial lighting and refrain from using stimulating electronic devices while trying to get to sleep. Try to keep your sleep time schedule at the approximate same time each night.

Dr. Derek B Thorpe is a Nuclear Medicine and Functional Medicine Physician with postgraduate degrees from Cornell School of Medicine and the University of Florida. He mentors clients through the ketogenic diet and treats pain and injury through optimization of blood flow.

Prescription sedatives should be left to your physician's discretion but these supplements may help as a combination cocktail; Magnesium threonate, apogenin, and theonine.




Financial wellness refers to the state of one's overall financial health and stability. It encompasses various aspects of personal finance, including budgeting, saving, investing, managing debt, and planning for the future. Achieving financial wellness involves not only having enough money to meet current needs but also developing sustainable financial habits and strategies to build longterm security and resilience.







Key components of financial wellness include:

Budgeting and Spending: Creating and sticking to a budget that outlines income, expenses, and savings goals is essential for financial wellness. This helps individuals track their spending, prioritize expenses, and avoid overspending.

Savings and Emergency Funds: Building up savings and establishing an emergency fund are critical for financial stability. Having savings enables individuals to cover unexpected expenses, weather financial setbacks, and work towards future goals such as homeownership, education, or retirement.

Funds: Managing Debt: Effectively managing debt, including credit card debt, loans, and mortgages, is crucial for financial wellness. This involves making timely payments, minimizing interest costs, and developing a plan to pay down debt over time.

Investing and Building Wealth: Investing wisely in assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and retirement accounts can help individuals build wealth over time and achieve long-term financial goals. Understanding investment strategies, risks, and diversification is key to successful investing.

Financial Planning and Goal Setting: Setting clear financial goals and developing a plan to achieve them is an important aspect of financial wellness. This may include goals related to saving for retirement, buying a home, funding education, or starting a business.

Financial Education and Literacy: Continuously learning about personal finance topics and improving financial literacy is essential for making informed financial decisions and navigating complex financial systems effectively.

Overall, financial wellness is about achieving a balance between income and expenses, managing financial risks, and working towards long-term financial security and well-being. It requires proactive financial management, discipline, and a commitment to ongoing financial education and improvement.

Revamp your Morning Routine: A (H.E.R.O) Morning The Ketogenic Health Institute

Legend has it that eight ultimate doctors can steer you into pastures of enduring health. The stunning thing is that they are free and always open, and no appointments are necessary. Do you know them? They are the Doctors of Sleep, Smart Diet, Sunlight, Nature, Exercise, Temporary Discomfort, Mindful Purpose, and Friendship. We at the Ketogenic Health Institute acknowledge these wise physicians and have devised a game plan where you can visit these eight doctors all before eight o’clock. It’s called the Healthy Experience for a Rich Outcome Morning, or H.E.R.O. morning. Let’s share.

6-8 Hours of Sleep First, the doctor of sleep would have encouraged you to wake from a blissful slumber. Six to eight hours of sleep is adequate, where you would have cycled in and out of your dream state and rid your brain of the toxic metabolites accumulated from the day before.

Smart Diet Second, the Doctors of Temporary Discomfort, Smart Diet, and Exercise, who all share the same office, would have suggested that you not eat anything solid just yet but extend the night’s fast for as long as you can. They would suggest that you hydrate with power cocktails, such as green (Matcha) tea or coffee.


Excerise Doctor Exercise would remind you to ride, walk briskly, or jog to a beach, river, or park to meet with Doctor Nature. These doctors would ask you to get out of breath, sweat, and make yourself stressed and uncomfortable for a short while.


Doctor Nature’s job would be to encourage you to interact with the trees, sand, sand/dirt, and vegetation. He would write you a prescription for touching the tree bark and walking barefoot on the wet seashore or riverbank to ensure the grounding of electrons back into the earth.

Sunshine Doctor Sunshine’s direction is obvious; meeting those early morning rays on your retina and your skin is vital for kickstarting your circadian rhythm and vitamin D production.

Friendship and Mindful Purpose The last two doctors also share an office. Doctor Friendship and Doctor Mindful purpose would have emphasized that your morning would not be complete unless you plunge yourself into the body of water you’re closest to after your workout and walk in the sunshine. They would remind you to seek out your friends and have conversations of joy or commiseration. Receive love and give love. If alone, give thanks, express gratitude, and/or express regret at opportunities lost where you could have helped someone in their quiet struggle. Commit to mindful service of your time and strategize for your enrichment. There you have it. The eight ultimate doctors of enduring health all visited for free before eight AM of your H.E.R.O. morning.


As the sun slowly sinks below the horizon, brilliant hues of orange, light up the early evening sky. Silhouetted against the intense colors as the final rays of sunlight glint off the gently lapping waves. Whether witnessed over a calm or restless sea, a Caribbean sunset is a beloved sight at the end of a sunny island day.



Go, Grow, Glow: Your Path to Beautiful Skin in 2024


uring our infant years in school, we were taught the foods and their quantities that are necessary and essential for a proper diet.These foods, if we remember correctly, are broadly classified as the GO (provide energy), GROW (builds muscles) and GLOW (protects from illnesses and keeps our bodies healthy).As we have just welcomed 2024, this valuable lesson, I believe, can be adapted and applied in our everyday lives into our skin care routine.

Dr. Nadira Rambocas has a MB.,BS, Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine, Certificate in Laser Studies from Montreal, Msc. in Dermatology in Clinical Practice, a Postgraduate Certificate in Dermoscopy and a Postgraduate Diploma in Cosmetic Sciences. She's a member of the International Society of Professional Females, British Society of Cosmetic Scientists Expert Panel and the International Federation of Cosmetic Chemists. Presently she's at private practice with Aniya Aesthetic Ltd, located in Valsayn and Medical Associates St. Joseph, Trinidad & Tobago.


GO Skin Routine Whilst most of us are always ‘on the go', remember to apply sunblock. Sunscreen and Sunblock are not the same. Sunscreens are usually of chemical origin, sunblock, however, is usually of mineral origin and consists of Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide and covers the entire UV spectrum. Sunblock is a must!!! Applying sunblock 1/2 hour prior to sun exposure and reapplying every 2 to 3 hours is helpful in preventing sun damage which can result in sunburns, sun spots, and accelerated skin aging. A basic skin routine should consist of at least: AM Cleanser, Moisturizer and Sunblock PM Cleanser and Moisturizer GROW Skin Routine Most persons should have some actives included in their regime above. This includes either or a combination of alpha hydroxy acids, retinol/retinoids, or the plant alternative bakuchiol which may be helpful in increasing cell turnover, acne, collagen synthesis, and assisting in hyperpigmentation. Ingredients containing growth factors (e.g. Epidermal Growth Factor, Fibroblast Growth Factor) peptides (e.g. Argireline, Matrixyl 3000, Copper Peptides) or Glycation Prevention Products (antioxidants, flavonoids) help in stimulating the production of collagen, skin hydration, firmness, elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and strengthening the skin barrier. GLOW Skin Routine These include the use of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E, Silymarin, Niacinamide, Ferulic Acid, Resveratrol, etc. These provide protection from free radicals when used in conjunction with sunblock. Some of these ingredients also have additional benefits of helping with acne, dryness, and hyperpigmentation. In addition, skin barrier maintenance products containing ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and prebiotics have also been trending with the regular use of products that replenish the lipid bilayer of the skin which aids in promoting healing, eliminating dryness, and redness, and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. An ideal skin regime should contain some or a combination of the GO, GROW, and GLOW skin products, which should be individually determined depending on a person's skin type, sensitivity, and needs. However, a balanced diet with adequate hydration, exercise, cessation of smoking, and minimizing sun exposure is also essential to maintain proper skin health. For 2024, let us help our skin GO, GROW, and GLOW!!!


Our Classic Overnight Oats recipe are packed with nutritious goodness and a burst of flavor, these oats are a perfect solution for those seeking a convenient, yet nourishing breakfast option. By combining the simplicity of old-fashioned rolled oats with the richness of Greek yogurt and a hint of sweetness, our overnight oats provide a satisfying start to your day.

Whether you're a busy professional, a student on-the-go, or simply someone who appreciates a delicious and healthful breakfast, this recipe offers a harmonious blend of textures and tastes. A delightful way to kickstart your day on a nutritious note!




Combine Ingredients : In a jar or airtight

container, combine the rolled oats, milk, Greek yogurt, chia seeds (if using), honey or maple syrup, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.

Mix Well: Stir the ingredients together until well combined. Ensure that the oats are fully submerged in the liquid to absorb it properly.

Seal and Refrigerate: Seal the jar or container

and place it in the refrigerator. Allow the oats to soak and absorb the liquid for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight. This gives the oats time to soften and the flavors to meld.

Stir Before Serving: Before eating, give the

mixture a good stir to make sure everything is well combined. You can add a splash of milk if you prefer a creamier consistency.

Add Toppings: Customize your overnight oats

with your favorite toppings. Fresh fruits such as berries, sliced bananas, or diced mango work well. Add a sprinkle of nuts, seeds, or a dollop of nut butter for extra texture and flavor.

Enjoy Cold or Warm: Overnight oats can be enjoyed straight from the refrigerator or warmed up in the microwave for about 30 seconds if you prefer a warmer breakfast.

Ingredients: 1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 1/2 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy like almond, soy, or oat milk) 1/2 cup Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional, for added thickness) 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch of salt Toppings of your choice: fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, or a dollop of nut butter

Experiment with Flavors: Feel free to get

creative with your overnight oats by adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, or incorporating different extracts like almond or coconut for a unique twist.

Store Extras: If you make a batch for the week,

store the sealed jars or containers in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. This makes it convenient for a quick and nutritious breakfast on busy mornings.

Note: Adjust the sweetness and consistency to your liking. You can also play around with the ratio of milk to yogurt to achieve the texture you prefer.


Building your Inner Sanctuary Welcome to The Reiki Lighthouse

At The Reiki Lighthouse, you are invited to embark on a journey towards inner harmony and holistic well-being. Our sanctuary is more than just a space; it's a haven dedicated to grounding and relaxation. As you step into its realm, you'll discover a tranquil oasis designed to soothe your mind, body, and spirit. Creating a Grounding and Relaxing Space The essence of our space is rooted in the belief that true healing occurs when one is grounded in the present moment. Whether you seek respite from the chaos of daily life or aspire to embark on a journey of selfdiscovery, The Reiki Lighthouse provides the sanctuary you need to reconnect with your inner self.

Reiki: Illuminating the Path to Balance Central to our offerings is the ancient art of Reiki, a gentle yet powerful energy healing technique. At The Reiki Lighthouse, our certified Master practitioners channel universal life force energy to balance and harmonize the subtle energies within your body. Through either a virtual or in-person healing session; Reiki promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances the body's natural ability to heal. Our Reiki sessions are tailored to your unique needs, fostering a sense of deep relaxation and revitalization. Meditation: Guiding Inner Serenity




Complementing our Reiki services is the transformative practice of Mindfulness: It fosters presentmeditation. In the fast-paced world moment awareness, reducing mindwe live in, finding moments of wandering and promoting a mindful stillness is essential for cultivating a approach to daily activities. sense of inner serenity. The Reiki Lighthouse offers guided meditation Enhanced Self-Awareness: cultivates a deeper NOW FOR A 12-WEEK EVENING CLASS sessions that empower youREGISTER to Meditation understanding of oneself and ONLINE embark on a mindfulness journey.REGISTER personal growth. Discover the profound benefits of th Classes start during the week of 29stress January, 2024; end week of 16th April, 2024 meditation; including reduction, improved focus, Lowered Anxiety: It has beenLOCATION DAY PROGRAMME shown to reduce symptoms of emotional well-being, better sleep, Auto-Mechanics (Beginners) Sayes and promote a Court, sense Christ of Church enhanced self-awareness, fostering Services a anxiety Bar & Restaurant (18+ years) All Saints, St. Peter tranquility. MONDAY holistic sense Introduction of calm to Event and Planning Sayes Court, Christ Church January 29th mindfulness in daily life. Decorating Interior Sayes Court,may Christ Church Brain Health: Meditation International Cooking (Beginners) Allfunction Saints, Stand Peter positively impact brain Your Journey Starts NailHere Technology (Advanced) Sayes Court, Christ structure, supporting overall Church Tiling & Decorative Finishes Sayes Court, Christ Church Embark on a transformative journey cognitive health TUESDAY

Auto-Electronics (Beginners)

at January The Reiki where 30th Lighthouse, Cake & Pastry Making (Advanced) healing is not justMake-up a service but a Artistry (Beginners) profound experience. Our(Beginners) Massage Therapy commitment to Plumbing your well-being (Beginners) goes beyond the session; it's an Auto-Mechanics (Advanced) WEDNESDAY invitation to embrace a lifestyle Barbering st January centered on31balance, tranquility, and Housekeeping (Beginners) self-discovery.

Introduction to Entrepreneurship Nail Technology (Beginners) Auto Electronics (Advanced) Benefits of Meditation: THURSDAY Braiding & Weaving February 1st Cake & Pastry Making (Beginners) Stress Reduction: Meditation helps Dress Making (Beginners) in lowering stress levels and Furniture Making (Advanced) promoting a sense of calm. Make-up Artistry (Advanced) Improved Focus:Plumbing Regular (Advanced) Backhoe Operator** (License Required) meditation enhances concentration

Farm Tractor Operator** (License Required) and cognitive abilities. SATURDAY

Forklift Operator** Furniture Emotional Well-being: It Making (Beginners) Heavy Duty Truck Driving** (License contributes to emotional stability and a more positiveRequired) outlook on life. Masonry Better Sleep: International Meditation Cooking can (Advanced) Skidand Steerhelp Operator** improve sleep quality with February 3rd


Students are responsible for the purchase of their training materials where applicable.

BVTB is unable to accommodate Debit/Credit Card transactions at this time.

Be sure to note the date of your first class!!!

Time: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.


St Luke’s, St George All Saints, St. Peter Culloden Road, St Michael Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church

$360.00 $450.00 $360.00 $390.00 $480.00 $420.00 $390.00 $450.00 $390.00 $390.00 $450.00 $360.00

Sayes Court, Christ Church Culloden Road, St. Michael Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church St. Luke’s, St. George Culloden Road, St. Michael All Saints, St Peter All Saints, St. Peter Six Roads, St. Philip Culloden Road, St Michael Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Six Roads, St. Philip

( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

$390.00 $390.00 $360.00 $450.00 $390.00 $480.00 $390.00 $360.00 $360.00 $390.00 $420.00 $390.00 $595.00 $420.00 $360.00 $360.00

Sayes Court, Christ Church ( 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.) Mrs. Akleema Ali, RMT Sayes Court, Christ Church ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m) The Reiki Lighthouse All Saints, St Peter ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Trinidad & Tobago Sayes Court, Christ Church ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

$650.00 $450.00 $540.00 $360.00

Website: Instagram: Payments by ** Students must ** Students for Course Fee cash/cheque must Email: be 18 years or over ALL driving be made at BVTB’s must be paid and must secure courses are Phone/WhatsApp: + 868-786-2934 Headquarters Montheir permits by responsible for

before start of classes .

Fri 9:00 - 4:00.

Week 2 of course.

paying their licensing fees. 18+ years only!!

Unfortunately, undersubscribed classes will not be offered. Refunds will be paid only by cheque “LIVING WELL” 25 ADVOMAG.COM

Deciding on the next strategic move! Dominoes, the beloved pastime of many in the Caribbean, is favored for its easy transportability to the beach and public spaces. Just another day enjoying some friendly competition and camaraderie at any hangout spot.




xercise plays a crucial role in promoting overall wellness and contributing to physical health by improving cardiovascular function, maintaining a healthy weight, and enhancing muscular strength and flexibility. Regular physical activity also positively impacts mental well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression while promoting better sleep and cognitive function. Additionally, exercise supports immune system function and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Incorporating regular exercise into one's routines makes it a pivotal aspect of a holistic approach to wellness while fostering better physical and mental health. When we think about exercise, we shouldn’t think of athletic training. For beginners, moderate exercise is recommended. If you are disciplined, you can do your exercises at home and forgo going to the gym. In recent times, several social media sources, like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, have been excellent sources for workout routines.

Moderate Exercises Engaging in moderate exercise for wellness, like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and helps with weight management. Aiming for at least 30 minutes per day for at least three days per week, to begin with, is a great place to start.

You may eventually make it to 5 days by varying the exercise routine and regimen. You may even want to have an exercise buddy who can keep you motivated and give you support on those days that you feel like shirking. You will find that once you begin, your body feels different, you become energized, you sleep better, and your overall physical and mental well-being have improved tremendously. Being focused and consistent are the keys to long-term wellness!

Strength Training Incorporating strength training into your wellness routine is crucial for several reasons. It helps build and maintain muscle mass, which supports metabolism and weight management. Additionally, strength training enhances bone density, improves joint health, and reduces the risk of injuries. It contributes to overall functional fitness, promoting better posture and balance. Beyond physical benefits, strength training can positively impact mental well-being by boosting confidence and reducing stress. If you are a beginner, include strength training one day a week with simple exercises using bands or light weights. We suggest three of these exercises:


Lateral Raises

Tricep Extensions

Front Raises


Leg Raises

Bent over rows


Bicep Curls

Be sure to note the date of your first class!!! REGISTER NOW FOR A 12-WEEK EVENING CLASS REGISTER ONLINE Classes start during the week of 29th January, 2024; end week of 16th April, 2024



MONDAY January 29th

TUESDAY January 30th

WEDNESDAY January 31st

THURSDAY February 1st

SATURDAY February 3rd

Students are responsible for the purchase of their training materials where applicable.

Time: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.



Auto-Mechanics (Beginners) Bar & Restaurant Services (18+ years) Introduction to Event Planning Interior Decorating International Cooking (Beginners) Nail Technology (Advanced) Tiling & Decorative Finishes Auto-Electronics (Beginners) Cake & Pastry Making (Advanced) Make-up Artistry (Beginners) Massage Therapy (Beginners) Plumbing (Beginners)

Sayes Court, Christ Church All Saints, St. Peter Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church All Saints, St Peter Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church St Luke’s, St George All Saints, St. Peter Culloden Road, St Michael Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church

$360.00 $450.00 $360.00 $390.00 $480.00 $420.00 $390.00 $450.00 $390.00 $390.00 $450.00 $360.00

Auto-Mechanics (Advanced) Barbering Housekeeping (Beginners) Introduction to Entrepreneurship Nail Technology (Beginners) Auto Electronics (Advanced) Braiding & Weaving Cake & Pastry Making (Beginners) Dress Making (Beginners) Furniture Making (Advanced) Make-up Artistry (Advanced) Plumbing (Advanced) Backhoe Operator** (License Required)

Sayes Court, Christ Church Culloden Road, St. Michael Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church St. Luke’s, St. George Culloden Road, St. Michael All Saints, St Peter All Saints, St. Peter Six Roads, St. Philip Culloden Road, St Michael Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church Six Roads, St. Philip

( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

$390.00 $390.00 $360.00 $450.00 $390.00 $480.00 $390.00 $360.00 $360.00 $390.00 $420.00 $390.00 $595.00 $420.00 $360.00 $360.00

Sayes Court, Christ Church Sayes Court, Christ Church All Saints, St Peter Sayes Court, Christ Church

( 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.) ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m) ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) ( 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

$650.00 $450.00 $540.00 $360.00

Farm Tractor Operator** (License Required)

Forklift Operator** Furniture Making (Beginners) Heavy Duty Truck Driving** (License Required) Masonry International Cooking (Advanced) Skid Steer Operator**

BVTB is unable to accommodate Debit/Credit Card transactions at this time.

Course Fee must be paid before start of classes .

Payments by cash/cheque must be made at BVTB’s Headquarters MonFri 9:00 - 4:00.

** Students must be 18 years or over and must secure their permits by Week 2 of course.

** Students for ALL driving courses are responsible for paying their licensing fees. 18+ years only!!

Unfortunately, undersubscribed classes will not be offered. Refunds will be paid only by cheque

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